Monday, September 16, 2024
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Who is watching your children Part 2-

Our children are our pride and joy, God gave them to us, we are custodians of them on earth , it is our duty to guide and protect them . We are responsible for bringing them up in the right way with God’s help and for protecting them as best as we can, here are a some of the things that have happened to children without parents being aware-

Julie was a lovely 13 year old, very sweet , didn’t have a lot of friends , she was always on her laptop, her mum was pleased and believed Julie was always studying. She would spend hours in her room , if her mum asked what she was doing she would say , studying, research for a term paper or home work . That answer always made her mum happy.

Unknown to her Mum , Julie had made friends with another 13 year old boy, who seemed to have the same interest as her , And lived in the same city, they chatted and chatted for hours everyday . One day the boy told Julie it was his birthday that weekend and he was inviting her to his home where his Parents were having a party for him. He told Julie to tell her Mum they had extra lessons in school. She did, her mum was happy to hear Julie was going to school to study on Saturday.
Julie woke up early , got on the bus and followed the directions the boy had given her to his house, she knocked on the door and a man in his 30’s opened the door , she asked for his son, he asked her to come in, she did. Once she was inside , the man started talking to Julie , he told her he had pretended to be the boy online, because he liked her and fell in love with her picture, he praised her that she was mature , and asked her not to be afraid because “age shouldn’t be a barrier to love” Julie was scared , she asked to go home , he said no.

Main while back at her house , her best friend called the landline wanting to speak to Julie, Julie’s Mum said she had gone for extra lessons at school, her friend said they didn’t have any, she would know because they took the same classes , Julie’s mum then began to get worried, she called Julie’s older brothers to come over to the house, they were both in their 20’s living on their own.
One of her brother’s asked what she was doing before she went out, her mum said she was on her laptop, they got the laptop , fortunately her brother had seen her put in her password once, it was still the same, the page opened on the laptop was the chat where the boy she was meeting had given her directions to his house, they copied it down , got in the car and went to the address. The brothers were expecting to find Julie having fun with 13 year olds like her, they planned to just tell her off, for not telling the truth.

When they got to the address, The first sign that things were not right was when they couldn’t hear any music or noise coming from the house, what kind of party are13 year olds having that is so quiet , the blinds were pulled down in front , they doubled checked the address , it was the right one, so they decided to go round the back, maybe everyone was in the garden, as they turned round the back , what they saw horrified them, the blinds were open they could see Julie sitting in a corner crying, she had been blind folded , the man was sitting in front of her on a chair rubbing his hands up and down her hair, the brothers kicked the door in and went for the man, they beat him so badly , took Julie and got in the car and drove home. Fortunately , he had not violated her further , he had just sat their torturing her mentally, only God knows what would have happened if they hadn’t found her on time.

Our children spend hours and hours online, chatting to strangers , putting all their lives on Facebook, Instagram , what’s app, even video chat sites, they send pictures of themselves to total strangers , child molesters who pretend to be children , lure them with friendship and companionship. It is really important that we please monitor what sites our children visit, friends they chat with and what they do online , God will give us the wisdom and patience to deal with this . Visit for more inspiring stories



Who is watching your kids –

Children, every parents dream, almost everyone loves their child or children unconditionally, we want the best for them, provide the best , even most times parents go out of their way to make sure the children don’t lack anything, so WHY are we not conscious of whose watching your children.

Working with families and children I have been exposed to some of the most horrific things that can and do happen to children, I will endeavour to breakdown a few of them –

The Coles (not real Names)were a wonderful family, father, mother , 2 children , a boy and a girl. Everything was going fine until one faithful day.
The boy who was 6 at the time, had gone on a school trip abroad with his sister, while on the trip he got involved with a class mate , he tried to pull down her pants , a teacher saw him, and brought him to the team leader, she was in charge of the trip. She sat with him asked him why he did it, he started to cry and pleaded with the lady not to tell his Dad. She initial agreed so he narrated his story.-
Being the only boy , his sister was 5 years older , she had her own friends. He always played with the neighbour’s 12 year old son, the neighbour’s son came over to play with his Xbox and wii games, the children had their own sitting room , away from their parent own. They played together almost everyday, they got really close, soon the older boy would ask him to take off his clothes , lay on the sofa and he would lay on top of him , doing all sorts to him, as they watched blue films. The maid ( a young girl) had caught them twice , but they pleaded with her not to tell their parents, this had gone on for a while.
At that moment The Team leader was in tears , she hugged him and explained to him why she had to tell his dad ,so that it could stop , She promised him he won’t get into trouble.
She called the Dad and told him, he starting crying on the phone and said he will call back. An hour later he called back, he had spoken to the house help she confirmed it, the worst part was that he had gone to the neighbour’s house to have a talk with the boy’s parents, during this process the boy revealed that the father’s brother , his Uncle who lives with them had been abusing the him since he was 7, In turn the boy practised on someone else, his little six year old friend. At that point all hell broke loose…….
Mrs D, was driving back from work, she got into traffic near her home , she was sitting in her car exhausted from the drive home, while sitting there , she noticed from the corner of her eye that the little girl of about 5 was leaning repeatedly towards the drivers thighs, she then stretched her neck to peep into the car, what she saw horrified her, the little girl was playing with the driver’s private part, she almost threw up in her car, just when she was thinking of getting out and confronting the driver , the traffic began to move, so she drove after the car, about 5 mins into the drive , the driver pulled into a nice house, she parked outside , got down and asked the gate man to please call the owners of the house.
The owners came out , asked what they could do for the lady, she then asked who the little girl was , they said their daughter and the guy was their driver , she then narrated what she had seen the daughter do to the driver. The mother fainted.
Mr and Mrs J , were very loving parents , they had 3 daughters and son , 11, 9, 7 and 5, the boy was 5. They had a male and female house help who took care of the kids , by the time they found out what was going on in their home , all their children needed counselling for a couple of years, they relocated abroad and got help for their kids, they were the lucky ones .

Apparently All 3 girls had been introduced to lesbianism by the house girl , the little boy was also being abused by the her, the house boy finally gave her away when they fell out over him not getting paid with sex by her to keep quiet about the abuse.

We would look at a few more cases tomorrow , we do pray and hope that theses horrific stories will make you aware of the terrible things that can be going on or could go on under your noses without you realising , May God almighty protect our children ………

Dear Diary- Day 11


Dear Diary – Day 11

Saturday , hmmm, had to wake up early to go play badminton, this was about the only exercise I got every week, 2 hours of straight playing and my exercise routine was done for the week. Most times it can be fun , we don’t always count points we mostly toss the ball back and forth, have fun and burn fat at the same time.

Got back around 9am , remembered I was meeting my friend Abby’s hubby around 2pm at a restaurant not to far from my home, we felt a neutral place would be better for our discussion, also at that time the restaurant would be practically empty, so chances of anyone sitting close enough to eavesdrop was slim to none

To pass time I decided to tidy out my shoe closet, the house had been cleaned by the cleaners yesterday, everywhere was sparkling clean. I looked at all the shoes and decided it was time to give away any pair I hadn’t put on in 6 months , sorted through the lot put the give away ones in a duffel bag and placed it near the front door, would drop this off at the thrift shop on my way out . Between packing shoes, rustling up some breakfast the time passed quickly , at 1.15pm I left the house for the restaurant , I didn’t want to be late, I got there, had about 10 mins to spear, just as I was getting comfortable in walks Abby’s hubby.

He was tall and handsome , had this boyish charms about him , we exchanged pleasantries and he asked if we should order first, we ordered lunch and drinks , and decided to start our discussion while we waited for the meal.

He started off by apologising for me being dragged into the middle of their affairs , he felt it should be an intimate private matter which he and his wife should work out. I quickly pointed out that I wasn’t there to apportion blame , that what I do is to hear both sides out and advice on how best they can be sorted by both parties involved . That seemed to relax him a bit and he started to talk- ” My wife is an amazing woman, she is strong, kind , loving and dedicated , I love her very much but when it come to love making she is boring, when we make love I have tried to get her to try new things but she is only comfortable with the missionary position. I want us to experiment , I have tried everything , talking , videos , getting upset with her , nothing seems to work, I even mentioned that some positions will guarantee she has not one but multiple organisms ” at this point I smiled , he continued , ” please help me , I don’t want to step out on her but am getting really frustrated, I tried to get her comfortable in a different position once , she asked me if I thought she was a prostitute , I said yes, you are , mine. She didn’t talk to me for a whole day, I had to apologise so many times , I will be so happy if you can talk to my wife and you can make her see my point.”

I had heard this said by Husbands all the time, wives set in their ways not wanting to go on a sexual adventure with their husbands , the picture was clearer to me now, I must talk to my friend again ,I then looked at him and said , ” you need to be patient , don’t get fed up or stop communicating your feelings to her , also you can still introduce foreplay, find her G spot with the missionary position and she will definitely climax, maybe once she’s satisfied she will be comfortable to try other positions . It’s difficult for a woman who doesn’t get fulfilled from one position to try something new, I would definitely have a talk with her” .

Just then our meal came , we ate, laughed and played catch up, we finally left the restaurant around 4pm. On my way home I called Abby to come by the house on Sunday for 6pm. She asked if we could make it 4pm, I said fine, so tomorrow 4pm had been fixed . Meanwhile, I had just over 1 hour before the girls arrived , the last time they were here I promised them pizza, so I stopped to get 2 large pizzas and some chicken wings , I had drinks at home , girls night was set.

Funny enough they all arrived in Tinus car, they had appointed her driver for the night, Tinu and I don’t drink , but Reniks and Bemmy , hmmmm another story. We started off sitting on the rug in my living room, I got to go first , tabled the Mont Blanc issue , decision was anonymous “keep it girl , it’s a gift” okay , Reniks turn , one of her girls was pilfering and she caught her red handed but she was the best Spa hand she had , what should she do , she had spent so much sending her to Malaysia to get trained , couldn’t afford to sack her ,Bemmy suggested that each time money got missing it should be deducted from her salary , chikena, we all agreed, next was Tinu, she only wanted to know how to get her hubby to buy her a new car, I pointed out that her current car was barely 1 year old, she said she knew but he had just got himself the latest Range Rover autobiography, she wants a jeep too, we all laughed and called her ole. Bemmy then said , I got nothing to say , all is well , we knew she was holding back, so we pressed her, she then said well she met this cute guy during the week and she was infatuated with him, I asked if she was planning to take it further , she said definitely not. Hmmmm, then nothing else to discuss , we all laughed and agreed , all cases closed .

They finally left around 10pm, straight to bed for me. Good night.

Dear Diary- Day 10

Dear Diary- Day 10

Thank God it’s Friday , I really had a good night sleep, allowed myself to get out of bed late this morning cos I didn’t get much sleep yesterday , got up finally around 8.30am, did my morning rituals , then went straight to work. The good thing about today was I had a really light day, just one meeting out of the office at 1pm, actually I was meeting a male client at his hotel. Please don’t start thinking , what’s she meeting a man in an hotel for, I have no other choice, he owns the hotel and wants my opinion on some stuff, not sure what , until I get there.

A couple of my staff had the day off, the rest were not in sight when I walked in to my office , my ES, was in my office looking for a file, as soon as she saw me , she starting apologising that she couldn’t find the clients file for my 1pm meeting , she had assumed I had given it to her yesterday. It was in my briefcase I had taken it home to read through , anyway that was the height of the drama in my office on Friday up until 12pm the office was very quiet , I sat in my office listening to some Jazz music and caught up on my writing .

At 12pm my ES came into my office announcing that I had a guest who refused to say his name , I sent her back to say , no name , no audience . She came back seconds later with a business card,
It had the initials P. C Prince , with a telephone no, no address, no designation , just a card made out of gold coloured metal . I asked her to let him in. To my surprise in walks Prince , the same prince that had asked me to Dubai a while ago.

We exchanged pleasantries , I motioned him to sit down but before I could say anything else , he produced a rectangular gift wrapped box from his suit pocket and said here is a peace offering for all my bad behaviour. I took it said thank you and dropped it in my drawer, I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of looking all existed with whatever it was . He politely asked me to open it , so I took it back out and carefully unwrapped it , when I did , I was surprised , it was a gold trim Mont Blanc pen, engraved with my name. I didn’t know what to say, I just blotted out, I can’t accept it but thank you. He smiled , ignored what I just said, got up and as he walked out he said i must take it to show I had forgiven him. With that he was gone.

I decided I wasn’t going to use it , so I just dropped it in my desk draw, got up and went to my 1 pm meeting . Chief Emma, the hotelier was a very nice man but his favourite colour was gold, he was determined to make sure everyone knew this by plastering the hotel with everything gold. When I worked in I thought I was in the Dubai gold soux , if you know what I mean , gold paint, gold color furniture , gold drapes , whoa , was all I could say. He was expecting me, he wanted my advice on what I thought about the decor for the hotel, I was planning to hold my tongue , How do I tell this nice man that the places looked very tacky with all this gold colour hanging around. Anyway I asked for a tour of the entire hotel , once that was done , I asked him to give me the weekend to come up with a proposal for decor. The hotel was new , most of the rooms had not been furnished , there was still hope , I smiled to myself.

Driving back to the office I decided to stop off at my friend’s place, Reniks had a boutique and a really nice Spa, she was there most of the time. I got there just as she was driving out, she had to pick the kids from school , it was 2.45pm, I didn’t even check the time , school run time. We decided she will come by the house later that evening .

I decided to go home, called my Executive secretary , to let her know I had closed for the day, and I drove home. Around 7pm Reniks called to move our girls night to tomorrow, she said bemmy and Tinu also want to come over . With nothing else to do , I had a salad , watched a bit of telly and went to bed, I was awake for a while thinking about prince and his gift, hmmm, should I keep it or send it back . Tomorrow I would see what my friends think, with that I went to sleep

#Be Inspired by She Heals-No Complain here


It is so easy to complain about everything, without taking into consideration how fortunate we are to have what we do. All we need to do is take a look around to see how much suffering is going on around us. There are millions of people praying every day to just have a tiny piece of what you have. Its time to start being grateful for all you have. Happiness they say comes easier when you stop complaining about the problems you have and start being thankful for the problems you don’t have.

please leave a comment and share, thank you.

Dear Diary- Day 9


Hardly slept a wink, was up all night putting finishing touches to my proposal, I was like a child looking forward to a trip of a lifetime. Finally rounded off around 4.30am , decided to take a few winks until 6am then get ready for work. The phone was ringing in the distance, I thought I was dreaming , I finally opened my eyes it was 7.45am .

Got to the office at 8.55am, panting and looking all frazzled. My 9am was waiting , barely had a minute to put myself together,
Mrs D, was one of my longtime clients she came into a lot of money recently ( don’t ask)-and was looking to start a new business , she had chosen my company to help with that . When I first met her I had asked what she enjoyed doing most, she said cooking, so we decided a restaurant cooking authentic ethnics food was the way forward , she loved the idea , I warned her though that it would require a lot of her time, she agreed initially now she was looking for a way that we can step in and handle the management aspect. We had had several meetings at which I pointed out to her that our hands were full and we would not be able to take on the management. Last week she insisted on coming to see me today for something really urgent , I was all ears .

Mrs D, was no longer interested in opening a restaurant , she now wants to package raw food .i listened to her all the way to the end, said I understood, called in my ES, and asked her to take Mrs D to our business development manager , he will sort her out.

I was due to go submit my proposal for 11am ,could not allow Mrs D to delay me. Got to the liaison office on time, they were waiting for me , I was ushered Into the Chief liaison officer’s office, he looked at my proposal went straight to the total cost and asked me to come back on Monday for my cheque I was in shock, just like that , no amendments, no reductions, whoa , My Father in Heaven was really smiling down on me. I got up quickly said my thank you and practically ran to my car. I was so excited , was still trying to wrap my head round it when I heard a tap on my side door. Standing there was the governors son, he had just pulled in to the car pack , I didn’t see him get out of his car, I must have ran passed him.

I got out of my car, we exchanged pleasantries, I told him I came to submit the proposal . He asked if I was in a hurry, I blotted out yes, he said okay we will talk later , I hurriedly got in my car and drove off.
My head was pounding, what did I say that for, I wasn’t busy or in a hurry , I just didn’t want the situation to get awkward. I was assuming , assumptions are the mother of all ‘F’ ups, so my uncle used to say. Hmmmm.

Much later when he called and told me he just wanted us to go over the furniture arrangement and colours he liked for the houses , I felt like a full. Big Lesson – ,not all men are the same , just because a Man is nice to you doesn’t mean he has an ulterior motive , silly me .

Anyway Got home much later , still have the Saturday appointment with my friends hubby, God please give me wisdom ,

Got to go to bed now , really sleepy ….see you all tomorrow

Dear Diary -Day 8


The call came in around 2pm yesterday, , he asked for my email address . A few minutes later a request was sent for me to furnish 4 luxury homes , I was asked to submit my quotation immediately . I fell on my knees with my hands raised up , screaming Thank you God, I had prayed to God for a particular amount for a very urgent need, Kenneth Hagin’s book , Bible study prayer course , had taught me how to pray for answers , it’s called The key to answered prayers , I put what I read into practice and the result was divine . God Almighty had favoured me.

I rolled on the carpet , thanking God , I couldn’t believe I just did that, my Mum used to do it every time she was thanking God, I used to make fun of her, now it was my turn, hmmm, life is full of surprises .

Anyway let me digress a little, just before the call came , a friend had called that she needed some advice , she came down to my office and told me she had a really serious problem . She was not being satisfied by her hubby sexually , she asked me what I thought she should do? I paused for a minute , then asked if she had discussed this with him, she said she had but almost every time he gets upset and says he’s perfectly capable of satisfying any woman that she must have a problem of her own. She confided in my that almost all the time she faked her orgasms, and that he was incapable of getting her to orgasm naturally.

Anytime they had sex , he just bounced up and down on top of her until he came then he rolls over and starts to snore, his only foreplay was to rub her nipples up and down and that was that. He was so selfish she said.
I remembered having this same conversation with some other friends of ours and now they are finally both enjoying their love making and according to them it’s getting g better and better everyday .

I asked my friend if she won’t mind if I spoke to her husband privately about this , then get them both together to talk about it, she said that was fine, Saturday night at 7 pm , she will let him know I was coming over to see him. Today was Wednesday. I had three days to try to sort this out, even though I talk on this topic all the time, every relationship is different , I had to keep an open mind until I heard his side of the story…….

I got back on my laptop and started to write out the proposal , it was due in tomorrow, I was told my deposit of 80% would be made available immediately . As I thought about it , my mums favourite song came to my mind ….and I sang and sang unto the Lord…..

Got to go now , see you guys tomorrow ….

Dear Diary – Day 7

Yesterday started off really slow but quickly took off like a cheetah on steroids , if that makes any  sence. Woke up at the usual time did my morning rituals , then I couldn’t decided which shoes to wear, my outfit was plain enough but just couldn’t make up my mind , so I brought out 4 pairs that matched and began catwalking in front of the mirror. Finally decided on the brown sandals , hmmm , women and their wahala.

Drove out of my area onto the highway and just as I pulled out ,I saw a man waving me to stop , he was standing next to his car, a very nice one . I was reluctant, he could be an armed robber or kidnapper or worse, anyway I reversed back cos I had driven passed him. He walked up to the side of my car and said he needed my help. I thought maybe he ran out of gas. I could see he was a bit embarrassed , so I asked him what the matter was.  He and his driver were on their way to an important meeting , his driver had been late showing up this morning ,he was very angry with the driver , while they were driving he was telling the driver off and threatened to sack  him, the driver just indicated , moved over to the hard shoulder.  Switched off the engine , threw his key at him and walked away. And guess what the most surprising thing was , he couldn’t drive.

I was so shocked , a grown man of late 30’s or early 40’s, I guess and couldn’t drive, I found that ridiculously funny, he explained that it would take to long to get someone else to come pick him, if I could please drive him to his meeting which he was almost late for , he would be eternally grateful, so against all of my better judgement , I asked him to come in and I drove him to his meeting , we exchanged nos and I was off.

At around 4pm , a call with a restricted no came on my phone , I asked my PA to pick it up , the caller asked for me and said it was urgent , from one of the State governments liaison  offices.  I took the phone said hello , the voice said they were sending a car to pick me up that the governors son will like to meet with me for a meeting .

I got to the liaison office and was ushered in to a big palatial room, waiting in there was the man I had picked up this morning , he was the Governors first son. I was very surprised , he got up to welcome me and with so much gratitude in his eyes he ushered me to sit down beside him. He started off by explaining that the meeting he was rushing too was a state affair, his father had nominated him to represent the state and sign a very lucrative deal with some foreign investors who wanted to invest in the state . If he had missed the meeting , the investors would have pulled out  of the deal for sure . He thanked me so much and then asked me what I did for work , I told him I was a consultant , he then said okay.  He will call me tomorrow, offered me a drink , I respectfully declined , he saw me off to the car that had been sent to pick me up and asked them to take me back to my office .

As they drove me back to my office and as I drove back home yesterday evening , I kept thinking what does he want to say to me today …well let’s wait and see.




Feelings, they say cannot be controlled. It’s a fact that you can’t control who falls in love with you, But can you really control whom YOU fall in love with?

Believe me, I tried but did I succeed? Well, let’s see….

As I said in the last episode, I was determined to keep myself, no man was going to use me and dump me. I certainly hadn’t factored in my feelings, hmmm sneaky little things….

Through all my survival tactics, I definitely didn’t take ‘Arthur’ into account. I would never forget the day Arthur walked into my life. I was sited with my friends at the quadrangle waiting for the next lecture and I hear a voice saying “Hello Beautiful”. At first, I ignore it because I really didn’t think it was meant for me, Six of us were sitting there and when you say beautiful, hmmm, I don’t think I ranked 1st or even 3rd on that list. Well, I think I need to explain.

I was what you called a ‘plain Jane’, Tall, very skinny, no makeup. That was me. I had an amazing shape and lovely straight legs though. Legs so Famous that got me offered competitions for Miss Hot legs several times, which I declined of course. They also got compliments every day, “Nice legs, Hot legs, Sexy legs” lol. But I still was plain Jane, you understand how making up enhances the features, don’t you. I was just ‘there’ as they say. One bonus thing though, i was told I had a great attitude, well, I didn’t realize that at the time.

But for some strange reason, out of all my sexy, beautiful, ‘Pre supposed’ upper-class friends, I got the most attention. Let me explain. Every time we walked from the hostels to the lecture room, almost everyone we met, and this is not an exaggeration, would say Hello to me and I would respond, “Hello, how are you?” O my gosh!, this infuriated my friends, they would get so upset “Why do you have to say hello to everyone? What’s wrong with you? These people are beneath you, bla! bla!!Bla!!!,” and they will go on. But did I care? I would just look at them, smile and say “Ladies, keep your wigs on, stop getting your knickers in a twist, these are people like you and I, do you want me to disrespect them? My dear friends will just roll their eyes up and down, ‘kiss their teeth’ and we will continue on our walk.

The truth is, I was never going to bow to peer pressure, become a snub, too proud to acknowledge a greeting? Of course not. I was my own person, no one will tell me what to do or what not to do. I wasn’t going to become something I wasn’t because I had friends who felt they were too cool to be seen talking to people they felt were beneath them. Absolutely not.  Honestly,  I didn’t if they were upset or not, no one was beneath me, why would saying hello to someone, demean me? I couldn’t understand it. So, “why won’t they stop being friends with me”, you ask? Well, I was the only one born abroad, and though you might not see it as a big deal now, back then it was a very big deal to be born abroad and in addition have a different accent, well, that was me.

Anyway, let’s get back to Arthur. I heard the voice again, this time everyone else did too, so I look up and there was this drop-dead gorgeous guy. I still remember that day like it was yesterday, he had on blue jeans, a lovely stripped T-shirt and a smile that could melt the hardest of hearts.

“Me?” I asked, feeling confused. “Yes, you, who else would I be referring too,” He said, looking around at my friends. Now, he certainly had my friends’ full attention, all waiting to see what will happen next. To their surprise, he held out his hand and said: “May I take you to lunch?.” Oh my gosh! , everyone gasped, “What? Why does she get the finest looking guy on campus, that’s not fair, Please God let her say no”. Those were my friends’ thoughts, I could read it on their faces. But I couldn’t be bothered, even when the one sitting beside me, nudged me and shuck her head, indicating that I should say No to Arthur’s offer. I ignored her, picked up my satchel and said: “Yes, you may”. Everyone froze in shock. Was Arthur finally going to be the one….

They were in for a very nice surprise….

Dear Diary (6)

Surprisingly I got a lot of inbox messages regarding the “question” I posted yesterday , here are a few-

” you have just described my love making experience perfectly, thank you, I will talk to my hubby”

 ” my wife does complain of headaches and tiredness atimes , I sincerely hope this in not the case with her”

 ” in my case I want to try different positions besides the missionary , but my wife doesn’t, what’s a man to do”

 ” Am too shy to talk to my hubby about our love making “

 ” Thank you She Heals , you have addressed an issue affecting a lot of couples”

” I think our husbands should be less selfish when it comes to love making, they need to ensure that we are satisfied as well”

 We pray we can all heal by talking to each other……..

 Good morning …..