Mark Twain said -The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.
So I ask you why were you born?
Have you ever thought about it?
Have you ever sat back to think what is my purpose here on earth?
I have often heard it say , that life is like a stage , we are born , play our part and leave the stage.
Now ask yourself. What part are you actually meant to play?
The leader
The teacher
The optimist, The helper, The pessimist, The problem solver
The blessing , The betrayer ,The antagonist, The doubting Thomas
The fair weather friend, The dependent, The independent or
The Me, myself and I
I could go on, asking, who do you think you are

I guess if I am asked the same question, my answer will be the same
I am me, created in God’s image, born to succeed, be blessed at everything I lay my hands on, serve God will all my heart and might, make a difference in this world, fulfill my purpose, love and be loved, be fruitful, be a blessing, let one day not go by without me being a blessing in someone’s life, find favor with God and Man. Let it be said about me when am gone, that I came, I saw and I conquered.
I definitely known who i am.
So I ask again, who are you?



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