WHY, MUM? Scene 3


(Pam, Kenny and his Mum)

K’s Mum- Pam, my dear, can you please get me something to eat?

Pam- Of course, what would you like to eat, ma’am?

K’s Mum- I would love to have semovita and vegetable soup if that’s not too much trouble.

Pam- Not at all, ma’am. Just give me an hour because I need to make the vegetable soup.

K’s Mum- Okay, dear. I’ll be in my room.

Pam- (on the phone) Hello, Mama Put? Could you please bring some vegetable soup with lots of fish and meat, and also four wraps of semovita? I need it in 30 minutes. Please come through the back kitchen door and don’t ring the doorbell. Just call me on my phone. Thank you. I’ll be waiting.

(30 minutes later)

Pam- Hello, Mama Put. You’re here? Okay. (goes to open the back door)

Mama Put- I packaged everything separately. I hope it’s okay.

Pam- Yes, thank you. Just put them on the kitchen counter and leave.

(Pam pours the soup into a pot, puts it on the fire, opens the kitchen door, and lets the aroma spread throughout the house. She opens the fourth wrap of semovita, rubs it around a pot as if she made the semovita in the pot, puts it on fire with a little water, lays out the spices and pepper she has in the freezer, then rinses her face with water to simulate sweating. Just then, K’s Mum walks into the kitchen.)

K’s Mum- Pam, your soup smells so nice.

Pam- Thank you, ma’am. It’s almost ready.

K’s Mum- Okay, dear. I can’t wait to taste it.

To be continued…


    • Dear Miss Anthony, good morning , thank you so much for your comment, I thank God Almighty for giving me the grace to be a blessing to you. I wish you a blessed week and God’s continuous grace and abundance over your life.


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