Today , step out in faith, believe and know that God is with you. You are who God says you are , not what the man next to you says you are. The key to answered prayer is praying to God with God”s specific promises in the bible relating to your request and believing it is done as soon as you pray. The word of God says,in Hebrews 4v16, Approach the throne of grace boldly and find mercy and favour in time of need. Our faith must hold firm , knowing and believing that once we’ve prayed, It’s done. That need that keeps nagging on your mind has already been met by God’s Promise in Mark 11v24, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Go out today knowing that you are a world changer , you were created to fulfil a particular purpose on earth , you are a critical part of the puzzle to make The world a better place, you have been designed to succeed , God has already opened the door , all you’ve got to do is WALK through it.

Good morning ………


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