The New Mr and Mrs Diary. Day 1 to 840


Hello everyone, ‘’The New Mr and Mrs Diary’ is now available from the beginning, for those who need to catch up.

The new MR and MRS Diary …… Day 1

MR –Oh my gosh, look at her, she’s beautiful, am glad I married her, can’t believe am a married man, one month old today. I pray I can make her happy. The wedding day was a good day all my friends came, I spent a lot of money but it was worth it. The honeymoon alone gulped a lot of my savings, but I couldn’t let her down, she wanted a round the world trip, that’s what she gets, Am a man, I must provide for her.
I start work tomorrow after taking a month off to get married, that’s done now, I need to make all this money back. All work now for a while.
Am really worried though .I haven’t told Jane and Teni, I got married, both of them were potentials, they still think they have a chance with me, how am I going to break it to them. I do have a business trip to England next month I will see Jane and break it to her gently, buy her a nice gift to compensate.
As for Teni, she’s crazy I think I might just send an email or call her, she can’t come here anyway, Canada is very far and the last I checked she couldn’t leave. That’s what I will do. Anyway tomorrow I must remember to ask Kola what he thinks I should do.

MRS- whoa, Am a lucky girl. Just got back from around the world trip, my wedding was the best, am sure all my friends are jealous. Where do I go next? I got the best wedding ring, my MR, spoilt me rotten on this trip. Tomorrow I must go see my friends and show off my new designer bag and jewelry.
Mind you , I hope I did the right thing, my MR, does have a lot of money, he has been very generous to me, it’s more than I can say for Babs , he loves me but couldn’t afford my bills, for the 5 years we dated am not sure he bought me anything significant.
My Mr. and I dated for 8 months and I can’t even begin to count all he did for me. I beg, let’s forget about Babs, he will find out sooner or later that am married. Am not going to tell him. No romance without finance.

Day 2
Mr. –Yesterday I spoke to Kola about how to break the news to Teni and Jane, he agreed with my assessments but he reminded me of Sandra. Sandra, o my, I forgot about her, she was in the country with me, 20 minutes’ drive away to be precise, the bane of my life, the girl was a leech, and she followed me everywhere I go. she had taken me to a party once and introduced me as her Man, she hadn’t even finished when her father asked me what my intentions towards his daughter was, he took me by surprise , I stuttered a bit and then said we were friends. I remember he looked at me and said ‘’make up your mind young man, make an honest woman out of my daughter.
From then on I couldn’t shake her, I wouldn’t pick up her call for weeks , she still kept calling, when she got tired of calling she would turn up at my apartment un announced . Am not sure how I escaped it but she never met any other women when she came.
A lot of our friends and acquaintances call her my woman, she introduces herself as my fiancée, I can’t imagine what she will do when she finds out I got married.
I upset MRS today forgot about her, I stayed at work until 8pm, and my phones were on silent, missed all 15 of her calls. Am not use to being monitored, I must make a conscious effort to call her once or twice daily. Mrs. and I made up quickly, I made passionate love to her and that seemed to melt her heart.
No sure I can keep this up, am so exhausted, I do have an early morning meeting tomorrow.
Must also make a conscious effort to restrict love making to Saturday evenings, that’s the only time it will fit into comfortably.
Hold on a minute, Mrs. seems really Sex hungry, I didn’t notice when we were on homey moon, but she wanted to go 4 rounds, I crashed out on the 3rd, hmmmmmmm

Mrs. –Met with my friends today, all green with envy, I got the Man they have all been dreaming of, and he was tall, dark, handsome and rich, all four aces. Our meet didn’t end well cos I tried to call MR from there and he didn’t pick up my call, I was so embarrassed, I had to cover up by saying I couldn’t get through, network busy.
Mr. didn’t come home until 8.45PM, I was so cross with him, he explained he didn’t know when the time went, he was busy working and his phone was on silent. I believe him, no reason to doubt YET.
He knows how to get me going, He held me tight and kissed me passionately all my annoyance melted away, we ended up with MAKE UP LOVE MAKING. I wasn’t satisfied though, he crashed out at the begging of the 3rd round. ‘
I must admit, Babs came to my mind at the time, the one thing he was great at was he could go 10 rounds and not get tired.
Will have to get Mr. some of that Herbal concoction, Babs used to drink for his libido, I like love making and I need it 4 or 5 times a week. We must sort this out, hmmmmmm

Mr.-am going crazy here, I forgot to call Mrs. again today, , I saw her missed calls just as I got up to go home 10 , this time, how do guys cope with this, this is more than I bargained for.
Okay , I’ve got to calm down now, I did redeem myself, I stopped by at a boutique on the way home got Mrs. some perfume, But hang on a minute , I should have bought loads of other things to give her , cos am sure there will be many days like this .

I got another shocker today, , Sandra turned up at my office , with lunch, and what did I do , I hurriedly hid my wedding ring in the draw, I was too tired to fight, or was I too chicken to tell her the truth. I don’t know what came over me, I wasn’t dating her anyway. Yes we made love a few times, she forced me into it, I didn’t want to, but you know a man will be a man m it was hard to resist that figure of hers.
Anyway am decreasing now, I declined her lunch, told her I had just eaten, she came to invite me to her birthday of the weekend. She said I will be the Special guest of honor, I was about to decline when Kola walked in and said, don’t mind him, and we will be there. Oh my gosh, am not sure what Kolas got me into. What do I tell the Mrs.?

The Mrs., o dear, yes, the Mrs., well she racked a bit, took. The very expensive perfume from me, then racked some more. After I held her and said I was really sorry, she made me promise to leave my phone on ring. As long as I picked her call once during the day, she will be fine. I agreed thought that was a good compromise. Thank God, all ended in peace. I still had Sandra’s whale on my mind, could not go through another one.
O by the way I just saw Mrs. putting on some sexy lingerie, l hope she doesn’t want to make love, I am too exhausted for that now, I think I will pretend I have a back ache , or should I say I have a headache instead.hmmmmm.

Mrs. – well today wasn’t too bad, Mr. didn’t pick my calls again today, and I wonder what he does in that office of his that is more important than I. Anyway I got a Chanel perfume that compensated a bit. If he keeps refusing to pick my calls he will have to buy me gifts tire.

Am really in trouble you know I couldn’t stop thinking of making love throughout today , the worst thing is my mind kept wondering off to Babs , oh Babs , well endowed. O my gosh I need to put a stop to this. Am married now, I shouldn’t be thinking of another man, but I can’t help it.

I see Mr. looking at me in my sexy lingerie , I hope he’s ready , I am already in cloud nine, tonight is going to be a good night ,ready or not here I come , hmmmm

Day 4

MR –Whoa, where do I begin, let’s start with the Mrs., yesterday night was a tug of war, Mrs. , was wild and on fire , I tried every excuse in the book to get out of making love , she wasn’t having any of it, ,Mr. D, didn’t help either, my mouth was saying no but Mr. D stood right at attention screaming yes yes yes, , Mrs. laughed at me and said see, even Mr. D knows a good thing when he sees it, and so we began, 2 and a half rounds , until Mr. D gave up the ghost,
Mrs. grumbled a bit but she did admit it was better than the last time. Phew, I must consult the boys. am I the only one having this experience. I must find out. Not sure how long I can keep this up. Just my luck to marry the Sex crazed one. We still haven’t had our love making schedule talk, , I guess I can fit love making into Saturday nights, , we need too, if I don’t want to die sooner than later.

O yeah, I forgot, I got a bank alert yesterday, final payment for a job I did, last year, high 7 figures, really pleased, the down side, Sandra got me the job, she gets a commission from it, I haven’t told her the balance has been paid, I know what she going to say…’’let’s celebrate my love’’, I will hold off telling her, can’t deal with that wahala now.

I was exhausted, all day I had to watch my phone ring waiting for Mrs. Call, I got calls from Teni, 6, Jane 2, Sandra 9, and Mrs. 1, which I picked pronto, she called to say hi, ask me what I would want for dinner and when I was coming home, Answers, Fine, anything, As soon as I can, call ended with her saying love you baby, I saying Okay, and quickly dropping the phone. I wonder why I find it hard to say ‘’Love you ‘’. It so heavy in my mouth, it doesn’t come out, Mrs. Gets really upset with me when I don’t say it back. What’s the point? She already knows I love her, why do I have to say it all the time…hmmmmmmm

MRS- Hey, see me see trouble, what have I gotten myself into, Mr. is weak in bed, yester night I had to practically rape him before he finally made love to me, in short I made love to him, he said he had a back ache, headache all manner of excuses but Mr. D, begged to differ, he stood at attention pleading for some action, on a serious note wants going on with Mr.,
Thinking back now we hardly made love during our 8 months courtship, I always thought he was just respecting me , or is he … nooooo, not possible, Mr. D, tries, but ……

Anyway, I have a bigger issue now, when I was making love too Mr. I kept seeing Babs, I must admit, the thought of Babs on my mind made me climax multiple times, am in trouble, I need to meet with the girls, what do I do, this has to stop, but how do I tell them without letting them know Mr. is weak? ,,,, that’s a huge one…..

O yes , I called him today , he picked up, but still hasn’t gotten the courage to say ‘’Love you;; back, he will, has just joking, even if I have to blackmail it out of his mouth.
I need some money , I need some new clothes, must remember to get him to transfer some into my account tomorrow morning, o yeah I remember , my Range arrives tomorrow, we ordered it in the States at the start of out honey moon, hmmmm, they will take……

Day 5
MR-Kola usually gets me on trouble but this time I had to get him out of trouble. I was in the office today heard loud noises coming from Kolas office, he’s my business partner and best friend, our offices are next to each other. I went in to see what the matter was and a uy was there racking for Kola to leave his wife alone. Kola just sat there smiling and said ‘’then take good care of her so she stops coming to me for money’’ the guy felt so ashamed, he just shook his head and walked out.
‘’kola that wasn’t nice’ ’I said, you should be hung for messing with another man’s wife’’ ‘’what’s the big deal, she’s my ex, and am just helping her out’’ anyway we argued a bit and then we tabled my issues, I asked Kola how he manages to date all these women and keep them all happy, he just laughed and said ‘’a man’s got to do what a mans got to do’’
You know Sandra doesn’t know I got married, I said, I can’t go to her party, why not? Kola said , how long fdo you think I can keep this up, am already getting close to pannick mood, you pushed me into spreading my oats, Teni, Jne Sandra, Iam still building up courage to break the new to them all,

MR- Woke up this morning to a warm loving kiss and hug from Mrs., It felt good but there was something about the way she stirred at me, I asked her what the matter was, she just smiled and said I need some money my love. I smiled didn’t even ask her how much just said it will be in her account before lunch time, she was really excited. I was glad cos the next thing that came out of my mouth made her really stressed ‘’My Mums coming to visit for a couple of weeks, she wants to get to know you’’ Mrs. Face changed immediately, ‘’when’’ she asked, ‘’this weekend’’, I said. The main issue is my mum will expect you to cook for her, could you please try get some cooking lessons, we are going to have to give the chef a couple of weeks off’’. MRS was now really stressed. She asked what the big deal was about cooking, I told her my mum was a traditional woman who believed any woman who couldn’t cook was useless.
On that note I changed the subject asked if she was excited about her new jeep arriving at the weekend, but I could see she was no longer listening to me, she had this very worried look on her face, I told not to worry, she should get the chef to spend the next few days giving her cooking lessons. Mrs. couldn’t cook to save her life, the one and only time she tried to cook Rice for me with sauce, one mouth full and I had instant diarrhea. Hired a Chef immediately.
Never liked stress, am already panicking about my Mum and Mrs. in the same house without me being there, my Mum a no nonsense woman, anyway I have other issues to sort out now,
I still need to get out of this crazy girls birthday party, Kola cooked up a plan to come pick me at home for a boys night out, Mrs. likes Kola, so no suspicion there. That doesn’t solve the issue of me not wanting to be alone with her, she knows how to push my buttons and me breaking the news of my marriage and I still have to give her share of the paid balance, oh my, why am I so entangled with this Sandra, this has gotten out of hand.
Come to think of it why didn’t I marry her? , she’s a nice girl, she can really cook has an amazing figure, but she’s too ambitious, that’s why I didn’t like her. Well I guess ambition has its place.
Okay am a Man, I’ve got to suck it up like one and sort myself out, I will call her for a meeting tomorrow and sort all this out once and for all. Am sure she will get really upset storm out of my office and I won’t have to go to her party or deal with her again, case closed …hmmmmmm

MRS- I should be super happy now but am so upset, My Mother in laws coming, what does she want? why can’t she stay in her house, we just got married at least she should give us time to enjoy each other, Na wah o, now she expects Moi to cook. Don’t even know what to do, Mr really loves his mum, he will expect me to keep her happy. The scary thing is am not sure he will pick me if he had to choose between his mum and I. That’s not good. I would call my Mum, but she never cooked for one day, our chefs always did, I’ve got to call the girls instead , we need to brain storm on this ASAP.
O am sorry , I can’t stop thinking of this Mama’s visit, I had this weekend all planned out, my Range arrives, go clubbing with the girls shopping trip, showing off my ride, now it’s all ruined, tomorrow, the girls and I must find a way around it, what am I going to do?
That reminds me, I thought of calling Babs today, I saw him on Facebook, with some of his course mates at his Uni in Joburg where he went for his masters. He hasn’t been able to get in touch with me, cause I changed my no as soon as got married and forbade my friends to tell him I was married or give him my new no. So he has been sending me messages on Facebook but I haven’t been responding, today I saw loads of messages he had sent with his pictures, he looks good, I toyed with the idea of chatting with him but I quickly changed my mind, bad idea, just looking at his oic ignited some old feelings, I must delete him from my page…..when? ….soon…..hmmmmmm

MR-I must get rid of her, that’s the thought that kept coming into my mind throughout today. Whom? You ask, who else Sandra of course. I invited her to the office today, she arrived right on time looking all foxy and alluring, I had made up my mind to ignore her and I was doing great until…, well let me get back to the whole incident. She sat down on the sofa opposite my desk, I began by saying thank you to her, our balance has been paid, I asked for her account no, immediately did an online transfer. After that was done, I moved over to the settee to sit beside her, I held her hand and said I was sorry I didn’t let her know but I got married a month ago, she just started laughing , I was taken aback, finally she stopped and said she knew I was married , she’s happy for me, but she just wants to be the side honey, I take care of her needs and she continues to take great care of mine, ‘’ your wife is definitely not as fine as me’’ you know I get you where you need to be , right?, before I knew what was happening her lips were on mine , I was gone, thank God for a timely knock on my door that jolted me back to life, I pushed her away , got up angry with myself and walked back to my desk. She got up, blew me a kiss and said, ‘’ see you at my party sugar’’ with that she walked out of the office/
‘Yeah’, am I trouble, I have to get rid of this girl ,it’s like she has some charm she uses on me , I can’t resist her, maybe I should relocate with my wife to another country , can’t let this jezebel ruin my marriage, what do I do now?
After she left I couldn’t concentrate on anything else, my mind kept wondering to Sandra and Mrs., I had an instance headache, I packed up my stuff and came home, thank God Mrs. was out, I had time to gather myself before Mrs. came back, God please help, how do I get myself out of this mess……o Lord, Jane and Teni too …’yay’….hmmmm

MRS-went out as soon as Mr. left for work, I couldn’t sleep all night, I practically saw my mum in law (MIL) calling me useless over and over again in my dream, not even sure if I was asleep or just day dreaming, got to my friend’s house, she called a couple of other friends to come over, so we tabled all my issues.
Frist my Mother in Law (MIL) , well the girls suggested I feign illness when she’s around so I won’t have to cook, that won’t work I told them ,our family doctor is Mr.’s friend , I would be treated immediately and my MIL will still be there, finally we came up with a perfect plan to secretly get home cooked meals in the pot ,3 times a day without my MIL finding out, I would have to get her out of the house or at least to stay away from the kitchen at every meal time. The girls had a full poof plan, we all agreed it would work.
Then Babs came on the table, I told them he keeps coming to my mind when am making love to Mr, they all found that hilarious, when they saw that it was really giving me great concern, a suggestion was made that we take a trip to Joburg, see him, I can spend the weekend with him and get it out of my system. I wasn’t sure initially what they were suggesting but , Pamela my closet friend said ‘’ look babes if this bobo is on your mind , the best thing to do is to go have a feel of him, make it a sendoff one, tell him you are married now and this is just to say sorry and wish him good luck’’. I was a bit shocked, but it sounded like a good idea, ‘’what do I tell Mr. am off to joburg to do? Toke asked if Mr. knew Babs was in Joburg, I said no, so that sorts it she said, just say am celebrating my birthday next month in joburg and I want all my close friends to fly down with me for a long weekend. I listened carefully, asked them to give me a few days to think about it, when I finally left Pamela’s house I realized I had been there for 7 hours.
Drove home with one thing sorted, smuggling food in every day, when my MIL comes over, sorted. Getting Babs out of my mind. Not totally convinced Tokes way is the right way, although am slowly warming up to the idea…..hmmmmm

Day 7
Mr.—O my, I was so tired yesterday, tired of all the drama in my life, am too young, calm and collected for all this wahala. I suddenly realized I got myself into this mess and I certainly have to get myself out of it.
Kola and I went for a final contract bid yesterday, it was an interesting meet, as we walked into the director’s office we saw a big sign on his door saying ‘’Change begins with me’’ we were impressed I made a comment to Kola saying , whoa , things are getting good in this country, kola just laughed and said ‘’For where? We will see’’ I thought he was being cynical.
We sat down in the conference room with the director to sign for our 60% initial mobilization fee, The director was all smiles greeted us more than 4 times I found that strange , then he stopped and kept looking at us as if waiting for us to say something, Kola looked at me and smiled , he then said Sir , ‘’we will take care of your own needs’’, Surprisingly the Director got really offended , ‘’I do not need a bribe, my salary is enough for me, we are trying to move this country forward, Change begins with each and every one of us, You included’’ . At this point Kola’s mouth was wide open, he actually looked dazed, I just smiled stretched my hand out shook the director and said ’’Thank you Sir, we need more people like you in our country’’.
Kola was still in shook as we drove back to the office, I laughed at his skepticism, for the first time in a while I had won an argument with him, I was right, the director had changed for real.
Getting back to the office, our manager had already finished with the interviews and narrowed my intending PA down to one candidate, when we left for our meeting earlier on I saw at least 15 candidates waiting to be interviewed.
Immediately my manager ushered in my Intended PA I was now convinced some cruel forces wanted me dead, of all the 15 candidates , my manager had chosen the most beautiful sexy looking girl, she was about 22, very light , a full figure 8, dressed in a very tight suit with weave about 30 inches long, my reaction was so unexpected, I just shouted’ ’no no , not this one , please get out’’ the girl and the manager were shocked, I ignored them picked up my briefcase ,I stormed out of my office, got in my car and drove, where do I go, didn’t go home , cos I saw my Mums missed call and Mrs., that meant my Mum had already arrived , I wasn’t interested in anything they were about to say, I needed someone to massage my brain, who won’t give me stress, Yes , I know , I will go see Yemi, Yemi’s hands on my temple always made me feel better ……….hmmmmm

MRS- I need to calm down, just checked my blood pressure 140/80, hmmm, what’s wrong with me, yesterday was so bad, my Mum in law arrived around 4pm, she was pleasant enough, she gave me a hug and asked how I have been, I knelt down on my two knees asked her what she would like to eat, she looked shocked at my action, asked me to get up, that there was no need for drama, she had eaten and would just lie a cup of tea. I had rehearsed this moment all through yesterday morning, my first impression to impress her had backfired.

I had to remake the tea twice, the first time I made it with sugar , I was so nervous I forgot to ask her if she took sugar with her tea, she requested for honey instead, I drove out to the supermarket to get some honey, on the way I called Mr. he didn’t pick up his phone.
Got back home my Mum in law asked why I took so long, I apologized, gave her the Tea and scampered off to my bedroom, a few minutes later my phone rang, it was my Mum in law, she wanted to know when Mr. was coming back, she had tried his no, he didn’t pick it up, I politely told her he will soon be back.
Am so stressed out, not sure how long I can keep this ‘’perfect behaving wife attitude on’’.
I called the restaurant , reminded them to make Yam and pepper chicken sauce with eggs, for this morning, it must be brought to the house by 8am, through the back door I showed them yesterday, they must not ring the doorbell. The plan is to empty all the food into pots. I asked them to come along with the egg shells and the yam peel, I will display all on the kitchen work top, wear an apron and reheat them all, the smell will feel the kitchen, My mum in law would not be any wiser……, she wants home cooked food, that’s what she will gets….hmmmmm

Day 8
MR- So much Drama everywhere, I survived yesterday, whoa, thank you God. It was a very eventful day.
First, I woke up yestermorning feeling awesome, Yemi is amazing, and the guy should get an award for the best masseuse ever. He knows how to massage every part of your brain, brought my stress right down to Zero.
Mrs., O my gosh, she surprised everyone, she cooked the most amazing breakfast yesterday, My Mum , thank God, was so impressed, she kept calling me a lucky man for having such a homely wife. She praised my wife, prayed for her, she even insisted Mrs. Cook lunch but we already had reservations for lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant. I was pleasantly surprised but I hid my excitement, at this rate, we might not need our chef back, she learned so fast. Am glad, Mum and Mrs. are getting on fine.
Kola turned up around 4pm, I told him I wasn’t going out. After a lot of bantering we agreed to drive out to a nearby café to gist. He started off with my crazy attitude in the office, I apologized told him the whole sexy PA saga, ’Kola you know me, do you think I can deal with another jezebel in my life?, am sorry I can’t, it’s as if someone somewhere is trying to kill me’’. Kola laughed and said I was over reacting but he agreed we should recall the candidates. I told him I would do the interviews myself.
As for Sandra case, she had already called my phone 12 times, sent text, but I refused to pick or reply the text. Kola too wasn’t spared, Sandra had called him so many times and he didn’t know what other excuse to give, so he also stopped picking. He decided to go over to her party and make excuses for me, well he was on his own…..
One other thing thou, I got an unexpected email from Teni, something about her coming into the country?, I wasn’t able to read all of it cos while trying to scroll down in panic I mistakenly deleted it, I hope and pray it’s not what am thinking…hmmmmm

MRS- Yes lord, thank you Jesus, I finally got my Mum in Laws approval, she praised me, hugged me and prayed for me, I know it’s only the start of a long journey but my plan is working.
The restaurant staff arrived with the food right on time, my mum in law was in the bathroom, I poured the yam in a pot, the egg sauce in a frying pan and scattered the yam peel and egg shells on the counter top. Put on an apron and sprinkled some water on my face to look as if I had been sweating , then I put the eggs on a low heat and put a hot little water in the yam , as I had been instructed by the restaurant staff. By the time she was done in the bath the whole kitchen was full of the aroma. I served breakfast at 9 am on the dot, called my mum in law and Mr. Down for breakfast.
I know am walking on thin ice, I haven’t told Mr., I know if I do he might just ask me to bring the chef back, and that he would handle his mum, but strangely enough, as much as it seems like I can’t be bothered, I do want my mum in laws approval.
I watched Mr. as he took his first bite, he was careful, very small piece of yam, as if he was expecting to be poisoned. But as soon as the food got in his mouth the expression on his face changed to pleasantly surprised, he looked at me looked at the food, smiled again and continued eating, I can only imagine what was going through his mind, as for my mother in law, I suddenly became ‘’My dear’’, she had called me ‘’Sisi mi’’ up until that point. Yep, I did it…….. I was rescued from lunch and dinner, when Mr. confirmed we had a late lunch reservation for lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant, I quickly called my restaurant to cancel the semolina and vegetable soup I had ordered for our late lunch at home. Whoa, thank God, tomorrow is another day….
Hmmm, My Range arrived today, it looks so amazing, I can’t believe I haven’t driven it yet, I was so pre occupied with pleasing my Mum in law, I just looked at it when it arrived and went back into the house to continue with the house work. Oh I forgot to mention we gave all the domestic staff a few weeks off, my mum in law, doesn’t understand why I can’t clean the house, when I sit at home all day, no children to take care of and I can’t tidy the house. I overheard her talking to Mr. on Friday, about why did we need so many maids, only two maids , and she called them so many, anyway, yesterday , I gave them 2 weeks off, I will show my mum in law am a very good wife and her son is lucky to have me……..hmmmmm

Day 9
MR- Mrs. is not happy, am confused you know, what’s the matter you ask? Well I will tell you what happened.
After the amazing breakfast Mrs. cooked on Saturday morning, we went out for dinner, then skipped breakfast yesterday cos mum insisted we go to church with her, I will gist about that later.
Anyway after church, I decided we stop at a fast food place and get some takeaway, to give Mrs. a break from all the work she’s been dong. We got home, ate, it was a lot of food so Mrs. didn’t need to cook again for dinner. We finally retired for bed. In Bed I held Mrs. hands and thanked her for all the hard work she’s been doing since my mum came to stay, I also said I would like to make love to her now, I outlined that with my busy schedule we should be able to fit in love making at least twice a week, I initially thought once a week on Saturday but I believe I could squeeze in one more time. Mrs. looked at me as if I was speaking gibberish, she rolled her eyes a couple of times, hissed, turned over and went to sleep. I was confused, up until a minute ago she was all smiles, what’s up with this sudden freeze mode? I tried to talk to her, touch her, she just ignored me. What’s going on what did I say wrong? I don’t know.
This morning, as I write she’s still in bed, she got up a few minutes ago, to go to the bathroom, I said good morning she just walked past and ignored me. What have I done? Women are just too complicated for me. I guess I will leave her to cool down…..
Main while, I can’t stop thinking the worst of this Teni’s email, did it say she was definitely coming to the country or she was thinking about it, I don’t even recollect, I pray it’s not the latter. The last time I was with her, just before I got married, we had a disagreement, I want to apologize and her acceptance of my apology was her giving me a hot slap. I couldn’t hear properly for days. She has always been aggressive, I do have a sneaking feeling that she can kill me if she finds out I dumped her and got married to someone else. O my gosh, that reminds me, Teni and I are still dating, I never really official broke up with her you know….
As for Sandra, she sent me a stinker text saying, ‘’Babes, you can run but you can’t hide, just remember am watching you…’’. What does she mean? Imagine that, threatening me, sometimes I wish I never listened to Kola, he asked me to ‘sow my royal oats’’, date a few girls, string them along until the end, then decide on the one you want to get married too, he left out the most important part, what comes after, now am left on my own to clear up the mess ….hmmmmm

MRS-NO NO, I reject it, this can’t be happening to me, a timetable for love making? Mr. must be out of his mind, I could not believe the crap he was spewing out yester night about our love making schedule, I must be dreaming somebody pinch me. If he thinks I will concur to that nonsense he must be joking, we just got married, how old are we, that we can’t make love twice a day every day, yeah am in trouble, Mr. wants to ruin my life, where are my friends when I need them , what am I going to do now? I hope I haven’t made mistake?

Oh, that reminds me, I read a few of Bab’s message during the night I couldn’t stop thinking about him, especially after Mr. spewed out his timetable. O my gosh, he is still so sweet, he professed his undying love for me , and said he’s make himself better, so that I will be proud of him, he pleaded with me to call him, I feel so guilty, I don’t want to break his heart, how do I tell him I am married?.
Back to life, for lunch today, My mum in law has requested for original pounded yam not the powdered one, I have asked the restaurant to buy me a mortar, the girl is going to bring the pounded yam already made, I will just rub some on the side, pretend am pounding, once am sure my mother in law can hear the sound of the mortar, voila, pounded yam ready. As for the vegetable soup, same process pour in pot heat up.
Come to think of it though, how long can I keep this up, what if she finds out? Alternatively I will get Mr. to send his driver to take her out but I just remembered am not speaking to Mr. for now, until his incorrect head become correct, love making timetable indeed…
I will ask her to take a walk in our estate, enjoy the fresh air, before she gets back lunch will be ready, that’s a better plan. How do I tell her am going out, I’ve got to see my girlfriends today, I need a strategy to kill Mr.’s timetable issue…..hmmmmm

DAY 10

MR- Yes, now I know I am official in trouble, Mrs. Still isn’t talking to me properly, she managed a ‘’good night’’ and ‘’good morning’’ today. Loads on my mind, Mrs., My Mum and the Jezebels I invited into my life. Well I will take one at a time,
Mrs., has been sulking since Saturday night, am not sure why she should get upset about love making schedule if Saturday is not convenient for her, she should have just explained, rather than giving me the silent treatment, maybe she wants Monday or Thursday, I can still squeeze love making into those days, before she went for her morning jog, she left a note for me saying we need to talk when I get back from work, I guess we will resolve it then. I am a man of order, I need to plan ahead for everything in my life, I can’t just make love spontaneously, I need to fit it into my schedule, who doesn’t?
My Mum, is getting unreasonable, she has asked me to consider starting a family immediately, she wants plenty grandchildren, did I hear her say grandchildren, am only planning on 1 child, she will have to look elsewhere for that, with all the expenses of raising a child and the stress in the world, why would anyone want to bring more than 1 into the world, that’s reminds me when is she leaving?
The most pressing issue now is that my body is on fire , I missed out making love on Saturday, my body still needs some ,I tried a couple of times with Mrs. last night, she just pushed me away, even begged just for one round , she blatantly refused , wouldn’t even let me touch her. Am really trying to hold it but its driving me crazy. You won’t believe that on my way to work this morning Sandra called , she wanted us to meet up for lunch to sort things out, she said ,why should she call at this time ?, when am almost going crazy, I needs Mrs. desperately not Sandra , I can’t go see Sandra like this, am just looking for trouble, it’s bad enough when my body is stable , but now it would be criminal , am supposed to be a man of order , but order doesn’t seem to be considering my feelings right now ,on the other hand, maybe I really need Sandra for times like this …..Hmmmmm

MRS- I hope am not taking this silent treatment with Mr. too far, he looked so desperate yester night when he was pleading with my, for one round, my body was on fire too, but I was determined to punish him for that nonsense he spewed out the other day, Anyway I will end it tonight when he comes home, punishment over.

My mum in law ,that woman is getting on my last nerve, she is so stressful, she told me this morning she’s invited two of her friends for dinner, imagine, without consulting me , they want to eat vegetable soup with semolina, and fresh fish, she even when to say how she bragged about my cooking to them. Very funny, only if she knew my secret weapon, anyway at least I intend to get away with it until she leaves. I already called the restaurant to increase the portions they were bringing, no problem, all arranged.
As if that wasn’t enough she started prying into our personal life asking me if we had started practicing well well for children, I politely answered yes Ma. The truth is, am not ready for kids now, I need to keep my shape , give it 2 or 3 years from now , then we can consider it, have 2 or 3 kids , I would love 2 girls and a boy. I pray the girls look like me and the boy looks like Mr.….
O my, I do have a secret, FOR YOUR EYES ONLY, I do really love Mr., he’s a good man but I can stop comparing him to Babs. Since Saturday night I have been communicating with Babs on Facebook, he asked me to send him a picture of me, I did, he sent his too, he looked so handsome, better looking than he was, South Africa has changed him. I really want to see him again. I plan to tell Mr. I want to go for Toke’s Birthday Party in Joburg, I hope he’s fine with that, why won’t he be?, he likes Toke anyway, I really need to see Babs one more time, am convinced it’s the right thing to do, just to break the news to him, nothing else, am sure I can control myself around him, he has always been a gentle man so I have nothing to worry about. Although he so fine now….hmmmmm

Day 11
MR- I was acting crazy at the office yesterday, I snapped at everyone , kola had to drag me out of the office around midday, after I had yelled for the 4th time within an hour, he did confess that he had never seen me like that before. I wasn’t myself, with Sandra and Mrs. on my mind. I was literarily playing out R Kelly’s song,
’’ My mind’s telling me no
But my body, my body’s telling me yes
Baby, I don’t want to hurt nobody
But there is something that I must confess to you
I don’t see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind’’
My minds telling me no, you don’t want to hurt Mrs., but my body is telling me you need this go for it, no harm intended. I really don’t want to, hence the bad mood. I surprised myself , I hadn’t seen this side of me, I slowly began to realize that I have always had my way with woman, they were always available when I needed them, now my hands are being tired by Mrs., the one and only one I was joined with recently.
Kola and I sat in the lounge bar for about an hour, I just drank brandy and smoked a cigar while he sipped on his gin and tonic, I hadn’t smoked for over 3 years ,but right now I just needed to calm my nerves and a cigar and brandy seemed like the logical thing.
Just when I felt like I was finally relaxing, I Suddenly felt hands covering my eyes and I heard a familiar voice asking ‘’guess who’’ it was Sandra, apparently, she had called Kola’s no to ask after me and he had asked her to come over to the lounge. Sandra stood behind me massaging my shoulders .I didn’t do anything to stop her , I was actually very tipsy and spaced out, bearing in mind it was now around 4 pm, we had been sitting there for a couple of hours, the bar was still pretty empty. I slowly felt my self-succumbing to the massage this jezebel was giving me, my mind wanted to scream ‘’get away from me’’, but my body kept saying ‘’keep going, am in heaven now’’. Well to cut the long story short, I promise you this wasn’t my fault, the last thing I remembered was kola literarily carrying me out of the lounge , with Sandra in tow…..hmmmmm

MRS- Hey, where was Mr. when I needed him? Am not sure if I will come out of this unscathed. Why the drama? You ask, well here is what happened.
I told you my MIL invited her friends to have dinner with us yesterday, that wasn’t the problem, the caterer came on time, I did my usual deceptive cooking routine and served the food on the table, my mum in law insisted I eat with them. Here comes the shocker, as soon as my mother in laws friend no 1, took a bite of the food, she said, “Ah, Sisi mi, this food taste exactly like Mama Hope’s restaurant food, did you work there?” My mum in law jumped in, feeling really offended “Ore mi, are you okay? , this is my daughter in law, the one you came for her marriage recently, what do you mean has she worked in a restaurant, does she look like a sales girl ?” Her friend feeling a bit embarrassed, apologized immediately and said she must have been mistaken. At this point, I was literally frozen on my seat, I could not believe I narrowly escaped being found out.
As if that wasn’t enough, Friend no 2, then adds salt to injury, “Sisi Mi, do you have Yam flour at home, would you mind making me some, I prefer it to semolina’’. What? ,I stuttered a little bit , eh sorry Ma , we don’t, at this point my mother in law looked at me, our eyes met, I quickly looked away, I could see the shock written all over my mother in laws face, cos she brought half a bag of yam flour when she arrived a few days ago.
I kept looking down, wringing my hands and starting to sweat, then miraculously, Friend no 2 said ‘’ don’t worry dear don’t let me stress you , you must have put a lot into preparing this meal for us , I would eat it like that’’. Hallelujah, the angels were singing, you won’t believe the kind of fresh air that came over me, I instantly realized I had to go to the toilet, I excused, myself and all but ran to my room, what a narrow escape.
When I got back to the table, I looked at my mother in law, I was trying to read her, although after the woman’s comment I could see my Mum in laws expression change, I wasn’t sure if she was upset with her friend or she was pondering over what she said and wondering if there was any truth to it, especially when I said we had no yam flour……. hmmmmm

Day 12
MR- Come on guys, keep your wig on, am not that bad, and am sure your all thinking. Did he? , did he not?, well …I didn’t, mind you, it wasn’t because I didn’t want too but Kola felt, if I was to do , I should be fully conscious of what I was about to do… I totally concur with him. On that note as I left the lounge practically being carried by Kola, he put me in his car, I was still really spaced out, he bade farewell to Sandra, and he drove me home. Mrs. and him, put me to bed. He just told Mrs. I was feeling a bit down and needed some rest, Mrs. was nobody’s fool, she could smell the alcohol on my breath a mile away but she kept quiet. Thank God, My Mum was out of the house when I got brought home, if not, questions galore would have happened, I dodged that bullet.
I woke up yesterday morning with a throbbing headache, Mrs. was standing over me with some hangover remedy she found on line, I was about to refuse to drink it but the look on her face forced me to do otherwise, it was bitter and slimy but I drank every bit and even managed a smile and a “thank you my darling” ….aww, it was terrible, but let’s keep that between us ….
Once my eyes had cleared , she sat next to me , said she wouldn’t even bother asking what I was thinking when I decided to get drunk, she just wants my assurance that it won’t happen again, I apologized saying I don’t know what came over me , I was just missing her and promised it definitely won’t happen again. She got into bed beside me and we had a wonderful love making session, we didn’t even care my Mum was a few doors away, this time I didn’t disappoint, 3 full rounds and no breaks, Mrs. was fully satisfied. Come to think of it, this getting high and drunk, might just be a good thing…we’ll see.
Finally got myself a PA, who you ask? Well it’s a guy, his name is Tony and he’s my perfect fit for one, smart, dresses well and very experienced. His last job was with an expatriate, I can see I made the right decision, he already picked up some of my calls and told the callers I was busy and I will get back to them later. Guess who two of the calls were from, you got it, Sandra. Very funny, she must be spitting out fire by now…ha ha ha….
We really did have a busy day in the office Kola and I are considering expanding the company, we are thinking of taking on an additional partner, interested parties have been sending their portfolios .we are particularly impressed by one of them, the partner is offering 25% more equity contribution than we asked for and has agreed to be a silent partner, the only clause is that the partner wants to remain anonymous and is requesting we allow a proxy to act on their behalf. Kola and I admit the offer is great, but do we really feel comfortable about the proxy and anonymous partner? It could be anybody. We decided to ask for one meeting face to face, we hope they oblige us, we are still waiting for their response…..
Oh, I forgot to mention, after Mrs. and I had a shower together, we hadn’t done that in a while, she seemed very happy, she said she had a favor to ask, I said “anything my love”, she asked if I could get her a ticket to go to Joburg for the weekend with her friends, for Toke’s birthday. I said that was fine, I would get her a club class ticket. What I didn’t tell her was that, I would also get one for myself, I want to surprise her, am sure she will be delighted. Won’t reveal the surprise until am dropping her off at the airport…..hmmmmm.
MRS- Oh yeah, Mr. came home drunk yesterday, he practically had to be carried in by his friend Kola, I didn’t say anything cos my conscious was pricking me , I drove him to drink by refusing to make love to him, please don’t judge me yet, I actually redeemed myself , I made up for it yesterday morning , it was great, 3 full rounds nonstop, Mr. was a beast, I must admit ,I was thinking , him getting wasted, might have increased his libido, strange though but…. Hmmmmm
I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I did ask Mr. for a ticket to go to joburg, as my friends had suggested, Mr. was so sweet he agreed to buy me a club world ticket, so why do I feel torn, I know I don’t intend to have anything to do with Babs, but say hello, break the news of my getting married and apologize, at least let him down gently, after 5 years of dating I believe I owe him that much….or don’t I?
On a lighter mood, I took out my Range today, I had on a pair jeans, a tee, Gucci bag and sunglasses, I went to show off a bit, that wasn’t the strange part though. As I sat sipping my latte, a lady approached me and asked if I won’t mind if her Boss had a word with me, “Your Boss?” I asked, “Who is he?” You won’t believe who it was, former governor of one of the eastern states. Am sure you are wondering what he wanted, he came over to my table , sat down , asked my name, which I gave, didn’t talk much, he just gave me his no and asked me to call him anytime am in the capital, he asked for mine, but I politely declined. With that he got up, bade me farewell and left and envelope on the table, he said that was for my lunch, I watched him, his PA and a couple of body guards leave the café. I opened the envelope and saw 100 dollar notes, I didn’t count it just put it in my bag, I was too afraid to count right there and then. Immediately I got in my Range, I called Pamela and Toke, asked where they were and I drove off to meet them.
The girls were gob smacked when I showed them the money, we counted it, and it was 5000 dollars, “why would he give you this?” Pamela asked, didn’t he see your ring, “Abi o”, Toke responded, “you married woman are getting all the action, that’s unfair”. “Don’t worry girls you can keep the money, you know I don’t need it”, they both jumped on me and spluttered me with kisses and hugs. I told them Joburg was on, with this money, they can get their tickets, and accommodation sorted, I was going to pay for it anyway, Mr. ex-governor just helped right on time.
With all the excitement going on around me, I still have this guilty pang inside me, why do I feel so bad?, this whole joburg thing is just an innocent trip, yes I lied to Mr., but nothing will happen and I believe I owe Babs, I guess I will just have to let the end justify the means…..hmmmmm

Day 13
MR- I’ve been really busy today, didn’t have time this morning to write in my diary, but thank God, I have a few minutes now.
Well, am sure you are wondering what Mrs. and I have been up to that we didn’t have time to fill in our diaries, well we got a call at 5am this morning, A Doctor called and said Kola had been rushed to his hospital with a stab wound and he had lost a lot of blood. Kola had mentioned me as his next of kin before he slipped into a coma. We just got back from the hospital now to have a bite and go back, we are praying he wakes up before we get back. We still don’t know how he got stabbed, but the neighbor who brought him to hospital said it had to do with a woman, I hope it’s not the one we met yesterday when we went out to get lunch?

Anyway, let’s get back to my day yesterday. Kola and I found out our secret investor was not willing to meet but was willing to increase their offer by 50%, this, ordinarily would have made us so happy, but something smelt fishy, we decided to decline the offer in total and go with another investor, who was willing to be a silent partner for a bit less equity contribution. To celebrate we all went out for lunch. At the restaurant Kola saw this young lady who had come there to have a celebratory lunch with her fiancée. She did tell Kola she was waiting on him when he went to ask for her no, but trust Kola he wasn’t taking no for an answer, he kept pestering the girl, even when she got really irritated and asked Kola to leave her alone if he loved his life cos her fiancée was a notorious gang lord, Kola laughed it off.
Just before we left the fiancée arrived with his entourage, I recognized him from his picture in the daily’s, he was the no 1 drug lord/ gang boss in this part of the country , the crime unit had been after him for years but nothing seemed to stick. I saw the girl point at Kola, the fiancée looked our way and did a ‘I will slash you neck’ impression with his hand, I told Kola, he just laughed it off and gave the guy a ‘Finger.’ That made me really uncomfortable especially when the guy just smiled.
O before I forget I finally got club class tickets to joburg for Mrs. and I, am hoping I can still go with her, with Kola in a coma now, I pray he wakes up before then, everything on my mind bugging me, pales in comparison to Kola’s condition, I can’t even function properly until I know he is okay. Kola and I have known each other since we were babies, our parents were best friends , had us the same month , 1 week apart, I came first. Since then we have done everything together, schooling, working, well everything, except committing to one woman. Our parents still continue to be best friends and live on the same street up until date. He’s my brother and my best friend, Kola must not die…..hmmmmm

MRS- Today has been really scary for me Kola is hanging between life and death, doctors are not sure he’s going to come out of his come, he lost so much blood and he was stabbed very close to his heart, God help him, we have been in the hospital since 5am, just came back home to shower and get a bite to eat, my Mum in Law is spending a few days with her friends, so less chores for me.

I have never seen Mr., like this, he looks so helpless, I wish there was more I could do to comfort him, Kola is his brother, am not sure how he will cope if we lose him. I pray we don’t, that’s all I can say for now.
Here I am now, I can’t even remind Mr. of my ticket to Joburg, I will have to get it with my savings and claim it back from him later. But hang on, why am I being so self-centered, if Kola doesn’t wake up soon, how will I leave Mr. on his own? He will definitely need my morale support, if I don’t stay, I will definitely be tagged a bad wife. Thank God my Mother in law goes back home just before then, cos explain to her am traveling to joburg for a party, will be an upheaval experience.
And by the way am still a bit upset with Mr., this morning when we were going to the hospital, Mr. forgot his phone in the bedroom, he asked me to please go get it for him, as I picked it up a text came in from someone called Sandra, it read, “Hello love, am sure you are sober now, remember what you are missing, its available anyway, anytime”. I wonder what that is supposed to mean. I can’t ask him about it now, but he definitely has some explaining to do later. I really do hope it’s now what am thinking ….hmmmmm

Day 14

MR- Kola is still in a coma but at least the doctor say he’s stable. I’m sitting by his side worried sick, I have called his parents and they arrive today. They need to come and donate blood for him, unfortunately mine is not a match.
Mrs. is behaving a bit funny, I can’t put my finger on it, she’s been a bit snappy and preoccupied, but I promise you there’s something going on, am just too distracted to find out now but I will. I forgot to tell her I bought the tickets, will let her know when she comes back to the hospital later.
As I sit here by Kolas bed I have been reflecting on a lot of things going on in my life, life is so fickly, one minute you are here, the next you are gone. What have I even achieved in life, what have I done, if I die today, what will be said about my life spent on earth. Thinking about it, I can’t even think of anything significant. I don’t want to live life without a purpose or leave this world and not make a mark.
Once Kola comes out of this, which I know he will by God’s grace, we must make a promise to live a life of purpose, cos we can go anytime.
It’s amazing how when something bad happens, we remember to pray, I have prayed more times in the last 2 days, than I did in the past couple of years, shame on me. My life has been preoccupied with work, I have not given time to God, and I always have an excuse, too busy, too tired, I have an early morning meeting etc., but yet I find time to attend parties or go out with the boys, this has to change. I married a beautiful amazing woman but unfortunately she also seems preoccupied with other things of life, she hasn’t encouraged us to pray regularly or go to church either. Hang on a minute, before you crucify me, am not blaming her, am just saying, am the head of the house , I should lead and she follows , it’s just that where I err , she could help put me back on track, am sure you agree with me.

Don’t think am becoming religious all of a sudden the funny thing is that a grew up in a Christian household, very strict, my dad is a deacon, my mum a women leader in church, we went to church 3 times a week , Sunday service, wed, midweek service and Friday , night vigil, the minute I was old enough and I left home , I rebelled against the church, I confidently said I have gone to church so many times when I was a child, it should last me a life time, but surprisingly this incident with Kola has brought be back to reality. Why did I shut God out of my life?… Hmmmmm

MRS- Kola should please come out of this coma, it’s causing disruption in my life, Mr. doesn’t have time for me, he’s been in that hospital sitting by his friend since yesterday, and he didn’t even come home with me yesterday evening. I have to get some food and a change of clothes and take it to the hospital later. I pray God heals him quick o.
Don’t look at me like that, am not selfish am just trying to sort my own issues out, Pamela and Toke keep calling me for an update on our trip, they have bought their tickets and made arrangements for our hotel, but I have told them to be patient I will get back to them. I do hope when Kola’s parents arrive today, Mr. will come home and we can sort this matter out. And there’s still the nagging question of who this Sandra is.
Hmmm, last night, I was home alone, I had plenty of time to chat with Babs on messenger, it was so refreshing chatting with him after a long time, he’s still very romantic, my heart missed a beat when he said he’s already applying for jobs here and that once he gets back, we can get married, he believes he will be able to afford to take care of me then. I couldn’t tell him that I was already taken, I just sent a smiley face, am not wicked you know, on the contrary, I just feel it’s better said face to face….
I feel so terrible, but relieved at the same time, at least I get to see him soon, and I will straighten everything out then. I sit here comparing what it would have been like marrying Babs instead of Mr. I must admit they do have a lot in common , except one trumps one in the wallet department and the other in the bedroom department. Thinking about it, am not sure which I would rather do without, now that I have tested both options, I guess it’s obvious now that I made my choice……hmmmmm

Day 15-
MR- O my gosh, am so happy, Kola blinked twice yesterday afternoon, the Doctor said this means he’s slowly coming out of the coma, praise be to God. I sat next to him all day, reading the bible, I kept reading and reading, I found it so comforting, I hadn’t read the bible in years, surprisingly it addressed my own fears as well, I am currently on a 3 day fast for him, I remember God never fails, Kola will wake up with no brain damage, as this is on the list of what could go wrong once he wakes up.
His parents arrived yesterday, his dad wasn’t able to give blood because he was found to be anemic, his mums gave some but more was required. While we were still contemplating how to buy some blood from the blood bank, a young lady came in to see Kola, she was beautiful, elegantly dressed but at the same time had an innocence about her, she said hello to us and immediately laid hands on Kola and began to pray in tongues, she prayed for almost an hour, during her prayer was when Kola blinked.
After she was done, Kolas parents and I asked who she was, she looked at us and smiled saying “He’s my first love, he made me a woman, then left without a word. I had made a vow that the first man who makes love to me is the one I will marry. After he left, I prayed for years to find him and then just last week I ran into an old friend of ours, who told me where Kola worked, I was at his office yesterday and was told he was here in hospital, so I came to see my husband, he doesn’t know it yet but we are meant to be together. When we were dating, a man of God prayed for us and told us we will be married and have a fruitful life. Kola just laughed it off but I could tell the man was telling the truth. Since Kola left, no one has asked me out, and I guess Kola is still single too? ”. I nodded my head in astonishment, his parents went over to her and hugged her and they seemed so happy, his dad looked at her and said “welcome to the family”. After that the day went great, not surprising though, her blood was a match, she gave all that was needed. The doctors have now put Kola’s chances of recovering at 90%, that’s so good compared to the 30% to 40%, it was predicted at before. Thank God.

Oh, I told Mrs. I got her ticket yesterday, I saw the way her eyes lit up, it reminded me of the day I proposed to her, she’s so beautiful, I love her so much, I really do want her to be happy, I pray Kola wakes up before the weekend so I can go with her to joburg and spoil her some more, I haven’t told her am coming along , I want it to be a surprise, am sure she’ll be so happy…….hmmmmm

MRS- Yes, Yes, am so happy and I just can’t hide it, I got my ticket for joburg yesterday, Business class, Mr. is a darling, he has aloes promised me shopping money. I do feel a bit guilty, why you ask? Well I know am determined not to have anything physical with Babs but the fact that I lied to Mr., hmmm, that makes me seem so cold and deceitful. But am not, am just considerate of others feelings, I feel Babs deserves a gentle let down. Am sure you will agree with me or don’t you?
O did I tell you, Babs asked me what sort of engagement ring I would like or would I prefer to pick one out myself, once he gets back? I intentional avoided the question, I just sent a message back saying, “let’s talk about that late”. This is beginning to get more complicated, he doesn’t even know am coming over.
My Mum in law came back home yesterday, trouble is brewing I can feel it, she brought home a takeaway rice bowl with vegetable sauce, she said friend no 1, bought it for her and she decided to heat it up and eat it at home. Guess what she gave it to me to heat for her, when I looked at the label, voila, it was from the same restaurant I get my food from, o my gosh , My Mum in laws friend is trying to proof herself right by destroying my life, I reject it.
I quickly poured the food in the bin, told my mum in law it was off, I dished her some of the fried rice I just got to take to Mr., he just called to tell me he was fasting anyway, so no lunch. She was fine with it. That was a close shave, why is this Friend no 1 out to get me, I guess it’s because my Mum in law all but called her crazy when she said my food tasted like Mama Rose restaurants food.
Now she’s on a mission to proof herself right, okay, if that what she wants the game is on, I need a new strategic, I feel a girlfriend meeting agenda no 2, to get rid of friend No 1, coming on, Babs engagement issue is already agenda No 1, I have a lot to do, I better get a move on ……hmmmmm

Day 16

MR- I feel so good today, I complete my fasting and prayer session. It’s been so exhilarating, I feel a new me coming on, anyway am sure I will evolve as the days go on.
Yesterday was good, Tammy, Kolas long lost girl, and I sat with Kola all day, we took turns reading the bible to him, for the first time in years my faith has increased tremendously, I now know for sure, that Kola will be alright. Tammy is an amazing girl, she told me about her life, her future plans and her hearts desires, I can see she will make a wonderful wife for Kola, I was a bit jealous of him, she’s the kind of woman who will stay with you through thick and thin, Kola is a lucky boy, I pray he realizes it.
The day could have gone perfectly, but a certain person showed up to say hello to Kola, and she all but caused a scene when she saw me sitting with Tammy, here is what happened-
Tammy and I were holding hands prayer, just then we heard a voice saying, “I see you have found yourself a new honey? What’s wrong with me, she’s not even as fine as me. I guess you need glasses to see well”. We ignored her and kept prayer, so she went on hissing, clapping her hands, she didn’t even care that we were in kola’s hospital room, when we finally finished praying she moved closer to Tammy and said, “hey you he’s taken, am the only side honey in his life and you can’t come from nowhere and try to edge me out, it won’t happen, so get stepping”. I immediately stood in between them, Tammy looked so shocked, then Sandra held my hand and said, “ honey , if it’s a church girl you want , I can be one you know, I know how to pray better than that”, pointing at Tammy.
I led her out of the room and out of the hospital into the car park, pleaded with her to go and that I will call her later, she made me promise several times that I will call, before she finally drove off. That girl is a witch, I know it, I must include her issue in my prayer points, even if I have to do another 4 day fast and pray to get her out of my life, I will.
I have been expecting Mrs., she hasn’t been to see me since yesterday morning, she popped in for a few seconds, said she was on her way to see her friends, Pamela and Toke, I tried calling her phone a couple of times it was busy, I hope she’s okay, I must make it up to her, I have been so preoccupied with Kolas situation I haven’t really had a lot of time for her, I do hope she understands.
We do have some meetings lined up in the office today, am glad I can leave Kola in Tammy’s capable hands. After the Sandra incident, I tried to explain and apologize, she told me to forget it, she understood. She’s so gentle ad understanding. Anyway I’ve got to go now, work is waiting, I just came home to shower and get ready for work.
Oh by the way , am not sure why, but I have been comparing Tammy to Mrs. and the difference is clear, I think am spending too much time with Tammy, tonight I sleep at home with Mrs.……..hmmmmm

MRS-Pamela and Toke are geniuses, I don’t know what I will do without them , their advice is always spot on, they have answers to all my problems, oh I know am blabbing but am just so happy they have come up with plans for all my worries.
First we discussed Babs and his hopes to be my future husband, Toke asked me a hard question, she said, “do you still love him”, on a normal day, I should have said, No immediately, but surprisingly I had to think about It for a while, I still didn’t give a straight answer, all I said was “well what’s love, I forgot about him once I married Mr. and then some events trigged his feeling in me, is that love? I don’t know, all I know is I love Mr. and I feel something for Babs”.
Pamela, looked at me and said, “Are you sure you will be able to tell Babs you are married once you see him? Cos the way you were gisting us about him buying you an engagement ring, if I didn’t know any better, I will say you’re in love with this guy?”, “Oh come on Pamela , I was just recanting what he wrote.”
Toke, jumped in and asked “so are we going or not”, I jumped up, smiled and said “yes we are, on Friday we are off to joburg business class style”, we all hugged and laughed. Pamela then said “hmmm, this is going to be a weekend to remember”.

After Babs issue was discussed , I wanted to table my Mother in laws friends no 1’s issue , but Toke said she had news, apparently, she took the business card the ex-governor guy gave me the other day, called him and now he’s meeting us in Joburg. She told the guy she was going for her birthday next weekend and the man invited himself, who does that? This man smells like trouble, Pamela and I didn’t find this funny and we told her that much. “Toke you know we are on a mission, this fake party thing was just an excuse to give our friend’s husband, what are you playing at?” Pamela said. “Don’t worry” Toke said, he’s promised to send me money tomorrow to pay for my birthday party in Joburg”, As if we had rehearsed it, Pamela and I said “what, are you crazy?’’….hmmmmm

Day 17

MR- “It doesn’t really matter how many times you reject me, what’s meant to be will be”. That’s what Sandra said to me once, she was referring to our imaginary relationship.
But in this case, it will never be. I try and try to get rid of this girl but she keeps popping up everywhere I go. I didn’t keep my Promise to get in touch, so she came looking for me in the office, the funny thing was that, she came dressed in a long skirt and blouse with a scarf, I didn’t even recognize her when she walked in, she had this cool demeanor about her, she said hello to me and sat down opposite me. You won’t believe it but I busted out laughing, I did continuously, she just sat there looking at me. it took me a whole 2 minutes to calm down then I turned to her and said ‘’ A leopard can’t change its spots, if you take old wine and pour it in a new bottle it would still be old wine, Sandra, dressing up to look innocent and holy won’t make you so, please leave my office cos am busy. To my surprise, she got up, said she was sorry and left. I did a double take, to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, what?, no come backs, no gesticulations, she just politely said sorry and left, “Hmmm, this Jezebel is up to something, I bind whatever it is in the Name of Jesus”.

Kola’s condition is getting better, he stirred a few times yesterday and the doctor said that means he’s slowly coming out of his coma. I could see how tired Tammy was, she had been with him for 2 days straight without leaving his side, not even to have a bath. I asked her where she was staying , she said she was meant to stay with a friend but she hasn’t had time to call her yet, I told her not to bother , she can come freshen up, rest and have something to eat at ours, I have already cleared it with Mrs. and she’s okay with it. She thanked me by giving me a hug and said I was a wonderful brother to Kola and she was glad she met me. The strangest thing happened when she hugged me though, this funny feeling came over me, and I had to gently push her away quickly, “What’s going on with me? I don’t usually fall for woman this easily, am I actually having feelings for her? Noooo, that’s not possible, she’s just a nice girl I like”. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, dropped the lunch I took for her, promised to come back later, to take her to the house and left.

On the drive back to the office, I called Mrs., asked her if Tammy could stay, she said yes so quickly and dropped the phone, “what’s up with Mrs.? She’s been snappy, irritable and preoccupied”. With that I decided to drive home instead, today, we must get to the bottom of this.
As I walked into our bedroom, I could see she was busy concentrating on her laptop, as soon as she saw me she shut it quickly, I ignored that and asked what was up with her. She claimed it was just house work and chores. Okay, I agreed with her, even though I could feel strongly it was something deeper, I asked her to recall the helps and that I would clear it with my Mum, I believe she had proven herself worthy of my Mum’s approval. As for Mrs., am sure I will find out soon what she hiding, Trust me……..hmmmmm

MRS- Mr. called to ask if it would be okay for Tammy to come spend the night at our place, I said it was fine. The truth is I couldn’t be bothered either way. At that minute I was busy chatting with Babs, he had just asked me if I would marry him once he gets back?, Marry, oh my gosh, I felt so heartless, my mind was so muddled up, I couldn’t respond, that was when Mr.’s call came in, I wasn’t really concentrating on what Mr. was saying, I just said Yes and put down the phone, didn’t even bother to find out if he was on his way home.
I had enough on my plate. My Mum in Law requested for another round of vegetable soup yester night , she wanted me to cook it last night so she can have it on its own this morning, she said she feels a bit constipated and that veg is a natural laxative. I didn’t sleep until 12 midnight, I had to drive around looking for vegetable soup with stock fish, my usual restaurant was about to close when I got there, they had sold out their vegetable and stock fish, unfortunately they didn’t have any in the freezer, it was too late to go to the market, so was left with driving around trying to find some. You might be wondering why I didn’t just tell her I didn’t have ingredients to cook it immediately. Don’t bother, when she was coming over to visit us she brought everything, trust me whatever she asks for she defiantly knows we’ve got it cos she brought some. I finally got some from a late night restaurant, the chef had to practically throw something together for me in a hurry , for that I had to pay double, I didn’t really care about the money, at least I got the soup.
This morning she complained about the soup , that it was too salty, and didn’t have enough stock fish, usually I would apologize but today I just said “mum please manage it, I’ve got to go out now” she looked at me surprised and continued eating, I guess she was shocked at my response and decided to let me be.
My mind was still piecing together how to reply to Babs question ,I left him hanging since yesterday evening, I was about to type a response to Babs on messenger, when Mr. walked in, I immediately shut my laptop and said Hi, fortunately he ignored the laptop and asked me what was going on with me. I said “nothing my darling, I’ve just been a bit stressed with the house work, cooking and coming to the hospital, I’ll be fine, how’s Kola doing and where’s Tammy?”
I didn’t even give him a chance to talk about me, his response was cool, he said Kola was out of the worst and he will go pick Tammy later. Phew, I dogged the bullet on this one. Mr., just said if I say it’s just the stress then he believes me, he asked me to recall the house helps and the chef, he will explain to his mother, after all, this is his house not hers. With that he went back to the office. For me it was mission accomplished, I killed 2 birds with 1 stone, still had one more to kill……..hmmmmm

Day 18
MR- Hallelujah, Kola is awake, he suddenly opened his eyes, while I was there to pick Tammy, he was a bit dazed for a few minutes but immediately he set eyes on Tammy, he was so happy, unknown to us he had been regretting his decision to leave her, he actually thought she would have gotten married, that’s why he never went to look for her. The reunion was lovely, they hugged and kissed, Kola was back, he was a bit weak but he was still as witty as ever, we all thanked God together, Kola insisted that Tammy go home with me, to get some rest, since he was awake now and out of danger.

Tammy, cried for joy all the way home, she was so happy Kola had accepted her immediately and put up no resistance. Just before we left the hospital, Kola’s parents came to see him, we left them there. When we got home, Mrs. had gone out but my mum was home. Mum complained to me about being hungry, she said Mrs. went out to get something since and has not returned. Tammy offered to see what she could rustle together quickly for mum to eat, she went into the kitchen, 30 minutes later, she came out with amazing semolina and vegetable soup, my mum’s favorite, we all settled down to eat, it was delicious, my mum, trust her, made a comment, saying, “Now this is home cooking, not like your wife’s food that taste like party food”. I looked at my Mum unapprovingly, but in my heart I knew she was right, Mrs. sudden cooking genius, baffled me as well, Mrs. could not cook to save her life, just as my Mother comes to stay, she suddenly turns into a super chef, cooking all sorts of dishes. I didn’t think of asking her how she managed to become an expert so fast, but I must admit, the thought did cross my mind that there was something or someone helping her secretly.
Anyway, now that Kola was out of his coma, I could go with Mrs. to Joburg, without worrying about leaving my friend helpless. He’s awake , doing fine, got his parents and best of all Tammy, so that definitely frees me up to take a weekend break with my Mrs., We need this break, I feel a disconnect between Mrs. and I , I believe a weekend alone should knock us right back on track……hmmmmm
I called Mrs., her phone just rang out, she had been away from the house for a couple of hours, no one knew where she was and she was not picking up her calls. As I sat there eating Tammy’s food, I reflected on my developing feelings for Tammy, I could tell they were just platonic, she had come on the scene just as I was reconnecting with God and these past few days I’ve spent with her, she has helped me understand the bible better and how to pray to get answers, am glad she showed up when she did. Mrs. surely has a few things to learn from her.
Half way through our darling Mrs. Walks in, looking so stressed, she says hello to everyone and rather than join us on the dining table, she goes straight to the bedroom. Normally I would get up, follow her into the room to find out what the matter was but this time I felt she was taking liberties, with our guest and my mum sitting at the table the least she could have done was come over to apologize for taking so long to get back, enquire how everyone was doing, then excuse herself properly, before going to the bedroom. This time am just going to ignore her, I know how she hates it when I don’t bother about her feelings, that will teach her to do the right thing next time……..hmmmmm

MRS- Speaking of birds to kill, this one bird was proofing very stubborn o. I drove around our estate for over an hour trying to come up with ways to “”kill”” it, I also didn’t want to go back home to face my mum in law and her wahala, I thought to myself, if she gets really hungry she can eat toast.
In the last couple of days I have dug myself deeper and deeper into this Babs issue, because of Mr.’s absence from home, I’ve had a lot of time on my hands especially at night, I’ve sat up every night for the last 2 days chatting with Babs, the more I chatted, the deeper I got, I have technically been stringing the guy along, knowing that am married and cannot marry him as well. This joburg idea, is really giving me stress, not sure what to do, I care about Babs buy I love Mr. Honestly I do, don’t think I don’t, I’ve been asking myself if am doing the right thing by going to see Babs, with the way am feeling, am not sure I can fully control myself around him.
I know you must be thinking am crazy, she has an amazing husband, caring, loving, compassionate and generous, and what else is she looking for? , please do try and understand, I strongly believe in my heart that I need to do this, to let Babs down gentle and get him out of my system once and for all.
Babs and I dated for 5 Years, he was caring, compassionate, God fearing but broke, and I tried to hang on in the relationship, until I couldn’t take it anymore, he was my first love, I really thought we were going to end up together. I remember the first time Babs and I made love, it was my first time, he was so gentle, we both cried at the end of it. That day he promised to love me forever and so did I. Then we grew up and love was no longer enough nor was it blind, in fact my love wore contact lenses, I could no longer be with a guy who had been struggling throughout our relationship, trying to sort himself out, he was also unable to take care of my needs, I needed a man who had money in his hands.
The funny thing is that I stayed out of the house for hours, just driving around, ignored Mr.’s call, when I finally got home I just said hello to everyone and went straight to my room. I could see that my mum in law, Tammy and Mr. we’re having lunch, I guessed Mr. had to get some takeout, since I was “”missing in action”. Surprisingly though, Mr. didn’t get up to follow me, which would have been his usual practice, he didn’t even respond to my greeting, he just stared at me unapprovingly, as if to say , “what do you think you are doing?”.
All I could think of at the moment was, “I really do hope I’m not about to bite off more than I can chew” ………hmmmmm

Day 19
MR-I honestly wasn’t aware that being married and trying to stay focused on your wife was a full time job. I am having to deal with 3 different woman, who through some fault of mine are still holding out for my marriage proposal, in actual fact it’s just 2 of them , the 3rd one is just crazy, she knows that am married, but still keeps coming at me. I am trying to get my Christian life back on track but am also aware that if I don’t deal with the issues relating to these woman who are still partly in my life and shouldn’t be , I would be taking one step forward and two steps back.
Mrs. and I made love yesterday, it was great, I guess cos we hadn’t in almost a week. It was actually spontaneous, not on my schedule. Don’t make fun of me, I just like order, I know I take it a bit too far sometimes but am trying to change. Anyway, Mrs. was lying on the bed when I came in, I decided to give her a back rub, one thing led to another and we made passionate love. The strangest thing happened though , all the crazy women in my life kept flashing through my mind while I was making love to Mrs. I hate it, when that happens, it makes me feel like am cheating on Mrs., am glad I’ve made up my mind to confront my fears and sort all this mess out.
First things first, I’ve got to take my Mrs. away for a while, spend some time pampering her, I guess we could both do with some pampering. Am so looking forward to our trip tomorrow.
By the way I just remembered there was something I forgot to tell you. My Uncle Dave, popped round to see my mum yesterday before she left. While he was here, he decided to give me some very useful marital advice.
Youngman, he said, marriage is an institution, you might think you have it all figured out now, but nothing can prepare you for the challenges ahead. Just make God your focal point, trust each other, communicate and make each other your best friend, these will get you through. I was a bit surprised he didn’t mention love, so I pointed that out, he laughed, Love only last so long my boy, what holds you together is the friendship, trust me on this. I didn’t quite agree with him but I said okay. I also thought to myself, he has been happily married to one woman for 30+ years, he must have a pretty good idea of what it takes to stay married and be happy.
Also yesterday, Kola surprised us all, he proposed to Tammy and she said yes, whoa, am so excited, he wants them to go to the registry as soon as he’s out of hospital. The doctors have said they need to observe him for at least another week.
Kola’s parents were so happy, although his Mum was initially a bit upset that she won’t get to call all her friend to her Son’s wedding but Kola dosed that fear by promising a white wedding for some time next year. I, on my part, as best man, promised to host everyone to an amazing dinner and dance to celebrate after we leave the registry. I must really make it a night to remember……hmmmmm

MRS- You won’t believe am already packing my bags for the trip, its taking longer than usual, cos am trying to look my best for this meeting, I haven’t seen Babs in close to 3 years, I need to look my best, I guess I justified this by thinking at least he will know Mr. is taking good care of me.
Mr. and I made love yesterday, it was so good, Mr. came into the room, ignored my sulking and just started to rub my back, this lit my whole body up and before we knew it we were making hot passionate love, all my sulking melted away for the time being, surprisingly I didn’t think about Babs at all, it was that good. I am beginning to feel that making love almost every day is not as exciting and enjoyable as when you have not made love in a few days. I think I like this side of Mr., maybe I judged him too quickly, to think my misjudgment was what got this Babs issue started…..
O Yeah, Kola proposed to Tammy, that was fast, he’s barely out of his coma, I hope he knows what he’s doing. Tammy seems like a good girl anyway, although I must admit am happy he’s finally getting hooked, cos I worry sometimes when he and Mr. go out on their boys night out, he a single guy and Mr. a married man…….you fill in the dots.
And my most embarrassing experience of all, not sure if I told you but My mum in law leaves today, yesterday, she called me into her room for a mother daughter talk, she called it, she thanked me for all my effort to please her and you won’t believe it , she then thanked me for all the food I bought form Mama Rose restaurant, I was gobsmaked , I didn’t even realize my mouth was open, she just said , “it’s okay dear, I know I come across as a very stern mother in law , but am not, I just want the best for my son, the fact that you were willing to go through all that stress to please me, shows me that you are a good wife, and you have my full seal of approval”. She then added, “I found out on the first day I arrived, I was coming to the kitchen to get a glass of water, I saw you empty the egg sauce into the wok and the yam into the pot”. I was so ashamed I had been found out and so relived at the same time. She gave me a hug and advised me to get Tammy to teach me how to cook something’s. “Let’s keep my son out of this, this will be our little secret, am sure next time I visit you will really cook for me”. With that she walked out of the room, into the car waiting to take her back home……..hmmmmm

Day 20
MR- I need to stop being a chicken, man up and call Teni and Jane to break up with them formally. What do you mean you are already married, you say? Well yes, I am married but I just got it into my thick skull that I never actually broke it off formally with my 2 ex-girlfriends. O come on, don’t look at me like that, and I sincerely have not had anything to do with them since I got married. As for Jane , no problem, a phone call, an email or even a text to let her down gentle should do, she’s always been patient , why didn’t I get married to her you ask?. Well I don’t know, she was just too English for me. Born and raised in England, lived there most of her life, I met her when I went for my masters in England, she was an undergraduate, we hit if off immediately, in short, she made my stay in very pleasurable. When I was returning to my country, she wanted me to stay but I promised to come back often, which I did, until I got married.
As for Teni, hmmm, that’s another story, I met her at my old job right before Kola and I started our own company she was smart, beautiful and ambitious. I thought, this was the kind of woman I want by my side every day of my life. Barely a month into our relationship she started exhibiting all kinds of strange traits I hadn’t noticed before, she became possessive, domineering, opinionated , she was simply out of make matters worse she smoked and drank like a fish.
I remember an incident at a company dinner, she got so drunk she vomited right three on the banquet table in from of our all our coworkers and clients, I believe that was one of the reasons she left the company and eventually relocated to Canada.
We kept in touch for a long time, I even went over to see her a couple of times, why you ask?, well I couldn’t tell you, but as crazy as she is, she’s the kind of girl you love being around when she’s cool, she once gave me a dirty slap because I upset her, I couldn’t hear for days from that ear. You don’t want to be on her bad side, I would definitely be emailing her to let her know I’m breaking up with her. I got an email from her the other day but mistakenly deleted it, not sure what it said. I hope it had nothing to do with her coming back.
Am sorry. I’ve been blabbing on a bit, forgot to update you on what went on yesterday, too late now, I’ll fill you in tomorrow……hmmmmm

MRS-My heart hasn’t stopped pounding since yesterday evening, I don’t know what the matter is exactly, am all packed ready for my flight tomorrow morning. I went out for lunch with Pamela and Toke yesterday, all they could talk about was our trip, how much shopping they were going to do, I heard them talking but I was not listening, Images of Mr. and Babs kept flowing through my mind, I kept rehearsing what I will say to Babs when I first see him, what will I do when he tries to kiss me? How would I break the news and when? , will it be the first time I see him or when we are about to fly back home, so many questions and so few answers.
While still lost in thought, Toke dropped a bomb shell, I was definitely all hears when it dropped, the ex-governor guy, invited her out and when she was leaving he gave her $15,000 dollars for her birthday party, he took a rain check. He said something came up, so he wouldn’t be able to fly down but Toke should enjoy the party with her friends. She said he promised her a birthday gift when she got back.
We don’t get this man, who waste money like that? I asked if they slept together, she said no, “he didn’t even give me a peck”, she said. Pamela was a bit uneasy, she suggested he might be a ritualistic and asked Toke not to spend it, she just laughed and said the charm can’t get on a plane, the fact that she’s spending it in Joburg the charm won’t work.
After lunch, we promised to meet at the airport 2 hours before our flight, Mr. is dropping me off, and I just have to remind him to get ready early. I left the girls and drove straight home, when I got their Mr. wasn’t back, my mum in law had left, the house was really quiet, I went to check on my laptop for messages, I saw that Babs had sent 3. I decided I would read them when I settled down, just then my phone rang and it was my mum. She hadn’t called me since after the wedding and I didn’t bother to call her either, she wanted me to come over this weekend to see her, I told her I was not going to be around, she started on me about how I don’t have time for her , she was really sulking now, just like I do when I need attention from Mr., in my mums case, her husband was dead, so she needed all the attention she could get, I guess, like mother like daughter………hmmmmm

Day 21,
MR- Oh, well, the day started off great. When I woke up Mrs. was already dressed and seated at the dressing table, she all but ordered me to get up and get ready. She seemed to be in a good mood, I was more excited but I guess that was because I knew something she didn’t. I was so looking forward to 4 days of rest and fun with Mrs., best of all I was about to pull off one of the biggest surprises I have ever pulled on Mrs.
Mrs. had reminded me several times yesterday morning that we need to be at the airport 3 hours before the flight. I was already geared for that, I had sneaked my luggage into the car boot, the night before, I was determined to keep the surprise, until the last minute.
Anyway, I got my official driver to take us to the airport, Mrs. didn’t suspect anything, even though I hardly like to be driven, the company driver, usually drives the marketing staff. Due to traffic we got to the airport just under 2 hours to the flight, not surprising, Toke and Pamela where already there waiting for Mrs. I collected all their passports and tickets went to check them in, I also checked myself in. We then proceeded to the VIP lounge, my being allowed to go with them wasn’t surprising, I had already elicited help from a staff of the airline, to come over to us and say “Sir, you can go to the lounge with madam, here is a lounge pass for you”, that did the trick.
We got to the lounge , had something to eat, then just gisted until it was time for the flight, As soon as our flight was called, I asked Pamela and Toke to go ahead and board the plane, I needed to use the gents. Once I was back from the gents, I walked Mrs. towards the boarding pass check point, she turned round to hug and kiss me good bye, as she spun around ,I held up my boarding pass and shouted surprise, am coming along with you……..the next thing I knew , she was on the floor , she had fainted…………..hmmmm

MRS-I didn’t sleep all night , I actually woke up at 4 am to have my bath and get dressed, I had butterflies in my tummy, couldn’t even eat anything, I just sat at our dressing table watching the clock. So many thoughts went through my mind, what if I can’t resist him? What if he decides to propose when he sees me? What if? So many questions but no satisfactory answers. I thought about is some more then I got some kind of inner peace when I remembered my 2 closest friends and confidants, were coming along with me, they will be very helpful, I thought to myself.
I took out a piece of paper and began to write what I intended to say to Babs-
My dear Babs am sorry. I do still love you but am just not in love with you. We had too many differences and my decision to marry another had nothing to do with you, it was all me, I had to come tell you face to face, couldn’t break your heart over the phone, you were wonderful to me when we were dating, am so sorry, I know God will provide a woman that will love and cherish you, as much as you do her.
It sounded a bit soppy, but soppy, I must be, if I was to let him down gently. I was going over the note, when I heard Mr. Call me, he wanted to know what time it was, I told him it was time for him to get up and get ready.
The trip to the airport was frustrating, we left home early but the traffic was horrendous, we got to the airport just under 2 hours to our flight. Pamela and Toke had called loads of times asking where I was, they were already waiting. Mr. got a member of the airline staff to check us in, he was also able to get a lounge pass to wait with us.
The girls and I weren’t able to gist fully about everything we intended cos of Mr.’s presence but we took comfort in the fact that we had a long flight ahead of us, in business class and plenty time to talk. As soon as our flight was called, Mr. asked Pamela and Toke to go ahead and board the flight, he needed to use the gents. Once he was back, he walked me to the boarding pass check point, at that moment I turned round to hug and kiss him bye bye….instead of his lips confronting mine, the last thing I remember was seeing his boarding pass for the flight, him shouting “surprise my love, Am coming with you” and me falling to the ground with a load bang..……..hmmmmmm

Day 22

Day 22

MR- Am really hurting badly, I don’t feel like writing in you today Diary but it helps when I share my day with you. Anyway right now I am so mixed up, Mrs. fainting , we rushing her to hospital , all that , and now we are back home and am still really confused, why you ask? Well here it is.
Mrs. slumped at the airport, this caused quite a bit of commotion, we got an ambulance immediately and rushed her to the hospital, obviously the flight left without us, Pamela and Toke on board, that wasn’t even the issue, the painful part for now and which I really do need an explanation for, is why Mrs. woke up calling the name Babs!,Babs!.
Come to think of it I am still baffled at her fainting just because of the surprise of me going with her, I was so scared when she passed out I actually think it might be something very serious, the doctors have said it was just shock, but she also seems to have amnesia, I have asked them to carry out additional test on her. I feel really bad for putting her through this with my surprise, I could have just told her.
Main while her friends had to go on to joburg without her. Mrs. is going to miss the birthday party, I asked if she would still like us to go join them today, she said no, she wasn’t up to traveling and that she was feeling unwell, I hope it’s nothing serious , the result of the test should be out today, we can talk about this Babs issue later, for now I kust need my Mrs back to normal……..hmmmmm

MRS- I can believe they left without me…, it’s still like a dream, somebody wake me up, do you know how much planning and stress went into me getting to this day, and just as I want to step on the plane , this happens?. Anyway that’s not the issue for now, you won’t believe the trouble am in now?
Mr. has been asking me continuously, “Who is Babs?” Apparently when I came out of my fainting palaver, I was saying the names, Babs, Babs , for now am pretending like I don’t know what he’s talking about, am putting on this low voice, as if I can’t talk properly. Partly why Mr. has ordered the doctors to carry out some more test on me to determine if there is any serious reason why I fainted all of a sudden. Between you and I , I didn’t actually faint, I just fell to the floor and stayed still, like an actor, that was the only way I could think of to prevent Mr. and I getting on the Plame. Oh stop looking at me like that, if you were in my shoes, you would do the same. The only thing I can’t explain is why I mistakenly called out Babs name twice, I guess I really must have hit my head when I fell?
I keep imagining what would have happened if he came along?, first we would have been forced to have a fake birthday party, then seeing Babs will be out of the question, or what if we do bump into Babs?. Please, please, don’t judge me until you walk in my shoes, I just did the logically thing, feign, fainting , and my feign saga has not ended yet, am still feigning amnesia, “ Who”?, is what I keep saying, when Mr. asks me , who is Babs?.
I can tell Mr. is really being patient about all this now, he’s been taking it easy with me, Am not sure how long this ‘selective amnesia’ has to last for, but I do have to drag it on as long as I can. I still can’t believe it, I really can’t, Mr. coming on the trip, oh no , the devil is a lair, thank God I fainted , what would I have done if I didn’t and we actually got on the flight, oh my gosh!. Am so unhappy right now, I just want to feign being ill for a while, at least that will cover up for the crappy way am feeling now. Pamela and Toke have already called so many times this morning to find out what happened but I have been ignoring their calls, I guess I will call them later. What am I going to do now? Right now I feel like screaming, awwwh!!!.
Mr. is here pampering me thinking I am really ill, well in a way I am, my heart hurts, I thought by the end of this weekend I could move on with my life, I truly believed that seeing Babs, one last time and telling him face to face that I got married will put paid to that. You can’t understand how I feel , so don’t start blaming me or asking me to forget about the trip, I need this like I need water . I know you could call me silly, ignorant, whatever!!. I just need to sulk for a couple of days, am sure my confidant’s will come up with another plan, but for now everything is on hold and I mean everything ……….hmmmmm

Day 23

MR-We are drifting apart, something is not right, Mrs. and I need to talk, I can’t seem to get this issue of her calling another man’s name when she regained consciousness, fainting just because I was coming along on her trip and this protracted illness, when the test have confirmed there is nothing wrong with her. The doctor even suggested we see a psychologist cos Mrs. Illness seems to be in her mind. I haven’t told her all this, I really don’t know how she will react, but am really bothered.
I drove out of the house yesterday, I couldn’t deal with Mrs. Attitude, she was moody and non-responsive, she just lay on the bed looking at the ceiling, I tried to talk to her, she just nodded. I got to the hospital, Kola was up, walking around, looking so much better, the only sign of the accident was a big dressing on his body where he had been stabbed. As I walked in Tammy was leaving for church, she invited me to come along, I obliged asked Kola if he didn’t mind me leaving him immediately I came in to see him, he said it was fine, we should just pray for him.
On our way to church Tammy noticed I was too quiet, she asked what the matter was, I narrated my ordeal with Mrs. over the past couple of days. She asked me not to worry that her pastor will come home after service and pray for Mrs. After Service the pastor came home, prayed with Mrs., he then asked us to excuse him and her, Tammy and I left them in the room, 15 minutes after, he came down stairs and said to me, God has taken control, All is well. He left with Tammy.
I sat there thinking about my life as a young married man, I tried to remember my parents’ marriage and how my dad would have handled a situation like this. My dad was a disciplinarian, a man of God, but he was fair. I hardly ever heard him raise his voice to my mum, he always said to me “Son, women are meant to be pampered, never raise your voice to a woman, if push comes to shove, go on your knees and ask God for wisdom”. My parent have lived a happy life, for the last 30 something years.
I went on my knees and started praying for my marriage, Mrs, her health and wisdom, I prayed for about 10 minutes , then I sat on the couch reading this bible passage over and over again-
“Be completely humble and gentle; Be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace.”- Ephesians 4:2-3
– If a husband and wife are humble, patient, gentle, and selfless in a relationship this will cause less confrontation and arguments. This verse reminds us to keep calm and do as Jesus would do.

Barely 30 mins after I had finished praying, Mrs. came down, she had dressed up and looked great, I was so delighted to see her, up and looking better, I shouted Hallelujah, we hugged, Kissed and said sorry to each other, her hug felt so good. At that moment, I could feel that we were definitely going to be fine, Praise be to God Almighty…….hmmmm

MRS- My mum called again today, she wants to come over to our home, if I refuse to go and see her. Am not refusing, it’s just that my mum can be so selfish a times, now she’s calm, but when we were growing up she was a terror to everyone including my Dad.
My mum treated everyone badly, I still believe her stress, killed my father, she will shout, swear, nag and ill-treat everyone except me. But surprisingly that didn’t win her any favors with me, the more she pampered me, the more I didn’t like her. On the other hand I loved my dad and my paternal grandma, my grandma was the sweetest woman ever, my mum will maltreat her when my dad went out or travelled , she will pretend to be nice to her when my father was around, I wanted to tell my Dad the truth but my grandma forbade it. one day, after my mum had just finished yelling at my grandma, she said to my mum, “ everything you do to me , your child we do the same to you”, my mum went ballistic, screaming at my grandma saying she was causing her , bla bla . My grandma just smiled and looked at her and said, “Why do you think it’s a cause, if you treat me good your child will treat you good, if you treat me bad, your child will also do the same to you.
From that day, I vowed that I would treat my mum exactly the same way she treated my grandma, and that’s how it’s been , although she’s having it easy because at least we are taking care of her, Mr. send her money regularly and pays her bills.
Tammy came to invite Mr. to church yesterday, they came back home with a pastor. The pastor came specifically to pray for me, when he was done he asked to talk to me privately, once Mr. and Tammy had excused us, he looked at me and said, “Sister while I was praying for you, the spirit of the Lord revealed to me that you are currently pretending to be ill”. I was so shocked I admitted it immediately, he then asked me why?, I couldn’t answer, I just all of a sudden started to Sutter. The pastor, then asked me to repent and stop tormenting Mr. He also said I need to give my life to Christ, so that all I do will be fruitful.
After the pastor left, I got a bit scared, I wondered how he knew I was pretending, I also felt so bad and decided to listen to his advice. I went downstairs to where Mr. was sitting, Tammy had left with the Pastor. MR. turned round and saw me up and looking all better, he shouted
‘Hallelujah’, God is good, the prayers worked. He was delighted, he didn’t ask me about Babs , he just held me and said he was sorry, I said I was sorry too, he didn’t ask me what I was sorry for, but I think we understood each other, we just cuddled up and I felt warm and calm all of a sudden, I could feel everything was going to be alright.
I have made a decision to defriend Babs on face book, so he won’t be able to get in touch with me, I have also not picked up Pamela and Toke’s calls, they get back this evening, they will find out I have decided to move on, they better come along too or else ……..hmmmmm

Day 24
MR- Whoa!, yesterday was amazing, I left work early to take Mrs. out. We decided to go to a day Spa. It was exhilarating. We had a massage, a mud bath and facials, from there, we went to have dinner and headed home for an explosive love making session. We were back, Thank God. Well that was the great part. Before all that, something crazy happened in the office and I need God and Kola, to get me out of it in one piece, here it is-
I got to the office yesterday morning very early, because I hadn’t been regularly for a while, with Kola’s accident and Mrs. Illness and also I had decided to leave work early to take Mrs. out. I instructed my PA, Tony, “he’s great, by the way” to cancel all my appointments for the day, I didn’t want to see anybody, which was the standing instruction. I needed to catch up with work.
The day was going quietly, I called Kola, he gave me the good news, that he’s going to be released early tomorrow, his full body scan and MRI had shown everything was good. That was great news, I also knew we needed to start getting ready for the registry wedding. I called Mrs. to inform her I would be home early, cos we were going out, she was delighted and promised to be ready before I got home.
With all my calls made, I settled down to work. A couple of hours into my work, my door buzzer rang, I picked it up, it was my PA and he sounded so stressed. I buzzed him in , he came running towards me and said “Am sorry Sir, I know you said you don’t want to be disturbed but there is a lady out there, she has been yelling and quarreling with everyone demanding to see you, she claims she flew in this morning just to see you Sir”. I asked what her name was, Tony said, “she wouldn’t say Sir, she actually just gave me a dirty slap, when I kept insisting you were busy and didn’t want to be disturbed and Sir, she actually says she’s your fiancée?”. With that I almost fell off my chair, I started to sweat, it was unbelievable, I pulled myself together, aware that Tony was looking at me really confused, I asked him to stall her and bring her in, in 10 minutes.
As soon as my PA left my office , I packed up my Laptop, put it in my briefcase , picked up my phones and slipped through the back door, got in my car and drove straight to the hospital to see Kola. My phone kept ringing, it was my PA , I ignored it, I guess he must have brought the lady into my office and I was nowhere to be found, one thing was sure, I know he will never give her my no, I just hope she doesn’t maim the poor boy .
I got to the hospital looking all flustered, fortunately Tammy wasn’t there and I just collapsed on the chair in Kolas room and said “Bro, am died”. He asked me to calm down and tell him what the matter was. I narrated the whole thing to him and once I was done, he looked at me and said, “Oh! No, not Teni?” I looked up at him and with a mousy voice said “Yes it is”. We both sat still for a while, as if trying to digest the whole wahala that was about to unfold, thinking of how to sort the mess out. After a few minutes Kola asked me to pull myself together and go home, “Take Mrs. out, to distract you from this mess, as soon as am discharged early tomorrow morning we will come up with a plan to handle it”. With that I left the hospital and drove home to pick up Mrs. ……..hmmmmmm

MRS- Am so happy, I feel giddy with excitement, Mr. and I are doing great, he took me out yesterday evening, we had a mud bath, massage and facials too, he even got me an amazing evening dress. We then proceeded to have candle light dinner, the ‘piece de resistance’ was our love making session at home, it was good, refreshing and exciting, I find that anytime we stay off love making for a while, the comeback is usually explosive. That was the latter part of my day, the early part was impossible, I truly don’t want to believe it’s what am actually thinking, well here is what happened-
After seeing so many missed calls from them, I finally decided to call back. Pamela sounded so excited on the phone, she said she had plenty gist for me and a special surprise. I said I had gist for them too, I was thinking what could her surprise be, I hope it’s something I like. I decided this would be the best time to ask them to please forget about this Babs issue and I don’t want anything to do with him ever again. So I decided to go over to her house, after Mr. left for work.
I got ready, drove the whole 30 minutes journey feeling peaceful and thankful for Mr., all I wanted to do was get my friends to understand my decision, and if they didn’t , well that might just end our friendship, I thought to myself. I got to Pamela’s house, drove into the compound and parked the car. I went up to her apartment, pressed the doorbell. She opened it ushered me in, Toke was also there. They both hugged me, we exchanged pleasantries, I also apologized for not picking their calls. We then started to gist about their trip and they showed me all they bought, they got me some stuff too, it was in a big Debenhams carrier bag.
I then asked which of the stuff in the bag was my surprise?, Pamela got up , asked me to shut my eyes, as she walked into her bedroom to get it, I heard her come back, she asked me to open my eyes , and voila, right there in front of me …….., I looked up, saw a guy standing there, didn’t even bother to look at his face, I got up, picked up my bag, ran out of the apartment, got in my car and drove, am not sure how I got home , my phone was ringing , I didn’t even look at it. As I got home, I ran into my room, laid on my bed and cried.
After a while, I looked at my phone 15 missed calls all from Pamela, I ignored it, I looked at the time it was almost time for Mr. to get here, I got up, pulled myself together, Mr. mustn’t find me like this, I went into the bathroom to have a bath, when I came out, I got ready, went downstairs, switched on the telly and waited for Mr.……..hmmmmmm

Day 25

MR- ‘Calm down’, ‘calm down’, that’s what keeps coming into my head, how can I be calm? , I’ve just been accosted by the jezebel of all jezebels, Teni, hmmm.., only if you know what this girl is capable of. You might think am a chicken, well, I don’t care, cos am not, I just can’t deal with this girl’s issue right now.
Carried away with my thoughts, I didn’t even hear the phone ringing, not until I picked it up to call the Kola, Did I notice he had called 4 times and left a text, asking me to come get him, he had been discharged. I didn’t sleep all night, yesterday, I was awake but my mind was focused on loads of scenarios. For some reason though Mrs. seemed restless too, I guess my not sleeping made her uncomfortable too, I kept turning and tossing. so did she. I struggled out of bed, got dressed and drove to the hospital
We went straight to Kola’s apartment. It was not until we got there and he asked me what did she look like now, that I realized I actually didn’t see her, Kola asked how I was sure it was Teni, I told him what Tony had said, the lady was yelling, gave him a dirty slap and said she just flew into the country that morning, who else fits that description?. Kola nodded in agreement but insisted he had to confirm it.
Kola came up with this brilliant idea, He will talk to her when she comes back to the office. Today, I should work from his apartment, by tomorrow she’ll be gone. He promised, he didn’t tell me what he was going to say and I didn’t ask.
Guess what happened, She came to the office first thing in the morning just before Kola got there. She asked my PA what time I usually get into the office, He said anytime, she wasn’t happy with the answer, she tried to pry my home address out of him, but he said he didn’t have it, she finally decided to leave but left a warning with my PA, “Tell him I’ll be back.”
Kola asked me to forget about her. “Teni did not come to the office when I was there, maybe she’s gone back”, he said. I shuck my head, “No she hasn’t, I know this girl and she doesn’t give up easily”
At that moment, it occurred to me that I was putting my life on hold for something I could handle, if I just ‘manned’ up. I thanked Kola for his help and told him I have decided to go to work tomorrow, if she turns up I would handle it. Just then a call came in on my phone, withheld no, I hurriedly gave it to Kola to pick up, my heart was beating fast, he answered the call and put on the speaker, the caller at the other end didn’t say anything, just kept breathing and laughing into the phone for a few seconds then dropped the phone, it was definitely a female voice, by that time my whole body was full of sweat and I knew I was in trouble, this was not going to be as easy as I thought………hmmmmmmm

MRS-No! No! No!, this cannot be happening to me, just when I thought my life was going perfectly well , this happens. Am I dreaming? Maybe I am, somebody wake me up, Please.
I went on like this all night, tossing and turning, Mr. couldn’t sleep either, I guess my restlessness affected him too, I can’t keep going like this. I’ve got to sort it out, I’ve got to talk to somebody, I can’t talk to Mr. about this and my only problem now, is my confidants are the culprits, in this instance. Wait a minute, was it really who I think? Babs, I didn’t even see his face, who else could it be?
I picked up my phone, I had 14 missed calls and a text from an unknown no, I decided to read the text, it read- “Baby, am so sorry I surprised you, Pam and Toke, told me you were meant to come with them to joburg but you fell ill at the airport, I felt so bad that you were coming to see me and fell ill, I decided to come back with them to see you. When I surprised you and you fled, I became curious, I asked the girls loads of questions and then they told me you got married. My love, am not upset, it doesn’t matter to me, you don’t have a child with this guy yet and you didn’t look like you were pregnant? , I love you so much, we can work something out, please call me on this no, am dying to talk to you, by the way, you looked amazing , please don’t leave me hanging like this , I need you. Your Babs”.
I sat there reading the texts over and over again, I couldn’t believe what I was reading. He needs me? We can work something out? Is this guy insane? What does he mean we can work something out? The devil is a liar, this is definitely the work of the devil, what am I going to do? Just then My Phone rang, it was my mum. I picked it up, she said she just called to tell me she was coming to our house over the weekend and before I could say anything she dropped the phone. I couldn’t be bothered with her right now, I had too much on my plate.
I sat there for a few minutes thinking, do I reply him? What do I say? My mind was racing. Why did Pamela and Toke bring him back?, they could have dissuaded him, told him in Joburg I was already married, although by the sound of his texts he won’t have cared. I know what I’ll do, am changing my no, Toke and Pamela wouldn’t dear bring him to my home. “I reject all this disruption in my life, in the name of Jesus”. With that, I got up, got dressed and went out to get myself a new phone no…….hmmmmmmmm

Day 26

MR- “I am Married”, 3 simple words, how hard can it be to just say them to someone, you ask?. Well, Yes, I know, and I will say them , I just need the right moment. Honestly, am not sure how I got here, but I don’t like where I am right now. Too much stress going on, I went on my knees yesterday to pray for wisdom and courage, to handle this situation. Here is what happened yesterday.
I got to the office early, Kola was already there, I called him into my office to pray with me, he was a bit shocked , he asked when I started praying, I told him , while he was in a coma, I got closer to God and I advised him to do the same. After we had prayed, we settled down to work. Around 10am, Tony, my PA came into the office saying the lady was around, I called Kola, Kola went to see her and take her to the hotel around the corner. We had agreed that it was better I spoke to her out of the office in case she starts to through a tantrum. Kola checked her into a nice suite, came back to the office to tell me the room no.
At lunch time, I went to see her with Kola. “Whoa!” she looked amazing, Kola only mentioned she had changed, he didn’t tell me how much. She had lost a lot of weight, gone down from a size16 to an 8, she was dressed much more fashionable than I remembered and her hair was dyed blonde. Very dramatic looking, as I walked into the room, she got up, walked towards me, hugged me so tight and planted a big kiss on my lips, “I have missed you so much my love” she said. I nodded nervously, complimented her, Kola also said hello and then we sat down.
We immediately noticed she was so happy, grinning , being very pleasant, Kola and I kept looking at each other, we were expecting a hostile reception, with yelling and arguments, but what we were currently confronted with, left us really confused, but all was about to be clarified. A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door, room service, a waiter brought in drinks and snacks, she had ordered in anticipation that we were going to come over. The waiter carefully laid all in front of us and left, then Teni got up, poured us each a glass of bubbly, then said “let’s celebrate”. Kola and I looked at each other, then asked at the same time, “celebrate, what are we celebrating?”. She smiled, moved closer to me, looked me straight in the eye and said “Our engagement darling, what else……….” hmmmmmm

MRS-Called my mum back yesterday, just remembered she called to say she was coming over, I really don’t want her to come to stay , if she insists, I might just insist she stays in an hotel. Am sure you are wondering what kind of child puts her um in an hotel? Well if you had mine, you would probably do the same.
My Mum , where do I begin?, she’s not like other Mums, she behaves like my sister, I guess because she had me when she was just eighteen, she still tries to blame me for stalling her career path, as if I implanted myself in her tummy. When I was growing up, she dotted on me, pampered me so much. I was not allowed to do anything, fortunately for her, my Dad was very wealthy , he inherited Money from his parents, as soon as his parents found out my mum was pregnant for him, they set my dad up, so that they both lacked for nothing. A few years done the line my Grandfather died, and a lot of what he had was tied to Bank loans and various creditors, they lost a lot and so my Grandma had to move in with us. That was when my mum started to ill-treat her. Anyway that’s a story for another day.
Back to my mum’s issue, my mum dresses like she’s still in her 20’s. She’s fond of wearing skimpy clothes, showing off all her cleavage, wearing G strings, etc. I see how dignified Mr.‘s mum is, I don’t want her parading herself in front of Mr. like that, he thinks highly of her now, but once she stays a few days and he gets to know her better, he won’t.

I sat at home all day, thinking , didn’t want to talk to anyone or see anyone, Mr. left for work early, he said he had a lot of work to catch up on. The maids and chef are back, Thank God, our home is now running normally, apart from my own issues, which am trying my best to shut out.
Just as I finished having breakfast , the gateman came into to say I had a lady guest called Aunty Pamela, I asked if she was alone, he said yes, so I ask him to show her in, Pamela came at me as soon as she walked in, calling me immature and unfair, I kept quiet, I thought of walking her out but decided to be patient, once she had finished ranting , I asked if she was done and invited her to sit down, I then asked her 1 simply question, “Pamela are you trying to ruin my marriage?”. The question shocked her, she was lost for words and she apologized and asked me to please hear her out.
She explained how Babs had not told them he was coming until he turned up at the airport, they actually ran in to him as they were boarding the plane, the next time they saw him was when they were waiting for luggage at the arrival hall. We were upset with him for not telling us he was coming, he apologized asked if we all stayed together and we lied and said you stay with your mum. “That’s how he came to stay with us”, she said. When you came to see us the other day, and we surprised you with him, and you fled, he grilled us about your reaction until we got so tired, we had to tell him you were married, “am sorry , please forgive us” she said.
“Am not upset you told him I was married, am upset you brought him, I was coming to tell you guys that I had decided not to get in touch with him anymore, I had deleted him from my face book, now he’s here, Now you tell me he says, he won’t move an inch from your home until I come over and talk to him, what am I going to do?” Pamela looked at me and said “it’s actually worse than that, he said you are his, and he’s not letting you go, without a fight”.
I couldn’t believe he still won’t let go even after he knows am happily married. “Please don’t let him know where I live and don’t give him my new no”. Pamela nodded and asked “You really don’t want to have anything to do with him again?”, “Yes!, I don’t”, “Okay then, let’s get rid of him, give me a couple of days, am sure I will come up with a master plan”. With that, she got up, gave me a hug, said everything was going to be fine and calmly walked out ……hmmmmm

Day 27

MR- I got up so fast and walked out of the room, Kola ran after me, caught up with me and asked me to calm down, “Don’t let her get to you, she’s just trying to ‘yank your chain’ and you are falling right into her hands”. I walked back into the room, Teni was sitting there smiling, didn’t say a word, she just kept drinking, “Teni, Am married”, I just blotted out the words, she looked up at me and said “So, how does that change anything?, am not asking your wife to leave , am just asking her to move a bit ,so we can share you, haven’t you heard the saying, “ A good thing isn’t meant for one person?”.
I was already in the car when Kola came down to meet me, “let’s get out of here now”, I yelled, he got in the car, scolded me for not ending this once and for all. We were already driving away when he said that, I immediately did a u turn and drove back to the hotel.
I got out of the car, went back to Teni’s room and said, “look here Teni, whatever we had together, was over long ago, I have made my choice , am happily married now, so you can’t just come from nowhere and say to me, we are getting engaged. Fine, am sorry I didn’t inform you I was married but now you know, please leave me alone and find your man somewhere else”. She let me finish, looked at me and smiled “Honey, if you think you are going to dump me that easy, then think again, I came all the way from Canada to get married to you and get married I will. Now get out, before I do something I will regret” she started yelling and moving towards me, she had a Champaign flute in her hand.
I knew she could stab me with it, so I backed away, until I got to the door, she caught up with me, technically pinned me to the door, she pushed up against me, put her lips on mine and her tongue found its way into my mouth, I froze, she continued to push herself against me, I found myself yielding initially but I pulled myself together, pushed her away and got out of the room. I could hear her laughing as I scrambled down the hotel corridor.
When I got back into the car , Kola asked me what happened , I told him I didn’t want to talk about it, he said “ that’s okay, but you better wipe that lipstick off your mouth”…….
Got home, after dropping Kola off, Mrs. was in our bedroom, I went into the guest room, looked myself over to make sure no more lip sticks stains were on me, then went up to say hello to her. I asked if she was okay, she said yes but she’s got to tell me something. Her mum was coming over for the weekend, asked me if I didn’t mind, “Why would I mind your mum staying over, it’s okay with me, if you are fine with it”.
All through our discussion, I wasn’t myself, I really didn’t want Mrs. to know anything was bothering me, How do I explain to her a lady from Canada has come to ask me to marry her. I never want to hurt Mrs. or break her heart, I love her so much, I have to protect her from all these crazy women. I remembered when I was still moving with the wrong crowd, there was this guy I knew, who told me in confidence once, that if I ever want to make someone disappear, I should let him know, he can make it happen just like that. I was thinking at that time, that as a last result, if Teni doesn’t back off, I might have to call him…….hmmmmm

MRS- Pamela is insane, she called me today with a crazy idea, o a normal day I would agree to it but I don’t think this situation warrants that sort of extreme measures now, here is what she suggested-
She has an uncle who is a senior military man. The uncle will pose as my husband, I would come over to Pamela’s house and pretend I really came to see Babs. While Babs and I are talking, my pretend husband will come in to look for me, see me with Babs and immediately call his boys to come pick up Babs for fraternizing with his wife. He will be taken to the barracks and locked up in the guard room for a while, maybe a week, get beaten daily, 12 lashes of the cane. Then on the 7th day, her uncle will get him brought to his presence and give him a stern warning not to call, talk, email, write or see me ever again, he should pack his bags this minute and go back to Joburg. If he ever again comes anywhere within 100 meters of his wife, he will be shot on sight.
Whoa!, I asked her how she came up with this plan, she smiled and said her uncle gave her the idea , when she narrated the situation to him, “ hold on, what happens if they beat him that much and he dies?” I asked. Well, they do it all the time, he won’t die. I looked at Pamela, smiled and said I would think about it for now.
Pamela asked me to make up my mind on time, cos she can’t take any more of Babs whining and stress in her house. I asked her to kick him out, she said she tried but he said he didn’t have anywhere else to go and he doesn’t want to stay in a hotel. “I gave him one more week to stay and I told him my finance who got me the apartment is coming back to town and he can’t be there when he arrives” she said.
Pamela left after lunch, she spent the better part of the day with me, plotting how I was going to get rid of Babs. Once she left, I went upstairs had a bath and waited for Mr. to come back home. Mr. came back, not to long after, he walked into the room all smiles, he was gentle, he kissed me, said he loved me, which he doesn’t say often, I almost felt like he was trying to reassure me. Anyway I took it all in my strides.
Right now there is only one thing on my mind, I am determined to make my marriage work and at this stage I will do anything to make sure that happens……hmmmmm

Day 28

MR-I have had a lot of experience at being a bad boy but I gave that all up, when I decided I wanted to settle down. Once I met Mrs.,I packed it all up, for good. I remember how I was, women everywhere, could afford anything, spent money as if I owned a bank, drove the latest jeeps and wore all expensive designer clothes. I was fortunate to hit it big, at a very early age, we got a contract with a foreign company, the contract was for 6 years, the payout was huge and in foreign currency, that’s actually what launched Kola and I into the big league. We have been blessed tremendously and we can’t complain,
The days of rascality are far behind me, I used to smoke pot, womanize , I even had a firearm I brought from abroad, please don’t ask me how I got it into the country, that’s for another day. The kind of people I moved around with at the time, where movers and shakers, they could get anything in or out, at the click of their finger.
I remember a friend of ours who disappeared all of a sudden, we later found out he had crossed one of the powerful man, on a deal. We were very ‘gentle’ from then on.
Being married, happily at that, is a whole different ball game, I have found that my utmost priority is to protect my wife and children, when they come. Everything else pales in comparison. I intentionally vowed to leave the crazy life behind and I did, with Kola in tow, we have not looked back since. Until now….and you know why?.
Am so excited Tammy and Kola are going to the registry next week, I can’t believe Kola is actually going to go through with this. The Kola I know has had so many future Mrs!, after a while I stopped counting. Well, am not being skeptically but before I burst out the champagne, I will see him sign the register.
Am really trying to keep it together, Teni called me so many times yesterday, I had to switch off my phone to stop Mrs. from suspecting anything. She sent me texts, upon texts apologizing and promising to leave me alone, if I would just come see her one last time. I am still contemplating, should I go see her or not???………hmmmmmmm

MRS- Do you know the funny thing?, the truth is nothing I went through, growing up, prepared me for this. Being a responsible married woman. You won’t believe that growing up, I always had my way, I remember countless times when my mum would come home find me crying, she wasn’t aware that I only would start crying, when I hear the sound of her car driving into our drive way, she would come over to me, ask me what the matter was, I would pick any one of the numerous maids we had and drop her name as the one who had been maltreating me. And what would my mum do?, she will punish whomever I mention without asking for their own side of the story. I soon became a professional, no one dared cross me or refuse me anything I wanted, they knew if they did , that’s it, they were either canned or fired.
My life changed for the better, a bit, when my Grandma came to stay with us, that calmed me down, I realized I was just being bad to get attention. I found that I always wanted to get my mum worked up, I didn’t really take to her for some reason.
My grandma, taught me the word of God and took me to church whenever my mum permitted it. My Mum dressed me up like a china doll, I was her handbag for a long time, it was as if I was her main accomplishment, everywhere we went, she would say to people,“ look at my daughter , isn’t she so beautiful”, everyone would gosh and comment about how beautiful I was, bla bla!!! , this didn’t help my manners , it just made me full of myself and really cocky. To top it all, my dad was wealthy, but sickly, he had been diagnosed with high blood pressure for as long as I could remember, he always took things easy, if my mum wasn’t shouting at him for one reason or the other. Worst of all, Money was not anything to me, I always got want I wanted not what I needed, trust me the difference is huge.
I’ve been thinking, should open up to Mr. about this Babs issue?, if I do that would mean me admitting that I was going to Joburg to see him, he will definitely know that I faked fainting, hmmm, that’s not good for me, he might never trust me again. How would I redeem myself, its easy for you to say, “tell him tell him”, but if I do tell him and it doesn’t work out in my favor, then what do I do?
It’s a hard decision. Right now am really confused, how do I get Babs out of my life and away from me?. Maybe Pamela’s Plan might just be the solution, I don’t know what you think? …… hmmmm

Day 29

MR- Kola came running out of my house, shouting, “O boy, who is that fine babe in your living room?” I looked at him confused, we had just driven in from the club where we went to play squash , I came home for a quick shower and change of clothes, then to go back home with Kola to discuss the next step in the Teni saga. “Mrs. you mean? “Nooo, I think its Mrs. Sister, she is soo fine”. Said Kola. I thought to myself, Mrs. doesn’t have a sister, who could it be that has gotten Kola all worked up? Anyway I locked up the car and walked into the house, “O my gosh, my mother in law (MIL) was sitting there, looking like she was in her 20’s, I barely recognized her, she was doled up to the teeth, 22 inches weave on, false eye lashes, stick on nails and a push up bra, to top it all she had on a mini skirt with a top that showed ALL and I mean All, of her cleavage and she looked good. I must have stood there, for a few seconds before I realized I was gawking at Mrs.’s Mum.
I hurriedly went over to where she was sitting, prostrated and said hello, asked her when she arrived and if she had seen Mrs.? She got up, gave me a hug and said she just arrived and hasn’t seen her daughter yet, she was told by the maid that “Madam went out”. “I tried her no, but it’s not going through”. All this time Kola stood there with his mouth literarily wide open staring at my MIL, I had to smack his head gentle from behind, before he shut his mouth and pulled himself together.
I called Mrs., she said she was almost home, she had gone to the saloon to get her hair done. I asked the maid to take my MIL’s luggage to the guest chalet and get her something to eat. She said she wasn’t hungry and that she was watching her weight, she only eats once a day now. To be honest, if I met my MIL on the street, I probably would have gawked at her a whole lot more before I realize she is Mrs. Mum. I could not believe the transformation. The embarrassing part for me was the way she sat down on the couch, from where Kola and I were sitting we could see her undies. I hurriedly had to get up from there and change my position, Kola, on the other hand, refused to bulge.
The next thing we knew, MIL excused herself, said she had to go for a swim in our pool. As she walked away I had to turn my head away not to look at her from behind, Kola just kept staring and staring.
Now the guest chalet was behind the main house and beside the pool, I was glad we didn’t have a view from the downstairs front room where Kola and I were currently sited. As if reading my thoughts, Kola asked if we could go sit in the main lounge, I asked why, he said it’s more comfortable and the bar is there. I knew it was because you had a full view of the pool from there, but I obliged him. We walked into the lounge and there she was, my MIL, in a bikini, Kola let out an involuntary cat call whistle. That’s it, Teni’s issue can wait until tomorrow, I had enough, before Kola gets the urge to ‘grab’ my MIL, , I matched him outside, into the car and drove him straight home, he needed to cool down……..hmmm

MRS- As I drove into our close, I saw Mr. drive past with Kola in the car. He called my phone a few seconds later to let me know he was just going to drop Kola off, he’ll be back soon. I got home parked the car and went in. I could see that the guys had sat in the front room, I called the maid to come tidy it up. She greeted me and told me, my Mum was around, I asked where she was and when she arrived. She said a while back and she’s in the pool. I asked if Mr. saw her, she said yes.
I went to the pool to see my mum, my assumption was that she was on a lounger, relaxing by the pool, but instead, the sight that confronted almost made me lose my balance, my mum was just getting out of the pool and she had on a bikini, which looked so good on her, the first thought that came into my mind was, did Mr. and Kola see her like this? I went over to the gazebo, pulled out a large towel and ordered her to tie it around her body immediately, “Mum, what do you think you are doing”, “Hello dear daughter, how are you? Good to see you too”. She said. I ignored her and asked “Mum answer me, how could you wear this”, pointing to her scantily clad body, “knowing that Mr. and his friend are in the house?” “What’s wrong with what am wearing, don’t I look good, I expected you to compliment me, not complain about me and can’t you just show me love for once?” my mum said and started crying.
My first instinct, was to leave her there, crying and walk away, but I decided to humor her and so I hugged her and said I was sorry. She eventually stopped crying and we both went into the guest chalet for her to put on some descent clothes that covered her body.
Sorry before I get back to my mum, I forgot to gist you, something crazy happened at the saloon today, I don’t want to believe it’s true. Toke came to meet me at the saloon, guess what she told me, she said Babs and Pamela are planning to get me sent out of Mr.’s house. I looked at her, all shocked, and asked what she meant?
She then narrated how she overheard them plotting, “Babs said that Pamela should invite you over to the house, she will tell you Babs left. Then she will ask you to try on a dress she bought for you but forgot to give you, she wants to see how it fits, while you are changing into the dress, Babs will come into the room and hold you from behind and Pamela will plant a camera with a timer to take a picture of you both in that compromising position, without you knowing, which she will later send to Mr., with an unregistered no”.
My mouth dropped, “Pamela!” I said, “She will do that? Nooo, it can’t be true. Are we talking about the same Pamela?” Toke said “Yes, our best friend”. I thanked Toke for letting me know, asked her to keep it to herself, although I couldn’t help wonder what was in it for her? Why would she rat on Pamela? She was closer to Pamela than I was and in any case, I have known Pamela since we were little, I actually only met Toke when we were in Uni. She and Pamela were roommates in our first year. At the same time, I thought to myself, Toke had no reason to lie or did she? Why would Pamela do this? What’s going on? She and Babs plotting against me, why? I had to get to the bottom of this but first, my mum was waiting ….. hmmm

Day 30
MR- My MIL, has brought a bit of craziness into our home, I came down yesterday morning for breakfast getting ready to go to church, Mrs. was sited with me, although she wasn’t coming with me to church for some reason. Anyway my MIL came in for breakfast, that wasn’t the problem, the problem was she was wearing a see through nighty and house coat, immediately Mrs. saw her, she just lost it, screaming and shoving her out of the dining room at the same time, I tried to intervene, Mrs. snapped at me and asked me to stay out of it.
I picked up my bible, told her I would stop over at Kola’s after church and left. I actually thought my MIL coming to stay for a few days, would even out the fact that my Mum came to stay for a couple of weeks. But she’s been here for one day and there is so much commotion. Am not sure what to suggest but I decided to ask Tammy to stop over, after church, to calm them both down.
When I left church, I went over to Kola’s place, he was still asleep, I woke him up when I kept ringing the doorbell continuously. He opened it up complaining, that he was tired cos he came back from the club this morning. I was surprised, “With Tammy here, you left her and went to a club?” “Yes” Kola said, “I asked her to come with me but she said she had to be at church early”. As I walked in, I could see the handwork of Tammy, the whole place was sparkling clean for a change.
Anyway, Kola said “Guess who I saw at the club?”. I told him I couldn’t, “Sandra and a couple of her girlfriends, she said she really misses you, I told her I was getting married at the registry on Friday and she’s coming”. I smiled and asked Kola to stop that nonsense “who does she miss? God forbid, not me and why in God’s name did you invite her, “I didn’t, she invited herself” he said.
We forgot about Sandra for a while and instead, tabled Teni’s case. Kola was of the opinion that I should go see her one last time, if that is what she is requesting for and that might just get rid of her once and for all. He also pointed out that the last time we were there together, maybe she needs to talk to you on her own. “That girl has called me so many times and she keeps sending a text saying she’s sorry for her behavior the last time, she says she just wants to say good bye”. Kola asked, if I was sure I could control myself. I felt like I could but I wasn’t sure, that girl was capable of anything, women like her seem to have a crazy effect on me.
So we came up with an additional plan. Kola will book the suite next to Teni’s, without her knowing. I would go in to see Teni, if anything crazy is about to happen, I will beep Kola’s no, and he will come running in, he still had an extra room key card for her suite, which he requested for, when he checked her in. We agreed it was a safe plan and decided to carry it out tomorrow after work……hmmmmm

MRS- One day at a time, take a little step of faith. No matter what you are going through or have been through, God Almighty is able to renew your mind and turn your life around for good. Learn to appreciate what you have because you do not know how blessed you are until you don’t have it anymore.
That’s what Tammy said to my Mum and I yesterday. Well, let me start from the beginning – Tammy came into see us yesterday on her way from church, as she walked in, she found my mum and I arguing over my decision that I don’t want her to stay in my home, I was going to check her into an hotel tomorrow morning. Tammy went over to my mum, pacified her and asked her not to be upset with me, she also cautioned me about what the bible said, “Honor you father and mother, so that your days on earth shall be long”. I chipped in that, the bible also says “Parents don’t provoke your children”.
Tammy looked at both of us and smiled, she then turned to me and said you don’t know how blessed you both are, let me tell you my story – “I grew up in a small town, the last of 8 children. My mum was a third wife, I was the only child of my mum, my father had 2 other wives and between them they had 7 children, who were all boys, All of them were much older than me , there was a gap of 12 years between me and the 7th child.
My Dad had retired before he married my mum. My mum was young and naïve, she met this retired man who was ready to spoil her, so she fell in love with him, not minding the age difference and the fact that he had 2 other wives. My grandparents were really poor and they too, only saw what my father was able to provide for my mum and them, so they agreed to the marriage.
Once my mum got pregnant , MY dad insisted she had to move into his house , up until then, he had allowed her to live in the apartment he got for her, he told my mum that no child of his would grow up outside their fathers house. My mum had no choice but to move in and live with the other wives, that’s when her trouble started. To cut the long story short, my Grandma told me my mum was pushed down the stairs when she was about 8 months pregnant, but nobody was blamed , she was rushed to hospital, I had to be taken out of her by a CS operation, she held me, took her last breathe and gave up the ghost.
Mt grandparents were saddled with the responsibility of weaning me until I was 2. Then my dad came to get me from them, amid serious protests, I moved into the lion’s den, you won’t believe, I grew up being abused mentally and physically by my siblings. As the only girl my dad had, he doted on me as best as he could but he couldn’t be with me all the time. As far back as I can remember I was abused by 3 of my siblings ,they were careful not to have full on sex with me but I was kissed, groped , and made to perform oral acts on them, it was disgusting, I was threatened never to tell anyone or I will disappear.
I finally took up the courage to run away from home at 12 and was taken in by a church family. The Pastor and his wife, brought me back to life, I was traumatized , wouldn’t let anyone touch me, I had nightmares for years , I was so depressed and wanted to kill myself but God still needed me. The Pastor and his wife were God sent, they feed me with the word of God, showed me so much love that is turned my life around. A few years later I met kola, he came every summer, to visit his uncle and aunt who lived next door. I always looked forward to his visit, he was so gentle and amazing. We had been together for 4 years before I felt I was ready for him to touch me and so it happened, I went to look for him a few days after that I was told that Kola had gone back home”. that was the last time I saw him, until now.
she paused and looked at both of us, then she said, “I wish I had a mother, who would have loved me forever, been there, to make sure no harm comes my way, Mum, please don’t do what your daughter doesn’t want, she looked at me and said, forgive your mother, you only get one, threat her with respect, love and honor her, she needs you at this time.”
By now I had tears running down my ears, my mum and Tammy also had tears in their eyes, I went to where my mum was sited, knelt down, said I was sorry, she stretched out her hands, put them around me and said she too was sorry for everything and asked me to forgive her and that she just needed me in her life and the tears came with full force…….hmmmmmm.

Day 31

MR- Honestly we thought we covered everything, am confused , how did this happen, I don’t even know what happened, Oh God, what have I done, why did I go ? Am sorry, you must be wondering, what’s going on Mr., here it is, I will tell you-
Kola and I had it all figured out, we left work around 4pm, headed straight for the hotel where Teni was staying, Kola had called earlier in the day to reserve the room next to her’s, unfortunately the room next door wasn’t available but 5 rooms away was, so he booked it anyway. We got there, Kola picked up his room keys and we both went up the stairs, we first went into his room, I discussed the plan over and over again, then decided it was full proof.
I left Kola in the room and walked the four door to Teni’s room. I knocked. She came to the door opened it. She was in a long flowing gown and looked quite peaceful, she ushered me in, I sat down and she sat in front of me, we exchanged pleasantries.
She asked if I would join her to have a drink, I said yes, so she poured me a glass from the bottle of champagne she was already drinking. She then started to apologize for all her behavior and hoped that I could forgive her and we could still be friends. I took another sip of my drink and said I have forgotten all about it and I pray she will find a nice guy who will love and cherish her. She said thank you and started talking about her plans to stay in the country for a while, the last thing I remembered, was her calling my name and asking me if I was okay.
When woke up , I was on Teni’s hotel bed, stack naked, Kola was shaking me and calling my Name, my head was so heavy, I couldn’t even dress myself, he put my clothes on me, supported me down the stairs and into the car. We drove straight to the private hospital near our office, our friend was a doctor there. He did a complete blood test on me and confirmed that I had been drugged with a strong sedative, which made me fall into a deep sleep. He said it would take a while to completely leave my system but after that I would be fine, I should just go home and sleep it off.
I couldn’t believe what the doctor said Teni drugged me? Why would she do that?, I was a complete fool, I fell for Tenis tricks once again, the scary part was that I still didn’t know what she did to me while I was asleep. As kola and I drove away from the hospital, the same questions kept running though our minds, what happened when I was passed out and where did Teni disappear too?…….hmmmmmmm

MRS-Tammy is a blessing, it’s unbelievable but my mum and I are getting on really well for the first time in a long while. We talked for so long about so many things, I even gisted her about the Toke confession. She asked me not to ponder on one person’s side of the story, that I should call Pamela and find out if everything Toke said was true.
So I called Pamela, and asked her to please come see me. She arrived just after we had breakfast yesterday morning. I told her we had been friends for years and I really would love her to tell me the truth. And so I repeated everything Toke had told me, Pamela was so shocked she started to cry, I actually got confused and wondered why she was crying.
After a while she stopped crying , apologized for crying, then asked me how long we have been friends for, I said a long time, she said now let me tell you what really happened- Toke has been picking fights with me since Babs came to stay with us. She initially felt jealous that Babs was giving me too much attention and just ignored her most of the time, later she came to me and said she likes Babs and wouldn’t mind dating him, I was very cross with her , told her off and said Babs was not up for grabs, she got so angry and said , “why not, our friend is already married anyway , why is Babs holding onto what’s already gone?”, I told her that was his business not ours and she should stay away from him.
The recent incident that happened yesterday was, she came back home and just started to pack her stuff, I asked where she was going and she said it was none of my business and that she was leaving home for me and Babs. She even went as far as accusing us of sleeping together, she even called me a pretender and betrayer. As I talk to you, I don’t know where she is.
After listening to her, I was as shocked as she was but for a different reason, my shock was more of why Toke wanted to mess up my friendship with Pamela?, I looked at her and said don’t worry about Toke’s whereabouts, she sent me a text this morning, saying The ex-governor guy, offered her an apartment and she has taken it. She even said she will come take me to the place soon. Pamela was shocked, “that same guy that gave her money for her birthday? We don’t even know anything about him, how could she put her life at risk, out of jealousy?”
I asked Pamela to calm down, I knew what to do, I’ll talk to her, we have been friends for long, we shouldn’t let one guy come between us now, Pamela agreed with me. I asked what Babs was up too, she said he has decided to go back, finish his masters and he will be back in 2 months to settle down here, he also said to tell you that, he has not given up on both of you yet, his exact words” He who runs away from a fight today, lives to fight another day” ……… hmmmm

Day 32
MR-“Those whom the gods want to kill , they first make mad”. The first time I heard that proverb was the day I turned 18, that morning. I woke up, walked up to my dad and said “” Good morning Dad, I turned 18 today, I am now officially an adult, you can’t tell me what to do anymore, I want my freedom, today is Sunday and I am letting you know I shall not be going to church with you , I want to hang out with my friends instead”. My Dad just looked up at me, smiled, said those words and kept on reading his bible.
Today looking back to what my dad said, I now understand the true meaning of those words. I knowingly saw fire and went to jump into it. Trust me on this, God gave me all the warning signs, my mind kept telling me not to go see Teni but I didn’t listen to God’s voice. By the way, there is no point blaming the devil for this one, this time the devil just sat on the sidelines watching me, say to myself “On your marks, get ready, set, go and I jumped into the burning fire. Now I am burnt so badly, am not sure how, in God’s name, I am going to recover from it.
Yesterday I got my picture sent to me and for the very first time, I couldn’t look at myself, here is what happened-
I got to leave the house around 11am, before that Mrs. and I had an argument, it had to do with my attitude, since day before yesterday. When I got home from the hotel I didn’t talk to anyone, I went straight to bed and didn’t get up until 10am the next morning. When I woke up i just went to sit near the pool, Mrs. came over to ask me what was wrong, I just ignored her, it wasn’t intentional but my mind was all muddled up, I kept imagining different scenarios, Teni was going to come up with, the worst case is that I have been calling her no since then and it’s been out of service.
Mrs. stood beside me for 3 mins talking to me, I honestly didn’t notice she was there, she got so upset and began to shout at me, I also lost my temper and shouted at her to leave me alone and so we went back and forth, for a while and what did I do, instead of apologizing for my behavior, I didn’t, for the first time since we got married, I walked out on her. I got up, picked up my car keys and drove off.
I didn’t even have any idea where I was going, so I decided to go see Kola, after all we had to start getting ready for his registry wedding on Friday, if only to take my mind off all my issues. He wasn’t at home when I got there, he had gone to the office, so I drove there, parked in our staff carport and called him to come out side.
I wasn’t dressed for work, I still had my jogging bottom on, so we sat in the car, just thinking, after a while Kola asked me what we were going to do about Teni, “we need to find her first I said”. We pondered on, how to go about that, as we were still trying to work it out, a what’s app message came on my phone, when I opened it, I dropped the phone so fast, kola thought something had burned my fingers . he picked it up looked at it, immediately his jaw dropped , with his mouth wide open in shock, he looked at me and then went back to look at the pics again. You won’t believe what Teni had just sent me, a picture of me and her naked, with her lying on top of me as if we were making love. “Yeah……this girl as finally killed me” …….hmmmmm

MRS- I tried to call Toke a couple of times yesterday but her phone just kept saying it was not available. We are all worried, very unlike her, unfortunately we don’t know exactly where she is, just that she was given a flat in a nice estate, she’s yet to take me there and anyway I will keep trying.
Preparation for Tammy and Kola’s wedding is in full force, even though it’s just the registry for now, we still want to make it memorable. Tammy on her own just wants a quiet wedding but my mum and I told her you only get married once. So you’ve got to make it count. We all went shopping yesterday, we’ve decided to wear lovely cream and powder blue dresses to the registry, then after we all go for dinner at Mr.’s expense, total no of guest for the reception 40. And you won’t believe that most of the guest are from Mr. and I,
Mr. has been acting really strange since Monday evening, he came home feeling really drowsy, went straight to bed without a word, woke up yesterday morning, ignored me completely, I tried to talk to him, ask him what the matter was but he still continued to ignore me, until I raised my voice and then he answered back in anger asking me to leave him alone and to my surprise he left me standing there, picked up his car keys and drove out. I suspect something happened in the office on Monday which he’s not telling me. Probably a business transaction gone wrong.
Anyway the good news is my mum and I are getting on great, thanks to Tammy. When we went out wedding shopping, she also got some fabrics which she intends to get made into nice long skirts and tops. Am glad am getting to know my mum again and am really enjoying it, it would have been perfect though, if Mr. could share this moment with me but he has been very preoccupied lately.
Pamela confirmed Babs went back to joburg yesterday, he promised to be back in a couple of months, once he’s done with his masters. He sent a note to me through her, she gave it to me, I didn’t read it, I dropped it in the bottom drawer of my dressing table. I am just relieved he’s out of my life, I can’t believe I actually wanted to jeopardize my happy life with Mr. for a visit, to let Babs down gently. What was I thinking?……hmmm

Day 33
MR-Well, Teni’s number isn’t going, she also hasn’t sent anything else since yesterday. I have resolved in my mind according to Hebrews 4 verse 16, to approach the throne of grace boldly and find mercy and favor in time of need.
I’ve really got no one else to blame, imagine now am remembering to Pray? How come I didn’t think about committing this whole issue to God in the first place? I’ve been on a fast since yesterday, I know in my heart that I goofed big time, but what’s done is done, the only solution I can think of now, is take everything to God in Prayer.
What exactly am I praying for? Kola asked me yesterday when I told him I was on a 7 day, fast and pray session. I said to him, he won’t believe it but it was just for God to forgive me and take control of my life. He was curious, how come I wasn’t praying specifically for Teni’s issue to get resolved favorably. I told him that Tammy reminded me a lot about how the grace of God works. God just wants you to let go, let him take charge of your life and you would never be disappointed, one verse in particular comes to mind-
Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
I love this verse, so am letting go and I know God will sort things out. “Kola, I have a lot of peace now”, he looked at me as if to say, well, I don’t get you.
Since I was now at peace, I made up with Mrs. too, apologized for my bad behavior. We had dinner out yesterday, it was also good for me to break my fast with her. I refuse to let this crazy issue mess up my life or put it hold.
Anyway, preparations for the wedding are going in full force, we are having a 3 course meal at a 5 star hotel, after the registry. Am splashing out on a weeklong honey moon for them to Phuket, I have booked the ‘Avista Hideaway by Sofitel’, it’s a 5 star luxurious hotel, they deserve the best. I also ordered a small Mercedes Benz jeep for Tammy, it should arrive tomorrow, the plate number is customized, T 4 JC, (Tammy 4 Jesus Christ), I pray she likes it.
Oh by the way, I met a guy at squash this morning, he wanted to be friends , we played 2 rounds of squash together, he said he was new in the country, he used to live in Joburg. Joined our country club today. Asked me where I live, I told him, coincidentally, he said he just moved into the estate opposite ours. He seems like a nice guy and he also mentioned he’s single, must remember to invite him over for dinner, one of this days…..hmmmm

MRS- Thank God Mr. is back to normal, he apologized for his behavior and took me out to dinner yesterday and it was nice spending time alone with him. I do know, that he’s being cheerful and all, but I can’t help but feel there is something bothering him deep down.
This is getting serious, we have been trying to call Toke , since the weekend, we can’t get her, her phone is switched off, she never switches off her phone, if anything we always make fun of her , that we never see her charge her phone, “does it work with your blood”, we ask sometimes. I have a really bad feeling about this whole can’t get in touch with Toke issue and this strange man that seems to be giving her everything? We don’t even know anything about him or where he lives.
My worries doubled yesterday when Pamela came to tell me Toke’s mum called her to say, she can’t get hold of her daughter. I pray she’s alright. We actually were calling so she could come try on her dress for the registry.
My Mum and I, went to fellowship with Tammy yesterday, she managed to drag us alone, it was actually quite refreshing, just an hour and the sermon was about God’s goodness. I keyed into that, cos I can’t deny how good, God has been to Mr. and I.
When we got back home and I was on my own, I was seriously contemplating telling Mr. about this whole Babs saga, I could even show him his picture, I thought. But what if he’s really upset and doesn’t trust me anymore? Am scared. Also I guess Babs is finally out of my life, I might never see him again and so what’s the point in telling Mr.? I think I will keep it to myself. They always say “What you don’t know, won’t hurt you”……hmmmm

Day 34
MR-“God is in control”, “God is in control”, I have to keep saying it, so that I can calm down. Am calm, Am calm, for God’s sake, how can I be calm, jezebel has visited me again. Stop being melodramatic you say. Well, that’s easy for you to say, am the one on fire. Alright, I will calm down and tell you what happened this time.
Sitting in the office with Babs and Tony, we were putting finishing touches to today’s event, I had just got off the phone with the hotel where we are having the reception, when a text came in on my phone, I opened it, it was from Teni, it read, “Congratulations my darling, thank you for your generosity, I helped myself to your “seed pool”. You were very generous, you might not remember but I enjoyed myself fully. Will keep you posted on the development, am sure we will hear good news in a couple of weeks, I can’t wait”. As I read the last part of the text, I fell back in my seat, started to sweat, I was shaking I didn’t even know it. Kola and tony came over to where I was, asking me what the matter was, I couldn’t speak, I was in shock.
Tony got a glass of water for me, I couldn’t drink it, cos I was hyperventilating, Kola asked me to breathe, “Come on Bro, take a deep breathe,” Tony and kola were so scared they thought I was having a heart attack .after a few minutes I began to breathe properly, Kola took the phone off me, he actually had to pry it out of my hands, I was holding on to it so tight I didn’t even realize.

He read the text, looked at me and said , “impossible”, how is it possible, you were passed out, there’s no way you would have been able to make love to her like that, she just bluffing. I felt a bit relieved for a few seconds but then I asked, “how about if she inseminated it artificially”, Kola, looked at me and said Noooo!, She will do that? I couldn’t even answer him, I just broke down crying, I cried so hard my head ached, Tony was so confused, Kola had to ask him to excuse us. Once Tony stepped out, Kola held me and tried to calm me down.
A few minutes later, Tony buzzed and said Tammy and Kola’s parents were in reception. I was still bawling my eyes out at the time, I had to pull myself together, they could not see me like this. So we asked Tony to tell them to give us 5 minutes.
Kola poured me a shot, which kind of relaxed me a bit. We both sat there thinking, we couldn’t believe this girl, how could anyone be soo desperate? I felt so bad I was going through this at this time, especially a day to Kola’s wedding. I had to snap out of this, at least until the wedding was over, I choose to believe, Teni was just bluffing, that settled my mind a bit. But on the other hand, what if she’s not…….hmmmmm

MRS- Pamela and I are contemplating going to the police to report Toke missing. My mum said it was a silly idea. “I thought you said she moved into a new apartment given to her”. “Yes, but her phones have been switched off and no one has been able to contact her since she moved. Even her parents are worried. We decided to give it a few more days to see if she will contact us.
The wedding is tomorrow, our house is buzzing with activity. Tammy’s and her parents are staying with us, we currently have a full house. Our dresses came back this morning, all dry cleaned and altered to fit everyone perfectly. The cake has been delivered and we are just expecting the bride’s bouquet.
As we were all milling around the house, trying to remember what else we needed to do. something strange happened, the gate man came in to tell me I had a guest who says he just wants to talk to me outside the gate, I was a bit hesitant, but decided to oblige, I walked outside , got to the gate , I met the gate man looking all confused. “What’s the matter and where is the guy I asked?”
“Madam, I don’t understand, this guy came in a car asked if you and Oga lived here, he kept looking around, so I protested, he then said he will like to talk to the madam of the house, I asked him to wait here I left him standing here, but when I got back from telling you about him, he had disappeared”.
I scolded the gate man warning him never to allow anyone in through the gate before he had confirmed it with Mr. or I, although I couldn’t help but wonder who was the guy and why was he enquiring about the occupants of the house. I pray he’s not an armed robber ……hmmmmm

Day 35
MR- Whoa, the wedding was amazing, everyone we invited showed up, not only that but they all brought amazing gifts. You won’t believe how blessed they were yesterday. Someone gave them a car, my MIL, gave them an apartment, loads of cash and wonderful gifts , they were so happy, Tammy looked amazing and Kola was on top of the world. Everyone approved of Tammy, Kola made a wonderful choice.
The reception started off great, a few hours into it, Kola came to call me from where I was sited, having fun. We walked outside and there was Sandra. I was not really surprised to see her but was surprised that Kola came in to call me to see her. Before I could blow my top, Kola began to explain that Sandra was a bit worried about me, “she kept asking me if I was sure nothing was wrong with you, because she noticed you weren’t your normal chatty self, so I had to tell her what happened with Teni.”
I was so shocked, “Bro, how could you, this is meant to be between both of us, am disappointed”. Kola asked me to calm down and began to explain the plan. By the time he was done, what I could understand from their plan was that Sandra was going to track Teni down, befriend her and somehow get the truth about this whole possible pregnancy thing and at the same time delete the naked pics off her phone. I was skeptical, asked her if she had worked for the CIA before, “How in God’s name do you hope to achieve that,” I asked. “Don’t worry my love, all you need to know is that I would get the truth out of her, for you I would do anything” she said. I stretched out my hand to thank her, she ignored it, came close to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on my lips.
I walked back in with Kola, murmuring that I hope he has not taken me from the frying pan into the fire, by involving Sandra in this whole mess. He asked me if I had a better idea, I said I didn’t, “so just try to stay calm and wait to see what Sandra comes back with”.
Tammy, Mrs. and the mothers were all dancing when I walked back into the reception hall, I looked around at all the happy faces, dancing, laughing and joking. I began to wonder if any of them had problems like the ones I was dealing with, just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned round to see who it was and it was the guy I met at the squash club.
I was surprised, I asked “Didn’t know you knew Kola?” “Oh no I don’t, I was just walking past on the way to see a friend staying at this hotel when I saw you. That really surprised me because there was no way someone walking by the hall could have picked me out of the crowd in the room. Anyway I didn’t say anything, I just asked him if he wanted something to eat, he said no. So I said I wanted him to meet my wife, he asked me to lead the way, we both walked towards where Mrs. was dancing.
When I got to Mrs., I said “Baby, I want you to meet a friend I made at the squash club.” As I turned round to point him out, he was nowhere to be found, I looked around the crowd I couldn’t find him. “Oh never mind my love, I guess he got lost in the crowd”. Mrs. went back to her friends, but I really felt uneasy, something about this guy didn’t add up.
The reception gradually came to an end around midnight, Mrs. and I were one of the last ones to leave, we were in high spirits, I thought we would just get home and go straight to bed. Just as we were getting into the car, an idea occurred to me. “Why don’t we spend the night here in the hotel?” I asked Mrs. She agreed it was a great idea. We got down from the car walked to reception and booked a luxury suite. Honestly am not sure what came over us but from the minute we entered the room, we couldn’t take our hands off each other, we made love over and over again, it was great, we have just finished another round of love making in the shower, am just taking a break to write and then go back for more love making sessions. I am so happy now, I really don’t want to think of anything else………hmmmmmm

MRS-Somebody pinch me, Mr. and I have made love so many times since yesterday and it’s almost unreal. I don’t know where he got all the stamina from, but he was a lion, whoa! Am so excited, we just made love in the shower and we are taking a short break before we go back to bed. Anyway I shouldn’t be telling you this.
Yesterday was wonderful, loads of people turned up at the registry even though it was a work day, we all drove the short distance to the hotel after. It was beautifully decorated. Mr. had spared no expense, the most touching moment was when we presented the Benz jeep to Tammy, she broke down crying. They both got a lot of amazing gifts, my mum surprised me, she gave them a luxury apartment from the numerous ones she inherited from my dad, I thought that was really kind of her. Of course, I inherited a few myself, but I currently have them all rented out. Tammy and Kola’s wedding brought back so many good memories of our wedding day. It also reminded me of how much I love Mr. and am thankful once again that I didn’t mess everything up with my crazy joburg trip.
Despite the great time we were having yesterday, Toke’s absence was really felt, Pamela and I tried our best not to think about the fact that she has been missing for over a week now. You hear strange things happening to people, where they just disappear, I pray this has not happened to our friend, we can’t sit down and just wait indefinitely, to see if we will hear from her. I have decided to go to the police first thing on Monday morning to report her missing.
Things got a bit weird yesterday as well, half way through the reception party Mr. also had someone disappear on him. That was the 2nd time in two days. The first happened to me and now him, hmmm, what’s going on? I thought about it for a while, could it be the same person? No way, it must be a coincidence.
Anyway, I can’t be thinking of that now, I’ve got to go, I can see Mr. beckoning me to come back to bed, I am definitely ready for round 6 or is it 7!!!?………hmmmmmm

Day 36

MR-Exhausted is how I feel right now, I haven’t slept since yesterday and in fact we all haven’t slept. Mrs., Tammy, Pamela, Kola and I, have been up all night praying. I usually watch things like this on telly, I have never seen it happen, and worse of all happening to someone close to us. We need God’s infinite mercy, grace and favor and healing right now, it’s a matter of life and death. Oh my gosh, we have cried, prayed, sang praises and we know that God Almighty has answered our prayer, cos right now, that is all we’ve got. She must not die, Please God.
As sorry, am sure you’re wondering what’s going on well here it is-
Mrs. and I decided to stay in bed until it was time to check out, we had opted for the extended check out option, which means you get to keep your room until 2pm instead of 12 noon. We ordered some breakfast from room service around 9 am, then settled down to eat breakfast. After that we went for a massage and spa rejuvenation session, by 1pm we were done and ready to head home. We got home around 2pm, My MIL wasn’t in, the maid informed us she left home early in the morning.
The house was peaceful. We decided rather than sit watching telly, we would go and hang by the pool. We were lazing by the pool, when Mrs. phone rang showing an unknown no, it was next to me. I called out to her, she had just gotten up to get us some drinks. She asked me to pick it up, I did, I said hello, the person at the other end then said, “Hello madam, you don’t know me, but I recued a lady from my farm about an hour ago, she’s barely alive, she couldn’t tell me how she got here, I found her phone in her handbag with no credit on it, so I called this number, with my own phone. Please hurry come get her before she dies in my house o” he went on to describe his village and his house. From my calculation it was more than 90 miles from where we were.
At this time I was shivering, I got up ran into the house , where Mrs. was still trying to mix us some chapman, I pulled her over to the couch, Baby, please be calm , what am about to tell you now needs us to be really calm. “Baby, someone called now, they found a lady almost dead in their farm, they want us to come get her and I have a sneaky feeling of whom it might be, but let’s not guess. Go and get ready, let’s pick up Pamela, Tammy and Kola and go get her, I already called them”.
When I finished talking I noticed Mrs. was just staring at me in shock, I had to call her a couple of times and shake her slightly before she finally broke down crying. I managed to console her. We got in the car and drove, first we picked Pamela, and then Tammy and Kola and thank God they don’t leave for their honey moon until next week Friday. As we drove to this remote village in the middle of nowhere, we were all so quiet, you could hear a pin drop in the car.
After a while Tammy started to pray in tongues, the rest of us either prayed in English or kept saying Amen to the prayers. We drove for a couple of hours, then stopped to ask for directions to the village. A man in a rundown car, kindly offered to guide us there. The road was really bad, but after about 30 minutes, the guy stopped the car, got down and walked to wards us, “that’s the village there”, pointing to a group of thatched houses, “just drive in and ask for who you are looking for”. We thanked him and turned the car into the dirt road leading to the cluster of houses.
The man who called had told me his name was Samson. We asked for him and someone pointed to the 4th house on the left hand side from where we were parked, we couldn’t drive there, so we got out of the car and walked towards the house. As we turned the corner we could see the villagers, both young and old had gathered around the house, when they saw us coming they moved aside which gave us a clear view of the house verandah. We saw a body lying there on a mat, with just a black wrapper tied around her body, as we got closer and saw who it was, Mrs. and Pamela slumped at the same time……..hmmmmmmm

MRS- “Lord your word in Psalm 91 says, He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence…….”. I’ve been reciting this since yesterday. O lord please help us.
The day started really great, Mr. and I decided to spoil ourselves a bit and got the most expensive, massage and spa package in the hotel. Mine even included a mud bath, it was so exhilarating. After we were done, it was time to go back home, I was enjoying myself too much , I suggested to Mr. that we stay one more night, he said that will mean us going home to get a change of clothes and once he drives home, we might as well stay at home. I had to agree with him.
We got home, my mum had gone out, I remember she told me one of her old time friend’s daughter, is christening her baby today and her friend wants her to get to her’s early, so that they can both go help out her friend’s daughter before the christening time.
Mr. and I didn’t feel like watching telly, so we decided to chill by the pool. The weather was really hot, so I decided to go make us some chapman. I was busy making them, when I heard Mr. call me that my phone was ringing. I asked him to please answer it. A few minutes later he came in to the bar area looking all shaken and pulled me gently to the couch to sit down, I was looking in his eyes, too afraid to breathe , I thought something bad had happened to my mum. Anyway he started talking and asked me to stay calm, as what he was about to tell me required us to be really calm.
He then narrated what the caller had said, and as he spoke my mind kept wondering but I didn’t say anything, by the time he was done, I had blanked out, Mr. had to shake me back to life, I couldn’t control myself anymore I just started crying, it was as if all the bad feelings I had been having needed an escape route.

Eventually, Mr. was able to calm me down, he suggested we pick up Pamela, Tammy and Kola, which we did on our way. The village was far, it took us almost 3 hours to get there and trust me Mr. drives really fast. Amid praying and praising, we got to the village with the help of a Samaritan, then proceeded to the house pointed out to us, as we approached, we saw a large crowd had gathered in front of the house but when they saw us coming they slowing began to move out of the way, as we got closer and we saw who it was, Pamela and I passed out at the same time, when I came too , Mr. informed me I had just slumped .I looked over at the body on the mat and screamed . “Oh dear Lord, Noooooo!!!, this cannot be happening”……..hmmmmmm

Day 37

MR- “Toke, Toke, wake up”, we were all screaming, Tammy was praying, Kola, Mrs. and I, were calling her name, she wasn’t responding. Just then Tammy asked us to hold hands and pray, she started to pray in tongues for 10 minutes, as soon as Tammy was done praying, she asked us to carry Toke into the car and take her straight to her pastor. While all this commotion was going on, the villagers were milling around, asking if we wanted them to get their traditional healer to have a look at her, we politely declined, Thanked them ,put her in the car and drove.
The journey back was shorter, it took just under 2 hours , I must admit , the adrenaline in my system helped a lot, no one in the car complained about my speed , all we could do was keep praying for Toke. So many questions were being asked, how did she get there? What happened to her? Is she going to survive, to that, Tammy answered yes, Almighty God is still on the throne and by his stripes we are healed. Tammy’s words seemed to reassure us a bit.
We got to Tammy’s church, the pastor and the prayer warriors were already waiting. Tammy had called ahead, they immediately came to carry Toke out of the car, laid her on the altar and started to pray in tongues , the prayer went on for hours, I cannot remember the last time I prayed like that, as a matter of fact, I don’t think I ever prayed that long before.
After a couple of hours Toke stirred a bit and opened her eyes, the shout of Hallelujah filled the church auditorium, we were about 30 people in total including us and the prayer team. Toke’s eyes were open but she could not speak. She had a bit of blood dripping down her face as well. The pastor walked over to where we were kneeling down praying and asked us to sit down, he then began to speak.
“My dear brothers and sisters, as we were praying God revealed to me that a certain Man sister Toke was dating cast a powerful spell on her because he wanted to use her to renew his money ritual. She was taken to his herbalist, at the point of sacrificing her, the oracle rejected her , unfortunately, they had already cast the spell and decided not to reverse it, the herbalist asked the Man to take her back to where he found her , because she cannot be used, hence she was dumped where you found her, right now the spell will be destroyed by the Power of Jesus Christ almighty , but we have to be very prayerful so that she can regain her full health, she will remain in the church for 14 days , while we all fast and pray for her full recovery”
We couldn’t believe it, by the time the pastor was done, we all had our mouths open, Money Ritual? Which man? Who? Mrs. looked at all of us and said who else? The man that gave Toke an apartment must be the one. The pastor cautioned us not to jump into conclusion, that once Toke comes back to life fully, he’s sure she will be able to narrate what happened to her …….hmmmmmm

MRS-I cried so hard, screaming Toke’s name, asking her to please wake up, but to no avail. She just laid on the mat as if she was already dead. Tammy stated to pray in tongues, when she was done she asked us to take Toke to her pastor immediately. The villagers were already offering traditional help which we politely declined.
Mr. drove like a maniac on the way back, we gained 1 hour , nobody complained , I especially who always complained about Mr’s speed , held my peace, we all just focused on praying for Toke not to die. When we finally got to the church, the Pastor and the prayer team were already waiting for us because Tammy had called ahead. Toke was taken straight to the altar, a couple of female prayer warriors sprinkled holy water on her , took off the black wrapper and replaced it with a white one, then everyone of us went into prayer, the pastor, his team and Tammy prayed in tongues the rest of us just prayed and said Amen at intervals.
After a couple of hours praying, at that time we were all laying on the floor, we had never prayed that long before, the pastor walked towards where we were laying down and asked us to get up and sit on chairs. He then began to talk to us.
He explained how the Lord revealed to him that Toke’s man friend was trying to use her for money rituals and fortunately for Toke the oracle rejected her, I couldn’t believe my ears, I remember saying that to Pamela the other day that I hope she hasn’t been used. Everyone was asking who could have done such and where did Toke meet such a man, in my heart I knew it could only be the man I met who gave me his business card which Toke sneakily took from my bag, but I didn’t say that, I just said it must be the man who gave her an apartment.
I was thinking, Whoa, people are evil, is this man going to get away with this, as if the pastor could read my mind, he looked at me when he said ,”please do not jump into conclusion, when sister Toke, wakes up to life fully , she will be able to tell us what happened to her”. I acknowledged what he said by saying, Okay sir, but my mind was already calculating how Pamela’s uncle, a senior officer in the military, could help us deal with this wicked and heartless man. But first things first, Toke must not die……….hmmmmmm

Day 38

MR-Two of my favorite quotes, the first by Elbert Hubbard said -Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. And this one from Maya Angelo. My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
From a young age, I made up my mind that I was going to be a success, not only with money but with the quality of life I lived. As I listened to Toke’s story yesterday, tears filled my eyes and I thought of the thousands of young people like us who believe that their circumstances of birth is responsible for them not making it in life or why they think they can never be successful or why they think they have to do the drastic things they do and for some, it is other peoples responsibility to take care of their every need because they believe they can afford too,
My father drummed it into my ears from an early age that no child of his should live for his wealth, and he did accumulate a tidy sum. He always said we should all focus on making our own wealth and succeed on our own terms. He would often say “Son, think of me as a pauper, no money, no house, nothing, then decide you would not end up like me”. It worked, every time I got that picture in my head I became more determined to make it. I studied hard, came out with a 2:1 , worked hard, through thick and thin, always tried to be diligent and I prayed for favor with God and Man.
My father as an elder, sometimes preached in church , I remember a lot of his sermons but one of them which he said he heard from T D Jakes, always resonates in my mind –
He would start off with, “Stop making excuses and lying to yourself, you sit there blaming everybody and everything for not being able to fulfil your dream. You’re going around making excuses like, If only I was born rich, If only I wasn’t adopted, If only my dad didn’t die ,If only , if only. Stop being angry about things you can fix, Stop lying to yourself , all of these does not stop you from making it in life, with God , determination and diligence you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Get up and go, do what you need to do, Pull down the walls and your pride and fix your mind , Focus on your goal, call upon the lord your God and he will answer you. You need to repent and stop being stubborn saying, this is my story and am sticking to it. Today you can change that story .It doesn’t matter what people think of you, God has given you all the tools you need to succeed, he has opened the door and all you’ve got to do, is walk through it”…….hmmmmm

MRS- Praise be to God Almighty, Toke finally woke up to life at 4 am this morning, she cried for 20 minutes, we all hugged her and joined in the crying. Mr., Tammy, Kola and I, were all there fasting and praying, when all of a sudden she sneezed twice and asked, “Where am i? What am I doing here? We all jumped up and shouted Hallelujah. The pastor came over to where she was, helped her up and sat her on a chair. Looking all confused, her eyes travelled from me to the others, she just kept asking, what going on and what happened to me?. The pastor then told Toke, how she was found and brought to the church, he then asked, “Sister Toke, what’s the last thing you remember?”
Toke started to narrate, “Sir, I wish to start by apologizing to my best friends, I have not been a good friend to them, they have always been great to me, took me into their home, opened a boutique for me but despite all this, I decided to try and break them up, by lying.
I have always been jealous of both of them, for what they have and for who they are, no matter how hard I try, I never get the kind of attention they get. My friends have been wonderful, we wear the same designers, spend money together, you would never know I come from a poor home but greed and not having the spirit of contentment, led me to misbehave.
Sir, Pamela and I were at home one afternoon, when our friend came and told us that while she was having lunch, she met this ex-governor guy, she said he gave her 5000 dollars to pay for her lunch and she showed us his business card. I was so jealous and I made it clear then by saying jokingly, that, didn’t he know she was married. I thought to myself, am beautiful, single and a graduate, yet no man has offered me 100 dollars not to talk of 5000 dollars for lunch. Anyway, that day, I stole the man’s business car.
A few days later when we were finalizing our trip to Joburg, which my friend also paid for , I decided to give the guy a call, he picks up, I introduce myself as a friend of the girl he gave his card to. I told him she wasn’t interested in him cos she was married , but I was, he asked what were my plans for the weekend I told him my friends and I were off to joburg for my birthday. He said he will join us there and at the same time I should come to his office to pick up 15,000 dollars for my party in joburg.

I was ecstatic, I went to pick up the money the next morning. I arrived at his office, he had left instructions for someone to bring me to his house. The drive wasn’t too far from the office. When we got there, I was ushered into a large home office and asked what I would like to drink. I declined anything and said I was okay. As I sat there waiting for this mysterious man, I looked around and noticed numerous pictures of him with different top government officials and dignitaries bit none with his wife or children. I concluded in my mind, that this must be because it was his private study.

A few minutes later , this 6foot 2 inches , man came in, looking stern, you could see he was good looking but was really fat, his tummy was like a 9 months pregnant woman, I cringed a bit but quickly pulled myself together when I remembered why I was there. I also noticed he had this weird looking huge ring on his left pinky finger. He walked towards me, asked me to get up and turn around, he wanted to have a good look at me, he then asked me to kiss his ring, which I did out of fear.
As soon as I kissed the ring his countenance changed, he became all jolly and smiley, asked me to sit down, complimented my appearance. I was shocked at the sudden change in attitude but I tried not to show it. Shortly after he opened the desk draw in front of him and gave me and envelope. He apologized that he won’t be able to make the trip with us cos something came up. He promised me a birthday surprise gift when we got back, I thanked him, feigned disappointment at his not being able to attend but was secretly delighted, cos I thought how in God’s name was I going to explain this man to you guys.
Anyway ,when we got back from Joburg, he called me and asked me to see him in a couple of weeks once he got back from Iran, I thought to myself, who goes to Iran?, of all places, but all the same, I said okay I will. That was shortly before I went to lie and tried to break up my best friends, all because I was jealous of how much attention the guy staying with us was paying to Pamela”.
At this point I was delighted she didn’t mention anything about Babs arrival in their home. Am sorry, am going to have to stop writing today, we’ve got to go back to the church, I can hear Mr. calling me, Toke is still there , we only came home to freshen up and take her something to wear and eat, I promise to continue her story tomorrow , it’s so overwhelming ……..hmmmmmm

Day 39-
MR- Amidst all this drama going on in our lives right now, I get a call from Sandra, saying she would like to meet with Kola and I, cos she has some important update to give us. We arranged to meet her for 2 pm, at a restaurant round the corner from our office, Kola and I had several meetings yesterday, we left Tammy, Pamela and Mrs. with Toke in the church, she still needs to stay there for a few more days so that she will be completely cleansed from the spiritual attack.
We got to the restaurant on time, Sandra was already waiting, we sat down exchanged pleasantries, and then she began to talk. “I’ve found Teni, she’s staying in a hotel not too far from here. I called her no the day you gave it to me, her phone was switched off, so I decided to send her a text saying, my love, I miss you, I’ve been trying to contact you someone just gave me your no, please call me back.” I knew that as soon as she switched on her phone the text will deliver and I knew she’ll be curious and want to know who sent the text.
I was right, she called back the next morning, I pretended I thought the no was for my long lost boyfriend, who had run away from me. Once I said that she immediately started talking, saying how coincidental, that she was also dealing with a guy like that. I started to cry and say, I love the guy so much. She tried to pacify me and suggested we met and that I might be able to learn a thing or two from her on how to get my man back”. She paused, looked at me and said, “Well my love, I have an appointment to see her this evening in her hotel room, aren’t I a genius?”
I was impressed, I never knew Sandra had it in her to be this smart, anyway I shouldn’t be surprised, she has been trapping me for a long time, what’s one other girl to her? Kola, complimented her and I said thank you. She got up and came over to sit beside me and said, “one other important thing guys, I would like to thank you both, especially Kola for inviting me to his wedding, I met an amazing guy. whom I have fallen in love with. “Who is this lucky guy”, Kola asked , ‘’Well you will meet him soon, but it was so interesting how we met, remember at your wedding when you both came out to talk to me, as soon as you guys walked in , he came to me said hello and asked if I was your wife, I said no , he said girlfriend , I said I wish, from then on we hit it off , he asked me out the next day, he’s actually not been in the country for a while, he just came in from Joburg and he’s just trying to settle himself down.
Well Kola and I were happy for her and we said as much, I also chipped in that a lot of guys are coming in from Joburg these days, I remembered the guy I met at squash also came in from joburg, I wondered if the two might know each other? well I guess they all miss home a lot , East or West , they say home is the best …….hmmmmmm

MRS- Pamela, Tammy and I , have been spending most of our days in the church, praying with and keeping Toke company, Pamela wanted to leave yesterday after she heard Toke confess but Tammy spoke to her about forgiveness and she changed her mind. Mr. and Kola had to go back to work , cos they had loads of meetings.
O yes, let me continue with Tokes story-
“The truth is, Pamela caught me trying to chat up the guy staying with us,” At this point I looked at her, as if to say please don’t mention me, .she continued to look at me as she spoke , “well he was actually a friends Ex , they hadn’t actually broken it off , but the friend had moved on with her life , the guy was still holding onto hope that something might still happen between them, so Pamela felt it was wrong for me to try to move in on him. I resented her for that, I felt it was selfish of them both. She didn’t want him and she didn’t want anyone else to have him. So I went to our other best friend and cooked up all sort of malicious lies, Am sorry”. At this point, I let out a sigh of relief, the way Toke said it, no one except those of us involved would know whom she was talking about.
And Toke continued “Anyway, I got back home after spilling all those lies and I remembered it was the day of my appointment with the Man I had taken his card. So I called, he said he was back from Iran and asked his driver to come get me. This time we drove to a different house, it was also very nice and spacious, I later learnt it was his guest house. As soon as I walked in, I broke down in tears, the man was surprised and tried to comfort me. I stopped crying and apologized, told him I was just dealing with some personal issues and I shouldn’t have broken down in front of him like that.
He said it was okay and that a problem shared is a problem solved. So I told him my friend had just kicked me out of their apartment and I have nowhere to go, he looked at me and laughed. He said that was a small problem, he had numerous luxury apartments around the city. Today he will give me one of them. With that he picked up his phone to call his lawyer, the guy came in with a folder containing loads of properties.
The man then asked the lawyer to show me the ones that were vacant and that I should pick anyone. After I had scouted through about 30 properties , I finally found a lovely 2 bed pent house apartment , fully furnished , with a communal swimming pool and lawn tennis court in the compound , there were 8 other apartments and the penthouse apartment made it 9.
He immediately asked the lawyer to get the keys for me and come back to take me home to pack my things and go take possession. As soon as the lawyer left, I jumped on him, kissed and hugged him saying how grateful I was. He responded a bit but not what I expected, he just asked me to kiss his ring to show my gratitude, which I did several times.
The lawyer later took me to the apartment. It was amazing, fully furnished everywhere, the kitchen was fully stocked with all kinds of food and kitchen equipment’s you could imagine, 2 bedrooms and living room amazing, the bathrooms were larger than our sitting room at home , I was in heaven or so I thought. The next day, the man came over and asked how I was settling down, I noticed he let himself in, he had a key , I was a bit surprised but I rationalized it by thinking it’s his house anyway, so what did I expect.
He sat down with me for a while, I asked if I could offer him a drink or something to eat he declined. After a while he got up to go, he asked for my phone, I gave it to him. Surprisingly, he put it in his pocket and gave me a brand new very expensive phone, I asked for my sim card, he said there’s one in the new phone, I need to start a new life with him and I should forget about the past.
The shocking part was that he told me he didn’t want to see anyone in the apartment other than himself and if I need to go anywhere, there was a body guard outside the door and a car and driver available to me 24 hours. I wanted to say something but the look he gave me, made me change my mind, I just said “” Okay honey”” he said. “Good girl, you are mine now, and I don’t like to share “
At this point we were all gob smacked , Mr. ad Kola kept looking at each other , the rest of us with the pastor just asked her to continue…
‘’ Well I practically became a modern day slave, a prisoner, the crazy thing was that the kissing of his ring was the only connection I had with him that made him happy. His normal routine when he came over, which he did every evening. He would walk through the door , I would hug him, cos he never hugged back, then he sits down and asks me to come kiss his ring, once I do , he becomes a changed person, as if he has just made love, he chats with me, holds my hand and he is laughing and joking. I couldn’t understand it. Before he leaves he would then show me the transfer he had just done into my account, mind bugling amounts of money, after a while I didn’t even look at my bank balance anymore it was surreal. I found it hard to believe I had just met this man a few weeks ago””

The pastor asked us to take a break and have some lunch, Toke would continue her story after that……hmmmmmm

DAY 40
MR-kola and I had a tete a tete yesterday, he just came back from seeing his uncle, who summoned him there for marriage counselling. Our discussion was an eye opener, it blessed me tremendously and gave me an insight into life that I hadn’t actually thought about.
His uncle started with, why a man is called the bride groom on the day of the wedding. ‘Bride’ is the woman and groom means, to nurture, develop, bring up, elevate, make good, your duty as a man is to groom your bride to become a wife, the outcome of your wife is the result of how well your grooming was. You cannot expect her to fall in line with everything you want, she was born into her own life, grew up and became the woman you fell in love with, independent of your own input. Now you come along and want to change her completely? Come on Son, how do you think that is possible? You’ve got to come together, pay to God, make him the head of your home. Encourage her to become the best she can be and in turn she will become the helper to you, that God has ordained. Love, joy and happiness will abound in your home, she will thrive and be fruitful, talk to each other be patient, listen to her, pamper her and at the end you will have groomed a bride into an amazing wife”
Whoa! That’s amazing, I have never heard anyone define and dissect, the meaning of ‘bride groom’ like that. I sat there thinking of Mrs. and the areas of our life I needed to adjust.

Also yesterday before Kola came over I decided to go play squash. I am not sure why I feel this way, but there is something not right with this guy I met recently, am usually not a suspicious person but this time I can feel it in my blood that’s he’s not right. As I drove into the club I saw the guy standing next to a car, he was supposedly on the phone, as I pulled up, he finalized his call and walked over to me, “hello” he said, “I’ve been waiting for you, let’s play together”. I initially thought it was nice of him to wait for me but also how did he know I was coming to the court today, cos I don’t play every day? We went in, starting playing, played for 2 rounds.
Then it was time for me to leave, as we walked back to the car , he asked me about my Mrs., “how is she” he says, fine I replied, he then went on to ask me series of other questions all in succession, how long have you been married?, does she work? And is she pregnant. I stopped turned around and looked at him “May I know why you are so interested in my wife all of a sudden, why all the questions”? He replied “ Oh am sorry, forgive me, I just met this lady and I think she might be the one, just wanted to have an answer to some things that I’ve been thinking about, I intend to ask her to marry me” . I didn’t believe a word he said, it sounded so farfetched but I congratulated him all the same, got in my car and drove off. Made a mental note to discuss this guy with Kola.
Kola and tammy are getting ready to go on their honeymoon, they fly out for 10 days next tomorrow and we are going to miss them terribly. My MIL finally came back home yesterday. She immediately called Mrs. into her room and you won’t believe it but they were in there for 2 hours talking and crying. I can only imagine what they were talking about, I just pray it’s not some bad news again…….hmmmmmm

MRS- Wife, Helpmate, Prayer warrior, Mother. Those are the words I have never heard my mum say to me, yesterday for 2 whole hours my mum became a totally different woman, she became the kind of mum everyone should have, here is what happened-
My mum came back home early morning yesterday, I was curious to know where she was and why she only sent a text to ask me not to worry, that she was fine. Before I could say anything she asked me to come with her to her room. When we got in there, she sat me down and said “” My darling daughter, let me start by apologizing for not being the best mother to you, I let you down horribly and didn’t expend my motherly duties to you, I am sorry. I said “it’s okay mum, you were not that bad.” she asked me to let her finish, “ I didn’t bring you up the right way, in the way of the Lord, God bless your grandma’s soul, I know, she tried , she prayed with you and took you to church, but most times I stopped her from doing that.”
“I didn’t tell you that life wasn’t always going to be a bed of roses, I didn’t prepare you for marriage , didn’t teach you how to cook or be a good mother neither did I bring you up not to be selfish, to be calm and see others point of view. Not to make money the center of your life. I know you love your husband but I can also see all the material things you have accumulated. I see how you treat your range rover better than you treat you maids. My darling, am sorry, from now I will be a better mum. I wasn’t a good example either, I mistreated your dad even though he loved me very much. I ill-treated your grandma, and I know that the day she said to me, “your child will treat you the same way you treat me” she wasn’t causing me but it was a cause to me because of the way I treated her.”
“Please don’t be like me. You must learn how to cook, be a helper to your husband and treat people right and above all make God the head of your life and household. Please get your friend Tammy to help you”.
I was so shocked I broke down crying instantly, my mum was crying too, we must have held each other crying for a long time, because when we were done both our eyes were red and puffy.
O yes I remember I have to tell you the end of Toke’s story, well here it is – “On friday morning he comes over to the apartment and says he wants to take me to show his parents, because he wants to marry me. I was shocked, we barely just met, I didn’t even like him not to talk of love, although I loved the money and the new luxurious I was surrounded with, I didn’t know what to say. He said I didn’t have to say anything that he was old enough to know what he wanted. He promised to give me everything I want, tomorrow we will go meet his parents. He also mentioned that once am pregnant for him, I should choose any country in the world where I would like to go deliver the baby, a house in America just for me was also part of the package.
All this sounded too good to be true but I thought what could I loose I was old enough to get married, no future hubby yet and even though the sight of this man repulsed me, I could choose to live far away from him with my child in luxury and only see him once in a while.
On Saturday morning, he came to say he was taking me to his parents, we drove to a village about 3 hours away. We arrived in the evening, parked in front of an old bungalow, which he said was his parents’ house. I was surprised, a man with all his wealth, how could his parents live like this, anyway I held my peace, as we parked, an old couple came running out to meet us, he introduced them as his mum and dad, the woman gave me a hug, called me their wife and led me in.
Inside the bungalow, was not any better, but I sat down next to the man, after a few minutes they brought out some palm wine poured it into a traditional wooden bowl and asked me to drink, I initially declined told them I didn’t drink palm wine but the Man said it would be rude and offensive to decline, as this was the traditional welcome drink, for a bride to be, I took the bowl from the woman and drank…..,that was the last thing I remember, before I woke up here.”
After that, the pastor prayed for her, asked us to leave judgment to God, the man will meet his waterloo soon he said.
Toke is back home now with Pamela, she is talking properly and her mind is back but she has changed completely. She now goes to church every Wednesday for prayer meeting, midweek service and Sunday service, she has even signed up to be a church worker. I have heard it said that there is nothing like a near death experience, to get you extremely close to God……hmmmmmm

Day 41

MR-Kola and Tammy leave today, Mrs. and I are dropping them off at the airport. We are really going to miss them. For 10 days, Kola will be out of the country, all advice and brain storming sessions on hold until he’s back.
Mrs. told me what her and her Mum discussed yesterday, Whoa, I wonder what trigged my MIL to admit all these now. It must have been so hard for her to apologize and admit she wasn’t as good a mum as she should have been. You know it’s really interesting, my parents were strict but fair, God was always first in everything. My dad would always say,” Without God you are nothing, follow his instructions, allow him to always lead your life and I promise you, you will never go astray or be disappointed”. I felt chocked most times, church 3 times a week, fasting once a month, telling me off for every little thing, it was too much for me to understand, then, the first chance I got I revolted and that was when I turned 18, my dad just ignored my tantrums at the time and that was really upsetting, the reaction I wanted from him, I didn’t get.
As soon as I graduated, I got a job, moved out of the house and stopped going to church. You won’t believe that I only truly began to appreciate my Godly upbringing recently, when Kola had his near death experience. The truth is you never truly appreciate what you have until you find out how bad somebody else had it
I have honestly come to accept Mrs. for who she is, she suits me fine, whether she can cook or not, I love her, thank God I also have enough money to satisfy her needs and wants. But as her mum said it would be nice for her to be a bit more homely, especially when the children start coming.
My MIL, gave us a little shocker today, she told us she’s getting married, I wonder who the lucky guy is ?, Mrs. was getting a bit agitated about it, I asked her to calm down , she said she will, once she’s met the guy, only God knows what surprises lay ahead of us in this situation.
Kola and I had an unexpected visitor in the office yesterday, a wealthy widow was looking to give us some money to invest for her. She specifically asked that I handle her account. She said I should bring a proposal, to highlight various small businesses she can invest in and own between 25 to 40 % of the equity based on required amount of investment. We were delighted cos for our work we get 20 % of the total invested sum, there was a little snag though, she insisted that I meet her at home yesterday evening, to discuss her thoughts on the portfolio.
Around 6 pm I left the office, our appointment was for 7.30pm. I wanted to get there on time, I accounted for traffic and finding my way.
I arrived at her house about 7,10pm, I was ushered in immediately, and told to wait for her. I sat down in the huge living room, and sipped on the glass of wine I had been offered. At 7,30 pm on the dot, a maid came in to usher me into another private sitting room, where the lady was waiting, as I walked in, the maid left us alone, the lady walked towards me and gave me a hug, I felt a bit uncomfortable, but this was a client, so I had to act professionally even if she wasn’t.
She started by discussing the amount she wanted to invest, I was so shocked , our percentage of that was almost more than some of our full investments received, I opened up my proposal and gave her a copy, she asked me to come sit beside her , cos she wanted me to read and explain it to her, I did and as I was reading , the next thing I knew, her hand was on my leg, stroking me up and down, I ignored it at first , but it made me really uncomfortable rather than the pleasure she was expecting me to derive from it.
I got up after a few seconds, when I saw she wasn’t going to let me be, and said, “am sorry Ma’am it’s getting late, maybe you could stop by the office tomorrow and I could explain thing better”, she looked at me smiled and said “okay that was fine,” got up, gave me a hug again and asked me to take care of myself.
I walked so fast until I got in the car, I could not believe what just happened, that woman was old enough to be my mother. I thought of calling Kola but I didn’t want to disturb him, cos I knew he will be packing ad getting ready for his trip today. Now, speaking seriously , I think I need to take Kola’s advice, to go get my head washed, to be delivered from all these crazy women, that I seem to attract .why can’t they just leave me alone???…….hmmmmm

MRS-After our heart to heart conversation yesterday, my mum and I have definitely moved a couple of steps closer, the strange thing though, even though I have never admitted it, I have always been afraid to end up like my Mum, she wasn’t kind or motherly, she was just plain mean, yesterday I discovered a side of my mum I never knew she had.
She was right, she raised me to be self-centered, proud and as for manners, thank God for my grandmother, she was able to instill in me what I have tried to build on today, am sure you might be surprised that I don’t seem to be as crazy as I should be despite no proper upbringing, let me tell you, what actually also helped me.
I’ve never discussed this with anyone, Babs was actually another one besides my grandma, who helped to tame me. When I was in University, I drove a car, lived in my own apartment, travelled out of the country every summer holiday and wore the latest and most expensive designer clothes. I was so cocky, my friends worshipped the ground I walked on, the only person I would respect was my grandmother but as soon as she died, respect flew out of the window.
One day I was eating with my friends in the cafeteria, in walks Babs with one other friend, he comes up to me and says he would like to talk to me, I get up, with my drink in hand, we walk a few steps from the table and before he could say a word, I empty my full bottle of coke on his head, give him a stern warning , not to ever come near me or open that his smelly mouth to talk to me and I walk back to my friends, who by now are beside themselves with laughter. But what does Babs do?, he takes off his now wet t shirt, comes back to the table and asks me again to please give him a few minutes, cos he still wants to talk to me. Everyone froze, I was so taken aback, I immediately fell in love with him. From then on he patiently talked to me, took all my excesses and after 3 years of dating I was much better. I had learnt how to respect people, talk to, not talk at and also got a lot of patience and humility. I stayed with Babs for another 2 years but the one thing he couldn’t get out of me, was my love for the finer things of life, that’s what made me leave him, we didn’t official break it off, if I had done that at the time it would have killed him. Back then no matter how he tried he just couldn’t get his life together. I guess he was just meant to prepare me for Mr.
Anyway, this morning my mum came into out room and told Mr. and I that she had something really important to tell us. She sat down and said, “My darlings I want your blessing, am getting married”. It took a while for what she said to sink in, “what?” I said. She said that she has been dating this guy for a while and now he has asked her to marry him and she accepted. I asked her how long she has been planning this. She said for a while, I was about to ask another question when Mr. got up, said congratulations mum and hugged her. I reluctantly got up and hugged her as well. Has my mum was about to leave, I asked who the lucky guy was, she sad “Don’t worry dear, you we will meet him soon.”
My fear?, my Mum is attracted to all sorts , I raised my objections with Mr., he told me to leave my mum alone, if the guy would make her happy , why was I complaining. I agreed with him and said until I meet the guy, then we will see.
Mr. and I, are seeing Kola and Tammy off this afternoon, we will definitely miss them.
Yesterday I spent the rest of day with Toke and Pamela, we hadn’t hung out in a while, had a lot of catching up to do. After we had gisted for a while, I voiced out my opinion, that I still think this wicked evil Ex-governor guy, should be punished for what he did, “Pamela, let’s ask you uncle what punishment he could give to him”, Pamela and I were in agreement with that but Toke would not hear of it, she started to preach about forgiveness. Well I hear her for now, but I promise you, they have not heard the last from me on this issue, I must find a way to make him pay for what he did and that’s a promise………hmmmmmm

Day 42
MR-I actually had tears in my eyes, you won’t believe it, I quickly wiped it away before Mrs. saw it. As I hugged Kola, I realized for the last 5 years, except during my honey moon, a day had not gone by, without me seeing him, my heart gave way, I saw him so happy with Tammy leaving for Phuket , it felt good to see him finally happily married, to tell that truth at a point I thought he was never going to get married. Anyway as we watched them go on board the flight, I felt like dropping everything and taking Mrs and just getting on the plane with them.

On our way from the airport Mrs and I decided to stop for lunch.. We choose a quiet Italian restaurant one of Mrs. favorite. We parked outside, walked in, I was behind. We were seated immediately in a corner booth. The waiter came to take our order and gave us some appetizers, while waiting for the main course. I got up to go use the rest room, as I turned the corner there were a group of 10 people sitting round a long table with a cake in the middle , it was obvious someone had come to celebrate his or her birthday with friends.
As i walked past them I heard someone call my name , I looked back and there was Teni. She came over to me and said, “Oh my gosh, you remembered my birthday, I knew you will come around to my side, but wait a minute, how did you know we were here?”

It took me a while to compose myself ,because by this time all the other people around the table were looking at me. I really don’t know what came over me but I foolishly said, “Trust me, I know everything that goes on in this town, Happy birthday, give me a minute, I need to use the gents, I will join you guys”. She was so happy she hugged me and as I walked away I could hear her say “That’s my sweetheart , he was out of town but came back early to surprise me”.

I almost beat myself up, what was I thinking, why on earth would I say a thing like that? Anyway, for now i need to get out of here. I doubled back to Mrs. and said something came up , we need to leave now, she was a bit shocked but saw how agitated I was and choose to follow me out of the restaurant and not say anything.

As we drove off, I caught her looking at me with a curious expression on her first but I just pretended I didn’t notice and drove.
I dropped Mrs. at home, didn’t even get out of the car, the excuse I gave for leaving was that, an important client, leaving the country tonight, needs to meet with me urgently. I drove straight to the office before I finally took a deep breathe and switched my phone back on, I had switched it off just before we left the restaurant.
I had 10 missed calls from Teni’s no and 6 from an unknown no, which I also guessed was Teni’s. There was a text from that no, it read. “If you think you can make a fool out of me, you better think again, you show up at my party, then disappear, making me a laughing stock among my friends? For this I will surely pay you back and I promise, this time you won’t see it coming”.

Now i believe i really do need serious prayers, Am still dealing with the, ‘Did I or did I not make love to this Jezebel saga?’ now this. To be honest i keep digging myself deeper and deeper into the mud. Trouble just sits there doing its own thing and i go their to invite it to deal with me. What am I thinking???, I guess am not thinking……hmmmm

MRS- Pamela called me yesterday afternoon to get ready to go out, cos she was on her way to pick me up, I asked if Toke was coming too, she said no, this was a mission for both d us alone. She got to ours just as Mr. dropped me off. She didn’t say much, just” let’s go.”

We drove out of our estate on to the dual carriage way. She hadn’t said a word to me, I was anxiously waiting for her to tell me where we were going. After a while I couldn’t take it anymore , I busted out, “Are you going to tell me where we are going or do I have to beat it out of you”? She also had her come back line “If I tell you, I would have to kill you”. We both broke down laughter, we must have laughed for a while cos by the time we stopped laughing , she said “we are here”.

I looked out of the window and all I saw was a white fence, higher than the buildings inside and a huge black gate. Two armed men approached the car, asked for Pamela’s Id, once they checked it, they ordered the gate open and we drove in. You won’t believe what was behind the wall. Rows of beautifully designed duplexes with about 4 or 5 exotic cars in each drive way. Armed men patrolling everywhere. It suddenly dawned on me that we were in Pamela’s uncle’s official military quarters.

We parked in the visitors’ car park and had to be escorted to his duplex, he was waiting for us in front of his house, when he saw us coming, he walked towards us and said “how is my beautiful niece? “Fine uncle” Pamela replied. “This is my best friend I’ve been talking about”, he looked me up and down and said “we finally meet Miss, Pamela has told me a lot about you, how are you doing?”, with that, he walked back into the house, with us in tow.
We all sat down in his private living room on the 1st floor, then he asked Pamela to start from the beginning of Toke’s ordeal. When she was done, he took a deep breath and said. “This is not going to be easy because of this man’s position in society but first we will set up surveillance to track his activities, business and other interest, once we establish a pattern, we move on to stage 2 and then the final stage. Don’t worry your pretty heads about that for now, but just stay cool and sit back and watch”. “How would we know when he’s been dealt with uncle?” I asked. He looked at me, smiled and said, “Don’t worry my dear, the whole country will know”.
Pamela and I thanked him and left. I felt a lot better now that this wicked man was definitely not going to get away with what he did to Toke, although i couldn’t help but wonder , what exactly was going to happen to him, am sure we will find out soon enough.

Pamela dropped me back at home, as I walked in overheard my Mum say she loved someone on the phone. I couldn’t help but wonder who this mysterious guy was?. knowing her, he will definitely be a surprise, she has never been conventional, and that scares me, anyway am here waiting patiently.

As for Mr. He must have seen a ghost, because that’s the only explanation I can think of, for what happened at the restaurant yesterday. I am still upset with him for interrupting our ‘sort of’ romantic lunch. I was planning to have it out with him once he came back home but when he walked through that door late yesterday night, he looked so deflated, I didn’t have the heart to have a go at him. Although I still want to know what made us leave the restaurant in such a hurry. I don’t believe his story of a client waiting, his actions were more like something was chasing him and he was petrified.

Let sleeping dogs lie, my mum cautioned me when she saw how determined I was to get to the bottom of this sudden escape. Easier said than done, but I will let the dog sleep for now, but let it not get too comfortable, cos a wake up call is on the way……hmmmmm

Day 43

MR- I recently found that fasting was a key to answered prayer. I made up my mind yesterday to fast for 3 days for God to deliver me from attracting Jezebels in my life. The drama that unfolded yesterday is beyond believe, where do I begin-

When you own your business you work on Saturdays and Sundays if required. Yesterday morning, I got a call from our new client that she couldn’t make it to the office on Friday that I should please come over to the house around 2pm for a working lunch, she apologized for her previous behavior and admitted she was out of line. I said it was okay, I understood and that I will see her at 2pm. Around 1.30 pm, I was still stuck in another meeting with some clients, so I asked my PA, Tony to take the documents to our new client and apologize on my behalf that I was held up in another meeting, I didn’t want to call her and give excuses.

About an hour and a half later, we were just rounding up my first meeting when I looked at my phone, it was on silent but I could see Tony had called me 9 times. I was so scared I couldn’t think of any reason why, so I excused myself went out into the hallway and called him back, as soon as he picked the phone, I could hear him sniffling, as he spoke to me he started to cry and yell , Sir I think she’s dead , it wasn’t my fault , am sorry Sir, I had to also yell at him to stop crying and explain, here is what he narrated :
He drove to the client’s house with the documents I had asked him to take to her. As soon as he got there, He was ushered straight up the stairs by a maid into the client’s private living room. The maid offered him a drink, which he declined and she then said Madam will be with him in a few minutes.
About 30 minutes later, the maid came back to get him, they went up to the penthouse stopped outside a door and the maid asked him to go in. He was a bit hesitant but proceeded to open the door, as he walked in the room, it was very dark, before he could turn round to ask the maid a question, the door slammed and he felt a body jump on him, saying welcome darling , I got you all to myself now,. Before he could think straight, he pulled the woman off him and tossed her, he heard her scream and then there was silence, he quickly started groping around in the dark, found the door and ran all the way to his car, he didn’t even look back until he got to the office, being a Saturday, no one else was at work so he just locked himself in my office and kept trying to get in touch with me.

I started laughing so hard , everyone in my meeting came out to see what was going on, I apologized and said to Tony, she must have thought it was me, we have the same build, o my gosh, I asked him to calm down , not to worry I would take care of it. I also told him to go home and wait for my call.

As I drove back to the office, the image of the woman flying across the room as Tony tossed her made me laugh to myself all the way back. I couldn’t have gotten back to the office for 45 mins when the client arrived with the police, accusing me of grievous bodily harm, she thought I was the one who tossed her. I told the police I have an alibi, I was nowhere near her house. They insisted on going with me to verify my alibi.

We went back to the office where I had my meeting earlier, asked for the security footage. The time stamp on the footage showed me there from before the time of the incident to after the incident, the police officer looked at Madam and said “” Madam, this man could not have been in two places at once, this clearly shows that he was here during the time you claim he attacked you in your own home. We are sorry madam but you must be mistaken. She looked at us all and swore under her breathe as she walked out of the office very angry.
I could see a bump on her head when the scarf she had on, moved to the side a bit. How embarrassing this must be for her, I knew we had kissed bye bye to her investment but at this point I couldn’t be bothered, after all my driver always says “what you know you’re not going to eat, don’t bother smelling it”……..hmmmmm

MRS- Loving and being in love is one of the greatest feelings you can have. I think about my life and how fortunate I am, married to an amazing man, healthy and wealthy, God has been good to me. Mr. and I, might have our little squabbles but on the whole we are very much in love, not that am trying to convince myself, am just responding to a question I was asked yesterday at the saloon when I went to get my hair done, Do you absolutely believe your husband would never cheat on you?, of course I do, was my answer, to be honest I meant it and come to think of it I didn’t think he will have the heart to do it.
My mum is going back home today, I will miss her, I was just beginning to enjoy my mum, now that she’s changed and become a different woman, anyway she’s not too far away, I will make sure I visit her often. The only snag now is this her mysterious husband to be, I keep asking her who the fellow is and she keeps asking me to be patient that in due time I will meet him.

Oh did I tell you, I’ve been learning how to cook, i have been practicing on my mum and right now am on 70%, the last sauce I made she said could do with a little more spice. Well that’s okay by me. At least next time my MIL pops round I can confidently make her a home cooked meal. Speaking of food, Mr. is on a 3 day fast that means we get to eat dinner out every night, tonight I insisted we go back to the Italian restaurant we ran out of. He’s fine with that, I plan to ask him what got into him. Although I think I might have a problem of letting things go easily. When I got back from Pamela’s uncles place, I remembered what the pastor had said about leaving the judgment of this wicked man to God, I hope we are doing the right thing by seeking judgment ourselves?. I think I’ll just let this one go. I’ll tell Mr. I changed my mind I don’t want Italian anymore.

Tammy sent me some pictures to my email, this morning, o my gosh, Phuket is amazing, pictures of her sun bathing on the beach. She said she couldn’t believe how wonderful God has been to her, she never in her wildest dreams knew that she could enjoy such luxury. She was happy, and madly in love with Kola. She asked me to give her love to everyone.
She’s such a blessed girl but I believe Kola is the lucky one, you can’t fault Tammy, even I sometimes wish I had her character, she’s beautiful, smart, kind, compassionate, intelligent and above all Godly, the true definition of a virtuous woman.

Pamela’s uncle called me as well, he asked me to come see him on Monday, said he had some questions to ask me, since Toke confided in me before her saga. He said not to drive. I should go to Pamela’s house in the morning, he will send someone to get me. I asked him what about Pamela, he responded that the interview has to be done individually and that Pamela will do hers tomorrow. I really do hope we have made the right decision……hmmmmmm

Day 44

MR-You would be wondering what’s going on with me? Even I wish I knew. Why do all these women keep trying to get me in trouble? Well I don’t know either, but one thing I know is that I must get myself out of all this palaver. You might be thinking I don’t seem to want too, but on the contrary, I do and I promise you, I am seriously praying and working on it at the same time.

I got a call from Sandra, she sounded so excited on the phone and she asked us to meet yesterday evening at the restaurant near my office. I left home early, asked Tony to meet me first, I wanted to update him about what happened with the client yesterday. He was so relieved that the woman was alive and that I had been the one the woman came for and not him. After I was done with him, I went to meet Sandra at the restaurant. When I got there she was already waiting , she was different, not her usual bubbly self, she seemed disinterested in me, which kind of shocked me a bit, I was so used to her bugging me, that I sort of missed it in a way.

Anyway, she said hello to me and that was it, first she brought out her phone and told me to listen to a recording she was about to play. The recording started, it was Teni’s voice –“Look Sandra, no guy should get away with treating you like crap”” the recording continued, Teni mentioned my name and said how she tricked me, drugged me, lied to me that I made love to her, stripped me naked and took the pictures, she even went on to say that next week she’s sending me a fake positive pregnancy test, the result of our rendezvous. I finished listening to the recording, I couldn’t believe my ears, Sandra just handed me the evidence to get me out of the biggest crisis I was in right now.

Sandra was very modest about it, she sent me the recoding immediately via Bluetooth, she also sent me some other pictures of me in compromising positions, she took off Teni’s phone, she confirmed that she deleted them all from Tenis phone and right there in front of me she deleted them off her own phone.
I said I had one question, how did she get the pictures? , she said simple, “Teni likes to drink a lot, a couple of nights ago she invited me to her place, we were drinking a bottle of baileys, when she went to use the bathroom. I put sleeping pills in her drink, once she was out cold, I went to work on her phone.

I jumped up from where I was sitting, hugged her and said thank you so much, and for the first time she didn’t hug me back, she just said don’t let my fiancé see you, you know am engaged now. I said I was really grateful and happy for her, I wished her all the best, thanked her again and left.

I was so excited, I wanted to share the news with Kola but of course he was still away on his honeymoon, so decided to go to the club. I always keep a spare kit in my private locker at the club, so decided to play a few rounds of squash and hang out with the boys after.
A few hours later we were all hanging out when the new guy I met recently turned up. He sat down with us and all of a sudden changed the topic from football to cheating. He asked the guys the question, “if you have incriminating evidence that your friend is cheating on his or her partner, would you tell him or her”. Everyone had an opinion, most guys said no, they will just advice the guy to be more careful, I didn’t say anything, a few said they will, if they like the wife. I then asked him what he will do. He just said he wasn’t sure and that it depends, “On what “, I asked, he just looked at me smiled and didn’t say anything.

I left them there shortly after and drove home, as I approached our gate , I saw it open and Mrs. drive past me so fast, she didn’t even look at me. I was shocked, I hooted several times to get her attention but she didn’t even stop. I drove into the compound, saw one of the maids looking really confused. I got out of my car, asked her what’s going on, she said “ Oga, I don’t know, Madam got a text, before I knew what was happening , she screamed and started crying, then she just grabbed her keys and handbag and drove off ……… hmmm

MRS-Well, well, well, am hurting really bad, I can’t believe this is happening to me, am currently in hiding and am not sure if or when am coming out of it, before you think am bunkers , here is what happened-
First of all I decided to go to church, because Toke had asked me to come pick her and Pamela up. I accepted cos Mr. had some meeting in his office and another later in the afternoon. My mum left and the house is really boring, so spending the morning with my friends in church was a great idea. Then mainly because I promised myself I would go to church more, since Toke’s incident.
We got to church on time, the sermon was good and it was about loving your neighbor as yourself. After service Pamela and I had to wait around for an hour cos Toke had to attend a workers meeting. While were I decided to ask Pamela what she thinks about her uncle wanting to meet with me on my own. As if she had been planning to attack me, she just went into a frenzy “I don’t know, why bother to ask me, my uncle meets you for all but 2 minutes and now he wants to see you on your own, you better be careful, he likes women a lot.” I was stunned, I asked her what brought all this on and she took a deep breath, said nothing and then apologized.
Right there and then I sent a text to her uncle, saying I won’t be able to make it and I would get in touch with him when I was available. I showed it to Pamela. This time, she lost it completely. “Why did you do that, now my uncle will think I asked you not to come” she went on and on. When I saw that there was no sign of her letting up, I got out of my car and walked towards the church building, just then I saw Toke approaching, we both walked back to the car, Pamela couldn’t say anything cos Toke had asked us to drop the case.
The ride to their house was quiet, nobody but the car radio said anything, when we got there Pamela asked Toke to please give us a minute. Once Toke had walked away Pamela started to apologize, she said she was a bit jealous that my uncle cut her out of the meeting for tomorrow, I told her not to worry I wasn’t going anyway. We hugged and got out of the car. I spent a couple of hours with them, then drove home.
When I got home, Mr. wasn’t back, I knew he will soon come home and then we would go out for dinner, so I decided to call the restaurant to bring the food home, I set up a table on the patio facing the pool, got candles and flowers to decorate, then I chilled a bottle of wine in the fridge, went upstairs to have a bubble bath. After the bath, I picked out a nice dress that Mr. liked to see me in, I was determined to look sexy and surprise him tonight, I had listened to the discussion in the saloon yesterday, the one about the best way to keep your man constantly interested in you, fascinated me. I put perfume on, wore a G string for quick after dinner action, put on this amazingly short dress that showed off my long legs and cleavage and I let my hair down.
I went downstairs and decided to wait for him in the front room so that he will see me as soon as he walks in. just as I sat down and called the maid to pour me a drink, a text came in on my phone, I thought it was Mr. probably telling me he was on his way home. But as I opened it, I couldn’t believe my eyes, I started to scream, tears rolled down my eyes , I picked up my keys , got in my car and drove……..hmmmmm

Day 45
MR-Oh dear God, what’s going on now? Mrs. is not picking my calls. I haven’t slept a wink since yesterday, I have gone to Pamela’s place, Mrs. mums place even the church, she’s not there, I can’t explain it, this is really serious. It’s like am in a dream and I need to wake up. I haven’t told Mrs. Mum yet, that am looking for her daughter, cos it’s only been 1 day and I don’t even know what the problem is or where she is. Am almost at my wit send with worry. The worst thing is, I don’t know where else to look?
Casting my mind back to yesterday, I woke up, Mrs. and I had our usual Morning Prayer and catch up gist. Then we had breakfast, lazed around for a bit and then went for my meetings. We didn’t have any arguments and Mrs. was in high spirits. We didn’t speak during the day but that happens often enough, these days and Mrs. is use to it. When I got back home and saw her drive off, I walked into the house and saw the romantic setting she had prepared for our dinner that evening, it was beautiful and so romantic and nothing indicated that she was upset with me from all that I could see. So what happened? The thought of trying to figure out this whole mess is driving me bunkers. Honestly, I am gob smacked, I decided to break protocol and call kola.

Fortunately I got him at the first dial, he was so happy to hear from me, Tammy had gone for a massage at the hotel spa. I narrated the whole saga to Kola, from meeting Teni at the restaurant, to Sandra getting the info from Teni and now Mrs. After I stopped talking, he said to me, “Bro, you’ve been really busy without me, I leave you for 2 seconds and you’ve already gotten yourself entangled. Anyway Bro, don’t worry, we’ll find her, have you tried calling her no”. I told him I had called Mrs. so many times, it just rings out, she doesn’t pick it up.
Kola then drops a bomb shell. “I hope, Teni wasn’t the one who sent Mrs. a text?” “I pray not, anyway she doesn’t have Mrs. no, or does she? Where will she get it from?”. “Don’t worry”, Kola said, “I have an idea, the only person Mrs. will listen to right now, is Tammy, so as soon as she gets back, Tammy will call Mrs. to find out what the problem is.” That made me feel a bit relieved, I thanked Kola and apologized for interrupting their honeymoon, he was fine with it and asked me to take it easy. He promised to call me back immediately Tammy spoke to Mrs.
I went back upstairs to lay on our bed, smelt Mrs. pillow, I wanted to hold onto her so badly, I started to pray, “Please God don’t let anything bad happen to us, grant us the grace and favors to work thing out, do not let anything or anyone come between us” I could feel all my body aching me , I hadn’t slept in 24 hours, I didn’t even know when I dozed off completely ……hmmmmmm

MRS- What am about to tell you now, some of you will crucify me and probably a few of you will understand, but all the same , here it is-
Everything was set for a romantic dinner with Mr. I had gotten the food delivered, put on one of Mr.’s favorite dresses and chilled the wine, I even put on my most expensive Bra and panties in anticipation of the striptease I was going to do for him, all that was missing was Mr himself.
And then disaster strikes, a text comes onto my phone from an unknown no, I open it and I couldn’t believe what I was looking at, Mr. and a lady, naked in bed, she was laying on top of him, if I wasn’t a bit strong, probably right there and then, I would have crossed over to my maker. How could Mr. do this to me?, I was just defending him yesterday, swore blue black that he will never ever cheat on me, now this, I couldn’t take it, I picked up my bag and keys got into my car and drove, as I was pulling out of our gate, I saw Mr. driving in to our close, I intentionally ignored him, I heard him hooting, trying to get my attention, but why?, he should go spend time with his other woman.

As I drove towards our estate gate, I got another call, I picked it up and to my surprise it was Babs. I asked him when he got back. he didn’t respond, just asked me what was wrong, I said nothing but he insisted, he asked where I wa , I told him I was just driving out of my estate, he said he was staying at a friend’s place, he gave me the address , it was surprisingly opposite our estate, at first I refused but then I thought who else can I talk too.
Pamela and Toke are already envious, I have the perfect man, but I believe Blabs knows me better and he has always been able to calm me down easily, so I did a u turn, turned the car around and drove to the address he gave me.
You must understand that I was really hurting, I felt the only man I trusted had just let me down, my whole world came crumbling down in front of me. I pulled up in front of the address Babs gave me, sat in the car crying, my heart was trying to tell me, this was a bad idea, am, on the one hand blaming Mr. for an indiscretion and here I was at the first hint of trouble I run into my ex arms . Anyway I parked the car properly, my intention was to call him to come down and tell him I changed my mind, I couldn’t come up. Just then there was a tap on my side of the car, I looked up it was Babs.
You must remember I hadn’t seen him properly since I left him more than 6 years ago. That day at Pamela’s, I barely saw his face. Now looking at him properly, He looked amazing, he was well built, broad shoulders and still had his winning smile, on a good day I would have voiced out my compliments but today my heart was aching badly, I just broke down crying again, he opened the car door, reached into the car and hugged me. At that moment I just let him, I needed so desperately to get all this hurt out of me, I wasn’t thinking this was a bad idea, or how come he’s staying next to my estate when he supposed to be in Joburg?, how did he get my no? How did he know where I live? all those questions and alarm bells ringing in my head where ignored, Against my better judgment, I just sat back, not thinking and allowed the man I was supposed to be fleeing from, cradle me in his arms……hmmmmm

Day 46-
MR- woke up all of a sudden, my phone was ringing , I stretched out my hand to pick it up from my beside table, I rolled over to kiss Mrs. as was my usual practice every morning, but rolled into a void, it dawned on me quickly that this wasn’t a dream, Mrs. was really missing. I picked up my call, it was Tammy. She sounded really low, said she has been trying to call me for a few hours, she apologized for waking me up. I should be the one apologizing I said.
She asked me how I was holding up, she had called Mrs., asked her where she was, she couldn’t tell me, but I should be rest assured she will call come back home today. That confirmation from Tammy melted my heart, it was as if a heavy load had been lifted off me, I thanked her, jumped out of bed to wait for her to walk through the door.
As I sat there waiting, I cast my mind back to what Kola said, “”What if Teni had sent a text to Mrs.? though I felt it was impossible cos Teni didn’t have Mrs. no, but now thinking back, the maid said Mrs. got a text, called my name and dashed out, it’s all sort of adding up now. All the things I could have told her and didn’t, I rationalized everything, I thought more along the lines of ‘what you don’t know, won’t hurt you’, I was terribly wrong, I had not taken into account third parties that are looking to ruin everything good you have, if I had told her about this crazy Teni girl, all these won’t be happening.
I must tell her everything once she gets back, about Teni, Sandra, Jane and even the crazy client, from now no more secrets between us. God please help me and help her understand. I thank God for friends like Kola and Tammy, their marriage is barely some weeks old and they have become marriage counsellors to Mrs. and I, what would I do without them.
I sat there looking at the time, since yesterday, I hadn’t spoken to Mrs. or knew where she was, Tammy said she will call, I believe her. Just then my phone rang it was Mrs., I picked it up so fast “Hello my love, where are you, please come home” the voice at the other end said, “Sorry this is not your wife Sir, she was involved in an accident and was rushed to our hospital. Could you please come over”. “Oh! No Pleases is she alive? Where? How?” “Calm down sir, I will text you the address”. Before the guy dropped the phone, I was already in the car driving out of our gate…….hmmmmmm

MRS-Am lost for words and shocked beyond belief, I have 2 unbelievable situations on my hands right now. First Mr.’s picture that got sent to me, then this –
I let Babs cradle me in his hands, he led me up stairs to the apartment he was staying in, as soon as I walked in, I noticed his pictures on the wall, how could this be a friend’s place as he had claimed?, That was my first warning sign, but I conveniently ignored it, then he asked me if I wanted a drink and something to eat, I said maybe in a bit, he sat down beside me held my hand and started to talk. Now I want you to bear in mind I hadn’t told him what happened yet. Babs said “My darling, most men can’t be trusted, look at you, Beautiful, intelligent , if I was still your man I would never look at another woman , not to talk of stepping out on you, I will treasure you, love you like I still do, forever” . Now at this point I was shocked, I asked him how he knew what I was crying about. Initially he said I told him, then when I said I didn’t, he now tried to cover it up by saying what else could make me cry like am doing now. Warning bell no 2, I also ignored.
He went on to try and comfort me, held my hand, then got up to say he wanted to go get me something to eat, just then my phone rang it was an international no, I picked it up and It was Tammy, the water works came flowing down again, she asked me an important question did you speak to Mr. ? I said no, speak to him, things are not always what they seem, I was a bit taken aback, but she just said trust me, this is not as straight forward as it looks, its better Mr. explains it to you. I said okay, where are you she asked? I said at a friend’s, she said go home to your hubby, let him explain to you. I thanked her and put the phone down.
A lot of funny thoughts started coming to my mind, what did Tammy mean when she said things are not always the way they seem, is she trying to say Mr. is not the one in the picture or maybe he is not really naked? I tried to get my head around all the times he was acting suspiciously. The time some woman called Sandra sent him a love text, when he rushes us out of the restaurant the other day. Now it all seemed to be adding up. You won’t believe it but the devil was having a field day with my brain.
Just then I noticed Babs had left his 2 phones on the table, I didn’t even know he had more than one no. One of the phones was the latest Samsung, out of curiosity I picked it up and began look at it, I don’t know what I touched but it opened up the sent messages and when I looked at it I saw my name, I clicked on the message, it open and viola, the same picture he had sent to me yesterday evening. Oh my gosh! My heart was beating so fast, Babs sent me the message, what’s going on here? How did he get it? And why is he pretending? So many questions came rushing into my head at the same time. I dropped the phone, picked up my bag and ran out of the apartment into my car, my head was pounding and I was crying at the same time, I just wanted to get back home, i was driving fast and crying at the same time trying to call Mr. But his phone was busy. The last thing I remembered was a loud bang and total darkness…….hmmmmmmm

Day 47
MR-As I drove to the hospital. All sorts of crazy thoughts kept rolling through my mind, I don’t want to lose Mrs., what am going to do if I do?, this is all my fault, I should have opened up to her, I kept praying to God to forgive me and just spare my Mrs.
I got to the hospital in under 20 minutes, despite heavy traffic, I navigated my way, parked, ran in to ask for Mrs. room. I was told she was awake and fine, she just fainted from shock, No major injuries. A car had hit her by the side when she drove into an intersection without looking properly. Oh my gosh! was I super excited to see her, she smiled as I walked in, I went over to her and said I was sorry. She said she was sorry too, we held each other for a long time until she went back to sleep.
Once she woke up the doctor agreed to discharge her. We drove home, happy to be together again, we didn’t realize how much we had missed each other. Mrs. was quiet all the way home, when we got home I carried her in and straight to bed. She didn’t want to go back to sleep all she wanted to do was apologize and talk, I also wanted to do the same.
I started, “what did I do that was so bad my love that you couldn’t talk to me? You had to run out on me, disappear and leave me here wondering what had happened to you. Do you know the kind of agony you put me through? I almost lost my mind completely”. Mrs. looked at me, asked me to please pass her phone, I did, she opened a message and passed the phone back to me without saying a word, she started to cry, I took the phone from her and looked at it, it was the naked picture of Teni and I that was sent to me as well. For a few seconds, I just starred at the phone, then I put it down, moved closer to Mrs. and cuddled her in my arms, I then said “” Am so sorry my love you had to see this , but I promise you this is definitely not what it seems , let me explain”
I brought out my phone and pressed Play, Teni’s voice came on ‘’ look here Sandra, I also have a guy who thinks he’s smart , I came back from Canada to get married to him and what does he do? He turns me down because he says he got married already. We were supposed to get married, he was in love with me. I wasn’t ready at the time but when I was he sneakily tied the knot with someone else without my knowledge, Sandra do you know what I did?, I lured him to my hotel room, with the pretense that I wanted to apologize for my bad behavior since I got back, drugged his drink, laid him on the bed with the help of one of the waiters, whom I gave a tidy sum, stripped him naked, then I also got naked. The same waiter took pictures of both of us lying on top of each other naked. One that was done, I covered him up, packed my things and left him there. The next day I sent him a text saying, I really had fun, our love making was great, am sure we will hear good news once the result comes out. Then I followed with the naked pictures. Sandra can you imagine what he’s going through now. And do you know what my intentions are, I will send his a fake positive pregnancy test and insist I am not having an abortion, what I want is to be his wife”.

The recoding stopped, Mrs. at this time was seated in the bed and her eyes were wide open with unbelief, “why didn’t you tell me my love? I am so sorry, from this same Sandra, I saw a text on your phone claiming she loved you and I have kept you inside for a long time, thinking it was someone you were having an affair with. Please forgive me for my childish behavior, I should have just trusted you and asked you about it”.
“Don’t worry my love, it’s not your fault, I should have told you about all these crazy women in my past before we got married, but I decided to keep it from you, well there is no other time like the present , so let me just tell you about the other ones, Now there is Sandra, Jane and recently a crazy client of mine, but before I do, First of all, let’s go downstairs and get something to eat”………..hmmmm

MRS-I woke up a few minutes later, I was in hospital, a Good Samaritan had rushed me to the hospital not too far from the scene to the accident. I wasn’t looking nor concentrating at the time, I saw the car coming at me but it was too late to avoid it. As soon as I woke up, my mind kept flashing back to what just happened.
What was I thinking? Why didn’t I just wait for Mr. and ask him about the picture. To make matters worse I allowed Babs to cajole me into coming to his place, His place? Where he claimed belonged to a friend? He had his pictures displayed all over the wall that means he didn’t actually go to joburg as he said, what was this guy up too? He’s definitely trying to break up Mr. and me. Where did he get the picture from? I really don’t understand any of this, my brain is so confused.
I couldn’t wait to see Mr. the doctor told me they had gotten his no off my phone and called him, he was on his way. One thing am sure of is I’ve got to tell him about Babs, I have no other choice, this has gone on long enough. As Mr. walked him, I was so happy to see him, he came close, hugged and reassured me that I was going to be fine, for some minutes I just forgot about how I got there in the first place. Mr. apologized and I did too, he was so sweet and caring as always, I had really missed him.
The drive home was very quiet, when we got there, Mr. didn’t let me walk in, he carried me all the way up to bedroom, sat down next to me on the bed, looked into my eyes and asked me what the matter was. Why did I run away from home, without a call, or a word? He missed me so much and never wants us to have this kind of situation ever again.
I looked at him, asked him to pass my phone, I opened up the text message that came in, showed him the picture that got me all started and he looked at it with sad eyes, then turned to me, switched to the recorder on his phone and pressed play.
As I listened to Teni try to frame him up, all I could think of was how guilty I felt, first for not trusting him and secondly for not confiding in him about Babs, now there was no going back, am going to have to tell him everything from the beginning. My heart was beating fast and I was sweating lightly, I was about to open my mouth and start to confess, when the recoding ended, and Mr. said lets go get something to eat.
I felt so relieved, I had time to compose myself and come up with a version that won’t be too hard for him to hear, please God help me…..hmmmmmm

Day 48
MR-Am sorry my dear, I wi not make any excuses. I should have told you about al these women, so here goes-
“Yesterday I told you about Teni, what I didn’t tell you was that I never actually officially broke up with her, she was in Canada when we got married and it was convenient not to tell her , basically because of her aggressive nature , I was afraid of her reaction. When she came back into town recently, she turned up at my office unexpectedly, I had to run out through the back because I didn’t want a confrontation. She invited me to the hotel where she was staying, Kola and I devised a safety plan, he would check into an adjoining room, once I call his no twice, he will come barging in, the idea was that, with the spare key to Teni’s room he collected at reception, access to her room will be automatic. But things didn’t work out like that as you noticed.”
“As for Sandra, she and I didn’t actually date but we had a fling before you and I were married, in her mind I was definitely going to marry her, she behaved like and called herself, my future wife , even her father felt I should get married to her but I wasn’t interested. I also didn’t tell her when we got married. To make matters worse, I deceitfully strung her along for a while. Until she let me know the joke was on me, because she knew I was married but just wanted to be my mistress. I immediately started to avoid her, wouldn’t pick her calls as often as I did, didn’t allow her to come hang with Kola and I, just tried as much to keep her at arm’s length.
Then on the day Kola and Tammy got married she came , and kola suggested she could help with entrapping Teni into confessing she was trying to frame me up, since we had no other plan , I agreed to it and Kola concurred. Just a couple of days ago Sandra handed me the recording you heard from my phone yesterday and told me she had deleted all the pictures from Teni’s phone and her own, she actually deleted both the recording and pictures in front of me. To be honest, I don’t think I have anything to worry about when iy comes to Sandra she has stopped coming after me since she said she met this guy from Joburg who wants to marry her”
As soon as I said that Mrs. almost fell out of the chair, I was a bit taken aback, I asked her what the matter was she just said, “Nothing honey, everything is just so overwhelming”. I could see she was uncomfortable, so I asked, “Do you want me to stop, is all this too much for you to listen too?” Mrs. Said she was fine that I should please go on. Well if you insist, I said.
“Then there is Jane, I haven’t had any communication with her lately, I dated her for a while, when I went for my masters, but left her there because she wasn’t one who wanted to relocate. I am making it a point of duty to contact her and officially break it off, but pease my love, note that all this was before you and I got together” .I stopped talking for a minute because I noticed she was distracted and no longer listening to me. I suggested we take a break before I told her about my crazy lady client. She immediately said that that was a good idea.
I asked Mrs. to get dressed, so that I take her out for breakfast, she said okay, but I could tell something was wrong, it was as if she had something on her mind which was really bothering her all of a sudden. I decided not to ask her, just let her take her time and I prayed she will deem it fit to confide in me very soon………hmmmmmm
MRS- Sandra and Babs, No, that can’t be true, how in God’s name did they meet each other? But, from everything I understood from what Mr. narrated to me, it all adds up. Now let’s look at it together –
Blabs tells Pamela and Toke he’s going back to Joburg but he doesn’t, instead he moves into an apartment, right across from me? Now let’s stop here. The question is how did he find out where I lived? Because I know for sure Pamela and Toke didn’t tell him. Secondly, he somehow meets Sandra, befriends her, even proposes to her, but to what end? Was it just to get close enough to Mr. or me? If it was to get close to Mr., How did he know that Mr. knew Sandra in the first place?
Thirdly, Teni tries to set Mr. Up, Sandra gets pictures off Teni’s phone, then Babs gets the pictures on his own phone and decided to sends it to me anonymously? How did he know Sandra was going after Teni, and Teni was framing Mr.? Al this is so complicated. Then he lures me to his flat, with an attempt to win me back by painting Mr. Irresponsible and a cheat? Am completely lost for words. This is completely messed up, how they all got together.
While Mr. was talking to me, he mentions, Sandra got proposed to by a guy from Joburg, as soon as I heard that my heart missed a couple of beats, I couldn’t believe my ears, I never thought that Babs could actually be that desperate and treacherous.
My mind wondered to the time I spent in his apartment, with him pretending to console me when he actually trigged off the whole chain of events, I was imagining what he could have done to me, he might have put something in my food or drink out of desperation and only God knows what could have happened. O my gosh!, I thank God for letting me see that text on his phone.
My main challenge now is where to start from, how I put it all together for Mr. to understand and not get upset. The fact that I deceived him, so badly, not telling him about Babs and that the guy was still holding out to get married to me, lying about the reason I wanted to go to Joburg, feigning fainting and illness at the airport when he surprised me with his boarding pass. Babs coming into the country to see me, staying with Pamela and Toke and causing the fight between them. And now he hatches a plan to split up Mr. and I, and the fact that I was actually in his apartment when Mr. was looking for me. How do I say this particular bit without it sounding like, at the first sign of crisis between Mr. and I, I run in to my ex’s arms?
I just thank God he didn’t succeed. If I had only confided in Mr. we could have jointly got him out of our lives for good.
Before I tell Mr. anything at all, I need to get to the bottom of this crazy conspiracy and I know just the person to help me with that……..hmmmmmm

Day 49
MR-it can only get better, that’s what I am determined to make my marriage. Challenges come at you every day, but it’s what you make of it that’s important. I did confess, bare all to Mrs. yesterday, told her about the lady client that had plans to practically rape me but got tossed by Tony my PA instead. After narrating all this to Mrs. , I asked if she had anything to get off her chest , she looked at me with those puppy eyes I adore so much and said “Yes love I do, but before I tell you, give me a couple of days to sort something out, I promise you it would be worth the wait”. Am a very patient man, so that was fine with me, although I felt slighted a bit because I had bared all instantly and she was being a bit cagey with hers. Anyway I decided to trust her and give her time.

Kola and Tammy, come back next week, I honestly can’t wait, having to make decision on my own, without a second opinion, has not been easy. Especially when Mrs. went missing. Oh I forgot to mention, I was in the office yesterday when Tony came in to tell me a Miss Sandra was looking for me. I asked him to show her in, Sandra comes in all teary eyed, “what’s the matter” I asked as she sat down. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said “He dumped me”, “whom”, I asked, “My Fiancé”, “what? I thought you said you guys were getting married”, “yes, that’s what I thought”. “So what happened?” I asked.
Sandra began to explain , “well I went over to my fiancé’s apartment, the day before yesterday, as I drove in I saw a lady driving out of his car park space , I didn’t see her face cos she had her back turned to me as she got into her car, all I saw was my fiancé running after the car and shouting for her to wait, the lady didn’t even slow down she just kept on driving. I watched as he, stood there watching her drive away, he had his hands on his head and kept stamping his feet. I was confused, who could this woman be, that got him so agitated? anyway I decided to wait for him to go back to the apartment, after 10 minutes of waiting in the car , I went up to his apartment , he was sprawled on the sofa , I walked in asked him what the matter was, he snapped at me and said “nothing”. Honestly I was taken aback by his actions, he had always been so sweet to me and I wondered what brought this sudden change in attitude on?
I sat down beside him, apologized if my question upset him, I thought my apology would melt him, but instead it infuriated him, he pushed me away and shouted, “Am calling off our engagement”. I couldn’t believe my ears, I cried and begged and in the end he shoved me out of his apartment. I have called him several times, he just keeps rejecting my calls, I even went round to his apartment again and he wasn’t there. So rather than sit here with a broken heart, I have decided to travel out for a while go and spend some time with my sister. I really thought he was the one”
“Am so sorry”, I said, “what’s the guy’s name?”, Sandra looked at me and said Babs, That guy is a useless guy, why would he threat you like that. I asked her if she was going to be alright, she said she would, she just wanted to come let me know that she was leaving the country tomorrow night. As I watched her walk out looking all defeated , I felt sorry for her, she must have really loved this guy, I had never seen Sandra like that , she was always full of life, that guy must be a beast.
Come to think of it, Mrs. came out of her fainting saga calling the name Babs and the guy I met at squash is also called Babs, can it be the same guy? No way, that guy? There was always something suspicious about him. I remember Sandra saying she met her fiancé at Kola’s wedding, her fiancé is called Babs, that same day Babs was at the wedding claiming he was just passing through to see a friend, who is this guy and how does he fit into all this? There is something fishy going on and I need to find out what it is…..hmmmmmm

MRS-Babs wants to play with my life, I will show him some lives are better left alone, how dear he put my marriage in jeopardy, I loved this guy once, even craved for him recently but I never would swoop him for Mr. I cannot even begin to imagine being married to Babs, now that I know most of what he is capable of, he is a sneaky conniving brat, who, because he can’t have what he wants , would rather not let anyone else have it, he must be a joker.
I woke up early yesterday and went to see Uncle J, that’s Pamela’s uncle in the military, it took me awhile to clear protocol because he wasn’t expecting me, so he hadn’t left me details at the security gate, but eventually I was allowed in. As soon as I got in front of him, I started to cry. He let me for a while and then he consoled me, he said it’s good to get whatever is wrong off my chest by crying. He then asked me to come with him to lunch, so we could talk.
As we ate lunch I narrated what I think happened and how I believe Babs got the pics and sent them to me, uncle J smiled and made a call. “Don’t worry my dear, by tomorrow morning we will have a list of calls, texts, gps locations, of where all their phones have been and then map out the times they were together, in short by tomorrow you will have a clearer picture of their journey for the last 2 months.” “Thank you so much uncle, am really grateful”. He said it was his pleasure anytime.
After Babs issue was discussed, uncle J said he had an update on our ritualist ex governor. He said so far surveillance has shown that he’s back in the country, he now has a frequent visitor, a middle aged woman that seems to be his current love interest. We have observed them together every evening for a week now and most times she spends the night. The plan is to arrest the woman, torture her a bit, then threaten that we will charge her as an accessory to the crime of conspiracy to commit murder, if she doesn’t agree to wear a wire and get a confession out of the ex-governor.
“Well Uncle thank you”, I said, “but do you think this woman will cooperate?” “Well we are not sure but she can be persuaded. She is a widow and I believe she’s in love with this guy but I don’t think she will want to go to prison for him, do you?” “No, uncle I don’t, thank you once again, I will be on my way”, I said. With that I walked back to my car. As I drove away, I prayed this evil man confesses so that he gets what’s coming to him. As for Babs, with the information uncle J is about to get me, I will be able to piece together, how Babs, Teni, Sandra and Mr. all had their paths crossing ……..hmmmmmmm

Day 50
MR- My MIL, came back home yesterday evening, just as I arrived from work, she had been away from our home, for a few days. I honestly didn’t notice because of all this Mrs. missing issue. MIL got information from the maid that Mrs. went missing for a few days, when she called the maid’s no, to speak to Mrs., because she couldn’t reach us on either of our nos. she was truly worried and wanted to know everything that happened.
However, Mrs. and I, were not in the mood to tell her anything, we just gave an excuse that it was all a big misunderstanding. I could see she wasn’t convinced but I guess she decided to let us be, since she could see we were not going to tell her anyway.
“You were as good as missing too, Mum”, Mrs. said, “you didn’t call, or leave a message that you were going to be out of the country for a few days, why”. My MIL apologized and explained that she forgot, because she has been living on her own for a long time and she usually does whatever she likes, without having to take permission from anyone.
“Well my dears, I was on a red sea cruise with my fiancé, for a long weekend break, we just got back into the country. “Mum who is this guy and why are you hiding him from us?” Mrs. asked, as she rolled her eyes “Darling am not hiding him, he’s just a very busy man with lots of responsibilities, companies all over the world and he attends meetings in different ones every week, but all the same we have discussed and we are close to fixing a date, when he will come to introduce himself formally, I promise.
My wifey, wasn’t impressed, she however appreciated her mum’s concern, which was rear, but as per this invisible future step father of hers, until she saw him, before she would make her comments and give her consent. My MIL didn’t like that but I guess she was determined to make things work out between her and her daughter, she just laughed and said “ Don’t worry my darling, am sure you will both love him, he’s amazing”
You don’t understand how hard it is to be between two women, you can’t afford to upset. Mrs. and her mum, put me in the middle, Mrs. asking me if I think what her mum did was proper, My MIL asking me if her daughter had the right to run her life, I couldn’t answer either, I just asked them to give me a minute, I went upstairs to our bedroom, picked up my car key and escaped to the club.
A few of my friends were milling around waiting to get on the court for a round of tennis, when my eye caught a friend of ours I hadn’t seen in a while. I walked up to him and said Tella, is that you? He looked at me and shouted, Oh my gosh, Bro, how have you been? , what are you doing here? The last I heard you had relocated to Canada with your babe? .I busted out laughing, “I have been here my guy, and my babe is not in Canada, she’s right here. We continued to exchange pleasantries, sat down and caught up on gist. I discovered he was still single and searching, now a medical doctor, running his own hospital in town. I said I must invite him for dinner, so he can meet my wife, we promised to call each other during the week and fix a time, preferably once kola was back.
Kola, will be surprised, I met Tella, we heard it on good authority, that he was in jail in Italy for drug smuggling, how and when he became a doctor baffles me, but am sure when Kola returns we will find out the truth…..hmmmmmm
MRS-I couldn’t sleep properly all night, I had to go sit in the family room, watch telly to take my mind off this conspiracy theory I was trying to decipher. I know I shouldn’t be too disappointed about the way Babs behaved because I also strung him along for a long time , built his hopes up, then smashed it into pieces, I guess some would do worse than what he has done. That doesn’t help the way I feel though, I feel betrayed by someone who claimed to love me and if am to go by his words a few days ago, still loves me like crazy. How do you plan evil for someone you are totally in love with?
I decided to pop into see Pamela and Toke as soon as Mr. went to the club. I got there and they were still in bed, I went into Pamela’s room and Toke came in to join us. I then told them all that had happened so far, I could see the shock all over their faces, “impossible, you mean Babs didn’t go back to Joburg?” Pamela asked, “He didn’t and he just rented an apartment near me and tried to ruin my marriage. Toke pointed out that all the same, we need to forgive him and move on, “you deceived him, broke his heart, he’s only behaving like a wounded lion trying to get back its prey”. I ignored Toke , turned to Pamela and said “The strange thing is that I don’t think I can rest this case until I tell Mr. everything but before I do, I need to know how he got those pictures. “How are you going to do that without asking him directly? Toke asked. Don’t worry am already working on that, I replied.

I left them both, still flabbergasted, drove to the store where I stopped to buy some household items. As I parked the car, Uncle J was coming out of the store with a couple of friends. I got out walked up to him and greeted them. Uncle J introduced me as his niece, the guys both laughed and said, is she your niece niece or you niece? He smiled and replied my niece niece, okay, said one of his friends, “we can become in laws”. “She’s married, please leave her alone”, and so they went on, they insisted on paying for my shopping , so I went to get the stuff, the other friend paid for it, saw me off to my car. Uncle J asked them to excuse us.
He came into my car and sat next to me in the front seat. He told me the operation to abduct the ex-governors woman early this morning had to be put on hold, because she left before they got there and surveillance lost her in traffic. Not to worry, we will get her as soon as she comes back. With that he got out of my car and into his, with his body guards in tow and drove off.
Got home, My mum was still sulking, I had a disagreement with her before I left home, she had gone on a weekend binge with her so called fiancé, without as much as a note to let me know she was okay. I was also cross with her for not bringing him to show us. I was a bit hard on her but I guess I was also feeling a bit jealous. As far back as I remember I have always been the center of my mum’s world, but now this man seems to have taken my place, she can’t stop praising and talking about him, I just believe that, it’s only fair that I meet my rival, so to speak, so that I have a fighting chance to try and keep my no 1 spot in my mum’s heart, selfish, some might say but …….hmmmmm

Day 51-
MR-Tella called me yesterday evening asked for my office address, said he just wanted to sit down and catch up with me, I gave him a 10am appointment for Monday morning. I need to go to the bank early, Kola called, he ran out of cash on his visa card, I need to refill it for him. He’s so happy, Tammy and he, spend all day in bed and in their private pool. He wishes we were there with them. I guess for our next holiday we might just go back there together.
My MIL, Mrs. and I went to church yesterday, it was really nice, cos we haven’t been to church together since we got married. Coincidentally the sermon was appropriate, it centered on trusting the lord in every circumstance and trusting one another. After service, My MIL said she had to go see her fiancé, but Mrs. and I decided to attend the marriage counselling class.
The counsellors were 2 different couples that had both been married for between 20 and 25 years, they both gave separate testimonies about their marriage, the most amazing thing was their journey through life.
Couple one, met because they both had disappointments from their high school sweethearts, they decided to comfort each other and eventually got married immediately after university. They had nothing, the man later got a job that paid very little, the wife worked as a nurse and they both struggled to make ends meet. Children came they keep going for years, believing in God, that one day things will definitely get better. Eventually they made it. The man said to us, “One thing that has also made our marriage work is we both have learnt to say, I am Sorry”. Today, the man has 4 thriving companies, he’s the chairman of all four and their 3 children are all in university, 1 in oxford, doing masters, one in NYU and the other in LSE. They now spend their time talking to young people about how to sustain your marriage with the help of God and each other.
Couple two, met through mutual friends, the man was already wealthy, ran his own thriving business. The woman had a long time boyfriend at the time, who was really struggling to make ends meet, asked her to marry him, but she said never, instead she married the rich guy, today the rich guy has lost his companies, along the line couldn’t find any work, they had to give up all they owned and change their way of life. After a few years of little or no income, he finally got a job and now he is a manager a huge transport company.
Here is the twist, the man in couple one, was the man, the woman in couple two dumped. The man in couple two now works for the man in couple one. Whoa!
After that session, Mrs. and I looked at each other, didn’t say a word but we both knew we had learned a lot. Right there we made a decision to attend the classes regularly. We both left church with mixed feelings.
Dinner yesterday was very quiet, My MIL had left, we gave the maid the day off, as Mrs. and I sat facing each other on the dining table, I could only imagine what was running through her mind, as for me, it was , God, Love, trust, respect…….hmmmmm

MRS-Marriage, a school of leaning like no other and the most important decision you will ever make, besides accepting God as your personal savior. You have this long list of criteria in your head, about the kind of man or woman you want to spend the rest of your life with. Every time you meet someone, you go down your list tick off one at a time, you get to one of the items not present in the person, you move on to the next candidate.
Have you ever sat back to ask God what he wants for you, the road which you feel is best for you, might just not be what God wants for you. It’s easy to pray and say dear God let your will be done in my life, but when God shows you his will, how easy is it for you to fall in line with it? The man or woman God ordained for you might be around you now, but you are too preoccupied with someone else to see them. Stop, look around you, there they are, this person has always been with you, but you have not noticed. From now, Stop and pay attention, look at them properly, ignore the superficial…….Do you see it yet? YES, that’s the one…..congratulations you just choose your life partner.
This was one of the CD’s I bought at the marriage counselling class. Yes, I’m married, but it still ministered to me so much, am definitely going to pass it on to Pamela and Toke, they definitely need it more than I do. Pamela especially, she’s so picky. Pamela is 5’9, shaped like an hour glass, really pretty, her mum is half German. She’s like quarter German. Her ideal man must be Tall, handsome, rich, bla,bla, bla.
She’s had so many suitors, I’ve lost count. This is a girl who comes from a very rich home, at the age of 18, her parents gave her an apartment, a brand new car and lots of cash in her account. Now she’s spent most of the money on clothes, shoes and traveling. She’s practically broke. Her parents have said, once she gets married, they will release the huge trust fund they set up in her name. My dear friend can’t be bothered right now, cos her maternal grandparents send her money from Germany every month, as their only grandchild, her Grandpa is an inventor of some sort.
Toke, comes from a humble home, she was also very picky, I will say was, cos since her ordeal with the ritualist, she has given her life to Christ. I don’t think she will be has choosy as she used to be, I know 3 men who have come to ask her hand in marriage and she turned them down because they were not wealthy enough, mind you they were rich, but didn’t have as many properties and investments as she wanted. The last time I tried to say something, she asked me why didn’t I marry Babs.
Mr. and I sat through the marriage counseling without saying as much as a word to each other, as the couples told us their story, I began to think of Mr. and I and what we would be like when we get to their age. One thing I was sure of and I pray God grants us life and favor, is I still want to be happily married to Mr., with children and have enough to make a difference in people’s life’s……..hmmmmmmm

Day 52-
MR-Tella is a con man I think. Can you believe he confessed to me that he bought his medical certificate online? While he was in jail, he studied book keeping, when he was released he got a job at a halfway house as the book keeper, from there, a nearby clinic hired him to keep records. Later he worked part time as an auxiliary nurse and voila he comes back to the country with a medical certificate, claiming he’s a medical doctor. I don’t know why he confided in me, I guess he just needed to get it all off his chest. He told me that while he was a courier for a drug baron, he accumulated a lot of wealth, but it wasn’t in his name so the European government couldn’t touch it when he was caught and sent to jail.
Once he had completed is jail time and probationary period, he decided to come back to his country. The friend transferred 80% of the funds as agreed. The 20% was for the friend who kept it all the years he was in prison. The first thing he did was buy a house, 2 cars and another building which he renovated and made a hospital. He is the medical director, but has other doctors who work there.
When he saw the horror on my face, he asked me not to worry, as he never attends to patients, it’s just a cover for the pecks that come with it, “when I hand you my business card and it states, Mr. Tella. Md, Medical director, I get the respect I deserve” he said.
He went on bragging for a while, how much money he made, how he stashed it away, and so on and so forth. From the way he bragged, I could also tell he was still in touch with the movers and shakers of this town, he dropped their names at will, showed me his phone to confirm he had their no’s, he even went further to ask if I had any problem with anyone, or wanted anyone released. He could get them arrested or released just like that.
“Well, so what do you actually want to do, since you are not really a medical doctor and you can’t practice medicine for real?” he looked at me and said he had some money and would like to invest in our company, for an equity share. I was a bit taken aback, I asked how long hr had been thinking about this and how much we were looking at?, he said 6 figures in dollars. O my gosh, the money was huge but first I could not make a decision without Kola, secondly I didn’t really trust this guy. Come on, we hadn’t seen him in years, he just shows up with a huge amount of money and wants to invest in our company we have been building for years, I don’t think so , who knows if his motives are pure.
Mrs. and I are getting on fine, but am still waiting for her to tell me what’s on her mind. I really don’t want to push it but as it is right now, I’ve already come up with my own theory about this guy called Babs. Mrs. came out of her fainting episode calling the name Babs, this same Babs was the one stalking and trying to become friends with me. He then went ahead to propose to Sandra, and now he dumps her, at the same time, Mrs. mysteriously gets a picture Sandra got off Teni’s phone. Then Toke talks about a guy from Joburg staying with them and almost causing all three friends to break up. Unless am a fool here, am sure this guy is connected to my wifey. How?, you ask, well that’s what am still trying to figure out completely, I will give her until this weekend , if she doesn’t come out and explain herself , then I will confront her. I really do hope she wasn’t having anything to do with this guy or was she ………..? Noooo!!!, that’s not possible. I trust Mrs.totally ……..hmmmmmmmm

MRS-Got a text from Uncle J, to see him first thing yesterday morning. I waited for Mr. to go to work then drove to his office. I was escorted straight into a conference room to wait for him. About 30 minutes later he came in with another guy. They both sat down and the other guy started to talk, Madam, we have abducted the woman, she’s been taken to one of our covert locations, we will not be in communication with them until the lady agrees to cooperate, that’s the instructions given to the team, nobody knows for now, how long that will take, they will start to torture her this morning until she breaks, once she does and she is wired, we take her back. Mind you the torture will not leave any external bruises on her, is more like sleep deprivation, most of it psychological.
Who is this woman I asked? “Am sorry I cannot tell you her name”. Uncle J, interrupted the guy and asked him to step outside. When he was gone, he told me not to worry, he will get a copy of her picture and send it me tomorrow before he leaves town. He’s going on a mission and will be back in about 8 days. “You won’t be able to get in touch with me, but don’t worry because my boys know what to do” he said. “As for the GPS track and locator, here are the documents outlining time and coordinates of where all the four people met over a period of two months, in the other envelope is a print out of the texts sent between their four nos. I hope this helps”.
I thanked him and left, as I drove away from his office, my mind kept going back to what the pastor had said for some reason, “leave judgment to God”. I thought about the poor woman being tortured this very minute, but I also felt she deserves it, cos she decided to go out with an evil man. How can anyone openly say they do not know what their partner does? , I thought to myself.
I don’t mean to take on Gods role, but I just feel so disgusted with this evil man, especially because I was the first to meet him, if I had taken him up on his offer because I needed the money, I would be the one recovering from a near death experience not Toke. I thought about the whole saga and decided to discuss it with my Mum and see what she thinks.
I got home, had something to eat, then called my mum, her phone didn’t even ring it went straight to voice mail, it does that sometimes when the network is bad, I tried a few more times , then gave up. I sent her a text asking her to call me back when she had a minute. I laid all the documents uncle J handed to me on the floor of our bedroom and started trying to piece all the information together, I could see how all four, Mr., Teni, Sandra and Babs all connected, it was apparent that Babs has been following Mr. around for a while. I do have all the information I need now, all I have to do is come out with a plan to make Babs pay for trying to break Mr. and me up.
Now back to my confession, am hoping that once Mr. comes home tonight, I can tell him all that’s been going on in relation to Babs, am still thinking I should leave the Joburg bit out though, but I don’t think he will suspect , he already believes we were going for Toke’s party. But wait, how do I explain calling the name ‘Babs’, when I woke up, hmmm, this is turning into an uphill task. I think I need time to rehearse what am going to say a bit more. Honestly going to Joburg easy to explain, on the other hand calling out another man’s name in front of Mr., not so easy to explain.
Oh, Uncle J’s text just came in now, am sure it’s the picture of the woman, I’ll have a look at it later, for now, I have some brain storming to do …….hmmmmm

Day 53

MR-So much commotion going on in our home right now. Mrs. and I are really troubled….why? You ask well here it goes.
I got back from work around 6pm, Mrs. and I had a nice meal, decided to watch a film together, just before the film started I noticed Mrs. was fidgeting with her phone, and then all of a sudden she starts screaming, No! No! No! mummy!!!. What’s wrong with her? I asked, “She’s being tortured right now, No, not my mum”, and she started to cry. “Tortured? What do you mean? .whose torturing her? I asked, now obviously confused. I couldn’t figure out what she was saying because she was talking and crying at the same time. Also frantically trying to dial someone’s no. Who are you calling? “Uncle J” she replied. I need to call him immediately, she kept redialing and redialing, it was obvious she was unable to connect to the no. I saw frustration and fear written all over Mrs. Face, I had to snatch the phone out of her hands and ask her to calm down.
Please calm down my love what’s going on? She came close to me knelt down and began to explain- “ My love I am sorry , this whole thing has gotten out of hand, I don’t know what we are going to do now but we have to be quick before my mum is tortured to death. She went into the whole story, “I didn’t tell you, but I have been working with Pamela’s uncle who is a top military man, to get the evil man who tried to sacrifice Toke for money, punished” she paused for a bit, then I asked how her mum fits into all this? “That’s the thing, uncle J came up with a plan. He told me the ex governor guy had a new love interest. The woman will be abducted, tortured and then made to wear a wire , she will then be forced to get the Governor to confess to trying to sacrifice Toke, if she refuses to corporate, she will be charged along with the ex governor for attempted murder. I agreed to this idea, I felt it was great, that any woman who doesn’t know what her lover does for a living, should face whatever consequence.
After Uncle J told me the plan I asked who the woman was, uncle J said he will send me her picture, I got a text from him earlier today and ignored it knowing it was the woman’s picture, what I didn’t know and could have never guessed for the life of me, is that it would be my Mother.” “Your Mum, No!!!, that’s not possible”.
At that point I was beyond shocked, Mrs. handed me the phone and low and behold the picture of My MIL was staring back at me. I tried to calm Mrs. down but she just kept hyperventilating. Mrs. asking me what we were going to do since we couldn’t get in touch with uncle J. I asked her to take it easy and called Tella. Tella came over in about 40 minutes, he got all the details from Mrs. and left. He promised to give us a fed back in a few hours.
. Before all this, a lady came to the office to look for Kola, she said she was from Kenya and there was something really important she needed to leave for him, she said she will be back tomorrow with it because she had to go back to Kenya the day after tomorrow.. She asked if I could hold it carefully for Kola, I said why not. She thank me and prayed for me, I was a bit confused, what could be so important that she had to come all the way from Kenya to deliver? There was also something about her attitude that was confusing, she spoke in a very clam manner and I could see she was trying not to cry. As she walked away, I shrugged my shoulders and thought, anyway tomorrow I will find out what it is.

Right now Mrs. and I are just praying that Tella can find My MIL before some serious damage is done to her. If only Mrs. had confided in me, I could have tried to dissuade her from all this. Once Tella left, Mrs. said there is more, she told me how she’s also going through information the uncle gave her on locations and texts sent between, Sandra , Teni and Babs. it’s funny though as impressed as I was that Mrs. could come up with all this , I was also scared that she seems to be vindictive, first to punish the ex governor even after the pastor said leave judgement to God and now to punish Babs
I asked how she was connected to Bab, she hesitated for a few minutes, then she began to explain, the first thing that came out of her mouth was, “he was my Ex and I found out he sent me the picture” “I don’t understand, your Ex? So did you know he was in Joburg when you wanted to go with Toke?” Yes she replied. “Were you going to see him?” Mrs. didn’t speak, she just kept staring at me, I repeated it again, “were you going to see him?” .from her lack of response I knew she was. I couldn’t believe she deceived me like that. “One last question, “did you pretend to faint at the airport to prevent me from coming along?” At this point she tried to come close to me and start to apologize, I got up before she got close enough and walked out of the room, I had heard enough I couldn’t believe this. Mrs.? How could she?, it all added up also explained why the guy was so desperate.
Now I know why she didn’t want to discuss this with me, I can handle it, but not all at once, am scared to hear everything she has to say, come to think of it, I need to get out of here to calm myself down, I picked up my car keys and went for a drive…….hmmmmmmm

MRS-No no, not my mum, it can’t be, maybe it’s someone that looks like her, how did I not piece this together. I opened the texts uncle sent me yesterday evening and my mum is the woman in the picture, my heart almost gave way, how did my mum link up with this evil man, so he is her fiancé. I could not believe my eyes.I had to tell Mr. everything, I started from the beginning and got to the end. He was so upset with me he walked out, he came back late yesterday night and hasn’t spoken to me this morning.
However before he walked out on me, he called one of his friends called Tella. Tella has been working trying to locate where my mum is being held. Uncle J’s no is not going through , I know he’s incommunicado until next week, am really praying that Tella can locate her, he says once he does, the next phase will be to get her released. The good news is that he knows those senior to Uncle J, so that should not be a problem.
Mr. said to me yesterday, how could he trust me any longer, I live in the same house with him every day and I didn’t deem it fit to discuss with him , even if I didn’t previously, as soon as he opened up to me , why didn’t I?. I apologized, cried and apologized some more but he’s still not talking to me. At least he’s back home now. It’s much better than my own reaction of staying away from home at the slight hint of a problem.
I called Tammy yesterday night, after explaining everything to her, she didn’t blame me and she just advised me. “My darling sister”, she said “marriage is a school of learning, you must be open, honest and forthright with your husband, you must never keep a secret from him, the more you open up to him , the better your marriage will be. There is nothing you cannot discuss with your husband, no matter how difficult it is, the worst he can do is get upset, but he will forgive you and get to trust you so much, because he will know that you will never hide anything from him or lie to him. Don’t worry we will pray together and I believe God Almighty will bring healing and peace in to home. I will also talk to Mr. and appeal to him, am sure God will grant me favor with him and he will forgive you. Don’t worry go back to sleep, All will be well”. I thanked Tammy, prayed as she suggested and went back to sleep.
Mr.’s phone has been off, it’s on the bedside table, I know Tammy would have been trying to call him, he just switched it on a few minutes a go and a call came in, am sure its tammy , cos he’s been on the phone for a while.
I am sorry for what I did, I have learnt my lesson, I actually thought I was being smart but now I know better, if we get through this in one peace, I will never keep anything form him again, I love Mr. so much and I do not want to lose him or mess up my home with my own two hands, Please help me God…..hmmmmm

Day 54-
MR-You know there are times in life when things happen to some people, you hear about it and you immediately think they deserve what’s coming to them? but then there are times when you feel so sad that a particular person should not be the one in this situation, well,this is one of those times –
As I write in my dairy today, my heart is heavy for a lot of reasons, first Tella still hasn’t called to confirm if he has located my MIL.i can literarily feel the pain Mrs is going through and from what she told me , everday we don’t find her increases the posibilyt that she still hasn’t agreed to corporate and thet means torture, how will she survive this or come out of it psychologically stable? Secondly, what am about to tell you, the most difficult part is I honestly don’t know what to do about it or what sort of commotion it’s going to cause.
I walk into the office and immediately see the lady who came to look for Kola the other day, sitting in our waiting room with a little boy about 2 years old. I looked through the glass as I passed by and saw her talking to the little boy. When I got into my office, I asked Tony to bring them in. as they both walked in, I could see how beautiful she was, tall, dark and you could only tell from her features that she wasn’t from this country because her accent was British. I asked her to sit down. Tony offered them a drink, she politely declined. She waited for Tony to leave the office and then lifted up the little boy, brought him around to where I was sitting and put him on my lap. She then said “Kola jnr meet your uncle,” I was so shocked I couldn’t believe my ears, “Did you just say Kola jnr?” “Yes” she said, “this is Kola’s son. He doesn’t even know he has a child”. By now my heart was beating so fast, how this can be happening right now was beyond my imagination, Kola and Tammy, newlyweds away on honeymoon, to come back and start their life with this. I honestly couldn’t say a lot, the baby was a splitting image of Kola, he definitely came to this world with his name, Kola jnr, cos he looked exactly the way Kola looked when we were young. I was stunned, am sure she sensed my discomfort and shock.
so she began to explain,“ I met Kola when he came for a three months business development enhancement course for developing economy’s, 3 years ago, we hit it off instantly. We started dating and one thing led to another we fell in love”. At this point I was wondering why I never heard of her. Yes, I do remember when Kola decided to go for the course but meeting a woman and falling in love with her over there, would have been the first thing he should have told me, it just now dawned on me, that I didn’t know as much about Kola as I thought I did. She continued, “When Kola’s course ended, I flew back and forth to visit him, my last visit resulted in this. once I got pregnant, I wanted to let him know but my parents forbade it, first they had someone they intended me to marry and they knew I was in love with this Kola boy from a foreign country as my father put it, he said over his dead body will I marry Kola, he even went as far as saying, once my boy was 2, I should take him back to his country and never have anything to do with him again. I cried, begged, but all fell on deaf ears, my mum was also solely behind my dad’s decision.”
“I also felt a bit guilty because I knew he and I had no plans to get married or have children together, so in time I accepted my parents decision and kept it from Kola.”
“My fiancé came back to our country about a year ago, ready to get married to me. He was horrified to find out I had a baby, my parents had done a good job of isolating me from anyone who could have informed him. He loves me so much and I love him too, his family were initially against us getting married but when he insisted, they also gave me one condition. I have to return the boy to his father. I wanted to ask my fiancé if he could adopt him and raise him as ours but unfortunately in my country, your parents are your lord and master, whatever they say goes.”
“They gave me permission to wean him until he was 2years old and then return him, so I here I am doing just that, I love my son with all my heart, this is the most difficult thing I have ever done, but I believe Kola has a new life now and so do I, please ask him to forgive me and I am truly sorry. please give him this note, I have asked for his forgiveness for keeping this from him, I won’t ever come back for my son, he should also please never try to contact me, my husband does not want that”. She got up, kissed the handsome, bouncing baby boy, left him on my laps and walked out.
I was frozen, I couldn’t say anything, did this just happen or am I dreaming. The little boy just kept staring at me as if to say, am here now, in my father’s country. I tried to call Mrs. to come immediately to the office, but couldn’t get through.
First I need to get jnr home, I think I also need to call Kola’s parents into this, I can’t handle this on my own, I thought of picking up the phone to call Kola but I didn’t want to mess up his homey moon. Just them my phone rang it was Tammy, I greeted her nervously, apparently she called to remind me I was picking them up at the airport on tomorrow morning. I said okay, asked after Kola and hurriedly dropped the phone. I was sure she’ll be wondering what the matter was, cos I never dismissed her like that…….hmmmmmm

MRS- Kola jnr, so cute, what a lovely baby boy and a carbon copy of Kola. Mr. turned up at home yesterday with a 2 year old boy. I really don’t know what I will do if I was in Tammy’s shoes right now. Come back from honey moon to meet a little boy my husband didn’t even know he had until now, I become an instant mum. It does have its advantages, but it’s not funny at all……. I wonder what excuse Kola would give for this and how is their marriage going to survive it?
Tella still hasn’t called about my mum, am getting really agitated. Uncle J did say no one will know where she is, until she’s agreed to cooperate. I know I won’t be able to get in touch with him until next week when he gets back. I can’t stop thinking that this is all my fault, why couldn’t I just let God handle this one? The pastor did warm me to leave revenge to God Almighty but I didn’t listen, now see where this has gotten me. I remember a proverb my Grandma use to say- “if you throw stones into the market, it might just land on your relatives”. Here was I, thinking, any woman who doesn’t know what her partner does deserves to get what’s coming to her, little did I know his new love interest was my mum.
Am still in the ‘dog house’ with Mr., he talks to me but doesn’t really talk, if you know what I mean. I have been apologizing for days now and praying for his forgiveness. I really do see the error of my ways. Yesterday he became a different person, I saw the way his eyes lit up as he played with Jnr, he rolled on the floor, played hide and seek, played food fight, it was a delight to watch both of them. Am beginning to think that I should reverse my decision not to have children for few years. I think I need to have a baby now, anything to make Mr. happy. At least yesterday he actually hugged me and let me join in the hide and seek he was playing with jnr.
Mr. Still hasn’t told Kola he has a life changing surprise waiting for him back home. He told me he doesn’t know how too. Calling Kola’s parents was one option he was considering but he changed his mind, he feels Kola should be the one to break the news to his parents. I guess Kola will just have to come back tomorrow and be totally surprised………hmmmmmm

Day 55

MR-My Brother, My Best friend, My confidant, no one but Kola, The man who hardly anything unsettled. . Yesterday he really got unsettled, I have never seen him cry, Kola was on his knees holding Tammy’s legs for almost an hour, crying, pleading and apologizing at the same time, whoa!, it was so heart wrenching, Mrs. and I were also in tears, Junior had to be taken to his room and the maid stayed with him there, there was too much crying for any child to handle.
Tella called just before we left for the airport to pick up Kola and Tammy. He said my MIL had been located, she was alive but has been in the military hospital since the day she was taken and no one is allowed to see her for now. He promised to give me an update this morning, on why she was taken to the hospital in the first place. I thanked him and decided to keep the information to myself until he lets me know what exactly is wrong with my MIL. Mrs. and I are in high spirits now and I just wanted that to last for a while before we have to deal with my MIL’s issues.
Mrs. and I got to the airport a few minutes before Kola and Tammy’s flight landed. On the journey there, I finally told Mrs. I had forgiven her, I felt she had suffered enough, especially with all she going through with her mum’s abduction. She was so happy, she leaned over to kiss and hug me and almost made me hit a car in front of me. She looked at me, tears in her eyes and said, “I just pray they find my mum on time, my love, what state do you think she will be in now?” I asked her to take it easy, I was sure Tella would deliver my MIL in one piece.
After that the rest of the journey was great, we chatted, laughed and joked about my attitude with Junior, she even mentioned that she’s changed her mind about waiting until later to have a child. I was really happy she said that, even though at the time I agreed to wait, I didn’t know I was ready to be a father until Junior came into our lives.
We parked the car, went to sit down in the waiting room, a few minutes later they announced the arrival of their flight and within 30 mins we could see them. They looked amazing, all smiles , obviously happy to be back, as I watched them walk towards me , my mind went to the news I needed to break to them and I quickly adjusted my attitude and returned the smile.
We drove home, chatting, catching up on gist, Tammy had so much to say, she had a wonderful time with Kola and she said Kola was a wonderful gentleman all through. Kola concurred, he said, a honeymoon is more for the bride, and that it was his duty to give the love of his life, the best time of her life.
As we pulled into our compound, I saw Junior and the maid playing in the garden, as soon as we parked the car he came running towards us, Tammy was in front and Junior ran right into her arms, the amazing thing was that Tammy just said” This is my darling, when he was young”, she put Junior down and walked into the house, Mrs. went after her. Kola was rooted to the ground, he couldn’t move, he kept staring at the little boy, “Who is that and where did he come from?” “Kola, you’ve got to calm down, let’s go inside” Kola didn’t move, “Bro, please tell me where did he come from? That’s my carbon copy”. I picked up Junior and walked inside without answering Kola’s questions, he came after me. As we walked in, Tammy was crying and Mrs. was holding her.
I sat down, asked Kola to sit, he refused. so I explained how junior got here. Tammy didn’t say anything she just kept crying, Kola was on the floor holding Tammy’s legs and crying. After a few minutes, Tammy stopped crying, wiped her eyes and said to Kola, ”My darling, we took our vows before God and Man, I vowed to love you forever no matter what, through thick and thin, in all situations, I am not upset with you, just a bit surprised. Well I thank God, obviously, he has given me my first child, pregnancy and labour free. Get up darling, stop crying and let’s take our son home, Daddy”. Kola was astonished, Mrs. and I looked at each other as if we had just woken up from a dream and we could hardly believe our ears.
“You mean you forgive me and you are not upset? Kola asked Tammy, “Of course not my love, we have been blessed with a wonderful baby boy, what’s yours is mine, I love you with all my heart, we ask God to forgive us every day, who am I not to forgive you. Besides Junior already knows am his new mum, didn’t you see how he ran into my arms, I love him already, he reminds me of how handsome you were when I first saw you all those years ago”. With that, we all started laughing and the ice was broken. Junior was brought back downstairs from his room and formally introduced to Kola as his daddy and Tammy as his mum, he took to Tammy immediately calling her Mama.
At that point I knew I was right, form the first day I met Tammy, I knew she was not like every other woman, she was special and I knew Kola and junior were so blessed to have her in their lives. Loads of women, would probably pack their bags or in this case just pick up their bags and walk out on Kola, others would have made a terrible fuss that might almost, if not destroy their marriage. I learnt a huge lesson from Tammy’s behavior, if God forgives us all the time we ask for forgiveness, no matter what we do, then who am I, a mere mortal, that I can’t forgive my fellow human being, and remember every day I pray “ Father please forgive me my trespasses, as I forgive those who trespass against me…..hmmmmm

MRS-Tammy must be from another planet, I really have never met anyone like her, she is a living walking example of the virtuous woman my Grandma used to pray I become one day. I honestly do not think I could have reacted the way she did when she found out about junior.
Tella still hasn’t called, am beginning to think that he just boosts a lot but can’t really deliver. I have been praying that nothing bad will happen to her. You know, I just sat down yesterday and began to think about my Mum and how I ended up being partly responsible for her abduction, it just goes to show that keeping secrets on any level is a mistake, they always come back to bite you, one way or another. Look at it this way, if my mum had introduced her so called fiancé to us, I would have known it was the same evil man that tried to sacrifice Toke for money and am sure mum would not have had anything to do with him anymore. It saddens my heart when I think of my mum being tortured, but I will keep praying and I believe she will be okay.
Mr. and I got to the airport a bit earlier than their arrival, but within a few minutes their flight landed and it took them less than 30 minutes to clear immigration, As they walked towards us, they were all smiles, they looked fantastic, Kola came over gave, me a big bear hug, Mr. did same to Tammy and then we switched, we all laughed and chatted on how good they looked and how we had missed each other. The drive home was fun, full of gist’s from both sides, Mr. was really strong, he didn’t even give a hint that something surprising was awaiting them a home.
We got home, as we drove into the compound, Jnr ran out right into Tammy’s arms as she stepped out of the car, she instantly scooped him up , looked at him and said , hmmm, this is my sweetheart, when he was young. Kola was still asking Mr., when we had a baby? As Tammy spoke he did a double take, took the boy from Tammy and said, where did he come from? At this time, Tammy walked in to the house and I ran after her, she sat in the sofa held my hands and asked me how did this happen? I looked at her, she had tears in her eyes, I gave her a hug, she then said “” Why didn’t Kola tell me?” I started to explain how junior turned up in all our lives all of a sudden, Kola wasn’t aware, junior’s mum said she didn’t want him to know cos Kola and her had no plans to get married not to talk of having children, but now that she’s about to get married and her husband’s family won’t let him adopt Jnr, she has been instructed to bring him to his father, so she brought him all the way from Kenya.
She sat there listening to me, didn’t say a word. Kola walked in laid down on the floor, held Tammy’s legs and started to cry and apologize at the same time. For some reason it was too emotional for all of us, we all had tears in our eyes. All of a sudden Tammy stopped crying, wiped her eyes and asked Kola to get up, that she had forgiven him.
I almost fell off my seat, forgive him? Just like that, who does that? I would have hoofed and puffed and almost blown the house down. I was truly shocked, Tammy is above in everything and she beats any woman I have ever meet in the attitude department. Striving to be half like her is an uphill challenge, now, striving to be just like her? I don’t even know what type of struggle I would call that…….hmmmmm


MR- I don’t know where to begin, yesterday turned out to be a big lesson to Mrs. and I, especially Mrs., that forgiveness is key. We all must learn to forgive one another for anything at all. If you can, you will find out that your life will be so much more fruitful, without bitterness. Not forgiving, affects the person who hold the grudge more than the person you have a grudge against. It eats you up, turns you into a bitter, resentful, cynical, angry person. The best way to forgive is to make sure that once it’s forgiven then it’s completely forgiven, no reference to it ever again. A lot of us say we have forgiven, but you just rub them off the wrong way and viola, they refer back to things you did to upset them years ago.
You will be wondering why am going on about forgiveness, well besides Tammy’s amazing forgiveness of Kola yesterday, Mrs. and I also found ourselves between ‘A rock and a hard place’.
Now the day started off great, we were still talking about junior and how he made us laugh, we had informed Tammy and Kola yesterday that we had conferred ourselves God parents to junior, he was such a delightful boy. Mrs. brought up and important point just before we went to bed, she asked if a DNA test was necessary to make sure Junior was Kola’s son. I didn’t see any reason why, my rationale was, even if junior wasn’t Kola’s son, his mother doesn’t want him, so Kola and tammy are all he’s got, they might as well raise him, she agreed with me.
Kola came to the office looking all happy, he and Tammy had a long talk when they got back home, she was truly an angel, she did not have any bitterness towards Kola, he said, “This morning Tammy had gotten junior ready and taken him to one of the best schools in town to get him on the wait list for the nursery class, once he turns 3 years old. She’s booked an appointment with estate agents to get a bigger house because junior needs his own room and a garden to play in. You won’t believe, she has 3 nannies and some maids coming for interviews tomorrow. There’s no compromise when it comes to her baby’s care, she said to me this morning when I was complaining that too many people are going to be living with us”.
I was updating Kola about what went on in his absence, when Tony came in to say there was a Mr. Tella waiting to see me, I asked him to send him in. I hadn’t told Kola that Tella was back from prison, so he asked me which Tella, I said the same one who went to prison in Europe for drug trafficking, “What’s he doing here”, kola asked , Helping to locate my MIL, I will fill you in later , I said. Just then, Tella walks in. he walks up to Kola gives him a hug, then sits down.
Well there is good news and bad news. Let’s have both I said. “Well your MIL is in the hospital because she started vomiting when they abducted her, on getting to the hospital, they found out she was pregnant, “What? Pregnant? Are you sure you found my MIL”, “Yes I am, here, her picture”, “I took her picture, to show you, so you can confirm she’s the one”. I took the phone looked at it and yes, it was my MIL. That’s the good news Tella said, I could not believe he will call that good news. So what’s the bad?, I asked, well they have refused to let her go until their boss comes back, General J, they called him, My guys can command them too, but this General J, has a lot of power and stepping on his toes would be a very grave mistake, they said he’s back next week Tuesday.
By now I didn’t even know what to say, I thanked Tella and he said he had another appointment to go to, he will catch up with us later. As soon as he stepped out, Kola and I looked at each other and said Pregnant? At the same time. I told Kola he didn’t know the half of it, it’s not even that she’s pregnant, that is the issue, it’s who she’s pregnant for. “Whom?” Kola asked, “Remember the guy I said tried to use Toke for money rituals?”, “Yes, I do”. “Well that’s the guy my MIL has been dating, now she’s pregnant for him”, “What? You can’t be serious”, “unfortunately I am, how do I break this to Mrs.?, it’s bad enough she is planning to get married to this guy but getting pregnant for him? Mrs., is definitely going to have a fit.
I got back home around 7pm, Kola and I had talked it over and we decided that I should let Mrs. know what’s going on now, before she finds out herself. I was planning to wait until Tella confirmed Uncle J was back. Mrs. wasn’t in, when I got home, she left a message for me that she was going to Tammy’s to see junior and drop off some clothes she bought for him. This gave me time to compose myself properly. I knew this was going to be a tough decision for Mrs., what does she do?, Ask her mum to leave the Ex-governor, whom she’s pregnant for or ask her to get rid of the baby and risk her mother life, this is no longer a ‘what should we do matter , it more of a God give us wisdom in this situation matter’…..hmmmmm

MRS- Never, it’s not going to happen, over my dead body will my mum have a child for that monster, I shall not be a step daughter to a man who does rituals. Neither will I have a sibling whose father is into rituals. My mum can do whatever she deems fit but if I have to evacuate that baby from her tummy myself I will do.
Tammy, junior and I had a good time, we went out to the park, stopped off to buy clothes for junior, cos the ones I got weren’t enough, I watched as Tammy played with him, she was a natural, someone even asked his name and then started to call her Junior’s Mum. It’s sounded so nice, I can’t wait to have my own baby.
Got home shortly after Mr., he was upstairs in our bedroom, as I walked in he asked me to sit down, that he had some news. He started off “Tella, came to the office today, he has located your mum in the military hospital and thank God she is alright.” So what’s wrong with her, why is she in hospital? I asked, well she had a bit of vomiting and they took her in for test and found out she was pregnant. Pregnant? For whom? You must be joking, I got up from where I was seated, all of a sudden, I was really hot, I couldn’t believe what Mr. just said.
Mr. danced around telling me about my mum’s issue, he tried to talk about the positive side but I couldn’t see it. “Why can’t we see her now? I want to see my mum, let her tell me she’s pregnant for that murderer herself. I think I had enough, I just broke down crying, I could not control myself.
What kept going through my mind was my mum pregnant for a murderer?, whom I want punished and jailed for what he did, now how do I send my future stepfather and father to my sister or brother, to Jail. I should have just left judgment to God, as the pastor said, I need to forgive this man, but I don’t know how, first he tries to kill my friend, then now he impregnates my mum? God please help me, not sure I even want to face my mum right now. This is too much for me to bear….. hmmmmm

Day 57

MR= Mrs. is on a hunger strike, she’s been moody since yesterday when she found out her mum is carrying the ex-governors baby. I have tried everything I can think of to get her out of bed but to no avail.
Since she wasn’t in the mood to talk to me, I decided to go to the club to play squash. I drove into the club, saw all the boys gathered, watching 2 guys beating each other up, punches were flying everywhere and instead of trying to stop the fight, they were cheering them on. I tried to step in but someone held me back and said, “Leave him, let Dave beat him up he deserves it”. “What did he do?” I asked, “Well Dave caught him with his wife in their matrimonial bed.”, “so why didn’t he just deal with him there and then. Let me gist you how it all went down.
“Dave suspected his wife was cheating on him, she kept denying it, but he was convinced within himself. So he spoke to one of his friends, who advised him to install hidden cameras in his house. For a couple of weeks nothing happened, then yesterday he came back from work , opened up his laptop to see what went on when he wasn’t home and then viola, he see this stupid guy making love to his wife in their bed. To make matters worse, this guy was a member of our club as well”. “Nooo!!!, that’s insane, what was the guy thinking? How could he do that?” “Well, that’s what I said, so Dave decided to beat the hell out of him and that’s what’s going on, so no one is going to separate them, next time when he sees somebody else’s wife he will run in the other direction”.
My gaze went back to the fight, it was still going on and we couldn’t really call it a fight cos Dave had the upper hand, after a few minutes, the other guy fell to the floor and stopped moving. Everyone thought he was pretending, so one of the guys who was a doctor, went over to check his pulse, he was barely alive, he got up and said Hey guys, this guy is about to die, before I could say let’s take him to hospital, everyone had disappeared, just the doctor and I were left. We decided to get him to hospital, fortunately Dave came back and we got him into his car and drove to the doctor’s hospital. He was admitted without questions.
Dave and I left and went back to the club, on the way, he started to express regret and blame his wife for making him beat up the guy, I asked what was his point, “why are you blaming your wife, did she ask you to beat him up, you got angry and felt to restore your manhood and pride, you had to teach the guy a lesson”. Dave looked at me and said “O boy, am so glad he didn’t die, don’t know what I would have done”. “Well you would be charged to court for murder and sent to life in prison, while your wife would leave you and get married to somebody else. He looked at me and said, “whoa!!, you are right, I could have just wasted my life for a woman that doesn’t even care enough about me. I need to get my temper under control before this woman makes me ruin my life. Rather than kill myself, I would rather walk”. Thanks bro.”
I left the club didn’t even play squash, as I drove out I asked myself what would I do if I caught Mrs. with a Man, Babs flashed through my heads. But I got it out really quick. That won’t happen.
My phone started ringing, it was Tella, he had some news, I asked him to give me a few minutes to park the car. “Okay Tella what’s it?”, “well” he said , “it’s complicated, apparently , your mother in law’s fiancé, the ex-governor has been pulling strings of his own to find your mother, yesterday evening he found her, orders came from above and she was released to him”.
“He has also hired people to find out who’s plotting against him. I think you guys need to be careful, that man is very ruthless.” “What do you suggest”, I asked, “Well get your wife to go see her mother and you guys apologize to the man, at least he is about to become her step father”. I thanked him for the information and dropped the phone.
I was now really worried, A man that could sacrifice another human being, could surely send people to their death without blinking. Dear God please help me as I go home to convince Mrs. to call her mum and apologize…….hmmmmmm

MRS-I don’t feel like doing anything, I’ve been rolling around in bed since yesterday. Trying to get my head around how to handle my mum’s issues. I love my mum. , I would do anything for her but this….
Mr. went out early to go play squash, I called Pamela to come over. She arrived in an hour, we sat on the bed trying to figure out what to do, she asked me to leave my mum alone, after all she’s still young and a baby will give her purpose and keep her company.
I initially disagreed but she gradually wore me down. Pamela decided that we should go out and have something to eat and that would get my mind off things and out of the house. We got ready and left in my car. We decided to go to the fast food joint just across from our estate. We got there, parked my range and walked in, Pamela saw him first, Babs was sitting, there with 4 other people , laughing and joking, he didn’t even see us at first.
Just seeing him again got me so upset, I walked to the table where he was sited, picked up what he was drinking and emptied the whole bottle on his head, all the guys jumped up at once, shouted at me, Babs just looked up at me and said, “Baby am sorry”, I screamed at him to get lost, called him the devil and stormed out of there.
Pamela ran after me, pleading and trying to calm me down, I got in the Car, I had calmed down a bit by now and started laughing, couldn’t believe I just did that again. I heard a knock on my car window, it was Babs, pleading with me to please give him a chance to talk to me, this time I didn’t listen , I just reversed the car and drove out of there. I looked in the rearview mirror, I could see him standing there with his hands on his head, stamping his feet, exactly how I left him the last time.
Pamela and I drove for a bit, and then I stopped the car. “That guy is the devil reincarnate, I said, what’s he still doing around? I asked. “Pamela was unusually quiet, I just noticed, I asked her, what was wrong, she just sat there looking at me with pleading eyes. Then she spoke, “Babes am sorry, I should have told you, it just happened one time, am sorry.” I looked at her in shock and asked, “What happened one time, Pamela?, what are you talking about?” She didn’t answer, she just kept saying she was sorry. I couldn’t take it anymore, my mind was going crazy. “Get out now” “What?” Pamela asked. ”I said get out of my car now” she started to plead, I got out of the car, went round to her side and pulled her out, got back in my car and drove.
My phone started to ring, it was Mr., I decided to let it ring since I was heading home anyway, it rang again it was Mr., I decided to pick it up, he sounded really worried, he asked where I was , I told him I was on my way home, he said okay , am waiting and dropped the phone. I was a bit worried now, Mr. doesn’t usually sound like that, I better get a move on, I had Pamela. Mr., My Mum and this devilish guy Babs on my mind, what else could go wrong …..hmmmmm

Day 58
MR-Am really concerned now, can’t seem to decide if we are really in danger or Tella was just being careful or exaggerating, when he said we have to start watching our backs. I guess Mrs. is partly responsible. We now have to be careful, because the ex-governor’s boys are on the prowl. I don’t even know what Mrs. was thinking when she decided to get Uncle J involved in her revenge scheme and now where’s the uncle when we need him. Mrs. and I ended up have an argument yesterday, she was trying to be stubborn, telling me she will think about going to see her mum, I don’t think she understands we don’t have a choice, the option is we get taken out. Please don’t think am being melodramatic, that man is dangerous and I won’t put anything past him.
It took me a couple of hours to get Mrs. to listen to me yesterday, she came home looking all upset, obviously something happened between her and Pamela but she refuses to tell me the full details , she just said Pamela was getting on her nerves, “what about?”,I asked, she replied , nothing for you to worry about.
I left that aside and narrated what Tella had said about the ex-governor putting investigators out to find the person responsible for abducting his fiancée. “My love, you know firsthand what this man is capable of, he tried to sacrifice your best friend, now I want us to call your mum, go and see her and explain everything to her. We will get her to take us to the ex-governor, so we can apologize”.
“Never, I will never apologize to that murderer, over my dead body”, she shouted. I insisted that she had to, because she had no choice. When Mrs. saw how serious I was and that I was not backing down, she said, “okay my love I will think about it” and with that, she walked out of the bedroom. I watched her walk out on me, I decided not to call her back or go after her, as far as I was concerned I said my bit, tomorrow we go and see her mum, even if I have to drag her. All this happened on Saturday night.
On Sunday morning, we went to church, Mrs. didn’t want too but I put my foot down, we need to pray and commit ourselves to God, I said. The service was great, the sermon was about procrastination. The Pastor broke it down completely.
“A lot of us have amazing ideas and dreams, we write them down, talk about them but we never actually take the first step to get it done, it eventually just dies in our minds. Most of us are supposed to be great in life from all the wonderful ideas God has given us. God himself has opened the door wide for us but we are just too scared to walk through it, we keep promising to walk through it tomorrow and for a lot of us tomorrow never comes. I challenge you all to go home stand in front of a mirror, look at yourselves and say I can do this , repeat it as many times as you can and soon you will be convinced you can. Take the first step towards achieving your dreams today, no matter how small.”
After the service, we met up with Kola, Tammy and Junior, all looking lovely and happy, we decided to go have lunch together. We left church in a convoy of 3 cars, a friend, Kola had invited to church drove ahead of us. Mrs. and I were in the car behind, we couldn’t have driven for 10 minutes when all of a sudden a car cut us off in front. I had to quickly put my foot on the breaks. Our car skidded to a stop, I saw 3 men come out of the car in front of us, I tried to reverse the car but another car had blocked us at the back, they ran towards us shouting “switch off the engine”, I had no choice, at this time I thought they were armed robbers, I looked ahead I could see kola and his friend had stopped way ahead, they were too scared to drive back, the guys came round to Mrs. side of the car opened the door and asked her to get out, she initially refused , then one of the guys brought out a gun, she got out and they led her into their car, asked me not to move or they will shot me. I froze. They turned their cars around and speed off in the opposite direction, with Mrs. in the car.
By now I was frozen to my seat, kola and the other guy were now back with me, they got out of their cars, all in a panic, “what happened?” , “who were those guys”, “where did they take Mrs.”. I couldn’t even speak, I was in shock, Kola helped me out of the car and handed me some water. I drank some and slowly came back to normal. Looked up at Kola and said He’s taken her, “Whom?” Kola asked. All I could think of was, what Tella had said, Be careful, his people are looking into who is trying to get him, watch your backs …….hmmmmmm,

MRS- “O lord, please help me, where am I? What do these people want with me?”
What was going through my mind yesterday when these guys blocked us off, was please God don’t let them rape me, they can have the car, everything we’ve got but let them not touch me. I could never have imagined they were there to abduct me, I thought they were there for the car. How ironic, am now being abducted.
They brought me straight to this house, I have been locked in this bedroom since then, it has a bed, ensuite bathroom and that’s it. A guy brought me something to eat yesterday evening but refused to answer any of my questions. I still have my diary in my handbag all they took from it was my phone. I decided to write to get my mind off all that’s going on around me now.
As the guys yanked me from the car yesterday, I was threatened not to make a sound or I will be shot, I kept quiet until we pulled into a compound with a large house. I asked them what they want from me, none of them answered me. All I heard was one of the guys talking to someone on the phone saying “We got her Sir”.
Who was he talking to? I honestly had concluded that this was the hand work of my mum’s fiancé, I just didn’t know what he was going to do with me. As I write now, it’s just dawned on me that he doesn’t even know am his fiancée’s daughter, neither is my mum aware I am responsible for her abduction. This worries me a bit. I thought to myself at least if he knew, he surely would not harm me, but since he doesn’t know, what stops him from making me disappear.
Am a bit panicky now, can’t imagine what Mr. is going through. I guess the first thing he will do, is call my mum, the strange thing is, we don’t even know where his house is. My mum kept promising to bring him to meet us but she never got around to do that. I hope Mr. remembers Uncle J, he can get his no from Pamela. Tella should be of help too, they need to get me out of here, before this evil man has a chance to make me disappear. O God, please help me. “The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, he maketh me to lie down in green pastures……hmmmm

Day 59

MR-Oh lord, where is my wifey?, kola, Tella and I, spent the whole night making calls to all the powerful people we know, we finally got someone who acted as a deputy to the ex-governor, he promised to call him and see if he knew anything about Mrs. abduction. Am beside myself with worry, I mean, come on, what’s this evil man planning to do with my wife?
To start off with, I thought everything was going to be straight forward, call my MIL, go over to where she’s staying, apologize and get her to plead with her fiancé to let Mrs. go. But things did not quite work out that way.
We all drove from the abduction site to my house. Am not sure how I got home, I just came back to my senses, when I pulled into our drive way. I immediately dialed my MIL’s no, I called it so many times that I ran down my battery and all I got was. “This number is no longer in service”. I started to panic, Kola and Tella had to spend a whole while, trying to calm me down. Tella then started to call other people on his phone, Kola was not left out, I also plugged in my phone, to recharge and started calling other people I knew.
I called Pamela , told her what was going on, she tried her uncle so many times , his numbers were all switched off. She later called his 2ic, who confirmed he was incommunicado until Tuesday. We spent most part of the afternoon making calls, then finally Kola got a friend whose uncle went to school with the ex-governors deputy, he gave us his number.
Although he was reluctant initially, he asked us how we could infer that the ex-governor was the one who abducted Mrs. I reiterated everything Tella had said, I also told him about Mrs. plot to abduct his fiancée. He still wasn’t convinced but he saw how desperate we were, so he said he will see what he can do, he will go and see him personally, because this was not a phone matter. Promised, that if the ex-governor had Mrs., he will get her back. All this didn’t give me much respite, I thought to myself, why would the guy own up? If he intends to get rid of her.
Tella and Kola could see I wasn’t myself, I had started talking to myself. I felt terrible, why didn’t I do something? How could I just sit there and let those men take Mrs.? I didn’t even fight back, why?
We all sat around, praying, when a call came in from the ex-deputy governor. He said, “I have been to see the governor and he vehemently denies being involved in any abduction, as a matter of fact I told him you were soon to be his step son in law. He was shocked, his fiancée told him she had a daughter, married, but he was yet to meet you both, he asked that I bring you over to his house tomorrow, so that we could all get to the bottom of this.”
I was shocked, I asked how we can believe he’s not involved. The deputy said, the governor might be many things but he was afraid of no one, he would have told me straight on, if he had her, especially when he now knows she is about to be his daughter in law.
I thanked the deputy, sat back, told Kola and Tella, what the deputy had said. We should have been relieved, but we were just pushed back to square one. Who took Mrs.? The good news was that we now had the powerful, influential ex-governor on our side.
I just sat there, hands on my head, Kola came over, held me and said, “Bro, they had a gun! If you had tried to stop them, we would probably be at your funeral now, how will that help Mrs.?”
We tried to sleep but couldn’t, the guys got a few winks in, Tammy prayed with us and then had to take Junior home.
Where is my wifey? Please lord, bring her back in one peace …..……hmmm

MRS – I noticed the guy that brings me food looks at me in a funny way, as if he likes me, so I decided to play on his emotions, to see if I could get him to help me.
He brought me food yesterday evening, I said to him, “thank you for taking care of me, Sir”, he said “okay”. It was working, that was the first word he had spoken to me, I then went further to ask if I could get a soft drink instead of water, he said okay , he’ll be right back. He left for a few minutes then came back with a bottle of coke, I said thank you again, and asked if I could hug him, cos I was really scared. At first he hesitated, then I pleaded, he came close , I gave him a hug and said “please help me, what do you guys want with me” he gently pulled himself away from me and said , don’t worry, The boss, will be here later today am sure he will let you know what he wants” “Are you guys going to kill me?” Of course not he said, “The boss, gave us strict instructions not to harm any hair on your head, or else we are dead”. He asked me not to worry and left me. From what he said , I began to wonder , who is this guy they call, The Boss, from the way he spoke I guess these boys didn’t work for him, am really confused now, this man doesn’t want me hurt ? hmmm, who is he?
I sat there, couldn’t go to sleep, thinking of Mr. and how much stress he’ll be going through. He doesn’t even know where I am. I pray he’s gotten in touch with my mum, at least they can go apologize to this evil man, that’s got me locked up here. Is he really going to get rid of me? I felt really bad because I began to imagine what I put my mum through when she was abducted, mine is even better, am not being tortured, the room as air-conditioning and am not tied to the bed.
“Oh dear God, am sorry for everything, if I get out of this alive , I will never keep grudges again or try to avenge anything anyone does to me. I know you can hear me Lord”.
I must have drifted off to sleep, because when I woke up it was dark, the Ac was on. I had a strange feeling I was not alone in the room , I could hear somebody breathing. I sat up, now really scared and shouted “Who is there?” Just then the person switched on the lights and moved closer to me, I rubbed my eyes to get them adjusted to the light, I could see him clearly now, I started to scream at the top of my lungs, he came over, put his hands on my month and said “Stop screaming now, or else………” hmmmmm

Day 60-
MR- we got ready early, Kola and I, Tella had gone out for a bit yesterday night said he had a contact he was meeting, who might be able to get Mrs. back. He was already up and ready when we came downstairs. We had to meet with the deputy governor for 8 am but I wanted us to get there early, taking into consideration the heavy traffic in the morning.
We arrived at the deputy’s home right on time, he invited us in, and asked us to join him at the breakfast table, I wanted to decline cos the last thing on my mind was food but I thought it would be rude to do so, moreover he kept saying “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. We all sat down and ate. After we were done, we got in our car and drove in his convoy to the governor’s home.
We were ushered into a large sitting room, 5 mins later the governor walks in, I was taken aback, he was nothing like Toke described, no big tummy and all, this guy was trim, well buffed, handsome and confident, “Who in God’s name was Toke talking about” That was a side issue for now, the main reason we came here was to get Mrs. back. The governor exchanged pleasantries with everyone, then he walks up to me and gives me a hug “Welcome to my home, son in law to be, it’s a shame we are meeting for the first time under these circumstances but all the same, pleased to meet you, your Mum in law will join us in a few minutes.”
Whoa! He was smooth, I could not imagine this guy being evil, not to talk of being a murderer, Kola looked at me with this questionable glance as if he was thinking along the same lines. Anyway he asked me to narrate what happened on Sunday. I did, He said not to worry and he’s got his best guys on it. “They got my sweetheart back, when some quack military guys, were trying to frame me for attempted murder. My guys should report back to me today. Your wife will be found or should I say my daughter in law, would be found safe and sound, don’t worry”.
Just then My MIL walks in, she in tears, “my darling”, she says to me, “Where is my daughter?” “I don’t know Mum, that’s why we are here”. The governor came over led My MIL to his side, to sit down. “Don’t worry my sweet, we will find her”. We all sat there talking for a while, I just kept watching this governor guy, Toke was definitely mistaken, this guy is not the one who tried to sacrifice her for money.
Come to think of it, he also just mentioned my MIL’s abduction and that he was being framed. What’s going on? I decided to investigate, by asking him a question. “Sir, did you travel recently, I can see all these pictures of you in Paris and Egypt”, “Yes My sweet and I did a couple of short trips a few weeks back”, he mentioned the dates, I almost fell off my seat, that was the same weekend we went to get toke in the farm, I was right , this man did not try to use Toke for rituals it was somebody else…….but who was it?…..hmmmmm

MRS- “Please Tella, what do you want with me?, Don’t hurt me please” I said as he released my mouth, from his hold. He made me nod my head to confirm if I will stop screaming, once he took his hand off my mouth. “I don’t understand, what have we done, why did you abduct me?”
He walked over to the bed and sat next to me, held my hands and said he was sorry, he had no other choice, he would never harm me, it’s just that he’s was really desperate and had no other alternative. “What do you mean I asked?” well here is what he said –
“Before I got sent to prison, I had just arrived in Europe with a large drug consignment worth about a quarter of a million Euro. I did the deal got the money but instead of transferring my bosses share, I held on to all the money. My Boss tried to get in touch with me, he started off by calling me, asking why I hadn’t sent the money, I gave so many excuses, then he sent a couple of guys to find me, I fled to another country in Europe. , This went on for about 2 months, what got me in prison, was a different consignment that I brokered for someone else. I didn’t know the guys were undercover drug enforcement agents”.
He continued “That’s how I got arrested, all the money I got I rented a luxury 40 foot yacht and lived on it permanently, sailed around Europe and partied with the royalty day and night. I rented a Ferrari at every port where I docked, bought designer clothes, expensive wrist watches and shoes also gave money out to ladies as if it would never run dry. By the time I was sent to jail I only had a few thousand euros left, that’s what I brought back to the country 9 years later.”
“Now the boss found out I was back, he wants his money back, I got a visit in my apartment a few day after I arrived. The Boss has given me 3 months to repay him or else I disappear and this time, it will be for good.”
He concluded by saying, “I have been trying to raise the money as a loan from all the contacts I knew back then but no one wants to take a risk on me, so that’s why I’ve abducted you, you husband will have to pay for your release, I know he can afford it.”
I was shocked, “Your very good friend? Why didn’t you just ask him?” I said. He looked at me and said, “Your husband would not give me the loan, if I asked him, I needed to motivate him so that he won’t have a choice.” Look, I’ve got to go now before they start to miss me, just behave yourself and no harm will come to you. Tomorrow afternoon, your husband will get a text message, asking him for a ransom to get you released.” With that he walked out of the room and I could hear him lock the door behind him, all my pleading and crying fell on deaf ears.
Oh my gosh!!, Tella is the one Mr. is currently relying on to get me back, he doesn’t know, this same Tella is the one who’s got me, what am I going to do? How do I get information to Mr.? I know, I have to get this man who brings me food to let me make one phone call or send a text to Mr., I pray he agrees…..hmmmm

Day 61

MR-The Ex-governor has been amazing. You won’t believe he is personally involved in looking for Mrs., it’s only been a day but I have grown so fond of him, he’s like a big brother I never had, we have talked about everything, from his early days as a young graduate, to how he got into politics and his 2 term tenure as a governor. I am tempted to ask him about Toke’s accusation, I thought to myself, I know I have too or my mind won’t be completely with him,
The EG and my MIL insisted that we all stay in their guest chalet, what they call a guest chalet, is a whole duplex on its own, it has 5 bedroom, 3 living rooms , its own dedicated chef and a swimming pool. Kola and I gladly accepted but Tella said he had some urgent things to attend to tonight and in the morning, he thank them for their hospitality and took his leave, with the promise that he will be back after his early morning meeting. Although Kola did crack a joke about the fact that he hopes we don’t disappear overnight and find ourselves spewing out money, we both laughed about it, but it gave me the courage to go ask the EG.
I knocked the study door where his PA said he was, he invited me in asked me to sit down, I was a bit nervous cos he was quite intimidating, The man was flawless. He had degrees from Harvard and Columbia, he was fantastically rich, he had also been a governor and to top it off he was now studding for his PhD, come on, who wouldn’t be intimidated.
Anyway, I summoned up the courage and said “Sir, what am about to discuss with you is very sensitive, but we all need clarification before we can truly move on as a family. “Ask on Son, am all ears”, he said.
“Well Sir, I think it would be appropriate for me to start from the beginning- My Mrs. went for lunch one afternoon, while she was having her meal, a gentleman offered to pay for her lunch, gave her an envelope with $5000 and his business card. From lunch she went to her friend’s house, told them about the new admirer, and the money he gave. She gave the money to her friends to go on holiday and somehow one of them took the man’s card from her hand bag, without her knowledge.
The friend later on called the man whose number was on the card, and he invited her over, she went to see him and he gave her another $15,000 to celebrate her birthday in Joburg. When they came back, both friends had a falling out, so the one who had previously contacted the man, called him and he offered her accommodation with the promise that he was interested in her and wanted to marry her.
The next thing that happened was we got a call from a village farmer almost 90 miles from here, saying a woman had been dumped on his farm half dead. When we got there it was Mrs. Friend. By some miracle, through prayers and fasting in church she recovered fully and narrated this story to us”.
By now the EG was in shock, I could see disapproval written all over his face. “So Son, how does this affect me directly, don’t get me wrong it’s a terrible thing, but when you started off you came across as if this is directly related to me?” I looked at him and said “Yes Sir it is, the Man in question is supposed to be you, the business card had your name on it and the guy claimed he was the ex-governor”.
He jumped up so fast and shout “What!!, Me!!!, You can’t be serious, he is impersonating me? We need to find this guy immediately. So how did you know I wasn’t the one?”
“Well sir, immediately I saw you walk into the living room, I knew it wasn’t you, our friend’s description of the man is totally the opposite of you, also when I asked about your trip and you told me you were out of the country on those dates, I knew In my spirit, that it definitely wasn’t you”.
Just then one of his aides came in, he asked me to give him Toke’s address and phone no, that they should go and bring her to his house this minute. About an hour later, Toke arrived, looking all confused, no one had told her why she was being summoned and by whom exactly. I just called to say I was sending a driver to pick her up, that we needed to talk in relation to Mrs. Abduction.
As she walked into the study, her normal response should have been of fear or anger, if the ex governor was the same man she was talking about, but instead she walked in, looking all calm, said hello to me and to the EG and sat down,
I looked back and forth at Toke and the EG. The EG then broke the ice and asked Toke. “Young lady, have we met before?” “No Sir”, she said, “Look at me properly, are you sure you’ve never met me before? “” Am sure Sir, I won’t forget it.
“Okay then, Son, I hope we have clarified one aspect. Yes Sir we have, I turned to Toke and said, this is the EG. She looked at me and said, “Are you drunk, of course not”, I showed her his card, it had the same name she knew as the EG, she was in shock, and said “am sorry Sir, this is the name of the guy claiming to be you but you are definitely not him, here sir , this is the card he gave me”, she handed the card to the EG, I walked over to his side to see, surprisingly it had the same name, the only difference were the initials the governor was JJ , his was JT, most would have missed this.
“He introduced himself as you, he looks like you Sir, but you both have different statures completely and you speak much better and carry yourself differently from you, most will mistake him for you, cos the differences in face structure could be attributed to the fact that you gained a lot of weight.”
As Toke talked, we all just looked at her, you could see how shocked the EG was, I couldn’t believe my ears either. This was serious and something had to be done about it. Just then one of the aides rushed in and said “Your Excellency Sir, We know where your daughter in law is, the guys are on their way to get her back now, sir”…………hmmmmm

MRS-I must admit, I have been well taken care of, given whatever food I ask for and my personal ‘food bringer’ has promised to help me get out of here. But he wants me to give him a couple of days, to enable him come up with a plan.
Tella came back yesterday night, he spent hours with me, apologizing and asking me to please forgive him, I then asked him a question, what if Mr. refuses to pay?, all he said was, he will and he must, he doesn’t have a choice. It wasn’t what he said that scared me, it was the way he said it. He had desperation in his eyes, I just then began to realize that this was truly a matter of life and death for him.
Being alone with this abductors, has given me a lot of time to be still and think of my life, I have been blessed and fortunate than most, but I realized I haven’t really appreciated God and Mr., enough for all the privileges. Yes I come from Money, but this is not about money, it’s about LOVE, the love God has for me and the Love Mr. has for me, God so loved me that he gave me an amazing husband, who loves me to bits, always wants to make me happy, gives me what I want and need even before I ask. He is hardworking, God fearing, Kind and very responsible, what else do I want? Right there and then, I made a pledge to be the kind of wife he will be proud of.
I also thought about my Mum, how unhappy she will be when she finds out I arranged for her to be abducted, I remember my Grandma telling me never pay back evil with evil. Yes, My mum treated my Grandma very bad but I shouldn’t treat her the same way, I always used the excuse , that because my Grandma said to my Mum, “Whatever you do to me, your child we do it to you”, to behave to my mum exactly the same way she treated my Grandma. What I conveniently forgot is, ‘the law of Karma’, what goes around comes around, My own children will also treat me the same way I treat my mother.
Hmm, that’s serious, from now on, I have forgiven my mother and I will be the best daughter to her and a wonderful sister to her new baby.
My minds drifting a bit, am not sure when am going to get out of here, I pray God almighty exposes Tella to Mr., I can only imagine, how he sits with them and tries to divert their every move form finding out he is responsible for my abduction, He told me he was sending the ransom text message today. I know God will definitely expose him, Please God help me get out of here….hmmmmmm

Day 62-

MR- Am really, really upset now, Tella, Kola, EG, my MIL and Toke, are all trying to calm me down, I hardly slept a wink all night, yesterday was crazy and my hopes were raised and then smashed. Here is how it all began-
While Toke and I were with EG, one of his aides came in to the study, to say, the guys called, that they got a lead on Mrs. Location where she was being held. We all got really excited waiting for the good news, I ran over to the guest house, where Kola was already sleeping and informed him, he jumped out of bed got dressed and we went back to the study to wait for the update of her rescue.
As I walked back into the study, a text message came on my phone from a private no, it was a ransom demand for $120,000.00. I staggered a bit, re read it and then slumped on the sofa next to me, I couldn’t speak, went into shock all of a sudden. The EG, came over took my phone and read the ransom amount out loud, the text gave us 24 hours to pay or we should kiss goodbye to Mrs. Just then Tella called to ask if there was any news about Mrs. location, I passed the phone to Kola, he told him that the EG’s guys had information of where she was being held and they were on their way to rescue her now. He also told him about the ransom. Kola dropped the phone and told us what Tella had said, that we should wait a bit before we pay the ransom since the guys were on their way to rescue Mrs.
An hour later, the call came in from the EG’s guys, they got there and Mrs. was no longer there, they could see she had been moved in a hurry, because they left some phones behind. They think one of the phones is Mrs. but not sure, they will bring it back with them.
Now, I just started to cry, I didn’t know when or how it came, the water works just poured, Kola had to lead me out of the study to calm me down. My MIL was crying, Toke and the EG were pacifying her. A few minutes later we were summoned back into the study, the EG was talking on the phone to his bank manager and instructing him to bring the $120,000.00 to the house, first thing in the morning. The ransom text message specified cash in $100 bills in a black duffel bag, dropped at a particular location on the beach.
I couldn’t believe my ears, the ransom demand was going to be paid in full just like that, I prostrated flat with kola on the floor for the EG and hugged my MIL , we were all delighted. Just then the guys came into the room, EG instructed them what to do and how not to stop the pickup but follow the guy, rescue Mrs., then bring the ring leader to him. They agreed it was the best plan and proceeded to leave, one of them showed me the recovered phone, and it was Mrs. Phone. I thanked them and they left.
Amidst all this, I saw I had 3 missed calls from Sandra and a text message saying she was back in town , she needed to talk to me about something really important, I ignored it and thought to myself I don’t have time for this right now. As if she knew I wouldn’t reply, another text from her came in saying, I should please come with Kola to see her at her house, PS, this has nothing to do with me. I thought to myself this must be serious, we will deal with that later.
About an hour later Tella came to the house and asked if we had gotten Mrs. back, I narrated the whole story, he genuinely felt pained, I also told him the ransom will be paid tomorrow morning, he said that as a very good idea , as the abductors might just get upset and harm Mrs. if we don’t pay……..hmmmmm

MRS-Tella rushed in to the room with 3 guys, shouting at me , “Get up, Get up now , we are leaving “ they were in so much of a hurry, one of the guys tied my hands, and blinded folded me, them put a scarf across my mouth , I guess to prevent me from screaming. I felt, myself being lifted up and I could hear Tella saying, gently guys, gently.
I was scared, didn’t know what was happening, I was being lifted and taken down the stairs, carefully dropped, like in a boot of a car. I heard the car boot shut, the car started and we were on the move. I could hear an argument going on up front, Tella was screaming at his boys, “how did they find out where we were, one of you must have talked, anyway I will deal with you guys late. I was with them a few hours ago , the ransom is being paid today, I need you to go to our regular beach in a couple of hours, the rest of you stay in a car watching , get the bag, it should be full of money and bring it straight to me, okay” I heard the boys say “Yes Sir”
The drive continued for a while, then we stopped. The boot opened, I pretended I was asleep. I felt a hand lifting me up and carry me, they took me up the stairs and dropped me on a bed, the guy didn’t bother to untie me. I laid there wondering where I was, a few minutes later, I heard the car screech off. I was wondering if they had all gone, when I heard the door open, a hand touch me lightly I didn’t move, then I heard Tella’s voice call my name, I just laid still.
He sat next to me on the bed took off my blind fold, took the rope off my hands, then the scarf off my mouth. He gently stroked my face and whispered my name into my ears, I pretended like I was just coming out of sleep.
“Tella, where am I?” I asked, he said don’t worry dear, I brought you to a more comfortable place. “I don’t want comfortable, I want to go home, please let me go”. He sat there looking at me and smiling, “don’t worry dear, you are going home today”. “O thank you”, I said, “please don’t harm me.” He smiled again and said there is no reason too, the ransom is being paid as we speak, I will pay my debt, with the little extra I added on top I can go back to Europe and settled down nicely.
My eyes adjusted to the room, it was really nice, had a large TV screen, double sofa, fridge and from my position I could see a Jacuzzi in the bathroom. “Is this your home, I asked, Yes, said Tella, “but no more questions, pray Mr. pays, okay”. With that he left me there and walked out. I got up switched on the telly and went to use the ladies. You won’t believe it, there was a phone on the sink. I did a double take, it was a phone and it was on. I cleaned myself, picked up the phone and went back to the bed.
As I was about to dial, I heard Tella running up the stairs, I hid the phone and pretended I had fallen asleep again. He unlocked the door came in and shouted “did I leave my phone here?”, I didn’t answer, he shook me , I opened my eyes , “get up” he shouted, he scattered the bed, looked under, searched everywhere couldn’t find it, then he stumped off downstairs. A few minutes later, silence.
I tidied the bed, then went to the fridge and brought out the phone, it was cold but still very much alive ……hmmmm

Day 63

MR-The bank manager brought the money first thing in the morning, crisp new $100 bills, all still wrapped up in bundles of $10,000, arranged in a black duffel bag as the abductors had requested.
EG’s guys picked up the money and proceeded to the drop, they had their instructions. Let the pickup go on, follow the picker and rescue Mrs. and bring back the ring leader, very straight forward. I wanted to go with them but I wasn’t allowed, even the guys said I would be a distraction and that I was better off staying here and praying that everything goes well. My MIL, EG, Kola, Toke and I all sat in the living room, waiting to find out how the drop and rescue went. During this period breakfast was served but I could hardly eat, my mind was all muddled up.
Hours went by, we didn’t hear anything and then all of a sudden we heard a commotion going on outside. We got up, rushed to the front of the house, the sight that confronted me made me freeze on the spot.
Tella was bound arms and legs with a rope , kicking and screaming that they should let him go, I looked pass him and saw Mrs. being carried out of the car, she wasn’t moving, we all gathered around her, I kept asking “what happened to her, is she okay”, before I got an answer EG’s guy had dealt Tella a dirty slap, “This bastard drugged her Sir, he claims he’s not the ring leader and that he was there to rescue Mrs., Sir, do you know him”. “Yes of course we do, he is our friend, he has been helping us get Mrs. back. Why have you tied him up like that?” “Well sir we found him with the guys who picked up the ransom, he was holding the duffel bag when we walked in to the house where Mrs. was being held” I immediately asked them to untie Tella. At this time My MIL and EG had taken Mrs. Inside and called their family doctor.
The EG insisted that Tella explain himself, how did he find the abductors and what was he doing with the money?, “unfortunately, the other guys disappeared as soon as we got there”, one of EG’s guys said. “So we were only able to catch this one and bring him here”. While all this was going on Mrs. was still unresponsive, the doctor came did some tests and said she had been given a heavy sedative, it will run its course. Mrs. will be fine but we need to let her rest, in about 4 to 5 hours the sedative should wear off and she would wake up. Once that happens, he will come back to check her vitals again. We thanked him, and he left.
I carried Mrs. to her mum’s room, laid her on the bed and started to pray, before I finished praying I heard 2 female voices saying Amen, once I opened my eyes, Tammy and my Mil were standing behind me, they asked me not to worry, they will stay with her, I should go back downstairs to sort out the Tella issue.
I thanked them, got back down and found Tella kneeling down in the middle of the room surrounded by The EG, Kola, and 4 of EG’s guys. At this point he was crying and swearing blue black that he had nothing to do with the abduction, he had traced the abductors there and had just accosted them by taking hold of the money and threatening them, that he was undercover law enforcement , when the EG’s guys busted him.
I felt sorry for Tella and I tried to convince the EG that he was a friend and he could not have been involved. The EG just smiled and asked me to let his boys deal with Tella, he would tell the truth sooner than later, he said. Kola didn’t say a word but I could see he was not convinced by Tella’s explanation. Kola called me outside and said “Bro, I don’t trust Tella, he is lying, unfortunately the only person that can say if he’s lying or telling the truth has been drugged, don’t you think he intentionally drugged Mrs. so he can pull this stunt that he was only trying to rescue her?”.
I thought about it for a few minutes, then said, “No, I believe him, he has been helpful all these weeks, why would he abduct Mrs.? Kola said, “Because he’s desperate, he needs money”. “But he’s got all that money he brought from Europe?” I said. “Have you seen the money?” Kola asked. We went back and forth in the end. I convinced the EG that we should let Tella go. The EG said, no problem, the guys should go clean Tella up and bring him back to us.
Now this is the funny part, I didn’t know Kola had planned with the doctor to tell us in front of everyone including Tella, that Mrs. will sleep for 4 to 5 hours. He also asked the doctor to give her something to counteract the effect of the sedative, which will wake Mrs. up within an hour. I also didn’t know he called Tammy to come and stay with Mrs., once she wakes up, to fill her in on the plan and as soon as Tella is about to walk out free, He will send Tammy a text message and Mrs. should come downstairs. He had briefed the EG about his plan, My MIL and I were the only ones in the dark.
So once Tella had been cleaned up, he was brought back to the living room, I apologized for what he went through. The EG promised to make it up to him and thanked him for saving his daughter in law. The maids were already laying the dining table for us all to eat. I noticed Tella kept looking at the time, Kola asked if he was in a hurry, He said no, but he was really not feeling too well, so he would please like to be excused. I was about to insist that he stay s for lunch if he is not upset, just then Kola said , “let the man go, he’s been through a lot, he got up to go, he had just gotten to the living room door when he came face to face with Mrs., Tammy and My MIL followed by the EG’s guys, he slowly walked backwards into the living room, Mrs. walked towards him and dealt him a dirty slap, I was shocked , I shouted “Baby no!!. You should be thanking him for saving you”. She looked at all of us and said, saving? My love, this devil whom you call your friend, is the one who abducted me ………..hmmmmm

MRS-As soon as I could hear Tella rumbling around downstairs looking for his phone, I decided to call Mr., I put in the number but someone else picked it up, I tried again the same thing, it just all of a sudden dawned on me that I didn’t know anyone’s no off hand. I decided to close my eyes and gradually Mr.’s no came back to me, I had entered the no, as I was about to press the call button, Tella busted into the room, he dealt me a slap. snatched the phone off me without saying a word. I cuddled up and cried, I didn’t know he wasn’t done with me, a few minutes later he came back in with some rope and a syringe.
“You think you are smart, right, you better pray your hubby pays my money or else you and he, will be sorry, right now I have nothing to lose, I have already booked myself on a flight tonight on Lufthansa airways. So as soon as I get the cash, am off and you guys will never see me again”.
He moved over to the bed and started to tie my hands and legs, I pleaded, apologized for taking his phone and promised I would behave, he didn’t listen to me he just kept on tying the rope. After he was done, he got the syringe out of its box, I could see it was already filled with a liquid, I screamed and pleaded with him not to kill me, “Mr. will pay”, he looked at me and said , “don’t worry my dear, this will just make you sleep”. That was all I remembered until I woke up in my Mum’s room………hmmm

Day 64
MR- Thank God we are back together, we went to the hospital yesterday to check everything was okay with Mrs., Yes it was , we finally came back home yesterday evening. Kola came with us, stayed for a while and left late last night, he wanted to stay but I insisted he mustn’t leave Tammy and Jnr on their own.
We made love, it was really good, I took my time and it really paid off, I missed every part of her body and I was so grateful Tella or anyone for that matter did not defile what was mine, not sure how I would have handled it if it happened, thank God it didn’t.
Well, there was a bit if drama when Mrs. came down, after she slapped Tella, he prostrated on the floor and started to plead with us all to forgive him, that if we don’t help him he will be killed. He cried so hard I started to feel sorry for him, a few minutes later the police arrived and took him away, Kola was glad , he looked at me and said “Bro, you can’t believe a word that comes out of that guys mouth, let them take him away, Good radiance to bad rubbish”
As soon as Tella left, Mrs. seemed to get her bearings, she looked around the room at everybody and whispered into my ears “Where is the Ex-governor?” I smiled took her by the hand, stood in front of EG and said “Sir, I would like to formally introduce my wife to you”. She nudged me and said that’s not him. Before I could answer, EG, got up and hugged Mrs., he said yes this is me, I am the Ex-governor, Mrs. did a double take and said “But you are not the one I met sir?” “Yes we know, the guy who gave you a card clamming to be me is an imposter”.
The next thing Mrs. moved closer to EG and gave him a hug, “thank God Sir, I have been so worried, my mother is about to marry a ritualist. So sorry for reacting this way. I will be delighted to have you as my stepfather, we all busted out laughing. After that we had lunch and Mrs. and I thanked EG and my Mil and took our leave.
Before the Police took Tella away, they got Mrs. details and said they will be calling on her later to get a statement. I insisted she would not be coming to any police station. Any statement to be taken should be done in our home. The ASP that came for the arrest, agreed with me.
Just before Kola left , Sandra called him again that it was very important we saw her at home tomorrow, kola told me and we both were thinking what could it be, we decided we will go see her at her family house tomorrow, Kola even joked that maybe the father wants me to take her as a second wife. “Not funny’’. I said…..hmmmm

MRS- Freedom at last, you don’t know what you’ve got until you don’t have it any longer. I saw that side of life and it made me appreciate my life better. Mr. and I slept together on the same bed at home yesterday, I has really missed him, our love making was really gentle but passionate, I didn’t want it to end, we finally both fell asleep in each other’s arms, as I lay on his chest with his arms around me, I felt extremely safe and comfortable and said to myself, I never want to be without his warmth again.
I got a shocker yesterday, when I woke up from my drugged slumber, Tammy told me we were in the Ex governors house, my mum just held me and cried. She was so gentle, Tammy took a bit of time to update me on what the plan was, she made me know that Tella had lied that he was there to rescue me and was not my abductor. I was to go down and confront him as soon as he tried to leave. Which I did successfully, I even threw in a slap for good measure.
Once I was done with the Tella issue, I looked around the living room, but could not find the ex-governor that gave me a business card, I remember what he looked like from the day I met him, I had to whisper into Mr.’s ears to ask where he was. To my surprise, he was the man sitting in front of me, I was so pleased he wasn’t the man I met, that I hugged him so fast.
He looked at me and I recognized him instantly, what everyone didn’t know, was that I just recognized the EG from way back when I was in University, before MR, He must have realized it and he recognized me too, he quickly changed the subject and asked us all to celebrate my release by coming to the dining table.
Yes, EG was not the man I met at the restaurant but I do know him and he knows me, what he did back then, might just come back to hunt him now, oh dear lord why does it have to be this guy……This cannot be happening…….hmmmm

Day 65

MR- I feel good, well, that’s because, the word of God does not go unfulfilled. You will be wondering what is Mr. going on about now. Well we got the most interesting news yesterday, it was so funny, Kola and I laughed for almost an hour, am not exaggerating, am sure you will laugh out loud too, once you’ve read this-
The day started off good, Mrs. and I went to church to thank God for her release and not being harmed while she was abducted. We would have waited for the marriage counselling class but Kola and I had to be at Sandra’s, in an hour, so we stopped to get some pizza and ice cream, then drove straight home. We were just rounding off our meal when Kola, Tammy and Jnr arrived. Jnr was looking much bigger than a couple of weeks ago, when I last saw him, all bubbling and cute, as soon as Tammy put him down, he ran towards the swimming pool, thank God for guide rails. I called one of the maids to put him in swim pants and let him sit in the inflated water boat we bought for him. We left Mrs. and Tammy outside in the Gazebo, kola and I excused ourselves and took our leave.
On our drive to Sandra’s place all sort of suggestions came into our heads, about the reason why she wants us in her house urgently. After a while of us racking our brains, we decided to actually wait to hear what she had to say. We got there right on time, we were ushered in to the living room.
Now bear in mind, Sandra’s dad is a god father, he moves and shakes the country, in short his nick name is the King maker. Sandra came in to meet us a few minutes later and ushered us in to the presence of her father and two other men , which we later found out were private investigators’. Kola and I prostrated for him, he spoke politely asked us to sit down.
“Young men, you must be wondering why I asked my daughter to invite you here, well its very simple, she’s pregnant”. Kola and I jumped up instinctively and shouted, “Am not responsible Sir”, and “He’s not responsible Sir”, at the same time. Her father looked at us and said, “sit down young men, I know, the idiot that is responsible, he does not want to own up, nobody treats my child like that. Now listen to me carefully, this is where you both come in, my daughter tells me she met this son of a gun, at your wedding Kola, is that true?” Kola and I were in shock, we both shouted Babs? At the same time. Sandra, looked over at us and said “Yes Kola, Babs is responsible and he hasn’t picked my calls since I’ve been trying to call him”, at this time our mouths were still wide open, Kola said, “yes Sir, we know him.”
Sandra’s dad looked at us and said “That’s good, so here is what I want you to do, you see these nice gentlemen sitting here, ( pointing to the 2 men sitting near us) they are private investigators, you will tell them everything you know about this Babs and give them information on where they can find him, also get ready, as soon as he’s found Sandra will invite you for their wedding, he is marrying my daughter right now, wither he likes it or not, who does he think he is?”. With that he got up and left us in the room.
The PI’s got all the details, address, club details and phone number, we had for him and we left. As soon as Kola and I stepped out of the house, we started laughing, Babs has met his waterloo, Sandra’s dad will super glue his butt to their house, if that will keep him by Sandra’s side, hmmmm, he wanted to force my wife to marry him, now he’s been forced to marry a wife, thank you God, what goes around, most definitely comes around ……… hmmmm

MRS- Well, am okay, Thank God am still alive, although I have a dilemma on my hands. Yesterday after Mr. and Kola left Tammy and I, I decided to confide in Tammy about the EG’s issue.
“Tammy, do you know I know the EG?” “You mean he is the one who actually gave you the business card?” No, he wasn’t the one, I’ve know him from way back when we were in university”. Tammy sat up, looked at me and said, “You guys didn’t….Did you?” Oh no, not like that, it wasn’t for lack of trying on his part though, let me tell you what happened.
“We were four friends, who always were together, everyone knew us on campus. Beautiful, rich and intelligent, our nickname was ‘The fantastic four’. Every girl wanted to be in our click and every guy wanted to date us, we sort of made a pact that we won’t date out mates, if we decided to date at all, it would be men, much older than us, cos at the time, we believed they can and do take care of you better.
One day we got an invite to this big celebrity party, we were one of the few girls from our university that got invited. We got ready and a limo was sent to pick all 8 of us up, four of us and another 4 girls we knew. We got to this huge villa , there were big men everywhere and ladies, young ladies like us, some men were old enough to be our grandfathers, for me it was a bit of a shock, I had never been to a big man’s party , most of my exploits were at school parties.”
“Anyway, the Party progressed, this same EG and some of his friends who all worked in an oil company at the time, came over to sit with us. They brought with them all sorts of wines and other hot drinks, grilled fish, chicken, mutton, ice cream anything we wanted was laid out in front of us. They each picked one off us and sat next to her. The one who sat next to me was already drunk, he kept mumbling all sorts into my ear. The EG sat to the left of me and Next to my friend Martha. He would whisper something to her, then turn to me and ask me if I wouldn’t mind talking a walk with him, I declined a couple of times so he let me be.”
“After a while he pulled Martha up and they walked away from where we were, into the villa, I was very uncomfortable because I knew Martha was inexperienced like me. We were the only virgins amongst our friends. After a few minutes, something made me get up and walk inside the villa. I went up the stairs and I could hear this faint crying coming from one of the bedrooms. As I moved closed it got louder and louder, and then I opened the door of the room where it was coming from, the sight that confronted me was horrible, I screamed, that alerted the EG, he came over to me, started pleading with me not to shout.”
“Martha’s hands were tired to the bed pole, he had her legs also tied, spread out, he was naked from the waist down and her panties had been torn off, he was raping her. I ran over to the bed, untied Martha, took her into the bathroom, there was blood all over her legs and on the bed. She was hysterical at this point. The EG just stood there, apologizing and saying he didn’t know what came over him, I picked up one of the bed sheets, wrapped it around Martha. The EG said he would please like to help, I shouted at him, told him to get out, I called my friend in school who had a car to come get us. I led Martha through the back door to a clinic”.
I continued “The doctor on duty cleaned her up, took a sperm sample and asked who did this, Martha said she didn’t want to press charges she just wants to go home. The doctor said they could keep the evidence on ice for a while, if she changes her mind, the evidence will be waiting. You won’t believe that was the last time I saw him until yesterday.”
“Martha dropped out of school, the last I heard she now lives abroad” Tammy looked at me with her mouth agape and asked, this same EG about to marry your mum and she is carrying his child, is a rapist? Yes, Tammy, the same EG, is about to become my Step-father. What do I do? ……..hmmmmm

Day 66
MR- It takes a short time to forget the stress you go through when something goes right, but on the other hand, when it goes wrong, it lingers on your mind for a very long time.
Mrs. told me about The EG raping her friend, when they were in university, I listened to her narrate the whole scenario to me yesterday, I even learnt a few things I didn’t know about Mrs. I let her finish and then I said to her calmly-
“Baby ,in this country when you say a man rapes a woman , the first thing that comes to peoples mind is she must have caused it, rape is just beginning to be taken seriously now and even at that, it’s the man’s word against the woman’s. You know ideally, ‘No’ should mean ‘No’, but in this country if a woman is raped in the Man’s house, they will ask what did you go there to do, if not have sex. Some organizations are trying day and night to advocate for stricter punishments against sex offenders and I guess its working.
Let me tell you about a Christian radio program I listened to in my car recently. The girl was, I think around 16 or 17, she lived with her big sister and her husband and she called into the radio station to say her uncle had raped her. What happened was her sister went into hospital to deliver a baby, the night she went in, her sister’s husband came into her bedroom and forced himself on her, he continually raped her for all the nights her sister was away. You know the funny thing, I listened and listened as every caller that called in blamed the girl. it got me so mad, when a woman called in and said, “Don’t mind those useless girls , they will be wearing skimpy clothes to attract your husband, the minute you turn your back they will pounce on him, don’t mind her, am sure she was enjoying it , first time, second time, now she’s calling it rape?”.
Every other caller rained causes on the girl or called her a slut, except one lady who called in and spoke with an English accent, she said she was appalled that no one felt this grown man, brother in law to the girl had a fault for raping a young girl under his care, no girl or woman deserves to be raped. After her call a few people called in to agree with her.
What am I saying here?, Rape needs to be frowned upon and stopped by all means, No should mean No, Not, she’s only pretending, or when she says no she means yes , all that crap. Women who have been raped can’t even talk about it because of the stigmatizing in this society, this further gives the men who rape the liberty to get away with it. These raped women go ahead to have issues with other relationships, they have really bad issues of intimacy, with their partners, same goes for women who have been abused.
My dear even if you confront him, or tell your mum, I don’t think anyone will take you seriously and to make matters worse , it’s been a long time since it happened. let’s just let sleeping Dogs lie and I believe even the EG himself must feel ashamed that you know he’s a rapist, that’s punishment enough..…..hmmmmm

MRS- it’s unfortunate that a woman doesn’t even have control over her body, I mean, you can’t even tell a guy No, I don’t want too and he immediately lets you be, very few men will. I listened as Mr. Spoke to me about the issue of the EG raping my friend Martha and I accept that I should just let it be.
You know I had the opportunity to sit down with some grown married women once, when my mum still dragged me around like a toy, I will never forget the stuff I heard that day,
These 10 women ran a support group amongst themselves, they had one thing in common, all the woman had been abused as children, the abuse had occurred over a period of years, some from age 9, some a little later, one was abused by her father, yes father, one her uncle, one her brother, another her neighbor and the others, by people who stayed in their house, driver, servant, gateman, relation etc,
One of them who had been abused by the neighbor was narrating her story that day –
“We lived in a block of 6 flats, ours was at the top. On the ground floor lived a male teacher who always bought things from my mum in her canteen downstairs, soon he started asking my mum’s permission to send me to buy stuff for him, I was 12 at the time. The abuse started off with a hug when I delivered what he had sent me, then it progressed, he will stylishly touch my boobs, then my bum, one day he pulled me onto his knees and put his hand under my skirt and touched my privates, I ran all the way upstairs ad locked my room door, I later heard his voice in my living room asking for my mum’s permission to send me on an errand, my mum called me , I refused to answer, she told the teacher I was probably asleep that when I wake up she will send me down stairs.
When I finally came out of the room, I summed up courage to tell my mum, you won’t believe what she did, she slapped me , called me a whore, said I was trying to spoil the good teacher’s name, I should go downstairs this minute and help him run his errand.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, the teacher continued to abuse me, until I ran away to live with my dad across town. The only good thing was that he was careful, he never had full on sex with me. Now the problem came when I got married, I had completely repressed the memory of my abuse, didn’t even cross my mind consciously. For 4 years I hardly let my husband make love to me, I couldn’t explain it, I will freeze up every time he touches me.
I eventually lost the marriage, my husband couldn’t take it anymore he divorced me, I relocated to England, it was in England that I was advised to see a physiologist, who was able to get me to access my repressed memory and then I narrated this story to her, since then I was cured and able to re marry, now I have a healthy sex life and 2 children.
Repressing the bad things that happened to us, comes back to affect our lives in the future, everyone needs to let it out. Find someone you can trust to talk to. Talk about it and get cured of your hurts”
As I listened to her, I could see how so many marriages have problems of intimacy between the husband and wife, I learnt a valid lesson,
Well as for me, Mr. has spoken, this EG rape saga, goes with me to the grave….thank God I have an amazing husband…..hmmmm

Day 67

MR-Its almost Christmas, I can’t believe the year as gone by so quickly, so much as gone on in our lives, whoa, thank God we survived them all. Anyway folks am sure you are all getting ready for the festive season, I wish you a merry Christmas in advance.
Kola and I decided to plan for our office Christmas party, usually we organize a get together for the staff, do secret Santa and all. But this year we wanted something different because profit wise, it has been a great year.
So we hired a yacht and decided that we would hold our xmas party on the 20th which was yesterday. We deliberately kept it a secret from the staff. We hired a coach, made it turn up to the office around 12 noon. As soon as it arrived, Kola and I instructed every one to shut down their work stations and get on the bus. The staff were confused and excited at the same time. We drove to the boat club and everyone got down, as soon as they realized we were going on a Christmas cruise and party, they began to scream and jump up and down. In short we had an amazing time, we finally docked back at the boat club by 7pm. The staff all went straight home, but Kola and I decided to drive back to the office, cos we had left my car there and drove after the bus in Kola’s car.
As we pulled into our car park the first sight that confronted us was 2 women sitting on the bonnet of their car smoking. We kept driving past them and right up to the door of our office, stopped the car and got out. As I walked towards our office door, I heard someone call my name, I stopped and looked back and it was Teni. “Hey, lover boy, we have been waiting for you”. I looked at her up and down and asked “Teni, what do you want?” She ignored my questions and handed me a piece of paper. “What is this? I asked” she said “Read it “. All this time Kola just stood there looking at us, he didn’t even say a word.
I opened the letter and read through it, it was a Doctor’s report saying she was a few weeks pregnant. I looked up at her and said “Congratulations, who is the lucky guy?” “You , my love”, she said. Kola was about to step forward and probably punch her lights out, but I held him back and asked “Are you sure, it’s mine”? “Of course, I don’t have any other love you know”.
The next words that came from my mouth, shocked Teni, even her friend did a double take. “Teni, if you are sure it’s mine, then I take full responsibility, am sure my wife will understand, I can’t have my child living outside my home. Just one thing, I will take you to my doctor and get you tested to see if you are really pregnant, my doctor is also able to do a DNA test on the fetus, to confirm if I am the father, if all goes well, we get married immediately.
I could see the shock on her face, she started to stutter immediately, “why can’t we just accept this test” she asked, her friend decided to whisper something in her ears and she stopped talking. I asked her to come back tomorrow and we will go for the test. Kola was so shocked at my response he kept on smiling and shaking his head. I could see how shaky her legs were as her friend pulled her away. They got in the car and left. Kola and I broke down laughing. Kola looked at me and said “Bro, what’s up? You know she’s lying”. “Don’t worry Bro, I can handle Teni, she thinks she smart, but Two can definitely play that game ……hmmm

MRS- whoa!, I’ve got so much shopping to do, Christmas is around the corner, I’ve got to buy presents for Mr., My mum, jnr, Tammy, Kola, Pamela and Toke and all our domestic staff. I need help to do all this, but first things first, I remembered I needed to go apologize for the way I treated Pamela the other day.
I left home around 11 am, drove straight to Pamela’s house, fortunately she and Toke were in. As soon as I entered their house, Pamela got up and walked towards the kitchen, I stopped her, “Please sit down, I’ve come to see you” she came back, sat down and just stared at me. “Am sorry Pamela, I was out of line, I shouldn’t have pushed you out of my car, or threated you the way I did. Please forgive me”.
Pamela got up and came over to where I was sitting, she sat next to me and hugged me, said she was really sorry and she shouldn’t have betrayed me like that , she felt so bad cos she was definitely a hypocrite, criticizing Toke for fancying Babs and at the same time having a fling with him. I hugged her back and said I had forgiven her.
Toke sat there still looking so sad, so did Pamela, even after I said I forgave her. What’s wrong with you two, why do you both look as if someone just died? Toke looked at me and said, “if someone died, it would be better, here, have a look”” and she handed me a piece of paper, I asked what it was, Toke just asked me to read it, I opened it, I could see that it was dated that morning , as I read it to the bottom , I was in so much shock, “whose is it,” I asked, Pamela looked at me with tears in her eyes and said ‘Babs’…
I jumped up and screamed Noo!!, you can’t be serious, oh noo!! Pamela. Toke and Pamela didn’t know why I was screaming, they had this shocked look on their face, , I calmed down a bit and told them what Mr. had told me about Babs being a wanted Man, cos he impregnated the daughter of the ‘King maker’. Pamela just fainted immediately. Amidst the confusion, we called the gate man, carried her into my car and we drove to the clinic. The doctor said she was in shock and needed to rest, so she won’t lose the baby. Toke and I looked at each other, am definitely sure, we were both thinking the same thing, “Please God its better if you let her lose this baby”.
We sat next to her bed watching her, after a few hours she opened her eyes. The first thing she said shocked us, “is it still inside me?” “Yes Pamela it is”, she then broke down crying again.
Toke and I calmed her down, we spoke to the doctor to let us take her home, he made us promise to take care of her and stop her form stressing or worrying. We promised we will and we left. When we got home, we discussed the options available. First, go tell Babs, Second option, go get an abortion. The first option, we were sure would be futile, cos he was about to be forcefully married off to a wife, not just any wife but the child of ‘king maker’, one of the most powerful politicians in the country and as for the second, Pamela said an abortion was out of the question.
I thought for a minute then said, “Your father is one of the wealthiest men in this country Pamela, why don’t you get him involved, I think that’s going to be the best option?”, Toke smiled and also said “Whoa!!, The ‘Oil tycoon’ versus the ‘king maker’, clash of the titans, let’s see who wins”, I added quickly, “ You know ladies, where two elephants fight, the grass definitely is the one that suffers”……….hmmmmm

Day 68
MR- Am so glad we had an amazing year, Kola and I had a time of reflection yesterday. It was exhilarating, we list most of what we could remember, situations God delivered us from, paramount on our list was Kola’s near death experience, Mrs. kidnap, then my almost fatal set up, Babs trying to break up my marriage, and best of all Tammy and Kola miraculously finding each other, Tokes survival and our bundle of joy Jnr walking into our lives, let’s not forget our expectant MIL and he upcoming Marriage ceremony to EG billed for early next year.Whoa, so much , am sure we left out a few.
As we sat there talking and laughing and thanking God for our business, we realized we have been blessed tremendously. We could not take it for granted we decided to donate a truck load of food, clothes and toys to 2 orphanages and give a huge sum, to a few charities we had marked out.
Before I forget I got a text from Teni, it read –“My love, I have thought about your offer to marry me because am pregnant, but I have decided being a second wife is not for me, I have decided to get rid of the pregnancy, go back to Canada and get me a man who will love me more than I love him, not the other way round. Do take care and you will never see me again”? As I read it I smiled. Kola asked what’s funny, I passed him the phone, he read it too and started to laugh, “Look at this silly girl, who’s fooling who, Good radiance to bad rubbish”
Mrs. has been out and about shopping for Christmas for a couple of days now, I looked in one of our spare bedrooms, its already almost half full of gifts wrapped up. I must remember to get her a lovely gift, not sure what yet but a few things come to mind. I wonder what I will get from her, on my birthday she got me golf clubs, I don’t play golf, but Mrs. said since I have them now I can start to play. I hope she gets me something I can use this time.
Kola and I retired to the club around 5, we remembered there was a squash tournament and I had signed up to play for my group. The completion began and we were winning, when I suddenly looked up and saw Babs and another guy talking, I immediately lost concentration and the other guy took advantage and we lost that round, I excused myself went looking for Kola, found him chatting with some ladies at the bar, I pulled him away and pointed in Babs direction. Kola said he will go distract him, while I go and call the King maker.
I went to the locker room to get my phone, I called the King maker, Sandra’s dad. He said his guys were on the way, we must keep him there. I put my phone back and went out to look for Kola and Babs, I found them all arguing about the state of the economy, when Babs saw me, he kept quiet and became uneasy, I moved closer to him and said Bro, it’s okay , let by gone be by gone’s. We are men, men don’t keep grudges.
I could see he was uneasy, I kept my cool, just kept praying that King makers guys will get there on time. After a while Babs said he was taking his leave, Kola tried to stall him by saying the next round of drinks were on him, but to no avail. He walked off towards the car park, Kola and I looked at each other and we decided to follow, we saw him walking ahead to his car, just then the king maker’s guys pulled up in front of us, we pointed to Babs, they drove in his direction. As they got to him, 2 guys jumped out of the car grabbed him, the third who was driving stopped the car, came out and opened the boot, they dropped him in the boot and shut it, It honestly was like a scene from a James bond movie, before we could say Jack Robinson, the car disappeared out of the club gate and into the night…..hmmmmm

MRS- well. Well, I have been shopping so much in the last couple of days, my credit card is on fire. What can she be buying you asks? Honestly I don’t know, all I know is that am making sure everyone gets something nice from Mr. and I this Christmas, we have all been through so much, we deserve to be pampered a bit.
Yesterday I decided to go shopping alone, as I pulled into the mall car park a guy almost hit me with his jeep, I had to put my foot down on the break so hard that my jeep skidded a bit and hit him by the side. Neither cars were damaged, I jumped out of my Range and was about to go all ‘diva’ on him, when I recognized him. He was Pamela’s long time love interest. They dated a while back but Pamela suddenly lost interest in him, this guy has groveled, pleaded, begged , there’s nothing he hasn’t done, he even proposed a couple of times but Pamela keeps rejecting him. As soon as he saw it was me, he was so excited he hugged me, apologized and insisted he had to buy me lunch to make up for almost polarizing my new jeep.
I obliged him. throughout our meal , he did not stop professing his love for Pamela. I saw how sincere he was, so I told him what Pamela was currently going through. You won’t believe, as if like magic, he went on his knees and asked me to please tell Pamela that he was ready to marry her today, with the baby and they can both raise him or her, as their own, I was stunned, he said he loved her more than anything, all she had to say was yes, I asked him to get up and that I will deliver his message , alternatively, he should be at Pamela’s house tomorrow for 4 pm, everything would work out fine. I thanked him for lunch, went to get a few things and then back to my car to drive home.
As I started the car, I got a text, it was from EG he asked me to please meet him at his private guest house, that he had something important to discuss with me re my mum. I was a bit worried and I prayed everything was okay with her, I sent him a text back, that I was on my way. When I got to the guest house, the butler ushered me into EG’s study, he was already there waiting for me.
He offered me a drink which I politely declined. He then said “My dear, I called you here under false pretense, it’s got nothing to do with your mum. I really wanted to talk to you about Martha and what went on all those years ago. First I would like to sincerely apologize for what I did back then, I wasn’t in my right senses I was drunk, secondly I am sorry you had to witness the whole drama, thirdly am grateful you haven’t told your mum. For that here is a cheque to say am sorry and thank you at the same time”.
All this while I hadn’t said a word, I just sat there listening to what he was saying, he stretched the cheque towards me, I looked at it and it was a dollar cheque form chartered Bank. I looked at the amount, I could believe my eyes, it was mind bugling, I didn’t know when I shouted ,O my gosh?…….hmmmmm

Day 69

MR- Whoa! What a week, it’s gone by so quickly, 2 days to Christmas. You might be wondering why a grown up lad like me, is getting so excited about Christmas, well, please let me. Ever since I’ve moved out of my father’s house, I have celebrated every festive period like that was the last one I was going to see.
Growing up, like I mentioned My Dad was a very strict Christian, one of the things he was strict about and believed was a waste of time was celebrating Christmas the way everyone else did. I remember our Christmas day celebration, was go to church in the morning, come back home, have lunch then sit around the table listening to my Dad drill into us why Christ was born and died for our sins, this usually took two hours and then we would watch Christian videos. In the evening, go back to church, then come home, have dinner and go to bed. Every year it was the same. Our relations hardly ever came around during Christmas and Christmas presents comprised of Christian books, a new bible or if we were lucky my mum will get us some clothes or new school supplies.
Don’t get me wrong, there was money to buy nice presents, my Dad just felt Christmas had been commercialized, that everyone had lost focus of what the day really stood for and he had vowed not to be part of this new trend. I couldn’t understand it, I watched kids play outside with their new toys on Christmas day, even those who weren’t as comfortable as we were. I also had to sit through the torture of my school mates bragging about all the toys they got. So I vowed, that once I was old enough to move out, start work and make money, I will celebrate Christmas with all the fanfare I could muster.
Kola had some errands to run, so he didn’t get to the house until 2pm, I was busy wrapping up my gifts for everyone. Mrs. had gone out again, these past week, we were hardly together at home during the day, except early in the morning and later in the evening, the joys of getting ready for Christmas, I guess.
Kola and I sat outside near the pool, reminiscing. Recounted the action scenes that went on at the club and wondered what will be going on with Babs right now, Kola wanted to call Sandra to find out, but I said no, we will find out later, I was sure the king maker will call us.
Just then I got a call, it was a private number, most times I ignore them , but decided to pick this one up, A voice came on asking me to hold on for my caller. Two seconds later a man says “Hello Gentleman, you don’t know me, my name is Sir Fernandez. I am the chairman of Fernandez group of companies, you and I have some business to discuss, it’s about your friend Tella, I will send a car to pick you up, this evening at 6pm, from your office, please be there. What we need to discuss is very important to all of us, come along with your friend, if you don’t feel comfortable coming alone, I won’t take much of your time, thank you”, And with that he dropped the call.
My mouth was still agape when the call ended, “what’s the matter?” Kola asked. “You won’t believe who that was, Sir Fernandez”. “Noo! You can’t be serious, Bro, what does he want with you, that man is very dangerous?”. “Well he says we need to talk about Tella, what about, I have no idea?” “I do”, Kola said, “Am sure it’s about the drug money Kola embezzled”. I asked Kola how he knew that, he looked at me as if to say, are you dense?, “Everyone knows Sir Fernandez is a drug dealer, he came to this country almost 50 years ago, as a little boy, he later grew up, married a wife from here and built his empire on the drug trade. I heard he started off with marijuana. All those big companies he has, are just a front, for where his money really comes from, the drug trade. He has a lot of big boy couriers, like Tella, who have risen along the ranks, to get very rich themselves and now head different departments in his drug trade business, Am surprised you don’t know”.
As Kola was talking, my mind was wondering what this man wants to see me about Tella for? It didn’t make sense, I didn’t even know Tella was a drug courier until recently, so what possible information could I have for this man, anyway 6 pm was round the corner, I was about find out …….hmmmmmm

MRS-“Sir, please, I do appreciate the offer, but am sorry, I cannot accept this money, if anyone needs to be compensated it’s my friend Martha, unfortunately I lost contact with her a long time ago. You don’t have to worry about me telling my mum, I have decided not to discuss this issue with her and that’s final, thank you Sir all the same”. The EG just sat there, cheque in hand, staring at me. I could sense he was thinking of what to say next and trying to read my reactions, if I was actually telling the truth. When he finally spoke, He asked me to take the money anyway, since he had already written the cheque in my name, I declined once again.
I got up politely asked if that was all he wanted to see me about, because I had an appointment with Mr.? He said it was, I thanked him and walked out of his study. As I walked away, I could feel his eyes on me, from his countenance , I could tell this wasn’t over, I didn’t think he believed I won’t tell.
Anyway, yesterday, Mr. and I had breakfast together, something we hardly did during the week, most times he skips breakfast when he has an early appointment at the office. I told him I had some gist for him, he said he had some too. We agreed to catch up on both gists tonight, I had to leave early because I had arranged to meet Tammy at home and go shopping with her and Jnr.
I got to Tammy’s at 10am as planned, she was still in bed, I could see she looked so drained, Jnr was having breakfast with his nanny having to chase him around the table, Tammy told me she had been throwing up all morning and was feeling really dizzy, Kola had just left the house when it started. Anyway, she got ready and we drove to our clinic. The doctor ran some tests on her, after about an hour of waiting, he called us back into his office. He looked at Tammy and said , “Congratulations Madam, you are pregnant” I was the first to scream, anyone would think he was talking to me, Tammy and I hugged each other, we were so happy, Tammy was a bit weak but the news, perked her right up. We thanked the doctor, got in the car and drove back to Tammy’s. On the way, I asked her to call Kola and tell him, she said No, she will wait until he gets back home later.
Around 3pm , I had to leave Tammy and Jnr, I remembered I had an appointment to meet Ken, Pamela’s love interest, at her place for 4 pm, I got to Pamela’s, she and Toke were just getting back from seeing Pamela’s dad. At least she looked a bit more cheerful than the last time I was here.
I asked what her father had said, Apparently he had a different idea, he said God forbid he will beg any useless man to marry his daughter. Pamela should have the baby and take care of it herself, the child will never lack for anything and he was sure a nice young man will come along who will love her regardless of the fact that she already has a baby. Wise man I thought, this presented a great opportunity for me to talk about Ken, so I said “Pamela, you won’t guess who ran into me yesterday, I mean literally ran into my car? “Whom” “Well, Ken” I said, “What, my Ken?, yes the same, your ken” , I said, “Didn’t know he was back in the country, what did he look like?” she asked. “Well he’s still very handsome, you know what he looked like before? Now he’s much better looking”.
So we talked back and forth about Ken until the doorbell rang, Toke was going to get the door but I pulled her back, I told Pamela it was a surprise for her, I knew it was Ken at the door because he just sent me a text message. Pamela ran to open it and viola, Ken was on his knees, holding a ring and asking Pamela to marry him………hmmmm

Day 70
MR- God be praised , Tammy is pregnant, o my gosh , Kola called me as soon as he got home, this was the best Christmas present ever, Mrs. Laughed when I told her, she said Tammy made her promise not to tell me until Kola did himself. Whoa! Am so happy Kola and Tammy deserve all the good things that come their way, and to top it all Jnr gets a baby brother or sister. Mrs. was elated, she came over to where I was sitting and said Baby, kits kick off our practice intensively, we need to have a little bambino running around here this time next year, I said, Am ready my love , let’s go…
Now, you remember yesterday I told you I got a call from Sir Fernandez, Kola and I went to wait for his driver at the office around 5.45pm. on the dot of 6 pm, a limo showed up , picked us up and drove, now the windows were blacked out so we couldn’t see where we were going, About 35 minutes later we stopped, the driver opened the door and you could never guess where we were at the airport private wing. The driver pointed us towards a private jet that had its door open with stairs sitting in front of it, kola and I hesitated a bit but just then a lady stepped out of the plane, walked down the stairs and up to us.
Am sorry gentlemen my name is Miss Philips , I am Sir Fernandez PA, he has asked us to bring you to him, don’t worry the flight only takes 40 minutes, we will bring you back before 11pm. What she said seemed to relax us a bit, the only worrying thing was that no one knew where we were. We got on the jet and it took off immediately. I must admit I was impressed with the interior, I had never been on a private jet before. This one was really nice and fast. True to the PA’s word, 35 minutes into the flight the pilot switched on the seatbelt sign, we buckled in and landed quite smoothly, as we taxied to a hanger, we could see through the window another limo waiting there. We got down, got into the limo with the PA and drove.
Fifteen minutes later we pulled into a magnificent house, form the drive way it looked like an old castle, the grounds were amazing, even though it was almost 8pm, the whole compound was lite up with lights and colorfully musically fountains, I honestly thought we were no longer on our country. We were ushered into a lounge, offered drinks and told that Sir Fernandez will be with us in a bit.
Kola and I took this opportunity to stare, he had the most amazing paintings , one of them was a Monet called the ‘Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies’, painted In 1893, it must be worth millions of dollars, he had both international and local paintings, in short the room was magnificent.
Shortly after he came in with a group of men about 5 of them, we got up to say hello and to our surprise Tella was standing there right behind him, Sir Fernandez caught our surprise and said “Sit down young men, you see when you have friends like me no government prison can hold you. Now down to business, Tella has told me a lot about you and your business, you are both very hardworking and I need your services.
Our services? Kola asked, looking at me all nervously, what service will that be sir? ‘’Well , Haulage” ‘We no longer do Haulage Sir, we had a few trucks that moved good from the ports to different parts of the country but the drivers started to give us too much stress , so we shut that side of the business down” , I said.
Well congratulations boys, you now have a new client who requires your trucks and this client will help keep you in business for a long time and also keep your drivers in check and in exchange you will operate with discretion. Kola and I looked at each other nervously, as if Kola knew I was about to decline the proposal, he quickly said, “Can we think about this proposal sir?” Yes you can, I give you until Dec 31ST, On Jan 1st I want an answer, Am confident it will be positive…thank you gentlemen, the meeting is adjourned until then, with that he got up and walked out with the guys in tow, Tella hung behind and said to Kola and I, “Guys, you better wise up, no one says no to Sir Fernandez and you better keep this discussion to yourself.”
We arrived back at the airstrip an hour later, the limo was there waiting to take us back to the office, Kola and I didn’t say a word, when we got down from the Limo, Kola said don’t worry Bro I recognized one of Sir Fernandez boys, we used to hand out together when I went to spend time with my aunt and uncle back in the days. Am sure he recognized me cos he winked at me, am going to get in touch with his brother, get his no, call him and find out what Tella has got to do with all this. In the meantime, don’t worry, we will get out of this in one piece, go home and please don’t get stressed out, its Christmas tomorrow remember, let’s enjoy it …….. hmmmm

MRS-Yes, we did it, am sure Mr. scored twins yester night, it was good, lasted long and explosive at the end. Am sorry guys don’t mind my ranting, am just excited for Tammy and Kola and Mr. and I, we have started practicing intensely for our baby and from all indications I believe Mr. hit a home run yester night.
I got summoned by my mum yesterday afternoon, she called and said she wanted to see me urgently, I felt a bit worried and also was wondering why her fiancé will summon me one day and my mum the next. Any way curiosity took the better of me, so I went to see her immediately. I got there, she was sprawled out on the lounger in the garden, she looked amazing, I could see pregnancy really agreed with her in old age. We exchanged pleasantries, she asked one of the maids to bring me a glass of chapman and some homemade fruit cake.
“Mum, how are you doing? I asked, she said she was fine but could be better, I asked what the matter was, she looked me straight in the eye and said “you are the matter dear”, “Me?” “How mum?” I asked, “Well for starter’s why did my love give you money for Christmas and you rejected it, I thought you said you had accepted him and you were happy for us, what’s going on dear?” “Mum, what are you talking about, is that what he said?” “Yes”, my mum said. I looked at my mum and almost came out with the true full story but changed my mind, “it’s okay mum , I just felt I didn’t really need the money, so I politely declined”. “Well, Baby everyone needs money, here take the cheque, he left it with me”, with that she handed me the dollar cheque EG had offered me to buy or rather pay for my silence.
I was levied, how he could be so manipulative, anyway I did a good job of hiding my anger, I spent a few more minutes with my mum, told her I had to go and left. When I got into the car I wanted to send EG a text showing my displeasure at his tactics but I decided not to, I need to keep this too myself until after Christmas, don’t want to stress Mr. out now, once I discuss this with him am sure we will know the next step to take.
Meanwhile, it was celebration galore for Pamela and Ken the other day, she said yes, it was so heartwarming, I could see how much Ken loved Pamela, they are planning a valentine’s day wedding, barely 2 months away. He said he couldn’t wait to make Pamela his wife .Now all that’s left is Toke, we need to find her a nice young man to make an honest woman out of her, for now am just going to sit back, relax and enjoy Christmas…….hmmmmm

Day 71 and Christmas day
Merry Christmas, all you amazing friends, I wish you Joy, Peace, prosperity and a blessed and fulfilling year ahead. You have all been great, following, The New Mr. and Mrs. Diary form Day 1. Your encouragements, support, wonderful comments and messages, have kept me going and made my day, every time, I pray that we can continue together, to make a difference and be a blessing to someone, every single day and I believe that with your support we can achieve this. Thank you so much, I love you guys.

MR-Merry Christmas to me and everyone, I am so excited today, cant really write a lot but , I really wish to thank God Almighty for allowing us to see another Christmas, I’ve really got so much work to do now, so can’t really write, but I promise to catch you up on all the gist tomorrow. Thank you guys, have a great celebration…..hmmmmm

MRS-Whoa! Its Christmas, I thank God for today, it’s the day the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. I have put everything aside, all I want to do is have an amazing time with our family, Kola, jnr and Tammy are coming over in a few minutes to spend Christmas with us, I can’t really write in you now but I promise to catch you up on all the gist tomorrow….hmmmm

Day 72

MR- Christmas day, a day of celebrating the birth of Christ, the day of reflection and the day some of us get to go see our parents and relations we haven’t seen in a while. As the year slowly comes to an end, 5 days to go, I decided to try and list everything Mrs. and I were grateful for, and just then I realized, waking up every morning was the greatest gift God gives us every day. Once we are awake, everything else that happens that day is as a result of waking up and it’s a privilege. I remember making a pledge last year December 31st, that I would stick to my new year’s resolutions for 2016. Looking back at all the resolutions I made then, more than a 3rd were completely forgotten, a third were sort of done and the other one third, am still struggling with. So this year, I have decided to have just one resolution and that is, ‘No more procrastination’.
My 2017 motto- “I will say what I will do and do what I say and do it when am supposed to”. A New Year resolution for 2017, God willing. If I can just achieve this one resolution, my life will take a turn for the better. I find that I say I will do a lot of things but never get round to doing them or keep postponing when I will do them, until I eventually forget to do them. “Make hay while the sun shines, because opportunities come but once”. Two Proverbs, my Dad drummed into me, growing up.
Yesterday was a lovely day, Kola, Jnr, Tammy, Pamela, Ken, Toke, Tony were all at ours celebrating double joy, Tammy’s pregnancy and Pamela and Ken getting engaged. We had catered for 20 people, food, drinks and deserts, kola even invited a one man band to serenade us. We had a surprise guest as well, Ken, had called Mrs. to ask if she didn’t mind if he came over with a couple of Friends. One of them, you won’t believe was the guy we had seen at Sir Fernandez place. Kola and I were taken aback as Ken introduced him as Mandible. To ease up things Kola just said “I know him, he’s my guy”. “Mandible? Is that your real name”, I asked. He looked at me and smiled, “Well not really but it kind of stuck on me and now most people don’t even remember my real name”.
Kola then interrupted, “tell us how you became Mandible”, “When I was a little boy, children around me were still eating minced meat , I was already cracking chicken bones, meat bones any kind of bone you give me to eat, I ate it completely with our leaving a trace. Once I went into boarding school, my friends would give me their meat bones at lunch time and I would crush it all up and eat everything, there was hardly anything my teeth couldn’t crush, so one day in biology class the teacher asked us the meaning of mandible and some cheeky guy stood up, pointed to me and said, Akin Sir, Akin is the definition of Mandible, and from that day the name stuck.
We all busted out laughing and that broke the ice. After a couple of hours Mandible asked if he could speak to Kola and I alone, so we excused ourselves and went to sit in the Gazebo. Mandible then started to explain, how SF (Sir Fernandez) found out we had been into haulage. He said last week, SF called all his boys together, him inclusive, “I have been a part of his organization for 8 years, I didn’t know what I was getting into at the time, I just applied for a job at one of his companies, got the Job and before I knew it I was offered crazy amounts of money to become a courier, what attracted me first was the travel. The company got me an international passport and a visa to a country in Asia. I travelled business class. Once I arrived. A limo picked me up and took me straight to a Private clinic, where all was extracted, I was then taken to a luxury villa, wined, dined and entertained with a couple of women, the next day I was back at the airport and arrived back home. That was how I started and today I have been on more than 20 trips to more than 13 countries. I can’t get out, once you’re in, you’re in for life, I will explain that later”.
Mandible continued “Back to what I was explaining, SF called us, gave us a location and asked us to go pick up a package for him. We got there, saw the police with Tella, they handed him over, we handed over a brief case and that was that. When we got back to SF, he was going to kill Tella, but Tella pleaded that he can get him 2 guys who could move his produce across the continent without any suspension, SF said, I don’t care how you do it, you’ve got to convince them to agree to work with us, I give you 2 weeks, if you don’t you are a dead man. So guys, you need to be very careful. Tella is a desperate, his life is hanging on the success of this deal. He will do anything to make sure you comply, don’t refuse outright, just try and find a way of agreeing to do it but at the same time have an alternative way out, I wish you guys good luck”.
Mandible got up, went back to sit with Ken and the other guy, Kola and I could not believe that this same Tella was back trying to mess up things for us. We definitely knew we had to put a permanent stop to this and I knew just the person to talk too………hmmmmm

MRS- The lord is good, being alive and well to see another Christmas was great, when you sit back and take stuck , it’s impossible not to be so grateful for all the blessings God has given us, I realized that no matter what our situation is , there’s always something to thank God for.
Or home was full of Joy yesterday, everyone was there, I had gotten a catering company to cook all sorts of food for around 20 people, so my staff could attended the Christmas party. We ate, danced, gisted all day long.
Later in the evening, we ladies withdrew to the lounge to catch up on gist, Tammy started off. “Babes, you won’t believe Kola cried when I told him I was pregnant, he broke down like a baby. He’s so happy” “That’s great am happy for you guys, I pray its twins” Tammy and everyone laughed. Pamela was next, you could see the joy all over her face, she was glowing and the double joy of being pregnant and getting married was overwhelming I guess. She started to gist us about the plans for the wedding, “It’s going to be on February 14 next year, in Dubai, ken is flying us all out ,four days, you all Know February 14 is a Tuesday, so we arrive on Saturday morning, stay at Oasis luxury apartments in Jumeriah, have a pre wedding disco party at Atlantis, on Sunday we have a nice dinner cruise on the dhow, On Monday we go on a desert safari tour, end up at the desert camp for our bachelor and spinster party, ladies we get bridal henna done. Then on Tuesday we get married on the beach, we all fly back on Wednesday, we then leave for Cancun for the honey moon”.
By the time she was done talking, we were all shouting and jumping up with joy, we couldn’t contain our excitement neither could we wait, it sounded so exotic, I have never been to Dubai before, but a friend of mine, Annie who has been several times said it is mind boggling.
Toke was next, she said a guy got in touch with her on Facebook and wants them to meet next weekend for a date , his profile said he is a lawyer, works in his father’s chambers. She then said “You won’t believe he’s a twin, totally identically, you couldn’t tell him apart in their pictures, I want to know what you guys think, should I go?” Pamela asked her to show us the guy, so I brought my iPad and we looked him up, his name was Kenny, he looked good, although not as handsome as the regular guys Toke is usually attracted too. What surprised me the most was you couldn’t tell from his profile if he was comfortable or not, the fact that Toke was considering going on a date with him, convinced me that she had really changed. We all agreed she should go on the date with the guy.
When it came to my turn, I wanted to tell them about EG and what he did and how he was trying desperately to buy my silence but instead I just told them how Mr. and I were on a marathon to get a bambino. I say trying because you can force a house to the river bit can’t force it to drink. He forced me to take his cheque but he definitely can’t force me to cash it…..hmmmm

Day 73

MR-Kola and I resumed at the office today, just us no staff, we had to go strategize on this SF issue. First we stopped over to see EG, Kola was of the opinion that we should keep this to ourselves for now, in case things get out of control. I disagreed initially but eventually when I spoke to EG about a hypothetical situation, his response scared me.
Here is how the day went-I asked Kola to meet me in our office for 10am, once he got in we drove to EG’s house. I briefed Kola on the way that I have reconsidered my position about telling EG out right about SF, I would on the other hand just state a hypothetical situation instead. We got there in less than 30 minutes, traffic was light being a bank holiday. EG was getting ready to go out, but said he would delay his outing to attend to us.
He ushered us into his study, we exchanged pleasantries, I asked after my MIL, he said she was out shopping with some friends. Anyway we got down to business. “Sir, Hypothetically speaking if A friend of ours needs some advice regarding a certain criminal master mind, a God father of drug dealers, who is asking our friend to go into business with him, actually Sir, he’s not asking, he’s telling. Now our friend doesn’t want to be in business with this man, he is afraid that if he turns him down though, he might get killed, what should he do, in that situation, Sir?”
EG looked at Kola and I , and smiled , “As we are talking hypothetically here, if this was really happening and this friend of yours knew me and he comes to tell me about this , I will have this ‘God father’ taken care of in 48 hours, I will prove to him. That all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”
“Sir, if I may ask, what will happen to the Drug lord?” .EG answered “I will make him disappear, you see a man has big as him would surely have made lots of enemies and will have loads of outstanding warrants issued for his arrest, around the world, all I have to do is call my contacts at Interpol, tell them where he is hiding and within 36 to 48 hours he will be extracted”.
Kola and I thanked EG and we left, as soon as we got in the car, Kola was so upset, “Bro we can’t let him know this is happening to us, look you know we have family that can disappear easily, I think we could take Mandibles advice, corporate for now and know that EG has our back if push comes to shove”. I had to agree Kola had a point. I picked up my phone and put a call through to the number SF gave me to call once we made a decision, told the guy who picked up that we would like to speak to SF, he said he will inform SF and call me back…..hmmmm

MRS-I was hoping t have a lazy day yesterday, lay in bed, just watch movies all day. But that didn’t happen. Instead the whole day turned into a very scary one.
Mr. left for the office around 9.30am, he said he and Kola had some business to take care of, I got out of bed just to instruct the house helps on what to do with the left over drinks and food and went back to bed. I had settled in bed, was about to start watching my movie Skyfall, when a text message came on my phone. I opened it and it read “See me in my office in an hour really urgent” it was from Uncle J. the funny thing was I had not spoken to him since the incident with my mum, neither had he gotten in touch with me. I wondered what could be so urgent, hat I had to see him immediately.
Anyway, I got ready and drove to his office, it was obvious he had already informed them I was coming because I was ushered in immediately. I said my pleasantries, he pointed to a seat, I sat down and then he started to tell me off straight away, for not getting in touch with him after coming to him for two separate favors, he went on and on for a couple of minutes, then he stopped. I got up knelt down and said I was truly sorry. I then narrated all that had happened to us while he was away.
How I was kidnapped, finding out the Ex-governor I thought was a ritualist wasn’t and that, that was the one my mum was dating and pregnant for etc. Uncle J, nodded as I spoke, he then asked me to get up and said he had forgiven me. He just had to let me know how he felt. He looked at the time and picked up his phone and said to the person at the other end “We are ready”. We got up, walked out of his office block, to a block across, went in and stood behind a one way mirror, which is, you can see the person inside the other room but they can’t see you. Uncle J asked me to look at the man sitting on the chair facing us and asked if I recognized him? I stepped closer and immediately I recognized the man as the one who gave me the business card at the café and called himself the ex-governor. Once uncle J was satisfied with my identification, we went back to his office.
“Uncle, how did you know about this man and how did you find him?” I asked. “My dear one thing you should know about intelligence gathering, is that we know everything that goes on in this country. That son –of-gun, real name , Chief J T Felix, has been at this impersonation game for a long time, the real EG, during his tenure as Governor, was hardly in the news, he mostly ran his cabinet by proxy, he also lost a lot of weight while in office due to prostate cancer, which he survived by the Grace of God, early detection, on a routine checkup and chemotherapy , he was out of the country for close to a year receiving treatment, that’s when that crazy man called Chief J T Felix, decided to take the opportunity to become the Ex-governor.” I asked what was going to happen to him, he told me he had contacted the real EG, told him what was going on and that they will deal with the imposter themselves.
I left uncle J’s office after 2 hours. On the drive home I felt the need to call Toke, to let her know the man had been found, I tried her no, it wasn’t going through, so I decided to drive to their place. I walked towards their door and there was a note stuck to it, I read it, it was addressed to Uncle J, “General, we can get to your niece and her friend, anytime we want , if you don’t want to lose them , release Chief J T Felix within the next 24 hours or you will, this is not a threat. Just to let you know we can get to anyone at any time, we are watching”. I noticed I was shaking, I knocked on the door, Toke came to open it, I hugged her asked of Pamela, she said Ken had taken her out. I breathed a sigh of relief, picked up my phone and dialed Uncle J, “Uncle, please come to Pamela’s house quickly, she and Toke are being threatened by chief Felix’s boys , they left a note for you”. “Stay there, am on my way” he said……..hmmmmmm

Day 74
MR- O my gosh, this is getting serious, Mrs. came home yesterday to inform me about what happened at Pamela’s place, There was an attempt on General J’s life , thankfully the bullet missed him and grazed one of his security agents instead, the guy was wearing a bullet proof vest, so thank fully no one was killed. The surprising thing was, they didn’t even see the shooter, it must have been a long range shot.
Everything is up in arms now, as I speak to you The Ex-Governor, General J, and 2 agents from Interpol ( the world’s largest police organization with 190 member countries. Its primary role is to assist law enforcement agencies around the world in combating all forms of transnational crime and terrorism.) and MI5 (British intelligence) are meeting tomorrow at the intelligence headquarters, on all our issues, EG had to be briefed about SF’s treat to kola and I and he immediately called his contacts in Interpol.
We currently have 4 armed security agents at our house now, Kola, Tammy, Pamela and Toke all have armed security agents as well, we are all in danger as long as SF is still on our case and Chief Felix has not been released.
The funny thing is that, I was still contemplating calling SF yesterday and tell him we will be delighted to work with him, but before I could Mrs. came home visibly shaken with 4 armed agents and told me about her near death experience. She was actually standing next to Gen J, in front of Pamela’s apartment, when the shooting happened. So I immediately changed my mind, called the EG and went over to see him at home. I narrated what happened between us and SF, EG wasn’t surprised, he said he had a feeling I was talking about myself and Kola the other day, when I used a hypothetical situation but he didn’t want to push me. He had determined that, if by the end of this week I don’t come back to tell him it was me, he would have taken matters into his own hands. Anyway right there in front of me he called the International operations manager of Interpol, that’s like one of the most senior ranks. Spoke to him in French, I didn’t know EG could speak French, all I understood was, “ok, vous voir demain soir, je vous remercir”, which translates to Okay, thank you will see you tomorrow evening.
Once EG, got off the phone with Interpol. He looked over to me and said, its sorted, they will be here tomorrow, coincidentally, they have been building a case against SF and chief Felix. I was surprised Chief Felix (CF) had a case as well. EG said that each time they try to arrest SF, he gets released on a technicality, but now that they have witnesses, the cases against both of them should stick. “What do they have against CF?” I asked. Well according to Interpol, they have been carrying out a phone tap on some people in Paris and Italy involved in child trafficking and prostitution, CF’s name comes up in almost all the discussions, he is the king pin of child sex trafficking but he never sets foot in Europe, he goes everywhere else , so they haven’t been able to pin him down or arrest him, now they can”. I was shocked, we were about to get involved in a big international criminal organization case, this could be very dangerous for us I said.
EG, looked at me and said “Well, I decided not to alarm you, until we have our meeting with all parties tomorrow, but my dear boy, you need to start preparing for the possibility of leaving this country for a while, all of you, your friends inclusive, but let’s not panic yet, by tomorrow evening we will know where we are going and what’s going to happen ……. Hmmmm

MRS- Am still shaking from yesterday’s experience, a near miss, I could have been killed now, if the crazy shooter had been a few inches to the left, I would be dead by now. Thank you lord Almighty.
Here is what happened, after I called Uncle J to come over to Pamela’s house because of the threatening note addressed to him, Toke and I went back inside to await his arrival. We sat in their living room nervously watching the door, I also kept looking at my phone, expecting it to ring at any moment. Toke switched on the telly, the noise helped to distract us a bit but it only lasted a little while. Thankfully, uncle J called that he had arrived and Toke and I went outside to meet him, he came with his usual entourage of armed agents. Five of his men took positions around the house and two of them followed him inside. He took the note from me and said not to worry, that they were only bluffing but all the same, each of our houses will be guarded by 4 security agents until further notice.
This gave Toke and I some peace of mind. He got up to leave , his security guys led the way, as we stepped out , his agents were in front, uncle J and I were directly behind them and Toke had her back to us trying to shut the house door. Just then we heard a thud and one of the agents went down, some shouted take cover, the other agent jumped on Uncle J to cover him, uncle J pulled Toke and I, we fell face down and everyone else scattered , there was so much commotion going on I thought we were all going to get shot and probably die.
After a few minutes of his agents running around and shouting , I heard them shout All Clear, Raven is on the move and uncle J’s agent pushed him into his official Jeep and they drove away in full speed, the other 3 agents left behind shoved us back in the house , shut the door and took guard outside. We were petrified.
After an hour, uncle J called me, said the coast was clear, a sweep of the area didn’t discover anyone , but for security reasons , he is sending 4 armed agents to take me home from Pamela’s and they will stay with us until further notice. The armed agents arrived shortly after, ushered me into my car, one drove, the other sat in front with him and I sat at the back. When we got home, they escorted me in, then took up positions around our compound.
Mr. was already back, surprised to see me arrive with guards, I narrated my near death experience, he was so shocked he held me for a few minutes and then all of a sudden he let go, picked up his phone and said “that’s it , am putting a stop to all this today”…..hmmmmm
Day 75
MR- Dear Diary , as I write in you this morning am already packing a few things, its official we all have to relocate , and when I say all, I mean Mrs., Kola, Jnr , Tammy, Pamela , Toke and I. Why you ask? Well our lives are on the line, if we don’t, let me elaborate ….
Remember I told you EG called Interpol, what we didn’t know was that they already had tons of evidence to charge SF AND CF with drug trafficking, human trafficking , money laundering, kidnapping, a couple of attempted murders and a murder charge but all they needed were witnesses, Now they’ve got them. After the meeting yesterday with Interpol, British intelligence and our security services, it was agreed that we all have to go into witness protection until the case comes up in a few months. Witness protection is when you hide people in places people looking to harm, threaten, intimidate or kill them will not be looking for them. In our case it was decided that we relocate to London, in the borough of Lambeth.
“Lambeth council? Why there of all places”, I asked, “I usually stay around Piccadilly circus in central London when I go to England”, the British agent said that was the reason exactly, anyone looking for us will look in the usual places we stay, but no one will expect us to be in Peckham , south east London . Mrs. asked where that was?
The agent smiled and said, trust me Ma’am, you won’t even know you are in England when you arrive in Peckham. I looked at Mrs. and shuck my head, “He’s right my dear, Peckham is so African, it even has herbalists, if you are into that sort of thing, you can get any kind of African food, clothes, dvd’s, hair salons, tailors, restaurants etc, everything out of Africa arrives in peckham first.
We were told once we get to England, we will be given a 5 bedroom house, people around will be told we just bought the house and we are one big family, for now our names will change, A school will be arranged for jnr and jobs for the rest of us, we will live like normal London dwellers until the trail is over, SF AND CF are convicted and it is safe to go back to our country.
“What happens to our business?” I asked, “Well your staff will be told you are traveling, no communication with anyone will be allowed and you are to leave instructions with them to carry on business as usual. Oh, one more thing, you will not have access to your bank accounts, so a stipend will be given to you every week in addition to whatever you make in your jobs, this is time for big adjustments, please get use to taking the Bus and trains, no luxury cars for a while. You are to live a totally different life, no discussing with anyone about your true identities, remember you are in hiding”.
At this point I could see Mrs. was no longer listening, am sure she was thinking how in God’s name was she going to survive living in England as a barely surviving person, well we were all about to find out.
The Agents informed us we leave for England on Dec 31st, The rest of us Kola and co are being briefed by the Interpol agent this very minute, also our travel papers will be processed and we will be flown out at midnight on a private plane. “Godspeed, the next time you see me, will be the evening of the 31st, when you will all report here, with as little luggage as possible and will be taken straight to your flight and off to England. Any questions?”
I had loads of questions and am sure Mrs. did too, but we just said no, the whole situation was overwhelming , in 3 days, we will leave our normal comfortable , warm life for a freezing cold, uncomfortable , not so normal life, the only upside was the fact that we will all be together and be Alive to tell the story. Even I didn’t see this coming…..hmmmmm

MRS-You won’t believe it but Happy new year for us will be in a different continent, The united kingdom, am still in shock. Everything is happening so fast, the worst thing is that they say we will be away for a couple of months but am aware this trial could take longer than anticipated, until then we stay put in England, in a Place called Peckham which I hear is little Africa.
The worst thing for me is that we have to leave all our comforts behind, live a pretend life of hardly any luxuries. How am I going to cope with that cold weather, I also have to work, I shouldn’t be complaining because this is the only way to keep us safe, but truth be told the British government needs us desperately to bring their case against theses 2 evil men.
Tammy came over yesterday night and we sat here, trying to make sense of everything, from here to there in 3 days, whoa! This was serious, Tammy was gracious enough to see the positive side and she’s always a ray of sunshine. She said we should count ourselves privileged to have this opportunity to save our lives. If Mr. and Kola had agreed to work for SF when would it stop, they would have automatically become criminals and wanted men themselves,
The sweetest thing happened , Ken has agreed to come into witness protection with us, he said he can’t leave Pamela for a day, he’s ready to cut communication with his family, job and friends for as long as it takes, I admire his dedication to a woman he hasn’t even married yet. Anyway Love they say can make people do crazy things.
My mum, is contemplating coming with us, EG doesn’t think it’s necessary , my mum just doesn’t think she wants to have her baby without me being there , she is not due for a few months but she thinks we might not be back by then, the British agent said she has until today at noon, to make up her mind.
Am just wondering what it’s like to live in England, I have never been one to want to, but I guess now I have to…….hmmmmm

Day 76

MR- its official we leave tonight, the date has been brought forward cos SF found out we are leaving the country tomorrow and he’s planning something , we don’t know what exactly but mandible called Kola yesterday to say he overheard SF with someone on the phone talking about us and our travel plans.
I had to get in touch with the British embassy immediately and now we leave tonight. Kola and I went by the office yesterday, we had to tidy up and put our affairs in order, this could be a long stay away from home, only God knows when we will be back.
As we were rounding off in the office we got a call from King Maker, Sandra’s father, he wanted us to come over and see him. We decided to go straight from the office, we got there around 6.30 pm and we were ushered straight to his private living room. Surprising we saw Sandra and Babs in the same native attire, with a few other people we got to know later were family and friends, also a legal practitioner dressed in his legal robe.
We all exchanged pleasantries, then SF said, “Just the people we have been waiting for, welcome to the registry wedding of my daughter and son in law to be . “Wedding?” I said, “Yes, we want you to represent Babs family, since my daughter met him at your wedding, king maker said.
We actually thought he was joking, right there in front of us the lawyer performed the ceremony, joined Babs and Sandra together as husband and wife, at the end he said “we now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride”. At this point Babs kissed Sandra and you could see the Kiss was not passionate. For the first time I felt a bit sorry for him, but then I thought he deserves everything he gets and more. To top it all, Kola and I were compelled to sign for Babs as a relative and a witness.
Well at least there was some good news for Babs, Kingmaker right there , gave the newlywed couple one of his mansions in a posh area, 2 Jeeps and 1 car , and money in the bank. He also offered Babs a Managing Director job at one of his companies. All attached to a condition, Babs had to sign a prenuptial agreement ( an agreement made by a couple before they marry concerning the ownership of their respective assets should the marriage fail.)
In this case the agreement stated, if Babs stays with Sandra, he runs all the companies given to her, he controls the money and properties but he had to sign that he will stay with Sandra for a minimum of 10 years , if he walks away before then, he will be charged with fraud and reckless abandonment , after 10 years if he walks away from the marriage , he pays back every dime he spent while married to Sandra and returns everything he acquired while they were married, but if Sandra walks away at any time, she keeps all she owns and gives a monthly income to Babs, to take care of himself, she decides how much.
I could not believe it, As I watched Babs sign his life away, I smiled to myself, if he stays with her he’s a slave to kingmaker , if he leaves he goes to jail for fraud, if Sandra leaves him he become a slave to Sandra.. What a way to end up……hmmmmm

MRS- I had to see Uncle J before we leave, he called me 4 times in the morning yesterday but my phone wasn’t with me, I forgot it at home when I went shopping for something’s we need to take along tonight. The plans had to change, Mr. said SF found out about our leaving town and he is planning something.
I left home around 12 noon, to go see uncle J, I had tried his no once I saw his missed calls but it kept saying the phone was switched off, I guessed it must have been something really urgent or he wouldn’t have called me 4 times. Just before I got to the gate I saw his ADC flagging me down, I stopped he came into the car and asked me to drive away from the military base right away, he didn’t say much , just said I should keep driving, he made me really nervous cos he kept looking back. I had left the armed agents alone at home told them I was just getting something in the estate so no need to come with me.
After he made me turn a couple of corners, he asked me to stop the car. He then looked at me and said, “Go back home, General J is missing since this morning, he doesn’t have his phone, I got a text from him yesterday night that if I don’t see him by 10am this morning I should call you and tell your husband to move your travel plans back by a day, he uncovered a plot to hijack your convoy on the way to the airport on Saturday, he was able to send me a text before they took him. So go back and stay home until you leave tonight. With that he got out of my car and jogged back the way we came. I turned the car around and drove like a crazy woman all the way home.
When I got back, Tammy, Jnr, Pamela, Ken and toke were there, the plan was for us all to spend the night at our house and a bus with blackout windows and police escort will take us to the airport tonight. I sat down with everyone and told them what just happened, we were all visibly shaken, especially because Mr. and Kola were not back from the office since morning and the time was 9pm. I tried their numbers it rang but both of them did not pick up. Just when we were contemplating what to do, Mr. called, apologized for missing my call and said they were almost home.
A few minutes later Mr. and Kola pulled into the drive way, we all breathed a sigh of relieve. Once we were all seated I told Mr. and kola what happened with Uncle J, Mr. said it just goes to show, British intelligence got the new before we did, well thank God at least someone found out about their plan before it was too late. Tammy interrupted and asked us to pray for our safe passage tonight……The next time I write in my Diary I will be in the United Kingdom…..hmmmm

Day 77

MR- Whoa!, as if by magic, we are in England and its soooo cold , we have been given duvets , jumpers and jackets and a centrally heated house but are still shivering.4 degrees when we landed but it felt more like -10 degrees. We have been told it takes a couple of days for our bodies to acclimatize to the weather, I pray so, because we are all huddled up in the living room shivering, Even ‘moi’ who has been to England several times still can’t fathom the intensity of the cold….
Yesterday went according to plan, by 6 pm the coach arrived at our house, we were all there Kola, Tammy, Jnr, Pamela, Toke, Mrs. , Ken and I, by the way Kola and I were surprised Ken would leave everything for now, to be with Pamela. He must really be in love. Anyway we were driven straight to the British embassy, where we were briefed on the terms of out witness protection agreement once more.
The conditions were simply. The British government was bringing an international Criminal case against SF and CF, they have all the evidence they needed, except witnesses, now they do, we are the major witnesses. In the past, witnesses they got, automatically disappear before the trail dates, to prevent this, they have decided to keep us hidden in England until the trail. Once we arrive there, we will be provided with accommodation, jobs and an allowance to top up our earnings , we have also been assigned a handler to look after us.
Once he was done briefing us The British agent asked if we had any questions, Pamela asked how long we were expected to be over there, he just said, Ma’am, we are looking at a maximum of 90 days for now.. We all had questions but at the same time we just wanted to get on with the journey and be done with it.
Next we were driven straight to the airport, ushered on to a private jet. It wasn’t the luxurious kind SF had flown us in, it was much bigger. We settled in our seats, two air hostesses came round to check we were buckled in and we took off. Before long we were all asleep, I guess from the whole ‘hula bulla’’ of finally getting to leave the country without any incident got to us all. 6 hours alter we were all woken up to have breakfast, then some minutes later it was time to fasten our seat belts for landing. We arrived at Heathrow airport private jet wing, a British Police undercover team were waiting for us. Our arrival procedure was nothing like I was used to, normally you land, get off the plane, walk to immigration, passport gets checked for visas, you procedure to pick up your luggage then go to the arrival hall to meet your pick up. But in this case, we landed, immigration and the police came on the plane, checked our passports and visas, then whisked us into a waiting coach and we were on our way to peckham, our luggage in tow,
The journey from the airport to the house took about an hour and 15 minutes. When we got to the house in Peckham the handler, a lady was already there, initially I was a bit put off by the house, red bricks, semidetached. in a close of about 8 other houses. But when we got inside it was nice, the living room, kitchen, 5 bed rooms all ensuite, a guest toilet. It also had a large garden at the back and a little one in front, quite modern, I must confess the bedrooms were very small compared to what we were used to but the house was nicely furnished and well decorated.
We had jackets, jumpers, thermal wear all given to us, hot chocolate and the central heating on high in no time, we all sat in the living room shivering, it was a sight to behold. The funny thing was, as I sat there with Mrs. I began to imagine all of us living in this small house together for 90 days and I looked around at everyone, talking to each other , sipping on their hot chocolate, Jnr fast asleep in Kola’s arms and muttered to myself , “Welcome to London everyone , 2017 here we come”…….hmmmm

MRS- Oh Yes, we are in London alright, am still under the duvet with Mr. it’s so cold. Upon arrival yesterday, once the house got warm, our handler showed us how everything worked in the house Mr. was a bit used to it but the rest of us only came to London on holiday stayed in hotels and didn’t have to worry about utilities. She showed us how to recharge the gas and electricity on line, the heating system program, water heater etc, she had stocked the house with some food with the help of a colleague, who was from our country, so we had rice, yam, plantain, fish, chicken, meat, and plum tomatoes in a can, which I learnt quickly was to replace fresh tomatoes for cooking stew. A lot of provisions, yoghurt, fruit, bread, white and brown, cornflakes, rice Krispy, fresh milk, that was delightful, haven’t had that since I came to London a while back, bacon, eggs sausages, lots of drinks and snacks for Jnr as well.
Mr. and I got the bigger bedroom, our ensuite had a bath, the other ones had showers, jnr, Tammy and Kola , got one, Pamela and Ken, the 3rd and Toke got the 4th, the 5th was very small and it was downstairs, so we decided to use it as a study/library for all of us, cos the living room wasn’t that big. One thing I was grateful for , Tammy and Toke were amazing cooks, Pamela not so much, since Tammy and Pamela were in their first trimesters with a bit of morning sickness, they will not be going to work, so food preparation was their department.
Once we unpacked, Tammy cooked the most amazing fried rice with grilled chicken, it was delicious, as we settled down to eat the handler came back and briefed us about our neighbor’s, she left earlier to give us time to settle in.
“Neighbor in house 1 beside us, Aruna and Rajah, originally for Pakistan born in England very friendly, but nosey. House 2, opposite us Michael and Idania, form Spain, have a daughter Annie, really nice and friendly as well. We were in house 3, neighbors on the other side British born John and Sharon with their 2 sons, Jake and Adam, kept to themselves, typically English family, then house 5, Robbie 12, Chantel 19, Mary 16, the children and a single mum Joan, all from Jamaica, then lastly, Graham and Ruth, grandparents form Ireland, Ruth knows everything that goes on. The other 1 house is vacant for now, there’s nothing to worry about they are all nice people, you will get to know them better as the day’s progress.”
But she was not totally correct, before the evening ran out Ruth came to the door with an Apple pie to welcome us to the close, as I opened the door she asked where we were from, I just said far away, we were on holiday for a few months, she sighed, tried to stretch her neck to see what was going on behind me, I thanked her and slowly shut the door. This was going to be interesting I thought ……hmmmm

Day 78

MR- England in winter, o my gosh, am freezing my bottom off right now and all I can do is buckle down in front of the heater .Mrs. has been getting friendly with our neighbors , You won’t believe living with different people in the same house can be very challenging.
Someone snores so badly, am not sure if its Kola or Ken, Kola and I haven’t slept in the same room since we were little, although he has dozed off on occasions and snored a bit but this one is really loud. The walls in this house are so thin, Mrs. and I couldn’t sleep well because we could hear the person snoring all through the night.
Also, it’s really difficult to have a private conversation, in this house, everyone is in each other’s business, not sure how long this living arrangements will last, you won’t believe that Mrs. and are were making love yesterday, it’s too cold not too, you need body heat, trust me, anyway we had to be extremely quiet, we couldn’t even mourn and scream as we wanted too, it’s only been a couple of days and we are already feeling uncomfortable. Mrs. suggested we ask for separate houses because this is definitely not going to work
In the afternoon, I saw what looked like the sun shining, so I thought to myself, thank God it seems warm outside, I put on some clothes and just a jumper, got to the front door, opened it and the cold that hit me was unbelievable, I ran back inside quickly, decided to go pad myself up properly then tried again. All I was doing was walking round the corner to get bread at the Iceland supermarket.
As I turned the corner, I saw Ken talking to the neighbor’s daughter, Chantel. I stepped back and observed them from afar, their body language suggested he wasn’t just saying hello. I watched for a while then decided to walk up to them, Ken saw me first and stepped back from her. I just said hello to her and went into the supermarket. He immediately followed me in and asked what I wanted to buy, he hung with me and we walked back to the house together, I didn’t even ask him what he was discussing with Chantel, he just blotted it out, He said the girl was just asking where we come from, I really don’t want to be suspicious about them yet so I decided to keep my eyes open.
Our handler came back in the evening and I asked to speak to her in private, I told her about the sleeping arrangements and the stress it was causing, she promised to do something about it. Meanwhile she got Ken, Kola and I jobs at a large company in Westminster, the good news was we could get on Bus 12 and it would take us straight to work, we start on Tuesday.
I haven’t discussed this with anyone but I got an email from Mandible yesterday. He said all Hell has broken loose back home, Tella has been looking for us everywhere but no luck, Someone in the intelligence service informed them you all left the country but don’t know where you went exactly. Wherever we are we should just stay there. SF has given Tella and his boys 2 weeks to locate you all, or he is a goner……hmmmm

MRS-its official, I don’t like this place, don’t think am whining, it’s just that we have no privacy.
Mr. and I were making love, I like to mourn and scream , but guess what , I had to cover my mouth with a pillow case so that I won’t be overheard, how long do we want to go on like this. In this cold country we need bodily heat every day. On the other hand we could hear mourning coming from another room, not sure if it was Tammy’s or Pamela’s but it went on for a while , you can imagine trying to sleep to the sound of someone else’s orgasm, enough is enough , I’ve told Mr., our handler better get us out of this house, we need our own place. I love them all, but 2 days of living tighter and I’ve had enough.
Toke left plates all over the dining table, the living room was littered with mc Donald wraps that Kola bought for Jnr yesterday, no one bothered to clean up after themselves, I had to do that this morning, cos they all sleep in and blame the cold weather.
I had some interesting conversations with one of our neighbor’s yesterday, Joan, the single mother with 3 kids, she walked up to me as I came in from the store, I had to go get bottled water, the tap water hear taste so weird. Any way Joan, came up to me to say hello, I love her Jamaican accent, she introduced herself and before I knew it I was sitting in her house. she told me about her life, al her 3 children are form different fathers and she still keeps in touch with the, she said he love of her life was Chantel’s father, but she could get him paper to come and live in England again, he was deported after a 4 year prison sentence for drug distribution.
The other 2 men, one lives in London here and the other in Amsterdam, they send money regularly to take care of the kids and pay her bills. I could see she was living well, she had a BMW parked outside and her house was tastefully furnished, her slippers, t shirt and jeans were all designer. I told her I was married and my husband was one of the guys she saw when we arrived. I think she wants us to be friends, anyway she promised to take me shopping nest weekend to some shopping Centre called Blue water, outside London.
I Miss our house and our life back home, we haven’t even been here for a week. Its new year’s day today and all we did was say happy new year to each other. Back home, we will be , praising and dancing in church right now……hmmmm

Day 79
MR- The email I got from Mandible bothered me a bit, I called told Kola about it and we brainstormed and decided to reply to Mandible to please keep us posted on the latest developments.
Thankfully our handler came back with good news, Pamela, Ken and Toke were moved into the vacant No 8, house 3 doors away, so that left Mrs., Kola, Tammy, Jnr and I, at No 3, Mrs. and I were really happy, this new arrangement was much better, we stayed in our bedroom and Tammy and Kola moved into the bedroom at the extreme end of the hallway , we had 2 vacant rooms in between us, this will give us as much privacy as we needed. That problem was solved.
Tammy was really pleased too, she observed that Pamela and Ken had an argument last night, she heard Pamela yelling at Ken and asking him what he was doing with the girl next door, late into the night, Apparently Ken had left the house around 7pm with the excuse that he was going to get a couple of beers but didn’t come back for a couple of hours and when he returned he had no beer with him. I was really upset with this guy, how could anyone step out on their fiancée, only 3 days of just moving to a new country together? This Ken, had to be stopped.
Kola and I decided to take a walk around, just to familiarize ourselves with the area, we walked for a while and found ourselves on Peckham high street. It was so busy, lots of shops selling food, clothes and goods from all over the world, the most interesting thing was that Asian people, were the ones selling our food, we walked into a food shop and we could see every kind of food imaginable from our country there, we picked all sorts, from Yam, to plantain, to beans to palm oil, cow tail, ox tail, tripe, beef and mutton, we even got some melon seeds locust beans and yellow cassava flakes. Kola was so excited, he confessed that the main worry he had when it was decided we had to relocate here for a while was the food. Now that problem was also solved.
As we stepped out of the shop, we heard someone shout, “Kola, What are you doing here?”. Kola and I looked back and there was this fine looking lady standing there. Kola did a double take, “Bimbo!, o my gosh, how are you? You haven’t changed one bit”, he said as he reached out to give the girl a hug. Kola introduced her to me and asked where she lived, she said she lived in Charlton, which was in the London borough of Greenwich, she just came to get her hair done in this area. Kola and she talked for a bit, then she gave him her no and asked us to come see her very soon.
As she walked away, I asked Kola who that was, he looked at me and said Bro, I will gist you later. I took that lightly and guessed the gist must be long, we were almost home and it wouldn’t be the best time to start the gist. We have been here for a few days and I can see we are settling down into the life here very quickly. We all start work tomorrow, Am still trying to imagine how I will cope working for someone, after so many years of being my own boss, I guess we’ll see……hmmmm

MRS- Joan, our neighbor, is acting really funny, she came to the house this morning when Pamela and co were moving into the other house, I introduced her to Mr., Kola and Ken. She moved close to each of them and gave them a long lingering hug, Mr. was the only one who attempted to disengage from her hug. I thought she would leave after the intros but she just made herself more comfortable and asked for a cup of coffee.
The guys seemed to enjoy her company, or was it her accent, which was beautiful by the way, they kept on laughing and cracking jokes, they didn’t want her to leave. I could see how she was able to captivate them, the way she smiled, moved her body and was very flirtatious. The guys didn’t even remember Tammy and I were there, they just kept lapping it all up. The woman was older than us but the way she dressed and looked, you will think we were her aunties. After 3 grown children, she definitely deserved an Oscar for her figure.
When I noticed she wasn’t going to leave until I made a move, I called her to come over to help me check something in the kitchen and then into the garden, once we were done there, I took her through the back way to link the front of the house, she wasn’t going to see the guys again today, if I could help it.
Kola and Mr. came back home with lots of our food, Tammy and I stayed in the kitchen for a while cooking and freezing food, I realized this was not back home where I had maids to do everything for me, Mr. and Kola were not left out, they helped with cutting up the meats, while Tammy and I focused on cooking stew and vegetable soup, I had to learn quickly and Tammy was a good teacher.
Tomorrow I start work and Jnr starts school. Our handler got me a job in a small accounting firm as a clerical assistant, Me, working, that was funny, the last time I worked was when I did my youth service, this will be interesting. Anyway luckily the office was near Jnr’s school, as the handler had told us, so I will drop him off at school in the morning and Tammy will pick him up at 3pm, because I don’t finish work until 5pm, luckily it was within walking distance.
After we were done with cooking, Tammy and I sat down in the kitchen, discussing Ruth and our men, it suddenly dawned on us that if we wanted to keep our husbands from jezebels in this country, we had a lot of work to do, these ladies didn’t care whose ox was gored, they come from a different culture, we were the ones who had to tighten our belts and hold on to our husbands, I guess we had to come up with a strategy to do just that, the battle line was drawn and we were surely going to be victorious……hmmmm.

Day 80

MR- Kola and I decided to go out yesterday for a bit of shopping our handler gave us some settling down allowance, we start work this morning and we didn’t have any proper winter clothes.
Its interesting though, we got on Bus no 171, which took us straight form Peckham to Elephant and castle, believe it or not, that was actually the name of a place. Joan our Jamaican neighbor suggested we go to the shopping Centre there to buy some clothes, when we were chatting with her yesterday.. Being on the bus was different and informative at the same time, it gave us the opportunity to get to know the surrounding areas and also experience life as a normal London dweller. I had been in England several times but had never taken the bus in London, I always got the train or taxis.
The Bus ride was going to take about 20 minutes according to Joan, so Kola and I took the opportunity to discuss a few things. First was Bimbo, the lady we ran into at the African food shop. Kola said believe it or not, he dated her for a while when we were in University. I asked why I never met her, he said she wasn’t in a different university. He met her on one of his trips to her campus for a club party and they hit it off, dated on and off for a while but eventually she broke it off and he hadn’t seen her since them. I asked if he was going to take her up on her offer to visit her he said yes, but we should go together.
Anyway, we moved on to Joan, our Jamaican, single mother neighbor, I asked Kola if he noticed her flirtatious moves, he said he did but he didn’t want to say anything I asked how old he thinks she is, he couldn’t give an accurate answer but said she looked more like our age group, which we both felt was not possible because she had a 19 year old daughter. I told him, I believe we should try not to get too close to her because she smelt like trouble, Kola agreed and said, if a man is not focused around her, something else could happen, I laughed and punched him lightly asking him to be careful.
We got to elephant and castle, did our shopping , it took us less than an hour, we still had a lot of daylight left, Tammy and Mrs. had taken Jnr with them to the saloon, down the road to get their hair done, so there was no one at home. Kola decided we should go see Bimbo. He called her, she was in and she gave us directions, so we got on the Bus No 53, which took us straight to Charlton. We got to her place, it was nice, a 2 bedroom flat. Really warm and nicely furnished. She was delighted to see us. Apparently as soon as we called she had started to cook for us, we hadn’t even spent 10 minutes there, when she asked us to come to the table food was ready. Food was Semolina and vegetable soup with fresh fish, the food was very delicious, I couldn’t finish my portion, Kola helped me out, he seemed famished.
After our meal, Bimbo brought out a bottle of red wine I said I didn’t want to drink alcohol, so she got me Flemish fruit wine instead, we sat there talking. She asked how long we were around for?, I said a few weeks, we just came on holiday.
After a while Kola and her were the ones doing the talking, I just sat there watching a movie on Sky box office. I guess Bimbo noticed I was no longer involved in the conversation, so she offered me her photo Albums to look at. I went through them, the first thing I noticed was that she loved her parties, page after page of party pictures with different people, some in London and some outside, I knew this because she labeled each one with a location. As I was coming to the end of the last album, my eyes suddenly caught a picture, I had opened the next page but then went back to look again, “Who is this guy”, I asked, she asked why I was curious, “I just want to be sure if is the same person I know?. “Well, he’s a guy I met in Europe, some friends of mine invited me for a party he was hosting, we danced together and clicked, he flew me back and forth for a while until he disappeared and no one knew where he went”. By now I was suddenly getting really hot, I swallowed a bit , looked at Kola and passed him the Album, kola could see I had become really downcast all of a sudden, as he took the Album from me, looked at the picture, he knew we had a big problem…….hmmmmm

MRS- Tammy and I went to the saloon yesterday and boy, were we amazed, you won’t believe the sort of gossip we heard.
First, there was an African woman, who has been in England for several years, illegally, a friend gave her papers to work with and she gets her wages paid into the friend’s bank account because the employer will only pay wages into the account name on the papers. What does this friend do? Rather than give this woman all her money, she pockets most of it and gives the owner of the money less than half of it weekly. The poor woman has to send money to her family back home, so she can’t afford her own accommodation, she sleeps in the saloon. She currently works 4 jobs, 2 cleaning jobs in the morning, the salon during the day and 1 cleaning job in the evening, just to try to make ends meet.
I expressed shock at this and was told I hadn’t heard anything yet, majority of people in England with no papers of their own are facing the same situation, that’s why they can’t go back to Africa, Then we heard another gist of a man who paid 5000 pounds to a lady for arranged marriage to get papers and the lady refused to marry him at the last minute but didn’t return the money either , anytime he asks for the money, she threatens to call the police on him, believe it or not the guy lives with the lady, he works and she spends the money.
By the time Tammy and I were done with our hair, we had a totally different picture of life in London, most times, back home the impression is that everyone in England had a tree behind their house, where they plucked pounds, I couldn’t believe all the sad stories we heard. Anyway we decided to go back home instead of going shopping as planned because Tammy was feeling a bit tired,
We hadn’t got home for more than 10minutes when Joan knocked on the door, she handed me a bag and said she went out shopping and remembered I said I was starting work tomorrow, so she got me a few things I might need, I looked in the bag, it had 3 nice jumpers, 2 black slacks and a pair of black leather knee length boots, I asked how much I owed her, she said not to worry , it was a welcome gift, I didn’t know what to say , I hugged her and said thank you. After she left Tammy and I were a bit uncomfortable, was Joan just being nice or did she have something up her selves, anyway we decided to watch her more carefully. We couldn’t continue with our discussion, because Pamela and Toke stopped by, at that moment, they said they had gone to pizza hut to get something to eat because Pamela had pizza craving, they had brought some back for us, we sat in front of the telly eating pizza and sipping hot chocolate,
As we sat there sipping and eating, I looked around at all of us and the little space we sat in called a living room, my mind went back to our home and all the luxuries we were surrounded with, I began to appreciate all Mr. and I, had going for us, I quietly said a prayer and promised that if we got out of this situation, and went back home safely, I would never take anything for granted ever again.,,,,,,,hmmmm

Day 81

MR- Waking up early in the morning, 6am to get ready for work, two things hit me right off, the freezing cold weather and the fact that when we left home it was still dark. In England when its winter , they have longer nights and shorter days, it gets dark just before 5pm in the evening at doesn’t get light until around 7.30am in the morning, so imagine this, when you leave for work its pitch black and when you leave work to go home it’s also pitch black.
Kola and I got on the bus no 12, which took us straight to Westminster, to the office where we were to start work, Ken was meant to come with us but surprisingly he called yesterday evening to say we should go ahead he will meet us. We wondered what was more important to him, on our first day of reporting to work. As Kola and I got down at the bus stop, a few buildings from our office block, we saw why? Ken was being dropped off by Chantel our Jamaican neighbor’s 19 year old. we stood still for a while, watched as they chatted for a few minutes in the car, then she leaned over, gave him a hug, he got down and watched her drive away, then worked into the building, Kola and I looked at each other and walked straight into the building as well, we caught up with him at the elevator. I asked why he didn’t tell us Chantel was dropping him , he said she only picked him up at the bus stop, saying she also worked in the Westminster area and offered to give him a lift. Kola didn’t even talk to him, he just muttered, “Guy, be careful o, you have a pregnant fiancée waiting on you”.
Anyway, we rode the lift up to the 4th the floor, told the receptionist we were the new employees’ from the British intelligence handler, she was already informed we were starting today, she asked us to sit down and called a guy called John. As John came walking into the room, I was the first to notice there was something different about him, he walked towards us as if he had to hold his bum tightly together, he also had his arms up as if he was gesticulating as he walked, then when he spoke, it immediately clicked that John was gay. Kola and ken where still looking at him mouth wide open, I quickly nudged them and whispered in our dialect that he was gay, they both adjusted quickly. John came over to us, asked us to follow him into a small office with a roundtable of 6 chairs. He told us we will each work in 3 separate teams, Ken was to work on the investigation team, Kola on the new cases team and I was to work on the appeals team, we were entitled to two 10 minutes smoking breaks and one hour lunch break daily, which we could take between 12pm and 2 pm, working hours were 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday through Friday.
With that speech done, he lead us to our teams, Ken was taken to the 5th floor and Kola the 2nd floor and I was to work on the 6th floor. My floor was a bit smaller, because half of it was a terrace, I walked into the office, everyone had a small cubicle, I counted about 10 of them and at the end of the hall space was an office marked team leader. John told me the team leader will meet with me later, she had gone out of the office for a meeting, should be back after lunch, he settled me down in my cubicle.
Before I go on about the office, the other day, on the bus ride home from Bimbo’s house, Kola and I, were really concerned, we didn’t know what to do, we thought of calling our handler but Kola said it wasn’t necessary, Bimbo didn’t know we knew the guy and there was no way the guy will asks her about us. I wasn’t sure but he insisted we shouldn’t call the handler. He said it might result in us being relocated to another country and that will definitely move the trial date forward. I thought about it for a minute and said okay, but if there are any questions form her regarding the guy, I was going to personally request that we be relocated. Kola agreed with my decision, He then told me Bimbo had a son with the guy, he was 12 and living with her sister in Ireland. “Does he know?” I asked, “No, she went back several times to look for him in Europe when she found out she was pregnant but could not find him”. Kola said. Now this was getting more complicated I thought, but I had a plan that will keep this crazy guy away from us and I wasn’t going to tell Kola yet until I was sure he was coming after us. Tella thinks he is smart, this time I will outsmart him.
Anyway, back to work, before lunch, we were given Identity cards, a password, shown how to use the operating system and the different letter templates. I fiddled with the intercom and finally after calling the tech department 3 times I got Ken and kola’s extension nos. we spent the rest of the day getting to know our colleagues and chatting over the intercom. At Lunch time we all met down stairs on the ground floor. The receptionist had told me , if we walked round the corner , 10 minutes up the road, we will see a lot of shops, subway a sandwich company, mc Donald’s, Kentucky fried chicken, Mr. chow, a Chinese restaurant , boots, and host of other small shops, so we took a walk round the corner and decided to sit in McDonald’s for lunch.
We discussed our new office, Kola asked how I knew John was guy, I explained how I had a couple of friends when I came to do my masters who were gay, Kola said all his teammate’s were ladies except the team leader who was from India originally but now speaks like an European, Ken just said he was unlucky all his team mates were guys, the only women was like fifty something, Kola and I busted out laughing. I pointed out to him that he was on the investigation team, guys were more suited for that job. We left back to work around 10 minutes to 2pm. The guys got off the lift before me, I got up to the 6th floor and walked to my cubicle. I noticed someone had left a note, on my key pad, saying, please see me in my office and signed team leader. I took off my jacket, straightened my clothes and walked up to the door marked team leader, I knocked and a voice told me to come in, I opened the door walked in and , as I looked up at the person sitting behind the desk I froze completely……..hmmmmm

MRS- I had to wake up early, because Mr. was up, he kept moving around our room complaining he was freezing cold, it took him barely 5 minutes to have a bath, by the time he got ready and left for work, I could not go back to sleep.
I decided to have a bath and get ready, once I was done, I went over to Tammy’s room to see if Jnr was awake, surprisingly Tammy had already given him a bath, they were on their way downstairs to have breakfast, we had toast, scrambled egg and baked beans, Jnr had Rice Krispy and some bread with strawberry jam, all of us drank hot chocolate. By 7,45am we were ready to leave the house, Tammy insisted on walking the 7 minutes with us to get herself familiar with the route to school for later, when she had to pick up Jnr.
I left Tammy and jnr at the school gate. walked to the bus stop, I saw I had just missed one bus and according to information on the bus stand the next one would arrive in 7 minutes, honestly standing there in the freezing cold, it felt more like 2 hours, my ears were on fire, my lips were so dry, finally I got the bus and in 15 minutes I got off, a short walk of about 3 minutes I was in front of my new office. I walked in, introduced myself and I was immediately led to the manager’s office. Shocker, he was from our country, he greeted me , apologized for the cold weather and said I will soon get used to it, he said I would report to him directly, gave me an id card, password for the system and a key to the office,
The manager was probably a few years older than me, he introduced himself as Mr. Philip, but insisted I call him Mr. P, cos that was what all his friends called him, I politely said I preferred to call him Mr. Philip. I could see he wore a ring on his finger indicating he was married. He volunteered to sit with me in my office, to get me familiar with my work, I was to do the book keeping and also act as a clerical officer, the office had a canteen, I could bring my lunch to warm in a microwave or buy lunch at the canteen, all together, 55 people worked in the building, and we were in the administration department.
Let me digress a bit, remember we told you about out nosey neighbors from Ireland? Graham and Ruth?, well, yesterday evening as I was walking back from the shops , I bumped into Ruth, she stopped me and said she wanted to find out about the ‘ones’ who moved next to them, she was referring to Pamela, Ken and Toke. She said she didn’t mean to pry but they were always quarreling and their noise kept her and Graham up most nights, she also said she wasn’t surprised because she noticed how Ken has been going on with that Chantel girl, I was taken aback when she said that, I asked what she meant, she said she saw Ken get into Chantel’s car a couple of times, she could almost swear she saw them kissing the other night, but her sight was poorly, so she couldn’t be definitely sure, she asked me to tell them to keep the noise down because she didn’t want to have to call the police on them. I thanked her and walked away.
I was still in shock when I got home, I discussed with Tammy and we both agreed to watch Ken more closely before we told anyone else. See me, see wahala,!!!, this kind of news will definitely distress Pamela and might even cause her a miscarriage, Tammy and I will have to sort this out. I wondered if Joan knew about all this?
Back to work, the Manager needs to be kept at a distance, he was a bit too familiar, ever though he just met me, he came by my office at lunch time, offered to walk me to the canteen and buy me lunch, I politely declined and said I had a heavy breakfast but he insisted, got me a ham salad and a drink, which I said I would eat later in my office. He sat on the table with me as he ate, he kept asking me questions, ’So, when did you come into the country/?, are you married?” , I felt he was blind cos he saw my wedding ring, he brushed it off by saying most of our country girls wear wedding like bands to put guys off. Anyway I couldn’t wait until lunch was over, luckily I got a call from Pamela, asking to see me when I got back from work, “saved by the phone’, after excusing myself to pick up the call, I didn’t return to the canteen, I just went straight back to my office,,,,,,,hmmmmmm

Day 82

MR- Jane! O my gosh, Jane is my team leader, of all the women, of all the places, I had to get a job and have a team leader, and I landed Jane. This can’t be happening, I left all this behind. Well it was happening, and I had to suck it up and act civilized.
As I knocked on my team leader’s door yesterday, I walked in and sitting right there in front of me was Jane, she looked as shocked as I was, I stuttered a bit, then built up courage and walked over to her and gave her a friendly hug. She smiled and asked me to sit down. She kept staring at me and smiling, I was beginning to feel very uncomfortable, I guess she sensed her gaze was affecting me but that didn’t stop her, after a couple of minutes , I started to talk “Jane, whoa!, you look good, how have you been?” She looked at me and ignored what I said completely, and just went on to introduce herself as the team leader, asked if I had been issued passwords and an identity card, then said if I had any problems with my work, as my team leader, her door was always open. She then said good afternoon and asked me to excuse her.
I tried to say something but she ignored me completely, when no response was forth coming from her , I walked out of her office, still feeling really guilty, Jane was really upset and she had decided to give me the silent treatment, she made her point by talking about official matters only/. I wasn’t comfortable at all after our meeting, I had wanted to apologize right there and then, for not getting in touch with her and not having the decency to break off our relationship. I knew that was why she was upset. Right now I needed Kola. I called him on the intercom, he didn’t pick up, so I went downstairs to see him, he was not in his cubicle, I was told he went for a meeting on the 3rd floor. I decided to go back up, sit through the rest of the day and then ask Kola what I should do on our way home.
As I sat in the office, wondering how I was going to sort this mess out, an email came in form mandible. it read, “My guy, there is a bit of trouble brewing here, SF had Tella locked up in his basement for a few days, no food, he called him up yesterday and gave him another 3 weeks ultimatum to locate you guys. SF told us that his informant in the intelligence service, told him you guys were whisked away by Interpol. So Tella and 3 of our guys are going to Europe tomorrow morning, I believe their first port of call, is Germany, so guys please leave Germany and disappear now, there is an order to bring you and Kola back alive, no matter what it takes, if that’s not possible they’ve been instructed to bring back your wives and that should flush you guys out. Take care guys, am out”.
As I read it one more time, the reality of our witness protection began to dawn on me, we were not here to have fun, we were in hiding. From Mandibles email, it was obvious everyone thinks we are in Germany or in Europe somewhere. That was good but how long will they troll through Europe before someone suggests they try England. Now that this Bimbo girl is connected to Tella and she connected to us, I do hope he doesn’t come looking for her. Anyway, I knew what to do, I need the information on Tella’s son’s school and home address in Ireland, if push comes to shove, his son will have to be used against him,,,,,,,hmmmmmm

MRS- I left work yesterday feeling so tired, despite the low workload I currently had, I was still exhausted. Sitting in one place was not my forte, the last time I sat down in one place for that long was when I was abducted.
As soon as I got home, I went to see Pamela. I would have asked Tammy to come along but she was taking a nap with Jnr. Toke was not in when I got there, Pamela said she had gone shopping. We settled down in the living room, I asked Pamela what the matter was. She looked at me and began to cry. I held her for a while, and kept asking what was going on.
She finally stopped crying and said “Ken has been behaving funny ever since we got here, he picks up quarrels with me at every turn, he hangs out late with Chantel the neighbor’s daughter, when I complain, he says he’s just hanging and nothing is going on. I asked him to take me to the registry here, so that we can formalize our relationship, he said no, he wants a big wedding, all his friends and family present, I explained that this will just be the registry we can have our traditional and white wedding once we get back home, he said no. The last straw was yesterday evening, I saw him hug Chantel as he got out of her car at 11pm. When I confronted him ,he said , well since I’ve been pregnant I have not allowed him to touch me, what do I want him to do?, he’s a man, he needs to hang out and have fun, he hasn’t had sex with Chantel yet, but he’s not sure how long he can hold it off. Can you imagine, he’s threatening me “.
I cradled her in my arms as she began to cry again, I asked her to please take it easy, and that all this crying was not good for the baby and that Mr. and Kola will talk to Ken, she should stop worrying, everything was going to be fine. Pamela relaxed a bit, I asked if she had eaten, she said yes, Toke had cooked some pasta before she left. We spent the rest of the time talking about her first ante-natal checkup. After a couple of hours I excused myself, promised to check up on her tomorrow and went back to our house.
Just as I walked in Mr. and Kola came back from work, I asked where Ken was, they said , he asked them to go ahead, he had some errands to run, I looked at them, didn’t say anything I just smiled and thought to myself, Ken was playing a dangerous game and we had to outsmart him, he can’t be accused of anything, until he’s caught with his pants down, first things first, I needed to speak to Joan about her crazy daughter Chantel…..hmmmm

Day 83

MR- Kola and I had a go at Ken, Mrs. had told us everything going on between him and Pamela. Yesterday during lunchtime at work, we decided to confront him. Kola started off by asking him what game he was playing, he had a pregnant fiancée and he was messing around with a little girl of 19, I also added that we felt it was disrespectful and he should be ashamed of himself. Ken didn’t say anything at first, he just kept shaking his head as if to say , we had no right to query him. When nothing was forth coming from him, I said he should break whatever he had going on with Chantel and focus on Pamela and the reason we were in hiding.
His response shocked Kola and I to the bone. He said “Listen to me very carefully guys, I am not married to Pamela yet and so am technically a free man, the fact that she is pregnant for me is neither here nor there, I could still take my baby and not have anything to do with Pamela. You guys need to leave me the hell alone, am a grown man, came into witness protection voluntarily , am not a wanted man like you guys , so I can decide to go back home if you guys don’t let me be”. With that a stormed off, leaving Kola and I standing on the side of the road.
I called him back but he just kept on walking, Kola said we should leave him alone, we have said our bit and he better fall in line. We were about to find out how wrong we were.
Back in the office, Jane was still not talking to me, this is a woman I dated for almost 2 years, didn’t officially break it off with her, got married and now I come back to hide in the UK and she turns out to be my boss, what are the odds?, one million to one, maybe. Anyway I discussed this whole issue with Kola and he said I should write her a letter, apologizing. I did that and dropped it on her desk this morning when I got to work, when I got back from lunch yesterday, the letter was back on my desk unopened. I checked her in her office, she wasn’t there and when I asked one of my colleagues, they said she left for the day. I am trying to bring this to an end but she’s not letting me, avoiding her is out of the question because her office is right there next to my cubicle.
When it was time to leave work, Kola and I waited on the ground floor for ken for more than 15 minutes, when he didn’t show, we called his intercom and someone else picked up and said he had left after lunch saying he wasn’t feeling well. So we went straight to his house. Pamela was surprised to see us, I asked how Ken was feeling because we were told he came home sick. Pamela was taken aback, she said Ken hadn’t been back home since he left for work this morning. We all started to get worried, we tried his mobile phone no several times, it just kept going to voice mail. My worry was that he might have fallen ill somewhere and couldn’t get home, Kola on the other hand said he was sure Ken was up to something and there was absolutely nothing wrong with him.
We stayed at Pamela’s until 9 pm, Mrs., Tammy and Jnr came over to wait with us but Ken did not turn up, we eventually all left their place around midnight when he still hadn’t shown up. Mrs. asked Pamela and Toke to come stay with us for the night, Pamela declined and she felt Ken might still come back. By 4 am this morning when he had not returned Pamela called me, she was beside herself with worry, I had to go over to their house to give her a sleeping tablet so she could sleep a bit. As I sat in their living room contemplating whether to call our handler, Ken walks in at 5 am, showing no remorse at all. He walks up to me and says, “This is what happens when you nag me and give me stress, the next time any of you try to interfere in my relationship , I will leave your friend Pamela and fly back home”, with that he walked away from me and up the stairs ……hmmmm

MRS- Mr. Philip is a pest, its official, he has been bugging me since I started working in that office, the worst thing is that he hasn’t come out to say what he wants from me, so I can turn him down, he just keeps hiding under the fact that he is my boss, to keep coming into my office to ask me questions about work.
Today, I got into work around 8,30am, you won’t believe he was waiting for me in my office. As I walked in, he got up offered to take my coat and hang it up for me, he then shows me 6 files which he says are priority and need to be dealt with immediately, I collect them from him, say thank you and that as soon as I am done, I will give them back. What does this crazy man do? Well, he pulls out a chair and says he will sit with me while I work, in case I have any questions. I couldn’t believe it. When I tried to say it wasn’t necessary, he came up with some cock and bull story that the company policy requires that a manager sit with a new staff when they work on their files for the first time. I found this farfetched but how do you argue about something you don’t know. You won’t believe that I had to work on the files, while he sat there watching me the whole time. It was so frustrating and annoying, I felt like walking out on the job, there and then, but when I thought of the reason I was there and that ‘Ceci aussi devrait passer’, I calmed down.
I was glad when the day came to an end, I left work and stopped over at the shops to get some milk and bread for breakfast, one of the things I am enjoying now is the fresh milk I get to drink every morning, I can’t have enough of it, anyway, I got home and met Tammy and Jnr at the door way on their way to Pamela’s. Tammy said Ken was missing. “Missing, what do you mean?” I asked? Tammy said I should come with her, Mr and Kola were already there, they can explain better.
I said I would met them there, I had to drop my shopping and change my clothes. When I got inside , I called Joan, I asked her if she was in. she said yes that I can come over, so I went . when I got there , I asked her if she knew what was going on between Ken and her daughter, she smiled and said Chantel was in love with Ken, she has been trying to dissuade her daughter from hanging out with him but she will not listen, Ken isn’t helping her either, that was not a surprise. The surprise was, Joan told me Ken asked if Chantel will follow him to his country if he asked her to marry him, she said yes, Joan also said when she told her daughter Ken had a fiancée who was pregnant? Chantel said he told her but he also pointed out that he wasn’t married to Pamela yet, so he could just take the child from Pamela and get married to her Chantel.
My jaw dropped, I couldn’t believe what Joan was telling me, Ken? The same Ken I knew who cried like a baby when Pamela said no the first time. What was this guy up to? did he just impregnate Pamela and want to leave her to teach her a lesson? I was confused, all that Joan said didn’t make sense to me, we have only been here for a few days and we are already getting into this mess. Pamela will be devastated, she didn’t want to have anything to do with Ken , I actually made a case for him that he loved her, see where vouching for this Pig as got me now, what do I do?…….hmmmmmm

Day 84

MR- Jane left a note for me on my desk, when I got in this morning I read it, she wanted me to meet her at Mr. chow’s Chinese restaurant around the corner. I was a bit taken aback by her gesture, cos she had been ignoring me since I started work here, anyway, I decided to suck it up and go see what she had to say.
Work is not too bad, although most times I feel like punching some people, there is this white lady, she takes delight in trying to humiliate the other Africans that work on my floor, every time they talk to her, she re pronounces it with her English accent, so for example if someone said, (written as pronounced) “Eskuse me, where is the soonpervisor”. She will go, “oh! What was that ? ,You mean, Excuse me, where is the supervisor?” and so she would go on all day. And you would think this African brothers would try to work on their pronunciation, nope, they couldn’t be bothered.
Anyway I already had enough on my plate, Ken has been misbehaving seriously and with the latest developments, Kola and I are still trying to plead with Pamela to take him back. Oh, am sorry, I didn’t tell you what happened yesterday. Well, after Mrs. came back from Joan’s place, she told me what Joan has said about Chantel being aware that Pamela’s pregnancy wasn’t his, we didn’t know that Pamela has just walked into our house and was listening to everything we were saying in our living room.
All we heard was her screaming on the phone at Ken not to come back to the house and that his things will be waiting for him on the porch. Before we could appeal with her she had stormed out of her house, Mrs. and I ran after her, but despite all our pleas to take it easy, she stood firm on her decision, she and Ken were done.
Now the natural thing for Ken to do at this time, if he were a normal, reasonable guy, would be to plead with her and even get us all involved, but what did the bagger do? He came home after a couple of hours, drove in with Chantel’s car. Parked in front of the house, rang the doorbell, when Toke answered it, he pushed passed her and let it rip “ My dear Pamela, I was only managing you anyway, you wanted to tie me down with someone else’s baby, am sorry , no way, I’ve found the bone of my bone and we are going to get married at that same registry you have been dying to get married at, I will send you an invite, good luck with that thing you have in your tummy”. With that he stormed out, picked up his bags on the porch, put them in the trunk of the car and drove off. All this drama didn’t take more than 10 minute, by the time Toke called us and we got to their house, he had already left.
Kola and I tried to call Ken several times but his phone went straight to voice mail. Eventually he called me back and said he hopes am satisfied , our friend Pamela has kicked him out and he can bet we had something to do with it, because Pamela worshipped the ground he walked on , He was her life saver, saving her from humiliation, she would not have the guts to kick him out on her own. I was so angry as he spoke, this cocky bagger, no remorse, no apology, I felt like slapping him through the phone, if that was possible, but instead I did the mature thing, I asked him to calm down and tell us where he was, so we could come down there to try to smooth things over, but instead he just said “never” and dropped the phone.
Now the surprising thing was that Pamela was really clam about it, she said to us, for the first time since we arrived in England she had peace and Ken was good radiance to Bad rubbish. Well what else could we say, but to sit back and see how this whole Ken and Chantel drama would unfold…….hmmmm

MRS- I goofed yesterday, After I left Joan’s place, I was heavy hearted, I couldn’t go to Pamela’s to meet everyone and keep a straight face, so I called Mr. to meet me at home immediately. What I didn’t know was that Pamela was a bit curious as to why I didn’t come over and all of a sudden Mr. excused himself from her house saying I wanted to see him urgently. Apparently she followed him to our house, as I was narrating to Mr. all that Joan had said about Ken and Chantel, all of a sudden we heard Pamela screaming into the phone, breaking it off with Ken. I felt so bad, it wasn’t my intention to tell her, I just needed to get it out of me, discuss with Mr. and see if we could smooth things over between them. But it backfired.
Well, I was still reeling from all the palava going on at home, when I got to the office yesterday morning, I sat at my desk, thinking about the whole drama of yester night and wondered what Pamela would be going through right now, although, surprisingly she seemed really relaxed for the first time since we got to London, Maybe she might just come out smiling after this breakup. I will continue to pray for her, God will take control.
I was busy day dreaming, when I heard a female voice saying “Good morning”, I jolted out of my dream, looked up and saw this lady standing there, she asked if she could sit down. i said “Yes, of course”. She sat down and said “Am sorry, if am out of line, but are you married?” I said yes I was and asked why she was asking, she then said, she saw me the other day sitting in the canteen with Mr. Philip, I didn’t say anything, I just kept starring at her, she continued, “Please, I want to plead with you to stay away from that Man, he is evil, when I started work here, he was so nice to me, he dotted on my every move and I let him. I was engaged at the time, barely 5 months before my wedding, I saw Mr. Philip as a big brother but I didn’t know he had ulterior motives, because I told him about my fiancé, my upcoming wedding and he said he was looking forward to being ‘uncle of the day’.”
She continued “Before I knew what was happening Mr. Philip became obsessed with me, he would call me at odd hours, if my fiancé was with me and picked up the phone, he would demand to talk to me that it was work related, he sent me amorous text and made my life miserable when I didn’t return the affection. Eventually he turned up at my home around 10pm one night, mind you, I didn’t give him my address, he took it from the company records.”
“That night I was expecting my sister, she had called that she was on her way from the train station, so I thought it was her, when I opened the door, he pushed his way inside, grabbed me and began to kiss me forcefully. I tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong for me, my fiancé was with me that night and he walked down the stairs to see us supposedly kissing, once Mr. Philip saw him, he let me go and said, sorry sweetie. I didn’t know your brother was around, I will come back later, with that, he turned around and walked out of my house. Needless to say, that was the end of my engagement. After that I requested a transfer to another branch, I have not been back here since then, that was 2 years ago. I was here the other day for a meeting and I saw you talking to him, so I went to my friend in records, found out when he had an off day, then decided to come back and warn you about this monster”.
By the time she was done, I was so shocked, “You mean this same Mr. Philip?” She said “yes, he is a frustrated man, he wears a wedding ring but he is not married, rumor has it that no woman can ever marry him, he is an obsessed evil man, please stay away from him”.
I thanked her and she left. I sat there for a while, thinking back to all the crazy things this man has been displaying since I started here. I had two options , one request for a new job, two, show him every day might be for the thief but definitely there was one particular day for the owner, in this case I might just decide to show him who the owner is……..hmmmmmm

Day 84
MR- So sorry, am writing in my diary a bit late, we had a visit from our handler and the British intelligence, this morning, Mandible gave some information to me that needed urgent attention, anyway nothing to worry about, they are more than able to handle it, they just left a few minutes ago.
Jane and I sat down to lunch at Mr. Chow’s yesterday as planned. It would not have been my first place of choice for lunch, but this was what Jane wanted. Anyway I decided to open up the conversation with an apology, I said, “Jane please forgive me for not letting you know formally that our relationship was off, I should have done the right thing, am sorry for the email I sent to let you know we were no longer together, it was childish of me”. as I stopped talking she didn’t say anything she just kept starring at me, then she said , “I have missed you so much, in the last few days since you walked into my office , I have not slept properly, I can’t stop thinking about you, please lets continue where we left off. I have dated 5 guys since you left, I kept breaking up with them hoping that the next one will meet up to your standard but to no avail. I still love you, what do you say, should we give it a go?”
I was a bit taken aback but not shocked, because Jane had always loved me more than I did her, even when we were dating she put 100% into it and I was fluctuating between 50 and 60 percent. I had to let her down gently, so I held both her hands and said, “My dear, am sorry, it’s too late am happily married to an amazing woman and I can’t break her heart. I also don’t want to do anything that will jeopardize my marriage. Am sorry Jane, I really am.”
I could see she was upset, she asked me if there was anything she could do to change my mind, I said am sorry there isn’t. What she did next really shocked me, she pushed her half eaten plate away from her, got up and said, that’s fine, and she walked out of the restaurant.
I sat there feeling a bit embarrassed, her actions had gotten some of the other dinners attention, but I pulled my self together, finished my meal, paid and went back to the office. When I got there, I saw a note stuck to my computer asking me to report to the basement from tomorrow, I walked over to one of my colleagues and asked what was in the basement, she asked me why I was asking, I said I got a memo on my desk asking me to report there from tomorrow, she looked at me with sad eyes and asked “Who did you piss off? That’s the dungeon, all the mail that comes in and out of this building goes through there, staff stand on their feet all day sorting mail, you better speak to the team leader to get it changed”. Just then the floor supervisor walked pass and said don’t bother Ms. Jane asked that you be reassigned there, effective immediately.
Hmm, I was surprised, Jane was being vindictive asserting her authority, I did remember the saying though, ‘Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned’, wasn’t sure how I intended to handle this but I knew I had too quickly, before it got out of hand.
Mandible, sent another email, to update us about SF’s activities and what Tella was getting up to. So far Tella had called a couple of times informing SF that we were nowhere to be found. Tella said he has deployed all the resources he had in Europe but no one seems to know where we are, he and the boys are contemplating broadening their search into the United Kingdom, they leave for London tomorrow. I was a bit worried and decided to inform our handler immediately. Hence the early morning meeting we had. they informed us that Tella and his gang will have their names put at all UK border crossings, once they step into the UK, British intelligence will be alerted…..hmmmm

MRS- We got a 5am visit from our handler and some intelligence officers this moring, no time to update my diary. Anyway they just left now and I am getting ready to go to church. Tammy discovered one round the corner from us so Tammy, Jnr and I are going to check it out.
Yesterday there was a bit of drama. I haven’t told Mr. but Tammy, Toke and I were coming back from the shops, we had gone to top up our oyster cards for the Bus and get some supplies, as we walked into our close, we saw Chantel walking towards her car, as if we all planned it we called out her name at once, she panicked and tried to open her car door quickly, unfortunately for her the car didn’t open in time. We caught up to her and I spoke first, “Little girl, what do you think you are doing, snatching someone else’s fiancé, how dear you? don’t you realize what you are doing is damn right wrong, all the while I was speaking she just kept trying to open her car door, I guess because she was scared she kept putting in the wrong key.
After a while she finally got in the car, started it and as she drove off she gave us the finger. What? Toke screamed how dear she, that girl needs an ass whipping. Calm down sisters, Tammy said, She and Ken can’t last, she’s too young for him, do you think this little girl is ready to go back to Africa to settle down, playing house, for a man?, come on girls, you will say I said so, I give it a couple of months , they will break it off.
I was impressed by Tammy’’s prediction, it actually made sense, most young girl want to be with a man who can take care of them, if Ken was back home he probably could take good care of her, but she can never fit it to the role of a traditional wife Ken so often said he wants for a partner. Pamela had to adjust her lifestyle a lot when Ken came back into her life. First he needs his breakfast at 6,30am after he comes back from jogging. He likes stew and okra on the same plate, to eat Yam flour, but the okra needs to stay in one place on the plate must not mix with the stew or he won’t eat it.
He drinks a specific brand of bottled water, if it’s not available then he won’t drink, the list goes on and on. Pamela had done so well, she saw all this crazy quirks, as a reason to love Ken more….until he came to England……hmmmm

Day 86

MR- I had an argument with Mrs. yester night, it wasn’t supposed to go that far but she just wouldn’t listen to what I had to say. She told me about the shouting match she and the girls had with Chantel, I saw it as an insult for them to go banter words with a mere child who wasn’t worth their time, they brought the insult upon themselves, how could that small rat have the nerve to ask them to F… off, honestly I was disappoint. Mrs. didn’t see it that way and so we argued back and forth and eventually I left the bedroom for her because she was being unreasonable. Anyway we kissed and made up this morning, she came down to make me a hot chocolate and apologized, I apologized too, we both found it funny that Ken’s issue caused an argument between us, this guy was bad news and the earlier we just let him be , the better for everyone.

Mrs., Tammy and Jnr, went to church yesterday morning, Kola and I decided to do some gardening in the cold. We bought a mower on Friday when we went to the local B and Q. We made cups of tea, put on t-shirts, and two jumpers, thermal trousers and jeans, then ventured into the backyard. It wasn’t so bad when we started but half way the through the cold took its toll, so we retreated into the kitchen. There Kola told me how Bimbo had been sending him messages to please come see her, because she had something to tell him, he has been avoiding her, what should he do he asked? I asked what he thought she wanted. Kola said he believes, she needs company and I can’t give it. Do you think Tella knows where she is? I asked. Kola didn’t think so, but we couldn’t put anything past him, we talked about Jane as well and I told him how she’s moved me to work in the mail room.
After we talked we discovered that we both had unresolved female issues, so we made a decision, no more compromising situations, this week we clear out all our cobwebs , we have too much too loose, we need to man up and face them once and for all.
Mandible, sent us an email, saying that we were too late with the counter measures at the border, because he just found out Tella and his guys crossed into London by ferry through Dover using false names and arrived on Saturday afternoon. We need to be really careful and to trust no one, Tella is running out of time, SF gave him 3 weeks, he had 2 weeks left. We should remember their case comes up in next month and, he insists we’ve got to be found before then.
I hope it all comes to an end soon, I miss home, my work and our frinds, being in England might be cool for some, but I like England in small doses and my dose is almost run out…..hmmmm

MRS- Church was interesting, different though to what we were used to back home. It was small but the people were extremely friendly. We got there around 10 minutes before service started at 9am. The welcome was really warm, we were given a hug, ushered into a breakfast room to have something to eat before we sat down to a sermon. While having a sandwich and hot cocoa, a lady came round to talk to us, asked if we were new in the area, we said yes, asked if there was anything we needed, we said we were okay, she gave us a leaflet that had a list of food, clothes, electronics and furniture, she said all this were available in the church store house for free if we needed anything, the church also encourages members to donate to the store house as often as they can. I couldn’t believe that, did you hear me say FREE, the list had all kinds of food, Clothes, shoes bags in different sizes and shapes, televisions, fridges, microwaves, cookers, blenders , 3 piece settees, dining tables, beds, the list was endless and the surprising thing was it was FREE. Tammy and I were so impressed, trust Tammy she’s already planning to start a church Store house, once we go back home.
By the Time we got home Mr. and Kola were lying flat out on the sofas sleeping, we could see they had done some gardening and rounded it off with toast and tea, we got into the kitchen dished out the KFC family chicken pack with fries, we got on the way back. I guess it smelt great cos they both woke up saying, what’s that smell, we are hungry o. Anyway we made it a family dinner.
Jnr is growing up so fast, he’s chatting and running around, no dull moment unless when he falls asleep, I can’t wait to have our own bambino, Mr. and I are really trying and I believe, very soon.
I miss my Mum for some reason, I was thinking of her a lot yesterday, partly because a lady celebrated her birthday in church yesterday and her 2 daughters were bedside her with their children, when she came out for thanksgiving. I pictured my Mum and I in a similar situation, I hope she’s fine, I wonder what shell looks like now, she had put on a bit of weight the last time I saw her, now that’s she’s far gone in her pregnancy, I guess she might be a little bigger.
I must find out from out handler if I can call her, I should be able to and besides she has nothing to do with all this. I can’t wait to get back home…..hmmmm

Day 87
MR- Jane is out for blood, the post room is horrid, you can’t imagine, now picture this dingy , poorly lit , damp smelling hall, with rows of tables and post being sorted, you get a 10 minute break every couple of hours and you have a target, we have to sort and not just that , we envelope thousands of letters that need to go out to residents of Westminster, we all have to envelope 500 letters a day and sort letters for 2 post codes each, come on people I am an MD of a company that’s doing extremely well in my country and this is what am reduced to because I have to hide, anyway just kidding if I had to choose between my company and doing this to stay alive, am sure you all know which I will choose. No more grumbling for now, I will do this and show Jane, she can’t defeat me, I am a man and I will face this head on, with God’s help of course, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Oh, I do have some good news though, our handler finally got us a car, a Vauxhall Corsa, small but efficient, since I had driven before in England , she was able to renew my license and get me insurance and a car, it is so great not to have to take a Bus it to work every day, Kola and I drove to work yesterday ,our office building has underground parking and we are just at the edge of the congestion charge boundary, so driving to work is economical, London introduced an everyday fee for driving in central London during work hours, it’s called congestion charge.
As we drove into our close yesterday, we saw people gathered in front of Pamela’s house, on close inspection it was Tammy, Toke, Mrs. and Ken, we parked the car, walked over and found Ken kneeling down on the pavement pleading with Pamela to take him back, the front door to the house was shut but we could hear Pamela’s voice shouting, “Get lost, I have moved on from you”. We asked Ken to come with us, took him in to our house, before Kola and I could say anything, Joan walks in, she said Chantel finally got her senses back and dumped this fool, she’s too young for all this drama, she’s a sensible girl, please keep this fool away from my child, with that she walked out of our house.
Toke, Tammy and Mrs. were giggling, Kola asked him what happened, he said “Chantel came to the apartment we were both staying in, which she is paying for and started to pack my things, when i asked what the matter was. she told me how Mrs. and co, had almost beaten her up, she said she was too young for this kind of stress and besides she was done with my broke ass and she kicked me out and asked me never to come near her or contact her again. Please help me plead with Pamela, I have seen the errors of my way, I have nowhere to go, I realized I still love her.
Kola looked at me for an answer, but I just asked Mrs. and co to excuse us. Once they left the living room, I let it rip, “Ken you are a disgrace, look at your life, you have no shame , a small girl like that kicked you out and now you come back begging, am sorry I can’t talk to Pamela, I think you should just let her be for a while, Kola agreed with me.
Ken got up, picked up his duffel back, looked back and asked if we really couldn’t do anything to help, Kola said no and with that he walked out of our house. Kola and I had a bet, I said he will be back to beg some more, Kola said he won’t, he will just go back to Africa. Let’s see who is right……hmmmm

MRS- I told Mr. about the crazy Mr. Philip in my office, we made a decision to sort him out just before we go back home, I won’t tell you what we plan to do, you will have to wait until then.
Yes, we got a car, a small car but a car never the less, am planning a trip to 805 restaurant on old Kent road this weekend, I remember Mr. talking about it as one of the coolest African food joints in London, you won’t believe the American Legend Harrison ford, of the Indianan jones film series, one of my favorite A list Hollywood star, visited it last year. I can’t wait.
I have devised a temporary system of dealing with Mr. Philip, as soon as I see him coming I pretend as if am talking to Mr. on the phone, and I start to giggle , say lovey dovey things. mar Philip just looks at me, rolls his eyes and buggers off, it worked yesterday when he came to my office thrice and I just held out my hand to say I will be with him in a sec, before I was done he would storm out, not sure how long that will last, after all he’s my boss and I shouldn’t be taking personal calls during office hours but neither should he be soliciting me during office hours, two can play that game, I hope.
Am still reeling from yesterday’s Drama, you won’t believe what happened, Tammy and I were indoors making dinner, when Toke came running to ours, asking us to come see the Drama going on in their house. Toke said the doorbell rung and when she opened the door Ken was standing there with his duffel bag, he immediately knelt down and started calling Pamela, Pamela came down stairs took one look at him, shoved him out and slammed the door on his face, I left him on the front porch begging her.
We switched off the cooker, picked up Jnr and went to do busy body, true to Toke’s word, Ken was kneeling there right in front of the door, on the paved drive way, pleading his heart out for Pamela to take him back, am sorry, I could not help it, I burst out laughing Tammy pinched me, and asked me not to add salt to injury the poor guy was begging. Pamela opened the door and said no one should beg her, she was done with this hopeless guy and that was her final answer, as he knelt down there begging, we contemplating what to do, Mr. and Kola arrived from work and came over, they took Ken into our house.
Joan stormed in at that very moment and starting yelling at Ken to stay the hell away from her daughter. Mr. and Kola later asked us to excuse them but I stood behind the door and heard how Mr. had a go at Ken, he deserves every bit of what he got. Tammy was feeling sorry for him , I felt it a bit but still felt he had it coming, I shall not be intervening this time, I brought them back together but look what happened , never again, once bitten, twice shy…..hmmm

Day 88

MR-Kola is being pestered by Bimbo, she sent him a WhatsApp message that she just wanted to make love to him one more time and she accompanied it with a picture, which I will not describe here, but you catch my drift.
What’s happening at work? you ask, well I took it upon myself to confront Jane yesterday, I waited until lunch and went upstairs, I knew she took her lunch break at 1pm, so I got there at 12. I knocked she said come in, as soon as I walked in, she said she had nothing to discuss with me I should get out, I stood my ground, said I would like to apologize for everything and I was so sorry if I hurt her. She asked if I had considered her proposal , I said yes, I have but she should give me a couple of weeks to tidy something’s up, she asked if I meant it, I said of course I did, she jumped from her seat, so happy came over and wanted to give me a hug and a kiss, but I said I was fasting and it was for 21 days started yesterday, it was an assigned fast and I couldn’t break it, but we will talk again once am done.
It worked, she immediately reinstated me to my old assignment. That afternoon, she brought back a take away pack of Chinese food, asked when I break the fast I said 10pm , she said I could eat this when I do, I was elated, that dungeon wanted to kill me, I stand on my feet all day, then drive all the way home and start it all over again, the couple of days I had in the basement were enough for me, my only option was to pretend to consider her proposal, the good thing is I didn’t lie, I did consider it, but not the way she thinks, she assumed I considered to agree, but I considered not to agree, who cares about the interpretation, she assumed and I let her, as long as it got me out of the dungeon, and besides in 21 days, God willing, we will be on our way back to Africa.
On the other hand Kola isn’t getting out of his that easy, this girl Bimbo, keeps sending pictures to him, so he deleted her off his what’s app, she then sent a text which he also deleted without reading, what he didn’t know was the text said, am on my way to your house, if you want to stop me, reply if you don’t reply. I believe you really do want to see me but can’t say so.
And so we pulled into our close and saw a car parked just as we turned in, who was sitting in there? Bimbo, I was shocked how did she get our address, Kola looked at me sheepishly and said he might have let it slip out when we went to see her. I quickly parked in front of her car and we got down, “Bimbo nice to see you, I said, what are you doing here?” “Kola asked me to stop by”, Kola said “of course I didn’t, Bimbo you know am married, I can’t have anything to do with you”, “That’s not what you said when I kissed you the other day”. I looked at Kola, “You kissed her?”, “No I didn’t, she kissed me, when we were talking all of a sudden she planted her lips on mine, it took me by surprise”, “Where did all this happen?” I asked, “that day we went to her house, when you excused yourself to use the toilet, she came walking back into the living room bent down pretending to show me a picture and before I knew it she kissed me on the lips”. I ignored Kola for now and then said to Bimbo, “anyway, that said, you can’t turn up here like this, are you trying to break up his marriage? “Well no, I just want to be with him one more time, what harm can that cost? “A lot” Kola said, okay I will call you tomorrow, we will arrange to meet for lunch, and talk better then , please go”, she came over to try to hug Kola but he moved away, she smiled, as she drove away ,she turned around and blew Kola a kiss.
We both stood there gob smacked, I spoke first, “There goes trouble like you’ve never seen before”, Kola then said, “Bro you don’t know the half of it, why do you think I broke it off with her back then , that girl has been a desperate sex manic since we were little” ……. hmmmm

MRS- Pamela, cried most of the night, in my arms , we hardly slept a wink, she said she had to get that bagger Ken out of her system, no more Men, she was going to focus on having her baby and raise him as best she can. I was proud of her, I couldn’t imagine being in her shoes or raising a child on my own. Tammy and I comforted her and by 2 am this morning, she finally fell asleep, Toke asked us to leave and that she will be fine, I had to catch a wink before I woke up to get ready for work.
I spoke to our handler yesterday about calling my mum, she came to the house while I was at work to drop me something called a scrambler, which I could switch on while making my call and it would make it impossible for anyone to trace my call or location where I was. She left it with Tammy and she I could have it for a day, she will pick it up at the house this morning.
Work was strange today, Mr. Philip has been transferred, I got in found him packing up his things, I said good morning, as I walked past his office, He didn’t reply, he just looked at me and kissed his teeth. I wanted to be a busy body, I needed to find out why he was clearing out his desk, so I walked past my office, to the office next to mine and asked the lady there what was up with Mr. Philip? She said someone sent an anonymous sexual harassment complaint about him, actually 3 were received at once but all anonymous, now because the management can’t identify the senders, he can’t be disciplined or fired , so they decided to reassign him to a 2 man duty office in Swansea by the sea, our company has offices all over and that one requires 2 people to run it, one to sit in the ware house and sign for inventory , the other to provide accounts, Mr. Philip takes over the accounts job, starts on Monday.
Whoa! I was happy he was leaving, I can now have peace, although I wished we had the opportunity to carry out our plan, you should have seen what we had in store for him and anyway he deserves what he got. He is a pervert and a lot of women in this office, will be safer without him being around.

Once I got back home, I rang my mum, she didn’t pick up initially, then I rang again and she picked it up, at first she was silent, then I said hello Mum and she screamed, she asked me what kind of no I was calling her with, it just showed four zero’s. I asked her not to worry about that. She was so happy to talk to me, at the same time sad, that she wasn’t with me, we talked for a while, she told me EG is in talks with the British embassy to allow her and he visit us. They hope they will get confirmation for that, she also said Uncle J was now friends with EG, the case of the imposter CF, had brought them close and they currently have him where they want him, uncle J wants EG to agree to make him disappear but EG is aware the British government has a serious case against him, so he would prefer he faces the law in Europe.
She said Uncle J always calls to ask if we have heard from you guys, “Mum please don’t tell anyone you heard from me, even if they are monitoring your phones , no one can find out where we are hence the funny numbers that displayed when I called you. My mum went on about herself, how she has put on weight, asked which area we were staying, I didn’t tell her, we finally stopped talking after about an hour, I promised to call back real soon, said I missed her, loved her and I dropped the phone.
I felt so relieved from what she said everything was going on okay back home, I was glad and I thanked God for that. I also prayed that they get the green light to come visit us, it would be nice to see her.
I’m really excited for Toke, I saw a nice looking man drop her off yesterday, they sat in the car talking for a while and then she hugged him, got down and he drove away. I saw his face as he drove past our house. I got on the phone with Toke and asked who her friend was, she just called me amebo, jokingly and said she will gist me later. I hope he’s a nice guy and means business, we are all worried about her, she has practically not been seen with a man since her near death experience, I pray this one is here to stay……hmmmmmm

Day 89
MR- Dear lord, we thank you, we had a narrow escape yesterday. From now on, no more adventurous outings until we go back. What happened you ask? here goes Mr. being all dramatic again, this is not one of those instances, I promise you and this is very serious. Well, anyway, here is what happened.
I was happy to go to work yesterday knowing that my stint in the basement was over. Kola and I arrived on time, I went straight to my old desk, sat very comfortably, as I was trying to settle down I saw our handler walk in with Jane, my heart skipped a beat, what could be wrong ? I wondered, anyway they walked pass me without saying a word and went straight into Jane’s office. I became really restless, I called Kola on the intercom to come up, just as he arrived at my desk, Jane’s office door opened and she said, just the two people we need to see, please come in.
We went into the office, sat down, our handler started talking, Am sorry guys to have to tell you this but we got information from our office this morning that Ken arrived back in Africa yesterday night. Our intelligence officer attempted to follow him, but lost him in traffic, when they finally got to the front, they saw the Taxi man that picked him up, severally beaten, he was rushed to hospital and he later informed us that 4 guys jumped him and took his passenger away. We believe this are SF’s men, we know he will be tortured and made to tell them where you are, SF is getting desperate. She allowed us to digest what she said.
Then she asked if we still were in touch with our contact inside SF’s organization, I said yes, Mandible. I told her he updates us about SF and Tella’s activities. As if by magic, I heard a beep on my phone, checked it, it was an email from mandible stating everything our handler had just told us, he then concluded it by saying we shouldn’t worry, he has been put in charge of torturing Ken, but he will not , the plan is to fake Ken’s death, put him in a safe place and just tell SF, Ken died during torture before he could confess, I replied and asked him to contact EG and Uncle J, gave him their contact information. They will be able to hide Ken better, our handler also gave me a no to give him for British intelligence, they are willing to help and also get Mandible out of there alive, if SF finds out what he’s up too.
This almost made the worst news of the day but it didn’t quite match what we experienced next.
After the handler left, kola and I sat around chatting until 4.30pm, then went to pick Mrs. from work, we thought we should cheer ourselves up a bit with the African food from 805 restaurant on Old Kent road. So we drove straight there, I dropped Mrs. and Kola and tried to find somewhere to park, Kola and Mrs. went into the restaurant, I drove round looking for a side street to park on, the road in front was fully occupied, anyway as I was still looking for parking, I caught a glimpse of Kola and Mrs. running toward me and screaming start the car, start the car, I was so scared I pressed the brake and accelerator at the same time with both feet, the car was automatic, it ceased immediately, they got to me, jumped in the car and shouted Go! Go!! Go!!!, I started up the car again and drove in the direction the car was facing, Kola and Mrs. were panting like crazy, I kept asking what the matter was, please tell me ,they both couldn’t answer me cos they were still trying to catch their breath, then all of a sudden, at the same time they shouted Tella! Tella! Tella!………….hmmmmmm

MRS-Now I know if am determined I can win a race with Usain bolt, yesterday I ran so fast I couldn’t believe it was me, fear, adrenaline does that to you. I love my life, I don’t want to die young , there are so many things am meant to do in this world and By God’s grace I intend to live very long to do them all. Anyway enough of my blabbing, let me fill you in on what my day was like yesterday, Oh! By the way Help us thank God Almighty.
The day started off great, its Pamela’s birthday on Saturday, Tammy and I decided to have a surprise party for her, nothing large just a small get together for all of us, Tammy, of course wanted to cook but I insisted we should get food from the store. At lunch time I went round to the local Tesco store, it was huge, saw cakes, frozen sausage rolls, pies, ice cream and to top it all they even had readymade food we could buy, like salads and grilled chicken. I walked around for a bit and went back to the office, will return on Friday to get them.
Back in the office they brought in a new boss, she’s like 23, honestly not sure who’s worse Mr. Philip or Sussy, as she calls herself, keeps barking orders at everyone, at least Mr. Philip talks to me with respect but this one just orders us around, not minding that she’s younger that most of us working in her department. Yesterday, she came into my office, she had given me two files to work on, 1 hour later she came back to ask why I haven’t finished with it yet, before I could open my mouth to explain, she said she gave me 15 minutes to get it to her. I asked around, how come this little brat is in charge, my colleagues in the next office said according to her resume, she graduated top of her class from oxford at 20, went back to do her masters and is currently studying for her PHD. What is she doing here? I asked, well her father owns the company and she decided she wants to get experience in all departments of the company before she finally runs it fully. But don’t worry she’s only here for 2 weeks, she moves on to a different department after that, Thank God, because if I have to listen to her ranting and raving for too long, I might just mistakenly slap her and we know where that would land me.
Anyway just let’s say I was glad when the day was over and Mr. and Kola showed up to take me to 805 restaurant. I was planning to get grilled fish, plantain, jollof rice and some goat meat pepper soup for all of us, let’s have a feast. We got to the restaurant, Mr. dropped Kola and I off and went to find somewhere to park.
As I walked in the restaurant went to the receptionist to ask where we could order takeout food, I heard this guy’s talking and laughing, I took a look , then looked away , but someone looked familiar, on closer inspection, it was Tella and 3 other guys, I slowly held Kola’s hand and we backed away, the good thing was that even though Tella had his side to us, he was so engrossed in his discussion he didn’t even look our way, we walked backwards to the door and bolted. We ran so fast round the corner and saw Mr. still trying to park the car, Kola and I were running and shouting at the same time, Start the car, start the car, we got to the car, jumped in and Mr. was so confused he drove in the wrong direction. We were both panting so hard , we couldn’t even tell him what happened, then all of a sudden we caught our breathe and said Tella!, Tella!!,Tella !!!……hmmmmm

Day 90
MR- I drove so fast, got lost so many times but finally looked back and saw no car was following us, I then remembered to switch on the sat nav, I bought for the car from Argos to help me navigate around London. From the directions it gave, we had gone 10 miles to far from where we should have been, but who cared, we were safe for now, Tella did not see us and most importantly didn’t follow us. I parked the car and called our handler.
I told her where Tella and his guys were, she asked us if we were sure he didn’t see us, I said yes, she said just to be on the safe side, we should go straight home, she is sending a couple of officers to sit watch outside our house until morning then we can decided what to do.We got back on the road and navigated our way back to Peckham, the time was now 8,30pm, we were scared, tired and hungry, as soon as we got to Peckham, went into the KFC drive through, got some chicken, fries and drinks and went home. When we got there the officers were sitting in an unmarked car just outside our house, it made us all feel a bit safer.
Tammy came to open the door and said, “thank God, you are back, how long was the queue at 805?, was expecting you guys ages ago”. She stopped talking when she saw the look on our faces, we all went into the sitting room and Kola narrated our saga to Tammy. She was shocked and scared at the same time, she asked if we were sure he didn’t see us, Mrs. said yes, Kola said if he did, he’s sure he will have followed us all the way home.
What do we do now? she asked, well there is an unmarked police car sitting outside with 2 officers watching guard. I have already informed our handler, that Tella is in 805 restaurant, she should be on her way there now with security agents.
A few hours later, we got a call from our handler, When they got there, the restaurant staff informed them Tella and his crew just left, the good news is that we can identify them from the cctv camera pictures we got at the restaurant, she asked us not to worry , they will be apprehended soon.
Well, that news wasn’t bad but it wasn’t totally reassuring, so we all decided the best thing will be for us to move, I called the handler back and she said she will discuss it with her bosses and get back to us. She did warn us though, that it could be to a different country anywhere in the world, were we prepared to go? I asked her to give me a few minutes to discuss it with everyone and I would call her back.
We discussed, Kola and Tammy felt we should stay in London, Mrs. said where ever I go there she goes, Pamela and Toke, who had joined us in the house a few minutes ago said, traveling was an adventure, they wouldn’t mind anywhere as long as we didn’t have to go back home to Africa, before those evil men were locked up.
Our handler called back an hour later, she wasn’t sure if the news she was about to give was good, but 3 countries were being considered for our relocation, Singapore, South Africa or Dubai, she will let us know which one before noon today…..hmmmmm

MRS- Singapore, Dubai or South Africa, interesting choices, I have been to all during our honey moon, but am praying for either Dubai or Singapore, I definitely don’t want South Africa. I can still feel my heart beating from our narrow escape, but I thank God Almighty that we came out of it in one piece.
We have taken the day off work today , to start packing the little clothes we have and get ready to move, according to Mr., the move could be tonight or first thing tomorrow morning, the long and short of it is that by Sunday morning, we will either be saying , “selamat pagi”, “ sabah alkhyr” or “Goeie more”.

Moving around is very distabilising, imagine we would have to start to get to know the area, meet new people, work in a new comapny , jnr just started making friends, he even has a play date on Saturday with his new friend Robby and only God knows if Tella and his guys will not follow us there too. Mr has asked me to have an open mind, he says we should think of it as a round the world trip part 2, but this time we get to plant roots for a bit longer. Thinking about it i can see he has a point, am begiing to be at ease with this move thing and am actually looking forwrd to it now.

Meanwhile , Tammy finished packing yesterday night, Pamela and Toke are also back in our house, the protective detail is still outside watching us like a hulk. Pamela and Toke have their money on Singapore, they have already gone online to check the map and are praying we get to stay on Sentosa Island , the furthest point of Asia, its an amazing beach resort, we spent 4 days there during our honeymoon.

Right now, I cant think of that, I just read that being stressed can stop you from getting pregnant, I was just getting really relaxed here and Mr and I have been trying, now this starts all over again, am just going to take deep breathes and stay calm, and like Mr said, we are just going on a jet plane ride, how hard can it be ……hmmmmmm

Day 91-
MR-It’s amazing how the fear of death brings you closer to God, we woke up this morning and hurdled together in our bedroom praying, Tammy has asked that we have a one day fast to ask God for his favor, mercy and guidance over us.
Our handler finally called at noon yesterday, we are relocating to Dubai and we leave tonight. I was surprised, why Dubai? I asked, well we have offices all over the world and relocation of witnesses requires a lot of man power, Dubai office is the only one able to spare the man power to look after you, She said I thanked her for all her help, she promised we would like it there, at least the weather was close to what we had back in Africa, I couldn’t agree more.
I called everyone together in the living room, decided to play a prank on them, I said, the handler called and said there has been a change of plan, they could only get us relocated to Iceland. Before I could say it was a joke, Pamela was on the floor, she fainted. There was panicking everywhere, Kola ran outside to inform our protective detail. They called an ambulance and before you could say ‘Jack Robinson’ we were all at Kings College hospital emergency room.
I felt terrible, mind you I hadn’t told anyone I was just kidding, I felt this was not the right time to confess. They wheeled Pamela in and Mrs. went with her, the rest of us waited in the visitor waiting room. A couple of hours later Mrs. came back to tell us Pamela was fine, she will be observed for a couple of hours more because of the pregnancy, then they will let her go back home. By this time our handler had arrived with two other agents. They went in to talk to the doctor. When they came back they said everything was fine, the baby is growing well and the ambulance will bring Pamela back home in a couple of hours. Most importantly we need to go back home and stay there until we leave for Dubai. As soon as they said the word Dubai, Mrs. said, “You mean we aren’t going to Iceland?”
“Of course not, we are moving you to Dubai, we communicated that to your husband yesterday afternoon” our handler said. All eyes focused on me, I just nodded my head and walked towards the car with everyone in tow. Once we got back home, Kola was the first to lay it on me “Bro, where did you get Iceland from?” then Tammy, “Why did you lie to us?” Then Toke, “How could you do that, we almost lost Pamela’s baby,” I cleared my throat , smiled and said I was sorry, I just wanted you guys to shout and then I was going to say April fool , we are going to Dubai, but before I could Pamela Fainted. Am sorry. “Well, you goofed big time and it’s not April” Toke said. “It’s not funny Bro, you know we are fasting, everyone is on edge”. Mrs. on the other hand just rolled her eyes at me, and everyone walked out of the living room, even Jnr followed them. Needless to say, I was in the ‘Dog house’.
I sat there on my own thinking about how I messed up, something worse could have happened, I thank God it didn’t. I had a bit of joy with Pamela once the ambulance brought her back home, thank God for her, she saw the funny side of it, she said she had forgiven me, we both sat in the living room laughing about it, she said she must have fainted cos she thought of all she heard about Iceland, living like eskimos in igloos, I laughed and said that was not entirely true. Thank God at least someone is talking to me……hmmmm

MRS- Dubai, well, well, lovely place, we had a 3 day stop there on our honeymoon world tour. We didn’t find out we were relocating there, until Mr. was busted in the Emergency room.
It’s ironic how one day before we leave England we land in the ER. When I went in with Pamela she was already awake, the ambulance crew had revived her when they got to the house but still insisted on taking her into hospital especially because she was pregnant. The doctor asked where our GP’s practice was, I explained that we were here under British intelligence umbrella, I gave them our handler’s no and the doctor excused herself, I guess to call and confirm.

Once Pamela was examined and everything looked okay including the baby, I was told to go back home, but not before the handler told us we were relocating to Dubai, I was in shock, Mr. had lied to us, I guess he meant no harm, he was just playing a game but his game almost cost a life. We all ignored him most of the day, even though he apologized we made him realize it was an expensive joke.
By 6 pm when we broke the fast, we also had succeeded in paying him in his own coins, we tricked him into believing we were upset, the truth is, as soon as we all walked out of the living room living him on his own, we went to Tammy’s room, sat there laughing and forgave him immediately but didn’t tell him, and by the way who keeps malice when you are fasting.
Later we all went into the kitchen brought out all the raw and fresh food we had and went into a cooking galore, since we were leaving this evening, you should see the spread, Rice, yam, vegetable soup, fish stew, eggs, plantain, pasta, salad, ice cream, fish, sausages, bacon, lamb chops, chips, nan bread, lasagna, rice cakes, yoghurt, cheese platters, fruit wine, pies etc, I could go on, we ate until our tummy’s ached. Put the rest in the fridge we will eat that this afternoon and evening before we get on the plane.
The thought of my Mum and EG, came to my mind, I just spoke to her a few days ago and she told me they were planning to come visit us in England ,I was sure she will be unhappy to learn we had relocated again but I suppose her consolation will be the fact that we are alive, well and safe, what could be more important than that right now……..hmmmm

Day 92
MR- We landed in Dubai, about a few hours ago, whoa!, you should see where we are, its called the Oasis beach towers, in a part of Dubai called Jumeriah. It’s amazing, we have been put in a four bed room luxury apartment on the 46th floor overlooking the sea. I tell you, life is good, compared to the dingy house we lived in, in London, this is paradise, somebody pinch me, I must be asleep.
Don’t mind me, I do get a bit melodramatic sometimes when am excited, am not alone, as I write, everyone is on the living room balcony, gasping at the breath taking view of the sea, its endless. The golden beaches, the amazing sunrise and the smell of fresh made coffee, it’s so easy for us to forget our lives are in danger and we are hiding from so many people. Oh my! I told Mrs., I am seriously considering us relocating to Dubai permanently.
Haven’t you guys been to Dubai during your honeymoon, you ask? Yes we did, but one, we stayed at the four and a half star, Pullman hotel in Deira city center and we spent most of our time indoors, we were on honeymoon, if you get my drift. Two, we were only there for 2 nights, so how much can you see in that time.
We were picked up at home in London around 9 pm, taken to Stansted airport and flown to Dubai in a British intelligence plane. We landed around 5 am, but had to fill a lot of forms and go through finger prints and scans, that took a lot of time. We were finally handed over to the Dubai British intelligent officers, given a new handler and whisked to this lovely place.
Kola and Jnr, went down stairs to explore after the handler left, we have a guy now, I don’t think he smiles at all, he reminds me of Mr. Bean, the very famous English series, I watched a lot of it when we were in England. Anyway, Kola came back and said, the place was full of Arabs, their women covered from head to toe, walking behind the men. He already made a friend among the hotel staff, his name is Raj, from Pakistan. Raj said anything we need, we should ask him, he also warned Kola that if we are caught looking at their women its trouble also we must not show affection in public like kissing each other etc. I told Kola the hotel briefed Mrs. and I about this, when we came for our honey moon.
Breakfast was waiting for us on the dining table when we got in, this suite has 4 bedrooms all ensuite, a living /dining room and a fully equipped kitchen already stocked with food. The apartments have 2 swimming pools, a spa, restaurants, supermarket , optician etc. the beach is right in front , we can sit on the loungers and sip chapman’s or whatever, I need to constantly remind myself that we are not here to have fun but to hide……hmmmm

MRS-O my gosh, I could not believe this was the same Dubai we visited when we were on our honey moon, we stayed indoors mostly, for the 2 days , we went out dancing on the last night and for a meal on the first , but this was something else, I wish we could live here forever.
We just got in a couple of hours ago, we are all tired but can’t seem to stop looking at the amazing view, from our balcony on the 46th floor , we can see the palm islands, burj Arab hotel and lots more. We must ask our new handler, if we can at least go site seeing.
Oh! Did I tell you?, this time the handler is a guy, he does seem a bit uptight, not like the one in England, she was sweet and flexible, always gave us a little freedom. When we arrived at the apartment, this new handler sat us down and said unfortunately our lives will be a bit more restricted here, we shall not be going to work and jnr will not start school. A teacher will come 4 days a week to teach him and that’s that, we will be chauffer driven out once a week to shop or at least have a change of scenery but on no account should we venture out of this vicinity on our own, we can use the pool downstairs or the beach in front. Food will be delivered twice a week, so we can cook. If we want any special delivery we should make a request by email, which he gave to us. He continued, the apartment has a washing machine, dryer, iron, everything we need is here, we have his no programmed onto the speed dial of the landline and all we had to do was press 1. Any questions? he asked. I told him I wasn’t feeling well, he said he will get a doctor to pop in to see me around noon and he was gone.
I took a look out of the window just now and My Mum came to mind, she would love this place, it was serene and peaceful, you could lie down on the lounger on this balcony shut your eyes and forget everything. That’s what my mum said she wished for most the last time we spoke, I am living out her wish now.
Mr. is so happy, he even asked if I won’t mind living in Dubai permanently. I certainly won’t if we had to live in this apartment. Pamela and Tammy have just gone to bed, pregnant women, they need their beauty sleep, I certainly can’t wait to join them. I just hope am not coming down with the flu or something. Am really feeling poorly.
My mind drifted back to our handler, we all felt he was too stern but we were too excited to care, no matter how Mr. grumpy handler thinks he can spoil our stay here, we are determined not to let him…..hmmmmm.

Day 93
MR- Trusting God no matter what the circumstances are is priceless. Psalm 13, 5 -6, But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the LORD because he is good to me. God has been great to Mrs. and I, we have great News, but she won’t let me say it yet. I will tell you later but first we got news from our handler yesterday evening.
We were still reeling in the beauty and luxury of our new accommodation when I got a call from the handler that he needs to meet with us around 8 pm yesterday evening. But before then we had a surprise visit from an Arab man called Aakil. Mrs. opened the door, he asked if he could come in and speak to the man of the house. Mrs. found that strange but obliged him anyway, asked him to come in and sit down in the living room.
She came into the bedroom to get me, I was also surprised as to why he would use that phrase, Man of the house, anyway curiosity got the better of me and so I went to talk to him. As I approached the living room, I could see he was wealthy, his slippers were Gucci and his watch was a Rolex Platinum Pearlmaster 18956 worth over $250,000, I recognized it because Kola and I have been fantasizing about this particular watch for a while. I greeted him and sat down opposite him.
After pleasantries, he went straight to the point, He said, he came about my sister, he wants to marry her and he needs to ask my permission before he approaches her. I asked which lady he was referring to, from his description I knew it was Toke. The cover given for us at the hotel was a that we were a big family, with Kola and I as brothers , Tammy kola’s wife, Pamela and Mrs., My wives, Toke my sister and Jnr Kolas son. So hence the sister issue. I told him I was honored. Could he tell me a bit about himself? Aakil said he was an entrepreneur, owned a chain of stores and a hotel in the Dubai marina, he is the last of 4 sons, his parents live in Qatar, his father and mother are doctors and they run their own hospital. His father is from Amman and his mum is from Germany.
He saw Toke in the swimming pool and fell in love with her instantly but couldn’t talk to her so he asked a hotel worker Raj, who told him Toke was in this apartment and is your sister, hence my visit to you. I asked if he was aware Toke was a Christian, he smiled and said, Yes he does, His mum is a Christian too, and his Dad didn’t care, they have been married for 35 years.
Okay , I said, but he had to give me time to talk to Toke, she wasn’t here right now, she was at the Spa with Tammy and Pamela. I would invite him back tomorrow, he thanked me and left his Phone number. Mrs. and I sat there totally surprised once he left. He was so different from our usual assumption of what Men were like around here, he must have lived in America for a while cos he spoke with a slight American accent. Anyway, we didn’t have the decision to make, Toke did. So we wait until she gets back. Oh by the way Mrs. took a picture of him before he left. He didn’t know, it was to show Toke, so she sees who was interested in her.
After everyone was back, I was about to start talking about Aakil, when our handler came in to inform us Tella had been apprehended. He was under surveillance after that night at 805 restaurant and luckily they traced him to a house on Seven sisters road, in North London. Tella and his crew are now in police custody. Whoa!, we were all happy, but our mood kind of went really low when the handler told us that we will be returning to our country soon, I cut in and said but we were not hiding from Tella but from SF AND CF, He said yes, that I didn’t let him finish. As soon as the news of Tella’s capture got to them, Both Men went to the British high commission in Lagos with their Lawyers to voluntarily offer to surrender. They gave some conditions, Frist they have heard rumors that if convicted they serve time in Nigeria, they said they will prefer Europe or the Uk. If they are also granted a reduced sentence, they will give a list of all their partners around the world. A hearing has been set for Tomorrow, if all goes well, they will be flown to Europe immediately and the trail will begin and you guys will be free to return home……….hmmmm

MRS – Just when we are starting to settle into this lovely life in Dubai, we have to go back home. Yes I am happy but I wished we could stay here a bit longer, According to our handler we will be home before the week runs out if everything goes well.
Toke’s admirer is so cute, we showed her his picture after the handler left and we spent some time grumbling about why we weren’t brought to Dubai first instead of London. Toke liked him at first sight, but we didn’t know how this was going to work out, we are off home this week and he’s here in Dubai, love across the ocean never works out. Tammy jumped in and said not in all cases, she’s known loads of people who’ve been able to keep the relationship going just fine, if Toke really likes him she should give him a chance to get to know him.
Pamela asked what about the fact that he’s a Muslim, isn’t he going to expect you to change? I told them what he said about his mum and dad that seemed to sort that problem out. So we all decided that regardless of the fact that we were leaving, Toke should go on a date with him tomorrow evening and get to know him better, she might just like him a lot.
Mr. got the handler to agree to a couple of sightseeing tours before we leave, we go out today, we decided to go to wild wadi. Raj came around to help us decide on which two were definitely worth seeing and doing, so he suggested a trip to Atlantis water park or wild wadi Water Park and definitely the Desert safari. So off to wild wadi we go today.
The doctor came to check me yesterday, she was very nice, she smiled a lot and said there was nothing to worry about and she will confirm the results of my test later today. Mr. and I believe we know what’s wrong with me, but let’s wait until the official results of the test are here………hmmmmmm

Day 94-
MR- Yes! Yes !!, This is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it, Thank you God Almighty, there is nothing , absolutely nothing too difficult for you to do. I am SO excited and I just can’t hide it, what’s going on you ask? Well I will tell you, Mrs. and I are pregnant, Yes O, both of us, Ha! Ha! The doctor called yesterday afternoon to confirm the pregnancy test was positive.
Meanwhile, Wild wadi was fun, A coach picked us up around noon, we got to wild wadi bought some swim suits, cos all the rides are water based. We swarm , did roller coasters rides, went on water slides and swinging inflated rafts , it was amazing, Tammy and jnr, built sand castles and went on the slower rides, Pamela just sat on a lounger by the water and Toke, Mrs , kola and I just went wild. By 5pm we were still having fun but it was time to go back to or apartment. We stopped on the way to get some Chinese take out.
Back at the apartments, Toke got ready for her date with Aakil, she looked amazing , he was a gentleman , he arrived right on the dot of 7pm with a bunch of flowers. He was dressed in a nice cotton trousesrs and a silk shirt. After they left the rest of us settled down to dinner. After dinner Kola and I took a walk on the beach, we found a quiet spot and sat down. We talked about our return home, our business and life after all we’ve been through. Money wasn’t really our problem, we were just about to start a new line of business when our lives were suddenly uprooted. Were we still going ahead with it? , we wondered. Sitting there looking out to sea, brought a lot of things into perspective for both of us. We had to be careful who we associated with. I took Tella on face level, didn’t know he was no longer the guy we use to know. Look were it got us now. I am about to become a father, Kola is already one, we need to live life more responsibly. Anyway elders say once you know your fault, you are already on your way to resolving it.
Mandible’s email came in as soon as we got back to the apartment, he said SF and CF heard back from the high commission this evening, their terms have been agreed too, they both have been order to report at the high commission tomorrow morning for extradition. He mentioned that Ken will be let go as soon as they leave, so it was safe for us to come home. I replied, thanked him and said we will see him once we got back.
Mrs. was already in bed when I got back, I saw two packages on the dining table, but I thought they must be for Toke. I took a shower, got into bed and cuddled up to her, she opened her eyes and looked at me, tears of joy were streaming down her eyes, I started to cry too, we held each other crying happily, no words spoken but we both knew what each other was thinking, we fell asleep feeling really blessed…..……hmmmm

MRS- Ha! Ha!, I am blessed and highly favored. God has shown his mercy and favor upon me in time of need, Thank you God, I am finally pregnant. Mr. was so happy, he did a cat wheel, and danced all around me. He promised me he will be an amazing father to our baby and an amazing husband to me, I don’t know why he bothered saying that because he’s already more than amazing to me.
Tammy, Pamela and I stayed up waiting for Toke to get back, we were determined to do amebo, as soon as she walked in, we couldn’t wait. Mr. and Kola had gone down to the beach and Jnr was asleep, so we had ample time to catch up on girls’ gist. We discussed the fact that the 3 of us were pregnant, about to become mothers for the first time, well apart from Tammy who technically was already a mum, but you know what I mean, actually giving birth to our first child. We talked about the responsibilities and the changes, I said I couldn’t wait to be called Mummy, Pamela said she wishes the baby looks like her but she wants a boy first, I want a girl and Tammy said any sex will be fine, she already has a boy. We were so excited just like children let loose in a candy shop, I already felt different, I guess the knowledge that a life was growing inside me will do that to anyone.
Toke came back around 11pm, looking all flushed, she had 4 carrier bags with her which she gave to each of us. You won’t believe what was in each bag, a designer hand bag, perfume , a box of chocolate , a wrist watch and trinket set, she said Aakil said it was for his in laws, whoa! We were all gob smacked , the bags had the same contents only the designer bags were different, Tammy got a Louis Vuitton bag, Pamela got a Gucci bag and I got a Prada bag. Toke poured the contents of her bag out, she got 2 pairs of Gucci shoes and bags to match, A rolex, perfumes, trinkets and designer sunglasses. She said we won’t believe where this guy took her, as soon as they left here, they went straight to a helipad on top of his hotel in Dubai marina, they flew to Abu Dhabi, at the le royal meridian, where he wined and dined her. They went sightseeing to his boat in the harbor and showed me his home there. I was treated like a queen all through. People where kneeling down for me everywhere I go, Aakil lives like a king, I was initially suspicious that he must have a wife somewhere, until I met his brother and his wife, She’s from Turkey a Muslim but the kind that grew up in England, she told me when they joined us on his boat that I am the first women, Aakil has brought them to meet formally and that he can’t stop talking about me. He fell in love with me on first sight, His brother chipped in that all of them are married to just one woman including their father, who raised them to wait and pray for the right woman once they find her, they should make sure she’s the only one for them. He said meeting me in person confirms everything Aakil said, I am more beautiful than he described.
We left the boat , for the helicopter and flew back to Dubai, I told him we were going back home this week, he said not to worry he will come over to meet me once I settled back in, you won’t believe he said am his wife and he’s not letting me go. “What did you say?” I asked Toke, “Nothing, I just said thank you, he should give me time to digest all this, everything is happening so fast”. When he dropped me off, he handed me these bags for you guys and gave me this two small ones for Mr. and Kola. Sister’s I am overwhelmed, this is like a dream, I think am going to wake up any minute.
As I listened to Toke , I knew God has a way of compensating one, she has been through so much, almost used for money ritual, no man and now all of a sudden she gets Prince charming right on her door step. God is good all the time, can’t wait for Mr. and Kola to open up their presents, I can only imagine what’s in them…….hmmmmmm

Day 95-
MR- No, it can’t be real, how did Aakil know what our life long desire was, you won’t believe it.
This morning when we all woke up, Kola and I were sitting in the living room watching football, Tammy was with jnr trying to get him ready but he kept giving her the run around. Mrs. and Pamela had gone down to have a swim, when Toke came over and handed us our gifts from Aakil. Kola and I opened it and viola as if like a dream it was the same watch I saw on him the day he came here, a Rolex Platinum Pearlmaster 18956, He got the same one for each of us. How did he know I asked Kola, maybe he noticed me admiring the watch when he was talking to me, o my gosh! I couldn’t believe this, a $250,000 gift, who does that. I got up, gave Toke a big Hug, “thank you my dear, you brought this good luck to all of us. So what did you think of him?”
Toke said, he was great, she gisted Kola and I about their date and then said yesterday night she was unsure, but this morning she was and she believes God sent Aakil to her for a reason. With everything she has been through, this was a way of compensating her. He said he will call me this morning, once he does, am saying YES. At that minute Mrs. and Pamela walk in from their swim and said “Yes, great, another wedding coming up”. Toke smiled and asked them to take it easy, they need to court for a while, to get to know each other, no rushing into marriage and anyway he said he’s ready to give me all the time I need. So I will keep you guys posted.
The handler turned up amidst all the excitement, and said SF and CF are on their way to Europe as we speak, we have been booked on a flight business class seats for Wednesday morning. We will be picked up at 5 am Dubai time. Some money has been wired into my account for all of us, he thanked us and said we will get an official thank you reception at the British high commission once we got back. When he left, I went to look in my account, o whoa! They had paid in $25,000 each us. So we decided to go shopping before our trip to Desert safari in the evening. We got Raj to get us a car. First we went to the emirates mall, then Gold souk, then we ended up at the Dubai Mall, by the time we got back to the apartment, we all had less than $10,000 dollars each. We were not selfish though. We got gifts for everyone, I even got something for my staff, Tony, my PA and for Mandible, I was also planning to give him some cash.
As everyone else was packing up, I went to sit on the balcony alone , thinking about our sojourn as government witness in hiding, It was an interesting experience, wasn’t as bad as I had envisaged, Good things definitely came out of it, the best part is my Sweetheart is pregnant and I must not leave out Aakil and his wonderful gift, A rolex, not sure how long Kola and I would have had to save for before we could, in all clear conscience take out a quarter of a million dollars, to buy just a wrist watch. Yeah! , right! , maybe in another life…….hmmmmm

MRS- Shopping, Shopping that’s what we did for most of the day, the British government said thank you with $25,000 each, and trust us we went on a shopping spree.
Aakil made my list shorter, I was planning to get the items he already gave me, so instead I went for clothes, and shoes, well got things for my domestic staff, my Mum and EG, also got something for Uncle J, he has been a significant part of my life for a while now. Shopping over, we went to have some lunch at the Dubai mall food court, I didn’t want anything fancy, so I just had KFC, the guys were a bit more adventurous, they had some Arabic food , Pamela, Tammy and Toke had Chinese and Jnr had McDonalds. On getting back to our apartment there was hardly any time to rest, we had to start packing all our clothes.
Just as that was done, the tour guide came to take us on the desert safari, we didn’t know what to expect. It was amazing, jeeps gliding on sand dunes. like they were going to fall off, we speed, skidded, went round in crazy circles, it was so much fun, they even stopped on a sand dune where we did sand boarding. After the exciting ride we ended up at a camp for dinner, lovely Arabian buffet, camel riding and belly dancing. Tammy, Toke and I also had free henna done on our hands, Pamela wasn’t interested.
Aakil turned up just before we left for the Desert Safari, he was so happy, he spent most of the time he was here, talking to Mr. and Kola, after he left Mr. told me he came to plan his journey to visit us two weeks from now. He can’t wait, he has never been to Africa before. He wanted to know if we will all be willing to come on a tour of Africa with him, Mr. Said it would be best if we got back home first, saw what had piled up and tried to fix a convenient time when we could all take off again. He was cool with that, he left all his no’s and email, he also took all our no’s and addresses. As he left Toke saw him off, when she got back she told us that Aakil wants to fly everyone back to Dubai for the wedding at his own expense. I guess Toke was on for a ride of her life. I pray everything works out for them.
By the time we got back to the apartment, All we could do was go to bed and hope we wake up on time to go to the airport for 5am, by tomorrow evening we will be back on our own home, laughing about our sojourn in two separate continents……hmmmmmm

Day 96
MR- Hallelujah, we are back, Woke up this morning in our bed next to Mrs. , in our home, I looked around and took in the familiar view , Am happy to be back , I did miss our home but I must admit it was exciting to be in different countries, pampered, protected and cared for.
The rush to get ready was crazy, funny enough , Aakil was the one who woke us up, he turned up at 4.30 am and knocked on the apartment door, when no response came he called Toke’s phone, she had to go let him in, she saw that we only had one hour left to go to the airport. She came banging on our doors screaming wake up wake up, were going to miss our flight, I must have been dreaming cos I jumped up and shouted Flight, flight, which made Mrs. burst out laughing. Everyone was dashing up and down while Aakil sat patiently in the living room, he later got up, went into the kitchen to brew some tea and make toast, which I found interesting. I asked how he learned how to do this, he said when he was in university in the United states, he had to learn how to cook, he spent 4 years there going to school.
Anyway we all got ready, had a bite to eat thanks to Aakil and just as we were rounding off, the handler and coach arrived. Aakil and Toke drove behind us in his limited edition Bugatti Veyron, you should see this car, it was Black and white and honestly I had never seen anything like it before. When we got to the airport, I got down from the coach and went to touch the car, Aakil said Kola and I should get in, I in the driver’s seat, kola beside me, he sat behind and said let’s take it for a quick spin around the, my jaw dropped, this car had 1200 horse power and could go up to 254 mph. To cut the long story short I was still driving it in my dream before I woke up a few minutes ago, and you don’t even want to know how much he said he bought it.
Aakil had sorted us out for VIP check in, porters were waiting to take our bags and we did the express check in and went straight to the Emirates lounge. Aakil, Toke, Mrs. and Pamela, went round duty free, to get some bits and bobs, chocolate, perfume, scarfs for people at home, and of course Aakil paid. Anyway when they all came back, Aakil said he will be with us first week in February, not for the African trip but to see us and have a small engagement party with the family, he wants to meet everybody.
The surprising thing was he asked me to buy a nice house like ours, Toke had already told him about it, and he will send me the money for it before he comes, he is also getting another house for Toke’s parents and he wants me to also get A jeep and a car for Toke and a car for her parents, he said I should let Toke choose the brand new cars she wants, I should give him the cost of all including the cost of furnishing the two homes and the money will be wired to me immediately. He would please like it all sorted before he arrived.
We flew in on Emirates, the service was fantastic. EG and MIL were waiting to meet us when we landed, trust EG, he was at the door of the plane as we stepped out. We were cleared by immigration immediately, someone else waited to clear all our luggage, we just gave him our bag tags and we were definitely home. My MIL looked bigger, her pregnancy had advanced, glowing and looking all radiant, she practically jumped on Mrs., who in turn pointed to her tummy and said Mum, be careful, her eyes lit up and she hugged her tight again, and started to dance, EG gave us all hugs. Our bags came and we were whisked off to EG’s estate, Dinner was waiting, we sat around catching up, gisting, laughing and congratulations were flowing all round.
Just then Mandible walked in EG had invited him over, we hugged him and thanked him for all his help. EG took us all into the study, Kola, mandible and I. He said Mandible wants to turn a new leaf, so he has employed him and given him an apartment, that’s also to say thank you for helping you guys out, we thanked him and went back to join the others, Uncle J had also arrived, it ended up becoming a very interesting family reunion.
EG got his protocol team to drop us all at home. As Mrs. and I drove into our gate, she quickly whispered in my ear, we left as 2 and returned as 3, Praise be to God, this is definitely going to be an amazing year……hmmmm.

MRS- Arriving back home, smelling the humid air and listening to the noise and commotion going on around the airport, I must admit I was glad to be back, happy, hmmmm not sure but glad.
My mum and EG met us at the plane, she looked so different she was roundish and glowed like a maiden, pregnancy looked good on her, I wondered if I would look that good when I was as far gone as she is. I realized I missed her so much, as she was hugging me tight I pointed to my tummy and whispered in her ear, Mum am expecting, she jumped up again , not minding she was pregnant and started to dance, Anyway it was clear we were missed, everyone was happy to see us. We left for EG house where lots of food and drinks were waiting, Jnr was still asleep when we got there, he slept all through the flight, poor boy he must be wondering why these people are dragging him all over the place. We wined and dined, Uncle J turned up eventually looking all dapper.
Uncle J, kind of took center stage during dinner, He went into this long gist about how he was abducted by SF’s men and left to die, we all looked at Mandible, but Uncle J said, that one was not there. The day he called me, as he drove a few miles from his house, he was crossed by two jeeps, they had guns, didn’t shoot, just ordered him to get out of his car, he looked back his security detail were nowhere to be found, he later learnt their fuel tank had been punctured, they ran out of fuel on the way and were trying to call him but network issues didn’t let them get through.
Anyway , SF’s guys took him to a bunker off the express way, deep in the forest, it was an old 40 foot container, with a dirty stinking mattress, metal bucket for a toilet, 2 packs of sachet water and 2 packs of cabin biscuit and a lantern, they pushed him in and chained the door.
He was there for 5 days until he heard some noise outside, he looked out of one of the small holes they had made for air, and saw a farmer cultivating his plot. He called out to him, initially the farmer was scared, he asked him to go bring paper and pen, the farmer asked why, uncle J said he wanted to write a number for him to call for him, surprisingly the farmer said why doesn’t Uncle J use his phone. Phone?, you have a phone he asked, the farmer laughed and said his son calls him on it , he doesn’t know how to call but he can press the green button to hear his son, Uncle J was pleasantly surprised, fortunately it was one of this very small phones, it fitted into the air hole, He immediately called one of his boys and they rescued him, that’s how he got out of there, The intention was to leave him there to die.
After listening to Uncle J’s story, Tammy said, “You know what everyone, I think this calls for a thanks giving service. We have all been delivered and blessed this past few months, we have so much to be thank full for, we should go to church and have a thanksgiving ceremony, what do you think? We all agreed it was a fantastic idea. This coming Sunday was fixed.
EG said we must all be tired, he got his boys to drop us all at our homes. i was so anxious to get back home. As we drove into our compound I pointed out to Mr. that we had new neighbors, we could see the movers taking in furniture, I wondered who they were. When we left, the house wasn’t completed, I guess the new owners will be in by the weekend, I told Mr. we must make it a point of duty to go welcome them to our neighborhood…..hmmmm

DAY 97-
MR- Straight to the office today, one day of getting back into the work mood was enough for me. Am going to work today amid protests from Mrs., she wants us to go to the Spa together. She’s going to get her hair done, have a massage and a facial. I need to work now, no more free money, I reminded her.
Anyway, yesterday wasn’t so bad , we spent the best part of the day being nosey, we watched from our upstairs front lounge has the new neighbors arrived, two guys and someone who seemed like their chef , a gateman and a couple of drivers, in short all men. We didn’t see any ladies there until around 7 pm when we saw 2 cars arrive, 3 girls each stepped out of the cars and before you knew it they were in the pool, swimming, we couldn’t actually see the pool but we heard splashes, voices and music, and we knew the garden had a pool. If we really wanted too, we could have climbed into our attic and looked through the window there, but I just couldn’t be bothered. We could see they were having a pool party to declare their house open. I said to Mrs. , I wonder why I wasn’t invited, she chuckled and said, we were, what do you mean?, they left an invite for the gateman earlier , which I took and tore, it’s in the bin, why ? Well, it had written on it come join us at our pool splash to open our new house, babes, booze, music, we promise you will not leave disappointed.
I laughed and said, hmmm, I see someone is jealous. After that we concluded they were not married, had a lot of money to burn, this guys looked like trouble. But that wasn’t our business now, we had some TLC to catch up on, if you get my drift.
Around 4 pm, My mum called , she was so upset , she had been trying to call me for so long, why would I treat her that way, she went on and on about how thank God for my siblings , she would have been abandoned . I asked if she didn’t get her allowance I sent regularly, she said she was not talking about money. She did say she wanted to come over to our house. I said not now, I will let her know when it was convenient. I didn’t want any stress for Mrs. Now that her pregnancy is in its early stages, and I read it somewhere, that the fetus is most vulnerable at this time. Let’s get Mrs. along a bit, then we will deal with my Mum’s issue, I remember the last time she was here. No more drama, At least not for now.
I did take a jog round the estate yesterday evening right before the party next door, I ran into Sir. Tope, he was one of the elder statesmen that lived in our estate, we called him Chairman. Surprisingly he was jogging too or should I say power walking. He stopped me, we exchanged pleasantries and he asked if I had meet my new neighbors’, I said not formally, but I have seen them. He said they smelt like trouble, he met them when they come over to his house to pay the estate dues. He then asked me if I could keep an eye on them and report any suspicious activity to him. I told him as much as I respect him, unfortunately I could not be party to spying on my neighbors’. He said it was for all our good but all the same, He asked me not to bother, that he will speak to my neighbors on the other side.
I was sure that Man and his wife will do it even if chairman didn’t ask. Chidi and Mabel were the nosiest neighbors’ anyone could have, they were in everyone’s business. I was sure they would have a theory about where Mrs. and I disappeared too. Anyway I said okay and continued on my jog, although I thought about what he said and realized those guys did look suspicious, even Mrs. and I were just thinking the same thing…….hmmmmm.

MRS-We haven’t even been home for 2 days and we are already planning a party. Things are different here, I guess we don’t take life as seriously as they do abroad. We certainly like our enjoyment.
Getting ready for Sundays thanksgiving, everyone is coming over to ours after church, I have asked the caterer and decoration people to meet me at the house for 3 pm. I need to get a drinks and desert person sorted. That reminds me, the 3 man band needs to come play some live music for us. Al these planning is taking its toll on me, Mr. is treating me like an egg, he doesn’t want me to lift a finger, the truth is I hardly did a lot even when I wasn’t pregnant, I’ve got maids to do housework and cook for me and I told him that much. He just said stay home, swim, eat and watch telly. I don’t want you going out in this hot sun, unless it’s absolutely necessary, he said. Well am off to the Spa in a few hours, to get my hair, nails and facial done. At least that’s not stressful.
We have this two yuppie boys who’ve just moved into the new house next door, what I haven’t determined yet is, if they own the house or they leased it. They had lots of people jumping in and out of the pool late into the night in the name of washing their new abode, I hope this is a one off, cos the noise was too much and the music was horrid. I need my beauty sleep now, don’t need no wannabe’s messing up my peace and quiet.
I called Tammy to say I was on my way to pick her up, Pamela and Toke were meeting us up there. We had decided to make it our first girls’ day out. When I got to Tammy’s Jnr was busy throwing a tantrum, he didn’t want Tammy to leave him with the maid, so we ended up taking the maid and Jnr along with us to the Spa. I knew they had a Kids play room, the plan was the Maid will look after him there while we got our groove on.
We already had appointments at the Spa, so we were attended to as soon as we got there. Pamela was not her happy self, I asked what the matter was, she said she was just thinking how good it would be if her baby father was in the picture, “Babs?” I asked, “Yes, I know he’s married, I was just thinking aloud, you know how it is, if wishes were horses beggars will ride.” We all agreed it would have been perfect. Tammy as usual said, “God is a God of miracles, trust in him, Pamela, there is nothing impossible for him to do.”
Now what happened next was surprising, this 2 girls walked into the Spa, I guess they also had the same time appointment as us because they were attended too immediately. Their hair was all wet as if they had just stepped out of the rain, the stylist asked why there hair was all matted up, that’s when the gist stayed, they said they went to this Big Boys swimming pool house warming party, they mentioned our estate, I was listening as soon as I heard that, Tammy sitting next to me was looking at me as if to say, Amebo, what’s your own, anyway the girls continued. These guys just came back from Malaysia, with a lots of money, bought the house cash down and moved in within a week, our friend is close to one of them, so we were invited to the party, these guys are into oil business, we were told they have 2 vessels that carry crude oil. When we were leaving their place this morning, they gave us $5000 dollars each, don’t get us wrong, they didn’t even touch us, which we found a bit strange but all the same who cares. We came straight form there, for our hair appointment.
By this time, Tammy was tapping me asking me what was my own, I just asked her to be patient, I will gist her later. Surprise, Surprise, I was still planning to go say hello to our busy body neighbors’ Chidi and Mabel on the other side for information, but not to worry, I got it life and direct from the horse’s mouth, I couldn’t wait to gist Mr.…….hmmmm.

Day 98
MR- Kola and I had a full day at the office yesterday, our staff had done an amazing job, Tony and Our Manager had taken full charge and ran the office as if we were here. Kola and I decided we had to promote them, but first we gave them a thank you bonus and company cars to follow, they deserve it. Our accounts were great, between the two of them they had retrieved all our outstanding debts. Thank God for dedicated staff.
We had a surprise visitor, this time I wasn’t anxious, I just wondered if my suspicion about her being a witch was true, How in God’s name did she know we were back?, Anyway its Sandra , she showed up, after lunch, with a flat tummy. I mentally calculated it and knew she couldn’t have had her baby so fast, I asked her to sit down, just then Kola walked in and sat down as well.
“Sandra, how have you been?” Kola asked, “been better” she said, “but am living my life now, free of all burdens” I had to cut in, “What happened to your Baby if I might ask?”, she looked at me, I could swear, I saw a faint tint of regret but it disappeared as quickly as it came, She then began to narrate what had gone on while we were away.
“As you both know, my Father insisted that I could not have a baby out of wedlock, he brain washed me and compelled Babs and I to get married, he even went to the extent of forcing Babs to sign an unfair pre-nuptial agreement, which had a clause of imprisonment, if he left me”. “We know all that”, Kola said. She continued. “But what you don’t know is this. As soon as we were married, strange things started. My father gave us a house, made Babs a manager in his company, but what he practically did, was turn Babs into a slave.
He made Babs report at his house every morning by 7 am, he sent him on errands all day long, the, where too, I don’t know, Babs never discussed it with me. He hardly saw the inside of his office which he was supposed to have. Soooo!! He gave him a Mercedes Benz and paid him a good salary?, I hardly ever saw him and the cheek of it , when I complained to my Dad , do you know what he said? He said “what’s your problem my dear?, I thought you said you can’t stand the guy, am only keeping him out of your hair, so you can enjoy your life”. What could I do?.
Then one evening, I had had enough, I decided to wait up for Babs, am usually asleep when he comes back. The earliest you see Babs is 11pm. so this day, I called my father, told him I wasn’t feeling well and needed Babs to run some errands for me, so he sent Babs to me around 8pm. We sat down to talk, I had not seen him for a week even though we lived in the same house. You must understand, we had separate bedrooms, actually separate living quarters, the house was so large, I could go round it and not bump into Babs, it has 2 kitchens, 10 bedrooms, 4 living rooms. I always wondered why my father gave us that particular house, when there were other ones suitable for a new couple, like us. But when I asked he said, well what do I give my wonderful daughter but the biggest and the best. Un knowing to me, I was about to find out why?
Anyway Babs, looked at me and started to cry, I was taken aback, I asked him what was the matter, he said he promised he wants to make our marriage work but my father won’t let him. What are you talking about I asked Babs?. I can’t tell you, your father will kill me. Kill you, why? I moved closer to him, Babs please talk to me, please. I started to cry, he held me and we both cried for a while. Just as he was about to say something, my father walks in. Babs was shacking all over, I couldn’t understand the kind of hold my father had over him, yes my father was feared by many, but this, this was way too much fear , actually he was more like petrified”.
She was about to go on with her story, when Tony came into to say the people we are meeting with for 5pm had arrived, Kola and I were speechless. What could be going on, anyway we asked Sandra to please excuse us. We went for the meeting but by the time we got back to the office an hour later, Sandra had left, she left a note with Tony saying, she changed her mind she couldn’t tell us the rest because she didn’t want to put us in trouble. But Babs was free now, she had to do what she did to free Babs, it’s only fair.
If Kola and I were a bit confused before, now we were totally confused and curious. What’s Sandra talking about? What could be so secretive that could land us in trouble and where is Babs? . At that moment I actually remembered that “Curiosity killed the Cat” but I didn’t care. This one we had to find out what was going on. Kola agreed with me, but where do we start from exactly? We weren’t sure……hmmmm

MRS- Preparations are going on fine, didn’t have to do much, Toke and Pamela came over to help with the planning for the Thanksgiving Party. Tammy went to arrange with her pastor, so everything was on track.
We sat down, sipping lemonade on the upstairs terrace, Toke said Aakil called and wants to know how we are all doing? I interrupted and said, “Am sure you miss him a lot” “Yes I do, I have never been this overwhelmed before, he is like all my imagined dreams rolled in to one. Sisters, is Aakil real or is he a figment of my imagination?” Toke Asked. He’s more than real dear, He’s super real and he’s madly in love with you, Pamela added.
Just then we heard voices next door, we don’t share a fence with the house next door, but the fences are so close together, you could practically jump over them with no fear of falling in between. We decided to do some busy body. We went into my bedroom and climbed the narrow stair case into the attic and looked into the compound. What we saw shocked us to the bone, 3 old men, Two of whom we recognized from their pictures in the daily papers, were swimming with the young men next door and messing around with them, I mean proper messing around, As in, hugging and kissing. We quickly withdrew from the window and ran back to the terrace. “O my gosh, did you see what I saw?” I asked “Yes, in broad day light. What’s going on next door” Toke asked. Now you might be wondering why they were so relaxed without the fear of being seen. Let me give you a picture.
Our houses are very big, the fence is almost as tall as the house itself and there are trees lining both fences, the only snag is that our bedroom as an attic window , a small one, but we can still climb into the attic and store stuff. We use it as our box room. Well the other thing is, because it’s in the roof, you can see the pool next door from it. The men would not think anyone could fit in the roof, they were convinced since they could not see our pool from their house windows, we couldn’t see theirs either. Am sure you get it now.
I looked at the girls and said “Our neighbors are gigolos for rich men, I thought there was something not right, the first time I saw them, o my gosh!, what are we going to do? This are not just ordinary men, this are movers and shakers of our country. We better be careful and keep this to ourselves. When Mr. gets back, am sure he will know what to do” at that moment I remembered I hadn’t even gisted Mr. about what the girls said in the Spa yesterday, well we had a lot to talk about. With that we went down stairs and waited for Tammy to arrive from picking up Jnr……hmmmm

Day 99

MR- Mrs. gave me some disturbing news yesterday evening, I had come home with Babs and Sandra’s issue on my mind and what confronted me at home made me put that aside.
Kola and I went to the club yesterday, to look for Babs, coincidentally he was there, he didn’t even know we were back, as soon as he saw us he came over, he looked so different, I remember him having more weight . Anyway he immediately started to apologize for everything. Kola and I felt so sorry for him, we told him all was forgiven, found some chairs and sat down.
Kola asked him how he had been and said Sandra had told us they were no longer together. He looked at us, sighed and said. “My brothers, I now know and believe what goes around comes around and you will surely rip what you sow. When one plots evil against his fellow man, evil has a way of coming back to you big time, Everything I did to your family came back to me a hundred fold”.
He looked down, wrung his fingers and continued, “As you know I was forced to marry Sandra by her father, once we were married, I made up my mind to make the marriage work. Sandra was carrying my baby and she was a nice girl, so I swallowed by feelings for the woman I really loved and delved right into it. A month later my father in law called and said we have had enough honeymoon time, it was time for me to get to work. He asked me to meet him at his house the next morning at 7 am. I got there on time and he sat me down, he said “My daughter doesn’t want you but I do, before I go any further, let’s drink, he poured some drink from a wine bottle, it looked like red wine, he had a glass too and asked us to toast, I thought nothing of it, so I drank. As soon as I drank the red stuff, he said now that you have taken an oath, you are completely mine. As long as you are married to my daughter and you are father to my flesh and blood, I own you. This concoction you drank is a sign of the oath, if you talk about this to anyone you die.
Anyway to cut the long story short, I found out my father in law was in a cult, not just any cult. As members they had to bring in a young male initiate, their first son on law or first son. Since SF didn’t have a son, I was the unlucky one. The young man is donated to the cult and everyman in the cult will have sex with him and continue too at will. I was due to be initiated once Sandra had the baby. I couldn’t tell anyone, I kept losing weight, fasted and prayed. He forbade me to touch Sandra, I moved into a separate bedroom and hardly saw or spoke to her, even though we lived in the same house.
As God will have his way, one day Sandra and I talked, she found out what her father was doing to me, I don’t know how up till now, but she decided she will abort the baby and divorce me to set me free, which is what she did. That’s how I was kicked out and SF had to let me off the oath, since Sandra was no longer in the picture, I was free from him.
He continued, “Since then I have gone to Pamela’s place for weeks, I was told by Sandra that you guys were back. I love Pamela so much, I realize she is the bone of my bone and I want to marry her, please help me win her back”. Kola and I were so happy for him and shocked that he still wanted Pamela, we asked him to just go talk to Pamela, that we have a feeling everything will be fine.
Babs left us sitting there and said he was going to see Pamela right away. As he walked away I said to Kola, “I have a feeling we are about to have another wedding pretty soon”. Kola looked at me smiled and said “Lets pray Pamela says yes”. “She will”, I said, “I can feel it in my bones” ……..hmmmmmmm

MRS- Yesterday, I spent most of the morning clearing out our closet, we were donating some clothes, shoes, bags and beddings to charity, so I had to get all the stuff together in one place, I knew if I didn’t do it then , I might move it to the following weekend.
Once I was done, I got ready and went to see Pamela and Toke, tomorrow was all arranged for the Thanksgiving party, we had some time to go see some houses Toke wanted to buy and she also wanted us to help her decide which car she should buy. I got there around 11am, they were just sitting down to breakfast so I joined in. Aakil called on Skype shortly after, his parents wanted to talk to Toke, we spent time talking and gisting with them, they were so nice, Aakil’s mum said she can’t wait to meet Toke, the most interesting news was that they were coming with Aakil for the engagement party. Toke just started to cry, she was so over whelmed, to my surprise, Aakil also had tears in his eyes, it was such a beautiful scene to watch. Anyway after about an hour the Skype meeting ended, we sat there laughing and making fun of Toke. She still hadn’t informed her parents yet, she wanted to buy their house first, relocate them, then give them the news and we saw her point of view.
We went out soon after, looked around our estate and found this delightful house, the owner just finished building it. We asked the gate man there, he said the owner planned to sell, he asked us to look around. It was very well finished, contemporary. It had 5 bedrooms, I large kitchen, 2 living rooms, a home theater and spa in the basement, A swimming pool, 1 room guest chalet and 2 room boys quarters. It was perfect. Toke got the no of the owner and called him he told her the price, she said Mr. will be in touch with him before the end of the day.
We then went to see the cars. Toke picked out a white new Mercedes Benz car and a Thundra, I was shocked she wanted a thundra, but she said she wants to go into business so, that would be her business truck. “Which business?” I asked, “The service industry, that’s all am saying for now, but I will give you the full gist later” she said.
All that done we decided to head back to their house, As we pulled into the drive way, we saw someone sitting on a car, on close inspection it was Babs. My draw dropped, he was completely different, he still looked good but he had lost a lot of weight. We parked the car got down, he walked towards us. I was expecting Pamela to tell him off, scream or at least say something, but she just starred at Babs, Babs on the other hand also didn’t say anything, he walked towards Pamela, when he got to her, He knelt down and said “My Darling, am no longer with Sandra , and she’s no longer carrying my child. I love you and have always loved you, please forgive me my love, am back and promise never to leave you and our baby alone, you are the one God ordained for me, I have not stopped thinking about you, please my love make me the happiest man in the world”. He brought out a ring , and said to her, “Marry me my love”……..hmmmmm

100 Days of the Diary…..

My Dear friends, its one hundred days of the diary, A lot of you started with us from Day 1 and loads have joined along the way, to ALL of you I say THANK YOU.
You are amazing, waking up every day to Mr. and Mrs. diary, reading, liking and making lovely comments, You have made my day every single day. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love, encouragement and prayers, I pray that I can be a blessing to someone, somewhere every single day. I love you and God bless you All real good.

Day 100
MR-Thanksgiving, Psalm 106 verse 1, Praise the Lord, give thanks to the Lord, for he is good and his loves endures forever. God has been and still is awesome to us, we have everything to be thankful for. Mrs., Tammy, Pamela are all pregnant, God Almighty delivered us from SF, CF and Tella, Jnr came into our lives, Toke survived almost getting sacrificed for money rituals, then Aakil came into her life and now Pamela and Babs.
Before I forget, on Saturday when I came back from the club, Mrs. wasn’t back from Pamela’s, I had something to eat then went up to our bedroom, I could still here voices coming from the garden next door, curiosity got the better of me, so I climbed into our attic and peered through the window, I saw, 3 older gentlemen and the two young me who moved in Next door, frolicking around in the pool. On closer inspection I recognized 2 of them from the Daily papers and the other one looked so familiar, so I took a closer look and behold, it was God father, Sandra’s Dad.
I couldn’t let that be an issue right now, we had too much going on for us, I wasn’t about to get involved in their business, I was determined to tell Mrs. not to worry about the goings on next door, we will just go about our business and let them go about theirs.
O before I forget Ken turned up in our house yesterday during the thanksgiving party, apparently he spoke to Mandible and he told him we were having a party , so he decided to come, he turned up looking all sober and he had a scar on his fine face where SF’s boys had obviously beaten him, He didn’t know if we would welcome him, so he stood outside our driveway and sent the gateman to get Kola and I, we obliged him, when we got outside a friend had come with him, he got out of the car walked towards us and Ken started to apologize.
Kola said this must be a week of apologies, first Babs and now ken. I said we have forgiven him already, he then said there is something else, he would like us to please help plead with Pamela to take him back, Kola and I looked at each other, honestly we didn’t mean too, but with both busted out laughing and said at the same time, “She’s getting married, Bro, sorry you are too late”. He stood there for a few minutes looking at us and then he turned around got in the car and friend drove off.
Kola and I went back inside to celebrate Pamela and Babs engagement, we decided not to tell Pamela, Ken showed up. Let’s not spoil the good thing going on right now. In short, The party turned into a thanksgiving and engagement party.
After a a lot of eating, dancing and prayers, I sat back and watched everyone, having fun, Jnr was having a time of his life, the pastor of Tammy’s church came with his wife and 3 small children 3, 5 and 7, they all played with Jnr, you could hear him, Laughing and screaming as they played hide and seek, As I watched him play, I couldn’t help but wonder what our own child would be like. I thought to myself If God permits me and of course if I can convince Mrs., I would want to have nothing less than 4 children. I know, I originally said I wanted one, but I must have been crazy at the time, who doesn’t want the kind of joy, Jnr brings in multiple places…….hmmmmmm

MRS- Saturday, hmmm, what a day. As Babs knelt down on the drive way, proposing to Pamela, she helped Babs up and gave him an amazing Kiss while saying, Yes I will marry you, so many times, Toke and I busted out laughing. You could see she was in love with Babs, they kissed, hugged and held each other for a while. As I watched them , I felt a bit guilty for stinging Babs along for so long, I couldn’t help but wonder how he almost missed out on the love of his life because of my selfishness, I didn’t want him, but I also didn’t want to let him go. Not sure what I was thinking, how in the world was I expecting to eat my cake and still have it at the same time?
Am glad he’s happy, am especially happy for my best friend Pamela, she’s a wonderful friend and she deserves every happiness, she can get.
Toke and I went indoors we left Pamela and Babs outside still holding each other. Just then Toke’s phone rings, it’s a Man’s voice, she talks to him for about 10 minutes , then drops the phone looking all stressed. “What’s the matter I asked?, that was my father, she replied, he said My sister just got admission into Uni and they need some more money, he also said my mum wants to see me, she’s complaining that I haven’t sent money to them or been home in a while, “When I told him I had a wonderful surprise for him. Do you know what he said?” “No” I replied, “he said I should pocket my surprise, I should just get some money and bring it to them next week. He wasn’t interested in any yeye surprise I had”.
By now Toke was crying and saying to me she really doesn’t want to have anything to do with her family anymore. Her dad never cared about her, she had to pay her way through Uni with the help of Pamela and I, even while in Uni she still sent money to her parents from whatever we gave her, all her father knew was, I want more, he was like Oliver twist, never satisfied, I have tried to be reasonable, I send them money every month and now that through the Help of Aakil, I am going to finally get us out of poverty, he shows me how ungrateful he is, what am I going to do? I have a feeling he’s going to say he won’t let me marry a muslim
I could see how agitated she was, so I interrupted asking her to calm down, don’t think like that I said, You don’t know my father, he’s a deeper life, he has a different way of seeing life. But mind you, am ready for him, if he says I can’t Marry Aakil, then he won’t be there to see me marry him. All this happened on SATURDAY.
By yesterday, at Thanking, Toke was back to her normal self, I Haven’t asked her how she handled her parent’s issue. I had gotten Tammy to go over and talk to her, Tammy said she prayed with her and told her God was an amazing God and there is no situation too difficult for God to turn around for good, Toke just had to trust in him.
By 11pm, our house was quiet, everyone had gone home. The party turned out great, from what I know and could see, everyone had a wonderful time. Mr. and I finally retired to bed after everyone had left, we made love and it felt so good, as we lay there after , Mr told me, how he had changed his mind and wanted loads of children, I smiled and thought to myself, Am game my darling , if you are……..hmmmmmmm

Day 101
MR-What a way to start a new week, Mrs. just started throwing up this morning, she felt so weak, I was so afraid I thought she was losing the baby, I panicked called my MIL, she just laughed and asked me to calm down that it was morning sickness. She said I was to expect this to go on for a couple of months at least, so I need to get used to it. Fine, I was so glad it wasn’t a bad thing per se, but having to watch her wrench like that every morning, will take some getting use too.
To make matters worse when she finished throwing up, she asked if I could please get her Baskin robbins Honey pecan ice cream. Do you know how rear that is in this part of the world, the only place that sells it, is like 35 minutes’ drive away and I haven’t even added early morning traffic? I’ve been told it’s called cravings. Why can’t my darling crave for something like Gari and sugar or let’s say apple or grapes?, hmmm, this baby conceived in a Dubai luxury apartment, is sure going to love the good things of life….I can feel it.
Anyway, I got the ice cream and dashed off to work, Kola and I had to meet with a foreign investor coming in from Frankfurt. I was so nervous because we had fixed a meeting for 10pm, it was 8.45am and I was still in traffic. Slowly the traffic began to ease up and I finally pulled into our office car park at 9.40am.
Just as we settled down in the boardroom, the investor shows up right on the dot of 10am. He researched our company online and noted all the successful projects we had carried out, he said he loved our profile. The project he wants to offer us has nothing to do with our line of business but he believes we will do a great Job. He wants to give us a franchise for a 5 star hotel his family own in Europe, when he mentioned the name, I almost fell off my seat, it was the same 5 star hotel we stayed in ,in Paris during our honeymoon, it was fantastic. To cut the long story short, he gave us one month to come up with a proposal on how we intend to get the project going.
We offered to take him to lunch, he politely declined and said he will take a rain check, he had to be at his embassy for a meeting with his ambassador. As soon as he left Kola and I knelt down and thanked GOD, we, small company, this man said he researched us based on our profile online. I silently prayed for My PA Tony, he has worked on our website and brought it up to international standard when he started working with us, he didn’t tell me he was a guru web designer, God bless him.
The time was 2pm, we were exhausted and hungry from brain storming. We came to a conclusion that we need Aakil’s expertise and experience, He has been in the luxury hotel business for a while. I was going to put a call to him later.
Kola and I decided it was time to eat, so we went to the restaurant around the corner from our office. Unfortunately, when we got to the restaurant, there was a commotion going on, 2 girls were being held down by the restaurant staff and a man in agbada was shouting at them, calling them thieves etc. what happened you ask? Well according to the guy who gisted us, The chief, that’s the old man, turned up with 4 girls for lunch, he asked them to order anything they want and they did, they ordered champagne, pounded yam, bush meat, fresh fish, jollof rice, assorted meat, snails and power horse. The man didn’t mind, half way through the meal, two of the girls excused themselves to go to the ladies, the other 2 stayed with the chief. After a while when the girls that went to the ladies didn’t come back the chief asked after them, so one of the remaining girls said she will go find out what happened. She too didn’t come back. Then the chief got really curious and the last girl volunteered to go check on them the chief said no, he will come with her but first let him pay the bill. So he settled the bill and they both got up. As they walked towards the car park they saw the 3rd girl standing next to the chief’s car, the other two girls, who left initially, were already sitting in the car, as soon as they saw the chief and the last girl coming, they put the car in reverse and speed off leaving the third girl standing there, she attempted to run, but the chief started to shout, Thief! Thief! And people came out and caught the girl.
Now here is the funny part. The two girls being held by the mob, denied that they knew the two girls that fled with the car, the truth was that the chief picked them up separately and miles apart. The two that were left with him, he had picked up first and the ones that fled he picked up just before he got to the restaurant, how he could proof they were working together was an uphill task. The third girl even went further to say, when she saw the two girls in the car she was querying them and threatening to call chief when she saw chief coming towards them, when asked why she ran?, she said it was reflex. Kola and I smiled, shuck our heads and got back in the car and decided to go eat at home, where peace and quiet will reign……hmmmm

MRS- Its official, am showing signs of being pregnant but you know what’s great, I get to send Mr. on impossible errands. Not that I want to, it’s just what the baby is craving. Today it was Honey Pecan ice cream by baskin robbins, hmmmm, tomorrow it might just be frozen yoghurt from Domino’s pizza, or Local rice and beans from Ghana high. Don’t blame a girl, she’s got to milk it while she can.
Anyway, Morning sickness aside, we have a bit of an issue with Toke’s Dad. Her sister called and Toke told her happily about Aakil and how the family was finally going to get out of poverty and live a life of luxury, she even told her about the house and car Aakil was getting for them. She did ask Peju, that’s her sister’s name, not to tell anyone. But trust me, that kind of wonderful news is very hard to keep to yourself, so Peju told their Mum, who was so happy, she called Toke immediately to confirm it was true and to congratulate her, she even took Aakils full name, so she could pray for both of them that nothing goes wrong.
While they were talking on the phone, Toke’s dad walks in and overhears what her mum is saying about how God can use anyone for us, even a Man of a different faith, from a foreign country, he snatches the phone from her mum and demands to know what his wife is talking about, Toke doesn’t want to tell him, she keeps quiet, so he demands his wife should or face his wrath, so Toke’s mum spills. He then calls Toke back and says , if she came from his loins and she wants her children to respect and honour her, she should break it off with this Muslim man now or else he will disown her and place a cause on her. She immediately gets into an argument with him, tries to tell him we are all God’s children, how God is using him for them etc, but he passes the phone to Tokes mum and says , My word is final.
Tokes Mum is also distraught, she pleads with Toke to take it easy, that she will talk to her father. But Toke knows that it would take a miracle for him to change his mind. Tammy walks in, just as Toke was finishing the story and saying, “If my father thinks he can stop me from getting married to Aakil, he’s joking. If I have to rent a father to represent him on that day, that’s what I would do.
Tammy immediately tells Toke, What The bible say in Exodus 20 v 12, “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long…” Toke also replies, the bible also says in Ephesians 6 verse 4 “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them….”. “Yes, I know Tammy said, but it is better for you to obey God and be clear in your heart that you have done the right thing by God’s word. God will work a miracle in your life, your father will back down and let you marry Aakil, if its Gods will for you. Let’s all have a 3 day fast and commit this issue on to the lord”.
Toke and I agreed, we had just over a week before Aakil and his parents come down for the engagement. At this stage we need all the miracles we could get, the way I see it , if anyone asks Toke not to marry Aakil, I hate to think what she would do. As Tammy said God Almighty was still on the throne and there is nothing impossible for him to do, so let’s pray ……hmmmm

Day 102
MR- Aakil is in, I spoke to him yesterday, about the franchise and he’s interested. He said it would be a great opportunity for him to start investing in his Wife’s country, Toke can be a director he said. I couldn’t help but admire him, a man who knows what he wants and goes for it, Toke is a lucky girl, from all indications, he’s not planning to uproot her to Dubai permanently. I guess they will both have to shuttle between both countries. That’s a minor detail. Love they say conquers all.
We got an unexpected visitor in our office yesterday, God father, Sandra’s Dad, showed up with a friend of his. Kola saw them from his office window, as they alighted from their vehicle and rushed into my office to tell me. I buzzed Tony and asked him to put them in our board room as soon as they come in. “What does he want , Kola asked , “I don’t know, maybe he wants to discuss business?”, A few minutes later Tony walks in and says they are waiting for us.
God father stood up to greet Kola and I, he was really pleasant, it took us by surprise. Tony asked if they would like anything to drink, they both said coffee. As soon as Tony stepped out. GF, said he needed our help. “This friend he brought with him, is currently being investigated for funding the killing of a politician, just before election. He was seen at the guy’s house threatening him the day before the polls. On the day of the election, the guy didn’t wake up, he was strangled overnight and all fingers pointed to my friend here”. “How come you are not in custody Sir?” I asked looking at his friend. GF, answered. “Well, a warrant has been issued for his arrest, but they have to find him first, don’t they?. His case is with military intelligence handled by one Gen J. Sandra tells me he is your uncle. We need you to please talk to him”. I was in shock, how come GF was asking us for help, he knew everyone and everyone knew him? As if he could read my mind he said “Son I know what you are thinking, why do I need your help, with everyone I know and my status in this country? Well Gen J’s reputation precedes him, he is not one to take a bribe or succumb to threats , he is a true military man, all he understands is Go and he goes, trust me, we have tried but to no avail. You are our last hope”.
For the first time, the friend speaks, “Honestly, my brothers I didn’t kill him, yes I went there to threaten him into stepping down for me at the last minute, but I had nothing to do with his death. I was at our King’s palace all night, that day. I woke up to the news of his death like everyone else. “Did you win Sir?” Kola asked. “No, I did not, the dead guy won, but someone else from their party, is there now and he’s the one pushing for me to be prosecuted. I have a feeling he killed the guy because he was asked to step down for him to be in charge and he be the deputy, which I learnt caused a division in their party. “
“Why is no one is looking in that direction?” I asked, “Well, they are in power now, what do you expect?” “Okay Sir, let me talk to Uncle J and see what he says, I will get back to you in a couple of days.” ‘’Thank you my Son, please make it happen” and with that they both got up and left.
“What was that Bro?” Kola asked, “GF, coming to ask us for help. Na wah, he must be really desperate”. “It beats me too, I would never in a million years imagine what just happened. Anyway I will get Mrs. to book an appoint for me with Uncle J. I wonder what the true story is, am sure we will find out soon enough…..hmmmm

MRS- Fasting, throwing up and having cravings are a terrible combination. At least Mr. was delighted with the fasting, because he didn’t have to run day break craving getting errands. This is one of my best friends we are talking about here, I would do anything for them and am sure they will do the same for me. So I’ve got to suck it up and look forward to breaking the fast just before lunch. I think I owe Toke that much.
We all decided for the 3 days of Fasting, we will congregate at Tammy’s house in the morning, spend time together praying and waiting on the, Lord then break our fast together. I was down with that cos Tammy was an amazing cook.
Pamela and Babs have been missing in action. After out thanksgiving Party, they announced they were going away for a while to make up for lost time. They didn’t disclose where, but promised to stay in touch, the trip was for 2 weeks. I don’t blame them, with all the craziness they have been through, they do need quality time alone.
Oh! Just before I forget, as I drove out of our gate, this morning, one of the boys next door flagged me down. I stopped, he goes, “Hello Madam, we were wondering if you could recommend a gym to us, actually we saw your hubby going to the gym the other day but before we could get out here, he had driven off”. I looked at the guy, as if he was from a different planet. I just said,” I think you should ask my husband, I don’t use a gym, he usually comes back home around 6pm”. He said, thank you and I drove off. I have a feelings he just wanted to talk to me. He could have asked any of our neighbors, why me? I’ve got to watch out for these boys.
As if that wasn’t enough, as I got to the end of our close, Mabel our nosey neighbor on the other side, flagged me down. I stopped, we exchanged pleasantries and she complimented my Range. I got out, just to be polite and she asked “My sister, am sorry o, I don’t mean to pry, (She always starts her busy body sentence with that) But have you noticed anything strange about the goings on next door?” “Like what, I haven’t noticed anything, have you? I asked.” “Hmmm, Yes o, My sister, I see all sorts of Big men going and coming, I even saw one senator from our village there yesterday, what do you think is going on?” She asked me. “Madam Mabel, I don’t know, I just get home, go inside and mind my own business” “Ah!, My sister, we need to know o, this is our estate, if anything fishy is going on we need to know, you keep an eye out, I will do the same, Chidi says he will talk to their gateman later, I will let you know what we discover, Have a good day my sister”. I said “You too,” got in my car and drove to Tammy’s house.
If I was wondering why I never got on with Madam Mabel? There was no doubt in my mind any longer, Madam Mabel and her husband Chidi, were trouble and I would be wise to stay far away from them.
It was Day two of our fasting and prayer, Toke and Tammy were already waiting for me when I got to Tammy’s house. She opened up a passage in the bible, Psalm 55 v 22, Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. Tammy explained how we cannot ordinarily solve our challenges but if we commit them into God’s hands, he will help us overcome them. This mountain before us will be leveled, it might not look like it now, but by faith, it is.……hmmmm

Day 103
MR- Uncle J, was receptive but uncompromising, as we sat in his large wood paneled office, he listened to Kola and I as we narrated what GF and his friend said. After we were done, Uncle J, called out GF’s name 3 times, laughed and said what he could do is this, we should ask the friend to surrender to him, he will interrogate the guy and he promises us he would find out if he was lying or telling the truth. He even went a step further to say he will do the interrogation at any location of their choice, Kola and I felt this was very fair, we thanked uncle J and left. Although I couldn’t help but wonder why Uncle J, reacted that way, when I mentioned God father’s name.
Before then Aakil wired the money for both houses, 2 cars and a thundra to my account, the bank manager called and set up a meeting, the sudden influx of a huge amount dollars into my account got my banking officer up to his target in one day. He called to say a big thank you. Actually he alerted me to the transfer before Aakil called. The meeting with the manager was brief, luckily Aakil had emailed a letter saying what the money was for and I already had offer letters for the houses and invoices for the cars. Everything was in order. I printed out a copy of my dollar account statement and Kola and I kept looking at the figures. Aakil was wealthy, not rich but wealthy, this kind of money, spent on properties and cars in one day was no ordinary fete. We thanked God for the day we saw Tella at 805 restaurant in London and had to run to Dubai. He actually thought he was chasing us into harm’s way but instead he indirectly pushed us towards our prosperity, God Almighty be praised,
Kola and I went to see God father, delivered Uncle J’s response. He also felt it was fair but his friend was a bit apprehensive. God father reassured him that the Gen J, he knew never went back on his word. I asked if he knew Uncle J personally, he said he did in a different world but that story was for another day. Things still didn’t add up, but I decided to leave finding out the relationship between them until another day. Right now I had to get back to Uncle J that they had agreed to his terms.
The surrender happened immediately I called uncle J, it was fixed for one of GF’s guest houses. Uncle J wanted us there. It took all but 1 hour, when he finished with the friend, it was the general consensus of Uncle J and the 2 other officers present at the interrogation, that the friend was innocent. GF was delighted, he said he owes us big time and went off to get his friend. Uncle J pulled us aside and said “Stay away from GF, I don’t want you around him, he is more dangerous than you can imagine, Do you know he arranged for the politician to be killed on behalf of his friend?. When his friend lost the election, he felt he was useless to him and he needed someone to take the fall, that’s why he’s secretly financing and pushing the other political party to make sure his friend is prosecuted for the murder. I just told his friend now but warned him not to disclose it, if he wanted to stay alive, so please stay away from him”.
Kola and I didn’t need to be told twice, this revelation combined with what I saw of him next door, put paid to any future contact with him. I had to wrap things up quickly because I promised my love I would take her out tonight, I know she’s fasting, so I promised to be home early so we can get some food in that tummy for mother and baby. We discussed Baby names yesterday, I know its early days yet, but I can’t help myself, I am so excited, I want a girl first but Mrs. wants a boy. To be honest I won’t mind either or both for that matter, as long as the baby is healthy. Becoming a father is my next priority in life, I’ve got to make sure am really good at it and live up to expectations………….hmmmm

MRS- So looking forward to our dinner date tonight. Mr. and I have been preoccupied with so many things, we haven’t really had a date night. I have chosen to go to a nice fusion food restaurant, it’s actually Asian but they combine it with our food in a delicate, tasty way, I love fusion food, tonight that’s our craving.
Don’t make fun of me, it’s my first, I really want to enjoy this pregnancy, I know once the baby comes , the first year can be rally strenuous for a new mum, I’ve been reading up on first time mums. I would have loved my mum to come help out but she’s also pregnant and drops shortly before I do, in case you’ve forgotten. That’s reminds me, I owe her a visit, I must make a note to go see her this week, maybe Friday.
Today is the last day of our 3 day fasting and praying, we are already getting results, Toke’s Mum called her yesterday night and said Toke should continue with her prayers because it’s working. Her mum said, Toke’s father called her to sit down with him in the morning and said maybe he was a bit too quick to dismiss Toke, he asked her to tell him more about this young man called Aakil. So she promised to give Toke a call and get more details, hence this call. Toke told her mum we have been fasting and praying, told her about Aakil’s mum being a Christian and she’s not had to give up her religion, despite the fact that she lives in Qatar. Also the fact that he already paid for a house and car for them and how they will never have to suffer again.
Her mum couldn’t control her excitement, Toke told her they will be settled in their new house before the end of the month. Aakil and his family come into the country for their engagement first week in February. Her mum promised to discuss it with her Father and get back to her immediately. God is awesome, we are not even done with the fasting and he’s already working his miracles. Thank you God.
Tammy wasn’t surprised, she just said I know the God I serve, he never disappoints, If Aakil is Gods will for you Toke, no human force can stop your union, they can try but they won’t succeed, just keep trusting in the lord. I learnt a lot form all this, I have been truly blessed, everyone should have a friend like Tammy, I now know God is my only source, everyone will disappoint you but God Almighty.
And on another note, You won’t believe that Madam Mabel was waiting for me in front of her house this morning, as soon as she saw me pull out of our gate, she started flagging me down, I put on my dark sunglasses and picked up speed, I pretended I didn’t see her, what does this woman want from me, I really don’t want her to use her amebo, to put me in trouble. You don’t understand, let me tell you just one of the things she and her husband Chidi did.
The house opposite us used to be occupied by a man and his two wives, he was from the north. The family were peaceful until Madam Mabel started to befriend the younger wife. To cut the long story short, Madam Mabel introduce the young wife to her brother, when that one confided in her, that the husband only had time for the senior wife. Madam Mabel’s brother just came back from London and was looking for a wife according to her. She convinced the young wife to leave her husband and go to London with her brother. She forgot to mention that her brother was deported and couldn’t go back. One thing led to another, the young wife got pregnant. Madam Mabel then tried to extort money from the young wife, she refused, madam Mabel told the woman’s husband, who in turn kicked his young wife out and paid Madam Mabel to keep her quiet. The brother had conveniently disappeared at this time. The truth is the husband was the father, the woman never slept with the brother but Madam Mabel didn’t know that. By the time the child was born and DNA test conducted, it was revealed that the husband, was the father. The husband took his wife back but they had enough, they sold their house and moved out of our estate. That’s just one of loads of trouble she causes with her busy body mouth every day. Hardly anyone is friends with them in the estate. What they do now is try to attach themselves to new residents who are oblivious of how dangerous they are. Now, when I see her coming this way, I run that way ….. hmmm

Day 104
MR- Chief Tope, knocked on our gate this morning, we were still asleep when the gateman called the intercom to say the chairman of the estate was waiting for me downstairs. I got out of bed carefully not to disturb Mrs. and went to see what he wanted. He was sited in our front room still dressed in his long sleeping gown. “Morning Sir, what’s the matter? How can I help you?”. “Am so sorry I had to wake you up, but there is fire on the mountain” “What’s wrong, I asked, looking all worried. “Well, your neighbor on the other side Chidi, just left my house now, he says the new house next door is a cult club house, Is that true?” “Ahh! How does he know?” “Well he said he bribed the gateman, who speaks Hausa. Coincidentally Chidi can speak Hausa, grew up in sokoto and Kano where his father was stationed as a policeman. He said the gateman explained that big men come and sleep with small buys in the place and at night they wear black and drink blood”.
“Ah!, Sir, are you sure you should be spreading this kind of rumors without proof. And in any case if it is indeed a cult for big men, don’t you think if they find out you and Chidi have been spreading rumors about them, it could land you both in Big trouble?. My advice Sir, you know Chidi, he is the Amebo of our estate, please don’t listen to him”. “Well, that’s why I came to you to confirm because I know you don’t tell lies like he does” the chairman said quickly. I could tell he was scared. “Thank you, I will dismiss him next time he comes to me”.
As the chairman left, I took a deep breathe, Oh! My gosh, what in God’s name was going on next door, I have to get them evicted, the good news is that it’s a lease, so they can leave, I would not have my family grow up next to blood sucking men. I went back to bed, couldn’t sleep, I was still thinking of a way to get rid of them. Then it occurred to me all of a sudden, I don’t have to do anything, I just have to get uncle J to deal with them without involving me. He is practically family now. I shall go see him at day break. I looked at the time it was 5am. I still had about an hour and a half to lie in.
Mrs. was back with her cravings, fasting complete, she wanted pepperoni and mushroom topped with pineapple pizza from dominos, what a disqusting combination. But my baby Mama’s wish is my command. So off to Domino’s pizza I went.. That wasn’t too bad cos dominos was just a few minutes down the road. I got a large one and threw in a frozen strawberry yoghurt. Dropped it off and drove to the office.
Kola and I talked about my plan to get rid of our neighbors, but he felt it wouldn’t work, so I called Uncle J and he said he will meet us at a bar later in the evening. The day went by quickly, we met with the estate agents collected the papers for the houses to do a search at the lands office. Then went to the car dealer paid for three brand new cars, a Thundra, a Mercedes Benz for Toke and a Toyota Avensis for Tokes parents, Cars will be delivered on Saturday.
From there we went to meet Uncle J. When I finished narrating what I saw through our attic window and what Chief Tope said, Uncle J just laughed. He said now let me tell you how God father and I met……hmmmm

MRS- Fasting done, Mr. is back on his duty to get my cravings, this morning the baby and I were nice, all we craved for was pepperoni, mushroom and pineapple pizza, it was yummy, Mr. felt it was the most disgusting combination he had ever heard of. Well disgusting or not, we intend to enjoy every slice of it.
I had a date with my mum this evening, she’s taking me to see a play at Alliance franchise, it’s about a black girl who falls in love with a French engineer working in her country, his father is a racist and would never sanction the relationship, so he makes her bleach her skin takes her back to Paris and tries to pass her off as white skinned. That’s what the intro my mum sent to me says about the play, I wonder how it all turns out and anyway it sounds interesting. It starts at 7pm.
I have been thinking, I want to do a business, am finding that I have too much time on my hands, I spoke to Mr. about it yesterday, he wasn’t really listening to me he seemed too preoccupied. Anyway I have been reading up books on starting your own business and they all say, start with something you enjoy doing. The issue for me now is I enjoying doing a lot of things, I’ll give it a few days, see what I come up with, after all I have a degree can’t let that waste now ,can I ? Although you might be wondering why now, especially when am having a baby soon, well am thinking once the baby comes and I drop him or her off at nursery, it would be nice to go to my business, then come back and pick my child up and take him or her home, whatever I decide to do, I want it to be flexible enough, so that I would have enough time for my baby and most importantly Mr.
Mr. you say, yes it is very important, a lot of the books on first time mothers, say most new mother forget about their husband’s as soon as the baby comes, we focus all our attention on the baby and neglect the man. We blame our lack of time for him on baby demands, if we are conscious of this before we have the baby we can plan with our husband’s how to divide our time as a new mother between the two of them. I can see their point. Mr. will have a fit if I neglect him, he’s like a baby himself, likes attention too much.
I wonder how full time working mother cope, it must be very demanding, that’s why I want my own business, so I can work around my family. Dear God please help me get it right the first time, I really want to be a great mother, an amazing wife and a successful entrepreneur and I know God will grant me my request, there is nothing impossible for him to do…..Mathew 19 verse 25.
Around 5 pm, I left home to drive to meet my mum at the restaurant she had booked for us to have late lunch. Traffic was light, I got there early and we had lunch and proceed to the French institute. The play was very nice, I loved the end. The French man took the lady back to Paris, eventually his father found out she wasn’t white, that didn’t matter in the end because the father fell serious ill with a contagious disease, she was the only one who stayed to take care of him when everybody else abandoned him, before the father died he willed all his vast fortune to the lady and his son and swore that if he ever came back to this world he would marry an African lady.
We left around 8 pm, I drove home, just has I got into our street, I saw two women fighting, I mean physical fight, punching and scratching each other. The street lights made it very visible. As I got closer I noticed it was Madam Mable and another woman. I went to park my car, got down and by now other people had gathered to watch, no one tried to stop the fight, I guess because the lady had the upper hand, she was really pounding Madam Mabel. Just the chief Tope, the estate chairman, drove by with his son, they stopped , got out and separated the women, by now Madam Mable was bleeding from the mouth. He put her in his car and drove away.
When he left someone asked the lady fighting with Madam Mabel what the matter was, she just looked at all of us , rolled her eyes and hissed, then she said “You people better warn that witch to stay away from my husband” and with that she marched towards her house. We all started to disperse, some were shaking their heads and clapping their hands , others were laughing , well the long and short of what I could sense , was that everyone felt Madam Mabel had it coming for a long time and she definitely deserved what she got……hmmmmm

Day 105
MR- Uncle J continued with his story, “GF and I went to uni together, he studied economics and I, public administration. We bunked in the same room as freshmen and continued to be roommates and went on to become best friends until we graduated. We were lucky, we both had a second class upper and got posted to the same place in the north, as teachers.
After youth service, we came back to the south and started looking for jobs, I said I was tired of looking that we should join the army, who at the time was offering good pay and training as officers at The royal military academy, Sandhurst in England. He declined, I accepted, and I went off to Sandhurst, by the time I returned to the country, SF was rich. He heard I was back and organized a welcome party for me at his house. When I saw how he lived and how he spent money I asked him how he got rich so fast. He told me to come with him somewhere. I trusted him, I thought he was the friend I left behind, didn’t know he had changed. He took me to this large house, introduced some men to me as his friends, I was entertained and that was the last thing I knew. When I woke up I was dressed in black, some incision had been made on my body and my blood had been drawn. I was drowsy but still in control, I kicked the stuff put in front of me over and ran. Later I was picked up by the road side where I passed out, by a church congregation on a crusade and taken to their church. I was prayed for 21 days , at the end I was back to normal but I lost the most important thing to me , my manhood, that’s why am not married up until today, I can’t father a child, the cult took my manhood.
I vowed to take them down but the pastor warned me not to attempt it now, that when the time comes all of them will be put to shame, I would have the power to bring them to their knees without me being involved directly, that time is here, don’t worry boys, I have been working on this for more than 20 years, I will bring the cult down. I have an inside man who has been building a dozier on all members, they have from judges, to governors to politicians all very powerful and influential, but we have God. One with God is a majority. The pastor did ask me to come for 7 day prayers when the time was right, am going into that from tomorrow, when am back I will start to bring them apart, I won’t have to tell you, you will watch on the news as it unfolds.
Kola and I had our mouths open, I could not have believed uncle J was this religious, and to think he could not have children and he remained sane , GF is evil, no wonder Uncle J asked us to stay away from him. He doesn’t have to tell us twice.
We paid for the houses yesterday and got the keys, because of time the owners had cleaned them before handing over, the furniture people will furnish both tomorrow, Akil and his family arrive in a few days, we need the house to be ready and Toke and her parents moved in before then.
I sent engagement requirements to Aakil yesterday as he requested, he wants me to buy all that is necessary, he also wants a reception organized for 50 people at a five start hotel. He will bring the take away gifts for attendees. He’s coming with 10 people, so that leaves 40 spaces for us to fill, that is already filled from close friends and family of Toke, there are loads that are going to be left out but we intend to cater for them on the field in our estate, Mrs. and Tammy are meeting with the owner of the events place in our estate.
Aakil also said we should hire a white Rolls Royce and a Mercedes Benz limo, for Toke and her family to ride to the party, he and his family are making arrangements with their embassy. Something else that surprised me, he is sending all Tokes engagement gifts, he put them in a large metal box and it will be air freighted by emirates. He has requested for a bullion van and security company to take it straight to the bank. Kola and I are debating what it could be, the only logically explanation, is Gold.
Whoa! It must be some Gold or diamonds, that needs a bullion van, God help us on that day…..hmmmm

MRS- Date night with Mr. was great, Fusion food, you should have seem my combination. Mr. is a darling, I was saying to him the other night that I need to watch my weight so I shouldn’t eat too much, he playfully scolded me saying Please eat all you want don’t starve my baby o, if you put on weight who cares, the rounder the better, does your weight change who you are? I love this man, he is definitely the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh….Don’t blame me o, let me praise what I have, if I don’t someone else might just decide to do it for me.
Anyway Toke called yesterday evening, she wants to see Tammy and I first thing this morning. I Know everything is fine, we have prayed and have faith in God to work his miracles, I got to Toke’s, she was playing loud music and dancing, Tammy drove in behind me , we walked in together, we could hear the music from the road.
Peju was there with her dancing too, “What’s going on babes”, I asked, “Well sit down, Toke said”. We sat down, “My Father sent me this letter through my sister Peju and I read” –
My dear Daughter,
I hope this letter meets you well, I am writing to apologize for my behavior. I really appreciate all you have done and are doing for our family. I forgot one vital thing, Man proposes but God Almighty disposes, When God says Yes, nobody can say No. I have prayed and God has shown me that this man Aakil is for you. He has blessed you with this man as an answer to all our prayers. I am sorry my daughter, please forgive me.
I am sending your sister to you, for you to know I have truly forgiven you, and I want her to come back with a message that you have also forgiven me.
I remain your father
Mr. John Adebisi.
O my gosh! Praise the lord. Tammy shouted and we all chorused Hallelujah. God is awesome. After all that Toke replied, called a care hire service and asked him to take Peju back and bring back all her family members tomorrow, the house was being furnished now, should be ready by Sunday morning. They shouldn’t bring anything, all things new, including clothes will be waiting for them and Aakil has given her enough money for that.
Engagement preparations aside, we needed to go see what the interior decorators were doing, so we all got in my car, and drove to our estate. Toke’s house was beautiful, as you drive in, there’s a green area on the side with a lovely palm tree and a stone carved bench with a water fountain. The green area stretches until you get to the front of the house. Car ports are behind, you won’t even see the cars until you walk to the side of the house. Then you walk through a foot gate onto a patio which extends from the kitchen overlooking the swimming pool. You can sit there in the morning and have your breakfast. If you walk up ahead, you come to the guest chalet, a one bed room apartment fitted with the best sanitary wares and kitchenette. Then behind that, separated by a fence you have the two room boys quarters, laundry room and generator house, All in All it was wonderfully crafted.
The interior people were rounding off when we got there, they didn’t disappoint, the furnishing was exquisite, the color scheme was what Toke chose, I could see she, Aakil and their children, were going to be very happy here.
We left a couple of hours later, Toke called Uber, Tammy and I went to pick Jnr in school and I dropped them at home. Tomorrow was going to be a very busy day, we have to meet with the events manager in our estate, to discuss catering for the excess guests numbering close to 100 people. God help us ……hmmmmm

Day 106
MR- I actually forgot how strenuous planning an engagement could be, because Aakil doesn’t arrive in the country until next week and he’s never been here, Kola and I, are tasked with the job of getting everything sorted. We still had to get some exercise first. So we went to the club early in the morning, Kola met me up there for 7am. We played squash for a while, then decided to go for a swim. That was where I saw the boys from next door, sitting on a table, drinking champagne early in the morning. Honestly I know people do crazy things but who sits on a swimming pool deck with ladies in bikinis, sipping champagne at 8am on a Saturday morning. Kola and I came to the conclusion that these boys must be out of their minds. One of them waved to me I intentionally pretended like I didn’t notice, I refuse to be associated with this kind of people.
Exercise done, we both headed home, I was to meet Kola at his place, once I had my bath. When I got home, Mrs. was out, she left a note that she went down to Toke’s new house to help her unpack and from there she goes to the event planner with Tammy. I had my bath and got ready, as I was about to get in my car, my phone rang, it was GF, I ignored it and let it ring out. Got to Kola’s house, he got in my car and we headed to the hotel to make arrangements for the engagement party.
As I drove there, another call came in from GF, this time it kept ringing, Kola picked it up and said I was driving that as soon as we parked I would call him back, he wasn’t really happy with that but Kola didn’t give him a chance to respond, he just dropped the phone.
Then almost immediately, I got another call from Sandra, Kola also picked it, she said it was urgent and she’s got to see us asap. Kola told her where we were heading and asked her to meet us there. I wondered what could be so urgent.
Anyway we got to the hotel just as Sandra was parking her car. We all walked in together, finalized the booking and then went to sit in the lounge to have our talk. Sandra went first, “There’s fire on the mountain, I have been staying at my father’s house since Babs and I broke it off, I woke up this morning to the voice of my father screaming General J’s name. I went to see what the matter was and I saw some friends of his had suddenly showed up in our house at 6am, I don’t know what they were discussing but all I heard was my father swearing and causing Gen J, later I heard him mention your name and swear under his breathe. What’s going on, do you know?” “Honestly I have no idea, why don’t you ask your father?” I said. “When my father is angry, you don’t question him, you let him cool off, then you ask, right now he is boiling.” Kola looked at me as if to get my approval and said Sandra, do you think your father is in some kind of trouble?” “Knowing my Father, am sure he is, he’s in trouble all the time, but with his connections he manages to get out of it unscathed. I just hope this time he hasn’t bitten more than he can chew, to be honest if this has to do with the cult I pray whatever happens to him , liberates him from them, I hate to think how he will end up if he stays in the cult.”
Kola and I were not so shocked that Sandra wanted her father to get into trouble so he could leave the cult, who in their right mind will want their father to drink blood and kills people?
Just then another call came in form GF, this time I picked it up, as soon as I did, he started screaming and asking me why I haven’t called him back, do I know who he is, blab bla bla. I apologized and said I had just parked the car and was trying to get credit to call him back. He asked me where I was, I lied, I said I was out of town, not sure he believed me but he continued anyway, He said General J is trying to arrest him for murder and according to reliable sources he has solid evidence against him. “Not sure what he’s got, but if he loves himself, he should pick up my call and let us reach an understanding”, he wanted me to pass the message on to him. And that also to let him know the people he rolls with, do not take kindly to threats. He hears all of them are about to be indicted for varying crimes from embezzling to bribery to fraud and to murder. Arrest warrants are going to be issued for all of them sometime next week. Some are trying to flee right now but I don’t run, we won’t have found out, if not for one of us who is an inside man. “Talk to him boy and make sure he hears you”. With that he dropped the phone.
Was that my father? Sandra asked. “Yes it was”, I said, “and he has just threatened Uncle J”. “My father doesn’t like losing, what are you going to do now?” I dialed Uncle J’s no, he picked it up, I asked if I could see him urgently, he said we should meet him in his office immediately.
Sitting with Uncle J, Kola and Sandra, I related GF’s message to him, he was upset but not surprised. He knew they had a mole, but didn’t know the information about the indictments will reach the cult so fast. Anyway to cut the long story short, he said he was pulling the indictments, because the element of surprise was no longer there, they won’t be served on Monday any longer and this will result in them thinking their mole is a liar. Uncle J, smiled looked at us and said “Now that I’ve got the indictments signed, they will be served soon, but no one except myself, will know when I will serve them but believe me, the end is coming for them all…..hmmmm

MRS-Pamela and Babs get back tomorrow, she called yesterday evening to inform me. They are having an amazing time and she’s got loads of gist for me. I miss her and can’t wait.
Anyway I woke up early, put on my work jeans and went to Toke’s new house in our estate, we had to unpack all her stuff she brought from Pamela’s. For someone who didn’t have her own house before now, she sure as a lot of stuff. She was wise though, she got us some breakfast made, my friend already has a chef, he’s good, he made , bacon, scrambled eggs, baked beans and French toast, he completed the meal with an amazing watermelon, beetroot and ginger drink, it was frozen. I had never had anything like that before, it was so nice, I would recommend it to anyone. Tummy’s full, we got to work. The whole house was sparkling clean, we just had to put her stuff in the wardrobes, I beg your pardon, in the walk in closet, hmmm, Toke was living the life.
Tammy arrived a couple of hours later, by then we were almost done with the unpacking. I forgot we had to go to the estate across from ours, where Mr. got a house for Toke’s parents, to see if all was set for their arrival. The chef had gone there to fill the house with food and also got another chef to cook for them, he resumes tomorrow. We decided that Since Toke’s cars will be delivered today, she should stay home, while we go see the events planner and pop into the estate across to see the house. All sounded like a great plan.

As we stepped out, you wont believe who we bumped into, Madam Mabel, was walking into Toke’s house with a bottle of wine and a cake. “Madam Mabel, how are you?” I asked, “My dear,am fine o, just a bit of pain from where that useless woman hit me.” “Sorry. What are you doing here?” I aksed. “Well, I just though I should welcome the new occupants to our estate, to show we are friendly people”. “ Well Madam Mabel. That’s kind of you, you didn’t have to worry, I already did that” Just them Toke walks out , she looks past Madam Mabel and asks us to wait, the cars are on their way now, with that she walks back into the house. Madam Mabel looked so shocked, she looked at me and said “She is not very friendly, she couldn’t even say hello to me” I just smiled and said, “Madam Mabel, don’t worry about it, not everyone likes people barging into their house, am sure you will have plenty time to get to know her”, she didn’t even answer me , she just rolled her eyes, kissed her teeth and walked out of the gate with her cake and wine .Tammy and I busted out laughing and as if we rehearsed it, we both said at the same time, “Busy Body”.
The cars arrived shortly after, a white, tan leather interior Mercedes Benz C class, boy! Was it exquisite, fully loaded, automatic, A brown Thundra with gold trim steel bars, it looked custom made, whoa! And a brand new Toyota Avensis for Toke’s parents. Once the cars were dropped, we sat in the Mercedes just admiring the interior and the wood paneling. We couldn’t resist, we decided to take it for a spin in the estate, Toke drove, o my gosh, the car was smooth, the sound system was awesome. Yeah, Yeah, am sure you’re wondering why am carrying on about the car when I have a brand new custom made range rover sports etc, well let me, I have never been a Mercedes Benz person, even though Mr. is in love with them, he has a G wagon,550, but I can’t stand the noise it makes so I guess that put me off Mercedes Benz. Also I have never been a fan of saloon cars , I love jeeps, but sitting inside Toke’s Benz, changed my perspective one time, Am definitely getting a saloon next, not saying right now, but I do have a birthday and Baby coming along, I might just get one as a present……hmmmm

Day 107
MR-There is nothing like being in the presence of God. You get this awesome peace and spirit of contentment that you get only in his Presence. The praise and worship, the sermon, all add up to put things in perspective.
The Pastor preached about Faith, and how faith and works go hand in hand, you can’t have faith about something and then sit back and not do anything about it. You have to add actions to your faith and then it works. For example you are believing God for a job, then you sit at home do nothing and expect the job to come meet you at home. No way, what you have to do is start applying, go for interviews and then you will surely get a job.
God Almighty has a specific word for each of us. Listening to God’s word for you is the key, God has a different word for each of us, Kola has a tummy pain, God tells him to drink beetroot juice twice daily, he does and he gets better, that doesn’t mean that if you have the same tummy ache you need to drink beetroot juice, God’s word for you might be drink cashew juice. You cannot use someone’s word from God to work your own miracle or destiny. God said Titi should go to Dubai to buy clothes to sell and she will prosper, doesn’t mean you too should copy Titi and start going to Dubai to buy clothes. God might want you to open a restaurant, or buy clothes from the north and sell in the south. If you also remember Jesus healed so many people in the bible, but he did it in different ways, to some he said go take a bath in the river, to some he used sand, to some he said get up and walk and so on. Wait on the lord, let him guide you and I promise you, he will never disappoint you.
Powerful sermon, it put a lot of things into perspective for Mrs. and I. We also decided to attend the Marriage enhancement class. The topic was Saying Sorry. The group leader asked all the women whose husbands found it hard to say sorry to raise their hands, we were about 40 Couples, all women but 2 raised their hands. He then asked the men to raise their hands, only about 5 raised their hands, so he asked us again why we can’t say sorry? Some said Pride, some I am the Head of the house I have to shouldn’t apologize, some said, why should he say sorry to a woman, some said, she will grow wings, some, I am the man, and some said, she needs to say sorry to me and so on, I could not believe the responses that came out from the guys, Anyway we had to close the meeting without sorting it out, there was too many reasons, the team leader said we will conclude next Sunday. Men and their Ego, I am a Man but some of those reasons were totally messed up.
Mrs. and I wanted to spend time alone, we haven’t had alone time for a while , with all the goings on around us, we wonder why, Anyway we went to have lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant, after we checked in to an hotel. That was Mrs. Idea, she likes Hotels cos she says it makes her feel like we’ve left all the wahala behind. Well she was right, we made love, went for a swim downstairs, then came back and made love some more, it was a well-deserved half a day away from home break.
We got dressed as early as 6am, checked out and came home. I had to get ready for work, Kola and I have a meeting with some new clients. They called the office last week and Tony booked them for 9.30am today. I hope it’s something we can take on, with this hotel project coming up, we only want short term new jobs.
I watched Mrs. as she bounced around the bed room doing her exercises, she had a dvd playing with exercises for pregnant woman, she was glowing , full of life, I thanked God for the day I met her. I pray I can be the best husband and father to her and our children, I am a very Happy married man and I only have God almighty, to thank for that……hmmmm

MRS- Well, well, we had a short lovey dovey break, it was really good, all the preparations’, moving and stuff, just make me so tired at the end of the day, I can hardly lift a finger. So yesterday I was determined to spend it with my boo alone, no guests, no phone calls and no nosey neighbors, so we checked into a hotel and honeymooned away.
Pamela and Babs are back, I haven’t seen them but Toke called before I switched off my phone, to say they came to her new place and she made them spend the night, they waited to see if Mr. and I would get back home but we didn’t. She said lots of gist waiting for me today.
I bought this new video about exercise for early stage pregnant women and I have been doing them regularly, I have even adjusted my diet, I take Folic acid, no more nurofen tablets when I have aches , it’s bad for the baby and could even cause a miscarriage. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. This baby must be well taken care of, I have no excuse not to do my best to make sure he or she is totally healthy. I also matter in this equations, I’ve got to keep myself fit and healthy, Oh one more thing , they do say making love helps , I must make sure we get a lot of that going too.
You know I don’t say this often, but am one of the luckiest women I know, God has blessed me with an amazing husband, He’s Godly, he doesn’t stress me, he’s peaceful, loving, caring, generous and above all loves me to bits, I was one of the four women, out of about forty, who didn’t raised their hands in the Marriage enhancement class yesterday when they asked how many women, have men that do not like to say Am sorry? It was a real eye opener , the things we take for granted, I honestly did not appreciate the fact that Mr. said, Am sorry to me whenever he upsets me and he says it first many times, until I listened to some of the ridiculous reasons some husbands gave at counseling yesterday for not saying sorry to their wives.
I appreciate Mr. so much more now, I thank God Almighty for the day I met him, it seems like yesterday, we have had our little share of ups and downs but through it all, I have always felt comfortable knowing that God Almighty and My Mr. have always got my back…..hmmmmm

Day 108
MR-Aakil sent a list of family he was coming with, His mum and dad, 3 brothers, their spouses and his best friend Ahmed. Ten of them arrive on a private jet on Sunday. The engagement has been fixed for Friday the 10th of February. Their embassy is providing accommodation for them and security. He and his Best friend would love to spend time with us Monday through Thursday, He has also asked us to arrange with the hotel investor, so we could discuss the deal and finalize it.
Yesterday was good, we had an offer to revamp a marketing and logistics company. It wasn’t so complicated but would require a lot of brain work. So we decided to think about it and get back to the client, Babs came by the office at midday , he looked different and at peace , he came to thank us for everything, he said Pamela was the woman of his dreams , he couldn’t believe that he was so lucky to end up with her.
He told us a bit about his childhood, He said, Growing up in a struggling household, he remembers one incident that almost shaped his life, His father worked as a company driver for a large multinational company, he rose to the post of senior driver before he was retired, his mum was a petty trader, she did well enough to feed him and his siblings and help his dad keep a roof over their head. One day he and his siblings were watching their old black and white television, A film about a black boy who against all odd became one of the best American football players, in a time when blacks were practically still treated as second class citizens. Babs said he looked at his father and said “Daddy when I grow up I want to be a governor or own a very big company”, his father looked at him and said “Son, don’t deceive yourself, you were born poor, you will die poor, poverty is our portion, we are not born to rise higher than we already are, so don’t go around imagining what will never happen”. Babs said he cried so hard that day. Asked why not? his father had no answer and for a while he believed it , until he got to university and met children from different backgrounds and different parts of the country studying all sorts of courses.
Babs continued, He became a different person, began to mix and rub shoulders with them and eventually his mindset changed after listening to a motivational speaker talk about wrong assumptions and brain washed ideas. I recently called my father and told him I had a masters in Business Administration and I was about to start my own company and become a CEO, as I had wished. He broke down crying and apologized for his wrong doctrine. I told him I forgave him a long time ago and I told him so. I knew that people can say what they want, try to discourage you, only if you let them. God Almighty gave you the amazing life and you alone should be responsible for its direction or lack thereof.
Kola and I were amazed at Babs revelations, all our preconceived opinions about him melted away. He was actually a nice guy, very smart and reliable. It just goes to show that first impressions aren’t always right.
We all spent some time gisting generally and marking off what had been done for Toke’s engagement and what was left to do. Babs had one more request, he said he needed father advice from Kola, since he was the only one who had experience in that areas and great husband advice from me since I was the one happily married the longest.
Another thing, honestly when it rains it pours, EG called and asked me to pop into see him after work. Kola and I left around 6pm, Babs had left a bit earlier to go pick Pamela from Toke’s. I got to EG’s place an hour later, loads of traffic. EG asked me to sit, offered me a drink, he then said “Son, am making an honest woman out of your MIL, we are getting married and we have set a date for April 15th Easter weekend. I was in shock, “What, Congratulations I blotted out. That’s the week after Pamela and Babs wedding. Whoa!”. EG looked at me and smiled and said, “Well you guys better get busy. Your MIL will inform your Mrs., herself”. Just thought I let you know. I congratulated him again, got up and left.
As I drove back home , I suddenly started to think, four pregnant women, 3 weddings and 1 big business Merger, 2017 was surely going to be an awesome year, Thank you lord……hmmmmmm

MRS-Pamela was glowing and grinning from cheek to cheek. As I walked into Toke’s house, she ran and almost knocked me over, she was so happy. She led me to the dining room where Toke was already seated at the table. The chef had made Boiled Yam, corn beef sauce, peppered eggs, fresh fish sauce and boiled plantain with a side of mixed spinach. Come on, if this was going to be the kind of breakfast Toke ate every day, I give her 3 months she would not be able to fit into her Mercedes Benz. We all laughed and said, Toke needed to get a tread mill in the spa.
After breakfast, we put on bikinis and went down to Toke’s spa, we had facials and massages done , also our pedicure and manicure, the fun part is we didn’t even have to walk more than 2 minutes to get ourselves pampered. Toke hired a Chinese lady to come into the Spa 3 times a week. It was exhilarating.
Now down to gist, Pamela said. She and Babs actually spent some time with her parents, they were delighted that she was pregnant and that she choose such a humble and intelligent guy for a hubby, her father promised a wedding to remember. He has already given them 3 choices of where he can give them a house, Here, New York or Germany. They should choose where they will like to live, he has houses and companies in all these locations, All they had to do was choose, their wedding has been set for April 8th, a week before Easter.
After they left there Babs took her to his Parents, his father was the sweetest man she had met in a long time Pamela said, he hugged me and called me his daughter, his mum was lovely too, she spent time getting to know them and she loves them to bits. Babs and her are already making arrangements to build them a big house in the village because Babs parents said they would prefer to stay there. As we speak, her father has sent his contractors to start work on a lovely house for them, A car would be delivered to them before the end of the week, “I felt I owed Babs that, I discussed it with my father and he approved”, “My father has decided that he will take care of the wedding, but a large amount of money will be put in Babs account so he can give to his parents to prepare for the wedding. Everything was working our perfectly. After the wedding Babs automatically becomes a director and he resumes work as an MD in any of my Dad’s companies we choose.
We were happy for her, Toke and I hugged and kissed her, my dear best friends, one was about to get engaged and the other one married, This was great from now until Easter we had so much preparations to sort out.
Oh before I forget Pamela said, “You won’t believe who’s been calling me?” “I can’t guess, whom?” “That big headed boy Ken,” “Ken? What does he want?” Toke asked, Pamela smiled and kissed her teeth, “He wants to come back, come back where?” I asked, “And what did you say?” “Trust me, I said it was too late, Humpty dumpty had fallen off the wall, and all the kings men couldn’t put him together again” “very good answer, the guy must be high”.
We spent time lounging around the pool, before we knew it lunch was served, oh boy , I was still full from breakfast but the food smelt too nice to ignore, Curried jollof rice, with grilled fish, sweet corn and avocado salad with lemon curd ice cream with watermelon and pineapple juice, come on people, where did this chef come from, he cooked fusion food, better than any restaurant I had been, I made a decision there and then, that Toke had a permanent lunch guest, putting on weight was no longer my concern, this food will make any ones mouth water all the time. I had an excuse, I was carrying a baby, weight can definitely be lost once I drop……hmmmm

.Day 109
MR-I left work early yesterday, Kola had a meeting with some marketer so I took the opportunity to go see my tailor who sews my native attires. I parked in front of his boutique and got out, as I walked to the door , I heard my name being called, I looked back and saw a lady walking towards me, she looked familiar but I couldn’t exactly remember where I met her. She reminded me that she was in my class in university. She looked great, we exchanged pleasantries and nos, she did say she was in a hurry and will call me later. As she walked away I wanted to ask her what her name was again, but I felt too ashamed to ask, she knew my name and remembered so many things , I just remembered the face.
I finished at the tailors, got in my car, I looked at the time it was 4.30 pm, Kola would still be in the office, I was trying to decide if it was worth going through all the traffic that had built up back to the office, or I should just head straight home, I decided to go to the office, Traffic aside, I thought I could catch up on some work.
It took me twice the time to get back to the office, as I drove in , kola was walking out with a relative of mine, my heart skipped a beat, I parked and rushed over to them, “Bolaji, how are you, hope no problem, how are my parents?” I asked, “Bros, They are fine but your Father is not too well, he’s been admitted to hospital. Your mum didn’t want me to tell you, so that you won’t worry but I think you should know, he’s been a bit poorly lately, maybe you can take him abroad for medical treatment. “My father, what’s wrong with him?, I can’t remember him ever being ill, when we were young, I asked my cousin to get in my car and I drove him home, I didn’t even go into the office to pick up the files I was going to work on.
When we arrived Mrs. was out, Bolaji ate and was taken to the guest chalet to freshen up, I picked up the phone and called my mum. She was a bit cold to begin with, told me my Father had a mild heart attack, nothing to be worried about, he’s much better now she said. “Mum, am flying home tomorrow, Bolaji is here, we will return together, no arguments please”. With that I dropped the phone and started to pack. Right then it dawned on me that I had not seen my dad since my wedding and I only called him once a month to say hello. I do send him a monthly allowance, which he has asked me to stop sending cos he has his own money but I have not been as close as I should be, to think my parents only live an hours flight away and I haven’t see them for so long, brought on a sense of regret for me.
I thought to myself, I always say I will go see them, but always felt I was too busy, now within 24 hours I will be in their house. What if the news Bolaji brought was that my father was dead, that would have devastated me, whoa!, I need to make amends.
Bolaji came walking in to our bedroom as I packed a small suitcase. I finished up and we went back downstairs, He told me my dad had been fine until he came back from taking his usual evening walk and he just fell down. The doctors said it was a mild attack, his Blood pressure was a bit high at the time. I couldn’t wait to see him again, we leave this morning
All of a sudden, i remembered the lady i had seen earlier, she was my first crush, i didn’t want to date her but be her friend, she on the other hand wanted me to promise to Marry her when we graduated or else she couldn’t be my friend, that was scary and strange at the time,I wonder if she’s married now?
Mrs. is worried, she wants to come along, I felt it was better that I went first, I would keep her posted. Shouldn’t be away for more than a couple of days, I will start making arrangements for him to go to Germany, Pamela’s uncle has the best cardiology hospital there. My dad will go whether he thinks its necessary or not, Please God give him a lot more years…..hmmmm
MRS- My father in Law is in hospital, he had a mild heart attack, Mr. only found out when his cousin flew down to tell him, he’s so worried, I really want to go with him for moral support but he feels I should stay home until he knows what the situation is. He’s going to be away for a few days, I pray everything is okay. I did have a headache and was getting a bit panicky, so I decided to take a walk to Toke’s place this morning, I took time to notice how our estate had changed, am always in my car so I hardly notice, who had moved, who was still there, who got a new car, who update the colour of their house etc. As I walked I took in everything, apparently the neighbor, Alhaji and his two wives who sold their house now have some ladies living in there. Two ladies to be precise, I saw both of them washing their cars. I noticed Mrs Okon, bought a new Prado, her husband had walked out on her last year amid rumours that he met a younger woman and decided to leave his wife. Chief Tope’s house was full of cars, I know he has 3 car which he and his wife take turns driving, but I counted 6 cars, maybe his children were around.
Lady J, the ex-minister had changed all her cars, I don’t remember her having an escalade, I thought once you leave office your financial capacity reduces, I guess that’s not true in her case , she seems to be getting richer by the day. I wonder what she is into now. Oh boy, I couldn’t believe I was enjoying all this busy body, I think I blame it on hormones, it must be. When was the last time I cared about who did what in our estate, on the other hand, I hope Madam Mabel hasn’t put a spell on me?, hmmm, God forbid.
Oh! Speaking of Madam Mabel, she saw Tammy and I the other day inspecting the event Centre in our estate, before we could say Jack Robinson, she asked what we were planning, I didn’t want to say, but the event planner blotted out before I could stop her, that our best friend was getting engaged. That’s how she invited herself and volunteered to be of service anytime we needed her. Since then she has accosted me three times, asking how far with the arrangements, what’s the color scheme, who’s coming to entertain etc.
Anyway I got to Toke’s house, just as she was about to drive out, she said she was going to guide her parents to their house , they were almost at the gate, so I got in her car.
We got to the estate gate as they arrived in the car Toke had sent to pick them, Toke asked the car to follow her and we drove to their new home. Her parents and 3 siblings got out. I could see where Toke got her ebony beauty from, her Mum was beautiful, even with age you could tell she was drop dead gorgeous when she was younger. Her father had this air of dignity around him and her siblings Peju, Timothy and Joshua were all here. As they walked into their new house, you could see the joy and excitement in everyone’s face, it was a sight to behold. Toke’s father prayed and thanked Toke for being a wonderful daughter. We spent a few hours with them, then Toke said they should settle in, while she goes back to her house to freshen up.
As we drove back to our estate, Toke started to cry, tears of Joy, she said she had imagined this day in her mind over and over again, the day she would finally be able to relocate her family, provide for them and get them out of poverty, now God has done it in a big way, she was about to get engaged to a wonderful man and at the same time change the lives of her family. God is awesome. “Am a blessed girl you know, please help me pray I don’t mess this up, am scared you know, I keep thinking I will wake up and it would all be a dream, never knew fairytales were real, look at me, I still can’t believe all this amazing things are happening to me” She said.
She dropped me off at home, I walked into my room sat down and went on my knees, “Dear God, I thank you, there is a whole lot I have not thanked you for, listening to Toke just now made me realize I was extremely blessed, Please forgive me Lord for taking things for granted, Life, Love, good health, joy, peace, wealth …..hmmmm


MR- My father, the man I looked up to all my life, even as an adult he has always been my yardstick to measure integrity, My father was a no nonsense man, he was as straight as an arrow, would never ask for or take a bribe, kick back or whatever it was called this days, he believed solely in working hard and making your money from work.
As I walked into the hospital private room my mum had booked for him, I felt like crying, he was asleep, looked so frail, I honestly didn’t remember my dad ever looking this fragile, I hugged my mum and went over to the bed, held his hand, he stirred a bit and went back to sleep, my mum asked me to let him sleep, once he was awake we could talk, I sat with my mum. She started to pray, she prayed for my father, for me and my siblings and lastly for herself, she really didn’t want my father to die and leave her behind.
I remember when we were young my mother used to joke that she and my father would go to heaven on the same day, when we ask why? She would say, the day they were joined together in church, they became one, so if he goes she goes. We spent another few hours sitting by his bed side, when he didn’t wake up, the doctor suggested we go home take a rest and come back in the morning,
I drove the car, I insisted and dint want my mum cooking when we got home, so we stopped to get some food, Bolaji had gone straight home after we landed and said he will come meet me in the hospital later.
While eating at home we sat there in silent, just eating, I noticed my mum looked frail, I guess my father’s condition was taking a toll on her, “How did this happen mum?” I asked, My mum just shuck her head and said she had no idea, my dad was healthy, that day he had gone for the long walk he did every evening without fail. As soon as he walked back in, he staggered a bit and fell to the ground, by the time we got him to hospital, we were told he had a mild heart attack. “Is he talking now mum? Yes he is but he’s still really weak. The doctor said he’s not sure if he will need a pace maker, if he does we will have to fly in a cardiologist to perform the surgery or fly him out, I looked at my mum and said, “Mum do you remember Pamela, Yes the mixed race friend of your wife, Yes mum, her maternal uncle owns one of the best heart clinics in Germany. She has already called her uncle, he’s expecting dad and I am making arrangements for an air ambulance to fly you there with him, Mum please let me do this, once the transportation is ready, I will request his discharge at the hospital.
My mum looked at me with tears in her eyes and said thank you, she asked me not to mention it to my dad in the morning, because he was really stubborn, he could say no, Once he’s we were ready to go, she will ask the doctor to give him a sedative, by the time he wakes up, he will be in Germany.
My mum hadn’t left my father’s side for 4 days, so I decided that I would go stay with him in the morning while my mum had some rest, she could come over later in the day. I looked at my phone, I had 10missed calls from Mrs. and one from Pamela, I had put my phone on silent when I got to the hospital and forgot to turn it back up,
I called Mrs. first, updated her and promised to be back home in a couple of days, then I called Pamela, Her uncle was requesting the doctors number, he needed to clear some medical details with him before my father was flown down, I promised to get it to her once I got to the hospital . Kola, Tammy, Toke also called, MIL and EG were not left out, everyone was concerned. I reassured them that everything was going to be fine.
I finally got in bed around 1am, Prayed and asked God to please prolong my father’s life, we still had a lot we needed to do together, strange that I just released that now that there was a chance we might loose him…….hmmmmmm
MRS-Toke dragged me all the way to the cargo section of the airport, Aakil had sent the takeaway gifts for everyone attending the engagement, we had to wrap them up and pack them in gift bags which we were having made here, with pictures of Aakil and toke on them. You won’t believe, it filled up Toke’s thundra,15 boxes of goods, I couldn’t imagine what was in them and this were not small boxes.
When we got to Tokes, Pamela and Tammy were already there waiting, we started to open the boxes one at a time, the first one we opened, got us screaming, Gold engraved Bremont Solo 32 ladies watches, the individual boxes were labelled, “Thank you for being part of our joy, love Toke and Aakil”. Toke started to cry for joy, there were about 100 of them in the box, then we opened the next one, Louis Vuitton ladies hand bags, the 3rd to 7th also had designer hand bags, the other boxes had Dior’s Chiffre Rouge men’s watches and Louis Vuitton branded iPad’s, custom made for the men that attend. All in all, anyone who stepped into that event goes home with a designer watch and handbag for a lady and designer watch and LV custom made iPad for the men. A couple of the boxes also had silk scarfs, perfumes and Chanel cosmetics. By the time we were done sorted them, it was 5 pm.
Although we were really tired we all wanted to speak to Mr. before we ate, we were all worried about his father, I had called him so many times and his phone just rang out. Anyway, Toke suggested we all eat before we lose all our energy, then we can try Mr. Again. Pamela was on the phone with her uncle in Germany, trying to make arrangements for MFIL. Once she was done we settled down to a late lunch, the chef prepared, Roast lamb with peppered corn, sweet potato with Tikka masala sauce mixed with sliced fresh peppers and vegetable. Custard and sponge cake for desert or an option of fruit salad and chocolate ice cream. Hmmm, boy oh boy, was the food tasty.
I finally got home around 9,45pm, around 10pm, Mr. called, thank God everything was okay, I felt more comfortable with the fact that MFIL was being flown out. I miss Mr. so much, but I know his parents need him more at this time. Our baby and I would definitely be fine…..hmmmmm

Day 111

MR- My father woke up around 12pm yesterday , he surprised us all, got up from the bed, put on his slippers and demanded to see the doctor. I had just stepped out to receive a phone call from Mrs when I heard him insisting he wanted to walk to the doctors office. The nurses were pleading with him to go back to bed, they will call the doctor to come see him in his room, he refused. I cut my phone call short , went to get the doctor and we both met him and the nurses at the private room door. The doctor took him back to bed and asked why he wanted to see him.
My father said he was well, he wanted to be discharged. The doctor said okay, would he allow him to run some final test , once the results were clear, he would be discharged. My father agreed.
When the doctor left , I blotted out that when he is discharged I would love him a and mum to go to Germany for a check up. He looked up at me and said okay. Okay? I asked, “yes son, okay, when do we leave?” “Immediately” I said.
That was yesterday afternoon, this morning he and my mum got on Lufthansa airline, they would land in about 6 and a half hours.
Mrs was delighted to see me back after 2 days, Kola had picked me up at the airport , I dropped my bag and we were back on the road, Aakil and his family arrive on Sunday , we still had a lot to do.
Uncle J called, he asked me to see him, in the evening. I hope he’s okay, I would take his invite for the engagement along. I’ve been so preoccupied with preparations and my father’s sudden illness, I forgot about the lady I saw at the tailors until I got a text from her asking me to send my office address, that she would like to see me sometime next week. I told Kola about her, tried to describe her but he couldn’t recollect. He asked what I thought she wanted to see me about, I said I had no idea, let’s see when she turns up.
I went back to the tailors, I had ordered traditional attires for Aakil , his brother , Ahmed and his dad. Mrs , also ordered clothes for his mum , and her 3 daughters in law. Aakil sent the sizes for all of them earlier. I couldn’t wait to see them looking all African. I could feel it in my bones, it was going to be an amazing day.
Kola had to take Tammy for her baby check, so I was on my own for a while , I popped into the office to try and get some work done. Just then I remembered I had to see uncle J, so I got up again and drove to his house. He was already expecting me. We took a drive to the beach and sat on some chairs, he ordered grilled fish and fried yam, and some drinks. Then he told me the indictments will be served tomorrow morning. He began to list the names of people to be indicted , Sandra’s father was on the list of course, but when he got to the last name , I froze, EG’s name .
I jumped up from my seat, “Uncle J, you can’t do that, he’s my MIL’s husband, they are about to get married, she’s carrying his child , why would you want to cause them so much pain, I thought he was your friend”, I kept going on, he tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to calm down.
“My dear brother ” he began,” I didn’t put him on the list, the order came from above, on Monday I was called into the meeting by the joint chiefs, they wanted me to drop the indictments , they could not force me because it was now a matter of law, but they tried to persuade me, when I didn’t back down, I was then instructed to add a couple of names to it. This one”, he pointed to the name before EG’s “is my 1st cousin and EG is my very good friend. So the deal was I either drop all the indictments or these two go down with everybody else. ”
“What are you going to do Sir” I asked , “well that’s why I called you here, you can only be served if we find you, so I think EG and your MIL have to go out of town for a month, the indictments expire then. I will make sure they are not re issued by then charges will be dropped against most of them , GF and a couple of others are the only ones that will go down, don’t worry God has everything under control” I was better now, before he said that my heart was beating so fast like a drum I could hear it outside my body, ” I want you to come with me to talk to EG” he added.
We finished our meal, got back in his car and drove to EG’s house. As we drove I thought to myself, the devil is a lair, nothing will spoil this engagement …….hmmmmmm
MRS-My Mr is back, Thank God. There is nothing more petrifying , than thinking that you will loose a loved one. Am glad my FIL is okay.
I really missed him for the couple of days , he was away. My mum came over to the house yesterday to see how we were doing? She also gave me the great news that Her and EG were getting married a week after Pamela ties the knot. I couldn’t believe between now and Easter we had 3 weddings and we were at the centre of all of them.
Toke’s sister came to see me in the morning , she was very upset , I calmed her down and told her to take a deep breathe then tell me what the problem is. “It’s my parents, my father precisely, Toke came over to see us yesterday, she said she and Aakil have decided that once they engagement is done, Toke will come over to Dubai until the wedding. And the best news is I could go with them and attend the American University of Dubai, Toke already sent my details and he already paid my fees and made arrangement for my accommodation. Aakil is coming with the admission letter. I was so happy and excited , I ran to my parents room to inform them and my father said No, I am going to university here. I already have admission and now that paying the fees won’t be a problem , why am I going to Dubai?
Toke tried all her best to convince my father and it almost became an argument, one thing he said that surprised me was , “I can take one daughter leaving us for the Arab world but am not going to loose another one to them. ”
I think my father is still not happy that Toke is marrying Aakil but he just doesn’t have a choose because of the situation. Toke was so upset when he made that statement , she left immediately . My mum and I came down to the estate now, she’s with Toke and I decided to come and talk to you , so that you can talk to me father, he seems to like you and you can also talk to Toke to take it easy . As for me am going to Dubai, my father will just have to have faith that no matter where I am, the will of God will be done in my life”
I could see what Peju was saying about their father, but all the same , the devil is a lair, Aakil and his family arrive on Sunday, we have 2 days to pray and ask God almighty to take control. The little I know of Toke’s father, he needs to be approached with care , we don’t want things escalating to a dangerous level by the time Aakil gets here.
I threw on some clothes and walked Peju to Toke’s house. She and her mum were in the family lounge . Toke was crying her mum was pleading with her. I went over to Toke and said let’s pray.
We sang praises, prayed and sang more praises. Once we were done, Toke had calmed down.
Her mum said she really appreciated the wonderful friends her daughter had, she thanked me for having Toke’s back all these years and for where Toke is today. I said thank you but reminded her that God alone can take that Glory, we humans are vessels of God, we only get to do what God permits us to do.
The funny thing was , at that moment I realised Tammy was amazing, she had actually rubbed off on me. Everything I did and said was what Tammy would say in a situation like this, I love that girl and I thank God for her. She would have been here but she has an ante natal appointment this morning.
Mr and Kola , are so busy running around trying to get the things finalised, Aakil doesn’t drink alcohol, so the catering company wanted them to come try some non alcoholic drinks they intended to serve at the event. The band we originally wanted is fully booked but a friend recommended a better one, they have a live practise this evening Mr and Kola have been invited to watch them play before they book them. They also have to go round and book a lot of hotel rooms for the guests coming from out of town.
The caterer in our estate is preparing for 150 people , 50 more than we originally discussed, Toke’s mum requested a bus for their relatives and friends from their town to come down for that day. We originally thought it would just be a small cosy engagement , but now with over 200 people , 50 of those VIP! It was going to be a lot bigger. As we discussed the engagement holds at Toke’s parents house across the road. Guests are then moved to two venues the hotel and the Marquee.
Tokes mum got up to leave and reassured her that she will talk to her father, he didn’t mean anything by what he said , he was just a bit upset that both his daughters will be far away from him, any father will feel that way. Once Peju and her mum left, Toke thanked me and said she was feeling much better, she has spoken to Aakil about the gifts, based on our calculation we don’t have enough, he said I shouldn’t worry , he’s coming with some more gifts. “He misses me so much and I him, I can’t wait to be in his arms”. We both laughed and thank God, Toke was back, she looked extremely happy.
Toke looked happy , she leaned over and held me for a while and whispered in my ear “Babes, I really don’t know what I will do if anything goes wrong” , I looked her in the eye and said calmly, “Nothing will go wrong dear, remember , When God says yes , nobody can say no……hmmmmm

Day 112
MR- Uncle Albert called, Pamela’s maternal uncle in Germany. He said my parents landed safely and my dad has been checked into his Heart clinic for observation. I was delighted, I thanked him and asked how long they will be there for. He said it depends on the result of the test, but in the main time my parents are in good hands.
Peace of mind, there is nothing like it, now that I know my dad will be well taken care of, I can fully concentrate on finalizing the arrangements for Toke and Aakil’s wedding. There is a slight change in Plan, Aakil has decided that Ahmed and himself will stay in our estate, he wants to get to know us better and spend time familiarizing himself with Toke’s parents, his brothers and their wives and his parents will stay in the accommodation provided by their embassy, they all land tomorrow evening.
Kola and I didn’t get a lot of office work done yesterday, we left the office to see this amazing band everyone’s been talking about, we want to hire them for the hotel reception. We got to their practice venue just as they started. They sang English, soul, traditional, afro beat, even Jazz, they were good, once they were done Kola and I hired them on the spot. We still had to do a shortly apartment for Aakil and Ahmed, we had an appointment to view a couple later today, we have requested for a 4 or 5 star apartment, compared to what he was used too, I don’t think anywhere could match that, they will just have to bear with us.
The lady I met the other day turned up in our office just after lunch time, she came in, sat down and burst into tears. I tried to console her but she just won’t stop until she was ready, by this time, Kola was also in my office. Once she stopped crying I asked her what the matter was, she looked at me and said, “I am in trouble, a powerful man is trying to kill me, I have been running around and hiding all this while. Last week I ran into an old friend who would rather remain anonymous, I told him my problems , he said you could help that your uncle is a big time military man who can help me, please help” “well we can help you once we know who told you about us” “Please help me, he wants to remain anonymous, he is afraid he might get into trouble with you guys.” I thought for a minute, then asked “Is it Tony?” she didn’t say anything, she just shuck her head. I said “okay we will help, what do you have on this man and who is he?” she looked around and then starting to narrate her story.
“I have been working as an escort for powerful men, one of my regulars is a guy called God father, one day, a few weeks ago, he asked me to come to his guest house for a long weekend. He sent his boys to pick me, just as I got there, two men came into see him, I recognized one of them as a current serving minister. He asked me to excuse them. So I went to one of the bedrooms and watched telly. About an hour later I was getting bored so I decided to go look for the steward and get something to drink. As I walked down the stairs I heard GF arguing with the minister and the other guy over some deal, so I hid behind the door and listened. All of a sudden GF brought out a gun and was waving it around, and pointing it at the minister boasting that he will kill him right there and nothing will happen. He reminded the minister that he didn’t turn up with his escorts, so no one will know he was here. By then I had turned on my camera phone and was recording the drama, before I knew it the argument got really heated and GF shot the minister dead. I was so scared but I kept recoding, then he asked the other man to keep his mouth shut or all his family will be killed. Then GF asked his guys to take the minister to his car, drive it to a remote location, shot out the windows and pretend he was killed in his car”.
She continued, “I ran back to the room, picked up my bag and left the guest house, I guess he must have looked for me after and saw that I was gone. I got a call from him about an hour later, saying that his security cameras picked me up recording him, all he wants is the phone, he promises nothing will happen to me but I don’t believe him, I have been on the run since then.” I looked at her and asked where the phone was? She brought it out of her purse and I watched the recording, it was so clear, it showed GF’s face and actions clearly, it also recording everything he was saying. “This is the minister they claim was assassinated by hired killers, it was all over news” I said, she shuck her head and said “Yes, it was GF”.
I couldn’t believe it, Uncle J mentioned that his pastor told him to leave GF alone, that when nemesis will catch up with GF, it will have nothing to do with him. I smiled to myself, picked up the phone and dialed uncle J……..Hmmmmmm

MRS-“Here comes the bride, here comes the bride” I can’t stop humming that song, all the preparations brought back fond memories of when Mr. and I were getting ready for our wedding. I had to do most of the running around cos I was very particular about what I wanted but it was well worth it, I would marry Mr. again and again, if I actually get to come back to this world.
Toke is a different person, she hums, sings and dances at every opportunity, I can see how happy she is. We have prayed and committed the day on to God and we know, everything will go well. She got so excited yesterday when she found out Aakil and his friend Ahmed are going to be staying in our estate, Mr. and Kola are arranging a short let apartment. Toke does not see why they can’t stay in their house, but Tammy and I reminded our dear friend that according to our values and traditions, which she is aware of, they cannot be living together before your engagement.
Thank fully we are almost done with the arrangements for the engagement. One week to go and what’s left are just minor details here and there. Even though this is just an engagement ceremony it feels like a wedding, am just so glad , the wedding proper holds in Dubai, Aakil and his family will do that running around, if we had to do this much for their engagement, can you imagine what the wedding would be like.
Anyway, As I drove out in the morning, madam Mabel accosted me , she jumped out of her car, walked towards me, with a deep frown on her face, “What’s the matter Madam Mabel” I asked?” “Am upset with you Sisi mi, I offered my services to you , to help with the arrangements but you have still not given me anything to do, why now?” “I am so sorry Madam Mabel, what can you do?” I asked. “Well I can do, hall decorations, small chops or provide ushers” I looked at her and thought, we haven’t even arranged for someone to look after the guest coming to party in the marquee, Madam Mabel could be in charge of them. I told her that much, she was so happy, she thanked me profusely. Then asked me for one more favor, she wanted me to please call the event Centre manager and inform her that Madam Mabel was now in charge. Hmmm, God help us.
Once that was settled, she finally let me go, I was late for my hair appointment, I got there about 10 minutes late but thankfully she didn’t have any other client so my appointment was intact. Now you might think that I like to do busy body, but what if am just sitting here and the busy body news comes to meet me. Well that’s what happened in this case. I was getting my hair done, when I looked in the mirror and saw Mr. Chidi, Madam Mabel’s husband, cuddling a lady as they walked out of the Spa door, I knew it wasn’t Madam Mabel because they walked past me, he was kissing her neck and had his hand on her bottom. It definitely wasn’t his sister, now in order for me to be extremely sure, I asked my stylist if she knew the couple, she said “yes, he brings her here all the time, they are boyfriend and girlfriend. Sometimes when she comes to do her hair he waits with her until we finish, he’s always following her around like a puppy, the man has eaten vegetable”, “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well besides always carrying her bag and following her around, there was this day, my colleague was doing her hair and as usual, he was waiting with her. They were having a conversation about his wife and money, the girl wanted 10,000 dollars for shopping in Dubai, he said the money he had on him he had promised his wife. The girl asked him point blank if he loved her more than her, he said of course. Then she said he should proof it by giving her the money, right there and then he went into his car and brought the money to the girl”. She said. I smiled to myself and thought, interesting.
Life has a way of turning out though, I actually felt sorry for her, Madam Mabel is there, minding everybody else’s business, while her roof is on fire and she doesn’t even know it, who’s going to tell her, Me ? …….hmmmmmm

Day 113
MR- Uncle J was dancing and praising God, he put a call through to his pastor and al we heard was him saying Amen, Amen, Yes Sir, God is good. When he dropped the phone he looked at us , Kola, Vivian , that’s the lady who came to us and I and said “I can’t believe this , what I was looking for everywhere, has walked right into his hands”.
That was uncle J’s reaction when he watched the incriminating video of GF, in short he doesn’t have to serve indictments any longer, with this evidence GF can be arrested, charged to court and found guilty of 1st degree murder and to top it all he said EG and my MIL can stay put.. As uncle J rejoiced at his enemy’s downfall, I remembered my dad tell me off for that same reaction a long time ago. When I was younger, we were all watching a film together and at the end, the bad guy was killed. I jumped up and shouted for joy. My Dad, sat me down and asked why I was so happy, I said the bad guy was killed. He then told me I should never rejoice or wish death upon anyone even my enemy. That was one of the significant advices I got during my childhood and I have never forgotten it.
All this got me thinking about my Dad again, he was a wise man, a disciplinarian, very fair and upright. He would always encourage you to tell the truth, to the point that if you do something wrong, if you own up, you don’t get punished, on the other hand if you lie and he finds out, which he always does, you are in big trouble. I was raised well, I have a lot to pass on to my son, or daughter, I thank God I had a good teacher in my dad. I must make it a point of duty to always visit my parents, this ‘am very busy’ excuse, has to stop.
When we left Uncle J’s we dropped Vivian off and headed straight to our estate, we had an appointment to view two short let apartments for Aakil and Ahmed. The first one we saw was okay but the second was amazing, it was a penthouse apartment, with a Jacuzzi and bar on the roof terrace, open plan, and all exquisitely furnished, the price tag was expected. I paid with my card and took the keys. The final piece of the preparation had fallen into place.
Tammy and Jnr, were at the cinema, Kola said he had to go join them, I felt like watching a film to relax after all the running up and down, I called Mrs., but she couldn’t come , she was with Toke and Pamela, sorting some last minute stuff out with the event Centre manager. So I decided to go watch a film with Kola.
There was so much traffic on the way, we got there late, Tammy had sent a text to Kola, that we should find another film to watch, as she and jnr were already watching their film and won’t be done for a couple of hours. We picked a movie, bought popcorn and ice cream and went into watch. We sat in the middle seats, these give you a direct view of the movie screen. The movie started, the lights were turned down. 10 minutes into the film , two girls came into our row , one sat next to Kola , the other sat next to me, Kola and I looked at each other and smiled, I was wondering what the girls were up too.
A few minutes later, the one next to me said hello, and I replied, then I tried to eat some of my popcorn, I found her hand in it. I didn’t say anything, I just left it for her, didn’t know Kola was experiencing the same thing. As the movie progressed, I could swear, I felt her leg rub up against mine. I moved my leg to the Centre, then all of a sudden I felt a hand slide towards the Centre of my legs, I couldn’t hold my peace any longer, I let out a shout of ‘Yeh!!’ and jumped up, Kola was surprised , I just said lets go now, the girls were giggling , kola was asking what the matter was, and I was sweating, I remembered the saying right there and then, “long branch make you no enter my eye, nah from afar you go see am.” That was the end of the film for me…….hmmmmm

MRS- Madam Mabel is in charge, she has turned the head of the events manager, the lady’s call woke me up this morning begging me to please come and safe her from Madam Mabel. Everything she has done, Madam Mabel is trying to change. I put a call across to tammy and Toke and they all agreed to meet at mine. Honestly I hope I won’t regret putting Madam Mabel in charge.
Mr., has been working so had, I wish we could go away together for a weekend break, I must plan something for after the engagement, am sure we all deserve a well-earned rest. Jnr is coming over to spend time with us tonight, Tammy and Kola have a bachelor’s eve party to go too, I need to go get Jnr’s favorite ice cream and cake. I love having him around, he helps me practice for my own baby, that’s on the way.
By 12 noon, Toke arrived, she came straight to our bedroom to drag me out of bed, I wasn’t totally awake, Mr. and Kola had gone out early this morning to the club from there they had other things to do, so I was just rolling around on the bed. I got in the shower, had a quick one, put on a pair of slacks and A T-shirt, and went downstairs with Toke. Just then Tammy arrived and we all drove in her car to the events centre. Madam Mabel was already there.
The manager looked at us with pleading eyes, “Madam says the color scheme is not distributed equally, the sitting arrangement doesn’t leave enough room for people to dance, and the place is not cold enough. Aunty, I explained that we will be bringing in more Ac’s a day before the event, we had to send 3 of them off for servicing”. Madam Mabel looked at me and said “Sisi Mi, don’t mind her, I said that is a very important rich persons event, she needs to up her game, this decoration is poor, no flowers, no lights, I honestly don’t see how she can set this up after the amount of money she was charging”, the funny thing was I could see Madam Mabel’s point, the sample decoration was poor and based on the amount we paid we were all expecting a lot more. We finally came to a conclusion, the décor has to be upped as Madam Mabel suggested and she was the society woman who definitely knew what great décor looked like. At the end of our discussion Madam Mabel was still very much in charge.
I got a call from a strange no, as I dropped off Toke and Tammy drove off, I thought to myself who could be calling me. I decided to ignore the call. I drove to the supermarket just across from our estate and bought Jnr some threats. As I approached the checkout counter, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back and it was Mr. Chidi. “Hello Mr. Chidi, I didn’t see you there.” “Aunty Hello, I called you earlier” he said. “Was that your no that ends with 789?”, “Yes, Please I need to talk to you”, “What about?” I asked. “Aunty, I know you saw me yesterday at the spa, I need you to please keep this to yourself, please don’t tell Mabel”. Now I was a bit taken aback, am sure he realized Madam Mabel was helping us out, so he thought I would just go and blot it out that he was having an affair, I looked at him and said in a firm voice “Mr. Chidi, what do you take me for? What’s my business with you and your wife, please leave me out of this, Okay, Thank you”. I didn’t even allow him to say anything else, I walked to the checkout, paid and left. As I drove off, I saw him standing there looking at me…… hmmmm

Day 114

MR- Faith is about never giving up, knowing that what you have faith for will manifest itself eventually, Sunday’s sermon. The pastor shed new light on the issue of faith, having faith is about knowing that whatever you are believing God for is already done. Your actions’, your speech, your life, everything you do should reflect that you believe and know it’s already sorted. It’s still about faith and works going hand in hand. Sometimes we work for something for so long, just when it’s about to work out we give up. You have to keep going, never give up on your dreams. If you dream it you can achieve it. The determined ones always get the end results. Make a decision to never give up and see how your life will change for the better.
Real powerful sermon, Mrs., Jnr and I, had to leave church as soon as service ended, we had to go home to get ready for Aakil and his family’s arrival. The plan was for all go to church come back to our place, have lunch, then go to the airport to meet them, their flight lands at 6pm.
We got back home around 11am, we had gone for the 9am service, Kola and Tammy, just as we got home, Jnr spent the night with us. Pamela and Babs got there next, then Toke.
Before I forget, my experience at the cinema was crazy, apparently Kola said a similar thing happened to him, the girls were just crazy, they came from np where and tried to destabilize happily married men, Get thee behind us Satan.
Anyway, Sandra also called yesterday, as I picked the phone, she was crying, she said her father had just been led away by security officials and she doesn’t know where they are taking him. I asked her to calm down and explain what happened. She said they were both sitting in the living room, when 5 men walked in to say they were from the security agency, they had a warrant to search our house. My father read the warrant and grudgingly gave them permission to search. After about 20 minutes, one of the men came down and said he found a gun, by this time my father had called his lawyer. Handcuffs were put on him and he was led away into their car and they drove off, the only information I got is a number one of the men gave me to give to his lawyer when he gets here. Please help me I don’t have access to my father’s friends or connections and the lawyer won’t talk to me. He just took the no off me and left.”
I really didn’t need this today, I had so much I had to get done. Mrs. doesn’t even know we have been in touch with Uncle J on this matter, today was the wrong day to take time off to help Sandra, the strange thing is I knew he was going to be arrested, actually, scratch that, I orchestrated how the evidence used against him got to Uncle J. What do I say to Sandra, anyway, I asked her to calm down, said she should give me some time to make a few phone calls and I will get back to her.
I called Kola aside and updated him about GF and Sandra’s call, he asked me what I was going to tell her, I told him I don’t know now, but I will definitely think of something, the one thing I knew was that she could never know how we were involved in getting the incriminating evidence to the security agency.
At 5pm, we all left for the airport, Toke was laughing and chatting so much we could all see she was nervous, Peju was with us as well. 45 minutes later we were there. We went to the Private jet wing to wait in the lounge, we hadn’t sat down for 5 minutes when their Private Jet landed, we walked on to the tarmac, As the plane door opened Aakil was the first one out, he was dressed in Jeans and a T-shirt, looking all dapper, Toke ran towards him and he lifted her completely off the ground and swung her around, it was like watching an Indian movie, then everyone else started to file out, Ahmed, his brothers, then his father , mother and 3 sisters in law, they all hugged and kissed Toke, it was as if they’ve know her for a long time, they were all smiles, laughing and joking. Aakil’s mum just kept hugging Toke and complimented her, on how beautiful she was, like an Egyptian queen she said. Then they came over to us, hugged and kissed us on the cheek. Two suburban jeeps had arrived from the embassy to pick them, Aakil introduced us to Ahmed, they came with us, the rest went ahead with the jeeps.
We got into the car park, we came in 3 cars, Aakil was holding onto Toke like she was going to go missing, they sat in our car, Peju and Ahmed sat with Pamela and Babs and Kola, Tammy and Jnr were on their own. We all drove to the hotel booked for the family. With the family all checked in, we decided to go home and come back tomorrow, give them time to rest, Aakil and Ahmed were coming with us to the apartment we rented for them. Just before we left, Aakil’s father said how happy he was to be back in Africa, he came many years ago as a student and he hasn’t been back since then. He was a very handsome and sweet man, he told Toke, welcome to the family, am so blessed I now have 4 sons and four daughters from different parts of the world. Aakil told us later that his 3 brothers had married from different continents. I thought to myself, same thing their father did, like father, like sons……hmmmm

MRS-Aakil is here, boy oh boy! He looked handsome than when we met him in Dubai, not as handsome as Mr. though. All 11 of them looked like movie stars who just walked off a film set, you could actually smell the opulence as they kissed and hugged us one after the other. They were dressed simply, in Jeans and T-shirts, their shoes, handbags watches scarfs all designer. The elder brother’s wife, had on Hermes sandals and handbag, even her scarf was Hermes, His mother had all Gucci and the other sisters in law, combined Chanel with Prada, honestly I could see Toke in the next couple of months and I let out a quiet whoa!.
Aakil was all over Toke, as soon as he got off the plane, he wouldn’t let go of her hand, the way he touched her, looked at her, you could almost feel the love between them. We first went to the hotel where the rest of the family were to stay, once they had all checked in, with the exception of Aakil and Ahmed, we went back home. The apartment Mr. got for them was 2 closes away from ours, they dropped off their hand luggage, main luggage was taken to the hotel. Then we all went to Toke’s house. I guess I should say Aakil and Toke’s house.
Before I forget, let me talk about the luggage, in fact am not exaggerating , I have not seen so many Gucci suitcases before, all shapes and sizes, they must have been about 30 of them, A van was standing by to load up the bags, when we left the airport.
Back to Toke’s house, dinner was laid out on the swimming pool terrace, Aakil loved the house, he told us, Toke and him, will spent most of their time making babies in this house. We all laughed, that was the first hint that he intended to spend a lot of time here, Although I must say Toke told me the other day “Where Aakil goes I go, I don’t mind living in Dubai permanently, I would miss you all so much, but think of it like this , Aakil can send his Private Jet to pick you up any weekend you want to come visiting” Pamela, Tammy and I had had laughed and called her ‘show off’ but now I believe they will shuttle between both countries.
Ahmed was a bit of a mystery, he was quiet initially, but when we got to the house, I could see he was as chatty as Aakil, if not more. The meal was amazing, Brown rice with roasted lamb and peanut butter dressing, Grilled salmon with dill and lemon sauce, Nan bread with shredded beef in tikka masala sauce, fried rice with prawns and shredded chicken in chill sauce. So much to eat, we all tucked in. Everyone was talking and laughing, Pamela and Tammy were talking, Aakil couldn’t wait to be shown around by Mr. and Kola, they were busy discussing how that will happen , Babs and Ahmed were talking , coincidentally, he also just finished his MBA at Harvard, just as Babs finished his in South Africa, they were comparing notes. But through all this one thing actually caught my eye, am not sure if anyone else noticed, but I could have sworn there was some sort of chemistry going on between Peju and Ahmed, well I just have to wait and see if am actually right but come to think of it, that will be very very interesting……….hmmmm

Day 115
MR-Whoa! Not sure how I got out of bed yesterday morning, but I had too. Kola, Aakil, Ahmed and I practically stayed up all night gisting about everything from engagement arrangements to Toke’s parents , to cultural differences to teaching Aakil how to greet in our native language and what actions accompanies the greeting. I think I finally left the apartment we leased for them at 4am. I was practically sleep walking home, I had to leave my car there cos I couldn’t trust myself to drive. Kola was already asleep on the couch, so I let him be. Aakil and Ahmed seemed super charged, when I left for the house, they were still seated in the terrace eating fruit.
O yeah, Aakil bared all, he does live a great life I must admit. Ahmed suggested we have a pre engagement party, since in this country, a traditional engagement was more or less like being married. Guess what Aakil suggested, wait for it! A pre engagement party in the air, well am sure you are wondering what that means, here it is, His Private jet, Boeing Business jet BBJ2 custom made sits about 45 people. He suggested we have the party on board flying around the country, I almost fell off my seat, I had to smack Kola on the back lightly to bring him out of his daze, Fly round the country while partying in the sky and the only clause was no alcohol. Who cares?, this was going to be the boom, wait until Mrs. and co hear about this, I had to reconfirm, if Aakil was serious about this, he said of course he was, “please invite your friends, let’s get our groove on”. Kola finally spoke, he said the wives won’t be happy with this, Aakil smiled and said, don’t worry, we can have ours on Wednesday and they use the plane on Thursday, so we both get parties in the air.
Come on people, I woke up this morning pinching myself and wondering if that crazy discussion we had about partying in the air was actually going to happen, As if to confirm it, Aakil sent me a text asking me to please arrange some catering for the event, he also wants to request that Peju be invited cos Ahmed seems smitten with her, but he doesn’t want to invite her himself. I laughed as I read it, this was going to be interesting, imagine if he actually falls in love with Peju, hmm, we have to wait and see what happens there.
Today we go as a group to greet Toke’s parents, just us boys, the tailor brings some attires for Aakil and Ahmed this morning, so we all go traditional style, can’t wait to see what they will look like in agbadas. Aakil showed Kola and I some of the gifts he got for her parents, honestly, am not sure if they will know what to do with it, I mean where to keep it, the Gold watches must cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, too much money sometimes can be a very serious problem, I will have to get them a safe deposit box in our bank, to keep them in after the engagement.
After that we go to the office, we have a meeting with the hotel investors, Aakil wants us to get it signed before the engagement on Friday, he joked that once Toke was his, he wants to take her away for a couple of weeks before he gets back to business, for now he’s counting down the days…..hmmmmm

MRS- Love is a beautiful thing, to love and be loved in return is one of the greatest things that can happen to us. I saw Toke in a different light yesterday, the way she dotted on Aakil, hung on his every word, the way he touched her face and planted a kiss on her lips every time he said her name, whoa!, it was amazing, I was finally convinced that love at first sight was real. I also thanked God almighty that I had Mr., who was also loving and caring, Cos believe me, if I didn’t, right there I would have been so jealous of them and so upset with myself for not having someone like Aakil.
Anyway, amidst all that lovey dovey, We were all once again dazed when Aakil gave Toke a diamond emerald necklace, with ear rings, bracelet and a ring and it was amazing. He said it was his pre engagement gift, after he left Tammy and Pamela joked that at this rate Toke was going she would have to trade in her Benz and thundra for a bullion van to take her everywhere cos of all the gold and diamonds she will be adorned with.
Yesterday before I left Toke’s, I told the girls, the boys were planning a pre engagement party, I overheard them talking about it, we girls haven’t been read in officially but am waiting patiently to see if that will happen, I guess they expect us to organize ours..
Toke woke me up in the middle of the night, all I could hear was Tammy, Pamela and her screaming and laughing at the same time, I was scared at first but when they paused to laugh, I felt relieved. “What’s going on I asked? “ Talk to me, after a few minutes they calmed down and Pamela spoke, “Babes we are having a pre engagement party and guess where?” I mouthed off a few 5 star hotels before she said “wrong babes, we are having it in the air, Aakil wants us to have a party in his private jet while it’s flying around the country”. Then I started screaming, Mr. wasn’t back yet he was still ay Aakils, I had no one to scream with, so I got in my car and drove to Toke’s, the screaming continued, I did overhear the boys talking about a party but I could never have imagined this, Life was great.
We started to plan right there, writing done who we will invite and all of a sudden I said “Madam Mabel” , we all started laughing again, but Pamela said it might be a good idea, she can spread the gossip, so everyone will hear about the party. Hmm!, she had a point.
After a while, Tammy suggested we get some sleep, or we will be useless in the morning, the time was 2,30am, when we finally all nodded off on Toke’s huge luxurious, Egyptian cotton sheet bed.
I woke up this morning, with a throbbing head ache, the girls were still asleep, I tip toed out and drove home slowly, my eyes were still dazed but I refuse to walk home in pajamas I wore to Toke’s place, got home, Mr. was still asleep, went to sit under our Jacuzzi shower and turned on the hot water, it felt great, I sat there for 20 mins and then came out to write in my diary, Mr. just woke up now, its seems we both need some coffee to keep us awake for the rest of the day.
We all go to see Aakils family later today, Toke’s Parents will receive Aakil and the boys and his Us and Toke, it’s just a familiarization visit. During our visit, we intend to take them around town, maybe do a little shopping or just sight see, they fly back on Saturday immediately after the engagement, so we have to fit in everything before Friday.
Am thinking about inviting my mum for the party and I will suggest Toke does the same , after all it’s a girls night out or rather a girls flying night out, Whoa!, the things loads of money can do…………hmmmm

Day 116
MR-Okay I succumb, Money works miracles, Am sure you’re wondering what am ranting about, well , I used to think Money was just money, but yesterday a series of events made me have a totally different opinion instantly.
First we all got ready in African attire, early I sent a car to bring Aakils three brothers from the hotel and went to Toke’s parents’ house, they were expecting us, the seven of us walked in Laid down flat in the floor, as is the traditional greetings, Toke’s parents were really impressed that Aakil and his family took the time to learn their culture, they were even more impressed when Aakil spoke to them in their dialect, not a lot but basic greetings. They were hugs, compliments and positivity flying everywhere. We were in that house for 1 hour and all that time Tokes father spent talking to Aakil behind closed doors. Ahmed, kola, Tokes mum, Aakils brothers and Peju sat in the living room. The surprise Peju was doled up, she looked amazing, obviously Toke got her some new clothes and shoes, but she had her hair done, long weave, simple make up cos she was gorgeous without it, even I had to make a compliment that she looked fantastic. Ahmed as we all noticed couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Kola had to nug him a bit when Toke’s mum was asking him a question and he was still fixated on Toke. Ha!Ha!
Secondly, while Aakils brothers had light refreshments in our guest lounge, we went for a meeting with the hotel investors. Aakil asked me to offer to buy the investors out, so we sat down with the them and I asked how much if we wanted to buy the franchise and not partner with them, they said a ridiculous amount of million dollars, Aakil nodded to me and I said done. I and Kola get 25 and 24% respectively% and Toke gets 51%, she also sits as the chairman of the board. Payments will be made in all 3 names. We requested for bank details for immediate transfer and we shook hands. The investors were dazed, they do say white people turn red when they were in shock or embarrassed, I had never seen it happen, but yesterday I saw it with my own two eyes, their faces went completely red.
Then the pias de resistance, we all decided to go out for a proper meal to this lounge that we hear has fantastic fusion food Arabic and African. It was around 7.30 pm, as we all sat down, maybe if I counted up to 10, one by one, beautiful women sitting on their own before we got there started to join us, at the last count we had 13 girls sitting with the seven of us, all because Aakil and his brothers ordered drinks for everyone, not just any drink ‘chandon dom perignon’ , Charles and Diana 1961, retails for over $4000 per bottle. Everyone in the lounge went crazy. The owner came over to sit with us for a while ushered us into their VIP area, the girls in tow of course, then he asked for our music request, Aakil surprising requested local artist and the girls went wild. Every guy in their was looking at us and I could only imagine what was going through their minds, the girls danced so provocatively, Aakil was dazed, His brothers just gawked and Ahmed said he had never seen anything like that before, he was a book worm, didn’t party much and even when he and Aakil went, out the girls were quite stiff. Before we left around 10pm Aakil gave each girls a thousand dollars, if we wanted to take them all home, they were too eager to come alone. But we had enough fantasy it was time to come down to reality, our sweethearts were waiting.
As we stepped out of the lounge, a man in a white garment walked towards us, he said hello and asked if he could deliver a message from God to us. Aakil and his siblings were taken aback this was new to them, Kola on a normal day would have dismissed the guy but since he got with Tammy, things related to God have been priority, so before I could say anything, he said , please Sir go ahead. The man looked at all of us and said “God reveled to me that you are planning a grand event in the next couple of days, you need to scale it down and make it very quiet, there is a huge cloud of darkness hovering around, waiting to destroy. God will not bring sorrow into your lives, Please listen to Gods voice, cancel all the grand arrangements and scale it down to the barest minimum. God be with you”. With that he walked away.
Kola held his head, I was just cold all of a sudden and Aakil and his brothers were asking what that was all about. We asked them not to worry about it, we got in the car and drove home. On the way Kola called Tammy to make sure she was at ours. We dropped off Aakils brothers, then Ahmed and Aakil at the apartment. Kola and I drove to Toke’s house where everyone was waiting. As we walked in Tammy was agitated as well, I thought Kola told her what the prophet said, but to our surprise, she asked us to sit down. Tammy said her pastor had called and asked us all to come see him, he had a premonition about Toke’s engagement and he wants us to come pray immediately. It can’t wait, we’ve got to go now. Everyone was in shock when we told them what happened to us as well. We got in the car and drove to the church. As we got out of the car to walk into the church, Another man, an imam, approached us and asked who was getting married amongst us, we pointed to Toke, he then apologized for what he was about to say, he said, please keep it very low key, God will not turn our joy to sorrow, with that he also walked off.
Honestly, if I ever doubted anything before, this was not one of them, three men of God in one day. The question I asked everyone was, what do we do now and how do we convince Aakil……..hmmmmm

MRS- yesterday was going according to our plan, but then God Almighty’s Plan came to bear, it just goes to show Man proposes, God Almighty disposes. Before We knew God’s plan, this is how the day was going-
Honestly, there is nothing impossible for God to do. Toke is one of the luckiest girls I know, or should I say blessed girl and highly favored.
We all went to see Aakil’s parents, and sister in laws, the brothers had gone out with Mr. and Kola. We all went knelt down greeted them, they were taken aback, they all went in and brought out gifts for all of us, lovely materials , jewelry, perfumes , chocolate and gold slippers they all sat with Toke pampering her. We had henna done to our hands and feet in preparation for the engagement. It was traditional for a bride to have hers done specially, Toke’s will be done on Thursday.
A bit later we went down to the Italian restaurant to have some pasta and pizza, then we went shopping, the escalade’s were on standby so we went to the mall. As we all filed in looking amazing all eyes were on the eight of us, we bought clothes in the wooden and davida store, I had called my designer to meet us there, she helped to pick out fabric that would look amazing on pale skin.
From there we went to Coldstone, got pizza and ice cream, then went to drop off Aakil’s family at the hotel. We had a fitting appointment with the designer, so we drove there to get that done, the outfits were amazing and none required adjusting. The designer said she will deliver them tomorrow. As we got back in the car, Tammy checked her phone and saw that she had 5 missed calls from her pastor, she immediately called him back, as I watched Tammy talk to him, her expression went very quickly from Joy to really worried, she spent almost 15 minutes saying “Yes Sir, Amen and Okay Sir”. When she was done and she had dropped the phone, we were all sited in the car looking at her.
She took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I just have to, Toke my darling that was my Pastor, he wants us to come for prayers so that everything will go well on Friday” then she smiled and said its okay, no problems. I knew Tammy, I couldn’t be fooled, that was definitely not all that was said, so I interrupted “Look Babes just tell us what the pastor said, it’s for our own good, prevention is definitely better than cure, please tell us”. She held Toke’s hands and said, he wants us to scale down the engagement to the barest minimum, something is lurking around, but he believes with prayer all things will work out for good”.
Toke just started to cry so hard, she cried and cried asked us how she was going to explain this to Aakil, why her? Just 3 more days and this happens, she went on and on, she got really hysterically Pamela had to slap her to get her to calm down. I drove to her house. As we sat there contemplating what to do next, Kola and Mr. walk in and tell us what they also experienced……hmmmmmm
DAY 117
MR- O dear Lord, no, this cannot be happening to us, after all this time and so close, nooooo!!. Am a man and a Christian, I need to be strong and have faith, the Pastor has assured us, all will be well, Let me stop carrying on and start from the beginning.
As we parked the car outside the church, the Imam walked up to us and told us to have Toke’s engagement low key. As he walked away, we all had our mouths wide open in astonishment, the 3rd man of God in one evening, this must be really serious, I thought. Anyway we summed up courage and went into the church to see the pastor. He was wonderful, he asked us to all sit down and said there was no need to worry, God was able to resolve everything. He then began to narrate his dream. “We were at your reception, everything had was going well, when all of a sudden there was a commotion at the back, two people came running in, shouting there has been an accident, when we all got outside, we saw two bodies lying on the floor, I did not see their faces but it was a young man and a woman. I now prayed to God to ask for instructions in relation to the dream, the only thing I got was, you need to pray for God to avert disaster. Also scale down your engagement to the barest minimum and cancel the people coming from your town, A couple of them are coming to test your faith. He then asked if Toke’s Dad had a sister, she said yes, the pastor said, your father’s sister has two daughters both married but they are still in the village with no head way. She is envious of your families’ sudden fortune.
Toke by now was crying again, she said how was she going to explain all this to Aakil, the pastor said, “Don’t worry, Aakil will get a sign from God, all will be well” Toke said “Sign, Sir? The engagement is on Friday”. “Don’t worry Sister Toke, God’s time is not our time”. The pastor prayed with us asked us to have a night vigil, to commit the whole day onto the lord and to cover everyone with the blood of Jesus.
All the prayer warriors arrived just as he rounded off our discussion with the pastor and prayer commenced, Aakil called my no, just as we were about to start the prayer, he said he has been looking for us all, we should be on our way to the pre engagement party by now, I told him we had to come to church to pray urgently, we will be back in the morning. He said what was the matter, he kept asking , I just said all was fine, he didn’t seem to believe me and he kept insisting I please tell him, is it about Toke? He asked, is she okay? “Aakil”, I said, “Toke is fine, I promise you, we will all be back in the morning and she will update you”. He said Okay and dropped the phone.
We sang, prayed all night, early this morning we rounded off and then we all drove to our estate. We decided to head straight to Aakil’s apartment, as we approached, we saw Ahmed pacing up and down in front, “what’s the matter, Ahmed?” we asked, he said he wasn’t sure, “What do you mean?”, “well after Aakil spoke to you, he wasn’t himself, around 4 am, he said he just wanted to go for a run in the estate to clear his head. I advised him against it but he insisted it was a small enclosed estate, what could go wrong, he will be fine, that was 2 hours ago and now he’s not back, he didn’t take his phone along. I have walked around the estate twice, I can’t find him”, at that moment, Toke, fell to the ground, we picked her up and rushed her into the apartment, Kola and Ahmed took the car and went round looking for him, they got back an hour later, no luck, Tammy called the pastor, he came over prayed and said, don’t worry all will be well.
At a time like this , “All will be well”, is the last thing you want to hear , but you need to hold on to the word of God and be reassured that it will be well indeed……hmmmmmm

MRS-Aakil is missing, Toke is not talking to anyone, she’s just lying on the bed mumbling to herself and stirring at the ceiling. We are all totally confused right now. One thing we all agreed on, was to start calling all the invitees and tell them the engagement has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. The calls will start with the ones coming from Toke’s town first.
Since we got back from church this morning we have been all worrying about Aakil, where can he be, was he kidnapped?, no ransom has been requested, did he fall down somewhere?, What do we tell his family? Ahmed has asked us not to tell them yet, am not sure how long we can keep this to ourselves because according to Mr. there was supposed to be an engagement eve party on his private jet yesterday, but they told his brothers it had been moved to tonight, Aakil was hoping we will all be around to go on the flight together, what happens when they try to call him, “Dear lord, please help us find him”.
Pamela suggested we give Toke a sleeping tablet, she’s not being coherent right now. In church she was already acting like she was in a trance, she just kept calling Aakil’s name and asking what will she tell him, she just started doing that again. Tammy just popped out to get that now.
I am praying so hard that Aakil is okay, how can this be happening, we have been so happy, full of joy and thanksgiving , planning and looking forward, Now one day before the D day, come on, we have come so far and are so close, the devil is a lair, he can only delay but he can’t stop. God almighty will sort all this out, it doesn’t matter if only 2 people witness the engagement or 1000 people but the most important thing is that they both end up together.
I just popped home now to have a shower and go back to Toke’s place, Mr., Kola and Ahmed are still driving around looking for Aakil everywhere within the estate. It’s a small estate with 28 houses, all detached, except 2 serviced apartments, one of which Aakil and Ahmed are staying in. so where can he be hiding or how could he get lost . He doesn’t know anywhere else.
That reminds me, we haven’t told Tokes’s parents what’s going on, especially the part about her father’s sister, who’s going to tell them? Obviously, not me…….hmmmmm

Day 118

MR- Trusting in God, always results in joy at the end. Yesterday was a very stressful day. All our faiths got tested over and over.
By midday, Kola, Ahmed and I had driven around our estate more than 20 times, we looked in every corner, alleyway, abandoned car, to see if he fell somewhere or got lost and couldn’t find his way back. Ahmed kept rejecting his brothers’ calls, cos he was too nervous to speak to them, he didn’t know what to say. After the 20th time of circling round, I suggested we go to my house, have a shower and get something to eat, then re strategize.
Once we were done eating, we sat down and made a decision to call uncle J. He could coordinate his guys to look everywhere. I remember him mentioning to me once that his boys knew every criminal in the country and their hide outs, if anyone goes missing they know where to go look for them first.
Mrs., Tammy and Pamela, hadn’t left Toke’s side for more than 30minutes at a time, they each took it in turns to watch her. She definitely wasn’t herself, the pastor had come and prayed for her and all he said was that ‘All will be well’. Mrs. called me a few minutes ago, she said Toke’s mum called her phone, she wants us to come over to their house with Toke, some relations of there’s just called to inform them, they got a call canceling the engagement. Her mum wanted to know what was going on?
We got in the car, stopped by at the apartment to talk to the ladies, as we were about to drive off to see Uncle J, I got a strange no calling on my phone, I picked it up and a voice said, “this is the ambassador, we got a call from a local hospital, that Aakil was brought to them yesterday morning, A bike had hit him accidentally while he was jogging early in the morning. He wasn’t seriously injured but he hit his head as he fell and slipped into a coma. He just woke up a couple of hours ago and asked them to call me, since he didn’t have any other no. He has been discharged and he is with me now in the embassy, could you come pick him up”. He dropped the phone before I could say anything. All I could do was shout “Praise the lord”, Kola and Ahmed were stirring at me, “What’s the matter” Kola asked. “Aakil is alive and well, he is in the embassy” The time was 4 pm.
We drove to the embassy as fast as we could, AaKIL was so delighted to see us, he had a bandage around is head but other than that he was perfectly okay.
He narrated to us what had happened, he said all of a sudden he had this overwhelming feeling to go jogging early in the morning, even though Ahmed tried to stop him, he felt to himself what could go wrong. As he was jogging around the estate, this bike came out of nowhere, hit him and he must have hit his head on the curb as he fell, which made him slip into a coma. The doctor told him a man brought him into the hospital but didn’t leave his contact details. When he woke up he didn’t know anyone’s phone no, he just asked the hospital to call the embassy.
He asked where Toke was, I told him out of excitement when the ambassador called we just drove straight to see him, Toke is not aware yet. He said okay lets go see my love…….hmmmmm

MRS-Yesterday was a test of faith, Toke really scared us, she had become so fragile all of a sudden, I could have sworn she lost weight this past two days we have been looking for Aakil. We didn’t know what else to do, Tammy, Pamela and I couldn’t fast cos we are pregnant but we prayed every 4 hours and had faith that our prayers had been answered.
Madam Mabel kept calling me, when she was tired of calling she sent me a text asking what was going on why did we cancel the event Centre booking? I ignored her.
We ordered some pizza around 3 pm, Toke refused to take a bite, she just kept asking us to go get Aakil, she hadn’t eaten for a day and a half and all she had was water. The strange thing is that through all this I had peace, I remembered one of my favorite verses in Isaiah 41 verse 10 to 12 that says “Do not be afraid the lord is with you, do not be dismayed because I am your God, you will be strengthened because I will help you and I have lifted you up with my right hand of righteousness”. Reciting this over and over gave me the much needed peace that ‘All will indeed be well’.
Just as I finished reciting that verse 7 times, Aakil walked in, honestly I didn’t know when I jumped on him, shouting “Oh my God Aakil” .Toke heard the name and came running out, it was as if she just woke up from a trance, she was back, just like that, they fell into each other’s arms, kissing and holding for a while, Toke crying and Aakil asking her to please forgive him. We all stood there watching them and thanking God for his glory. Tammy asked us to thank God for his save return, we all closed our eyes, Tammy prayed and everyone said Amen.
Ahmed was worn out, he excused himself and went in to sleep. Aakil and toke also just sat on the couch crying, So Pamela, Tammy, Mr., Kola and I decided to go to our place and give them some time alone.
On the way Mr. informed us Aakil while in a coma had a dream that God wanted him to scale down the engagement, he said he was afraid to mention it to Toke, I told him that was too late because 3 different men of God already told her and that was the reason why we had to go to church.
The engagement holds today, we managed to cancel 120 people, with 20 people left including the family, the engagement will hold in Toke’s parents’ house and the reception party at the hotel. I just need to go back to bed now, get some more shut eye, then wake up in a couple of hours and go over to Toke’s, All us girls leave to the engagement venue from there. “Thank you God”………hmmmmmm

DAY 119
MR- My two favorite quotes about wealth, first says “You are not wealthy until you have something money cannot buy and the second quote “Bering rich is having money and being wealthy is having time” I love them both because they express how I would love to be, yesterday during the engagement I saw that in Aakil. Now honestly I really don’t know how to describe the event but I will try-
The engagement was billed to start at 4 pm in Toke’s parents’ house, Aakil and Ahmed were taken to meet his family around 1pm, I got the company driver to take them, wait for them and guide them back. The limo arrived at Toke’s place for 3pm, to take Toke and the girls to her parents’ house. Kola and I were already stationed there, the garden was arranged and decorated, we had a closed marque installed with air-conditioning and just 50 table and chairs , all table clothed with Gold and ivory decoration and a touch of red. The DJ was playing music.
At 3.45 pm, Most of the invited quest had arrived and were sited. When two escalades and a Mercedes Benz jeep with 2 thundras and 2 police escort vans and a 24 sitter bus arrived with Aakils family. Honestly it was a spectacle, I don’t know who gave them the idea, but they had 12 maidens dressed in African attire carrying Gucci suitcases of different sizes and shapes. Behind them came his parents, then his brothers and their wives, then Aakil and Ahmed, then came the ambassador and 4 other people. Everyone got up when they walked in, the other guest were staring and touching each other and pointing.
All the suitcases were placed in front, the maidens went to the back and stood there. Toke’s Parents came out looking amazing, and the ceremony started.
The lady leading the event asked for transport fare to bring Toke out, Aakil dropped a $10000 bundle of $100 notes. Then they brought out another girl, it wasn’t her, that process repeated itself and more money was dropped. Then Toke came out with Mrs., Peju, Pamela and Tammy. They all looked amazing.
Both parents got up, stood behind their child and prayers began, Prayers were rendered in Christianity and Islam, He then brought out this amazing ring, must have been so many carats and placed it on Toke’s finger, her father held both their hands and prayed again, all other rites were performed.
Then Aakils parents hugged Toke and Toke parents hugged Aakil. Toke’s father surprised us all when he said this was a traditional wedding and not an engagement, so Aakil was free to take his bride back to Dubai with him. Aakil, very smart boy, dragged us all up and we went to prostrate in front of him and said thank you. He took out a wad of dollars and placed it on the table in front of Toke’s parents to show his gratitude once more.
Honestly after a while I lost count of how many times wads were pulled out of the huge traveling case Ahmed had beside him and handed dollars from it to Aakil. By the time we were done, almost everyone present had some money in their pockets they didn’t come with, Aakil made it a point of duty to spray everyone who came to the front either to dance , greet the couple or their parents. After a while I think some guest just came forward to get their share……hmmmmm

MRS-Toke is the luckiest girl ever, Gold, so much Gold, when the dowry was announced Aakil’s brother brought forward a suitcase which contained 5 Gold bars, everyone gushed, we now knew why there were mobile police men with guns everywhere, they brought 12 Gucci suitcases, silk, Gold, designer bags, shoes, jewelry, wrist watches, perfumes, scarfs. Wrappers, name it, everything a girl wanted. Then came the girls again with all food items and drinks, cases of moet, brandy, Yams, bags of rice and lots more.
The brothers, Aakil, Ahmed, Mr. and Kola all prostrated on the floor, prayers were done, His father gave a speech, his mum did too, and Toke’s parents gave theirs as well.
O did I mention their attire? Aakils family came all dressed in amazing colors, adorned with so much Gold ‘fort knox’ would be jealous. After about 2 hours, the engagement was done, Toke and Aakil were officially joined, we say engagement but it was more like a traditional wedding. After that everyone got in cars, limos, jeeps and the bus, followed by 2 trucks full of mobile police, security agents courtesy of Uncle J and we all drove to the hotel for the reception.
As we walked into the hall, a snow machine was spewing snow drops out , it came sprinkling down from the ceiling, the band was playing a Whitney Houston song, I will always love you, It was decorated with Gold, silver and red, looked like an amazing Christmas winter wonderland. Each table had branded gift bags and name cards. In the bag were watches, designer bags for ladies, iPads for guys, perfume and a thank you card from the couple.
As you sit down a waiter came around and poured moet into your champagne flute, then gave you a warm towel to wipe your hands. He then handed you a menu specially prepared for the event, there were 12 five course meals on the menu and you could order anyone you wanted, The menu had light refreshments, starters, main meal, digesters and deserts, 5 course meals, I have heard of 3 course meals but not 5.
While the guest took in the grandeur they had just been confronted with, the couple and their friends went up to rooms booked, to change into the reception attire. We all came down about 30 minutes later and danced into the hall with the couple’s song, Lady in red. Toke was wearing an amazing fitted , gold encrusted Red evening gown, Aakil had on an amazing tuxedo with red trimmings, we all had Gold evening gowns on with red trimmings , the guys had on tuxedos with red flowers pinned on, we all looked fabulous if I must say so myself.
O my gosh, Aakils family came up to spray us, not sure how they knew that, that’s what we do in this part of the world, but who’s complaining? we were sprayed with unwrapped bundles of 100 dollar bills, how did we pick up the money you ask?, well that was already taken care of, a bullion van was already waiting, as we were being sprayed , security agents dressed as grooms men were picking it up and dropping it in the bullion van which was surrounded by mobile police.
The cake was simply amazing, Cream with red butter icing and Gold trimmings, each layer was alternated, vanilla and red velvet, hmmmm, delicious. Al the guests were so full, they could hardly move, people were packaging champagne, food, gift bags anything they could lay their hands on, As the reception rounding off to a close, Aakil gave a thank you speech on behalf of himself and Toke. He surprised us all when he said the first sentence in our local language. His speech was heartwarming, he thanked God for meeting Toke, praised her, thanked his parents and family and specially thanked us and Toke’s Parents.
Al in all, Yesterday will go down as one of the most amazing days I have ever had the privilege to witness……hmmmmm

Day 120

MR-Well well, the D day finally came and gone, we thank God Almighty for making the day an amazing success. It had its ups and downs on the way but God finally made it happen. We are all so delighted for Toke and Aakil. You could see the joy and love on their faces yesterday, it was a real sight to behold.
After the reception, Aakils family took Toke to the hotel as a symbolic gesture, then went to her house with Aakil. Aakil was already there, so they brought Toke in, the same way you bring a new bride to the groom’s house. The girls were all there to escort her to begin a new wonderful and fruitful life.
During the reception, I noticed that half way through Kola got a phone call, after he answered and dropped the call he seemed a bit shaken, I asked him what the matter was he said he will tell me later. From that point he was not himself but I could see he put in all his effort not to let it show. I actually forgot to mention Babs, he was very helpful both at the engagement /traditional wedding and at the reception. I actually accepted him totally after yesterday’s performance, he was a good guy and I was looking forward to him and Pamela getting married.
Our task was to get all the gifts to Toke’s house, Kola, Babs and I packed everything into the cars we brought with the help of the hotel porters who were more than happy to do whatever, after I gave each of them a $100 dollar bill, Babs even made a Joke that I was becoming Aakil, ‘that when a leaf rubs against soap for a while, it becomes soap itself’. As he mentioned that I did think for a minute, how much money we had waiting in the bank vault, The way the money was bagged, each segment was labeled. The traditional wedding money was labelled Toke and then her parents, then others, for the reception the same thing, The idea was that the bags labelled others was for Tammy, Kola, Pamela, Babs, Mrs. and I, at the last count Kola said we had 5 bags of dollars, I won’t tell you how big though, but right now we are planning to scout for investment properties to buy.
Speaking of gifts , for such a small crowd we had so many gifts, it was a good thing we all brought Jeeps, once done we drove them to Tokes house. Aakil had gone ahead with the driver, he wanted us to be there when his family brought Toke over, I looked at my watch, the hand over will in an hour.
We got there with a few minutes to spare, left the gifts in the car, and went in to wait for her to arrive. A few minutes later the girls, Toke and Aakils family arrived. Aakil and all of us went out to meet them, he lifted Toke up and carried her into the house. We finally left for our house around 2 am.
But before we drove off, I asked Kola what the matter was and who called. He looked at me, told me who it was and what was said, I couldn’t believe it, why was this coming up now, we thought we had left it behind. Tomorrow we have to find a solution very quickly, I asked him not to worry, everything would be fine, the truth is, I was worried, knowing the situation from firsthand experience, I knew the last thing we need now was this …….hmmmmm

MRS- Tammy, Pamela and I sang and praised God all the way to the hotel Aakils family were staying in, The idea was to take their ‘Wife’ home, then we all see her off to Aakil at their house in our estate. When we got to the hotel Aakils mum gave us all wonderful advice, Cherish your husband, always be yourself around him, be sincere, faithful and full of love, God first in everything you do.
Something I forgot to mention, Ahmed and Peju kind of went missing for some minutes during the reception, I was on the lookout for them, when I didn’t see them return, I decided to go look for them. As I rounded the corner, I saw him with Peju holding hands and telling her how much he loved her, he said since he’s been here all he thinks about is her, he then surprised me, he said He knows she’s still young and needs to complete her education, he is ready to wait, he prays she can come to Dubai with them, so he can make his intentions known properly. He will wait for her to be ready, if she could only say yes. Just as she started responding, Tammy taped me on the back, asking what I was doing, so I missed her response. Hmm , this is interesting o, can you imagine , Toke and Peju all the way in Dubai, and one thing we found out about Ahmed, he is the 2nd child of the King, the first son, that means his in line for the throne once his father dies, Peju a queen in the middle east , o! la! La!. I know what you are thinking, ‘busy body’, Ha!ha!
Anyway, we got to Toke’s place , with all the female members of Aakil’s family, he ran out, lifted up Toke and carried her into their house. There were cheers and laughter, as his mum sang a bridal song in Arabic, his oldest sister in law translated it, basically it was a blessing for the couple to be fruitful, full of love and joy and be wise. Wise? I asked her, “yes” she said, “what do you need in abundance, as a couple to get through so much, if not wisdom to do the right thing?” I was taken aback, if you look at it, she was right, the wisdom to make the right decision in every sphere of your life was such an important key, I believe that’s why we pray to God for wisdom all the time.
Toke delivered, it was finally time for us all to get some well-earned rest, everyone went back home, the time was 2am.
Woke up this morning to write in my diary and then go back to sleep, Mr. is already awake, but according to him, we need to catch up on a lot of TLC, well we’ve only got a few hours because Aakil, Toke and his family fly back 7pm tonight and before then we are all being hosted at the embassy for 2pm. So we’ve got to get a move on, if you know what I mean and if you don’t, well, use your imagination ……..hmmmmmm

Day 121

MR-Bimbo is here, No she can’t be? What does she want? Kola, how did she find you?” “I don’t have a clue, she called me that she arrived in the country yesterday morning, she said she missed me and came to see me”. Did you give her your no? Yes it’s even worse than that I gave her my business card, which has our office address”. “What were you thinking?” “Bro, I wasn’t thinking, that girl is a seductress, that’s one of the major reasons, in fact scratch that, that’s the major reason I broke off with her, she’s dangerous” “Kola, I hope you remember who she also has a son for?” “Of course Bro, how can I forget all of a sudden, what am I going to do now?, if I don’t pick her calls or call her back as promised, I can bet she will turn up tomorrow in the office. That girl knows how to get to me, if you catch my drift?” “Yes, I do, The Kiss”. Kola and I just sat there for a while rejecting all forms of ‘Jezebelic intrusions’ in to our lives at this time. But that wasn’t the solution, we had to get our act together and make sure we don’t go two steps back after moving only one step forward.
By 2pm, we were all sited at the embassy, it was amazing, I had never been in there but I did drive past it at least twice or thrice a month, they had a band playing middle eastern music, it was different but nice, a lot of incense. Then came the belly dancers, I’ve seen them in films but never up close and personal. The way the ladies twisted their bodies to the music was great. We guys couldn’t keep our eyes off them. While dancing was going on, we were invited to go round the buffet spread. There were all sorts of kebabs, pitta bread, a vegetable salad called tabouleh, baba gahnnouj, a dip made with eggplant, falafel round appetizers, hummus, pilaf rice, grilled vegetable, roasted lamb, spicy potatoes and loads of cakes and ice cream.
I watch as everyone ate, laughed and joked, Ahmed was sitting opposite Peju, Toke and Aakil were in a world of their own, they could keep their hands off each other, Aakils elder brother was sitting next to me, he joked that if Prince Ahmed hadn’t fallen for Peju he might just be tempted to take her as a second wife. I was surprised he actually called him Prince, he said to me that if I met him in Dubai, he moves around with Palace security in a convoy, it took our father one week to convince the king to let him come here with us and with only one security guard. I asked which guard, he pointed to one of the grooms men. All in All it was an amazing reception. At the end Aakils father gave a thank you speech, said he loved our country and now that he has a daughter from here, it’s time to move some of the family investments down this way.
We all drove to the airport, Toke was crying, Mrs., Tammy and Pamela were also sniffling, it was such an emotional sight. Peju and Ahmed were whispering in each other ears, I decided to open it all up, I asked Ahmed what his intentions were towards our sister, He just laughed and said, I have the best intentions, just trying to be as blessed as my brother Aakil:” Everyone laughed including Aakil’s parents.
30 minutes later we all watched as their private jet soared into the air. Just then I remembered what Tammy’s pastor said to me , “The meeting of this young Arab man is going to put you on a path you can’t even begin to imagine the magnitude and scope of the amazing journey God has in store for you and your family. Just keep thanking God Almighty, All your lives are about to change for the best” ……………..hmmm.

MRS-One gone , three left, hmmmm, for the longest time we have been four friends like sisters, although Tammy just joined us, it’s like she has been there from the beginning. I remember when Toke, Pamela and I were in university, we were inseparable, Although Toke and Pamela were roommates, they practically spent most of their time in my off campus apartment. We did everything together, we were like triplets, people actually thought we were sisters or at least related.
We are really going to miss her, all that happened leading up to Toke and Aakil leaving, just gave me more to thank God for, Toke, who came from a humble background, practically took care of her family throughout university, graduated and now she’s like a billionaires wife, honestly God Almighty, is a God of possibilities, you must never look down on anyone.
Well before we saw them all off to the airport, Toke called us girls to her house to thank us, she said Aakil wanted to say a big thank you to us all. So he has asked us to come up with anything we would want him to invest in for us, A property, land, shares whatever it was, he’s ready to give us $250,000 each for that, just to say thank you and show his wife’s appreciation.
We were all gob smacked, after all the money we have in the vault, we have been told we are looking at 6 figures. He now wants to give us more money. O my gosh, this is a new experience, Yes, I actually thought we were rich before, but now I understand what rich really is. I couldn’t even begin to compare what I thought was rich. He also said if we wanted to come out to Dubai, we should just call Toke, she will send her private jet, when she said that, I asked, “Your Jet?” Yes, he said he’s ordered a private jet for me to make it easier for me and my family to shuttle between Dubai and here and if we needed to go shopping in Paris or London, he would hate it if I had to wait for him to get back from a business trip” I jumped on her and I must have screamed for like 2 minutes, “you get a PJ?, OH my gosh!, so no more struggling to check in at airports Toke you are a queen already.?” “Well yes he is also applying for an American Passport for me since he was born there and has a US passport”

Later that evening Seeing her leave on a jet plane, got me humming the old song, “Am leaving on a jet plane, I don’t know when I’ll be back again, o baby I hate to go…..” The only difference here was that she was happy to go, who wouldn’t be?, My friend, My sister was finally a going to become a queen and I was glad to be part of her life journey……..hmmmmm

Day 122

MR- okay now’ am definitely sure you’ll be wondering what’s wrong with Mr. and Kola, why do they always get themselves into these compromising situations. This time I promise you I had nothing to do with it. Am sure you all remember Bimbo, the lady who we visited in Charlton, London, who had a child for Tella? And you might remember that I found out later that she kissed Kola unexpectedly? Well now she’s here, she claims she came to visit him cos she’s been thinking about him.
The sensible thing to do would be to ignore her, but how do you ignore someone who knows where you work, she will just turn up and embarrass you. Well that’s not quite how it happened yesterday but it still didn’t end well, actually it turned out real bad.

Kola and I got to the office pretty early, we didn’t even have time to go pick up and deposit our share of the engagement money, we asked the storing vault to extend our lease for a couple of days. We believed that would give us enough time to send Bimbo packing to where she came from. Kola called her earlier and asked her to meet him at the restaurant round the corner from our office, when he mentioned the meeting venue to me, it suddenly occurred that we have had most of our Jezebel meetings there, after this , we would not be going back, I pray.

Anyway by 1pm we went to meet her, she was meant to get there for 2pm but we thought we would have something to drink before she arrives. As we walked into the restaurant, we saw her, she was there with another girl who we didn’t recognize. She beckoned for us to come over and at the same time got up and ran towards Kola, gave him a big kiss on the lips and dragged him back to sit next to her. The seats in the place were sofas instead of regular dining table seats. The other girl looked at me all mushy and tapped her hand on the space next to her indicating that I sit there. I ignored her and sat 2 seats away,

Bimbos’ friend started off the conversation, “Kola , you no try at all o, how can you abandon your babe wey come all the way from London to visits you, I have been taking care of her for the last couple of days you owe me o, big time “. Kola just sat there mouth agape, he looked at me and I shrugged. Main while Bimbo had her hand on his head rubbing it back and forth, the strange thing is Kola made no attempt to move away. What he said next threw me. “Am sorry dear, I was out of town, am here now, I will sort everything out” I looked at him, feeling really confused, “Kola, can I talk to you for a minute? I said. Kola just looked at me and said “Bro, say whatever you want to say here, they are part of us” gesticulating and pointing to Bimbo and her friend. I knew he wasn’t drunk cos we hadn’t drank anything all day, so I thought it was a joke , I got up tried to pull him up to come with me, but he just hit my hand and asked me to leave him alone.

That was really scary, the transformation from sane to insane was so abrupt, I didn’t even notice it. It was as if Kola was in a trance. By this time, Bimbo was all over him. I didn’t quite know what to do, thankfully Kola just said he had to go to the gents, I said I did too and followed him. Coincidentally there was a back door opposite the gents, I didn’t even wait for him to go, I just pushed him out of the door and we landed in the car pack, amid protests, I dragged him into the car and drove back to the office, fortunately most staff were not around because it would have been hard to explain, I called Tony and the manager, they helped me control Kola and took him into my office. I called our friend IK, a doctor. I had narrated Kola’s trance like situation to him, so he came with a sedative. Once he gave Kola the injection he fell asleep.
I sat there looking at him and praying, IK said it could be a panic disorder or anxiety disorder, that sometimes when our brains are in that state, the result could make you fall into a trance. I had to agree that Bimbo showing up at our door step like that could make anyone seriously anxious.

I sat watching Kola for a couple of hours, when he finally stirred and opened his eyes.
The first thing he said was, Bimbo!, at that moment I had a bad feeling that this whole trance thing, might just be more than an anxiety disorder, Dear God Help us…….hmmmmm

MRS- Okay, now back to life, I feel deflated, with the whole build up to the engagement , keeping us all so busy for the last month and now peace all of a sudden am sure you understand how one can feel restless. I don’t really know what to do with myself, so I have decided to go outlet shopping. I want to open a business. I wrote this down some weeks ago. I have two ideas, but am keeping them close to my chest for now. I need to register at the business school after I see what business spaces cost this days in highbrow areas.

Tammy called yesterday, they arrived in Dubai, as she and the family stepped off the Jet there was a welcome party waiting, they sprinkled flower petals and perfume all over her, rubbed her feet with sweet smelling oil, sang and danced with her all the way to the waiting cars. When she finally got to Aakil’s house, it wasn’t a house, it was a palace. She said I won’t believe he has more 10 maids, 4 butlers, 4drivers, 6cleaners, She not even sure how many rooms the palace has, she gets a tour today. Their bedroom is the size of our whole top floor, the bathroom taps are all Gold, her walk in closet had all the clothes, wrappers, dresses, shoes, bags, trinkets she could ever need and more, she will send me pictures today. She wants us to come over for a weekend to celebrate with Ahmed, it’s his birthday 1st week in March and Ahmed has kindly requested that Peju must come along.

Mr. left home pretty early yesterday morning he said he and Kola had some urgent business to attend too. I wasn’t surprised cos we’ve spent the last couple of weeks running round for Toke and Aakil’s engagement. Am sure that left a lot of work pilling up for them in the office.
Tammy, Pamela and I decided to meet up at Toke’s house, we had called in professional cleaners to tidy up the house, so I could lock it up, only the gate man and chef will remain in the compound, they of course will stay in the boy’s quarters. Toke said her chef should work for us until she’s back, so he starts coming over to my house from today.

Tammy and Pamela turned up around 11, we walked to Tokes house, just our luck, we bump into Madam Mabel. Before she could say anything, I apologized for not calling her sooner and that I was bringing some gifts to her in the afternoon. She asked if she could just follow us and pick it up now, I said no, Tammy said okay, so she conveniently ignored my objection and latched on to Tammy’s yes.
As we walked into Toke’s compound, the cleaners also arrived in their van, we all walked into the house together. The cleaners were the first to say something “Madam, this your house is super” Thank you I said. Madam Mabel just kept staring at the ceiling and clapping her hands. “Sisi mi come o, I hear they gave out gold bars at the party, I hope my package has one of them” we all bust our laughing, “who told you?”, “Chief Tope’s wife, Shebi you invited him and he told her and she told Mrs. Iyang next door to me, who was discussing it with Madam Pat , when I overheard.”

“Whoa , Madam Mabel, news travels fast, well let me give you your gift and you can decided if you like it or not”. I went into the study where the extra gifts were and picked out one that had a nice Louis Vuitton bag and slippers to match, a wrist watch, perfume and silk scarf, and I handed it to her. She opened it and gasped. She gave me a very long lingering hug, then she started to cry. “Why are you crying Madam?” Pamela asked. “My dear you won’t believe how long I have been begging Chidi, my husband for this designer bag. One woman made serious shakara for me at the saloon. I went there to do my hair, there were people waiting, so I sat down put my bag beside another handbag that was on a side table, when I got up to do my hair I left my bag there , as it was right beside my stylist.”

“A few minutes later a woman came out form the ladies and picked up my bag and said who put this smelly bag next to my very expensive Louis Vuitton designer bag, are you trying to infect it and she dropped my bag on the floor, you won’t believe it , the stylist were apologizing to her. I couldn’t even say it was my bag, I was too ashamed. My stylist noticed and she picked up my bag and apologized to me. When I got home I told Chidi about my humiliation. He pacified me and promised to buy me a bigger one. That was 9 months ago. Now you just hand me the bag, slippers and watch, o dear! o dear!, Thank you so much, am going to the saloon right now, them go take”

With that she matched out of Toke’s house and left us all reeling with laughter. Madam Mabel sorted, we got back to business, there were almost 50 take home gift bags left, remember we cancelled about 90 invites. Toke gave out to people in the estate and her parent’s neighbor’s hence the reason we have about 50 left.
She asked me to keep them all in my house and find some people to give. Now please note these are $2000 dollar bags and above, it’s not just something you can give away anyhow, am sure we can all come up with something to do with them. For now am going out outlet hunting …….hmmmmm

Day 123
MR- “BIMBO! Kola, what’s wrong with you? Why are you calling Bimbo, Kola are you okay? What’s going on? Bro you are scaring me”, Kola just kept asking for Bimbo when he woke up, I had to call IK back to give him another sedative. While he was out we contemplated how serious this anxiety thing could be. In order for us not to disturb him, we stepped out into the boardroom. IK felt I should take him home once he wakes up, Tammy’s voice could help him recover, IK said. I didn’t think it was a good idea, cos calling out “I want Bimbo” when he’s with Tammy would definitely not be good. Anyway, I still had to take him home.
IK and I went back to check on Kola in my office, where he was sleeping on the couch , to our surprise, he wasn’t there, I looked in my private toilet, he wasn’t there, we looked everywhere in the office he was nowhere to be found, his car and mine were still in the car park. I asked Tony to rewind the cctv recordings, when we went through, it showed Kola leaving through the back door and walking towards the road, the last we saw of him was him getting into a taxi.
I took Tony in my car and we drove in the direction of the Taxi, in a way it was a fruitless journey, cos we didn’t even have the no of the Taxi or have the faintest idea where he was heading. We went to check the restaurant where we met Bimbo earlier, they weren’t there, unfortunately I didn’t have Bimbo’s no. where do I begin to look for him, what do I tell Tammy, bearing in mind that she is pregnant, I must watch what I say to her. After driving around for a while with getting no closer to finding him, I dropped Tony off and went home.
I discussed the whole Kola going missing issue with Mrs., told her I need her to cover for Kola and I. Mrs. thought it was a bad idea, she said she believed Tammy would understand, she can pray for his safe return and that keeping it from her would be a mistake. I had to agree, Tammy had been through worse with Kola and prayer had gotten them through it. So I went over to Tammy’s made up an excuse to bring her to our house.
When we got back to ours, Mrs. told her what was going on, she was a bit shaken, but she said she needed to pray about it, she will get a solution from God. Mrs. led her and Jnr to a spare room and came back to me in the lounge upstairs. I was weak, like a vegetable, I couldn’t function properly. Kola my Bro, who entrusts his life to me, why didn’t I stay with him? Knowing fully well he was not himself. I pray nothing bad happens to him cos am not sure I would be able to forgive myself.
I sat there for a while thinking about the whole situation, I knew Kola extremely well, he would never do this intentionally, if this Binbo girl is somehow manipulating him diabolically, then Tammy was right panicking was not the way forward, we need to wait on the Lord and pray for Kola, cover him with the blood of Jesus, this morning we definitely all need to go see the pastor as she suggested. There is nothing impossible for God to do. I know and believe, By the grace of God Almighty, This too shall pass……hmmmmm

MRS-Tammy, a virtuous woman, once again she makes me seem like a fickle minded mortal. Yesterday night, Mr. and I told her Kola was missing, and all she said was God is in control and went into a room to pray. I mean, Come on people, how many of us could remain calm and hopefully under extreme stress and with all the pregnancy hormones, I would have been crying and screaming, jumping up and down but not Tammy, she was still and extremely calm. I believe everyone should borrow a leaf from her books.
Mr. on the other hand was melting by the minute, he couldn’t even think straight, he told me about the fact that Bimbo must have cast a spell on him somehow, I shrugged it off saying she just came from London, where would she get Juju from. Mr. Then shocked me and said, when we were in London, he was told there were Babalawo’s in Peckham, south east London, so what do I have to say to that? I tried to make a joke that whatever herbs they used in England would only work there cos they can’t be the genuine leaves, winter would have dealt with them seriously, this brought a smile to Mr.’s face, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. He told me she came with a friend who looked really doggy, that one could have given Bimbo whatever she used on Kola, to her? He mentioned that he didn’t trust all this girls who look and behave so desperate. This girl was just like that.
All sort of thoughts kept coming into our minds, Where to find Kola was the main issue, Mr. knew he was asking for Bimbo when he woke up from his first sedative, but not sure why the second injection didn’t take or was there a delay in its reaction? We hoped he wasn’t hurt in a ditch somewhere.
Tammy came out from her prayers 1 hours, 15 minutes later, “Kola will be found by God’s grace and nothing will have happened to him”. she said Mr. should please take her back home, but He and I insisted that she and Jnr stay here with us until we found Kola, Tammy had no choice but to agree,
Just then a call came in on Mr.’s phone, I picked it up, it was from a lady called Bimbo, I handed him the phone. Mr. asked her where she was, from his response I could tell she didn’t tell him. After much going back and forth of him asking where she was, he dropped the phone. He said Bimbo told him Kola was with her and he was okay, he doesn’t want to come home now, when he’s ready he will come back.
At this time Tammy thankfully had gone to the bedroom to check on Jnr, I asked Mr. what the girl meant when she said he wasn’t ready to come home, Mr. just kept shaking his head, until Tammy came back into the lounge to ask what was going on. Mr. didn’t say anything, so I told her The bimbo girl called and said Kola didn’t want to come home now, when he’s ready he will, Tammy said , “That’s a lie of the devil, he will be home tomorrow, Please take me to church first thing tomorrow morning………hmmmmmm


MR- 5am , we were already on our way to the pastor, I hardly slept a wink, after a few times I got up to go to the bathroom, I decided to just sit on the couch in our room, so I won’t disturb Mrs. Tammy had called The pastor a few hours later, he was expecting us.

Before going to bed yesterday, Babs stopped by at the house , I noticed he had something on his mind he wanted to discuss but the situation he found me in prevented him from telling me what the matter was. I did press a bit for him to say, but he promised to come back later. Pamela did call Mrs. a few hours later to find out if Babs came to see me, Mrs. said yes, but she wasn’t aware of what was said. Apparently Pamela wants to move abroad and Babs doesn’t want too. His life , family and friends were here, Pamela on the other hand doesn’t care she stated Toke as an example , Toke left her and didn’t even look back, so what’s stopping her from leaving everyone else. I guess Babs came over to get Mrs. and I to persuade her to stay. I couldn’t help but think, this world is complex, everyone with their own problems.

Anyway, we sat down with the pastor. Mrs., Tammy and I, we left Jnr at home with the maids.
He prayed for a while and then said what God showed him” Kola is under the spell of that woman, the good thing is that she over used the charm, so it’s working overtime, what I mean is Kola won’t be able to have sex or do anything else, except call out her name if she’s out of his sight. That’s her plan, she wants to trap him with pregnancy, so now she has been instructed to keep him around her until the thing wears out then she should use it correctly a second time. As God is on the throne, we will get him out of there but we have to go into a 3 day fast and pray, for God to reveal their hideout and stop her plan”.

Tammy eyes were red already, I felt so sorry for her, I have seen strong women of God, prayer warriors but Tammy is up there right on top, she’s a true Godly woman. The pastor advised Tammy and Mrs. to fast for half a day and we guys could do until 6 pm, Tammy said she was fine, she will also finish at 6, she said God sees her plight and would not let anything happen to their baby, she even made a joke, touched her tummy and said to it, “Baby, we are praying and fasting for your dad from tomorrow. Okay? Daddy needs to come back home”.

As much as the pastor’s words comforted me a bit, I couldn’t help but wonder why would anyone be this wicked, a young beautiful educated girl, being diabolical just to ruin someone else’s life, what does she want? We drove back home, around 8 am, Mrs. felt it was proper for Tammy to keep staying with us, Tammy agreed but said she would go home to get a change of clothes.
I got ready and went to the office, I had to keep my mind busy somehow, I could always take time out to pray in my office. As I walked in, I saw the staff milling around gossiping as soon as they saw me coming everyone dispersed. I asked Tony to come into my office. “What’s going on Tony?” I asked. “Sir, one of our staff said she saw Mr. Kola yesterday, her day off, arrive at a house in her neighborhood. she said hello to him, he just walked up to the gate and knocked on the door, as she stood there watching him, he didn’t appear himself, shortly after the gate man came out with two other guys, whom she didn’t recognize and they took Mr. Kola in, She felt it was strange, so when She came in this morning She was narrating the episode to the staff.”

“Call her please” I said. Tony went out to get the lady, she was one of our admin assistants. I asked her what she saw and when, she narrated the same thing Tony had said and the time coincided with the time he went missing yesterday. She gave me the address and the name of the house owner, I thanked her, warned her to stop gossiping and excused her.
I immediately called the pastor to tell him I was going over there, he asked me to come see him first.
When I got to the pastor, he told me I should not go near that house,” it’s not just an ordinary house, a lot of bad things go on in there and you have to be fortified by God before you can venture in, if you do without God’s instruction, evil will be lurking and only God will deliver you”. He also advised me to be calm, “now that God has revealed where Kola is being held, let’s let God work his miracles, on the 3rd day of our fast, we will go and get him”. I thanked the pastor and left.
As I drove off, I looked at the address again, curiosity got the better of me, I thought to myself just a peek at the house, what harm could that do? I decided to just drive past the house, so I drove all the way there. Parked a bit far off and I was amazed at the size and beauty. It was magnificent. The fence was almost as high as the building, but you could still see that this was a mansion beautifully crafted. The money it took to build such a beautiful fence, could probably build 2 nice detached houses. The name of the owner didn’t ring a bell. My staff gave me a Man’s name. I decided to call Uncle J to see if he knew who the person was.
As I picked up my phone to call uncle J, something just asked me to look up, I saw 3 guys come out of the house and walk towards me with Walkie talkies, how did they spot me, I scouted around and saw cctv cameras mounted on the fence pointing in my direction , I put the car in reverse, initially I backed away slowly, the guys started to jog towards me , then I put my foot down and floored it, thankfully the road was empty, I backed into someone’s drive, turned the car around and sped off, as I looked in my rear view mirror I could see the guys stopped chasing me and were now talking on their Walkie talkies. Phew!, that was a narrow escape, why didn’t I listen to the pastor……hmmm

MRS-Pamela is not feeling well, she’s also been acting strange since Toke left, I can see she misses her so much. Yesterday evening she had a crying spree when she told me how Toke hasn’t even called her more than once since she left, I tried to remind her that Toke was on honeymoon, “she’s my sister , why would she not call”?. I decided not to be too harsh on her cos, her hormones were playing up seriously, even the way Babs came over here looking all deflated, I could only imagine what she’s been putting the poor guy through with her hormonal induced tantrums.

We have started our fast, Tammy and Jnr are here, so it’s not too bad, we are all worried about Kola, Mr. hardly slept a wink, neither did I but I didn’t want him to know cos he will feel so bad. He kept me up most of the night. Mr. left home for work immediately we returned from the pastor, I have a few errands to run, once I drop Tammy off to pick up some change of clothes, she is driving herself back to my place. Toke’s cook was due to start this morning but I have banished him to Toke’s house until later in the day, when we break our fast, I can’t have him cooking all that nice smelly food when am trying to stay off food .

Once I dropped off Tammy and Jr, I went to Edds, they are the best for pre natal vitamins, I had called the pharmacist earlier, picked up my stuff, then walked to my car, A lady was sitting on the pavement, looking all drained, I took out some money to give her but as she looked up to receive it, I recognized her, “o my gosh”, it was our class mate in uni, Ola. I was shocked, ” what are you doing here?” I asked, she got up, gave me a hug, she looked so untidy, I asked her to come with me, she got in the car and we drove to the café around the corner. We settled down, I made our order, then looked at her and asked “what happened to you babes?” Ola was the grand Babe when we were in school, she dated governors, senators, ministers. She had a jeep and lived in a whole house on her own, off campus. The clothes, bags and shoes she wore were all designer. We wore designer too, but she had escorts, go with her everywhere. When she was dating the governor she had a police man sit next to her when she drove. Everyone believed she has relocated to America as soon as we graduated.
Anyway she began to narrate her story “Babes, if you remember I was dating the governor when we graduated, he doted on my, did everything to please me, to be honest he was even considering taking me as a second wife. He made me promise not to date anyone else and I did. He became more affectionate once he had me to himself. Shortly after he had an official trip to meet with some investors in America, he asked me to come along. We stayed in the same hotel and it was fun. While we were there a friend took him to see some nice houses for sale. He bought two of them , one was a 5 bedroom detached house with 2 garages, a swimming pool and a large garden, the other was a luxury penthouse , with 3 bedrooms, communal pool and a private elevator.”
She took a sip of her drink and continued “Once we got back to the hotel, we were having dinner when he went on his knees and asked me to marry him, I was shocked but excited, so I said yes, he gave me an amazing ring and told me he bought me the big house as an engagement present. The next day we went to a the realtor, gave her money to furnish the houses and then went to buy 2 cars, in short 2 months later I relocated to Atlanta”.
He came along to settle me in, we immediately started work on a residency based on the fact that we bought a property. The governor would come over once in 2 months, 6 months later I found out I was pregnant. I later gave birth to a son. At the christening party, he introduced me to all his friends and relations, as his fiancée. That’s when my troubles started. One of the guys that turned up that night was Tokunbo, he was the governor’s younger brother’s best friend, and really sweet, practically carried our son all evening. A few weeks later he called me said he was in Atlanta on business, would I mind if he stopped by to see us and find out how we were doing. I said it was okay, My dear, one thing led to another, he became my only friend in Atlanta and we started having an affair”. I touched her hand lightly and said I was so sorry but I had to stop her there.

I was listening with keen interest but remembered it was almost time to break our fast, so I asked her to come with me. We stopped at a boutique to get her some clothes then I took her to the guest house just outside our estate, paid for 3 nights and said I would see her later to finish her story. She thanked me and I drove home. As I drove off I began to imagine how she ended up where I found her. I finally thought, what’s the point of trying to figure it out when she was going to tell me in a few hours, I might as well stopping thinking and just wait…….hmmmmmm

Day 125

MR-Phew! Narrow escape, I remember my father used to say, “ My Son, Obedience is much better than sacrifice, why don’t you just not do what you aren’t suppose too, instead of having to face the punishment for doing it , then apologizing. He would also say “Never say sorry if you know you will do it again”. As for the former, I experienced it when the pastor said don’t go cos its dangerous, then I intentional disobeyed and it almost got me in trouble or worse, as for the saying sorry, I have always been careful, when saying am sorry, I actually think about it very carefully, once I’ve said am sorry, I will make sure I do everything within my power not to do that same thing again, if I know I might still do it, I try not to say Am sorry, cos I know am not sorry.
Speaking about my father, I called him yesterday, he’s not back from Germany, we made a decision, that he and my mum should take some time out there, resting and being monitored for his heart palpitations. He had to have a pacemaker fitted to regularize his heart. Pamela’s uncle, the heart surgeon, felt it was better if they monitored him for a while. He sounded really good on the phone, he kept thanking God that he raised me right and that I’ve turned out to be a responsible young man, who has made him and my mum very proud. I thanked him in return saying I thank God he is my father, I have learnt so much from him, if I am able to impact even half of what he taught me, into my children, they will be so lucky.
Kola not being around is really affecting me, I couldn’t even stay for more than a couple of hours at the office yesterday, I kept popping into his office as if he will miraculously appear there, I miss him so much, knowing where he is being held and can’t get him out yet, I just hate to imagine what’s going on with him and it doesn’t make it any easier.
You won’t believe what happened, after I left the office. Well, I stopped at Dominos to get some pizza for Jnr and some shakes for Tammy and Mrs., as I sat down going through my phone, I heard a voice saying hello, do you mind if I sit with you. I didn’t even look up I said yes. Then she said “Hello Mr., you’re not even looking at us” I looked up and saw this beautiful lady, I said hello and looked back at my phone, she then asked “Can I have your card, here is mine am a masseuse, call me, am very good,” I took the card, said I didn’t have mine on me, but I would call once I was ready, She smiled at me and walked over to pick up her pizza. Mine was ready too, so I picked it up. As I stepped out of Dominos, I saw her get into a car, someone was waiting for her, I walked past and the guy called out my name, I looked back it was Ahmed, my old colleague, where Kola and I used to work, the 3 of us were called the 3 musketeers, we were the brains of the company, got all the end of year performance bonuses. He got out of the car, we exchanged pleasantries, asked after Mrs. and then invited himself to dinner on Saturday. What could I say, but yes, he then asked me to meet his fiancée, the lady masseuse, stepped out shuck my hand as if she had never seen me before, and politely said , “Nice to meet you”, I replied same her, but was thinking “O my, what a transformation, where do all these jezebels come from…….hmmmm

MRS- Tammy was already at home when I arrived, we settled down, sang praises and prayed. She was very strong, we spoke about Kola, how much she missed him but how she was reassured God was watching over him. Her strength gives me courage all the time, when I try to think of something nasty happening to Kola, I think, what will Tammy be thinking and I know she will say, Come on girl, my God has not failed me yet, Kola is surrounded by Angels he will be fine.
The chef was already in our kitchen, thank God I just arrived shortly before the end of our fast cos the amazing aroma coming from the kitchen would have been almost impossible to resist.
I had to go back to see Ola and Tammy and Jnr needed to serve their siesta, interestingly, Jnr won’t got to sleep unless he was pulling Tammy’s ear. Kids do the strangest things, I’ve seen thumb sucking, hair twisting, but pull and rubbing your mum’s ear to sleep, was a new one, I can’t wait to see what our bambino would do.
Anyway, I changed into slacks and a T-shirt, got in my car and went to meet up with Ola at the hotel. When I got there she had just woken up, she said she hadn’t slept well in days, she was kicked out of a friend’s place last week because he said she was no longer useful to him, he replaced her with a new model. Anyway back to Ola’s story,
She continued, “Tokunbo was a life saver, he would spend 5 days a week with us, he got a transfer to their office in Atlanta, so that he could be close to us. I fell in love with him in no time, he was closer to my age, we had lots in common and although he didn’t have money and power like the governor did, I loved him dearly. When it was a few days before the governor arrived his PA will call me and so Tokunbo will stay away. One of the visits the governor made, he was fine for the first couple of days , we made love, he took me and our son out and gave me lots of money, then 2 days to leaving he suddenly became very cold. I kept asking what the matter was but he won’t tell me, he left without being his normal self. I didn’t think anything of it until Tokunbo turned up a few days later looking for his electric shaver, apparently he left it in the male side of the bathroom cabinet and the governor must have found it and took it away”
Ola looked up at the ceiling as if regretting, then continued. “I was really worried but Tokunbo said not to worry, if he suspected anything don’t you think he will ask you. I agreed with him a bit but not totally. Anyway Tokunbo and I continued our relationship, the governor will call me on Skype when I was asleep and demand that I put the camera on and scan the rooms. The first time it happen, I was so lucky, Tokunbo had gone on business to Miami, I walked round the house with the camera on and the governor saw nothing, that sort of pacified him a bit, he joked with me and apologized for his action, that he just missed me so much, he also dropped a shocker, that he is thinking of relocating us back home. We could keep the house for our summer vacations. My heart melted but I smiled and said that will be great cos I really missed him”
“The truth is I didn’t even like him anymore, I wish I could cut all ties with him, but I couldn’t, There was the Son we had together and as for Tokunbo, he could not afford to take care of us, the way we were accustomed too, I even had to argument his income from our allowance, so how can I leave the governor?. While I was busy thinking, I didn’t even know the governor had already made arrangements for a house to be bought for us at home immediately. Five days later Tokunbo and I were cuddling on the couch in the upstairs family room, we were in our undies, my Son was asleep and the nanny was downstairs, when the doorbell rang, she opened it and let the familiar face in. he walked up the stairs and viola saw Tokunbo and I, he just turned round and walked away. I ran after him but as I got to the door I realized I was in my undies , so I ran back to get a robe, but he was gone, I tried his no’s he did not pick up, when I got his PA , he said the governor was unavailable now, he will call me back.
I didn’t hear anything from him for a couple of days, I didn’t know what was going on, I was so scared I couldn’t eat, Tokunbo wasn’t there to comfort me , he stayed away. On the third day his PA arrived and called the governor from his phone, for me to speak to him, “Ola, pack your things and my Son’s things, am taking you guys back to Nigeria with me tomorrow, just lock up the house, pay off the nanny and bring the keys with you, I have arrange a taxi to pick you up for 5 am tomorrow morning” and he dropped the phone. I just collapsed to the floor and cried my ears out, The PA felt sorry for me, he hugged me and said the governor still loves me very much cos he told him so, with time he will forgive me and with that he let. I called Tokunbo, we made love that night and I promised to send him money for a ticket once I got back home. Throughout the flight the governor talked to me about everything else but the incident. When we landed he went with me to this lovely house and said, this is where you stay with our son, I will see you when I want too. You must not go anywhere without this body guards, one is your driver and the other for your protection, here is an ATM card, there’s money in it, it will be replenished weekly, if you need anything urgently call me”, he kissed me and our son and left.
Just as she was about to go on I checked my phone Mr. had called me twice, didn’t hear it ring, the gist was too much, I called him back and said I will be home shortly, I was just round the corner, he said okay and dropped the phone. I then saw the time, it was 8.30pm. Oh my gosh!, I didn’t even know time had gone. I apologized to Ola once again and said I had to go home, but will be back tomorrow to listen to the continuation of her story…….. hmmmm

Day 126
MR- Am geared up and ready to go, praying and fasting has a way of strengthening ones sprit. I know and believe that Kola is fine and God Almighty is protecting him.
Aakil called yesterday, he wanted to know if Mrs. and the girls were coming for Ahmed’s birthday, I told him that we had a bit if a crisis on our hands now, but that should be sorted by this weekend, I would get back to him by Monday to confirm. He asked if there was anything he could do to help with the crisis but I said it wasn’t that kind of crisis. I asked him to say help to everyone there especially Toke, he also sent his love to everyone here.
I went to see the pastor yesterday evening asked him what the plan was for getting Kola back on Sunday, I wanted us to go with some police men, but the pastor said it was unnecessary, one with God is a majority he said. On a normal day I might have tried to rationalize taking them but, I had learnt my lesson, God speaks to you, you obey, if the pastor says God said go on your own , then he has already prepared victory for us.
I can’t wait, Kola not being around just shows up how much we rely on each other for so much. I don’t know what I would do without him, our lives seem to be so connected to a lot of things. I remember back when we were very young, Kola and I slipped out of the boarding school to go with some day students to a party, it was a Friday, when we got there, there were so many people dancing, smoking and having fun, I had never see anything like that before, I wanted to taste everything. My father would not even allow you to think about a cigarette, if you did think by some chance he will find out, I mean think, not say, so where would I have imagined how it will feel like to smoke, that night I tried a cigarette, danced with a girl and actually got to hold a girl tight when we danced blues. Something awkward happened to me down below, but that’s for me to know and you to wonder…Ha!ha!
Anyway when it was time to go back , the day students brought a car , so they dropped us about 2 minutes from the school back gate we slipped out from, Just as we were getting ready to climb back in , we heard a voice say “stop right there, this is Mr. Johnson, you boys stop”, Kola noticed I smelt of smoke, he quickly took off his shirt gave it to me, said “no matter what, don’t confess, I will protect you and he then lifted me up so I could jump over the gate and run to our dorm. That night he didn’t come back to the dorm. In the morning the principal called all us boys to the school hall, he paraded Kola and said this is one of our bad eggs, he was caught yesterday with his clothes ricking of smoke and coming from a party with another boy who escaped, right now teachers are going through your clothes, if any is found with smells of smoke you are in trouble, if you love yourself you better come out now, I was already shaking, but I remembered Kola’s warning. I didn’t confess and no smoke was found on my shirt. Kola got 6 weeks suspension. The punishment was 3 weeks but he got double cos he didn’t give me up. He went to stay with his uncle and told them the school was being renovated so we had a break. My father would have killed me, woken me up then killed me again, even if I had 1 minute suspension. That’s just one of many times he had my back…..hmmmmm

MRS- Today is our final fast day, Mr. and the pastor go and get Kola tomorrow, Mr. is suggesting they go with police and I think it’s a great idea, how do you just walk into an evil person’s house and pick up Mr. without police. Mr. called the pastor but he said no, we fight evil with God, not humans, we will be victorious, besides God has given us a specific time to go, when no one but Kola and Bimbo will be home. Tammy and I had to agree with the Pastor, those guys Mr. described that chased him the other day will definitely have guns and for sure will be more powerful than the ones the police have, But no matter the evil power they have, the power of God is ultimate.
Tammy has been really a rock, I went to talk to her yesterday evening to find out how she was holding up, I couldn’t believe where I found her she was in the kitchen learning how to cook paella, a Spanish rice dish, the chef was giving her instructions, when I asked her what she was doing, she said she wanted to surprise Kola with an exotic dish when he arrives, God knows what they are feeding him where he is. Honestly, am still wondering if she’s from this planet or another, she’s just too cool to be human.
I had to go back to see Ola for the final part of her story I hoped, I also discussed with Mr. about helping her, he asked that I hear her out first, so that we will know what sort of help she wants, I thought that was a great idea, so I left Tammy and Jnr with their cooking lessons and went to the hotel.
Ola looked much better, she looked more like the Ola I knew, clean and well dressed, she was just rounding off her lunch in the room when I arrived. I waited for her to finish, then she continued her story…
“After the day the governor dropped me and my son at the house, I didn’t see him for 6 weeks, if I call his no, his PA will pick it up and say the governor was busy or unavailable, he will call me back. After the seventh week of not hearing from him, I decided to call Tokunbo. I had not spoken to him since we left, he didn’t have a no to call me on. As soon as he picked my call, he started to cry, he was so upset with me, he said he had to take time off work because he fell ill thinking about me, I apologized too and told him all that I went through and what I had been going through since I arrived back home, he said he wants to come over now, so I said I would call him tomorrow.
When I dropped the phone I called my best friend, I knew she had a 3 bedroom apartment and she lived on her own, her hubby was in London and he hardly ever came home, she had to go and see him there every 2 months, she would have relocated with him but she didn’t want to leave her job as an assistant bank manager to go sweep or work in McDonalds, in London, hence the back and forth. Anyway I said I wanted to come see her. When I got to my friend’s, I told her all I was going through and that I needed a favor, I wanted Tokunbo to stay with her while he was in town and I would come see him here, so no one will suspect. She thought it was a great idea, so I sent ticket money to Tokunbo, he flew down a couple of days later and stayed with my friend, I will visit every other day, make love and spend time with Tokunbo, the arrangement was perfect, the body guards and driver stayed outside in the car, as far as they were concerned I was visiting my friend.
This went on for a year , Tokunbo, came and went 6 times in that year, I was happy I didn’t care if the governor came to see me or not, he did come once in a while to see his son but he won’t make love to me. Then one day he came to the house and made love to me all night. He woke up the next morning, I made him breakfast, he asked me to forgive him and he had forgiven me too. A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant but it was definitely Tokunbo’s cos the date coincided with Tokunbo’s visit.

The governor was so happy, he didn’t realize the child wasn’t his. I called Tokunbo I was pregnant, as soon as I did that he stopped calling me, whenever I try his no, it said his line had been disconnected. I was bothered but I felt he will soon get in touch but he didn’t.
I had the baby, it was a girl, she was beautiful, she looked like me, so there was no reason for the governor to suspect she wasn’t his, he fixed a day for the christening and the day came, what I didn’t know was he also wanted us to get married on that day. It was great, I become his wife officially and things were back to normal he dotted on me and moved me to a bigger house, all through this Tokunbo was nowhere to be found. A year later the baby developed a fever, I took her to the doctor he did some test , then asked me to call the governor he wanted to speak to him, I called , the doctor excused himself, when he gave the phone back to me , it was off. Anyway a couple of days later , she was discharged and we went home, when I got there , all my clothes had been packed in suitcases, just mine not my two children’s and there was a middle age woman there, who I later found out was the governor’s younger sister, As I was still asking what’s going on, she took the baby from me and the governor walked out, he looked at me and called me a whore, he said the doctor confirmed the baby wasn’t his, so he was done with me, he said he had put 5 million in my account , He brought out divorce papers , forced me to sign then said I could go to hell for all he cared, he then said they should pack my stuff into one of the cars I drove and I should leave, he said his son and daughter whom he will adopt, as his own, I would never see them again.
I left that night thinking he was joking I would take my relations the next day and get my children. When we arrived the house was empty, I cried and cried, it was one of the security men I was nice to, who told me, the governor’s sister and the children all flew to London yesterday night.
I moved into a hotel, squandered all the money, after a while when I couldn’t pay my bills the hotel kicked me out then I slept in my car, I sold all I had to eat, and eventually I sold my car and moved in with a guy, it was that same guy that kicked me out last week saying I was no longer useful to him, I slept in a security house in front of a supermarket for 3 nights before you found me the other day.
I looked at her with so much pity in my eyes , how could someone who was a governor’s wife become a street pauper in such a short time, I hugged her, she was crying, I asked her what does she want now, a home and a job she said. I said okay, she should give me a couple of days, I will pay for another week in the hotel, she didn’t have to worry about that and I left…..hmmmmm

Day 127

Mr.- remember I told you I met an old colleague and his fiancées at dominos the other day and he invited himself to dinner, well they turned up yesterday evening around 7pm, thank God for Toke’s chef. Mrs. had already arranged for him to cook a bit extra. So we could all break the fast together.

Once I informed Mrs. they will be joining us, she was fine with it and chef was here. So he made a spread of wild mixed variety rice, whatever that is, stewed beef with spinach, tomato and basil pasta, yam pottage with stock fish and bitter leaf and periwinkles all swimming in pepper sauce, apple crumble and custard for desert. For starters he made tripe pepper soup with freshly baked rolls and topped with Irish butter. Yes, it sounds delicious, it actually was. Don’t mind me I like food a lot. See, I started talking about food before I talked about what actually happened when our friends came over.

Now bearing in mind if we weren’t expecting guests, we would have broken our fast at 6pm but we decided to wait until 7 pm when Ahmed and his fiancée arrive. They were right on time, the table had been set. I sat next to Mrs Ahmed was opposite Mrs. and his fiancée sat opposite Me. Tammy excused herself she ate earlier cos she felt a bit tired , she and Jnr were in the family room upstairs, watching telly.

Now we had all the food on the table, with a turn table in the middle, we each took our portions and began to eat. Then the strangest thing happened. I felt a foot on mine, so instinct made me move it, then the foot kept coming back and getting higher. I was really uncomfortable, I didn’t want to cause a stir. Cos Ahmed and Mrs. will find out, I tried knocking her leg with my foot but she just kept moving her foot up and down my leg. Then she stopped. I was glad it was over. The next thing I felt her leg near my balls, then I jumped up. Mrs. and Ahmed were startled, the fiancée pretended like she was startled. They both asked what’s wrong, I said I had to go to the gents, I had been holding it for a while. Mrs. was looking at me strangely, Ahmed just kept on eating. I went to our room stayed there for a while, then came back. This time I sat on the other side of Mrs. She pointed out that I had missed my seat. I feigned that I was absentminded, then went to sit back down, immediately she continued. I bore it for a while then thank goodness, dinner was over and we withdrew to the lounge.
She kept winking at me. I couldn’t help but think what does this woman want?, my friends fiancée, how do I tell him she’s no good, do I even tell him, should I tell Mrs., am sure if I did she would kick them both out. Where was Kola when I needed him?
We played charades for a while obviously, she choose to be my partner, which required us doing some actions together. 3 hours later they finally left. Once they did Mrs. laughed and said hope you had fun with your new girlfriend. I smiled and said sure, in my mind I was thinking, my darling Mrs., if only you knew the half of it…….hmmmmm

Mrs – listening to Ola’s story made me remember something my dear grandmother used to say, what goes around comes around, evil always has a way of catching up with you.

I remember my grandmother told me a story about evil in the form of her neighbor’s driver, she said “I have never seen a more inconsiderate, selfish man like him. Baba Musa, as they called him had been their driver for a very long time he started driving Mr. KP, when he was a single eligible bachelor, by the time he married Mrs. KP, Baba Musa was a member of the family, even Mrs. KP talked to him with respect and would never send him on an errand unless Mr. KP suggested or approved it.
Soon Baba Musa got big headed, he began to feel too important for his own good. Mrs. KP, had an accident, barely 2 years into their marriage, this led to her death. Mr. KP was devastated, he wouldn’t socialize or meet up with friends anymore. all he did was go to work, come home, go to church and come home.
5 years after Mrs. KP 1 died, MR KP’s relations started getting restless, they wanted him to remarry, they said he had mourned the loss of his wife long enough and that even Mrs. KP 1, where ever she was, will know he tried, it was time to find another nice young lady and settle down. As God will have it, he meet a sister in church, they courted for a while and then got married.

Now Baba Musa began to notice the difference in Mrs. KP 1 and 2. The latter was gentle, accommodating and respectful, but the former, couldn’t give a darn if Baba Musa was a veteran driver, to her a driver was a driver and she treated his as such. She started by clipping his wings bit by bit, first, he no longer had free access to the house. He had to take permission to come in, secondly, the long tradition of giving him money every month to buy the household provisions stopped, Mrs. KP would go buy them herself and in the process she discovered Baba Musa had been pocketing a large chunk of the provision allowance. Then she stopped Mr. KP from giving him money indiscriminately, she asked him to give him a minimal pay raise and let him work for his salary. As far as she was concerned, he was more of a liability than an asset.

Baba Musa was old, set in his ways and definitely didn’t follow instructions very well. The worse thing was that every year his wife gave birth to a child he would come to Mr. KP and say, “Sir , your wife has delivered o, I said I should let you know we will need money for the Christening, Mr KP, would ask , how much and Baba Musa would state a ridiculous amount and he will be given. Bearing in mind that Mr. KP after 7 years of experiencing marriage still did not have children.

Mrs. KP 2, was sitting in the living room 8 months into becoming Mr. KP’s wife, when the maid said Baba Musa was requesting permission to come in. Mrs. KP granted it. He came in and asked for Mr. KP, the maid was sent to call him, once Mr. and Mrs. KP were sited, Baba Musa opened his mouth and said Sir, I didn’t tell you but your jnr wife, the one I married the other day , just had twins yesterday night, the naming ceremony is in 6 says sir, I will be grateful for your usual assistance.

At this point Mrs. KP, got up and went into the kitchen, Mr. KP was still saying congratulations and how much would you need, when Mrs. KP brought out cold water and poured it all over Baba Musa, then produced a stick and started hitting him, she screamed at him called him good for nothing, selfish old man and told him he was fired. She asked him if the man he was syphoning had a child of his own, Baba Musa ran as fast as his feet could carry him, Mr. KP was too shocked at his wife’s reaction to say anything.
A few days later Mrs. KP came back from work to find Baba Musa in their compound, ” didn’t I fire you she asked , Yes you did he replied and moved towards her , he blew something in her face, for a second Mrs. KP was destabilized , she fell and started convulsing. Baba Musa stood over her and said, I will get rid of you the same way I got rid of the first one, no one is going to stand in my way or come btw me and Mr. KP, not even a wife, good radiance. Then he raised the alarm and said Mrs. KP fainted.

Fortunately , Mr. KP was home, he rushed Mrs. KP to the hospital with Baba Musa, once she was alone with the doctor , she opened her eyes and said she was fine, the doctor was confused, ” don’t worry Doctor just call my husband only, just say you need to see him, don’t let anybody else come with you.
When Mr. KP saw Mrs. KP was alive he broke down crying, she asked him to be quiet , this was not a time to cry, it was a time to bind and caste out the evil man in their family, Baba Musa was evil. Then she narrated what happened. She said his charms will never work on her cos she’s covered with the blood, she only pretended, if she hadn’t he would have gone for worse and God knows what he wills do, he must not know I survived this until we have fortified you and me.
So Mr. Came out crying that Mrs. died, Baba Musa was happy inside but pretended he was sad. That night Mrs. KP was taken to church and 7 days of fasting and praying commenced, Mr. KP joined her without letting anyone know where he was, he just said he needed a break.
On the 7th day, Baba Musa just showed up at the church and said he wanted to see the pastor, he said God told him to come and confess. He wanted the pastor to plead with Mr. KP when he got back from his trip. The pastor asked him to hold on and to his surprise, Mr. and Mrs. KP emerged. Baba Musa confessed all the evil he had perpetrated. God delivered him and his sins were forgiven but Mr. KP and Mrs. KP could no longer work with him. They were free.
That year Mrs. KP got pregnant, she later had twins and then had 3 more lovely children. They later heard Baba Musa lost half of his family in a road accident when he was relocating them back to his village. He also lost the use of his legs.

The evil that men do most definitely lives with them and continues after them…..hmmmmm

DAY 128
MR- Praise the Lord, The lord is good all the time. I never doubted the power of God because he has been there for us every time we call upon is name.
At 6am yesterday, Tammy, Mrs. and I got to the pastor’s place, he was waiting with 7 intercessors. He insisted that Tammy and Mrs. should stay in church prayer with about 10 of them, while he, I and 7 others went to get Kola. We arrived there around 7.30am in a bus. Got down and the pastor knocked on the gate. Immediately the gateman opened the gate, he didn’t even ask who we were visiting, he just opened the gate. We all filed in, he led us into the lounge, asked us to sit down. The pastor asked him to call Bimbo. A few minutes later he came down saying he was knocking her door but she didn’t answer, so the pastor asked if anyone else was at home, he said no, just him, the maid, Aunty Bimbo and one new oga, which we assumed was Kola. The Pastor asked where everyone else was, the gateman said they all left this morning in a hurry and he doesn’t know where they went. How many? The pastor asked, he said 6. He asked the gateman to take us to the room where Bimbo and Oga was, when he pointed it out, the gateman was asked to go back to his duty post and keep the gate locked.
Then we stood on a straight line and started to sing praises and pray outside the door, after about 30 minutes Bimbo came out and asked what we wanted, the pastor said we came for the child of God she was holding captive. She smiled and said there was no such person here just her boyfriend. While all this was going on, the rest of us kept praying and singing, Just then the pastor sprinkled anointed oil on her and she collapse to the floor. We all stepped over her and went into the room.
Kola was lying on the bed just staring up at the ceiling. We started to pray, the pastor sprinkled oil on him, after a while he started to blink rapidly, then he was shaking. We kept praying, the pastor poured the oil on his head and he stopped shaking, then he opened his eyes and said, Pastor where am I ? Shouts of Hallelujah filled the room, I jumped on him and called out his name 3 times he answered me back and asked “Bro what’s going on?” I said I will explain later. The pastor said we need to go cos God is telling him the men of the house will soon be back.
As we got into the bus and moved away, two black jeeps went past us, I looked back and saw them drive into the house we just left, I couldn’t believe with narrowly missed 6 hoodlums, armed to the teeth. We arrived back at church, Kola ran to Tammy, she didn’t see him at first, as soon as she turned around, she fell into his arms and they both started crying, it was great. The pastor put Kola in the middle and prayers were done for him for another one hour, by the time they were done Kola was most definitely back. We thanked God Almighty, thanked the pastor and the intercessors. God Almighty be praised, my brother was back.
Kola held Tammy’s hand, I held Mrs. Hand, Kola and I looked at each other and said at the same time, Lets go home Bro…….hmmmmmmm

MRS-Kola is back, safe and sound, he’s normal, healthy and alert, Our God is a miracle working God. We had a small thanksgiving dinner, just us, the pastor and his wife , with Pamela and Babs, we prayed, sang songs of thanksgiving and rededicated our lives and marriages, to God. Thank God Pamela and Babs have also been able to reach a compromise. She has agreed they can live wherever Babs feels most comfortable. We were all happy that things were finally working out best for all of us.
Toke called at that particular time, as if she could sense we were all together, she was happy to speak to everybody, she insisted we had to get ready and come to Dubai on Thursday evening, she’s sending her jet, it will bring us back on Sunday. “Your jet, is it ready?” I asked, “Yes she said , It’s a lear, they delivered it on Wednesday, you guys will be the first to fly on it long distance, I won’t be able to come with it but one of Ahmed’s body guards who was at the engagement will come . Get ready guys Ahmed can’t wait to have you all, just make sure Peju is on the plane, he can’t stop talking about her. I have so much to tell you all, I can’t wait to see you, I’ve missed you all”. I said we missed her too and dropped the phone, not before she spoke to everyone though.
After the call, everyone was excited, Dubai again, the last time we were there we were in hiding, this time we go as in laws to a billionaire and guests to a prince, hmmm, life was definitely good.
O well, one set of people we shall not be having over again, are Ahmed and his promiscuous fiancée. Mr. told me about her footie flirt episode, I almost fell off the bed laughing. Initially I pretended I was upset with him but I was just pulling his legs, you should have seen his face as he explained and apologized about the whole episode. “My love, honestly I didn’t enjoy it one bit, I initially thought it was a cat or dog but I knew we didn’t have either, as soon as I realized it was her foot, I got really uncomfortable, but I didn’t want to break up her and Ahmed’s relationship, besides it would have been extremely embarrassing for Ahmed if I had said something right there. Am sorry babes, you understand right? I just started laughing so hard, especially when I recanted his sudden action of jumping up, like something bit him. Anyway on a serious note, I hope Ahmed finds out exactly whom he’s about to marry. As for inviting them over or accepting their request to come visiting, not sure it’s going to happen again.
I woke up this morning feeling a bit uncomfortable, as I write in my dairy, I keep having to get up to go to the toilet. Not sure what I ate, but am going to get Mr. to take me to the hospital, I feel really tired……..hmmmmm

DAY 129

MR- whoa! , my bro is back, I was overjoyed yesterday, after we settled down, Kola now began to narrate his ordeal to me.
He honestly couldn’t even tell me much, the major thing he remembered was that he came back to life one evening and he was sitting in the middle of 4 hefty men, they asked him not to move and Bimbo, rubbed something on his head again and that’s all he could remember. I narrated what the pastor had explained about the way Bimbo had been instructed to use the Jazz, “Kola, apparently she had over used it the first time, so it made you totally useless to her, the second attempt was for you to get with the programme, unfortunately for them and fortunately for you, God intervened on your behalf.
Kola wasn’t so excited, he kept asking me why all this crazy things have to happen to him, he asked me to cast my mind back to the beginning of our friendship. I did and he was right, Kola had gotten himself into so many sticky situations since we were children, that looking back now, I was amazed at how he survived some of them God almighty was really on his side.
I remember when we were in Uni, one of our lecturer’s had this young girl as a wife, she was about our age and attended lectures with us, to be fair to Kola, he didn’t know she was married when he developed an interest in her. He started by coping notes for her, then he will do her tests for her and eventually he asked her out, the girl said she will think about it. Looking back I guess she felt if she told Kola she was married, he will stop all the help he was offering, so she decided to string him along.
One day Kola decided to go and visit her, in his mind, he was visiting her in her parents or uncle’s house. He knocked on the door, our lecturer opened, he greeted him well and said “Sir, I’ve come to visit Adeola”. The lecturer looked at him and asked which Adeola? Kola being the bold one said “the same one that lives here sir”, the lecturer didn’t say anything, he let him in, asked him to sit down, then he called Adeola.
As soon as Adeola walked into the living room, she starts to cry and plead with the lecturer, the lecturer asks her what the relationship between the two of them are? Kola says they are friends, the girl said they only attend lectures together. All this while Kola was shocked that Adeola was acting so scared, how could an undergraduate be so afraid of her dad? Isn’t she going to get married eventually?
Just then the lecturer excused himself, Kola just looked up un expectedly and saw the wedding pictures of the lecturer and Adeola, he didn’t wait to be told, he took to his heels.
Later when he ran into a friend of Adeola a week later and asked why he hadn’t seen her for a while, she said the incident of a week ago earned Adeola serious beating and the lecturer has sent her to his parents in the village for a while, until he can get her into another university.
Kola was devastated, partly because he had a part to play in her misfortune and partly because he felt sorry for her. So foolishly, he called Adeola, initially she didn’t want anything to do with him, but he wore her down with his apologies and sincerity.

He took a car from a friend and drove to the village against my advice, for him not to go and get himself into more trouble. To cut the long story short he technically abducted her with her consent and brought her back to university. Now the problem was, do we lock her in our apartment all day, how was she going to attend lectures. She was still somebody else’s wife, Kola wasn’t thinking when he went to get her, rather than follow his head, he followed his heart.

He asked me what he should do, honestly I didn’t have a clue and Kola was the bold one, who always jumped before he leaped. Anyway, Adeola’s friend got involved and agreed to help get her admission into a different university, but before then she had to stay with us. One afternoon we came back and she was gone, we called her no, looked everywhere we couldn’t find her, Kola was devastated.
A week later she turned up at lectures with her husband the lecturer walking behind her. She later accosted Kola and explained. That day she disappeared, she went out to buy some toiletries and as she walked out of the shop she bumped into her husband’s friend. He asked when she got back, she said today, knowing fully well he will tell her husband he saw her, she decided to go back to him and pretend that she just arrived, if he got upset and beat her, it was better than Kola her helper, being sent to prison for abducting her. Her husband had cooled down when she got to the house, she just said she missed him and she was sorry for everything. He forgave her and up until today, he never found out what Kola did……Hmmmm

MRS- well, Madam Mabel and Mr. Child had a serious quarrel yesterday morning and in fact their noise woke most of us up. It was around 8am, when I woke up and heard shouts and screaming, Mr. was already up, he said the noise had been going on for a while he didn’t want to wake me.
I listened for a while heard Madam Mabel’s voice but couldn’t make out what was being said. I guess the fight had been going on for a while cos I could see they were now closer to our compound where a lot of our neighbor’s had gathered, actually there is only one house between us.
Since Mr. forbade me to go, he said he didn’t want anyone mistakenly throwing a punch that could hit me or our baby, I couldn’t argue with that , so I commuted ‘my black ass’ in the house.
When he left for work, I walked across the street to Mama Caroline’s place, she wasn’t that old but we all called her mama Caroline, cos that’s how she introduced herself when you ask what her name is.

We exchanged pleasantries, then I asked her what all the commotion was about. “Hmmm, you won’t believe it, apparently Mr. Chidi brought home a girl whom he called his niece who just came in from London. Madam Mabel embraced her and was okay with her staying for a while. Then yesterday night she woke up to go get a drink from the kitchen, as she walked past the niece’s room she heard voices, initially she thought nothing of it, she thought the girl was talking on the phone. On her way back from the kitchen, the talking had turned to moans, she tried the door it was locked, so she brought a bed sheet and pillow and camped outside the room, no need to stress.
At 4 am this morning Mr. Chidi, decided to Crip back to his room, as he opened the door to leave his nieces room, He stepped on Madam Mabel, that’s when the fight started. In short the niece is nowhere to be found and Mr. Chidi as a great big bump on his head from where Madam Mabel hit him with the wooden spoon, she would have done more damage but he ran outside and that’s when she followed him and the fight spilled on to the street”.

“Heeen!! Heeen!!”, I said , “so what’s going on now?”, “Well Mr. Tope, the chairman, took her to his house and has asked Mr. Chidi to take a break and go somewhere to cool off. Madam Mabel said she wants him out of the house…….hmmmmm

Day 130
MR-Kola and I were just sitting on our own in the office when Tony walked in and said we have some guests asking to see us. However when we asked for their names he starred back at us blank, he actually couldn’t answer because they didn’t give names, all he could tell us was that was an old man and woman and a lady. Kola said he should put them in the boardroom.
We got up and went in to join them, as we stepped in , Kola immediately spun round and bumped into me, just as the elderly man was asking Kola to please not walk out and that he is a pastor, he needs to speak to us. I was able to persuade Kola to stay. I looked around at the other two people in the room, Bimbo and another elderly woman.
The man started to speak, he said that Bimbo was rushed to him yesterday morning, “she was practically going insane but God brought her back, as we see her here she’s not yet back fully, the temporary insanity she suffered will come back over and over again, unless she goes to apologizes and asks for forgiveness from the man she offended. The woman sitting there is her mother, Bimbo mentioned that she abducted a man and tried to charm him into sleeping with her but it didn’t happen because she miss used the charm. She said she couldn’t come to you cos she knew you would never forgive her, so I had to come with them. Please my son, forgive her, if you don’t she would forever, have insanity spells at the least expected time. Please, God almighty forgives us all the time, we also need to forgive”.
I was the first to say something, I looked at bimbo and asked her why she did it? She didn’t respond, instead her mum and her knelt down and were begging for forgiveness, Bimbo was crying, I asked her mum to please get up, I couldn’t bear to see an old woman kneeling down for us. After a few moments Kola got up and walked out, I asked them to give us a few minutes and I went after him.
When I caught up with him, he had tears in his eyes, he said to me, it just dawned on him that he could have died. I said “But you didn’t and God protected you, so please my bro, forgive her. We both walked back into the room and Kola looked at her and said he forgave her.
We both sat back down, listening to the Pastor, her mum and her, thanking Kola for his forgiveness. We didn’t say anything more, I really couldn’t figure out what Kola was thinking but I was thinking how a beautiful, smart, educated girl like Bimbo could get so desperate. Someday a young man would meet her, court her, then eventually marry her and not know what he got himself into until she starts to show her diabolical tendencies, God help the unfortunate man……hmmmm

MRS-My Mum came over to see us today, she’s put on a bit more weight but glowing all the same. I was happy to see her, we had a lot of catching up to do. She told me EG wants her to go have the baby in London, he’s worried about complications during delivery because of her age. My mum seems to think he is overacting, but I must agree with him, all the books I’ve read, say after 35, woman are at a higher risk of having complications during child birth, I say prevention is better than cure.
Pamela and Babs are getting married 1ST week in April, it seems like we have time to plan but we don’t. This weekend we were going to do a check list on what still needs to be sorted but now that we are off to Dubai, we might just do it on the plane. Pamela and Babs are coming with us, but they leave for London on Sunday, for some wedding shopping. My mum’s wedding day is the weekend after Pamela’s, she wants a registry wedding and a dinner after, only 50 guests, that’s looking like a very tall order considering all the friends and relatives, EG has.
O yeah!, chef served lunch today, my mum was mesmerized, she couldn’t believe food could be so appetizing, she asked if she could borrow him. I said no, cos I also borrowed him. Knowing my mum, she might just decide to keep him, what would I tell Toke when she gets back. The spread was jollof rice, fried plantain, mixed veg salad, avocado and prawn with sea food sauce, wraps with shredded beef ad black bean sauce, nan bread and tikka masala sauce, apple crumble and custard, plain yoghurt with strawberry blueberry, banana and a drizzle of honey, delicious!
Am still trying to convince Tammy to come to Dubai, she said she doesn’t want to leave Kola alone so soon after his near death experience. Kola wants her to go, but he and Mr. can’t make it cos they have a big presentation on Friday, which they can’t move. I get Tammy, I wouldn’t want to leave Mr. either, if we were in the same situation. Anyway if we do finally go, that would be the first time, I would go abroad without him, I wonder what that would be like?……hmmmmmm

Day 131
MR- We signed the biggest deal of our life yesterday, we are building a hotel resort, it is a lifelong dream. Kola and I now own 25% each and Toke owns 50%. Aakil transferred their franchise fee and our startup cost to us immediately. The bank manager called us and asked if he could come over to the office, he arrived with 3 other banking staff. He brought the transfer forms over, I now understood how very wealthy people feel, especially when you have the bank manager come over to you, instead of the other way round.
Mrs. and I are contemplating whether to find out the sex of our child, I want to but she doesn’t want too, we are tabling the pros and cons tonight, whichever is more will determine what we do. I know it sounds childish but it’s better if we both agree on what we want.
Am a bit upset though, Our manager came to the office looking really sad, Kola and I were in a celebratory mood due to the contract signing we didn’t quickly notice he was not his normal self. Then Tony came in and mentioned to us that could we speak to the manager because he has been crying. We were shocked, Men hardly cry I said unless something really bad has happened, Anyway we called him into the office and asked what the matter was. It tok him a while to agree to tell us and then he began to narrate.
He got married 2 years ago, the lady he married was his dream girl, he actually was dating another lady for 6 years but she wasn’t his first choice he only dated her because choice no 1 wasn’t available. Anyway along the line she became available, he approached her and she rebuffed him claiming she couldn’t marry a poor man, a year later he got this job and we gave him access to the company car, so he went back to ask her out, this time he went with an expensive present and she agreed, they started dating, he said he spent 70% of his salary on her but he didn’t mind, a year later he proposed and they got married. The challenge now came when they started trying to have a baby, it just wasn’t happening. Lots of prayers later and fasting, she finally got pregnant, when she did he was over joyed, even though she claimed the doctor said she should stay away from intercourse , he didn’t mind, the most important thing was they were going to have a baby.
He got home yesterday and found a note from his wife, thanking him for everything he has done for her, but she had to leave, because she could not give someone else’s baby to him, the father of the child is the man of her dreams the same way she is the woman of his dreams, she prays God provided another dream woman for him, but this dream woman already found her dream man. He brought out the letter and showed it to us, it was wet in places, I guess where his tears dropped.
Kola and I were in shock, “You mean your wife’s gone? Yes Sir, he said”. “Do you know where she is?” “No sir , I don’t”, he answered, “I don’t know where to begin Sir, I have invested all I have in her, when she got pregnant I bought her a piece of land in her name, that was all the savings I had at the time, most of the shares I bought , I also bought in her name, Sir, what am I going to do?, I love her, she’s the only woman for me”.
I saw how distressed he was, nothing we say now would enter his head, so we pacified him and asked him to take it easy, that we would contact a friend who is a private detective to track her down, As soon as we said that his eyes lit up, “You would do that for me sir?” we said yes. He was so grateful, he came over and gave us both hugs. His mode changed from sadness to overjoy in an instance.
After he left our office, I told Kola , that he was not acting normal, his wife was gone, she was already pregnant for someone else and she loved the guy, what makes our manager think she will come back to him, even if we find her?……hmmmmm

MRS-I don’t want to, Mr does, its been a while since we disagreed on something this important, I would really call it a disagreement, just a lack of compromise. Anyway which ever way we decided to go, am sure it will be both our decisions.
Tammy finally caved in last night she’s coming along, so only five of us are flying out, Pamela, Peju, Babs , Tammy and I , Mr , Kola and Jnr, get the pleasure of staying at home, Jnr cant travel cos his international passport won’t be ready by then. We have been debating what to buy for a prince who has everything. We finally agreed on an African artifact, surprising he told Peju he loved African artwork, so we have commissioned someone to paint a picture of him from one of the pictures he took at the engagement. We are sure he will like it.
I had an august visitor yesterday afternoon, Madam Mabel came to see me at home, I was a bit taken aback and at the same time flattered that she would choose me to talk to and ask for advice in relations to Mr chidi. She narrated the full story to me, one aspect which Mama caroline didn’t include in her gist was the part where Madam Mabel slapped the niece silly and threw out all her stuff before she descended on Mr. Chidi. She came to find out what I would do if I was in her shoes. What could I say, I wasn’t, its difficult to image something that someone else experiences and then narrates to you form their own view.
I thought for a minute , then asked if she still loved Mr. Chidi, she sais she did, I asked if she was willing to forgive him, she looked at me for a minute and then said yes, she loves him so much, they have been married for 19 years and have 2 children in boarding school, “Look at me , am in my 40’s, where do I want to go now?, he’s been the only man I’ve known, of course I want to forgive him, but he needs to apologize to me first for deceiving me. The truth is I know he has affairs, but they hardly bother me because he doesn’t bring them to bother me in our matrimonial home, but this time he had the guts to bring this one home. I had to show him I wasn’t a fool, I might turn the other cheek most times but everyone has their breaking point.”
I apologized to her and said I was sorry she had to go through that, she told me Mr. Tope was organizing a meet between her and Chidi tonight, she hopes he apologises, so they can move on with their lives. I offered her a drink or something to eat, she declined, shortly after she left.
As she walked away, I thought about what she said and began to ponder over it, how I would react if Mr. ever cheated on me, I couldn’t picture it and I pray I never have too…..hmmm

MR-Mrs. and the girls leave for Dubai tomorrow, Kola and I are going to be on the solo train, so we have decided that Jnr will stay with Toke’s mum, she volunteered to have him, while the girls were away, and Kola will move in with me for the weekend.
Yesterday at the office was interesting, having given our manager the day off cause of his problems, Tony was in charge. We have been having series of meetings and interviewing potential contractors that we would work with on the project. So far we have not been satisfied with the ones we’ve seen. The interesting part was that we had a visit from two men who claimed to be interested in partnering with us on the project. One of them turned out to be Tony’s friend. They said they could supply all the furniture we need for the hotel, they even brought a catalogue to show the work they have done for other hotels. I noticed that Tony disappeared as soon as they arrived. Once they left, Tony came in to tell us that he was not comfortable with their presence in our office because they were ‘yahoo boys’.
I asked if he was sure, he said yes, he was friends with one of them in school, they all moved in together when they graduated, after a big score went wrong, they all scattered, this was the first time he has seen one of them, since then. What are you talking about I asked, “Well Sir, it’s a long story but I’ll try and summarize it”.
“The five of us met when we were doing our registration, a week before our matriculation at university. We became really close, two of us came from well to do families, the rest practically fought their way into university. I was one of the ones who came from a well to do family, but my dad was in the army, so discipline was our watch word at home. My dad gave me more than I needed in terms of pocket money and my mum made sure I had abundant food stuffs, so I had enough to share with the boys, we moved into a one bed flat behind our campus and turned the living room into a bedroom at night and a lounge during the day. We got through our second year without many issues, trouble started full time in our 3rd year.
First of all, one of us was forcefully inducted in to lords, the most powerful cult on campus, his first assignment was to get all his friends to join, by hook or by crook. He tried everything he could do, I and one other guy refused to join, this got the cult really angry, my life was threaten several times, I became paranoid, wouldn’t go out after 6pm, always walked around in a group or at least with one other person, I started to lose weight, my dad asked me what was going on, I told him. He came to campus with an entourage of 20 soldiers in muftis all carrying guns and his full army general uniform. He was sure to come when everyone was in the faculty. The siren and the commotion brought everyone out of their classes to see who arrived, he got the desired effect he wanted and then he made sure everyone saw I was his son. After that the boys left me alone.
In our final year, one of us was stabbed in a cult fight, he died before we could get him to hospital. That straightened the rest of us right up. We moved out of our apartment and went to squat with our friends on campus, faced our studies and graduated.
After graduation, 2 other guys joined us and we all rented a 3 bedroom flat and 2 of us each shared a room. We search for jobs for a couple of years, when they were not coming, we went in to computers, fixing, rebuilding, buying and selling, that only afforded us food on the table, it couldn’t even pay our rent. Then we were introduced to advanced fee fraud, 419. We were good at it and made a lot of money. What we didn’t know was that the anti fraud team had their eyes on us, we had previously escaped a couple of arrests. This was going to be our last big one and then we would all set up a business. We got everything ready to defraud a crude oil buyer, SPA’s were signed, bank accounts were given and contracts were exchanged for 2 million barrels. The vessel was assigned and signals were given for it to be loaded. Then the money was wired into our account, millions of dollars. It was so much even I couldn’t stop looking at it. We kept monitoring the account to see when the bank would release it, our bank statement said account balance, millions of dollars, but available balance kept reading $3. We called the bank, the account officer said we had to come in to process the release of the funds.
In short, one of us decided to go and from there he went straight to jail for 10 years, we all scattered before he could point them in our direction, I went back to school to do my masters and I never saw the guys again, until today Sir”…….hmmmmm

MRS- Yesterday I started getting a bit apprehensive about being a good mother. Why? You ask. Well, I went out to get a few things for myself and I saw this lady with a baby and a little boy at the supermarket. She was so frustrated, carrying the little one and running after the 2 year old boy, who was all but knocking everything over and throwing a tantrum, she was shouting at him and threatening him, the little boy would just laugh, stop running for a second and just before his mum caught up with him, he would run off again. An elderly woman must have noticed me watching the lady, she walked up to me and asked? “Hello dear, is this your first?” I said “Yes Ma” she said “Don’t worry dear, that’s the terrible 2 years, they start to talk and walk and they are into everything, from saying no to everything running around uncontrollably, but all will pass in no time” I said thank you Ma and moved along. As I did, I touched my tummy and said to the baby, “By the grace of God, you shall not go through the terrible 2 phase, God says speak into your child’s life, what you want for them”
Mama Caroline, well that’s a different story. o my gosh!, what didn’t I get myself into, why did I have to go find out gist from her, since I’ve been to her house, she won’t stop coming to mine, for salt, pepper, water etc., the one that bothered me was when she asked if her children could come and swim, I said why not, the kids were so rowdy and untidy, for someone whose hubby is an MD of a bank, she is really untidy. Yesterday she came back again to ask if they could swim, I said no, Mr. was going to use the pool in an hour and I had to heat the pool up.
Mr. was really good yesterday, he made love to me, like it was going out of fashion, he said he was just trying to make sure I don’t miss too much when am away. We have another session tonight, if it’s anything near what I experienced last night, I can’t wait, I want him right now.
Madam Mabel, is back home with Mr. Chidi, apparently, the niece he brought home was his girlfriend. The girl had said he should bring her home, if he loves her and he did. From her description, I believe it’s the same girl I saw him with at the SPA. By the time Mr. Chidi went to check his bank account, the girl had drained it. He groveled and apologized to his wife Mabel. Anyway in the end Mr. Tope was able to reconcile them. O yes, how did I know all this Mama Caroline told me She was at Mr. Tope’s place, talking to Mrs. tope, when Chidi came to explain the whole saga to him.
We girls leave for Dubai this morning, the jet arrived 4am this morning, we take off at 10am. we’ve picked up the painting of Ahmed for his birthday present, it’s really nice, you might mistake it for a picture if you are not used to fine artistry. Peju is coming along with us, her dad has asked us to make sure we bring her back, he’s not ready to let her go yet. I smiled when he said that, when I went over to ask Peju to be ready early this morning. Toke and Aakil have already concluded plans for Peju to attend the American university in Dubai. I don’t think her father’s wishes are going to stop that young lady. Anyway let’s wait and see…..hmmmmm

DAY 133
MR-, A call came in at 8pm, Mrs. and the girls arrived in Dubai yesterday evening, right now they are settled down in one of Aakil’s guest houses in Dubai, its right on the branch of the palm islands near Atlantis Dubai. I was so jealous when Mrs. explained the whole arrival and welcome party they got.
Kola and I decided not to just sit around like 2 boring guys, we decided to go clubbing, hadn’t been since Aakil was around, so we hit the club yesterday night. We paid for VIP tickets and were led to our seats, almost immediately a bottle of Moet was brought to us, we told the waiter we didn’t order it, the girl pointed to another VIP stand and said, its compliments of the gentleman over there. Kola got up to go see who it was and to his biggest surprise it was Ken, he was sited with 4 other guys, all drinking Moet, brandy, Remy martins and Irish whiskey and smoking cigars, they asked us to come over join them, kola said in a minute. He came back to tell me who it was, I thought it would be childish to refuse their champagne or their invite, so we went over to join them.
We sat their drinking and some were smoking cigars, after 6 bottles of champagne, they said we should go to a beach club to get some fish and fried yam, so we got in our cars and drove in a convoy to the beach, the crowd there at 11pm, was crazy, fortunately we had VIP seats, our fish took one hour to be ready, but when it came it tasted as if they just caught it that very minute, I had never eaten roasted fish that tasted that good, I made a note that I must bring Mrs. here once she gets back.
After we had our fill, one of the guys said his cousin was having a house party we should go check it out, we drove to a large house on a cul de sac, as we approached we could hear a band playing, the music was so loud and cars were parked all the way down the street, we had to drive round 4 times before we found somewhere to squeeze into. We got down and walked with the other guys into the compound, there were people everywhere, dancing, drinking and eating, Kola and I froze, we had never seen anything like it before. There were almost 50 to 60 men there but to our greatest surprise, not one single woman.
“What’s going on here?” Kola asked Ken? “Well his cousin is gay, so he only invited his gay club members, most of the guys here are a couple, just try to blend in , they will think you two are together, so no one will hit on you”. I pulled Ken aside and asked if he was okay, when did he turn gay, he just shuck his head and said right now he wasn’t even sure where he belonged, he finds that he always messes up his relationships with women, men on the other hand, just accept him for who he is, so he’s trying his hands on something different, he then said “I think am bi sexual though cos I still love women”. I couldn’t believe what Ken just said, I personally thought he needed to see a shrink.
Kola asked ken to give us a minute, he pulled me aside and said “Bro let’s get out of here”, I took a look around one more time and I obliged. We picked up discussing Ken as we walked to the car, “why would he turn gay all of a sudden, instead of dating another woman?” kola asked, I didn’t have an answer for him but I did suggest maybe he had been gay all along, that’s why he couldn’t settle down with a woman. Well whatever it was, we both knew we didn’t want any part of it.
As we drove home, I couldn’t help but think, Pamela was so lucky, she dodged this bullet, could you imagine if they got married, then he decides to come out and say he is bi sexual or Gay, I hate to think what that would have done to the poor girl…..hmmmm

MRS-okay now, where do I start, Toke’s plane, hmmmm, you won’t believe , was a 12 sitter Lear jet, baby pink and white customized leather seats with vanilla flavored white cushions, when I say flavored , I mean inbuilt air fresher’s , yes o!, that’s not all, the captain was a lady and so was the hostess. The seats turn into flat beds, so you can all sleep nice and comfy, there was a shower room, a kitchenette and a built in fitted walk in wardrobe, so you could sleep, shower, eat and change your clothes comfortably.
When Tammy, Pamela, Babs, Peju and I land some hours later, Toke and Aakil were waiting at the VIP private hanger. She looked lovely dressed in white linen trousers and a powder blue top and Gucci sandals and a scarf. She was smiling as Aakil Held her hands. I almost wouldn’t have recognized her, she was glowing.
They both hugged us and led us to the waiting jeeps. We drove for about 40 minutes and came to a really nice big house on the palm islands with its own private beach, A chef and a maid in waiting. That’s where we are to stay for the duration.
Around 9 pm when Aakil came back to pick us to their house, we were rested a bit but still needed a lot more, we drove for about15 minutes and entered in to this compound that looked like an Arabian palace. Got down and walked in, it was magnificent, the exterior was Arabian but the interior was contemporary American, beautiful wall paper, settees, pictures, lamps and all. In the middle of the hall way was this amazing water fountain, that also played music, behind was this double grand stair case and an amazingly large chandelier. Right on top of the stairs was a huge painting of Toke and Aakil on their engagement day.
We were led into a lounge and there Toke was waiting, she had changed into a long flowing caftan, encrusted with gold stones, her slippers were also different. We sat down on the pure white settee, the carpet was so soft is swallowed our feet. The dining room, well that’s another story, 24 seats, you had little microphones embedded in the table in front of you, like the national assembly chamber, so when you wanted to talk to someone sitting far away from you, you could use the microphone, amazing.
We finished the 5 course meal and Toke and Aakil, took us around the house, well not to go on too much, we had to rest twice, 15 bedrooms and bathrooms, a library, home theater, bowling alley and indoor basketball court in the basement, a spa and hair saloon, 3 huge kitchens, 5 living rooms, a music room with a grand piano, 3 dining rooms, children’s play room. In the garden, 2 swimming pools, one with a diving board and a slide, a water fountain that dropped into another pool, a lawn tennis court , an outdoor Jacuzzi, children’s play area with swings, slides, merry go rounds and a sand pit, a go cart range and a children’s play house. Am sure you’ll be wondering, why so many children’s stuff when they had no children yet, well Aakil said when he bought the house, he had his whole family in mind, so they will arrive and all will be in place. In short it took us almost an hour and a half to see every nook and cranny of this magnificent palace. All I could think of was, I wish Mr. was here to see this and that Toke was officially a queen and the luckiest girl I knew…..hmmmm

MR- My Mrs. is away. I woke up twice in the middle of the night filling around for her, my love, my sweetheart, Mrs. is an amazing woman, we have grown so much in such a short time, the funny thing is that the second time I woke up, I sat upright and began to think of all the girls I could have married but didn’t, first I thought of Sandra.
Sandra, o my gosh!, I thank God almighty I didn’t marry her, not because she’s not a nice girl, but her father. God Father, is a ritualistic thug and a murderer, he is also a bully and if I could speculate, bi sexual. That’s just what I know, only God knows what I don’t know. Our people have a saying “A bad wife is okay to get married too, but to have bad in laws, absolutely not.
Then there is Jane, whoa!, the British lady, born and bred in England, really prim and proper, took care of me while I was there to do my masters but she’s so self-centered. She comes first and everyone else behind. She would never go out of her way to inconvenience herself. I still remember how vindictive she could be, she dumped me in the dungeon to sort post, when we were in England recently, just because I wouldn’t consent to dating her, that one was out of it.
Then there is Teni, O my lord!, Teni, if I married that one, she would beat me up every time she felt like it. Am not sure how many slaps I received from her, just because she disagreed with something I said. She was also selfish, possessive, arrogant and self absorbing, but very smart and intelligent, but not for me.
Then there is my Mrs., my ‘jewel of inestimable value’, mine, amazing, kind, considerate, smart and beautiful, a praying woman and the mother of my children to come, I thank God for her, I have worked on myself a lot to always make her happy and to be the best hubby I can be , God willing. We work well together, I have become a better person, I am truly happy and content with her. I used to love women and find them irresistible, not as much as Kola did, but I was week. Now because of God grace and my Mrs., I am strong.
Speaking of which, I pray every day for God to give me the wisdom to also be the best dad I can be to our children. I do want to give my family so much more than I have right now, I’ve got to put my back into it and make sure I do them proud……hmmmmmm

MRS-Honestly, its not all the wealth or properties that you have, it’s the character that’s most important. As we went all around yesterday I watched as Aakil treated Toke and all of us for that matter, he was amazing, gentle, loving and respectful, Toke was first in everything he did, we went to Abu Dhabi, in his helicopter for Ahmed’s birthday. Yes Sir!, Ahmed is the heir to his father’s throne, I have never seen so many Ferrari’s , Bugatti’s , Lamborghini’s in one place. It was as if the richest people on earth were gathered for a young man’s 30th birthday party.
We held it in the pent house of a 45 story building, the penthouse also had a roof terrace that had a heated pool with a transparent bottom, come on people, I know I like detail descriptions but how else would you picture what am saying.
We were in the penthouse, when you look up, you see people swimming in the pool on top, Money, I mine plenty money is awesome. Thank God Babs is recording everything on his phone, cos Mr. and Kola can’t miss this.
Back to Aakil. He took us shopping in the morning to buy something for the party, thank God he did, or else we in our Sunday best would have stood out like a sore thumb. We went to the designer of all designers, Gucci, bought Jeans, tops, bags, sandals and scarfs, believe it or not the party had a dress code, Jeans and T’s but not just any jeans, designer Jeans. He even asked us to get accessories that will go with it, watches, bracelets, earrings and beads, and perfume. Look people, you won’t understand unless you were at that party, everyone, I mean everyone, from top to toe, wore designer, not one item was not designer, if you get my drift. Toke and we girls were talking, and she said that’s how this young rich people live here, their parties are always like that, the couple she’s been too were the same.
She gisted us about one they went and it was an all-white party, even some of them dyed their hair blonde, all the food was white , even the drinks, its takes some getting used to, she said.
Anyway, guess who came to sing for two hours, Kanye west , he arrived with his entourage half way through the party , sang twice and was gone, only God know how much was paid for his presence.
Now take away gifts, let me list them, and please bear in mind everyone had an option to choose which ever. 3 nights’ Accommodation for 2 at Burj Arab hotel in Dubai, return flight tickets to London business class, Gift certificate for $5000 to Prada, or Gucci, or l/V. Chinese silk 10 yards, 2 tickets to a Beyoncé concert, 2 tickets to watch Usher in concert and so on and so forth, there were loads of each, so if you all wanted one item, it would still go round, courtesy of Ahmed.
Just before the party came to an end, his father, the king came on to the screen via live link, he was calling from America, where he had gone to rest. He said hello to all of us and praised Ahmed for being an amazing son, The surprising part, wait for it, was when he asked to see the princess who snapped up his Son’s heart, we were all looking around, and to our surprise , Ahmed walked over to Peju, raised up her hand and said Papa, here she is, The king smiled and said well done my son, she is exquisite, I approve, I can’t wait to meet her in person. He said hello to Peju and the broadcast ended.
Everyone came round hugging Peju and saying congratulations, the king had accepted her and that was all the consent Ahmed required. Peju became an instance celebrity. Tammy just kept saying God is awesome, when I asked why she kept repeating it, she stated the obvious, Toke and Peju , sisters both from Humble backgrounds, end up attracting 2 of the wealthiest and powerful young men in the world. Who could have done or predicted that, except our heavenly father. Tammy had a great point, two sisters two amazing men, yes , she was right, There is nothing impossible for God to do……hmmmmmmm

Day 135
MR- Church was amazing yesterday, Kola and I attended together. The sermon was about what we see and hear and how it affects our lives.
Be careful what you look at, the pastor said and be sure if you look not to stare. The more you look at something, the more it registers in your mind. The eyes are the window to the mind, your mind works in alignment with your faith, if you mind is corrupt it would affect what you think which is your faith.
For example, you feel pain in your leg, the doctor tells you its deep vein thrombosis, rather than pray and have faith that that will now be your portion, you go on google to find out what it means, then check out all the effects, then begin to imagine what is about to happen to you, you begin to panic, eventually your mind forms a picture and that becomes your reality.
Whose report shall you believe, of course you should believe the report of the lord.
As a married Man or women, You see a lady/ guy sitting at his or her desk every morning you come to work, the first time you looked, he or she didn’t look that attractive, then every day you keep staring, as you walk by, soon your mind will begin to picture him or her differently, before you know it you will start fantasizing and the next thing is you walk up to him or her and ask them out or ask if you can join them for lunch, one thing leads to another and you have an extra marital affair. All this doesn’t happen in a day, it takes a long look to begin to build your imagination.
You keep admiring the ill-gotten wealth of your fraudulent colleague, soon you will start to imagine all the things you could do and have if you joined him. That’s how it starts covetousness.
The sermon hit every one of us, we could see that in one or more areas of our lives we needed to adjust. God help us all.
The chairman of the estate, Mr. Tope came to see me in the evening, he wanted my opinion on his decision to run for office in the next election. I told him I wasn’t really into politics but he insisted he wanted Kola and I on his team. I asked him to give us a few days to think about it, besides we had our hand full now. He obliged and said he will look forward to my favorable response.
Well, I have updated you for a while about our neighbors next door, that’s because since God father got sent away, it’s been pretty quiet until yesterday evening. When Kola and I were seeing off Mr. Tope, we saw different cars driving into the compound, all government and personalized numbers. Mr. Tope was very uncomfortable, he said we shouldn’t worry, by morning he will know what went on in there, he saw my expression was like, how would you find out?, he just smiled and said Don’t ask?…..hmmmm

MRS- After the party Aakil flew us back to Dubai without Peju, Ahmed said he wanted to drive her down , he said he’ll be right behind us, he also asked Babs to stay and drive back with them, so Tammy, Pamela and I flew back with Aakil and Toke.
As soon as we landed, we were driven to our temporary mansion, to spend the night, we would be picked up tomorrow for 9 am for breakfast, at their place, if we do need any snacks or food in the meantime we could get the resident chef to make us something, he did add that he already called ahead to ask him to make some pizza, grilled chicken, burgers and chips, so we can sit out on our beach and eat before we go to bed.
Oh, Aakil left Toke to spend the night, cos he knew she really missed us, he suggested it , Toke was surprised, but he kissed her passionately and said My love , spend time with your family , they leave first thing on Monday morning.
A few hours later Ahmed, Peju and Babs drove into the compound in a red Ferrari. Whao! The revving noise alone, got us all running out to see who it was, Ahmed got down opened the door for Peju, we couldn’t see Babs, then a few minutes later a Lamborghini pulled up with Babs driving and a guy sitting next to him. He got out and said to Ahmed, “you cheated, I almost overtook you on that last bridge”, it was obvious Ahmed had asked Babs to race him from Abu Dhabi to Dubai, it was 10pm. Later when Ahmed left, Babs said to us it was the best day of his life so far, he got to race a Lamborghini with no restrictions.
Ahmed spent a few hours with us explaining how he felt about Peju, we all felt it was sweet but he still had a few hurdles to cross with their father because he’s just getting used to the idea of letting Toke go live abroad and now Peju? Well he would need a lot of persuasion, we explained. “Will a house in Dubai here and a car help to change his mind, at least he will get to see his girls almost every day?” Ahmed asked. Whoa! Everyone said, that’s great, Toke said she didn’t even think of that, she was sure she could convince her parents to move.
Toke goes back home in a month, Aakil is off to Harvard for 3 months for an advanced business course and he doesn’t want her to be alone, he could take her to Boston, but she will still be lonely.
We are getting ready to ;eave this morning, all bags packed, first we have breakfast with Aakil and Toke, we are 3 hours ahead here , so we leave in a couple of hours, it’s been an amazing trip, but I have missed Mr. so much, can’t wait to see him, Ps , for my take away gift from Ahmed’s party, I picked a 3 night stay at Burj Arab hotel for Mr. and I, I can’t wait to come back with him………….hmmm

Day 136
MR- Am so excited and I just can’t hide it….Mrs. is back, they landed yesterday evening. I missed her soooo much, even though I had Kola here with me, it still wasn’t the same. Kola , jnr and I were there to meet them, they were all glowing, Jnr got down and ran towards Tammy, she lifted him up and cradled him in her arms, he just started to rub her ears and say Mummy, mummy. It was a beautiful sight, Kola held both of them, I held both of mine too, Mrs. and our Bambino, I honestly felt the baby kick, as if to say Daddy, daddy as well. Pamela and Babs were missing cos they had flown directly to London for wedding shopping. Peju was the surprise, she looked amazing , obviously she had a makeover while in Dubai, you could see her beauty even more, Toke was beautiful but Peju was stunning, All I could think of was thank God Mrs is equally stunning. Cos Peju was a ‘jaw dropper’.
But before my Love came back, my day was really stressful. My phone was ringing off the hook, yesterday morning, when I finally decided to pick it up, it was Uncle J, I hadn’t spoken to him since the issue of God father going to jail. Anyway I picked it up, I started to say Hello when he said, “Forget the greetings am at your gate, ask the gateman to let me in” I was surprised but I said okay. A few minutes later we were all sited in the front room. Uncle J said, that girl, Vivian, Tony’s friend, the one with the evidence against God father is missing. “What do you mean missing, Uncle?” I asked. Uncle j continued to explain, Vivian was supposed to meet him yesterday evening, to go over her testimony, the trail starts tomorrow, God father had been in custody for about 3 weeks now. I waited for her until 6pm, then I began to call her no, it kept saying her phone was switched off, I waited a bit longer, then decided to go to where she was living, I put her up in a safe house just about 2 weeks ago. She asked if a friend could stay with her, I said yes.
Anyway I met her friend in the house, who said she mentioned she was going to see her Uncle J when she left home yesterday afternoon and since then she hasn’t seen her. I was shocked, didn’t know what to say, how he found out where she was a misery to all of us, Uncle J said no body but him knew where he hid her. Kola immediately thought of the friend, maybe God father got to her. We went up to change, got in Uncle J’s car and drove to the safe house. The door was open slightly and Vivian’s friend was nowhere to be found. The gate man said as soon as uncle J left, she packed her things and fled. Kola then asked the obvious question, how did she know you were uncle J, if she wasn’t involved somehow? That girl is ruthless only God know how much she sold her friend out for?.
I could see Uncle J was deflated, he looked at us and said , the painful thing is that he had the phone with the evidence, so God father will still go down, they are just going to torture the girl for nothing. I asked if he could trace the girl’s calls and find her through her we went back to his office and headed to the communication guys. They found her cell phone was pinging off a tower just 5 miles from our location, based on her call log she had received calls from one particular no. Uncle J said we would have to wait for him in his office, he and some boys were going to get Vivian back.
They were gone for just over one hour, they returned with 4 boys who had been badly beaten, I shot in the leg, Vivian and her friend were unharmed. The boys were taken away to be interrogated, Vivian and her friend were brought to Uncle J’s office. Vivian was so happy to be free, she was picked up at gun point yesterday afternoon as she left the house, they guys didn’t touch her because they were instructed not to. Their boss was due to arrive that night , he was to do the torturing, the friend said she was scared when uncle J turned up as she left the house she was also picked up, apparently one of the guys was watching the house.
To cut the long story short, they were both safe. Kola and I finally left Uncle J’s office around 11am. We were driven back home by one of his boys. We still had to go to the office, we didn’t get there until around 2pm. As we walked in, we noticed 3 people were in the visitor’s room, the receptionist said they were her for us. So we decided to just go in , as we opened the door , we saw 3 people sitting there, Kola staggered a bit and I had to hold him, I looked at the lady and two guys , I couldn’t believe my eyes either, it was the Kenyan woman, Jnr’s biological mother…….hmmmmm

MRS- We left the villa on the palms, for Toke’s palace to have breakfast, around 9 am. Aakil sent 3 jeeps to pick us all up. Babs and Pamela was due to fly to London by midday. When we arrived, Aakil and not surprising, Ahmed, were waiting for us. We sat down to a buffet breakfast of both continental and Arabian food, it was delicious. After breakfast we went into the side room and Ahmed stood up to say something. He thanked us all for coming and has he talked some maid handed out oblong small boxes to us, he made us promise not to open them until we got back home, Babs made a joke that he hopes its not guns cos customs will lock us all up. Anyway he concluded his speech with going over to Peju and saying, he loved her from the first day he set eye on her, he could no longer focus on Aakil’s engagement, every time Peju walked pasted them on that day, he squeezed Aakil’s hand, Aakil interrupted and said it was true, he needed an ice pack to heal the pain Ahmed had inflicted with his squeezing. We all laughed. Ahmed promised to come over to formally ask Toke’s parents for Peju’s hand.
Peju, smiled got up and gave Ahmed a hug, she thank him and said she had a request, her father was a kind man with a fragile heart, she’s on her way home to ask God to give her wisdom and favor with him, to convince him, she wants to go to university in Dubai. She would love Ahmed to give her time to start university and they can get to know each other better during this time. Once she graduates in 3 years, Ahmed can then come and ask for her hand, no problem, By then her parents might even already be living in Dubai, if all goes according to Toke’s plan. Ahmed was so impressed he ran over and lifted Peju up and gave her a kiss. He said he would wait for 10 years, if he had too. He then turned to Aakil and said , am getting my love a house and a car tomorrow, when she come for uni she stays there, Aakil interrupted and said , no way Bro, she is still my sister first, she stays with us through university and I buy her a car, when she’s yours fully , you can do what you like. It was such a beautiful scene, we all laughed and got up to go to the airport.
Ahmed, Aakil and Toke came with us, by 12 noon we were already air borne. The flight was smooth, we all slept off and the air hostess had to wake us up 45 minutes to landing. Kola, Mr. and Jnr were waiting, I was so happy to see my boo, and so was our baby, I could feel the kicking of joy in my tummy as he hugged me. He looked much more handsome than when I left him.
I thank God for him every day, I hate to think what I would be feeling right now , considering Toke’s life, if I didn’t have an amazing, Godly, kind, gently, generous Man like my Mr.……..hmmmmmmm

Day 137-
MR- Oh my Lord!, what was she doing her?, Jnr’s biological mum, she shouldn’t have come back. Kola steadied himself and looked right at her and said “what do you want?”, she didn’t answer, she had tears in her eyes, Kola just hissed and walked out, as he did he shouted , “you better leave, cos I have nothing to say to you people”. I intervened and asked her to give me a minute, I went after Kola. He was in his office before I caught up with him, surprisingly he was crying, “what does she want? Tammy is his mum now, this woman just wants to come ruin my life”….. “Kola”, I said “Please calm down, you are not giving Jnr to her, he is your son, you have a DNA result to proof it, please calm down”. Kola was so upset, so I decided to go talk to them on my own.
I went into the visitors lounge and told them Kola will join us later, I then asked how we could help them, Jnr’s biological Mum spoke with tears in her eyes, “I am sorry, I honestly didn’t come here to cause any trouble or to up root my child”, I correct her , “he’s also Kola’s child”, “Yes, of course” she said ,” but I thought that the child might be a burden to him and his new wife, considering the fact that he wasn’t aware I was pregnant. The last time I came I didn’t take a phone no or email, because I never thought I will come back again, but my husband has been feeling guilty lately, that his family forced me to give him up, so he is here with me to say he has changed his mind, if Kola doesn’t want him , we could take him now”. She stopped talking, then her husband said something similar and apologized for causing Kola any distress, the other man said he just came to meet jnr, and that he is his mother’s, younger brother. I excused myself again and went to see Kola.
He was talking to Tammy on the phone. After he dropped the phone, he said, “My wife is a seer, she said she sensed I was unhappy about something so she decided to call, initially I said nothing was wrong, but she pressed me cos she could tell I wasn’t okay. When I told her about Jnr’s mum, she said she wants to meet her. I said no way, she wore me down with the word of God in the bible, she even quoted Matthew 6 v 14,”For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you”. Bro, you won’t believe she is on her way here, with Jnr”.
Wonderful woman I thought, I told Kola he didn’t know how lucky he was, he who finds a wife, finds a good thing, Kola and I really did find good things, I couldn’t imagine if he had a wife who would flame the bitterness he felt towards Jnr’s biological mum, right now.
An hour later Tammy arrived with Jnr, she took him in to meet them, Jnr didn’t want anyone else to carry him, he didn’t recognize his mum anymore, Tammy apologized to them and made excuses for jnr, saying children have a really short attention span. She had also gotten some snacks on the way, everyone ate and drank soft drinks and Kola finally joined them. But throughout Jnr refused to let anyone else carry him, even Kola, he was totally clinging to Tammy as if he knew this people planned to take him away.
Anyway before they left, Jnr’s biological uncle said, He was pleased with Jnr’s Mum, Tammy, the love they share is amazing, he even made a joke that Jnr was starting to look like Tammy, his biological mum also said she was happy he was being loved, so she can now go raise her new family without feeling guilty, she is happy Jnr will never lack for anything, same with her children she will raise in Kenya. Her husband is a Pilot and she just got her medical license, so they were comfortable. They got up to leave, Tammy took Jnr close and asked him to Hug, he finally hugged his biological mum, with tears in her eyes, she said thank you to Tammy, hugged her and apologized to Kola . She promised never to come back to bother them again and they left.
I had to give Tammy a hug and a peck on the forehead, she was a gem, if I were a pastor, every time I preached about a virtuous woman, Tammy’s name will be on my lips……hmmmmmm

MRS-I had a lazy day yesterday, all that weekend flying and enjoyment made me really tired, I felt a bit giddy yesterday morning but Mr. made me breakfast and hot chocolate in bed, he does that sometimes when he jokes that he has the midas touch, so anything he touches turns to Gold. He asked me not to move a muscle, he paid for some new movies on Pay per view and said just put your feet up, call me if you still feel giddy in an hour. I didn’t, I actually felt really good, his miracle breakfast healed me like he foresaw.
Around 11am, Peju called and said she wanted to come see me, she needed to talk. I said okay, she could come in an hour, I was hoping by then the current movie I was watching would be over.
Anyway, remember the rectangular box Ahmed gave us, well they had $25,000 dollars each in them, I couldn’t believe my eyes, I was gob smacked. It had a thank you note, saying, “I really appreciate the love you have shown, flying from another continent, just to come honor me, thank you, love Ahmed. Am saving mine for my Baby’s first saving account or something, don’t know what Mr. Wants to do with his.
Peju arrived, she looked a bit stressed out. Anyway we sat in the family lounge upstairs and she starts to cry, I spend about 30 minutes pacifying her and asking what the matter is. Finally she stops crying and says,
“Sis, I don’t know what to do, I can’t marry Ahmed”, “Why”, I asked “well this is what happened but please promise you won’t tell my parents?” “okay” I said.
“Well Sis, I met Mike when we were in class one, he was a nice boy and the only one who wasn’t judgmental. We bonded after a while and did everything together, he made love to me after we went to a Juju man who diabolically tied us together, he took our blood rubbed it on a kola nut, said some incantations and made us eat half of it, then he kept half with him. He said if we married or slept with someone else we would go insane bit by bit. Sis, I don’t want to die, please help me, am sorry, when I took the oath I really loved this guy, he was the only man I have ever allowed to touch me, nut now we have grown apart, we even had a falling out after final exams and we both went our separate ways, I actually forgot about the oath, until I started thinking about Ahmed and I being together, please help me Sis, I don’t want to go insane”.
I was in shock, I had watched things like this on telly but never seen it in real life, I needed Tammy right now, I excused myself called Tammy but she was in Mr.’s office, she said she will get back to me in about an hour. I got Peju a cup of tea and asked her to calm down that Tammy was on her way, she didn’t want me to tell Tammy but I told her if anyone knew what to do it, would be her.
Tammy finally arrived with jnr about 2 hours later, she said she had gone to meet Jnr’s biological mother, but she will gist me about that later. I narrated what Peju had said, she immediately asked us to go see her pastor.
We left Jnr with my maid and went in one car, the pastor was seeing some people when we got there, so we had to wait. Once he was done with them, he asked us in. Peju began to narrate her story, the pastor stopped her and said we should pray, after he was done, he said Peju needs to go get the boy she had an oath with.
Now that didn’t sound too difficult but the problem was that he was back in the town, they lived in before, she wasn’t even sure he would still be there cos everyone went their separate ways after exams. I suggested she call him, he didn’t have a phone but his friend did, she called him and fortunately, he said, the boy had come to our nick of the woods and was staying with his uncle, he sent the boy’s new no to Peju.
We decided to drive their immediately Peju called him and he gave the address. When we got to the house, we were invited into the lounge, we all sat down, the boy, his uncle and aunt, Tammy, Peju and myself. The uncle started with “Praise God”, we were shocked, the uncle then narrated that the boy made love to another girl and every night since them, he had a short insanity moment and that the pastor who prayed said he had an oath with a girl , he had to find her, so it can be broken before he stops suffering this insanity spells. We fasted and prayed for 7 days, today is the last day, the pastor said the girl will walk in here with her own 2 feet and here you are.
To cut the long story short, our pastor and their pastor was the same pastor, he prayed then broke them up spiritually and Peju and the boy were free to live their lives.
Thank God for wonderful Friends like Tammy who always put God first in everything they do……Anyway, I still can’t wait to hear the biological mother gist…..hmmmm

Day 138
MR- I love Mrs. so much, it almost hurts, I sat in my office yesterday, daydreaming of the day I met my Mrs.
I was a big boy, that’s how I saw myself, worked in one of the most prestigious company’s in town with Kola, this was just before we set up our own company. I had money, a house and a couple of cars, women kind of threw themselves at me. I was off and on with a couple of girls, nothing too serious. Then I saw Mrs., she was a youth corper, came for her service in our office. I noticed she was a bit different from the other girls. All corper sat together in the same office, when I went in there to get one of them to go on an errand for me, they were all eager to be picked except her, she would just sit there, pretending she didn’t notice me. This really pissed me off, I felt “How dear she?, why won’t she look at me like the others do”. I was a bit cocky back then, wasn’t a womanizer like Kola though but I was cocky alright.
One evening after work, we were all hanging out at a lounge round the corner from work, Kola, I and a couple of male friends, when Mrs. walked in with 3 other corpers from our office, immediately they saw us , all the others started giggling and looking in or direction except Mrs. one of the guys with me , got up to invite them to come sit with us, they were only too eager to oblige , except Mrs. so I took it upon myself to go over to where she was sitting and I said hello. She looked at me and smiled and said Hello. O my gosh, she was drop dead gorgeous, her smile melted my heart, I had never taken out time to look at her properly. Her face was symmetrical, her nose pointy like an English woman, her pearl white teeth sparkled and her eyes were slightly elongated, like a cat, she reminded me of Cleopatra, the Egyptian.
I actually had the intention of telling her off and asking if she thought she was better than all of us, that’s why she refused to join us, but I couldn’t bring myself to saying that, all I said was, you are stunning, do you mind giving me your no, she looked at me smiled and asked for my phone, with her beautifully manicured nails she entered her no. on my phone, I was hooked.
I asked if I could buy her a drink, she said maybe some other day, she asked for a rain check. i was impressed, beauty and brains, my kind of girl. By the time I got back to the guys I was already fantasying about us being married? Kola, noticed the lady had captivated me, he just laughed and said Bro, she’s got you.
To cut the long story short we started dating, she was too precious to me. I treated her like a precious jewel, didn’t even make love to her, until I proposed. She was a gem. Looking back now. I am so happy God gave me the wisdom to make the right decision, Mrs. has a way of calming me down, she changed me completely, I love her so much. If I come back in a second life, I would marry her again and again……hmmmm

MRS-O my lord!, what did I get myself into? Madam Mabel is at it again, she came over to our place yesterday morning asking for a favor. Guess what the favor was? She wanted me to pick her up and take her on surveillance to follow her husband, Chidi, she said he will not suspect my car. I asked why she wants to follow him, that sometimes it’s better not to know. She said she doesn’t care, “Chidi promised me he was clean, he won’t cheat on me and then this morning he got a call and told me the caller said he had to come sign a contract today, in another state, so he will drive to the airport, Park his car and fly.
She didn’t believe him. “Sisi mi we follow him and see where he goes”. I bluntly refused, then she knelt down and started crying. She said I was her only friend in the estate bla bla bla. I couldn’t bear to see her cry, maybe it was my hormones or the instinct to do a little busy body, but in any case I decided to take her.
We followed Mr. Chidi as he left the house, first he drove straight towards the airport, I told Madam Mabel she must have been mistaken. She just asked me to stick with him. As if she knew just before the turn to the airport, he turned the other way instead, then he drove for about 2 miles and stopped outside a white bungalow, he hooted and the gateman opened the gate. We parked one house away and watched as he drove in. we waited for an hour, then he emerged with a lady sitting beside him and they drove off and we followed. They stopped outside a restaurant, got out and cuddled each other, then kissed, Madam Mabel was cringing in the car, I asked her what next and she said “Sisi mi, just wait now”.
A few minutes later, she got down from the car, I followed her, she called Mr. Chidi, who said he was at the airport waiting to board, as we walked into the restaurant she was still talking to him and he was saying the flight had been delayed. She kept talking until she was behind him, then she dealt him a dirty slap. He screamed, everyone in the restaurant got up, the girl with him wanted to run, Madam Mabel said to her, if you move….The girl sat right back down quickly, she then asked Mr. Chidi, if this was the airport? He stuttered a bit and began to apologize, I had to restrain her a bit. she asked me to give her a minute, she walked over to the girl, dipped her hand in her bag and gave the girl two bundle of money, “Get up take this money and leave, if I ever catch you near my husband again, I will kill you myself”, the girl couldn’t answer well, she just whispered, Yes Ma, grabbed the money and ran out of the restaurant. Madam Mabel, looked at me and said “sit down Sisi Mi, We can’t let this expensive food go to waste”, she glared at Mr. Chidi and said “EAT”. He sat there obviously seeing stars, I also politely declined and said I had to be on my way. She thanked me and said she will see me later.
As I walked out of there, I thought to myself, Madam Mabel, really crazy, al that drama and she didn’t even break a sweat, what a woman!……..hmmmmmm

Day 139
MR- O my word! Mrs. told me about our neighbor Madam Mabel and the crazy scene that played out yesterday. Honestly am so glad God has given me the spirit of contentment, I pray I continue to enjoy this great favor.
I remember once, when I went to my uncle’s place, he looked at me and said “My son, I don’t have money but I have some wisdom and I will give it to you today, my greatest regret is marrying two wives, at the time I made that decision nobody, not even my father, whom I respected and placed after God in my life, could tell me otherwise. I was determined to do what I want, after all I was a man, had my own money and lived my own life, how would anyone know what was best for me, you can love me but you can’t love me more than I love myself”.
He said, he had an amazing first wife, she was a prayerful woman of God, they started off with nothing, he was a young man who worked in a company as a clerk and she worked in the ministry. They struggled to make ends meet, sometimes they ate once a day. Money was scare. Later in life, with prayer and hard work, they finally made it.
He continued “I made lots of money from the government contracts I got and she also was a very good business woman, her business thrived. Her only crime was that she got older, I was ageing too, but my ego told me I was a man, I was entitled to take a younger wife I could show off”.
“When my first wife found out I had impregnated another woman, she cried, asked me if that was what I really wanted, I said if I didn’t want it, I wouldn’t do it, she said okay and didn’t ask me again”.
“I remember the four children we had before I married another wife, were all fine, doing well in school, didn’t fall ill but as soon as the second wife came into our house things started to go wrong, she tried to pitch myself and my first wife against each other, she won’t let me spend time with my first wife, she claimed she was pregnant and the doctor said she needed sex every day. Once she had a child, it got worse, my first wife fell ill all of a sudden, the mysterious illness kept her bed ridden. The second wife took over the running of the house, soon I suddenly had a stroke, I was also confined to the house”.
“My second wife took over as chairman of my company, she emptied my bank account and eventually she took her son and moved abroad, I later found out the child wasn’t even mine to begin with. By then it was too late, my other children hated me for what I put their mum through, my wife passed away and never actually recovered from the illness. I am all alone now, except for my last daughter who comes to visit me once a week and hired this house keeper to feed and take care of me”.
“Son this is my years of retirement, my first wife and I had dreamed of all the places we would visit with the grand children, how eventually we would retire to the village and die in peace, now that’s not going to happen, I feel so heart broken and guilty every time I look at her picture, and what did I get out of marrying a second wife, illness, death, bankruptcy and sadness.
He said to me please my son, be content with your wife, don’t stray and don’t listen to those who say how can you eat the same food every day and not want something else. Just tell them, you like eating the same food.
As I left, I put all his advice in my left hand, where my mum said , if you want to always remember something put it in your left hand….hmmmmm

MRS-Marriage is like a role you play in a film, everyone has a different part to play and no two people can play the same part. Everyone has something different that works in their marriage, you must not compare yours to anyone else.
My grandmother, God rest her soul, my only calming factor, would say to me, never discuss your marriage with anyone except God, if your husband upsets you, speak to God on your knees, ask God Almighty to give you the patience and wisdom to sort things out with him.
Never go to bed angry with your husband, always find a way to settle your quarrels before you go to bed. A woman is the neck and the man is the head, you must make sure the neck turns the right way, so as not to misdirect the head. A man needs pampering, care, love, support and gratitude, same as you. You must pamper your husband, he is your king, so treat him as such. Always pray for him, be there for him and don’t let another woman take care of your husband. Feed him well, cook what he wants, never let him go to bed hungry, do not starve your husband of sex because you are upset with him, don’t use your body as a weapon by denying him his right to it, your husband owns your body and you own his.
Remember the word of God in 1 Corinthians 7 v4 “The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way a husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife”.
My Grandmother was a wise woman, I thank God for her if not for her influence in my life, I was on the path to destruction, my mum threated my father really bad before he died, I have written about this is my dairy months ago, I forgave her when she came to apologize for all she did. God instructs us to forgive at all times, I had no choice but to comply.
I have grown into the kind of woman my Dad and grandma would be proud of, Tammy has been a blessing to me, she’s moved me closer to God and re-engineered my thinking and behavior in a lot of ways, I thank God for her.
Being married to Mr. a positive influence on my life, has made all the difference. He puts me first in all his decisions, the first thing on his mind when confronted with a situation, is “how is this going to affect Mrs.”…..hmmmmm

Day 140-
MR- Woke up this morning feeling really poorly, as if that wasn’t bad enough, Tony called to say a staff member had an accident coming to work. She has been taken to hospital, I intend to go see her with Mrs. later.
I called my parents yesterday, they are still in Germany, my Dad was as grumpy has usual, he complained a lot about the cold weather, the food and the women, I laughed and asked him what was his business with the women when Mum was right there beside him, When mum took the phone, she said not to mind my Dad, she likes the men anyway, they are really polite and handsome. In short I could see despite my Dads fuse, he and Mum were being well taken care of. I love the fact that he’s there, if anything comes up with his heart, his surgeon is just a phone call away.
Kola and I had to go to the lands department yesterday, we went to submit our drawings for the new hotel. You won’t believe , everything went so smoothly, within an hour we had seen all the department heads we needed to , submitted our documents and got an acknowledgement and an actually date when they will be ready to pick up. Whoa! The new governor is working. If things go on like this, our customer service will compare to England. When I mentioned this to Kola, he said, “Slow down Bro, aren’t you getting a bit ambitious here?” I didn’t let him discourage me, I still maintain my stand.
I know for sure that if we keep condemning what we have, it will never get better, if we all played our part, the country will definitely get better.
Babs came over to the office around 2pm, to take Kola and I out for lunch, he said he wanted to talk, I actually forgot he mentioned it over the weekend, it was a good thing we hadn’t ordered lunch yet. He took us to a nice Mediterranean restaurant, we ordered roast lamb, nan bread, curry mint sauce, saffron rice and chips. It was really nice. As we were eating, Babs dropped a shocker, he said he was getting worried about getting married, he wanted to know how we managed to do it and stay happy despite everything. I didn’t see that coming, Kola spoke first, “there is no magic to it brother, just ask God for his grace, we can’t actually tell you how to act or what to expect because every marriage is different”.
He didn’t look convinced, he also went on to say and his friends have also been saying it was a bad idea to marry a woman that has more money than you. I was getting a bit impatient now, so I said, “Babs, what really is the problem, do you have a complex? Has Pamela given you any reason to think she will control you because of her money”. “Not really” he said, “it’s just that..” Before he could finish, Kola said, “Look Bro, just stop thinking too much, you have chosen an amazing woman to marry, she loves you very much and is also expecting your baby, so just suck it up and go get married to your love, your wedding is in a month”. Now, he slowly began to look better, than I added for good measure, “marriage is amazing, it’s like cooking, you get what you put into it, it’s only as sweet as the ingredients you add, let God be the main focus in your marriage, Love, happiness, trust, compromise, contentment, and all other things will be added on to it and the result will be Joy, peace, fulfillment, happiness and so on, Just trust in God”.
Babs, got up, hugged Kola and I and started to cry, He couldn’t stop thanking us, the scene was so emotional I also had tears in my eyes. Kola offered me a handkerchief and we all left the restaurant happy.
As I drove off with them, Kola and Babs were laughing and gisting, I was thinking, I thank God I married well, how would I have such good thing to say to someone else about marriage. Our prayer is that our testimony change lives and perceptions about marriage in the future. One day when Mrs. and I grow old together, we can look back at the beginning of our lives and thank God Almighty for the day he made us Man and wife…….hmmmmmm

MRS- We had a girls day out yesterday, we haven’t had one in a while, Tammy, Pamela and I with our plus ones, all decided to spend the whole day having fun. First we went to the Spa, we had a full body massage, facials and a mud bath, it was so exhilarating. If you haven’t had one before you should, I will recommend it. We got our hair and nails done after, one of the stylist even joked that were we going for a pregnant women’s convention.
After that we went to Dominos to get some pizza and ice cream. Come and see weird combinations. As we were eating a lady came up to us and said hello do you mind if I join you, I just like you guys you are all so pretty. We looked at each other and said okay. Once she sat down with us and we invited to eat some Pizza, she declined and said we should just give her the money. We were all taken aback, Tammy asked her name, she said Fatima, “What do you do Fatima, ? I asked. she looked down, wringing her fingers “Well I actually don’t do much, I came into town a few months ago and I’ve been getting my sleep anywhere I can, I haven’t been able to get a job, I come to fast food joints like this ask if I can sit with clients and most times they buy me some food, some days when am really unlucky, I don’t eat all day”. Pamela eyes were already watery, it was such a sad story, Fatima was beautiful, if she just had the opportunity she would be a stunner.
Tammy asked her to excuse us for a minute, she got up and moved to another table. Tammy asked what can we do for her, Pamela said she had Toke’s spare room and her things, Peju couldn’t fit into them cos she was smaller but Fatima looked the same size has Toke, I thought it was better if she and Peju move into Toke’s guest house, that way I could monitor them and Fatima could go to university from home. We were all in agreement, so we called Fatima back, told her the plan, she was ecstatic. In addition we will pay your fees through university and if you have to do masters, we’ve got your back. Before we could finish she was on her knees thanking us and crying.
We left lunch and went shopping, got Fatima loads of stuff, we didn’t even buy anything for ourselves and she was overjoyed. The joy we brought to Fatima got me thinking, I went over to where Pamela. Toke and Fatima were window shopping, looked them in the eye and said “I know what we should do with the money Aakil is giving us, Sisters we are setting up an NGO”…….hmmmmm

Day 141
MR-Mrs. and I were lazing around yesterday, we decided not to go anywhere, just stay in and enjoy each other’s company. We were going through everything that’s happened in the last couple of months and we realized our lives have been a roller coaster.
I talked about how blessed we have been , the foreign escapes, our baby on the way, our friends good fortune and happiness, Jnr Tammy, Kola , Babs and Pamela, Peju, our parents, I could go on and on, God has really been awesome.
But one think though, we’ve hardly had time for ourselves. While we were discussing that Mrs. suddenly felt this terrible pain in her chest, she screamed, then held on to it, I was so scared, then as soon as it came it went away. I was so worried, she just said I should forget it, that it’s been happening lately and after a while it goes away. Am not leaving it alone, Monday morning we go check it out.
Mrs. also told me about the girl they rescued, Fatima, I saw a glimpse of her yesterday morning, but I didn’t even think anything of it, Mrs. just informed that the girls were going to register an NGO on Monday. They are still not sure what it will be called but one thing they are sure of, is what it would do, Help the less fortunate, scholarships, help people back on their feet, shelter for abused women and children, shelter for Teenage boys. I felt that was an amazing idea. Especially with Aakil asking what they would like to do, he is willing to fund any project they choose, this will be a worthy one.
I haven’t quite mentioned my brother, yes I do have a brother but he has been living in Malaysia for a long time, he left after his A levels. My father was not in support of the move, but he didn’t care anyway he left and has not been back since then, then out of the blues I get an email from him saying he’s coming home in a few weeks. Yes we have communicated a few times via email but that was a couple of years ago. Now he’s coming home, what for?
I did hear a rumor that he got into some trouble while he was there but I couldn’t proof that either way. Am a bit apprehensive about his return, he’s a trouble maker, the fact that he’s not been around for a while and I don’t know what he’s been up to, makes it all the more difficult.
I discussed it with Mrs. she asked me to calm down, take things one step at a time and that everything will turn out normal. I hear her but am not convinced , My brother David is not a normal person, by definition in his own case David, means abnormal……..hmmmmm

MRS-Am really worried, I felt a lump in my breast a few days ago, I haven’t been checking as often as I should, I know every woman should examine their breasts every morning in the shower and go for screening every five years. If your family has a history of breast cancer then you should go for checks annually or every 2 years. Now am having this chest pains come and go like a yoyo. It happened right in front of Mr., I could see from his face that he was worried. He wants us to go check it out on Monday. Not sure why am panicking though, I guess I just don’t want to get any bad result.
We settled Fatima in Toke’s guest house yesterday, Peju is also staying there with her. We’ve asked an estate agent to start looking for a property we can buy, an old hotel will do, cos we intend to provide shelter for homeless, runaway teenagers, abused and battered women escaping from violent husbands. As soon as I thought about this, I was convinced that this was one of my purpose in life. It’s always been my prayer that every single day, someone, somewhere, will go to bed saying, thank God for Mrs. and her organization.
Tammy and Pamela. Feel the same way, we are all excited, I spoke to Toke and she’s in. she will discuss it with Aakil and get back to us. The great news is that we have the resources we need and more, Aakil has promised to bank roll whatever we decide to do, what is better than bringing joy to 100’s of people who actually need help more than you do. Am sure we will definitely be able to make a difference in some lives.
We have a month to go, Pamela and Babs get married first week in April, my Mum and EG, get married the following week. Thank God Pamela has family that are working on all the wedding arrangements , all we need to do is organize a spinsters eve and pick up our dresses for maids of honour. As for my Mum’s wedding EG has contracted out all the arrangements to the best event planner in town, we just have to show up. Am so glad they can all afford too, it would have drained me completely………hmmmmmm

Day 142-
MR- I woke up covered in sweat, I checked the clock, it was 3 am, the dream was not good , we were sitting in the doctor office and he was about to tell us that Mrs. had breast cancer, I say about to, because he started with “am sorry , the news is not good”. I reject that in Jesus name. Mrs. and I go to see the doctor at 9am this morning, I have been praying for her and I know God has answered my prayers , the test will show nothing wrong with her.
Church was amazing yesterday, the pastor spoke on Faith with actions. He said according to the bible passage James 2v 14-26 “what does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food and one of you says to them “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled” but do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?……
God makes a promise to you, you will be the head of companies, be successful, everything you lay your hand on will prosper….even in the wordings of these promises, actions are required….whatever you lay your hands on, requires you actually lay your hands on something, for it to prosper.
A farmer has so much faith in God, God promises him that he would have the best harvest in the whole land and from his crops he will make millions. Now he goes to his farm land, doesn’t plant anything, then he prays on the land every day, thanking God for his bountiful harvest he will reap very soon. I promise you the man will wait forever cos not one grain will grow unless, he cultivates the land and plants the seeds.
Yes God promises us but we have to get off our backsides and do the work so we can rip the harvest. The message was powerful, it put a lot in perspective. He mentioned that being persistence, constantly and not giving up at the slightest sign of disappointments, guarantees that God Almighty will fulfil the promises made to us.
O yes, before I forget, when we got back from church , I went through my email, my brother had sent me one , as I read through it , I knew this wasn’t going to be easy for me but I had to try to keep my cool. In the email David explained that he was coming back for good that he would like to stay with me for a while, until he can get on his feet, he has some money hes bringing, he wants me to start thinking of a business he could start. He felt he had wasted enough time messing up, he wants to settle down, get married and live a responsible life. He asked if our parents were still in our old house. I honestly didn’t know what to say, I didn’t feel comfortable with him staying in our house, I had to sort our accommodation for him somewhere else, as for what he could do, I’ll wait for him to get here next week, lets see how much he has, I might have to add to it. So he can start work and stay out of my hair. I love my brother but right now I have a lot on my plate , I can only handle small doses of him, so staying in my house , is definitely out of the question……hmmmm

MRS- After church, Tammy and Pamela came over, we had lunch then went over to see Fatima and Peju, they were just coming back from church, we asked why so late Peju said they had to wait for workers meeting, I actually forgot Peju was in the choir.
Anyway we asked how both of them were getting along, from what they said, it was as if they had known each other for a long time. Peju had taken Fatima to the saloon to get her hair done and nails, she looked really pretty, she had on one of the dresses we got for her and one of Tokes nice sandals. That also gave me an idea, for our NGO we will get people to donate their spare clothes, we will get it dry cleaned and anyone can come pick what they need. We intend to have a store house, you can come get food, meats, drinks, clothes, furniture and electronics etc., all we ask is that once you get back on your feet, donate something back to the store house. For example you have an job interview, nothing to wear, you come to us we give you a nice work official dress or suit, shoes to go with it, once you start work we please ask that you donate something back.
We were beginning to get the mission of the NGO sorted, Tammy said we should pray for a few days and write down all God tells us to do in line with the NGO, so that we will be sure we are doing God’s purpose.
Anyway, I do have a test this morning, am believing God Almighty the test will show nothing is wrong.
Main while we got a bit of a shocker yesterday. Fatima told us how she came to be here. Her mum had her when she was 14, a youth corper came to their town impregnated her mum and fled. Her grandparents tried to locate him but couldn’t. Her mum had her then left her with her parents and came here to the city to live with an aunt.
She would come back during festive seasons to see me and her parents. The last time she came, I wanted to go with her because I heard she was married to a very rich man and she had a son, so that meant she could now afford to take care of me properly and send me to school. She said okay she will take me along, but the next morning I woke up she had disappeared.
When i finished my SS3 exams I decided to come look for her in the city, but I have not found her, I do have a picture of her though. She reached into her bag and pulled out a picture. She gave it to me, I could not believe my eyes, I looked closer and shouted “Ola, is your mother?” ……..hmmmmmm

DAY 143

MR- We had the tests done, we get the results on Friday , am a bit relieved cos the doctor examined Mrs. and she said she doesn’t think they are lumps but she will do the test all the same.
I told Kola about David, he was shocked, we hadn’t spoken about him in years, even though we all grew up together. David gave my parents such a hard time, I remember my dad disowned him more times than I can remember, my grandfather was alive back then, David would go to him and he will come over and plead on David’s behalf, sometimes my dad will ask my grandfather to keep him for a while until he calmed down,
The worst one I remember was, one day he and my dad had a fight, Dad asked him to wash his car, he took the car for a joy ride instead and crashed it, left it there, brought the key back and didn’t say anything. Dad got ready to go out picked up the key and went out to get his car, the car was nowhere to be found, he called David to ask about the car, David said he washed the car as usual and left the car in the drive way, he doesn’t know what happened to it. The gate man also denied seeing anything, having being warned by David that he will get him fired , then beaten to a pulp, if he dared say he saw him drive out with the car. My Dad was levied, he didn’t know what to say, he asked me but there was nothing to tell because I didn’t see him go out either.
Then as God will have it, our neighbor from across the road, came to see my dad that afternoon and asked if David was okay, my dad asked what he meant , he said his son told him, David crashed the car down the street into the bridge, he was worried, he wanted me to confirm David was okay, he said. My dad called David, asked the neighbor to repeat himself, then he asked David again what happened, my brother still denied it, so the neighbor sent for his son, who confirmed everything, from what David wore that morning, to the time it happened and what David did immediately after. David was fuming, he kept clicking his finger at the boy. That evening after the neighbor and his son left, he beat the hell out of my brother, David took it all in his strides.
After the beating David went across the road, waited for the boy to come out followed him, when he got on the bridge he came up from behind and pushed him in, fortunately a couple of men were swimming in the river, they managed to rescue the boy before he drowned but he was in a coma for 10 days. Nobody knew how he fell in, until he woke up, by then, my brother had run away from home. After that, the first time we heard from him was 2 years later when he emailed me to say he was in Malaysia.
My parents had to bear the shame for a long time, my mother wanted us to move but my father was adamant that no child of his will turn him into a refuge, this was his home and he was staying put. Now he’s finally coming back after more than 10 years, I really don’t know how he’s going to reconcile with my father, but I guess time heals all wounds…..hmmmmm

MRS- Ola, I still couldn’t believe Fatima is Ola’s daughter. Ola must have been older than most of us even though we were in the same level in university. The way she carried on, no one will ever know she had a child.
Ola was the queen bee when we were in school, before she talked to you, you either had something she needed or you were one of those sucking up to her, she drove a jeep, a new car every year and she had a police escort with her all the time. When she first started dating the governor, everyone knew, sometimes she would be picked up with a siren car and an escort, she had so much disposable cash, which attracted a lot of leeches and she was the big girl on campus.
After I went to see her at the hotel I put her in and she filled me in with how she got where she was, I went back the next day to tell her Mr. had found her a job and we were willing to help py for an apartment for her for a year, the receptionist told me she checked out that morning. She left a note for me saying she thanks me so much, but she had to find her feet, she had my no and will be in touch soon. I didn’t have a no I could contact her on, so since then I hadn’t heard from her.
Now her daughter is here, God is awesome. Tammy wasn’t so shocked, she believed God wanted to save Fatima so she brought her to us that day. There was no question about it now we were definitely going to send her to school. Pamela even suggested she goes with Peju to school in Dubai, we can all chip in for her fees. That definitely sounded like a fantastic idea we could all live with. Well now I had to intensify my search for Ola, I wonder where she was right now.
Pamela dropped a bomb shell, she broke down in tears then told us Babs and her have decided to move to Germany after they get married. Tammy and I screamed, we couldn’t believe it, “What prompted that decision we asked, “well she Saud, “Babs and I had a long talk, we also spoke to my uncle in Germany, he wants to scale down on his control over his businesses, as you know he has no children, he is also my Godfather, he wants Babs and I to come run his logistics company in Germany, since Babs has a master’s in business admin and I have a degree in public relations , the combination of us both running the company will be brilliant. We also get 40% equity and become directors and Babs as the MD. He’s also getting us a house and cars of our choice. Money in our accounts, well I already have an account in Germany with only God knows how much money in it because my God father put money in there since I have been born. “
Whoa! That was a shocker two down, two to go, Tammy and I clung to her as if please don’t go, but we soon disengaged and congratulated her, it was a great opportunity, this company directors, will own over a hundred articulated trucks that delivered goods all over Europe, the company is also on the stock exchange and racks in millions of euros every month. I looked at her and smiled. We will miss you, we love you and Godspeed is all I could say……hmmmm

Day 144
MR-Yesterday was strange, Mrs. and I woke up with a headache and this was strange because we hardly ever had headaches, talk less of having one at the same time. We tried to think back at what could bring it on. I said David’s issue and she said Pamela’s leaving. Whoa! We both had something bugging us but for totally opposite reasons. One was coming to town and one was leaving town. Really strange but actually true.
Anyway, I pulled myself together and went to work, our staff was back to work, I asked what happened she said she took a tricycle from her house to the junction, the driver was trying to overtake another tricycle. One thing led to another and the tricyle toppled over, she found herself outside the bike with her leg pinned down. A Good Samaritan took her to the hospital, thankfully nothing was broken, just scares and bruises. We all thanked God she was okay and the day continued.
Kola came in a bit late, as he was walking in, he ran into mandible and they both came to my office. Mandible was really jittery he said he had some bad news, “SF filed an appeal and won his case for a retrial, they have called him to give evidence for the prosecution and have asked him to fly over a week from now. Once SF hears his testimony, everybody including you and Kola will be in serious danger” he said. I asked him to calm down, there was nothing they could do if he didn’t turn up. Kola agreed with me, “Your testimony can’t be held against you if you don’t give it”. He said.
That calmed him down a bit , we dismissed him and got back to work SF is going to stay in prison no matter what stunts he pulls, that’s all in our past now and he’s got to stay there. After all that, Kola said he has something to tell me. He said Tammy and he had a slight falling out, that’s why he was late coming in. I couldn’t believe that, Tammy?, she never fights. Kola then explained that it was actually his fault, yesterday when he was driving home, he stopped at a fast food joint to get Jnr some snacks and an ice cream, there he ran into an old friend, a lady he once dated. He said hello to her and they lady just broke down and started to talk about her failed relationships, her desperation to get married etc. All he did was cuddle her to calm her down and offer to take her home, throughout the journey the lady was crying, so when he got to her flat, he led her inside and she offered him a drink but he offered to get it for her. He didn’t know that the lady turned off his phone when he went into the kitchen. He spent time listening to the lady but didn’t know that time had gone, when he finally looked at the time, it was 10pm. Tammy was so worried, she had tried to call him so many times.

When he got back home, instead of him apologizing and explaining what happened he suddenly got defensive and stormed off to sleep in a spare bedroom. “Tammy was really upset she went to bed crying. Now this morning she woke up early. Got Jnr ready and left home, I knew she went to church to pray but I was still worried, so I drove to meet her, she didn’t go and report me, she just went to the early Morning Prayer meeting. I joined her, after, I took her to a café for breakfast and explained what happened, we made up and then I came to the office”
I blamed Kola for putting himself in such a compromising position, he agreed and said that was the last time he would do such, he really doesn’t want to mess up the amazing relationship he’s got going with Tammy. As married men we must be careful who we associate with, hanging out with old flames, more than likely will lead to trouble, if you have no more feelings for her, she might just still be longing for you, especially if she’s lonely and you are settled….hmmmm.

MRS-Pamela leaving is actually affecting me more than I imagined, I’ve barely got to terms with Toke leaving, now Pamela?, come on people, I have been with the two of them for years, through good times and bad, thick and thin, we have managed to weather the storm together as sisters.
I remember in school, when Pamela told me Toke needed our help, no school fees, no allowances, she also had to find a way to send money to her parents. I was shocked I had never heard such before, how do her parents expect her to put herself through university and at the same time send them money for their upkeep? That day Pamela and I made a decision to sort her out.
We took her to a boutique, got her clothes , shoes, bag and then every month we put a huge amount into her account, we then got her a passport and when summer time came, we all travelled out of the country on holiday. Nobody knew Toke wasn’t from a very wealthy home, she was our sister and it was our duty to take care of her.
This brought me back to the NGO, now only Tammy and I would be left to run it, but I was confident that was God’s will, as I prayed this morning I asked God for direction, we got the registration forms yesterday. Toke also called that Aakil said we should send the cost of everything we need to get, we shouldn’t spare any expense. He wants us to get a land and build from scratch.
Tammy and I discussed, we are building hostels, classrooms, a clinic, chapel, offices and counselling rooms, and most definitely a store house and a soup kitchen. But temporarily we are buying an old hotel site and that should do before the permanent sight is ready. And the best part Aakil and Ahmed also pledged to fund the NGO with all the money we need monthly.
That was the best new ever, today we meet with an architect and some building contractos so renovation can commence. Giving back and doing Gods purpose, is the most important thing for us now…..hmmm.

Day 145
MR- Today is the day that the lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. My baby’s test result came back yesterday and she’s clean, no cancer lurking anywhere. Thank you God, I was so scared. Mrs. and I have decided to spend the weekend away from home, we need time together before David arrives. Not sure where yet but Mrs. and I are still brain storming.
Deciding to take thing easy today was part of my plan but it was not meant to be, as I drove out of our estate, before I could say hold it, a woman smashed into my car. It was obvious she wasn’t looking where she was going. She immediately got out and started to yell at me. I couldn’t believe it, I was still going to see if she was okay.
I guess she thought I must be the driver cos I dressed down in khakis and a shirt and my slip on’s. This woman just went on and on , ” Stupid driver, when your Oga is not in the car you will be driving rough, look at my car , you are in soup today, your Oga will buy my car, I have called my husband, he is bring the police etc”, I just stood there in shock.

I called Kola and he came over , we were both surprised cos she was still ranting and raving , then her husband arrived with 2 policemen. Who said to me “Driver, this Madam said you hit her?” , I looked at them and said “but you can see she hit me from behind”, “yes we can but she claimed you mashed the breaks all of a sudden , so you are at fault”.
Kola and I stared laughing, the husband then interfered, “what kind of driver are you?, where is your oga, you people are buying my wife’s car, do you know how much it cost, because you don’t have a car you don’t know how much it cost to buy one, you will be driving anyhow, bla blah blah.
Kola and I looked at the car it was a Toyota corolla 2009 model. Kola walked away and made a phone call. The policeman said we had to go to the station, My car is a G wagon Mercedes Benz, it didn’t even have a scratch, the bull bars had crushed the front of the woman’s Toyota completely.
As they were all venting, a brand new 2016 Toyota Corolla with nylon covered seats arrived. Kola went to talk to the driver. He collected the key and gave it to me, Bro give her the car and let’s get out of here. I walked over to the wife, husband and police and said “Madam, you smashed into me and you lied, anyway I won’t stand here bantering words with you, here are the keys to a 2016 brand new Toyota corolla, enjoy , I dropped the keys in her hands and walked into my car, Kola in his and we drove off. I could still hear the woman screaming with joy on her knees, shouting “thank you Sir, thank you Sir, God bless you Sir, we are sorry for the insults Sir”…..
From what I heard when I got back on the evening, the man, woman and the police had a fight of their own , the police wanted settlement, the couple didn’t want to settle ….God help us all…..hmmmmm

MRS- Thank you lord for all you have done, am really grateful to God almighty for the clean result of my breast cancer test. Mr. is taking me away for the weekend. He wants me to come up with anywhere I want to go.
Madam Mabel came to the house yesterday evening, she came to thank me for my help the other day. I asked what did I do? She said my moral support was enough encouragement for her. I asked how her husband Chidi is? she smiled and said he’s behaving now, no more slaps from me, I had to apologize for the slap, for peace sake , even though I knew he was guilty and he provoked me.
Madam Mabel asked me if I thought she looked old, why would you ask that I said , well when Chidi was stepping out on me, I had time to ask myself why, I’ve seen the girls he carries around, maybe am not fashionable enough. Maybe I can lose some weight, maybe I can dress better. Can you help me?
“Madam Mabel you dress age appropriate and you look good for 45, why are you stressing, Mr. chidi would have stepped out on you regardless, don’t blame yourself for that”. “Sisi Mi, you don’t understand, I want to look better, please help”. I said okay, what would she like to do? She said change her hair, lose some weight and dress nicely. The hair bit I knew my stylist could work miracles, as for the weight, I could recommend my personal trainer. And for her clothes I know my designer was really good, he could chisel, anything on anybody and you would look magnificent.
Something also came to mind, to ask if she would like to work in the NGO that would give her a purpose and somewhere to go every day. I believed she would also have a lot to contribute based on her experience.
A lot of young people who needed advice and directions in life would learn a lot from her and besides she’s older and would definitely have more experience in life…..hmmmm

DAY 146
MR- Kola and I were still reeling with laughter, each time we remember the scenario that played out yesterday. We could only imagine how the couple would feel now, really happy. In actual fact it felt good to see the joy money could bring to someone else. Am so happy Mrs. is starting this charity, it would give us all purpose.
You know the funny thing is I have always believed there is a purpose for us all. God created us for a particular reason, some of us find out what it is early, some later and some never. I wouldn’t want to be in the never group.
What satisfaction can anyone get from just going through life spending, drinking, collecting, investing and not actually making a difference to one single person? People will definitely forget how many clothes you give them, how much money you give but will never forget how you make them feel.
An uncle was driving home one evening and he saw a girl selling walnuts, he stopped the car and asked to buy some, before he accepted the ones he was going to pay for, he asked the girl if he could sample one to make sure they were fresh, so the girl gave him one, he tasted it and it was nice, then she asked him to try another which he did. It was also good, so she packed the ones he was to pay for and added 3 extra, the uncle was taken aback by her generosity, he asked the girl to take off the extras and the 2 he tasted so as not to eat into her profit. The girl bluntly refused, so he paid for them and asked her what she was doing during the day selling walnuts instead of being in school. She said her father was made redundant and could no longer afford her school fees and her mum was looking for money to start business. My uncle gave her his business card and said to ask her father to call him when she got home.
The father called and the rest is history. The Uncle, is paying her fees through school, he also gave her mother money to start her business. Today the uncle feels the difference he’s made every time, the girl calls to say how she’s doing or to ask after him. In future when she becomes a lawyer or doctor, she will be a blessing to herself, her parents and most especially her generation, The uncle gave something so little and yet it will change a generation of people.
I want to do things for people to change lives, to have an impact on this earth, I really don’t just want to go through and the minute am in the ground, that’s it. I pray for God Almighty to give me the grace and wisdom to carry out my purpose. I guess Mrs. already found hers…..hmmmmm

MRS- We got the drawings sorted out yesterday. The main building is done, the rest will be completed tomorrow. So we start renovating on Monday. Things are just working out great, the architect is donating his time free. The contractor is giving us a discount on his services, we’ve got a mattress company donating 40 mattresses and pillows, a friend of Mr. is donating Two 15 sitter buses and we’ve gotten offers for clothes, shoes, bags, furniture and all. It’s incredible, God is awesome. Also Aakil already transferred funds, so we can hit the ground running.
Madam Mabel was delighted, she accepted the offer and she’s currently designing t-shirts and hats for the teenage boys. Pamela is choosing paint colors and wall paper, Tammy is organizing the books for the library, Babs is not left out, he got us his friend to open an annex of his hospital on our property, he’s sending 2 nurses and a doctor to be on site, he has also volunteered to donate some of the equipment’s needed for the clinic.
I have not felt this fulfilled in a long time, I mean really believing that I have found my purpose, it’s exciting and scary at the same time. I know a lot of lives will be in our hands, we’ve got to make the right decisions all the time. Prayer and more prayer has to be our watch word daily. When someone is vulnerable they are open to suggestions, so anything you say to them sounds like gospel. We are going to be doing counselling as well, whatever comes out of our mouths must be in line with what God’s word says, that’s the scary part. Having faith, praying and trusting in God, to know that we will get it right and make it work.
Fatima, came to see me yesterday, she said Peju and her have been talking, that she will still love to go with Peju to Dubai, even if we don’t find her mother. I told her it was okay, Toke thinks it’s a fantastic idea, they can both share a room and the car Peju gets. I reassured her everything was going to be fine, nothing will please us more to see her get into university, thrive and graduate with flying colors. When I was done talking, I could see the relief in her eyes. Only God knows what was going through her mind before that.
The search for Ola still continues, I am considering getting uncle J involved, I know he has this guys who can locate anyone or anything, they are not PI’s , but sort of do the work of one but much much better……hmmmmm

Day 147-
MR- Joe, wow! Joe, I couldn’t believe my eyes he walked into our office yesterday looking all dapper. The last time I saw him, he was almost in tears complaining of how his life was mean less and he was contemplating giving everything up.
I remember talking to him and explaining that because today is bad doesn’t mean your whole life would be bad. That day I asked him what he wanted to do, he said if he could get a visa and a ticket to get to china, he had friends there, they would sort him out. So I got him both, some money and he went to china. That was the last time I saw him until yesterday morning when he walked into my office.
I asked him, what happened, it’s been 8 years. He looked at me and said Bro, let’s sit down, it’s a long story…
“I arrived in china that day and all I had was the address of a friend I had been communicating with him online. He showed me his house, his cars and clothes, he even told me he was dating a nice Chinese lady, whom he is getting married to soon. When I got the ticket, I sent him an email, to please confirm he was still at the address he had given me earlier, when he wanted me to send him some Ankara fabrics, but no response came.
So that morning I landed and proceed to the address, I still had money on me so I got a Taxi. As we drove we went through amazing areas, nice skyscrapers and mansions, beautiful apartments and I kept imagining my friend and I living the life, then slowly we left the beauty behind, we got into an areas with regular houses, it was still nice , then we left the area and got into a slum , I tapped on the taxis dividing glass and asked if he got the right address, he said yes, my heart was racing, I was thinking I hope am not being taken to the slaughter house, you hear stories, you know.
Anyway eventually we arrived at this ugly building, it looked so horrible I was scared to get down, there were people selling things all along the street, it had this windy stair case, zig zaging its way to the top, on the outside. I paid the taxi, picked up my small bag and walked into building. As luck would have it, if I could call it that, I bumped into a black man, he wasn’t from our country, but at least we had the same colour, I asked for my friend Ade, he said he didn’t know him, so I took out a picture he had sent to me early sitting in a sports car, as soon as the guy saw it, he laughed so hard, then said you mean mike? Ahh! He’s on overnight duty at the factory, should be back soon, his room is 45, on the 5th floor.
I thanked him and walked towards the stairs, I wondered why he was laughing, I also thought, slum, factory all this was a complete opposite of what I believed to be true, anyway let’s see if this is the same Ade or Mike that I know.
I had dozed off waiting in front of Ade’s door, when I felt someone trying to wake me up, it was a black guy but not Ade. He asked whom I was looking for, I told him Ade, he said who? then I said sorry Mike. He said Mike was right behind him, and he invited me in, when I walked in my heart sank, there were 3 bunk beds in the room, 2 sofas, a small section with a cooker and a fridge and a door, I guess led to the bathroom. This was Ade’s mansion and 5 other roommates.
Anyway I crashed on to the bed, the guy pointed out was spare now, I noticed the word spare but thought nothing of it at the time. The guy offered me some Chinese rice, I ate, drank some weird named fruit juice and went to sleep, I was so tired from all the traveling and waiting, I did ask him to please ask Ade to wake me up when he got in.
Well, he didn’t wake me up, when I finally got up it was morning, I went to the door opened it saw the toilet and bathroom, eased myself, then came back into the room, I could see Ade sleeping and 4 other guys, the one who let me in was nowhere to be found. I decided to have my bath to while away the time. Once I was done I went to sit on the couch in the corner, switched on the telly and watched. 2 hours later Ade came over, he hugged me and said Bro, how was your trip, I said fine, then I asked what happened?, while pointing to the room.
He looked at me and said Bro to be honest I was too ashamed to show you my reality, the house, car and clothes in the picture I sent belong to a client of the factory where I work, once a month a couple of us are picked to go clean and tidy the house. The owner is currently in Singapore on a one year assignment, so he contracted the company to clean his house in his absence. You won’t believe he’s actually a black American” He paused
My mouth was still half open by now, I didn’t know it was about to get wider. I asked him to give me a few minutes to attend to some visitors and that I would be right back……hmmmm

MRS-Uncle J, it was a pleasure to see him after all this while. I went to his office yesterday morning, after I told Mr., I would like us to go to La Campagne Tropicana for the weekend. It was serene, on the beach and I just wanted to be around water for a while. It had a strange calming effect.
I tabled Ola’s issue in front of uncle J, he said he would need a current photograph of her. That shouldn’t be a problem I said. He asked that we give him 3 weeks, by then his guys should have come up with something. From there I went to get my hair done. My stylist was not there, I called her, a guy picked it up, said he was her brother and that she was in hospital. I asked for the address and drove there immediately.
O my gosh, she was bruised so badly, her face was all messed up, she had a broken arm and a sprained neck. I asked her what happened she just broke down crying, then her brother told me, her husband beat her because she went to pick a quarrel with his girlfriend. I thought I misheard him, so I repeated it. “You mean her husband beat her up because she went to his girlfriend?” He said “yes”, “what did she do to the girlfriend?” I asked, “Nothing Ma, she just warned her to leave her husband alone”. He said. Anyway I thought this was not the time or the place to sort this out , I went to see the doctor, asked if her bills had been settled, he said no, so I paid off what they had expended, then left some more for other treatments and my number , to call me once they decided to discharge her.
I went back to my stylist and tried to comfort her as best I could, I told her once she gets better we would deal with this issue. As I drove back home, I decided to stop by at Tammy’s.
She was busy watching Jnr learning how to swim, he had an instructor and from what I could see he was going to be a master. Tammy and I went to sit under the gazebo and I told her what happened to my stylist. I also added that we’ve got our first case. How do we sort this out amicable. Counselling, Tammy said, she and her husband need it, we just have to pray to God, to give us wisdom of how to get him to come and what to say to make him change…..hmmmmm

Day 148

MR- Joe continued from yesterday.., “That was the first shocker, now you must bear in mind that I wasn’t expecting to work when I got there, because of the life of luxury picture, my friend painted to me, my assumption was that I would just fit right into the same life. Hence shocker no 2.
After two days of eating and sleeping , Ade called me one evening when he came back from work, he said Bro, you have rested enough , it’s time to start work, I have spoken to our boss and his said you can resume tomorrow morning. I asked him what I will be doing , he said everything, the company he worked for owned several companies, so some days you could be taken to pick fruit on their farm, or work in the industrial laundry sorting , ironing and folding , or just putting clothes into the Huge washer dryers. Or you could be sent out to clean 10 floors of a building, early in the morning or late at night.

That’s how I started to work, this Chinese boss , worked us like slaves , we had 20 minutes break in a 12 hour working day. By week 2, I fell seriously ill with fever. Ade got me some medicine the next morning he said, boss said if you don’t report to work tonight, you are fired. Now that was a big problem, because Ade and his co tenants had to share the bills equally, if my share is missing, they will have to kick me out and get someone else to come in to the room. So I had a choice, work or move out. So I worked.

A few months later, we were sent to clean a tower office block, usually the staff boss took us and dropped us back at our house. But that day we finished early and decided to walk around the lovely city center to while away the time. We had been working for about 1 hour when all of a sudden we saw this police men coming towards us, Ade said run and we all scattered, I ran so fast through alleys, behind buildings, then eventually hid behind a dumpster. I waited there for about an hour, then slowly got up and walked back the way I ran, I couldn’t see any of my friends and I had no idea where I was. I didn’t have the address on me, in short I was lost.

For 3 days, I sat near the dumpster, fortunately a few restaurants had their backs to the alley. When the staff came to dump leftovers, I would ask for it and they gave it to me, so I got to eat and drink as much as I liked. A week later , I was sleeping there when a black guy came up to me and asked me what I was doing here, he was from Rwanda, he worked as a kitchen hand in one of the restaurants . He said he had noticed me for a few days now. I explained the whole story to him, so he said if I don’t mind I could come stay with him.

Luck shown on me, there was a Laundromat at the bottom of his building looking for an assistant, he asked me to apply for the job. The Chinese guy asked if I had experience, I said yes and described my duties at the factory. He employed me on the spot. Now I found out he dry-cleaned for the American army base. So I would go with the driver to pick up and drop laundry at the base. One day I went to pick up laundry and this young American woman asked me where I was from, I told her, she said , am very polite, I speak good English and I seem to know what am doing. She asked if I went to school. I told her I had a degrees in mechanical engineering. She was shocked, how come you now wash clothes for a living, and I told her it was a long story.

Well as God will have it, we became friends, she will asked me to come see her, soon we started dating, then I would spend the night. 1 year down the line, she said we should go to the registry so she can file papers for me. She did and 12 months later, we went back to Boston.
Her family were farmers, but not the kind we have here, they produced vegetables enough to feed the whole United States. Her father was getting old, so he handed over to me and his only daughter, that’s how I became CEO of a multimillion dollar company.
My wife and I flew in 3 weeks ago to meet my family here. We are going back next week, I just had to see you to say, thank you for blessing me, without God and you, and I would not be here today.”

I got up hugged him and said, I thank God for you, please let Mrs. and I host you and your wife before you leave! How does Sunday evening sound? He said it was perfect …….hmmmm

MRS-Tammy and I decided to go attend a friend’s mother counselling class for couples, we needed to get some experience in this area.
We got there a bit early, 6 couple where already waiting. About 30 minutes later all seats were full and I looked round there must have been about 40 people in total.
Then classes started, a lady got up and said, her husband and her were very much in love, she couldn’t think of being with anyone else. The problem is they have a wonderful life but when he tries to make love to her she clams up, she doesn’t understand why, they have been married for 5 years and it still hasn’t gotten better. She said her husband has tried everything from talking to being gentile to quarrels but the situation was still the same.
Surprisingly 5 other woman put up their hands that they were also in the same situations. 4 guys whose wife’s were not present also said their wives were in the same boat. In short more than half of the session, identified with this situation.

Our friends mum, called on each person to talk about their own problem, then she said, how many people had been abused as a child, to my utmost shock all the people who had sexual and intimacy problems raised their hands. From being fondled, to being raped, incest, they had all been violated as children and none of them had talked about it since then.

Friends mum now said that was the problem, ” unfortunately due to this traumatic events in your lives, you have repressed the memories and now it’s coming back to affect your life in the future. She said because of time , next week we will talk to each person , one at a time to try to get the incidents out, get them to confront , if they can , if not it’s okay , but forgiving themselves and the culprits was very vital to the healing process. , then they can move on with their lives.

After everyone left, we sat with her and asked so many questions, especially regarding the abuse. She said it was unfortunate but most young people, especially women who were abused as children, grow up to have intimacy issues. The trauma is not consciously remembered but it affects their lives when it comes down to having sex with their partners.

She told us a story of a lady who was married for 3 years in England, wouldn’t let her husband be intimate with her, eventually the man got fed up and asked for a divorce. A white friend found out about her problems and took her to counselling. 2 months later her repressed memory came back, she was actually abused by her uncle from age 12 to 15.
Every summer her parents will take her there to spend time with her cousins, her uncle will come into the room at night , carry her to his study and have sex with her, claim he loves her and that it would be there secrets, this went on for 2 years , when she complained to her parents that she didn’t want to go there, they got upset with her, said she was spoilt, because her aunt makes her do chores which she doesn’t do at home, she doesn’t want to go there. She couldn’t tell them why. So every summer she was shipped off to be abused by her uncle.
Once this was out, she came to a place where she forgave herself and her uncle. She had subconsciously blamed herself for not telling her parents at the time. Now she’s married with 2 boys and all the intimacy problems have disappeared.

Tammy and I thanked her, and made a note to attend her sessions more often. She was a wise woman with a gift from God. We could see her calling right there. The way she spoke to the people, the way they opened up to she was amazing. God’s grace was definitely upon her.
We prayed for grace and favor to change lives, this was a journey we were determined to take.

Isaiah 41:10 to 12, would be our constant prayer “we would not be afraid because the lord was with us. We would not be dismayed because he was our God, we are strengthened because God helps us and he has lifted us up with his right hand of righteousness.”….. Hmmmm

Day 149
MR- Sunday a day of rest, Mrs. and I went to church, the sermon is always refreshing.
The pastor preached about how we treat people. Some of us are so full of ourselves that we look down at everyone around us. We stick our nose in the air when talking to people, we feel our wealth and status puts us above most people we meet on a daily basis. He went on to say that some would say “A rich man is talking and a poor man says he has an idea, what stupid idea does a poor man wants to have?” That’s the reality around us.
Now, he said we can’t blame the cocky ones, People respect perception more than anything else. You see a well-dressed fraudster in his nice Mercedes Benz jeep, its “Yes Sir, please come sit in front, welcome to church sir”. On the other hand a hard working lecturer, who has educated many doctors, lawyers, senators, even governors and probably a president, he walks into church wearing an Ankara or driving a small car, you immediately usher him to pack outside and then sit him at the back. As far as you are concerned the fraudster deserves more respect cos of his nice clothes and car, than the educator with simple clothes and a car. And that’s our reality in this country.
Many young people, want to be rich by all means cos they crave the status and respect, money gets them from the society, you walk into the bank, bank staff come get you off the queue to attend to you. You get into an office to see someone, people have been waiting for hours but as soon as you get there, with your status, you are ushered in immediately.
There was also the story of a guy who had been recommended to get a contract in an oil company, everything was set, just for it to be handed over to him. He had an appointment to meet with the MD for 9 am. Unfortunately there was so much traffic that morning, he looked at his watch and saw that he didn’t have enough time to wait in traffic, so he got out of his car, asked his driver to meet up with him at the oil company and he got on a bike.
As he got down in front of the office a car was driving into the company. He paid the bike man and ran up to the MD’s office. He was ushered in, the MD took one look at him and asked him to hold on. The MD then called the person who recommended the guy for the contract and right there in front of him, began to tell off the recommender. “How could you recommend this person for such a huge contract, he doesn’t even have a car, I saw him sweating and panting getting off a bike as I drove in this morning. Please don’t send anyone like this to me again. The MD didn’t even give him a chance to explain himself. Perception and being at the right place at the wrong time got the better of this situation.
Treat each other right, respect people, don’t look down on anyone. Be good to people you meet on your way up, because on your way down you will meet them again, he ended with. After service as Mrs. and I drove home, I reflected on what the Pastor had said, examining my day to day life , I found that in some areas I was also a culprit, I would take my G wagon to places I knew, once I drove in there, the respect would be huge. I’ve got to change a lot of perceptions I already have, I guess change begins with me…..hmmmm

MRS- Mrs. Tope, the estate chairman’s wife, came to see me after church yesterday. She said Madam Mabel told her we were starting an NGO? I said yes, she then went into a long story of how it’s been her dream to be part of a charity. Her passion was to help abused children and women because she was abused as a child and there was no one to help her through it. In actual fact she hasn’t gotten over it yet, it’s still affecting her today, all she wanted was for someone to apologize for what happened to her. Up until today her uncle has not admitted he raped her when she was 15. I was shocked, I asked why she hadn’t confronted him, she said she couldn’t, he was now in his late 60’s, a grandfather and the head of their family. What was she going to say?
The only thing is she never goes to anything he does, the family still wonder why she dislikes him so much but she has never told anyone. So she feels if she can just help one person get over their hurt, it might help her to forgive him and finally move on with her life. She was 48, still stuck in what happened to her more than 30 years ago, this was really serious, I was beginning to realize this problems was more wide spread than we thought. I told Mrs. Tope we would love to have her, the least I could do was give her a chance to get over her hurts.
Joe, Mr.’s friend came over with his wife, Shantel, she was lovely, we got Toke’s chef to make something really nice and he didn’t disappoint. Thai rice, green beans, lamb chops, mixed vegetable salad, upside down cake, strawberry and blue berry ice cream. After dinner we retired to the pool deck, Shantel said she couldn’t believe our country was so peaceful and beautiful. What you see on the news is nothing like what it is in reality. She asked if we could come visit them sometime in Boston, she would love to have us over. It was a pleasant dinner. Joe bought Mr. an engraved watch and the inscription read, “To my Bro, the man who gave much that I might have much, I love you”. Mr. was so surprised, he hugged Joe, gave a short thank you, I don’t deserve this speech and the night ended on a very happy note.
Today we start renovations at the site, I pray God blesses the works of our hands and everything goes well….…..hmmmm

Day 150
MR-I was determined to change a few of my perceptions. So I decided to go to the ministry in Tony’s car. A nice Toyota. First I tried to park where I usually park. The security guard, said he was sorry I couldn’t park in the compound. He asked me to park outside. I managed to squeeze the car into a small space across the road after trying to part for 20 minutes. Then I got down and walked in. it took me 10 mins to get to the Dg’s office, because of the protocol of signing, calling to see if I had an appointment etc. When I finally got there, I asked the secretary to see him, she asked if I had an appointment. I said I did, she then asked me to sit down. My appointment was for 12am, I sat there from 11.45 am until 2.30pm waiting, while I was there, 5 people came, without an appointment and were ushered in immediately. Around 2.45pm when the DG was finally leaving, the secretary came to tell me and 4 others that had been waiting for hours that the DG had an urgent meeting and he had to leave, we can all come back tomorrow. At that point, I had enough, so I called him, he asked where I was? I told him I had been waiting since 11.45am. He came bursting out of his office screaming his secretary’s name, “why in God’s name did you keep him waiting for so long”, pointing at me, “don’t you know who he is?, why didn’t you let him in”, the secretary was confused, “He didn’t tell me who he was sir, am sorry” The DG came towards me, asked me to please come in, he was sorry I had to wait for so long.
Now, the truth is, I wanted to find out what it was like to come to a government office, as a normal hard working citizen, with no flashy car and no entourage, now I did. Normally when we come here, kola and I, we arrive in style, the gates are swung open for us, Kola has this PA to the DG, he calls as soon as we drive in and the guy comes down and gets us straight into the DG’s office. Today was so stressful, I would never want to repeat it again, the truth is I also felt guilty, because I now knew how people felt when Kola and I arrived and we saw all this people waiting and still got to walk straight in. Am changing and Kola is coming along for the ride.
David called he arrives tomorrow morning at 7am. I have already paid for a short let apartment in our estate. For now that would be his home until he decide what he wants to do. The last thing I want is him in my house, disrupting my happy married life…..hmmmm

MRS-Mr. and I, had dinner at Chilies yesterday night. He called as he left the office and asked that I meet him there. The décor of the restaurant was nice and the food was okay. Personally I would have preferred pizza and ice cream, but Mr. wants me to take a break from junk food and eat something health for a change.
Pamela is really getting ready for the wedding, am busy counting the days she has left before she goes on her honey moon and then off to Germany. I thank God Tammy is here with me now, can you imagine if she wasn’t? Toke left, now Pamela, that would mean me here on my own.
Surprisingly Uncle J called, he found Ola. He asked me to come over. So I went to see him, as soon as Mr. Left in the morning. I couldn’t believe what I heard, Ola is back with the governor. I asked him if he was sure. He said yes, she’s currently staying in his guest house, according to his sources, Ola tried one last stunt, she went to see his best friend and he set up a mediation between the two of them. The governor said he will think about it but main while, she can’t see her Son and she can only stay in his guest house until he decides. She’s also on 24 hour watch, not allowed to receive visitors or go anywhere, only the governor and his guards have access to her, fortunately for me , one of her guards is my guy, he ended with.
I wasn’t sure what to say, I asked if I could talk to her, he said yes, but not today, he would make arrangements and let me know when. I thanked him and left. I was at least relieved we had found Ola, but I wasn’t going to tell Fatima until I’ve actually had a chance to speak to Ola myself.
My mind drifted back to Mr. and David, his brother, I noticed that he has been a bit apprehensive since yesterday night. He arrives tomorrow morning, well my duty is to make sure Mr. Keeps calm and gives his brother a chance without forgetting whose side am on. I have asked God for wisdom to handle this situation.
I stopped by the site, Tammy and Pamela were already there, work was moving along fine, the walls we wanted gone, were already demolished and the architect and site engineer confirmed we should be done in 2 weeks. We left to go have lunch. I told the girls about what Uncle J said and we all agreed, Fatima should be kept out of it until I have spoken to or seen ola. The poor girl has been through a lot, she’s just getting settled and I would hate to destabilize her again…..hmmmm

Day 151
MR-David, O yes! He just landed am waiting for him in the arrival lounge. I feel my heart beating so fast, all sorts of thoughts are going through my mind. I have rehearsed this moment and what I will say for the last 2 weeks, since he told me he was coming back. Kola is around here somewhere, he went to park the car.
Don’t get me wrong, my brother is not a monster, he’s just as his priorities mixed up, he’s been like that since we were kids. So many years later, we have all evolved except my brother. I don’t even know what to expect. From his emails I can see he snort settled down and he doesn’t really have anything tangible doing. He did say he has a lot of money to invest in a business but he’s yet to tell me how he got the money. In Malaysia all sorts of things go down. A couple of years ago I ran into a friend of his who told me David got into some trouble over there but he wouldn’t tell me what kind. I just hope he’s not been in Prison.
Yesterday was an interesting day, I practically spent the whole day with Kola and Jnr, he had a day off from school, so Kola brought him to the office. My gosh!, he is so cute, running around, playing with everybody, all our female staff became mummy’s for a day. We later took him to KFC to get some chips and chicken, his favorite. There he displayed his God given charm. As we walked him. I put him down to run around. What does he do? He sees this beautiful little girl in her push chair and he walks over, babbles something and then plants a kiss on her face. Her mum busted out laughing, the little girl is so excited she starts to laugh and scream at the same time, everyone in KFC starts to hail Jnr. He finds it exciting and starts to laugh, I watched Kola’s face come to light, I nudged him, smiled and said “Like father, like Son”, Kola responded, “of course O! , he is his father’s son”. The mother of the beautiful girl, just asked for our email and said, Daddies am sending you the engagement list, your cute son seems to know what he wants. All in all it was a beautiful and innocent.
I could see our child, Mrs. and I, running around the house, honestly, I could see 5 children running around in my mind, not sure how Mrs. will feel about having 5 children? Well , I could not believe , Me , who wanted just 1 child , now I want 5, hmmm, Jnr is really a blessing.
Wow, David, I couldn’t believe it, has he walked towards me, he hasn’t changed, that wasn’t the surprise, he had a woman beside him, pregnant, he lied to me again, he said in his email he wanted to settle down and get married, who is this woman next to him, anyone, why was I bothering, I will find out soon enough, oh! And by the way she was Asian…..hmmmm

MRS-Tammy was on fire for God yesterday, she came over to our house as soon as she dropped Jnr in school and asked me to come with her to see Sabrina, she didn’t actually tell me why we were going over there. We got to Sabrina’s just as she was waking up, she still looked really sleepy. Anyway Tammy said we should sit down in the living room, she looked at Sabrina and said , “My darling I know you are hurting form David’s betrayal, but flinging yourself into the arms of an unknown man will not let the hurt disappear, what will is Forgiveness. You need to forgive David for betraying you, the truth is everybody we know will betray us at least once in their life time either knowingly or unknowingly, so the one thing we can do is forgive them just has Christ forgives us over and over again,
Colossians 3 v 13 states that “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another, forgive as the lord forgave you” The truth is you cannot control how someone else reacts, you are not responsible for them, only they are. So my dear Sabrina let me ask you, did going out with Timi make you feel better about David’s betrayal? Sabrina looked up she had tears in her eyes “No Tammy, he even made it worse, I am hurting so much, I will do anything to make this hurt go away , please help me” By now ii had tears in my eyes as well, as I listened to Tammy I knew God had ordained her for greater things to being healing, joy and peace to his people.
We held hands, knelt down and prayed, asked God to forgive us first, Sabrina confessed and gave her life to Christ. She surrendered everything to God and Tammy asked for the grace for Sabrina to forgive David. After we prayed Sabrina had given her life to Christ and she confessed she felt like a huge container had been lifted off her heart. She felt free, right there she composed a text to Timi not to come today and she unfortunately won’t be able to continue with their friendship, she was getting her husband back, she will give him a second chance. We made a decision to fast and pray for David for 3 days, restoration of their marriage, yes David went to the registry but we know he could also go back to get the marriage annulled.
From what I knew of where David was and I told Tammy too, God will go there and arrest him and bring him back to huis senses , when the time comes for restoration he will walk back home. Wow! God is awesome……hmmmmm

MRS-Mr. hardly slept a wink, he left home very early to go pick Kola and go get David from the airport. I have already arranged for Toke’s chef to cook breakfast, even if he has to go stay in the short let apartment, the least we could do is let him settle here, eat breakfast , catch up before he goes over there.
Yesterday the girls had a meeting, I updated them about Mrs. Tope joining us and everyone supported the idea. The truth is with Toke and Pamela gone, we would need a lot more hands to work with. Tammy and I would be in charge. We listed out all the departments. Then I pointed out an unusual one, I wanted a department that dealt with abused husbands. Everyone laughed, I did too, but I told them it actually happened to a friend of Mr.
BB married Caroline when they left university, they were both from humble backgrounds. BB was a medical doctor and Caroline an accountant, they started off okay, I wouldn’t say very happy because Caroline had always been forceful, possessive and opinionated. But BB didn’t mind, he loved her and was able to deal with her excesses. A couple of years later, Mr. went to see BB in his clinic, his staff said he’s not been in for a couple of days, so Mr. went to his home because he had tried his phone several times but it was switched off. When he got there BB was in pain, his head was swollen his eyes were red, apparently Caroline had hit him with a rolling pin and punched him a couple of times in the face. Mr. found out that was not the first, second or third time, it had been going on since they were dating.
Mr. asked why he decided to still get married to Caroline after he knew she was abusive, he said, Caroline would cry, plead and cajole him. She would promise to change. The truth is she got worse as the years went by. Anyway today he’s happily married to someone else. He had to run away from Caroline, when she pushed him down the stairs one morning when they were arguing, he almost lost his life.
The girls were in shock, apparently they didn’t realize Men could be abused by their wives. Well I said that was the reality, most men don’t come forward because of their ego and the fair of being branded a weakling…..hmmmmm

Day 152
MR- “He whom the gods want to kill, they first make mad”. Its official my brother David is mad. And I mean that in the literary sense of it. You won’t believe what happened yesterday, anyway here it is.

As I saw him coming towards me with this pregnant Asian looking woman, Kola had joined me by then, we both looked at each other as if to say, what’s David up to?. Anyway we went towards them, he practically lifted me off my feet, he seemed so excited to see me, he introduced the lady as Sabrina. She said hello, pretty woman but obviously older than my brother, Kola also hugged him and we all went to the car park. Kola walked in front with the lady, David and I followed behind, I couldn’t resist I had to ask who the lady was. David smiled and said , his girl, ” your girl, pregnant, I thought you said you wanted to settle down ” he looked at me and burst out laughing , ” Bro, first of all she’s not pregnant , she just has a bit of a tummy, secondly , I married her cos of convenience and papers. Now am back I need to get married to a woman I love that will have kids for me, she’s too old, she’s 54″ “David !, how could you? , she’s old enough to be your mum, and what are you going to do with her, why did you bring her?” I asked.”Don’t worry about that for now Bro, let’s enjoy my first day back after so long, Damn! You look good, I hear you are like a billionaire now?” I just shuck my head as we got to the Car, Kola and Sabrina were already seated, so we got in as soon as the trolley pusher arranged the bags in the boot.

The drive home was smooth, cos we were against traffic, Sabrina seemed genuinely surprised at the reality she was confronted with, she commented on the no of cars on the road, the buildings and how beautiful our country was. She said she thought it would be like Africa is portrayed on the news, abject poverty, mud houses and half clad women. She then added “Sweetie am sure am going to enjoy living here” I looked at David and I watched as he lied and replied to her “of course my love , we are going to be extremely happy here ”

As we got home Mrs. Came out to meet us, as soon as David saw her, he asked me who she was and I told him my wife. He lifted her up and said “Damn, Sis in law, you look amazing” then he turned to me and whispered, “I hope she’s got a sister or a friend as fine as Her” I ignored him. Mrs. ushered them inside, while Kola and I stood outside, I updated him on what David said about Sabrina. Even he couldn’t believe it. He was surprised years of David living abroad, still hadn’t changed him.

Breakfast was nice, we had it on the pool deck, Sabrina was fascinated with the house and the size. David said she was exaggerating when she said the house was big and magnificently decorated, cos her own house in Malaysia was amazing. Sabrina brought gifts for Mrs. and I, she was such a sweet lady. I could see why David despite his craziness would not be ashamed of her. She honestly looked like someone in her 30’s, the only thing was that she had a bit of weight and her tummy wasn’t flat, hence my reason for thinking she was pregnant.

After breakfast, I told David, I got him a short let furnished apartment and paid for 3 months, he should go rest with his wife and I and Kola would be there to see them later. So I went to drop them there. The cook had put some salad, chicken, drinks in the fridge based on Mrs Instruction. She also got him a phone with a sim and some credit, Programmed with our numbers. As Kola and I drove away to drop him off, we both took a deep breathe at the same time. I looked at Kola and we both burst out laughing. This was definitely going to be a time to remember ……hmmmmm

MRS – Wow! David is here, o my gosh! He looks like Mr. but that’s where the similarities end. Honestly you wouldn’t believe they are from the same parents.
David is fine not as fine as Mr. but taller, bigger actually but very uncouth , he has no finesse whatsoever , he must have sworn more than 20 times in the short while they were here, if it wasn’t, ‘Damn’, ‘it was F’, or some other crazy swear word. I almost told him off a couple of times but I could see Mr.’s pleading eyes asking me to just bear it. Anyway, as soon as I met David, I was so glad Mr. had insisted on renting a separate space for him, I actually thought he should stay with us, God knows we’ve got the room but now I couldn’t imagine having to listen to him swear all day long in our house.
Sabrina, his wife, hmmm, what do I say about her?, very nice lady, obviously older than him, but sweet, she praised Mr. and I, thanked us for taking time to meet them at the airport, cook them breakfast and get accommodation sorted. She got me an amazing silk scarf and ruby bracelet. It’s beautiful and must cost a lot. From the little she said, Sabrina is a business woman, she has a furniture company and sells trinkets, I could tell she was well to do. Her shoes, handbag and jewelry were all designer and pretty expensive, I guess that was the attraction for David. Because throughout breakfast, which was fabulous, if I might add, he couldn’t actually explain what he had been doing in Malaysia all this while. The one thing I got was that he and Sabrina got married 5 years ago.

Mr. didn’t talk much, David was doing the talking for everyone, he kept complementing my looks which made me a bit uncomfortable, It wasn’t what he said , it was how he went on about it in front of Sabrina, I would feel offended if I were her. He would actually say to Sabrina, isn’t she adorable and the poor lady will say, yes she is my darling. Anyway I was glad when Mr. said it was time for them to go rest for a while, I guess he could see how uncomfortable I had become. I promised Sabrina, I would come take her around later, to which she responded that would be great and they left.

While Mr. was out to drop off David and Sabrina, Uncle J called and said he had arranged for me to actually meet with Ola at the guest house for an hour, the Governor is out of town for a day. Toke called, arrangements have been made for Peju and Fatima to come to Dubai for university. Admission is sorted, they leave in about 4 weeks from now. Lucky girls. As for Ola, I see her first thing tomorrow morning, let’s see what she as to say for herself.

When Mr. came back in the evening, he told me what David had said about Sabrina, I was shocked, he married the poor lady for money, apparently. She has been caring for him all this years now he wants to dump her and marry a girl from his country? Mr. said he wasn’t sure he was going to dump his meal ticket, he might just take her back to Malaysia and marry another girl here. I told Mr., Sabrina said she’s here to stay, “so what’s David going to do now?”. Mr. smiled and said, Honey, you don’t know my brother, he could keep another woman in that small apartment and Sabrina won’t even see her……hmmmm

Day 153

Day 153

MR- David, honestly it’s as if he just came back to take over. After we settled them in on Wednesday evening, Kola and I went back to check on himself and Sabrina. He was wide awake and dressed to go out Sabrina was still sleeping, I guess she was still jet lagged. I pointed out, how could he leave her alone in the apartment in a country she doesn’t know, David just laughed and said what’s going to happen to her, even if anyone breaks in, one look at how old she is they won’t touch her, I felt that was extremely insulting to the lady , I pointed that. out. He just said sorry o!, Mr. sensitive, your woman has made you soft. I ignored him. Kola tapped me on the shoulder to calm down and not let him get to me.

Anyway he insisted he wanted to go around town a bit, he said he had a couple of messages he had to deliver that night cos he had promised to do so. So we headed out to the nearest one, I insisted the rest would have to be done the next day. We got to this house, we had to knock for 15 minutes before someone finally came to open the gate. When we walked into the house, 3 guys were lying on the rug, smoking cigars and drinking brandy and whiskey. As soon as they saw David, they jumped up and shouted” Davo! Davo! You made it back, big ups my guy”. David went round hugging them and introduced us as he brothers.

The guys all got up apologized for the mess and said hello to us properly. I was already choking from the smoke, Kola led the way and we went to sit at the back, in the garden, a couple of ladies were already sitting there drinking. They both kept looking at Kola and I and giggled. I could only imagine what they were whispering to each other. Kola and I just ignored them and tried to pretend like we didn’t notice.

A few minutes later David came to get us and said let’s go guys, we got up to leave and one of the girls asked if Kola could give her his no, he said he couldn’t and we left. In the car I asked David who those guys were, he said they were all in Malaysia together for years, the guys just came back to the country last week. Something didn’t sound right, first the guy said to David “You made it”, now am finding out they all left Malaysia the same week? It seemed too farfetched to be a coincidence. Something happened back there, that they were all running from. I made a mental note to discuss it with Kola when we drop off David.

We couldn’t discuss it on Wednesday night, cos Kola drove my car home and I and Mrs. went home in her car. Yesterday, I left for the office very early, told David I would see him after work. By 5 pm I was back home, Kola had some meeting he had to go to and promised to meet me up for 7pm so we could go to David’s apartment together, I felt much better, when he comes with me to see David. Mrs. had already picked Sabrina up and they went to see jnr and Tammy. So David was supposed to be all alone. As I got out of the lift in his apartment, I saw him kiss a girl coming out of his flat and waving bye bye to her, he didn’t see me, the girl came towards the lift, I didn’t recognize her. Anyway I got to David’s flat , he opened up and asked for a minute to freshen up, I asked him what he had been up too, he just laughed and said , what else Bro, sowing my royal oats .

We took him out to run a couple of errands and brought him back to the apartment, Mrs. Car was there, obviously the girls were back. David went up and said he will ask Mrs. to come down, once he got out of the car, I let it rip” Kola I think David and those guys ran away from Malaysia from something bad” Kola also said ” I was thinking the same thing, what do you think it is?” I couldn’t tell, while Kola was talking, I was trying to remember, who told me David got into some trouble a couple of years ago. Two names kept coming to mind, Tunde our family friend and Tolu our mutual friend both were in Malaysia for years with David. I would have to look for their numbers, call them and ask them to find out from their friends, what chased out 4 hefty guys from Malaysia in the middle of the night ……hmmmmm

MRS- I don’t even know where to begin, Sabrina is a delightful woman, it’s such a shame of all the men she could have fallen in love with and she chose David. I spent the better part of yesterday with her, she told me so much about her and David, I don’t even think Mr. is aware of half of it, she actually really opened up. I wasn’t sure, if it was because she liked me or she just felt she needed to have me on her side. All I know is that something as to be done about David to ensure he doesn’t break her heart , after everything he has put her through. Before I get to him, I actually went to meet with Ola yesterday.
You won’t believe the cheek of it, she said she doesn’t want Fatima to go to Dubai, I told her all arrangements had been made and the fees paid and that Fatima was actually looking forward to go but all my plea fell on deaf ears, she said I should tell Fatima not to go anywhere. I listened to her and said okay. The good thing was that she couldn’t leave, she was under house arrest, so there was no chance of her getting out for now to meet with Fatima. Fatima was due to leave for Dubai at the end of the month.
Now Sabrina told me she meet David at a friend’s party 6 years ago, he was really cute and had a good sense of humor and he came with the caterer to serve. During the party , she said she spilled wine on her dress and went to the kitchen to get some help to clean it off before it sunk in. she met David , washing some wine glasses and he offered to help. Eventually the stain came off, David had worked tirelessly scrubbing the dress, on his knees. When he was done she offered him a tip, David didn’t want to accept it but she insisted and gave him her card that she needed a hardworking man like that in her business. The next day David turned up and she hired him to be the manager of her furniture company. David was hard working and dedicated. He was able to organize the store and sales went up.
She fell in love with him instantly. One thing led to another and they got married. As soon as they did David changed, she didn’t mind though he was her husband and everything she owned was also his. He became flamboyant and cocky. He would talk down at her and then apologize. Sometimes he will fly out of town for a week and come back to apologise that he had a business meeting in Singapore, or china or Dubai. He withdrew money from the company anyhow, bought cars, clothes and jewelry, he would through [arties at the house and 99% of the guest would be his friends. He started following the wring crowd, then 2 years into their marriage, the police knocked on the doo one morning. They came to arrest David for false representation. He and another guy had misrepresented themselves as executives of an oil company in Africa and collected money from a company promising to procure crude oil for them, the company found out in tike and most of the money was removed. David spent 6 months in jail.
When he came back he was a bit sober. He stayed indoors most of the time, I would beg and plead with him to go out but he wouldn’t. Then one day I dragged him out to the cinemas. We ran in to a lady who he said he knew back in school when he first came into Malaysia, she was also from Africa, that’s seemed to cheer him up a bit, she started coming to the house. One day I came back and found them frolicking in the living room that ended that, I forgave him.”
I had to stop her there, I said I was so sorry to hear she has been through so much, she said that was not even half of it. I had to get thing ready for dinner. The chef needed my attention on the kitchen. Wow, I hope I remember half of all she’s saying, cos I will definitely have to be the one to tell Mr.……hmmmm

DAY 154-

David always knew how to make himself the center of attention, even if he didn’t want to. He would definitely do something that would attract attention anyway. Mrs. told me about what Sabrina said, I knew David was up to no good, but how deep was he into it, is what I couldn’t tell. I haven’t told my parents yet that he is back, my Father’s heart is fragile, am not sure he can take David’s wahala now.
David wants to get a house, he wants a car and surprise surprise, he wants to open a night club. I wasn’t surprised he already had the money because from what I read online of Sabrina’s companies, they are really doing well in Malaysia, money was definitely not her problem. I don’t understand how she fell victim to David. He seems to have grown physically but his brain still remained that same size. No sense of direction, shame, responsibility or conscience. It still baffled me how 2 people that came from the same parents, raised the same way, in the same house, could turn out so different.
Kola, David and I went out for lunch yesterday, Sabrina and Mrs. were together, I guess she needs to finish telling her story of how she met David and fell in love with him. As we sat there waiting for our order, guess who walks in with a friend, Kola and I didn’t notice at first until David whistled, it was Sandra, whoa! She looked amazing, she had lost so much weight. I remembered her as a size 14 now she must be a size 6 or at most 8. She had a friend with her she was also beautiful. David’s cat call attracted attention to us and Sandra looked our way and saw us. David thought she was coming to us because of the cat call. Kola and I allowed him to wallow in his delusion, until Sandra got to us and hugged Kola and I , and just waved to David, she introduced her friend and excused herself to go sit with the two other ladies that had been waiting for them.
That was the end of peace and quiet on our table, David wanted to know who she was, how I met her, if we were still dating or dated etc. I refused to answer any question so did Kola which led him to believe I might still be dating her. After we had our meal and were in the car, I finally told him she was an old friend and nothing more, He said “so you guys are not dating?, great” before we could say where are you going?, he jumped out of the car and ran back into the restaurant……hmmmm

MRS-Sabrina continued –“David sort of realized after the cheating incident that I had gotten a bit distance with myself and my money, I guess he had no choice but to be really nice and a good boy, so he would stay at home, take me out to dinner most evenings and even our sex life got better. You must understand I have no children, I was married once but I put my work before my love and I lost him, after he left I was heartbroken, I couldn’t love anyone else , I just put myself into work, it did pay off but at a very high price. That’s when I met DAVID and he swept me off my feet. I was lonely and I needed the warmth of a god guy and David was really loving and compassionate when I first met him, there was a vulnerability about him that melted my heart every time I was with him. I am not naive, I knew David was much younger than I and I knew the possibility of him cheating on me was high, I guess that’s why it’s been a bit easier to forgive him, but a bit more difficult to forget.”
“Well his latest scrap with the law was he and his jobless friends, all they do is drive fast cars, smoke and drink with this wealthy Malaysian kids, women, drugs and money. There was a get together at one of the Nigerian guys house and a Malaysian kid ended up croaking on bad drugs, unfortunately the kid got the drugs from DAVID and his friends, they were arrested and released on bail, that’s when they decided to skip town, cos their lawyer said, the prosecutors offered a plea bargain, 25 years in jail or death. Are you kidding that’s like being between a rock and a hard place, so they chose the 3rd option RUN”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing David and his friends were on the RUN, in short they were wanted men in MALYSIA. This will surely break Mr.’s heart.
Anyway Sabrina wanted to go lay down for a while, so I walked her back to the apartment and went to see Madam Mabel, she had left a message for me earlier, I got there and found her sitting in her study with almost 20 boxes, I asked what was in them, she said donations of books and school shoes from her friends company, wow! I was impressed Madam Mabel had really stared work. We drove to the site together, it was beginning to take shape, the contractor and architect were good and it didn’t even look like the old buildings we bought. After that I dropped Madam Mabel off and went to see Ola again.
She had said I could come in the afternoon, the governor had given her permission to see me. When I got there, she was all smiles, asking after Fatima and all. I told her she was fine but I came to see if she had changed her mind about letting the girl go to Dubai or rather supporting the decision, cos in actual fact she should be extremely grateful to God that the girl turned out good and finally found a home and people to settle down with. Ola just lost it, she began to shout, that who do I think I am to tell her what to do, she’s married to a governor and she can make me and all I have disappear. As soon as she said that I just got up and walked out, she was shouting, “we shall see, is she your daughter? Mind your own business”?
I got into my car and I cried, I was so shaken by her hostility. I called Tammy told her what happened, she said I should go straight home she was on her way. Tammy, called Pamela and we all met in my house, I was still shaking when they arrived. Pamela suggested we call Toke, put the girls on a plane and let them go wait in Dubai, until school resumes, I called Toke and updated her. She called back in 10 minutes later and said, “all set, I will expect them on Sunday ….hmmmmm

Day 155
MR- Unbelievable, how can anyone be so callous, Mrs. told me about her friend Ola and how she insulted her, the girls have told me their plans for Fatima and I support it 100%, on a normal day, I would ask Mrs. to be patient and get her mother s consent but in this instance that is not a criteria, Peju and Fatima leave for Dubai tonight, all arrangements have been made.
David, hmmm David my brother, where do I begin?, remember I told you he jumped out of the car, he actually went back to ask Sandra on a date, do you know what Sandra said , she asked how David and I were related, David said we were friends and so she accepted to go on a date. kola has asked me to leave him alone , Sandra and her father would teach him a lesson, he has a perfectly good wife at home, he’s gone looking for a scorpion that would sting him, I heard Kola but I had to ask David why he couldn’t just settle down with his lady . He laughed in my face and said he needed to marry a home girl, Sabrina was the oyinbo wife, he needed an African wife and he thinks he has already found her, I asked whom? He said Sandra, I laughed so hard tears were rolling down my cheeks. Honestly, this my brother was a clown.
Babs came over to see me, he said he had a serious dilemma, I asked him what it was, he said the 3 guys he was close to are kola, ken and I, so who should he make his best man, ken was automatically out cos he dated Pamela, that leaves Kola and I. Kola said he doesn’t want to be, so that left me. I was the best man of Babs, how ironic, A guy who dated my wife, almost destroyed my marriage, now am his best man, this will make for a great African magic story.
Their wedding is in about 3 weeks immediately after comes my MIL’s and EG. We have a busy few weeks ahead of us. As we walked Babs to his car, we heard some commotion going on next door, we walked round to the front of the house and heard screams and shouts coming from inside the compound and the gate was open. So we walked in, right there in the middle of the compound was GF, a woman was held down by some guys obviously his security detail, she was shouting at him asking him to leave her son alone. As soon as GF saw us he moved into his jeep, the guys holding the woman down, pushed her on the grass, jumped in the lead car and they drove off, the car was blacked out so he knew we couldn’t see him in the car but we had already seen him standing there. Anyway Kola and I lifted the woman up and walked her into our compound. We all sat in the garden up front.
She said her son has been missing from his hostel in university for 2 weeks, his friend called to see if he was at home I said he wasn’t, so we’ve been looking for him since then. One of his girlfriends who just broke up with him, said my son was now a homosexual, sleeping with rich men for money. I couldn’t believe it, she gave me this address, I came here to get my son, when he saw me he ran away, so I decided to disgrace his sugar daddy. That evil man I was shouting at, has been the one camping my boy here for days.
Kola tried to calm her down, we both asked her to go home and calm down, SF was a very dangerous man, we told the woman that if he feels she is a threat to him ,his money of his image, the first thing that comes to his mind is eliminate……hmmmm

MRS- What a way to live, Ola is a slave to a man who doesn’t even love her anymore and she still doesn’t realize it. Her estranged daughter is about to leave her and go to Dubai, the son she has she can’t even see, her life currently has no purpose or direction, except being under house arrest. I thank God for all I’ve got, sometimes having money and too much power around you can actually be a cause rather than a blessing.

We had a lady come see us about joining the NGO, she is passionate about teaching the youth how to be useful to themselves and their generation. She started off by saying it was not enough to train them to be entrepreneurs every one can’t own a bakery, some have to work in different areas relating to baking bread. For example you teach youth how to make bread. They can each choose a different area to go into. Now, some can start to sell flour, butter or baking powder used to make the bread, others can start to make the baking trays and other instrument required to bake the bread, some can collect this equipment’s and sell to the one who has enough money to start a bakery, now some can be trainers, training other youth how to bake bread, some can collect the bread, once baked and sell, some can start supplying restaurants and cafes. Some can even set up a breakfast club and use the bread for sandwiches.
Now you can see that by a just learning how to bake bread, so many areas can be gone into. That’s how people should be trained to be entrepreneurs. Not everyone thinking, once am trained to make bread, I must own a bakery. The capital required to start a bakery is huge, but buy a bag of flour sell to the bakery, then buy two more, is relatively less expensive.
Whoa! I couldn’t believe you could get so may jobs just from learning how to bake bread, she said she still had much more, if we were interested, we all said “Yes please Maam, please join us……hmmmm

Day 156
MR-church service was good, Mrs., Sabrina and I went to church and David couldn’t make it he didn’t come home until 3am Sunday morning. We left him sleeping when we left for church. Sabrina was fascinated, she had only been to church twice, once for a burial and the other time for a baby christening. She loved it, the sermon was about forgiveness.
The pastor preached about faith without forgiveness would not work. He asked us to go home and ask for forgiveness from people we hurt or forgive those who have hurt us. Our prayers cannot be answered unless we have forgiven completely.
I found that profound, he did say forgiveness had to be total, we can’t just say it with our mouth that we forgive and it also has to do with going back to the way it was before they hurt us. I tried to think of anyone I have offended or anyone who offended me that I hadn’t forgiven, I couldn’t think of anyone. After church, we decided to take Sabrina for lunch at our favorite restaurant. She loved the food, it was actually fusion food, a mix of Asian and our food. It was lovely.
I called my mother yesterday and told her David was back, my mum burst into tears on the phone, she was doubly delighted when I told her he was also married. She asked if he had kids yet, I said no. I also asked if she was going to tell my Dad, she said of course, in all the years they have been married she has never hidden anything from him, no matter what. She also added she will have to put it to him at the right time.
SF sent me a text, asking if I could please see him yesterday evening, I accepted but decided to go with Kola. We went to see him around 6pm, when we got there he was very hostile, he put a huge briefcase on the table and said take it and keep your mouths shut. I felt really insulted but I could see his boys were all around us flexing their muscles. I politely thanked him and declined, but promised that we will keep our mouths shut. He said if we accept the money he will be convinced. I ignored him and got up, just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, pushing me to sit down. GF said he should leave us alone, we said our good byes and left.
Kola was not comfortable with the way we left things, he said we could have just taken the money and dropped it in the lagoon. I said no, I will never be indebted to that bully. At that moment, I was actually glad Sandra was not aware David was related to me, cos I hate to think what this man might do to him to revenge my standing up to him…..hmmmm

MRS- Peju and Fatima, left for Dubai, yesterday night, we got a call 5am this morning from Toke that they arrived safely, thank God she’s out of the clutches of Ola. Ola that’s hasn’t even gotten her life in order wants to be responsible for a child. In fact, Pamela said we have done her a huge favor, if the governor found out she abandoned a child earlier in her life, he might just put permanent paid to their relationship.
Sabrina confided in me, that she’s beginning to have a total different opinion about Africa and their people. David hasn’t really done us justice, In Malaysia a lot of Africans especially west Africans are seen as fraudulent, drug deals and more. She says since she’s been here, She can see that that was just a stereotype,
Pamela. Tammy and I, have decided to launch the NGO officially the first week in May, which will allow, Pamela and my mum’s wedding to get out of the way. It’s a shame that Pamela will only be with us for a few days after the launch, then she goes off to Germany. I wish her well, am going to really miss her but thank God our family is increasing, Tammy, Sabrina, the NGO, there a lot to keep us busy. Then our bambino is due early August. Before then, I have to get a lot of work done.
Pamela is looking really heavy, she was a bit concerned that there was still about 3 months to go , how big would she get by then. Tammy laughed and said that’s the joy of motherhood , we have all gotten bigger and we can all go to the gym to loose wait after. I could see the look in Pamela eyes, she wasn’t going to be here when she has her own baby. She looked at us and said, “I might just come back and have our baby here, I need you guys , you are my sisters , I can’t imagine our child growing up without you all being in its life”. Tammy and I hugged her and Tammy said she should not worry about that now, one thing at a time. “Get the wedding over with first, then the decision as to where the Baby would be born, can be dealt with”. I had to agree.
You know in life we take a lot for granted. I sat back thinking about Mr. and the relationship we had. He is a kind, considerate, loving, God fearing generous man, why would I not go on my knees every day and thank God Almighty, for all he has done for me. Am a truly blessed woman and I do know it……hmmmmm.

Day 157-
MR- Aakil called, he wanted to find out how we are, he also asked about the hotel project. I told him we are just waiting for the drawing approvals once that’s done, work can commence. The main reason he called was that Toke told him her father was going to be 60 at the end of April, he wants us to organize a surprise party for him and wanted our suggestion on what he could buy for him. I asked him to give me time to discuss with Kola and I’ll call him back. He also expressed how delighted Toke was to have two little sisters keeping her company, “although Ahmed can’t keep away, he actually went to pick them up at the airport. He’s coming around today to take them to see apartments right opposite the university campus, he wants to buy one and furnish it and get them both cars and can you believe that lover boy” he said. I laughed, told him the girls were really lucky especially Fatima. Imagine she came into our lives just a few weeks ago and her life is being transformed completely.
The cheek of it, A girl came to the office yesterday screaming and shouting at Tony, she said Tony was a coward, how come he’s dating her best friend when she was the first one he asked out, she was still thinking about it and was about to give her answer when he hummed in on her best friend. I honestly found that really funny, so I called her and Tony in to the board room. Tony started by saying, he actually asked this lady out almost 8 months ago, he has wined, dined, bought her so much and given her money for a ticket to go to Dubai and for normal expenses, yet she keeps telling him she’s thinking about it. A couple of months ago he was in her house, and a friend of hers told him to forget about her, she said she calls me Maga, cos am just good for collecting money. She has a steady guy she’s dating, gave me his address. “So I decided to investigate myself, I went to the estate, fortunately there was a restaurant opposite his house, I sat there for a couple of hours on the day the friend told me she will be there. And voila, I saw them both, first hugging and kissing on the balcony upstairs then going out together, I went into the building gave the gateman money and he confirmed Aunty comes here every week at least 4 times, she be oga wife , he said. So I moved on and decided to date someone who actually loved me and am happy”
The girl didn’t really know what to do, she said yes that’s what happened but that does not give him the right to date my best friend. I was laughing inside. I asked the girl what she wanted to do. She said she wanted Tony to drop the girl. I asked if she didn’t think that was selfish?. Anyway to cut the long story short, she stormed out of the office crying, am not sure men would ever understand women….hmmmmm

MRS-You won’t believe what happened, a couple of plain cloth guys came to our house calling themselves detectives, they said The governor had sent them to come and search our house for his step daughter. I asked who told them she was here, they said if I wanted an answer to that, I should come with them, I said no problem, they can search away. They went round the house for about 30 minutes when they couldn’t find her, they apologized reluctantly and left.
I knew Ola was behind this, she must have gotten this guys to come search for her daughter in my house, if they had found her I wonder what they would have done? Anyway, I haven’t told Mr. yet cos I know he will go ballistic. Since nothing happened am going to let sleeping dogs lie.
Sabrina was really upset yesterday she came to the house early in the morning, I didn’t even know she could find her way to our house. She immediately broke down crying and started to tell me that David said she had to go back to Malaysia, he says he will join her soon. She doesn’t want to go back and she wanted me to talk to Mr. and Kola so they can stand up to him on her behalf. If she was back in Malaysia, that was her territory, she would know how to handle this but this is his country, so she needed our help to stop him from forcing her to leave. This, I have to tell Mr. today, I honestly don’t understand this David, Sabrina has been supporting him financial for so long, how could he now turn round and see that she is too old for him. Anyway I trust Mr. and Kola, they will sort him out.
Toke called, she so happy , the girls are settling down great, Ahmed has been taking them everywhere, hes also taking them cloth shopping tomorrow, for everything they will need in school. Toke is so happy, their company really helps. Aakil is so busy, he doesn’t like leaving her alone at home, so she travels with him everywhere. She’s been with him to Singapore, Canada, Mexico, Turkey, Venezuela, Switzerland, Egypt and New York. Most times they only send a couple of days and they fly back on his jet. Now that the girls are her, she will gladly stay home and wait for him. She also mentioned that she wants to come for her father’s birthday. She wants Pamela and me to get us a uniform Material, to sew for the occasion. That’s Tammy’s territory, I will pass it on to her.
My mum called , she wants to see me , tomorrow, I wonder what it is, that she couldn’t say on the phone, Anyway , I will take the opportunity to spend some time with her, haven’t done that in a while….hmmmmm

MR-Am sorry, I don’t know where to start from, the crazy drama that played out yesterday. David left home on Monday morning and by 6pm when he wasn’t back Sabrina came back to ours again, she was so worried. She already told Mrs. about the conversation he had with her, that he wants her to go back to Malaysia, Now he goes missing. Mrs. and I calmed Sabrina down and I reassured her we will find him, I had a pretty good idea where he might be, Sandra’s house.
Kola and I went straight there as soon as we got to the office, I really didn’t want too, but he’s my brother and he has a distressed wife waiting for him in my house. The gateman was a bit stroppy, asked us to call Aunty Sabrina, since she hadn’t told him we were coming. Trust the network, it took us more than 10minutes trying her no and his before Kola decided to send a text to Sabrina’s phone. A few minutes later we heard the gate intercom ring and the gatemen opened the gate. GF’S compound is huge, there are 4 buildings in the compound, the main house , huge and imposing sits in the middle and to get to the others you have to drive past it to the back, it was like a mini estate. So we drove to the back to the house Sabrina occupied. It was a 4 bedroom detached building, contemporary style, really nicely done, anyway we walked into the house, the maid told us they were in the pool and no surprise , David and Sabrina were swimming , laughing , cuddling and kissing like lovebirds. I felt sick to my stomach. But pretended like we just had something important to discuss with David, we needed to borrow him for a few minutes. Do you know my brother refused to budge, he said whatever we need to say, we can say in front of his sweet heart. I was about to insist that he come with us, but Kola said okay, “The project needs his expertise, it cannot move on unless he comes to see where it is right now”. He looked at Kola and said , Okay Bro, I will be in your office in an hour. We said our good byes to Sandra and left.
All the way to the office , I was swollen, Kola kept asking me to calm down, David he said was like a bull ina china shop, he needed to be guided out carefully, if we chase him out in a hurry , he will destroy everything. I saw his point.
A couple of hours later David came to the office, kola and I were waiting for him, the cheek of it all he brought Sandra, I had to say something this time, so I asked Sandra to please wait in the board room. I started “David are you okay, what do you think you are dong, you leave your wife at home and go frolicking with any other woman?” he smiled and said “Bro who says am frolicking, I intend to marry Sandra, I already got a ring, just waiting for the right time, do you know I met her father yesterday, we had dinner together, he has already offered me a job and wants to introduce me to his friends over the weekend as his future Son in law, so what’s to loose, I already asked Sabrina to go back to Malaysia, my intention, is to marry Sandra, then shuttle between here and there to see my 2 wives” I could not believe my ears , I felt like slapping that smug look off his face, I was too stunned. Kola helped “bro, GF is a very dangerous man, you do not know what you are getting into” David replied “Bro , I know , as you can see, I can handle myself, that man cannot be as street wise as me, don’t worry , everything is under control”. I said “David it is not under control, you need to go back to your wife, infact you need prayer, honestly what’s the matter with you?” I yelled. “Look Bro, yes I know Sabrina, is lonely and she needs me, but am a man, in Africa, you are allowed more than one wife” I asked if he already told her and Sandra this, he said not yet but he’s getting to it, I told him Sabrina’s going nowhere, he laughed and said that’s okay, but she will have to share him with his new love Sandra. I laughed inside me and said to myself , that’s not all she will share you with, you left out one person, she will also have to share you with GF…….hmmmmm

MRS-My day was eventful, Tammy and I went to get our grove on, 2 pregnant women, we went to the expectant women exercise class. I found out it was holding beside the Spa so I invited Tammy and Pamela but Pamela and Barbs hand to go see her parents. The wedding day d almost here April 9th. Anyway guess what our instructor was a guy, not just any kind of guy, he was a fine-looking , 6 pack, really posh guy. Ha! Ha!/
Oh my gosh, all the 20 pregnant women there , including moi and Tammy could not believe it, he was sweet and caring, he would come over, hold our waste and show us how to move back and forth, touch our faces, lie down beside us cheering us on. Then he sat down with us in a circle and told stories of water bath. Apparently he just got back form London and that’s what he was doing there. Next we did the lying on our back exercises, he would come over, lift up your mid part for you, touch our legs and massage our feet. Women were giggling everywhere, I have never seen one guy have so much effect on a group of women and the funniest thing we were all pregnant, some more than others. At the end of class, he gave every woman a hug and they all asked for his no and when was the next class, he said it was on Saturday, same time. Some even grumbled that why can’t it be every day. You could see that some of this women were sex starved, they touched him at every opportunity. Before I continue with that incident, let me tell you how my meeting with my mum went.
I went to see her yesterday. She was very pregnant she is due in 2 months. She looked so sad, I was taken aback, I asked her what the matter was. She then broke down crying. I held her and asked her to please tell me. “My dear, I had a quarrel with Lemmy, my step son to be, he came back from the states last week and immediately in front of me and his father starting saying what the H…. was this pointing to my stomach, that what was his dad thinking, when he heard his dad was getting re married he thought it was to a young girl, or even if it wasn’t, he didn’t know there would be more babies involved, he was not willing to share his inheritance with anyone else. His mother and father worked so hard for the money”.
“What, Mum, am so sorry, what did EG say. He pushed him out of the room and apologized, he told me he will sort it out. For days Lemmy didn’t come home, he stayed in a hotel. Then I found out where, so I went to talk to him, he was nice enough, apologized for his outburst, but pointed out that didn’t I think I was too old to be having a baby. Anyway his father is still not talking to him, the wedding comes up in less than a month. How is supposed to be his father’s best man, that why he came back, I needs a mediator to pacify them both. I told my mum to calm down, I will get Mr. to come see her and try to sort this out, he, kola and EG’s Son are age mates.
Back to out fine bot no pimples instructor, So curiosity got the better of me, I waited with Tammy until everybody had left, then I went to ask him what his story was. “He said he was married, lived in London all his life, but recently he’s been wanting to come meet his family here. So he came in 3 months ago and he doesn’t want to go back. His wife is British and she doesn’t think she can live here permanently, so I will shuttle. Then he opens his phone and shows us his wife….wait for it…..HIS WIFE IS A HE….HA! HA!! HA!!!….hmmmmm

DAY 159-
MR- What’s this world coming too? My brother, my flesh and blood has actually moved in with Sandra and left Sabrina all alone. The poor lady has decided to go back to Malaysia. She thought she could handle staying here and seeing David slowly come back to his senses. I asked if she would be divorcing him. She said no, that she loved David and now she’s also fallen in love with us his family. She also said she can see David is just a bad shoot from a good stem.
Kola got a surprise visit from His father today, we were both surprised, I hadn’t seen him in years, he looked okay but had gotten much older. Kola excused himself, but his father said no, they should stay in my office and talk, what he had to say affects us both since we have been like brothers from day one.
He started by apologizing to Kola, he said he loved him and his mum and would not want to hurt them, I was feeling really uncomfortable now, I could tell this wasn’t going in a good direction, Anyway he continued, “My son, your mum and I are getting a divorce, Kola sat up straight , Dad, what do you mean? You guys have been married for more than 30 years. His Dad looked down and said yes, we have but we no longer get along, your mother is unhappy. Kola asked his dad what he did, he took a long time to answer but he finally said he wants to marry another wife. Kola just got up and walked out. His father sat there trying to justify his actions. Kola actually came back in and went ballistic. “After everything mum went through with you Dad, how could you, when you had nothing, mum was there, when you were seriously ill, she was thee, when none of your family members came to see you, she stood by you, now you are comfortable, you want to kick her to the curb, if you do that just forget you have a son anywhere and he stormed out again.
His Dad got really upset and called after him, but he didn’t answer. He then said “I am your father, am talking to you boy, come back here” I calmed him down and went to look for Kola but the gateman told me he drove out, I tried to call his phone but he switched it off. Anyway I went back to talk to his father, he too was on his way out of our office. He said I should tell Kola, he is a grown man, no one can tell him what to do, if he wants to marry another wife he will. Then he thanked me for my effort, apologized for the inconvenience, got into his car and the driver drove him off.
I sighed, called Tammy to ask if Kola was there, she said he just got home now, but went straight into the bedroom, she was about to call me and asked what the matter was. I summarized, she asked where his father was, I said I had no idea. She said okay, she will go talk to her hubby and call me back later. I was calm now, I knew if anyone could get through to Kola it was me or Tammy, he fled from me but he’s in her hands now, with God’s help and Tammy’s wisdom, she will Get Kola back to himself……hmmmm

MRS-Sabrina, is so unhappy, she’s really contemplating going back, I really want her to stay, but Mr. feels we should put her feelings into consideration. I wanted Tammy to talk to her, she has a way with people.
O speaking of People, I got a call from Ola, I didn’t pick , then she sent me a text, saying , if I think I can keep her daughter from her , I must be joking. She has resources now and she will find her and if am found to be hiding her, she will get me arrested. I deleted the text and went on with my day. That girl is bunkers, I have nothing to discuss with her. I remember she was always corky and brash, strutting around campus like she was in charge of all us students, she always had an orderly with her once she started dating the governor, way back then. He was actually the deputy governor at the time. All that nice girl act she put on when I found her outside the restaurant must have been fake, now she’s back in her element her true nature returned. A leopard will never change its spots.
Our NGO building is going great, we got Dulux to donate some paint for us. The work is very fast, I have a sneaky feeling they would be done way before the deadline given. My Mum called, she said Lemmy’s hotel had been found, she asked if I could get Mr. to call her. Lemmy moved from the regular hotel he stays in and they had been looking for him, now they found him. My mum is really unhappy, am worried about the baby, she needs to take it easy so she doesn’t go into false labour. I have never met this Lemmy character but I hope he’s not a split entitled brat. I asked my mum what EG was doing about all this. She just asked me to leave that alone and help her get Mr. and Kola to go see him. I said Okay mum and dropped the phone. I spoke to Mr. about it, he told me what happened with Kola and his Dad, wow! Serious stuff. Poor Tammy, her hands will be really full now, I wanted her to speak to Sabrina, Kola needs her most, and we have interviews to conduct with some new staff we are recruiting for the NGO. Mr. also needs Kola to go talk to Lemmy.
Am feeling a bit dizzy with this whole triangle. But funny enough I just thought of the shock we got yesterday with our pregnancy class instructor and I just collapsed on the sofa laughing ….hmmmmmm

DAY 160
MR- Kola is really upset, I haven’t seen him like this is a while, Tammy managed to calm him down a bit but he’s still refusing to talk to his father, Or allow him to go see tammy and Jnr. He’s in town for a few more day’s so I hope I can talk him down.
Mrs. asked me to call my MIL, I did. She asked that Kola and I please speak to her future Son in Law, Lemmy. She gave us his address and phone no. so Kola and I went to the hotel, we called his room from reception, introduced ourselves and he asked us to come up.
When we got there, he was alone, just chilling and watching a film on telly. First impression he seemed like a responsible, reasonable guy. He got up to say hello asked us to please sit down.
I started talking, asked him how he was, how he was settling down, he said fine but he’s finding it hard to swallow the fact that his father is remarrying and having a new baby. “Am this old” he said, “imagine having a baby brother I am old enough to give birth to?” “Is that what’s bothering you?” I asked “One of the things” he said. “To be honest, I really don’t feel like talking about it”. Kola then intervened. “Bro, can I call you Bro?”, “Its okay” Lemmy said. “Well its natural for you to feel this way, am still pissed at my father, he turned up two days ago telling me he was divorcing my mum to marry a younger wife, am still not talking to him now, so I understand”.
Lemmy sat up and said “Right Bro, so you know how I feel and to make matters worse, my inheritance gets split into two with one little brat who has no business being in this world. Its really making me mad. How could my father do that?, my mum struggled with him before he ever went into politics, he had nothing, the little inheritance my mum’s father left her, is what she sold and gave to my dad to contest the first time he won his election,imagine now he wants to share all that with a woman and baby who didn’t even know he existed until a few year ago, I can’t take it men”.
“Calm down Lemmy, are you not a Christian?”, “I am” he said, “well what does the word of God say about forgiveness and besides who says your father’s inheritance is going to make a difference in your life, why don’t you try making your own wealth”. He looked at me for a while and said , “I would love too, but all my life my father has always given me money, when I turned 25, my trust fund was released to me, am still spending it now, I have never been introduced to work so what should I do?”.
“Do you have a degree”, “of course I do, I studied, international relations at Stanford university and since then I’ve just chilled in my father’s house in California, nothing to do, I have enough money to spend”. Kola looked at him and said, “do you want to work?, “Yes I do, seeing you guys and listening to you talk to me, I can see how responsible you are, I would love to work with you guys, if you would have me”, “Of course we would be delighted too, we are about to become family in a few weeks anyway”. Lemmy was delighted, he got up to hug us, promised he would go apologize to my MIL.
Kola and I left him feeling really useful, we couldn’t believe we had just turned someone’s life around, This felt so good, we should find a way of making impacts like this more often…….hmmmm

MRS-Tammy came over early yesterday morning, she told me the goings on with Kola and his father. She was able to talk to him and he promised he would call his father before he left town but he needs a day to process things in his head.
Pamela called, she wants our opinion on some food and she wants us to come over for some food sampling. So we went to the caterers place with her. As we walked in we saw the table was full of so many dishes, I was glad I hadn’t eaten. So we sat down tasting, Babs was the guinea pig, he will taste first, then we after. In the end, we were so blotted , I think I actually let out a fart or two, thank God it didn’t smell,Ha!ha!, But I knew I had to head home fast or the next one wouldn’t smell so nice, I could already feel my tummy rumbling.

After the food tasting, Pamela and Babs stayed to choose and negotiate, Tammy and I went back to our estate to go see Sabrina. When she saw us she was delighted , and guess what she already made lunch, o my gosh!, I felt like vomiting, Food again, where was it going to fit into, if we didn’t eat , she will be very upset, so I asked Tammy to go along with my suggestion, let’s say we came to talk first , then eat after.
So we sat down, asked her how she was doing, she then told us how she went for a stroll yesterday morning and ran into this nice lady, who walked with her, she told the lady her story and the lady told her never to run away from her problems, she had to face them. The lady also told her how she had similar problems, faced them and eventually won her husband back. “She said she will teach me how to get him back”. As she spoke I got curious, who could this woman be, she sounded familiar, but I thought to myself, it couldn’t be, nooo!
Anyway we sat there and Sabrina told us she wasn’t leaving, she wants to get a house , start some business here and she will need our help, in time she knows David will come to his senses. All I could think of was, this is one brave woman, I could never survive seeing my love with another woman.
Sabrina mention that the nice lady might pop in soon, so we waited, surprisingly the food was jollofrice and lamb stew with fried plantain and salad. “Who taught you how to cook this Sabrina?” “Oh the nice lady I met this morning”. Well as we sat there talking, the doorbell goes and in walks the nice lady, guess who? Yep! You got it, Madam Mabel. She was surprised to see us, Sabrina asked if we knew each other, Madam Mabel said “of course, she is Sisi Mi, my only friend in the estate before I met you Sabrina, now I have two friends in the estate. To cut the long story short, Sabrina is volunteering to work with us a the NGO, wow, what an afternoon it turned out to be, Thank you God….hmmmmmm

DAY 161
MR- Lemmy wasn’t joking, he was waiting for us when we got to work yesterday. He already made up a portfolio of all the projects he did at Stanford. I was impressed, he really wanted to work. So Kola and I had a meeting with him and decided to make him our International relations manager. He actually came at the right time, our foreign partnership project was about to kick off and it would require us meeting with them on their tuff regularly, Lemmy could go for those meetings while learning the rope. Aakil also wants us to expand into Dubai and Abu Dhabi. That’s right up Lemmy’s forte.
David, well I haven’t seen or spoken to him in a couple of days, my mum called and asked after him, I didn’t know what to say, I just said he was fine. She could tell something wasn’t right, so she asked, “is he up to his old tricks again? ”I just said Mum, “let’s not worry about David, he’s a grown man, how is Dad?”. I could hear her sigh, when she finally answered, she just Said, he’s fine, I’ll talk to you soon, love to my daughter. And dropped the phone. I could tell she was sad, after all this years of hoping and praying that your lost son would come home safe, and when he finally turns up , he still keeps disappointing you over and over again, I didn’t know how she felt as a mother bit I certainly knew how I felt as a brother. I need to take David to God in prayer, his behavior is not normal. He doesn’t even care about anything, am not even sure if his conscience is working fine.
Kola finally decided to go see his father, he of course dragged me along. His dad was staying at a relations house, another place Kola didn’t want to go, so he asked the driver to take him to a restaurant and we drove to meet him there. At least his father had calmed down and seemed more apologetic. Kola also apologized but emphasized he doesn’t want him to divorce his mother. His father said he didn’t want too, but his mum had given him an ultimatum, her or the other woman.
As I listened to him, I thought to myself, what would make a man, married to a woman for 30 years, they have children together, lived more than half of their life with each other, just wake up one morning and choose a brand new woman over the long standing one. Right there I asked God for grace, mercy and favour, never to find myself in a position where I would have to choose between Mrs. and another woman.
Kola and his father were arguing now, he said his father had been hypnotized, who was this useless woman who he would rather be with than stay with his wife? His father was getting really angry now, you could see he was also visibly shocked that Kola dare stand up to him, but he slowly took a deep breath and said “Son , you are a man, you are newly married, so you can’t understand, your mother, is getting really old, I need a young girl to do the things your mum used to do in our matrimonial bed, I told her, I just want them both to live together but your mum won’t hear of it. She doesn’t want to be intimate anymore and I do, am tired of going out to get some , I need to marry one woman who can still give it to me, do you understand now, I love your mum, but she’s proving difficult”.
Kola was shocked, he didn’t know what to say, how do you answer that, the man is still very much active, but his wife isn’t, what does he do? Really complex, kola looked at me, I honestly had no answer, I was much too inexperienced in this issue to even know what to say. I then suggested we meet with Tammy’s Pastor, he was a wise man of God, I was sure this could be ironed out by him. They both agreed, a time was set, Kola’s father agreed to extend his stay to meet with the appointed time.
Phew! I dodged that bullet, driving back to the office with Kola, I asked him, “Bro, how do we answer that question, you still need sex and your wife cant or wont, what do you do?” Kola looked at me shuck his head and said, “I don’t know, but I know what my darling Tammy would say”…”For better, for worse”……hmmmmm

MRS- Well Toke called, she was really excited Fatima has been admitted in to university to study law, Aakil has paid all her fees, now Peju and Fatima are officially, American university in Dubai students. Imagine Peju choose to study medicine and Fatima law, wow! I was so happy, two amazing young girls starting life on a really great platform. She saved the best new for last, She is pregnant, oh my gosh I was screaming so hard , my maid ran up to see f I was okay, I thanked her and went back to screaming, that wasn’t all, she was expecting twins, O my gosh, ‘when it rains, it pours’, Toke was truly blessed by the Lord God Almighty. I asked if she had told Aakil, she said “not yet, she just got back from the doctor’s now and she thought to call her sisters, and in any case Aakil is in Paris, he fly’s back tonight, I will tell him in person”. I was dancing and talking to her at the same time, she said she will call Pamela and Tammy herself and also call her parents. I got the privilege of being told first. Wonderful God.
On my way out, I popped round to see Sabrina, she wasn’t in, I called the no I gave her and I could hear she was in the market or a shop , so much noise, she told me Madam Mabel had taken her to the fish market, she wanted to get some fresh fish to make some sushi. Hmmm, I guess it’s a good thing she’s found a friend, at least it would take her mind off her cheating husband. Although, how do you take your mind off something like that? I pray I never have to find out.
Mr. told me Lemmy was working for them now, that was fantastic news. My mum also called and asked me to thank Mr. and Kola, she said EG was so happy he wants us all to come for Sunday brunch, this weekend. I told her about Tokes good news and she made a joke that everywoman I know is pregnant. I did point out that well not all Sabrina and Madam Mabel were not. We both laughed, said our bye byes and dropped the phone.

I went to see the site as well, it’s looking great, the plan for our launch date has began, we are still on the fence as to whom will declare it open. Tammy said we should pray about it, so we are, I know God will give us the right person.
O and by the way, my Bambino has been kicking a lot lately, Mr. thinks it’s a boy, I still insist it’s a girl…let’s see who’s right….hmmmm

DAY 162-
MR-Uncle J, called me, he said I remember GF is out on bail, his case has been rescheduled for August. He warned me to watch the man, because he heard my brother David is now dating his daughter. I asked how he found out, he said he planted one of his boys to be part of his security team. I told him I tried to get David out but he just doesn’t want to listen. Uncle J said not to worry he would ask his boy to keep an eye out for him.
Lemmy is really working, he called a meeting of all stake holders for the project and is organizing the start update for the project. It’s hard to believe he has never worked before, I guess he had it in him all this while.
Kola and I discussed his Dad’s issue a bit further, he regrets giving him a hard time, he couldn’t imagine Tammy not wanting to make love to him anymore and he still did, how would he react?. I couldn’t imagine it either. It was a tough one, I couldn’t even blame his father one bit and a man needs what a man needs when he needs it. I asked Kola if we also need to speak to his mum, it would be unfair to just take his father’s word for it. Kola said I was right. He picked up the phone and called his mum.
After he dropped the phone, his head was down, the call had lasted for just over an hour. He looked at me and said, it’s a case of ‘trying to teach an old dog new tricks’. I asked him what he meant, he said Bro, this is what my mum said the matter was. “ My son, you know me, I’ve always done what your father wants and I have always supported any decision he makes be it reasonable or not. A few months back your dad came home a bit tipsy, I could tell he had been drinking and I suspected he had been with another woman. He wanted to make love, I didn’t refuse but I insisted he have a shower first. He found that really insulting and instead of doing what I asked he practically raped me. Well that was the least of it, he was so rough , he tried to put my legs up in the air, turned me over and tried to penetrate my bottom, it was disgusting, I knew he had been with a pro and wanted to practice on me. When he was done he just rolled over and snored.
I couldn’t believe you father would treat me like a whore after all this years of marriage and our age. Anyway I shrugged it off as a misadventure. But I was wrong. 2 days later he wanted to make love again, then he asked me to put my legs up in the air , when I refused he tried to force me again , this time I was ready , I reacted and forced him off me. He stormed out in anger. He tried one more time and since then he’s been going out, I told him I was ready to have sex with him but he would not be making me do cat wheels while making love at my age , we were grandparents and all that was for young people. That’s when he threatened me that if I do not comply he will marry a new wife who was willing , that’s when I doubled dared him and said it was me or his whore. So he threatened to pick his whore and divorce me. Son your father is going through a midlife crisis, he actually thinks he’s getting too old so he needs to learn new ticks. Tell him he’s joking, cos am going nowhere”.
I couldn’t control myself , I just busted out laughing, Kola looked at e and joined in, imagine this grandparents fighting over sex styles, wonders will never end…..hmmmmm

MRS- Pamela, Tammy and I, planned a celebratory lunch to celebrate her pregnancy with Twins. We decided to meet at a restaurant for lunch, it was a new one serving just seafood. I was a bit worried because we were all pregnant and eating seafood, one had to be careful. Anyway we got there for 1 pm, it was really busy. We ordered the house platter, it had battered prawns, grilled fresh fish with roasted potatoes and a side of salad. Tammy and Pamela also had crab sticks and celery to go with it. We sat there with our big tummies and put on the aprons given. And then went to work with the hammer to smash the crab.
After lunch we all drove to our different homes. I decided to stop by at Sabrina’s. Surprise surprise, David was there, he was busy walking up and down trying to get Sabrina’s attention. She was ignoring him and just kept talking to Madam Mabel who was showing her how to make fried rice. The apartment was open plan, so the kitchen area, dining room and living room all flowed together. When I walked in David came over to give me a hug, after a few minutes of being ignored by Sabrina, he told us he was popping out somewhere and he’ll be back later.
I was about to leave as well, when I said to Sabrina I could see she was busy , I’ll be back, she said no I should please wait and immediately her and Madam Mabel came to sit with me in the living room area. I asked about the food they were cooking, she said, “which food?, they had finished cooking since. I saw him park downstairs and I didn’t want to talk to him, so Madam Mabel and I decided to feign that we were busy cooking and ignore him to throw him off his tracks. I could not believe it. “You tricked him Sabrina?” “Yes I did, and I will continue to ignore him until he can’t take it no more”. I just busted out laughing, she had only met Madam Mabel a couple of days ago and she’s already turned Sabrina into A typical African woman, Na wah!……hmmmmmm

Day 163

MR-Unbelievable God, church was great, As usual the sermon was about the mind, how our believes affect our actions. I didn’t get it at first, the pastor starting by giving so many examples.
He said when we believe we can do something, we put more effort into achieving our goals. When we believe, I can’t do this, we don’t bother to try.
The main point of his message was that believes determine decisions we make it life .He also went on to say the decisions we made in life got us to the point at which we are today. Imagine if we said yes to all the decisions we said No too. Can you imagine how our lives will be totally different?, He then asked us to close our eyes and begin to imagine all the things we said Yes too, if we had said No and vis versa, where would we be?
The mind is a powerful thing, our faith in God Almighty starts with a belief and a thought. When we pray, we believe we have it and our faith is at work. Powerful sermon.

Mrs. and I also decided to attend the Marriage enhancement class after the service, we have not been in a while. The topic for the day was , Using your body as a weapon of punishment or blackmail against your spouse.
To our surprise it got really heated, older couple who have been married for 12,15 years and above were discussing and justifying why they withhold their bodies, all manners of excuses . Like he won’t give me money, I don’t enjoy sex anymore with him or her, she refuses to be adventurous and so on. The pastor opened up passages in the bible which forbade a wife or a husband to withhold their bodies because each person’s body belongs to this spouse. Anyway it all ended on a high note. Mrs. and I are beginning to understand that Marriage is indeed a PHD school of learning and training, at the same time, we learned a lot.

Uncle J called. He said his boy called to tell him David is planning to take Sabrina to the registry tomorrow. I told him I wasn’t aware. I have literarily given up trying to convince him not to do it, I believe he is old enough to make his own mistakes and live with the consequences. I even tried telling him GF was in a cult. He still won’t listen, he’s just so stubborn.
My mum called as well, she said she’s coming home for a week, she wants to come see David, my dad is not allowed to fly long distances yet. The only stressful news is that she will stay with us, I do hope this time she and Mrs. would have less drama in their lives.

Yesterday there was some activity at the cult house next door. Later in the evening I asked the gateman what was up, cos it had been very quiet there for a couple of months, he said a celebration was happening next weekend. As he said that David flashed into my mind, I won’t be surprised to see him there with GF, God help us……hmmmmm

MRS- Mr. told me his mum is coming in a week to spend some days with us. At least this time I don’t have to pretend to do all the cooking and work. She wants to come see her long lost Son, who as far as Mr. and Me are concerned, is still lost.
Sabrina is really fitting in well and living her life. Madam Mabel has become a fixed feature in Sabrina’s apartment. They go everywhere together. Am happy for her, I hope it all works out fine. Toke called, she wanted to know if we had gotten the material for her Dad’s 60th, I said I would confirm with Pamela. I don’t think she’s got it yet but that can be arranged.

I went for facials at the Spa today and sat through a strange event, a young lady was getting her hair done, in walks these 2 middle age women and they start calling the girl husband snatcher. Now this girls was doled up to the teeth. Gucci and LV everywhere. Her bag, shoes, watch, everything was designer, her weave was like 22 inches long. The women both looked a bit intimidated by her, she just kept chewing gum and listening to her iPod. They couldn’t touch her because. The attendance in the Spa stepped in between them. The girl just sat there smiling, the more they vented , the more she ignored them, when she felt they were done, she just looked up smiled and said ” Madam , if you kept your hubby happy , he won’t come chasing after me” and then the woman lost it. Security had to practically physically carry the women out kicking and screaming.
I felt really sorry for the women, her husband choose a high grade bitch to cheat with, this girl was drop dead gorgeous, tall and had an amazing figure, Most women will be intimidated , if they weren’t secure. And on a lighter note, most men will melt if that girl strutted her stuff in front of them. Meanwhile I think this baby of our is going to like Amebo, cos since I got pregnant, anytime I see this kind of crazy scenes, my eyes will begin to open wider and my ears will fluff up. Hmmm, maybe am having a girl, since we women love gist. We’ll see.
Anyway I left the Spa before the girl and I still saw the women waiting in their car, I could only imagine what they had planned for her, but from the look of things, I wasn’t sure they will succeed.

My tummy is getting bigger and I noticed my nose was wider, I don’t really like that cos I’ve always thought my nose was cute, anyway it’s for a great cause, I wouldn’t have it any other way and besides Mr. said he loved my nose the way it looked, when he heard me complaining yesterday on our way to church. If he loves it, then who am I to complain, my body belongs to him now, That’s what Gods word says …..hmmmmmm

Day 164

Mr.-The pastor met with us yesterday Kola, His father and I, after his father poured out all his heart and Kola did too on behalf of his mum based on what she told him. The pastor prayed and said Kola’s mum and Dad need to be here for counseling, he couldn’t counsel one part of a whole. but what he could say was that Kola’s father was acting like a man, it was naturally for him to want to sow his royal oats but we must not act in isolation of the foundation of one’s marriage. He and Kolas mum were joined together in the presence of God, they promised to be together for better for worse, with Love and understanding and compromise, Kola’s father can sort this out with his wife. He also cautioned Kola from interfering, because human nature dictates that you would take one parents side more than the others and this can lead to more friction between the two.

We left there knowing truly the pastor was blessed, I always knew he was but the finesse with which he handled this situation, even Kola’s dad agreed the pastor hit the nail in the head. He admitted he had been a bit unfair to his wife, he said he just met a lady, they had sex several times and it was a new experience for him, the way the lady made love to him, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t discovered theses styles all his life, he didn’t want to cheat on his wife anymore that’s why he wanted her to try do the styles as well. But he forgot that she was also to be considered in this, he has been selfish and inconsiderate, he was going back home now to make amends. He hugged Kola and I as he got out of the car and thanked us for being amazing Sons, he said he could see our wives were the luckiest women in town.
Wow! I was impressed, it takes a good man to admit he is wrong. I see where Kola gets his good nature from. His dad is actually a really good man.

Anyway, that aside David goes to the registry today with Sandra, Mrs. and I were discussing yesterday night , we were waiting to see if he will invite us, but up until now he still hasn’t called to tell us. Uncle J told me the venue and all, but am not sure I will attend if he doesn’t tell me, although Mrs. Feels since I’ve heard I should turn up anyway. I still think that will be condoning what he is doing.

Anyway that aside, Surprise surprise, I got an email from Jane yesterday, she was apologizing for the way she treated me in England, as I was reading I was wondering why she was apologizing now, then as I got to the end of the email, I saw it. “Babes I will be in town first week in April, a friend of mine invited me to his father’s wedding and am counting on you to get me accommodation and a driver to take me around, please tell me you will at least do this for me after everything we have been through?” I couldn’t believe this jezebel was back again, I thought I heard the last of her when we left London. Anyway two things struck me, one why couldn’t the invitee provide for her, why me and two, I hope it’s not what am thinking, this wedding she’s coming for, can’t be my MIL and EG wedding, cant it? I know the EG has two sons, Lemmy and his older brother Josh, I know he’s based in Scotland, works in an oil company out there? Noo! It can’t be……..hmmmmmmm

MRS-Am a bit worried, I haven’t told Mr. this but I will if it happens again, I thought I saw a car tailing me yesterday when I was coming back from was a black jeep with blacked out windows. I took a couple of odd turns and the jeep followed me, but as I drove into our estate it went past. Let see what happens today.
I have been tiding up the house, extra cleaning cos my MIL arrives on Friday, I know things will be different this time but am still reliving what happened the last time. I also remember her vividly asking me t learn how to cook so that next time she visited I would cook for her. The truth is I haven’t cooked since she left last year. Mr. says I shouldn’t worry but its difficult not to. Every woman wants to impress their in-laws, especially those who care what they think of them like me.
Anyway am going to have to get Tammy to teach me a couple of things, yes I know I should have learnt a long time ago but to be honest I didn’t find the need too, I guess I have been really lazy in that department and my Mr. God bless him, just wants to a cooked fact he said tome once, Baby, I married you for you, not what you look like, what you have or don’t have , or for what you can or can’t do, I married you because I love you for who you are. Really profound, I love Mr. so much sometimes it hurts. But all the same that doesn’t given me liberty to take him for granted. Especially now that we are having a child, it would be nice to be able to cook for Mr. and our baby.
Sometimes in life we take things for granted, Look at me now, I am married to an Amazing man who doesn’t want an iota of stress for me , David married to Sabrina who gave him all the comforts of life, Kolas father , whose wife stayed dedicated to him through thick and thin, the list is endless. I guess its human nature, we fear and respect mere those who are harsh, not so kind but take for granted the dedicated, kind and considerate ones. Dear God I pray give me the wisdom and grace to live a happy, fruitful and fulfilled life with my family…..hmmmm

Day 165
MR- Unbelieveable, David actually went ahead to take Sabrina to the registry I couldn’t believe he actually did. Why the rush, he just met this girl barely a week ago and they are already married.
When I got to the office yesterday morning, Kola asked us to go see David before the registry to try to convince him to think about what he was doing. Even if he wasn’t already married, meeting a woman and getting married to her within 2 weeks was not logical. So we went in Kola’s car, parked outside GF’s compound and called David to come out side. This time he did come out but with a bodyguard. I felt that was strange, did they think we wanted to harm him or kidnap him? Anyway I shrugged it off. When Kola asked why he has a guy following him around David just shrugged it off and said maybe Sandra feels he’s going to run away.
So Kola and I started trying to talk David out of this impromptu marriage, we talked until our mouths were dry, surprisingly , throughout he didn’t say anything, when we were done, he said don’t worry guys I know what am doing. I asked him to promise me he will think about all we said , he said he will. He got out of the car, waved He thanked us and walked back into the compound with the body guard in tow. I told Kola there was something going on with David which he was not talking about. I know my brother at least in that respect, when he was really under pressure he will be silent, David was never one to keep quiet.
Anyway my fears were confirmed later in the Afternoon when Uncle J called and said , David was forced into Marrying Sandra, Why I asked, it has something to do with GF saying Sandra’s husband will take over his vast empire, once he retires in a year. He believes he might also be convicted and jailed. So he told David to choose, marry his daughter now and start learning the ropes of his vast business empire or get out of Sandra’s life and let her find a man to marry asap. So David choose to stay. Jane sent another email yesterday, I just ignored it. I have too much on my mind right now.
I couldn’t believe my brother’s greed had pushed him into this , I wasn’t even sure he loved her enough to marry her, well , my dad always said , whatever the eyes look for they will see, I guess David was about to experience that. One thing I was sure of was that David will more than likely be initiated into the cult. And once you are in you can’t just back out, there is always a price to pay. I was getting so upset now. Kola had to calm me down. “He needs deliverance” Kola said. “Yes” I said “but he’s a stubborn goat, he doesn’t even think anything is wrong now, look at Babs, he is still reliving the ordeal he went through in GF’s hands. My Mum will have a fit, if she finds out , how is he going to explain all this mess to her ……hmmm

MRS- Sabrina cried so hard yesterday, she found out David was getting married when she called his phone and someone picked it up saying David was getting married, she should call back. I thank God I got there just in time, she was so destruct, I had to call our family doctor to give her a sedative. Madam Mabel also came over and we both consoled her together, when I left she was asleep.
Today I noticed the car tailing me, as soon as I left the estate, this time I drove straight to Uncle J’s office , as soon as I turned into the gate the jeep speed off but luckily I got the number plates. I went in to see Uncle J, gave him the plates and he said he will check it for me. He also gave me an emergency no. if I see them again, I should call him on the no, he will send some of his men to apprehend them immediately, I thanked him and left.
As I drove off I was a bit more at peace and I kept looking back, they were nowhere in sight.
I went to see Tammy and Jnr, o my gosh , he is so troublesome and handsome at the same time, he kept running all over the place, his nanny will call jnr come here , he will stop and run away again, Tammy just sat there smiling and glowing, you could see the look of a proud mum on her face. We discussed the issue of Toke’s dad’s birthday, the NGO, Pamela’s wedding and my Mum’s wedding, wow, so much going on in the next few weeks.
I told her about David getting married, she almost fell of her seat in shock, “what she said, Married. Who how? I mentioned to her that it was Sandra. she immediately said David needed immediate prayer, “that her father, wants to use David o” we need to take him for deliverance she said. I told her how are we going to get him there? Tammy said there was nothing impossible for God to do. I had to agree with her. We left Jnr at home and went back to Sabrina’s she had just woken up and looked a bit better. She said she will be fine but David still hadn’t called her back. I tried his no a couple of times it just rang out. I told her not to worry, I was sure we would get him tomorrow. Poor woman, I couldn’t imagine how she was feeling w=right now, I would never want to find out either…..hmmmm

DAY 166
MR-I haven’t been able to sleep properly since David did this crazy impromptu marriage, I tried calling him a couple of times yesterday, his phone just rang out, He finally sent me a text this morning saying he will come see me at the office. The way am feeling right now I don’t even think I will be going to the office, my head is aching , my eyes are puffy and I haven’t slept for more than a couple of hours all night.
You know I sat up in bed overnight thinking how David turned out so different, where did our parents go wrong? They were and still are upstanding citizens. I still can’t remember or have met anyone whose parents actually made them confess all their sins every morning. Growing up that was our morning ritual, wake up, read the bible, pray then confession time. Our father will line us up, then one at a time we will spill all the naughty things we did the day before. I remember one day when I said I took a bite out of David’s meat in his food when he left it to go to toilet. Form that day, David would eat his meat first. Looking back now, we did have fun with the confessions sometimes.
One day when he were 15, David asked my dad why he and Mum never got to do confessions, that from what his catholic friend said everyone is supposed to. It took my dad a while to say something and when he did, he just said Adults do theirs in private. David was going to go on, but our mum put a stop to his questions by asking us to go get ready for school. I remember him walking away grumbling to himself that , this was unfair.
Constant issues came up with him, he wasn’t doing too badly at school, although my dad believed he could do much better, if he just sat down and focused. My mum told me once that David and my father are so much alike, that when she met my dad, he was just getting over his stubborn phase, my grandma used to tell her stories of my dad and always pleaded with my mum to pray for him and be patience, in time he changed and became this upright man we all know and adore right now. That on its own gave my mum hope that David was just going through a phase, she has been praying for him ever since then. Now she’s coming down to see him after all this time. I pray she’s not too disappointed…..hmmmm

MRS- May God not let us encounter problems that will weigh us down and over power us. Tammy and I spent most of our day with Sabrina yesterday, praying, talking and consoling her. She let it rip, hardly had anything to eat. She actually confessed that she felt David was coming back to her but now she’s not so sure. At this point Madam Mabel said a proverb translated into English, The White man that created a pencil also created an eraser, meaning, David that went to the registry will also go back there to annul the marriage. She was on her own going on a fasting spree for Sabrina, she asked us to join her as well.
Sabrina didn’t understand the concept of fasting and prayer, Tammy spent time explaining it to her and gave the example of ester in the bible, when she wanted a favor from the king and asked her kinsmen to fast and pray. At the end we all decided to have a 7 day fast and pray session.
Mr. didn’t sleep all night, I know he’s worried about his brother David, I couldn’t believe it either, Marriage? What was he thinking?. Anyway I couldn’t even tell Mr. about the people following me, he already had too much on his plate. I told Tammy, she was a bit worried, she’s promised to tell Kola yesterday. At least one of them needs to know she said.
Pamela and Babs are getting reading for their big day, upper weekend, it’s strange though, we are all not running around like we did for Toke, Pamela’s family have contracted every last bit out, all we have to do is get dressed and turn up……hmmmm

DAY 167
MR-Jane, Jane Jane, honestly when it rains it pours, am dealing with David on one hand , now Jane. I woke up this morning to find 10 text messages sent throughout the night asking me to please call her she needed t speak to me. Common why can’t this Jezebels leave me alone. .
Uncle J then called to confirm my fear yesterday, he asked me to see him urgently in his office. The way he sound on the pone half scared me to death, but I got Kola to drive me, when we got there he gave me heartbreaking news, on Saturday night David would be inducted into the cult. I asked him how he knew, his boy of course. He is the one who stands guard behind GF everywhere he goes, he heard GF on the phone saying that the cult should get ready for the new initiate, his new son on law.
I got up, walked over to uncle J and knelt down, asked him to please help me get David out of this. He asked me to give him one day to think and come up with a plan he will get back to me tomorrow. I left him saying thank you. Kola was waiting outside for me, when he saw my coming he knew it wasn’t good news. We discussed the mess David had gotten us all in, I remember my mum will say, when your relation is eating a cockroach you need to tell him off, if you don’t when he starts to cough from eating it , you will not have any rest. When David was getting into all this mess we did tell him but he didn’t listen, now we are trying to get him out of it. Sometimes I wonder why I care so much.

Mr. Tope called earlier, he wanted to see me urgently, the sound of his voice really made me anxious. I went straight to see him after I left Uncle J. As I walked into his living room I saw him lying on his couch, he looked pale and sickly, I had seen him a few weeks ago and he was really looking well, what could have rapidly drained him like this? As I sat down next to him I asked him what the matter was. He looked up and said to me Son , I just came back from the hospital, I have been feeling really ill for a couple of weeks, thought it was malaria so I bought some drugs and used it, it didn’t help, when I woke up this morning and vomited all over myself , my wife rushed me to the hospital . After a series of test the doctor said my kidneys have failed and that need to start dialysis immediately.
I jumped up from my sitting position and went over to him, “No Sir, that’s not possible, you don’t drink, smoke or indulge. “Well my Son I said the same thing apparently I have had high blood pressure (BP) for a long while, never bothered to check my BP cos I was feeling fine not knowing that my kidneys were slowly shutting down” As he spoke to me he had tears in his eyes , “The only alternative is to find someone to donate a kidney to me and before that Dialysis is 3 times a week and cost about N30,000 per session. Where would I get that from, My son Please I NEED your help”. I went over to hug him again, asked him not to worry about the money, he should just concentrate on getting better, I would work something out. I said my pleasantries and left. As I drove off, everything including David’s issue seemed to pale in comparison to what Mr. Tope just told me. Wow! Life was so fickly.
Anyway I went straight to the pharmacy to buy a Blood pressure testing machine, the attendant taught me how to use it, she tested mine and it was 144 over 90, she said “Sir you are pre hypertensive, you need to see your doctor, so they can advise you on the sort of activities you need to do and how you can make healthy life choices, to keep you BP normal”. Sweat began to gather on my brow. I put the car in gear and drove straight to my doctor, murmuring one of my dad’s popular proverbs, roughly translated “Long stick do not prick my eye, it’s from afar that I would see it”…..hmmmm

MRS-This is getting out of hand , I saw the car following me again today called uncle J’s boys , when they found me they gave chase to the car but lost it somewhere in traffic, now uncle J says he’s sensing over one of his boys to stay guard at our house and come with me every time I go out. No more privacy. I actually sat back and began to think about whom it could be, my mind flashed to Tella again then back to Ola. Anyway today Mr. and I need to work something out regarding this.
Yesterday I drove to Tammy’s house to pick her up, she wanted us to go see a cousin Bobby, who was holding counselling sessions for Married men only and she said it will be good practice for us since we are starting an NGO. I was a bit surprised “why men only” I asked, “When we get there we will see” Tammy said. We got there the session had already started. We quietly sat at the back and listened.
A man had just gotten up to tell his story “My name is James Ayodele, I have been married for 8 years, My wife is a very good woman but she had one major flaw, Why I say Had will become obvious when I finish my story. My wife gets irritable for no reason, I am a very peace loving man I try to avoid confrontation as much as I can , if you are married to my wife trust me you would understand how challenging that can be.
Anyway recently, I woke up one morning feeling really hungry, so I went downstairs and decided to warm some left over rice. I did, ate and left the plates and pot in the sink to soak. I was just walking out of the kitchen when my wife came down and lost it, she began to scream “Why can’t you tidy up after yourself, do I have to do everything, ordinary pot and plate you can’t wash, please don’t kill me, I have to cook for the kids now, go to work, bla! b la! Bla!.
I had heard enough, I immediately went over to her and said “Honey, we need to talk now. She pulled away from me and said “we can’t talk now, we are going to be late for work and the kids need to get ready for school”, I said “never mind, today we take a day off, everyone, we need to sort this out now”. She looked at me and said “sort what out?”, I looked at her and said “what is really wrong with you, this is not about me, or the plates and pots, you have been irritable off and on ever since we got married, I have learned to leave with your mood swings but it’s time we iron this out once and for all”.
As expected my wife went into protesting mode. “Look Baby am fine, there is nothing wrong with me, I just thought of all the washing up I had to do….”
I didn’t listen, I gently pulled her to our bedroom , sat her down and I sat down in front of her and asked again, “baby please tell me what’s wrong, I love you so much and I want us to be happy. This is not you, something must have started all this build up pf anger in you, Nobody is born angry, please talk to me”. “Am fine baby, honestly am just tired” she said.
I tried again, telling her how it breaks my heart to see her this way, I had tears in my eyes as I pleaded with her, gently holding her hands and kissing them. Then she broke down crying. What she said shocked me….”
Oh am sorry, I just looked at the time, I need to go out with Mr. this morning, he wants me to go do antenatal class with him, he also checked my BP, it was a bit low according to him, just to be sure he booked an 8am appointment with our doctor. I Will finish Mr. James story tomorrow……..hmmmm

DAY 168
MR-I got to the doctors with Mrs. 7.55am, I was determined to sort this whole Blood pressure issue out. I checked Mrs. BP it was low, or so I thought. Thankfully the doctor confirmed it was normal for a healthy pregnant woman. As for me he prescribed a lifestyle change. I had to go back to playing tennis, watch my diet and do regularly checks. It wasn’t necessary to put me on pills for now, if I adhered to his instructions, my BP would normalize in no time.
I asked if I needed to check my kidneys, he smiled and said they are working perfectly for now. That scared me which am sure it was meant to do. Change your lifestyle or risk having a heart attack, stroke or kidney failure.
Back to Mr. Tope’s issue, I asked the doctor what he thought, fortunately he said he should come for a second opinion, so I booked him and an appoint for later in the day, took Mrs. back home and went over to see him.
As I walked in I could not believe my eyes, so many people gathered in their living room as if somebody had died, I walked over to the nearest person and asked what happened, the person just shuck his head and started crying, now I was really scared, I ran over to his Son and asked , he said his dad was upstairs in bed, I ran up the stairs thinking the worst, when I opened his bed room door he was propped up in bed being fed pap and bean cake. I breathed a sigh of relieve, walked over to him and said “Mr. Tope, what’s going on?” Mrs. Tope replied, Our family and children came back from university and the village when they heard he had been diagnosed with kidney failure, they have come to see him before it is too late” “Too late for what” I asked, “Who doesn’t know that if you don’t have 6m to 8m and someone to donate a kidney, you can’t survive? I looked at her, began to talk but decided against it, I asked where Mr. Tope clothes were, his wife pointed to a wardrobe, I asked her to dress him up then I opened the bedroom door, called his twin Sons, Kenny and Taiwo both 22, to come up and help me guide their dad into my jeep.
When we got to my doctor, a series of test were conducted. The doctor came back to the room Mr. Tope was admitted too for the day, He sat down and said “after conducting various test , on your blood, kidneys and heart, we are happy to say your kidneys have not failed, they are not working at 100% capacity though but you won’t be needing dialysis or a kidney transplant. On the other hand you will be on medication for the rest of your life to regulate your blood pressure and you will need to make some drastic lifestyle and diet changes, to start off no more salt, red meat etc they all have to go. Because if care is not taken your kidneys might just get damaged further”.
Mr. Tope that was lying there looking helpless, sat up straight, “doctor, you mean I am okay, I don’t need dialysis or have kidney failure?” “No Sir, but you are not totally okay, your BP is very high and if not regulated, can lead to serious problems like a stroke, heart attack or this same kidney failure”. “Thank you my son, I will take the medication every day and stop eating my favorite food, plenty red meat , more vegetables and exercise like you have instructed, the salt bit, might be difficult but I’ll definitely get used to it. You won’t believe I asked my lawyer to see me tomorrow, so I can write my will and start putting my affairs in order, Thank God, Mr. brought me to you, I would have gone to India or wherever to take out a perfectly good kidney”. The doctor smiled and said “I believe the doctors over there would notice its healthy before they take it out, but I do understand what you mean, misdiagnosis, is a real big problem, As for putting your affairs in order and your will, you should still do that, you shouldn’t wait until you feel you are about to die before you do”.
We thanked the doctor and left. Mr. Tope, even though still weak, walked unassisted back to the car, the good news, had made him a bit better by the time we got back to his house and he walked into the living room people and were saying , “ahh! Sorry Sir”, “what did they say?” “How long do you have sir?” etc., He ignored them at first, walked to a seat and sat down then he commanded everybody to sit down and shut up. They all quietened down, “Now you vultures listen to me, I am not dying yet, my kidneys are not failing, I am alive and well. So thank you for coming to see me off to my grave, you can all go back now”. I watched the people’s reaction, old, middle age and young. Some said thank God sir, some came over to hug him and give thanks and others just picked their bags and left, All in all by the time the dust settled. Mr. Tope, his wife, twin sons and myself were the only ones left standing…… hmmmm

MRS- Mr. is overacting, buying a BP check machine, dragging me to hospital and all, anyway I guess he’s just being protective.
Oh yes! before I forget Ola called, I wouldn’t have picked it up but she used a different number. As soon as I said hello, she started swearing and causing asking me to give her daughter back, do I want to kill her etc., I dropped the phone and blocked the number instantly. I then decided to tell Uncle J, I wasn’t going to let this go on, I needed to confront her and put this to rest once and for all.
Uncle J’s felt it was a good idea but said it was better for me not to meet her on my own. He said I should get ready tomorrow, his boys will drive me to the house she staying at now, and apparently the governor has now given her some freedom to move around, I guess that’s what has gotten in to her head.
Sabrina, is feeling much better, we went over to spend some time with her tomorrow. Thank God, we played chess, watched a couple of films, ate pepper soup, yes Sabrina did, but her nose was really running, Madam Mabel coked it for us. It was nice we all had fun and it helped to get her mind off David a bit.
To continue with Mr. James story.
“His wife, started to cry, she had been raped as a child by an uncle, dumped and dumped over again, even on the day of her wedding. Different men had abused her both mentally and physically, there had been a time in her life when she blamed herself for everything that was happening to her. I held her close, told her I loved her and would never leave, reassured her she could tell me anything and I won’t judge her. She smiled, started to laugh, was wondering why she had confided in me all this while. I saw an instant transformation in her countenance. We knelt down to pray together and everything has been peaceful since then:”A good example of Share heal excel (SHE)
By the time he ended some guys were in tears, Bobby the coordinator, asked if anyone else had something to say, another guy stepped up and said, My name is Ken and I was raped by my step mum” When I heard the name Ken I looked up , so did Tammy, we couldn’t believe our eyes, standing there in front of the crowd was the one and only Ken we knew. We were gob smacked……hmmmm

Day 169
MR- David is missing, that’s the news going round GF’s camp this morning, he was supposed to be inducted into the cult yesterday, but Uncle J and I stepped in, we arranged for him to be kidnapped by uncle J’s boys and taken somewhere safe, even I don’t know where. But he stays there until his head gets corrected.
Sandra called me 6 times yesterday, before kola and I went over and pretended like we didn’t know what happened to David, we joined the search party, he went missing when he went out for his normal morning run Sandra said. Uncle J’s boys were waiting, the inside man called as soon as he got out, and the rest was easy. GF deployed all his guys to look for him to no avail, they kept looking all day, then in the evening he called the police, they asked him to wait for a ransom demand that if he was kidnapped it should come soon. When we left Sandra’s at 10pm yesterday evening, no ransom demand had been made.
Between you and I, David is safely tucked away by uncle J, kola and I haven’t even told Mrs. or Tammy this, cos they might let it slip. For now he stays on ice until I feel he’s learnt his lesson.
I just want David to annul this impromptu marriage, Sabrina is waiting for him, I don’t really know what Sandra was up to until I spoke to her yesterday. She told me her father promised to stay away from David, I made him swear to me, I didn’t even know he was going to be initiated into anything until you mentioned it. I just knew that he would disappear a few times at odd hours of the night. I calmed her down and told her he will be found. I certainly knew the decision was in our hands , we would decide when….hmmm .

MRS-Tammy and I crouched down behind the row of seats behind us, we didn’t want Ken to see us. I peeped to see if it was really him and viola, yes it was.
ken started to narrate his story “I am currently a really confused man, I swing both ways , I like women and I like men, but I believe this all started from when I was raped.
My parents were philanthropist, they let everyone into our home to stay with us, that fact that they were wealthy also helped. Our house had about 15 bedrooms and all of them were always full with people, young middle age and old, family friends, cousins and strangers, all found solace in our home. This had its advantage and disadvantage, advantages, I always had someone to play with and take me out down side, I was left at the mercy of this people to take care of me. One of such days Bro Israel as he was called lured me into his room, gave me a bottle of coke and asked us to watch a film together , before long he was touching me and before I knew it I was naked and he was beside me doing things to me, when he was done I was crying, he gave me a bath, and some pain killers and asked me to sleep on his bed, I spent the night in his room, when I woke up in the morning I was much better and I was still 10 years old, after that he practiced on me more often, I didn’t know any better , so I submitted to him,. One day one of the other kids caught us and told my parents that day Bro is real was sent packing and the given the beating of his life, the mistake though was my parents thought it was the first time, so no damage was done to me but they were so wrong.
I started to crave for Bro Israel’s kind of attention, when I couldn’t get it from him, I practice on boys younger than me , I will say to them it’s a game to play and that everyone will enjoy it. All this went on for a while , then I was introduced to female sex, one of our live in brothers who wasn’t aware I had experience with boys , got me a girl when I turned 16 and told me to lose my virginity as he put it. I tried it on her and I liked it, so I started doing both girls and boys, although more girls.
By 21 I realized I had to focus on girls more and hide the boy interest side cos of the stigmatization, but then I went to university for masters in Europe and it was widely acceptable, so I swung between the two more freely.
My life was full of confusion until I met Segun, he brought me to Christ, I gave my life 2 months ago and confessed all my sins, it has been an uphill battle but I believe in taking one step at a time, I just want to say that we should all look out for our children, there are so may bad people out there that are waiting to prey on neglected children. God help us all”
Ken finished and walked back to his seat, when I looked at Tammy there was tears in her eyes same as me…..hmmmmm

DAY 170
MR- Am sorry, I don’t really feel guilty. David needs to be dealt with. Uncle J asked us to come over to his house after church. Kola and I got there for 2pm. immediately a video link was switched on and we could see David sitting on a bed in a room with blackout windows. It also had a small lamp and television. We could see that he had been feed, the tray of plats was still sitting there on a stool. Uncle J said he was at a house used for house arrest and it had loads of cctv cameras installed. He still didn’t tell us where it was. I asked Uncle J when would we know it was time to release him, he said when his senses come back, Kola asked how we will know that , Uncle J said the day he says , I want my wife Sabrina!. Kola and I looked at each other and instantly knew that might take a long time.
Anyway church was as good as usual. The pastor asked a very pertinent question, are you ENJOYING your marriage or ENDURING it? You could see a lot of people both Men and women clapping as if to say Preach on Pastor. I got thinking, I knew a lot of our friends who complained endlessly about their wives, never about themselves. But if they were thinking, all they had to do was take a look at themselves, realize they were at fault to and make a change, as Michael Jackson said in his song Man in the mirror.
Every time, Mrs. upsets me, I go to the mirror and take a look at myself. Change definitely begins wih me. I should be able to forgive and forget completely whatever Mrs does to upset me, she should do the same as well. Ephesians 4 verse 32 says “And be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave us”……hmmmm

MRS –Tammy and I had tears in our eyes, as soon as Ken was done we went over to him and gave him a hug, he was shocked, he asked how we got here cos this was a male only counselling and support group? Tammy said Bobby the coordinator was her cousin and he asked us to sit in quietly because we are about to start our NGO and support and counselling are some of the most important things well be doing there. Kens eyes lit up, he asked if he could be part of it, we both said Yes, he will do well talking to young men who had gone astray, been abused and not healed and had allowed that to derail their lives.
Sabrina had new drama in her life yesterday, when we got back from church, Mr. and kola drove out, Tammy and Jnr stayed with us. We decided to go visit Sabrina. We walked the 3 streets to her house, left Jnr with the instructor teaching him how to swim, the maids were also home. We saw Sabrina get ot of this huge 500sl Black Mercedes Benz with tinted windows. We stopped in our tracks, saw her bend over and wave to the occupant, we didn’t see who it was. Anyway we waited until she went in then continued walking to her apartment.
When we got in we asked who her guest was, she said Timi? Well she met him at a gala night Madam Mabel invited her too. The boys of the country club were holding a gala. Timi came alone and danced and chatted with her all night, he even dropped me off at home that night, since then he has been coming to visit me and take me out for Dinner, nothing is going on now but am beginning to fall in love with him. “Isn’t he married?” I asked. He’s divorced, his family are in Canada, he came back home after the divorce, that was 3 years ago and he has been single since. O! By the way his first wife is Canadian.”
Tammy didn’t know what to say, neither did I. I just asked what the plan was and if he had asked her out? She said no he hasn’t but he wants us to go to Paris for a week and I have said yes, he wanted us to go next weekend but I know we have Pamela’s wedding and the upper week your mums wedding so we decided on the week after. Look girls David is having fun, he has even married some other woman so why can’t I just go to Paris to have fun with a friend?” what could we say, she was right. We just sat there looking at each other, the atmosphere was so tense you could have split it with a knife……hmmmmm

DAY 171
MR-My Mum arrived yesterday night, Mrs. and I went to pick her up, the first question she asked after all the pleasantries was “Why didn’t David come with you to pick me up?” I quickly covererd it up by talking about how great she looked and asking after my dad. Mrs. was confused, she was wondering why I couldn’t just ask David to come along to meet our mother. I ignored both of them and just kept driving, thankfully my mum and Mrs. started talking about other things, Phew! Dodged that bullet for now but I knew I had a great task ahead.
Sandra is really going crazy, she spent most of yesterday calling Kola and I, crying. She said we should please help her find David, she’s missing him too much, he’s was her soul mate. I wanted to ask her if he told her he was already married and if he did, how could you claim somebody else’s husband as your soul mate, but I refrained myself, now wasn’t the time. Her father also summoned both of us to his office.
When Kola and I got there, he said he was confused, why wasn’t David’s kidnappers calling and asking for a ransom, if he was truly kidnapped. He said probably the boy ran away. He even went as far as saying that he thinks his daughter has bad luck, she’s always bringing this strays home, who end up leaving her. Now she’s married to a Man who’s disappeared. He asked us to do everything within our power to find him, he even promised us a hefty reward.
All that didn’t concern me, what really bothered me was Sabrina’s misery and my mums visit. So we decided to go see uncle J. when we got to his office, we brainstormed the implications of us seeing David now and leaving him in the house because my mum wants to see him, we needed to find a way to get my mum to see him and then taking him back. It was complex, we didn’t want him out yet, he couldn’t have learnt his lesson in 2 days we needed him to stay there longer. Uncle J said, it was okay, we should give him a day and he would have a solution to all this.
Once we got home, My Mum said she wanted to meet Sabrina really bad, she’s been singing about her daughter in law since she landed, barely does she know that she is 3 streets away from us, plenty palaver , I know I will get through this somehow, David !!!….hmmmm

MRS-Tammy was on fire for God yesterday, she came over to our house as soon as she dropped Jnr in school and asked me to come with her to see Sabrina, she didn’t actually tell me why we were going over there. We got to Sabrina’s just as she was waking up, she still looked really sleepy. Anyway Tammy said we should sit down in the living room, she looked at Sabrina and said , “My darling I know you are hurting form David’s betrayal, but flinging yourself into the arms of an unknown man will not let the hurt disappear, what will is Forgiveness. You need to forgive David for betraying you, the truth is everybody we know will betray us at least once in their life time either knowingly or unknowingly, so the one thing we can do is forgive them just has Christ forgives us over and over again,
Colossians 3 v 13 states that “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another, forgive as the lord forgave you” The truth is you cannot control how someone else reacts, you are not responsible for them, only they are. So my dear Sabrina let me ask you, did going out with Timi make you feel better about David’s betrayal?” Sabrina looked up she had tears in her eyes “No Tammy, it even made it worse, I am hurting so much, I will do anything to make this hurt go away, please help me” By now I had tears in my eyes as well, as I listened to Tammy I knew God had ordained her for greater things, bringing healing, joy and peace to his people was just one.
We held hands, knelt down and prayed, asked God to forgive us all, Sabrina confessed and gave her life to Christ. She surrendered everything to God and Tammy asked for the grace for Sabrina to forgive David. After we prayed Sabrina had given her life to Christ and she confessed she felt like a huge container had been lifted off her heart. She felt free, right there she composed a text to Timi not to come today and she unfortunately won’t be able to continue with their friendship, she was getting her husband back, she will give him a second chance. We made a decision to fast and pray for David for 3 days, restoration of their marriage, yes David went to the registry but we know he could also go back to get the marriage annulled, nothing is impossible for God to do, Sabrina will surely get her miracle.
From what I knew of where David was and I told Tammy too, God will go there and arrest him and bring him back to his senses , when the time comes for restoration he will walk back home. Wow! God is awesome……hmmmmm

Day 172
MR-Uncle J called, he wanted us to see him immediately. Kola and I got to the office first cos we had a meeting with the new contractors, the building of the hotel starts next week, After Pamela and Babs wedding. Funny enough the atmosphere is so mellow compared to Toke and Aakil’s own, we are not doing anything except organize a bachelors eve party for Babs , we’ve already sorted that out, it holds at the club.
O yes the club!, I’ve gone back to playing Tennis and squash, the doctor said I needed exercise to keep my BP normal, you know, yes, exercise brings it down , but this David’s issue is not helping. I had to practically sneak out of my own house this morning to avoid my mum, she was actually awake and in the living room downstairs, I went our through the patio door and through the back yard, can you imagine that?
Anyway uncle J suggested we use some of his boys to go get David, bring him home, let him see mum and take him back. Kola and I were confused, why would he agree to go back? Well uncle J said, they will threaten to kill Sandra, then frame him up, so GF and the police will be after him and they will lead the police to pick up all his family including his mother.
Now that was a bit harsh but I couldn’t see any other way, if David didn’t care about one, he will definitely care about the other. First we had to get him what to wear and bring it to uncle J, we talked about the fact that he was still in his jogging gear. We thanked Uncle J and left.
As Kola and I drove off, I prayed silently that this plan would not fail. Cos I knew that locking David up for a while might just bringing him back to his senses…..hmmmm
MRS –My MIL is here, she looked really well, was really happy to see me especially with my big belly. Coincidentally she said, “My dear just put your feet up don’t worry about cooking for me, am sure your chef can do that, just take care of yourself and the baby” I gave her a hug and reassured her that I was okay.
Anyway that wasn’t the major drama, Mr. told me about David’s House arrest and actually he had no choice because his mum kept asking about him, I was curious as to why Mr. said we shouldn’t tell Sabrina yet that she was around. When Mr. finally told me what Kola, Uncle J and he plotted, I laughed so hard and asked him how he was going to get out of this and convince his mum to fall in line. I can’t wait, all I will do is sit down and watch as it unfolds. OH! by the way she already asked me to take her to their house this morning, what could I say?
I didn’t have too, Mr. just said David and his wife went out of town to visit some friends they will be back on Tuesday. She asked if she could call him, Mr. said No, he doesn’t have a no yet. I could see the look of disbelief in her eyes but she kept quiet, here is Mr. on one hand trying to get David back to his senses, and here is Sabrina already given her life to Christ and praying David would come back to her, we are all praying. I wonder what impression my MIL will have about her. To be honest she doesn’t look that old now that have been spending a lot of time with her. On the other hand I hate lying to my MIL, if she also finds out Sabrina has been round the corner and we lied she wasn’t in town, that would not be funny.
Anyway back to the wedding, its themed black and white, everything has to be either one of the colours or both. Our dresses as bride’s maids are while with Black flowers, it’s really nice. Pamela showed us a picture of it, her sister is bring them in from America. Oh I guess you guys didn’t even know Pamela had 5 other siblings. Well her immediate older sister is called Erica. Now she’s a semi famous actress in Hollywood, she’s been in a few B class movies, very pretty and really rich. She’s also got a jewelry line which is doing extremely well. Erica hasn’t been back home for 10 years, she’s coming now with our dresses and jewelry, shoes and all. Pamela also told me she’s not averse to finding a nice African Man to get married too, Well that can be arranged by Mr. and Kola am sure…..hmmmm

Day 173
MR-Jane arrived yesterday and who did I send to go pick her Lemmy. I still didn’t know what she was coming for until Lemmy came back to the office after dropping her off at an hotel to tell me, she was invited by his older brother Josh in Scotland. Josh would have arrived with Jane but he was flying in from Japan while Jane flew in from London. Josh arrives tomorrow morning.
Now the strange thing was that Jane wasn’t aware I knew the family, she though Josh could invite her and she could somehow sneak away to hang with me, what was the harm am sure she thought, Lemmy also told me Josh and Jane had been dating off and on, he actually called Lemmy the other day to say he thinks it’s getting serious, he might use this opportunity to introduce her to their father EG. Hmmm, I didn’t have the heart to tell Lemmy she still had the hot’s for me I just said she was an old friend who needed a ride from the airport because she hadn’t been in the country for a while.
Back to David, Uncle J is bringing him tomorrow morning, Kola went to drop some clothes for him yesterday, he didn’t actually see David and he just left it with Uncle J’s boy at the office. The plan is they will drop him off at mine, after picking up Sabrina and they would both come and spend the day with our mum. Then David will announce that he just got an important call to pick up some contract award papers out of town and he will be back in a few days. I wasn’t sure that sounded convincing, but since I didn’t exactly have a better plan, we all settled for that. I still had my doubts, especially with the Sabrina end of things, someone had to go talk to her before David shows up.
Drama happened yesterday morning, Mrs. and I were whisked to the government house but thank God, we left in one piece after the mini interrogation.

MRS- I woke up this morning to the ringing of my phone, Mr. was wondering who could be calling this early, I had a look it was our gateman Musa, 4 security guys from the governor’s office were waiting outside to speak to me, apparently the governor had sent them to get me. I couldn’t believe my ears, Ola, was behind this, Anyway Mr. insisted he had to come along. Initially that caused a bit of commotion because they wanted him to drive behind in his own car but he insisted we might get separated in traffic. So off we went at 5.30am to see the governor.
When we arrived he was waiting in one of his chambers with Ola, she sat there looking menacing but didn’t say a word. We exchanged pleasantries with the governor and he asked us to sit, He then turns to me and says “Young lady what is this I hear that you have my wife’s daughter?” I got up and politely responded, I don’t have her with me anymore Sir “H e just glared at me and said “Explain”. I then went into this long explanation about how we found Fatima, brought her home, took care of her and explained how we also sent her off to university. Lastly I added that I also informed Ola of everything we had done.
He looked over at Ola as if to ask her to point out the omissions in what I had said but Ola didn’t say anything. The governor then looked at Mr. and I and said, he wanted to thank us on his wife’s behalf and we were free to go. He also gave Mr. his direct no and took his, he said he will be in touch with us soon. I looked over at Ola, I could tell that she had lied to the governor, I guess he just wanted to know the truth.
As Mr. and I drove off, I said I wished I was a fly on the wall, when he is scolding her, Mr surprised me when he said I can be, I asked how, how said that security agent that was standing behind the governor also informed for Uncle J, give it a few hours we would find out what exactly happened when we left. I was pleasantly pleased.

Day 174
MR-Yesterday, it was agreed that David would come over to ours around noon, I told my mum as much and Mrs. had gone over to see Sabrina and was waiting to bring her over as soon as David arrived. Kola and I left the office around 11am and went back home to wait for uncle J and David.
Before that I called Jane to find out why she called me 4 times very late into the night. She just said she wanted to see me. She’s been in town a whole day and I hadn’t even dropped by her hotel to say hello. She said if I didn’t want to come over, could I send an uber to pick her up and bring her to where I was. I told her I would be there later in the evening.
Anyway we got home around 11.30am. 15 minutes later uncle J turned up with David, he looked sober but alert, I hugged him and asked where he had been, he said he was staying with some friends and pointed to uncle J. Now two things were clear, one, he didn’t know uncle J knew us that well and two, he wasn’t aware I had anything to do with his abduction. As we were exchanging pleasantries outside, Mrs. arrived with Sabrina. David went over to her to say Hello, Sabrina looked at him with tears in her eyes and said “hello My love, you hurt me so bad, but I have started to read the bible and I see how forgiveness is very important. Because of this, I forgive you David”. David was stunned, he was not expecting that. So he hugged Sabrina and promised he would make it up to her when he gets back from his trip. “What trip?” Sabrina asked, “My friend and I just won a contract” Pointing to uncle J , and we going to collected the contract papers.
David held Sabrina’s hands as they walked into the house, we were all delighted and things were working out the way we wanted. Our mother had gone upstairs to get ready to see her son after all this time. We all were sited in the big lounge downstairs when my mum came in, David got up and ran towards her, they hugged and cried at the same time. Then she looked at David and said where is your wife? David went over , got Sabrina from her seat and said “Mum, I want you to meet my wife, Sabrina”, that was the last thing we heard before my mum hit the floor, she was out cold by the time I ran towards her……hmmmmmm

MRS- When I got to Sabrina’s place in the morning she was praying with Madam Mabel. I had to wait on the balcony for a few minutes before they opened the door. The first thing she said to me was, “Am forgiving David. I have read this holy book for a couple of days now and one of the paramount things we must do is to forgive”.
Our house was full of people yesterday evening , a few friends of Mr. decided to stop by, Kola, Lemmy, Tony were also there, they all came together to finalize Babs Bach eve. Pamela came round the house yesterday evening with Erica they brought my dress. Erica was beautiful, actually the last time I saw her, she was pretty but now she was stunning. I couldn’t believe the transformation. Anyway I wasn’t the only one that noticed, all the guys kind of froze, including my Mr., even though he tried to cover his, I just smiled. They were dazed also with the fact that they had seen her in a few Hollywood movies and now she was standing right in front of them.
I took it upon myself to do the introducing, you could see they were star struck, Lemmy in Particular had his mouth open all the time, he told Erica, he loved her movies and was so privileged to meet her. Anyway I led them away from the wolves because they looked as if they wanted to eat her all up. My dress was so lovely, white with black and white flowers, when I put it on you could hardly tell I was pregnant. The sandals were not too high but had diamond encrusted stones on them, All in All when I tried it on it fitted perfectly.
As I saw them off to their car, Erica was still blushing from all the attention, I was shocked because she must have men flocking around her all the time. As if she could hear me think, she said, Babes, you won’t understand, all I have, yes its convenient, but it doesn’t make you happy, Yes, I have men flock but all they want is my money and love that I am famous but what I really want is a God fearing, kind hearted man, who will love me regardless of what I have or who I am, A man from home.
As they drove off, I thought of one of my Grandma’s proverbs, roughly translate “The one who has a head, unfortunately has no cap to put on”, for me, this meant, here was Erica, with beauty, Fame, Money , men chasing after her and with all this , she’s not happy, she still needs a different kind of man, on the other hand you have women just praying to have one man ask them to marry them. Life. I guess you just have to hold on to God and be thankful for everything you have …..hmmmm

Day 175
MR-The commotion after my mum fainted was nothing short of hilarious. David was crying, Sabrina didn’t know what to do, she just stood there looking all confused, Uncle J wanted to leave, kola and I ran to the kitchen for cold water to pour on her head, Mrs. ran towards my Mum, the whole place was rowdy .Everyone was shouting Mummy!!, mummy, wake up, eventually she opened her eyes and requested to be taken upstairs to her room. David lifted her up and carried her up the stairs, Kola, Mrs. and I in tow, Uncle J waited downstairs with Sabrina. When we laid my mum down on the bed, she looked up and David and said, your wife is pretty but why did you marry a white woman?
Instantly, we all busted out laughing, I guess you all know why, we actually thought she fainted because Sabrina was older than David but to our surprise she didn’t even notice that, when I asked she just said, “Is she older, I didn’t notice”. One thing came to mind, All of us assumed, you know they say assumption is the mother of all F….ups.
David went down to get Sabrina and brought her up to say hello to mum, she instantly fell in love with her, they both sat on the bed laughing and talking, it was an unexpected pleasant surprise for everyone. We all left them there and went down stairs. Uncle J said he needed Kola and I and David to come with him. I felt that wasn’t the plan but I obliged him and went. When we got to his office, he said to David, the plan was for us to keep you locked up until you came back to your senses, God father wanted to donate you to the cult.
According to information reaching me he has to donate a make member of his family before the end of June or else his time is up, that’s why he has been desperately trying to get Sandra hooked. Thank your brother and his friend, they love you very much, you owe your life to them. David got up came over and thanked us, he said it’s as if scales fell from his eyes, first thing Monday morning he’s going to file for annulment of the marriage……..hmmmm
MRS-Wow! MIL fainted because Sabrina is white, well that came has a shock to all of us and we actually thought it was because she was older than David. Anyway thank God they took to each other like bees on honey.
The wedding is today. I still can’t believe that I didn’t have to lift a finger to do anything, if all friends weddings were like this, then it will be bliss, am not complaining about the running around I had to do for Toke’s day, am just saying. Pamela has called this morning we have to be at the marina before 12noon, the Yacht takes off at 1pm on the dot.
I guess you are wondering, Yacht? What has that got to do with a wedding, well this one does. Pamela and Babs have decided to get married on one, A very big one at that. I had been on it once when Pamela’s dad took us all out to sea, it was an amazing cruise. The yacht was built by Bolhm & voss, it has 10 cabins, a large banquet hall, a deck large enough to fit 50 people, a Jacuzzi, kitchen and 3 lounges. Honestly I called it a floating mansion.
The plan is they get joined together on the deck by the pastor first, then we sit in the hall and have the reception and then dancing flows out onto the deck, if anyone is tired we go take a nap in one of the luxurious cabins. Then after we sail back to shore at about 7pm. Am really looking forward to it, this will be my first wedding on a boat, so I can tick that off my bucket list.
I got to go get ready, I can hear Tammy calling out to me, we are all leaving from here, we got some gifts done, from us friends,that we need to sort, last minute I know, Oh! And did I tell you we are having a 5 course meal. Made sure I didn’t eat a lot yesterday night and this morning am just having some Rice Krispy, I need plenty room to fit in all the yummy courses. Am sure Bambino and I will have our fill…….hmmmmm

DAY 176
MR- David has been a bit worried about Sandra and GF finding out he’s been found and living with his wife. Uncle J assured him that his guy inside, will keep them away for a while, eventually when he goes to the registry to annul the wedding, Sandra will be informed and she will have to be in attendance before the marriage can be annulled. So for now he should enjoy his weekend.
Babs bachelor’s eve was really good on Friday, we held it at the club and the wedding was really nice. It was slated for 1pm and held on a yacht in the marina. We all got there for 12.30pm and everywhere was decorated with Black and white, all the flowers were white, the carpet was black, men in black and women in white, it sort of reminded me of the film by Will smith.
The yacht was huge, it belonged to Pamela’s father. I remember Mrs. told me she had been on it once with Pamela’s father, she, Pamela, Toke and a couple of other friends, He took them on a cruise across the sea, she said it was one of the most amazing experiences she ever had, they actually spent the weekend at sea, fishing, eating their catch and watching movies, cos the yacht had a movie theater. I wasn’t surprised, her father was one of the wealthiest property moguls in our country, so buying this humongous yacht, was right up his alley.
The wedding crowd was about 40 people only. By 1pm on the dot, we were all ushered on board and the yacht set sail. There was music playing, the priest came up to the large deck, Babs joined him and Pamela came out to the song, I will always love you. Within 10 minutes they were joined together as husband and wife.
We ate, we danced and by 7.40 pm we docked back on the marina and everyone went home. Mrs., my mum, Tammy and Sabrina all went in Mrs. Range rover, while David, Kola and I took my G wagon. I know it sounds shallow to mention the type of cars we ride, but sometimes, just sometimes you want to show off a little bit.
We drove straight to see Jane’s at the hotel, knocked on her room door, a nice looking guy opened the door. We walked in and Sandra jumped up and said hi guys meet my fiancé Josh, actually he just proposed. “Josh, congrats men, your to be, stepmom, is my MIL“ He came over gave me a hug and said “you are the one who’s been keeping Lemmy grounded, thank you Bro, much appreciated, I guess we are all family now” Jane looked really troubled , I almost burst out laughing but refrained myself. I introduced David and Kola as my Bro’s, Josh said he had heard so much about us from Lemmy and he can’t wait for us to be a family officially. That was how we all took our leave and I knew from that moment, Jane would leave me alone for good, I hope….. hmmmmm
MRS-Oh my Gosh! Where do I start from, I guess the beginning. Well first of all we got to the marina on time, boat took off 1pm on the dot, the deck had seats all name tagged, Pamela’s parents were both dressed in Black and Babs parents in white. Babs wore black with his best man and Grooms men. As for Pamela she had on the most amazing white lace dress with Erica in tow as her Chief bride’s maid. We the maids of honor had on Black and white flowery dresses, in short everyone on the yacht had on a combination of white and black only. We all adhered to the dress code, which was strictly spelt out on the silver plaited invitation cards.
Twenty minutes after setting sail, the pastor finished joining them as husband and wife, then we all went to change, the bridal train and the groom’s men, all in black linen trousers and amazing white lace tops and amazing white lace shirts for the guys. We filed in with the couple, danced and at that point all us pregnant women were allowed to sit down and the rest went into this amazing dance sequence with the groom, Pamela was sitting on a chair and they all danced around her, it was wow!.
The food, that was delicious, 5 course meal, the band was a jazz band from Europe but they played amazing songs , pop, funk and even Christian music of kirk franklin. We danced ate and then danced again.
All through this Lemmy and Erica were disappearing and reappearing, I saw them sit next to each other at the reception, but didn’t think nothing of it. Until I saw Lemmy whisper something in her ear then she started laughing, gave him a hug and a peck and they disappeared down the deck towards the cabins. Hmmm, I don’t know what happened oh, but …Anyway I shouldn’t be doing amebo, it was a party, anyone could hug and kiss anyone but not my Mr. sha!.
David and Sabrina are getting on great, they danced close together all through. My MIL sat next to me most of the time, Tammy and I took turns sitting with her. We all got gifts of the new IPad and ladies got extra jewelry by Erica, the guys got IPads too and watches by Erica. All in all when the boat docked just before 8, Tammy, MIL, David and Sabrina and I , all went straight home to crash ….hmmmm

DAY 177
MR-Honestly I didn’t wake up until 10, I opened my eyes and remembered it was Sunday, whoa, Mrs. was still tossing and turning. I went downstairs made her toast and cheese sandwich, with a strawberry, blue berry, banana and honey yoghurt smoothie. As soon as I entered the bedroom the smell of the toast woke her up properly. We sat there in bed eating and catching up about the wedding.
By the way, Mrs. told me about Lemmy and Erica, I was shocked cos I guessed Erica was a bit older than Lemmy and based on her experience she would want a more mature man to date, I hope he wasn’t going to just toy with his feelings and dump him, anyway, love, who can predict it, when it bites you, you have no choice but to surrender to it. I asked Mrs. to let’s sit back and watch this space.
Before I went down to make breakfast for Mrs., I checked my phone. Surprise! Surprise! I got a text from an unknown no, the text read “nice try boo, you think that stunt you played yesterday will get me off you, think again, I instantly knew it was Jane, she had been called with her roamed UK no initially but I guess she just got a local sim card now. So I saved the number as hers and made a mental note to talk to Kola about this.
Aakil called he is sending money to my account this morning for Tokes dad 60th party, he wants us to organize everything. Toke, Fatima, Ahmed, Peju and he and a friend Abdul will fly down at the end of the month for the celebration. “Abdul wants to come see where we all got theses amazing maidens from”, he said “we should not be surprised if he also finds a bride”. I found it really interesting that this was happening, anyway, God has a way of working things out, I couldn’t help but wonder who the next lucky lady will be , could it be Fatima, Erica or perhaps by some miracle , Jane Ha! Ha! Ha! ……hmmmmm

MRS –Pamela and Babs sailed off to Malta yesterday morning, they begin their honey moon there, she sent me a note through Erica, who stopped by around 5pm, when I opened it, it read , “My darling sister, I love you so much, thank you for coming on this amazing journey with me, I now have a new best friend in my hubby but you will always remain my best sister, Love you always P. I had tears in my eyes as I read it Erica asked me what the matter was , I just said I was happy.
Erica came to see me for 2 things, one to drop the note 2, to ask about Lemmy. I just switched into my Amebo mood and asked her what about Lemmy. She wanted to know everything about him, especially his relationship to us. Well before I answered her I asked her why she was so interested in him, she said she thinks she might be falling in love. “You’ve only seen him twice Erica?” I exclaimed. “Yes my dear, it takes much less than that to fall in love with someone, we got to know each other better at the wedding yesterday”. I wanted to ask what she meant get to know each other belter, but I held my tongue.
Anyway I told her Lemmy was going to be my step brother next week, my Mum was is getting married to his dad, from what I know and what Mr. has said about him, he is a cool guy and he isn’t in a relationship. She seemed really pleased with the information I gave. She then asked what his father’s name was in full, immediately I told her she screamed NO! No! it can’t be,,,and she started crying, what’s the matter I asked but she just kept on crying and saying No No NO…..hmmmm

DAY 178
MR- Lemmy turned up with Josh at the office this morning, he wanted to come see where we worked and he also came to talk about his decision to put some rots at home. He currently worked as a chemical engineer on an oil rig in Scotland. The pay and opportunities were great but he was getting tired and wanted to try his hands at something else. Dubai was one of the places he was considering.
Kola and I said Dubai won’t be a problem if that’s where he wanted to go but we felt staying back home was also a good option. Josh went on to talk about him proposing to Jane as part of his bigger plan. He asked how I met Jane, I just told him we met when I was doing my masters in England, which was true. I could tell he knew there was more to it but he didn’t ask and I didn’t tell.
David went to the courts yesterday to file for an annulment, he was given some forms to fill, which Sandra has to sign as well. We had a brain storming session with Uncle J about the best way to approach this, Uncle J suggested we get Sandra to his office immediately, so I called her and in 30 minutes she turned up.
As soon as she walked in and saw David, she ran into his arms but David was really cold, he gently pushed her away. Even I was shocked, the way he did it and his expression showed that he actually had very little or no feelings left for her. Kola whispered in my ears “The Jazz has worn out” I chuckled and asked Kola to behave.
Uncle J broke the silence, he told Sandra that the marriage had to be annulled because David’s first wife said she won’t grant him a divorce unless he annuls this one first. Sandra was shocked and looked at David, as if to say confirm this please, David just nodded his head and said to Sandra, “it’s true, I am married, am sorry I didn’t tell you, she was in Malaysia, because I thought she would never find out, but now she’s here and she said annul this new marriage before I give you a divorce”. Sandra seemed to brighten up at the prospects of a remarriage to David once this one was sorted, so she signed the documents without further protest. She got up and went to where David was sited “Am sorry my love I can see how all this as stressed you but don’t worry am sure the divorce will be sorted quickly and you and I can get married properly” David just smiled and hugged her back lightly.
As I watched this drama unfold, I really felt sorry for Sandra, she had her hopes raised now that David was certainly hers, but I hate to think how she would feel when she found out all was staged just to make her agree to append the annulment papers…..hmmmm

MRS- Erica, what’s the matter I kept asking, as I did my mind was racing, I was praying it wasn’t what I was thinking, No…it can’t be. After she calmed down a bit she took a deep breathe looked at me and began to explain.
“I went to Atlanta with some friends of mine for another friends Dad’s 5oth birthday, this was some years ago. To be honest I didn’t feel like going but I try not to pass by an opportunity to go hang with my country people. You know when you spend so much time around foreigners you crave for home. Anyway Tola, Rukky and I flew to Atlanta on a Friday evening, the event was for Saturday afternoon. We checked into a hotel and went off to meet some friends.
On the Friday night I was introduced to EG, he had come from home to attend the birthday, I was told he was a very important man and we kind of hit it off instantly. We talked he asked me about myself, career and family. He even thought my dad was white and my mum black, but then I told him it was the other way round, he was quite pleased we were from the same country and he even said that makes us family.
He was very charming, on the Saturday, I and my friends were already sited at the party reception when he arrived with a few friends, he insisted that we sit with them, all through he chatted with me, at the end he took my address and no, said he would be in California 2 months from then and that he will surely check on me.
Exactly 2 months later I get a call, it was him, he said he came to town and he was staying in Beverly Hills, he will be there for 4 days and love if I could come down for dinner before he left. I said I was very busy but I would try to see what I could do. On the last night, he called again and said he was really looking forward to seeing me. i felt it could do no harm if I just popped in for a few minutes and said as much. So I left a casting and drove to his hotel”
Wow! That was intense but I had to stop her there, Madam Mabel had said she was coming over so we could go see our NGO site, it was almost done. And she wanted me to meet her Son who was home for the Easter break. We had to receive some equipment’s we ordered for the administrative building and choose the paint color’s.
As Erica drove off, while I waited for Madam Mabel, I could see Erica was really anxious to finish her story, so I promised I would come over to hers once I was done. I must admit that has her story progressed, I was praying fervently that this was not want I was thinking….hmmm

DAY 179-
MR-David filed the annulment papers, now all we have o do is wait. Sabrina invited my mum to her house yesterday and she decided to spend the night with them, David called me this morning and said Our mum called her friends and told them she has a white daughter in law who can cook jollof rice, pepper stew and fried plantain and it taste delicious. Sabrina was delicate with our mum you won’t be live she’s already talking to her about trying to have a child with David asap for my mums sake.
Uncle J called, He said his inside boy told him GF is not happy, he found out Sandra signed the annulment papers and he went ballistic. He threatened to disown her and she moved out of his house into a hotel. We were in the office, Kola and I, when Uncle J’s call came in, Tammy was also there, she came to drop something off for Kola. She asked us to tell her about Sandra, so I did explained all the unfortunate things that have been happening to her through her father.
Tammy asked for Sandra’s number, called her right there and told her who she was, Sandra knew her. Tammy asked where she was and said she was on her way to see her immediately. When Tammy dropped the phone, she said “don’t be shocked its hi time we brought her to God, this young woman is under the spell of her father, he just needs her to bring home a sacrificial lamb for him to survive, he’s not bothered about her happiness or lack thereof. I will take her to my pastor and am sure through him, God will surely deliver her”. Kola and I were a bit taken aback but not totally surprised , Tammy was always God sent, I was even wondering why we didn’t think of that solution earlier….hmmmm.

MRS-Madam Mabel showed up shortly after Erica left, she came with her lovely 12 year old boy, Robert, he had been away in boarding school and Mr. chidi just brought him home for Easter. He was handsome and very respectful, there was something familiar about him but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Tammy and Jnr were around, so Robert and Jnr hit it off immediately and they went playing hid and seek in the garden.
We drove to our NGO site, wow! It was really nice, most of the buildings had been renovated and the leisure area and workshop for entrepreneurial trading was almost finished, All the counselling rooms, clinic and rest rooms were sorted, the main office , soup kitchen were being finalized. The accommodations was ready to be painted, we are estimating about 50 bunk beds will go in there and Matrasses had already been donated. We walked round complimenting the workers, picking out colors, after about 2 hours we were done. Madam Mabel drove back to our estate to pick up Robert, I headed for Pamela’s house, Tammy left jnr in our house she had to go do her hair.
When I got to Pamela’s place, Erica was alone watching telly, so I sat down and she continued. “I got ready drove to Bel air, to see EG, he invited me up to his room, it was actually a suite and it had a separate living room. He was delighted to see me, his flight wasn’t until the next morning. Anyway he ordered room service, food and drinks and we sat there gisting, he had a way of making you feel relaxed, one thing led to another and we made passionate love, he was gentle and very methodic, I had the best night of my life, in the morning we made love again and he promised to come back in a couple of month’s.
At this point I was shocked but tried not to give myself away. She continued “you must bear in mind that I was a month short of 20, innocent, I had already fallen in love with him, two months later he was back, this time, I spent all the 5 days with him, we made love, went shopping and watched films, he told me I was the love of his life and he begged me to come back home with him, but I wasn’t ready too. Anyway shortly after he left the second time I found out I was pregnant. I was delighted, so I called him, he sounded happy on the phone and told me he couldn’t wait to make an honest woman out of me, he said he would be over in a few weeks. When he came over, he was different, he didn’t let me stay, he asked me to go and have an abortion, because he was married and his wife had 2 sons for him, he wasn’t ready to get married, that night I insisted on staying at his hotel, he didn’t say anything, when I woke up in the morning , I found $10,000 with a note, asking me to abort and forget about him and he wished me all the best , that I should get on with my life. You won’t believe, I was pregnant, abandoned and didn’t know how to get in touch”
Now I was really in shock, “What Erica, you were pregnant, what happened to the baby? She was about to tell me, when my phone rang. I picked it up and Mr. said he was on his way home he needed to see me. So I asked Erica to hold that thought I would be back in the morning…..hmmmmm

Day 180
MR- Kola and I sat down in the office , he was updating me about Tammy’s visit to Sandra and to the pastor. “Bro , you won’t believe what the pastor said , honestly I was in shock too, GF is impotent and he has been from day one, he actually impregnated Sandra’s mum before they were married and abandoned her, when he joined the cult he used his manhood for money and power rituals. when it was time for his first renewal they asked him to bring someone he loved, his parents were dead, he hated his siblings, so Sandra’s mum was the only one available, he still loved her but couldn’t be with her back then, because he had no money to take care of her and the baby. So he went looking for her, it took him a while to find her, once he did , she forgave him, he married her properly, after a few months in his house she fell ill and died.
So GF raised Sandra on his own, he has money and power, recently he was informed another time has come for a relation sacrifice, he made a deal that them that he can’t give his only child but he will bring her spouse, he was given 24 months to sort it out, that time runs out at the end of this year. And that’s why he’s so desperate for Sandra to get married.
Actually the guy she marries will not die immediately he will just be a slave to GF, he will satisfy him sexually, the more he does the longer GF’s life will be.”
I was gob smaked, how could anyone be that wicked, your own flesh and blood, your only child, just because pf money and power? . Kola said it was not surprising. Some people will sacrifice their whole family for money, even sleep with their own children. I could see why the bible said the love of money is the root of all evil. Money by itself was not the evil one but the lust for money…..hmmmm

MRS- So am a bit jealous, my mum in law has been spending so much time with Sabrina, you know the worse thing, Sabrina has learnt how to cook our food and moi, yes moi is still struggling. Maybe I need deliverance form procrastination. I have been saying to myself I must learn how to cook but one thing just leads to another and I put it aside. Yes, I know, I should be ashamed of myself, I am but from now, am going to make it a point of duty too and give myself a deadline. I mean come on!!, this is getting really disgraceful now, I know my MIL will be thinking the same.
Well I had to hear the end of Erica’s story so I invited her over, once I got back form ante natal class.
Erica continued as we sat outside under the Gazebo sipping chapman. “Well when I read the note EG left for me, I broke down completely, for 2 days I didn’t call anyone or eat, anything my friend Rukky, I guess she was worried when she couldn’t get in touch with me, came to my apartment and found me so weak I could hardly move, she rushed me to hospital. I was treated for dehydration and then a counsellor came to talk to me. I guess they thought I wanted to commit suicide. She told me so much but what I picked out was that God was a God of love, he put this marvelous baby in me for a reason, I was meant to bring it into this world not to kill both of us. I should keep trying to get in touch with the father, he might come around.
I called EG so many times after that, he won’t even return my call, soon I couldn’t reach him anymore by this time I was due to have the baby but had made up my mind I wasn’t going to keep it, cos I had my whole life and career ahead of me which I had just started. Rukky came up with a plan, she said her older sisters friends, back home have been looking to adopt and they are a really nice couple, they have been to America 3 times for IVF but it has failed. She suggested we let them adopt the baby, at least he will be close to the father in spirit. It didn’t take long for me to decide, I had the baby boy and they adopted him, I refused to meet with them, because I didn’t want to know who they were but Rukky took a picture of them with the baby and gave it to me”
I had my mouth wide open, “Erica, you mean your child is in this country?” ”Yes babes, unless the parents have moved with him abroad” I paused, still in shock, I asked “Don’t you think about him or want to see him?” she looked at me and smiled, “Well, you must remember this happened over 10 years ago, I have moved on with my life, I know and I can feel in my spirit that he is well taken care of, I am happy with that, soon I will start my own family and that’s that” I asked if EG knows his son is under his nose, she said , no, he probably believes she aborted the baby. I asked if she still had the picture of the couple, she said yes that she even took a picture of it and kept it on her phone. She scrolled through her photos and handed it to me.
The last thing I remembered was taking the phone from her, when I came too, she told me I had taken a look at the photo, let out a scream and fainted…….hmmmmmm

Day 181
MR-David and Sabrina are actually getting on really well. Mt mum is still staying wth them. I was over there yesterday evening and surprise surprise, my mum had taught her how to cook vegetable soup, I had mine with rice and it was rice.
Kola’s mum called she and his Dad are back on the right track, the counselling the pastor gave his father helped and things have gotten back to normal. Kola was so happy he could the travel agency and booked a 10 day break for them to Cape Town. His parents were so happy, he called it a makeup honeymoon.
Lemmy was sulking around the office today, I called him into my office to ask him what the matter was, he said he has been called Erica’s no for a couple of days now and hes hasn’t been picking. I told him she was at our house a couple of days ago, onc I get home I would ask Mrs. to call her and find if she saw your missed calls. He thanked me and left/
When I got home I asked Mrs. about Erica and told her about Lemmy, she just sighed, asked me to sit down, she said technically Erica is Lemmy’s step mother. I went over to her to feel her temperature and asked if she was feeling okay. She said she was then told me the whole story, I had to sit down and put the AC on full balst, this was truly mind boggling…..hmmmm

MRS- Yeah, No way, it can’t be, impossible, come on people what other word is there. Erica poured water on me some more, I told her I was awake it must have been the baby kicking to hard. She burst out laughing, “The baby kicked and you screamed and fainted, are you sure David beckham is not in your tummy?” I laughed as well and said Abi o!. After all that I left her house immediately, made an excuse that I had to see my MIL and drove straight home
I could not believe I was looking at Madam Mabel and Mr. chidi, although they looked younger but it was them and they were holding Robert as a baby. When she brought him the other day, I wanted to make a comment that he looked like he had white blood in him, I was going to ask Madam Mabel if any of her grandparent or parents were mixed. Now I understand. It makes more sense now, Erica and Pamela’s mum is German. I couldn’t bring myself to tell Erica that her son lived a few doors away from me, the last time Madam Mabel came to the house, she just missed Erica by a few minutes.
The truth is Erica and they have never met but Erica has their picture, they don’t know what she looks like, Rukky, Erica friend took Robert to them when the adoption was to be done. What do I do now?, am so confused. Erica is bound to see them sooner or later, Robert is about to become my step brother, my step father doesn’t know he had a son living next door to his soon to be step daughter and Erica doesn’t know the son she gave away 12 years ago is two doors away from where she has been visiting for the last couple of weeks.
Where is Tammy when I need her, she actually been sorting Sandra out. She called to tell me that the pastor appointed a 14 day fast for Sandra and she has to report every evening to church for prayers. so Tammy has volunteered to pick her up from the hotel and drive her to church, pray with her and drop her back after, she believes Sandra needs all the support she can get, she’s got no one who would do this with her.
For now my brain is on fire, I have to tell Mr, this is such a complicated triangle. If anyone finds out and tells EG, he might just sue for custody of his child because he can claim he never relinquished parental rights because he wasn’t aware Erica actually had the child, she told him she had aborted it. That means Madam Mabel and Mr. chidi, who have been amazing parents to this young man will lose out, No! That can’t be the solution.
You know what, I need to pray for wisdom, I really really can’t think of what to do now, I couldn’t even tell Erica her son is next door or that the couple in the picture are my neighbors, God help us all…..hmmmm

DAY 182

MR- Yesterday Kola, David and I had to report at EG’s place, the wedding is today but in the evening. EG just wanted a few friends to get together because Lemmy and Josh insisted on a Bach eve for him.
We got there for 12noon, Josh, Jane, Lemmy and another guy called Paul were already there, they had decided on having a small garden party. So we got to work, arranging chairs and sorting out the music and stuff. A caterer had already been booked for the food, drinks and desert..
Jane tried to talk to me at every given opportunity but I constantly ignored her, then they asked me to go get some ice and Jane said she will come with me, I didn’t want to cause a scene so I had to agree for her to come with me. As we drove, she suddenly put her hand on my thigh, I hit the brakes all of a sudden and the guy at the back bumped into me really hard. Before I could get out and say sorry, the driver came out and was screaming and shouting, I looked at the guys car , it had a slight bent bumper , my car had no damage , so I said I would pay, I asked him how much he gave me a figure and I wrote him a cheque. All this while Jane was laughing and I had to ask her to go sit at the back, as we drove off I also started to laugh, no one should hear about this , her hand was like an electric shock up my spine, my reflexes just pushed me to press the brakes abruptly. I need to get back to EG’s house and drop off this jezebel fast.
Kola and I were a bit apprenhsive because of what we knew about Robert being EG’s son, we wished it wasn’t so complex and the poor boy could just be with his blood but that would have to be sorted out later, now was time for my MIL and EG to get married and start a new life with as little scandal as possible.
My MIL had gone to our house in the morning, she was going to be escorted to the
ceremony today by Mrs. and Tammy. It’s going to be a really small wedding with just 25 people and it starts around 4 pm. The pastor joins them together, we dine and dance and then they fly out first thing in the morning. EG has a villa in Davenport, Florida, they intend to stay there and take it easy for about 2 weeks. By the time they get back I pray we will have a head way with Robert’s issue….hmmmmm

MRS-My mum came to stay yesterday morning, we are all busy getting ready for the wedding this evening, yesterday we decided to have a small spinster party for her. Sabrina, my MIL, Tammy, Erica, and I took her to our favorite fusion restaurant, we ate and danced did a bit of karaoke. It was really fun. I decided to let Erica’s issue stay off my mind for this weekend, lets marry my mum off first , then a decision can be made about Robert, I was sure I didn’t want Madam Mabel to lose out on him.
My MIL and my mum had a slight argument, My mum felt she was too critical of me and actually the way she brought me up. while I was driving them back from the dinner and dance , Sabrina, my MIL and My mum were in the car, Sabrina said the food was really nice, she would love to learn how to cook it , My MIL then turned to me and said “how about you my dear would you love to learn how to cook?”, her emphasis was on the word Learn, so I said “Yes ma, I will”. Anyone would think she will stop there but she didn’t, she said “you know my dear, you are about to have a baby now, it would be nice if you could cook for him or her, don’t you think”. Yes Ma, I said again.
I was driving, I didn’t want an argument, I just wanted to drop her off at Sabrina’s and go home to get ready for tomorrow’s wedding. But she continued “Although it would have been easier for you if you learnt how to cook when you were younger” That was it, my mum who had been biting her tongue all this while, just went off , “My daughter is okay with her cooks , she has told you she will learn how to cook , so why don’t you let her concentrate on driving Haba!!” My MIL just said she was sorry oh, she just thinks that if a white woman can learn how to cook in 2 weeks , why can’t I make an effort. My mum was about to answer but I shouted,” Mummy Please don’t”
Needless to say no one said anything until I dropped my MIL and Sabrina off and my mum and I got to ours and went to bed. We had a long day ahead of us tomorrow, we needed all the sleep we could get….hmmmm.

DAY 183
MR-The wedding day, well before we go into that, this saddens my heart to say but I have to ,to get if off my mind. David has messed up again but this time only God can get him out. Here is what happened.
We got back from EG’s place around 1am on Saturday morning, we dropped Kola off and promised to meet up at mine for 12noon yesterday. The wedding was slated for 4 pm, but we had promised Josh that we will be there early to put finishing touches to anything that was required.
I dropped David off and went home to sleep, around 11am yesterday, David came with a swollen eye, he had sunglasses on but I could see the eye was badly bruised, so I asked him what happened initially he said it was nothing. So I let it be , as we drove out of the house , a middle age man had parked his Prado jeep to block my gate, I hooted and hooted but he just sat in the car and didn’t move, I got really irritated and got out, David jumped down and held me back , “What’s going on I asked , ?” The guy rolled down his window and said, I will kill that guy today” I was in shock, will somebody tell me what’s going on?” The Ibo man got out of the car and said ask this bustard. I caught him kissing my wife outside our apartment yesterday night, I was able to give him a blow on his face before he fled, ask him, all I know is that I saw him leave the house and I followed him hear, one of us will die today, yesterday I would have finished him but he ran and I didn’t know which apartment he ran in too. So I have been waiting for him this morning”>
I looked at my Brother and asked him to deny what the Ibo man was saying, he couldn’t, he just stood behind me trying to avoid eye contact. I didn’t know what to say, thankfully Kola drove up just as I was thinking of what to do, he came over and I updated him, we both tried to talk this man down but it was really pointless. Main while it was almost 1pm, josh and Lemmy had called a couple of times. Eventually David had to take off his jacket and prostrate flat on the floor for the man. The man reluctantly said he has heard but some restitution still needs to be done, first and foremost he wants David and his wife out of that apartment before the end of next week, cos he owns it, secondly , if he ever comes near his wife, all we would do is come pick up his corpse. On that note he got in his car and drove off.
David looked so stupid, I didn’t know what to say, we had a wedding to attend, he will be dealt with later…..hmmmm

MRS-Wow! The wedding was beautiful, Josh and lemmy were joint best men, Tammy and I were joint chief brides maid, it was such a funny sight, we ladies were all pregnant.
We arrived ay 3.30, everyone was sitted by 4pm when the ceremony started. My mum was glowing and EG looked amazing in his wine suit, my mum had on a wine lacy dress as well, her bump was well advanced now. EG was so happy, you would think the fact that they were both almost randparents they wont be as excited as a fresh couple getting married.
The ceremony lasted for about 20 miutes after they both read their vows and the party began. Seats were arranged around the huge pool with floating candles all in wine and gold floating n the pool. The band was nice Dare serenaded the crowd with lovely ballards. The food spread was huge, from continental to local to fusion, although they invited 25 , the crowd was more like 50, but that wasn’t a problem cos the food could have feed 100 and still be left.
My MIL and my mum manged a hug but I could see they still weren’t totally good. Tammy and I sat down and we watched has Josh fiancé Jane flirted with Mr, I watched as she had her hand on his shoulder when she came over to our table to say hi, she evn had the guts to xcome ask me if I could lend him to her for a dance. My feet were already sore and I could see Mr wanted to dance so I said it was okay.
Jnae is not a threat to me , am really secure but that girl has a way of getting on your last nerve. Do you know she didn’t dance with Josh more than once, she actually altered between Kola and Mr and Lemmy. Anyway this guy called Paul came to sit with us , apparently he and Josh used to work tighter in Scotland before he came back home finally last year. He was really a busy body, he kept asking questions about Mr and Kola , what they do , who was David, why did he have a swollen eye, etc, before you know it My MIL said “Young man, didn’t your mother use a hot cloth to burn your mouth when you were born” and we all bursted out laughing, translated , why are you such a talkative.
The night wnet on fine besides that , sabrinah said David hit his eye on Mr’s car door, he was lucky he didn’t loose the eye. I was surprised and wondered why Mr didn’t tell me. Anyway thank God it didn’t pop out cos it was relly swollen.
At the end of the night ,

Day 184

MR- After all the fanfare of yesterday, we now had to face reality. David, Sabrina and My mum had to find somewhere to move into, since we couldn’t get anywhere, they all had to move in with us, thankfully the guest house had 3 bedrooms, so they all moved in there. I intend to look for alternative accommodation on Tuesday.
Before then, I sat David down and asked him what actually happened between him and the landlord man. Well here is what he said –“Bro honestly I won’t lie to you, what happened is that I met the lady in our building a few times, we said hello and talked for a bit, one day I saw her crying outside and I asked her what the matter was , she was hesitant, but I persisted and she told me her husband beat her and sent her out of the house because she came back from the market late. I consoled her asked her to go plead with her husband once hes calmed down.
Anyway, on Friday night, when you dropped me , you won’t believe she was outside in her nighty crying again, this lady was shivering, as I was walking into the building, I saw her sitting on the grass crying, I asked her what the matter was she said her husband didn’t like what she cooked, he said it was too salty and he locked her out, after he slapped her. I didn’t know what to say, if I had my way I would have gone in there to punch his lights out. But instead I pulled her up, dusted off the grass on her and just gave her a hug when all of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me away from her and before I knew what was happening a blow landed on my eye, I was dazed for a while, wanted to retaliate but I decided against it and ran off to our apartment, while the man went inside, I guess to get a weapon. I could hear him screaming where the bastard is, let me kill him as I went into our apartment. Only God knows what he did to the poor woman”
After listening to David, I could see how someone could misconstrue his intentions but anyway that’s didn’t matter now the man wanted him out of his apartment and now he’s in mine. God help me…..hmmmmm
MRS-Honestly, am not one to complain, but my MIL has suddenly changed, remember the time she came to stay with us when we just got married, she was really nice then, but now she has this nasty streak about her, maybe I was just to tense to notice,
Yesterday , the chef cooked and I went over to the guest house to call them over for lunch, my Mum in law looked at me and said “Why are you calling us as if you cooked it, why don’t you let the cook come get us” I was shocked and I just said am sorry Ma. She ignored me and walked past. I don’t know what’s going on but I decided to talk to Sabrina.
I asked Sabrina what was going on, did she complain about me to you I asked, “Well my dear, it’s not me she complained too, its David, they both talk about you and Mr. a lot, David told his mum that you always tell Mr. what to do and that he won’t do anything without confirming it first, he even blames you for so many things. He said Mr. wanted to invest in a business for him but you wouldn’t let him. As I listened to Sabrina, I couldn’t fathom where all the conspiracy theories were coming form, David? He that is always nice to my face has been saying all sorts behind my back. Something had to be done really fast.
Anyway I thought my day couldn’t get any more stressful, until Lemmy and Josh showed up in the evening, they came to say thank you to Mr. and I. Mr., David, Lemmy and Josh decided to sit in the garden, they were talking and eating some barbeque wings the chef had prepared. When Madam Mabel and Robert turned up. She said she went round to see Sabrina and was told they had packed out, she wanted to know if I knew where too. I told her they were in our guest house and took them there. As they got into the garden she asked Robert to go say hello to the uncles, Robert walked up to Lemmy and said hi, then Josh and Mr and I had our mouths open , the resemblance was really obvious, David had to open his big mouth and say “O boy, this young man looks like you guys, anyone would think you were brothers.
Right then the tumbler I was holding dropped from my hands and everyone including Madam Mabel looked my way, I just stood there apologizing and saying Please don’t mind me am really clumpsy now a days…..hmmmm

Day 185
MR-Come on, why does everything have to be so complicated, Mrs. told me what’s been going on between her and my mum, I was really upset I wanted to go confront David and her instantly but she held me back, she said one it will get Sabrina in trouble for telling me and two it will only make what they say about me asking you to jump and you say how high. I wasn’t happy and I did let Mrs. know that.
I had no intention of setting David up for now, I will do in the near future but I just felt he had to get himself together first. He came back, got married impromptu and almost lost his life to a high class thug and cultist, I mean what more trouble could he get himself into, now he gets evicted for being a good Samaritan as he claims, anyway I would tolerate everything but making Mrs. unhappy, this is her house and no family of mine is going to send her out.
My mum thinks am joking, when Mrs. asked me not to go confront them, I said okay but tomorrow am getting them their own apartment. So I went off to tell them not to unpack yet because they were moving out tomorrow and my mum went ballistic, “O she has reported to you abi, she wants us out, does she realize am your mother and this is your blood brother and his wife, what does she want to do in this big house that she can’t do, it is bad enough that she didn’t let me stay in the main house , now she wants me out” O my gosh , there was it, my mum was actually upset we put her in the guest house, the last time she was with us we put her up in one of the bedrooms upstairs in the main house. We didn’t even think of that , because she was staying with David and Sabrina, when they arrived we just automatically put them all in the guest house.
“Mum, are you upset about that?” “Why won’t I be?” I apologized on Mrs. Behalf and explained the whole situation. I then said I will call Mrs. to come say sorry. My Mum said not to bother, she would rather go with David and Sabrina anyway, she was enjoying their company. At this point David interrupted and said “Mum, if I might, do you mind staying here for a while , Sabrina and I haven’t spent a lot of time together on our own, we have a lot of catching up to do, if you get our drift.
“So I have been disturbing you, heeen ! David why didn’t you tell me, okay o all of you are chasing me away, I might as well go back to Germany and stay with your father.” I tried to plead with my mum, but she just got angry and walked out of the guest house, Mrs. was on her way in, she bumped past her as well. Mrs. was so worried, she asked what the matter was and ran after my mum.
Dear Lord, I really really don’t want all this stress, it’s bad enough that Mrs. has The Robert stress on her mind , now this …….hmmmmm

MRS- Yeah! My MIL, she was so mad yesterday, I must have been on my knees for 5 minutes before she finally looked at me and said get up. Well she had a misunderstanding with her sons and stormed out, she bumped into me while I was going into the guest house. I went after her and found her sitting under the gazebo talking to herself. Initially she asked me to leave her alone, she asked if I was happy now, both her sons don’t want her around. I said we were all sorry but our house was hers and she was welcome to stay anytime. She didn’t answer me so I knelt down begging. ,y feet , lets and waist were hurting, she didn’t even look at me , I guess she saw Mr. coming then she asked me to get up, by the time David, Mr. AND Sabrina, got to the gazebo I was already on my feet.
Before all this, when I dropped the tumbler only Mr. knew why, only if David knew what he said was exactly the situation. Lemmy and Josh laughed it off and said, yeah he’s just a fine boy like us. I could see Lemmy was looking at him strangely but didn’t say anything else. Madam Mabel just laughed and said “Fine boys always look alike, my prince is the fairest of them all” and that ended that for us. But I could see Lemmy caught the look between Mr. and me, our eyes met, but he quickly looked away. I pray he doesn’t begin to ask questions. Anyway the evening ended well, Madam Mabel finally left with Robert before I told Mr. about his mum and David.
Tammy and I were on the phone for a while, I just fully had the time to update her about Erica and her son and Madam Mabel, she screamed and kept screaming for a few seconds, she did say no one must find out because Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi only have Robert, the boy is 12, for all those years they have raised him, he knows no other parent, so why would we want to destabilize the poor guy and devastate the parents all because My new step father messed himself up years ago.
I could see her point, Robert was my step brother, I had this special feeling in my heart for him, he was such a handsome boy and very humble, Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi. Raised him well. Anyway I told her about Lemay’s suspicious look and she too was a bit apprehensive about it, she asked me to describe it, I said when the tumbler dropped as soon as David said what he said, Mr.’s look was not that of shock but of caution and am sure Lemmy caught it. She sighed and I did too, then she said, My sis, all is well……..hmmmmm

Day 186
MR- I finally found a place for David and Sabrina in our estate , Mr Tope the estate chairman said he had a spare apartment within the estate when I called him earlier , so David and Sabrina moved in today. My mum decided to stay with us Mrs wanted to move her into the house but she insisted on staying in the guest house . Mrs was a bit apprehensive about it but I asked her to let it be, we can force her to do what she doesn’t want to do.

Lemme was behaving a bit hazy in the office yesterday , he was unusually quiet , l had to literarily drag him into my office before we closed to force him to say exactly what was on his mind. Well he finally agreed to sit down with me and what he said shocked me.
” Bro, something has been bothering me since Sunday when I saw that little boy”” “Which boy , I asked ?” ” The young boy whose mother came to see David and his wife, he had a birth mark on his neck ” I asked him how he noticed , he said when the guy came over to say hello he noticed it . I then asked why was he so worried about the mark, he then pulled down his collar and showed me a birth mark, it was long and black just below his neck bone. He told me Josh had the same mark on his neck and the little boy also had it and with David saying the boy looked like us , it got him thinking.
I asked what he was thinking about, he asked me if it was possible that Robert was there fathers son? I was shocked , I said how in Gods name would that happen, he was Madam Mabel’s son. He asked me if I was sure she actually gave birth to him, I said of course but I had no reason to doubt her. He wasn’t convinced , he asked if he could meet the boy again , I said I don’t think it’s a good idea. I had a feeling he would take some of his hair for a DNA test and that was not going to happen , not now anyway.
He left my office saying he was going to talk to his father and ask if he knew Madam Mabel, he said he took a picture on his phone of the boy and his mother , if his father doesn’t know her , then he will write it off as a con incidence, but if she does then they will have to take it further, I agreed , I actually had no choice, because if I pushed him too much he might begin to suspect I was hiding something from him…….hmmmm

MRS -Uncle J called me yesterday morning, he asked if I could come over to the office. I left home as soon as Mr left for work, my MIL was still in bed I guess because I went over to the guest house knocked on the door for about 2 minutes but there was no answer. So I left instructions for her to be given breakfast once she wakes up. She still acting strange, she refused to come stay in the main house but Mr asked me to just let her be.
Sabrina and David moved into another furnished apartment in our estate , so the house is a bit quiet now.
Anyway I got to uncle J’s and he went into this long story about Ola. Apparently the Governor has been really upset with her for not telling him she had a daughter all this years, he felt she was an unfair mother and has kept his son away from her . She’s been put in one of his houses and still under constant watch, she gets escorted everywhere she goes. He says until he sees a change in behaviour he’s not coming near her. Meanwhile Ola hired a private investigator to follow me and uncle J’s guys caught him following me on Friday . I was in shock , I didn’t even know his guys were still following me. He paused for a while and asked them to go get the guy.
This guy comes in and I could see he had been beaten , uncle J asked if I had seen him before , I hadn’t , he said when they checked the guys camera , he had pictures of me everywhere , in Tammy’s front garden, my salon, the supermarket , with Madam Mabel even at the NGO site . I was so upset that I didn’t even notice him following me, I left uncle J’s office feeling so insecure.

That dealt with , I went straight to the NGO site , it’s almost completed , handing over should be by the end of the month. When I got back home My MIL was awake she was sitting in our front room , as soon as I walked it , she went off on me asked me where I went too, she has been waiting for me to come and give her some food she hasn’t eaten since morning . I was shocked I called the chef and he said Mama didn’t want to eat anything she said she wasn’t hungry.
I apologised to my MIL and asked what she wanted , she said Yam flour and bitter leaf soup and she wants me to cook it.
Wow,! Here we go , I said okay and went into the kitchen with the chef , he brought out the stiff in the freezer and I poured it into the pot warmed it up , the chef made the amala and we served her. She ate , didn’t complain but murmured under her tone , “I see you still can’t cook well , what a shame “. I smiled to myself and thought well at least I can cook , the well , will come later ……hmmmm

Day 187

MR- hmm, I have been running all round like. Headless chicken forgetting that I have a lovely wife at home. I have forgotten how to spend time with Mrs, so many external issues have come into our lives and we have not had time to catch up so yesterday I decided to stay at home.
First when I woke up very early , 5 am, I went down stairs in the kitchen , the chef wasn’t in yet, I made scrambled eggs, bacon and toast and a pot of hot cocoa and took it up stairs . At exactly 6.30 am I laid it down on the bed. She starred and I guess the smell of cocoa and bacon woke her up. She looked at me and smiled, she was really beautiful. I had not taken time out to admire her lately.
I helped her up and put the tray in front of her, she ate , while I sat there catching her up on Lemmy’s issue. As soon as I said that she dropped the toast, “how did he guess” I told her about the birth mark and the fact that lemme and josh also had the same.
All in all we decided to just keep it to ourselves and let God take control.
Now remember I said I wanted to spend time with Mrs? Well as soon as my mum found out I was staying at home , she came knocking on our bedroom door and said she had something important to discuss with me.
I wanted to tell her I was busy with Mrs, but Mrs pleaded with me to go see her. So I left. Well my mum didn’t really have much to say, just danced around my Dads recovery and Davids issue, all our conversations did not last for me ore than an hour but she managed to keep me by her side for 4 hours , even at that I had to make an excuse that I had to have a shower before she will cut me loose
My darling Mrs took it all in her strides, she said it was okay when I apologised for leaving her alone when I was meant to be with her, she pointed out that she’s got me for ever but my mums only got me for a short time ledft, so let’s indulge her …..hmmmm

MRS -well am hot now, I got to cook vegetable soup with stock fish and Semovita, it was really nice, our chef is a great teacher, he talked me through the process and left we to put it all tighter and the result, well I let my mum in law and Mr decide. When the chef served them, he didn’t say I cooked it. Once we started to eat , my MIL started praising the chef. Asked Mr where we got him from, said he was so good, the food was delicious. I deliberately asked her if she was sure , she said why should she lie. Anyway I called the chef to receive the compliments directly. When he arrived my mum in law started to praise him. He let her finish , then he said “Mama, thank you but I can’t take the glory for this one, Madam cooked it all” my MIL almost turned red with shock. Mr gave me a hug and said well done love. And she just murmured , “well, you tried”.

Ha!ha!, I should have recorded the awkward ness that occurred after , she suddenly lost her appetite but she had finished anyway. After I thanked her for eating the food MD called the maid to pack up.1-0 in my favour. I was going to make her love me more, wether she liked it or not.

I remember Tammy advise, she told me never to get upset with her, just ask God for wisdom to handle her. When she keeps pushing me and I don’t bulge , she will back off. Well that’s the plan.

O before I forget , I got a call from Ola asking me to please let her man be released. I was surprised she found out I knew who took him, it got me wondering, she must also have spies among Uncle J’s guys. I need to tell him to be careful. Meanwhile I said unless she tells me why the man was following me and she signs an agreement to stop stalking me, to which she asked me to go to H…… Anyway I dropped the phone and struggled it off , I told Mr what went on and he said he will send a text message to the governor, to please ask her to back off.
I still couldn’t get this birth mark issue on Robert off my mind, I made a mental note to go see Madam Mabel at home tomorrow morning to check out this mark for my self…..hmmmm

Day 188-
MR- kola and I are going to the club this morning to play lawn tennis, remember I told you about my blood pressure spiking, I haven’t been adhering to the rules and regulations my doctor gave me about living a healthy life and making some life changes, everything came back to me yesterday when I went to attend a programme with Mr. Tope the estate chairman.
Actually an NGO health awareness programme. Several people came to talk to us about our life choices and why so many terrible diseases were ravishing people now a days . A young man of 45 ( I call him young) stood up to talk about how ignorance almost cost him his life.
He was diagnosed with high blood pressure when he turned 40, he decided that the doctor was only saying his own, how was he supposed to keep taking drugs to regularize his blood pressure for life, so instead of taking the tablets he rejected the high BP in the name of Jesus. Now, he said, there was absolutely nothing wrong in praying to be healed but bear in mind that you have to have the faith to make the healing complete, if you pray for healing and you don’t have faith it will not work. The same way if Mr. T prays to God for healing and God says eat red onions everyday your prostate cancer will heal and you decided that you will also eat onions to cure your own prostate cancer it might not work for you, maybe God wants you to eat Garden eggs to cure your own, everyone has to hear for God and follow God’s instructions for their own healing.
Anyway he went on to say , just after he clocked 44 , he fell terribly Ill, when he was rushed to hospital; the doctor said his Kidneys were shutting down but with dialysis, for a few years he might just get them back. So he began his journey on dialysis 3 times a week, costing him thousands per session. He was still on it when he came to talk to us, the blood pressure medication was just a fraction of that per month and by now his blood pressure might just have regularized.
We get this warning signs we ignore them, don’t eat this, don’t drink too much, stop smoking, sleep well, exercise, don’t eat 3 morsels of pounded yam and 10 pieces of cow skin (Ponmo) and cow leg, eat healthy food, balanced diets and vegetables, do your exercise and sleep well.
When he concluded everyone was sober, a man sitting next to me said his doctor also told him about his high BP but he has not taken it serious, out of the 52 people at the event, when our blood pressure was checked , 12 had normal, 17 were pre hypertensive and 21 had high blood pressure. That was scary…..hmmmmm

MRS- I am really happy, went to ante natal yesterday, the baby is growing fine and we are right on track, the doctor asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby I said no, we want it to be a surprise. I don’t mind if it’s a boy or girl as long as we have a very healthy baby, I am fine.
Toke called about her father’s party, it’s on the 29th of April, she wanted to know if Mr. and Kola had made some arrangements for the venue, I confirmed they had, we were going to use the marquee in our estate, it could sit 250 people banquet style easily. She went on Skype and I could see she had put on a bit of weight, pregnancy was good for her and I could see her tummy was getting bigger especially because she had twins n there. Peju and Fatima were not there, Ahmed had taken them to Abu Dhabi for the weekend.

I asked Toke if she wasn’t lonely , she said no, Aakil would be back from Amsterdam yesterday night , so they could have the house to themselves, I showed the material Tammy picked out for our birthday attire and she liked it, I will give it to our tailor tomorrow , Peju and Fatima can send their sizes tomorrow. She asked me how I was doing and I updated her about Ola, she was really shocked did she think you were hiding her daughter in your house. After we chatted for a while, she took me to the babies nursery Aakil had already hired a professional baby room interior designer, I was on Skype so I could see everything , it was beautiful, je had a bath area, play area and sleep areas, the baby quarters was almost the size of a one bed apartment around here.
He has asked me to start interviewing nannies for the babies, he wants us to hire 2 or 3, she said “Babes, what will I be doing, just sit down and watch my children being taken care of?’. I laughed and asked her to enjoy it. she then told me Ahmed was really a gentle man, he bought a house in Peju’s name and said our parents can come stay there any time, he’s also bought a car for her but Aakil has banned him from bringing it down because he has also gotten Peju a car and apartment for when school starts, he got one for Fatima too, but she needs driving lessons first. The girls stay tighter in the same apartment.
Also a friend of Aakils Abdul is coming with them for my Dads birthday and he wants a home girl to marry. I was so excited to speak to her, I didn’t want her to cut off, but after an hour of gisiting we finally had to leave when I heard my MIL shouting my name. But all in all it was soo good to speak to my sis…..hmmmmm

Day 189

MR -oh! My gosh I woke up this morning with so much pain, I hadn’t done exercise for a while and yesterday I pushed myself to the limit , I played for 2. Hours straight, this morning I can hardly move, am in so much pain, I think I need to go get a massage.

Tony my PA has been away for a while m he took a few months off to go for a short business course. He got back yesterday, am glad the company paid for it because he is an asset. He will work on project with Lemmy and we are sure they will get on great.

Wow! I must be looking much younger than I am, I got propositioned by a young lady yesterday. I was sweating just after I finished playing lawn tennis and I could hear her footsteps behind me then I looked back and saw her jogging after me saying excuse me. So I stopped and asked how I could help, she scribbled her no on a piece of paper and asked me to give her a call , she said she was watching me and she won’t mind if we could be friends . I smiled, said thank you and showed her my ring, she looked at it smiled and said, “am sure we can work around that “before I could ask her what she meant she had turned round and walked away.

I couldn’t help but think, I thought my generation was daring, but this Ines coming up, wow, they were supper daring and we could not even see their break light.

Anyway back in the office , Kola was out running some errands , when I got a call from GF, I didn’t pick it up at first, then he called a second time and a third. So I picked it , he just said I want to see you this evening and he dropped the phone. He didn’t even let me say anything. I contemplated whether I should go or not, anyway when Kola came back he suggested that we go hear what he has to say.
Now bare in mind Sandra had finished her fasting session and was told not to go back to that house for a while that God was going to show up and some confessions will be made. Anyway Kola and I got there around 5pm, we saw a lot of cars outside , was wondering whether GF was having a party. We walked in the door was open . That was a minor surprise , when we stepped into the living room, every chair was filled with a body, there were very important people, normal people sitting everywhere.
A guy brought us seats and we sat down, a few minutes. Later a man came in, we didn’t recognize him and said GF called us all here for a reason, he has something to say to each and every one of us. He will be out in 5 minutes.
Kola and I looked at each-other, just then Sandra walked in with Tammy’s pastor, we stood up to great him, they were also offered chairs. Then the pastor went in the middle and asked us all to stand up and pray. After he prayed he said ” dearly beloved brothers and sisters, my name is Pastor Jeremiah, I am Sandra’s pastor, she has been having some challenges, so she brought me home to pray with her family, during our prayer session a God reveled to me that for things to get back to normal her father has to confess his sins to everybody he had wronged or harmed and then repent, so that he would live and not die, that’s why you are all here .
Everyone looked at each other and you could see panic in their eyes , while we were still digesting that GF walked in and the room went dead silent…..hmmmm

MRS-Tammy and junior came over to the house yesterday morning, thankfully my mother in law went out shopping with Sabrina and a friend who came to pick her up around 11am, she told me she was spending the night at her friends, that was fine by me, but as a good daughter in law I did say I would miss her, to which she murmured, ” miss you too” .

Anyway , I did go to see madam Mabel on Thursday evening , Robert was home , he came over to give me a hug and I sat him on my knee while I inspected his birth mark, he didn’t sit for long , a 12 year old will not be happy sitting on laps so I let him go. But I saw the long oblong shape birthmark just on his collar bone. I told Tammy about what’s been going on and she said she also had a lot to tell me,
Tammy began ” the last day of Sandra’s prayer and fasting session, the pastor prayed and asked Sandra to take him to her house. Tammy and some other prayer warriors went along as well. When they got to the gate of GF’s house , the pastor prayed and said there were demonic forces guarding the house, they wait and watch as people go in , if you are not covered by the blood , your glory will be taken , so he prayed and cast them off before we went in. When we got inside Her father was nowhere to be found, but the pastor just said everyone should keep praying in tongues and follow him, he walked through the house like he had been in there before .
He walked down the stairs into an area which was off limits to everyone except her father, he opened a door and you won’t believe it opened into a shrine, God Sandra’s father was sitting on the floor in the middle of all kinds of evil things, as soon as the pastor opened the door , the most scary noises were heard all around the house. Anyway the pastor prayed with the prayer warriors and the noises subsided.”
After Sandra’s father fainted and the pastor asked us to move him to the main living room, when he woke up with prayers he was told to destroy everything he had in that room, then call everyone he had done something to or tried to do something to and confess, then he can start his road to recover”
Poor Sandra , no wonder she was so wayward, could not settle down and was just lost, Tammy said she who felt she had seen everything , what she saw in Sandra’s dads cellar was very evil…..hmmmm
DAY 190
MR-GF came in and stood in the middle of everyone, he cleared his throat and said “I want to thank God for all of you” his voice was shaky but he continued, he called out everyone’s name and said what he had done against them, to one he had stopped all business coming his way, to one he had taken him to the cult and he was always falling ill and when he came to me , he sighed and said as for you I tried and tried but nothing worked , I wanted to induct you into the cult, I thought you would look up to me and then I could invite you but you didn’t take to me, I was also going to use your brother David as my pledge but God intervened on his behalf and he was kidnapped, Am so sorry for hurting you all, To my dear daughter Sandra, I am sorry , I have used my selfish desire for money and power to ruin your life, I thank God for this man of God that has released you from my clutches. Please pastor help restore me to God’s will for my life. The pastor prayed for each and every one of us and said that because GF had confessed the curse has been lifted.
Kola and I were pretty scared, I know people often use the proverb don’t judge a book by its cover to mean, First impressions aren’t always right, but in this context, we thought GF was normal like everyone, we couldn’t for the life of us know that he was a ritualistic ego centric man. To make matters worse he even tried to use me, I couldn’t belief that when I heard him say and to think of the number of times he called me to come see him. Thank God, Lord I am really grateful for your protection over me and my family.
One has to be really careful when it comes to human beings, a lot of people laugh, joke, praise you to your face and behind and in their heart they plot evil towards you. Kola, Tammy and I left everyone else there, thank God for God and Tammy in our lives, every family needs a prayer warrior like her.
Josh called and said he was going back Monday night , he wants us all to hang out this evening , I asked who and who, he said himself Lemmy, Jane, Lemmy and his date , me and Mrs. , Kola and Tammy, That’s all. I said it was cool, 5 pm will be fine. Well let’s make it a date night out shall we, God knows Mrs. and I need it really bad…..hmmmm

MRS-I woke up this morning feeling really confused, couldn’t tell about what exactly but something was bugging me, I could quite put a finger on it. I cast my mind back to Friday, couldn’t think of anything, then just as I was about to give up on Friday, I remembered. I got a call withheld no, saying “You think you know your husband, Think again” and the caller dropped, it was a guy’s voice. I murmured a silent prayer and I forgot about it, now it’s come back to bug me. What in God’s name did the person mean, you think you know your husband? Maybe they got the wrong no because he didn’t mention any name. Anyway I must make a mental note to tell Mr. this morning.
MY MIL came back home yesterday with some native materials she said she wanted to give them to Sabrina to sew and wear, she gave me a couple which I politely took. Then she asked me to sit down which I did, she said “My daughter you must think I hate you, I don’t , I just want you to treat David your brother in law right, he told me a lot of things which I am not happy with. He said you don’t like him and you have prevented your husband from helping him?” I was shocked, I thanked her for talking to me and promised her that I had nothing to do with Mr.’s decisions about his brother but I would remind him if she wanted. She said it was okay, if I could please remind him and put in a good word it will be appreciated. She said she had to go back to Germany has her husband was asking when she will be back. I did hug her and say I will miss her but the truth is am not sure I will.
Toke, Aakil, Peju. Ahmed, Fatima and Ahmed are coming down on Wednesday, I have to remember to get her house cleaned, we haven’t opened it up for a couple of months now since Peju and Fatima left.
Erica called she said she was lonely , she asked what we were doing this evening , I told her we were hanging out with some friends and she invited herself along, not really sure who the friends are Mr. just told me we had an outing on Sunday evening. Well I guess the more the merrier…..hmmmmm

Day 191
MR-Good morning Jesus, good morning lord, I know you come from heaven above , the holy spirit sits on the throne, good morning Jesus, good morning lord. Thank you Jesus, Thank you my Lord , whatever I am now it is by your grace, many are dying , many are perishing, wherever I am now , it is by your grace. Wow! Am sure you’ll be wondering why I am singing that song, well God is an amazing God and he is always there for us no matter what.
Remember I told you Josh called to invite us to a get together yesterday evening, Mrs. and I got ready and left home around 6pm, everything went well, except a few hiccups and awkward moments which I will tell you about later but this is more important.
We came back home around 11pm, everywhere was quiet but something just told me to go into the garden, Mrs. was curious and she followed me , I went into the Gazebo , looked back and saw something floating in the pool, oh my gosh it was one of the maids, she wasn’t moving, I dove in and pulled her out , Mrs. was panicking, she got on her knees regardless and did CPR, for about 3 minutes and this girl started to cough out water, at this time the other maid and the gate guards, the guard said he saw her a few minutes ago she said she was going to close the pool cover . I asked him why she was doing it, when it was his duty, he said he was going to but she said she will help him do it, I wanted to ask what they were doing together at that time but that was for another day. When the maid came too, we rushed her to hospital, she was observed for a couple of hours, and released to us to bring her back home.
She said she leaned forward to switch on the lever to shut the pool and she slipped, she shouted for the guards but no one heard her and she could not swim. Mrs. then asked, who opened the pool in the first place, everyone was silent, I threatened to sack them all, then the other maid confessed that the senior guard and the maid that almost drowned usually play in the pool when we are out at night, although she didn’t see them yesterday, but they must have been the ones who opened it.
Can you imagine the kind of trouble this domestic staff would have put us in? I was so scared and Mrs. was still shaking as the girl narrated her story, right there at 3am this morning, I called the guard company to replace the current guard and I warned no one to open or close the pool unless we were there. i also made a mental note to install CCTV cameras overlooking the pool.
God Almighty, I thank you once again, for covering everyone in our house with your blood…..hmmm

MRS-Yesterday was scary, but we thank God everything sorted itself out.
Anyway, we went to church in the morning, surprisingly Erica turned up bright and early said she wanted to spend the whole day with us. So we took her to church, after service we decided to attend the marriage enhancement class we hadn’t done so in a while, Erica insisted on sitting in with us. The topic of the day was reconciliation. The group pastor spoke about malice, last of communication, uncompromising, patience and humility. This are interactive classes so everyone has to say something. We listened as wife’s complained about their husbands refusing to understand them , no communication, one hubby said his wife was too arrogant because she earned more than him, one said they both lacked patience and so on. It was a real eye opener , this were couples who had been married for over 10 years, some 15 and some 20, they still had the same teething problems young marriages likes our had. And then there were the couple who had worked around this and were happily married at 25 years.
On our way home Erica suddenly said she’s made a decision to talk to EG, Mr. almost lost control of the car, but he didn’t say anything because he wasn’t supposed to know, he just made an excuse and pretended like a driver had almost crossed him. I think she realized she had thought aloud, so she kept quiet. When we got home I asked her what she meant. She said the preaching and counseling class got to her, it was only fair that she let EG know she had a son for him which she gave up for adoption at least then her conscience will be clear. I didn’t know what to say, I asked her if she thought that was a good idea, she said, it was and she would let him know as soon as he gets back on Friday from his honey moon.
I honestly started to sweat, I excused my self went to our room where Mr. was eagerly waiting for me and told him what Erica had said, all my panic was for Madam Mabel, I prayed so hard in my heart, that she does not loose Robert, what will she and Mr. Chidi do, if that happened. I shuddered as I imagined it, NO!!!!…..hmmmm

Day 192-
The “New” Mr and Mrs Diary….Day 192
MR- Well, Yes, our evening out with Josh and co, it started off well, Josh, Jane, tammy, Kola, Lemmy and a mysterious girl , Mrs. and myself. We all gathered at this nice lounge.
We started by having dinner, Roasted lamb with mint sauce , buttered baked potatoes, spicy vegetables, I opted for a really healthy juice, watermelon, beetroot and ginger, it was very chilled and yummy, I had 2 large glasses. Anyway after dinner we retired to the relaxing area, that’s when the funnies happened, we noticed Lemmy and Erica had excused themselves at the same time. We thought nothing of it for a while until the lady lemmy brought, I think her name was CJ began to ask of him, I volunteered to go look. I went towards the restrooms, I didn’t see them, opened the back door no sign of them, then I walked towards the front and voila, there they were kissing in a corner. They didn’t see me coming so I cleared my throat and they disengaged. Lemmy smiled and said “Bro am sorry, I love this lady, haven’t stopped thinking about her since I last saw her” I didn’t even hear what he said , all I could see was EG and the girl kissing and what Lemmy will do if he knew. What I couldn’t figure out was why Erica would still have a relationship with Lemmy knowing he was EG’s son. I guess you can’t control who you fall in love with.
Anyway Erica jolted me back to reality, we suggested Lemmy go in first, Erica and I waited for 5 minutes then went in to join the others. Mrs. looked at me when I walked back in and I could tell she wanted to know what was going on, I just shuck my head and she got that I meant we will talk later.
For some strange reason Jane was now sitting next to me, as the evening progressed she tried a couple of times to get me to dance with her , eventually Josh asked me to please dance with his fiancée, so she can stop pouting. So I did and thankfully it was a really fast song and body contact would be very very out of place. Jane was crazy, she kept saying she still loved me, why was I so heartless, I couldn’t even have one last good bye love session with her, she came all the way back hoping that something will happen between us etc. I just ignored her and kept dancing. Obviously she didn’t care that all eyes were on us.
Anyway it got really late, we all said our good nights, wished Josh and Jane a safe trip back. Kola and Tammy said they had an appointment at the doctors, so he won’t be at work early, Lemmy and CJ had to go with them because Lemmy couldn’t drive, he was tipsy. Josh and Jane had checked into a hotel near the airport, their flight was for 6 am. We dropped off Erica, as soon as we did Mrs. busted out, she could not hold it anymore and she had to ask, so I told her. The one thing she asked me was “What is Erica up to?……hmmmmmm
Mrs. –Am still trying to make sense of what Mr. told me about Lemmy and Erica, why would she carry on with Lemmy after she found out EG was his father, anyway before that my day was a bit stressful.
Thank God the drowning maid has recovered fully. I took her for a final checkup and everything is working fine, my MIL leaves on Thursday evening, so she made me go shopping with her, she wants to take some local spices and delicacies back to Germany with her. We spent hours walking form shop to shop , the worse thing is that she will haggle on something here, get it down to a reasonable price, then go to a couple of other shops, haggle again, then eventually go back to the first one to buy. I didn’t get that. I just find a shop that has everything haggle once for all and then buy. By the time we were done, my feet were aching so bad , even my MIL was apologetic and made a joke that we should go home quickly before her son sees what she has turned me into.
As soon as we got home David and Sabrina were back, they had taken some time off to go to La champagne Tropicana, and I could see it did them some good, they came back looking all relaxed and happy. The chef had laid the table for lunch, but I excused myself to go soak in my bath. I needed some aromatherapy. Once I was away an in my warm bath, I called Erica, asked her to come see me at the NGO site in an hour and sent her the address. The site project manager left a message for me to come see the finished product, if I had any changes now was the time before they hand over, I called Tammy to also meet me there. Before I forget Pamela called, Babs and she also arrive on Friday, she wants to be back for Toke’s dad’s birthday.
Toke and all arrive tomorrow, the house is cleaned and the chef has stocked up. Arrangements to pick them has also been made. Everything seems to be in order for this reunion weekend, God please give me wisdom to sort this Erica, Robert Madam Mabel and my new step father issue out……hmmmmm

DAY 193
MR- My mums getting ready to go back to my dad in Germany. He has called me 3 times since yesterday asking me to send her back to him immediately, he said she was only going for a week and now she is still here. I apologized told her mum had sorted her flight for tomorrow evening. He finally asked how David was doing. I told him he was good, he and his wife Sabrina are trying to make it work. He seemed happy about their progress. I promised him I would call to confirm as soon as mum takes off tomorrow.
Lemmy had an unusual bounce in his steps when I got to the office yesterday, I guess it’s still from him and Erica, this mess has to reveal itself soon before he makes love to his father’s EX. Tony , kola, Lemmy and I went to the site yesterday, caterpillars area already clearing it. While we were there some local government officials came, they demanded our breaking ground permit which I produced. The main official looked at it and said we still needed to apply for one other permit, he gave us 7 days to sort it out or our site would be shut down.
Kola wanted to have a go at him, but I held him back, Tony took his no, and we promised to get it sorted, anyway all in all we broke ground yesterday and are in our way to becoming hoteliers, Praise God.
Sandra came to the office yesterday, she was extremely happy, she came to thank Kola and I. she preached to us about how God as turned her life around. Her father has been in church every day, he’s on a 40 day fast and pray with the pastor. “After we left, that night he fell really ill, we wanted to rush him to hospital but the pastor said it was demonic attacks from the cult. We took him to church and prayer warriors prayed over him for 12 hours, he finally felt at peace”. That was huge, God is a God of miracles, Kola and I thanked God for the healing.
Ken showed up all of a sudden, he looked really well, I remember Mrs. told me about his counselling confession. Anyway he said he has been going through intensive counselling and he has been told to make peace with everyone he has hurt, so he wants to apologize to Pamela but he needs us to talk to her first. Kola told him Pamela was on her honeymoon, his apology will have to wait until she returns.
Thinking about my life yesterday As a young man, I realized I have seen a whole lot of issues both good and bad but through it all despite my imperfections, I have found mercy and favour with God in time of need. I pray my family and I continue to enjoy that grace…..hmmmmm

MRS-Thank you lord, my bambino started kicking at night, Mr. thinks it’s a girl like me, because he says am very troublesome, but I say it’s a boy and he’s kicking like beckham. We are just so excited about this baby. Mr. mentioned in passing that he thinks I should go have the baby in the states, I also said to him, no problem as long as you come along with me. He smiled and didn’t say anything more. Thinking about it, it won’t be a bad idea but all my sisters who could have come along with me are pregnant. Tammy, Toke, Pamela, even my mum is pregnant and so I would be there all alone. I would see if I can convince Tammy to lets go have our babies there together, Jnr can come along, that would be great.
I had called Erica early in the morning asking her to see me yesterday afternoon when I came back. She turned up right on time, Tammy came just after. We all sat down in the gazebo and I started the conversation. I told Erica I needed her to tell Tammy and I what she wanted with Lemmy after she told me all about her relationship with his father. I also told her I had discussed it with Tammy so she could pray with us for wisdom on how she will tell EG. She wasn’t too bothered about me telling Tammy but she was visibly shaken about the fact that Mr. told me about her and Lemmy.
She paused, held her head in her hands, looked at Tammy and I and said “I don’t know, I guess I see EG in him when he was much younger, he brings back memories, the good times EG and I had in America. I know it’s bad, the truth is I don’t have feelings for Lemmy directly, when am with him I relive the memories of my time with his dad”. She paused to see our reaction. Then she continued, “I am going to tell EG about his son, but I don’t even know how or where to begin to look for him and if I do find him, what will happen?, what if I want him back? What if EG wants his son?. The poor couple who adopted him, what will be their faith?”. This time she looked at us and saw our reaction, she mistook it for disapproval of taking the boy and said “look I know what you think of what I said but I still think if I find him I can just visit once in a while as his biological mother and I guess EG could too”.
Tammy and I had the expression because we knew Robert was 2 doors away, we also knew if EG knew, Robert would be back in his house before the next day, with all the money and power he wielded, not one adoption paper will prevent him from getting his flesh and blood back, especially when he had no hand in his adoption. Tammy snapped out of her thoughts before I did and told Erica, “lets go to God in prayer for wisdom and his instructions”. We all closed our eyes and Tammy said “Lets pray”……hmmm

DAY 194
MR-Well finally my mum got on the plane this morning, am back from the airport now and I have called my dad to say she’s on her way. The truth is once you get older and have a life of your own living with your mum is not a good idea. You love her to bits but she still sees you as that little 2 year old running around in diapers. She still expects you to linger on her every word, kiss and cuddle her be the center of your world. But now you have a wife and possibly children who expect you to dot on them and see them as the centre of your world. Only a wise man can juggle both and not hurt one side. In order for non to be under pressure, your parents should live apart from you and just come visit and you visit too, regularly, if I might add.
Before all this, yesterday Aakil and co arrived, their jet landed around 6 pm in the evening , Kola and I were there with the jeeps to pick them and their luggage which we had to get a thundra for. They always have lots of it. Later Aakil, Ahmed, Abdul, David, Kola and I, sat round the pool at Toke’s place and ate roasted goat meat with wine, wow! We had a lot of catching up to do. Abdul is a medical doctor, heart surgeon to be exact, he was so funny, he asked if we had gotten Him a beautiful damsel to marry. Kola was curious so he asked how come he hasn’t taken one of the beautiful Arab ladies in Dubai. He paused for a minute and said “I have alawys wanted a Nubian queen, even before my brother Aakil and Ahmed stole the dream from me, when I saw their queens I was convinced that my dream was the right one, up until then I wasn’t sure where I was going to find her, now I am”. It was a funny night, we all laughed and made fun of them all. Abdul said they were here until Sunday, so there was time for him and Ahmed said that he wanted us to come with him today to introduce himself to peju’s parents and let them know his intentions. I chipped in that the party of Saturday will bring forth numerous queens, Abdul can pick his choice…..hmmmm

MRS-Wow! My sister is back, Toke, o my gosh! She had put on weight, faster than Tammy and I. she looked amazing and fresh. Peju and Fatima had transformed, they looked like models, beautiful with weave all the way down their back, designer shoes, bags and even amazing outfits, Our decision to let Fatima go with Peju was the best ever. Peju showed me her promissory ring Ahmed gave, I almost went blind from the sparkle of the diamond. “He intends to meet my parents informally tomorrow just to make his intentions known” she said with so much excitement. Toke pulled Tammy and I aside and asked Peju and Fatima to give us some time alone.
Toke then looked at us and said “fill me in Sisters, I know I’ve missed so much, that’s why am staying for a month, Peju and Fatima are going back with Aakil and the boys on Sunday”. I was shocked and happy at the same time, I asked if Aakil was fine with that, “Of course he is , he said he knows I have missed you all”. Tammy gave her a big hug and their tummies rubbed against each other and Tammy’s baby moved , she laughed and said , these two are going to be troublesome, pointing to both tummies, I reminded her you mean theses 3, Toke is pregnant with twins remember.
Before all that, My mum in law left this morning, she called me into her room at 5 am before going to the airport and said “My dear, you are the mother, I leave my sons in your capable hands, make sure your husband and his brother get along, be a peace maker, take care of Sabrina, she looks up to you. Do you known she told me she would love David and her to have a loving relationship like yours? Please my daughter, don’t let this family fall apart, we women have the responsibility to keep our homes and families together and happy. God help you. Thank you for all your care, I love you”. I was taken aback, I knelt down to say thank you and promised that by God’s grace I will fulfill my role. I asked her to say hello to my FIL and call once she landed. Wow! This Mama can change, one minute she’s all prickly next she’s as smooth as a baby’s bottom and well I guess I have it lucky at least she admits when she’s wrong, from what I hear about others, my MIL is a saint.
By 10pm we were still at Tokes, everyone milling around and discussing, we managed to squeeze in Erica’s news, Toke was as shocked as we were. Anyway by 11pm we all decided it was time to go to bed. We left with a suitcase full of goodies from Toke, I haven’t even gone through it yet but whatever it is, I know we will love…..hmmmm
Day 195

MR- Am a bit worried now, although being with Aakil and co kind of took my mind off things. Mrs. told me about the text she received form a mysterious no stating ‘You think you know your husband ? think again.” I couldn’t for the life of me think of anyone who could send such a malicious text. I spoke to Kola about it, we went through names of people we could think of but none of them stuck out. Mainly because Mrs. already knew about Teni, Sandra, Jane , there was nobody else. Kola said not to worry, who ever it was will reveal what they want sooner or later.
Yesterday was eventful, we went shopping early to get everyone readymade native attire to wear to see Toke’s father and for his party on Saturday. Thankfully everyone got their size. We guys all decided to get the same material and style for the birthday itself.
We went to Tokes dad’s place around 3pm, he was expecting us and Ahmed presented them with some gifts and said he came to formally introduce himself and to get his permission to marry her. He also mentioned that his father the king was very happy with Peju to which Abdul and Aakil bore witness too. Toke’s father and mum were delighted. They accepted his request called Peju and asked if that was what she wanted. She immediately said yes and the celebrations began. Food had already been prepared. Ahmed and Aakil ate pounded yam with their hands, we all took pictures and it ended really well. We left for a lounge around 8pm. Abdul was anxious to see the night life.
Kola, Aakil, Ahmed, Abdul and I, stormed a night club on the island, we booked the VIP section and before we could say Jack Robinson, 4 beautiful scantily clad girls tried to barge in on us, we politely declined their company to which they got really cross and started to cause a scene. You won’t believe one of the girls told the bouncer who came to enquire what the problem was, that we brought them here, now we didn’t want to pay, we just want to dump them. Thankfully the manager came to apologize and said the girls had been in the club before we arrived and he saw us come in, we didn’t have any girls with us. That incident sort of put paid to our night out and we all decided to call it a night and headed home….hmmmm

MRS-I talked to Mr. about the mysterious text, I got another text yesterday and it said the same thing. Tammy and I discussed it and she said not to worry, whoever it was, if I ignore them , might just come out and say what they want too.
Tammy and I actually got together to weigh the option of letting Ola know that Fatima was around. Fatima came to my house yesterday to find out if I had seen her mum, I said I did but will find out where she was right now. I called Tammy over to discuss the way forward on this. We decided to weigh the options. What would Ola do? She could stop Fatima from going back to Dubai or not, those where basically her 2 options.
But if she stops her, how will that affect Fatima, she’s happy, gotten admission into an American university and I looking forward to her new life. Knowing Ola she might stop her just to spite me.
A decision was reached she will call Ola on Sunday at the airport on her way out. We called Fatima and told her all that transpired between us and ola her mum, I left out the part where she said she didn’t want her in Dubai. I just mentioned that if she saw her mum now, was she prepared to stay with her and not go back.? I asked her to think about it for a second. She didn’t have to, she just said No aunty, I cannot stay with her, I want to go back with Peju. So that settled that.
Tomorrow is the birthday party of Toke’s dad, all our materials are ready, I tried mine on and it fitted like a glove. The party holds at a very nice hotel, dinner, dance and a band, really posh atmosphere. We just have to turn up, everything has been sorted out. Pamela and Babs also arrive tomorrow.
We had to go to Toke’s place around 9pm when she came back from her parents’ house, it was time to pack the take away gifts, I tell you, I was dozing and packing, dozing and packing, by the time packing was done, I was fast asleep on her couch. I didn’t comeback home until 5am this morning…..hmmmmm

DAY 196
MR-Okay now, this is beginning to get really irritating. Yesterday Mrs. got another text around 10pm saying “Woman, your husband has loads of skeletons in his cupboard, the cupboard is about to open, if I were you, I will be very afraid”. Mrs. came running to me in our study where I was reading and showed it to me, I was as shocked as she was , I immediately forwarded it to Kola and we talked on the phone while it was on speaker so Mrs. could listen. Kola made a great suggestion that we should get to Uncle J, and see if he could still trace the number even though it was hidden. Well that sort of gave us some respite that we might just find out who this scallywag was.
Aakil and co made Kola and I take them around town yesterday, Kola and I took a day off work. We left home around 2pm and headed straight to Shoprite in Lekki 1. Now it was an fun experience going out during the day with 3 handsome , tall, rich Arabs, dressed from head to toe in designers, mind you kola and I are also tall and handsome, sorry to tot my own horn, the rich part , I would call us comfortable. Walking into Shoprite you would think we were hollywood stars not nollywood but Hollywood.
It was as if time stood still, almost everyone, women, children and men stopped turned to look at us, some girls said hi, some started walking behind us and some guys went for a high five, Bro. when we finally came to the food court and sat down, we were the center of attraction. Then Abdul, the new one to our country, called the waiter and said everyone’s food and drinks are on us. Instead of the waiter to just say okay, he walked to the middle of the room and shouted. “Listen up everyone, today is your lucky day, those super rich men over there, have said they will pay for everything you eat and drink today” and they whole place lite up with thank you Sir, God bless you Sir and they dashed for the food counter, even those passing by asked what was going on, found out and joined the queue for food, by the time we were living people were still queuing for food.
So Abdul called the waiter and gave him 1000 dollars and said, “That should cover it right” The waiter said sir how about your change and Abdul said keep it , you earned it. The waiter prostrated flat on the floor and refused to get up until we walked out.
Now there were this 3 girls who had been following us since we walked in to the mall, Ahmed called them over and asked their names. He then asked them what they came to do in the mall, they said shop and he said okay lets shop. Well not to exaggerate when the girls were done shopping, the shop attendants had to help them carry all the stuff into their car. They were so overwhelmed, thanking him like a thousand times, hugs , and all. They asked for Ahmed’s phone no, he just smiled put his hand in his pocket gave them a wad of dollars and said sorry, am taken.
Abdul smiled, he said that it was so good to be here, he could never do this is Dubai, everyone he moved with were as rich as he was or richer ,nothing you could do with money will impress them, it felt good for a change to see all the joy money could bring. Kola, Aakil, Ahmed and I, all concurred, the time was 7pm, we left and went straight to a lounge Kola had told me about…….hmmmmm

MRS-I woke up this morning feeling much better about this mysterious text, Kola had suggested we go see Uncle J today, once I’ve had a bath we will go, the party doesn’t start until 4pm, so there is plenty of time.
Pamela arrived yesterday evening with Babs, she was glowing and you could see the baby bump a little bit more. Babs was visibly happy, they held each other as we all met them, Erica, Toke, Tammy and I, Pamela was so excited to see Toke , we all hugged for a while and Babs took us pictures with his phone. From there we went to Pamela’s place, Erica had already bought some food and we all ate, caught up on jist while Babs left us there to go pick up his material from Mr. and Kola because I told him they would leave home around 2pm.
Once Bab left us alone, Pamela told us how gentle, caring and romantic Babs was, she was so thankful to God that they got together. Her uncle in Germany has already gotten him a job and they have a house furnished already. I honestly forgot they were leaving so soon that sort of dampened the mood a little bit but we snapped out of it. Then Erica broke the ice ad told Pamela about Lemmy and said he was the son of the man she had the son for. Pamela was shocked she said the same EG my new step father, I said yes, that I was as shocked as she was. Tammy and I looked at each other, we knew they hadn’t even heard the worst that the son was living right under our noses.
Erica told Pamela she was going to tell EG she had a son for him but gave him up for adoption. Toke and Pamela both asked if that was a good idea, she said yes, Toke then asked what if he wants his son back, we all kept quiet then Tammy said, “I will advise we go to God in Prayer and ask for his wisdom in this matter” we all agreed. Erica asked if Tammy will pray with her because she hadn’t seriously prayed in a long while. So we all said lets have this party first. We can start on Sunday after church, let’s all met at Tokes for lunch , then see them off to the airport around 7 pm. Toke chipped in and said see them off, am staying for a month. I have missed you my sisters…..hmmmmm

DAY 197
MR-Clubbing was fun on Friday night, this new club Kola took us to was amazing, I was wondering how he found it but he said that gist is for another day. Anyway, boys will be boys, we hit the club yesterday after we left the mall. We got there too early around 8 so we just sat there drinking and eating some small chops. By 10pm the place was bubbling, we did allow some nice girls to sit with us 4 of them. We found out they were in university and just came out to party. Young innocent girls, I wasn’t sure how innocent but they couldn’t have been older than Peju and Fatima. We made sure they had chapman’s only and ate as much grilled fish and meat they could. We danced with them and talked and then when we were leaving I insisted we drop them off at home or wherever. They respectfully obliged and we took them home. Kola gave them some money in a brown envelope, when I asked how much , he just said “Enough for them, Bro”
Tokes dad party was dope, it started off with prayer and praising, thanksgiving session. Then her parents danced to the high table and some of her uncles and aunts also. Food was buffet style a large spread. Then speeches. Toke, Aakil and I were called to give speeches. Aakil’s speech got a standing ovation. Unknown to all of us Toke had been teaching him our local dialect and he had kept it a secret from all of us. As he stood up, he adjusted his traditional cap and started in our local dialect.
“Good evening Daddy’s and mummy’s, sisters and brothers” The room erupted, people were laughing and cheering to see a full blood Arab man speaking in our local language. He continued “I am glad to be here tonight as your son, I thank you for the privilege. You gave me your most precious gift and I promised to keep her and cherish her. From what I have seen of my darling wife, she was raised well, in a loving and Godly home and that was your doing Dad. Thank you Sir. From Toke and I, we present you with this” He handed over a box, an usher took it from him, handed it to Toke’s dad and when he opened it, there were 2 keys. I was a house key and the other a car key. Aakil continued, “Sir the house is in Dubai, somewhere for you to stay when you come over to see us or rest and the other for the white Mercedes Benz jeep parked outside. Happy birthday Dad”. Kola whispered in my ears “Sorry Bro, Aakil asked me to order it but keep it a secret until today”. I understood and forgave him instantly. Everyone had stood up, shouting , praising , crying, hugging him, as we all trouped outside and there it was stallion white wrapped around with a navy blue and white ribbon and the words happy birthday daddy, love from Toke and Aakil.
Her father broke down crying, Aakil hugged him and led him round to the driver’s side, he opened the door got in and he started the jeep, reeved it a few times and her mum and brother got it. Peju and Tammy just stood there hugging each other, Ahmed, Abdul, Kola, Tammy, Pamela, Babs , Erica and all were all smiling and some had tears in their eyes , Jnr was not left out , he was put on Toke’s dad laps and he pressed the horn and everyone cheered.
All in all it was a beautiful sight. A couple of people just stood in the corner looking all sad and shaking their heads. Later I asked Toke who they were, she said her father’s relations from the village. Well it didn’t really matter, because no matter what, you can’t make everyone rejoice with you, when something great happens to you…..hmmmmmmm

MRS-Before Toke could call, I went to see Uncle J with my phone, I had to meet him at home. He got one of his boys to download the message and then said he’s not sure we could do anything about it but he will speak to his guys at the network. I was not surprised, Uncle J had guys everywhere, I guess that came with working in intelligence.
I left his place around 10.30 am and drove straight to Tammy’s to pick her and jnr up, Kola was still in bed from the clubbing session on Friday. Pamela, Erica and Babs were going to meet us at the party.
Toke’s house was full, she had Ahmed, Abdul and Aakil all there and fast asleep am sure, Peju and Fatima had gone to the family house to stay. So I went to get Toke to come have breakfast with us, we had it at 11.30am, it was more like brunch. Mr. was still fast asleep I had to go wake him up when I got home. Toke said she woke up the guys before she left and Kola woke up when Tammy and I left, cos he called her to say as much.
We all left in 4 cars for the venue around 3pm. It took just about 30 minutes to get there, people had started to arrive. We were all dressed in the same material but different styles. As we parked and got our Babs and co had been waiting in their car, so they also got down and we all worked into the venue, saying hello to people and making sure everything was in order, Toke kept communicating with Peju to find out where they were.
The ceremony was amazing, the hall was decorated with Navy blue and white ribbons, Toke’s dad favorite colours, food, drinks and the band all made it so glam, around 100 guests in total. Aakil’s local dialect speech made the day so sweet, I couldn’t believe one could learn to speak almost fluent in such a short while, but I guess for a guy who spoke French, Spanish and of course Arabic, Yoruba would have been just another language to learn. The take away goddy presents were his and hers gold watches, S8 Samsung mobile phones, gold platted Mont blanc pen sets for the daddies and gold jewelry sets for the mummies.
The party ended around 9 pm and Toke’s parents got to drive their new Benz jeep was a blessed day, I prayed that God will give us the wisdom to raise our children right, lead them to God and teach them the way of the lord, so that they will not depart from it when they grow old and make us fulfilled and proud parents……hmmmmm

DAY 198
MR- Well, well, having Aakil around has always been fun, after the party we came to ours and sat in the garden, Aakil, Ahmed, Abdul, David and Sabrina finally joined us, they had both gone to a wedding, so they couldn’t be at Toke’s dads birthday. Kola and I were also there. Mrs., Pamela, Tammy, Erica, Peju, Fatima and Sabrina sat near the guest lodge and we sat near the pool. The chef was grilling away. I looked around me and saw what the lord had done, all of us from different walks of life now one big happy family , not all connected by blood but some friendship bonds can be stronger.
Oh! Before I forget Abdul said he met a girl at the party, he took her no and her picture, we were all anxious to see who it was, he showed it to us, none of us recognized her. Anyway we all made fun of him and Kola said he can’t just meet a girl and fall for her, he had to know her background. Abdul then made us promise that we will go check out the girl he met, in the morning.
We sat there jisting until around 1 am when people started nodding off and we all suggested we go to bed and met at Tokes for breakfast since they all but Toke fly back tomorrow evening.
Now this anonymous texts are still coming in , yesterday a picture was sent of a naked man without a face, it could have been anybody, Mrs. got it on what’s app with a no not registered and just a text saying “Guess who?” .obviously it wasn’t me, the person had my trim stature but they conveniently cut the head off. I could see Mrs. was getting really bothered, I have sat down gone through my head, with Kola and we can’t think of anyone who would be doing this. Why they were, was another factor, whoever it was, were they trying to break my marriage? I couldn’t tell.
Aakil asked me about Fatima, he wanted to know who her parents were, I told him she was a friend’s daughter. He then asked what I thought about Abdul and Fatima. I was a bit taken aback and said what did he think? He then narrated how Abdul comes to the house in Dubai says hello to Fatima but she immediately gets up to leave, this happened on many occasions so Abdul feels she doesn’t like him and he has stopped trying. This was news to me, come to think of it, my mind didn’t even go there, Fatima would be an obvious choice for Abdul since she was in Dubai with him, Anyway I made a mental note to get Mrs. to speak to Fatima, I could see her and Peju were sitting with the ladies.
My mind wondered a bit, then came to rest on going through my phone today to see if anyone stands out that could be playing this ill thought out scam. on Mrs. and I ……hmmmmmm

MRS- Anyone would think that after a busy day of partying we would all want to just go home and take a bath and go to bed. No, not us, we all, and by all I mean everyone gathered in our garden, the boys together and us ladies together. The poor chef was just grilling all sorts and we had music playing form this rock like speakers Mr. installed in the garden. Anyone walking in would think we were having a party.
Sabrina showed up at the house, she and David had gone to a wedding, David has been back in touch with a few friends he left behind and some who returned from Malaysia like him, kudos to the power of social media. Anyway one of them was getting married yesterday and made David a groom’s man, so he had to be there and he took Sabrina. That was a feather in his cap, I was starting to believe that some good could yet come out of David.
Well we all discussed our birth calendar, My mum gives birth first, then Tammy, then Pamela, then I and finally Toke. From august we will start to drop one after the other, there are going to be a lot of summer babies. Sabrina made a joke and said she better hurry up and join the pregnant mamas train, we all laughed and said Amen.
I was trying my best not to get distracted by the sickening picture of a naked man I got on my what’s app, I guess by asking guess who, the sender wanted me to think it was Mr., yes, they had the same physic but it wasn’t my Mr. I have asked him several times who he thinks could be doing this but he doesn’t know, even uncle J hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I used the trucaller app to check the no but unfortunately it’s not registered, I do hope Uncle J has more luck with the phone company.
Oh! Yes Mr. asked me to find out from Fatima what she thought of Abdul, so I threw the question to her. At first she smiled and said he was okay, but I pried further, then she said to all our hearing “Aunty, honestly I know he is rich, handsome and nice anyone marrying him will be totally comfortable but I can’t marry a foreigner, I want to marry a black man, am sorry Aunty Toke but I can’t stand mixed race people. I just want my children to be black or white not both”, at that point I wished I hadn’t asked, but we all smiled and said it was her decision. I had all this things I was going to say to her, like look at Aunty Toke, see how Aakil has changed her like and her family’s etc. but her answer put paid to that for me. Not Tammy though, she asked, why she didn’t like mixed race children. Now a tear came to her eye and she began to tell us why…….hmmmmmm

Day 199
MR- I didn’t get out of bed until 9am yesterday, Mrs. reminded me that we had all booked breakfast at Toke’s for 10am. So we got ready and went over. Everyone was already done in the living room, Kola and Tammy were there, Pamela , Erica and Babs , also David and Sabrina, Aakil, Ahmed and Abdul all waiting for us. The chef had made a buffet style breakfast laid it out on their patio. Scrambled, poached , steamed eggs, bacon, baked beans , fish sauce , roast potatoes, mixed vegetable, cereals , fresh milk, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes , ham and jam, the spread also had white, brown bread and fresh juice and tea with coffee.
We dug in by the time we were done eating it was 12 pm, Abdul reminded us we were going to see the girl he met yesterday. So Aakil, Ahmed, Kola ,Abdul and I got in the car , David , Babs and he ladies decided to stay indoors I the home theater, watching some of the new films Aakil got from Dubai.
Driving there I gave Abdul my phone to send a text to the girl to get her address. We received and proceeded to her house. It didn’t take us more than 20 mins because it was a Sunday and there was hardly any traffic. We stopped outside her gate and called, she said we should drive in, the gate man opened the gate and we drove into this magnificent compound. Really nice house and from the row of cars we could tell this was an affluent family. Anyway we parked the car and the girl came out to get us. Surprise! Surprise! She was an actor, no wonder her name looked familiar. She was an A list actor, in loads of films, this was her house, wasn’t married and just had a lot of money.
She asked us in, we did and to cut the long story short, she excused Abdul and left us sitting there for about an hour. When he came back, we said our good byes and left. As we drove off Kola and I said wow! That’s one of our top actors , Abdul said yes, that the woman told him. She also said she likes him and want them to go out. Abdul didn’t sound to enthusiastic, he said one she was too forward and was kind of separate. He wanted someone like Toke and Peju, warm, loving, humble and beautiful. The actress was beautiful, but forward and definitely not humble, so he shalhn’t be seeing her again.

Aakil consoled him and I said you win some you loose some, kola promised that we will find him a nce young lady. After luch, they all got ready and we saw them off to the airport. We were driving off from the car park when we saw their private jet soaring into the air. That sight always brings me Joy, because deep down I believe my PJ is just around the corner……hmmmm
MRS – Yes, before I forget, I was going to tell you what Fatima said about not liking Mixed race people. Fatima started off “Aunties, am sorry for being rude, I known uncle Aakil, Ahmed and Abdul are good men and their fruit will be great, but my experience was totally different. Remember I told you I had been walking around and sleeping where I could, when you met me, well the one of those days I was sitting in a fast food joint, just like the day you met me, I was still deciding whom I would approach for some money when this nice looking guy came over to my table and asked if he could sit with me. I was surprised, I didn’t look that good and I was not made up like all the other girls milling and sitting around on their own.
Anyway I said yes and he sat, he asked my name, I told him, then he said something that melted my heart at the time. God just told me to talk to you, that you need help. I was overwhelmed I opened up to him about my mum abandoning me, running from my grandparent and having no where to stay. He immediately offered a spare room in his BQ and I accepted. That day he drove me home introduced me to a woman he called his wife and they took me to the BQ. I didn’t really have to do much because they had a cook, maid and all.
Shortly after the woman got friendly with me, told me all her challenges, they had been married for long no children. A few weeks after, they both said they had a favour to ask me. I said anything because they had housed me, took care and feed me so I was ready to help. They then asked if I will be a surrogate for them. I didn’t understand, he said it will be done the crude way, he would sleep with me until I got pregnant, then when I have the baby , I would give it to his wife and I would be rewarded for my help and I could leave their house.
Wow! I bluntly refused, I said I had made a vow with God for one, that only my husband would be the first and only, secondly what makes them think I would leave my child with them. They pleaded, blackmailed and all but I refused, then they changed their tactics and said it was okay, they understood. From then I had to eat with them on the dinning table to show they had no hard feelings and I had also forgiven them.
One night I woke up, looked around I was in a strange bedroom, the last think I remembered was having dinner with them. Apparently I had been drugged, My thighs felt wet, I got up and I could feel so much pain down below, I went into the ensuite bathroom and realized I had been defiled, I cried for hours, in the morning the woman came and apologized, explained how desperate and sorry they were, and that this would bring joy to them and a lot of money , even if I wanted to go abroad they will help me. I didn’t say anything, I knew what I had to do. I waited until they went out, packed my stuff and the little money I had on me and ran away. That’s the day I came over to you at the restaurant, thankfully I didn’t get pregnant and for my reason, the guy was mixed race”.
O my Gosh, we were all stuned, how could a young girl go through so much and keep it to herself,Tammy prayed for her and asked God to help her forgive and find peace and move on. We all hugged her and Toke explained that not everyone is the same. Tammy said , until Fatima can forguve her rapist she would stillsee every mixed race erson as evil. So our task was to pray along with her , she needed counseling, Toke said it was finem she will ask Aakil to call an anuty Rebecca, shes in Dubai and organisies a Cunselling session for vitims of rape and abuse, shes Aafrican so Fatima should feel comfortable with her.
Life , so fragile, people walk around everyday with so much brudens and baggage, it weighs them down completely and prevents them form moving forward in life. God deliever us fri evil and help us to forgive those who have trespassed against us…..hmmmm

DAY 200

MR-Wow! Do you know it just dawned on me that we haven’t been praying regularly in the morning, Mrs. and I, we used to wake up, spend quality time reading the bible, pray and then discuss our day or anything else bothering us. ‘
I realize we have allowed a lot of unnecessary things to distract us from doing the right thing, it’s amazing how we remember to pray and fast when trouble comes but conveniently forget when everything goes back to normal. What brought this up? You ask. Well now that Aakil and go have gone back and we are back in the office I had a long time to think about this mysterious text Mrs. has been getting and I suddenly remembered something. O my gosh! Could it be? Nooo!!!, it can’t.
I called Kola into my office and reminded him about that incident, he too was visibly shaken, it couldn’t be, we both sat there with hands on our head. This happened so many years ago, when we just got into university, how it can come to hunt us now. Well Kola said it wasn’t my fault, so even if it is the case Mrs. will see it for what it is. I just didn’t want anything like that to tannish my image, I had worked hard at forgetting it and now that its crept back into my head am so disgusted , I can’t even talk about it now.
Anyway David came over to see me, I have decided to give him some money as an investor, not a loan, he wants to open a lounge. The main reason why am investing is that the business is perfect for him, David has always been a crowd puller and entertainer, he can hold people’s attention for a long time and they won’t be bored, he’s also marvelous at organizing, so this jolly well is up his alley.
We start laying the foundation for the new hotel tomorrow, Kola and I are going for prayers on the site very early with Tammy’s pastor, A foundation built on God will never be destroyed ……hmmmm

MRS-O happy days! Our NGO building is ready, we all went to see it yesterday, Toke, Tammy, Madam Mabel, Erica, Pamela and Sabrina, we prayed, danced , sang and all went to a restaurant nearby for lunch.
Peju and co are all back in Dubai, by the time they all left, Fatima was fine, Tammy has spent a few hours talking to her. Aakil also promised she goes to counselling as soon as they land. All in all it ended well. O and she decided not to call Ola. That was her decision not mine.
Actually it was a first properly meeting. We appointed and assigned responsibilities.
Everyone crowned me the chief coordinator and CEO of the NGO because it is my vision and idea. Toke took the role of financial coordinator in charge of getting us all the money we need. Pamela opted for the medical coordinator, getting medical supplies for us and liaison with WHO and all. Erica said she will help out where needed until she goes back, then she will create awareness for us and get some Hollywood stars to drive our cause and Madam Mabel decided she and Sabrina will do the day to day running of the Organization and Tammy opted to be the director in charge of all programs and events and in charge of counselling. It all went perfectly well. The buildings are all done, we have a soup kitchen, youth center, dialysis center, counselling rooms, battered mothers and child shelter and a few vacant rooms where we intend to train people in various vocational skills and empower them etc. I am so looking forward to starting off, next week.
We all thanked God, Tammy led us in prayer and we decided the pastor will be there after church on Sunday to dedicate and bless everything that we will do there. We are currently running adverts to invite members of the public to our opening, we have also asked people who need our services to write in, our webpage is ready, we will pick one person at random to declare it open, it’s for the masses and so let them declare it open.
This whole opening our NGO has put my mind off a lot of things including the strange text, it seems to be bothering Mr. more than I , this morning he was looking really down, I asked what the matter was he just shrugged and said he was just tired. Hmmm, I didn’t quite believe him, but for now he can go, I intend to raise it up with him this evening.
Of all the things I have on my mind, My mum’s arrival back on Saturday is the most stressful, Erica’s plan to tell EQ, will surely affect everybody , Moi and my mum inclusive, God help us all……hmmmm

DAY 201

MR-Prayers went really this morning, The Pastor was direct and he asked that we have a fast period for 3 days just to make sure, everything goes really well. Kola, Lemmy, tony and I all attended. We left the site around 6.30 am, all in all it took 30 minutes.
Tony and Lemmy are getting on fine, I didn’t even mention Lemmy invited Tony to come staying the vacant flat in his father’s building. So right now Tony is living rent free. I made a joke the other day that I should reduce his salary since rent was out of his expenses.
Kola and I discussed the incident long ago, terrible memories, I remember it like yesterday. I was abducted with my girlfriend in our first year in university. How could that happen you ask, well Kola and I were approached by some cult boys asking us ,no it was more like insisting that we join them. They kept pestering us and soon it turned into threats. Fortunately for me or looking back now, unfortunately, the vice chancellor was my godfather and guardian. So I went to report the boys to him, I even went as far as giving him the names of the guys bugging us. The university had a no tolerance policy on cults at the time.
The culprits were summoned before the senate and expelled for cultism. Everything went back to normal for a while. Then one evening, my girlfriend, Becky and I were coming back to campus, I was driving her car, she had a small Honda civic. All of a sudden we got crossed by this Toyota Camry that had blackout windows. 4 guys jumped out, pulled Becky and I out, pushed us into the Camry and drove off, one of the guys drove Becky’s car behind us. Throughout the journey we were told to put our heads down, after about an hour, the car stopped and we were dragged out of the car and into a house, taken to a room and tired down. I honestly didn’t know what we did or who this guys were or what they wanted, they didn’t speak much, just yelled, “Shut up” A lot.
That night we were given a loaf of bread and 2 bottle of coke and told to sleep. The room had a mattress on the floor and an ensuite toilet. The windows of the room and bathroom, were nailed shut and covered with plywood form the inside.
The next morning, we were woken up very early, I wasn’t sure of the time, they had taken our phones and watches, and driven a warehouse. The car drove into it and we were told to get out and kneel down, I honestly thought they were going to shoot us right then, so I asked, what did we do and why were they doing this to us. This time one of the guys we met in the ware house answered me and said, “Because you are a snitch, you die”. I was shocked, “snitch, I don’t know what you are talking about” I said. “Do you think we won’t find out you told your uncle the VC, that we were cult members and got us suspended”. I tried to deny it , but I was dealt a slap from behind.
Just then one of them tried to touch Becky, she resisted, he lifted her up and she slapped the guy hard, then he dropped her. Unfortunately, there was a stone on the floor and she hit her head on it and blood started to gosh out. The gang leader didn’t even move, he just asked the guys to give me the stone, he asked me to raise my hand over Becky’s head , I refused and they dealt me another slap, then I did what they wanted and they took pictures, anyone looking at it would think I bludgeoned her to death with a stone. The gang leader said if I ever mentioned their names as the murderer, they will show the police the picture of me killing Becky, then he showed me, it looked as if I was hitting her on the head with a stone.
All the guys got into the cars and left Becky bleeding. I was screaming and crying for them to help me but none came, my hands were tied behind my back as I watched life slip out of Becky, I didn’t want to leave her, I managed to stagger out Of the ware house, it was an abandoned place in the bush, I walked through bushes and eventually came to a building were I must have told them about Becky and passed out.
When I woke up I was in hospital with policemen waiting to interview me, my parents , kola and his parents , Becky’s parents , the VC and the CSO of the university, all waiting around. Becky was in a comma for 3 months and eventually died from a cerebral hematoma. That’s was the worst period of my life. I did mention who they were, only one of the guys was ever caught and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison for manslaughter. I had to take some time off school.
After I stopped narrating the story Kola looked at me and said, maybe it’s the one who went to prison, he might be planning to send the picture to Mrs., but how did he get your no kola asked. I do not know, was all I could come up with …..hmmmm

MRS-Woke up this morning with a serious headache and temperature, Mr. called our doctor and he came to the house. I have just been given an injection now and am feeling a bit woozy, so I’ve got to stop writing. I will fill you in tomorrow……hmmmm

Day 202
MR-Phew! Mrs. was really poorly during the night, but she’s much better now, I called the doctor and I told him he said her feeling faint and headaches are common symptoms in pregnancy, he prescribed paracetamol and a lot of bed rest. Well I must admit I was really worried but this morning she’s feeling much better. The good news I already called Toke and Pamela to come stay with her. I have to be in the office early today, we meet with the construction company people.
Work has begun, digging for the foundation already started, it has to be really deep because we are building an 8 floor building, with an underground car park.
Before I forget, we recruited some new assistants last week, two staff, one of them works with me the other with Kola. Since Lemmy and Tony will be spending a lot of time in the site office with the project manager, we needed replacements to do their work in the office. Funke and Nkechi, both business administration graduates with work experience. Nkechi has a master’s in Public administration and Funke has an MBA. Both single and so far seem to fit into our office really well.
Although, yesterday when I called Funke to go through a document she had sent me, she was giggling a bit too much, maybe I was just imagining, I think I will watch her a bit more. I really don’t want to be paranoid here. Not every woman that smiles at you wants you. Well he does have a pint. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.
Babs came to the office as well, he and Pamela are leaving on Saturday, he came to say thank you for everything and especially for forgiving him and making him part of the family. Kola and I were humbled, we hugged him and said we will miss him. Kola said he has proven himself to be a good man and charged him to take care of Pamela and the baby really well. I reminded him to let us know as soon as Pamela put to bed, at least a couple of us will like to come over, if not everybody.
He was extremely happy, he praised Pamela and said she was the best thing that happened to him and he couldn’t believe he almost lost her. Kola became the pastor and he said lets pray. We prayed for Babs and Pamela, wished them every success. Once he left I looked at Kola and said I could see Tammy has rubbed off on him. Kola initiating prayer? well that was priceless………hmmmm

MRS-Wow! Thank God am feeling much better, most of yesterday the room was spinning around and I had this terrible headache, Mr. was at work but the maids did a fantastic job at taking care of me, I didn’t want to bother Toke and Tammy but Mr. insisted that the come stay with me today. Doctor’s orders, I have to rest really well and try not to do anything. That seems almost impossible, we have so much to do especially for the opening ceremony which comes up next week. We have to go through the web page acknowledge peoples registration and agree on so many things. How much to keep in each coffer, the soup kitchen, shelter, vocational and all. Every department has to have a monthly budget and a spending limit.
Let’s take the soup kitchen. The kitchen will serve hot meals twice a day. Anyone who can’t afford a meal can come and take away a park of food, breakfast will be served between 7 am and 10am , people collecting food will have their hands stamped with a particular color indicating that they have been fed breakfast and can’t come back for another one that morning. Between 2pm and 6pm lunch/dinner will be served, same stamping process. Now this is to ensure as many people as possible get fed. Whole families can come or individuals but you can’t receive more than 2 packs a day, breakfast and lunch/dinner.
Thankfully Toke and Tammy are coming over this morning we can discuss other modalities in details. We also have to go through the webpage mail and pick someone at random to perform the official cutting of the tape to open the centre.
Madam Mabel called twice yesterday but Mr. insisted my phones had to be off, I promised him, didn’t switch t off initially, then he called and caught me out , so I had to switch it off. When I put it on this morning I saw 2 missed calls from her and a text, she said she had something to discuss with me. My heart skipped. I hope it’s not about Robert.
Sabrina and David want to open a lounge/dancing bar, they have been going around scouting for venues. Apparently Sabrina does some furniture in Malaysia and is a pretty good interior designer. I got confused but she clarified the difference, interior design is different form interior decoration. A designer designs the space, what should be where, the lounge, the kitchen, room etc. but the decorator, decorates the spaces.
My mum and EQ come back tomorrow, am holding my breath because Erica plans to spill on Sunday. Pamela and she are coming over later, Pamela wants to come and say good bye. Babs and her leave tomorrow to start their life in Germany. Am really really going to miss Pamela especially……hmmmm

Day 203

MR- Just got back from dropping off Babs and Pamela at the airport. We didn’t have to, but Kola and I offered, since Babs gave us the honor of coming to thank us for everything, it was the least we could do. Erica came too, she decided to come with me home to spend time with Mrs. I left them in the bedroom a few minutes ago, I find that sitting in the study to write, helps me concentrate better. We still have an arrival this evening my MIL and EG, well should I now say Step FIL, Ha! Ha!, arrive this evening, not to worry though, arrangements to pick them up, have nothing to do with us, we just have to go see them tomorrow after church.

Something strange is going on in our office, I was right. Anyway, first, Mrs. got another text yesterday, that read, “Are you brave enough, do you really want to know who your husband is not who he’s pretending to be?” She was really disturbed, this crazy text are getting harder to ignore, whoever it is, is surely trying to get under our skin or provoke a reaction or I guess in this case, a confession. If I had one I would say it, Mrs. needs no stress now, am contemplating asking her to reply and ask to meet with this person, of course she will not be alone and we can work something with uncle J.
As for the strange business, its Nkechi and Funke. As kola and I walked into the office after we came back from a brief meeting, they were yelling at each other, we called them into the board room and both said nothing was wrong, they were only joking, I found that odd, so I called in the receptionist, cajoled her, called her our honorable rep, first line of defense, then she spilled. Apparently Funke and Nkechi were arguing about Kola and I, who had eyes on who, they somehow got into their heads that I prefer Nkechi and Kola prefers Funke , the trouble was Funke preferred me and Nkechi preferred Kola. When I asked what the word preferred signified in this case, the receptionist said “Sorry Sir, I can’t tell, you will have to ask them” and she politely asked if she could be excused. Well, the drama unfolds.
O yeah! My father called , guess what , he wants to come back home from Germany a month from now, the doctors have said he doesn’t need a monthly check up anymore , its moved to every 6 months. That’s the easy part, the complex part is, wait for it, yep you guessed right, he wants to stay with us, as in right inside our house. I asked why they can’t go back to their own house. He said he wanted to but my mother convinced him it would be the best idea, 1, if he suddenly has a heart attack, we are right there, 2, David is also there and 3, our house is huge , they can stay in the guest chalet and we won’t even know they were there. Right, how will that happen exactly, my mother being invisible, I laugh. I couldn’t believe my mother was being so callous, how in God’s name she would suggest that beats me. Anyway, I told my father to give me a few days to make arrangement and I will get back to him. Immediately I dropped his call, I called David for a meeting.
He’s coming over to the house in an hour, we’ve got to find a solution to this, the one solution I know will not be found, is them coming to stay in our house, absolutely not……..hmmmmm

MRS- Erica just turned up with Mr, I put her in the spare bedroom to catch up on her sleep.
Meanwhile, Yes, its official someone is really trying to stress me out here, thank God for the prayer time, Tammy, Toke and I had yesterday, this crazy text I just got would have thrown me off balance. I think it’s time we tried to confront this head on. Let the person spill whatever it is they have to say. By God’s grace our marriage is strong enough, with a foundation built of Gods, we will surely get past it.
We did have a marvelous time, brain storming, snacking, eating and then brain storming again, we are almost done, the girls are coming back for brunch this afternoon and we should conclude on all arrangements by then.
Madam Mabel came to see me, she just wanted to talk about some ideas she had for the NGO and invite us to Robert’s birthday, he turns 12 on the 27th of May and she wants to have a big party for him. As she spoke to me tears came to my eyes, she was shocked, I covered up by saying I was just so happy for her and can’t wait until our bambino grows up. She fell for my excuse and asked me not to worry, that in no time I will be seeing them off to college. My mind wondered as she spoke to me, this was going to be devastating , if EG finds out he will definitely want his son back, where does that leave Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi, more tears flowed down my check, in the end I was crying like a baby, thankfully Madam Mabel put it all down to hormones.
That was awkward, as she was leaving, thankfully Mr. arrived and was able to calm me down. He reminded me that in situations like this we should never lean on our own understanding, we should commit it on to God almighty and he will bring a solution favorable to everyone. I concurred and we retired to go talk about ourselves.
The truth is we haven’t been making love as often as we should, so it felt nice yesterday when we did, Mr. was a bit worried about my health but I convinced him, this was exactly what the doctor prescribed …and boy!! did it work…..hmmmmmm

Day 204
MR- Woke up really refreshed yesterday, I thought after the no of rounds Mrs. and I went I would be knocked out but Noo!!, I was as agile as a monkey. Yes O! I have come a long way from when we just got married and I could only go one round. I remember a funny incident when I had to feign a headache just to avoid making love to my wife, hmmm, what was I thinking then, Me, asking Mrs. to follow a timetable for Sex, thank God she is a patience women, another woman would have left me a long time ago.
Anyway I went to the club in the Morning asked Kola to meet me up there, I must be fit to keep Mrs. happy, we got there just 5 minutes apart and as we walked in I saw the lady I met the other time and it just struck me. I remember that day she took my phone and said she wanted to put her no in it, for a few minutes I tried to take it off her, but she kept moving around scrolling through my phone, she must be the one sending texts to Mrs. I told Kola what I was thinking, he sort of agreed with me but wasn’t sure, so he came up with a plan, which I thought was risky but great.
Kola was going to lead her own, make her feel I like her and somehow get her to come talk to me, while he goes through her bag. So he walks up to her and says remember my Bro over there, he wants to talk to you. She then ask Kola, to tell me to come over. I walked up to her where she was sitting waiting for the aerobics session to start. We chatted for a while, then I asked for her no, she willing brought out 2 phones and gave me 1 , I asked for the other no she said that was private and she doesn’t give it to anyone except her boyfriend. She smiled and asked “Or do you want to be my boyfriend” I smiled back and said, “sorry I am married” “O don’t worry, I know, anyway see you around” she said.
I walked back to Kola all deflated but he said don’t worry , the games have just began, we will get that phone, he asked me the make and model, luckily I used to have the exact same one , so I knew the spec on sight. I asked Kola what he was going to do with the info, he smiled and said Bro just watch.
Leaving that in Kola’s capable hands, after playing tennis for a while, we left the club. I went back home to meet with my brother David. He was already waiting, I asked after Sabrina, he said she had gone with Madam Mabel shopping. So we tabled our father’s issue, I was honestly expecting a lot of resistance, but David just said, “no problem Bro, they can come stay with us, Sabrina and Mother get along perfectly and Father and I can spend some time forgiving each other”. I was truly stunned, is this my brother David or a Malaysian clone?, you couldn’t put anything past those medical geniuses they had over there…….hmmmm

MRS-Wow!! My honey pie is in top form, wow! Did he bring it, love making was great, and I didn’t disappoint for pregnant woman. I was right when I said this was what the doctor prescribed because this morning I feel much better. Let me tell you how it went. We decided to play dress up, I managed to fit into the nurse’s outfit but with a few button open in from and he dressed like a doctor scolding me for dong wrong, then I seduced him with my body. It was so much fun, we did it on the rug, in the shower, on the bed and against the wall. I tell you role play is fantastic, am going shopping for more outfits once the Bambino drops. I realize one has to spice up ones marriage or else love making will just become a routine like a chore.
Anyway enough of our amazing sex life, am totally better now, yesterday I went for a swim in the pool something I hadn’t done in a while, Mr. wanted me to come with him to the club but I declined and said I would rather have a swim at home. Later Erica came down to meet me and we swam together, she fitted into one of my new swim suits. After the swim we decided to have breakfast in the gazebo. I wanted to talk to her about this idea of telling EG she had a son for him.
I started by outlining what will happen to the parents who adopted the boy, I asked her to put herself in their shoes. She didn’t get my point, she asked me how I knew EG will want the child and even if he did, where they were going to find him is nobody’s guess. At that point it occurred to me that she didn’t know everything we knew. The truth is once EG finds out, he will definitely discuss it with Lemmy, who will tell his father about Robert and the birth mark, I remember the last time Lemmy was getting curious and asked me if he could meet Robert again, I said it wasn’t a good idea because I had a feeling he was going to take a piece of his hair for DNA testing. Once he tells EG all this, then people’s world will be turned upside down. So I kept quiet and said Erica had a point, where were they going to find him.
We are all going to see my mum and EG after church today, they arrived yesterday and called saying they got a lot of goodies and really missed us. So we are having lunch at theirs this afternoon. That’s Toke, Kola, David, Sabrina, Jnr and Tammy, Erica, Mr. and I. well I believe in the power of prayer , God can turn her mind around so that she will not tell , that’s what am believing God for……hmmmm

DAY 205
MR- Hmmm, writing late today, didn’t wake up until 10 minutes ago, not sure what I ate but I really pigged out on the grilled prawns we had at EG’s place yesterday and then I got home and had a serious running tummy, didn’t sleep all night, just managed to get some shut eye around 6,30.
Church, hmmm, well am not sure but what I know is God never disappoints. I asked myself this question over and over, am I really doing Gods will for my life? What’s my purpose here on earth? What will they say about me when am gone? Am sure you are wondering what’s Mr. going on about now. Well I will tell you.
The pastor asked the question, what will be written on your obituary when you are gone, what will people say. Would they say things like, he was rich oh!, he had houses , cars , money, women etc. or would they say he touched so many lives, he sent me to school and today I am the governor, he gave me a job, he paid for my sons operation , he feed the homeless every week, she built an orphanage, she donated money to the less privilege, etc. he asked us to get home and write our obituaries, what we want them to say about us when we are gone, then begin to work towards what we write becoming our reality. Wow! That was profound, it made me think that no one should live a purposeless and wasted life. We all need to find our purpose ASAP.
Some are already doing theirs they don’t even know it, some can’t put a finger on it and some of us just can’t be bothered. Well I guess we all need to go to God in prayer and ask that it be revealed to us.
On our way from church to my MIL’s place, David spoke to our father, they come back end of this month. I am grateful at least my duty will be to provide for their needs, I have ordered a car for David, haven’t told him yet, that should help with everyone getting around. Am pretty happy with his progress he seems to be settling down okay. Maybe God has finally touched him. Am sure our father will be pleasantly surprised. Am giving him some money today, he’s found a location for his lounge and dance club, the lounge will sell fusion food, Sabrina is designing and decorating, I heard she discussed with one of the girls about going to Malaysia to get some bits and bobs, she wants to use a local furniture guy to bring out her designs. I suggested she might as well start her own design studio.
Kola just called now and said something came up, am off to get ready now, I hope it’s nothing serious……hmmmm
MRS-Phew! My poor baby, Mr. was up all night pooing, at a point he had to sit on the toilet for an hour, cos he kept running back and forth, like a yoyo. For moral support I put a quilt at the door of the ensuite and sat there talking to him, thank fully nothing came so I didn’t have to inhale any nasty smell, ha! Ha! anyway I will inhale anything from him for love.
We left church with David and Sabrina, Toke couldn’t make it and she said she had to rest. Straight to my mums place, Kola and Tammy had to take Jnr to a birthday party and picked Erica up and meet us there later. My mum was glowing, the baby bump suited her, you wouldn’t believe I was her daughter, even though she had me at a young age, she was still my mum and the thought of mother and daughter being pregnant at the same time was crazy but its happened now and there is nothing anyone can do about it, like my grandma would say why cry over a broken egg, it’s not as if the tears can put it back together again.
Erica turned up with Kola, Tammy stayed with jnr at the birthday party. As soon as she walked in my heart skipped a beat, we were all sitting in the garden with Lemmy .EG, Mr. , my mum , David and Sabrina, a large table had been set up and a buffet table right beside it. Erica said hello to everyone and sat on an empty seat next to Lemmy. We started eating, while everyone was enjoying the spread, including Mr. a, in his case a bit too much, because he kept going back for seconds. I just starred at Erica to see if she will approach EG, sometimes she caught me looking at her and I will just smile and wave, the table was long and I was at the other opposite end, so we couldn’t speak without everyone hearing u
At last lunch over, and we all started to take our leave, Erica left with Kola first, because he had to go pick up Jnr and tammy, I think that’s when I was able to breath properly. We had to leave to and I had to drive home because Mr. said his tummy was a bit rumbly. Surprise surprise, who’s tummy wouldn’t rumble with all that grilled prawns……hmmmm

DAY 206
MR-Thank God, I feel totally better, never again will I be a glutton, that’s what I call myself for pigging out so much.
Anyway Kola and I had a slight quarrel yesterday, guess what is was about and yes you got it Funke and Nkechi. Here is how it happened. We got to the office early, I had a lot of work to catch up on, Kola was meeting some people in the board room, so I called Funke to do some work for me and Nkechi turned up. I asked where Funke was she said Kola asked her to do some work for him. So I asked her to go call me Funke. She must have been away for a while, I called their office and no one picked the phone. So I called the receptionist and she said Nkechi and Funke were with Kola.
I stepped out of the office and went to the boardroom, they were not there, then I went to Kola’s office and there they were, standing and talking to Kola. I asked what was going on and Kola said that’s what he was trying to find out, he said he called Nkechi and Funke turned up and he wanted to know why, “and Funke said you called Nkechi, as we were discussing, Nkechi turned up and said you wanted to see Funke immediately”. As I listened to Kola and knew I got it right, the girls were playing smart, I didn’t say anything, I just asked them to excuse us.
Once they left, I asked Kola if he remembered a few days ago, when I said I walked in on them having an argument. He couldn’t quite recollect. Anyway I told him I asked them what the matter was, they said nothing, so I called the receptionist and she told me, Nkechi things I prefer her and Funke thinks you prefer her. Kola looked at me and smiled, “Prefer them for what?” “It beats me” I said. All I know is this can’t continue and I think we have to replace them now”.
Kola glared at me and asked if I was serious, I said as serious as a heart attack. This girls are a distraction and I don’t want them around here. Kola, my Bro was of a deferent opinion. He said they were a welcome distraction, what man doesn’t feel alive seeing 2 beautiful women trying to please them at all cost. I couldn’t believe Kola was on that level still. So I told him off and he called me self-righteous. I didn’t take offence, I just said they have to leave, and Kola said no they don’t. So I got up and walked out of his office.
Went to mine packed my things and drove home, I didn’t even say bye to him, as I drove off, I was questioning myself, am I really self-righteous and was I over reacting ……hmmmmm

MRS-First day at the NGO yesterday, Toke, Madam Mabel, Erica all turned up, Sabrina was absent, she had to go with David to sort some things out. We were so excited, a lady turned up to ask if we were recruiting, w asked for what, she said anything, she has 2 children and no job, so we hired her on the spot. Funny enough that gave us an idea, we have decided to recruit people who need help. It will be a form of empowerment for them. Not just unemployed people but those who have people they need to support.
We did interviews for out in-house doctor and nurse, matron, and cooks, obviously Toke’s chef was there for the cook part. The ones hired will also be extra trained by him, we want to serve healthy balance diets. The vocational school interviews are today, we want people proficient in tailoring, hair dressing, soap making, baking, etc, so we can train and empower at the same time. The counselling rooms are taking care off, we have collaborated with a professional counselling firm and they have offered to run it as a sub of their office.
Erica and I had a minute on our own, when the rest went round to show the new cooks the kitchen and dining area. I asked her what changed her mind about telling EG on sunday. She smiled and said “well I haven’t actually changed my mind but for now its on hold, also I saw how happy he was with your mum and I didn’t want anything to distract them for now, with a new baby on the way for them and now a new son, it might be too much, especially when the son is nowhere to be found”. I said okay, that made sense. Then she asked me if I felt EG should never know, I didn’t know what to say, she then said “you know he will find out sometime though?”. I could even answer, I just said, okay.
Later as I drove home, I silently prayed that it never happens, I wasn’t sure if I was being fair, A man has his flesh and blood out there and doesn’t even know it, a couple raised a child for 12 years, loving and caring for him, they have no other, who deserves to have him?, they both do I guess but who makes that decision, Me?, o Lord please help ……..hmmmmmm

DAY 207
MR-I got a surprise call from the governor’s PA inviting Mrs. and I to dinner on Saturday, dress code Formal, he didn’t say what the occasion was, just that the governor requests our presence. I confirmed we would be there and I wondered what the occasion was.
Anyway this morning, I woke up remembering my father’s favorite quote for David and I when he disapproved of our actions, especially David. He would look us straight in the eye and say “He whom the gods want to kill, they first make mad”. I used to ponder over the literary meaning of it, how the gods can make you made because they want to kill you and why they wanted to kill you baffled me. It was not until I grew up that I began to comprehend the true meaning. When you want to get yourself in real trouble, you defy all logic and reasoning, Kola was being a stubborn goat in relation to this Nkechi and Funke issue.
I got into work yesterday morning, went to his office to apologize for walking out on him, he apologized too. But then added that we didn’t have to let them go besides he had gotten used them being around. I was confused and I asked if he liked them or at least one of them. He said “Bro, honestly I don’t know what’s wrong, remember the check up we went the other day, Tammy’s blood pressure has been erratic, the doctor is a bit worried about the baby, he said she might have preeclampsia, she was told to take is easy for a couple of months while she’s monitored, that includes No sex. Bro am dying here I need to release” Wow, that’s the first I heard of this I said, I asked him why he didn’t tell me this before, he said Tammy forbade him and said we will be worried and might start to fuss over her. He also said Tammy believes she is super woman and everyone cry’s on her shoulders, so she shouldn’t be the one crying.
I said I was so sorry they were going through all that, but with prayer there is nothing God cannot do. He said he knew and that’s what they were doing. Now back to the issue of this girls, I pointed out because of the way he was feeling its better we let them go or transfer them to site with Lemmy and Tony and employ a couple of guys, let’s keep temptation away from him.
He finally saw my point but said, he just wanted the distraction, he wasn’t going to do anything with them, seeing them, talking to them was enough for him. Anyway we reached a compromise and decided they stay to work but we will employ two guys to be our personal assistants……hmmmm

MRS-Yesterday was a bit hectic, Mr. Called once he got to the office and told me Tammy wasn’t feeling well. I couldn’t believe she didn’t mention it and she was on site with us when she was told to take it easy. I immediately drove to her house and asked her not to move an inch, she was to stay at home put her feet up, I would pick jnr up every afternoon, Kola usually drops him off and Tammy picks him. I also said the chef will come cook some stew and vegetables for her every other day, to lessen the cooking she does. Tammy has a maid but would not allow her to cook, she does all the cooking but she agreed to allow the chef come but insisted Saturday mornings were fine, he could stop at the marked and get the produce and come cook.
Toke too has been feeling a bit tired, her mum has moved in, to take care of her, nothing serious just the normal pregnancy symptoms. I stopped by at hers in the evening, her mum and the chef were doing a great job, she was looking so relaxed and gobbling down a bowl of fresh fruit, I came home with a huge bowl of some has well.
Madam Mabel called and said Robert was brought back form school yesterday, he hasn’t been feeling too well, she thought it was the flu but the doctor referred them to the teaching hospital for more tests. She just called to say she won’t be able to make it this morning, I prayed God will heal him, she shouldn’t worry it will be fine and if she needed our help in any way she should let me know.
Stopped at the NGO, on my way from Tammy’s, we have recruited 80% of our staff now so I got the tailoring service to come make uniforms for the kitchen staff and the vocational trainers. Then shirts and T-shirts for all other staff, with face caps. We all have to look smart and professional.
My Mum said she wanted to come see me on Saturday, I asked her to make if Friday, so we can go to the NGO together, besides Mr. and I have been invited to a dinner at the Governors house. His PA called Mr. Yesterday to tell him. I honestly don’t know where Ola fits in in all of this. I didn’t want to go but Mr. said to me, when the governor invites you to dinner, you don’t take a rain check, you turn up……..hmmmmm

DAY 208, 209 and 210
MR- Wow?! It’s been a really busy, stressful and scary, we haven’t even had time to write. Am sure you remember we got a surprise call from the governor’s PA inviting Mrs. and I to dinner today Saturday, dress code Formal, we don’t even know what the occasion is, just that the governor requests our presence. I already confirmed we would be there, we leave home at 6pm the dinner is for 7pm and we can’t be late.
Am sure you’re wondering why you haven’t heard from us for a few days, well thank God all is back to normal now, as normal as can be anyway. First the news about Robert, I will let Mrs. tell you about that, then Mrs. herself collapsing from stress. Tammy had to be admitted as well but she’s better now and a lot of other stuff.

Well besides all the stressful stuff, David surprised me, I am still gob smacked, he invited Kola and I to come have a look at the place he found. Wow! , it was amazing, 2 floors with a roof deck pool and a dance hall on the middle floor with a café, lounge downstairs. Am impressed, one should not write anyone off. He has actually turned a new leaf and gotten really serious guess all his years as a boy about town is finally paying off. The architect there was suggesting a roof pool with a transparent bottom, I asked if that could be done in our part of the world and how safe it would be.
Can you imagine a pool with a transparent bottom as the roof of a dance floor, so you are dancing, you look up and see people swimming above you. It was innovative but way over David’s budget. An idea came to mind, I could fund the pool and in exchange become a shareholder, at least I could help him keep an eye on the place when he’s not there.
Mrs. got another text on Thursday, it said, “Get ready to meet me”. This time I took the phone off her and replied saying, am, ready where? We still haven’t gotten a response back. Am beginning to doubt it’s the girl I met at the gym because she didn’t seem so interested in me when I met her again, so why would she want to mess with my wife.
Kola and I carried out our plan, we sent Funke and Nkechi to work in the site office and called a recruitment agency to send a couple of smart guys over. To our surprise Nkechi said she was not employed to work on a building site, she tendered her resignation yesterday, Funke accepted her secondment without complaining and will resume there on Monday. I wasn’t bothered either way, there was more where she came from.
On the other hand, Thank God Tammy is better, we had to rush her to hospital on Wednesday morning, Kola called and asked us to meet him at home, the time was 4am, he was too confused to drive, so Mrs. came with me, didn’t want her too but she insisted and we rushed her to hospital Her blood pressure was really high. She was examined, the baby was okay and Tammy had to be medicated and observed for a day. We took her home on Thursday evening. Kola was in hospital throughout, not leaving her side, Mrs. brought Jnr home with us and took him to school and he had to go back to them yesterday, when Mrs. collapsed from exhaustion
Right now the whole Mrs. and I are in a serious dilemma, each person has a side they support, am not sure whichever decision is reached will be the right one, God Almighty has to intervene in this one, or else…..hmmmmm

MRS-Hmmm, am alive, it is a miracle, I haven’t been able to write for a few days, aside from me not feeling well, so much has happened in this 3 days, it seems like a life time.
First Erica left on Friday morning, she earlier came to see me on Wednesday that she had to go back to the states, her agent called and he’s gotten her a nice gig on a day time soap running for 30 weeks. “The pay is great and she plays a lead role. Every actors dream, it’s too good to pass it on”, she said. I knew I would miss her but at least I didn’t have to walk on egg shells every time I saw her, Robert was secure for now, I thought. At least rgings were going well.
The crazy invisible person sent me another text, now the person wants to meet. Mr. replied and asked where, I still haven’t gotten a reply up till now, am beginning to suspect it’s someone close to us, trying to cause a rift between Mr. and i. God forbid, it will not work, I plead the blood of Jesus.
Tammy was doing really well up until Thursday, when we had to rush her to hospital, thank God she and the baby are fine, the doctor just put her on a strict routine of “Don’t dear lift a finger” or he was going to admit her in hospital permanently, until she delivers the baby. What she’s going through, preeclampsia, can be pretty serious if not controlled properly
I actually sent the chef to cook her lunch yesterday, even though she still insists that she only needs his service on Saturdays. I intend to call her and find out how her BP is and to make sure she’s obeying doctor’s orders.
On Wednesday evening, I also stopped by at madam Mabel’s to find out how Richard was doing. She didn’t look to well, she told me the doctor said, “it was not the flu, from what he could see Robert is really ill, but he is hoping the test carried out will not confirm his fears. Then he told us to go home that he will call us tomorrow”. I spent time there, Robert was really quiet, not his usual bobbly self. I tried to comfort them both, asked them to believe the best, there is nothing God couldn’t do I said. Madam Mabel saw me off outside and thanked me for stopping by. As I drove home that day, I wasn’t feeling too well, Robert looked really ill, I didn’t even know when I started to pray aloud and bind every form of sickness in the boy’s life.
By Thursday, O my gosh!, my fears had been confirmed, Madam Mabel called and asked me to please pop in and see them. When I got there she was in tears and Robert was lying on the sofa. I went over to ask what the matter is, she looked at me and I saw so much pain, I could almost feel it. Mr. Chidi was away for business and not due back until Sunday. She said the doctor called and told her Robert had leukemia and he required a bone marrow transplant. I let out a scream but quickly pulled myself together seeing that Robert was in the living room with us.
We went into their study, while the maid stayed with Robert .Madam Mabel, then said to me, “what am about to tell you nobody knows in our family and around here, except Chidi and God. When Chidi and I got married, we were happy and had grand plans for the future, we would have 3 children, 2 girls and 1 Boy, run a successful business and live a good life. 10 years after I could not have a child, chidi’s family almost killed me but the love he had for me kept me going. We tried IVF, 5 times but none actually worked. I got fed up and Chidi did too, I was worried that he will exhaust all our savings and nothing will happen, so I spoke to a very good friend of mine in the states, that we were willing to adopt.
A year later we got a call to fly into LA immediately, we were asked to stay in a hotel, we did and 2 days later a lady came to drop Robert for us with his American passport and said he was ours. We couldn’t believe it, God has answered our prayers and brought us a bundle of joy. So Chidi and I decided to stay in America for a while so people will think I was pregnant and had a baby in America when we return with him. It worked, nobody knew any wiser.
I was listened, I had to feign surprise, then she continued, we have raise our only son for the past 12 years, thanking God every day for the privilege. Now he needs bone marrow, we don’t even know his mum. I wanted to say I do, but I held my mouth, this was surely the last straw. What was I going to do, I went home and asked Mr. to come meet me immediately.
When he got back I told him everything, the truth was to save Robert’s life, we had to open up. Who do I tell first, My mum,? EG? Lemmy?, Erica? That is leaving on Friday or Madam Mabel herself. I was already feeling dizzy when I went to bed Thursday night.
When I woke up yesterday, I told Mr. I was going to call Erica and tell her, because if I were in her shoes I would do anything to save my son, even if I had given him up for adoption. I woke up early, was fretting around the place and the last thing I remembered was asking Mr. if I should call Erica to come over or just drive to see her at home. When I woke up I was in hospital, Erica had left in the morning and I wasn’t any closer to telling someone about Robert.
Anyway Mr. took me home in the evening yesterday, the doctor had observed me for some hours I was just suffering from exhaustion, he warned me to take it easy, I promised I will try.
But this is the situation now-
We are really taking everything to God in prayer and waiting for his wisdom to handle this. Robert needs a bone marrow donor, Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi are not a match, we know either Lemmy, Josh or EG will be. Erica most definitely but she in Hollywood now, she left before I could tell her, whom do I tell and how do I go about it? ……hmmmmm

DAY 211
MR- Yes oh! Pup has hit the fan, Mrs. called Erica to tell her that she might have found her son, and yes, you got it, she’s turning down the job and flying back on Monday. O my gosh, this is really hard. Mrs. and I went over to Kola and Tammy’s place and we all prayed and asked God to give us wisdom. Then we started to weigh all the options.
If we tell EG, he’s more likely to get lawyers immediately and make a claim for his son not considering Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi. That wasn’t acceptable t all of us, we felt it was important that Madam Mabel and are Husband be given priority when it comes to Roberts case.
If we tell MIL, her first instinct will be to tell EG, same conclusion as above.
As for Lemmy, we were actually torn, Mrs. and Tammy felt it might just end up the same as if we told EG, but Kola and I had a different opinion. We felt we could convince Lemmy to donate his Bone Marrow if it was a perfect match, then everyone sits down to consider what next with Robert.
Then Erica, Tammy, Mrs. and I felt she would be the perfect match and she was in the best position to break it to EG. Kola felt she might not be interested in having him back, but he agreed that at least she could help by donating her bone marrow and all the better if she doesn’t want to tell EG anymore, Robert gets to live and stay with Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi.
At the end of ur deliberation, it was agreed that Mrs. Call, Erica and we all prayed she will agree to come back and she is a match…..hmmmm

MRS-Am feeling a lot better, so is Tammy, we all gathered at their place and had a brain storing session, in the end I gave Erica a call.
Her phone rang for a long while initially, she didn’t pick it up so I left a message for her to call me back ASAP. She called just we were about to go back home, so I went back in to sit down. I began “Erica, what am about to tell you will be unbelievable, all I am saying is please hear me out. And I would also ask that you forgive me for everything” she was a bit apprehensive and asked me to just say it, so I continued.
“We have found the Son you gave up for adoption” there was complete silence from the other end, I called her twice then asked if she heard me, she then asked me to repeat what I just said, so I did. She said how do I know he’s the one, I then went into this long story of the birth mark, Madam Mabel’s story all adds up. I was expecting the next question and I was determined not to lie. She asked how long I had known. I took a deep breath, apologized and told her a few months. She just dropped the phone on me. I called back repeatedly, on the 4th call she picked it up and called me a bitch and an evil person, how could I watch her suffer like that and not tell her. She asked where the boy was, I told her not too far but I didn’t mention where.
After having a go at me for a few minutes, she started to cry, Tammy took the phone off Mr. because the speaker was on and started to console her, she asked if we all knew and Tammy said that’s not the point now, her son needs her. She stopped crying and asked what Tammy was talking about, Tammy said his name is Robert, he’s sick, he needs a transplant, bone marrow to be exact. Erica, started to scream and cry at the same time, we could never have guessed that she could still be this emotional for a child she gave up at birth.
When she finally calmed down, she said okay, am getting on a plane on Monday, I have to go cancel my contract and she dropped the phone. Now the question was , was she going to let sleeping dogs lie or was she going to disturb the hornets nest ……hmmmmmm

DAY 212
MR- No matter how bad things get, God always leaves room to thank him. We thank God that Erica arrives today and Robert is stable, the most important thing now is for Erica to be a perfect match, That shouldn’t be a big problem we hope, anyway we all discussed the worst case scenario, we would have to inform EG and Lemmy so they could also get tested.
Unbelievable, You won’t believe who the mystery text sender is. Am sure you could never guess, TENI, that witch, she’s here in the country , thank God for Uncle J, his cyber gurus traced the message and got her location, she’s been back in the country for about a month, her relationship in Canada didn’t work out , so she came back to disrupt mine. Apparently she’s been following us, they found pictures of Mrs. and I all over her leased hotel apartment, I could not believe it when uncle J called and said they have arrested a lady and she’s demanding to see me.
So Kola and I went to Uncle J’s office, on a Sunday the road was really less busy, there she was looking all menacing when she was brought in, I asked her why she was out to get me, she said I derailed her life, she’s still madly in love with me and because of that no man could hold her down, once he gets with them, they realize she doesn’t love them enough and still have feelings for someone else, Me.
Anyway she’s being held until uncle J can decided what happens to her. Am just happy that it’s over, so much has been bothering Mrs. lately at least this is out of it. Well as for the governor’s party, it was a renewal of vows between him and Ola. She was definitely not happy to see us but I will let Mrs. explain that to you……hmmmm

MRS- Well, I thank God Robert will get the help he needs. Erica arrives this evening and we take her straight to the hospital in the morning.
Anyway let me digress a bit, the governors dinner was an eye opener, it was actually a renewal of vows between him and Ola. We arrived and were sited with all the other guests. After about 30 minutes, Ola came in walking down the make shift aisle looking all lovely in a cream and wine dress. The governor was holding her hand and wearing a matching cream suit with a wine bow tie. She looked left and right greeting everyone, as soon as she saw us her countenance changed, she hissed , eyed me up and down then turned away and went back to greeting people, but you could see she wasn’t has bubbly as before.
Once the prayers were done and vows renewed, 2 security guys came over to ask for our invites, which we didn’t have since we got a phone call for the governors PA, we saw Ola glaring at us from the high table, just then the governor signaled his PA, whispered something into his ears and he came over and instructed the security men to leave us alone, Governors order. From that point on I decided to have fun, Mr. and I completely ignored her glare, we ate, danced and gladly collected the new Pads they gave away at the party. I could only imagine what was going through her mind, but do I care, nope, I don’t.
Anyway , Uncle J, always efficient finally found the text sender, I heard she’s one of Mr.’s ex, he was trying to fill me in but I wasn’t actually listening, I was just glad the culprit had been caught. I can’t be bothered right now, I allowed Mr. to sort it, I have more important things on my mind right now.
Well I still have to inform Madam Mabel that Erica is Roberts mother, am going to the hospital this morning, I have prayed and asked Tammy to come along, God will speak through us and she will be clam and listen to us. Am sure the first thing on her mind will be Robert’s life being saved, then what will happen to him after. I know that if we all stood up for her, EG might decide to leave him with Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi. Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Mr. Chidi since the news of Robert’s diagnosis. I wonder where he is….hmmm

Day 213
MR-This cannot be happening, we have a crisis on our hand Mr. Chidi has insisted he has found a hospital in abroad that is willing to do Roberts operation nut he won’t tell us where. When we got to the hospital with Erica, first we were not allowed to see him because we were not next of kin, Mr. Chidi is refusing access to Robert he believes the boy is going to be taken away from them.
The commotion was so much, we were all kicked out of the hospital. Anyway let me go back to the beginning , Erica arrived around 10pm yesterday evening, we went to pick her, she was anxious to see Robert but we asked her to wait until the morning. I could see she hardly slept a wink because when we came don stairs around 7 am this morning. She was sitting on the dining table, drinking a cup of coffee.
So we got into the car and proceeded to the hospital. Main while Mrs. had spoken to Madam Mable yesterday, who also didn’t take it well, although Tammy and her, tried to calm her down, they were not sure if she was convinced this was not a plot to take Robert away from them
Anyway as we got to the hospital, we were asked to see the doctor first, who then explained that the parents have denied us access to their son, Erica went into this frenzy of, she was his biological mother etc., the doctor sympathized with her but said unfortunately Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi registered Robert with his birth certificate on file stating that they were his biological parents and he proceeded to show us a scanned copy on the computer screen,
We were deflated but not beaten, as we walked out of the doctor’s office contemplating what the next step should be, we saw Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi and a brawl almost erupted, Erica was screaming that they should let her save her son, Madam Mabel was screaming he’s my son not yours, Mr. Chidi said, once they take Robert away from here, let him see how we are going to find him. Anyway security guards had to push us all outside because we were disturbomg the peace.

MRS-I have never seen Madam Mabel like that, as soon as Tammy and I got to the hospital. We asked her out of Robert’s room, sat down in the visitors reception and Tammy started by praying for Robert and asking God to give her the grace and faith to know that Robert would be well.
Then I took over and broke the news that we had found Robert’s biological mother. She asked me what I meant, I then explained. First she branded me a traitor that I was trying to conspire to take away Robert. Then she claimed down and dialed her husband. We tried to point out that we would have never even told Erica but we believe that she would be a match for Robert’s bone marrow and she can save his life.
When I said that she hugged me and thanked me and asked when Erica was arriving, I said tonight but she will be here in the hospital tomorrow morning. Then she got a bit apprehensive and asked us what that meant for them and Robert. We assured her that Erica had no intension of taking him away, she was a Hollywood actress and had a thriving career, worst case she will get visitation rights.
Madam Mabel didn’t like the sound of that she felt it would confuse Robert, how would they explain another mother to him, he has grown up knowing only her as his mother, just then Mr Chidi walked in and asked what was going on, Madam Mabel just blotted out that we were trying to take Robert away and Mr. Chidi lost it and asked us to leave.
We pleaded and tried to explain but he wasn’t listening, so we left.
When we got there today with Erica and the doctor said we couldn’t see Robert I wasn’t surprised, the part that scares me now is we hear Mr. Chidi is making arrangement to move him abroad to get the operation done and with them not talking to us, how would we know where they are taking Robert ….hmmm

Day 214
After our brain storming session, Kola and I decided to go see Mr Chidi one more time and put his mind at reat, Tammy, Toke and Mrs decided to go see Madam Mabel.
So off Kola and I went, Mr Chidi wasn’t at the hospital , so we went back to his house and saw im just driving out. He stopped and got down and we stood outside his house, Kola strted to talk.” Mr Chidi, we do apoligise for how this whole issue ids turning out, we have no intention od standing back and allowing anyone to take Robert form you his parents. The whole thing has gotten this far because we were thinking of saving Roberts life before the consequences of his biologoical mother finding him”.
Kola paused to see Mr Chidi’s reaction, but he was hrd to read , he didn’t say anything and just kept looking at us, so Kola continued” While we understand your current actions , we cannot say we know how you feel until we walk in your shoes, so we wont insult you by saying we do. So please let Erica help your son, shes getting tested this morning and if shes amatch, shes willing to help”. “So what you are saying is that she has no intention of requesting for him back?” “of course not”, I said. Why would you think that I asked.
Well has you are aware we didn’t adopt Roert legally, he was given to us and we brought him home as our son, the only proof we have is his birth certificate with us listed as his parents. If the biological parents claim we abducted him and a DNA test is done, we do not have any legal grounds to lay claim to him as our son, we cannot risk that happeneding”. We understand Mr Chid, please don’t take Robert out, let us help him” We watched as tears streamed down his face, Kola and I hugged him in turns, he stoped crying wiped his tears and said lets go see Robert. That was one of the most painful moments of a grown man crying I had ever seen…..hmmmmm

MRS-Erica went to get tested to see if she was a match to Robert, results come out this afternoon. We are all praying that she is, so that we won’t have to take it further, because as we all know Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi have no legal claim to Robert, an official adoption was never done. That could pose a serious problem.
Toke, Tammy and I meanwhile, went on to speak to Madam Mabel in the hospital, she hasn’t left Robert’s bedside since he was admitted. We wanted to go put her mind at rest. When we got to the hospital and walked into the room, it was so sad, I had never seen her this deflated, her eyes were sunken, she looked like she had lost weight in just a week. May God not let us encounter a problem that will be bigger than us.
After much deliberation she finally agreed for us to see Robert and understood that we meant no harm, Robert was lying on the hospital bed in a private room. He looked so fragile, so deferent from the bubbly young confident boy I had met recently. The cancer had progressed so fast , a bone marrow transplant was required immediately, we all laid hands on him and prayed, while Madam Mabel was crying. Before you know it we all had tears in our eyes, it was a very sad situation, a child being that sick was never a good thing for any parent to experience..
The doctor came in and asked us to give them a few minutes to attend to Robert, so we all went out to the visitors lounge and bought a cup of tea for madam Mabel, we weren’t sure when was the last time she had had anything to eat, she just said she wasn’t hungry.
Erica came to meet us there after her test, the result will be out this afternoon, God willing she will be a match. The doctors to perform the surgery are on standby, as soon as a match is found, within 24 hours they will arrive in the country. That’s all they are waiting for……hmmmm

Day 215
MR- OH! No! The results came back Erica is not a complete match, do you know what that means, we have to contact EG, Lemmy and Josh. Like my father would say, “What we have hidden from the father, now we have to go to him to sort it out” whoa! i must confess since we all heard the news yesterday evening , we have all been deflated.
Meanwhile Uncle J called, Teni is still under arrest with them, he asked what do I want, honestly if I was to be vindictive I would have said, keep her locked up and hide the key, but the Godly part of me came on and I asked Uncle J to let me come talk to her and then he can let her go. So I got Kola and we went.
When we got there she was already sitting in Uncle J’s office looking all sullen and apologetic. So I sat in front of her and asked her what she wanted form me, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said “Am sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking, I just want to hurt you the way you hurt me, no man has ever treated me the way you do, you were kind, loving , considerate and gentle, no matter how badly I treated you, you were patient with me. Everyman I have met cannot deal with my temper and tantrums except you. So I got it into my head that if I break you and your wife up maybe I might step into console you and still have a chance. I am sorry but I am madly in love with you. Every relationship I’ve had , when am with the its you I see, I don’t know how to get over you. Please forgive me”
By this time my mouth was still wide open, I realized Teni wasn’t in love with me , she was actually obsessed with me. This was serious. I had to give her a hug, she looked so pitiful compared to the confident vixen I knew. Anyway, Uncle J interrupted and said she had to sign and undertaken that she will stay away from everything me, no phone calls, no WhatsApp, no face book messages, no accidental bumping into me etc., I felt that was a bot harsh but Kola told me to suck it up and let her sign it.
That’s wasn’t all there was a clause that if she is found wanting in any of these areas she will be detained without trail for a very very long time. She picked up the pen, then dropped, walked over to me and kissed me so passionately I was taken aback. Then she stood up straight and signed the paper. Picked up her bag walked out of Uncle J’s office, didn’t say a word, neither did she look back. I couldn’t believe I was finally rid of her.
Kola looked at me as if he could read my mind he said “Bro don’t delude yourself, that girl will be back and this time you won’t see her coming……..hmmmmmmm

MRS- Sabrina, David, tammy, toke and I all are going to get tested this morning, we have decided that at least one of us might be a match at least lets exhaust all options before we think of going to EG and Lemmy.
Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi are refusing to talk to anyone they are so divested. Honestly I could have laid down my head that Erica will be perfect. She is a match but has a blood disorder that has been dormant in her, which will put Robert at further risk, so no go in that area. The foreign doctors have asked that we try testing a few more people and see if we can get a march. So we all go, this was a joint decision.
Meanwhile, Sabrina and David have gone to Malaysia to get some things sorted out. Erica has locked herself up in her room since yesterday when she got the news of her blood disorder being a challenge to her donating her bone marrow. We have tried and tried all we can hear is her crying in the room. Eventually she will come out, we thought we should kick in the door but Mr. and Kola feel we should give her until this morning, if she doesn’t come out voluntarily by 9am, we force the door down.
The next step, if none of us are a match will be to go to EG and Lemmy to test but how do you walk up to a grown man like EG and tell him, “Sir you have a child by a woman whom you though had aborted the pregnancy she had for you and now the son has been in this country ,living right next to your step daughter’s house and we need you to come have a test to see if you can donate your bone marrow because he boy is dying , and by the way his name is Robert, he is 12 years old”. Oh my gosh, it’s harder than I thought I sincerely pray that one of us will be a match because I do not see myself saying all of this to him …..hmmmmm

Day 216
MR- it official, we got our results back, no one Is a match, in fact the doctors had to expedite the tests because of Roberts condition. He is getting weaker by the day. Now the major question was who tells EG. Me. MIL, Erica or Mrs?+. We all gathered at Kola’s place and bounced ideas about, then Erica suggested we call Lemmy and break it to him first, then he can take us all to EG or whatever he decides. We all let out a sigh of relief that was definitely better than we confronting him.
Our work has suffered a bit, although Tony and this same Lemmy have been on top of things, Roberts issue has side tracked us a bit. We pray all the time and are constantly concerned for his health and survival.
Our Dad also arrives on Sunday, he was supposed to arrive end of April but he doctors wanted to do a last comprehensive test on his heart to make sure everything was progressing as usual. I’ve had to step in for David to get some things sorted because Sabrina and he got on a flight this morning for Malaysia to get all the stuff they need for the club.
Funny story, at least it brightened everyone’s mood yesterday, except the one concerned, kola is getting a baby brother at 30plus. Well you all remember how his dad came to complain that his mum wasn’t ready for the acrobatic styles he was requesting for and Tammy’s pastor prayed for him. Well they have been traveling around honeymooning on Kola’s expense and viola! his mum at almost 60 found out she was pregnant, it is rear, but possible, they called to inform Kola yesterday evening and all I heard initially was “Dad you guys can’t be serious, tell mum she must abort it” and he switched off his phone.
When I walked over to where he was sitting and asked what the matter was, he told me and I started laughing so hard, tears streamed down my face. Anyway I told him off for being selfish and thinking of himself alone. i couldn’t believe he wanted his mum to abort. “Bro you should be happy you are getting a baby brother or sister, younger than Jnr”. Needless to say he didn’t find it funny.
Kola had his issues and so did Erica, she was perplexed, what she had kept a secret for 13 years was now an everyday topic, she had no say, this was no longer about her and EG, it was about Robert, whom she didn’t even know. i could see pain and regret all over her face, for giving up her child and now having to be a Stanger around him. I could only imagine what she was going through……hmmmm

MRS- we waited for Lemmy to arrive, main while Kola found our he was getting a new sibling that sort of made our day a bit brighter, we stopped worrying about Robert for a few seconds and made fun of Kola, Tammy joined in as well.
So many pregnancies all around, my mum was pregnant, Tammy, Toke, Pamela and myself now Kola’s mum. Interestingly Babies will start dropping form July, one every month except Toke who is dropping two.
I had to sit back and think about life, you get married have children, pray that they grow up to be amazing kids, thriving and succeeding at everything they do, most even pray that their child should do better than them. Then all of a sudden an evil illness from nowhere sneaks up on a child and everyone’s world around them comes crashing down. God Almighty we cover our children with the precious blood of the lamb, may no evil come near them nor any plague come near their dwelling place.
As we waited for Lemmy, I watched Erica, she was contributing to our discussion but I could see she was only with us in body but not in spirit. i really couldn’t imagine what was going through her mind.
Lemmy finally came and saw us all, as soon as he walked into Kola’s living room, he was taken aback, and said “I hope am safe?” Mr. ushered him in, asked him to please take a seat and cleared his throat.
“Lemmy, we called you here because of something really important, normally this sort of discussion will be done in a different way but because of the urgency we apologise for any inconvenience this might cause. Erica, has something to say to you.”
Wow! We didn’t expect him to stop but he did, so Lemmy looked confusingly at Erica, “Yes Erica, What is it?” Erica began, “Well Lemmy, am also sorry you had to be summoned here urgently, I know you must be wondering what’s going on, but when you hear it, am sure you will understand , Mrs. has something to tell you” . This time I was in shock, Lemmy didn’t say anything he just turned to me and glared. i swallowed hard and said “Lemmy, I apologize, actually Erica meant to say, Tammy has something to say” . Lemmy was now obviously upset but good of him, he kept his peace and said to Tammy “ Let me save you the bother, are you going to tell me what in God’s name am doing here or you are passing me on to Kola?” Tammy got up went over to Lemmy, sat on the stool in front of him, held his hands and said “Lemmy, I will tell you, you have a brother , his name is Robert and he needs your help”. He looked at her and asked “The same Robert I saw at Mr.’s house?” “Yes” Tammy said. He got up walked over to Kola and Mr. Put his hands in a fist, raised them up and he yelled, “YES! I knew it……..hmmmmmmm

DAY 217
MR- We were pleasantly surprised that Lemmy took it all so well, now came the hard part, he asked if anyone knew who Roberts real mother was. Another deep breathe, we all avoided his gaze including Erica.
Before I go into all that. Remember I told you Kola’s parents called to tell Kola his mum had taken in and was expecting a baby, well they turned up yesterday evening. Looking all upset and regretful. Kola had to excuse himself from the office and go meet them at home, Tammy was already home, she had earlier gone to the hospital with Mrs. and Erica. Apparently he wasn’t expecting them to come to town. His mother said she wanted him to look in her face and tell her to kill the baby in her tummy, his flesh and blood. To be honest Kola couldn’t , saying something in anger on the phone was one thing, repeating it to the persons face was another. So he just apologized for his brash comment and made an excuse about being worried about her health.

Meanwhile before that, once Lemmy asked his question the silence was eerie. He stood there looking at us from one to another, expecting someone to say something, then Erica broke the silence and said “I am”. Lemmy did a second take and said “You are what?” Erica said it so quietly we could hardly hear her, “I am Roberts biological mother” “What ? what do you mean, how come, you and my father ? not possible” by this time he had slumped in his seat. “No!!!! Erica, not you, I love you , come on please tell me you are joking” “ Unfortunately she’s not Lemmy, she is Roberts biological mother” I added. Lemmy’s expression changed immediately, he got up and walked to the door. Kola asked where he was going, he said he needed some air. Kola decided to go with him. We all sat still wondering what his decision will be. A few minutes later he came back in and said let’s do it. We all got up hugged him tight, he hugged everyone except Erica and we all got into the car and drove to the hospital for him to get tested…… hmmmm

MRS-The drive to the hospital was awkward, Lemmy didn’t want to drive, so he came in our car with Erica, they both sat quietly not saying anything. After a while, Erica looked at Lemmy and said, “Please Lemmy, let me explain”. Lemmy said in a very polite voice, “Erica am fine, you don’t have too”, and he put his ear phones on. Erica had tears in her eyes, we could tell she also had feelings for Lemmy but I guess the age different was a factor and the fact that she had a child for his father. I felt sorry for her but I could also understand from Lemmy’s point of view.
Mr. and I didn’t even know what to say, we wished we were not in the car, anyway we drove to the hospital. We decided to pop into see Robert first before the test , Madam Mabel was there as usual, looking all sad, so we introduced Lemmy and her response was surprising, she got up hugged him and said thank you for wanting to help your brother. Robert looked up and said “Uncle Lemmy, I missed you”, just then my eyes were teary and I murmured to myself “Blood is definitely thicker than water”.
Lemmy sat with Robert for a while, then left him briefly to go do the test to see if he was a match. While he was gone, Madam Mabel explained to Robert that Lemmy was his big brother. Robert asked her if she was Lemmy’s mummy, but she said Not really baby, sometimes you can have brothers that your mummy didn’t give birth to, Robert looked a bit confused, but in his innocence said “Okay mum”.
I had to walk out of there into the visitors lounge and cried, thankfully it was empty, I hadn’t cried like that for as long as I could remember, I was actually crying and shaking, you would think somebody died.
All I knew was that Robert must not die but live…..hmmmm

Day 218
MR-Am not too happy this morning, it’s just that I trust in God and I know he is always faithful, so we can’t lose hope. The saying when it rains it pours, is unfolding right in front of us, honestly, Am trying not to get frustrated but it’s really hard, yesterday we all cried, when we got the result of Lemmy’s test. It wasn’t done in front of Robert but by some bazaar twist of faith Lemmy result shocked us all. How come, what’s going on. Anyway we knew what had to be done and we all had to suck it up and get it done.
Mrs. called her mum and asked her to please come over to our house, she arrived in an hour, she was scared because she hadn’t heard that tone in Mrs. Voice since she was a child. we sat her down and I began to explain, “Mummy, This is hard but you need to intervene for us, we told her how Erica met EG, how they broke up when she got pregnant, how he assumed she had actually aborted the pregnancy, the birth, adoption and discovery of Robert. It was a bit too much for her to take. She took a deep breath recanted what I just said and then asked that we call Erica to come over.
Mrs. called, Erica was a bit apprehensive at first but she agreed to come over immediately. When she arrived, she knelt down and greeted my MIL, who in turn asked her to sit down beside her. Then she asked Erica to narrate the whole story. Erica started from the affair, to the pregnancy and why he didn’t know because he wasn’t picking up her calls and then finally realizing that Robert was right under her nose. She also went further to say she had tested and we all have but none was close enough to be used, as for her she had a dormant blood disorder, which could worsen Robert’s condition.
My MIL, took a deep breath and said, “Well as our people say, No matter how heavy Words are we wouldn’t use a knife to cut it in to pieces”. We have to tell EG, Lemmy and we all have to come to the house this evening to see him, she will make sure he’s in and tell him she invited everyone for dinner. That said, she will also call an hour before to let us know the exact time to come over.
She then asked to be taken to the hospital to see Robert and Madam Mabel. Mrs. and I were a bit relieved but still very much prayerful, because right now besides Josh who was away in Scotland, EG was our only option…….hmmmmm

MRS –Lemmy cannot donate his bone marrow because he is anemic. The foreign doctors said it was too risky to perform the operation on him. He did say he didn’t care and it was his risk but on the conference call he had with the doctors, they said they had seen his results and there was no way they would perform the surgery with the risks involved. He could sort alternative doctors, who might agree to do it but as for them, there was no way.
As soon as he told us, we all started crying, it was terrible. Tammy had to tell us off and call us a bunch of unbelievers. She scolded us and asked why we have been praying and believing God for Robert’s healing. If we didn’t believe God will make a way. Mr. was the first to snap out of our pity party and reminded us that Josh and EG were still an option. Josh was in Scotland now, so getting him back will take a while, but Lemmy said he will call him immediately and Mr. suggested we call my mum, tell her first and see what she says about breaking the news to EG.
My mum was gracious in her response, I guess its different, when you have seen it , been there and done that, she was a grandma to be, married for the second time, so a strange young girl claiming to have a child for her husband, wasn’t going to faze her like it would me. The die is cast and we see EG this evening, she will talk to him about us all wanting to see him, we pray he doesn’t take one look at Erica and get really angry. Tammy, Kola, Erica, Mr and I will be going there.
Toke hasn’t been too strong lately, Her mum has been taking care of her, I saw her yesterday and she was so happy she decided to stay back for a month, she said she would have had to fly her mum down to Dubai to take care of her, it won’t be a problem but her Dad will definitely miss his wife but now, she spends the day with Toke and goes back to her husband in the evening. What a great arrangement.
The NGO Opening has been postponed because of Roberts issue, the staff we employed are putting the furniture in order, writing the training modules and counselling guidelines for us to vet later. I really do pray that EG forgives Erica and is a match to Robert, we do hope his age won’t be a hindrance, from what we know, he’s been quite healthy, no major illnesses.
Madam Mabel had to be sedated when she found our Lemmy couldn’t donate for Robert, Erica and I are taking turns to stay with him, Tammy was a bit tired yesterday and we agreed that she should stick to doctors’ orders to rest.
Lord Almighty, We hold onto your promises, you are able to do all things, please Lord we approach the throne of grace bodily, let’s find mercy and favour in time of need….hmmmmm

Day 219
MR-You have not seen pain until you see a grown man wail, not cry but wail. EG was so emotional that it took MIL, Lemmy, myself and Kola taking him into his study from the living room, prostrated on the floor asking him not to be upset. It was heart wrenching, I can’t even explain the scenario properly unless you were there.
Well it started off like this. My MIL called just after we arrived from church and asked us to be in their house for 4 pm. So we called Kola, and Tammy, Erica was already staying with us, we didn’t want to leave her on her own. We took off from our house in my jeep and arrived just a few minutes to 4. My MIL was waiting in the main living room for us, she immediately went to get EG, shortly after Lemmy arrived.
EG came in and stopped in his tracks, he recognized Erica and asked how she got here. My MIL interrupted and asked him to sit down and said that is why we were all here. We could see the uneasiness in him but he sat. Thankfully Lemmy took over, he sat down in front of his father on a pull up chair and began. “”Dad this is difficult to hear , it was for me too, but it’s a matter of life and death, so here goes, you had a relationship with Erica some 13 years ago and this led to her getting pregnant, you assumed she got rid of it but she didn’t,” EG stood up all of a sudden and said “What?” Lemmy said, “Dad please hold on, she had the child a son and gave him up for adoption” EG could not hold it anymore, he looked at Erica and said “You gave my flesh up for adoption, where is he now, how could you?”.
Erica had tears in her eyes, EG ignored them and raised his voice at her, “Answer me” Where is my son”. Lemmy went over to him and said “dad he is in the hospital and he needs you”. “What do you mean?, I don’t get all this talk, somebody clarify all this for me”. my MIL stepped in and asked him to please listen, she took off from where Lemmy stopped and told him how Erica couldn’t get in touch with him, she was young, just starting a career, gave up the boy and now he’s been living in our estate with his adopted parents but he needs a bone marrow transplant and no one is a match, we need him to get tested to see if he will match.
He looked at Erica and Lemmy and said “So if any of you were a match I would never have found out that I have another son out there, how could you?” and he busted into tears, he was crying and shaking, I had known him a while but never seen that side of him, he was inconsolable and looked so vulnerable. My MIL and we took him into the study, it took more than 30 minutes for him to ease off.
Then he said we should go see Robert now and he wants his Son back in his house where he belongs, he said whatever it takes. I was about to say something my mother in law pinched me and said “”Not Now son, not now””….hmmmm

MRS-Besides the fact that I had never seen EG like that, Erica was so frightened of him that I couldn’t believe how they actually had a loving relationship before, the way he shouted at her, if I were Erica I would have wet my pants.
Lemmy was very calm through it all, his presence made everything a bit easier. EG was like a wounded lion. On the way to the hospital Mr. told us what EG had said about having Robert back in his house. But my mum had asked us not to talk about that for now, the most important thing was for Robert to get well.
We got to the hospital and we all filed in, some people recognized EG and tried to greet him but he just waived them off and we all proceeded to Robert’s room. As we stepped in he ignored Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi and went straight to Robert who was lying on the bed awake, he held him and said “My son, you will live and not die your father is here now”, Mr. Chidi wanted to say something but Madam Mabel held him back.
Just then the craziest thing happened. Madam Mabel looked at EG and called him by his first name, he was taken aback, she went close to him and said this is Amaka Udofo, He held his mouth and said “Amaka, o my lord , No!! What happened to you, why did you do that to me , I loved you with all my heart”. Love? What was EG talking about? Where did he and Madam Mabel meet? Honestly we were all lost.
Madam Mabel broke down crying, She said she met EG when he came to their town with a friend on holiday, they fell in love, she got pregnant, but only found out when EG had left for a course abroad, he was going to be away for 18 months at least, EG told her to wait for him but she was too afraid she thought he will not come back for her, so she went for an abortion and that’s what spoilt her womb. When EG came back for her, she sent her friends to tell him someone else had married her and she was no longer available, from what she heard EG was devastated, he went away crying and after all those years she just met him again yesterday………hmmmmmm

Day 220

MR-, It was surreal, we were all gob smacked, come on, Madam Mabel and EG?, who would have thought. Not in our wildest dreams, by the time Madam Mabel finished narrating how EG and her, met, we all had our mouths open. Mrs. had to sit down her legs were shaking. My MIL, was also visibly surprised but not shaken, am sure for a woman who had been there, seen it and done that, nothing was new under the sun. Lemmy, Kola and I, kept looking at each other shaking our heads.
EG had to sit back down, his legs were shaking, Madam Mabel went over to him and hugged him and said she was sorry, as old as they were and as many years had passed between the events, you could see the love they once shared. Mr. Chidi just stood there with his hands folded on his chest, in short anyone walking in will definitely see that all but Madam Mabel was in shock. She glided around the room, apologizing to my MIL for the sudden news, hugged her husband Mr. Chidi for not telling him the name of the man.
She continued that she did want to get in touch with EG when he was in office and her husband need a job but she knew she had hurt him too much so didn’t know how he will receive her or if he will receive her at all. Aborting the baby led to her not being able to have a child up until today. The quack nurse who performed the abortion perforated her womb, left untreated for years made the damage permanent, they found that out when they went for their IVF .
EG and Madam Mabel kept talking to each other oblivious of all of us in the room, EG said why didn’t she get in touch, he would have loved to see her, she was his first love and you were mine Madam Mabel said, honestly I was shocked, I thought I was the only one, but I could have sworn they still loved each other very much.
Robert brought us all back to life, when he said dad and Mr. Chidi and EG answered, YES! Robert then looked at Mr. Chidi and said Dad am thirsty. Madam Mabel was still looking at EG and she said to him, what are the odds that your flesh and blood will still end up with me? A million to one, my MIL said, she was really gracious, she just said that it had been ordained that madam Mabel will raise a child by EG and this is to fulfill destiny.
Am still not myself , Mrs. and I still pinched each other this morning asking ourselves did what happen in the hospital yesterday really happen, or did she just have a dream…..hmmmmm

MRS- As events unfolded, Robert could not understand what was going on Erica was quiet all through, she just stood their holding Roberts hand with tears rolling down her eyes, Tammy and I sat down and my mum perched on the bed . Lemmy, Mr. Chidi, kola and Mr. all stood around, EG and Madam Mabel were in a world of their own, they talked to each other as if we were not present.
Madam Mabel asked EG how his son ended up being adopted, she said the Man she knew would never give up his son, EG was humble, he said, “My dear, I didn’t remain that perfect young naïve boy you meet in those days, once I came back and found out you left me, I stopped trusting and loving women the way I should. I had loads of flings, finally settled down but I was still stepping out on my wife, Lemmy’s mother. One of such indiscretions was my relationship with Ms. Erica, she did inform me she was pregnant but I ignorantly thought it was no more, if you know what I mean, and today, my son Lemmy leads a delegation to come inform me I have a son who is 13 years old by Erica and he was adopted. The best news is I find out you have raised him, I couldn’t have asked for a better mother for him. You have done well.”
Robert broke the silence again and said, “so do I now have 2 daddy’s?”, Mr. Chidi finally spoke and said “Yes you do, you are very special, you have 2 mummy’s to. “Yeah! That is cool, that means I get 4 birthday and Christmas presents. We all busted out laughing, you just have to love children and their innocence,
My mum broke up the whole scene by asking EG to go do his test, so that Robert’s life could be saved, he apologized for not doing it sooner and dashed off to get it done. Meanwhile Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi hugged and she said “don’t worry dear, he will be a match”, “we pray so”, was all Mr. Chidi could muster……hmmmmm

Day 221

MR-Hmmmm, okay now, what’s taking so long, We waited until 5pm yesterday evening and EG’s test results were not yet out, Mrs. and Tammy had to be taken home and My MIL , so I got the task to do that , while Kola and Lemmy stayed with EG for the results. By the time I completed my rounds dropping off all the women, Erica, Lemmy and Kola were the only ones I met in the visitors lounge, they said the doctors had come to call EG for more test. I asked what happened to the initial test, Kola said the doctors are not talking yet. And so the apprehension of waiting continued.
Josh arrives today, he insisted on flying down to meet their brother Robert, properly even if he didn’t need to get tested, Robert is stable for now, I guess all the excitement peeped him up a bit. Erica is being a good mother, she stayed with Robert and asked Madam Mabel to go home, take a shower and have some rest, while she stays with him.
Kola’s parents also turned up to see Robert, I didn’t even know they were still around. They said Tammy told them what was going on, so they decided to show their support by popping in for a visit and Kola’s dad offered to get tested too.
On the drive to drop everyone off, my MIL was the last one I dropped , so we had some time to talk on our own, I asked how she was doing after hearing all this love story between EG and Madam Mabel. she said “Son, I had a rough life before I met your wife’s father, look at me , I married him, he was a great man, I was young and stupid, he loved me so much, he gave me more than I asked for, never raised his voice at me, was always on my side no matter how wrong I was, I managed to have your wife for him, even when she came, I still treated him and all his family really bad especially his mother. I remember the day she said to me, “My daughter, the way you treat me is the same way your daughter will treat you” I got so mad with her accusing her of laying a curse on me, she just smiled and said to me, why are you so upset, if you actually think you treat me nice, why would you think it’s a curse”
She had a point, I never thought of it that way. Of course, if I was treating her right, my Amen, would have been very loud, instead of me getting so upset and saying she cursed me. I guess because he was a lot older than me, he saw me as his little sister and I considered him lucky to be with a young girl like me. i wish I had been nicer to him, loved him the way he loved me, in the end I nagged him to his grave,”
“I now understand what my mother meant when she said “May you not have cause to miss your husband” I miss him so much, its unbelievable, everything he tried to teach me then , that I took for granted I now have to do. I married EG, because I loved him but with all that came a lot of baggage, I know I can’t be the first in his heart but am content just having part of it.
I had all the heart and more of my first husband, I toyed with it , then tossed it away and I didn’t appreciate it, now I’ve got only part of a heart , what do I say?. So to answer your question, my son,I am doing fine, I guess I actually did get what I deserve……..hmmmmm

MRS-We are eagerly awaiting EG test result. He had to do additional test yesterday evening and the results are expected to be out this morning. Josh should be here any minute from now, his plane lands in a couple of hours.
Erica had a heart to heart with me at the hospital yesterday. She doesn’t want to go back to Hollywood without her son. I asked what she meant, she said she might involve lawyers to help her get her son back. I couldn’t believe what she was saying, “Erica, are you serious?” I asked, “Yes, I am, I never knew the joy of being a mum was like this, I was young and naïve, no one to advise me or tell me I would regret giving up my son , like the way I feel now, I can’t bear to be away from him for more than one day, as I held his hand in the hospital ,my heart kept skipping for joy, I could not believe such an amazing child actually came out of me. Am sorry my dear, I know this will cause a lot of pain for so many, especially his adopted parents but they’ve enjoyed and loved him for 12 years, let me have a few years with him too and besides the law is on my side, they have no formal adoption papers that I signed to give him up”.
I was gob smacked, I pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, I asked if she was feeling alright, where did this, “I want to be a mummy all of a sudden” come from? I had to say something fast, so I said, “Erica this is not right, how could you all of a sudden wake up to the reality that you shouldn’t have given Robert up, even if it just dawned on you, don’t you think Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi deserve better? After everything they have been through, he’s their only child you know? I waited to see her reaction but she just kept looking at me , so I continued, “Am sure if you spoke to them, made an arrangement, they will not deny you visitation rights, even you taking him on holiday and bringing him back? But for you to want to just Yank him away from them , am sorry I feel that is very heartless of you, remember they brought him up to where he is today, that’s even why you can see him alive and you now decide you want him back.” I was so upset with her, I felt like slapping her back into reality but one thing I’ve learnt is that only God definitely has the power to get someone back on track in difficult situations like this, so I had to go to him in prayer.
Erica allowed me to finish, she didn’t interrupt me or show any regret, she just sighed, looked me dead in the eye and said it was too late, her decision was made and she already called Pamela and got a no for a lawyer friend. She is going to call him to set the ball in motion, she wants to take Robert to the US, as soon as he recovers from the operation.
Now I was speechless, with everything I just said, she wasn’t even moved, this was serious, I wished Tammy was there with us, she would know the right prayer to render to chase this demonic thought out of Erica’s mind one time. Erica totally threw me off, my thoughts had always been, if anyone would be a threat to Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi keeping Robert, it would be EG, trying to claim him back, Erica never came into the picture. I wasn’t going to let her get away with this. Yes, I loved her like a sister because of Pamela, but I would rather see EG fight for him, than Erica take him all the way to America. At least if he is here, Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi can see him all the time and besides now knowing the love that existed between EG and Madam Mabel, EG wouldn’t want to take Robert away from her.
First thing first, let’s get Robert better, but I believe the battle line has already been drawn, with Praying and fasting to God Almighty and EG’s intervention, this is one battle I’ve got to get involved him, Erica will not be taking Robert anywhere and that’s final…….hmmmmm

Day 222

MR- we waited for so long, it finally came out EG is a match to Robert, Phew! That was a big relief. Immediately the doctors were contacted and they should be in the country on Friday.
Glory be to God, the screams of joy was everywhere. Tammy, Kola, Lemmy, Josh, who arrived yesterday morning, Madam Mabel, Mr. Chidi, My MIL , We all rushed to the hospital .Erica was already with Robert , she had stayed on to look after him and to give Madam Mabel a break.

E.G. Was excited, he sat with Robert and Madam Mabel holding his hand, Mr Chidi was all smiles , it was a really good sight. Erica just stood in a corner looking all gloomy but you could see she was relieved.

Erica didn’t really feel comfortable, she had called a lawyer and from what Mrs. told me, she wants to take Robert back to the states. Mrs. told her mum and she told EG. Now once we got to the hospital , he called Erica outside , we weren’t sure what was said but she came back with red eyes and we could see EG TO was a bit upset but that look quickly disappeared as he laughed and joked with Robert..

David and Sabrina also called, they had wonderful news, Sabrina is pregnant. I couldn’t believe it , wow! Good news galore, based on this they have decided to stay in Malaysia for a while, the only down side is that my parents now have to come stay in our guest house. I don’t like the idea, I have found a nice house for them in our estate and am putting them there when they arrive at the end of this month.
I called my mum on the phone updated her and she got so upset. “why can’t we stay in your house, is it your wife , or what ” I could hear my dad cautioning her in the background, I just ignored her statement and said ,it was okay, let them get here first.

The surgeons did say that because of EG’s age, he had to b on admission immediately and all his vitals monitored, he wasn’t going back home, they also had to harvest his stem cells and get them ready to transplant into Robert. He had sent his assistant to go and get him an overnight bag at home, he also requested that a VIP room be prepared for him and Robert to be in the same room divided by curtains. At least we found a match, our prayers now are for everything to go marvelously well……hmmmmm

MRS- well wonders will never end, Erica came back from talking to EG to accuse me of telling him she was planning to take Robert. I told her I didn’t tell him directly but I mentioned it to my mum and besides was I supposed to keep quiet and let you ruin Madam Mabel ‘s life? What did you expect Erica? “Well I know what am doing is hurtful but do you know what EG said. He just gave me two options. I could take him to Court, if I want and he will fight me and win and will make sure I never see Robert again or I could let Robert stay with Madam Mabel, he would give me a house, car and tell Madam Mabel to let him spend weekends with me , so he can get to know his biological mum, the choice was mine”.

What did you say I asked? “I told him he should give me a day to think about it. What was I supposed to say? I really want to go back to Hollywood with Robert, I can’t stay here , I have a career ” Erica said , well why don’t you take him up on his offer, at least when you are around, you could stay in your house and drive your car and have Robert come over to spend time with you.

She looked at me and said , honestly I regret the decision to give up my son, he is my flesh and blood and I have to beg to see him, look at him, he’s grown into a handsome smart boy and he doesn’t even know me, will he ever call me mummy or see me has his mother? Madam Mabel is his mother, do you know he calls me Aunty?

I went over to her and gave her a hug, she was crying and I could understand her pain, I felt EG had been fair, although he had his faults, if he had accepted the pregnancy in the first place, this won’t have happened. But I guess he was trying to make up for it, hence the offer of a house and a car to Erica.
I called my Mum and asked how she was doing, the scenario that played out in hospital the other day would shake anyone. She was doing okay, she understands that EG is preoccupied with saving Robert , so she is giving him some space, he’s like a man who had 100 sheep, if one goes missing he will leave the 99 and go the lengths and breathes looking for the lost sheep until he finds it.

It’s okay though, understanding your partner and being there for them no matter what is one major duty in a marriage, and I will do very good, remembering that……hmmmm

MR- the doctors arrived yesterday evening the first stage of the operation starts at 9 am this morning, EG’s stem cells will be harvested, then Robert should be rounding off his chemotherapy to kill of his existing stem cells and then the transplant takes place. We are praying that by Sunday morning latest, all will be done and successful.

Josh and Lemmy are staying put in hospital EG and Robert there flesh and blood are in hospital on admission so I guess it’s only naturally that they also feel they have to stay with them.
Madam Mabel has changed, she seems a lot happier, she and Mr. Chidi have been praying a lot and singing praises. I will be extremely happy too, if after so many tests we finally found a donor.
Kola’s parent finally left for home yesterday, they had a heart to heart with him, making him realize that this was their decision to keep the baby and have it, it would be great to have a baby’s cry in the house once again his father had said. I sat there watching them and I could see even after all this years they still wanted the same things.

You know when I think of marriages like my parents, Kola’s parents and see how they relate. Toke’s parents are not left out, there is this love language that anyone not looking might not see it but it’s there.
Then there are people like EG who throw their weight around, use their power to resolve everything. I honestly don’t agree with everyone looking at Erica as if she’s heartless, what about EG who asked her to abort the pregnancy? He had the nerve to say that, not considering how she would handle it, then he stopped picking her calls. After all these years, he finds out she had the bay, a son and he now wants the boy back. Come on people how about if she had killed him like he requested. I think he owes her a big apology for what he did, he was a grown ass man and he took advantage of a young girl just a year or two away from being a teenager.
To be honest, thinking of EG’s behavior, actually diminished the respect I have for him. This is what happens in our society today, parents and young adults need to be very careful who they have relationships with…..hmmmm

MRS –Thank God the transplant team arrived yesterday, that was a relief, we were waiting for them at the hospital all morning they finally arrived around 12pm and sat us all down to explain the procedure. Poor Robert he also had to undergo chemotherapy, it was horrible, hair falls off, and you are nauseated all the time, wow! I felt for him so much, so young and so much pain, I wish someone else could go through it for him but it wasn’t possible.

Toke is much better she finally was able to go to the hospital with her mum to see Robert, she looked slightly different she had put on a bit of baby weight but all the same it suited her.
Pamela called me yesterday night, we were on the phone for an hour and she updated me about their stay, her new job, Babs and all. She then concluded with asking me my side of the story. I asked which one, she said Erica called and accused me of telling EG her plans.

I explained my side of the story and told her to think and put herself in Madam Mabel’s shoes. She said she understood, but being pregnant and thinking of her baby, she could imagine what Erica was going through now. That bond, no matter how long a child is away from its mother, once the mother sees the child, she will automatically have feelings for the child.
She asked me to understand and try to see things from Erica’s view, she actually told me Erica has made a decision , she’s going ahead with the court case but she has amend the petition, she wants joint custody for her and Madam Mabel, instead of the sole custody she was going for previously……hmmmm

Day 224

MR- we waited for so long , it finally came out EG is a match to Robert ,Phew! That was a big relief. Immediately the doctors were contacted and they should be in the country on Friday.
Glory be to God , the screams of joy was everywhere. Tammy, Kola Lemmy, Josh, who arrived yesterday morning, Madam Mabel, Mr Chidi, My MIL , We all rushed to the hospital .

E.G. Was excited , he sat with Robert and Madam Mabel holding his hand, Mr Chidi was all smiles , it was a really good sight.

Erica didn’t really feel comfortable, she had called a lawyer and from what Mrs told me , she wants to take Robert back to the states. Mrs told her mum and she told EG. Now once we got to the hiospital , he called her outside , we weren’t sure what was said but she came back with red eyes and we scould see EG TO was a bit upset .

David and Sabrina also called , they had wonderful news, Sabrina is pregnant . I couldn’t believe it , wow! Good news galore, based on this they have decided to stay in Malaysia for a while, the only down side is that my parents now have to come stay in our guest house. I don’t like the idea, I have found a nice house for them in our estate and am putting them there when they arrive at the end of this month.
I called my mum on the phone updated her and she got so up set” why cant we stay in your house , is it your wife , or what ” I didn’t say anything, I just said it was okay, let them get here first.

MRS- well wonders will never end , Erica came back to accuse me of telling EG she was planning to take Robert. I told her I didn’t tell him diresctly but I mentioned it to my mum and besides was I supposed to keep quiet and let you ruin Madam amabel ‘s life? What did you expect Erica ? Well I know what am doing is hurtful but do you know what EG said. He just gave me two options , I could take him to Court if I want and he will fight me and win and will make sure I never see Robert again or I could let him be with Madam amabel, he would give me a house, car and tell Madam amabel to let him spend weekends with you , so he can get to know his biological mum, the choice is yours.

What did you say I asked ? “I told him he should give me a day to think about it. What was I supposed to say , I really want to go back to Holloywood with him, I can’t stay here , I have a career ” Erica said , well why don’t you take him up on his offer at least when you are around, you could stay in your house and drive your car and have Robert come over to spend time with you.

She looked at me and said , honestly I regret the decision to give up my son, he is my flesh and blood and I have to beg to see him, look at him, he’s grown into a handsome smart boy and he doesn’t even know we, will he ever call me mummy or see me has his mother? Madam Mabel is his mother, do you know he calls me Aunty ?

I went over to her and hugged her, she was crying and I could understand her pain, I felt EG had been fear, although he had his faults , if he had accepted the preganancy in the first place this won’t have happened .


MR- Thank God the operation is to be done this morning, EG’s bone marrow stem has been harvested and Roberts own killed off. We are all fasting and praying today and Tammy’s pastor came to pray for him yesterday evening, we know God Almighty has already taken control. The operation will last a few hours.

There is still a lot of discussions going on about Erica choosing to go forward with the law suit and filing for joint custody. The whole thing took a NEW turn when Pamela and Erica’s father got involved.
Apparently Pamela called him and filled him in, he has decided to stand behind Erica’s decision, and one she is his daughter and two, Robert is his first and only grandchild for now. He is funding the lawyers and a case is being filed as we speak. Men like him and EG have judges in their pockets, with limitless money and lots of power at their fingertips .

EG was so cross when he found out Erica did not accept his offer , he asked his PA to assemble his team of lawyers , personally I remembered my mother’s saying, when elephants fight , the grass suffers.
The issue I see here is everyone is selfish, they are not considering Robert in this situation. Here is a lovely boy who has been with Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi since birth, they nurtured him, sent him to school and loved him, now some faceless blood relations want to just yank him away from them without considering his feelings.
I wonder what Robert would think of all this, he must be really confused already with all this new aunties and uncles showing up from everywhere…..hmmm

MRS – its Roberts birthday today, he turned 13, we were supposed to attend a big part Madam Mabel and her husband were organizing for him. We still intend to get him presents, everyone has something special to give him. O dear lord, please save Robert, his operation is going on this morning, we are all going to the hospital now to wait on him and keep praying.
Madam Mabel has her own issues, she called me aside yesterday when I went to the hospital, she and Mr. Chidi are having slight issues.

She said Mr. Chidi had been acting funny since she saw EG again. That night he called her into the car in the car park and said he had something to tell her, he said since she found out their son was her lover’s boy, he also needs to consider his options. He had Robert before but now her lover has him back, even if they get to keep Robert he will still no longer be his son totally the way it was. Robert is bound to ask all those questions once he gets better and he will not let anybody lie to Robert, he deserves to know.

Madam Mabel said, when she asked him what he meant by considering his options he said, he needs a child of his own.
She said she cried and asked if he felt she was also not suffering based on everything that’s going on, besides the shame that everyone will know she is barren, she has loved and still loves Robert, and how anyone can take him away from them beats her.
She said he just asked one question, did she doubt his love for her? If he wanting a child makes her feel that way, then he was sorry. But he isn’t getting any younger and he needs to get his life in order.
She said she understood his pain, she had never actually told him the father of her aborted child, so coming to realize it was someone so famous right under their nose and hear EG and Madam Mabel narrate their love story must have really hurt him…..hmmmm


MR- God Almighty be praised, Roberts operation went really well. The doctors were happy with the outcome. It will take about 3 months for him to completely recuperate if there are no complications or side effects. The doctors envisage there shouldn’t be any considering Robert’s age. We all ended our fast at a restaurant near the hospital, we sang praises and had fun, giving thanks to God Almighty that made the day possible. Erica was missing, she volunteered to stay behind to watch Robert until he opened his eyes.

Digressing a bit from Roberts’s issue, my parents came into town yesterday evening. My dad was looking really well, the fresh German air made a whole lot of difference to his skin, he had this bounce in his step which was missing before due to his shortness of breath. My mum also looked a bit more relaxed but I spoke too soon, because as I picked them up at the airport, she started her wahala. “Why didn’t your wife come with you to pick us? Are we still staying on our own in that strange house, my dad just said “keep quiet woman, give the boy some peace” and my mum mumbled something inaudible and kept quiet.

I had rented a lovely 3 bedroom house just down the road from our close, also in our estate, it has charm, a lovely orchard at the back with a fountain in the middle, the house was built for an elderly couple but they didn’t want to come to the city, so their son put it up for sale or long lease, I opted for the long lease of 5 years, if my parents eventually like it. I might then consider buying.

When we got to the house , the maid , cook and driver plus security man I employed for them, were all waiting, the chef had made breakfast , I told him they loved Yam and egg sauce with crumbled fish . He had done that and also some fruit juice, it smelt delicious. My dad, in his usual casual way just went straight to the table and said “when hunger comes knocking, nothing else matters until you satisfy it”. So he settled down to breakfast.
My mum walked round the house and for once that day , she just shuck her head in approval of everything she saw, them at the end she said , I guess we can live with this.

Half an hour after we arrived, Mrs. came over to welcome them back, my dad hadn’t seen her with the pregnancy, he was very pleased, he hugged and asked if I was pampering her enough. My mum interrupted and said, “too much if you ask me” and trust my dad , he said , “I didn’t ask you “.

Thank God, my mum approved of the house and its furnishing, she also approved of the staff, I needed it , as for my dad he has always been a very simple and easy going man but very principled. I informed then I ordered a Toyota prado for them and the driver will pick it up on Monday . All in all they were happy, I was happy and above all Mrs. was extremely happy……hmmmmm

MRS- My mother in law is back but this time she came with my Father in law, he is a sweet man , never gives anyone stress. The joyful part, they are not staying with us. Don’t think I can’t tolerate my in laws of course I can, but when she’s here Mr. has no peace, she will call him at odd hours for conversations and spend so much time having them. If he tries to leave she blackmails him into staying, so you see why it’s best for everyone that they stay in their own space.

After we had our dinner to break the fast, we went back to the hospital, Erica had called that Robert was awake and we could see him. So Tammy, Kola, Jnr, Lemmy, Josh, Mr. and myself took all the presents we bought for him and proceeded to his room. When we got there madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi were with him, so we decided to wait in the visitors lounge to give them some time with Robert alone.

We met EG and my mum in the visitors lounge, EG had just been discharged that morning but he wanted to wait to see the outcome of Robert’s operation, we were still digesting that when Pamela and Erica’s dad and mum walked in, locking all dignified . Remember their mum is white, I actually didn’t realize she was still around because Erica told me she travelled, apparently she came back.
Anyway the air was tense, to say the least. Everyone exchanged pleasantries as best they can and Erica proceeded to take them to see Robert when all of a sudden EG erupted and shouted “Excuse me , we are all waiting to see Robert, I will advise you sit down and wait for your turn, at least we all got here before you”” Pamela’s dad just glared at him but her mum apologized saying they didn’t realize we hadn’t seen him yet, Lemmy cooled off the tension by apologizing for his father’s tone of voice, he said we have all had sleepless nights and were very tired, but the doctors have said we can only see him 2 or 3 at a time, Pamela’s mum said thank you and pulled her husband’s hand to a vacant set of seats in the corner. All thus while my mum was rubbing EG’s back to please calm down.
Mr. and I walked out to get some fresh air, the air in the lounge had become stall with tension all of a sudden, Erica came out to join us. She told us that the lawyers are filling tomorrow, Mr. pointed out that it’s a public holiday, she just said not to worry her father has made sure it’s fast tracked and the case goes to court next week. Although the lawyer’s advice that the case should be heard when Robert is fit to speak properly, because the Judge might insist on hearing form him, since he is 13 now.
I cringed a bit, I was really sorry for Pamela and I could only imagine the pain she was going through, but I also thought of madam Mabel and what she must be feeling, especially now that Mr. Chidi was weighing his options, only God knows where that will lead…..hmmmmm

DAY 226
MR- The atmosphere was tense, when Mrs and I got back in EG and MIL had already gone in to see Robert, after they came out Lemmy asked Pamela’s parents to go in , they went in with Erica and finally the rest of us filled in. finally The pastor came and he went in with Tammy and Mrs to pray for Robert. The pastor called Kola and I aside after and said , The outcome of the court case will not be what everyone expects but we should be prayerful so that everyone will abide by the Judgment,
I was surprised he knew, we didn’t discuss the court case with him, but then I remembered who he was a true man of God who had proved himself over and over again. When Kola and I saw off, we walked back contemplating what decision he could be talking about, we decided not to sweat it, based on the discussion we had with Erica, the case was likely to hold tomorrow or Wednesday.
My parents are settling in okay. David and Sabrina have been in touch with them, they should be back very soon. My mum still insists that Mrs. must check up on them every other day, I had to put my foot down that she was pregnant and I didn’t want to much stress for her, so weekends was good enough for checking up on them.
I went to check on them yesterday afternoon when we came back from church. Her friend and the daughter were there, I didn’t recognize the girl , she was a couple of years younger than me and I remember our parents used to call us husband and wife. So when I got there my dad was upstairs but my mum and the two ladies were in the garden so I went to say hello. Then my mum in her wisdom said “” Don’t you remember your wife, Solape?” I said Wife, which wife. ”Your wife when you were small, I smiled and recollected, said hello to the lady and excused myself. I could hear my mum say, don’t mind these children, I really wanted you guy to get married instead he went to marry one spoilt brat like that. My dear don’t worry God will provide a nice man for you” can you imagine that.
Anyway I came back down and my mother insisted I sit with them, to be polite I obliged, solape started asking questions, how am I , why I didn’t stay in touch, she thought we were meant to be together etc. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I told them I had to leave. Said my pleasantries and left with Solape asking for my no and my mum saying don’t worry dear , I will give it to you.
God deliver me form this wahala, my mum wants to kill me one time……hmmmm

MRS-Madam Mabel called me early in the morning before we went to church, she said there was something she needed to discuss with me and me alone. I told her I had to go to the early morning service and I would see her at the hospital on our way back.
When we got to the hospital, she pulled me aside and said Mr. Chidi went to the doctor for a test, I asked how she knew, she said he contacted his old girlfriend the one we caught him with the other day and she called his bluff and said she was no longer interested in him. So I asked her how she knew, she said Mr. Chidi had excused himself to go talk outside in the carpark, something just asked her to follow him, so she went after him, as she was about to walk thought the main door, she heard him over the phone talking to their doctor. What she heard made her dizzy instantly.
“My sister, this life is wicked oh, I can’t believe that Chidi could do this to me” and she started to cry and shake uncontrollably, I held her and cradled her in my arms, telling her to remember the great favor God had just done for her, by making Robert find a donor in time and come out of the operation successfully.
She wiped her eyes and said ,I do have a point. I asked what again what she heard and then she told me……..hmmmmm

Day 227
MR- The mind is a dangerous thing, when a thought creeps into your head and you mistakenly allow it to linger for just a few minutes, it finds a way to take over completely. I guess that’s what happened to my mum. After her re introducing me to Solape, her friends daughter. She called me yesterday evening to come to their house. When I got there I thought she had something really urgent to discuss because the way she called and asked me to come now, I almost thought it was a matter of life and death.
So she goes, welcome son, I ask her mum what’s so urgent, she said I should not mind her, she just wanted to talk to me about something that has been bugging her. I was getting a bit upset now but I kept my cool and asked her what it was and my mum go’s “why didn’t you marry Solape? She is a good girl, she can cook and is from a good home, by now you might have had 2 children already” Mum are you trying to kill me I asked “Kill you kee!!, noo oh, am just saying” saying what mum, I asked, “That if you made the right choice in a wife, things will be different”, Right choice mum ? Are you serious? Bye mum, please tell dad I was here, with that I walked out of their house, I could hear her muttering to herself, “What have I said now, why is he upset, sebi I was just saying.”
As I drove off, I made a mental note to take my mum to see a psychiatrist, am sure she forgot Mrs. was pregnant?, if not, why all this wahala , anyway, My nun was troublesome when she was younger, now that she’s getting old, I hope it has not turned to something else, on a more serious note , I hope this are not the early stages of Dementia, o Lord please, Nooo!!, that will be horrible.
Robert is recuperating fast, between Erica, Tammy, Madam Mabel and Mrs, Robert has someone waiting on him 24 hours, let’s hope he does not get to use to all this attention. The court case comes up tomorrow, Erica’s father pulled strings and got the case moved up, she has to go back to America at the end of the week, the plan is once the court case is won, her father will take Robert, while he recuperates and Erica will come back for him in a couple of months, she plans to have him during school term and bring him back for Madam Mabel during school vacations. They sure do have everything planned out.
On EG’s side he plans to win the case, take Robert to his place and allow Madam Mabel come see him whenever she wants. As for Madam Mabel she just wants him back at home where he belongs. The funny thing is no one has asked Robert what he wants, it will be interesting to hear what the child has to say, after all this extended family drama, let’s wait and see what the judge comes up with …..hmmmmmm

MRS-When Madam Mabel started off, it sounded like a movie script, “My sister let me start from the beginning. I heard him talking to a doctor called Felix, Felix was the doctor we saw when we went for our IVF, apparently he and chidi were school mates, Chidi had planned with him to say that my womb was compromised and I would never be able to have children, I heard him ask the Dr Felix, what was he going to do now, he told him that he already told me he had to consider his options, from the response Chidi gave I knew the guy was telling him to just stay with me, Chidi also said and I heard it clearly , she doesn’t know that am the cause of our childlessness, if she finds out she will surely leave me. At that moment I felt faint, my legs gave way and a nurse coming behind me had to hold me up, I steadied myself and kept listening. I heard Chidi say, well I will just have to move out for a while, so that she will plead with me, then I will come back, I mustn’t give her the opportunity to marry someone else, Dr she might get pregnant and eventually find out I lied to her. I feel so bad but it too late now, I should have let her go, but what would I have done, who would marry me.”
I already had tears running down my eyes, I was speechless and then she continued. “I was rooted to the position I was in, my heart was beating so fast, I actually passed out, the nurses rushed me to a room and told me my blood pressure was so high, that I needed to take things easy. Then Chidi came running in, asking me to stop worrying Robert was going to be fine.”
I just kept shaking my head and saying Mr. Chidi, O my gosh!, am so sorry Madam Mabel? “Well my sister, I haven’t told him yet that I know everything, I don’t even know how I have managed to keep my cool, am still digesting and pondering over the fact that I wasted so many years of my life believing I was incapable of having a child and just at the door step of menopause, I find out I can, am totally conflicted, I am grateful to God that he gave me Robert. I love Chidi so much, the truth is I would have stayed with him regardless. Do you know how many times he cheated on me and I forgave him because I felt I was tying him down and he was loyal to me, even though I couldn’t give him a child? My sister, all this hasn’t sunk in yet, I really just want Robert to get better, then My head will be clearer and I will decide what to do”
I felt faint as I listened to her, how could anyone be so deceitful as to ruin someone else’s life? if Robert hadn’t fallen ill and this whole custody drama emerge , madam Mabel will never know she can have children and Mr. Chidi is sterile, Human beings can be evil, even the ones you love, God help us All….hmmmmmm

DAY 228
MR-The court case starts today, we are to be sitted by 10am , the judge should be in around 10.30, its actually family court, so no jury or all that hulla bula, just the lawyers making a case, witnesses if any and then the judge retires to make her decision and we are called back for a ruling.
Everyone has a theory of whom will get custody of Robert, even when I told my mum she said Madam Mabel should go have her own child and let the silly girl who gave him up have some time with him, my dad was of a different opinion , he felt Madam Mabel should keep him.
Mrs and I are just praying for the will of God to be done at this point, Robert is already destabilized with all this new family coming into his life at 13. Mr. Chidi confided in me that Robert asked him why he didn’t want to be his daddy anymore, the man said he shed tears and explained that he will always be his daddy but he needed to meet other relations that he had. Mr. Chidi said Robert also asked why he had 2 daddy’s and all his friends have only one, Mr. Chidi said he told Robert that once he leaves hospital he would explain to him, lets pray he gets the opportunity to do that, as long as EG or Pamela and Erica’s parents don’t get him first.
My mum is acting funny with Mrs., she asked her to come early today to do some work, when I asked what it was and why can’t the maids do it, she got into a hissy fit and dropped the phone on me, Am just suspecting it’s still about this Solape issue, my dear Mrs. thinks its about her not staying with us, I just hope Mrs is right, or else…
Meanwhile, there are some rumors going around that Erica’s father has paid off the judge, it’s also in the air that EG paid the judge , wont that be counterproductive, since they both need different outcomes, you know how this things work, everyone is panicking in their own different way. As far as we know the judge is a woman and she is a no nonsense woman, in fact because of the big wigs involved in the case , family court assigned their most experience Judge to preside over the hearing , they don’t want any back lash. According to the judge’s record, she has been a judge for 20 years and not one of her rulings, has been appealed. So I believe we are in for a mighty surprise. At this point, I really don’t know what criteria she will use to make a decision, but whatever it is, let the will of God be done …..hmmmmm

MRS-Madam Mabel has a deep heart, I couldn’t keep 1% of what she found out to myself , I would have to let it out to Mr., How she is managing to stay sane for a couple of days and still react to Mr. Chidi as normal is beyond me.
Yesterday she said she will leave Chidi, but will not tell him until after the custody ruling. If they get Robert, she will ask Chidi to leave and take care of Robert herself, if they don’t get him, she will still ask Chidi to leave because legally she owns the house, she inherited the house. I don’t think she is normal because you can see she’s not really there, she seems spaced out anything that goes in to her ear, what comes out of her mouth is “Chidi, how could you?”. Then when you call her name, she will snap out of it. You actually have her right beside you but she’s not actually there.
Robert was helped to sit up yesterday, he looked a bit better and actually ate the grilled fish and mashed potato we brought for him and he was smiling all through. He’s such a delightful boy and should not have to suffer for mistakes his parents made. Tammy, Toke and I were there to cheer him up, Erica has been staying with him to give Madam Mabel a break.
My MIL called me yesterday night to be at their house first thing this morning, to come help her do some stuff, I politely declined and said Mr. and I had to go to court as witnesses that Madam Mabel was a good mum and we won’t want to let her down. I asked if it was something my maid could do, as I could send her over instead, or better still pop around on our way back. She kissed her teeth and asked me not to worry. Mr. was a bit cross with her and called to find out what the maid and cook were doing that they couldn’t help her do whatever she needed me to do. She just ignored Mr. and said, “So I cannot send my own daughter in law on an errand abi” and she dropped the phone.
I apologized to Mr., asked him to please take it easy with her, she’s still upset that she’s not staying with us I guess because I really don’t know why she’s behaving this way. I Understood her politics she just wants me to do something’s for her, since she isn’t in our house to boss me around…….hmmmm

Day 229

MR- wow! We are all gob smacked, the judge’s decision was mind bugling. Anyway before we get into that let me tell you how the case went.

We were all sited by 10am. EG came with 2 lawyers, Lemmy, Josh, my MIL and one of his friends. Erica and Pamela’s parents came with, 3 lawyers, Erica and one other lady, WE later found out was Erica’s aunt. We came with Toke and Madam Mabel came with Mr. Chidi and one lawyer.
The judge came in around 10.30 on the dot, the court clerk called the case official and declared court in session.
Madam Mabel’s lawyers was the first to give his open presentation, he started, “your honor, we are gathered here to make a decision on a joint custody hearing for Robert, the adopted son of my clients. My client even though did not adopt Robert officially, GOT custody of him from the Mother Ms. Erica in the United States at the age of 2 weeks and registered him as their son, exhibit A, your honor, is a copy of this. On the birth certificate it reads my clients name as the parents. My clients brought him back from the United States and have been caring, raising and loving him for 13 years with no other relative biological or otherwise being involved. He is a happy, brilliant and well-adjusted teenager who does not need to be uprooted now and he needs to just be left with the parents who have loved him from when he was born.

He sat down and then The judge called on EG’s team of lawyers, They did the intro, EG is Robert’s biological father, he was not aware of Robert’s existence until recently when he was contacted that he needed to test for a bone marrow match, Ms. Erica never gave my client the biological father a chance to see or raise his son, he is a loving father who has raised two amazing sons, they are here in court today, one came all the way from Scotland to be at this hearing, my Lord, all my client is asking for. is a chance to get to know hi youngest son, the blood of his blood, he would never have allowed Ms. Erica to give up his son, even if she couldn’t have taken care of him, he would have done that for her or at least provided the finances required.

He sat down , then the Judge called on Erica’s lawyer, he began “Your honor, everything that had been said before not is not really relevant , the facts are clear, Ms. Erica is the biological mother of Robert, when she got pregnant in the united states after a brief love affair with the second defendant, she told him she was pregnant but he said he didn’t want anything to do with it, he sent her a lot of dollars and told her never to contact him or have the child. She did contemplate her options and decided that she will have the baby but find a way to take care of him, she was 19 at the time. By the time the baby was born she had turned 20 and had just gotten a lead role in a Hollywood movie, the career she had always dreamed of was taking off, this was no place for a baby. So her friend suggested she get some loving parents to look after him, so Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi were contacted and they flew down to California to pick up Robert, my client was too distrust to give up Robert that she had to ask her friend to take him to them. As soon as they were gone, she regretted the decision, she spent every day looking for them in the US. Then she decided to expand her search to this country and by some chance she found him, My Lord, this young woman has been denied her only child long enough, she needs to be given her son back, we thank Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi but let them allow him to spend some time with his biological mother. Thank you your honor.

And he sat down…hmmm

MRS –The atmosphere in the court was very tense, all the lawyers had given their rendition, when the Judge decided to say something, thank you lawyers, I have heard all your opening statement but before we proceed I want you to get Robert ready , I would be going to the hospital to hear from him. A couple of the lawyers said objection at the same time, but the judge said over ruled.
The case continued, Madam Mabel’s lawyer called witness, Roberts school teacher, a neighbor in the estate, a few of his friends, he then called Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi, who said how much they loved him as their only child, how taking him from them might most likely kill them

EG’s lawyer called Josh and Lemmy to give character witnesses for their father, they spoke about growing up, how their father was always there for them etc. and EG came up and said how much he wants his son and he let it drop that he just donated the bone marrow used to save his life. He would do anything for his sons, his dream is to take care of Robert and make up for lunch time, Ms. Erica never told him she had a son for him.

Then Erica’s parents talked about their daughter how vulnerable she was when she went to stay in the states, she got admission into film school and when she was done she decided to stay on to pursue her career, even they were not aware she had a son, they would have taken him and looked after Robert until she was ready.
Erica came up crying, she could hardly say anything, except she was sorry, she loved Robert and just wanted a chance to make up for lost time and asked to be given a chance to get to know him, she just wants joint custody between her and his adopted parents and she sat down
Then the Judge said we should take a break and when she comes back, she would have seen Robert spoken to him and she will deliberate and give her verdict and with that we heard the clerk courtttt……hmmmm

Day 230
MR-Oh my gosh, the case has taken a new turn, Erica’s friend Rukky, showed up this morning, from Hollywood as a character witness for Erica.

First we resume court yesterday morning and the Judge said before we watch Roberts recorded speech on a screen, she would like to know if the lawyers had anything else to say or any other witnesses to call, So Erica’s lawyer stood up and said he had one additional witness, Rukky.
Rukky gets up, beautiful girl, stunning actually, she also has a career as an actor in Hollywood but she does stage acting. Anyway that was not the issue, Rukky gets on the stand, the lawyer says to her “Ms. Rukky, do you know Ms. Erica?” “yes I do, she’s my best friend” the lawyer continues, “Please tell this court what part you had in the adoption of Robert, her son””
Rukky takes a deep breath, She starts off by looking at Erica with pleading eyes, she then says “Erica am sincerely sorry and I beg for your forgiveness .I know what am about to say will destabilize a lot but when you called me and asked me to fly down, that you had found your son and you are fighting for custody, I knew I had to come down and say something. Although you think am here as a character witness for you, am not, well let me explain why I came down”.

She looks around, takes a deep breath and says “Robert is not your Son Erica’s, he’s my son” “What. Are you mad, what are you talking about Rukky?” Erica screamed, the judge hits the gavel and says “silence”. I looked over at Rukky, she is also mixed race and she has a Nigerian mother and a white father, so she could be Robert’s mother but how come? I was jumping, as my fellow brothers will say, because she answered the question.

Apparently Rukky and Erica were flat mates. she and EG had a one night affair when he used to visit Erica’, Rukky looked at EG and said “one of this days when Erica was not back from college , one thing led to another and we made love and I got pregnant at the same time as Erica, but I also did not tell EG, I couldn’t, I didn’t even have his contact, how was I supposed to tell my best friend I was pregnant for her man , can you give me his no, especially with the way he treated Erica when she told him she was pregnant. I made up my mind from Day one I was giving my baby up. Erica was not sure what she wanted to do with her baby.”

She paused again, everyone had their mouth open, then she continued “when I put to bed , Erica did a few days after but Erica’s decided to give up her baby to Madam Mabel, I was going to give up mine as well. But the people who wanted to adopt my son, changed their mind.
I did a horrible thing , you must understand, I wanted my baby to have loving parents , so I swopped Babies , I gave mine to Madam Mabel and took Erica’s to child services , that I found him on my street and they took him from me. I loved my baby, I could bare to see him in the foster care, but Erica never wanted to see hers again, she didn’t even want to meet the adopting parents. So I felt she would mind ether way if her child got lost in the foster system, since she had no intentions of seeing him again, I was hopeful that one day when am able I will come looking for mine, so he was better off with people I knew”

“I too had my whole life ahead of me and I felt Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi came across as a great couple so I gave them my Son instead, the boy that you are all fighting over is the product of EG and me and not Erica and EG. I am ready to do a DNA test right now to proof it.”

The court scattered, everyone was talking at the same time, the Judge kept hitting the gavel on her desk but no one was listening, finally everything quieted down and she said ” in light of the new evidence , I have no choice but to dismiss this case . I rise ” …….hmmmmmmm

MRS-As soon as the judge left the chambers, the whole place went up into a serious uproar, At this point Erica was in Rukky’s face, asking her where she put her son, Rukky was apologizing, everyone was trying to separate them. EG was speechless, so he had another son in a motherless babies home or foster care in the United states, he was so shaky, Josh and Lemmy didn’t know what to do, their father was turning out to be a dog. I heard my mum asking EG, God knows how many other children you have outside and she stormed out.

Tammy and Kola who came a bit late , were trying to hold off Erica, Erica’s mum was crying, her dad was consoling her. Mr. just stood there shaking his head in disbelief. I didn’t even know what to say.
Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi were hugging each other and laughing with Joy, honestly if you were there, you will either be laughing or stunned.
After about an hour of commotion, Tammy and Kola, led Erica away. I and Mr. took my mum home, Lemmy and Josh took EG home, Madam Mabel, Rukky and Mr. Chidi left for the hospital to see Robert I guess and All the lawyers stood there looking totally confused. All in All it was the most dramatic day I ever witnessed.

I tell you, As of today not sure about tomorrow, Ironically, as the elders will say, The end of this whole drama justified the means, Robert remains the child of Madam Mabel and hopefully, Mr. Chidi’s , if he’s lucky and Madam Mabel forgives him…..hmmmmmmm

Day 231
MR-It’s not funny at all, you should have seen us all, so confused, we couldn’t believe what Rukky just said, were we dreaming or was it real, I honestly couldn’t tell the difference, we dropped my MIL off at home and Mrs. and I drove home in silence, she had to pinch me twice for me to be sure I was actually awake.
Kola had called, Tammy, he and Erica were waiting for us at home, her parents were really upset and she couldn’t handle them right now, so Kola decided they all come to our house.
When we got home we all went inside and sat down, Mrs. looked at Erica and asked “What just happened?” Erica took a deep breath and said , “I honestly don’t know, come to think of it , Rukky did put on weight, disappeared for a while said she went home and then came back just after I had my baby, I honestly didn’t know she had a child and she never mentioned it to me, maybe because I knew she didn’t have a man, but there is something strange about the way she went about it, I don’t know what’s going on, I can’t believe my best friend will do this to me. “
Tammy asked her outright, “Erica did you see her pregnant?” “I honestly don’t know , I was going through my own depression at the time , a lot of things are blurry” Kola took a deep breath and asked how she met Rukky, “Actually it’s a funny story, she found me, I was buying gas , I pumped gas then went into pay ,before I got back she was waiting beside my car, she said she lost her way, she showed me an address and said she was from San Diego, going to see her aunt, could I help. So I put her in my car and we began to talk, we must have spent an hour driving around, we couldn’t find the address, it was late, so I asked her to come stay with me and we will try again in the morning. That’s how she ended up staying permanently, we have not been able to find her aunt up until today”.
So how did she find Madam Mabel? Tammy asked, “Well there was a Nigerian family who took both of us as daughters, we had lunch with them most weekends, but Rukky got closer to them, they are the ones who contacted Madam Mabel and Mr. Chidi when they found out I wanted to give up my baby. Thinking of it now, I have never met any of her family members and we have been best friends for years”.
Honestly listening to Erica speak, something wasn’t right, Rukky sounded like a woman on a mission, I could feel it but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. We had to get to the bottom of this mysterious revelation and I knew just how too….hmmmm
MRS-My mum called and said EG is really confused and upset about the whole embarrassing court room drama, he remembers having a quickie with Rukky but she practically seduced him and he could have sworn he wore a condom. He wants a DNA test done before Rukky takes off, he also wants a meeting with everyone involved. If wishes were horses I thought, I believe he’s lost his right to convene everyone, I don’t even think some will honor his invitation, but I held my peace.
Madam Mabel called and said she had to see me urgently, there was something to discuss. Erica had to leave, her parents had called her so many times, she finally agreed to go see them, at least this whole mess was getting stranger by the minute, it would be nice if they are updated.
Tammy and I went to Toke’s house to fill her in on what was going on, she couldn’t believe it. Tammy said her spirit was uneasy, Rukky seemed like she had something up her sleeve. I told them what my mum said about EG wearing a condom with her that made the whole matter seem stranger.
Anyway I had to leave to go see Madam Mabel because she kept calling saying it was really urgent. I got to the hospital where she said she was, I met her in the car park, she was waiting for me, I asked where Rukky was and Mr. chidi, she said Rukky called someone to come pick her up, she said she will be back tomorrow and Mr. Chidi had gone to get his family to come and beg her, because she asked him to move out for now. I smiled and thought to myself, I trust you Madam Mabel, when it comes to Mr. Chidi you got it going on.
Anyway she started “Sisi Mi, hmmm, there is fire on the mountain” I looked surprised and asked what the matter was, she sighed and said “Don’t get me wrong am happy we have Robert to ourselves for now, but there is something I overheard Rukky discussing on the phone and I feel it’s important . Rukky said she …” Just as she was talking to me Mr. Chidi was walking towards us, she turned round and said to me, “Sisi mi, we will talk later , I’ve got to go, I don’t want to talk to Chidi” and she walked back into the hospital…..hmmmmm

MR-My dear wifey came home yesterday looking all flustered, I was worried, I asked her what the matter was , she said she wasn’t sure, Madam Mabel had called she went to see her and just as she was about to tell her, Mr. chidi showed up and she said she will let me know what it is later.
We talked about what it could be but the only logical conclusion was we all had to find a way that Erica, Rukky, EG and Robert will agree to a DNA test. Around Midday we went to EG’s place, Lemmy and Josh were there, I was surprised Josh was still around. He told me they are worried about their father, his blood pressure has risen since the court case and nobody knows the truth about Roberts’s parentage yet.
EG was of the opinion the Richard should get well, the stress given to the boy with all the sudden influx of new relations could make any child turn for the worst, he also got the judge to send him a copy of Roberts recorded testimony, but she said if within 4 weeks the case is not refilled, she will release the evidence. So for now a DNA test might be the only way to determine. EG wanted to know where Rukky was, Mrs. said she left the hospital with a guy who picked her up, but Madam Mabel didn’t know who he was, she just called him and he came over to pick her up,
We left around 6 pm after dinner and headed home, as we drove Madam Mabel called Mrs. and said she was in our house, so she asked her to wait and that we were on our way. It looked like she could spread more light on the Rukky mystery. Well let’s hear what she has to say first, I thought…….hmmmmm

MRS-When we got home, Madam Mabel was waiting, we ushered her into the living room. Mr. went up into our bedroom and Madam Mabel started “Sisi Mi, Rukky was acting suspiciously when we got to the hospital, she kept checking her phone, she saw Robert said hello but I could see it wasn’t like a mother seeing her son after so many years, especially a mother who had said she loved her son so much and was looking forward to seeing him again, so when her phone rang I went after her.
She picked up and said hello , I didn’t know who she was talking to but this is what she said, “Yes, the plan is working, I disrupted the court case , you told me this country’s justice system was weak, you were right. Now that I have put doubt in everyone’s mind about her being the mother, the next step is a bit tricky, I even boasted openly in court that I would take a DNA test. Yes, I know, but our mother said it should match, yes, Okay let me go back before I am missed, will call back later”. Madam Mabel looked at me and said “That’s all I hears and went back into Roberts’s room”.
I was shocked, o my gosh!, Madam Mabel this is serious, who was Rukky talking to and what did she mean by our mother. Whose mother? I don’t know, Madam Mabel said. I could not think straight, what did she mean she wanted to disrupt the court case and make them believe her? What’s going on here, Madam Mabel, I think there is more than meets the eye, we have to talk to EG and the rest about this. Madam Mabel said Erica came to the hospital in the morning and asked her to take a break, she hasn’t told anyone what she heard and she didn’t want to tell Erica because she wasn’t sure how she will react.
Madam Mabel left and said she had to go and relieve Erica, Erica was still with Robert, she said she could not believe she wasn’t his mother, she could feel it in her heart that Rukky was lying.
As soon as she left I ran upstairs to see Mr., and told him all Madam Mable said, he was stunned, he said we need to talk to Erica and find out if it was possible her mum had a daughter out there and she didn’t know, because how else could we explain what Rukky said…..hmmmmm

DAY 233

MR-We got Erica to come to the house, Kola, Tammy and Madam Mabel were also there. We fixed it for after church. Mr. Chidi has been behaving himself trying to do everything within his power to please Madam Mabel. We got the chef to make lunch, this time we went for bitter leaf soup with stock fish and ponded yam. After everyone had eaten we ritired to the den.
I asked Madam Mabel to recount everything she heard from Rukky to Erica, Erica was shaking and tears were coming down her eyes, “Why would Rukky do this to me, I don’t get it, I took care of her, gave her money, she has lived with me rent and bills free for years, I don’t understand” I asked her to claim down and think back, could Rukky be related to her, a sister or so.
Erica paused and said, well we are both mixed race, but she told me her mum was Nigerian and her Dad was White American, but in hindsight now she could have lied, I don’t know, my parents never said we had an estranged sibling, it’s just been Pamela and I. I don’t know I will have to ask them”, She got up to leave but changed her mind and said she will call them, so she put her phone on speaker and asked her mum outright “Mum did you have a child before me or after me that you gave up” Her mother asked why she would ask such a question, she then explained what Rukky had said. Fr a while Erica’s mum was silent , which scared everyone into believing there was more to this, her mum took a deep breath and said “ Not exactly” Erica was upset , “ Mum what do you mean , Not exactly , you either had a daughter or you didn’t, mum what are you hiding form me?” Her mum asked her to calm down and come home, she and her dad will explain everything and Erica was going to insist that she said it on the phone but Tammy touched her and said “no, go listen to your mum”.
Erica left and a discussion ensued amongst the rest of us, what could it be, I felt she had a twin, Mrs. couldn’t correlate that, they were wealthy and have always been Erica’s grandfather is a billionaire in Germany, so they wouldn’t be the kind to abandon one child ad take the other. Kola said we should not be in a hurry, Erica will soon be back to tell us what we need to know…..hmmmm

MRS-EG went to be with Robert for a while, he told Madam Mabel Robert was his, no doubt about that, what wasn’t clear was who the mother was, Rukky or Erica. Lemmy and Josh were also there, Madam Mabel said they brought him an IPad, so he could watch films and play games, Robert is getting much better. He is sitting up by himself and eating better than before, we thank God that all this commotion is not affecting him. EG has also cleared al the hospital bills both the balance of the operation and the stay after. Mr. Chidi had already paid half of the amount required. EG offered to refund it but Mr. Chidi declined.

Toke is going back to Dubai tomorrow, we haven’t really had much time to hang, one because of her morning sickness, two because of Roberts illness and now this custody battle, but I still managed to squeeze in time most evenings to pop in to see her. Aakil wants his wife back, he has been traveling but now he’s back at home, he is sending the jet for her today, so they fly back tomorrow morning. Peju and Fatima have settled in fine, I spoke to them on skype in Tokes house, they look amazing. Ahmed and Abdul are doing a great job on the two gilrs. Am not sure they will even want to come back here. Toke asked if I remember Fatima’s experience with the mixed race man who lied to her and rapped her because he and his wife wanted children, Toke told me Abdul has been taking his time, trying to reassure Fatima that not all white skinned people are like that, and from what Fatima was saying about Abdul on Skype, how he was very nice and caring, I believe he is warming his way into her heart. He is a good man, Handsome, a heart surgeon and also wealthy, she can definitely live with that.

Erica came back to ours around 7 pm, everyone was still there, she looked like she had been crying, I settled her down and got everyone to gather around, Tammy, Kola, Mr. and Madam Mabel. Erica looked all around and said, “O my gosh, you guys won’t believe it but ……” Before she could continue, Her phone rang, It was Pamela , she picked it up and when she dropped , she said Pamela is flying back tonight……hmmmmm

DAY 234
MR-“You are the best for me because you are the best of me”, that’s what Mrs. is to me. She is all the woman I need , my jewel of in estimate value, the crown I seek and have, the rib of my rib and bone of my bone, I thank God for the day I met her, it’s her birthday tomorrow and I know she thinks I have forgotten, but I have arranged for us to spend the night on a friends yacht, candle lit dinner, romantic dancing and a night of sailing round and making sweet love , all on our own, I want us to forget all the stress going on around us and just enjoy each other on our own on the water. It’s a surprise and I will just tell her we are going to dinner ad we land at the yacht club, the rest she will find out when we are on board. Her present is a surprise, she will find out what it is tomorrow.
Erica let it loose, secrets are really bad to keep, they destroy and destabilize families when they are let out, the bitterness and resentment Rukky felt , which she has no right to feel because it’s not the way she thinks , it’s just so complex, I will let Mrs. narrate it all to you. I mean, how anyone could be so wicked after all that had been done for them. I will let you be the judge.
Toke flew back to Dubai 5am, this morning, Aakil sent the jet for her yesterday, we had to go drop her at the airport very early. My mum, she had been fuming she has not really seen our break lights since this whole Robert custody issue began, I explained everything to them, My dad said we should take all the time we need, but trust my mum, she went on about how we have neglected them, how in their old age we should be around them all the time, bla bla.
Anyway the good news is that David and Sabrina are coming back before the end of the month, Sabrina misses everybody , she was especially excited when she found our mum was back finally in the country, she just wants to come spend time with her and is looking forward to giving her a grandchild…..hmmmm.

MRS- But what? I asked Erica, and then she narrated everything with tears dropping down her eyes. “When I got to my parents’ house, my mum and dad were sited in their private living room with some documents on the table. They asked me to come sit between them, Pamela arrived shortly before I got home, so she was also there. My mum cleared her throat and said, “my darling babies, am sorry we have not told you this before, when daddy and I got married , we tried for several years but every time I got pregnant , I had a miscarriage. We lived in San Francisco at the time and our family doctor advised that once my eggs were fertile and daddies sperm was okay we should look for a surrogate to carry out embryo to term. So we discussed with my friend at the time who was still single and she agreed to be our surrogate. My eggs were inseminated into her with daddy’s sperm and the baby came to term. We took care of her until delivery and when she put to bed Erica you were born. Is was the best day of our lives. A month later she called and said she needed some more money because she had some medical bills to pay, so daddy sent her some money and so the demands came every month. About a year later she had a daughter of her own, I guess that’s Rukky and she began to call again, asking for help, she wanted us to adopt Rukky because she couldn’t afford to take care of her, the Black man that impregnated her didn’t want Rukky, he left her and went back to his country, he only came to study, he had his own family back in Africa. We called her for a meeting and daddy said we would be responsible for her upkeep but we are moving back to Africa and besides I was pregnant with Pamela and decided to try to carry her to term, 2 babies will be too much stress for me at the time. She got so upset, screamed at us and said we would regret it. Years went by, at the time I had both of you, we moved to New York. I ran into an old neighbor from San Francisco. She wasn’t too happy with me, when I asked why, she said some time ago Rukky’s mum came to look for us at the house and said she was our surrogate, she gave birth to 2 babies, we refused to take the 2 because we said we only wanted one and we also refused to help her out financially to raise the girl. I was in shock, she even said she had to give her some money and promised that is she ever got in touch with us she will let her know. I then explained everything to the neighbor who promised not to tell Rukky’s mum she saw us. My dad then took over, Babies, we moved back to Africa and then you got admission to study in the US. We don’t know how she found you but Rukky found you and weaved her way into your life, based on what her mum told her, we guess , this is their revenge, to destabilize your life. We are so sorry we didn’t tell you both, please forgive us”
We were all silent, she was really crying now, Tammy held her and I just kept saying its okay, God is in control. Kola asked her, where is Rukky now? Erica wasn’t aware, her parents have gotten some detectives to find her, she hasn’t left the country yet and her passport indicates that shes still here, it hasn’t been scanned out.
She said Pamela will be here soon, she decided to stay with her mum, when Erica walked out. We didn’t know what to say, Rukky had been poisoned by her mum and she was a woman on a mission, who knows how they found Erica? That’s still a mystery to me. Mr said we shouldn’t be surprised a vindictive desperate person has a lot of patience, Rukky’s mum would have planned this over so many years. But who was the guy who picked her up, as far as Erica knew she was visiting this country for the first time, or maybe not …….hmmmmm

DAY 235
MR-Happy birthday to the woman of my dreams, my bestie, my love, the apple of my eye and the only icing on my cake, I love you from the bottom of my heart to the top of my head and down to my toes, I can’t imagine my life without you in it, I bless the day God brought you into my life, God bless you my princess, love you loads and not to be selfish, Happy birthday Ms. Tolani Dodos, I wish you God’s abundant blessing, Peace, Joy and Prosperity as you share a birthday with my wifey.
Mrs. and I are going out tonight, sorry Ms Tolani, it’s just me and my wife, I got her a new car, she has always wanted a mini coupe, I got her a pink one with a Personalized No, D 14 ME. (THE ONE FOR ME). When she saw it, she almost passed out, I asked her to get ready for 4 pm, we are off for an early dinner and she doesn’t know we will be gone overnight on a yacht cruising around.
After Erica narrated how Rukky is to her, I realized she is just the daughter of her surrogate mum, no wonder she thinks their DNA would match, but forgetting that it was Erica’s mum’s eggs and her dad’s sperm, not her mother’s eggs. She needs to be investigated, we have no clue who she’s with in this country, she hasn’t surfaced since that day at court and we know she is still in the country.
We also found out her father was married before he went for studies in the states, that’s why he didn’t want anything to do with her mum. Could she have found him, who could be working with her against Erica and her family?
Kola reminded us that Uncle J was still available, he had the resources at his disposal to locate anyone in this country. We all agreed that in this instance, if we were going to find her and the one helping her, we would need uncle J’s help……hmmmmm

MRS- O my gosh, it’s my birthday, Mr. got me my dream car, A mini coupe, ever since I saw them in the movie, the Italian Job , I had wanted one, a red one or pink one to be precise and I got a pink was beautiful, it had white leather seats and brown wooden paneling. Alloy wheels and Mr. wrapped it in a pink ribbon, wow! I was so elated, I cried.
Pamela came to the house, she was looking really good and although she and Babs have only been gone for a short while and she already looked so fresh. The German weather was already making a difference. She came to the house found us all there and broke down in tears. Erica and her hauled together, after a bit of crying they wiped their tears and asked us what the way forward was?
What we all wanted to know most of all was, does she know she has been found out and who was she working with? These two questions are the ones that need to be answered, as we were still contemplating, Madam Mabel called and said Rukky was in the hospital. We all rushed out of the house into the cars, as we ran Kola said please guys let’s not disclose that we are aware of her plan until we can catch her red handed.
So we got to the hospital, she had come with a huge teddy bear for Robert and was busy talking to him, As soon as Erica walked in, she got up and said she was so sorry for what she did, she promised to start working on looking for Erica’s son as soon as she got back to the states, Erica just murmured okay. I then asked her when she was taking the DNA test because she agreed to take one at least that would proof to Erica that you are telling the truth I added. She looked a bit worried for a second and then that expression disappeared and she said sure, whenever, Erica said “we will arrange it and give you a call, please give me the no we can get you on”. Pamela stepped forward and introduced herself, Rukky was like, “O my gosh, Erica told me so much about you, nice to meet you and congratulations on the pregnancy”. Pamela thanked her and stepped aside.
The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife, Rukky was really uneasy and Erica was struggling to keep herself under control. So Tammy our angel, stepped in and said since Robert had his operation, we have not prayed with him, let’s have a small thanksgiving service. And so we all sang hymns danced and prayed, at the end , the air was a bit more relaxed, Rukky was the first to excuse herself after getting a phone call, all she said to the caller was , “Are you here, okay, will be there in 2 minutes” She excused herself , said she will be back and walked out. A few minutes later Kola came back with the car plate no and a slight side view of the driver, “Some info for uncle J” He said, as we all stood there looking at each other, not sure what to do next…..hmmmmm

Day 236
MR-The birthday surprise cruise was great, we had a chef cook us dinner, danced , retired to make some sweet love but we had to cut it short and go back home around 12 midnight, Mrs. got sea sick from all the rocky movements of the boat. I guess it’s the baby because we sailed so many times during our honey moon and she never once threw up. Anyway she was extremely happy and we found a way to poke fun at the whole drama.
Uncle J, hmmm, we haven’t seen him in a while, I called him and fixed an appointment to see him yesterday afternoon with Kola.
Before then my dad called me over to their place, as soon as I walked in I knew he and my mum had had a quarrel. My mum was all puffy sitting on her own in the sitting room pretending to watch television, my dad was on the dining table pretending to eat, I caught those sneak peeks at each other. My parents are experts at this, I remember when we were growing up when they had a quarrel they would not speak to each other with their mouth but their eyes and actions. We used to think they could read each other’s minds. Know I know better, it’s just a case of two people being married for so long and can tell each other’s moves.
My dad asked me to please take my mum to my house as she was nagging him too much, she won’t let him eat in piece, don’t eat this , don’t eat that, the doctor said this , he said that. I just want to enjoy myself before I finally crock.
My mum said my dad was deliberately trying to kill himself, the doctor had warned him that red meat was a no no for now because of his heart and he must also cut off most fatty proteins and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. My son he doesn’t like anything green, unless I slop it with palm oil and pepper, he is meant to be on a low sugar, green diet, which is really good for his heart and his health in general.
I had to say something so I told my dad off for wanting to leave us before his time, I told him he hadn’t even met any of his grandkids , with 2 on the way, I would have thought he will be doing everything to stay alive because of them. And to my mum, who I knew very very well, I told her she could get my dad to agree to do anything, if only she will pamper him a bit. Men loved to be cajoled and their ego massaged. Please mum take it easy with Dad, he needs you now more than ever, I added.

The Meeting with Uncle J was brief, he took the pics and car details and said he will get his boys on it immediately…..hmmmm

MRS-My poor baby, trying to surprise me and what happen, I get on the boat after the 4 course dinner and dance, just be ore the sum tin, I begin to puke all over the place, Mr. actually looked more distrust than I did, I guess he was feeling guilty that he brought it upon me, but I honestly wasn’t in any pain, I was having a great time, but he got scared and said we had to head home at 12 midnight, all in all my boo wowed me, it was a great day and thanks to everyone who wished me a great birthday, love you all.
I called my Mum, she didn’t sound too happy on the phone, she said she just came back from Dubai, she went for some therapy. I laughed and asked if it was her usual therapy, she said yes, shopping is the best therapy ever for a lady. My mum was a spoilt kept woman, I remember when she and my dad quarreled and my mum will leave home, get on a plane and go shopping. It was easy for her to travel because my dad left a standing instructions with the airline that they should carry her any day anytime and debit his account. O dear, I miss my dad so much, he was a wonderful generous father and husband to a fault.
I asked how she felt now, she said a bit better and she got me a set of gold jewelry. I have so many from her, I haven’t even worn 80% of them. I wonder why she keeps buying them.
The NGO has been running believe it or not, we just started training some people on how to make domestic Liquid soap, air freshener, perfume and insecticide, the class is for a week , both practical and theory. And at the end we empower them to go start the business. We pray everything works out fine.
Pamela called a meeting with Tammy and I, I had just a few hours to spare before Mr. whisked me off to his surprise location. So I stopped by at Tammy’s picked her up and we drove straight to Pamela’s. Erica was not home she had gone to spend time with Robert, who was fast healing.
Pamela was her usual bubbly self-asked us to sit down and then said she had another secret to share with us. She started” Not sure if you realize but I am the apple of my Dad’s eye, I was born a month after his mum died and I sort of look like her, so he calls me his mama. Anyway he came here to see me yesterday and he confessed that he had put a private investigator on Rukky’s mum for a long time now and they told him a while back, the Rukky’s mum had only given birth once. There is no record of her giving birth a second time. He said he didn’t quite know what that meant but he asked them to dig further”.
Tammy looked at us and said “that means one of two things, she’s either Erica’s twin or she was adopted by her mum”. “But why would her mum lie to your parents?” I asked. Pamela said she was also confused but what she knew was there was more to this than met the eye. “What needs to be enforced now is a DNA test that will reveal Roberts mum and Rukky’s relationship to us…..hmmmmm

DAY 237
MR-Uncle J is a genius, he called me around 10am yesterday and asked Kola and I to see him at noon. I thought he needed more information from us, so I got Mrs. to update me about the latest stuff she heard from Pamela and called Kola to meet me in the office.
Before that I had to leave home early and go to the office, I haven’t been as regular as I should , I have had to give moral support to everyone involved in this Robert paternity case. Anyway as I drove in, I got a call on my phone, an unknown no, I picked it up, it was Mandible.
Mandible sighed and said he was so sorry but he had bad news, SF’s case came up and in order to prosecute him and make it stick, they needed a witness. Tella made a deal to spill everything in exchange for immunity against prosecution. How could they let that happen, I asked. Our handler promised us he would rot in prison. Mandible said Tella is a very small fish , just a lackey to SF. Getting SF behind bars and breaking up his evil empire was the prize, for that they were willing to let some small fries walk.
So where is he now and what does that mean for us, I asked. Well the last I heard he was in America but I also heard he flew into the country a few days ago. Mandible continued, but don’t worry, this time you can get your revenge on him, his back bone is locked away in Belmarsh prison in London, so you are free to get him dealt with. I said thank you to him and dropped the phone. I was glad we were meeting with Uncle J at noon, more information and a new assignment for him.
Kola was not particularly worried when I told him, he just grinned and said “don’t worry Bro, this time he will kiss the ground we walk on”. We got to Uncle J’s at 12 noon on the dot, we were ushered to a different part of his office, it was a room with a 2 way mirror, we could see what was on the other side but they couldn’t see us. We were told to sit down and wait. The room reminded me of the CSI crime programme I watched, it was just like the interviews rooms for suspects. Anyway a few minutes’ later 2 people were led in with their faces covered with a hood. Shortly after uncle J joined them, we could hear him say take off their hoods and the soldier there lifted up the hoods. I could not believe my eyes, sitting there right in front of us were two people, o my gosh, how did this happen?……..hmmmmmm

MRS-Wow! An amazing morning, I woke up this morning feeling a bit overwhelmed, I finally feel a connection with my mother in law. Mr. is trying his best to stop his mum from bugging me too much but I don’t want him to step in between us all the time. I want to be close to his mum and for her to see me as her daughter. I have set aside a prayer point that God should let me find favor with her. She’s a good woman just really protective of her children. I was actually thinking, am about to become a mother, my child , a son or daughter will grow up and get married, how would I want my son or daughter in law to treat me. Not long ago my grandma, God rest her soul, was warning me not to be like my mum, who treated her really bad, that I should forgive my mum. It took me a while but I finally did. My Grandma was a saint, she molded me into the person I am today, if my mum had done it, am sure even Mr. wouldn’t be able to stay married to me for long.
I went by my in-laws house yesterday, My father in law was home alone, my MIL had gone to the market with the maid. I made him some of the green tea I brought and the chocolate cake. Mr. told me it was his favorite. We sat together in their garden, talking about everything from Marriage to life. He told me one of the secrets of staying happily married for long, your ears have to work better that your mouth. You have to listen more and talk less. His wife was a handful but she had an amazing heart and they loved each other, his weapon when she started her trouble was keeping quiet, that hurt her a lot and when she had no one to argue with, she backed down and it has worked up to today more than 30 years and counting.
I listened and also saw a lot of him in Mr., who hardly argued, actually he was so quick to say he was sorry, I also learnt to say Sorry all the time from him, I am so blessed Mr. is a rear gem, thanks to a father that raised him well. Although I could see that David took his own wahala from his mum, I got the best brother.
By the time we were rounding off our talk, My MIL came back, I got up and went to help in the kitchen, I was there until late in the afternoon, we cooked all the soups together, told her I wanted to come learn from the expert, she should please teach me all the delicacies that have kept my Father in law happy with her, so I can cook it for my boo. She smiled and said, “Thank God, now I have a Daughter” …….hmmmm
DAY 238
MR-NOOO!, how did they meet, Tella and Rukky, what were they doing together and how did Tella know Erica was close to us, all this didn’t make sense. Anyway Uncle J began to interview them, he asked what their relationship was. Tella said he was Rukky’s Boyfriend, Uncle J then asked him to explain how they met, am sure Tella was thinking what that had to do with him, but I saw him look around at all the security men in the room then immediately began to recount .
We found out that Tella was released and he went to America, while there he met Rukky and one thing led to another and they started to date. Uncle J was very strict with them, He warned that if he asks them anything and they lie, they will disappear forever and no one will know where they are. So he asked Rukky why she was out to ruin an innocent girl’s life, what was she up to.
She looked so fragile and deflated. She stood up and started to walk around, then she said “”You be the judge and tell me if this is fair. I turned 16, my mother decided to take a trip with her boyfriend, before then I will ask who my father was, she told me he was in Africa and one day he will send for me. I will ask why he never comes to see us, the answer was the same. I got tired of asking her. So when she left me at home, I decided to go through her documents. My mum is old school, so she keeps everything in paper form. By the end of the first day I was frustrated, couldn’t find any document relating to my father, I didn’t get frustrated, I tried again the next day, then I finally found a document listing her as a patient at a fertility clinic and a pregnancy history report that showed she was expecting twins. I was shocked, the date of birth of the twins was the same as mine, so where was my twin, was it a boy or a girl. I searched some more, saw the name of a couple who were referred to as biological parents and my mums file read surrogate. I went online and checked out the meaning and checked the clinic info and address.
I made a note to confront my mum and lie to her that I went there and was given the information. So when my mum came back , and I confronted her , she told me the whole story , how she carried the egg and found out she was expecting twins for them and when she gave birth , they picked one girl and told her the contract they had with her was only for one baby , they didn’t want the other one. My mum said she pleaded with them that she couldn’t afford to take care of me but they refused”.
I became bitter, I spent every day looking for them online, I was a twin, didn’t even know if we were identical or not but I had to find her, all I knew was her first name and surname. So I went online everyday. The when I turned 19 I wanted to go to drama school in Hollywood I applied and was fortunate to get a scholarship to attend. I was still looking for my twin and something just told me to search under schools, and I found Erica she had been offered admission in the prestigious drama school which I could only dream of, my twin was enjoying wealth and I had to make do with a scholarship to a lesser Drama school. So I went to Holly wood, located her and then approached her at the best opportunity and one thing led to another.
I was bitter, we were not identical but I saw her life was full of affluence, She told me how loving her parents were, her wonderful childhood, her sister Pamela etc. she had money and I was poor, I told my mum I had found her and my mum said I should stick to her and make sure I revenge the best way I can. So when I told my mum Erica called and wanted me to come give evidence for her, my mum said it was what I had been waiting for. She asked me to make sure I destabilize her life, she didn’t want me to harm her, just mess up her good life”.
Kola and I had our mouths open. She continued” Tella and I were already dating, I told him my plans and he promised to come back to Africa with me and help me carry them out. “
Uncle J cleared his throat and asked, “So did you have a relationship with EG?” She said she did but it did not result to pregnancy, she just lied. Uncle J got up, left them in the room and came over to where we are. He said he want Erica’s parents, EG, Erica and anyone else connected to this case in his office tomorrow morning, this has to be ironed out once and for all, I want to find out why her parents rejected her, meanwhile get a doctor to come take her saliva sample and do a rushed DNA on her, Erica, Robert and EG.
Kola and I thanked him, I made a call to the hospital to send a doctor to uncle J’s office and EG’s house, then called Erica, told her what was happening and we drove to EG’s house….hmmm

MRS-Regardless of the Rukky and Erica drama, knowing who she was to Erica, there was also the issue of who was Roberts’s biological child, Erica or Rukky. Based on the things that were unfolding, if I was a gambling person, I will put my money on Erica being the mother. This were my thoughts before Mr. told me all the drama that unfolded at Uncle J’s office, when he got back home yesterday evening. This morning we all have to be there for 12 noon, the rush DNA won’t be ready until around that time.
Before Mr. came back, I, Pamela and Tammy went to the NGO, office, ironically it was the first time we had all gone there together since Pamela left. Madam Mabel came to meet us there, she said she needed her sanity, between Chidi apologizing and Robert’s case, she was overwhelmed, she just needed somewhere else to hang out for a while.
Everything was being run properly, thanks to the lady we employed to be a manager, she had worked with USAID for years, traveling to different countries coordinating projects relating to women and young people and children, she was very good at her job. Going round seeing all the people God was using us to help and listening to some of their stories made me kneel down and thank God for my life. One of the ladies story in the shelter, in particular touched my heart.
She and her husband came back from Diaspora, bought a house and settled in with their 4 children. Her husband was a doctor and because he worked long hours, the wife had opted to be a house wife and look after their children. He was a generous man, helped his family, renovated the parents’ house in the village, later moved them into a new house he also built for them and empowered his other family members.
Then one day he slept and just didn’t wake up, he wasn’t ill or anything. As soon as that happened his family pounced on her and asked her to marry his younger brother, when she refused, , they frosted her and systematically drove her and her children out of the house and took over his business, before that they poisoned one of the children. Thank God she didn’t die, that’s when she had to leave. Now she and her children are living in our shelter. We have decided to rent her a house and open a shop for her, she wants to sell provisions and bake some cakes. That we will do.
We were so happy that we could be touching lives, God has given us the opportunity to fulfil his purpose in was an amazing feeling.
We left and went to the hospital to see Robert, bought some snacks, chocolate and ice cream for him, Erica was sitting with him reading one of his favorite story books. Madam Mabel confessed to me that she had decided that once Robert is well enough, she wants him to spend time with Erica and get to know his biological mother. She said, no one needs any DNA test to show Erica is his biological mum, the bond is natural. A tear ran down my eye as she spoke to me. I knew God was finally sorting this mess out in his own perfect way. Glory be to his holy name……hmmmm

DAY 239
MR-We were gathered, EG, MIL, Tammy, Kola, Pamela, Erica, Their parents and Lemmy. Josh has gone back to Scotland. Mrs. I and Madam Mabel. Mr. Chidi was with Robert. And finally Tella and Rukky were brought in. Tella almost ran out, he was so shocked and am sure his mind would be wondering what have this people got to do with Rukky and Erica. Well he was just in a hurry because the truth was about to revel itself. Oh I forgot to add, Rukky’s mother was going to be contacted on Skype first so she can narrate her side of the story to us without seeing Erica’s parents and this was definitely going to be very interesting, I thought.
We connected to Skype, Rukky’s mum came on, she wasn’t aware we were all there, Uncle J compelled Rukky not to let her know so that even she can get the truth, so Rukky asks her mum to tell again how she was abandoned, her mum was curious, she asked why she wanted to hear it all over, Rukky said it will just to reassure her she was doing the right thing. So her mm went into this long cockamamie story all over again. Then Erica’s parents came to face her and she was shocked Rukky warned her that if she disconnects them, she will never see her again. So Erica’s parents asked her why she lied to Rukky and who was Rukky’s parents. Then the cat came out of the bag.
What really happened is that she gave birth to twin girls and only declared one of the girls to Erica’s parents, she decided to keep Rukky since they were not identical, she believed no one will find out. Her plan was to collect money off Erica’s parents to take care of her but the plan back fired and she planted deceit and bitterness in Rukky. Rukky was shocked , she asked her mum to repeat what she just said , “you mean you lied to them Mama?, how could you turn me into this bitter person, Erica’s mum was already on her feet, looking at her long lost daughter Rukky, Erica and Pamela were crying, Rukky was crying , Their parents were crying , in short we all had tears in our eyes except Uncle J and Tella of course, he was still dazed and wanted to know how we all connected into this but no one was telling him.
Rukky’s mum was crying and apologizing, asking everyone to forgive her. Erica’s mum said how could she deny their daughter of the love of her parents for so long, she said she was supposed to be her friend, whom she trusted and did them a unforgettable favor of carrying their babies for them, they would have done anything for her ,if she had asked.
Anyway Erica’s father didn’t want to hear anymore, he disconnected the Skype conversation and came over and gave Rukky a hug and Rukky cried, after all the crying she said she had a confession. Robert was Erica’s son, she never got pregnant, it was just all the plan she and Tella came up with when she found out she was coming to testify in court. Pamela was so cross, she said to Tella, “you are evil, you’ve been trying to kill us all for some time now, you poison our sister’s mind, Uncle J, please look him up and throw away the keys”.
Every one of us had to concur, but Tammy said, God is a forgiving God, Please lets forgive him……hmmmmmm

MRS- Seriously serious as a friend of mine says, yesterday’s performance from all players involved would have definitely won an Oscar. Bravo but all players got played by the God of creation, in the end the truth was revealed.
After all confessions were heard, Tammy made a case why Tella should be forgiven, Tella was shocked , right there and then Tammy led him to Christ , he gave his life and became born again. Rukky, Erica and Pamela and their parents had years of catching up to do, so they left. Uncle J was brilliant, he came to the bottom of all this crazy saga that had been going on for weeks.
Lemmy is just so happy that everything is finally over, he reveals to us that EG just found out he had mild palpitations in his heart, he has to take it easy, so this coming to an end now], should put his mind at rest. My Mum was all smiles, it was obvious she had forgiven her wondering husband. She too was thankful that he could finally have some peace now. He has been like a wounded lion, not knowing who the mother of his child was, she thanked God.
EG was so humble, he apologized to Erica, her parents and said whatever decision is reached amicable about Roberts future is fine with him, she just wanted their blessing to be involved in his life. Madam Mabel said it was okay, he will always be his biological father, no one can take that away from him. He had just finished saying well until the DNA proof he is the father, when there is a knock on Uncle J’s office door.
The Doctor walks in with the DNA result, he hands it to EG , EG opens it and the next thing he is on the floor, passed out….hmmmm

DAY 240

MR-hmmm, endless Drama, EG is in hospital on drips, it was scary, Lemmy had just told us he had an irregular heartbeat and he lands flat on the floor, Thank God the doctor said it was just the fact that he was over excited and that put pressure on his heart when it started to beat fast from all the excitement.
The DNA result, well EG is definitely Roberts biological father and Yes, you guessed right Rukky is his mum, oh sorry did I say Rukky , I actually meant ERICA, she is the biological mother of Robert…Ha!HA! Hope I didn’t give anyway heart Palpitations.
And to top it all Rukky and Erica are confirmed Twins, so Pamela gains and extra sister, their parents get a daughter and Erica’s best friend turns out to be her sister. Rukkys adopted mum is flying down to, she’s coming to apologize for all her wrong doings in person.
Well what about? Tella you ask, well like I mentioned yesterday, he gave his life and now he’s born again. Rukky is sticking with him, it was glaring they actually do love each other. Wedding bells soon, well we are not sure, but will keep you posted.
David and Sabrina are coming back tonight. My dad was a bit apprehensive, he hasn’t seen him in a long while. Am sure everyone has grown up now and can overlook the things of the past. My mum and Mrs. are getting on like a house on fire, really chummy, I pray it continues.
In the meantime Mrs. and Tammy want to go to London and Dubai for quick baby things shopping trip with Toke, Toke has asked them to fly down and they will take the private jet to London to shop then fly them back here. Enjoyment galore, sometimes I wish I could help her carry the baby and get all the preferential treatments. Just kidding , I appreciate mothers and the whole carrying babies for 9 months , then the baby will get out grow up a bit and feel he or she can disobey the mum, oh no if I carried that child I will beat it silly with my Big bosom….lol…..hmmmm

MRS-Halleluyah, we finally got to the end of all this drama, Erica and EG are the official bio parents. Now we can move on from all the stress.
Tammy and I are going to Dubai, next week, Toke wanted to send the jet but we insisted on flying commercial since the jet is taking us to London from Dubai and bringing us back home.
Ola called , you remember her, the governor’s wife, she was so polite on the phone , she said she wanted to see me to apologize for her misbehavior, she said after everything I did for her and her daughter we should be best of friends and not enemies. I wanted to believe she was sincere, but I was a bit cautious and wondered what brought on the sudden change of heart.
Well I found out when Toke told me that Fatima called her , the last time she was home I gave her mother’s no and said it was her decision to call or not, so Fatima called her mum and said , if she doesn’t come and apologize to me , she will never see her again, hence Ola’s call to me.
Tammy thinks I should take her apology but ask to meet at a neutral point not to go to the government house, she could actually get security agents to detain me. So I called her back and asked us to meet at my favorite fusion restaurant. She actually told me she was coming on her own. Surprisingly when I mentioned it to Mr., he insisted I inform Uncle J, so that just in case he can put his boys on standby.
So yesterday, after all the drama, in uncle J’s office I proceed to meet her, she arrives with her car and one orderly, then walks in, I was already waiting. She walks up to me and says, “you must be joking if you think you can turn my daughter against me”. She picks up her phone and says come in, she looks towards the door, no one comes in, she repeats again I said come in, still no response. Am sitting there smiling, not saying anything. She sends her orderly to check the security agents outside. The guy comes running in saying “Your excellency Ma, the men have been arrested Ma”, “By whom” she screams, “I don’t know Ma” , they are wearing masks”. she turns to look at me, hisses and storms off outside and I just sit back and smile to myself, Thank God for Uncle J…….Hmmmmmmm

DAY 241
MR- My wifey, trying to get her in detention, is this woman okay, she can’t be, Ola actually tried to get my wife abducted. Thank God I thought fast and asked her to get Uncle j to send some of his boy to keep watch in case.
Kola and I went to pick up David and Sabrina around 6pm, they looked relaxed and refreshed and happy to be back. David looked and sounded reborn, he held on to Sabrina like someone was going to kidnap her. They hugged and kissed as they came out of the arrival hall, I was quite delighted to see that David was finally growing up and taking responsibility to his wife. I guess the fact that he was becoming a father made him grow up.
Tella is coming to see Kola and I in the office today, he wants a job and also says he wants to apologize for the way he has been behaving towards us, It’s okay, we can offer him work , we are actually looking for a project manager at the hotel construction site.
I put a call through to the Governor, his PA said he will call back. A few hours later the PA to the governor called and asked me to see him at his private guest house for 9pm. I need to go discuss his wife with him, she needs to back off my wife completely……hmmmm

MRS-Thank God for Mr.’s quick thinking, I would have been writing from prison now, to think that witch of a woman, planned to actually get me locked up. What have I done to deserve that?
She even knows am pregnant, how heartless can she be. Anyway am just so grateful to God that I got out of it.
Sabrina and David got back yesterday night, she brought a lot of sari’s , they are so comfortable to wear for a pregnant woman, am actually wearing one out today. My mother in law is insisting Sabrina comes stay with them but David isn’t interested, they came with enough money to buy their own house, so for now they want to lease a place for a couple of months while they fix up their own house .
Mr. has a meeting with the governor this evening, at least we can finally get this all sorted. Erica’s parents are so excited, I went by there house yesterday evening, you could see the joy on their face gaining one fully grown beautiful daughter, God was amazing and to think it was Roberts illness that brought all this to lime light, the saying is true that out of darkness can come light, I miss my Grandma she was a very wise woman.
I remember how she raised me to be self content with any situation I find myself, I should always teach my children the word of God so that they will not depart rom it and I should respect my mother no matter what. She also tried the cooking thing but I just wasn’t ready for that, I was too pre occupied with the fashion trends my mum was teaching me.

All in All God almighty is awesome, all her teachings are helping me to keep my home happy now. I thank God…..hmmmm

Day 242

MR- Tella, showed up before Kola and I got to the office , he was waiting in reception. We asked him to join us in the board room.
He looked different from the cocky bagger I knew , there was a different calmness about him , I guess being born again does that to a man. We had a good meeting , he confessed that his old gang had been in touch with him and in fact they want him to rejoin them but he is not going too. He was the grand master of plans . What ever needed to be done, he will sit down and plan it all out and it never failed. They told him since he left they have not been so successful . He even told us what they were offering him. In terms of sharing the loot. They were willing to give him as high as 60%. Out of curiosity Kola asked how much do they get.
Tella said sometimes it could be up to a million dollars , I almost fell off my chair. I then asked how come he didn’t have any investments or properties?
He looked at us , shaking his head and said ,” ill gotten wealth never lasts , besides we had to use more than half to sort out different law enforcement agents , who knew who we were , to keep them off our back. The rest went into ammunition, drugs , accommodation and then the group shared the rest , we were about 20 of us, so that does not add up to much . Everyone had their area of speciality” .

I realised this was a corporation , Tella actually worked in a criminal organisation , well thank God he has decided to give his life and turn a new leaf. We offered him the project manager job. He was delighted and a company car . He already had accommodation, so he starts on Monday.

O yes , the governor’s house, I got there at the appointed time , was ushered into the waiting room, before the governor’s main lounge , then all of a sudden two security guys came to walk me out , amid protests that I had an appointment with the governor. When I got outside , I called the PA , he was so sorry, he said the governor’s wife got me kicked out and she warned them not to tell the governor or else she will make them loose their jobs and that if the governor asks , we should say you didn’t turn up. Well that ended my visit. She obviously found out I was visiting and put two and two together, that I would tell him what happened . This is getting serious . The question now is what is this evil woman planning……hmmmmm

MRS-Yesterday we started counselling at the NGO, Tammy and I got there early in the morning, you won’t believe how many people were waiting , we had a friend called Toby , a professional counsellor sit in with us . He would take the classes when we are away . we wanted to have the first sessions this week before we flew out to Dubai on Sunday.

The first person that came in ,narrated her story , she and her hubby are having problems , she is a business woman who sells clothes , lately she found out that male clothes sell faster and they pay on time so she switched to male clothes . Money was coming in and she started to travel out of the country to get new stock. Then her husband got his nickers in a twist and started to accuse her of cheating on him. She felt it was a joke initially . One day he came to an office where she was meeting some male staff to drop off their orders , obviously he had followed her there, he all but beat the guys up, called her a harlot etc and embarrassed both her and himself.then he gave her an ultimatum , stop selling clothes or I divorce you. She pleaded to at least sell something else but he said no. His job is not lucrative enough to take care of all their needs but he is so stubborn and he won’t listen to advice, she’s thinking of leaving him and taking her 2 children but someone suggested they try counselling , so here she was.

Toby was the first to say something, he asked where her husband was . She said he was in his shop, he sold paint. Tammy asked that she come back tomorrow with him, so we can listen to his own side of the story.

The next one was a woman who came to ask us to pray for her because her house was on fire, her words not mine. She is the first wife, ever since her husband married a new wife , he has abandoned her, she even has to beg the new wife to get money from their husband for her . Honestly I didn’t know we going to get this kind of requests but we decided to use this week as a test case. Lets see what comes up, then we break the counselling sessions into section , so we have marriage counselling, prayers sessions, financial help etc.

Rukky’s adopted mum arrived yesterday morning, after we were done with counselling we went to see her at the hotel. She was beautiful it was hard to see how someone so fair could be so vindictive. Anyway the elders always say , looks can be deceptive. Erica’s parents have arranged a get together for all of us to come over on Saturday, Robert is also going to be released that morning. So it would be a double celebration.

Well Mr went to see the governor yesterday and am sure he has told you what happened , see me see trouble, this is what I get for helping someone, God help me……..hmmmmmm

Day 243

MR- life is never a bed of roses , you win some you lose some. kola and I had a dinner yesterday for all squash players at the club. The group was celebrating 10 years of coming together. Kola and I went home to change then we went for the dinner with our our better half , it was for members only.
It started around 7 pm, we thought it was odd that they chose to have it mid week. Anyway we arrived right on time and waited around for the others to arrive, by 7.30 pm most of us were there , we were ushered into the decorated hall and our seats had been named tagged. We noticed once everyone was sited that there was a space with a spare seat between each of us, with no name plates , just empty. While I was still wondering . We saw this ladies , beautiful well dressed all file in and they each took up all the vacant seats . One came to sit between Kola and I .
We were a bit uncomfortable initially but as the evening progressed we felt more at ease . My date , in quote told me everything about herself. She just finished youth service , she was not retained she doesn’t want to go back to the North, where her parents live, she wants to stay here . I asked her where she stayed currently. She said she was squatting at the house the company gave her as a youth corner, that when she finished her service , she had to officially move out of their house but she’s still hanging around there and the new set of youth corpses don’t mind. But she’s aware that this might only last for a while before she’s sent packing.

I felt like helping her , I wanted to discuss it with Kola but he was busy talking to his supposed date . I excused my self, got up , pulled Kola up and took him outside to talk. He told me his date had her problems too, her boyfriend was abusing her because she lives with him and had no where else to move too. I told him what I want ed to do was to pay for an apartment for her and get her a job. Kola said he felt the same way , so we agreed to do just that but not sure how we were going to justify our actions to our Mrs ‘s.

We have a couple of apartments available in the building our company owned, so after the dinner, we gave them our office address and asked them to meet us there tomorrow morning, so we could take them there. Also I was going to make a few calls to some friends of ours to try and get them Jobs. Kola and I agreed that whom ever you had the power to help , you must help. We felt really good giving out little compared to everything we had , I mean what harm could that do…….hmmmmmm

MRS- Robert is very much better , he is going to be discharged on Saturday , Rukkys adopted mum went to see him yesterday , she came with Rukky and Erica , they met Tammy and I there, she is actually a very pretty woman. White , with a little mix in her. Her father is white American and Irish. Her mum is white American and Jamaican. Interesting combination.
She seemed really remorseful for what she had done. We stayed for a while and then left to get our hair sorted .

The strangest thing happened at the saloon. It was full of girls , they all came to do their hair because they had to go to some sort of dinner that evening. Tammy and I couldn’t believe what they were discussing. Do you know they were trying to think of sob stories they could tell the men they were expected to meet , that will get the men feeling sorry for them and be willing to help them out, both emotionally and financially.

One said I will tell them am an orphan, my parents died and left me all alone, no money no relative, I’ve had to fend for myself and work as a maid to go to school. One said she will claim her boyfriend she lives with beats her everyday. Another spoke about being diagnosed with fibroid. All sorts of nasty things. They then asked each other what they thought and all practised their stories until they got the thumbs up. I personally felt like going over to them and asking if they would want someone to do this to their brother or husband but Tammy asked me not to bother because all I will get from them will be insults. We felt so sorry for the poor men they were about to dupe. God help the men they get their claws into, cos before they let go they would have drained them dry. We couldn’t wait to finish and get out of there.

I didn’t have to go home immediately because Mr had this dinner thing with Kola, so Tammy and I went to the NGO to see how dinner time was going. We have a soup kitchen that dishes out dinner between 5 and 7 pm daily. Different menu everyday, we really wanted to provide a balanced diet for the people. Yesterday’s menu was roasted sweet potatoes , chicken , pepper sauce , mixed vegetable , with a fruit and bottle of water . We decided to have dinner with them. WE GOT A few stares , am sure they will be wondering what this two pregnant women who looked well taken of were doing eating food meant for helpless people. I must confess it felt good to humble myself . I needed to make sure I could eat what we were dishing out and I must say it was pretty delish……hmmmmm

DAY 234

Mr – The girls came to the office around 1pm, Kola and I closed for the day and took them to the apartment. I had called the care taker to open up the place before we got there. It was a furnished apartment , so all the girls had to do was move in. The fridge was already stocked and all cooking utensils present, so the girls offered to make lunch for us, since as they put itt the deprived us of our lunch.

Before the girls arrived this morning, I got home yesterday wanted to tell Mrs about them, but then I remembered the bible passage that said if you want to do a favour don’t let the other hand know what you are doing, something along those lines, well you could say it was a convenient passage to quote at this time, but I was sticking to it for now, so I kept it to myself. Am not doing anything wrong just helping out 2 helpless girls. But why do I feel so quilty.

Anyway the girls made jollofrive with the stuff at home and served us all on the dinning table, luckily there was a bottle of red wine in the fridge and we all had a glass, by the ti,ethe food was all gone , we were very much relaxed. When I finally looked at my watch it was 5.30 pm. We thanked the girls for the food and took out leave. Kola said if they needed anything they should give us a call. Before we ate I had transferred 250,000 each into their accounts , to help them stand on their feet until they got a job.

As we drove off, I told Kola the amount , he was astonished but he also felt at least they get someone to sponsor and pamper them for the first time, him being a part of changing someone’s life for good , price less……hmmmmmm

MRS- watch your back, watch your back, this text came into my phone. .meanwhile Madam Mabel and Mr Chidi are still battling it out. I stopped by her house yesterday and there were so many cars parked outside. I knew she and her husband were home because Erica had taken over staying with Robert in hospital duties. I knocked on the door and Madam Mabel opened it .

She looked so please to see me. She stepped out on to her patio and said Chidi’ relations were inside begging her not to divorce him or kick him out,Sis imagine one of them saying it’s the love he has for me that made him lie . Imagine that nonsense, anyway let me go back inside and listen to the other nonsense they have for me. Sis I mi I will come to you house once they have left, I have gist for you.

We had a busy day at the NGO, We held a seminar on positive attitude. The theme was , you hear, you think and then you react. The idea was to get people thinking positively, so their reactions could be very positive.

I drove home laughing , Madam Mabel she can never change, as I was going out in the evening , I drove past her house again all the cars had left but I saw one drive out of her compound , to my surprise it was EG, he didn’t see me but I saw him, I know for sure that Mr Chidi had moved out temporarily, so what was EG doing there . I wasn’t about to walk to conclusion not to talk of run to it. This one am keeping close to my chest and just watching this space ……hmmmmm

Day 245

MR- yep it’s official I feel really bad, why can’t I bring myself to tell Mrs ? I haven’t done anything wrong. I think I just need to man up.
Kola and I are meeting at the club this morning, I think we need to talk it through, we are only being philanthropic m that shouldn’t make us feel bad, it should excite us.

Later this evening I have to put on my 007 James Bond thinking cap. Ola has denied me access to the governor in his home, so the logically thing will be to find an alternative way of meeting with him, I’ve been told he launches a book on power and politics, this evening, I’ve found out the venue and I shall be gate crashing his entourage. The PA to the governor couldn’t get me a pass but he has given me the name of one of his security details who can get me in, once am in, The PA asked that I locate him and he will get me an audience with the governor. The only down side is that he’s not sure if Ola will be there Because they were both invited.

That’s still this evening so I will cross that bridge when I get there. Kola and I had a busy day at the office, we later went to the hotel site , the foundation digging is coming along fine, we intend to have underground parking , so it’s going to be a bit deeper than normal.

Tella is fitting well into his role as project manager , he has Lemmy and Tony to assist him. The only snag was that as we drove up to the site, we saw Tella talking to some guys in a blacked out Honda , and as soon as we parked the guys drove off. The car had one of this specialised numbers. Kola asked him who his guests were , he casually laughed it off and said, “oh, it’s just my cousin” . Why don’t I believe him? I guess am just suspicious because of his previous betrayals . Please God forgive me, I need to move past that and believe he has changed, like he said and give him the benefit of doubt.

Driving away from there , we decided to stop and see the girls. We could see they were settling in fine. When we got there they opened the door and both knelt down saying thank you uncles , you turned our lives around, God bless you. I must admit at that moment it made everything better for me. The question is why am I still feeling quilt…..hmmmmm

MRS- Madam Mabel , hmmmm, she’s something else. She came over yesterday evening to gist me. I guess she wasn’t thinking straight or she just was desperate to tell someone. Imaging she told me EG has been coming to see her , to ask for forgiveness for leaving her behind when he travelled way back then , he loved her so much and he could have taken her along or sent for her . He comes sits with her and they reminisce about the past . He is always so happy when he’s with her and doesn’t want to leave
I watched as she spoke to me, the expression and joy on her face showed that she still had feelings for him. What about my mum, his newly wed bride who was expecting his child . I had mixed feelings , I felt for my mum and I was kind of glad for Madam Mabel that she found her first love. Life was too complex, why did it have to be my step father ?

I think she noticed my dilemma , she then stopped talking and apologised saying she shouldn’t be telling me all this, because he was my relation now but sometimes she forgets . I said it was okay, it’s not as if they were having sex or something. She quickly said” Sisi mi never, that boat has sailed along time ago, although if I met him again before your mum did, maybe something might have happened.”

Anyway we got off that officially, unofficially it was all I could think of. She told me Chidi was sober , crying and begging yesterday , she told them to give her 2 weeks to think about it, that she needed time alone to think. So he left with his family and asked if it was okay for him to visit their son, Madam Mabel said it was fine.

When she left I had this urge to call my mum, so I called and asked if she was fine, she said she was peachy. That EG and her are going for a weekend trip, this past days has stressed everyone out, so going out of town together might just revitalise them. I said I was glad she was fine. What I didn’t say was that , please take him far far away from Madam Mabel before something terrible happens, I can feel something in the air, who or what it’s about, is what I don’t know …..hmmmmmm

DAY 26

MR- I must clap for my self in fact I should get a standing ovation. Why? You ask , well I didn’t know I could be a spy but I did my James Bond 007 moves yesterday. But before we get into that , something is going on and am not sure what it is.

Kola and I went to play squash in the morning. Actually we did more talking than playing. Coincidentally this morning , we both got strange text from the girls we gave accommodation. Mine read, Thank you Uncle, you saved me life and I love you for this. Kola’s read, Thank you Uncle, I don’t know what I will do without you. Wow! We were a bit confused didn’t know whether it was just two grateful girls or something deeper. But Noooo O, they are just happy to finally have someone take care of them and bless them , they are only expressing their joy , Kola also agrees with me. It made us feel really good. Kola suggested we see them tonight but I asked him to go ahead , I had to go gatecrash a book launch.

The book launch was due to start at 5 pm , the PA called and asked me to get there at 4.30pm, come through the security entrance at the back he will have someone waiting to get me in. So I left home around 3.30. Mrs had gone to spend time Erica’s family and later she will go see my parents and Sabrina . David was busy with workers at his club.
I got to the venue right on time m as I parked I got a text from the PA asking me to come through the front and give my name as Dr Thomas from the research institute. Okay, so I went round the front, the security guy with a guest list checked my name , found it and said I was on the VIP list, I was led to the front of the auditorium, just two seats away from the front row, where I believed the governor would sit.

Then the governor arrived with Ola and they sat on the front row, I was deflated a bit because how was I going to approach him with her right next to him, anyway the event started and the MC came on, THE called the governor first to the high table as the chief launcher , I felt my spirt dampen. I was still sulking when some came and dropped an envelope on my laps , I didn’t even open it when I heard DR FILANI, please come to the high table for the review. I didn’t move, I thought there must be the real DR FILANI here, then they called again, and I could see the PA on the stage pointing at me, so I got up looked in the envelope and saw the review all typed out. My heart was beating fast , I approached the stage and climbed up and stood at the podium . Read the review, after I was about to go back to my seat , when the PA ushered me to sit right next to the governor.

I looked into the crowd and I saw Ola squinting , looking to see if that was me or not. The governor leaned over and asked , when did you become Dr Filani, am not sure sSir was my response. He smiled and said , we need to talk, I said yes we do your excellency , I have been trying too for weeks now. He responded and said , now you’ve got my attention…….hmmmm

MRS- Could they be having an affair, Nooo O, it wasn’t possible, she wouldn’t DEAR, neither would he, but then again, love was blind , although I heard it actually wear contact lenses now a days .

Yesterday was the party Erica’s parents organised. We were to get there around 1 pm because , Robert was going to be discharged around 12pm. They wanted everybody at their house to surprise him. Tammy came over early with Jnr. O my gosh he had grown. He matched into the house and said , “Hello my Aunty “, I was amazed , his voice was so clear, I asked Tammy who taught him, she said she did. He is so cute , I could swear he actually looked more like Tammy now than Kola his biological dad.

We left for the party around 11.30 , GOT there just before 12 , everyone was there, Kola, Lemmy, Pamela, their parents , Rukeyser and her adopted mum, Tella. madam Mabel and Erica had gone to pick up Robert. My mum and EG were out of town on a long weekend and Babs was back in Germany m he had just started working and he was very busy.

Robert arrived looking all handsome, he was bouncy now , so much better , he hugged everyone laughed , it was such a delighted full scene. Then Erica gave a speech in which she introduced everyone to Robert. At the end she said this was his big family and he will never be alone again.

Robert was asked if he will like to say something , he said yes and then he began by looking at Madam Mabel.

” Mummy you are the best, I thank God for giving me a mum like you, you take good care of me , buy me everything I want and look after me when I am sick, I will always love you no matter what. Aunty Erica , it was nice meeting you, am glad you found me , I know I came form you tummy but Mummy will always be my first mother. I hope you don’t mind if I called you small mummy” we all laughed and Erica went over to him , she had tears in her eyes and gave him a big hug and kiss.

Then he turned to Mr Chidi, “Daddy, I love you too, thank you for being a good dad, paying my school fees , buying me clothes, my computer, a bicycle and taking me on holidays , you will always be my daddy. My daddy that gave birth to me will be my second daddy. Uncle lemme you are my big brother, I love all my Aunties and Uncles here and Grandma and Grandpa , am happy to meet you all again, I hope mummy will let me come and spend holiday with all of you. Thank you”

And we all stood up went round him and gave him a big hug, everyone had tears in their eyes. The room was full of presents.
THE his grandfather stood up and said Robert , you are truly my grandson, you have spoken like an adult not like a 13 year old. Your are now an executive director in my company and that entitles you to a house on baba nephew island , 3 new cars and a house full of servants , membership to the yacht club where you have access to one. You and your mummy Madam Mabel can move into the house immediately, it fully furnished and he sat down.

Madam Mabel was on the floor rolling, Mr Chidi, go up and thanked Roberts Grandfather and went over to LIFE Madam Mabel off the floor where she was crying and praising God. Robert came over, held her hand and said to all of us, I can’t wait to see the house, grandpa is it okay if we go there now. We all bursted out laughing………hmmmmmm

DAY 247

MR – Wisdom does not tie sticks together unless one has a rope, wise words from my father . There are some things that your wisdom alone cannot sort .

The governor made me come with his in his car after the launch , Ola came in her car so that was really convenient. I told him about what Ola did , he was really shocked , he said he knew she can act crazy sometimes but he thought she had calmed all the way down. He asked where Fatima was , I told him Dubai , at the American university , he asked if it was possible to get her to come home so she can face her mother and put her in her place. He said from what he heard the girl wants her to apologise to Mrs, before she has anything to do with her and my wife is too proud to beg .
I was surprised he had all the details but I guess , he appointed the body guard to follow her around and he must get a feed back from him.

I confirmed we could ask Fatima to come back for his sake , he said he will be honoured and he is willing to foot the bill to get her here and back. He then gave me his direct no and said I could call him directly when she arrived, that way no one except him in the government house will know. Later I was dropped off at the venue to pick my car and I called Kola , he was still just leaving ours with Tammy , so I said I would see him at work.

We went to church with my parents , David and Sabrina didn’t want to go. My parents really loved the sermon and decided to also attend couples counselling with us. O boy, it was really funny. The Pastor decided to talk about how many times a week do We think a couple should make love. My mother had to raise her hand and she said I quote ” you young people have it easy , that you can choose when you have sex. during our time , it was when ever he was on the bed , if he wanted it every hour you had to surrender , once he calls you you lie down and that was it. You women are lucky nowadays there is romance , kissing and to top it all you can give excuses why you don’t want to do it , lucky you” and they whole class gave her a standing ovation.

Well that was the highlight of our Sunday service, because of my mum the class went on longer than usual, all the young people wanted to ask her questions. The pastor had to make her promise to come next Sunday before the class could be dismissed. My dad on the other hand just sat there looking at her and in the car he finally said to my mum, Woman you will never change ……hmmmmm

MRS- We had to see the house, we drove to Banana island with everyone, the house was fantastic. 5 bedrooms, a swimming pool, a big garden, 3 new cars in the drive way. You won’t believe the staff were waiting all in uniform. A chef, 2 maids, a Gardner, and 2 security guards.

Robert was so happy he ran into the house and asked , “where is my room ?” His grandfather took him up, he had his large furnished room , his own sitting room and a games room. The house also had a home theatre with 14 seats , each room had their own sitting room and further 3 big living rooms . The kitchen opened up into the pool, so you could have breakfast on the porch and beyond that you were on the water itself, with views of the new lekki bridge . It was breath taking.

Madam Mabel didn’t know whether to laugh or cry , she was so happy. Roberts grandfather announced that he will now go to school here as a day student because he needs proper care, no more boarding school. He said he and Madam Mabel had concluded on that . He handed over all the keys to her and Tammy said the prayers declaring the house open.
The cook came to the big living room and led us into the garden where a large buffet table was laid out with so much food. A barbecue stand was also grilling some fish , shrimps , chicken and ribs, the smell was making my mouth water. A photographer was also busy taking pictures.

We finally left 2 hours later, Kola and Tammy had to come to ours to pick up Jnr. They spent an hour hoping that Mr will come back, but had to leave because Jnr was already falling asleep.

I took that opportunity to run a bubble bath, soaked myself in it and began to reflect on the first day I found out Robert was Erica’s son. God is awesome, look at how everything ended. Then my mind wondered off to EG and Madam Mabel. Could they be having an affair ? I have heard you never get over your first love, especially when fate puts you apart and you didn’t want to. I pray not , my mum loves EG so much that I know , but does EG love her enough to forget his first love, now that’s the question……..hmmmmmmm

Day 248
MR- I discussed the Governor’s request with Mrs , she called Toke and she said Fatima, should have a mid semester break in a week, she should be able to travel down then, she said Peju might want to do,E with her. That was fine as long as Fatima agreed to come because I really didn’t want to disappoint the governor.

David came early yesterday morning to see me. We sat in the front room downstairs and he updated me about what happened when they were in Malaysia. Sabrina went for some medical s and was told the baby was perfectly okay. She took David to her parents and everyone was happy that she was going to have a baby regardless of whom she was having it for. He had not met them before . Sabrina and him just went to the registry and that was that .

He wants me to be a partner in the business, not for me to put money in but for the management , he doesn’t have the business acumen that I have and he is a spend thrift . He wanted someone he could trust to run the business with him. I told him he should give me a week and I would get back to him.

Kola and I have Become adopted uncles for Toyin and Tolani, that’s what the girls we helped are called . they call everyday or send a text , always saying thank you. We have tried to get them sto stop thanking us but it has fallen on deaf ears. They came by the office yesterday afternoon, Kola and I were in a meeting at the time so they had to leave after waiting for a couple of hours. After work Kola and I felt it was only fair that we stopped by at the house to say hello. So we drove to the apartment we gave them.
They were delighted to see us offered us food but we declined and finally agreed to drink water . They were a bit touchy touchy, hugged us and sat next to us talking and laughing. I was a bit uncomfortable but later I relaxed. I didn’t want to assume anything. This were innocent young girls just being appreciative. We left making a promise that we will get them a job.
On the way home I was thinking maybe I could ask Mrs if they could work at the NGO, so I called Kola , he said we should discuss it at work tomorrow but he wasn’t sure it was a good idea, I asked why, he said he will explain it to me. All in all we need to get them a job so that they will stop being so reliant on us……hmmmmmmm

MRS- Madam Mabel asked Tammy and I to come keep her company while they pack. Although there is not much to move , just clothes and keep sakes. Which shouldn’t take a whole day . The house in Banana, was already fully furnished . She asked if I could get someone to rent their house , she knew Mr Chid wasn’t coming to stay with her and Robert for now and didn’t think he will want to stay in their old house alone. Right now he was staying his family.

I had to ask, so I asked her if she would consider taking Mr Chidi back, she said it will be difficult because she has found love with someone else. My heart skipped a beat, o my gosh , she has fallen back in love with EG, she didn’t have to mention whom, I knew who it was m so I didn’t bother asking. My protection antenna came up and I asked , do you really think you should be falling in love with someone else without giving Mr Chidi a chance , you have not even tried .
She looked at me and said “Sisi Mi , am sorry if you think I haven’t given him a chance , but look at me , am almost at my menopause door, I want to have a child of my own, a little brother or sister for Robert, Chidi can’t give me that, so my best option is to let him go so I can fulfil that dream”

I didn’t know what to say , I tried to hide the hurt on my face, she mistook it for sympathy for Mr Chidi and she consoled me saying Chidi will find someone who doesn’t want anymore kids , to love and care for him, but am done.

I left her house feeling so muddled up, I couldn’t tell anyone, not even Tammy , I went home GOT on my knees and prayed for a while, then I got up and I still wasn’t feeling better , so I went to see Sabrina and told her a hypothetical version.
She said I needed to be sure the woman in question was actually talking about the man I was thinking before I get my nickers in a twist, her exact words. Now I knew I had to play detective, but how, she was moving out of our estate thus very minute , my only option was to buy Robert a phone and call occasional to say hello and stylishly ask if EG came to see him. That was it , I will make sure before I know what step to take next ……hmmmmm

DAY 249

MR- Tella , what connection does he have to Toyin and Tolani, while we were with them in the board room yesterday , one of them went to use the ladies and left her phone. The phone started to ring and I saw the name Tella on it. WHEN Tolani got back I told her, her phone had rung , she had a look and excused herself to go and return the call. All I heard was , “ Am in a meeting , I will call you back”.
Hmmm, I hope it’s not the same Tella we know, anyway I guess am being paranoid , how can there be only one Tella in the whole world. I didn’t want to ask her , so as not to embarrass myself . But I was a bit uncomfortable. After they left Kola asked what the matter was and I told him. He too didn’t like the sound of it, he asked if I felt Tella was up to his old tricks. I asked to what end? And really it didn’t make sense.
The party where we met them had nothing to do with Tella, even if he hired them , there was absolutely no guarantee that these particular girls will sit next to Kola and I . Then even if he did , what was his aim. Besides hes now born again .

Kola and I were just making all sort of excuses to justify why it couldn’t be the Tella we knew but deep down , we could both see that we were not totally convinced . I mean what were our options, the girls were already living in our house , we were already responsible for them and we had promised to take care and get them jobs. Personally I wasn’t convinced that with everything we’ve done for them , they will still want to harm or do anything to upset us……hmmmmmm

MRS Rukkys mum leaves tomorrow, Rukky is staying in the country for a while , she and Tella are going to give it a go , living here for a while. Pamela left yesterday night , back to Babs in Germany. Erica is currently staying with Madam Mabel and Robert in their new house,

Lemmy stopped by to see me yesterday , he wanted me to ADVICE him on how to get over Erica, now that he found out she’s technically his step murther . He said I was now his step sister and as a woman I would have more empathy towards his plight . He can’t get her out of his mind. He hasn’t told her yet and he doesn’t intend to . I wasn’t totally surprised because I saw how he behaved around her on the day of the party . I informed him he already had the tool he required. All he had to do was think of her has his mum and all affections should jump out of the window.

As we sat there , we heard a commotion going on at our gate , I stepped out to see what it was but Lemmy asked me to sit down , he will go find out. He was gone for a few minutes. When he came back , he said they were security agents and were demanding to see Mr or Me, he told them we were not in and they said they will be back. He asked what the problem was , they didn’t answer and drove off. All this went on through the gate , as the security guard did not let them in.

What is Ola up to now , this girl really means business, thank God Fatima arrives on Friday , I really cannot wait for her to come sort out her mother . For now I will just make sure someone is in the house with me.
My Mother in law called me yesterday evening she asked me to come over . When I got there she said she wanted to teach Sabrina and I her sons favourite soup when they were young. As soon as she mentioned it , I bursted out laughing, when she asked why I was laughing , I couldn’t bring my self to tell her that Mr, told me about the soup and how he hated the soup but he had to force himself to eat it because his mum loved it and spent so much time cooking it. I just simply said I was excited to learn.

True to MIL’s word, the soup had all sorts of strange ingredients and took almost 2 hours to prepare, it’s a kind of vegetable , / medicinal soup. It looked okay but smelt terrible, the whole posh kitchen smelt we had to open all the door and windows. My father in law had to come in at one point and ask “ Woman why are you cooking this your soup again, who is going to eat it” my MIL just dismissed him and said it’s not for you, my son’s love it, he just wriggled his nose and walked out.

Once we were done cooking, she dished it into two separate containers for us to take home, she said we can eat it with rice or Yam etc. She wanted us to try some with cassava flakes but Sabrina and I declined saying we will prefer to eat with our hubby’s. We thanked her and left. When we got outside we both broke down laughing. Sabrina said she almost threw up twice, each time she went to the bathroom, I said same here , we marvelled at all that went into the soup, there was no way we could have Remembered if she didn’t make us write it down. We both decided it stays in the freezer and we will plead with our hubby’s to call her, say thank you and say they had some and it was delicious …….hmmmmm

Day 250
MR- O yes we are officially in trouble, Kola and I have been naive. We stopped by at the girls apartment, we didn’t even eat but drank, the next thing we knew we woke up 4 hours later , I didn’t get home until 11 pm had to lie to Mrs for the first time in a long time that Kola and I stayed behind in the office for work. Mrs had no reason to doubt me, so no problem there. But before we got to that , let me explain .
Kola and I got a call from Tolani that Toyin was not feeling fine , she was vomiting and running a high fever and she didn’t know how to get her to hospital. So we dashed down there , only to be told she was feeling much better , so we decided to stay with them for a while just to make sure she was okay, we didn’t eat , just took some water and slept off. We must have been very tired. When we woke up we checked our clothes nothing had been tampered with.but because of the time, I had no other explanation to give to Mrs , so I lied. Kola too lied to Tammy.

For the first time I found myself caring about someone else besides Mrs , I wanted Tolani to be fine, I wanted her to get a job and be happy. Kola was more on Tola’s case , she was closer to him. I couldn’t explain this but we were not okay until we heard from them in a day. I would ask Kola if he heard from them , he will ask me too. Just to make sure they were okay, no big deal.

The only snag is that we hadn’t told our other halves. This whole thing was slowly getting out of hand, the longer we kept it from our wife’s the worst it looked. I would have a word with Kola tomorrow, we’ve got to find away to tell them .
We don’t intend to have an affair with them, but every time I think of telling Mrs , something just holds me back. I can’t really explain it. You know this feeling you get as a man, when you feel needed , it’s really good, you want to do anything for the person who needs you. I guess that might be it.
I called David my brother , went to see him at the club, I confided in him about the girls, he was of the same opinion, as long as we could keep it platonic, then we should go ahead, but we had to be very careful, emotions as a way of creeping up on you and he reminded me that , you cannot control how people feel about you, you can only control how you feel about them. In other words if theses girls start to have feelings for us, we will have absolutely no control over it ……hmmmm

MRS- O my , we were not going to get away so easy from my MIL, she came over yesterday evening , hoping to have lunch with Mr and I but he wasn’t back yet, guess what she wanted to it, the soup she cooked for us and boiled Yam, thank God he wasn’t back yet, I don’t know what I would have done if she forced me to eat that soup. It actually made me a bit more receptive of Mr spending so much time in the office that he came back at 11pm.

Sabrina had a similar experience for lunch, she also dogged the bullet has David was also not in, she gave my MIL the same excuse that she would rather eat with David, so MIL had to back down. I know she’s not given up, she will be back to try.

You know I told you Madam Mabel’s house in our estate was now empty no one lives there. As I drove past I saw that the gate was slightly opened , I got out of my car to shut the gate and low and behold, what I saw got me curious. There were two car was parked in the compound, I didn’t recognise them. So I walked in to see if I could find out who owned them , I didn’t knock , tried to gain access through the back door, but before I could I heard voices saying , I will be off now, so I ran back to my car as fast as I could and drove back home. I could not go out anymore . If am going to remain sane , I need to get to the bottom of all this .

I wanted to go sort some things out at the NGO, Tammy and I were supposed to leave for Dubai on Sunday but we didn’t, we moved it to this coming Sunday, we are determined to go, if we don’t we will keep moving it until the babies come. My Mum is due Ina few weeks , her baby is the first to come, then We all drop one at a time. Last of all comes Toke’s twins. Loads of babies born this summer. Mr and I are still sticking to our decision, not to know the sex of our baby, we want it to be a surprise.

I sat there waiting for Mr yesterday, I realised we hardly have time to sit together and just chill, we have so much going on in each other’s lives that we forget to slow down . I hear when the bay comes it would get worse because it will need so much attention. I must suggest to Mr that we go away for a weekend like my mum and EG just did. That reminds me , who is sneaking around Madam Mabel’s empty house, I hope it’s not EG and …….hmmmmmm

Day 251

MR-o my gosh, Lord help us Mrs Mum was rushed to hospital yesterday evening , she had not been eating well and her blood pressure was a bit erratic , she was rushed to hospital and diagnosed as having high blood pressure , the bay had to come out immediately , she is having an emergency C section this morning, WE were there yesterday night and her condition is not really good. They are hoping once the baby is out they can give her aggressive treatment and tests to see exactly what’s wrong.
Mrs is besides her self with worry , am so scared cos she hasn’t eaten and insisted on staying in hospital with her mum. I have to go and pick her up this morning.

EG was so worried , I had only seen him looking like that when Robert was about to have a bone marrow transplant, I was shocked to see tears in his eyes. My MIL is really sick we are all confused , how she deteriorated to this level baffles everyone.
Tammy has called the pastor, am picking him up this morning and taking him to pray for her. Lord help us ….hmmmm

MRS- oh lord, my mum , please safe her , I don’t understand what’s going on, she’s so pale and not breathing properly. As I sit in her room waiting for the CS to be carried out , I don’t even want to begin to imagine what my life will feel like without my mum. The doctors can’t really put a finger on what’s spiking her blood pressure but they just want the bay out before they can carry out more tests and give her strong medication.

I still spoke to her day before yesterday and we were laughing about the fact that Mr and I needed a break , she said but I was going shopping in London and Dubai , I should use that time to get some rest. She was bubbly and full of life, she didn’t give me any indication that she was ill.
EG said they were getting ready for dinner when she suddenly developed a headache and demanded she wanted to lie down. Then she held her head and said she was feeling faint, before you know it she had to be rushed to hospital.

EG called me at my mums insistence and Mr and I rushed over, I have been with her since yesterday evening , will keep you posted, GOT to go now …….hmmmm

Day 252-

MR- wow! My MIL was delivered of a bouncing baby girl, she was premature and so tiny but strong and beautiful. The sad news is that My MIL slipped into a coma as soon as the baby came out. The doctors are not very optimistic but say she’s stable but critical.
EG is making arrangements to move her to Kings college hospital in London, I had to go with Lemmy to arrange an air ambulance for today. MRS hasn’t slept since yesterday , I had to get her sedated , Tammy, Kola, Erica and Madam Mabel have been here since yesterday . They went home last night , I just came home this morning to shower and change , also get a change of clothes for Mrs. She has insisted that she’s not leaving the hospital.

She is going with her Mum to London, EG will also be on the flight , WE are all so confused now. One minute we were all celebrating Roberts recovery and the next my mum in law is in a coma and she hasn’t even seen her beautiful daughter sleeping peacefully in an incubator.

That pastor came and prayed for her , he asked us to let God take charge , that we should let the will of God be done. Tammy was so worried she said , she prays it’s not what she thinks . Thankfully Mrs had been sedated when she said that.
Am on my way out now, going back to the hospital, the flight to London leaves at 9am, please keep praying for us……Hmmm

MRS- mummy please don’t leave me, my baby sister and I need you, your grandchild needs you, mummy please don’t leave me.

My mum is in a coma, am sitting next to her now talking to her, singing to her , hoping that she can hear me.
Mummy look at me , I need you, this is my first baby, who’s going to help me wash her properly, or show me how to lift her head when I Breast feed her , mummy please don’t leave me.

I can’t think straight, I can’t think , I can’t focus, dear God please help me,
Mummy don’t leave me , you were planning to ask me to come stay with you for a while when I have my baby , you said we can both sit down breast feeding our babies and watch our favourite movies, mummy don’t leave me, please don’t go

Mummy can you hear me, mummy am talking to you, mummy please answer me …..hmmmmmm

Day 253

MR- O dear , what’s going to happen now, am so disappointed, Mrs is currently sedated . It all happened like a dream, we were getting ready to take my MIL on the air ambulance. The dosctors had to discharge her first.
So we waited for the tests to be carried out , it took longer than expected . We waited and waited , she wasn’t coming out of the coma, but he still needed to make sure that she was stable enough for the journey . It was going to take 8 hours .
Around 8.30 he came in to the lounge where we were all waiting and asked that EG should come with him to his office. My heart skipped a beat , I didn’t like the way the doctor looked.

Mainwhile Tammy , Erica, Kola, Madam Mabel , Sabrina, David, my mum were all with me. My dad was a bit tired so my mum insisted he rest a bit that she will extend his regards . Mrs was all but hallucinating, she hadn’t slept for almost two days I was extremely worried because she was going to take the flight to London with her mum.
But has it stands now I don’t think anybody is going anywhere. We sat in the lounge waiting and waiting for EG to return.
Then a whole one hour later he appears, I knew it , he slumped on the empty sofa an said the four words no one ever wants to hear….My love is gone……hmmmmmm

Day 254-
MR – Who’s gone , we all shouted , EG broke down crying and for a few minutes couldn’t say anything , Lemmy , Kola and I took it upon ourselves to run to the doctors office and asked . He finally broke it to us, My MIL passed on a few minutes ago, there was nothing anyone could do , her brain had shut down completely and her heart stopped.

Before I knew it I was on the floor crying , I couldn’t believe we were not going to talk anymore, my mum in Law , she was so nice, Kola and Lemmy had tears in their eyes. Then all of a sudden I remembered Mrs didn’t even know yet , she had been sedated the night before , to give her enough rest to be able to travel with her mum to London on the air ambulance.

I ran back to the lounge with Kola and Lemmy in tow, EG was sobbing uncontrollably, Madam Mabel and My Mum were consoling him, Tammy was on the phone asking the Pastor to come over and Erica was crying . I took off down the corridor to Mrs Room, as I ran in she stared , turned over and said “Baby , is it time to leave?” . I said no my love, rest some more, just then Kola busted in and he was trying to wipe his tears away .

Mrs is no bodies fool, she sat up and adjusted her top and said she wanted to go check up on her mum, Kola and I were so confused WE said No!!! at the same time, she looked at me and asked , why not , what’s happened to my mum and before we could hold her , she was out of the private room running towards intensive care , where her mum was , she busted into the room and found everyone crying around her and EG was cradling her in his arms saying , “why my love, what’s going to happen to our daughter , we did say we will grow old together” and Mrs slumped .

The doctor came , gave her another sedative and put her back in the private room , Kola , Tammy , Erica and I went to stay with her , Lemmy, Madam Mabel and My mum stayed with EG.
The pastor arrived shortly after , Got EG to leave MIL for a little while , prayed for her soul and EG, then went to see the little baby girl in ICU. He had to practically drag EG with him, Madam Mabel and Lemmy supported him, because he wasn’t even able to walk properly, he didn’t want to leave his wife, but my mum volunteered to stay with her.
The little girl was so small , but beautiful, she had tubes everywhere, one than supplied oxygen and one that feed her . The pastor was given a sterile gown and gloves, he put his hand through the open space in the incubator, laid a hand on her head and prayed. After wards he said she will live and not die, she has a wonderful future ahead of her, he looked at EG and said please take care of her very well. She will be perfectly healthy.

EG slumped in a chair and said to the pastor, I don’t blame her, she’s my only daughter. The doctor said my wife had a massive heart attack and a blood clot which affected her brain . Thank you Pastor . From the way EG was slurring his words , it was obvious he was tired , he hadn’t slept either in a couple of days . We went back to My MIL’s room, the nurses were about to move her body into the mortuary, but EG stopped them and he held on to her lifeless body and started crying again.

The doctor decided it was better to sedate Him, because he just held on to my MIL ‘ s lifeless body and kept saying My Love , you can’t leave me , wake up , our baby girl needs you …….hmmmmmmm

Day 255

MR- Hmmmm, Death, so final , the ultimate destination awaiting all of us. Someone once said , we all want to go to heaven but no one wants to die.

So true , yet so scary. My MIL , barely in her prime, a woman of beauty , who knew what she wanted , she and My Love were beginning a new journey of mother hood, WE were all looking forward to the day all the little ones will get together and we could all tell them stories of their birth. O mama , why did you have to go so soon, I can still remember the day you walked into our house looking amazing, Kola thought you were a young star he could admire and compliment any how, I had to prostrate flat on the floor to say hello to you.
I remember how you made an effort to get things right with my wifey, you apologised , admitted you could have done better , you let your pride go and grovelled before your only daughter.
I remember the day you walked down the isle with EG , you glowed , Mrs was so happy , she had not seen you that nappy in a long time, WE all knew you had finally found a man you could , love, respect, honour and cherish.
Mama, we will miss you , we love you so much, you Baba girl will be well taken care of , between EG and us , she will have an amazing life. We will make sure she never forgets you.
Dear MAMA, LET Your mind be a rest, rest in peace , it’s time for you to let go and let us pick up the mantle and we promise we will not let you done. All that you left behind will flourish and am sure you will look down on us and smile
Don’t forget us , always remember that you are forever in our hearts , Mama, take care of yourself, at least you have left the struggles of this world , you are finally home. God rest your precious soul…..hmmmmm

MRS- Mum, you left me, I woke up from being sedated and Mr held me so tight , I was almost suffocating. He told me you had passed away the night before, thankfully I was allowed to see your body. Words cannot express what I feel right now, I guess am still not convinced you have left me and gone.
I can still hear you voice saying baby girl, you and I will Brest feed together and watch movies.
Who’s going to do that with me. Mum , what were you thinking ? Your grandchild was on its way, would have been delighted to meet you.
I wish I was dreaming and somebody needed to wake me up and I find you standing over me saying , aApril fool, am still here, you can’t get rid of me that easily.

I guess you are all wondering why she left us so soon , so am I , the doctor said , she had had High blood pressure for a while, left unchecked , it had reduced her kidney function , , she started to feel ill, with the baby in her , she suffered a mild stoke and then the whole saga began.
Slipping into a coma after the C section , she suffered a heart attack and a blood clot , finally her heart stopped working.

I asked why her high blood pressure wasn’t detected on time, the doctor said , my mum believed she was a pro, didn’t need to come to ante natal clinic, because she had been. There and done that. So she just carried the pregnancy and self medicated when she had a Headache or a pain, thinking it might just be stress or malaria.

I who preached to everyone about checking their BP, didn’t even realise my own Mum wasn’t checking hers, I emphasise it at the NGO, to our friends and anyone I could find , the importance of checking regularly, but little did I know my own mum was slowly dying inside.

Toke , Aakil, Ahmed, Abdul, Peju are all coming back for the burial Fatima is still here, , Josh , Pamela and Babs are coming too. We bury her on Sunday . EG is already making all the arrangements , meanwhile , Princess, as we call the new baby, is still in ICU in an incubator, WE are all meeting after the burial TO decided the best line of action, EG doesn’t have parents anymore and he only has brothers. I am my mums only child, so we decide. One thing we are all in agreement with, is that no maid will raise my sister .

I am lying on the bed writing this , I still think my Mum will walk through that door, well I can be hopeful, that’s all I got now, if I don’t want to end up in hospital. Tammy , Kola , Jnr and Erica, all spent the night in our house, they don’t want to leave me alone, worried I might do something funny. I tried to tell them , I won’t, I’ve got our bambino to consider.
Mum, God rest you beautiful sour, l love you so much and my heart aches for you so bad……hmmmmm

Day 256

MR- EG is making all the burial arrangements , the church service, interment and reception after. We weren’t sure if we should be expecting a large crowd or not, My MIL had a lot of friends but we had contact with just a few of them. So Mrs came up with an idea , that we should call the few we had contacts for and ask them to invite the others.

Toke and co arrive on Friday evening , Pamela, josh and babs arrive Saturday morning , WE have requested that Tammy’s pastor gives the sermon. Mrs has to read the eulogy and I am giving the vote of thanks .

The baby is doing fine , she is eating well and getting stronger each day, she’s a fighter. We all know who we want to take care of her but no one is willing to say anything. EG is still grieving now so no one can bring up the issue, but we know who would take care of the child better.

Kola has been a big help, he stayed with us through out yesterday and he’s still here today , we are going to help Lemmy sort out a few things for Sunday. I don’t think it will sink in that she’s gone , until she’s finally in the ground.

O , before I forget ,the two Ts have been calling , obviously wondering why we haven’t been picking their calls . They came to the office yesterday , Kola and I refused to see them, which they didn’t find very funny. We sat looking at there reaction from the boardroom on the cctv. What they weren’t aware of was that we could also put on the micro phones in front of them, remotely . We listened as they discussed their next line of action, initially it was harmless. Then they dropped a bombshell plan, Kola and I had to say What !!! At the same time …..hmmmmm

MRS- Erica has been a great help, she and Tammy have taken turns staying with me, they watch me like a hawk. I am not allowed to go downstairs to do anything, they make sure I eat all my meals , take a rest and focus on my health and the baby am carrying, they even check my BP regularly to make sure I am okay.

Aakil is donating a 9 carat gold and gems crusted casket which he’s flying in from Dubai. Toke is bring a lovely silk dress for her to wear with some diamond jewel rug , she’s going out in style. Aakil also sent 250,000 dollars to my account yesterday evening, he asked that we add it to the cost of the funeral.

I have ordered some gifts to be branded for my mums burial. Tammy is in charge of getting those sorted, my mum in law cooked some pepper soup and brought it for me. She sat me down and said , My mum might have died but I should be rest assured that she is there for me. When am ready to have the. Any , I should let her know , she will come take care of it for me.

Tammy and I were discussing yesterday and we noticed that Madam Mabel seems to be a bit pale, she wasn’t feeling to well after my mum passed , she has been a home. We don’t really know what’s wrong with her . Tammy said something really strange , she said what if she’s pregnant, for whom , we wondered. Anyway that was not on my plate for now, I just wanted to lay my mum to rest and get on with my pregnancy. As it is now I haven’t been sleeping well, I keep seeing her in my dream saying everything is going to be fine. I wish I knew that.

My MIL has been pretty supportive though , she brought pepper soup the other day and yesterday she made one of her specialities bitter leaf soup. I was going to say the chef could have cooked that , but I know she was only trying to help, so it will be fool hardy of me to trivialise her efforts. My father in law also came around. Reassured me that they were their for me, I haven’t lost a mum , I have gained a mum and dad . I know that but no matter how lovely they are to you, you still miss your own biological parents…..hmmmmm

257 AND 258

MR-Sorry folks couldn’t write in the diary yesterday due to unforeseen circumstances.
I mean the conversation between the two T’s was going absolutely normal until one of the T’s started to talk , this are her exact words “ Honestly sis am scared, how are we going to go through with our plan, why can’t mum just do this herself, she says he’s our father , well this people don’t even know us, she wants us to infiltrate their lives and find out all we can before she strikes, I mean come on , this are powerful people with a lot of money, look at the apartment they gave us and look at their office, am scared sis, and besides they have been so nice to us, am leaving” With that one Tolani gets up and walks out , followed closely behind by the other T shouting her name to wait for her.
By this time Kola and I had our mouths open, as if we rehearsed ot we both said “Whose sisters, and who is their father. We didn’t understand anything they said, Kola said they must have the wrong guys, none of our dads was capable of having another family somewhere and no of his family will know about it. That wasn’t the immediate issue, the problem was we were already taking care of them, do we let them loose. Kola said no, we should just play along until we can find out who their mother is, confront her and ask who she had them for . Besides they don’t look like either of us. Kola still insisted that they must have got the wrong guys, I wasn’t so sure.
I remember my dad used to tell me stories of what men were capable of. He told me about his friend a very wealthy man, to most of the world he had a wife and two children. He took care of them sent them to the best schools and gave his wife everything she wanted. When he died, a day before the burial, a woman and 3 children shows up, what , who, where questions came up, and the family head of the husband , stood up to introduce the new woman, he said
“Iyawo wa’, yes we know your husband, our son, didn’t tell you about this woman, but we will. He married her 10 years ago in the village. She had been living with us since then, every time your husband came home to spend time with us, he was with his second wife. This 3 children are his, he named them. All of you are on his will”.
The first wife was so overwhelmed she almost went mental. My dad said the man was an elder in church , head of the boys brigade , heard of the counselling team, etc. no one knew anything of his double life, except his close family members.
Anyway, we left that alone for now, our hearts still heavy with mother in laws passing. Aakil and co arrive this evening with the casket, everyone is coming, Aakil, Toke, Ahmed, Pamela, Abdul, Fatima arrived a few days ago, the Governor has her stay in his private quest house with 24 hours security. Mrs. wanted us there when she meets her mum, but because of MIL’s passing, that’s been moved until Mrs. is able to get herself together. I personally need her too.
With everyone around, it’s going to be a happy reunion for a sad event. God help us all……..hmmmmm

MRS-Fatima arrived the day mum died, I haven’t seen her first, her step father, put her in his guest house. Toke and co, Pamela, Babs, Josh all arrive today.
Am so overwhelmed with all the love I have been receiving. EG called me yesterday, some governors sent delegates to see us, that’s why we couldn’t write in our diaries, we spent the night there and didn’t get back until late yesterday night.
We just found out what is like to be related to power. You won’t believe how much money we received, 5 cars, a trip on a yacht and in a villa in the Caribbean to go get over our sorrow, a trip to America for a checkup, an IOU for any help , as at yesterday night we had 25 cows, 50 bags of rice , a full truck of all sorts of drinks , a truck of nestle water , a truck of wine , 3 top musicians have been paid for , honestly I just wanted to bury my mum quietly but I forgot who she was married to.
Mr. and I were amazed that all this could be done for an EX governor, how about if he was still the governor. Anyway when we left at 10pm yesterday, we were still receiving guest and presents. EG is transferring everything into my account, The five cars, he’s sending drivers to bring them to the house, we don’t need any more cars, we have decided to use it at the NGO and empower some of the volunteers with them, anything left over will also be distributed to people who come to the NGO for help, either to sell or consume.
Tammy and I got cleaners to tidy up Toke’s house. The chef is also sorting things out for their arrival.
EG has taken care of everything for Mum’s burial, he even bought all of us the material we are wearing, I got 3 tailors to make it for everyone coming, they already have their sizes from Toke’s engagement.
All I have been writing is what I intend to say on that day about my mum. It’s strange I began life not particularly fond of her, just when my love was so much for her, she goes away. I guess life is never what we expect it to be. We have all this plans laid out and God Almighty just sits up there in heaven looking down on us, saying, this is your will not mine.
I have made up my mind to ask God for his perfect will in my life before I do anything, a laborer labors in vain, if God does not build the house. I do not want to labour in vain, I do not also want to lean on my own understanding, so I will acknowledge God in everything I do and he will surely lead me on the right path….hmmmmm

DAY 259
MR-Aakil, Ahmed, Abdul, Toke, Pamela, Josh, Peju and Babs all arrived yesterday, kola and I had to do 3 trips to the airport to pick up everyone. When Aakil’s PJ landed we had to use our thundra to pick up the casket, it was beautiful. We had never seen anything like it before, it was a Promethean casket and cost around $25,000. It has gold surface with a solid bronze body. It is the same sort of casket Michael Jackson was buried with. It glittered, o my gosh , anyone living would want to get into it , Am sorry , I’ve got to do something unusual here I will show you the picture .
Anyway as you can see, it’s truly awesome. Everyone is staying around the corner at Tokes house, we have a service of songs tonight. Tammy’s Pastor has agreed to host us in his church. EG doesn’t really mind because he isn’t really a religious person. Then Tomorrow morning we have a service and then we go to bury her at the private mausoleum EG had built recently in a private cemetery. He also intends to be buried there when he dies. Afterwards a reception follows at the new renaissance hotel. EG has made provision for just 100 invited guests, plus us the family, totals about 150 people in total.

David came over with Lemmy and Josh, just to spend some time. Josh said he couldn’t believe his new mum was gone, when did they get married, now he finally has a baby sister and she is motherless. He kept worrying about who was going to take care of her. I had to cheap in that, God will handle that and her mum is not asleep in heaven. Lemmy said their dad was just walking around the house like a Robert, he still hasn’t cried and according to renowned psychologists he needs to let his grieve out or it will affect him negatively. If he grieves now he will better be able to handle his wife’s death.
MRS-Madam Mable came by yesterday, she and Mr. Chidi, they came to find out how we are, she did look pale and it confirmed to me that she and Mr. Chidi have agreed to go their separate ways. She told me she found the man who will love and make her a full woman. I wanted to say to her how could you?, his wife, my mother just died, but I held my tongue when I saw the joy in her eyes. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings for now and I had so much on my mind now, when my mum is finally laid to rest , am sure we can move on to something else.
Fatima came to the house yesterday as well, she looked amazing, Abdul was doing a great job, she told me her step father knows everything Ola is up to and he has asked her to please wait until after the burial so everything could be sorted out.
All the NGO staff both full and volunteers also turned up, it was so overwhelming. All the love shown me at this time goes a long way to comfort me.
The baby in my tummy has been leaping for joy, am just so upset, that my baby will never meet her. Tammy and I went to see my sister in hospital, she’s beautiful, has my long straight nose and my full lips , she’s so tiny but already a stunner, I wish EG could let me take care of her, that’s something we need to discuss after the burial.
Toke has put on weight, she glowed next to Aakil, our drop dead gorgeous Arab in law, Ahmed’s father The king, sent $250,000 as his gift, I am putting it in trust for my baby sister, she will never lack and live an amazing life, even when EG goes, she will never suffer, God has blessed her form barely weeks old, she’s already a millionaire and she can’t even talk yet. When a window closes, God almighty opens a door. But one thing I also know , there are so many things money can’t buy, EG told us my mums last words before she slipped into a coma were, Honey , take care of our daughter, I wish God could take away all my wealth and worldly possessions and just make me see my child.
Unfortunately, money could not buy her just a few more days. It’s just a lesson that Money, Properties and is not the ultimate, being Happy alive and well and full of the Joy of the lord is. My grandma use to say , Money and properties don’t make you happy, being Happy brings wealth , money and properties, she was a wise woman, I now know what she meant…….hmmmmm

Day 260
MR-Today is the burial, the service of songs starts at 12pm. The governor sent his assistant on special duties to visit us. A cheque and 5 cows was his gift to us. He gave his condolences and wanted to know the itinerary for the burial.
We had a wake keeping service yesterday evening at EG’s place, Tammy’s pastor conducted the service. Everyone one of us had made an Ankara material which I made for all the guys. The service started at 4pm. Lemmy and Josh came to spend time with us but stayed at home yesterday after the service. The service was really great, lots of testimonies. We were surprised, Mrs Mum had actually touched a lot of lives, and they all came yesterday to celebrate her life. A lot of food, so much actually, because of all the cows and drinks we had gotten. Meanwhile todays reception is in a hotel and they are catering, so whatever is left will be donated to NGOs, Motherless babies homes and old people’s homes, as for the drinks, they will be sold and the money used for Mrs. NGO.
Today we all wear white lace material, and navy blue caps or head ties. Everyone from our side , Aakil, Ahmed, Abdul, Babs, David, Tella, Lemmy, Josh, My Dad, EG, Kola and Me, Mrs , Tammy, Toke, Pamela, Fatima, Sabrina, Erica, Rukky, Ericas parents , My Mum, Madam Mabel, Mr Chidi, Robert and Jnr. The staff of my office and the NGO all wear, white and navy blue Ankara.
A professional burial organizing company is using there Mercedes benz limos to pick us all up and a special adapted horse driven carriage will carry the coffin from the church to the private cemetery.
I’ve got to go now, lots of stuff to do…..hmmmm

MRS- My mum is being laid to rest today, I will no longer see her, talk with her or have her to argue with. Am thank ful to God for the opportunity to get things right with her. Who knew she was going to die. We thought and am sure so did she , that she had many more years to come.
I want to advice you all, if there is anyone you are currently not talking to, your mum, dad or a sibling, a formal best friend, please go make up with them, you never know how long you have or they have. Once God says it’s time to go, its time and you lose that opportunity for ever. A proverb says, we might be fighting but it’s not as if I would wish death on you.
Please brothers and sisters swallow that pride, pick up the phone call that person who hurt you so much, whom you have not spoken to in a long while, you parents, sibling , child, its not too late , God has given you the capacity to forgive, please forgive them , give them a call, go see them or send a text, whatever you have to do to get back in their life, forgive and make up. It might be a step parent, an old boss , an old friend, do it.
Can you imagine how horrible I would have felt if I hadn’t forgiven my mother and now she’s gone. I thank God we had a short reconciliation time, but at least the good memories will remain with me forever.
God loves you, he forgives you your sins every day. So take a step of faith, forgive and reconcile, before it is too late…….hmmmm

Day 242

MR- Tella, showed up before Kola and I got to the office , he was waiting in reception. We asked him to join us in the board room.
He looked different from the cocky bagger I knew , there was a different calmness about him , I guess being born again does that to a man. We had a good meeting , he confessed that his old gang had been in touch with him and in fact they want him to rejoin them but he is not going too. He was the grand master of plans . What ever needed to be done, he will sit down and plan it all out and it never failed. They told him since he left they have not been so successful . He even told us what they were offering him. In terms of sharing the loot. They were willing to give him as high as 60%. Out of curiosity Kola asked how much do they get.
Tella said sometimes it could be up to a million dollars , I almost fell off my chair. I then asked how come he didn’t have any investments or properties?
He looked at us , shaking his head and said ,” ill gotten wealth never lasts , besides we had to use more than half to sort out different law enforcement agents , who knew who we were , to keep them off our back. The rest went into ammunition, drugs , accommodation and then the group shared the rest , we were about 20 of us, so that does not add up to much . Everyone had their area of speciality” .

I realised this was a corporation , Tella actually worked in a criminal organisation , well thank God he has decided to give his life and turn a new leaf. We offered him the project manager job. He was delighted and a company car . He already had accommodation, so he starts on Monday.

O yes , the governor’s house, I got there at the appointed time , was ushered into the waiting room, before the governor’s main lounge , then all of a sudden two security guys came to walk me out , amid protests that I had an appointment with the governor. When I got outside , I called the PA , he was so sorry, he said the governor’s wife got me kicked out and she warned them not to tell the governor or else she will make them loose their jobs and that if the governor asks , we should say you didn’t turn up. Well that ended my visit. She obviously found out I was visiting and put two and two together, that I would tell him what happened . This is getting serious . The question now is what is this evil woman planning……hmmmmm

MRS-Yesterday we started counselling at the NGO, Tammy and I got there early in the morning, you won’t believe how many people were waiting , we had a friend called Toby , a professional counsellor sit in with us . He would take the classes when we are away . we wanted to have the first sessions this week before we flew out to Dubai on Sunday.

The first person that came in ,narrated her story , she and her hubby are having problems , she is a business woman who sells clothes , lately she found out that male clothes sell faster and they pay on time so she switched to male clothes . Money was coming in and she started to travel out of the country to get new stock. Then her husband got his nickers in a twist and started to accuse her of cheating on him. She felt it was a joke initially . One day he came to an office where she was meeting some male staff to drop off their orders , obviously he had followed her there, he all but beat the guys up, called her a harlot etc and embarrassed both her and himself.then he gave her an ultimatum , stop selling clothes or I divorce you. She pleaded to at least sell something else but he said no. His job is not lucrative enough to take care of all their needs but he is so stubborn and he won’t listen to advice, she’s thinking of leaving him and taking her 2 children but someone suggested they try counselling , so here she was.

Toby was the first to say something, he asked where her husband was . She said he was in his shop, he sold paint. Tammy asked that she come back tomorrow with him, so we can listen to his own side of the story.

The next one was a woman who came to ask us to pray for her because her house was on fire, her words not mine. She is the first wife, ever since her husband married a new wife , he has abandoned her, she even has to beg the new wife to get money from their husband for her . Honestly I didn’t know we going to get this kind of requests but we decided to use this week as a test case. Lets see what comes up, then we break the counselling sessions into section , so we have marriage counselling, prayers sessions, financial help etc.

Rukky’s adopted mum arrived yesterday morning, after we were done with counselling we went to see her at the hotel. She was beautiful it was hard to see how someone so fair could be so vindictive. Anyway the elders always say , looks can be deceptive. Erica’s parents have arranged a get together for all of us to come over on Saturday, Robert is also going to be released that morning. So it would be a double celebration.

Well Mr went to see the governor yesterday and am sure he has told you what happened , see me see trouble, this is what I get for helping someone, God help me……..hmmmmmm

Day 243

MR- life is never a bed of roses , you win some you lose some. kola and I had a dinner yesterday for all squash players at the club. The group was celebrating 10 years of coming together. Kola and I went home to change then we went for the dinner with our our better half , it was for members only.
It started around 7 pm, we thought it was odd that they chose to have it mid week. Anyway we arrived right on time and waited around for the others to arrive, by 7.30 pm most of us were there , we were ushered into the decorated hall and our seats had been named tagged. We noticed once everyone was sited that there was a space with a spare seat between each of us, with no name plates , just empty. While I was still wondering . We saw this ladies , beautiful well dressed all file in and they each took up all the vacant seats . One came to sit between Kola and I .
We were a bit uncomfortable initially but as the evening progressed we felt more at ease . My date , in quote told me everything about herself. She just finished youth service , she was not retained she doesn’t want to go back to the North, where her parents live, she wants to stay here . I asked her where she stayed currently. She said she was squatting at the house the company gave her as a youth corner, that when she finished her service , she had to officially move out of their house but she’s still hanging around there and the new set of youth corpses don’t mind. But she’s aware that this might only last for a while before she’s sent packing.

I felt like helping her , I wanted to discuss it with Kola but he was busy talking to his supposed date . I excused my self, got up , pulled Kola up and took him outside to talk. He told me his date had her problems too, her boyfriend was abusing her because she lives with him and had no where else to move too. I told him what I want ed to do was to pay for an apartment for her and get her a job. Kola said he felt the same way , so we agreed to do just that but not sure how we were going to justify our actions to our Mrs ‘s.

We have a couple of apartments available in the building our company owned, so after the dinner, we gave them our office address and asked them to meet us there tomorrow morning, so we could take them there. Also I was going to make a few calls to some friends of ours to try and get them Jobs. Kola and I agreed that whom ever you had the power to help , you must help. We felt really good giving out little compared to everything we had , I mean what harm could that do…….hmmmmmm

MRS- Robert is very much better , he is going to be discharged on Saturday , Rukkys adopted mum went to see him yesterday , she came with Rukky and Erica , they met Tammy and I there, she is actually a very pretty woman. White , with a little mix in her. Her father is white American and Irish. Her mum is white American and Jamaican. Interesting combination.
She seemed really remorseful for what she had done. We stayed for a while and then left to get our hair sorted .

The strangest thing happened at the saloon. It was full of girls , they all came to do their hair because they had to go to some sort of dinner that evening. Tammy and I couldn’t believe what they were discussing. Do you know they were trying to think of sob stories they could tell the men they were expected to meet , that will get the men feeling sorry for them and be willing to help them out, both emotionally and financially.

One said I will tell them am an orphan, my parents died and left me all alone, no money no relative, I’ve had to fend for myself and work as a maid to go to school. One said she will claim her boyfriend she lives with beats her everyday. Another spoke about being diagnosed with fibroid. All sorts of nasty things. They then asked each other what they thought and all practised their stories until they got the thumbs up. I personally felt like going over to them and asking if they would want someone to do this to their brother or husband but Tammy asked me not to bother because all I will get from them will be insults. We felt so sorry for the poor men they were about to dupe. God help the men they get their claws into, cos before they let go they would have drained them dry. We couldn’t wait to finish and get out of there.

I didn’t have to go home immediately because Mr had this dinner thing with Kola, so Tammy and I went to the NGO to see how dinner time was going. We have a soup kitchen that dishes out dinner between 5 and 7 pm daily. Different menu everyday, we really wanted to provide a balanced diet for the people. Yesterday’s menu was roasted sweet potatoes , chicken , pepper sauce , mixed vegetable , with a fruit and bottle of water . We decided to have dinner with them. WE GOT A few stares , am sure they will be wondering what this two pregnant women who looked well taken of were doing eating food meant for helpless people. I must confess it felt good to humble myself . I needed to make sure I could eat what we were dishing out and I must say it was pretty delish……hmmmmm

DAY 234

Mr – The girls came to the office around 1pm, Kola and I closed for the day and took them to the apartment. I had called the care taker to open up the place before we got there. It was a furnished apartment , so all the girls had to do was move in. The fridge was already stocked and all cooking utensils present, so the girls offered to make lunch for us, since as they put itt the deprived us of our lunch.

Before the girls arrived this morning, I got home yesterday wanted to tell Mrs about them, but then I remembered the bible passage that said if you want to do a favour don’t let the other hand know what you are doing, something along those lines, well you could say it was a convenient passage to quote at this time, but I was sticking to it for now, so I kept it to myself. Am not doing anything wrong just helping out 2 helpless girls. But why do I feel so quilty.

Anyway the girls made jollofrive with the stuff at home and served us all on the dinning table, luckily there was a bottle of red wine in the fridge and we all had a glass, by the ti,ethe food was all gone , we were very much relaxed. When I finally looked at my watch it was 5.30 pm. We thanked the girls for the food and took out leave. Kola said if they needed anything they should give us a call. Before we ate I had transferred 250,000 each into their accounts , to help them stand on their feet until they got a job.

As we drove off, I told Kola the amount , he was astonished but he also felt at least they get someone to sponsor and pamper them for the first time, him being a part of changing someone’s life for good , price less……hmmmmmm

MRS- watch your back, watch your back, this text came into my phone. .meanwhile Madam Mabel and Mr Chidi are still battling it out. I stopped by her house yesterday and there were so many cars parked outside. I knew she and her husband were home because Erica had taken over staying with Robert in hospital duties. I knocked on the door and Madam Mabel opened it .

She looked so please to see me. She stepped out on to her patio and said Chidi’ relations were inside begging her not to divorce him or kick him out,Sis imagine one of them saying it’s the love he has for me that made him lie . Imagine that nonsense, anyway let me go back inside and listen to the other nonsense they have for me. Sis I mi I will come to you house once they have left, I have gist for you.

We had a busy day at the NGO, We held a seminar on positive attitude. The theme was , you hear, you think and then you react. The idea was to get people thinking positively, so their reactions could be very positive.

I drove home laughing , Madam Mabel she can never change, as I was going out in the evening , I drove past her house again all the cars had left but I saw one drive out of her compound , to my surprise it was EG, he didn’t see me but I saw him, I know for sure that Mr Chidi had moved out temporarily, so what was EG doing there . I wasn’t about to walk to conclusion not to talk of run to it. This one am keeping close to my chest and just watching this space ……hmmmmm

Day 245

MR- yep it’s official I feel really bad, why can’t I bring myself to tell Mrs ? I haven’t done anything wrong. I think I just need to man up.
Kola and I are meeting at the club this morning, I think we need to talk it through, we are only being philanthropic m that shouldn’t make us feel bad, it should excite us.

Later this evening I have to put on my 007 James Bond thinking cap. Ola has denied me access to the governor in his home, so the logically thing will be to find an alternative way of meeting with him, I’ve been told he launches a book on power and politics, this evening, I’ve found out the venue and I shall be gate crashing his entourage. The PA to the governor couldn’t get me a pass but he has given me the name of one of his security details who can get me in, once am in, The PA asked that I locate him and he will get me an audience with the governor. The only down side is that he’s not sure if Ola will be there Because they were both invited.

That’s still this evening so I will cross that bridge when I get there. Kola and I had a busy day at the office, we later went to the hotel site , the foundation digging is coming along fine, we intend to have underground parking , so it’s going to be a bit deeper than normal.

Tella is fitting well into his role as project manager , he has Lemmy and Tony to assist him. The only snag was that as we drove up to the site, we saw Tella talking to some guys in a blacked out Honda , and as soon as we parked the guys drove off. The car had one of this specialised numbers. Kola asked him who his guests were , he casually laughed it off and said, “oh, it’s just my cousin” . Why don’t I believe him? I guess am just suspicious because of his previous betrayals . Please God forgive me, I need to move past that and believe he has changed, like he said and give him the benefit of doubt.

Driving away from there , we decided to stop and see the girls. We could see they were settling in fine. When we got there they opened the door and both knelt down saying thank you uncles , you turned our lives around, God bless you. I must admit at that moment it made everything better for me. The question is why am I still feeling quilt…..hmmmmm

MRS- Madam Mabel , hmmmm, she’s something else. She came over yesterday evening to gist me. I guess she wasn’t thinking straight or she just was desperate to tell someone. Imaging she told me EG has been coming to see her , to ask for forgiveness for leaving her behind when he travelled way back then , he loved her so much and he could have taken her along or sent for her . He comes sits with her and they reminisce about the past . He is always so happy when he’s with her and doesn’t want to leave
I watched as she spoke to me, the expression and joy on her face showed that she still had feelings for him. What about my mum, his newly wed bride who was expecting his child . I had mixed feelings , I felt for my mum and I was kind of glad for Madam Mabel that she found her first love. Life was too complex, why did it have to be my step father ?

I think she noticed my dilemma , she then stopped talking and apologised saying she shouldn’t be telling me all this, because he was my relation now but sometimes she forgets . I said it was okay, it’s not as if they were having sex or something. She quickly said” Sisi mi never, that boat has sailed along time ago, although if I met him again before your mum did, maybe something might have happened.”

Anyway we got off that officially, unofficially it was all I could think of. She told me Chidi was sober , crying and begging yesterday , she told them to give her 2 weeks to think about it, that she needed time alone to think. So he left with his family and asked if it was okay for him to visit their son, Madam Mabel said it was fine.

When she left I had this urge to call my mum, so I called and asked if she was fine, she said she was peachy. That EG and her are going for a weekend trip, this past days has stressed everyone out, so going out of town together might just revitalise them. I said I was glad she was fine. What I didn’t say was that , please take him far far away from Madam Mabel before something terrible happens, I can feel something in the air, who or what it’s about, is what I don’t know …..hmmmmmm

DAY 26

MR- I must clap for my self in fact I should get a standing ovation. Why? You ask , well I didn’t know I could be a spy but I did my James Bond 007 moves yesterday. But before we get into that , something is going on and am not sure what it is.

Kola and I went to play squash in the morning. Actually we did more talking than playing. Coincidentally this morning , we both got strange text from the girls we gave accommodation. Mine read, Thank you Uncle, you saved me life and I love you for this. Kola’s read, Thank you Uncle, I don’t know what I will do without you. Wow! We were a bit confused didn’t know whether it was just two grateful girls or something deeper. But Noooo O, they are just happy to finally have someone take care of them and bless them , they are only expressing their joy , Kola also agrees with me. It made us feel really good. Kola suggested we see them tonight but I asked him to go ahead , I had to go gatecrash a book launch.

The book launch was due to start at 5 pm , the PA called and asked me to get there at 4.30pm, come through the security entrance at the back he will have someone waiting to get me in. So I left home around 3.30. Mrs had gone to spend time Erica’s family and later she will go see my parents and Sabrina . David was busy with workers at his club.
I got to the venue right on time m as I parked I got a text from the PA asking me to come through the front and give my name as Dr Thomas from the research institute. Okay, so I went round the front, the security guy with a guest list checked my name , found it and said I was on the VIP list, I was led to the front of the auditorium, just two seats away from the front row, where I believed the governor would sit.

Then the governor arrived with Ola and they sat on the front row, I was deflated a bit because how was I going to approach him with her right next to him, anyway the event started and the MC came on, THE called the governor first to the high table as the chief launcher , I felt my spirt dampen. I was still sulking when some came and dropped an envelope on my laps , I didn’t even open it when I heard DR FILANI, please come to the high table for the review. I didn’t move, I thought there must be the real DR FILANI here, then they called again, and I could see the PA on the stage pointing at me, so I got up looked in the envelope and saw the review all typed out. My heart was beating fast , I approached the stage and climbed up and stood at the podium . Read the review, after I was about to go back to my seat , when the PA ushered me to sit right next to the governor.

I looked into the crowd and I saw Ola squinting , looking to see if that was me or not. The governor leaned over and asked , when did you become Dr Filani, am not sure sSir was my response. He smiled and said , we need to talk, I said yes we do your excellency , I have been trying too for weeks now. He responded and said , now you’ve got my attention…….hmmmm

MRS- Could they be having an affair, Nooo O, it wasn’t possible, she wouldn’t DEAR, neither would he, but then again, love was blind , although I heard it actually wear contact lenses now a days .

Yesterday was the party Erica’s parents organised. We were to get there around 1 pm because , Robert was going to be discharged around 12pm. They wanted everybody at their house to surprise him. Tammy came over early with Jnr. O my gosh he had grown. He matched into the house and said , “Hello my Aunty “, I was amazed , his voice was so clear, I asked Tammy who taught him, she said she did. He is so cute , I could swear he actually looked more like Tammy now than Kola his biological dad.

We left for the party around 11.30 , GOT there just before 12 , everyone was there, Kola, Lemmy, Pamela, their parents , Rukeyser and her adopted mum, Tella. madam Mabel and Erica had gone to pick up Robert. My mum and EG were out of town on a long weekend and Babs was back in Germany m he had just started working and he was very busy.

Robert arrived looking all handsome, he was bouncy now , so much better , he hugged everyone laughed , it was such a delighted full scene. Then Erica gave a speech in which she introduced everyone to Robert. At the end she said this was his big family and he will never be alone again.

Robert was asked if he will like to say something , he said yes and then he began by looking at Madam Mabel.

” Mummy you are the best, I thank God for giving me a mum like you, you take good care of me , buy me everything I want and look after me when I am sick, I will always love you no matter what. Aunty Erica , it was nice meeting you, am glad you found me , I know I came form you tummy but Mummy will always be my first mother. I hope you don’t mind if I called you small mummy” we all laughed and Erica went over to him , she had tears in her eyes and gave him a big hug and kiss.

Then he turned to Mr Chidi, “Daddy, I love you too, thank you for being a good dad, paying my school fees , buying me clothes, my computer, a bicycle and taking me on holidays , you will always be my daddy. My daddy that gave birth to me will be my second daddy. Uncle lemme you are my big brother, I love all my Aunties and Uncles here and Grandma and Grandpa , am happy to meet you all again, I hope mummy will let me come and spend holiday with all of you. Thank you”

And we all stood up went round him and gave him a big hug, everyone had tears in their eyes. The room was full of presents.
THE his grandfather stood up and said Robert , you are truly my grandson, you have spoken like an adult not like a 13 year old. Your are now an executive director in my company and that entitles you to a house on baba nephew island , 3 new cars and a house full of servants , membership to the yacht club where you have access to one. You and your mummy Madam Mabel can move into the house immediately, it fully furnished and he sat down.

Madam Mabel was on the floor rolling, Mr Chidi, go up and thanked Roberts Grandfather and went over to LIFE Madam Mabel off the floor where she was crying and praising God. Robert came over, held her hand and said to all of us, I can’t wait to see the house, grandpa is it okay if we go there now. We all bursted out laughing………hmmmmmm

DAY 247

MR – Wisdom does not tie sticks together unless one has a rope, wise words from my father . There are some things that your wisdom alone cannot sort .

The governor made me come with his in his car after the launch , Ola came in her car so that was really convenient. I told him about what Ola did , he was really shocked , he said he knew she can act crazy sometimes but he thought she had calmed all the way down. He asked where Fatima was , I told him Dubai , at the American university , he asked if it was possible to get her to come home so she can face her mother and put her in her place. He said from what he heard the girl wants her to apologise to Mrs, before she has anything to do with her and my wife is too proud to beg .
I was surprised he had all the details but I guess , he appointed the body guard to follow her around and he must get a feed back from him.

I confirmed we could ask Fatima to come back for his sake , he said he will be honoured and he is willing to foot the bill to get her here and back. He then gave me his direct no and said I could call him directly when she arrived, that way no one except him in the government house will know. Later I was dropped off at the venue to pick my car and I called Kola , he was still just leaving ours with Tammy , so I said I would see him at work.

We went to church with my parents , David and Sabrina didn’t want to go. My parents really loved the sermon and decided to also attend couples counselling with us. O boy, it was really funny. The Pastor decided to talk about how many times a week do We think a couple should make love. My mother had to raise her hand and she said I quote ” you young people have it easy , that you can choose when you have sex. during our time , it was when ever he was on the bed , if he wanted it every hour you had to surrender , once he calls you you lie down and that was it. You women are lucky nowadays there is romance , kissing and to top it all you can give excuses why you don’t want to do it , lucky you” and they whole class gave her a standing ovation.

Well that was the highlight of our Sunday service, because of my mum the class went on longer than usual, all the young people wanted to ask her questions. The pastor had to make her promise to come next Sunday before the class could be dismissed. My dad on the other hand just sat there looking at her and in the car he finally said to my mum, Woman you will never change ……hmmmmm

MRS- We had to see the house, we drove to Banana island with everyone, the house was fantastic. 5 bedrooms, a swimming pool, a big garden, 3 new cars in the drive way. You won’t believe the staff were waiting all in uniform. A chef, 2 maids, a Gardner, and 2 security guards.

Robert was so happy he ran into the house and asked , “where is my room ?” His grandfather took him up, he had his large furnished room , his own sitting room and a games room. The house also had a home theatre with 14 seats , each room had their own sitting room and further 3 big living rooms . The kitchen opened up into the pool, so you could have breakfast on the porch and beyond that you were on the water itself, with views of the new lekki bridge . It was breath taking.

Madam Mabel didn’t know whether to laugh or cry , she was so happy. Roberts grandfather announced that he will now go to school here as a day student because he needs proper care, no more boarding school. He said he and Madam Mabel had concluded on that . He handed over all the keys to her and Tammy said the prayers declaring the house open.
The cook came to the big living room and led us into the garden where a large buffet table was laid out with so much food. A barbecue stand was also grilling some fish , shrimps , chicken and ribs, the smell was making my mouth water. A photographer was also busy taking pictures.

We finally left 2 hours later, Kola and Tammy had to come to ours to pick up Jnr. They spent an hour hoping that Mr will come back, but had to leave because Jnr was already falling asleep.

I took that opportunity to run a bubble bath, soaked myself in it and began to reflect on the first day I found out Robert was Erica’s son. God is awesome, look at how everything ended. Then my mind wondered off to EG and Madam Mabel. Could they be having an affair ? I have heard you never get over your first love, especially when fate puts you apart and you didn’t want to. I pray not , my mum loves EG so much that I know , but does EG love her enough to forget his first love, now that’s the question……..hmmmmmmm

Day 248
MR- I discussed the Governor’s request with Mrs , she called Toke and she said Fatima, should have a mid semester break in a week, she should be able to travel down then, she said Peju might want to do,E with her. That was fine as long as Fatima agreed to come because I really didn’t want to disappoint the governor.

David came early yesterday morning to see me. We sat in the front room downstairs and he updated me about what happened when they were in Malaysia. Sabrina went for some medical s and was told the baby was perfectly okay. She took David to her parents and everyone was happy that she was going to have a baby regardless of whom she was having it for. He had not met them before . Sabrina and him just went to the registry and that was that .

He wants me to be a partner in the business, not for me to put money in but for the management , he doesn’t have the business acumen that I have and he is a spend thrift . He wanted someone he could trust to run the business with him. I told him he should give me a week and I would get back to him.

Kola and I have Become adopted uncles for Toyin and Tolani, that’s what the girls we helped are called . they call everyday or send a text , always saying thank you. We have tried to get them sto stop thanking us but it has fallen on deaf ears. They came by the office yesterday afternoon, Kola and I were in a meeting at the time so they had to leave after waiting for a couple of hours. After work Kola and I felt it was only fair that we stopped by at the house to say hello. So we drove to the apartment we gave them.
They were delighted to see us offered us food but we declined and finally agreed to drink water . They were a bit touchy touchy, hugged us and sat next to us talking and laughing. I was a bit uncomfortable but later I relaxed. I didn’t want to assume anything. This were innocent young girls just being appreciative. We left making a promise that we will get them a job.
On the way home I was thinking maybe I could ask Mrs if they could work at the NGO, so I called Kola , he said we should discuss it at work tomorrow but he wasn’t sure it was a good idea, I asked why, he said he will explain it to me. All in all we need to get them a job so that they will stop being so reliant on us……hmmmmmmm

MRS- Madam Mabel asked Tammy and I to come keep her company while they pack. Although there is not much to move , just clothes and keep sakes. Which shouldn’t take a whole day . The house in Banana, was already fully furnished . She asked if I could get someone to rent their house , she knew Mr Chid wasn’t coming to stay with her and Robert for now and didn’t think he will want to stay in their old house alone. Right now he was staying his family.

I had to ask, so I asked her if she would consider taking Mr Chidi back, she said it will be difficult because she has found love with someone else. My heart skipped a beat, o my gosh , she has fallen back in love with EG, she didn’t have to mention whom, I knew who it was m so I didn’t bother asking. My protection antenna came up and I asked , do you really think you should be falling in love with someone else without giving Mr Chidi a chance , you have not even tried .
She looked at me and said “Sisi Mi , am sorry if you think I haven’t given him a chance , but look at me , am almost at my menopause door, I want to have a child of my own, a little brother or sister for Robert, Chidi can’t give me that, so my best option is to let him go so I can fulfil that dream”

I didn’t know what to say , I tried to hide the hurt on my face, she mistook it for sympathy for Mr Chidi and she consoled me saying Chidi will find someone who doesn’t want anymore kids , to love and care for him, but am done.

I left her house feeling so muddled up, I couldn’t tell anyone, not even Tammy , I went home GOT on my knees and prayed for a while, then I got up and I still wasn’t feeling better , so I went to see Sabrina and told her a hypothetical version.
She said I needed to be sure the woman in question was actually talking about the man I was thinking before I get my nickers in a twist, her exact words. Now I knew I had to play detective, but how, she was moving out of our estate thus very minute , my only option was to buy Robert a phone and call occasional to say hello and stylishly ask if EG came to see him. That was it , I will make sure before I know what step to take next ……hmmmmm

DAY 249

MR- Tella , what connection does he have to Toyin and Tolani, while we were with them in the board room yesterday , one of them went to use the ladies and left her phone. The phone started to ring and I saw the name Tella on it. WHEN Tolani got back I told her, her phone had rung , she had a look and excused herself to go and return the call. All I heard was , “ Am in a meeting , I will call you back”.
Hmmm, I hope it’s not the same Tella we know, anyway I guess am being paranoid , how can there be only one Tella in the whole world. I didn’t want to ask her , so as not to embarrass myself . But I was a bit uncomfortable. After they left Kola asked what the matter was and I told him. He too didn’t like the sound of it, he asked if I felt Tella was up to his old tricks. I asked to what end? And really it didn’t make sense.
The party where we met them had nothing to do with Tella, even if he hired them , there was absolutely no guarantee that these particular girls will sit next to Kola and I . Then even if he did , what was his aim. Besides hes now born again .

Kola and I were just making all sort of excuses to justify why it couldn’t be the Tella we knew but deep down , we could both see that we were not totally convinced . I mean what were our options, the girls were already living in our house , we were already responsible for them and we had promised to take care and get them jobs. Personally I wasn’t convinced that with everything we’ve done for them , they will still want to harm or do anything to upset us……hmmmmmm

MRS Rukkys mum leaves tomorrow, Rukky is staying in the country for a while , she and Tella are going to give it a go , living here for a while. Pamela left yesterday night , back to Babs in Germany. Erica is currently staying with Madam Mabel and Robert in their new house,

Lemmy stopped by to see me yesterday , he wanted me to ADVICE him on how to get over Erica, now that he found out she’s technically his step murther . He said I was now his step sister and as a woman I would have more empathy towards his plight . He can’t get her out of his mind. He hasn’t told her yet and he doesn’t intend to . I wasn’t totally surprised because I saw how he behaved around her on the day of the party . I informed him he already had the tool he required. All he had to do was think of her has his mum and all affections should jump out of the window.

As we sat there , we heard a commotion going on at our gate , I stepped out to see what it was but Lemmy asked me to sit down , he will go find out. He was gone for a few minutes. When he came back , he said they were security agents and were demanding to see Mr or Me, he told them we were not in and they said they will be back. He asked what the problem was , they didn’t answer and drove off. All this went on through the gate , as the security guard did not let them in.

What is Ola up to now , this girl really means business, thank God Fatima arrives on Friday , I really cannot wait for her to come sort out her mother . For now I will just make sure someone is in the house with me.
My Mother in law called me yesterday evening she asked me to come over . When I got there she said she wanted to teach Sabrina and I her sons favourite soup when they were young. As soon as she mentioned it , I bursted out laughing, when she asked why I was laughing , I couldn’t bring my self to tell her that Mr, told me about the soup and how he hated the soup but he had to force himself to eat it because his mum loved it and spent so much time cooking it. I just simply said I was excited to learn.

True to MIL’s word, the soup had all sorts of strange ingredients and took almost 2 hours to prepare, it’s a kind of vegetable , / medicinal soup. It looked okay but smelt terrible, the whole posh kitchen smelt we had to open all the door and windows. My father in law had to come in at one point and ask “ Woman why are you cooking this your soup again, who is going to eat it” my MIL just dismissed him and said it’s not for you, my son’s love it, he just wriggled his nose and walked out.

Once we were done cooking, she dished it into two separate containers for us to take home, she said we can eat it with rice or Yam etc. She wanted us to try some with cassava flakes but Sabrina and I declined saying we will prefer to eat with our hubby’s. We thanked her and left. When we got outside we both broke down laughing. Sabrina said she almost threw up twice, each time she went to the bathroom, I said same here , we marvelled at all that went into the soup, there was no way we could have Remembered if she didn’t make us write it down. We both decided it stays in the freezer and we will plead with our hubby’s to call her, say thank you and say they had some and it was delicious …….hmmmmm

Day 250
MR- O yes we are officially in trouble, Kola and I have been naive. We stopped by at the girls apartment, we didn’t even eat but drank, the next thing we knew we woke up 4 hours later , I didn’t get home until 11 pm had to lie to Mrs for the first time in a long time that Kola and I stayed behind in the office for work. Mrs had no reason to doubt me, so no problem there. But before we got to that , let me explain .
Kola and I got a call from Tolani that Toyin was not feeling fine , she was vomiting and running a high fever and she didn’t know how to get her to hospital. So we dashed down there , only to be told she was feeling much better , so we decided to stay with them for a while just to make sure she was okay, we didn’t eat , just took some water and slept off. We must have been very tired. When we woke up we checked our clothes nothing had been tampered with.but because of the time, I had no other explanation to give to Mrs , so I lied. Kola too lied to Tammy.

For the first time I found myself caring about someone else besides Mrs , I wanted Tolani to be fine, I wanted her to get a job and be happy. Kola was more on Tola’s case , she was closer to him. I couldn’t explain this but we were not okay until we heard from them in a day. I would ask Kola if he heard from them , he will ask me too. Just to make sure they were okay, no big deal.

The only snag is that we hadn’t told our other halves. This whole thing was slowly getting out of hand, the longer we kept it from our wife’s the worst it looked. I would have a word with Kola tomorrow, we’ve got to find away to tell them .
We don’t intend to have an affair with them, but every time I think of telling Mrs , something just holds me back. I can’t really explain it. You know this feeling you get as a man, when you feel needed , it’s really good, you want to do anything for the person who needs you. I guess that might be it.
I called David my brother , went to see him at the club, I confided in him about the girls, he was of the same opinion, as long as we could keep it platonic, then we should go ahead, but we had to be very careful, emotions as a way of creeping up on you and he reminded me that , you cannot control how people feel about you, you can only control how you feel about them. In other words if theses girls start to have feelings for us, we will have absolutely no control over it ……hmmmm

MRS- O my , we were not going to get away so easy from my MIL, she came over yesterday evening , hoping to have lunch with Mr and I but he wasn’t back yet, guess what she wanted to it, the soup she cooked for us and boiled Yam, thank God he wasn’t back yet, I don’t know what I would have done if she forced me to eat that soup. It actually made me a bit more receptive of Mr spending so much time in the office that he came back at 11pm.

Sabrina had a similar experience for lunch, she also dogged the bullet has David was also not in, she gave my MIL the same excuse that she would rather eat with David, so MIL had to back down. I know she’s not given up, she will be back to try.

You know I told you Madam Mabel’s house in our estate was now empty no one lives there. As I drove past I saw that the gate was slightly opened , I got out of my car to shut the gate and low and behold, what I saw got me curious. There were two car was parked in the compound, I didn’t recognise them. So I walked in to see if I could find out who owned them , I didn’t knock , tried to gain access through the back door, but before I could I heard voices saying , I will be off now, so I ran back to my car as fast as I could and drove back home. I could not go out anymore . If am going to remain sane , I need to get to the bottom of all this .

I wanted to go sort some things out at the NGO, Tammy and I were supposed to leave for Dubai on Sunday but we didn’t, we moved it to this coming Sunday, we are determined to go, if we don’t we will keep moving it until the babies come. My Mum is due Ina few weeks , her baby is the first to come, then We all drop one at a time. Last of all comes Toke’s twins. Loads of babies born this summer. Mr and I are still sticking to our decision, not to know the sex of our baby, we want it to be a surprise.

I sat there waiting for Mr yesterday, I realised we hardly have time to sit together and just chill, we have so much going on in each other’s lives that we forget to slow down . I hear when the bay comes it would get worse because it will need so much attention. I must suggest to Mr that we go away for a weekend like my mum and EG just did. That reminds me , who is sneaking around Madam Mabel’s empty house, I hope it’s not EG and …….hmmmmmm

Day 251

MR-o my gosh, Lord help us Mrs Mum was rushed to hospital yesterday evening , she had not been eating well and her blood pressure was a bit erratic , she was rushed to hospital and diagnosed as having high blood pressure , the bay had to come out immediately , she is having an emergency C section this morning, WE were there yesterday night and her condition is not really good. They are hoping once the baby is out they can give her aggressive treatment and tests to see exactly what’s wrong.
Mrs is besides her self with worry , am so scared cos she hasn’t eaten and insisted on staying in hospital with her mum. I have to go and pick her up this morning.

EG was so worried , I had only seen him looking like that when Robert was about to have a bone marrow transplant, I was shocked to see tears in his eyes. My MIL is really sick we are all confused , how she deteriorated to this level baffles everyone.
Tammy has called the pastor, am picking him up this morning and taking him to pray for her. Lord help us ….hmmmm

MRS- oh lord, my mum , please safe her , I don’t understand what’s going on, she’s so pale and not breathing properly. As I sit in her room waiting for the CS to be carried out , I don’t even want to begin to imagine what my life will feel like without my mum. The doctors can’t really put a finger on what’s spiking her blood pressure but they just want the bay out before they can carry out more tests and give her strong medication.

I still spoke to her day before yesterday and we were laughing about the fact that Mr and I needed a break , she said but I was going shopping in London and Dubai , I should use that time to get some rest. She was bubbly and full of life, she didn’t give me any indication that she was ill.
EG said they were getting ready for dinner when she suddenly developed a headache and demanded she wanted to lie down. Then she held her head and said she was feeling faint, before you know it she had to be rushed to hospital.

EG called me at my mums insistence and Mr and I rushed over, I have been with her since yesterday evening , will keep you posted, GOT to go now …….hmmmm

Day 252-

MR- wow! My MIL was delivered of a bouncing baby girl, she was premature and so tiny but strong and beautiful. The sad news is that My MIL slipped into a coma as soon as the baby came out. The doctors are not very optimistic but say she’s stable but critical.
EG is making arrangements to move her to Kings college hospital in London, I had to go with Lemmy to arrange an air ambulance for today. MRS hasn’t slept since yesterday , I had to get her sedated , Tammy, Kola, Erica and Madam Mabel have been here since yesterday . They went home last night , I just came home this morning to shower and change , also get a change of clothes for Mrs. She has insisted that she’s not leaving the hospital.

She is going with her Mum to London, EG will also be on the flight , WE are all so confused now. One minute we were all celebrating Roberts recovery and the next my mum in law is in a coma and she hasn’t even seen her beautiful daughter sleeping peacefully in an incubator.

That pastor came and prayed for her , he asked us to let God take charge , that we should let the will of God be done. Tammy was so worried she said , she prays it’s not what she thinks . Thankfully Mrs had been sedated when she said that.
Am on my way out now, going back to the hospital, the flight to London leaves at 9am, please keep praying for us……Hmmm

MRS- mummy please don’t leave me, my baby sister and I need you, your grandchild needs you, mummy please don’t leave me.

My mum is in a coma, am sitting next to her now talking to her, singing to her , hoping that she can hear me.
Mummy look at me , I need you, this is my first baby, who’s going to help me wash her properly, or show me how to lift her head when I Breast feed her , mummy please don’t leave me.

I can’t think straight, I can’t think , I can’t focus, dear God please help me,
Mummy don’t leave me , you were planning to ask me to come stay with you for a while when I have my baby , you said we can both sit down breast feeding our babies and watch our favourite movies, mummy don’t leave me, please don’t go

Mummy can you hear me, mummy am talking to you, mummy please answer me …..hmmmmmm

Day 253

MR- O dear , what’s going to happen now, am so disappointed, Mrs is currently sedated . It all happened like a dream, we were getting ready to take my MIL on the air ambulance. The dosctors had to discharge her first.
So we waited for the tests to be carried out , it took longer than expected . We waited and waited , she wasn’t coming out of the coma, but he still needed to make sure that she was stable enough for the journey . It was going to take 8 hours .
Around 8.30 he came in to the lounge where we were all waiting and asked that EG should come with him to his office. My heart skipped a beat , I didn’t like the way the doctor looked.

Mainwhile Tammy , Erica, Kola, Madam Mabel , Sabrina, David, my mum were all with me. My dad was a bit tired so my mum insisted he rest a bit that she will extend his regards . Mrs was all but hallucinating, she hadn’t slept for almost two days I was extremely worried because she was going to take the flight to London with her mum.
But has it stands now I don’t think anybody is going anywhere. We sat in the lounge waiting and waiting for EG to return.
Then a whole one hour later he appears, I knew it , he slumped on the empty sofa an said the four words no one ever wants to hear….My love is gone……hmmmmmm

Day 254-
MR – Who’s gone , we all shouted , EG broke down crying and for a few minutes couldn’t say anything , Lemmy , Kola and I took it upon ourselves to run to the doctors office and asked . He finally broke it to us, My MIL passed on a few minutes ago, there was nothing anyone could do , her brain had shut down completely and her heart stopped.

Before I knew it I was on the floor crying , I couldn’t believe we were not going to talk anymore, my mum in Law , she was so nice, Kola and Lemmy had tears in their eyes. Then all of a sudden I remembered Mrs didn’t even know yet , she had been sedated the night before , to give her enough rest to be able to travel with her mum to London on the air ambulance.

I ran back to the lounge with Kola and Lemmy in tow, EG was sobbing uncontrollably, Madam Mabel and My Mum were consoling him, Tammy was on the phone asking the Pastor to come over and Erica was crying . I took off down the corridor to Mrs Room, as I ran in she stared , turned over and said “Baby , is it time to leave?” . I said no my love, rest some more, just then Kola busted in and he was trying to wipe his tears away .

Mrs is no bodies fool, she sat up and adjusted her top and said she wanted to go check up on her mum, Kola and I were so confused WE said No!!! at the same time, she looked at me and asked , why not , what’s happened to my mum and before we could hold her , she was out of the private room running towards intensive care , where her mum was , she busted into the room and found everyone crying around her and EG was cradling her in his arms saying , “why my love, what’s going to happen to our daughter , we did say we will grow old together” and Mrs slumped .

The doctor came , gave her another sedative and put her back in the private room , Kola , Tammy , Erica and I went to stay with her , Lemmy, Madam Mabel and My mum stayed with EG.
The pastor arrived shortly after , Got EG to leave MIL for a little while , prayed for her soul and EG, then went to see the little baby girl in ICU. He had to practically drag EG with him, Madam Mabel and Lemmy supported him, because he wasn’t even able to walk properly, he didn’t want to leave his wife, but my mum volunteered to stay with her.
The little girl was so small , but beautiful, she had tubes everywhere, one than supplied oxygen and one that feed her . The pastor was given a sterile gown and gloves, he put his hand through the open space in the incubator, laid a hand on her head and prayed. After wards he said she will live and not die, she has a wonderful future ahead of her, he looked at EG and said please take care of her very well. She will be perfectly healthy.

EG slumped in a chair and said to the pastor, I don’t blame her, she’s my only daughter. The doctor said my wife had a massive heart attack and a blood clot which affected her brain . Thank you Pastor . From the way EG was slurring his words , it was obvious he was tired , he hadn’t slept either in a couple of days . We went back to My MIL’s room, the nurses were about to move her body into the mortuary, but EG stopped them and he held on to her lifeless body and started crying again.

The doctor decided it was better to sedate Him, because he just held on to my MIL ‘ s lifeless body and kept saying My Love , you can’t leave me , wake up , our baby girl needs you …….hmmmmmmm

Day 255

MR- Hmmmm, Death, so final , the ultimate destination awaiting all of us. Someone once said , we all want to go to heaven but no one wants to die.

So true , yet so scary. My MIL , barely in her prime, a woman of beauty , who knew what she wanted , she and My Love were beginning a new journey of mother hood, WE were all looking forward to the day all the little ones will get together and we could all tell them stories of their birth. O mama , why did you have to go so soon, I can still remember the day you walked into our house looking amazing, Kola thought you were a young star he could admire and compliment any how, I had to prostrate flat on the floor to say hello to you.
I remember how you made an effort to get things right with my wifey, you apologised , admitted you could have done better , you let your pride go and grovelled before your only daughter.
I remember the day you walked down the isle with EG , you glowed , Mrs was so happy , she had not seen you that nappy in a long time, WE all knew you had finally found a man you could , love, respect, honour and cherish.
Mama, we will miss you , we love you so much, you Baba girl will be well taken care of , between EG and us , she will have an amazing life. We will make sure she never forgets you.
Dear MAMA, LET Your mind be a rest, rest in peace , it’s time for you to let go and let us pick up the mantle and we promise we will not let you done. All that you left behind will flourish and am sure you will look down on us and smile
Don’t forget us , always remember that you are forever in our hearts , Mama, take care of yourself, at least you have left the struggles of this world , you are finally home. God rest your precious soul…..hmmmmm

MRS- Mum, you left me, I woke up from being sedated and Mr held me so tight , I was almost suffocating. He told me you had passed away the night before, thankfully I was allowed to see your body. Words cannot express what I feel right now, I guess am still not convinced you have left me and gone.
I can still hear you voice saying baby girl, you and I will Brest feed together and watch movies.
Who’s going to do that with me. Mum , what were you thinking ? Your grandchild was on its way, would have been delighted to meet you.
I wish I was dreaming and somebody needed to wake me up and I find you standing over me saying , aApril fool, am still here, you can’t get rid of me that easily.

I guess you are all wondering why she left us so soon , so am I , the doctor said , she had had High blood pressure for a while, left unchecked , it had reduced her kidney function , , she started to feel ill, with the baby in her , she suffered a mild stoke and then the whole saga began.
Slipping into a coma after the C section , she suffered a heart attack and a blood clot , finally her heart stopped working.

I asked why her high blood pressure wasn’t detected on time, the doctor said , my mum believed she was a pro, didn’t need to come to ante natal clinic, because she had been. There and done that. So she just carried the pregnancy and self medicated when she had a Headache or a pain, thinking it might just be stress or malaria.

I who preached to everyone about checking their BP, didn’t even realise my own Mum wasn’t checking hers, I emphasise it at the NGO, to our friends and anyone I could find , the importance of checking regularly, but little did I know my own mum was slowly dying inside.

Toke , Aakil, Ahmed, Abdul, Peju are all coming back for the burial Fatima is still here, , Josh , Pamela and Babs are coming too. We bury her on Sunday . EG is already making all the arrangements , meanwhile , Princess, as we call the new baby, is still in ICU in an incubator, WE are all meeting after the burial TO decided the best line of action, EG doesn’t have parents anymore and he only has brothers. I am my mums only child, so we decide. One thing we are all in agreement with, is that no maid will raise my sister .

I am lying on the bed writing this , I still think my Mum will walk through that door, well I can be hopeful, that’s all I got now, if I don’t want to end up in hospital. Tammy , Kola , Jnr and Erica, all spent the night in our house, they don’t want to leave me alone, worried I might do something funny. I tried to tell them , I won’t, I’ve got our bambino to consider.
Mum, God rest you beautiful sour, l love you so much and my heart aches for you so bad……hmmmmm

Day 256

MR- EG is making all the burial arrangements , the church service, interment and reception after. We weren’t sure if we should be expecting a large crowd or not, My MIL had a lot of friends but we had contact with just a few of them. So Mrs came up with an idea , that we should call the few we had contacts for and ask them to invite the others.

Toke and co arrive on Friday evening , Pamela, josh and babs arrive Saturday morning , WE have requested that Tammy’s pastor gives the sermon. Mrs has to read the eulogy and I am giving the vote of thanks .

The baby is doing fine , she is eating well and getting stronger each day, she’s a fighter. We all know who we want to take care of her but no one is willing to say anything. EG is still grieving now so no one can bring up the issue, but we know who would take care of the child better.

Kola has been a big help, he stayed with us through out yesterday and he’s still here today , we are going to help Lemmy sort out a few things for Sunday. I don’t think it will sink in that she’s gone , until she’s finally in the ground.

O , before I forget ,the two Ts have been calling , obviously wondering why we haven’t been picking their calls . They came to the office yesterday , Kola and I refused to see them, which they didn’t find very funny. We sat looking at there reaction from the boardroom on the cctv. What they weren’t aware of was that we could also put on the micro phones in front of them, remotely . We listened as they discussed their next line of action, initially it was harmless. Then they dropped a bombshell plan, Kola and I had to say What !!! At the same time …..hmmmmm

MRS- Erica has been a great help, she and Tammy have taken turns staying with me, they watch me like a hawk. I am not allowed to go downstairs to do anything, they make sure I eat all my meals , take a rest and focus on my health and the baby am carrying, they even check my BP regularly to make sure I am okay.

Aakil is donating a 9 carat gold and gems crusted casket which he’s flying in from Dubai. Toke is bring a lovely silk dress for her to wear with some diamond jewel rug , she’s going out in style. Aakil also sent 250,000 dollars to my account yesterday evening, he asked that we add it to the cost of the funeral.

I have ordered some gifts to be branded for my mums burial. Tammy is in charge of getting those sorted, my mum in law cooked some pepper soup and brought it for me. She sat me down and said , My mum might have died but I should be rest assured that she is there for me. When am ready to have the. Any , I should let her know , she will come take care of it for me.

Day 261

MR- O lord , it was so painful watching MIL being buried, everyone cried, Mrs was inconsolable, EG just kept shaking his head and saying my love why did you leave me. I cried for the first time, I hadn’t done yet , I just realised that.
The pastor was so good , he talked about our life and our legacy, how would we want to remembered when we were gone and he asked the pertinent question. How many lives would we have touched positively and made a difference to , in our time on earth.
He said it was futile coming to the world , the stage of life, being given a role to play and we don’t play it well. Some play waka pass and some the lead role, we all are castes based on our abilities. In this case the work of our hands.
God blesses us abundantly but most times we can’t even see what’s staring us in the face, we rather choose to complain about everything.
He likened some of us to a complainer , who for 10 years was never promoted at work , then a new boss came and gave him a promotion , and everyone thought he will be over the moon and very grateful. Instead he complained and said , what’s the big deal, this promotion should have happened a long time ago, what’s there to be happy about.

God Almighty is a very patient God he said , we are never satisfied with what we have, we always want something else. A man who walks everywhere, wants a bike, a bike reader wants a car , a car owner does want a small car he wants a luxurious car and so on.
His advice , to live a Godly fulfilled impactful life , we need to write our obituaries now, write how you want to be remembered, then start working towards achieving it.

He made reference to all the testimonies people gave at the wake about My MIL, we didn’t even know she donated a whole 8 flat block to an NGO to shelter homeless people , she bought buses, instruments for churches, she sponsored 20 people through university , another 50 are still in university on scholarships she provided. She set lots of women up, bought a shopping plaza of 50 shops and subsidised the rent for a cooperative to give to their members. So many things we didn’t even know. She never discussed her charitable work. Mrs was crying, she thought her mum squandered all the money on travel, clothes and jewellery…..hmmmmm

MRS- sweet mama, sleep well, your sound is at peace. God bless her soul. I found out a different side of her , her giving side, now I know where I got it from. She was so generous. People came up to me giving me a hug and saying, your mum turned me into who I am today , this is my card , if you ever need anything , please let me know , and an envelope full of money of a cheque will be squeezed into my hand.

The church service was so colourful, different people from all over the world came for my mum and EG, most I didn’t even know. One of them stood out . He was called chief Rhodes. He walked up to me and said “ My dear, you mum was the love of my life, I would have been your father. I and he were best friends, I saw her first but he was faster and so he got your mum. I have always kept my distance because it will be too painful to see her again, I learnt of her death and decided to fly down from the states.
I want to do something in her name and I hear you are already running an NGO, so I will build a new wing for dialysis and cancer research and fully sponsor all researches in her name. I will also donate any amount you need to run on a monthly basis in her name. Her name must be cast in stone, she must always be remembered , she was my angel”
I thanked him , I was going to ask if he was sure he got the right woman, but I knew he was talking about my mum, from all the testimonies of yesterday and the wake day, I thanked God I at least got to spend time with the reformed Mum of mine.

The reception after was packed full to the brim, everyone had a table no and seats were labelled, it was strictly by invitation. 4 course meals and dance, celebrating an amazing woman who lived an amazing life.

MAY my mums soul rest in peace. Next now is my baby sister, decisions have to be made and very quickly too…….hmmmmm

DAY 262

MR- Monday morning, a new dawn , a new week without MIL, everyone was still around, WE all slept in didn’t start getting out of bed until around 10 -11am. We are congregated at ours for brunch.
Tammy said prayers and we all had breakfast, then it was time to catch up. We had all focused on the burial didn’t really have time for pleasantries and updates , now was the time.

First Aakil and Toke, well she’s surely gotten bigger m the twins might just be boys . Aakil on the other hand said he wanted girls , Nubian queens like his sweetheart Toke, he couldn’t wait. Ahmed and Peju, still courting , she was amazing looking, what plenty money can do to you, she had beautiful skin, long weave hair and was dressed simply in a lovely white LV cotton shirt and designer jeans with sandals , same as Ahmed, they cuddled and giggled, Ahmed said he couldn’t wait for Peju to finish, he wants to marry her right now , meanwhile he announced that the engagement will be soon, he’s still working our details with her father and his.
Abdul was all smiles , he got up and thanked us his in laws for giving him the privilege to date Fatima, he said he was the envy of all his friends and he also can’t wait to take her down the isle. He said Fatima was coming to pick him up later so he could meet her step father the governor.

David and Sabrina were also very happy, Finally Sabrina had put on a bit of weight, she was so tiny before , WE guessed the baby was making her eat a bit more, my mum said she was responsible, she has been feeding her pounded yam and mixed vegetable soup.

My father and mum, looking dignified , he gave a speech reassuring us that he and my mum were there for Mrs and she shouldn’t worry, they will do all that within their power to reduce the pain of loosing her mum by stepping in.

Erica Rukky and Pamela sitting next to each other looking like glass dolls, they were exquisite , mixed by African, European and Brazilian blood , brought our a stunning look, we had never seen them all together , wow, they were fine. Their mum is half German and half Brazilian.

Babs , hmmmm, he had rushed up, looked really dapper , he glowed and held onto Pamela , like she will disappear. He was good , really chatty and confident , a far cry from when we first met him.

Tella was absent .

Lemmy and josh , handsome duds , ladies men, their names gave them away. Lemmy focused , God fearing , very calm, humble , cool and collected, his wife WE be a very lucky woman . Josh, handsome, Tall, ambitious, successful , also cool and collected , unlike Lemmy who took after EG in looks , he took his mums looks, sweet, gentle, he’s what most will call a pretty boy.

Our dear Tammy , Kola and Jnr, what can I say , the family we all look at as the model and yards tick for all of us. Tammy completely transformed my best friend and brother into a proper God fearing gentleman. Tammy looking as angelic as ever, glowing from her baby bump, holding Jnr on her laps , refusing to let him run around , cos he want to go swim , as he kept saying, Mummy, swim swim…lol

My Mrs, My baby, My Love, the one God gave me, beautiful, elegant , graceful a virtuoso woman , I thank God for the day I met her, more beautiful that I can remember , my better half, the mother of my children. Wow, I was fortunate and highly blessed and favoured. My Jewel of inestimable value.

As we all sat round the table in the garden eating an amazing brunch spread, I looked up to heaven and thanked God for being Alive, Healthy, happy and well to be sited here among family and loved ones……hmmmmm

MRS- What can I say but, thank you God. All thanks to him.
Re my sister , we have a meeting this week with EG to decide a care plan. Am sure Mr as told you all that happened yesterday . We were home all day with everyone.

They start to leave tonight , so am just relaxing and enjoying their company, I think by Thursday when the house is empty , I might feel differently , but now I feel great. Today we are all going to the Takwa bay beach.
So Folks forgive me, I got to go. Will be back fully later ……..hmmmmmm

Day 262

MR- Yesterday was our first official day back to work full time , we had taken off so much time for all the goings on, sometimes we barely spent a couple of hours in the office before we had to leave.
Well now we had time to sort out this Toyin and Tolani issue, for Kola and I that was the first thing on the agenda. Who’s children were they and which parent were they talking about. One thing I was sure of was that we will get to the bottom of this one way or another. Going through our phones at the end of everyday for over a week now they had called constantly non stop. We didn’t have time to return their calls until now.

Kola and I decided to dangle a carrot in front of them, as in play along until we actually see where this ends. This is what we thought we knew, one of our blood relations was their father or mother, they were set on us to find out more about that parent . Kola reminded me it couldn’t be a mum it had to be a dad, because the girls mentioned the fact that their mum put them up to this , so one can only assume that she sent them to get info on their father .

We broke it down , all the men in our lives old enough to have those girls were My dad, Kola’s dad, EG , Mrs Dad and he was late, Pamela’s Dad, Babas father , and probably David, he might have had them when he was a barely a teen , he was pretty wild then. Kola bursted out laughing and concord that I could be right. He reminded me of Uncle J , no!!!, I said , he can’t have children remember , hmmm, yes you are right Kola said .” It’s not you Bro, is it “? He asked . “Well it might be you then” , and we both E broke down laughing .

MRS-Morning has broken , hmmm, what a peaceful day it would be , I had the most amazing dream yesterday , my mum and I were walking our baby’s in the park, we laughed , hugged and had lots to gist about. Most importantly she was edging me on to take care of myself . When I woke up I found it was only a dream. I told Mr about it , he said it was only natural that I still dream about her.
Anyway we had a meeting at EG’s place, after we had been to the hospital to visit my sister. She’s grown in a few days , beautiful , just like my mum, the doctors gave us the good news that she was breathing on her own and in a few days she will be ready to go home. We spent an hour , cuddling and feeding her , then left straight to EG’s house , JUST Tammy and I. I had asked her to come with me.

EG was not his normal self but he was definitely much better than a few days ago. We discussed I offered to take her and look after her . EG wasn’t in support of that, he felt it would be too much for me to look after my bay and my sister, especially when I was a first time mum.
Then he suggested getting a registered nurse , I said I wasn’t okay with a strange person coming to look after her. Tammy cut in and said , it would only be for a short while . We went back and forth , each giving different options but none seemed to work.
So EG suggested we go back home, think about it some more and probably a better alternative will come up. Meanwhile he said he will do the same . We left there after that and went to the NGO.

I had to go thank all the staff and volunteers for coming for the burial. They were so thought full, bought a Vern nice wreath as well. We walked round everything was progressing fine. I had already asked our lawyer to put in an offer for the building next door. It was an old factory , if they accept we would pay for it, knock it down and build the cancer and dialysis centre in my mums name there. Chief Rhodes in footing the bill for that .
My vision for the place is free treatment for anyone who needs it . It might sound incredible but we have billions as patrons and they can afford to feed a whole country , so giving dialysis and treatment to a few 100’s every month wouldn’t be a big deal.
We left and went straight to the Pastor to say , Thank you…..hmmmmm

Day 264

MR- Soji came to the office yesterday with a friend of his called Ade. They arrived in a hummer jeep, blasting music and creating a scene. We actually heard the loud music before we saw them. I looked out of the conference window to see what all the fracas was about , then I spotted him. He hadn’t changed as per his behaviour, the major difference was that he was a poor thug then not he seemed to have acquired some money and he was a supposedly rich thug. I went to get Kola and he said it couldn’t be him, he heard he was executed in Malaysia for carrying drugs. He wondered how he knew where we were, just as he finished saying that we both E said “David” at the same time.

JUST then the intercom went , Kola picked and said , yes, put him in the guest lounge, will be right down. I looked at Kola and asked him what he thought Soji wanted, Kola looked at me in amazement and said “ How should I know babes , am not physic.” That was around 2pm yesterday afternoon.

Before that Tope and Tolani came to the office, they protested about our absence from their apartment. WE told them we had been busy. They kept insisting that we must come yesterday evening, so we had to say okay, once we finish work , we will come over .

Well let me tell you about Soji briefly. He was at University with us but he wasn’t actually there, if you know what I mean. He didn’t actually enrol but he stayed on campus, ran a fraternity and attended lectures , even managed to sit in on some exams . It was rumoured that he got a 3rd class, certificate by threatening to kill the VC’s wife. How far that is true , I really don’t know.

Anyway Kola and I went down to see our visitors . Soji got up and screamed my Bros happy to see you , bla bla , I ran into Bro David and he gave me your address , I have been looking for you guys . By the time he was done, you won’t believe why he wanted to see us . Apparently someone saw us at shop rite when Aakil, Ahmed and Abdul came for Tokes dad birthday and told him we were billions now rolling with Arab sheiks . So he came to give us a deal we could scam them with….incredible ….hmmmmm

MRS- Everyone is gone now , Toke and all left this morning, Erica was kind enough to spend the night with me, Tammy had to Take Jnr for a flu injection and he was running a slight fever so she couldn’t stay.
Erica and I had time to talk this morning when we got back from seeing them off to the airport. She is a completely changed woman. She confided in me that she still loved EG. She said the way it stands , if EG would have her, she would marry him and take care of my sister. I couldn’t belief my ears , I felt it was the best plan ever. But then my mind went to Madam Mabel’s pregnancy , the likely hood that it was EG’s was very high, especially because I had seen them together , well not actually seen seen them, saw his car drying out once , then saw it parked in the compound another time. And now Madam Mabel is more than likely pregnant . So for whom else could it be.

My head was aching about an hour ago, does EG still like Erica, I had no clue, was Madam Mabel pregnant for him, I had no clue, To make matters worse, EG called and said he has found the best option for my sisters care he wanted me to come see him in the evening . I thought to my self let me hold my peace until then.

Mr has been very attentive to me lately, he seems so bothered about my health, I know I have had a few scares recently but that was mainly due to stress and exhaustion. My mum in law has also been a blessing, yesterday was the 3rd time she cooked fresh fish soup and asked her cook to bring it over, she’s been trying, she knows we have Tokes cook with us but I guess a mums cooking is always different. I must admit taking the soup with hot bread rolls the chef made has been my only meal everyday for the last three days . So am really grateful to her.

I had some bad thoughts as I sat watching telly on the bed yesterday night , what if I don’t survive giving birth? People die giving birth everyday. Mr had asked me repeatedly if I wanted to go to America or London to have this baby, I have until the end of this week to make a decision, the baby is due in a few weeks . I could still travel private , no commercial airline will take you after 38 weeks .of pregnancy.

If I have the bay in America that means I have to hire a private nurse to look after me for the first month before I fly back, am not sure but with the state of medical care and co, I don’t know what to do, Mum what do you think?……hmmmmmm

Day 265 and 267-

MR- We had an emergency on Thursday night that’s why we haven’t been able to write . But thank God everything is getting much better. Tammy passed out and was rushed to the hospital. Remember she had blood pressure before , between midnight on Thursday and just yesterday evening Tammy was holding on to life and breathing with oxygen. The doctors had given us until this morning, if she didn’t come out of it and her BP did not regularize, they will have to bring the baby out.
Pastor, Kola, Mrs. and I have been in the hospital praying over her since then, God has been miraculous, around 1am this morning, she suddenly began to breathe properly and her BP regularized. Several tests were done on her and the baby and everything is fine.

We left the hospital around 3 am this morning and came straight to bed , we just got up now to have a bite and update our diaries and go back to sleep. Praise be to God Almighty.

Before all that, I was telling you about Shola the 419 old school mate of ours. He came up with this elaborate crude oil deal. He said he had 2m barrels of Crude oil in a vessel already loaded. The ship at been called from the back of the queue to load and quickly go dispense for the buyer at a discounted price, so it was up for grabs. It had already sailed and was currently in Ghana waters. our commission on it will be $2 per barrel. He proceeded to show us the loading papers and the ships coordinates, name of vessel and captain, and the satellite phone he could be reached on. We had 2 days to close the deal or someone else will buy.

Honestly, all the papers looked so real it had stamps, official seals , papers and Kola checked on line the ship and captain actually exist. So we decided to play along a bit. Kola had a friend who worked with NNPC so we were going to call and confirm, we asked Shola to give us a few hours and come back.
When he left we called the guy, he said we should scan the docs. And hour later he called back and said it was a real deal but had already been sold to a refinery in Singapore and the vessel was already on its way there. He was baffled at how Sola got the real lookalike cloned docs with the right nos and details if we didn’t call him and decided to just check on line everything will lok authentic, even if we called the captain, he will confirm his vessel is loaded with crude oil and it has set sail .so you can imagine . Anyway we told Sola we have confirmed and its real. We will get back to him the next day once we have contacted our buyers. The plan was to use Uncle J as their rep but we didn’t get to that because of Tammy’s incident.

On Wednesday, evening we had also gone to see the two T’s, they were so happy to see us. While we were there, they insisted e had to eat, so we said okay. An hour later some fried rice and drinks were served. Kola and I Sat at the table and noticed the meal had already been dished into plates and drinks served in cups, he didn’t seem right . anyway Kola asked if they had ketchup, one of the Ts went to get it , then I asked for salt and the other went for it , we quickly swapped the plates and cups with theirs, we sat down to eat.
Barely 10 Minutes after eating the girls were dozing, like magic they both feel asleep, then we went to work, first we went through their call log, sent all the frequently dialed numbers to our phones, then we went through the rooms found a few docs, didn’t bother reading just took pics with Kola’s IPad, then we left everything as we met it and left.
They think they are smart, we will show them who’s smarter……hmmmm

MRS- Tammy my beloved sister, she scared us all to death, I was almost joining her if not for the pastor praying for me. I couldn’t stand or speak when Mr. got Kolas call at mid night on Thursday, to say Tammy had collapsed and had been rushed to hospital. He didn’t even tell me it was Tammy at first but I could hear Kolas voice sounding really panicky.
Anyway we got in the car, Mr. didn’t want me to come along but I said if he didn’t I would drive myself once he left , so he took me along, we stopped to pick the pastor as Kola had already called and we took one of our maids to look after Jnr at the hospital, Kola couldn’t leave him with theirs, she was inexperienced, we had a more mature maid and she looked after Jnr all the time he came to stay with us.

When we arrived we weren’t allowed to see her immediately, she was in emergency, Kola was holding his head crying and Jnr was asleep on the couch in the guest lounge. Kola rushed towards him and held him and they both broke down crying, The pastor asked us all to be silent and hold hands , I sat down but the 3 of them knelt down and began to pray in tongues, miraculously after about 15 minutes the doctor came to tell us she was awake and stable but they want her to breathe with oxygen for a while and had been given a sedative. They had to watch her for the next few hours for her Bp to go down and that the baby was fine. Its heartbeat was normal, no threats to it as far as they could tell. Her BP was really high now. we could come see her for 2 minutes .

We went into intensive care where she was, she had things hooked up to her for breathing and a drip for medication. She looked so angelic. The pastor laid hands on her and prayed , then we all went back to the lounge. He said we need to pray for her body to be restored back. That’s what we did and Glory be to God , she finally regularized 1am this morning.
Nothing must happen to her, I don’t think I will survive another relation leaving me.

O yes before I forgot m Fatima came to the house before she left with her mother Ola , and wait for it….Yes Ola apologized and promised never to harass or bother me again, in front of Fatima , she said if she ever gave me cause to report her to Fatima, Fatima should never see her again. And Fatima said so shall it be Mama. They left after taking a few refreshments, Ola seemed genuine but Mr. Thought she must have been boiling inside. I f she was , it didn’t show, she must be a good actor.

Before all this happened, Erica summed up courage and went to see EG, she called me and told me what he said I was so shocked, you will not believe it…….hmmmmm

DAY 268
MR-Tammy is getting much better, the baby is about 8 months now, she’s due first week in August. The good news is that the baby can survive even if she had to be induced right now. Pre-eclampsia, a condition in pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure, sometimes with fluid retention and proteinuria. Which affects some women during pregnancy can sometimes be serious but thank God hers is manageable and after lengthy discussions with her gynecologist, she had decided to try to carry the baby to term.
The pastor has been by her side every morning and evening, he is assured by Gods divine mercy and favour that Tammy will deliver safely and no side effects of crisis will be her portion. That kind of gives us all an assurance, the pastor has the ear of God has we fondly say of him, when he prays for a situation and says this is what God said we should do and this is what will happen if we do or if we don’t, it happens exactly had he has said.
I had time to go through the documents we photographed yesterday, Kola was in hospital with Tammy , so I had to go to the office for a couple of hours. The documents were not very reveling, birth certificates with a mothers name but no father, letters, land documents and pictures of a middle aged woman. She looked a bit familiar but I couldn’t quite place it. Nothing much to indicate who their father was or which of us they were related too. Oh I forgot to tell you we took hair samples from both of them, thank God they wore their hair natural. We couldn’t help but wonder what sort of mother will send her daughters on a spy mission to find their father. Anyway I intend to drop of the DNA samples at the laboratory once I get a sample off Kola, Lemmy, Mrs and Tammy.
Sola was in the office yesterday, he was upset that we hadn’t gotten the buyers yet, I told him we didn’t have the time because of Tammy. Anyway he decided to give us a few more days . I said we didn’t need it because we were no longer interested. He honestly didn’t want to hear that so I said fine , we will see what we can do, I think ata this stage now am getting Uncle J involved , as for the two Ts , lets see what the DNA result will bring…….hmmmmm

MRS-Tammy is much better , I was with her this morning, got back home around 9, had some breakfast but haven’t really been able to go to sleep. We were supposed to go to church but Mr and I were so tired, so we skipped church today.
Madam Mabel is definitely pregnanat and Erica confirmed that yesterday. She called EG and he asked her to come over, when she got there Madam Mabel was alos there. Erica was a bit uncomd=fortable, she asked EG is he wanted her to come back, he said No, this discussion between him and Madam Mabel had to do with her as well.
Apparently Madam Mabel came to tell EG that she wants Robert to move in with him, let him get to know his father, she will speak to Erica and she sure she will be fine with that. Madam Mabel was pregnant for a man she met a long time ago and recently cmae back into her life and now shes preganat, the only thing is that he lives in Belguim and he wants her to come live with him there, he s ready to get married to her, he lost his wife years ago, she was an European and had a son for him, who is 19 now and lives in London. Hes lonely and would love to have more children, so she’s relocating with him. Erica will keep the house for Robert , when he’s old enough he can move back in. she wants Erica and EG to be his full time parents. EG was so happy, he said it was the best news he had heard since he lost his sweetheart.
Madam Mabel said she had another suggestion, since Erica is Roberts Biological mother, why doesn’t she move in with EG to look after my sister and Robert. EG might eventually see how much Erica loves him and re marry once he’s mourned his late wife.
Erica said she was shocked , how did she know she still loved EG, Madam Mabel didn’t have to answer, EG said , “ Erica, the moment I set eyes on you again, I knew that I still had feelings for you but I was married and you were hurting , I couldn’t say anything, I told Madam Mabel how I felt about you recently when we were in the hospital with Robert and she said well , it was too late , I had just gotten married so I had to let you be, now God has brought us and our child and my new baby together, what do you say, can we give it another go, this time I will marry you properly, I just need time to grieve.”
Erica said she was speechless, she had gone to talk to him about how she felt and she walked into a love triangle already plotted for her. She ran out and came straight to my house without giving an answer. EG called her so many times she didn’t return his call, when I asked her what she has decided to do, she said my darling, I will marry him in a heartbeat, I have never stopped loving him…….hmmmmmm

DAY 269-
MR-Kola was so relieved and so were we, Tammy has recovered fully and she should be discharged this afternoon. Her BP is regularly and she is coherent and alert. Mrs too felt better she was really worried about her sister Tammy, those 2 are like peas in a pod, its hard to think that they are not of the same parents.
Uncle J was really interested in Sola’s case, not in the way you think, he felt we can just use him to get the real culprits that make the cloned docs, according to him Sola was small fry, he was willing to play along just to get to his bosses. So the plan was laid out, he will put some money in an account that Sola can see a statement for, then he will request for 1m barrels and trail Sola and see how he gets t. that sounded like a very good plan. Uncle J confirmed that Sola and his gang have been giving Nigeria a bad name, the last he heard Sola was in Malaysia , facing drug trafficking charges, but before you could say Jack Robinson, his Malaysia mafia connections got the charges dropped based on mistaken identity. The courts granted it but banned him from entering Malaysia for 10 years, hence him popping up here. “Now he’s in our territory its left for us to catch him and his goon’s red handed.”
We moved on to the 2 t’s, I told uncle J about them, and he was all up for trapping them, until I showed him the picture of their mum, he suddenly went all silent, he starred at it for a long time , then asked me where I got it from, I told him from the 2 Ts , and that I suspect she is there mother. He just kept starring at the picture and then said, leave it with me, I tried to ask what the matter was but he just said nothing and asked me to excuse him if I didn’t mind.
That was a strange reaction coming from him, one minute he was hailing me for bringing him Sola on a platter of gold, the next he was looking at the picture like he had seen a ghost, what was his own with the picture? How come it affected him so much, well, am sure I will find out soon enough. Wait a minute, or can it be what am thinking…..hmmmm

MRS- Jnr was so happy to see Tammy talking and laughing, he climbed on to the bed and planted lots of kisses on her, shouting mummy, mummy, lets go and play. Tammy smiled and said okay pumpkin, really soon. It was a joy to behold, I couldn’t wait for mine to pop in September.
Madam Mabel also came to the hospital to see Tammy, when Kola came she asked me to give her a few minutes she wanted to talk to me, so we went into the lounge. “Sisi mi, I know this will come as a surprise to you but am pregnant” She said, Even though I knew already as Erica confirmed, I still screamed and gave her a hug and said congratulations. Her face lit up , then she continued. “Matthew was a childhood friend, we dated for a while but his father got transferred out of the country, he was a diplomat, so we lost touch, then a few months back , when Chidi and I were already having issues I ran into him, his wife died , leaving him with a son and since then he hasn’t found anyone he could spend his life with until he found me again. One thing led to another and he asked me to marry him and I said yes. Sisi Mi, he lives in Belgium, I am relocating there. I have arranged for jnr to spend time with EG, I think he deserves to get to know his biological father, during holidays he comes to Belgium”
Wow, Madam Mabel, you have it all figured out, I said, it does sound like a good plan. I wish you all the best and we will surely miss you. I wanted to ask how Mr. Chidi, took all this but before I could she said Chidi was happy for me, he felt relieved that at least I can have my own child after all the deceit.
I was sincerely happy for her and for Erica, My sister will be well taken care of and grow up knowing the love of two parents, I couldn’t ask for more. Thank you God, my mum must be smiling where she is…….hmmmmm

Day 270

MR- finally submitted the DNA samples yesterday, I got samples from Lemmy, Kola, myself , Mrs. , Tammy and fortunately , Uncle J, but without his knowledge. He actually drank a cup of coffee while I was with him, fortunately it was in a paper cup, I watched as his PA threw the cup in the waist paper bin, so I stylishly pretended I was dropping something in, just as he got distracted by a call, I picked up the cup, thankfully it was the only paper cup in the bin.
Am not sure why he was so disorientated by the picture, but patience is a virtue, we will find out soon enough.
Sola called again, I asked him to come to the office, when he got in, I told him we have a buyer and fortunately their representative is in the country. We fixed a meeting for Friday morning in a hotel lounge as Uncle J had instructed.
Tammy and Jnr are going to come stay with us for a while, we have the staff and the space to take care of them both, or should I say, the three, including the baby in her tummy. My mum is also volunteering to come over and check up on her.
Speaking of my mum, Sabrina has been working crazy magic on her, they stopped by yesterday morning form their regular morning jogs which they have just started, my mum was full of life, she said the first day she did the walk, all her body was aching, she wasn’t even aware she had all those muscle in her body. Now she’s up 6am and Sabrina and her are walking, they are still trying to convince my father, who feels he has done enough walking to last him a life time. My mum joked that when Sabrina asked him to join them, he said child when I was a wee lad, I walked with my father to the farm every day, we walked 4 km, back and forth, now you calculating over a period of years before my uncle came to get me and take me to the city, you will see I have walked all the walk……..hmmmmm

MRS-Tammy and Jnr moved in with us today, am so happy the whole house is bubbly. Usually once Mr. leaves for work, I just cuddle down on the bed and watch a movie or go out to the NGO. A few times I stop but to see my MIL. Now that Tammy is staying with us until she delivers, its going to be so much fun.
I got on the scale this morning, wow, I have put on a lot of weight, I will definitely have a lot of work to do once I have this baby. I hear that breast feeding helps to knock off he excess pregnancy weight. so I will be doing a lot of that. Between Mr. and our baby am sure they can get the job done, lol.

Anyway Erica was here with Robert this morning, they just came from seeing my sister, she’s really great, Erica spent time feeding her. The doctor is happy to release her on Sunday, by then all her test results will be out. Erica wants us to go to EG’s house to sort out the nursery. My mum already started it but we need to go finish it up and get whatever is left.
Am not sure how this is going to work, my sister goes home on Sunday, that means Erica and Robert will be living in there by then. It’s all a rush rush thing, but Erica seems pretty okay with this, she did say she was so looking forward to being mummy to both children. I really am a bit surprised seeing the maternal side of Erica, she’s an A class actor from Hollywood, she giving up all her dreams for the dream of being a mum, I doff my hat to her, what she’s done takes total commitment, I have learnt a big lesson, first impressions are not always true and never ever judge a book by its cover…..hmmmm

Day 271

MR- Tony and Lemmy have been doing a pretty amazing job on site. When ever Kola and I go there we are usually very impressed. Kola spent the night at ours on Monday , so first thing yesterday morning we decided to go there.

The building is already on the first floor level , the pool , gym, garden and car park areas have already been mapped out, on inspection , we were right on schedule. The good thing was we got a foreign company to do the building but insisted they employ local builders, we want them to pass down their expertise , we will retain the workers and build for others. Our major set back in this country is finishing . We still haven’t gotten it right, but we were reassured that once this project is completed, the workers will be experts.

Lemmy called me aside and said he had something to talk to me about, I asked him to come with us back to the office. When we got there , Kola excused himself to go see another client wanting to give us work. Lemmy sat down , took a deep breathe and said “ Bros , I know you are aware of the latest development with my father and Erica, I just want to reassure you that am fine with it, I got to the realisation that it wasn’t me she was attracted to but my father, if you see my father’s picture when he was my age , I look exactly like him. I spoke to her yesterday and told her I give her my blessings , I know she will make a good mum and a good wife, just wanted to let you know” .
WHEN Lemmy was done I gave him a hug. I was impressed by his maturity because I knew he was really in love with Erica, he actually came to me to help him figure out how he could convince her , a while back. I guess that’s why he feels he owes me an explanation now. Anyway I told him God will provide his wife for him, we talked a bit more and he left back to site.

Kola came back shortly after looking all flustered , I asked him what the matter was , he said ,” you won’t guess who our new client to be is” , I said I couldn’t guess. He then said , “well it’s a mini estate project 16 units of 5 bedrooms with 2 bed room guest chalets and a 2 bed BBQ with a communal pool and gym. It’s right next to the beach, really nice, the client saw our profile online and the projects we’ve done and wants us to build for him” I said Okay that sounds amazing so what’s the problem ?” Well Bro, I saw the picture of his wife on his desk and it was Teni” he said . Which Teni ? I asked , “ The one and only Teni you know” ……..hmmmmmm

MRS- Madam Mabel is packing up , she brought a van to the NGO yesterday full of so many things she wanted to give away , the volunteers arranged everything in the store house. The store house has everything from furniture to clothes , food and electronics. If you need anything you just come register in our give back and pass it on project and we give you what you want for free.
The idea is this , if you come for a free fridge today , you make a promise that as soon as you are on your feet , you will give something for free to someone else. That way you start to be a blessing in your own small way. We are encouraging everyone to donate to the NGO. If you have an interview need a suit or nice dress , shoes and bag, you come here and we give you something to wear, when you start work, you either bring something back here or bless someone else who needs your help and so it goes on. We believe this way , everyone will soon catch on and pass along a blessing.

Madam Mabel as also asked Mr to lease out her house , so he’s getting it cleaned up and re painted , the estate already as a waiting list for potential tenants and buyers , we just have to call the next on the list that want a 5 bed house. Things are going to be different around here, with Erica living in far away EG’s house , Madam Mabel gone , we just pray the new tenants are nice people , MR has promised to vet them very well.

Rukky called and said she wanted to come over to the house, I said I will be home for 5pm but Tammy was home, so she said she will go ahead and wait for me. When I got back home she was in the front lounge with Tammy, crying. Tammy was hugging and trying to pacify her. I sat down in front of them and asked what the matter was. She looked up at me and said “Tella is Irving me an ultimatum, marry him now or he walks” I said I don’t understand. She then went into this lengthy explanation, she overheard. Tella talking to a girl on the phone saying he loved her too, when she confronted him he said , he wasn’t sure where his relationship with her was going , that the girl on the phone was ready to marry him now and she wasn’t, so he asked again, marry me now or else I leave. She said she doesn’t want to rush into marriage , sometimes she’s sure she knows Tella totally and then he comes up with this strange attitude. She loves him so much and doesn’t want to let him go but she feels they need to get to know each other better before they take the leap.

Tammy and I said it makes sense, Tammy asked if she believed God can make a way if she just put her trust in him, she wasn’t sure. So Tammy read passages from the bible and we prayed together. At the end she had calmed down. Tammy suggested she spend the night with us , I said she could stay in the guest chalet and tomorrow we go see the pastor to pray for her …….hmmmmmm

DAY 272
MR-Teni ? What do you mean Teni’s husband, I didn’t even know she was living here, when did she marry this guy, are you sure she’s the one you saw? Kola just stood there and asked me to calm down, too many questions at one. He said yes to all my questions and he even saw the name to my love form Teniola your boo, the picture was signed.
I asked Kola what we were going to do, he said take the job. What should we do ? Refuse it? her husband is a very nice mature man, I don’t think he’s the kind Teni can control anyhow, kola said. I was not convinced, that girl had a mean streak, I thought she was out of my life for good. Kola just looked at me and smiled and said, and who says she’s not out of your life, Bro , just chill, she is just the man’s wife and besides we didn’t go looking for the job , he got in touch with us.
Well Kola had a point, why was I so disturbed by all this , I definitely don’t have a thing for her anymore , am not sure if she has gotten over me, when I also mentioned this too Kola , he said Bro get over yourself, you are not the only fine boy in town, her husband is a fine man.
Back to reality, David really surprised me, his club/Lounge is beautiful. The colour scheme is red, black and Gold. And is called Fellas. It has a pool in the middle of the lounge indoors, with warm bubbles and smoke coming out of it, a bubble dance glass cage, a bouncing stage and a home theater, that sits 24 people, 4D, amazing, Kola and I were gob smacked. The décor is out of this world and I mean that literarily, all his staff were flown to Malaysia for 3 weeks to get trained. Their uniform is amazing. He took us round and showed us the drink and food menu. Water alone has a whole page, still water, spring water, mineral water, flavored water, sparkling water, coffee water etc, a glass was $3. All prizes are in dollars and you had to book for a table way ahead. The doors to Fellas open 1st of August and he is already fully booked until 2nd week in January , Am extremely glad I choose to invest in his dream, he might not be serious with anything else but when it came to entertainment , he was the king……….hmmmmmm

MRS- Tella, we don’t trust him, why was he in such a rush to settle down with Rukky, I suspect his motives are not honorable. Thankfully we didn’t discuss that with Rukky , she was too distrust yesterday, all she wanted to hear was that Tella will not leave her. Tammy was good at that, she comforted her, told her of God had ordained Tella and her to be husband and wife it will happen. She went onto reminder her about Madam Mabel who lived with a man she loved for years and she eventually found out he was impotent and he never told her, he made her believe she was the one who had a problem.
That seemed to help a bit but she wasn’t ready for sensible, she just wanted Tella. She finally pulled herself tighter and left after about 3 hours. I told Tammy I believe he wants her wealth, I apologized if I sounded funny but that’s what I think. Tammy sort of agreed because we couldn’t think of any other reason for the hurry, unless he really loved her and didn’t want to lose her.
Erica and Robert moved some of their things to EG’S house yesterday, I was there to see the nursery, it was beautiful, pink lemon and a touch of white. My mum had bought everything but hadn’t arranged it all, I cried while I was there, she always wanted to try again, with me she had maids , my grandma , everyone but her looking after me, she told me this little girl will have her 110% of the time. Look at it now, she didn’t even have her for .01%, Man proposes, God disposes.
Mr. went to see Chief Tope the estate chairman, he gave Mr. the nos of the first 5 on the waiting list for a home in our estate, so he called the first no, they had found an alternative, the second no said their financial situation had changed , they were no longer interested. The third no was not available, the forth said they had been transferred to another state and the fifth were ecstatic, they said first thing this morning they will be in the estate to inspect the house. Phew, that was a chore.
They turned up this morning, Husband a business man, wife a home maker, 3 children all boys 10, 12 and 15. Came in 2 cars, one range sport and a thundra which the man drove. Decked from head to toe in designer, Mr. said the guy called him and agent and said, “Hey boy, we want the house, can you arrange for it to be cleaned and re painted”. Mr. kept his cool and said, that wasn’t his department. Then the wife said, “ heeen, you small boys of now a days, who’s department is it, my husband wants to help you out and you are being proud, are you not an agent. Mr. didn’t reply, he just walked with them out of the compound and said when they were ready to make payment they should come to his office, he gave them his card, walked towards the G55 wagon parked on the opposite side of the house and drove off, as he did, his phone rang, and the Man said “Am sorry, please forgive me, we didn’t know you were the owner”. Mr. just said, “it’s okay, am a business man, I understand, and dropped the phone…….hmmmm

DAY 279

MR-Okay forget about things going awol, The DNA saga got to ahead yesterday, Erica’s father wanted to meet the two girls, so I gave her the apartment address we housed them in. but he insisted we had to be there as well.
Around 12pm we got there, just as he arrived we drove in too, the 2 T’s were home because I told them we were coming to see them but didn’t say why/ As we walked in they were so shocked to see Erica’s father , apparently they recognized him from a picture I guess. He asked them to sit down and he began to ask them questions. Who are you girls? He asked first. They looked down and wringed their fingers, then he raised his voice a bit and asked again. This time Tolani said, we are your children. “You Lie “ H shouted, which took us all aback, Kola included. “ How are you mine, your mother stole my DNA and made you girls on her own, what did she send you hear to do and where is she? The girls started to cry and he was fuming, I went over to him and asked him to please take it easy, if he wanted the whole truth he had to get it out of the girls patiently. So he calmed down, apologized for what he said and said again, where is your mother. Tolani answered again and said , “Sir , she’s in Abuja, she asked us to come find you , through Mr. Kola and His friend, she knew your daughters were familiar with them” .
I had to ask a question now, I said, how did she know us and who linked you? They both didn’t answer. Then Erica’s father asked for their mother phone no and what she asked them to do once he was found. They said their mum said we should call her and she will come and introduce us to you formally. So he dialed her no, put the phone o speaker and once she picked it. He said “Hello Iyabo”, this is Mike Williams, I believe you have been looking for me. Immediately the phone went dead. Then a few minutes later she dialed her daughters and from their expression and mono syllabus answers, she could only be asking if they were there with Erica’s father. He took the phone off the girls and said, “Be here in 24 hours and come explain yourself, until then your children will be in my custody” and he switched off the phone.
He made a call on his phone, within 30 minutes 2 mobile police guys with guns showed up, he asked them to guard the door, the gilrs must not go out and no one must come see them until he says so. He then got up to leave, we followed, when we got down stairs. he apologized for his harness and said he will be in touch and drove off.
Kola and I looked at each other and said “Na wah” at the same time…..hmmmmm

MRS-wow! This is not funny, Sabrina and I had a good laugh yesterday, our new neighbor is something else. We decided to go for a walk in the evening and we had to walk past Madam Mabel’s house and lo and behold our new neighbor was standing right in frnt of her house yapping on her phone for everybody to hear , she was shouting “ Eni , I said I need my $100,000 now o, how many days do I need to ask you for it, please bring it for me today” I could honestly swear that she was talking in her dialect before we approached and as soon as she saw us she changed to a sort of funny American accent. Then once we walked pasted , she ran after us and asked if she could come along. Sabrina pointed out that her shoes and outfit were not proper, she sais she walks with this high slippers all the time. To cut the long story short, she walked bare foot back and we , 2 pregnant women has to support her aching legs.
As if that drama wasn’t enough, Tammy called and gisted me that Kolas mum was so excited to have her there, she’s planning to come down with Tammy for a while. Kola’s father is too demanding and she needs a break, so mother in law is coming back with her. Then Madam Mabel called and said Belgium was too lonely, her darling goes out to work from 7am to 7pm and she’s left alone in the house. All her neighbors are white people and they stay indoors. Only the maid that comes to clean in the morning and then after that, she watches telly and sleeps, she said in the few weeks she’s been there, she’s put on so much weight, she asked if we could come down and see her. I reminded her that I was due in September and Tammy next month, so traveling was out, but after the babies drop, we are coming full time and fro there we go to Toke in Dubai. Then Toke called and said The twins are getting bigger , she went for a scan and they confirmed one boy ,one girl, Aakil is so happy, he threw a scan party for her, imagine that she said, she got so many gifts for the children, shes going to send them to us.
Well all in all we had a good laugh/ am really getting lazy now, because my tummy is getting bigger. Anyway am sure I will keep writing until the last minute.

Day 280
MR-I know it’s really funny, Mrs. is the one heavily pregnant and am the one feeling lazy, we both feel lazy. Writing in the Diary every morning has become a chore, she was the one who woke me up every morning, bright and early to write, now she sleeps to late in the day and I wake up late too, have to get ready quickly and rush to work. Am sorry don’t blame me, you know we own how own business, hence the flexible hours and to be hones ti have been through a lot of mental and physical drama, I need a bit of chill time with Mrs.
Anyway, that’s just to let you know why we haven’t been writing bright and early.
Yesterday we were called to a meeting, The 2 T’s mother appeared. When I first saw her I couldn’t believe it, she was so posh, I found out she was doing really well, a medical doctor and very fine, anyway that’s beside the point. Here is what she said “I must confess, I have always been in love with Mike, Pamela’s dad. J was my fiancé but he was so different from Mike, J had always been controlling and calculating, I guess his military background and on the other hand Mike was romantic, patient and loving, don’t get me wrong J loved me a lot, but it boarded more on possession rather than affection. I left J and went to the states, where coincidentally I took a night job at a fertility clinic while studying for my medical exams. My job was documenting sperm donors, by chance I came across Mike’s sperm and I knew what I had to do. Since I wanted him and he didn’t want me, I decided I was going to get his sperm inserted in my and be content with part of him being mine, I had the 2 girls in the states , once I passed my medical exams, worked for a few years , I relocated back to the country . when the girls got older, they started to ask who their father was, I honestly wanted to tell them he was dead or I was raped or something but I discussed with a close friend and she said I should just tell them the truth, I tried too but I couldn’t, so I said their father was in the country, we broke up when they were young. Since then they became obsessed with funding him. Then somehow I let it slip that it was you, the rest they put together themselves from sorting through social media and the press. Am sorry Mike, I can look after my own children, I don’t need anything from you, the girls just wanted to meet you”
By now she had tears in her eyes, Uncle J too, I guess he’s lack of being able to father a child made him sad, The 2 T’s were really happy and Pamela’s dad was in a dilemma, then his wife broke the silence, “It’s okay, the family is getting larger by the minute, we recently found our long lost daughter Rukky, now we have 2 other daughters, My darling , they are your flesh and blood , I have nothing to be upset about, you didn’t sleep with their mother , she inserted you into herself, but the children had no hand in this, so we can’t punish them, go hug your daughters, you are a very blessed man, 5 daughters and you only had to do it twice”
With that we all busted out laughing, what a wonderful woman……..hmmmmm

MRS-Hmmm, this Bambino of mine might just be a boy, the kicking and co that’s going on in my tummy is like a world cup match. I am so heavy and tired most of the time and I can’t stop eating. I meant if it was food, we would understand, but NO, ice cream, chocolate , cakes. The chef is tired of me, the poor guy will prepare lovely vegetable, fish and whatever else and all I would eat is the unhealthy desert I requested for. I know I’ve got to eat healthy, I started off that way but now I think the baby has enough healthy, it needs some sweet in its life. My last ante natal visit revealed the bay was really big, the doctor scared me when she said I would have to push out this mountain. I wish I was in England right now cos my friend told me you could opt for CS if you don’t want natural labour. Anyway the essence of all my blabbing here, is to explain why I haven’t been writing bright and early, I need my beauty sleep, am sure you can understand that. As for Mr., I guess he is a sympathetic pregnant carrier cos he too complains of being tired in the mornings, am not sure why.
Tammy and her mum in law are back today, but she will be going straight home, Kola came to pack their things yesterday, I will miss her company, she was my partner in crime for pigging out. Lately Sabrina has joined in and it’s driving our MIL crazy. Let me jist you. My MIL, cooked this smelly vegetable soup, she brought it over on Friday night said it was god for us and will make the bay healthy and labor easy. So we thanked her and said that’s for breakfast the next morning, she said we could have it with Pap, which I said I hated, then she suggested Yam.
The next morning the chef came to confirm if he should cook it , I forbade him and told him to make us bacon, eggs , baked beans and chips. Sabrina and I settled down on the deck by the pool, the weather was so nice that morning we couldn’t resist a dip before breakfast, so we both swam some laps then settled down. How were we supposed to know our MIL will decided to come have breakfast with us? So she turns up as we are gulping down the amazing bacon bits. She takes one look at our greasy combo, kisses her teeth and storms us calling us ungrateful brats, after all she is only trying to help us. We knew what we had to do. So we patiently finished our food, had a shower then went to grovel. We twicked with the truth saying we wanted to have it for lunch with Rice. She understood, we spent a few hours then went back home.
The chef served lunch and we balanced, you won’t believe our MIL shows up and were we eating her soup, absolutely not, we had pizza and salad, this time she was visibly angry and she swore at us and warned us not to come near her house. So as I write now, am planning to go to church with her, Mr. Thinks it’s all funny, she told him, her driver will take her and her husband, we should go in our own car, we will meet in church. Dear God please help us. How do i tell her, i can’t eat that soup……hmmmm

DAY 281-
MR-Yes, the reality of life is that if you have something you don’t appreciate it until you’ve lost it. Uncle J surprised us all, right after the two T’s mum spoke and Pamela’s dad said he understands because of his wife and he’s willing to be their father but cant in all honest have them live with them. Uncle J got up and said he was willing to accept their mum back, he still loved her very much and would love to marry her and adopt the girls. He said he was very wealthy, single and lonely. To everyone’s surprise, the two T’s mum ran into his arms and said yes , she was ready, she confessed that she always regretted her decision to break up with uncle J for a guy that didn’t even know she existed. She spent years pawning for Mike and he in turn could even give two hoots about her.
Uncle J hugged her and the 2 t’s and said , they are already my flesh and blood , the rest is easy , changing their name to mine is the same s their fathers, if mike doesn’t mind I will adopt them and be their father. Pamela’s dad stood up and hugged his brother and said Bro by all means, they are yours if you will have them.
Kola and I watched has a man who already had 3 lovely daughters he wanted, give up 2 he didn’t want and just met. The 2 T’s couldn’t be bothered either way, all they wanted was a father and they got one.
I guess we never told you what uncle J looked like, he is 6’4, very handsome , flat tummy and looks like Denzel Washington, his baritone voice makes women weak at the knees. He drives a 500sle Mercedes Benz, a g55 wagon, a 7 series bmw and 4 other cars in his house, that’s apart from the 2 prado jeeps and the police escort thundra he uses. He lives in a 10 bedroom house on his own, with security agents and a chef and house boy, only God knows how much he had in his bank account, so the girls were stepping into a life of luxury. I was really happy for them, their new life was just going to begin, lucky uncle J , he got two daughters and he didn’t even have to go through all the growing up wahala……hmmmm

MRS-Sabrina and I have gone 4 times to our MIL’s house but she had refused to come out of her room to see us. Just this morning we were there bright and early to apologize, she asked the gateman not to open the gate . My FIL, has not been allowed to get involved because he hasn’t been hoe, he travelled to their village for a week and is not back until the weekend.
We have called her phone, she just presses busy, we even ate the soup, at least a bit of it and recorded a video, of us eating and saying how foolish we have been, because it taste so nice. And I sent it to her WhatsApp. But she hasn’t even read it yet. Mr. Thinks we should just leave her alone, she will come around when she’s ready. I know my MIL, if we don’t keep making an effort to apologize.
To be honest the soup tasted terrible, I think I threw up twice after having a taste to film the video. Sabrina didn’t through up but she had to lick a lot of honey to get rid of the bitter taste.
O yes, we have a drama queen on our hands. Our new neighbor Nkechi invited us to their house, o my gosh, I have never seen a busier house, in their main lounge they had 3 sets of heavy duty settees, the ones that have all the cravings on them, all sprayed in Gold. The pictures and paintings on the wall were more than 50, the colors were all mixed up and then they put a huge artificial fountain in the middle of the lounge. I mean that wasn’t bad.
Sabrina and I sat down, she brought our baileys , we politely declined and pointed to our tummies, she laughed and said , that’s not a problem , I drink baileys like water when am almost due, it helps the baby come out faster. We laughed too and still declined, then she almost made me fall of my seat, she asked “Well my dears, you said you want water, which one, we have mineral water, sparkling water, flavored water, still water, ice water and ordinary water. Am sorry I couldn’t answer, I just broke down laughing, Sabrina manages to say still water but I couldn’t stop laughing.
Then she went into get something came back with this huge LV bag and started to empty the contents, a gold watch, some perfume , an LV purse etc, Sabrina had to ask what she was looking for, she said she wanted to give us her business cards, she just opened a boutique and she wants us to come, she then said “Am sorry this LV’bags are so full of compartments” Sabrina got curious and asked how much she bought the bag because she likes it , she said $500, Sabrina said “aw, this can’t be real, it must be an authentic replica, the real one of that size will cost nothing less than $5000. What did Nneka hear that one for, she said of course she meant to say $5000, it was a slip of tongue, she bought it in London on her last trip.
Sabrian was being mischievous and asked to see the bag, she looked inside at the lining and said “Sorry honey, you’ve been duped, trust me am Malaysian and I know replicas when I see them, this is an authentic replica” . Nneka was so upset, she asked Sabrina why she was looking down at her, did we think she couldn’t afford a real one ,bla bla. When I saw it was getting a bit too much, I got up and said Sabrina didn’t mean it that way, thanked her for her hospitality and Sabrina and I left. As we walked away from the house I started to laugh, we looked back and saw her standing arms akimbo in front of the gate, where she had seen us off too, I knew we had just begun, Nneka was not going to agree, she was out to proof that she was Chief Okonkwo’s wife and nobody was going to outshine her in that estate……hmmmm

DAY 282-
MR-David has been in the dog house for a couple of weeks, Sabrina has been bunking with us and had blatantly refusded to go home to him. He hasn’t been too botherd because he knows shes save with us, My Mum the senior drama queen came over to the house yesterday evening when I got back from work, she said she had come to report Mrs and Sabrina to me. I asked her to ayt least have lunch with us , she declined saying if they cant eat her food , she snot eating ours.
Anyway in the end I appealed to her and she said she had accepted, but unless the two of them sit in front of her and eat and enjoy it before she will forgive them completely.
So the chef made some yam, served the vegetabke soup and we waited. A few minutes later Mrs and Sabrina came back from the Spa and found us both on the dinning table, I invited them to join us, they were surely in for a surprise,.
Now Mrs. had asked the chef to make spaghetti with sweet and sour sauce in prawns sauce , so she was expecting to see Chinese food. Then we opened the plates and my mums soup steered them in the face, nowhere to run, they dished it out and ate, o my gosh , you should have seen their faces, while my mum and I were liking our lips and enjoying it , Sabrina and Mrs. were chewing with all their might and swallowing with eyes closed, my mum made sure they finished everything, then she said , she was glad they liked it , she’s happy with them now.
My mum didn’t leave until she was sure they had digested the food, which was about an hour later, she finally asked me to please drop her off.
By this time Mrs. and Sabrina had this crazy expression on their faces.
When I got back from dropping tem, I just collapsed on the settee and laughed my head off, Mrs was scolding the chef for not telling my mum they had eaten it all like she instructed, the chef was apologisisng and saying Mama caught him unawares, she came into the kitchen opened the freezer and brought out the container herself and asked him to warm it up and serve it with Yam for dinner.
In short , that’s what we had yesterday evening, My mu won her battle, Mothers are always right…..hmmmmm

MRS-Yeah, my MIL played us big time. Sabrina and I had gone t the Sppa for a girls day out, we met up with Tammy and her MIL, she hasn’t realy had time to come round because she spends time with her MIL. So we decided on an activity we could all do together and the Spa seemed like the most logical one.
Nneka was standing outside her house in shorts and a t shirt waving us down as we drove past , I pretended like I didn’t see her and didn’t stop. Sabrina felt I was wicked but I asked if she really wanted that woman’s drama today and her answer was no. Anyway we got to the SPA and Kolas mum was so delighted, she has enough stress being pregnant as a grandma and she complained that Kolas dad was a sex manic. “ It had if he just found sex again, I must admit he was sex crazy when we were much longer but he lost the zeal as the years piled on, and then all of a sudden the zeal came back, her being with Tammy as given her a really good break.
I tried to imagine that but quickly brushed it off my mind. I remember Mr. didn’t really like a lot of sex when we got married and now he doesn’t really bother me, we do have sex when we feel like it, even I’ve lost my high demand for it. I wonder why.
Anyway we had our facials done, massage, and nails , all in all we spent about 3 hours, after we went to the café downstairs and had some earl grey tea and lemon curd slices, like a proper English ladies. I left with Sabrina and Tammy and her MIL left together.
As we walled into our house and I saw my MIL I knew we were in trouble. To my surprise , she ushered us to join them at the table, Mr. said they had been waiting for us. I was famished anyway and so was Sabrina. We took our time to settle down, then we opened the plates to serve everyone and I almost passed out from both the smell and the shock of seeing Mama’s vegetable staring at me and looking all green with pride, the rest is history. To cut the long story short , My MIL showed us that , a child can have loads more clothes than an elder but can never have more rags than the elder……hmmmm

DAY 283
MR- Remember Funke and Nkechi, the ladies we hired who wanted to share Kola and I . Nkechi resigned and we sent Funke to work with Lemmy and Tony on our site. Well yesterday Kola and I went to site, our franchise owners were in town and they wanted to see how far we had gone with the development.
In short they were really impressed, after we were done with site , we took them all, including our staff to a nice restaurant, it was at this restaurant that I noticed the chemistry between Lemmy and Funke. Actually it delighted me, that she no longer crushed on I or Kola. Lemmy deserves to be happy and Funke seemed like a responsible girl. When Nkechi complained that she wasn’t employed to work on a construction site, Funke said she won’t mind, it would actually give her an all-round experience. Well I could see what she was experiencing with Lemmy.
Uncle J called, he was really happy, he wants to organize a small get tighter to introduce his new family to everyone. He needs our help to plan it. So I promised Kola and I will be there tomorrow after work. The 2 T’s showed up at the office today, they actually came to aplogise for their deception. They were so grateful to me that I was mainly responsible for them finding their real father and now getting a wonderful adopted father. Tolani said, I won’t understand. For a lady who doesn’t grow up with a father figure, her life would be different and not in a good way. There is a lot a father does in the life of bringing up his daughter. They were really happy, that was going to happen now, even if it was for a few years before they left for their husband’s house.
My brother David, well I don’t know what to say, we hardly see him now a days ,and if we are lucky and he decided to grace us with his company or pop in to see his wife Sabrina , its always in the wee hours of the morning. Last week Sabrina decided to go stay in the guest chalet, she was in the main house and every time David comes to see her, the whole house was awaken by the doorbell. So now he just comes into the compound and walks round the side to the guest chalet. Sometimes he spends the night and is gone before we come down for breakfast. Sabrina is not complaining. She’s happy to be with us and lately she’s been whiling away time by teaching the chef Malaysian food.
By the time Mrs. and her drop, am praying they are not twice their normal size. I came home yesterday to find the chef grilling ribs and large prawns with fresh fish and grilled potato wedges for dinner. Am not complaining but ……hmmmm

MRS-First thing this morning , Nneka came to the gate, our gateman surprisingly pretended like he didn’t recognize her, left her standing outside and came to tell us she was waiting. I honestly didn’t instruct him to do so. I asked him to let her in and show her to the front lounge. I allowed her to sit there for 10 mins, then I came down apologizing, she got up and said she was upset with us, she thought we were friends, yesterday she was waving us down and we ignored her. I said I was sorry, I wasn’t really concentrating because we were in a rush, so I asked how I could help. She said when were we coming to her boutique? “Boutique, which one” I asked, “My one, the one I invited you too”. “O am sorry” I said , “on Saturday we will be there”. She asked me to promise, I did and she left.
I didn’t really have time for Nneka, I had more pressing matters, as soon as she stepped out of the door, I called Tammy and we met at the NGO, we had a breakthrough with the empty warehouse next door, the owner had agreed to sell to us and not only that , he found out what we were doing on it and he wants us to have it for half the price.
The manager called me and I called Tammy, we went to meet the kind owner .As he drove in to the NGO , we were already waiting , he got out and walked over, introduced himself has Alhaji Ahmed. We walked to his land and wow, it was actually much much bigger than we anticipated. We told him of our plans for a cancer treatment centre, dialysis centre and a rehabilitation center. He was so impressed, he asked us not to pay a dime, that we should just make him a trustee and he will get all his friends to donate money. He said we should work out all the cement we need to build and he will donate it.
We were stunned, I had never heard of him before but our manger knew him. Anyway we took him back to our office and offered him lunch but all he took was a bottle of water and said we should take a rain check on that lunch, He took my number and said his lawyer will be in touch to sign over the papers to the NGO.
God Almighty is awesome, wow, we still have my mum’s friend chief Rhodes, who has promised to donate everything needed. All was falling into shape, we just had to travel to Dubai to meet with BAXTER , to arrange how we get donations of dialysis machines and their fluids. That’s was going to be a heavy task, but I knew there was nothing impossible for God to do. Once the Bambino drops, with the help of God Almighty , Aakil and his father, we would get BAXTER on our side…….hmmmmmm

DAY 284
MR-Remember Kola and I mentioned that we got a new client who wants us to build some housing units for him, well he called us for a meeting in his office today. When, Teni was already sited in the boardroom with him, and another man we later found out was his manager.
The man started off by congratulating us for an impressive presentation the last time Kola was in his office. He then went on to say ours was the best. And he introduced us formally to his co-director and wife Teni, who will be in charge of the project and coordinating with us.
I was existed initially but when he added Teni to the equation my heart was aching, I knew this lady, she was crazy and I really really don’t want to have anything to do with her. Everything she put me through, come on, if you were in my shoes would you want anything to do with her?
We signed the contract and were invited to seal the deal with a drink, I declined politely and the client said o I guess you are fasting, I quickly nodded my head and said “you got me there sir.”
After the signing just as we were walking out of the office, Teni came over and said what time on Monday was best for her to meet with us, she will request that we come here to her office for the meeting. We fixed 11am on Monday and left.
As we drove off ,Kola pointed out that I was wearing a long face, “” Don’t worry Bro, I will deal with her directly , I can just say as her hubby choose her to work on the project , so also have we chosen that I should work on it”…..hmmm

MRS-Erica came to see us, she came with Tamara and Robert, the doctors advised that she is taken out for some fresh air, it will help her lungs develop better. O my gosh , she is amazing and beautiful. She looks so much like my mum and I cried when I carried her. Sabrina was so maternal, she rocked her all day long, from when Erica and them arrived until they left.
Robert looked so happy, he doted on his baby sister. And he now calls Erica, mum, soooo sweet. Erica actually came to update me. EG has been amazing to her, pampering and the latest news, he wants Erica, Robert and Tamara to go spend time in him home in London. She said okay, EG wants to get married to her there, so the children will have the opportunity to go to school and probably live there for a while. Erica is half German, has an European passport, Robert has an American passport, Erica is adopting Tamara so she too will be European.
Rukky called while Erica was here, she said Tella has calmed down and explained that he just didn’t want to loose her to all this Nigerian men. What happened I asked, well she said they went to a club and Tella left her for a few minutes, actually it was more like 20 mins and before he came back someone had sent her a bottle of campaign, which she didn’t drink and sent over a fish platter for her. He got jealous and asked them to leave. The other day he took her shopping and a guy came over and gave her his card saying call me , you should be spoiled rotten, let me do that. So Tella just feels that if he leaves her for too long, someone might snap her up.

DAY 285
MR- I am in agony, who send me message, I don’t know, this is what ego does to am foolish man. Well here is what happened.
We went to the club yesterday morning, after Nneka our new neighbor’s that moved into Madam Mabel’s house came to get Mrs., I couldn’t go back to I called Kola to ask him to meet me at the club for 7.30am. I got ready, took all my gear both for tennis and squash.
On arrival, Kola wasn’t there yet, so I thought to myself let me just walk around and see what happens this time of the morning. We usually go around 9am. I went round to the open frilled and I saw a bunch of people, mostly ladies doing aerobics. The music was great and the movements were so sexy be it rigorous, I stood there for about 5 minutes admiring all of God’s hand work, then I decided to join in. O boy, big mistake, the moves were not as easy as I though, Plank move, up and down, toes point down ,lift your body up with your elbows and stay put. The instructor started the count backwards, 20, 19, 18, 17 , 16, by 15 I was shaking, 14, 13 12, I looked around all the babes were smiling , I thought to myself, o boy stay o, don’t disgrace yourself,11, 10, 9, by now I was in agony, 8, 7, 6, and that was it, I slumped onto the sports mat with a thud and let out a wince, everyone was still doing it except an elderly woman who was now sitting, looking at me and smiling. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Well done everyone, now let’s try that one more time, this time with one elbow. O my lord, no!!!, how was I going to walk away, as if God pitied me, Kola just came over and called my name, I quickly got up, thanked the instructor and walked away.
I was limping, Kola was laughing, “Bro, who send you?” “I no know o” I told him how I got fascinated by all the shapes and sizes and just wanted to be part of it. We went to the gym , by then I was feeling a lot better and you would have thought I learnt my lesson. I got on the treadmill, as soon as I did, this beautiful young girl got on the one next to me and right there she set her speed and distance, it was double what I usually do, so I did one better, I set mine higher that her and faster. So we began, she looked at me, we smiled, let the games begin. 10mins in , I was feeling dizzy, my instructor came over and asked me to reduce my speed, I told him off, saying why are you trying to make me slow, he was a bit confused but just said okay and walked back to help someone else. Well in short I woke up on the floor, apparently I passed out from exhaustion and they had to poor water on me. When I came too, the pretty lady was still on the treadmill walking.
Kola was laughing so hard, I got upset, he asked us to leave, I said no, we had to play squash. He asked if I had a death wish today, I said no! am fine. So we proceed to squash. To cut the long story short, I didn’t know how I got home. From the gist, I played with tis 2 young boys until a ball it me on the head and I passed out again. Kola brought me home in my car and went back to pick his, Mrs. called or doctor, who said I just had a mild swelling on my head and I will be fine, I just need to sleep it off.
In short no one conspired against me, I just let my swollen ego get the better if me. What a foolish man I have been, the good news, never again……hmmmmm
MRS-First thing in the morning, you won’t believe it Nneka came to the gate, told the gate man to inform us on the intercom that she is ready for our morning walk. “Morning walk”, I said, we just mentioned it when we went over there that we used to walk round the estate at 6am every morning before we were heavily pregnant. I think she conveniently forgot about that part.
I wanted to ask the gateman to just say he couldn’t wake us up but Darling Mr. said, I should at least go down and tell her myself that the walk was on hold until after we dropped. So I asked the gateman to let her in and I called the maid to see her into the front lounge. 6am, who does that? Waking up your neighbors for no good reason, especially on a Saturday.
Anyway , I went down in my PJ’s , she was all geared up, sports T, leotard, reebok running shoes, wrist band and head band. Even a water bottle attached to her waist and wait for it, yep, you guessed right, sun glasses. I apologized as I sat down and explained that since we now waddle about and get tired every second, we don’t walk every day. We swim instead a couple of times a week. What did she hear that for, she said “Great, I will just go change into my swimming suit? “My dear, I have spent so much on getting these sportswears, I was at ShopRite yesterday picking up all they had for sports, I got, swim wear, jog wear, tennis wear and even aerobics wear, also got all the gadgets, swim cap, goggles, rackets for lawn tennis and badminton, aerobic shoes, tennis shoes and running shoes, you can see am wearing them now” I looked at her mouth as she was talking and I felt so sorry for her, I asked if she played any of these sports, she said of course not but she wants to belong.
I could see her desperation to belong as she put it, I couldn’t understand that, they seemed wealthy enough, she had nice things and nice cars, even ran her own business, but she just felt something was missing, she needed to be just like us and not herself. This was a serious complex issue and I made a mental note that I would need to get close to her and bring her to the NGO for counselling. Anyone who doesn’t feel they are enough , always needs someone else to acknowledge them, or validate them, has a serious inferiority complex issue and until it is dealt with, they will not go on to thrive and excel and become all that God has ordained them to be.
On that note, I invited her to come around 10am that Sabrina and I will have a good swim with her and we would have brunch after. She was delighted, gave me a hug and left.
Surprisingly as she walked off, I felt God’s nudge in my spirit, telling me, for one minute there, I forgot my purpose, I am meant to bring people like Nneka closer to God and into the realization that God has great plans for them. Am sorry Lord , I need more of you and less of myself, I also need to stop leaning on my own understanding, just Acknowledge God Almighty in everything I do and he will lead me on the right path…….hmmmmm

DAY 286
MR- Well, I ached all over yesterday and waking up this morning thank God I feel a lot better, the Nurofen I had just before bed did the trick.
Do you know I forgot about an assignment Uncle J gave me, he was really counting on me to help out with organizing his family get together. But because I was in so much pain, only Kola could go help him out. As expected Uncle J wasn’t very happy with me. Anyway Kola came back to update me on how everything went.
“Bro, that Uncle is super rich, you won’t believe what he did” I asked what did he do. “ well, he got cars for the 2 T’s and booked all of them on a cruise around the Caribbean to get better acquainted. They could have easily done that right here, but No, he wanted to show he could afford it” I looked at Kola and laughed, I asked him how old did he think uncle J was, he said probably early 60’s. “Well if he is that age and he has never had the joy of having a wife and children, and now he gets 2 children and a wife in one day, don’t you think he will spend his last penny to give them everything to make them happy?” Kola was silent for a while, then he said “Bro, you are right, I can’t imagine life without Jnr and his sibling on the way. And my dear Tammy, Now I understand.”
We tend to think very selfishly sometimes, not putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes before we criticize them, there is no way you can understand someone’s pain unless you’ve actually been through exactly what they been through. I learnt a long while ago not to say to people who are hurting “I know how you feel” because I don’t. Unless of course I have actually been through whatever it is they are experiencing at the time. What I just say is “Am sorry, I can only imagine how you feel” and the truth be told the person hurting will appreciate that better.
Teni called yesterday, I don’t know why she didn’t call Kola, wants to meet by 11am this morning. She has an update on her husband’s project. I honestly don’t trust that girl as far as I can throw her but am going to chillax, as my brother says and watch how this progresses.
My dad came back from the village yesterday, with a little boy called Akin. He says he wants to be responsible for his upkeep. The boy is a grandson of his elder brother, his parents died in a road accident a couple of years ago and since then he’s been living with his grandpa. He’s about Roberts’s age. At least he’s not too young and he can do most things for himself, my dad wants me to clean him up and enroll him in a nice school, he said he will foot the bill, but am not going to let him do that. I won’t even bother telling him, I will just pay the boy’s fees and forget to ask him for it. No point arguing with my father, just do what he says and peace will reign for everyone……hmmmm

MRS-Tammy will definitely drop this week or next. she came around with her MIL and jnr yesterday, caught us at the right time Nneka was here we were all swimming with Sabrina as well. Jnr joined us in the pool but Tammy was just wobbling around. That baby wants out. She even confirmed she had her baby things in the car, incase.
Kola got her a driver, he doesn’t want her driving with this big tummy, anything can happen. Nneka got familiar with everyone really quickly. I must give her kudos though, even though she couldn’t swim, she was humble enough to ask us to teach her and was willing to make fun of herself each time she couldn’t float or move her arms and legs in unison. It takes a humble person to do that. I think we will get on fine. And thank God she agreed to come to the NGO this morning to meet with one of the counsellors.
I discussed the issue with her and she opened up, I learnt a lot. Nneka is the first of 5 siblings, she grew up in the village her parents were poor farmers. when she was 10 her aunty, mum’s sister came to take her to port Harcourt, on the understanding that she will be sent to school like her cousins, her mum didn’t want that , she said Nneka should be put to work so that she can send the money home to the family to survive, at 10 she cried but understood that family came first. So when she got to port Harcourt , the aunty could not bear seeing her work for her, so she gave her to a friend as a house maid and that one paid her money monthly which her aunt sent to her mum, for 7 years she slaved for that woman, who had 2 daughters one younger and one older. The younger one was nice, she gave Nneka clothes and taught her how to do some school work, she could read and write, so that made things easy. When Nneka turned 18, she ran away from the lady and got on a bus to Lagos, not knowing anybody, she latched onto a lady on the bus, who was kind enough to accommodate her in exchange for her working in her saloon. She learnt how to braid hair and fix nails. Once she was good enough she got a job elsewhere and money came in, the first thing she did was enroll in evening classes, then she got into a secondary school, then passed Jamb and graduated with a 2.1 in mass communication, all through this she still did her nails and hair and that paid her way through university. When she was done, she got a job at a radio station and that was how she met her husband, he owned the radio station and one thing led to another. She confided in me that all her life she’s had to play catch up, she thinks about her background and see herself as that poor village house help, she’s ashamed of it and finding it very difficult to get past. Even though she has done extremely well for herself.
I felt terrible, I had judged this lady just on first impressions, she has gone through so much, but was determined to make it and she did, she is an amazing inspiration to young people out there, never give up on your dreams, well she humbled me big time. I am putting her on the staff of the NGO , she will counsel young people once she’s gone through her own counselling…..hmmmmm

DAY 287
MR- Am in trouble, Kola and I have been sucked into this group in the sports club called Progressive men. Well how did this start and why did I say am in trouble, well here is why.
This group already existed for a while , I first heard about them when I went to register at the sports club, the lady who signed me up said member ship of the club was compulsory for everyone but not until I had been a member for a year. She gave me a small pamphlet that had brief information about them and that was it. On my one year anniversary I got an email reminding me that it was time and I should pay my annual due but I ignored it.
Yesterday, it became a case of if Mohammed won’t go to the mountain, the mountain will go find Mohammed. We were in the office when the secretary came and said 2 guys wanted to see me from the progressive men. The name didn’t ring a bell, but all the same I asked them to be put in the board room and I called Kola to come over. We got in there and were confronted with 2 guys from the sports club, we exchanged pleasantries and relaxed a bit more. They didn’t talk much, just asked for our cheese of membership fees. We got the account no and transferred immediately and that wasn’t all. We were invited for our initiation immediately. We pointed out that it was a week day, they said all the better, they will expect us at 8pm and gave us the club house address. We didn’t even know the club has a house of their own.
I called Mrs. and Kola called Tammy and we said we were going to be late we had a progressive club meeting. Mrs. asked what that was, I said I will explain later .we drove form the office to the club house got there around 7.30pm. Most members were there, we were just awaiting the arrival of the club president. He arrived and the initiation began 5 of us were up for the ceremony. To summarize, we were blind folded, taken to a dark room and left there. I felt I wasn’t alone, I was right, a few seconds into the wait, my blindfolds were removed and the lights came on and there were 3 bikini glad women and what did they say, welcome to the progressives , “we are here to pleasure you” . I just blacked out…….hmmmmmm

MRS –Nneka was great yesterday, I thank God she agreed to come with us to the NGO. We got there around 10am and we had called ahead to get the manager to hold off on counselling the young girls who came for the day’s session. We told her we had a special aunty who wanted to talk to them.
On arrival we went straight to the counselling room, as God will have it, there were almost 30 girls waiting and about 10 boys. I asked Nneka to please go ahead and share her life story. Once she started all eyes were glued on her, be it that she too a few minutes to start, she said to me she had never shared her life story publicly, I assured her it will change life’s so it needs to be told. By the time she was half way through, I could see the expressions on the girls faces, change from despair to hope, at the end more than half of them had tears in their eyes.
Nneka spent about 2 hours talking to some of them, one on one, it was amazing, seeing how her story was going to make so much difference to a lot of people. Give them hope, a life they could look forward to. Knowing that your circumstances of birth doesn’t determine how successful you will become. God has great plans for everyone, all you have to do is pray, work hard, have faith and trust in God and he will not disappoint you. Nneka was overwhelmed, she went a step farther and pledged to sponsor 2 people to university every years, pay for the 3 or 4 years they are in university. We decided to call the scholarship, The Nneka possibility scholarship award.
While we were there, A pastor came and asked to see me, she sat down in my office and said she wanted us to work together. She had heard about all the good things we had done in such a short time and she wants to be part of it. I thanked her and asked in what capacity. She said her church has 3000 members and most are wealthy but not charitable. She wants them to agree to volunteer their money and time once a month and she wants them to come here to do it. She also said most are doctors, professors, architects, construction engineers, own supermarkets, fast food franchises , etc. her congregation were mostly a bunch of trust fund rich young people who feel entitled, she wants them to see how the other side live, teach them about giving both in kind and in time.
I was taken aback, I didn’t ask which church this was, I was just impressed with her proposal. I was delighted, I agreed on the spot. She said next Sunday I will come to the church and once she announces it, I will come up and tell them what we do and how they can volunteer.
All in all it was a blessed day, Thank you lord for granting us mercy and favour in time of need……hmmmmmm

DAY 288
MR-Waking up on the bed surrounded by 3 skimpily clad women was definitely not my idea of life, most men will think they just died and arrived in heaven, I felt I just died and landed in hell fire. I got up, looked around confused , then ran for the door and just kept running , I found myself outside in the car park and as I ran towards the car, I bumped into another guy running from the other direction, I was so hurt and was about to lash out when I saw it was Kola. We both scrambled into his car and drove out of the compound so fast, we got to our office where my car was parked before we took a breather. It wasn’t funny at all.
Kola told me he had the same experience but he didn’t pass out, in his own case the girls led him to the bed before they untied his blind fold and they were all naked. He said his brain said run but his Mr. D stood at attention and kept him staring at the wonderful creations of God standing before him, he tried to move he couldn’t, the girls came closer and closer, one started to unbutton his shirt , he couldn’t move, the other undid his trouser belt, he still didn’t move. At this time his phone was in his hands, the 3rd was losing his shoe laces when the phone rang, it was Tammy, as soon as he saw her name, that snapped him right out of his trance and he ran as fast as his feet could carry him, before he bumped into me. Phew! That was a close encounter. We still couldn’t believe we almost got gang raped by 3 beautiful women.
When I got back home Mrs. was in bed, I saw David’s car, and obviously he was with Sabina in the guest lodge. I went straight there and called him out. I told him what just happened and he laughed so hard, then he said “Bro, I missed, I wish I was there, those girls won’t try that again, I would show them whose boss”.
He was no help, I went inside and Mrs. asked where I had been, I could not bring myself to tell her that I foolishly got myself in a terrible compromising position, so I said we just went to a meeting of the club members, which was true to an extent. She saw I was tired and didn’t feel like talking, so she let me be.
Yesterday morning when we got to the office the 2 guys from the club were back to see us, the receptionist put them in the conference room. As Kola and I walked in, we noticed they were watching something on their laptop, commenting , looking at us and laughing so hard, we walked round to see what it was and O my gosh, was all I could muster before I passed out again…….hmmmmm

MRS-Mr. is acting so strange, he came home late the other day looking all flustered, I guess he had a rough day at the office and having to attend an impromptu club meeting on top of everything. I must make a mental note to ask him how that went.
Oh! Before i forget let me tell you about the crazy incident that happened yesterday. Remember I told you about Alhaji Ahmed, the owner of the land next to the NGO, he called and said he wanted to meet with me for lunch to discuss the way forward with our project. I was delighted, because Chief Rhodes said he will be in town in a few weeks and he would love to see our layout and if possible bill of quantities for the project.
He gave me the restaurant details and even sent his driver to pick me because he said I was heavy, driving around in traffic will be too stressful, I did protest, I needed the exercise but he insisted. I obliged him because I recognized he was our benefactor and I could see he was used to having his way. I arrived just on the dot of 2pm as we agreed, he was already waiting for me and we exchanged pleasantries and ordered food. The first odd thing I noticed was he presumed to know what was good for me to eat, I was taken aback but let it slide. Thankfully I liked what he ordered, it wouldn’t have been my preferred choice but it wasn’t that bad.
Then we ate and I wanted desert, he goes, “no young lady, green tea is better for you, it aids digestion, so his Japanese business partner told him”. Okay, again, I took that.
Once we were done eating he asked us to sit in the lounge area so I could be more comfortable, I said I was fine where we were but once again he insisted. When we got there, he produced an envelope and asked me to open it, inside it were the signed handover land deeds for the land he donated and a bank draft of a staggering amount of money, 8 figures , to be exact, I exclaimed and asked him what was this for. He said, one, his additional contribution to build the cancer and dialysis centre, in addition to the land he already donated and two for a beautiful lady like me doing so much for humanity, he wants me to understand that he will wait for me to drop my baby and then we can become close friends, he hasn’t stopped thinking about me since he saw me, he said if I was his, I would be in America now, waited on hand and foot, with maids and servants, won’t have to lift a finger, he would take care of me like a queen that I was.
Honestly, I had to do a double take to see if there was someone else next to us that he was referring too. I had to ask “Alhaji are you okay?, what gave you the impression am not being taken care of, do I look like I need care, my hubby and I have a house in America, I chose to have our baby here, we have maids, servants a chef and so on, we live in a huge mansion with a pool, our in laws are Arab sheiks and kings in the UAE”, I had to add that for effect, “so please get lost with you and your money” and I flung the envelop at him.
I stood up, as if to walk to my car, but remembered I didn’t bring one, so I walked to the restaurant concierge and asked him to call me a taxi. Through all this Alhaji just sat there staring at me and asking me to come sit back down, I ignored him stood there until the Taxi drove up to the entrance, got in and we drove off.
This Alhaji didn’t move from where he sat, he just kept looking at me and gesturing for me to come sit down , who does he think he is, let him, his land and money go jump into the lekki beach for all I care, God forbid bad thing….….hmmmmm
DAY 289 AND 290

MR-No!!!, this cannot happen, do you know what Kola and I were staring at on their computer screen? Recordings of me lying on the bed with 2 girls seemingly having fun with me. I say seemingly because they had cleverly edited it to look like I was enjoying myself. Apparently when I passed out the girls had been instructed to lift me onto the bed and perform acts on me to make it seem like I was a willing participant. Kola’s owns was even worse, because he didn’t pass out they had photo shopped his face on another body joined the recording to the last time he was on the bed and the girls were loosening his clothes and shoes, then the recording jumped to where a guy, not Kola of course, was naked and the girls were dealing with him, oh my gosh, Kola went into a fit, punched one of the guys, who then fell off his seat ,while that was going on , I cleverly picked up the laptop.
After some staff rushed in with our security guys to see what was happening, everything calmed down for a bit and the guys said to us. “Don’t worry boys, there is more where that came from, keep the laptop, no one comes to the Enclave and leaves without an oath, whether you like it or not you will do what we want and they walked out of the conference room
Kola and I stood there and could not believe they were trying to blackmail and forcefully induct us into a secret cult. This was more dangerous and disturbing than we thought. We looked at each other and said, Uncle J. Unfortunately for us, Uncle J was sailing around the world with his new family, The 2 T’s and their mum. He was gone for a month. This cult guys seemed very determined , how did we not see that this was more than a sports club, we have been attending that gym for more than a year, pay our normal monthly gym fee, have occasional meetings and all that is discussed there is sports activities. When did we go from gym membership to cult membership? Kola didn’t let me finish talking, he answered my question and said “A few days ago”.
We had to find a solution fast, so I called the only other person who was crazy enough to sort this out, David. He got to our office in 30 Mins. When Kola narrated everything to him, he sort of agreed that we could bring them down, but we needed to know the head before we start playing with the tail. The head could be anyone from the president, to the richest man in town, we had to be careful, Uncle J, is the only one who could find that out for us, with his network of information. David left promising that he still had some boys in the underworld, He would throw the name of the cult out there and see what bites.
All this time, I still haven’t told Mrs., I mean how do I show her the videos and explain, “that wasn’t me?” Like Shaba ranks sang. Come on people , she’s pregnant , almost dropping, she might not believe me totally, I know she does trust me , I must give her some credit, but the part about Kola and I being ignorant that the club will do what it did , and why we went, when we were invited might not sit with her properly. That brought me to my senses, why did we go for the meeting in the first place, was it a case of curiously? If it was then certainly, this time, curiosity has definitely killed the cat.
The craziness going on around me, hasn’t allowed me to see my father in the few days since he’s been back from the village, he called and said he would like to talk to David and I , when we had a bit of time, but he wanted me to come over first. I felt yesterday morning was as good a time as ever, I left the house early, just as Mrs. and Sabrina were having a swim . My father looked all healthy and well, the village water must have done him some good and I pointed that out as soon as I saw him. We sat down in their living room and he said “Son I love you so much, you have always brought your mother and I joy right from childhood. You have also made a success of your life. There is a time for everything, A time to be born, A time to walk , A time to start school, finish school, get a job, marry , have children, train them, marry them off , then retire . This is my time to retire and I want to go back to the village” I was so surprised. “Village Dad, why now”, I asked.
He told me the purpose of his trip was to go and get workers to repaint his house and clean it up, the village house was built a few years ago, all modern equipment’s there, I supervised it and got it furnished, it’s a dream country home, it even has farm land and an orchard on the land and a fish pond. But my father starting having a weak heart and couldn’t go there as often as he wanted.
Since coming back from the operation he had in Germany , he’s felt a lot better, now he wants to live in the village and just come to the city once a month for a few days. I had to agree with him, he did look so happy and refreshed, he ate freshly picked vegetable, pounded yam , ate fresh fish he actually caught himself, he wants that life now that he can enjoy it.
I was happy for him, I asked if he had discussed it with my mother, he said, Not yet, she will be more difficult to convince, he’s mind is made up, if she wants to stay she’s free too, he will be back once a month and will see him then, he just wants me to get him a male chef and a security guard and will be fine on his own. One more thing he said, I must please make sure Akin, the little boy he brought back doesn’t lack or want for anything.
I hugged my father, promised I will take care of Akin like my own, asked if he could come stay with us, he said, Unless my mum was coming with him, if not , she dots on the boy and takes pride in teaching him all we were thought, she’s determined he turns out like me and not like David.
I left there thinking that life was indeed a stage we all come play our parts according to the script given at the right time and then we bow out. God Almighty help us all……hmmmm

MRS-O yeah, Tammy had false labor yesterday afternoon, Sabrina and I had gone there to say hello to her , Jnr and Mother in law, Kola was not home, he had gone to buy some garden furniture . Anyway we were all making coconut rice in the kitchen , sited around the island, actually Sabrina did and we watched , when Tammy suddenly screamed “Yeah” and held her tummy, come and see panic, 4 pregnant ladies and a baby, Jnr. We looked like a scene from a comedy movie, when we all turned up at the hospital. I drove, Sabrina and MIL sat with Tammy at the back, And Jnr, who insisted on coming along to see new baby arrive, sat with the maid in front. Thank God for tinted windows, no traffic violations visible.
We got to the hospital, a few minutes later, the lovely Gynecologist came out smiling and told us, Tammy was fine, the baby was fine, but it was a false alarm. So we packed everything up, ourselves and Tammy and headed back home. The strange thing is we knew when to head to hospital based on, water breaking and contractions times apart, but all that escaped our pregnant selves. We had a good laugh on the way back, stopped at dominos to get some pizza, chicken wings and ice cream, because the coconut rice would have gone really bad.
Crazy Alhaji Ahmed sent me a text, that man had the nerves to ask me why I was being melo dramatic, he actually thought I was really mature from all the things I was doing with the NGO. All he wants is a close friendship, which could be mutually beneficially to both of us.
TBH ( I’ve always wanted to use this abbreviation, My niece said it once and I asked what it meant, she said , TO BE HONEST, I was intrigued, so permit me please ) , I wasn’t surprised, he was an egotistical twat, who felt women were substandard to men and they had to bow at his feet. Not me, so I just ignored the text.
An hour later he sent another one. Saying he was sorry for his earlier text, he was just a bit upset by the way I left that day, he knows he went a bit too far and he would not want his actions on that day to ruin the good works we want to do together at the NGO. If am not comfortable with what he asked, he will try not to ask me again. I re read it twice and noticed the word TRY, not he will never but he will try, so I ignored the text again.
You won’t believe , a 3rd text came about 2 hours later and said , Am sorry, I did overstep my bounds, please meet with me at the NGO , I would love to apologize properly in person, please don’t refuse me, it took a lot for me to send this.
Now I felt he was a bit remorseful, so I said 11am, in my office. He replied the second I sent the text, saying thank you, will be there.
I wonder what crazy explanation he will come up with now…..hmmmm

DAY 291
MR-Tantrum, that’s the name of the guy that came to see us in the office yesterday. What sort of a name is that? Who goes around calling themselves tantrum? When the secretary came in and told me that someone called tantrum wanted to see Kola and I, I almost asked her to say, we were not around.
Before I get to that, Teni came to the office yesterday as well. She wanted to discuss her husband’s project. I was at my desk when I heard a commotion outside my door, I opened it and Teni was lambasting my secretary, asking if she was in her right senses, why would she be stopped from walking straight into my office, whether she had an appointment or not? She was a very close friend and an important client. My secretary stood between her and my door, fortunately for her she was bigger than Teni, so Teni did not want to risk being thrown to the ground, she just stood there screaming at the girl asking her if she was insane.
I calmed things down, asked Teni to please come in to my office and asked my secretary to go back to her desk. Teni wasn’t satisfied, she demanded an apology from the girl, or I sack her. I asked why, the girl was just doing her job. Teni got stroppy and asked if I was sleeping with the girl, why was I afraid to reprimand her and compel her to apologize? At this time I was getting really irritated. Kola had just left for a meeting at the site, so I was left to deal with this on my own. I took it upon myself to apologize to Teni, lo and behold, it wasn’t enough.
She proceeded to give me an ultimatum, The secretary apologizes or she takes her husband’s contract elsewhere. She got up, looked at me and asked what will it be, apology or no contract. I sat there for a minute looking at her, wondering what I ever saw in this self-centered, possessed vixen. I just walked over to my door, swung it open and looked right at Teni and said, sorry Mam, no apology. She was levied, she kissed her teeth, glared at me and screamed, “You will regret this” and stormed out of our office.
Well back to Tantrum, I was just thinking now that Teni should be the one called Tantrum. Anyway, Tantrum said he came from the progressives with a message, we had 28 days to make up our minds. We pledge or see what happens to defaulters. I also walked him out of the boardroom. He didn’t say anything just glared at me and shuck his head.
Kola came back with some good news, our project got its final approval. We had been waiting for them for several months. I actually needed any kind of good news considering all the hula bulla I had going on in the office while he was out.
When Kola heard what Teni did, he said to me “Bro don’t sweat it , Good riddance to bad rubbish” I had to agree….hmmmm
MRS-Wonders will never end, I was at the NGO all through the day yesterday. First Alhaji turned up right on time. He seemed remorseful, apologized and said he will comport himself respectfully from now on. We were able to draw a time plan for the project and what everyone needed to do. He’s bringing the architects tomorrow. I did mention that Mr’s company is building and he was okay with that. He wants ground breaking to start before the end of the month because his friend the governor of his state will be in town last week in August, he spoke to him and he has agreed to be at the official ground breaking event. He did however let it slide that he just finds me so fascinating but he understands my position and he respects that. That was good enough for me, at least he’s not going to pounce on me all of a sudden, neither would I put myself n a compromising position with him.
Toke called, Aakils father is turning 60 and he has asked her to invite all the family, he loved the way we all gathered when they came for the traditional wedding. He will send his private jet which is bigger than Aakil’s and Toke’s, it can sit up to 40 people. He wants everybody to come for a long weekend, including Mr.’s parents.
Speaking of Mr.’s parents, his mum had a fit when she was told she might have to move to the village. I got a call from her to come over immediately, when I got there, she asked me outright, if I would object to her living with us. I said of course not, even though I was secretly praying that it never happens. Don’t get me wrong she’s a very nice woman, but a bit too overbearing. And that’s the last thing I need now.
Later I found out my FIL had asked her how she will live in their house alone when she said she wasn’t relocating to the village, she told him, I would love to have her in our house. I had to smile smuggishly and nod my head in agreement. it took a lot for the words, “You are welcome anytime Ma, it’s your home as well” to come out.
If only they could see what I was really thinking, “O lord please don’t let this happen to me, I can’t take her living with us permanently. My MIL’s wahala, is only bearable in small doses…..hmmmm

DAY 292
MR-My father the calm and collected man, lost his cool yesterday. My mum and Davis are kind of similar in their thinking. All my father wants is to go back to his village and live a really peaceful healthy life. But would my mum let him do that? Mope. She had to call David to come talk some sense into our dad. She made it seem like he was losing his mind or something.
She intentionally didn’t call me to talk to him because she knew I was wise enough to respect my father’s decision. David on the other hand has always been my mum’s pet. When he got to the house yesterday evening, my dad called me, I was still at work and one Mr. Jegede came to see me. I will get to that in a minute. Anyway I asked my dad to give me a few minutes, I will be with them.
Back to Mr. Jegede, he came to the office, looking all dapper, slightly older than Kola and I. He asked for us by name. The secretary informed me he was waiting to see us both. So we asked her to sit him in the conference room. Kola and I saw him on the cctv, neither of us recognized him but we decided to go see him anyway.
When we got to him, he was quite polite, introduced himself as a PI. We were taken aback, we had nothing to do with a PI. Well we were about to find out. Apparently A very important man’s Son was missing, the last time he was seen, he told people he was going to a meeting with the progressives. Since then he hasn’t been seen. The police and security agents have all searched for him but he has not been found and the progressives deny they know who he is. His girlfriend swears that he told her he was off to a meeting with them.
While we were sorry for his lose, we were wondering what that had to do with us. Well he said he was undercover as a progressive, he was there when we were set up and tomorrow they are planning to kidnap Kola and I, and possibly make us disappear as the other boy did. So he wants us to stay indoors tomorrow, under no circumstances must we leave home. This guys have a wide reach, they can get you anywhere, but won’t come into your house, he said.
We asked him what makes him think he was save with us , we could call the police on him right now, he asked us to go ahead, produced his ID and said he has assisted the police in several cases by going undercover. He has a huge dozier of criminal activities against the progressives but he still needs to meet the head. That will happen on Saturday. They have a masters ceremony where they present all the new pledges, that happens once in 3 months. We were due to be presented but now we have spoilt their show by refusing to play ball.
He stood up to leave, gave us his card and reiterated his warning for us to stay indoors tomorrow all day. We thanked him and he left. Kola and I looked at each other and we both said the same thing, “Uncle J” Where was he when we needed him……hmmmm

MRS- My MIL is an extremely stubborn woman, she made my FIL lose his temper, for all the time I have been married to Mr , I have never seen him that upset. She pushed his every button. Well in the end, he won. He gave her an ultimatum, “Come with me your husband to the village or just know you no longer have a husband” and he got in his car and drove out. Mr. who had just arrived their house, had to drive after him. David just stood there consoling is mother saying “Mum don’t worry, I will talk to dad, you don’t have to go”. Surprisingly when I moved close to say sorry, She just kissed her teeth asked me to leave her alone, that am secretly happy she’s leaving. I had to quickly say “ Of course not mama, my child is coming , we need you, its grandma” That seemed to calm her down , she pulled me over and said “Why don’t you tell your FIL that you need me at this time, especially since your mum is late, that will make him change his mind”. I tried to argue that, it will be blackmail, but David said “come on, don’t you want your MIL to stay with you?” I almost kicked myself, what was I thinking, why did I interfere, I hated what they asked me to do, but what choose did I have, if I do am darned if I don’t am equally darned .
Anyway before all that wahala, Erica came to the house with Robert and Tamara, o my gosh, she is beautiful. Erica looked all lovely too, EG is taking them all to England next month. In time for Robert to start school. He has a house in Kensington. A 4 bedroom town house. That’s where they are going to stay, he’s already arranged for a chef and a nanny. A car and chauffer will also be on call 24/7. Erica came to give me the plan. She didn’t really want to go but EG is trying to do his PHD Programme, he’s going to be in England a lot, so he wants them there at least for a year. Am really going to miss them.
Nneka is hiding something, Sabrina and I went for a walk and we decided to stop by, she was surprised to see us that early and I noticed a couple of bruises on her face, didn’t say anything. On our way back she was waiting outside and had covered them with makeup, I really hope it’s not what am thinking…..hmmmmm

he ” New” Mr and Mrs Diary….Day 293
MR-Well Today is the day we have been asked to stay indoors. Kola and I decided that our estate was the safest place to be right now, so Tammy, Jnr, Kola’s mum and Kola are all here, we got Sabrina to move into the main building with us to allow Kola’s family use the guest chalet. It has 2 en suite bedrooms, a sitting room, fully functional kitchen and a private entrance.
We are all awake, feeling a bit uneasy, we had to tell Mrs. and Tammy what was going on and otherwise it would have been pretty hard to explain the sudden change of location for everyone.
I sent Uncle J an email, not sure if he is checking them while on holiday, I do pray he is because we don’t think this threat relates to today alone, what about tomorrow and the next.
My father, hmmm, he is already packing his clothes, actually Akin is packing them for him, he has given my mum until Sunday to decide if she still wants to be his wife or not. Mrs. told me how she’s being blackmailed by David and my mum to Black mail my father into letting my mum stay with us. I absolutely forbid it, I don’t even want my mum living with me on a permanent basis. She is really really annoyingly overbearing.
If am a bit late coming back, my mum will pick up the phone, call and asks me why am not home, “A responsible, well brought up child, doesn’t stay out late”, she will say. Ironically she will never pick up the phone to call David, the night crawler, 1, he is her pet, 2. He will just slam the phone down and ask her to chill or not even pick her call.
Is it about my clothes? you won’t believe it but one day I was going out to see Kola and I had knee length nice shorts on, my mum called me aside said she had something to say, “Son , you are no longer a child, you shouldn’t be wearing shorts ,its not be fitting, leave it for your sons to come”. I just started laughing, it was unbelievable, at my age still monitoring what I choose to wear. Or is it all the stress she gives Mrs? Please let’s not go down that path. Anyway when all this craziness is over I shall be having a word with David about blackmailing my wife into manipulating my father. He and my mum can do that all they want but must not involve my wife.
We have all made up our minds to stay put, in about hour we will be served brunch in the garden, let’s make it a celebration, no point dying before the knife gets to your throat. Tammy called the Pastor yesterday to pray for us all, he reminded us that the lord said a thousand will fall at our side and will not come near us, we have nothing to fear, God is in control. Thank God for that,
Instructions have been given at the main gate, that no one should come looking for us today, we are not available. The good thing about our estate is once you get to the gate, you say whom you are there to see, the house no, they call us on the intercom asking if we want you to come in, 2nd option, we already leave the name of our expected guests at the gate. It works pretty well and let’s pray it will work very well this weekend…..hmmmm
MRS-Besides, what’s going on with this crazy progressive group, putting us under house arrest again. He took me back to when we had to move to London and Dubai for a while because some Drug Selling hoodlums were trying to kill us. I must admit I did have fun working in that crazy office in London, with that crazy ass boss, who was trying to date me. The Dubai move , the accommodation and Toke meeting her prince charming, Aakil, all seems like a life time ago. Anyway let me not get carried away, this is just a bunch of stupid local thugs, am sure nothing will happen to us.
Speaking of issues, I haven’t been myself since I saw those bruises on Nneka, if you ask me they look like hand marks as if one had been slapped or punched. Can chief be hitting her? Come to think of it, a lot of her insecurity might have to do with battered wife’s syndrome, besides the stressful upbringing, finding yourself married to a very wealthy man , whom you never dreamed of meeting, then he starts to hit you and tell you if you behave he won’t have too. You are more inclined to believe that.
After brunch Tammy and I need to have a talk about this, how do we get her to open up to us. One trait battered wife’s have, is they never tell anyone, they are too afraid and ashamed. Don’t want anyone to know also afraid the husband might find out, blame them and beat them some more. This will not go on if it’s the case, even if we have to get the pastor involved, God will give us wisdom to help stop this.
Speaking of wisdom, I need bucket loads right no lord. my MIL and David are blackmailing me to tell my FIL I need my MIL by my side because my mum is no more. Mr. forbade me to say that to his father and now am stuck in the middle of the two. Another one for Tammy and I to sort out.
Toke called again, Aakil’s father wants to know how many of us are coming for his birthday, they are engraving some Gold stuff and our names need to go on them. Hmm this billionaires , I wonder what that is now, maybe Ferrari plate numbers, Toke said Aakil told her that the last time his father clocked 50, everyone, all 50 guests went home with Mercedes Benz coupes in colors of their choice. Who does that, well if this time we get a Ferrari , lol, am shipping it home, even if it takes me one year …….hmmmm

DAY 294
MR-Yesterday was seriously stressful, I was actually going to write this morning but we have been recovering from all the trauma. Well here is what happened. Remember I told you we will be having brunch in the garden. We did actually settle down to brunch around 12 noon. It couldn’t have been more than 15 minutes when Jnr started to point towards the sky, at first no one took notice, but he got up and ran around the side of the house, I sprinted after him with kola in tow and what did we see, a very big drone, just hovering around, apparently it had been recording or watching us for a while. We ran back and asked everyone to get inside, my movie knowledge of watching too many episode of 24, I knew drones carry weapons and I could just imagine a drone strike on our family.
We all abandoned the meal and ran into the lounge, I actually think I over did it a bit because Jnr and Sabrina was crying , Mrs. was petrified , she kept asking me what was going, on Tammy and Kola’s mum were praying, the whole place was in commotion. Just then the gate man came rushing in and said My father had been taken away, “what do youmean, who took my dad?” I asked , he said My father was waiting for him to open the gate when all of a sudden, 4 masked men swooped on him and pulled him out of the car and took him away, I called the estate main gate and told them not to let anyone out until I got there , now I knew we were in deep shit.
I was running around like a headless chicken , Kola didn’t know what to do, we tried EG’s no, he didn’t pick up , I called Erica, they were getting ready to leave for England today, honestly it was really crazy , just has all hope was lost, Mr. Jegede sent me a text- “Don’t panic, I have your father, I had to make it look real, we are still in the estate, in a house, we just rented for the purpose of kidnapping you, your father is safe, keep panicking and running around, you are being watched”.
I was so relieved , I ran back inside read the text to everyone, just then the gateman came back and said , some army guys were looking for me, I ran back outside , Kola ran after me, then I fell to the ground on my knees, it was Uncle J’s guys , he finally came through. The Army Captain told me uncle J called him a few hours ago to report to our house. I took him in, updated him and showed him the text. Surprisingly, he said he knew Jegede , he was the best PI in town, not to worry , we will get them he said . He sent the code , J tict, L p.
I asked what that was he said, “Jegede, this is captain Tom, location please.” Before long a reply came ,CT, RTC, H7. Captain Tom, round the corner , house 7. The rest is history the army pretended to swop on the location, rescued my father, alive and well, arrested Jegede and his men, all to please the drone watchers. As the army drove off with jegede and co, 4 army guys stayed behind. We watched as the drone hovered a bit and then disappeared into the sky….hmmmmmm

MRS –NO! NO! Why me, my MIL is staying with us for a while, my father in law was actually on his way to say he changed his mind about her coming with him immediately. He would go first settle in , then his wife can join him in about 3 months. I wanted to scream , No Papa, as I fondly called him, she cannot stay with us, I can’t cope, but I didn’t, besides he just experienced a fake kidnap, which he didn’t know was fake at the time, don’t want to be responsible for giving him a new heart attack.
I really am not in the mood to celebrate, I should, because the captain Tom called to say , the boys arrested with Mr Jegede confessed the progressives sent them and the plan was to kidnap Mr, But if all failed , kidnap a member of his family and we will ask for his pledge in exchange for his relative back. The Ring leaders have all been picked up, How desperate can people be.
Anyway I have too much on my mind now, my father in law left for the village early this morning, with an army escort and another car with his security guard and chef, my MIL moved in immediately. She could have waited a few days but she didn’t. The worst thing is that she insisted on moving into the main house, Mr. asked her to share the guest house with Sabrina but she refused. Dear lord, what have they put me into. Oh! and she called me into the room we gave her, “My daughter, I don’t think it’s right that the cook should make food for my son always , you are his wife , you should take pride in cooking for your husband, let me see a change now that am here.
Ahh, why me? what brought this on you ask, well, after the hulla bulla of yesterday, Tammy and Kola left this morning , Sabrina ,moved back into the guest chalet , My MIL came with Akin. She then asked me for some egg and bread, then I called the cook to give Mama egg and bread, Mr. also asked the cook to make him some too. That was all o, the kind of look my MIL gave me made me wonder. Until she called me into the room to discuss my lack of cooking.
The worst thing is that we had a structure that worked fine for Mr and I, why does My MIL want to put sand in my garri. This afternoon when she came to call me in my room to ask about lunch, I pretended I was asleep, she called out my name 5 times , then touched me, I just rolled over and went back to my pretend sleep.
This cannot continue, how long do I want to pretend sleep, day one of 90- days , and am already stressed, I am starting operation “Mama must go”, let me see who’s with me on this ……hmmmmmm

DAY 295
MR-“Drones, Army, Kidnapping”, Mr Tope was asking me if we were in Afghanistan, why was the estate turned into a war zone on Saturday, he had just been informed by the estate security that the army and kidnappers had a show down in our estate, shooting was done , some were killed , he went on and on. I just stood in front of my car near the main gate where he had stopped me, with my mouth wide open, I don’t recollect any guns going off not to talk of people being killed. In fact the soldiers were in civilian clothes, so as not to scare residence and my father’s retrieval was very low key and peaceful. I guess the guards had to exaggerate to cover up for letting kidnapers into the estate without detection or apprehension.
Mr. Tope, the estate chairman, asked me where we could get Drones from he wanted them to man the estate. He felt we should move into the 21st century, I promised to make enquires and get back to him, he final left me off with a warning that next time I intend to start a private war, I should inform him as the estate chairman, I apologized, said Noted, thanked him and got out of there.
As I drove to the office , I thought about the civil war currently brewing in my house, forget the external threat, my mum was worse, Mrs has been avoiding her and it’s just day 2, how am supposed to survive this for 90 days? I think the best solution is to go see my dad and convince him to speed up my mum’s relocation to the village, alternatively get Sabrina to move back to her house with my mum, but then I though poor Sabrina, no family here, pregnant and to have my mum on her case, that could lead to serious physiological damage, the best solution was to fall in line with Mrs. Plan. I didn’t get it at first when she explained it , I sort of said it was a bit harsh, but now thinking about it logically, especially after my mum nagged me this morning about just coming to say hello to her after I had kissed and romanced my wife, she even said it was obvious she was second place in my heart, she that gave birth to me, breast feed me for 18 months etc. All I have to say is “Mama must go”, am sorry I know she’s my mum, but she Must go now.
Jegede was waiting for us to the office, Kola was already there, the delay from Mr. Tope made me a few minutes late. Jegede said for now the progressives were contained but the head is working on getting them released on bail. He doesn’t mind cutting them off if all fails. I had to ask who the head was ? Apparently the heads are a woman and a man. The man is a young man, with a lot of money, the woman is young with a lot of influence and together they make the perfect crime couple. They both have their fingers in a lot of unsavory pies. They just got back into the country and are pretending to be legitimate business people. Their names are ……. NO!!!, This cannot be happening …….hmmmmm

MRS-Tammy came over this morning, she wanted me to pray with her, she’s been having contractions off and on , the time in between is still about an hour, so it’s not time to go to hospital yet but we are getting near, besides her water hasn’t broken yet.
We had a prayer session in our bedroom, fortunately that kept my MIL at bay for a while, she came knocking but obviously heard us praying so she went away, I wondered what she wanted, anyway I found out after we were done. Back to that in a bit.
I dragged Tammy out for a walk maybe the baby will decide to come out, we sneaked through the back while my MIL was busy with Sabrina, only God knows what she was discussing with her now, I just saw this bored expression on Sabrina face, this brought a smile to my face as we left. Anyway we went straight to see Nneka, I knew her husband usually left home around 9 am, so he won’t be home. We knocked and the gateman ushered us in, I felt that was strange, his usual practice will be to go ask his oga whether we could come in. anyway he pointed us in the direction of the house, he didn’t even say Good morning, as we got closer to the building, we noticed the main door was wide open, we walked in and , oh my gosh!, Nneka was laying on the floor, her face all bloody, the house girl was shaking her , honestly I completely forgot I was heavily pregnant, I just dashed out , ran as fast as a heavily pregnant woman could, as I dashed into the front lounge my MIL was still calling my name , I ignored her, ran back out , MIL sprinted after me shouting , “come here, am talking to you, where are you going ?” I just ignored her, kicked my car and drove like a mad woman. Their gate man, the gate man across the road and the house help put Nneka in my car and we drove her to the hospital.
I really do not remember how I got to the hospital. In short she was immediately sedated and given a drip. The doctor called Tammy and I into his office, asked us how she got beaten up, we had no idea and we told him we just walked in on her laying on the floor bleeding. The truth is as we were praying something just kept nagging me to go see Nneka with Tammy. We waited for a couple of hours before she finally woke up. She was so sore and bruised. As soon as she saw us she busted into tears. I hugged her and told her not to worry, she was safe now.
Tammy then asked what happened. Nneka looked at us with Tears in her eyes, “My dear sisters, am sorry I had to put you through this, don’t worry I will be fine, I just upset my husband a bit, I won’t do it again” I was about to say something and Tammy tapped me to not. Tammy got up and said, “Okay Nneka, that’s fine , lets pray, and Tammy and I held her hands, she prayed and at the end Nneka was crying and shaking. She then said “ He rapes me all the time, this morning, we had just had sex, he has an insatiable appetite for sex, I didn’t sleep a wink, he went 5 rounds and then this morning he wanted more, I was exhausted as usual, so I dozed off, he came back from the bathroom and woke me up with a slap, I screamed and called him a beast , that’s when he beat me up, raped me , dragged me downstairs to make his breakfast, when I couldn’t move, he beat me some more and stormed out, that was when you found me in the living room, usually, the house help will just get hot water and a towel, massage my bruises, I use ibuprofen and am good as new in a couple of hours”
By now we had tears in our eyes, I asked how long has this been going on for, she said she honestly couldn’t remember, all she knows is it’s been a long time. I asked if anyone knew she said “no, You are the first I have told formally, his and my relations kind of suspect but they wouldn’t dear ask because my husband would deal with them. He is a brut, a beast and a bully. He pretends like he’s the best husband in the world, Elder in church, chairman of so many companies , Man of the year among his peers, won so many awards etc, He makes sure he does this when our children are away. Never when they are at home. When they were younger, he did it when they went to school and made sure I was patched up good before they return. Our children think I have a falling problem, “Mum always falls and bumps into things they say”. Even when they call, its mum hope your fall syndrome is better. Honestly I haven’t had the courage to tell them , their father beats me up” .
I knew we had to ‘86’ this since she had opened up I guess it was time to bring it to an end. you remember when I told you of Tammy’s cousin Bobby the counselor. He’s really big and he is a specialist in counselling for both single and married people. Lately he has been holding sessions on sexual counselling, abuse, rape in marriage. His last seminar topic was “Can a husband rape his wife?” the seminar was a sellout, apparently a lot of women and men wanted to be enlightened about that.
So Tammy put a call across to him and fortunately he had time tomorrow, so he’s coming to our house and Nneka will be there. She did mention she doesn’t want her husband to find out about this now, so we agreed to keep this between us. We took her back home, she swore the maid and gateman to secrecy, “no telling Oga we took her to hospital”, the gateman shuck his head, looked at Nneka and said “Madam why you no just leave oga before he kill you”. We ignored his remark but it was the truth. Don’t get me wrong the counselling was not for her to stay but for her to realize this wasn’t her fault and she had to leave him before he killed her. Right now she wont move an inch, she feels if only she does something right, her husband won’t beat her up. It was clear she had battered woman syndrome.
This was more serious than we thought, but with God all was possible. The pastor will also be in our house tomorrow, between, God Almighty through the pastor and Bobby, by the end of the day tomorrow, she will be ready to do something about her marriage situation…..hmmmm

Day 296
MR-It can’t be them, how did they become a couple, the last I heard he didn’t even like girls and besides he’s not a criminal. Kola too was surprised, “we lived with this guy for a few months, yes he was promiscuous but a criminal?” we asked Mr. Jegede if he was sure, he said yes, she had been out for a while since her father got arrested for murder, he is out on bail but the shame was too much for her, I also hear she had a broken marriage and lost a pregnancy, all this was too much for her, so she relocated to the US. As for him, we are not sure how they met actually but they did and the result was a criminal empire. In short we are not even sure they are officially married, they might just be posing as Husband and Wife to cover up.
Kola looked at Jegede and said, “You Guys must have gotten your intel wrong, how do you go from a lovely harmless girl to the head of a cult”. Well from our intel, her father was the head and he inducted her into the cult, when he stepped down she automatically became the head. We are not sure if she has been active but we are very sure she’s the head. The man has been seen there more often, but they both run it.
I was disappointed, this is a grl Tammy and the pastor had prayed for to get her out of her father’s bondage , how could she back slide to run a cult. I still didn’t believe it, I asked Mr. Jegede if he had actually seen her there, he said No, but from what he knew when he was inside undercover, her name was mentioned a lot but only as GFG-God fathers Girl.
Kola said he was actually praying for her that after all she’s gone through she settles with a lovely man, that will take her far far away from her father, but he guessed the saying “ The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” was true. I didn’t even know what else to say, I let out a sigh and said Sandra and Ken? No!!!! Mr. Jegede please re investigate, I have a feeling you are really really wrong……hmmmm

MRS-My MIL was waiting for me, as soon as Tammy and I stepped into the house , it was “Where have you been? I was calling you and you ignored me, what kind of married woman leaves her house early in the morning, without telling anyone where she is going and then comes back at night?” I just stood there, said Hello Mama and kept starring at her
I was too exhausted and emotionally distressed about Nneka’s plight, that I could hardly be bothered by MIL’s questions. So I said the only reasonable thing, Am sorry Ma. “Sorry for yourself” She replied, “When your husband comes back, I will talk to him what I want to say since you have clearly shown you do not have any regard for me” and she stormed off to her room.
I slumped on the chair, Tammy had gone up to the bathroom immediately we got in, so she wasn’t privileged to hear me being chastised. Sabrina walks in, asking what’s up with me and MIL, I just ask her to forget it. She sits next to me looks around to make sure she’s not coming , then says, “ Please don’t leave me at home with her again, today she talked to me nonstop, if I doze off, she will wake me and say, “listen to me”, we sat here for hours talking .what about? I asked, Sabrina smiled and said “I can’t remember, I was dozing”. We both busted out laughing, Tammy walked in, we told her what happened and she too started to laugh, just then MIL walks in , looks us up and down, Kisses her teeth and walks back out, we just kept laughing, I guess there was courage in numbers. I would not do that if I was on my own. Not so good I know, but 3 pregnant women, with hormonal imbalance, come on, who can blame us.
Anyway, you guys remember Timi, they guy who tried to date Sabrina, well after we had laughed tire. We all decided to take a walk to Toke’s place. She suggested, I take a couple of cars and auction them off at our NGO launch dinner. Sorry am jumping ahead a bit. We have a formal launching and ground breaking ceremony for our dialysis and cancer treatment centre, at the end of the month. We are currently selling tables. Two lucky people will win cars. And not just any cars, A 55 G wagon MB and a 7 series BMW both with just under 1000 miles. They were bought during Toke’s engagement / traditional marriage.
Just as we got near her gate, A black sports Audi TT, hooted, reversed and called out to Sabrina. The Man got out of the car, came over and gave her a bear hug. Tammy and I stood aside wondering who he was, he went into the boot, brought out this huge carrier bag, handed it to Sabrina, we couldn’t hear what he was saying, but eventually, he gave her a peck and drove off.
When Sabrina got back to us, she reminded us who he was, the guy who wined and dined her when she was living in the short let property, Timi. Anyway he said he had been traveling the world, just got back and he had picked up a few things for her. A few things, we got inside Toke’s, opened up the carrier bag and Voila! A gold watch, some diamond encrusted bracelets 3 designer bag, a cashmere jumper, 3 silk scarfs and 3 expensive bottled of perfume. All I said was how did he know we were 3. Sabrina said she refused it but he insisted, he left it in the boot because he was confident one day he will bump into her walking in the estate. We all smiled , poked fun and in the end , she looked at Tammy and I, pointed to the goodies and said “Pick what you like”……hmmmmmm

DAY 297
MR-Am still in shock from finding out Sandra and Ken might be the ones behind the progressives. I still don’t believe it but we are waiting, Mr. Jegede should get back to us before the week runs out.
My mum, My mum, what can I do? Mrs. Sabrina and Tammy have been reported to me. As soon as I walked in the house, she didn’t even let me sit down, “Welcome my son, I need to speak to you” I greeted her and asked if I could go take my clothes off first. She said “No this was really important and it won’t take more than a few minutes”. But it took an hour plus. “My son, I don’t want to cause any trouble but your wives attitude is not right” I said Wives? She said “Yes your wife and Sabrina. That’s how we call them in our culture. The two of them are disrespectful, I can understand Sabrina, she is not from here but your wife, what’s her excuse?” By this time I still didn’t know what the problem was, so I asked. She said they were making fun of her with their friend Tammy, they were talking about her and when she walked in, they busted out laughing. If she calls them they don’t listen, Mrs. was the worst culprit, she won’t even cook anything for her. That was the first thing. Secondly her friend Sisi Boss, was coming to spend the week from today and she would want me to talk to Mrs. to behave like a proper wife. She doesn’t want to be disgraced. People will be talking that her DIL that does not have manners. First she needs to kneel down to give me stuff, she needs to cook and tidy herself and she needs to come ask them what they want to eat, not send the maid or cook.
At this time I had my mouth open, both from surprise and tiredness. But I had to say something “Mum, first am sorry for the girls laughing, am sure they weren’t laughing at you. Second, you of all people know that in our culture, has you point out, the woman owns the house, if you are expecting a guest, you should talk to my wife, as for me I don’t have a problem with it. But all the same I will talk to her, but please Mum, you are aware she is heavily pregnant, right?
She looked at me for a minute, then said , “I see she has gotten into you, anyway, yes I know she is pregnant, but she’s not the first and won’t be the last, it is not a disease, she’s not pregnant with her hands, why can’t she use them?” At this point I was so exhausted and definitely not in a mood to talk about this any further. I got up, gave me mum a hug and a peck and asked her not to worry, I will straighten everything out with Mrs. and I walked away from her……hmmmmm

MRS- Where do I start, let’s see, okay, Nneka’s update first. Bobby and the pastor came yesterday, we relocated them to Toke’s place. Why? I will explain. Anyway the counseling and prayer session lasted for almost 5 hours. Once Booby was done, he stopped by to see Tammy and I at our place. Tammy came with Jnr for the day, Her MIL went back home on Monday. H e said he couldn’t talk about the details, but Nneka will need a lot more counselling for her to get back her self-esteem. Her husband succeed in beating the fear of God into her. He has scheduled some more sessions with her, free of charge, he’s doing this for Tammy. We hugged and thanked him before he left. A couple of hours later, the pastor called and asked us to come over to Toke’s.
Nneka’s eyes were red and puffy, it was obvious she had been crying for a long time. The pastor prayed and then took Nneka’s by the hand and joined it with hers. “Sisters, am handing Sister Nneka over to you and God Almighty, you must be there for her every day. Her self-confidence and self-worth needs rebuilding and I know God fearing ladies like you could help with that. Let her in to your circle, take her out invite her to your home. She has assured me that her husband likes your family, he even mentioned once, that why couldn’t she be like you people. So coming to yours or being close friends with you both, shouldn’t be a problem. Also she mentioned that you have offered her a voluntary position at the NGO, that’s great, she needs to start immediately, the more she shares her experience, the faster she will heal and begin to excel”
We hugged her, said of course, she was already our sister, more tears flowed and then we took them back to ours, The chef had prepared something for us to eat , we sat in the garden, ate, then Tammy, pastor and Nneka left.
Before I left to answer the pastor’s call, My MIL, honestly she is incorrigible. Do you know she left the house, early this morning, came back around 11am with a friend she called Sisi Boss. O my gosh, first thing she comes in, looks at Tammy and I , we get up , say hello, then she hands her travel bag to me and says “show me my room”. Tammy and I exchange glances, I turned back said, “Yes, Ma, this way”. We had arranged for both of them to move into the guest chalet amid protest from my MIL. Mr. had to raise his voice and explain the logic behind it, they will have more space and privacy, before she agreed. Can you imagine, she wanted the woman to stay upstairs with us? Anyway Sabrina is back in the house, poor woman, we’ve had to move her back and forth, a lot in the past weeks.
No way, this can’t be happening, the intercom from the guest’s chalet has been ringing nonstop. My dear can I have a cold drink, the fridge here is not stocked. Extra pillows please, please come show me how to work the dryer etc. eventually I drove out with Sabrina to an ice cream parlor. My MP rang so many times I ignored it, I knew once I get back, she will let me have it. Mama must go, Mama must go Mama must go……..hmmmm

DAY 298
MR-O yes believe it, Sandra, Yes Sandra showed up in our office yesterday morning. Kola and I were about to leave the office when she pulled up in her car. She got out, took off her sunglasses, walked towards us and said hello with a hug for me and a hand shake for Kola. “Hello strangers, I see you are going out, can I talk to you guys for a minute, I promise I won’t take too much of your time”. We went back in to my office.
By this time, I hadn’t said a word, Kola had been doing the talking up until then. Once we were all sited. I asked how we could help, she was a bit surprised with my countenance, I could tell by the look on her face but all the same she continued. “I am here to straighten out some misconceptions about me being the head of the progressives”. Now I had to say something, “So it’s true, you are actually connected to them. How did that happened?”
Sandra then went into the whole story from the start. “When my father got arrested for murdering that woman, I had it, that was kind of the last straw for me, I had pretended all my life, that my father couldn’t be that bad, after all he put me through, especially with Babs. So I called an aunt, in New York and left to go stay with her. A few months later I got a call from my father’s right hand man. He said my father had left specific instructions for me to take over his vast empire. I laughed, thought to myself , Not me but all the same I asked him to send me the instructions, I will go through and get back to him”.
What I read shocked me to the bone, my father was a real God father, He was responsible for so many things going wrong in the country, had his hands in so many things. He was kingmaker, facilitator, Hit man, mediator, trafficker, recruiter, drug baron, fraudster name it . He was involved in installing some of the most powerful politicians, I can’t even begin to mention names and he had everyone in his pocket.
He also sat as the chair of 4 powerful fraternities, Progressives being the least. The progressives was for young men like you, to groom you and prepare you for the big league. They identify brilliant young men, entice them with the sports club, get to know more about them, become close, at the right time they initiate you unknowingly”
“Once you are a member, you are put into groups, by potential. The big men then come in, adopt you, put you under their tutelage, whatever that means , they groom you to take over , it cuts across, judges, politicians, kingmakers name it . After a few years, once you are ripe, they install you in this big positions, you move into the big boy fraternity and become their puppet.”
Am here to clarify that I am not a member, just on paper, I have not met any of them officially, in fact they still thought I was in the US, until a few weeks ago when Ken and I were photographed at an event. Speaking of Ken, I ran into him in the US, he walked up to me and said I looked familiar, we threw some names into a hat and we realized we had you guys in common. One thing led to another, he opened up about his Bi sexuality and I opened up about my failed relationships, father’s control etc. We both knew we were broken and together we could help fix each other. Ken was already a progressive before I met him, he still hasn’t told me how he got in but I think one of his gay partners in a big boy.”
Kola and I were still starring at her when she stopped talking. All I managed to say was “I thought as much”…….hmmmm.

MRS-Lord please help me, I really don’t want to turn into my mum, God rest her soul, not in all things though, just the way she was with my paternal grandma. But my MIL is pushing my last button. I know one day I will become a mother in law and I wouldn’t want my children’s partners to start a campaign of “Mama must go”, but I don’t have a choice in this instance, even Mr. is on board with this one.
If you think am being melodramatic, listen to this. At 11.45 pm the intercom kept going, that was day before yesterday, I was too tired to pick it up, Mr. did and guess what , my MIL’s friend was on the line, she asked to speak to me, Mr. who was half asleep passed the phone, he actually woke me up , and the cheek of it, Sisi Boss, said “ My daughter am sorry to call you this late, but can I please have tea with lemon and honey, I can’t sleep and if I don’t get sleep now , me and your MIL won’t be able to have a good time tomorrow”.
Am sorry folks, I just slammed the phone down, pulled out the intercom cable and went back to sleep.
6.30am, there was a loud continuous knock on our door, my MIL was banging it down, Mr. woke up asked who it was, he then said we will be down in a minute. He let me sleep until I woke up around quarter to 8, we got ready and went down and the time was 9am. As we approached the dining room, I heard voices of my MIL and her friend.
The minute we stepped in, my Mil jumped up in my face, “You are a very spoilt girl, you couldn’t even pretend to have manners, Sisi boss called for some tea to help her cure her headache and you slammed the phone down, what insolence” Mr. stepped in between us and lightly pulled his mum away, apologizing at the same time, I just stood there wondering why this had to be my portion this morning.
Sisi Boss then got up, looked at Mr. and said “ I see what ‘Ore mi’ is saying, you are the one encouraging your wife to be rude to your mum and everyone else, instead of you to tell her off for what she did , you are apologizing to your mother, while she just stands there ignoring us. Is that how you people treat Ore mi? I cannot take this rubbish from any of my daughters in law o, Ore mi, I admire your patience”
Mr, didn’t quite know what to say, he apologized again, pulled me out of there, into his car and we drove off as I kept murmuring “Mama must go”. As we walked away, mu MIL and Sisi boss, kissed their teeth, long and hard, at the same time were clapping their hands. My MIL said, I go love o, let’s see who is boss here, me or your wife……hmmmm

Day 299
MR-Mrs. and I drove around for a while, then checked into renaissance hotel. I booked it for 3 nights. I have decided to do something drastic, we are not going home until Sunday. No phone calls .no telling where we are. I have booked an extra room for Sabrina, she joins us this morning. I sent her the address and Kingsley No, our uber guy, who should be picking her up about now, with specific instructions not to tell my mother. I think we need to leave the house for them.
We are going shopping this morning to pick up a few essentials, toiletries, PJ’s and a change of clothes. Let’s see how they get along without us. I know before I count to 100, she will call David. That’s why we are not telling him where we are either. Sabrina has agreed to this, It’s just until Sunday.
I called my father, updated him with the goings on. He laughed and said he knew this will happen, when am done with her I should come drop her at the village, alternately I should let her pack her things when she’s ready, the chef is doing an amazing job and he is converting part of the orchard area to a swimming pool. It’s going to be a dream country home. I was happy for my dad, he deserved to be happy with or without my Mum.

After Sandra dropped all her revelations on us, she left, Kola suggested we call Mr. Jegede. He came over, we explained what Sandra said. He wasn’t surprised, he just said he found out as well, but Ken is still having something with his Gay lover. He saw him go into the guy’s house yesterday night.
Oh!, I forgot, Teni’s husband called and wanted to know why we haven’t gotten back to him yet, I was confused, I assumed Teni would have updated him. I asked him politely to ask his wife, she told us there was a change in plan, regarding us carrying out the project. He said “Change, what change, I was expecting that you will have the bill of quantity ready for me by now” he dropped the phone after saying he will get to the bottom of this and call me back. Well, well, Teni has been a naughty girl, she wasn’t acting on her husband’s instructions, she was just being vindictive. Very interesting ……hmmmm

MRS-Ha!, Ha!!, am laughing oyinbo laugh. Mr. is James bond oh. You should have seen the way he dragged me out of that house, practically lifted me up, my MIL was so upset I could hear her kissing her teeth all the way to the car. I called the maid to find out what was going on. She said my MIL asked her if we came home yesterday night, When she told her no, she asked her what she meant, why didn’t she inform her, where were we. She tried calling our no’s but our phones were switched off. Then Sisi Boss calmed her down by saying that we will more than likely come home today, we just needed to cool off. So for now, MIL is at peace, I can only imagine what will happen tonight when we don’t turn up…LOL. Now am chillaxing on a sunbed by the pool at the renaissance. There is always a sunshine after the rain.
Got so may calls yesterday, first Erica called, Tamara, Robert and her are settling down fine in England, she sent some lovely pics , that sister of mine is already looking so beautiful , she’s going to have guys queuing for her hand, lol. Anyway then Pamela called, Babs is coming home, his mum fell and broke her leg, its really bad , Babs wants to arrange for her to be flown to Germany, she’s sending some chocolates and perfume for all of us. Rukky then called, by now I was thinking what’s with all these sisters today, did they dream of me?. She wanted to come visit, she has something she needs to discuss. Okay, I gave her an appointment for today around 5 at the hotel.
O my gosh!, you won’t believe who we saw yesterday as we were checking in, Mr. Chidi and a very very young girl, they were cuddling and kissing right there in the lobby, he didn’t see us, I mean how could he? the girls face was practically stuck on his. It was obvious they were in a relationship. Maybe that’s his new wife, I wonder if she knows he’s sterile. Well I guess she will find our soon enough. That reminded me to call Madam Mabel. She was delighted to hear from me. She and her husband are doing great, they just got back from a European cruise. I could tell she was doing great, her pregnancy was growing fine. She said she missed us all, asked how the NGO was doing and promised to send some stuff down once the container she bought was full. And I dropped the phone, come on people, you didn’t think I will mention Mr. Chidi, did you? Of course not. I was tempted too though…….hmmmmm

DAY 300-
MR-It’s a happy day, really really happy day. We have a new addition to the family. We just got back from hospital now. Ironically we thought we would have a quiet night in the hotel but alas! Our little addition had to come.
At 12.25am this morning I got a call from Kola saying Tammy had gone into labor and he could drive, he was too panicky. I got ready woke Mrs. up and we went to get Tammy, thankfully their house is within the same area has the hotel/
We finally got to the hospital around 1.30, tammy was not fully dilated but the doctor say the baby will be here soon. Kola called the pastor to pray and he kept pacing up and down. Mrs. Fell asleep on the couch in the lounge but the nurses woke her up and took her to a private room to rest properly. Well baby took its time, and finally around 4am this morning SHE popped out. Wow!!, it is a girl. Kola was ecstatic, she is so beautiful just like Tammy.
We just got back from hospital, came to the hotel to rest ad get something to eat. Kola has gone home to have a bath. We all meet back there in an hour. I did see a couple of miss calls from my dad and a text asking me to call him back, that he had some good news about my mum. Will call back as soon as I get ready.
AND Finally our new princess his here, Tammy and Baby girl are doing so well, Thank God almighty…..hmmmm.

MRS-This is the day, this is the day that the lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. My sis has finally dropped an amazingly big bouncing baby girl. Beautiful with big brown eyes and loads of hair. Thanks be to God Almighty, Tammy is doing great, no blood loss, no complications. God is good.
Well we are back to take a nap and go see her, I have asked my chef to cook something for her, I will send our uber guy to pick it up, I gave him strict instructions to avoid my MIL. Speaking of her, hmmmm and my maid told me all the drama that has been going on.
First thing , yesterday night David , herself and Sisi boss sat in our front garden, waiting to see if we will come back, David didn’t want too, he felt we were just selfish and got carried away with enjoyment somewhere. But my MIL insisted, she told him we didn’t pack anything, we just left when Sisi Boss told us off. What did Sisi boss hear her name being mentioned as the chaser. She jumped up and shouted at her friend.
SISI BOSS –“Ore mi, don’t you think you are being unfair here, what do you mean it was me telling them off that made them to leave home. Were you not the one who called me here to help you deal with your daughter in law. I don’t like it oh!!!”
MY MIL – replied “Eeenhh!, so if I call you to help me deal with her, did I ask you to help me chase them out of my life, look at me, they have abandoned me in their own home, my daughter in law is heavily pregnant, she should be here with her husband taking care of her, what if something happens to her, this is all your fault”
SIS BOSS-Ore mi, you disappointment me, was I not sitting in my house on my own , when you brought you self to tell me all that’s going on with you? How your DIL is rude, spoilt and lazy. Why are you now blaming me, anyway it’s not your fault, I came here to help you, first thing tomorrow morning am leaving”
MY MIL- look at you shameful woman, can’t you keep your mouth shut , do you have to shout so all the maids can hear what I told you in private, in fact leave now, you are just jealous because my children are really rich , go now.
Then the maid said David intervened, tried to calm them down but Sisi boss had enough she insisted on leaving immediately. David had to drive her home around 9pm yesterday.
When they left my MIL broke down crying, she was on the phone with her husband for a longtime. All the maid heard is Yes if they come back now by God’s grace, I will leave them alone.
Yes!. yes!! , Mama is going, THANK YOU LORD…….HMMMMM

Day 301-
MR-Incredible, Kola is the new papa in town, I got him a new papa badge for his car. Am so happy for him, a girl, he had prayed for that, he wanted a little sister for JR. Jr was all smiles ,he ran around Tammy’s hospital room shouting , my sisa, my sisa, lol.
Yes o, we went home yesterday evening, as soon as the gate swung open, we saw my mum standing there, we drove past her, parked the car and got down, she was crying . I felt so sorry for her. Led her in and we all sat down.
She came over to me hugged me , then hugged Mrs. and apologized, said she was out of line, did not mean to chase us out of our own home. She had packed her bags and will be leaving first thing on Monday to meet her husband in the village. That’s where her place is.
Mrs got up and hugged her, she too had tears in her eyes, she asked Mama not to go, she was sorry for us leaving and Mum was welcome anytime. But my mum said “My daughter, let me not mess up your relationship with my son, I can see you love each other, thinking of it now, I wouldn’t want anyone to come between me and your father in law. Let me go to the village, I will be back when my grandson comes”.
Sabrina also hugged my mum and we all laughed. It was sorted. This morning I got the company driver and one of our security cars to go with my driver to the village, they left around 7am.
Am happy she’s going to be with my dad, more than am happy she’s left us alone, she’s my mum, no matter what your mum is like you must tolerate her. I don’t want to tolerate, I want to love, care and understand my mum, but you get to a certain age where her care and concern for you becomes overbearing and unnecessary most times, unfortunately a lot of mums don’t know where to draw the line. I think of Mrs. and I, in that light and one day as parents to grown up children, so I am cautious how I react to them most times. Besides when dealing with issues relating to your mum and your wife, no one prepares you for that, only God’s grace ,wisdom and patience can give you that leverage, to make it a continual peaceful and blissful .mother daughter relationship.
For now we get a break, Bambino drops in a few weeks, Mum will be back…….hmmm

MRS-Tammy, Tammy, Mummy Tammy, she is so happy and so am I. We went to pick up Toke’s mum yesterday to the hospital. She had requested that I call her as soon as Tammy drops. It was a delightful sight to see Jr running around with the balloons we bought, labelled welcome new baby girl and am a big brother now.
Toke, Pamela, Erica and Madam Mabel called, all very happy too. The funny thing is that we will all start to drop one after the other, Pamela is next, then moi, then Toke and finally Madam Mabel. Let’s not leave out Kola’s mum. Thankfully Tammy goes home with the baby today and Toke’s mum has volunteered to come spend time bathing and taking care of her. Remember Tammy’s mum died before she was born, she was raised by a pastor and his wife.
I tried to call them yesterday but the no she has for them kept saying switched off, I sent a text message, hopefully it will deliver once the no becomes available. Rukky and her parents should see Tammy today. Let’s not forget our beloved Pastor, he has been to the hospital twice already.
My MIL, hmmm, well the truth is after she apologized and cried, I kind of felt sorry for her. Once all the pleasantries had been said and I retired to my room to have a bath and go to bed, while I left Mr. and her to talk. I sat down for a minute and asked myself, if this was my mum would I start a campaign of ‘Mama must go?’ I couldn’t honestly answer yes. Yes! My mum did do a lot of wrong to me but I forgave her. I must ask God for patience and grace to deal with my MIL better. I did say, I never wish to be like my mum, she treated my dad’s Mum like crap. Once when my grandma said to my mum, “Your daughter will treat you the way you treat me” my mum went ballistic, shouting at my grandma and saying why would she curse her like that? I remember my grandma smiling and asking my mum, how what she said was a curse? if my mother treated her right, then what was the problem.
The question now is, can I honestly say Amen to that prayer now?…….hmmmmm

DAY 302 AND 303

MR-My Father is a great man of God, his principles are next to none. He does what he says and says what he does. It’s hard, actually very hard to try to walk in his shoes. He called me Tuesday night and said he just wanted to thank me for being the son he dreamt of having one day. He said my maturity, character and wisdom was much more than he had when he was my age. Coming from my father, that was really humbling. He went on to say my mum was fine, she is a bit moody because he insists the generator should only be used during the day. At night the weather is so cool, the AC is not required. Besides his neighbors, whom also just relocated from the city and my mum is refusing to be friends with, because she says the woman is not up to her class, also moved to the village to run from the noise and pollution. Especially the type that came from generators. She complains that mosquitoes won’t let her sleep, even though she sleeps under a treated medical net. He understands quite alright what all the display is about, she wants them to spend less time in the village and more in the city. My father said she was in for a shock. Because God willing, he’s not coming to the city until his next medical checkup, which is in November.
I asked him what’s with the neighbor’s wife and my mum? Well he said the day my mum arrived , they came to welcome her to the village , the woman brought fresh corn, vegetables and fruit for my mum, which she refused to touch personally, she asked the cook to collect it and just said “Thanks”. The neighbor didn’t mind, she said my mum will get use to the life here, she’s only been here for 2 months and at first she thought she was going to suffocate from boredom and all the silence around. But now her joint pains are getting better and she doesn’t have the runny nose and allergies she suffered from in the city. Her greatest mistake was mentioning that the lack of generator noise has also made her husband hardly have migraines. My Mum took that personally and said she hopes there will be no issues when they put their generator on because she and my father cannot sleep without air conditioners. My dad interrupted and said actually he’s found out they don’t need it on , the fresh air that comes in to the rooms at night , once they leave the windows and verandah door open , is so refreshing. My mum heard that and took it so bad and has been sulking since then, my father said. I thanked him for being always patient with her and said I would call him in a few days.
Teni’s husband showed up yesterday, Kola wasn’t around, he’s still with Tammy and the new baby at home, Toke’s mum goes there every morning and I pick her up and drop her at home in the evening. Anyway, Teni’s husband came to apologise for his wife’s behavior. She told him she found a more experienced firm and wanted him to award the building contract to them. To satisfy her, he asked to visit a few of their old and current jobs. He said “The funny thing was she had not bothered to check them out first, when they got to the first one even she had to tell the guy to show us something better, there was nothing else to show that was the best, a private hospital they had built a few years ago, 3 to be precise and in those short years, everything was falling apart. You would think it had been standing there for 20. That shut her up.” He said he will now be in charge of the project and report to him directly. First he had a question to ask, what transpired between his wife and myself?
I was totally taken aback by his question, I had to ask again what he meant. He said he was not a fool, the way Teni reacted the first time I came to his office, the way she reacts and talks every time he mentions me, all point to the fact that we didn’t just meet, we knew each other from before and there was something there. I took a deep breath, looked around me, mentally calculating an escape route, in case he got violent.
“Sir, Teni and I were very close friends we worked in the same office when I was single, that’s all”. He seemed to expect me to say more, because he just sat there staring at me, when nothing else came out, he said “Okay, let me not put you on the spot, these things always have a way of reveling themselves. Thank you once again, I believe we can get the ball rolling now”. He got up, shuck my hand and left.
Phew! That was awkward, why he would put me on the spot like that, was totally beyond me……..hmmmmmmm

MRS-I am really knackered, I have been with Tammy for a couple of nights since she got back from the hospital. One to learn from Toke’s mum before she leaves, she’s going to Dubai to be with Toke in a few weeks. She showed us how to bath the baby properly, how to carry on our back and breast feeding properly so the baby gets the milk and to avoid swollen and painful breasts. It has been very valuable. By the time I drop in a few weeks she might not be here and my MIL is too impatient am not sure if she will be coming immediately I have the baby, I am organizing a private nanny already.
It was a very happy reunion on the phone yesterday when Tammy’s foster parents called, the pastor and his wife, to say they were in Canada, their first son was graduating as a medical doctor and he had flown hem out there for his big day, they went on Skype to see their new granddaughter and Tammy spoke to everyone, she was so delighted, she couldn’t believe that little brother of hers was now a medical doctor. They promised that as soon as they got back they would come spend a few days with her and they gave their own name for the baby, as was the tradition.
I could see how loving they were just by their reaction to seeing Tammy with a baby, it was sweet and caring, I had never seen them before since Tammy came into all our lives not too long ago but I could see what she said about them being model Christian parents.
Jnr has been puling some big brother moves, he wants to carry his sister, Toke’s mum had him sit on the sofa and she put the baby in his arms while Kola took loads of pictures, when he saw them he was so excited, he kept shouting , “cayee sisa , cayee sisa,” which translates to carry sister. He brought all his toys into the nursery and insisted on staying there all day. Well it was all good, showed Tamara has nothing to fear as she grows up, Jnr will always be there to protect her.
Rukky popped in just before I left for Tammy’s, she came to tell me she was going back to the states. Tella was a snake he wasn’t the guy she fell in love with, she said. I asked her what the matter was. Tella actually had a girl he had been dating before he started running from pillar to post, the girl showed up with a child, Tella confessed she told him she was pregnant then but he made it clear he didn’t want anything to do with her or the baby , she needed to go get rid of it. That wasn’t too bad she said. A few nights ago in the middle of the night, she was abducted. I screamed, what? Why didn’t you tell us? She said she wanted too but Tella said it was their family business.
“Anyway the guys called Tella and gave him 2 ours to show up or am dead, thankfully he showed up, that wasn’t all”. She found some drugs and a hand gun in a metal box in their garage, al he said was, it wasn’t his. She had enough, it has been one crisis to another, she clearly sees he is a criminal and she can’t openly walk into a life of heartache and stress, this time Love was nt enough. She’s leaving on Sunday, just wanted to come say good bye and will stop over for a week or 2 in London to see Erica, Tamara and Robert.
Nneka also came to the house yesterday evening just a few minutes after I got back from Tammy’s. She had been looking out for me, as soon as she saw my car drive by she had to see me. I asked her to come sit with me in the main lounge. She sat, took a deep breath and asked if I could please recommend a good divorce lawyer to her, she wants one who could fight for her rights to get what she deserved, her husband was a tough man, he would make sure she left with nothing or not leave at all as he always threatens.
I was a bit surprised and thankful that she had built up the courage, but I wasn’t sure she could carry it through because as she spoke to me her hands and voice were shacking. I could see the fear in her eyes. I got the chef to make her some chamomile tea and asked her to calm down. I told her a divorce was a long process, most times they will be asked to have a trail separation to see if things can be resolves amicably. She screamed and said “no!, he will kill me if he found out she was planning to leave, he always threatened that the only way I was leaving him was in a box”. My mind was racing, to set the whole thing in motion he will have to be served divorce papers, how do we work this out.
My main issue was, I was heavily pregnant now and almost dropping, I should not be involved in divorce espionage, what she needed to do was go into hiding before the papers were served, that would require a lot of planning since uncle J was incommunicado. That was the time and energy none of us had right now. My sis, Tammy just put to bed, Pamela and Toke are not here, Sabrina had no clue and Moi, is quarter to drop, wrong timing.
I could have discouraged her but I think she got my body language because she asked if she should wait for a while before filing. I asked how she will manage. She said, he hasn’t hit her in a few days because their son was back home from summer camp. He will be around until the end of September, so all she had to do was make sure he’s around her, when her husband was at home. He would never hit her in front of him, it will mess up his ‘Perfect dad’ image.
That was comforting, I promised before then we would find a way, I was counting on uncle J being back in town by then……hmmmmmm.

DAY 304
MR-Teni, Teni, hmmm, she turned up at our office first thing this morning, Kola and I were still going through the old drawings we planned to submit to her husband when she barged into the conference room. “What did you tell him? Heeenh , what did you tell him?” She shouted with arms on her waist, tapping her feet. “Tell whom, I asked. “My hubby, of course who else?”. I asked her to calm down and please sit, she obviously wasn’t listening to me, she just went on screaming, tell me now. Anyway Kola managed to convince her to sit, she pulled out a chair and sat down forcefully and shouted at me, Am sitting now, spill”.
So I spilled “Well Teni, to start off I think you owe us an apology, how dear you barge into our office and demand an explanation from me, do I look like your boy? Even if your husband had gotten anything out of me, it would be the truth, so why are you so hot under the collar? Did you lie to him about our relationship?” she jumped up glared and me and screamed “You bastard, you told him, didn’t you, how could you, couldn’t you just keep your dirty mouth shut, are you trying to ruin my life, you didn’t marry me now you want the guy who did to kick me out, you are wicked, selfish, self-centered …….” She was still going on when I hit my hand on the table hard and shouted “Enough woman, shut the h… up”. Surprisingly, she stopped, sat back down and started to cry.
I started off by saying, “For your information, I only told him we were friends from work. So I don’t know the reason you would walk into my office and insult me, if you and your hubby have issues, please don’t involve me, do you understand. Now please leave”.
She looked a bit remorseful, rumbled an apology, picked up her expensive leather bag and left the conference room as she blew her nose with the silk handkerchief she had been holding.
As soon as she stepped out, Kola said, “Wow! Bro, what was all that about, thank God you didn’t marry this girl, she would have been beating you up every day”. We laughed and literarily did the sign of the cross.
I told Kola Teni’s hubby asked me what was between his wife and myself. I just told him we were close friends. I don’t think he believed me because he said, this things have a way of coming out, just before he left.
Bro, only God knows what he told Teni, I guess he must have used reverse psychology on her, trying to get the truth by saying you admitted that you guys had something going. wow Man, you are in the clear, whatever happened was in the past. So he needs to get a grip.
Just then Teni walks back in, she was a lot more composed. She apologized and said she was out of line. Her hubby had come home and told her Mr. said so much about our relationship, he couldn’t even begin to say. He then asked me if I had anything to tell him, so he would know what to believe. I almost did, but something in his eyes and voice showed that he was prying rather than confirming, so I said I had nothing to say.
She apologized once again and left. I wondered as she walked away, why she was so scared of him, the Teni I know would damn the consequences and tell him everything. I also noticed she dressed a lot more conservatively, trouser suits and jackets, barely any cleavage, hair packed up reasonably. The hubby had curbed her excesses, this was very interesting. I told Kola, we had to get to the bottom of this…….hmmmmm

MRS-See me see wahala, you won’t believe who turns up at our house this morning. Nneka’s husband. He came around 8am, the gate man called the intercom and said one man was looking for me. Mr. had just left for the office, I asked him to put him in the front lounge.
As I walked in, he was standing there looking all grumpy. I said hello , he barely responded and said “ Madam , am sorry to disturb you this morning but I can’t find Nneka , I have looked everywhere, we went to bed last night, she insisted on sleeping in her room because she sais she wasn’t feeling too good. She usually sleeps in mine. This morning I decided to leave her to sleep in for a few hours because she wakes up at 6am to get my breakfast and clothes ready.
I have called her no, it’s switched off, when I spoke to the gateman and almost killed him, he said you rushed her to the hospital, I don’t know what she told you but trust me , my wife is ill, she falls down a lot and once she hit her head and since then she had been suffering from delusions. She hasn’t used her medication for 12 hours now and that’s not good please I need to find her”.
I was shocked , he sounded so sincere, I couldn’t detect if he was lying or telling the truth. Could he be telling the truth? did Nneka really suffer from delusions, could it be falls and not punches that made all those marks on her? So many questions, yet no answers. My head was manually calculating every sign I knew that meant someone was fibbing , but I didn’t detect any?
I asked if he knew where she would go, he said No, they lived far away from here before and moving here was part of trying to make her life more comfortable. Anyway I said I hadn’t seen her since yesterday. He looked really disappointed but left. As he walked away, I tried Nneka’s no , it didn’t ring, but a few minutes later I got a call from a private no, it was Nneka.
I asked what happened, she said she left home around 3am, she can’t tell me where she is but she is save. She knew her husband would come ask me and she didn’t want me to worry. She had a plan, once she gets rid of him, she will come back. Get rid? I asked, before I could finish my question, she dropped the phone. What did she mean get rid? O my gosh!!, I hope it’s not what I think, dear lord no!, no!!! ……..hmmmmm

Day 305-

MR-Mrs. told me about the incident with Nneka’s husband, it seemed weird and who is telling the truth. Husband says she falls and has psychosis, where a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. but Nneka says her husband abuses her and she does have bruises to show for it. Whose report shall we believe.
That aside, Kola and I took our drawings and estimates to Teni’s husband yesterday, we had a meeting to decide when to commence the project and pick up our mobilization fee. Teni was at the meeting, looking all tense. Everything was going okay, he loved our drawings approved of them, wrote a cheque for the mobilization and then he suddenly got up and said, “Mr. , something has been bothering me for a while, when I met my wife and she doesn’t know this , I went to visit her at home one day, she went into the kitchen to get me a drink and something to eat. I saw her diary on the table picked it up and read a part of it. In it she confessed she was in love with a certain young man and only death could get that love out of her heart. She went on to talk about all the things she did to win his heart but they failed. Her conclusion, the guy might not love her as much as she does now but she will die trying to make him see he’s made a mistake by not choosing her. Now call my actions seedy and inappropriate but the truth is , I did propose to her , she accepted and we got married but I still feel she’s holding back from me and I can’t have that, I refuse to have my wife dreaming of another, while with me. So I went in search of the diary again, because I have seen it with her and I knew it must be in her room somewhere. I did find it after 2 days of searching, in it I found a name, just a first name, no surname, the same as your first name. So I researched based on the profession she said the guy did and found 10, that match the first name with the profession, in the areas she mentioned. I had offered 4 other people this contract but my wife didn’t react to them, until you came to the office and I saw her countenance and suspect you might just be the one she’s holding out for. So am asking again this time bluntly, Are you the man she’s talking about?”
By the time he stopped talking, Kola and I had our mouths open, I was thinking definitely, this man was insane, I know Kola was thinking along the same lines. Oh!!, he wasn’t done, when nothing was coming from me, he went over to where Teni was sited, pulled her up and brought her to stand in front of me, “Now tell me darling wife, is this the boy you are dreaming about, is he the one you think of when you are making love to me, go on deny it“ Teni was wincing , I guess his grip on her arm was really tight, she kept struggling to get free and said “Honey, please don’t do this, I love you, I don’t know what you are talking about, Please stop embarrassing these men”, That seemed to set him off more , the last thing I saw was a hand raised and it landed on her face, she crumbled to the ground, I saw him come towards me, shouting, “Confess. Lover boy, confess”. Honestly I didn’t look back until we got in the car, that’s when I noticed Kola had dragged Teni along with us, all I saw in the rear view mirror as we sped off , was this huge giant of a man , waving his fists at us and yelling, “come back here”…………hmmmmmm

MRS- Things fall apart, and the centre cannot hold, I didn’t read the book by Chinua Achebe, but that’s the words I can use to describe what’s going on in our estate now.
Well, don’t ask me why am being Melo-dramatic, I know I can be a bit of a drama queen sometimes but today is not one of those. Well here it goes, around 5am this morning we heard loud sirens, at first Mr. and I assumed it was an ambulance, maybe someone was ill, etc. but it went on continuously , until about 7 am, even when Mr. went off to work, he called to say , there were police cars at Nneka’s house. My heart sank, what happened. I hurriedly went to get Sabrina and we casually strolled to the house, with the intention to ask the gate man or anyone what was going on. We didn’t need too, as we approached the house, we saw the police with Nneka’s husband in handcuffs being led away to a police van. He looked up at us and said, “I didn’t kill her, honestly, am innocent”.
“Kill whom”, before he could answer, he was put in the van and driven away. I rushed inside the house, the maid and gateman and a few others were gathered around. I approached the gatemen and he said “Aunty nah so we see am, police come , they say Oga kill madam, they found her body in the bush, and a note in her bag asking for help that her husband wants to kill her.” I was shocked, Nneka called me yesterday, how could they have found a body, yesterday and traced it to her husband today, it didn’t add up. Where is this body and what’s going on? I was just so confused, was Nneka really dead. Luckily I picked up courage and walked up to the police man that was standing guard outside. I asked him what the matter was, Nneka was my close friend. He said “Madam, I shouldn’t tell you this but I can see your condition, anyway, we find his wife body yesterday, when we search, in her jean pocket , we find note that said , she need help addressed to police, that he wants to kill her that he also forced her to record a message that she was okay and fine. We also search his phone and find voice recording as she wrote. So we have arrested him for murder, her body is in the crown hospital morgue”. I thanked the officer, left with Sabrina, back to the house.
All I kept thinking about was, what’s going on, Nneka, could she really be dead. Besides I didn’t know what to believe anymore, this whole thing was looking too good to be true. I had to see the body. So I got home, had a shower and went to the hospital morgue where the policeman told me her body had been deposited. The morgue attendant wasn’t too happy, a heavily pregnant woman wanted to visit a dead body but I told him, it was my sister and I needed to see her one last time. He said I should wait outside, he will go get the body. A few minutes later, he came back, unzipped the body bag and I moved close, took a look and Oh my Gosh!!, Unbelievable…..hmmmmmm

DAY 306

MR-Wow!!, Kola what was all that about? Teni, are you okay, my Gosh, what’s the matter with your husband ?, I was just asking so many questions at once, wasn’t even sure if I needed answers, they just seemed like the proper things to ask.
I drove so fast, didn’t want to go to the office because he might come there, we drove to a restaurant with an inside car park and sat in the car, catching our breath for a few minutes. Teni was sobbing, Kola was consoling her and I was just confused, “what just happened, people, am I dreaming, somebody pinch me”.
Teni finally said something “Am so sorry, I really am, my husband has made my life miserable since you came to the office, the first time. He accused me of ogling when I saw you. That’s when he got really suspicious that you might just be the one I wrote about”. Kola made a joke of the whole drama, by saying “The diary must be pretty racy for it to get your husband’s nickers in a twist.”
So, there was actually no contract, the offer of one, was his way of luring his imagined rival to his office?, what was he planning to do, if you had said yes, I was the one, I asked Teni.
She looked at me with her eyes still red from crying and said, “I honestly couldn’t put it past him, he might just try to kill you”. “Kill? What do you means Kill, we had our thing way before you met him”. “Yes we did, but he feels you are his rival taking her affection from him”, Kola said. The man was crazy and that wasn’t the problem, crazy people do stupid things. Where is uncle Kola when you need him?
Teni kept looking at her phone and each time I could literarily hear the beating of her heart. What’s the matter I asked, “It’s my husband, he has called me 40 times” “it didn’t ring” I said “yes, it’s been on silent since the meeting. He is definitely going to kill me now” I couldn’t take all this kill, kill being thrown around carelessly as if it was just a minor slap or punch. I suggested we go to the police, kola laughed and asked where do I think I am, and say what, a husband slapped his wife, then you kidnapped her from him, and you have come to report yourself? “Well not if you put it that way” I said. “Bro you will land behind the bars before you can say Jack Robinson. So I asked the main person affected what she thought we should do.
Teni, said, “unfortunately she has been enduring theses slaps for a while, the worse thing is, when she upsets him, he will call me over, ask me to sit down comfortably, take off my ear rings and any thing on my face like reading or sunglasses, that could injure me, then he will give me a dirty slap and ask me if I know why he slapped me. If I say NO, he keeps slapping until I fully understand why I was being slapped and promise not to do it again. I got wise quickly. It wasn’t just enough for me to say I knew why, I had to explain to him”
“I made the mistake, I thought because I was a very tough and stubborn person, I needed a man who could curb my excesses, an older man, well established and disciplined, someone I could respect and look up to, I made the greatest mistake of my life. I should have settled for the nice young man Segun, who was asking me out every day for a so many months, I thought he was too soft”.
Looking at Teni, I could hardly believe she was the same girl who almost broke my marriage, who slapped me because she disagreed with something I said, who smoked, colored her hair red. So there was a man on this earth that could actually tame Teni and bring her to her knees, interesting. All the same, this man was a bully and a border line psycho. We had to do something about him or he will surely cross over the border……….hmmmmmm

MRS-O my gosh!!, What was I seeing, the clothes were hers, I recognized them from before, the corpse had her complexion, but the face had been eaten away by acid, no one could make out the features. The weave looked exactly like hers and the stature, the only thing unidentifiable was the face. I could see why this could be Nneka, but I still wasn’t totally convinced. The policeman’s rendition of events didn’t quite fit into the timeline. Considering the fact that she called me a few hours earlier and her husband had just left my house.
So I went to the police station where her husband was taken, and I asked to see the man in charge, they directed me to the DPO. I narrated the sequence of events to him. First he asked me why I came, the police have not started their investigation and how do I know they are accusing her husband, he’s just being questioned and once that is done, he will be released. I wanted to say sergeant so and so told me he was arrested for murder but instead I held my peace.
I apologized and told him I was just a concerned citizen, do you know what he said? He said “Madam looking at you, I believe your concern should be your pregnancy and your husband, not pork nosing yourself into police business, that’s how you rich people think you can teach us our job, we the police know what we are doing so keep out of it until we get to you, if you were not pregnant I would have put you in the cell for a few days, next time you won’t waste police time. Now madam, please leave”
Yeah!, What was I thinking, coming to a police station, eehnn!!! This hormones must be really screwing with my brain. I just jejely, picked up myself and my handbag, walked as fast as my legs could carry me, started my car and raced out of there, I didn’t look back until I drove into our estate. Nneka’s husband was in deep soup, if this was a plot to get rid of him, it was very well planned. The question now was, who do I believe, Nneka or her husband…….hmmmmmm

Day 307

MR-Haven’t been able to write all day because, we have been busy with the new baby’s christening. Just got back home now and am squeezing a few minutes to write. Mrs. is totally worn out.
First to conclude on Yesterday’s drama, the question now was where do we put Teni, she was so depressed and petrified at the same time, didn’t want to go back to her husband just yet. So Kola suggested we put her up in a hotel for a couple of days to let her husband calm down. Although, Kola and I don’t think he will cool down in a while because on Friday we got a call from the receptionist in our office that he came and asked them to give us his ultimatum, that if he does not see his wife by tomorrow latest, we should consider ourselves in big trouble.
The man is like a giant, I wasn’t going to confront him, neither was Kola, we couldn’t force Teni to go back but we had to convince her because we took her away, no excuse there.
I finally dropped Teni and off Kola and went home. As soon as I stepped in Mrs. filled me in on all the crazy stuff regarding Nneka’s husband being arrested for murder. When she finished even I had more doubts that she was dead. Nneka was actually smarter than we gave her credit for if this was a setup. But I did ask Mrs. to let it be for now, what would I have done if the police made good on their threat to lock her up for a few days.
Today was the new baby’s dedication. Pastor came to do the honors. I had to get there early to help Kola set up. Nothing too big, just family and very close friends. Except the unexpected guests. We did Skype with Tammy’s foster parents, Aakil, Toke, Peju and Ahmed also saw the baby on Skype. Fatima and Abdul were away in Singapore for the weekend.
Before I left home this morning. Uncle J finally called, Thank goodness he’s back with the family, he asked Kola and I, to see him first thing tomorrow morning. Mr. Jegede must have updated him. I was still contemplating asking Kola to come with me to Karate self-defense classes, if Uncle J is not going to be here to protect us, we got to do it ourselves, at least they say , everybody loves kung Fu fighting….hmmmm

MRS- YEAH! Sorted, our new baby has her names. Ireoluwa given by Kola’s parents, Daniella given by Tammy and Kola, Opemipo given by Tammy’s foster parents. I am going to call her Daniella, she looks like Tammy, beautiful ebony skin with long curly hair and she’s definitely going to be a stunner. Tammy was also glowing, guess who turned up with a whole bunch of gifts. Ola, she came with an entourage of 6 people, we were just rounding off prayers when she walked in. exchanged pleasantries, sat down for about 30 minutes, dropped off a beautiful baby sleep swing cot, baby monitor set , some things for Tammy and a cheque from the Governor. Not sure how much was on it. When Kola asked how she knew, she said Fatima.
Before that, the police actually came to our house, 6 of them, slapped the gateman, and forced him to bring them in to the house, I was lying down on the carpet with Sabrina dong some exercises. I was so upset , and the cheek of it , the first 3 recruits that came in said we were under arrest, while I was still protesting, their sergeant came in and said “Madam , I am sorry, you are not under arrest, the police is your friend, please we need your help with our investigation. We wanted to invite you to the station to write a statement but with your condition, can you please write it here. I have a wife at home as well, I don’t want us to put you through any stress”.
Sabrina was so scared, I had to calm her down, I bluntly told the sergeant I could not write anything now, I would let them know when I could, I asked him to leave his no. he apologized again and asked if he could just recorded it on his phone. So I finally agreed. I told him Nneka’s husband had come to ask if I had seen her early in the morning and I said No. that was all. I didn’t tell him she called me and said she was okay. They finally left when I was no longer forth coming.
I bet that silly DPO, did third to scare me because I came to the station to talk to him, he’s messing with the wrong person, when uncle J comes am telling. I remembered, Mr. mentioned a Mr. Jegede, he was one of the best detective around. I think I might engage him to look into this whole mystery murder case, on the other hand maybe I should just sit back and watch everything unfold. But what if she is really dead and we do nothing at least a memorial service at the NGO to honor her memory. O dear God, I pray she’s actually still alive and well ……hmmmm

DAY 308
MR-Uncle J is back, thank you lord, he asked Kola and I to a meeting this morning. When we got there, o my gosh , he had put on weight, looking fresh and all, what one month cruising round the Caribbean islands can do for a man’s skin.
Anyway he briefed us and said the file for the progressives was put on his table. Ken has been picked up and Sandra. The evidence gathered showed that Sandra was telling the truth, she had not attended any meetings even though the register indicated her as the chairman of the organization, she was released this afternoon. From the raid done on their headquarters detailed plans on how to kidnap Tammy and Mrs. were found, even one for my father and Jnr as back up kidnapping options, were also discovered. 13 members are currently been held under the kidnapping act, but Ken is the one who will face most of the charges because he was actually second in command in charge of operations. His gay partner, one Sylvester has disappeared, they were still looking for him, his family has always been abroad, he is the only one in the country, it’s made finding him a bit more complicated.
Secondly, uncle J said Mrs. informed him one nonsense DPO insulted and threatened her, he was picked up this morning as he was coming out from his house. He asked us to follow him, we did and we saw this big belly man in boxer short doing frog jumps. An army guy was behind him with a horse whip, saying 123 jump. It was a sorry sight, the man was crying and catarrh was coming out of his nose. I pleaded with Uncle J to let him go, he said soon. Once he’s done in 30 minutes he will ask them to bring him to his office blind folded, then warn him that if he hears Mrs. name , he should run the other way or else, next time he will be really sorry.
As Kola and I left uncle J‘s office , I was still thinking about the grown ass man doing frog jumps, one has to be very careful when insulting or threatening someone, you never know what sort of trouble your mouth could land you into. God help us……hmmmmm
MRS- Ha! Ha! Ha!, Mr. told me what Uncle J did to that yeye DPO, I was stunned , I did feel sorry for him a bit but maybe, just maybe it will get him to investigate this case properly. I must call Uncle J to say thank you, Yes! He was finally back, No one could mess with us.
MR Jegede Is a genius, he really is as good as they say. Mr. filled him in, a couple of days ago and this morning he came back with a preliminary report.
The body found was definitely not Nneka’s, it was stolen from the morgue, dressed in her clothes and the face spoilt with acid, the family of the young lady are threatening to sue the morgue, the particular morgue attendant who stole the body for them , whoever they are, has disappeared, the present one said a lot of money exchanged hands from what he heard, enough to make any one disappear.
He doesn’t know where Nneka is for now, but he is on it. Unfortunately, the police have taken the body and cremated it, saying her sister came and said that’s what she wanted. Which sister, Nneka’s sister is nowhere to be found. So he couldn’t exactly take a sample for DNA testing to proof. The police seem to want her husband to go to jail. He thinks someone in the police is seriously preventing the truth from coming out because of money.
I asked him can’t a lawyer representing Nneka’s husband demand for DNA , then he reminded me , how do you get DNA from ashes, this was not CSI Maimi lab stuff, where that can be done, he made fun that I watch too many American crime series.
So what’s the solution, I asked. Mr. Jegede was blunt, if Nneka’s husband doesn’t find Nneka soon, he will go to prison or worse be executed for a crime he did not commit, the only way out of this was to find her. Where does one start from and how do you find someone who doesn’t want to be found, especially in a country like ours……hmmmm

MR-My dad called me this morning he sounded a bit panicky, my mum was crying and complaining of tummy ache. I asked him what she ate, he said the same thing he did, yam pottage with grilled fresh fish and vegetables prepared by the chef and that she was awake all night. I asked him to keep her comfortable, I will send the driver to pick her up. The driver and my mum got back to us around 4pm. I took her to hospital, the doctor is currently giving her a drip and he is running some tests, he said she should be fine. The way my mum looks, I really hope she’s okay.
My dad had been feeling bad for uprooting her from the city, I told him not to worry, her system was just getting use to the village food.
Mr. Chidi, turned up at our office this morning, he said he needed some help. Kola and I were surprised to see him, this was the first time since he and Madam Mabel went their separate ways. Anyway he said he was in a bit of a jam, he played poker at a high brow casino and lost 500,000 but he was only good for 300,000 on the day and promised to pay the balance the next morning. But unfortunately he couldn’t get it, when he went to pay the 3rd day, he was told he still owed 500,000 and that because a day had gotten in-between payments that one didn’t count. Now he’s being threatened , last night , his car disappeared from where he parked it and a message was sent to his phone, saying we will take everything from you to pay for what we already too from you. Strange text, didn’t make much sense, until Kola said it meant, they will take all he had even though he already gambled t away.
I didn’t want to call uncle J immediately, he was still dealing with The progressives and the DPO, to now call and ask him to investigate some casino owners, I was a bit reluctant, so I gave him the money to pay them. He promised he will pay back in a couple of weeks. I didn’t believe him but that was okay because I actually gave it to him not lend it.
David, David, my dear brother, he has changed one bit. Sabrina is really worried about him, she said he has changed since she got pregnant. He still comes every evening to see her at ours but is not making any effort for her to come back home and that bothers Sabrina a lot. I asked him to stop by at the office tomorrow morning, on his way back from seeing our mum in hospital…..hmmmmm

MRS-No!!! it’s not possible, she’s back , how can this happen, who you ask? My MIL of course, Mr. said she was rushed to the city with serious tummy ache. Was there no doctor in the village and how do we know she is not feigning this tummy ache just to come back and be a thorn in my flesh. I can’t take this, am due in a week or two, this Mama’s stress is the last thing I need. I told Mr. she better go back the route she came , from village to hospital, hospital to village , do not collect anything , do not stop to say hello. Village straight.
Our Bambinos nursery is reading, lovely baby blue, yellow and white colors, it’s really nice, all the main equipment were sent by Toke. Tammy and I also got a few on our own. speaking of Tammy , I went to see her , Daniella and Jnr, that little girl can eat, she latches on to the boobs for hours, take is out and she brings the house down, Jnr is a bit restless, he can’t wait to play with his little sister. I left around 2 pm and went to the NGO, work has started on the new wing housing our cancer and dialysis centre, true to everyone’s word, donations are flowing in, we haven’t even exhausted what we realized at the launch.
A lady came in while I was having a meeting with the staff, she wanted to see me, so I brought the meeting to a close. The lady introduced herself as Mrs. Duncan, she busted into tears as soon as I asked her how I could help. After a few minutes she wiped her tears and said her husband wants to kill her, she had to run away from the house. I asked why. She hesitated, then told me the truth.
Her husband is a philanderer, she had prayed, fought and done everything humanly possible, he still didn’t stop. Then he friend suggested love portion to keep him for herself alone. So she got the potion, coked his favorite food and sprinkled it on top. She served him and went to take a shower. The medicine man warned her not to eat from it, only he must eat. After her shower she came down he had not eaten. Instead he called her to come eat with him, when she declined saying she was full, her husband said the gateman was right, he saw her put some potion in his food, she wants to kill him and inherit all he has, he said he was going to kill her first or she eats the food. That’s why she ran out.
I was horrified, didn’t know women still did love potion to bind men down in this day and age, I knew she needed deliverance but not at that particular time, it could wait until morning when pastor could come do that and possibly go home with her to see her husband. We gave her a room at the shelter and some clothes. I called pastor and he said he will be at the NGO by 8am tomorrow morning……hmmmm

Day 310
MR- Mrs. and I had a quarrel yesterday night, I sort of lost it a bit which was very unlike me. I got back home from seeing my mum in hospital and the first thing she said was “I hope Mama is going back to the village”. I didn’t respond immediately, she repeated the question again, a bit more aggressively, then I said I don’t know, and I can’t talk about it now because am tired. She won’t relent, she said “Well, am sorry if am bugging but all I know is she is not coming here after, just take her back to the village once she’s better, I cannot cope with her stress right now” so I said, do you realize you are talking about my mum the woman who gave birth to me?, she said Yes, she has said her own. Instead of just letting it be, I asked her if it was her mum would she say that. She looked at me laughed and said Yes I will and my mum won’t dear give me the stress your mum does or I won’t talk to her. I lost it called her selfish and a spoilt brat and we had a go at each other. I left her in the bedroom, went into one of the spare rooms and locked the door. She was crying and I then felt bad and tried to go pacify her but she locked our bedroom draw and won’t let me in.
Needless to say , I didn’t sleep well, I really felt bad, first thing , tis morning I made her breakfast in bed, she opened the door apologized and said she might have been a bit unfair with her comments , she loves Mama but she’s just a bit too much sometimes.
Am at work now, I feel relieved, we have had a fight in a long time but I guess that couldn’t go on forever. I asked David to see me this morning, he did. I asked him what was going on with him, I have seen him for 2 week now. He apologized said Sabrina was really making things difficult for him, every other night he comes to ours to see her at the guest house she refuses him making love to her. She claims “she’s not sure where I’ve dipped my manhood and she doesn’t want her baby infected. No matter how much he pleaded with her, she just wasn’t interested. So he has decided to make himself happy by taking a mistress, the only problem now is that the girl is also pregnant and the father is threatening brimstone and fire if David doesn’t make an honest women out of her. I asked why he didn’t tell me, he said he was ashamed , I have always been the responsible one, dong the right thing, he didn’t want father to be disappointed in hum, he’s still trying to convince the girl to come for a DNA test because he seriously doubts she’s not seeing someone else. David I don’t get him, how he is able to wriggle his way into trouble every single time, really baffles me, am I sure he wasn’t adopted…….hmmmmm

MRS- Oh dear Lord, I think I went a bit too far yesterday evening, I sort of pushed my boo’s buttons to hard, I did take him for granted. But who can blame me, his mum is just so melo- dramatic. Oh! And there is a new development now but unfortunately who’s going to believe me after what I put Mr. through yesterday.
I woke up early this morning, got the chef to make some poundo yam, I half cooked the vegetable, well I added the fresh fish and crayfish and the chef finished it off. At least I could tell my MIL I cooked it especially for her and it will be the truth. So the driver took me to see her in the hospital. Mr. has insisted that because I can drop anytime, no more driving for me. Anyway I got there, walked towards the private room area, as I got close to her door , I heard voices and then laughter. it was my mum in law and another lady. My MIL was staying to her “Ore mi, don’t mind them, they think they are smart, if young people have more new clothes that an elderly person can they have more rags”. Then I heard a familiar voice, Sisi Boss, “Hmm, my friend, what if they find out you were just faking?” MY MIL’s voice, “how would they find out, are they God, even the doctor could not proof that” Sisi boss, spoke to someone else “Ore , check outside if someone is coming, the wall has ears” . I still had my mouth open , ran back down the corridor as fast as my legs could carry me , waited for a few minutes , then went back to the room.
I entered, my MIL was on the bed , Sisi Boss and another woman were sitting near the bed. The room was smelling of mentholated rub which my MIL had all over her face, she was pretend shivering and groaning at intervals. I brought out the food, gave her a hug and sat down. Sisi boss was saying “pele ore, God will heal you soon, what kind of sickness is this o” I didn’t know when I shouted a loud “Ameeen o” , they all looked at me and I said I was sorry, just really feel bad for Mama, when did she go to the village that she now has fallen ill. Sisi boss saw this as an opportunity to say something, My dear, hmm, I was just saying the same thing, the village air can be stale at times, and the water God help us, I think Ore mi is not used to village life, she might need to stay in the city for a while, she can come stay with me”. I didn’t let her finish before I said, “That will be great Ma”.
Quickly my MIL’S mouth opened, “Sisi Boss , why now, that will be inconvenient, my daughter in law will feel offended , how can they be here and her MIL will be staying with friends? Don’t worry Sisi Boss, I will go back to the village, if I die, I die, everybody has to go sometime”.
Honestly I wanted to say , “no mama you can stay”, but am sorry, my mouth did not open, I sat there as they all expected me to say something but I didn’t, when their stare got too much, I said to Mama , am not feeling too fine, I fell a bit dizzy and I left. As I walked out they were all looking at me. I walked for a few seconds, then went back to the door. My MIL was saying “that girl is mischievous, am sure she will poison my son’s mind, not to allow me stay. She’s joking, I will just stay in the hospital and thank God my son can afford to keep me here for a long time. When they are tired of paying, they will take me to their house. Person wey wan die, meet person wey wan kill am” and both women broke into laughter.
Can you imagine, how I tell Mr. this without him thinking I made it up, is a mystery. After what I said yesterday. My MIL will of course deny it. This is going to be tougher than I thought. I need my father in laws intervention or better still I can ask uncle J to please kidnap her for a few weeks…..hmmmmm
DAY 311
MR-Am so worried about my mum, she is so ill and the doctors says I might have to keep her in hospital for a while, my father is also getting worried, he’s thinking of coming down for a while to be with her. He sort of blames himself for forcing her to come to the village with him. Poor mama, she hardly fell ill when she was here, now she gets to the village a couple of weeks and she’s got this unexplainable stomach bug, even the doctor is confused. The antibiotic drip they gave her over the course of 2 days should have sorted out any bug in her tummy, but he called me this morning to say My mum was crying so badly that her tummy hurt , like it was on fire they had to sedate her.
The worse and painful thing for me is that I told Mrs. and she just said, hmmm, God will heal her and walked away. She could at least be a bit more sympathetic, I don’t know what’s gotten into her, maybe it’s the hormones, I’ve been told that they make women act crazy sometimes.
With all this on my head, I opted not to go home for lunch instead I went to the restaurant near the office. Kola had to go home, his parents are leaving tomorrow, so he wanted to take his mum shopping, he left the office around 1pm. I got to the restaurant around 1.30. ordered a beef burger and salad and a bottle of water. I was eating and thinking about Mrs. Attitude, when this young ladies, walked over and said hello. I said hello and continued to eat, they asked if they could sit with me, I said I do mind, I need my privacy. They weren’t taking no for an answer. So they sat down, I was getting really irritated. But I kept my cool and kept eating. The next thing one of the girls said I had a call on her phone, I asked what she meant, she said just listen to the caller. I took the phone and the voice said, “You think we have given up, you must be joking, no one refuses us” and the line went dead, the girl snatched the phone from me, picked up my bottle of water , blew me a kiss and the 3 of them walked out of the restaurant. I got up looked around, saw them get into a black camry, blacked out windows and no number. I left my lunch walked out to see them just go round the bend. What just happened, it took me a minute to realize my car keys on the table had been lifted but my car was still out there. I called the waiter and asked if he could call me a taxi, the guy said his shift was ending, he will drop me. So he took me home, waited for me to pick up the spare keys and drove me back , by the time I got back to the restaurant, my G wagon Mercedes Benz was nowhere to be found………hmmmm

MRS-Mr. came home without his jeep, someone had stolen his keys and took the car. The way he told me the story, something doesn’t add up, the thief actually confronted him and took the key, so he knows who has his car, he just can’t proof it. He has been trying to call Uncle J but his phones are switched off, we guessed he was in a meeting. He will call back once he sees Mr’s missed calls.
Mr. Jegede came to see me this morning, the police have concluded their investigation they say, Nneka’s husband is guilty of murder, he will be charged to court on Monday and appear on Tuesday. I asked how he knew this, he said his friend was an ASP in that police station. I said What Nneka’s husband needs now is a very good lawyer. Mr. Jegede looked at me and said “Although I didn’t mention this to you, am actually a lawyer, I won’t be able to defend him but I will get one of my partners too”. For some strange reason I felt relieved. Up until that point I was undecided about Nneka’s husband, I still choose to belief Nneka was telling the truth about being beaten and he was lying about her being psycho. But now I kind of believed the husband.
I asked him how he was going to proof Nneka was alive, he said he was working on that, according to immigration records, she has not left the country yet, but all the same the country is a big place, once his firm has proper access to her husband as his lawyers, they will find out everyone Nneka knew and where she was from, that might be the missing piece of the puzzle. Because most times when people run or hide, they go to somewhere they have been before. I wished him all the best and made him promise to keep me in the lope as his investigation progressed.
Once he left, I felt worse, how do you move from a loving couple to a couple who want each other dead? Marriage was really a school, so many ups and downs to overcome, I pray God gives me the road map to get mine right, especially with my mum in law trying to be a pothole on my road……..hmmmmm

DAY 312
MR-unbelievable, you will not believe what happened. 6am this morning we heard the intercom buzzing, Mrs. and I were awake, she was still moody, only God knew why. I answered the buzzer and the gate man was screaming, oga come o, come and see miracle, oga come come I beg, I no understand this. I tried to get a word in to at least ask him what he was going on about but it all fell on deaf ears. Mrs. was a bit worried , she said how about if is a lure to get me down to the gate, I said no to worry it was almost daylight and no one can harm me, am covered by the stripes of the lord.
So out of curiosity, I know they say it kills the cat, but we didn’t care, so with both went to the gate, looking left and right, watched as the gate man kept pointing outside the gate. When we got there, we froze as well, was this a trick, but alas!, no it wasn’t, my G wagon Mercedes Benz was parked right in front of our gate in mint condition and the key was visible on the bonnet.
I picked up a stick and threw it at the car, the alarm went off but the car didn’t explode, you know how you see cars rigged with explosives in all this American movies, well that thought crossed my mind, Mrs. even went as far as saying maybe the bomb has a pressure switch as soon as I sit on the seat and move it will go off. In short neither of us wanted to go near the car. So the logical thing was to try uncle J again but he didn’t pick up.
As we were contemplating what to do, our neighbor’s driver was walking past, he greeted us and asked if we need any help with the car, I said no, Mrs. said yes, that could he please drive it in to our compound. The guy got the keys from the bonnet, got in the car and drove it in, no explosions. As he alighted he handed me a note and said it was pinned to the steering wheel. We thanked him and he left. We read the note it said, “We don’t need your car, we just want you to know we know where you live and we can get to you anytime”. That was it, I had it with this stupid evil people called the progressives.
I went in put on my jeans and a T shirt, got in another car and drove to Uncle J’s house. I got there just before 7am. He was surprised to see me, asked why I didn’t call first, he was on his way to the NSA. His phones have been switched off because he was really busy. I quickly briefed him and he sighed and said, okay that’s it, what do you want me to do to them, end them or make them disappear. The way he said it I knew he meant every last word, so I thought long and hard and said, uncle do what you think is best, he said okay Son, we end it then and my heart skipped a beat, was that really what I wanted but it was too late, he was already in his convoy on the way to the airport. All I heard was the siren of his lead vehicle.
As I walked away I felt deflated, what exactly did end it mean? Did it really mean the end of the club or the end of their lives, I really do pray it was the former, but why didn’t I clarify……hmmmm

MRS- With all this strange things going on, cars disappearing and reappearing, my mum in law playing 419, me due in a week or two, I just felt like going to spend sometime with Toke and have the Baby in Dubai, so I planned to ask Mr. what he thought, when the buzzer started going off and we found out Mr.’s Benz jeep had been returned unharmed. I’ve been online to see if air cabin pressure can induce labor, I need to know before I ask toke to send her PJ to pick me up, I just need out of here. I called Toke anyway , told her my thoughts, Aakil was next to her and she told him, I could hear him say fabulous, should we send the jet tonight, I asked them to hold off , let me tell Mr. first once he comes home this evening.
I had to be the dutiful wife and good DIL, so I took food to My MIL, I made papa and beans, I know she doesn’t like pap and she will only eat beans with Yam sliced into it but at this point , I couldn’t be bothered, I was ready for her, if he wasn’t to pretend she’s sick , I also will pretend to be a good daughter in law just to please Mr.
I got there, she sat up waiting for the food, as I dished it out she spoke in a mousy voice, my daughter , I don’t eat this o, I said Mama, the doctor said your stomach is very sensitive, no carbs now just protein, so eat Mama, so you can get better. I watched as her jaw tightened, she was levied, I smiled inside me. She took some bites and said she was done. I was like mama come on eat o, you know you need your strength, she raised her voice and said I am full abi, am old enough to know my own tummy. I apologized packed the food and sat there. She asked when I was leaving I said in the afternoon. That meant she couldn’t send any one for food. By the time I left t was 4 pm. From around 10am. I didn’t care my day was boring , I wanted to make a point, as my granny used to say, a young person’s wisdom and an elders wisdom created ile ife. Lets both put our legs in one pair of trousers and see who wins……hmmmmm

DAY 313
MR- Thank you Lord, our dear Pamela had a bouncing baby boy early this morning. The family is getting larger, but girls are still wining. Mrs. eventually wore me down with her request to go have our baby in Dubai, she’s off tomorrow. I called Aakil to make sure it won’t be an imposition. He said, never, he would love to have us all there. The great thing, he said, was that his father’s birthday comes up in a couple of weeks, so the more of us with them the better. The PJ will leave tonight and be with us by tomorrow morning. Mrs. can fly down in the evening. I thanked him and dropped the call. Thank God I called, Kola and I had completely forgotten we were due in Dubai for Aakil’s father’s birthday. What with all the cult shenanigans. Wow! That would have been a real cock up.
David is hiding out in our guest chalet, please don’t act surprised, it was only a matter of time. He broke the news to the girl he impregnated that he wasn’t ready to get married to her, but he will take the child if a DNA result confirms it’s his, the girl told her father and he told the police and they are now looking for him. What I don’t really understand is, if they eventually find him are they going to lock him up or forcefully make him marry the girl. Well, why bother, whatever the eye wants to see is what it sees, David and his crazy libido, it has always gotten him into trouble. At times I wonder where he got it from. Our father only as 2 of us, that I know of, I say that because latterly estranged children have been popping up left right and Centre. Maybe David was adopted?
Kola and I have a lot to sort out, we definitely don’t have a contract with Teni’s husband anymore, she’s called me yesterday to say she went back to him, she didn’t want us to get involved in her marriage, she will sort the guy out in her own time. That took me back to Nneka and her husband. Nneka was really determined to see her husband hung or jailed for life, he must have really abused her. It’s difficult to imagine a loving couple getting to a point where they wish each other dead. A lot of water must have gone under the bridge. I hope that’s not what Teni meant when she said she will sort him out. I guess the saying is true, when you chase a goat to the wall, it will turn back and attack you. This life is really complicated…..hmmmmm

MRS- hallelujah!! Praise be to God Almighty, Babs called that Pamela had a baby boy at 4am this morning. The boy is so big, Pamela and the bay are doing great, how just rushed back and got there right on time. He will call us once she’s well rested do we can all talk. He told me he had called everyone round.
Well, am so existed, Mr. agreed for me to go to Dubai to have the baby, I leave tomorrow evening, the PJ arrives in the morning, Yes!!, Mr. flies in, a week from now, he must be with me in the delivery room. According to our doctor’s calculation, because my periods are irregular, it’s really difficult to pin point exactly when I got pregnant down to the day, but from the size and development of the baby, am due before the end of the month or latest first week in October. I know, the spectrum is wide but who cares, the baby is doing excellently well, am perfect , so all that’s left is for bambino to meet mum and dad and what better place right now, than in Dubai with Toke.
Am sorry am going on about this but I can’t wait, I will leave Mr. and His mum to sort themselves out, if she likes she gets out of hospital, if not she stays there, am not going to tell her am leaving, my excuse when she finds out, the doctor said no sudden surprise news because your BP is borderline HBP, Ckikena.
Babies just keep dropping, ours next by God’s grace. Anyway, I was just thinking about our brief sojourn in England, can you imagine Pamela and Ken, the guy who is heterosexual one day, Bi sexual the next and plain gay the day after. Mr. also informed me Ken is like a high ranking officer in a cult. Men! Looks can be deceptive. Ken, fine boy no pimples, tall, rich and smart, if any ladies meets that one, she will kneel down and thank the Lord that brought this wonderful man into her life, unknown to her, she has just gotten herself into a life full of misery.
Church was interesting as always, the sermon was about forgiveness. The pastor explained why it was compulsory for us to forgive. He said God Almighty made it a point of duty for us to forgive all those who trespass against us before we come to him in prayer asking to be forgiven. He also pointed out that most of our delays in life is because of the lack of forgiveness we have in us. Each time we are about to get our blessing , not forgiving pulls us back, the resentment , bitterness eats us up and all we can think of is hate, revenge instead of love, peace and joy. He asked us to search our hearts, Forgive all those who have offended us, make up with them, call them, email them, whatever you’ve got to do , do. He said. At the end of service, everyone was quiet, when he asked us to close or eyes and raise up our hands if we have someone we haven’t forgiven, I quickly opened one eye to take a sneak peak, o my gosh!!, in a church of almost 1000 people, maybe about 100 didn’t raise their hands, God help us all…..hmmm

Day 314
MR- I am going to miss my baby, she’s off to Dubai this evening. I wish I hadn’t agreed for her to go but that would just be me being selfish. I know she’s tried and she needs a break from my mum, although I won’t admit that to her. It’s not all doom and gloom, Kola and I are flying out next weekend, not private but commercial, hmmm, this life, Mrs. gets to fly private and we have to ‘molue it.
Anyway I drop her off in a few hours, the good thing is she packed only a hand luggage, Toke said she has already gone shopping for her, not necessary to bring any clothes. Lucky woman.
Uncle J called me yesterday night to come over around 8pm, I got there and he had 2 other guys and a very pretty lady with him. He outlaid the plan and said there was no going back now, 10 of them have to disappear for the cult to collapse, he showed me the names , I didn’t recognize any until I got to the last one, Ken. I cleared my throat, I wanted to say something but everyone was glaring at me not starting. So I kept my mouth shut. From what I could deduce by 6am tomorrow morning they will all be missing. I was petrified, I couldn’t ask if it meant finally or temporarily, I just thanked him and left.
When I got in the car, I dialed Sandra’s no, then I cut it off and I redialed it, what was I going to tell say to her. Was it Hello Sandra, your man Ken is about to die or go missing permanently? I cut the phone off again, but she called back immediately. I said I was sorry I dialed her by mistake. She said Okay and dropped the call. My conscience was pricking me badly, am I going to let Ken go missing possibly die, the guy we ate together, stayed in the same house when we were in London, a friend of some sort. I had to call Kola, his no wasn’t going, I tried again, it just rand out, when I tried the last time , a strange voice picked it and said , please stop caller this no the owner is in police custody and he dropped the phone. I almost hit the car in front of me. I parked, called back again, the angry voice screamed, what? I asked which police station, he shouted it into the phone and dropped the call before I could ask what he did.
I turned the car around, raced to the station, I still spoke to Kola yesterday night, how did he get to the police station. I thought to call Tammy, but she might not know yet, didn’t want to alarm her. I called uncle J, his PA said he was in a meeting, he will call back after, I told him it was urgent. I arrived at the police station, thankfully I had Mrs. Range rover with me, walked in majestically , the recruits behind the desk , jumped up and said welcome Sir, I demanded to see the DPO, I was showed into his office, he greeted me well, sked me to sit down. I told him I was here to see my friend who they said was in police custody.
He asked the desk sergeant to bring the man that was arrested with the phone I called. I was asking the DPO what he did, he said he stole N100, 000 form a shop , What I exclaimed , you can’t be serious. Just then the man was brought into the DPO’s office, I looked back and there he was, O my gosh!!!………hmmmm

MRS- Am leaving for the airport in a couple hours. All packed and ready for Dubai, am already missing my boo. But I take consolation in the fact that I will see him in a week.
Erica called, Tamara and Robert are doing extremely well. Robert starts a prep school in a week and EG has asked her to get a nanny to help out with Tamara, he wants Erica and him to tie the knot in a quiet ceremony, just 2 witnesses. So Rukky, her mum and Dad are flying to England in 2 weeks and the ceremony will be performed by a pastor EG knows in London. Just a garden ceremony. Erica is so excited, she wanted us to come but I told her I was almost due and besides am on my way to Dubai tonight, unless, she can convince EG to get the ceremony done in Dubai. She thought it was a great idea, she will speak to EG, see what he thinks, it would be wonderful because Toke, myself, Mr. and Kola can be in attendance. Well, we’ll see how that goes.
MR spent the better part of yesterday evening appealing to me to go see his mum before I leave, he would have continued to plead until midnight, if Uncle J hadn’t called and asked him to meet him at 8pm. Mr. didn’t come into the house until 11.30pm yesterday night , I was really getting worried. He arrived, kissed me good night and fell asleep. I guessed he must have been really tired.
I went to see my MIL this morning, as soon as I walked in, she said she wasn’t hungry the hospital had fed her. I smiled and said Mama it’s okay I didn’t bring food, just some fruit. She said thank you. I sat down for a while, asked how her health was and all. I could see she was restless, she said I could leave cos she wanted to sleep. I said it was okay, when she’s asleep I would go, when I saw that she was getting really agitated, I told her I was leaving. I went to the reception and sat in a corner. About 10 minutes later I saw Sisi boss, with a lady carrying a food warmer. I waited for about 10 minutes, then went back to my MIL’s room. I saw her balanced in front of pounded yam, huge turkey legs, fresh fish and vegetable soup, I guessed the lady with Sisi Boss was the caterer, I heard my MIL say to her , please bring Moin moin tomorrow morning and yam pottage and fresh fish n the evening. As the lady walked out , I walked in, looked at Mama and said, hmmm, Mama, am glad you are better now, don’t let me interrupt your feast, have a good evening and I walked out.
I laughed all the way home, only God knows what she will be thinking now, well it wasn’t too long before Mr. called me and said, “What happened at the hospital” I asked him why? , He said his mum called him, she was crying on the phone saying he should not believe anything I say, I have never liked her and I just made up whatever I said to get her back to the village.
See me see wahala, I wasn’t even planning to tell him anything, well, let me leave Mama and son to sort themselves. As for me, Am out………hmmmmm

DAY 315
MR-Wow! It was Kola alright, but thank goodness it was Kola our former driver, I must have dialed his no instead of my Kola’s no. I smiled and the DPO and sergeant were looking at me strange. I didn’t bother explaining. Kola the driver, was already prostrated flat saying “Thank you Sir for coming to bail me out”. I had no choice, I sorted his bail and got out of there. I sat in my car laughing and laughing, then made a note never to panic like that again, I could have had an accident or worse. Anyway I took consolation in the fact that something good came out of it, Kola the driver, must really have some angels watching out for him. I also made a mental note not to tell Mrs. ever, she would poke fun at me , then tell me off for trying to kill myself with panic.
I dropped my baby off yesterday evening, it was good to see the PJ again, hmmm, loads of money is good, I watched as she walked up the stairs, turned round to wave at me like Michelle Obama does when she’s getting on Air force 1, I smiled and thought, that’s my girl, show them how it’s done. I stood in the VIP departure lounge and watched as the jet soared into the air, as it head towards Dubai, with my beloved wife and child.
First thing this morning around 4am, she called to say she had arrived safely and was in the limo Aakil sent to pick her up, she will call back once she’s had a rest. Thank God for journey mercies.
I went back home after I dropped Mrs. off, sat in the lounge, asked for Barbequed salmon and greens with a class of mixed fruit. Switched the channel to football and watched Nigeria Cameron, the score was 1-1. Very interesting match, at least Nigeria scored first. The house was quiet Sabrina and David are trying to work things out, he took her home on Sunday. She accepted to try and see if he had changed. I was thinking, trust me he has, with law enforcements, a bitter pregnant woman and her father looking for him, he has no choice but to change.
Well the day ended well, I fell asleep on the couch, when I woke up it was 1am. I just went back to sleep. Mrs. would never allow me to sleep on the couch, well yesterday night I was free to do as I please on the couch , so I milked it……..hmmmmmm

MRS-Yeah!! Am here in Dubai, I just woke up now the time here is 6pm, it qould be around 3pm back home. As I opened my eyes, I looked around the room, o my, it is twice as big as our. The bed am on can sleep 5 people comfortably. It’s so soft, the pillows are feather, the sheets are silk and the duvet, heavenly soft. All white with exotic lace trim. The carpet is white and fluffy, when you stand on it barefoot, you can see your feet, they sink into it. The Bed is a poster one, with damask drapes tired back on both sides. The settee in the corner seats about 7 people. Don’t get me started on the bathroom, it has an amazing round hot tube, a whirlpool; Jacuzzi, and a 4 point shower, the kind that spray out wayet form the top and all around you, The toilet seat , heats up and squats warm water on your privates once you are down with your business. Toilet roll like cloth, branded with a crest of AKTE, Aakil and Toke, o my gosh, Wow! When we stayed in their villa on the palm islands last time I thought I had seen it all, didn’t know I was just begigning.
Aakil and Toke were waiting outside their castle when the limo drove me in to the amazing compound. She practically jumped on me, o my she had changed , put on a bit of weight like me but looked so gourgeous, Aakil looked as handsome as ever, our tall handosme , posh Arabian in-law. All I wanted to do was sleep, they took me to the bedroom. A maid and porter brought up my hand luggage. The maid ran me a bubble bath , while I looked around, the wardrobes were full of clothes Toke had bought, sandals , slipper, clothes, English , Arabian, night wear, jewelry , makeup, handbags, everything was displayed . I actually thought it was hers but she said “Don’t be silly Sis, they are all for you, we got them a couple of days ago”
I actually had a smile on my face as I fell asleep, thinking of all the amazing luxury that surrounded me, this was going to be a swell time, our bambino was truly a blessed child. Oh! Before I forget, did I tell you there is an adjoining room to this one, guess what Toke and Aakil did we it….They turned it into a nursery for our bambino……hmmm

DAY 316

MR-Yep! Its official, my Mum discharged herself yesterday and came to our home, she said the doctor said she could go since she was better. She claims she tried to call me but I didn’t pick her call. I checked my phone, I didn’t see a missed call from her neither did I see a text. I got home around 5pm this evening and found her, Sisi boss and another women called Aunty Flora. All sited in our main lounge, drinking red wine and watching African Magic. Even we the home owners don’t drink in the main lounge cos the settee is cream cloth and oak wood. I almost passed out. But seriously people, how do you tell your mother of in front of friends. I called my mum to please excuse me for a few minutes I needed to talk to her. Do you know what she said, she said speak son, this are my sisters, your second mummies, So I said its okay , it could wait. I went to my room and cringed. This was going to be a long, long day.
Anyway before my mum’s drama at home. Mr Jegede came to see me in the office, Nneka’s husband’s court case started off today, the judge has adjourned it for 2 weeks and he wants forensic evidence and photographic evidence of the crime scene. Mr. Jegede said we needed a plan to save Nneka’s husband or he will hang for sure. I told him Mrs. was the one close to them and she had gone out of the country.
I barely knew the man, but why doesn’t he speak to Uncle J? He said he wanted to handle this on his own, but now he thinks he might have to involve him. Nneka must have people in high places, it’s as if she just disappeared from the earth. Her bank cards have not been used, her bank account is intact and even her children’s school, have not seen her. He said all the kids phones were being monitored. She hasn’t been in contact with them, nor her mother even her phones have not come on since she disappeared. The only person connected to her that we can’t find is her sister, Nkechi.
Mr. Jegede went on to say that Nkechi comes up twice in this investigation, first the police claim she informed them her sister wished to be cremated. Secondly she was the one who visited the morgue for the dead body, CCTV captures somebody that looks like her, Mr Jegede got a picture of Nkechi form Nneka’s husband for comparison. But now she also is gone with the wind…..hmmmmm

MRS-I slept all the way through, when I finally woke up, had another shower and changed into brown slacks and a long Tee, with sandals, it was 11 am this morning. I felt so relaxed. I forgot to tell you the Bed vibrates and massages the body, it also has a television that comes out of the leg board. Seeing is believing.
I had to walk around the house for a few minutes to find the stairs or elevator that went to the first floor, oh yes the castle is 3 floors high. Well I found the life and remembered Toke said the 4 main lounges were on the first floor, so that where I headed. As I got out of the life I saw, Peju, Fatima, Abdul and Ahmed with Toke and Aakil, they were all waiting for me. Peju and Fatima ran onto my arms, I had to do a double take, O my gosh, they had changed , their skin was flawless , beautiful weave and makeup and they smelt so good. Ahmed and Abdul also came over to give me a hug and gently lead me to a comfy sofa. Aakil hugged me as well and Toke sat next to me and gave me a big kiss, Welcome to Dubai, she whispered in my ears. Peju said they came around 9am but found out I was still asleep so decided to wait.
Toke said we could all have brunch now and that I must be famished. Now back home brunch was something light probably 2 course meal that would be fruit and a light main meal. Brunch in Toke and Aakil’s castle was like a 10 course spread. First the dining table sat 20, then the food was spread from the begging to the end. I was surprised to see Jollof rice, pounded yam and efo riro, moin moin and fried plantain. Toke said since she got here, Aakil insisted they also hire a chef who could cook our local dishes, he didn’t want her to miss home too much. There was also humus, Nan bread, with shredded lamb and mint sauce. So much food. And that wasn’t all, there were fruit cakes, chocolate cake , fruit platter, Hagen daz ice cream of 4 flavors, fruit wine, coffee, hot chocolate and green tea.
The truth is just smelling all the food, I was suddenly very full. In short it took me 10 minutes to actually make a choice and when I did it was just grilled fresh fish, plantain and some nice pepper and onion sauce. If this is how we are going to eat here, am a size 12 now by the time I go back home, I might just be knocking on 18 or 20……hmmmm

DAY 317
MR-Yeah!, am in serious trouble I got home this evening and I found that Sisi boss and Aunty flora had been moved in to our house by my mother. When I asked her what she was thinking she said this was her son’s house and she had the right to invite her friends for the weekend. I said she did not, she had to take my permission first. Then she broke down crying and said my wife even controls me for afar, that this was not me talking, the Me she knows will never argue with her or disagree with something she does. Can you imagine what my mum is doing to me. She would never try this if Mrs. was around, Oh! How I miss her terribly.
The worst case is that she made some concoction, mixed with dried fish and vegetable. And she and her delirious friends were trying to force me to eat it. Sis boss went on about how my mum slaved in the kitchen for hours to make sure I had something nice to eat when I get back not all that nonsense Mrs. Makes the chef cook for me. Aunty flora intervened and said children of now a days are really ungrateful. I just held my head and left, went up to my room and prayed to God Almighty for patience before I strangled somebody.
Mrs. called to find out how I was, I just pretended like I was great. My mum stood at my door, knocking for 10 minutes and shouting my name, I didn’t answer her. Thankfully since Mrs. has been pregnant, she insisted we keep snacks in the fridge in our bedroom upstairs. So I had plenty to snack on. And eventually I will sleep without going down stairs. I think once I wake up tomorrow I will decide what to do about my Mum and her 2 musketeers.
I would have called my father but am worried about his heart. He’s far away in the village, my mum’s issue and wahala without me adding to it can tip him over the edge.
Uncle J called me and said it was done. I said thank you Sir and dropped the phone. 10 minutes later I called back and asked what was done? He said, was I aware his department had a dungeon where people who need to disappear are kept. Some could be there for years and no one will know where they are. That’s where the guys have been taken. Only him, a couple of his guys and myself know about this. I thanked him and dropped the phone, at least they were still alive, my conscience was clear.
Then something occurred to me, my mum and her friends, maybe I could get Uncle J too……hmmmmm

MRS-Woke up this morning and Aakil and Toke called me to come down in shorts and a cardigan, we were going out. We had breakfast and got in the Ferrari. It was red and the seats were amazingly comfortable, contrary to what I thought. Aakil drove fast but carefully. Before I knew it we arrived at a helicopter pad. I asked where we were going, Toke said Abu Dhabi, we were off to see Abdul and his family, it was his mums birthday and she was hosting family, they want to meet Fatima’s family as well. Toke and you are her Aunties so we’ve got to go , Aakil said.
You know the thing is when you think your farm is huge, just get to see someone else’s farm and you will be amazed. We took the helicopter ride to Abu Dhabi. On the other side another Ferrari was waiting. Also red. And we drove to Abdul’s parent’s estate.
The first thing we saw as we drove into the estate were horses, everywhere, all running wild. Aakil said Abdul’s family bred race horses and they were also polo champs. We drove up a long windy road within the estate gates and arrived in front of this magnificent castle. Am sorry, I know I call all the houses castles but what do you call a house that rises 4 floors off the ground and it would take you 20 minutes to walk around it. Come on people that’s a castle.
There were more than 20 cars parked, all some of the most expensive cars in the world. Most I had only ever seen in American movies and probably James bond films. Anyway a butler opened the car door helped me out, and another helped Toke out of the car, we were then led through the house into a magnificent garden. Almost 40 people were milling around all dressed in western clothes. I recognized All Aakil’s family who were there. They all came towards me kissing and hugging me and rubbing my tummy. They all wanted to know when I was due . Aakils sister said i was getting a baby shower this next weekend, I said thank you it wasn’t necessary, she said of course it was. And that was sealed.
The party was lovely, a few minutes later Fatima and Abdul with Peju and Ahmed arrived. They all came to sit with me. Food, drinks, cake and all it was a very lovely day. Around 4 pm Aakil said we should head back, Fatima and Peju were spending the night in Abu Dhabi. We flew back on the helicopter, this time it landed in Aakil and Toke’s back yard. Yeah!, would I want to go back to my country . I was just Imagining Mr. saying , Hey baby, let’s go to a friend’s party and hey presto! We are flying there in out helicopter. Or baby what do you want to do this weekend, and I say, go shopping in Paris. Gbam!, my personal private jet was taking me there. Ha! Ha!!, Lord have mercy.
As if Aakil heard my thoughts he said, Tomorrow is Friday, how would we like to fly to Paris for the weekend, we will be back on Sunday. His father has shares in the best hospital in Paris in case I go into labour. With that I laughed to myself and said Mr. me my darling, I think you and your Mama are on your own for a very long time, this was definitely the life…….hmmmmmm

DAY 318
MR-woke up very early this morning to call Mrs, I miss her so much, I found myself staring at her side of the bed and cuddling her pillow. I found myself gisting her abut how I fantasied about uncle J making my mum and her friend disapper for a few days, she confessed she also felt like calling him for the same thing. She told me about their trip to paris tonight and her trip to Abu dhabi, I wishi was there amd missing out on so much fun.
But I did have some fun of my own with the 3 musketeers. I plaued some mischieve on them. The last time I went to the states , I bought a device that lets off different sounds to scare off intruders. As I saw the 3 musketteers as intriders I decided to use it on them, so around 2 am , I put on the gun shot sound. Come and see race, my mumwas the first to come knocking on my door, I didn’t answer, then before long I heard Sisi boss voice, then Aunty Floea, all shouting my name and asking wat kind of useless sleep am sleeping.m mum was shouting Ole, arm robbers in our compound , someone call the police, the didn’t have the no, auntyflra said they shold hide because she heard they rape people. Sisi Boss said over her dead body, my mum said well we better hide then. So they scampered off. Before long they were back with one of the maids who kept trying to use the spare key to open my room , in short until 5 am before I switched of the gun shot sounds .All this while I was speaking to Mrs. on the phone and we were laughing our heads off. After I dropped the call. I had a bath, got ready and left for the office around 6am before they could accost me.
By 7.30 am my phone was ringing off the hook, I didn’t pick it up, different unknown nos called me, I still didn’t pick it. i was sure they were sisi boss and aunty floras nos. By 9 am, the secretary buzzed me and said my mum and 3 women were here to see me, I asked her to tell them to wait , I was in a meeting. I packed my things and let through the back door. 2 hours later my secretary called to tell me, my mum got upset walked into my office and found it empty. She then yelled at the secretary for keeping them waiting for an empty office. She said she tried so hard to convince my mum she wasn’t aware I left but all fell on deaf ears.

Bas I drove out of the office , I had called Kola and asked him to meet me at celias café. A nice quiet library café. Where you can read, work and eat at the same time. We sat there for most of the day, talking to clienst and arranging meetings. Kola was a bit sleepy. Since Daniela was born he had been sleeping wel. He volunteeriere tot feed her , Tammy exreacts her breast milk and it keeps well in the firdhe, he also has to rock her to sleep. Sometimes she doent nod of until 2 am. As Kola poured out his story of feeding breast milk, changing diapers and rocking to sleep. I couldn’t wait for our babay to come. We finally had lunch around 5pm and after we both drove home.
As I as driving hoem, was on my way As I as driving home I actually prayed aloud that my mum and her cronies had moved away to a far place. But alas! I was in for a big shock. As I drove into our compound, the 3 of them were sited outside in the front garden, they didn’t even let me park my car, when the lashed out “What kind of son are you, how could you sleep through all the killings yesterday” I looked at my mum and asked what she was talking about, Aunty Flora said, “are you telling us you didn’t hear the armed robbers shooting the whole estate up yesterday night?”. “Aunty I didn’t, I had my ear plugs in and the AC was on, what happened? i hope nobody was injured” My mum just kissed her teeth and said and “by the way why did you keep us waiting in your office for hours then disappear?” “Mum I wasn’t in my office, I do apologize and next time call me before you come over so I can confirm if I will be in”.
Just then a hefty looking man with biceps the size of ‘keke napep’ tyres, came out of the front door. “Who is this?” I asked. “Well its Sisi Boss boyfriend, she thought he should stay here for a few days to protect us, in case the armed robbers come back. That was the last thing I heard before I hit the ground and blacked out…….hmmmm
MRS-Ha! Ha!!, I can stop laughing, Mr. told me how he and My MIL have been battling it out. The strange thing is she is just being mischievous because she will never have brought all her friends home, if I was around, on the other hand am glad Mr. can see things for himself, at least yesterday I got an apology even when I confessed I was also thinking Uncle J could kidnap her for a few days. But seriously if she goes on the way Mr. described yesterday, that might be our only option.
Hmm, Paris is amazing, we landed early this morning, a limo took us to the four season’s hotel in Paris. its amazing, my suite has silk beddings with, trimmed with blue satin. A large bouquet for flowers, a basket of fruit and chocolate was waiting for me in the room. The view is breath taking, street lined with trees and beautiful off white magnificent structures. We haven’t gone out yet, am currently soaking in the tub and writing in my diary, the tub would fit Mr. and I perfectly, we must come back here together, I remember my Mum used to say “See Paris and Die”.
Before we left Dubai yesterday, Aakil’s sister Jemima, came over. she had a list of activities that were going to take place at the Baby shower. She then said the only one change is the prayers, she’s getting a Christian pastor to do the prayers. First she won’t tell me the location or what time but what she volunteered was it will be something amazing. Toke was with us and after Jemima left. Toke told me about one she attended recently. “It was done in a customized 747 jet flying around. There were about 50 women and it was so cool, before they knew it they all landed in Singapore, A hotel reception was waiting for them and they had the Baby shower, spent the night and flew back to Dubai the next morning. Imagine Baby shower in Singapore. We all got 24 carat Gold trinkets with our initials engraved on them, to say thank you for coming. Some have it on a huge yacht sailing around and all sort”. She said when you have stupendous money, there is hardly anything you can’t do……hmmmmm

The “New” Mr and Mrs Diary….DAY 319-
MR-I had my eye open a bit, My mum was running around and shouting “bring water, bring water, yeah my son, wake up, what did you do?” I could hear them but I intentionally pretended not to. The big guy with the ‘Napepe’ biceps lifted me up as if I was a baby and took me inside and laid me on the couch. Sisi boss was fainting me, I didn’t move, then my mum took my phone and found our doctor’s no.
10 minutes later the doctor came, At this time my mum and her friends were crying. The doctor instructed them to take me upstairs and asked everyone to excuse us. Then she called my name and said Now tell me what’s going on? I opened my eyes slowly to make sure everyone was out of sight. When I told her all that’s been going on. I couldn’t take it anymore. I pleaded with her to say I was really ill and I had a mild heart attack from stress but she refused, she said the best she could do was to say, I passed out from shock and they needed to give me some space to rest. Which was the truth? She also said she can through in that she had to sedate me so I can recover quickly.
As soon as she left, my mum and the others came into my bedroom, I didn’t even move, My mum goes “Sisi Boss, I think we might need to give him some time, he seems really stressed, I guess he has been working too hard? Sisi Boss said “Ore mi, it’s not work, he misses his wife, you know this young men , when they are active and miss sex for a while they get really stressed/ I wanted to scream, it’s not work, it’s not missing Mrs. , it’s you guys, leave me alone. But I was supposed to be sedated, so I just kept quiet.
Then Aunty Flora said she had a concoction that I could drink that will make all the stress go away. She said she will call her driver to bring it. Anyway, after all of them coming up with what they thought was wrong with me, they filed out and left me to sleep. I sat up on my bed and held my head. This fainting thing didn’t work. I really didn’t want to use my last straw plan but I’ve got to before they really drive me insane. Tomorrow and going to see Uncle J, operation ‘Mamas x3’ must disappear, is going live……hmmmmmm
MRS-woke up yesterday morning to the smell of freshly baked croissants and bread rolls, home made jam and French toast. Omelets made with prawns and mixed peppers. Went down to for breakfast on the lower level. Toke and Aakil were there with another lady I later found out was Aakil’s cousin. She spoke French like it was her mother tongue. After breakfast, we went sightseeing, first to the Eiffel tower, the Louvre where we saw the best collection. Then champs –Elysees, there we went shopping. It’s usually referred to as the most prestigious street in Paris. We ended the day with a boat ride where we had proper French lunch , lots of Fish and tiny little snails which I hear is a major delicacy in Paris, by the time we got back to the hotel I was knackered.
Just as I was about to settle down my phone rang ,I thought it was Mr., I didn’t even look at it , I just said “Hello me love” and I heard Mr. Jegede say sorry Ma’am , this is not your love. He said he called to say Nneka’s husband appears in court tomorrow and he hasn’t found Nneka yet but he believes that if she’s not found he will go to jail or be hung for murder. I asked if he had any idea where she might be, he said he didn’t. At this point, she could be anywhere. Said I would talk to Mr. and get back to him. I went to Bed woke up this morning and it was time for us to fly back. We left the hotel around 7am and by 1.30pm we landed in Dubai. Flight time was under 7 hours.
Once we landed I wanted to go out shopping for some under wear that fit. The ones Toke got me were a bit too big. I had slept on the plane and was fully rested. Aakil and Toke were watching movies so as soon as we got into the house, they excused themselves and went to bed. The chauffeur was instructed to take me to Emirates mall. I got there and walked around a bit. It was a delight to see so many people from home speaking in our dialect, laughing, and shopping. I decided to get myself some frozen yoghurt from the food court once I was done shopping. There was a short queue. I told the last person I was behind them and went to sit down near a couple of ladies. I touched the lady backing me and said, “so sorry Miss, is this seat taken?”. She turned around looked up at me and my jaw dropped. “O my gosh”…….hmmmmmm

DAY 320
MR- I got to uncle J’s office around 7am, bright and early, sat in my car listening to music waiting for him. Yesterday, I bluntly refused to come out of my room until it as time for me to go to work. When I came down around 10am, Keke Napep biceps was massaging Sisi boss on my pol lounger, my mum and Aunty Flora were sunbathing. I almost pulled my hair out, when it Gods name did my house become an Old Peoples home. That was the final straw.
My mind went back to Mrs. Call, she gave me great news and she had found who we were looking for, just like that. That gave us something else to talk about besides my mum and her cronies. Kola wasn’t feeling well yesterday, he had a fever, so wasn’t able to come to the office. Tony came to the office from site, he gave me a card. He was getting married in December. He promised to bring the lucky girl to meet us soon. Sandra called and said she needed someone to talk too. I asked if everything was okay, she said No, Ken was missing, his phones were all switched off and he hasn’t been home for a few days. She was really worried. I told her I was off to a meeting will call her back after. The truth is I didn’t want to see her, I wasn’t sure I could keep a straight face and lie that I knew nothing of his disappearance, when I did.

Around 8 am Uncle J drove in with his escorts. He was surprised to see me. He dismissed everyone and asked what he could do for me. I told him plain and simple “ Uncle , I want my mother , her 2 friends and a giant , abducted and locked away for a week or two” , he took a look at his computer to ensure it wasn’t the 1st of April, then said “Son, what’s going on , start from the beginning. So I spilled by the time I was done, all he said was “ROJA THAT.”
He called a couple of his covert ops boys. The plan was set, tonight and not later than tonight ‘Operation 3 musketeers and a stooge disappear’, will be executed……hmmmm

MRS-…..Nneka!!, O my gosh, What are you doing here? How did you get here? Why?. I asked her so many questions at once, the poor woman didn’t know which one to answer first. She got up and gave me a hug and asked me to sit down. She introduced me to her sister Nkechi, the one everyone has been looking for.
Please let me explain, she said. She started bt apologizing to me for getting me and my family involved in all this. She has been in touch with her gateman, who was sworn to secrecy. He has been keeping her updated as best he can. Her hubby was a beast and she will gladly see him jailed for life. I asked how she knew he will be jailed and not killed. She said her lawyer said because her body has not been found the judge can’t send him to die.
At this time I was feeling really uncomfortable, so I asked them to come with me, we got in the car that brought me and drove to Tokes place. She and Aakil were still in their private wing. So we sat in one of the lounges downstairs. The chef came to ask us if we were hungry, I said yes.
We continued with our discussion, I asked where they were staying, they said a place called Sharjah. How long had she been here?, she said 2 weeks. I had to ask her the main thing that had been bugging me. Was she bipolar? Did she have episodes of delusions? . She smiled and asked if her husband had been talking to me. He makes up this sob story of how am off my medication and I see things that are not there and say things that didn’t happen. He abuses me almost every day, you won’t believe what he has put me through.
“I have you, Pastor and Tammy to thank for liberating me, I didn’t see it, I felt if I just behave, if I just do what he wants, if I just conform, he won’t have cause to hit me or slap me or kick me. But it never worked, the more I tried to please him in one area, he will accuse me of missing it completely in another area. You should see the x-ray of my body I took recently. Do you know how many hair line fractures I have? You won’t even believe if I told you. My head has been battered so much. It hurts just to run. I would not do this to an innocent man. All I want is for him to go to jail for a couple of years, then I will turn up and say he didn’t kill me and he can be released form jai. But at least he would be out of my life for good.”
I thought about what she had said, I asked how her children will feel, especially when they are not aware he abuses you. She shuck her head and said she couldn’t think about that now, in time they will see the true picture, for now she had to think about staying alive and being their mother for a long time. But then I said , “My dear don’t be too sure, you might lose them altogether , what if they can’t forgive you for sending their father to jail, especially if they don’t believe your version of the story? She paused for a minute, looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, “You know, you have a point, I didn’t think of it that way”…hmmm

Day 321 and 322
MR- Honestly even I can’t believe am about to let my mum and her friends be abducted intentionally. I just couldn’t take it anymore, I mean there is so much one person can take before they finally crack. I cracked and I really did it bad.

It was a well laid out plan, at 1.30 am I turned on the gun shot sound. As expected , my mum and her friends ran out of their rooms and I could hear, Napep biceps ask them to go back in and stay under the bed. Shortly after I heard other voices, obviously Uncle J ‘s boys, about 10 of them in masks came up the stairs and blinded folded each of us, I inclusive and bundled us all into a waiting van.
After about an hour’s drive, we were all taken into separate rooms. A few minutes later the guys came into mine and asked me to come with them. Through a glass window I could see my mum, sis boss, biceps and aunty flora. All blind folded in different rooms .
My mum was crying and shouting for me and so were the other 2, biceps was shouting release me now or else. I actually felt a bit sorry for them but it was too late now, the deed had been done.
I was released and asked to go home and also to see uncle J the next morning for an update.
As I drove home I felt a bit guilty. How could I arrange for my mum to be abducted? What will I tell my dad? I didn’t actually think this through properly. Or did I, maybe I just had enough.
Now the deed was done, I just had to suck it up and let Uncle J do his thing.
Mt baby called yesterday night just as I got back from the detention centre. She noticed I wasn’t talking as lively as I should, she asked what the matter was? I just told her it was nothing. She is going to find out anyway, so I might as well tell her, but how. I will have to come up with a plan.
Kola was feeling much better today, he thinks that he might have eaten something that didn’t agree with him. He said he had flu like symptoms and also threw up a couple of times. But thanks to the family doctor, he was looking slick and span.
You won’t believe I haven’t actually told him the plan yet, that’s very unlike me, tomorrow I will do just that. All this happened day before yesterday.
Yesterday I went to see Uncle J, He said “your relations were settling in fine. Biceps got a few slaps for being disruptive but he settled down quickly after a few and some frog jumps. your mum is crying a lot. Sis boss and aunty flora are asking how much we want, that you are very rich and would pay anything. so that gave me an idea. When we decide to release them we will tell them you paid the ransom and because you have money, we are coming back, so you can pay a second time, your mum, if she loves herself, should disappear from this city. That should get her running back to the village”.
I was so happy for the first time since the abduction, I felt it was the best decision I made. I thanked him , called Kola and asked him to meet me I had jist for him. I got to the arranged point a few minutes later Kola joined me. I told him what I did, he must have laughed for 3 minutes. When he was done he said Bro, I didn’t know you had it in you. I looked at him smiled and said I didn’t know I had it in me either. The question now was how long do I keep them there, maybe a few …..hmmmmm

MRS – Nneka and Nkechi, stayed until Toke and Aakil came down. I had filled Toke in over the phone about meeting Nneka and her sudden disappearance. So it didn’t come as a total surprise when I said this is the lady everyone thinks is dead. But that didn’t stop her from narrating a bit about her life for the past 15 years .
When the marriage started off, her husband was amazing. He dotted on her , treated her really well. The change came on him when the children started coming. She wasn’t sure if it was the children that changed him or she did.
She remembers he complained that she had put on weight. I had to look at her twice, she was boney. I think she knew what I was thinking, because she said “oh he beat all the flesh off me. From when our first child was one. That’s when the beating started. He will take off her glasses, put them on the table. Then give her a couple of dirty slaps. From that he moved on to punches, then out right beating. When he was done the maid will bring Rub, a hot towel and some pain killers, to nurse her back before he returns from work or there would be more trouble.
He wanted everything perfect, he wasn’t proper OCD, but he was Border line. I asked her, if she was missing her children and how many she had, she said 4. I had only seen 2. She said the rest were in boarding school. Her husband wanted them away from home, so he could keep busing her systematically and lie to the children.
I was curious, I asked about her family, mum, dad, siblings. She looked at me and shuck her head, they were all fine but because he has been responsible for their upkeep all this while, they are afraid to ask him. “The only time my father came and saw bruises on me, he asked my husband what happened to me. My husband said I was clumsy, I keep falling down. Do you know what my day said. He said yes, he remembers I use too be very clumsy when I was a little girl, falling all the time, tripping over mostly.. Can you beat that? I never was clumsy”
Only God and you guys liberated me. I am free now and he’s going down for murder. I didn’t know what to say to her after that, I didn’t think her husband should be killed for this but I had to think.
Before all this I noticed, there is something going on Mr. hasn’t been himself. I called him day before yesterday, he was a bit cagey with his answers. Anyway whatever it is I know am going to find out.
As of this morning, things are working out for the better. God always works out things in the end. Nneka is very fortunate, Aakil heard her story form the horse’s mouth and has promised her a house and scholarship for all her children. He also promised her a job with his communication company in Dubai. If she agrees to go release her husband, he said even if she wanted him to fry the man was still the father of her children and they will never forgive her of he dies for something he didn’t do.
It was as if an angel descended , she agreed to go back home on one additional condition, that her husband stand up in court , admit and apologize for all the things he did, because right now he keeps denying and saying she is bi-polar and that she was just making things up. Also a restraining order and she gets sole custody of the children until they are 18. He would have visitation rights only.
I called Mr. Jegede and told him the good news, he was ecstatic that he will not be found guilty. He said he will take the offer to her husband and get him to write an undertaken , which will be recorded by the courts and the police , if he defaults on it he will be sent directly to jail……hmmmmm

DAY 323-
MR-Things have really gotten out of hand. My dad called and said he was coming to our place on Sunday. He has a check up in the city for Monday morning. He asked me to send my driver, cos he hasn’t travelled long distance with his driver. I really tried to dissuade him but al fell on deaf ears. He asked me why he couldn’t get in touch with my mum for a couple of days , I had to make up a story about her phone having a problem and she was currently spending time at Sisi boss place. He asked if I had another no for Sisi boss cos her no wasn’t going through either. I reminded him the network was always playing up and that he should keep trying , I was sure he will get through soon.
At this time I was sweating, I hadn’t made up so many lies at once, in a long time, I honestly can’t remember the last time I had to lie like hat. That wasn’t the problem, the issue was he was coming to town on Sunday and he knew Sisi boss place. Even if I stall him for a day or two , by the 3rd day he will know something is up. This is not fair, I wanted my mum and her cronies to at least spend a month in captivity , so she and they will never repeat , this craziness. Now I had to call uncle J to sort things out.
Hmmm, I did call him this evening, he =is phones were switched off. I called his PA he said he was summoned by the president and he wasn’t sure when he will be back. I asked if he could estimate when, he said the last time there was a crisis and he was called to the presidency, he spent 6 weeks and he was out of communication. I screamed what? . I asked if he knew anything about the people being held. He said he was sorry, that was above his pay grade, I was not dripping water, sweat was an understatement, the only thing the PA could offer was, if Uncle J called , he will tell him I called and it was really urgent.
Yeah! Am in hot soup now 6 weeks, in 2 days my dad will be here, what am going to do, o no , what have I done, I couldn’t concentrate , I waited for Kola to get back form the meeting he went too, then we went to a lounge and I poured our everything.
He looked at me and said Bro, am sorry , I need to be honest with you, right now I hate to be in your shoes, you are totally in deep ……hmmmmmm

MRS- Things are really heating up now for my baby shower. Toke and Aakils sisters still won’t tell me where t is going to be but I overheard Aakil talking to the pilot of his jet that he should get the plane ready for tomorrow morning. I did ask Toke if Aakil was travelling, she said No, why I ask?, I said nothing. If he’s not traveling then who is and whom is he getting the jet ready for. Hmmm, I can’t wait for this anyway tomorrow is just a few hours away . God keep us till then.
Nneka and Nkechi, got on emirates, today for home. She called when she landed. Mr. Jegede showed up at the airport to pick her up. The case is on for Monday. So he needs to prep her for the stand and go through his questions and her answers. Didn’t remember to ask of her husband agreed to all the terms, at the time she flew out he had agreed to apologize in open court. One wonders if he’s doing it so she will come back and he will be vindicated or he sincerely wants too. Well am not in a hurry to find out. Monday is around the corner.
Erica called, she had good news/ EG has agreed they solemnize their marriage in Dubai, its holding the last weekend of this month. Toke and I were really happy. A small wedding, hmmm, that sounded nice. Toke already sent the name of Aakil’s event manager to Erica. We don’t have to do anything, all Erica has to tell the EM, is her theme and they work the magic and make it happen. Money, hmmm, very good to have it.
Mr. finally told him he organized for his mum and her friends to be Abducted, I couldn’t believe my Mr. had it in him, O my gosh!!, I could only imagine what my MIL and Sisi Boss were going through. I wonder who will take their orders there. The way Mr. described the dungeon, am so sure once they are released, even her friends will relocate with her to the village Ha! Ha!!.
Mr. felt a bit apprehensive, he was worried and asked if he did the right thing, I asked my darling if the abduction will achieve his purpose, he said it will, so I said case closed. He definitely did the right thing.
To be honest, when he dropped . I said to myself, I hope he did …….hmmmmm

DAY 234-
MR-Oh no!!, this can’t be happening at this time, Kola called me this morning saying that Tella was found Dead in his apartment. His driver turned up for duty waited down stairs for an hour, didn’t see his Boss Tella and then decided to go inside the house. There he found Tella dead on the living room floor, he had been shoot and the gun was left next behind. O my gosh! that’s so terrible. I can’t help but feel sorry for him. Yes, he was a thug, an errand boy to the mafia and a fraudster but no one deserves to die that young.
Kola said the police are calling his death a suicide but I know he didn’t kill himself because Kola said the gun was in his right hand but I know he’s left handed. I wonder who killed him, he must have so many enemies. The police will have a really hard time solving this, Thank God Rukky left him and went back to the states. Only God knows how she would have taken it. Not even sure if she has heard the news. Am not going to tell her.
I still haven’t gotten Uncle J, this is not good at all. One day left before my dad arrives. Anyway am just going to have to come up with something really believable. I don’t want to say they were kidnapped? That will sound ridiculous and unbelievable. How can they kidnap my mum and I will keep it from my Dad and David. David, hmmm, that reminds me, he doesn’t even know what’s going on. He took Sabrina on a weeklong vacation to The Gambia, they needed to rekindle their love, Running the club and all, had sort of put some distance between them, I suggested a gate away, am glad they are not here, it wouldn’t have been this easy.
You know this is what happens when you react with your heart and not your head, giving myself high blood pressure and palpitations. what was I thinking?, now Uncle J is incommunicado, it’s late now and he’s not back, by 3 pm tomorrow I will be sitting in front of my father , either lying my head off or telling him this crazy story about having my mum and her friends abducted. Even am not looking forward to that. I can just see the look of disbelief on my dad’s face, He will probably ask for his glasses to reconfirm if I was David or not. Cos only David pulls such crazy stunts.
Yeah!! Am in serious trouble. Please God help. Now am calling God Almighty, Why didn’t I call God’s name and ask him for the way forward before I did this, I certainly can’t blame this on the devil or can I ? …….hmmmmm

MRS- Just Guess where I am right now, it’s totally unbelievable, we are in New York. My baby shower is going on down stairs, I just had to excuse myself to write. Its past 12 midnight here and we are still going strong. We left around 2 am yesterday morning, the flight was just about 13 hours. We had a party on the Aakil’s plane, danced and watched movies . Just 20 of us. It has been amazing. We are staying at the Park Hyatt hotel. The girls hired one of their banquet rooms. All decorated in white lace, balloons and flowers. It had a huge white cake with strawberries, cream and peaches all around it. Honestly I can’t even explain this one cos I was gob smacked.
Let me just tell you some of what I got. Aakil and Toke gave us an apartment in jumeriah, it’s a 4 bedroom furnished apartment. The title deeds in our name was handed to me in a white silk envelop. One of his sister’s gave me a Gucci pram, buggy and car seat set. I got 6 suitcases of baby clothes, each labelled with age. 0 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months , 6 to 9 months, 9 to 12 months , 12 to 18 months and the 6th suitcase said ‘Mum to be’. In each you had all the clothes in neutral colors that a baby would need within that particular age range.
Aakil’s parents gave me a car to a brand new Range rover vogue, I already have a sports now this it is equipped with a car seat and home entertainment. They are also shipping it back for me. The other sister gave me a gift voucher for Louis Vuitton for 2 thousand dollars, asked me to go treat myself. Peju and Ahmed gave me a savings pass book for me and it had 100,000 dollars in it. Fatima and Abdul, gave me vouchers to get first class ticket for 3. Mr, our new baby and me, to Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Toronto, Jamaica and London, o my gosh! That’s apart from all the other little gifts, shoes, toys, cards and all.
When I got to the room now, I knelt down and thanked God, you know sometimes when your enemies are chasing you all over the place, little do they know they are actually moving you closer to the great things God had in store for you. Aakil walked into Toke’s life when we were in exhale, running from SF and Godfather. See what’s coming out of it now. Thank you lord…….hmmmm

DAY 235
MR-My dad is here o, he arrived this afternoon. Thank God he is looking well , really fresh and agile. He hasn’t gone to the issue of where my mum is, so am still pretty relaxed. There is light at the end of the tunnel, Uncle J sent a message that he will call me first thing on Wednesday morning. Thank God, at least now all I have to do is stall my dad until Wednesday.

Kola dragged me out yesterday evening, he felt I was too tense and I needed some relaxation.we went to that club we went ,when Aakil and Ahmed were here. We got there around 8pm it was not that full, we found a nice VIP corner and sat there. Kola ordered for champagne and meat on sticks with some barbeque ribs. I sat there listeneing to the nice afro beats. A couple of pretty ladies walked past shaking all their mama gave them. I looked a bit but I promise I didn’t steer. Damn!! They were fine but I reminded my sled I had the most beautiful damsel on my hands so what was I commiting lookery for.
The fod came , we settled into it . then this 2 ladies came to ask if we wont mind them sitting with us. Kola looked at meand I him. We both said okay. They joined us and started eating part of the ribs. After a while , they asked us to dance. We left our table and went on the dance floor. We danced for a while, then we went back to sit down, as we walked towards our table , a lady accosted me and asked if she could talk, Kola said No, but I said it was okay, he should go ahead to the table .
The lady flirted with me for a few seconds, asked if I was taken, I said yes I was, she rubbe her hand up and down my chest , then said too bad for me. Gave me a peck on both cheeks and whispered in my ears, “some guys laced your drinks when you were dancing, be careful handsome”.
It took a few seconds before it sunk in, I raced back to the table, Kola was already drinking the champagne, I slapped the drink out of his hands onto the floor.the girldd picked up their bags and ran. I got Kola up took him to the car and drove like a mad man to the hosepital. After test , the doctor said he was given a date rape drug. I had to laugh, I only ever heard of guys giving girls , but this girls planning to rape us? The doctor then enlightnend me better.
They planed to get our sperm , inseminate themselves, then get pregnant for us and we are trapped, DNA will proof the kids are ours,how do we then deny it. He said it didn’t matter that we don’t remember sleeping with them, the truth is we wont be able to proof it either way.
O my gosh, this country was going crazy, you cant even go out on a nice quiet date without getting raped or becoming a babay father……hmmmm

MRS –O dear my!, am just waking up and trying to adjust to the time difference. We are in Dubai now and all I want to do roll around in bed and eat ice cream. Toke got the chef to make home made ice cream for us. It was lemon, strawberry and babana sorbet. Hmmm really nice. I also have a graving for peanut butter covered chocolate, the only thing is I don’t really want to get fat am already a size 12, I hope I can maintain this size cos I here getting big is easy but loosing all that weight would take a lot of time.
All the gisfts are being put in a container, Aakil wants me to wait for a while befire they ship it. They want to fill it with more goodies for the baby and i.
Erica, EG,Robert and Tamara are all arriving next week Thursday.the wedding is on Saturday. Rukky, Pamela , babas and their parenst should arrive on Saturday. Mr , Kola , Tammy, DANIELLA AND Jnr will be ehere on Wednesday . not sure if Sabrina and David will make it, someone as to stay with My FIL . but all in All they stay in our new apartment in Jumeriah, the rest can stay in one of Aakils guest houses on the palm islands. Mr doesn’t even know we are hime owners in Dubai. I haven’t seen it, Toke said we can do that tomorrow once am we;; rested.
Me , luxury holiday apartment in dubai, hmmmm, God is awesome…….hmmmmm

DAY 327
MR-Kola came to our house very early this morning, he didn’t look good. He came up to our room sat on the sofa and just stared at me. I asked him what the matter was. He just kept shaking his head and looking. Now I was really worried. Then he looked at me and said imagine Bro I almost got raped. What are you talking about, I asked. Well he reminded me of the girls in the club. I looked at him and asked if he was okay, that was 2 or 4 nights ago. He looked tired and worn out. He then told me he doesn’t think he was okay, Daniela is not sleeping at night. Poor Tammy has to breast feed her all day , so at night I volunteer to help out but even I don’t get to sleep more than a few winks , so during the day a sleep working. Bro I think am hallucinating. We both hugged each other and laughed, I was next, I better start getting ready for the sleepless nights.
Anyway that kind of kicked off our day. We decided not to go to the office early. Kola wanted to catch up on a few winks, I had my dad to sort out. This was around 9am, my dad was still in bed. So I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast sorted. I wanted to surprise him with breakfast in bed. The chef had already cooked boiled yam and garden egg sauce. So I carried it on a tray with a cup of tea with lemon and honey and went up to his room. I walked in and put the bed tray on his lap. He was so happy, he said the last time he had breakfast in bed, was in Germany at the hospital.
I sat with him as he ate, he talked about David, and the sort of father he will make/ he asked me to talk to my brother. He wasn’t worried about me becoming a father but he was really worried for David’s child, he thanked God that he had a mature wife, so he believd the wife might have a fighting chance of being raised properly. I asked him not to worry that God always have a way of working things out….hmmmm

MRS-I went shopping this afternoon, with my protruding tummy against protest from Toke and Aakil, I needed to get out of the house, I really didn’t need anything but I just wanted to go to the Dubai Mall, so Aakil asked one of the maids to go with me. I could have walked 5 minutes when my legs gave way and I had to sit down. It took me 30 minutes to recover and then was able to walk back to the car. Now they have insisted am not going anywhere until the bay comes. Their doctor came over to check me and said I was fine but I need to take things easy.
Rukky called, she’s back home for Tella’s burial. I can believe he’s dead. He kidnapped me, drove us into exile and turned hunter for the Mafia to smoke us out, then he changes and gets with Rukky, I personally don’t think you can leave the Mafia once you’re in, even if you want too. All the same, I didn’t wish him dead even though he wished us dead.
Mr. called and told me what his dad said when he found out he arranged for his mum to be abducted. I couldn’t believe it, he’s a correct Papa. He also expressed his fear that he never wanted us to get to a place where he would want a break from me. I said a prayer to, asking Gid to give me the grace and wisdom to be a good wife and a wonderful mother, and for Mr. and I to be happy till death do us apart. God help us both…..hmmmm

DAY 328-
MR – Yes Oh! Uncle J got back, Hallelujah, he called me around 10am this morning, I rushed over. When I got there he asked what the matter was and why did I need to speak to him urgently. Well I was a bit more relaxed now knowing that my day wasn’t actually bothered about my mum being in detention. I was now torn between my mum and my dad. First I asked how my mum was doing. Uncle J called the man in charge of operation Mum must be abducted. He came over and said my mum was okay, she wasn’t happy, yesterday she had a tummy ache, a doctor was called to examine her and gave her some drugs besides that , no problem. Because Uncle J told them they were not criminals , they were just been held for serious child harassment, they were put in the VIP wing, so television was available in a common room and the food was not half as bad as general population.
Now the dilemma was, do I dance to my dad’s wish and keep my mum there until Sunday at least or get my mum out right now. I thought for a while , then decided to spend tonight contemplating what to do.
Tellas burial held this morning as well, when I left Uncle J’s place , I swung by Rukkys parents place and picked her up. He was held inan Anglican church in the scentre of town. Surprisingly by the time we got there the chuch ws packed full. A lot of important dignitries and famous people were in attendance. The service had just began, we saw his family sit up front. As we walked in, one of them, I later learnt was his younger sister, cme to get Rukky and I and led us to the front row. His mother and siblings hugged us both and we sat down next to them.
A friend of Tellas called Dayo , gave the eulogy. It was touching, I almost thought it was made up. This couldn’t be the same care free, crazy, mafia guy we all knew. Dayo opened up tellas life like I never knew. He lost his father when he was 15. He was left behind with his mum and 3 sisters. He left secondary school got admission into univseristy immediately. He started selling stuff in school, he would make , pies at home and supply the cafeteria ad shops around. Soon he was selling 100s a day. The money realized he used to support his mum and sisters. Hs mum was a caterer but due to diabetics she got tired easily. Tella would drive his fathers old pick upvan, he employed some young men who baked the pies in 100’s, e will distribute to loads of supermarkets, then go off to school, that’s how he paid his way through. After school, he set up a bakery and he ran it successfully. From there he set up a scholarship fund for poor neighborhood kids, employed their parents in the bakery.
He didn’t stop there, he did so much, spent most of his money giving back to the society. My mouth was wide open as the guy talked.
It was so surprising at the end When Dayo said he was a product of Tella’s scholarship programme and today he works with shell. I had tears in my eyes. I had judged Tella by his bad acts alone. I never sat t ask him why he did those thing she did, am not justifying bad acts but probably if I had gotten off my high horse , I wouldn’t have been so quick to condemn him.
God rest his soul. The man Tella actually did more good than harm and was a blessing more than anything else…..hmmmmm

MRS- I had a false labor this morning, actually felt this terrible cramp in my tummy, I screamed. Toke panicked and I was rushed to hospital, only to be told it was Braxton hicks contractions. They were lasting for 30 to 60 seconds. Really painful. If this was a sample of what was to come, I think am going to ask about caesarian.
Erica, EG, Tamara and Robert arrived this afternoon. oh my , Tamara and Robert have grown, I almost didn’t recognize Robert. Honestly I thought I detected a hint of british accent. They are stying with us in the main castle. Aakil insisted because of the children. Robert is here with Aakils nephews of the same age gropup. Running around the whole place. I love children they have no inhibitions, one hello and they gel.
EG AND Erica have a dinner for this evening to introduce them to the family. Toke planned it, we are using the 24 sitter dining room. The chandeliers alone must have cost millions. Am not exaggerated. When Toke showed me the grand ball room, it completely took my breathe away. Gold and black everything in that room. Aband is coming to play and caterers are already sorting the food out. Its kind of like a pre wedding dinner. Mr and Co arrive tomorrow with Rukky. Their parenst and Pamela and the baby arrive on Friday, I think. All in All we are all going to be tighter again. Its going to be a fantastic reunion…….hmmmmm

DAY 329-
MR- Ha! Ha! My Mum and her cronies are out o, I have set them free. She was looking so sober when I saw her. Well let me not jump to the end, I will explain how it all went.
We were supposed to be in Dubai this morning, leave yesterday and arrive today, but I had to move it to tomorrow to enable me get my mum and co out of detention. Remember I told you the plan for the abduction. Uncle J had said when its time for them to be released. they would be informed I paid a hefty ransom for them and also warned not to remain in the city but relocate to of town.

Well that’s exactly what happened around 12noon, I got a call asking me to pick up my family members from a pin pointed location. I rushed there and acted all panicky with Kola, we found them hands tied sitting together in a bush clearing. I rushed to my mum, shouted, “Mum oh my gosh, I have been so worried, we have been looking for you everywhere, hope you are okay? As I untied her, Kola was untying the others. My mum just looked at me and kept shaking her head, I asked if she could talk she said yes in a very mousy voice. Biceps, thanked me for paying the ransom and asked if I could give him some money to get a cab, which Kola did give, Sisi Boss and Aunty Flora were just thanking God and thanking me for paying. We all got in my car and I drove them home. My dad was also waiting. He hugged his wife, gave her a kiss and everyone wanted to have a bath, so the maid took the 2 friends to the guest chalet and my mum went up with my dad to their room.

As soon as they were out of sight, Kola and I busted out laughing. You should have seen my mum, walking as if she had been beaten seriously. I know for a fact that they were all treated with care based on Uncle J’s instructions. Kola said her actions were reasonable, she had to ‘demo’for us, as Kola put it for us, so we could feel sorry for her.
The chef made them a nice lunch of ponded yam, egusi soup and fresh fish. Desert was fruit and lots of it. By the time they all came back to the dining table. Sisi boss announced she was going to her home town for a while and Aunty Flora was coming too. My mum looked at my dad and said she wants to go to the village. My dad did a double take and touched my mum ‘forehead, he asked her if she was sure her head wasn’t hit while she was in detention?. My mum said it wasn’t, she likes the village fresh air and she wants to go spend some time. My dad suggested she wait for a week or so while he finishes his checkups, my mum said No, shes off tomorrow morning, my dad can meet her in the village…..,this was really interesting, what a change , My o My , there and there I saw the power of detention, now I had a serious weapon of persuasion……hmmmm

MRS-MYy boo cant make it in tonight, he had to go get his mama released from detension. I am so missing out. I wish I could be there to see her face when she finally gets home, having been warned to disappear from the city ASAP.
Wee are not bad children you know, we just have to find ways of dealing with impossible situations. I asked myself if my child did this to me what will I do. I could only rationalize It , that one, I wouldn’t give my children the kind of stress my MIL gives hers and two, if it happens like now, the best is to never let them find out it wasn’t kidnapping but arranged , planned and plotted abduction.

The Pre wedding dinner was divine. Just 25 family members, 7 course meal. No point listing it all,, but trust me it was food out of this world. The wedding is on Saturday. Pamela, Babs and their parent flew in today, Aakil put them up in one of his villas on the palm island. Each house has its own private beach front. It was so good to see Mummy Pamela with the baby and Babs, they all looked so good.
Erica, Toke and I would have gone shopping but I have been confined to the house, they went out and came back with loads of stuff. Mostly clothes for the children to wear to the wedding.
The contractions are still coming but few and far in between. My hospital bag has been packed, in fact 5 bags were packed and put one each in 5 separate cars. Aakil said when I go into labor, no one would have time to think which car, just grab the key and drive to the hospital. I sometimes feel stingingly rich people always come up with such ridiculous idea to justify their waste of money…..hmmmmm

DAY 330
MR- YEAH!!! Oh my goodness, check out our new apartment, its amazing, am sitting on our verandah of a beautiful high rise luxury apartment, writing in my diary and I can’t see the end of the sea. Yesterday night, I came out here to write and get some air but I slept off, just woke up about a few minutes ago. The ocean stretches for miles. The golden sand and blue waves slowly hit he shore and slide back into the sea. The breeze that comes all the way from the ocean hits on your face as you stare out into the horizon. I bet if I kneel down here and pray, it will be direct communication with God. Wow! God bless the day Tella and his cronies drove us into exile.
Kola, Tammy and the kids, all decided to stay here with me, Mrs. has to stay at Toke’s because the baby will be here in a few days. Am moving back to stay with her tonight, I just wanted to enjoy our new pad for a night. I’ve also seen her new range rover vogue, fully loaded with child safety options and inbuilt home entertainment, wow!!, we are just so blessed. I have told Mrs , am giving away 2 cars at the Ngo when we get back, to thank God Almighty for all we have and to bless 2 lucky people., How many cars do we need , we already have several.
Anyway before all that, My mum packed her bags yesterday evening, made me get the driver ready to take her out of the city first light. She wanted to leave at 4am but I insisted daylight must be seen first. We were leaving for the airport around 9am. She was shaking and at hearing the slightest noise, she would panic. My dad asked her what the matter was, she said she was still reliving the day she was abducted. In short before we left she and the driver were already on their way to the village.
David and Sabrina came back right on time, they arrived yesterday night, cuddling, kissing and all. Sabrina had put on more weight and her baby bump was more obvious. My dad will have company while am away. David has decided to hand over the running of the night club to a manager, to give him more time to spend with Sabrina and to minimize his exposure to all the girls. I thought that was a great idea……hmmmmm

DAY 331 AND 332
MR-Today is the day, Today is the day that the lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it, today is the day that the lord had made , I will rejoice and be glad in it, today is the day that the lord has made.
Praise be to God Almighty, our new baby arrived 10pm last night, weighing in healthy, looking all handsome, a bouncing baby boy. O my gosh! I am so excited and I just can’t hide it.
Well before our bundle of joy popped out, here is what happened.
The wedding was on Saturday as you already know. Around 2pm 4 Range rover limos arrived at Aakil’s place to pick us all up. I didn’t even know range rover made limos. Anyway we proceeded to the hotel Burj Arab, where the wedding was taking place. Wow! as we entered into the ball room , it was as if we just stepped into Paris, it was exquisite. The band was playing, the pastor waiting, Aakil’s family were already there, it was divine. The pastor prayed. Joined them together as Man and wife, then the reception started at the same venue.
Then to all our amazement , we heard the voice of Maria Carey singing “Always be my baby”, oh my gosh!!, come and see screams , she came into to the ball room, I had never seen her in real life, we all got and sang the chorus, “You will always be my baby tudududu tududu …..”
We danced and danced, Maria was awesome, she looked fabulous.
Our Table had every on it, Kola, Tammy and the kids, Pamela Babs and their baby. the next table had Rukky and her parents. It was a very happy family reunion.
As for the cake it was so long it took a few minutes to set it up. We ate so much and drank loads. Mrs. was wobbling to Maria’s songs, Maria came round all the tables and signed autographs, wow!, it was one of the best wedding parties I had ever attended.
Then the take away gifts, every single person got a Rolex, at the back was engraved Thank you for coming with the couples names. Also a goody bag filed with the Apple phones, The latest IPad, perfumes , and chocolates engraved with the couples initials .
We left around 10pm. Kola and co, had gone to our new apartment. Mrs and I were at Aakil and Toke’s Mrs. wasn’t feeling too well. I was a bit worried, she brushed it off and said it must just be because she ate too much cake and ice cream.
We went to bed, around 3 am, she woke me up and said she thinks the baby is coming, I was so confused ran out of the room , down the long corridor, up the stairs down again, didn’t know the way to Aakil and Toke’s quarters , then couldn’t find my way back to our room, so I had to start knocking on all doors, finally I got to the ground floor and the butler opened his door, then he called Aakil on the intercom and took me back u 2 floors up, to Mrs.
She was already having contractions, Aakil was lifting her off the bed, the butler and I took over. We got into a Mercedes Benz 500 and drove to the hospital. They were already waiting for us, Aakil had called ahead. Straight into a private birth suite. This was around 4 am. Mrs. Contractions were coming every 20 minutes, she was about 4 cm dilated.
We all sat, well I didn’t sit, I kept breathing with her, as we had been taught in ante natal classes. we did that all night until the morning, Toke had slept off on the sofa bed provided in the suite, it was so large it had a bedroom areas and a lounge areas for family.
Anyway around 3 pm in the afternoon yesterday, we were all worried cos Mrs. was only 6 cm dilated, she was so tired. The doctor had a meeting with me and Aakil, at my insistence. He asked if we wanted cesarean, I asked Mrs. , she said no, she wanted to have her baby naturally, if she could, so the doctor gave her some more epidural and the pain got a bit better, by 7pm, she was 8cm dilated and by 9,15, she was fully dilated, then the pushing began.
I held her hand, she almost squashed the life out of it, am still nursing the pain now.
But Alas by 10pm, our bambino finally made a grand entrance, he was so big, I felt so sorry and proud of Mrs. for pushing this bouncer looking bambino out. Wow! I didn’t understand the joy you feel when you see your flesh and blood for the first time, until he was wrapped up and handed over to me, this love, I don’t even know where it came from, just came all over me, he opened his lungs and cried, it was heavenly, I didn’t know when I fell on my knees with him in my hands, tears of unmeasurable joy and thanked God Almighty.
I got up handed him to Mrs. and she cried too, Toke and Aakil were instant God parents. It was so magically and miraculous. Watching Mrs. and our bundle of joy.
Am still in the hospital with them. They are both asleep. The doctors took our baby into the baby room, to give Mrs. some time to rest, she was so drained and tired. Am laying down next door, writing and praising God.
Thank you lord for the privilege you have given us to be Parents, we do not take it for granted at all, We promise to be amazing Godly parents , to lead our son in the way of the lord, so that he will not depart from it, Hallelujah !!!!!!……hmmMM

MRS- My love, arrived yesterday with Kola, Tammy, Daniella and Rukky. Great, all staying in our apartment. My love came back to Tokes yesterday evening, am getting really wobbly, this baby is dropping any minute now.
The 2 wedding is this afternoon at noon, it holds at the Burj Arab, I saw Erica’s dress, it was divine, a classic Vera Wang dress, with off the shoulder arms and a low back. Ivory satin with lacy and white diamonds. Erica tried it on for all of the ladies and we all gasped. I wish I was getting married to Mr. again, I would totally wear this dress.
Erica looked amazing, being in England for a few weeks also made her skin glow more. The ivory sat on her beautiful mixed race skin, her naturally hair hung long and curly down her back, sitting on her head was a 24 carat tiara with stones lining the front. Toke and Aakil gave her a pearl necklace and erring set, it matched perfectly.
Jnr looked as cute in his black tuxedo as the ring bearer. EG is so happy, he sat me down and said how much he loved my mum. She will always be in his heart, every day he looks and holds Tamara, he see my mum in her, her beauty, her gentleness and the joy she gave him all shows in Tamara. He wanted me to know that he will always be my dad and always be there for me. He thanked me for giving him my blessing to marry Erica and for finding out Robert was his son. I made him the happiest man alive right now. Erica was a very wonderful girl, he said. He fell in love with her the first time he saw her. He really wanted to marry her then, but Josh mother was a very stern woman, she would have torn her to bits, he was also in a political office at the time, a scandal like that would have messed up a lot of things. He regretted the decisions he made then. But he was extremely grateful to God for a second chance to redeem himself.
After he spoke to me, I pondered on his words. The truth is that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But thankfully, the lord gives us the opportunity to redeem ourselves, by asking for forgiveness, repenting from our old ways. We have the opportunity approach the throne of grace and find mercy and favour in time of need. Thank you lord for giving us all a second chance…..hmmmm

DAY 333
MR- Congratulations have been pouring in, am so happy, everyone is sending messages, they are so happy for us. From America, to England to back home our phones have been ringing off the hook. We thank God almighty for his grace.
Mrs. is recovering really well, the doctor wants her to stay in hospital to rest for a few many people want to come visit but under strict instructions from the doctor she is not allowed to receive visitors yet. The hospital is so efficient and so posh. The way everything works so seamlessly. Our baby is in a baby ward, he’s washed, feed by extracting Mrs. Breast milk and then am allowed to feed him too.
Hess already looking bigger, we can’t wait to take him home. I got a surprise call from Lemmy, you remember him Josh brother, EG’s sons. They were supposed to be at the wedding but Lemmy has been with Josh in Scotland for a while. Apparently Jane and Josh were having serious issues and Josh asked Lemmy to come over. Lemmy called to congratulate us, he said his father told them we had a baby. He also told me Josh and Jane have parted ways. When I asked why, he was a bit hesitant to tell but I pressed.
He said Jane never got over me, she was always comparing Josh with me, at the slightest provocation, she will flare up and my name will come into the conversation. Josh got so frustrated, he called me and I flew out to Scotland to try and smooth things over but even I could see, it would never work out until she got over you. So he agreed with Josh that they should go their separate ways.
I was gob smacked, Jane? What’s wrong with that woman? that was how she made my life miserable when we were in exile in England. Anyway I thanked him and dropped the phone. Madam Mabel called, she wanted to say hello to Mrs. but she was asleep.
My Dad called he was so excited, already has a name for his first grandson. He prayed for Mrs. and called her blessed. He also thanked God Almighty that he was alive to see the fruit of his fruit. My mum also called, she was so happy and proud of me. I told her we should be back in a few weeks then she can come over. She hesitated then said, “my Son, I don’t think so, I developed this back ache that will not let me sit down in a car long distance”. I said Mum are you okay? I was really worried. Then she said she was. And suddenly it dawned on me that she was still afraid of the kidnappers and the warning they gave her not to come back to the city.
This was serious, I hope this does not backfire. How do I convince my mum to come down without revealing I was behind her abduction? I know they say when you get to the bridge you will consider how to cross, not this bridge, I need to start considering it right now……hmmmm

MRS-Hallelujah, sing praise to God Hallelujah, I am now a mummy of a beautiful bouncing baby boy. He so handsome, looks so much like Mr. Now I have 2 loves of my life. Am so happy.
Hmm, Labor was worse than I heard, I remember my mum and tammy trying to describe the pain like really painful period pain, they were wrong, it’s so intense I almost passed out. I now understand when some mothers curse their children out with the day they gave birth to them. It’s not easy to push that big weight out of you, A child has no business being rude or taking its mother for granted. Carrying you for 9 months, nursing, breast feeding, raising, feeding caring, the list goes on and on. Then the child will now sit back comfortable and open its mouth and be rude. God forbid.
Speaking of mothers, I miss my mum so much, I cried yesterday night just thinking of her and remembering all she said to me when she was alive. She would have been so happy, we had so many plans of raising Tamara and my baby, we would go shopping every year in America for them, we debated which country had the best clothes for children and eventually America won. The schools they would attend, places for summer vacation, Orlando Disney was the first on the list. We even went as far as saying we would rent a 5 bed house in Davenport, then hire a jeep and go to Disney every day. Starting with Magic kingdom, o my gosh!, I remember telling my mum about the Lobster restaurant on route 192, where you get a bib and hammer to eat your lobsters. Wow, who am I going to do all that with?.
It’s so painful now more than ever, the truth is am grateful for the close time we spent together, at least I forgave her. What if I didn’t? We always take people who are with us for granted, we should never to that, because once they are gone that’s it.
I remember an uncle who lost his wife. They were married for over 30 years, he said the thing he regretted most after his wife suddenly took ill and died in her 50’’s was that he never got to walk into the kitchen , hold her from behind and rub her back and say well done my darling, something as simple as that. He said he always thought about cuddling her from behind but he never did, now she’s gone there is no more time. He said he always though he would go first because he was much older than her. But God decided when its time, its time.
He regrets it so much that he has not missed an opportunity to do something for someone, right there and then, he never prospones, he just does it. He does not want to have any more regrets, he’s in his early 60’s now.
Dear God, please help me to appreciate the things I have with me and teach me to not take them for granted and love them with all my heart. Thank you lord…….hmmmmmm

DAY 334
MR- We all left the hospital yesterday evening, when we got to Toke and Aakil’s they had a welcome home God son banner, balloons and food everywhere. Everybody was there, EG, Erica, Robert, Tamara, Kola, Tammy, Jnr, Daniella, Rukky and Aakil’s sisters. Rukky’s parents went back and Pamela, Babs and their baby also had to fly back yesterday morning. The love radiating from everyone was divine.
I had earlier gotten a call from the office back Home, a couple of detectives came looking for Kola and I but were told we were out of the country, they left a message that we must contact them immediately we got back. Unfortunately they didn’t say what their mission was.
My dad called as well, He wants to go back to the village, David doesn’t really have time for him, he leaves him alone with Sabrina all day and once they’ve talked for a bit there’s nothing more to say. David wasn’t me, he was selfish, it would take an act of God for him to try to put someone else first for a change. My Dad said he had his last doctor appointment yesterday, so if I could arrange for the office driver to take him back to the village to be with my mum, he will be glad.
I asked him if he could wait for a few days, I and Kola will be back, Mrs. wants the baby to get its first inoculations before she heads back with our Bambino. But he said No, he will be back when his grandson arrives back home.
Tammy and Mrs. are staying back for a few weeks, the girls just want to hang out. Our baby’s christening is on Monday, Kola and I will head back on Tuesday. Aakil took us to his office In Dubai city. It was a whole building 10 floors, he sat on the top, the penthouse and he had his own private elevator. Aakil’s office was so large, you could barely recognize his face if you stood at the edge. He wants us to consider moving to Dubai permanently. He will make us directors in his company. Set up our own company here, give us a house each and money in our accounts. We were so surprised.
We asked why he was offering us so much, he simply smiled and said God has blessed him so much, he has made a lot of money and his father had a lot of money which he has the only son will inherit. How much can one man spend? He owns building she doesn’t even remember where, he owns 4 PJ, 2 for his father, one for toke and one for himself. He sees how Toke glows when she’s around her sisters, Mrs. and Tammy. He just wants the best for her. If we all lived here, then everything will be perfect. He then said something else that surprised me. He said he had houses all over the world, if we didn’t want to live in Dubai, we could all relocate to any country we choose.
This was too much to digest in one go, we asked that he gave us time to think about it and consult with our better halves. He said we should take all the time we need. Then he handed us keys. Guess what?, he just upgraded my G wagon to the 2017 AMG G63 5.5L V8. AND Kola got his G Mercedes Benz upgraded to GLS 550, 4.7L V8. He took us to the underground parking garage and there they were. We sat in them, gave him a big hug. Then he called 2 guys to go load them in the container to be shipped back home with Mrs. Range and co.
Yes lord, we are truly blessed. That means when we get back, am giving 3 cars way at the NGO…….HMMMMM
MRS-Toke and Tammy are wonderful sisters, not sure what I would do without them around me right now. Yesterday we mastered the act of breastfeeding properly, so that Baby gets the full nipple. I left my boobs out without wearing my nursing Bra and the milk swelled it up and it was so painful. Tammy had to massage them with a warm towel now I feel much better and am aware I have to wear my nursing Bra to sleep.
Aakil’s mum also came over to help me wash and get the baby ready, she’s so sweet and really traditional. She also showed me a few tricks on positioning the baby and co. Toke made me put him on my back yesterday and he slept for a longer time. It was great, felt a bit awkward at first, but then I balanced well and after rocking him for a few minutes he slept off. Wow that was great, cos before that he will sit on the boobs and once I took it out he will wake up and start to cry. Phew! Am delighted now.
Mr. told me the offer from Aakil, it was so generous and tempting, but he said we should put it aside for now, we have the baby’s christening coming up. A lot to prepare for. I really want to fly out my MIL AND FIL , I want it to be a surprise to Mr., The problem is how do I get my MIL to the airport, since she’s decided to stay put in the village…….hmmmmm

DAY 335

MR-Lemmy turned up yesterday night on his way from Scotland. I just got a call on my home phone and viola! It was Lemmy. He stopped over on his emirates flight back home. He was so delighted to see us. He had actually put on weight. Looked very fresh. I went with Kola and Aakil to pick him up at the airport. Got back home to find the ladies al sprawled out with babies in the back garden by the swimming pool having a barbeque.
Aakil looked at Kola and I and smiled, then he said “See what I was talking about. Toke hardly sits out here, but look at her now running around all smiles barbequing away. I love my baby so much all I want is for her to be happy, please guys I do hope you are considering my offer?”. Kola smiled back and said “Yes Bro, we are.”
As soon as we stepped into the garden Robert was the first to See Lemmy, “ Uncle Lemmy, Uncle Lemmy, you came” he shouted as he got out of the pool and jumped on Lemmy still dripping wet. Tammy came over gave him a peck and a hug. Lemmy went over to Tammy, hugged her and then went over to Mrs. , Hugs and Kisses everywhere. Daniella and our bababino were asleep in adjoining out door cots with nets and a light blanket covering them. The Gazebo was huge, so the outdoor garden furniture and the baby cots all fitted perfectly under it. The Barbeque grills were on a little island in the middle of the amazing pool with a bridge over the pool to get off the island. The pool had a bar in it, so you swam up to the bar and requested your drink while still in the water.
Once we all settled down , the four men withdrew to the games room to play snooker, there I asked Lemmy what went on between Josh and Jane. He looked at us one after the other and said “Bro, it was really messy. Josh and Jane have been struggling with their relationship for a while. When he came for the burial, she returned to England and he Scotland, she had changed. The pattern before that was , he would fly down to London every second weekend of the month to spend time with her, and she will fly the last weekend of the month to Scotland to spend time. All of a sudden she didn’t go see him, he came to London and he had to go back the next day because Jane was nowhere to be found, she wasn’t at home , wasn’t picking her calls , so he spent 1 night in a hotel then flew back. She didn’t call him back until 3 days later and apologized that an impromptu trip to Brussels came up at work and she had to leave immediately. He let that slide. Asked why she didn’t come over, she gave excuses, calls dropped to once a week, then once in 2 weeks. When he finally came to London unannounced, she wasn’t happy and told him outright it wouldn’t work. Before then when they had arguments, your name will pop out, she would say things like , Mr wouldn’t do that, Mr. wasn’t like that etc. It got to a stage where Josh snapped and said if Mr was so wonderful, he asked, why he dumped her. That was the last straw. I was there that day and even I knew this would never work.”
“Bro, she’s still in love with you, unfortunately as I know, you have moved on a long time ago. I did tell her that am not sure she could ever have a meaningful relationship until she got you off her mind.”
By the time he stopped talking, Aakil, Kola and I had our mouths wide open. Wonders shall never end……hmmmm

MRS-Lemmy got here yesterday, Robert hasn’t left his side since then, he got Lemmy to come sleep in his room. O yeah, Robert has a room in Tokes house, in actual fact we all do, the house has so many bedroom even I don’t know how many. It’s true what they say Blood is definitely thinker than water. We have Tamara with us, EG and Erica have gone to Singapore for a week’s honeymoon. The love beds wanted to take the children, we had to put our feet down that it would no longer be a honey moon if the kids went with them.
I have been fortunate to arrange with the NGO manager to buy to business class tickets for my FIL and MIL. She would also send the NGO driver and police man to go get them from the village, I spent 1 hour on the phone convincing my MIL that she has nothing to worry about, she won’t be stopping in town, she will go straight to the plane and its business class, so she can sleep flat and that will help her back pain. I knew her back was fine but I couldn’t let the cat out of the bag that I knew she was scared to come to the city for fear of being abducted again. So I had to be cunning and keep emphasizing her back. Eventually I wore her down with persuasion and blackmail, asking her if I had another mother, and that I needed her now more than ever, I even said my son had not had a proper traditional bath, that only African mothers can give. That seemed to hit a nerve.
Thank God they arrive Sunday night and will be driven straight to an hotel. They will emerge early Monday morning at the christening, to surprise Mr. am so excited, Mr. Will almost pass out from shock……hmmmmm

DAY 336
MR- Am feeling a bit down, I wish my parents could be here, this is their first grandson for God’s sake and they won’t even be here for the christening. I was really thinking straight when I gave my blessing for Mrs. to come have her baby here, maybe if I did give it a full thought I would have been a bit hesitant to agree to her coming to give birth in Dubai. Really thinking about it though it could also be selfish on my part if I deny her this priviledge because of my parents. My dad sent names already.
Kola and I sat down yesterday evening on the verandah at our new apartment and we began to weigh what Aakil had said about moving to Dubai for good. This decision will affect everyone around us, including our parents. Kola said it was like being between a rock and the deep blue sea, whichever decision you make had its pros and its cons. We both wondered what Tammy and Mrs. would have to say about this, especially with the NGO.
Mrs. and the girls have their hands full with Daniella, our baby, Tamara and Robert. They have all chosen to stay at Toke’s while Kola and I opted for our new bunk, we needed space to think. Ahmed and Abdul came over last night, they are coming to get us tonight for a club party Dubai style, they said I will blow our socks off, we are really looking forward to it.
Tony called from the office, the police showed up again, they were ununiformed and demanded to see Kola and I. I wonder what they want from us. I need to call Uncle J, to please get things sorted

MRS-it’s really fun out here, even with my fatigue from breast feeding all the time, the company makes it really great, Fatima and Peju are back to Dubai, so they also decided to come stay with us. Poor Aakil he is the only guy at home , but he’s been keeping up with all our demands, when I made fun of him he laughed and said his grandfather became king at the age of 15 and inherited a harem of 120 women. So taking care of loads of women was in his blood, Toke glared at him playfully and he quickly added but it’s not for me, I have all I want in my sweetheart Toke. We all laughed and continued with our gist.
Fatima was telling us how much fun she had with Abdul, “He is a gentle man to the core, his father is so nice, he calls me his princess , he said I was great for his son that since he met me , all Abdul wants is to make me happy. He also said Aakil was leads by example. Peju on the other hand looks amazing, she’s lost weight, looks like a model, Abdul got her one of the best stylist in town to dress her. When she walks into a room you have to look twice before you recognize her. She drives a Ferrari red.
You know my mind went back to Toke and Peju, two sisters raised under extremely humble background and now they are wife’s of billionaires in dollars and pounds. God is great, there is nothing impossible for him to do. And no condition is permanent, When God almighty says yes , Nobody can say No…….hmmmmm

DAY 338-
MR-We wanted to go to church this morning but we could find one, so Aakil called in a favour and a friend called a Pastor who came to Aakil’s and we had a service from around 12 to 2pm. It was different. Sitting on luxurious seats listening to a Pastor preach the word of God. He spoke about trusting God unconditionally. He said faith without works was nil. You can’t go to your farm, stand in the middle. Pray and fast for 40 days and night and ask God Almighty to give you a bountiful harvest without planting anything. That’s what a lot of us do, we pray and fast and then sit on our hands waiting for manna to drop from heaven. He urged us all to make an effort to actually translate out faith into actions. We should not be afraid. It’s better to have tried and failed than not to try at all.

EG and Erica are back, it was a very quick honeymoon, they hurried back so as to make the christening for tomorrow. Mrs. and I were really grateful and felt honored. Preparations have gone on for the party, Aakil got a professional event planner to make sure everything was in order and perfect. All she does is ask Mrs, which colors she preferred. The party holds on the ground of Aakil’s castle, Marquis are already going up, flowers are being delivered, the make shift stage for the band and dancing has been erected, looking out of the upstairs lounge window, I could see them working all through the day to make sure it was ready before tomorrow morning.
With friends like Aakil, Toke, Ahmed and Abdul, anyone would be sorted for life, Thank you God for giving is this privilege……hmmmm

MRS-Yes Oh, my FIL and MIL arrived this morning, thank fully we were preparing for service at home, so I sent Fatima and Peju to pick them up and take them to an hotel room Toke had arranged for the, I promised to see them later in the day. Peju said she will make sure they are comfortable. She and Fatima have booed the room next to theirs for one night. Toke has insisted after the christening they must come and stay in her house.
Peju got back to me to say they were settled in great, she ordered some African food for them and they ate and are just taking a nap now. Fatima and she are still at the hotel, once they are awake they will take them out on a dhow cruise, just to while away the time. She’s sure it would be bedtime once they get back to the hotel, Tomorrow morning they can walk into the christening surprising Mr and everyone else.
Got a call from Nneka yesterday, she’s in London, ran away with the children to London, her husband wasn’t sincere when he pleaded with her that he will change. They still had an altercation a couple of weeks ago and he raised his hand to hit her but one of the children came in and that adverted another beating session. So when he went to the capital for a meeting, she booked them on the next flight out of the country. She thanked me for all my help and said she will be in England for a while and if I ever came down there, I should check up on her. I promised I would do that.
Everyone has one issue or another that’s going on in their lives, may God Almighty not allow issues that2 are beyond solution come our way…..hmmmm
DAY 339
MR- O my gosh, Yes! Yes!! am so happy Mrs. is the best wife ever, the surprise was just too much for me and I passed out. Yes I did, but this time it was for over excitement.
Around 4 pm we were all getting ready to go for the christening, Aakil and Kola had gone ahead to the venue and the rest of us followed around 5. EG, Erica and the children, Fatima was with Abdul but Peju and Ahmed came, Lemmy was there with Toke and Mrs. and our Bambino. From Aakil’s family , All his brothers and sisters came, His mum was also there, Ahmed’s mum and Sister came too, and a couple for Aakil’s friends were also present. As we all sit down, I heard a slight commotion behind, I got up looked back and saw my parents, I just went down in shock. When I came too, Kola was holding my head and my parents were asking Son are you All right. I was ecstatic, I almost lifted my dad off his feet. How did she achieve this without my knowledge, I love this woman to bits, she is the best ever.
My mum looked radiant, I could see Mrs. also arranged new clothes for them, my mum came to sit in front and held our son. The pastor began the ceremony and after a few minutes our son was named. David, Oluwaseyi and 3 other names. But we will call him Oluwaseyi.
Am so happy , it was surreal, am now Daddy Seyi ‘bambam’, he is so big , for a new baby, the bambam , came in as a nickname because of his weight. Ha! Ha!!…..Hmmmmm

MRS- Thank you Jesus, thank you my lord, whatever I am now, it is by your grace…… Am so grateful to God Almighty, we name our baby yesterday and picked one of the names , Oluwaseyi and Mr. added Bam Bam to it.
Well Mr. was pleasantly surprised when My FIL and Mil walked in to the venue, he passed out but was quickly awoken by kola giving him a light slap.
Anyway the ceremony went great, the hall was decorated with ivory and baby blue. Teddy bears everywhere, it was beautiful, we all opted to wear the same colours. White with a touch of baby blue. After the ceremony the reception started, Aakil flew in a life band, they were really good, they sang all the lovely popular songs, the food was a buffet both African, English and Arabian. We ate , danced and ate some more. The nannies came with us, took the children to the suite we had booked upstairs and the we got down on it. Danced and danced. Toke and Aakil had prepared goody bags for everyone.
Each one contained, LV designer bags for women and wallets and sunglasses cases for me, Mont blanc pens for the guys and some jewelry for the women. Perfumes were given out by Ahmed’s sister, designer every single one of them. Gucci Wrist watches from Aakil’s mum at the back it said love form us. Then the God parents, Aakil and Toke said the most surprising of ALL, Oluwaseyi will be in Aakil’s will and a trust fund will be set up for him. When he’s 21 he will have access to it. I almost fainted like Mr, I had to Hug Aakil and Toke and give her a big peck. O my gosh our baby was set for life , no matter what. Aakils mum made it even better, she said Oluwaseyi as her God grandson gets an apartment in their tower, and she handed our tiny baby a key to an apartment on the 52nd floor of their 70 floor apartment building in Abu Dhabi. That was the last straw, I actually fainted. When I woke up I was in my bed in Tokes house……hmmmmmmm
DAY 341-
MR- Mrs and I sat for hour’s yesterday evening, I sat and she fed Seyi bam. At the same time Kola was in Tammy’s room in Toke’s house, sitting next to her while she fed Daniella and Robert was away to visit Aakil’s nephews. What were we all talking and thinking about. Aakil’s proposal. We were stuck, it was so confusing, Mrs. had tears stream down her face a couple of times, saying the words, if only, if only. I asked for further clarification and she said . if only she hadn’t started the NGO, she would be the first to say, Honey , what are we waiting for let’s move. But now it wasn’t so easy. Besides, my parents, Sabrina, David, and all my staff. If we did make the move I will certainly close the office. It would be pointless to keep it running especially when people always want to do business with the owners of the company and not their staff.
But even after all that, we both didn’t have a clue how we were going to turn Aakil down. We couldn’t give him money, we couldn’t give him anything material he didn’t already have or could buy ten times over. The only thing he wants from us and which on a normal day would be a decision we could easily make, we can’t. How do we rationalize that?.
The truth is deep down in his heart it is just an innocent request, not a blackmail or a‘pay me back’ time request but we see it as it is, the one thing we could actually do for him to make him happy. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Who turns down the whole world at your feet for an NGO and family? We do, Mrs. and me……hmmmm

MRS-When God gives you a purpose and you hear clearly from God, it’s what you are meant to do, you don’t do it half way and give up or abandon it because you think something better has come along. God has a divine plan for your life connected to do his will. If you do God’s bid he will do your Bid. The NGO is not just a pet project, it’s a calling and something I must do to fulfil God’s purpose for my life.
Come on! Who won’t want to live in a castle with over 20 bedrooms all huge and luxurious, butlers, Maids, chefs, lawn tennis court, swimming pools, amazing orchard garden. Children’s playground, indoor home cinema and bowling alley, spa etc. drive around in the most expensive cars on the plane. Go shopping in a helicopter or fly private jet everywhere. Have breakfast in Dubai, dinner in Paris or London. I do but what suffers if we make the decision.
I asked Mr. and I to go meet Tammy and Kola, they were in the same dilemma. So we decided to pray and fast tomorrow and make a decision on Sunday morning before Mr. and Kola fly back home…….hmmmmmm

DAY 342-
MR-We prayed and fasted all day today, just broke the fast now. We are all meeting in the dining room for our last inner together because Kola and I fly out tomorrow. We had made a decision and we all agreed that I will be the one to tell Aakil.
Before dinner around 12pm we went to the airport with EG, Erica, Tamara and Robert, they were heading back to England as a married couple, Erica was glowing and EG looked so boyish, he suddenly looked so much younger, I guess marrying a beautiful woman like Erica could do that to you. Rukky and Lemmy left already, my parents Kola and I all leave tomorrow morning. Pamela and Babs and Pamela’s parents left yesterday. Tammy, Mrs. and Jnr, Daniella and Seyi Bam should be back in a week from now.
At 5 Pm we proceeded down to the dining room. Nannies were looking after Jnr, Seyi Bam and Daniella. Mrs. and I got there just as Tammy and Kola were taking their sears. Aakil walked in with Toke and we all saw how she glowed. He was a very handsome man and Toke got more beautiful by the day. Once we were all seated and our orders for starters had been taken, I cleared my voice and said, I had something to say on behalf of all of us. Aakil, stopped me and said before we say anything he has something to say.
“My dear amazing Family, you are the best in-laws any man cold wish for, I bless God for the day I met you all at Oasis beach. My wife and I have made a decision. As soon as she has the twins, she will spend more time back home in Africa with you guys, I will fly in every month , spend a week or 2 then go do business and come back. Africa is our home and that’s where we need to be”. I looked from Mrs. to Tammy and to Kola , all had mouths open. He asked what I wanted to say, I just said it didn’t matter. Their decision was perfect and we would be delighted to have them with us.
O my gosh, Thank you Lord…….hmmmmm

MRS-God Almighty answered our prayers. Just as Mr. was about to tell Aakil what we had rehearsed for hours “My brother, we are so heart broken right now it’s unbelievable. We love you and Toke so much it hurts to say this, but because of various commitments back home, unfortunately we will not be able to relocate at this time. Sometime in the future probably. But now, we cant. We are so sorry to turn you down, this was one of the most difficult decision we have had to make and we hope and pray that you do understand”
Fortunately he didn’t have to make the statement. God just turned things around and Aakil said they will come live with us at home. Wow! That was great.
I couldn’t help but think Toke had a lot to do Thank you Lord……hmmmm with this because , this morning when she came to get Tammy and I for breakfast we said we weren’t hungry , she asked us to come out shopping we said we didn’t feel like and then at lunch we just drank water. She asked if we were fasting we had to say Yes cos we couldn’t lie, she asked why , that’s when we kept quiet. Maybe she took it upon herself to convince Aakil that she would rather go live with us back home. I don’t know what happened but all I know is , God sorted things out the way they should be.
It profs my point. Lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge God Almighty in everything you do and he will lead you on the right path. Thank you Lord……hmmmm

DAY 343
MR-Thank you lord, I am now Baba Seyi, A father and a grown Man, am not sure if I should talk, behave and walk differently but this new status feels really good. we left Dubai yesterday morning, arrived late in the evening and I went straight to bed. It suddenly dawned on me that I hadn’t really slept properly. I have been preoccupied with excitement over Seyi bam’s birth and Aakil’s proposal. Now I had peace of mind because all had turned out fantastically well. Kola is staying at ours, he didn’t want to go to an empty house, he’s fast asleep now. Tammy, Jnr and Daniella are with Mrs, they all fly back in a few days.
We had a surprise waiting when we got home yesterday. My dad and Mum had gone back to the village with Sabrina and David. When I called to ask what happened my dad said he spent a couple of days with them and realized Sabrina wasn’t happy. She would sit with him and they would spend hours talking about David. She doesn’t feel loved or special. He still cheats on her and leaves her alone for long periods of time. My mum and he discussed and they asked if she won’t mind coming to spend time with them in the village. She was delighted too. So off they went. David was mandated to come alone and spend a few weeks. Maybe once he’s out there, all the side distractions will fade away. I pray it works.
The way he has been treating her is unfair. After all, she is carrying their child. I have always wondered why she got with him in the first place. She is very wealthy, educated and older than him. He is broke, immature and unreliable. I guess they say love is blind….hmmmmm

MRS- My love left yesterday morning and all of a sudden I feel really empty. I wanted to go back with him but remembered the doctor’s advice that Seyi bam must get his first injections before we travel. Besides his passport isn’t ready yet. The container also left on Saturday, with 3 cars and a whole lot of stuff, some other nice things to look forward to.
Seyi bam is a handful, he eats all the time, falls asleep on the boobs as soon as I take it out he wakes up and begins to cry. i know I said breast milk for a while but might have to consider mixed feeding at this rate.
I stood in front of a mirror in the bathroom yesterday and looked, my tummy has gone down a whole lot. Toke got us an instructor, we have exercises every morning, by the time am done, I will definitely be back to my normal size if not less. This is important for me, I don’t want to feel fat and frumpy because am now a mummy. I want to keep looking great for myself first and then for Mr.
My mum , God rest her soul, sat me down one day and said , life is unfair, the man puts the amazing seed in you, you carry it for him , then give birth, you have to then work doubly hard to get back to your normal figure, all to please him, so that he would not be turned off. I ask why in God’s name should he be turned off, when he was the one who turned you into the frumpy lady. Was that how I came from my father’s house? Well the simple answer is no, but it doesn’t matter, you are still expected to make an effort to look really good.
Anyway that problem is solved, Tammy and I are taking this seriously, she called a friend who owns a gym and booked an instructor each for us as soon as we get back home.
Abdul is out of hospital and perfectly okay. Fatima and he came to see us yesterday. You could never tell he was in a ghastly motor accident barely a week ago. He even showed us the little scare he got on his side, apart for that he was perfect and the doctors gave him a clean bill of health. The police weren’t so kind, he has been banned from driving for 6 months. Thankfully Fatima can drive, so she brought him over. He also let it drop that preparations to marry Fatima were already in the pipe line, if not because Fatima has insisted that she finish Uni before she gets married, they would be husband and wife by now. He respects her decision though and will patiently wait.
I should be back home in a few days , I have sent word to the manager of the NGO, we are having a reshuffle when I get back, The giveaway party will also take place as soon as I get back…….hmmm

MR- This morning was so hectic, I almost lost it completely. As I was driving out of our estate jeje, I turned right as usual , decided not to speed, thank God for that, before I knew it this guy jumped in front of my car, when I say jumped I mean literarily jumped, one minute he was on the kerb staring ahead of him, the next he was on the bonnet of my car. Thank God I didn’t take the G Wagon out today cos I will have surely maimed him , if not kill him completely. I stopped the guy, he rolled off the bonnet and landed on the tarred road. People were running from every direction shouting “He don die o, he don kill am” Just before the situation escalated an old man came into the midst of the crowd and said everyone should calm down, “ This young man did no such thing, the yeye guy on the floor there jumped in front of this car, I saw him”. He instructed some guys to put him in my car and I can because of God , drive him to general hospital and drop him there.
All this while the guy was perfectly still, eyes closed and barely breathing. As soon as he was put in my car and we were driving, he suddenly woke up and said “ Oga I beg, I am sorry, I wanted to commit suicide, my wife is pregnant expecting baby, I took her to hospital yesterday and they say she cannot born without an operation, I should go and find 50,000. Oga I no have 50kobo, none of my relatives have money, so I thought and thought, since my wife and unborn child will likely die because I can’t find money, let me come and die first and go wait for them in heaven”. I slammed my foot on the breaks and asked him to repeat himself.
Before I dealt with the issue of him choosing me as his suicide provider, I asked where his wife was. We drove there, I paid the money and gave him an extra 50,000 and my card. He was to see me after his wife safely delivered. He prostrated flat on the floor and kissed my feet, I was embarrassed, a man more than 10 years older than me, I left and promised to check back later. By the time I got to the office Kola had called me 20 times, I realised my phone was missing…..hmmm

MRS-Seyi Bam is already forming his own unique character. He will sit on the boobs for hours, not suckling, just keep it held by the nipples, when I remotely try to pull it out he starts sucking so fast. Toke suggested I get a dunmy for him, but I don’t want him sucking air, I have seen children addicted to dummys even up to the age of 5. So the way to go would be mixed feeding as the doctor suggested.
I miss Mr so much, we have deided to go back hom on Sunday, Aakil has made is jet available , for now we are shopping for babay clothes and all. We Tammy, Toke and I were at the Dubao mall yesterday all day, we had the maids come with us, booked a suite at the hotel in Dubai mall called The Address, very luxurious, so the maids stayed with the babaies there and Jr could watch is cartoon. We shopped for a while took it to the hotel, feed the babaies and went back to shopping , so convienet.
We walked into a shop called Childrens place, the clothes there were to die for, I just started picling everything, a nce lady who also came to shop for her twin boys aged around 5, smiled and said to me, “Dear you are shopping for your first right? “ Isaid I was, she laughed and asked me not to but so many clothes of the sma esize at this young age because they grow so fast, before I could wera a few of this he wold have grown out of them, she advised I stagger it into 3 to 6 months 5 to 9 months 9 to 12 months and 12 to 18 months. I thanked her and went back to the racks to change the sizrs.
By the time we got bac home it was really late, couldn’t move not to talk of writ in my diary, today shopping continues we are going to IKEA, want to get somethings for the house. Aakil is getting a jeweler to come to the house tomorrow nmoring he wants to make a special neck and hand chai for Seyi bam and Daniella , he also wants Tammy and I to choose some jewelleyr sets. Ive got to go now , Seyi bam needs feeding before we leave , its aalmosy 9am here……..hmmmmm

DAY 346
MR-I got a call from Mr. Moses, the guy who wanted me to assist him in committing suicide, his wife delivered a set of twin boys. O my gosh, they looked so healthy and chubby. I looked up to the sky and thanked God Almighty for the day Mr. Moses jumped I font of my car and not somebody else’s car. These amazing bundles of joy would probably have died with their mother not even getting to see this world. I knew what had to be done, right there and then God gave me an assignment and I had to do it. I pledge to be responsible for all their education from nursery to university, I also asked Mr. Moses to go get a 3 bedroom apartment in a nice area, then report to our office on Monday, for a car, job and some money. I was going to make him our new site manager. Lemmy wants to go to America.
Mr Moses , cried, it was surreal to see a grown man cry tears of joy like a baby, I said his new born twins brought him good luck and to think he was going to let them all die by not trying hard to get money But instead choosing to give up.
Lemmy came to see us on Friday, he is going back to America, a friend of his just started a small company and he wants Lemmy to come join him. Rukky has said he can stay with her , until he finds his feet. When I heard that I silently felt maybe something ought develop between them but because Erica her twin sister is now married t his father, so for him and Rukky to get to together it will be weird.
Mrs. comes back first thing tomorrow morning, they leave tonight with Tammy, seyi bam , jnr and Daniella, Kola and I will be at the airport 6am sharp to pick them up. I got some welcome home son banners today, My parents arrived last night, the house is really bubbling now, seyi bam is coming back to a rousing welcome, to top it all my mum called me Baba Oluwaseyi and I felt wow! Am old now and responsible for another life, thank you lord…..hmmmm

MTS-YES, I now understand the meaning of shop until you drop. We shopped and finally dropped. I didn’t believe I could sleep all day but I did, I went to bed around 2pm yesterday afternoon and I didn’t wake up until 1am , then had a cup of tea and went back to rest, Thankfully the nannies had expressed breast milk to feed Seyi with, I took a valium and went right back to sleep , I was truly knackered.
Aakil suggested we go with the nanny as an au pair, she’s actually English, really efficient, she worked in Hollywood for one of the A list actors, she’s expensive but Aakil said he will foot te bill. We have accommodation and the other 2 nannies are coming with Tammy, so it just makes sense that she come with me. I was delighted she is extremely great with Seyi, once she carries him and rubs his back, he belches and he nods off to sleep. I still haven’t gotten that trick right yet. Anyway I was gratefully for the long uninterrupted sleep/
I counted out suitcases 16 at the last count, that goodness we are flying private, I can only imagine how much we would pay for excess. Tammy has been acting moody since last night, she doesn’t want us to go, buy Aakil said as soon as she drops the twins, they will both come over. I went one better, I said Tammy and I and the kid will come back 2 weeks before she drops, we will stay with her then all go back home tighter, that cheered her up a lot, I looked at Aakil he smiled as if to say, I told you so…….hmmmmm

Day 347
MR- Mr. Moses reported to our office this morning. In fact he was there before Kola and I got in.
We got in a bit late because we had to pick up Tammy and Mrs. and our children. That sounds so good, our children, hmmm, am now a father. Anyway, it was so chaotic, The company driver and one of our casual workers had to stay behind while the suitcases were off loaded onto the truck .on the last count before we drove off, I counted 14, and I could see there were loads more coming out. We left the driver there and asked him to meet us at home once he was done.
Oluwaseyi mi bam, looked so handsome, in his blue and white sailor outfit, he had a sailors hat and lovely baby Gucci boats. He looked every bit a designer baby. I jokingly asked Mrs. if this was the way she was going to spoil Ur son with designers. She was all smiles, still a bit full figured but had lost a bit of weight since I saw her a week ago.
Jnr was so happy to see Kola, he shouted Daddy and ran into Kola’s outstretched arms. Daddy, Daniella is a naughty girl, he said “ What did she do?” Kola asked, She was pupping on the aero plane and mummy had to give her a bath. We all busted out laughing.
We took them home and left them in the capable hands of my parents.
Mr Moses, was a blessing, when he showed us his design book, Kola and I almost passed out, his drawings and designs were some of the best architectural drawings we had seen. The guy was a genius. I had to ask what happened to him. He went into this long story of how he formed a company with 2 friends, a mechanical and electrical engineer. They decided to build estates. The buy in was a lot so he put his house down as collateral and borrowed money from the bank. The money was loaned to them but unfortunately the time to pay elapsed and his house was reposed. Eventually they finished building and his fried promised him a higher share of the profit and a house in the estate of 40 houses since he lost his house to make their dream a reality.
The houses were build and sold. When it came to getting his share, first they said a company wanted to but all the 40 units. They promised to compensate him with more money. Then it became the company bought but hasn’t paid. Before he knew it, he was approached by some hired killers sent to eliminate him but thank God one of them was a younger brother to his previous driver who died from cancer and he had footed the bill for his health care. The killer recognized him told him to pack his bags and relocate with his family, that’s how he lost everything.
I felt so sorry for him and asked him if he ran form death then why was he ready to approach death now, he said when suffering hits you to a point that you will rather die than live, you run towards death, asking for it to please come get you.
Kola corrected him there and said, you run towards God Almighty, his name is a strong tower, you run into it and you are saved. In short we just bagged ourselves one of the best architect’s in the country……..hmmmm

MRS-Thank God, we are home, Seyi bam and I .Don’t get me wrong, the affluence, the money , the sheer size of the castle, all brought on a tingly feeling but home sweet home , east or west home is definitely the best.
Mr and Kola walked up to the plane stairs to meet with us and I ran into his arms I had missed him so much. Tammy, Daniella, the nanny and Seyi bam all coming behind. Mr. smelted great, as we got home, I left the nanny with seyi bam and my in-laws took Mr upstairs and we had a quickie in the shower. It was so good. Wasn’t even aware I had missed him so much. We got dressed went back downstairs as if nothing happened. All this didn’t take more than 30 minutes.
My MIL insisted on giving Seyi bam , a local bath, so palm oil , soap, local sponge had all been bought before we got in. he was scrubbed and oiled form head to toe. I felt sorry for him. His crying went on from start to finish, after the bath and massaging, I put him on the breast, that’s when he finally kept quiet.
Seyibam is so peaceful , we are truly blessed, so far I have gotten my act together, still very overwhelmed but enjoying all the help am getting, especially now that am back home and my MIL is determined to help. Thank you lord……hmmmm

DAY 348

MR-I asked my father why he sent the name David for my son. Out of respect, I didn’t argue at the time but it bothered me a bit. My dear father, God bless him, he asked me to sit down next to him. He cleared his throat and said “Son will tell you something that has been bugging for a while. When I had you boys, I was the happiest father ever. I doted on you both, treated you like kings, especially when you money had fibroid and after its removal the doctors said her womb had been damaged and she won’t be able to have children anymore. Your mum was divested, she felt I would take another wife but I reassured her God wanted us to have 2 amazing boys that was enough for me. So we concentrated on raising you both to become the best you can be.
From day one, you excelled in your academics and social life, everyone loved you, you were respectful and quiet. David on the other hand showed no interest in academics but was a social animal, the whole neighbor deferred to him when something went wrong, he was good at settling disputes, organizing the local boys who respected him. They all called him Governor, because from a young age he ruled over them.
I took him to the pastor, made you both confess your sins all the time, disciplined him, but the more I did the deeper he got into all that, before he finally ran away from home and we found out he had gone to Malaysia.
I have always questioned myself, where did I go wrong, did I threat you differently and I didn’t know , was I too harsh on him, did I not show enough love to him. So I asked God for a second chance. That if you or he has a son first , I will name him David and this time help to raise him to become the David I actually envisioned David will turn out to be”.
When my father stopped talking, he had tears in his eyes, I got up knelt down before him and held his hands, “father, you are an amazing Dad, you raised us very well. It’s not your fault that David choose the path he did. You elders say, you can force a horse to the river but certainly can’t force it to drink water” you tried your best it was down to David and I, to make the best of what you imbibed in us. Now I understood and accepted Seyi bam will become the best David ever, by the special grace of God Almighty…..hmmmm

MRS-I went to the NGO this morning and I cried when I got out of my car. The cancer and dialysis Centre were already at the second floor level. JB were building now apparently, Alhaji is a director of Julius Berger, he spoke to them and they agreed to build at a fraction of the looked so beautiful. He had decided it would be my baby gift and warned them all not to tell me, it was an amazing gift. O my gosh, it was magnificent. You know what you get when Berger builds near perfection.
That wasn’t all, the manager showed me our bank for September bank balance , I had to look twice to confirm the staggering amount, so many donations had come in. so I decided we will increase our scholarship awards to 500 people , our widows mite contributions to 5000 people and set up 250 entrepreneurs a month as against the 100 previously.
We are doing so well. The food bank received a huge cold room donated by some Lebanese firm, its big enough to walk into and store 20 tons of food. I ordered the farm that supplies frozen fish and chicken to bring a thousand boxes of both. 2 trailers of rice, spaghetti, indomine and flour were off loaded this afternoon. The food bank opens to the public next week. Apart from the soup kitchen which dishes out cooked meals to almost 500 people a day, we want to give out raw food to those who need it, Frozen fish, meat and chicken, frozen vegetables, 5 , 10, 20kg of dried food, gallons of groundnut and palm ol, salt , Maggi , beverages etc all to be dished out to the needy.
We are also giving out fridges, freezers, generators, motor cycles, tricycles, dryers, clippers, pepper grinding machines, water pumps and cars. Our ultimate mission is to build fully furnished apartments and all you need to move in are your clothes, even that will be provided if you don’t have .
I have missed all this, the excitement I felt by all this was only next to me seeing Seyi bam for the first time. This was my dream, my calling , my purpose, God has surely blessed me beyond my wildest dream and its now left for me, God willing, to fulfil my part…….hmmmmm

Day 349

MR- My father is extremely happy but my mum is not. Why you ask? Well as I sit here writing I think the Nanny is in love with him. Whether he is in love with her is a different story. How did all this start?. Well Sunita is the nanny’s name she is originally from Bangladesh but grew up in Dubai from the age of 10 when her parents relocated for greener pastures. At 22, she was taken to Hollywood by a Arab family she was working for. After the children grew old and they had naturalized her, she worked for 4 other A-list actors, then when she turned 35 she came back to Dubai. That’s when she went to work for Aakils family.
Now she’s back home with us, she was talking to my father while she cradled Seyi bam, they sat in the gazebo while my mum entertained Sisi Boss who heard about Mrs. Return and decided to sneak out of exile. When my mum was narrating the whole scenario to me, she said at first she was happy my father wasn’t bugging her with his olden day stories, she was glad Sunita was happy to listen to him for hours but yesterday evening as she and Sisi boss sat in the back lounge, they could see through the glass door and noticed how every time Sunita laughed she touched my dad, my dad also did the same. Finally when he was coming inside he hugged her and gave her a peck. When my mum was a bit swollen faced he just laughed and asked why she was jealous of the poor girl , he was only being appreciative of the attention she was giving him by letting an old man recount his old stories.
I don’t know what the harm is, but my mum insists she knows her husband very well. He mentioned Sabrina in his conversation so many times yesterday. To top it all, Sunita is going to make some Lamb dish for the family today, she said it was healthy, less fat and cholesterol. But my mum thinks it’s a love portion for my dad when I pointed out the whole family will be eating it, she just kissed her teeth and walk walked away. I had to laugh, I didn’t know grown grandmother are still jealous of their old grandfather husbands getting a bit of attention.
The truth is this morning when I met my dad on the stairs, he had leotards, trainers and a t shirt on, when I asked what he was up to, and he said Sunita is going to teach him some Yoga moves…Opari!!!……hmmmm

MRS-Madam Mabel just walked into our house yesterday, she looked amazing and big, her tummy is actually really big, I had to ask if she was having multiple births. She sai she doesn’t want to know but from what the doctor said at the last sonar check, she might be having more than one. That will be fantastic. She said she came in a week ago but was in Abuja with her hubby’s parents. Belgium is so boring for her now that her husband is on a 3 months course at Harvard. He suggested she come spend time with his parents to take her mind off missing him too much. So she’s here to spend a few days with us and go back to Abuja before flying back to Belgium with her Hubby who will come get her in Abuja.
Every time I think about Madam Mabel, I thank God for her. Here is a woman almost past her prime and God still provided a nice, faithful, loving, wealthy husband for her. Thank you lord. She heard we returned so she came down. Nneka also called, she’s in England with her children, from the sound of things her husband hasn’t found her yet. He’s still in our estate but I haven’t seen him since we got back, and to be honest I don’t want to.
Chief Tope, the estate chairman, came to see us too, he insists we must have a party for our friends here, so Mr. is putting heads together with Kola and trying to come up with a day. Am in favor of next Saturday but Mr. Wants us to rest a bit, he things a couple of weeks ahead.
Got a surprise call from Ola, the governor’s wife. She called to say Congrats and asked when she could come see us. I politely told her I will let her know when we will be hosting friends. Fatima must have asked her to call. She sounded cheerful on the phone but I could still see through her façade.
I miss my mum, I wish she was here with Tamara, our dream was for our children to grow up together as brother and sister, or aunt and nephew, loll, that would have been very interesting. May her sweet soul continue to rest in peace…….hmmmmm

DAY 350-

MR- Kola, I and Aakil already registered a company specifically designed to build luxury, comfortable homes. These homes will have front and back gardens, communal swimming pool and gym and children recreation areas. Gated communities with parks, tree lined streets, serviced fully. Rules would apply to residents painting and trimming their hedges and grass regularly. At the main gate, you buzz yourself in with a chipped card, as for guests you must put their names at the gate or you will be called on an intercom to confirm you want to see them.
Mr. Moses got the brief last week and this morning he surprised us all and came up with an amazing design for the homes.they were detached buildings with atriums and loft rooms, walkin closets and all. The windows stretched from the ground floor to the top, it was magnificent, not seen anything similar in this parts. We immidieately adopted the designs for the eststes.
My parents, that’s another story, well my mum is really getting hot under the collar, Sunita is like a breath of fresh air for my father. I could almost swear he has been glowing since Sunita stepped into our house. Mrs. too is so comfortable with her. She’s extremely good with seyi bam, it’s hard to believe she doesn’t have children of her own. She cooked us one lamb chop delicacies with wild brown rice that Mrs. bought in Dubai , it was divine, even my mum was willing to eat loads of it.
The issue started when she and Sisi boss started to dissect it, why would my father be spending time with Sunita, why would he start swimming, why would he want to do yoga etc. Sisi boss said it all smelt fishy, a man my father’s age would definitely benefit from younger blood to improve his blood. My mum winced and said does that mean her own blood was no longer good for my father. Sisi boss said she thinks so, if not why has he been ignoring her and using the excuse that she is looking after seyi bam, when the Sunita girl is the one doing the looking after.
You ask me how did I hear all this, well it was our maid who narrated it to Mrs. and she told me. The maid was giving them a pedicure at the time so everything was said in front of her, as Mrs. walked in they kept quiet, Mrs. later asked the maid what they were discussing. The end result, Sisi Boss said she will think and come up with a plan and let my mum know what to do.
On the other hand my father is glowing, he asked me to get him a new pair of jogging pants and some sweat absorbent T shirts. He wants to look fly when they start jogging on Wednesday. I asked if my mum was coming along, he just laughed and said, “Son your mum is busy stewing, when she’s fully cooked we will see what’s gwan”. Yep, its official my father now speaks in slangs……hmmmm
MRS- My FIL, O my gosh, he looks younger already, Sunita is duly looking after our Seyi bam and him. She sleeps in the adjoin room to Seyi’s nursery, I wake up at night to breast feed him, she then does the next round of feeding from the ones I extract. I insist on giving Seyi bam a bath in the morning, then she takes over and feeds him, after he falls asleep , she sorts his room out and his clothes ,then has a bath. Once she’s done and has her breakfast, seyi bam is ready to wake up and have more food, I manage to extract at least 4 to 6 bottles of breast milk, for while am out of the house. Thank God for the ultra-modern breast pump Aakil’s mum got me for the baby shower, it expresses so fast you won’t even fill it.
My MIL doesn’t look too happy, she suggested we ask her husband to go back to the village since he’s been away from home for a while. “You shouldn’t trust all this house helps, someone needs to be in charge of them”, she said to me yesterday night. I had to agree with her. So she matched me up to my FIL and I said “ Papa, are you hearing from the boys in your house at the village, maybe the driver can take you back for a while, it’s not really safe to leave that big house for a long time, with all you’ve just put in it” He smiled and said “My dear, don’t worry, I have called my friend to go stay in the house until am able to return, he is a retired civil servant, lost his wife recently, so a stay in a nice house in the village was something he needed, to relax and be pampered. He called yesterday and told me everything was fine I should take my time, every day he swims twice a day, pounded yam in the morning, fresh fish or chicken pepper soup in the evening. He said my chef was amazing, I should take my time and he’s not in a hurry to come back to the city. So thank you my dear I have it covered.”

My MIL was so upset, she had a go at her husband for allowing a stranger to stay in their house, My FIL just said “so sorry love”, and walked off to the garden to do some Yoga. It was so funny, I had to laugh, my mum in law looked at me, kissed her teeth and said , it’s not my fault , it’s her husband that doesn’t know he is acting like a big fool, anyway she will deal with him
Ha! Ha!!, Mr. informed me of the rivalry going on between my MIL and My Nanny but I didn’t know it was this serious until now, . Hmmm, this is serious and hilarious at the same time. I pleaded with Mr. to talk to his mum not to send my Nanny away, cos she’s here to stay, I did promise to talk to Sunita to focus more on Seyi bam and not his Grandpa. Tammy, Jr and Daniella came over this morning, we all wanted to have a pool lunch. Tokes chef now ours temporarily did his usual spread. We had music, most had swim suits on with beach towels tied around their bums, My FIL then came downstairs in this hot speedos, and killer sunglasses, took them off and jumped in the pool. It was such a funny sight, Jr said Grandpa looks like men in black. Tammy confirmed he and Kola love the film and will smith. We all laughed so hard except my MIL who kissed her teeth once again and said “Big for nothing” and walked into the house. Well lets sit back and see how all this will play out…..hmmmmmm

Day 351

MR- well well, we had a little drama this morning. Apparently, Siri boss advice to my mum was when my dad gets up in the morning to go jogging my mum should also get dressed and go with him. To that effect she and Sis boss went shopping to get trainers and some jogging bottoms and tops”
As soon as my dad got ours of bed and was getting ready my mum jumped out of bed fully clothed with her joggers on, even the trainers were already on her feet. My dad was shocked he asked her where she was going and she responded “what does it looks like?”. So the jogging commenced.

Sunita had already fed Seyibam his early morning bottle, Mrs. and I were having a bit of a lay in and they proceeded to jog round the estate. About an hour later my dad and Sabrina turned up without my mum, asked where she was, We all said we didn’t know , she was right behind them one minute, the next she was nowhere to be found. We sent out a search party, me inclusive, going back on the route they ran, I looked in ditches , under parked cars and in bushes, my mum was nowhere to be found. Eventually we decided to go back home, as we drove into our compound, a strange car was parked in there, we went in and my mum was lying on the couch in the front room hyperventilating. A nice looking man in his early 50’s was standing over her asking her if she was feeling better now.
I cleared my throat as I got behind him and he turned and said , “you must be mummy’s son, my name is Ayodele, I just moved into the estate . I saw your mum collapse in front of my gate as I was driving out, so I took her in gave her some water and when she came too I brought her home”.
I went towards my mum touched her forehead asked her if she was okay, she said in a meek voice she was, my father just thanked Mr Ayodele and walked up the stairs shaking his head.
Mr Ayodele seemed like a very sweet man, he was Tall and handsome and had a goatie beard that had some grey strands on it, that’s what informed my decision to think he was in his early 50’s. he extended his hand to me. I thanked him and walked him outside. He said we should get together sometime. I asked if he played tennis, he said Yes, so we fixed a time for 7am Saturday morning when I will pick him up to go play Tennis.
By the time I got back in, my mum was sitting up, she asked me where Ayodele was, I told her she left, she was upset with me and said “ How could you let him leave without me thanking him properly. Someone who saved my life, you must go and invite him for dinner tonight.
I knew it was pointless arguing, fortunately he was still at the gate, so I ran up asked him and he accepted. My mum was delighted, she jumped up and marched into the kitchen shouting the chefs name and saying we have a delicacy to cook.
A thought suddenly crossed my mind, but I laughed it off. Noooo!!! That’s not possible…..hmmmm

MRS- This drama will end somewhere but I don’t know where, my MIL is infatuated with Mr Ayodele, I thnk, I jokingly mentioned it to Mr and he toldme off for having a whopped imagination, it was impossible. All I said was lets wait and see.
Mr Ayodele was the kind of man who could charm pants off any lady, that’s what my mum in law said to me o when Mr left us alone, I feined ignorance and asked her what she meant. She then narrated her ordeal to me.
Initially Sabrina and her and my FIL were all jogging on the same line. Then she kept lagging behind. My FIL got so irritated and she asked them to go ahead she will meet up. Before she knew what was happening she found herself in Mr Ayodele’s arms. He found her passed out in front of his house and carried her inside.
He was gentile, gave her water and put a wet towel on her forehead. 30 minutes later she was feeling much better. She said the last time a man carried her, she couldn’t even remember. He lifted her clear off the floor.
As she spoke to me her eyes lit up like a little girl. Na wah! What’s going on in the house, first my FIL , now my MIL, God help us……hmmmm

DAY 352-
MR- Mr Ayodele is a strange man, He came to Dinner alright and My mum short of saying it out loud that she was in love with him, did everything possible to make him comfortable.
He Arrived at 7pm on the dot has I indicated, came with 2 bottles of fruit wine. Not the common type but exclusive Cherry wine. Anyway was dressed in white simple linen shirt and trousers with Hermes brown slippers. I had a very strong feeling there was more to Mr Ayodele than met the eye.
As soon as he walked in my Mum got up walked towards him, gave him a hug, to which he hugged my mum back and gave her a peck on the fore head. Hmmm, smooth operator I thought. My father got up and shuck his hand. We all sat down on the dining table. Mrs , My mum and Dad and Mr Ayodele and myself.
Mr Ayodele will take a bite smile and my mum asked how is the food, he said “Thank you Ma , it’s delicious. I thought it was so I decided to taste the special dish my mum had prepared for him, she was in the kitchen for hours slaving over the cooker. You must bear in mind that the table was full of other dishes, the chef had made his Efo rirro, semolina, pounded yam, beef sauce, fish sauce etc, but my mum made this special soup for Mr. Ayodele. I opened the dish amid eye protests from my mum, took a big spoon, then cut some semo and took a bite. O my gosh , it was horrible, I almost spat it out but instead I quickly started to cough, then got up and ran to the guest toilet to spit it out. When I got back I said I was sorry it must have gone the wrong way. Then I clumsily tried to pick up the water jug and spilled it in Mr. Ayodele’s food. The relief on his face was unbelievable. My mum was livid, she wanted to dish into a fresh plate but he insisted he was so full. My mum said fine hell take it home.
At the end of the dinner after some chit chat and exchange of pleasantries, I saw Mr. Ayodele off. I quickly retrieved the take away pack from him. He was like no please its fine, I said “Bros, I know, the soup was horrible, he said Honestly, I didn’t even know how I managed to eat the few morsels I ate, Thank you for spilling water in the food. I told him I did it intentionally and he was welcome anytime. We laughed all the way to his house. I could see a bond had been formed between us. I couldn’t help but think there was more to Mr. Ayodele than met the eye. What in God’s name that was, I couldn’t quite place it yet…….hmmmm

MRS –My MIL was so upset with Mr , First he ruined dinner by spilling water in Mr Ayodele’s food , then he himself almost threw up his mother’s soup. He didn’t know she noticed until after he returned from seeing Mr. Ayodele off. She let it rip. “How could you Son, I stood on my feet for hours making that soup and you take one bite and pretend you are choking and you go spit it out, then you return and claim to clumsily pour water in my guest food. Am disappointed in you. If you and your wife don’t appreciate my cooking, Mr. Ayodele does” And she stormed off to her room.
My FIL was laughing so hard, he called the chef to make him some hot chocolate, called Sunita and asked her to take an evening stroll with him to enable his food digest. My MIL came down just as they were leaving and I think she was really upset cos she screamed at Sunita and said “You this Oyinbo girl, why can’t you leave my husband alone, you will be dragging him everywhere like he’s your puppy. And she proceeded to pull my FIL by the hand, He slapped off her hand and said,” Woman get a grip of yourself and act your age, with that he pulled Sunita and walked out of the door.
I felt so sorry for my MIL, She slumped onto the sofa and cried, Mr. tried to comforter but she almost bit his head off saying all this was his fault, she planned to have a good conversation with Mr. Ayodele after dinner but Mr. ruined it. Mr. was like, why was she taking her frustration out on him, I had to push him out of the room. I went back in , got mama’s scarf and cajled her to drie out with me, I drove her to my favorite ice cream parlour, blasting her favourite sunny ade music , got ice cream, chocolate flavor and I faced the express, drove the car really fast with the top down. By the time we got back home everyone was in bed, Mama slept off in the car and peace had returned to our home. Thank God…….hmmmmm
DAY 353
MR-My mum and Dad need to go back to the village, that’s the only solution. I can’t take this love square going on in our house. Its not a triangle it’s a square. 4 people involved. I find it strange to be thinking my mum and Mr. Ayodele. She might actually be seeking attention because my father is using Sunita has a yoga and swim instructor.
Anyway enough of those two, I ran into an old school mate yesterday when Mr Ayodele and I went to play squash, she was the first girl who kissed me when I got into university. It was a funny incident. I went to a room party of a friend and during the party the game of truth or dare came up. When it was her turn, she was asked truth or dare, she said dare. And she was dared to kiss a boy she really liked here, she then got up walked towards me and instead of pecking me she pulled me up and gave me a French kiss. I was so taken aback and weak in the knees, wow!. Anyway we became friends, I guess you could say we dated for a few months but I guess when I wasn’t an action man she moved on.
Then yesterday when we got to the lawn tennis court she turned up with her friend to play tennis, we ended up pairing, I and her and Mr. Ayodele and her friend. We won, after we exchanged no’s and left. Later she sent me an invite to her mums 60th birthday and Mr. Ayodele got one to. The birthday is today from 4pm. Mrs. has a prior engagement , The manager of the NGO turns 40 today so Mrs. organized a surprise party for her, we have to divide and conquer. She goes to her surprise party, I go with Mr. A to the 60th birthday party. I have not really had time to fill Kola in either. He’s been pretty busy, Tammy, Jnr and Daniella are away to spend some time with his parents, he’s not back from dropping them off. Once he gets back I have a lot to catch him up on…..hmmmm

MRS-Mr. Ayodele just bumped into our family and caused chaos. I know my FIL kind of started it by giving Sunita so much attention. But he is an old man, he just wanted some exercise, his heart is also weak.
SiSI Boss was at the house today and I was dragged into a brawl. My MIL sat me down and asked me to narrate what she has been through. I tried not to say anything but she insisted, when I try to summarize, she will fill it in , we went on and on about almost everything. When I got to Mr. Ayodele’s part, she took over and said I could leave now. I did leave but I sat in the lounge in earshot. After she had narrated to Sisi Boss, she said My mum in law should enjoy herself, she also needs a young man to make her happy, she asked if Mr. A had a friend. Sisi boss is crazy, she asked my MIL to go all out with Mr. A. My MIL asked how? She then whispered something into her ear and they both laughed out loud.
Nkechi called, hmmm, she got her husband lock up in England for attempted abduction, I asked her what happened, she said he went to the children’s school, picked them all up and was heading out of the shot compound when she turned up and fortunately while she was screaming at him, somebody had called the police. For now he’s in custody with a restraining order. She confided in me that she wants him locked up in England where she knows he won’t be able to pay his way out……hmmmmm

DAY 355-

MR- I had to be sure, Mr. Ayodele is single or married, once I established that and then I would know the next step to take. I must have time on my hands, everything is going well, the only snag is Mrs. and I tend to spend more time out of the house. Mrs. Career in philanthropy as really picked up since she got back, she was telling me yesterday that a serving Governors wife wants to see her in Abuja. She will be flying out on Alhajis private jet. She was a bit hesitant, thought I might object. Why should I , am happy everything is working out fine and besides am very secure in who I am to her, her hubby, her best friend and love of her life, most importantly I trust her to bits. A mere Alhaji with a PJ can’t change that. She has seen more and has access to more than the Alhaji can offer her. Can he be as wealthy as Aakil? Nope, he isn’t and can’t be. So let that sleeping dog lie.
As for Mr. Ayodele, I was in his house yesterday evening, Kola and I went to see him, I said I wanted them to meet each other. Kola got back with Tammy and the kids and believe or not he came back with His mum. She not staying with them, she with her sister until she delivers. She can’t stand to see Kolas father now. The man has lost it completely.
Mr. Ayodele, is like an Onion, he had displayed so many layers to me, I won’t be shocked if he had more to display. We talked for 2 hours and at the end I was none the wiser. I asked him outright if he was married, he said Yes and No. Kola was as confused about his response as I was. When we asked him to explain, he said that was a story for another day. I mean, who says that, yes and No, I might have to get Mr. Jegede involved in all this. Uncle J is out of the country in the US on a counter intelligence training. Not sure where exactly it confidential…..hmmmmm

MRS-Am chuffed, Mr. trust me ultimately, I told him I was flying with a randy Alhaji ho asked me out before and he said Babes , did you agree to date him? I said of course not babes, I told you about him, didn’t I? He then asked why I was apprehensive, I need to go chase my dreams, and whatever made me happy. Thankfully Seyi bam was in great hands with Sunita and My mum when she shifts her focus from Mr. Ayodele, so what was the bother?
Tammy, poor dear, she came back so fed up and tired. It was the physical stress that got to her but the brawl that always went on between Kolas parents. She was always in the middle. His mum will ask her to see how a grown ass man was behaving, his dad will ask her if she felt a grown ass woman should be jealous of her husband having female friends. What was she to say and whose side would she be on?
The Abuja trip has taken a new dimension, I spoke to the governor’s wife and she just informed me that I will be speaking at the governor’s wife’s forum. She wasn’t them to adapt our NGO as their pet project. I was so humbled and Gobsamcked at the same time. That means we replicate it in every state of the federation with the government sponsoring it. God is marvelous. When God gave me this vision and I felt in my spirit that it would be all over the country, I had my sutile apprehensions. How was I going to achieve it, am only one person etc. but its clear to me now that when God says Yes nobody can say no……hmmmm

DAY 356-
MR Jegede is good, he brought a full dozier on Mr. Ayodele to my office yesterday. Apparently Mr Ayodele was married in England, he has 3 children and his wife left him with the children and married his best friend who also left his wife with 2 kids. So as soon as Mr Ayodele last one got into university, he decided to come back home to start something. He hasn’t actually gotten a divorce from his wife. That explains why he said Yes and No , when I asked if he was married. That could be pretty devastating, I felt guilty, I had assumed t, thank God I didn’t Jump to conclusions.
Well, I remember the old school mate I met when we went to play Tennis, the one who gave me my first French kiss. We went for her mums 60th , it was really nice and posh, but something beyond my control happened. Kola and I got there on time, it was a dinner. Everyone had place names. I was sited next to her and Kola was beside me and sited next to her sister. Am not sure if they assumed or she told them so, but when I met her parents they called me their son and said they were looking forward to when their daughter and I would get married. I was about to say something to the contrary but she pinched me and smiled . I couldn’t say anything, Kola and I looked at each other. Her uncles and Aunts all came over and said finally Solape has brought her fiancé home. Which fiancé, before I knew it the whole place was calling me her fiancé and in front of her whole family and friends I couldn’t bear to disgrace her.
So Kola and I politely looked around when they were all listening to the chairman give his open remarks, we both tried to sneak out but her mum looked back and called out to us. I was called to come cut the cake with her mum. This was getting out of hand, I had to do something, so I pretended I had a stomach ache and bent over, Kola got the message and led me outside followed by Solape, whom Kola urged to go back that I was fine, she insisted on coming. As I sat in the car, she knelt down and started to beg me with tears in her eyes not to disgrace her, it was just for a few hours, once the party ends it will be over and she can say we broke it off but tonight she needed that covering.
That was what happened, I didn’t mention it before , not even to Mrs , only Kola knows, until this morning when I got a call from her father asking me to come see him at the Lagos Island club this evening. What am I going to do now……hmmmm

MRS-Am in Abuja, we arrived and got booked into Transcorp Hilton. Very nice hotel. We had a barbeque at the state government house with some first ladies but the main event is tonight, it starts at 7pm. Am having my hair done as I write. A bit nervous but overall pretty confident. I have asked God for favor, so am fine.
We took off from Lagos around 4pm yesterday, Alhaji, his friend and another lady , I think she was his friends girlfriend but they called her his PA. That wasn’t my business. His Private jet was small compared to Tokes and Aakil’s but it was nice had about 12 seats all white leather. Watched part of a movie didn’t really join in their conversation.
Since we’ve been here he has respected himself and limits our discussions to the phone. We went to the 10th floor for breakfast and strategized a little about this evenings event and what is expected of me. He said he had to see some people in Maitama and that he will send a car and driver to pick me up for 6.45pm . I mentioned it was cutting things to late he said not to worry, this was Abuja we will be there on time with some to spare.
I must admit am looking pretty fab already, the make up artist is waiting for me to finish my hair and the guy to paint my nails is also here. Well I better stop writing and let them make me fab. I promise to give you all the Nitti gritty details. Live is good, Thank God…….hmmmmm

DAY 357
MR- what’s the matter with me? Why can’t I just be brutal and damn the consequences. I have succeeded in digging myself into a hole which might just swallow me up completely. Yes am melo dramatic sometimes, but this is serious. I could have just rejected it in the beginning and I won’t be here now. My father always says don’t tell a lie if you do you will keep having to tell more and bigger lies to cover the first lie. That’s exactly what’s playing out here. I know am going on like a parrot and not actually telling what happened. Anyway this is how it all went.
Solape’s dad called me, and I went to see him. O my gosh, when I got to their house, the whole male side of the family was sited , as the maid ushered me into the main sitting room in their house , I saw about 10 people all richly dressed glaring at me, I got rooted to the ground, one of the younger ones got up and led me to a sit and said , come on, don’t let my dad and uncle scare you shitless, they are softies at heart. I wanted to say something but nothing came out.
I sat down and was about to say something, her father shut me up and said “Son, it’s okay, I can see we are intimidating you, I just wanted Solape’s brother, uncles and myself to meet you formally. She’s brought home 4 others before you but know lasted long, now you are here we thank God. I have only 2 children, a boy and solape. The boy as you can see doesn’t need my money he has done extremely well for himself. When solape clocked 34, I gave her one year to find a husband or I will disown her, her 35th comes up in a month and she’s brought you home. Son , we can see that you are a responsible young man and she’s told us a lot about you” I was already sweating, my mouth was dry and I was feeling a bit faint, I wanted him to finish so I could go see Solape and ask her to tell her father or I will. Just then a priest came in with Solape behind him, she didn’t look at me, I got up, looked around, saw her mum and aunties also coming in, I asked what was going on and her father said, “Today we are joining you as husband and wife and immediately you will take over as the chairman , CEO of all my 10 companies worth almost 500 million dollars”, that’s the last I heard before I hit the floor and passed out……hmmmmmm
MRS-I was all glammed up, Alhaji turned up at about 6.40pm, in a white Mercedes Benz 600. Called me down and we went to the event. He came round to open the door for me and the press was all over us taking pictures and all. He insisted I take his shoes were really high and the walkway was cobbles, so unless I wanted to fall flat on my face or break my leg that was the support system I needed.
They say me next to him and some governor’s wives, they were all so sweet. I was called to give my speech and I did with all that God had given me. I talked about the work we were doing, what we intended to do and how we wanted to get there. In summary our vision and the mission to get there. I got a standing ovation right there the chairperson of the governors wives forum put it to vote and our NGO was official adopted as the First ladies main project. Each wife pledged a huge amount of millions and one pledged a building for the Abuja headquarters. Then one stood and said each of them will give us a building in their state to open an arm of the NGO. I could not believe my ears. Donations and building support were pouring in from every angle. God was indeed marvelous and worthy to be pressed. He had answered my prayers, when I committed this forum speech into his hands to speak through me and let the wives go out of their way to do things for me and to find favor with God and with Man.
Towards the end, Alhaji was called to give the vote of thanks and he said , “Your excellences , we need to appreciate this amazing young woman personally, she started this and has single handily carried it thus far, I will like to open the floor by giving her 20m Naira and a new Prado jeep. cheers and claps rang out, one by one they got up and pledged, money, cars, tickets, at the end I got 80m, 10 cars , 4 jeeps and 3 first class tickets. Which I knew I was going to auction off and giveaway at the NGO, how many cars can one person drive?, God is really, really great……hmmmm,

DAY 358-
MR-A lot has been going on, we haven’t really had time to write, in our diaries I promise that we will try to move something’s around to keep writing as often as we can.
When I woke up I was in a bedroom surrounded by Solape, her mum and dad and her big brother. A doctor was explaining to them that I was in shock and they really need to take it easy with me or I might lose my memory for a while.
I didn’t open my eyes , just pretended I was still passed out, I heard Solape’s Dad ask her why she had to lie to everybody, her mum was sobbing and her brother said , “Dad you are at fault, you have made Solape’s life miserable by insisting she gets a man to marry or you will dis inherit her? What did you both expect, she got so desperate she had to trick her friend into this, I noticed the poor guy was confused earlier , I just thought we were intimidating him, you really wanted to get married to a married man, Solape? “
Her mum also Said, “ Solape so if I didn’t overhear you pleading with this young man not to die and please wake up, that you will tell your family the truth, you wouldn’t have told us , how did you expect to pull it off, did you not think the young man will say something”. Just then her best friend came in and knelt down next to Solape and said “Mum, Dad please forgive Solape , we are all guilty. The guy on that bed passed out, is a really nice guy, Solape told us he never wants to hurt anyone’s feelings, he will do anything for you if he likes you and he is a true friend. So we decided to pull this deceitful stunt knowing that even if he would catch on and the event will not go through, he won’t spill in front of everyone, he will call Solape to the side, express his displeasure and walk away. Then Solape will breakdown and pretend that he just said he was no longer interested, that way it won’t be her fault and her father will give her time to find another husband.
I was so confused where I lay pretending to still be out cold. I was this nice guy and I just narrowly escaped being forcefully constricted into becoming a husband of 2 wives, I must reexamine my life, priorities and my attitude towards like, what Solape’s friend said about me described me to a tee. I just realized my current attitude obviously gives room for people to abuse your kindness. From now am turning a new leaf, I’ve got to set boundaries, say what I won’t take and stick to it. I refuse to be constantly taken for granted.
I opened my eyes got up from the bed, everyone kept quiet, Solape was about to say something, I raised my hand to shut her up. I picked up my phone lying on the bedside table, put my shoes on. Looked at everyone, rested my gaze on Solape. Said, thank you very much and walked out of the room, everyone just stood there looking at me and watched as I walked away. Just then Daniel Craig’s song came to mind and I started to sing, “Am walking away from troubles in my life………hmmmmmm

MRS-Its been so hectic, Meetings here and there and a bit of drama. I leave for home, tomorrow morning. I haven’t really had time for myself, writing in the diary has been a struggle but I will try my best to fill in the gaps.
After the forum presentations, we all proceeded to dinner, of course Alhaji took it upon himself to led me by the arm, while grateful for the support because of my crazy high shoes and the rough terrain, I could tell he was enjoying every bit of it.
Don’t get me wrong, he is very good looking, tall and wealthy. Most women would find it really fascinating to be hanging from his shoulders. I didn’t because I already had prince charming to myself. Anyway we got to the dining room, a Hall across from the main auditorium and settled down to dinner. It was buffet style. While Alhaji was talking to some ladies I got up to go get me some food. There was a short queue, so I stood behind the last person. Just then I heard a voice say, hello beautiful, you were magnificent up there, I said thank you, looked back and saw this nice looking man, he extended his hand and said A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, he said his name was Tafa. He then asked if I was with Alhaji, I said No, he was a benefactor of our NGO.
Tafa said, thank God , I wanted to come over and talk to you before but didn’t want to encroach on anyone’s territory, I smiled and didn’t respond. He gently led me to a seat near the queue, asked what I wanted and said he will get it for me, I said thank you and sat down. A few minutes later he came back with what I ordered. Sat next to me and he talked and I listened as we ate. He was married to an American, has 2 sons all in the US. He and his father owned an oil company and he had to shuttle between the company in Texas and The one in Abuja. I told him about Mr. and Seyibam and about the NGO, to which he said he was already a benefactor from today. We chatted and laughed about so much, until Alhaji came and said My dear, I have been looking for you, I hope this young man is not being inappropriate. Tafa got up, greeted Alhaji in Hausa and said in English, Alhaji of course not, I was just expressing my interest in being a benefactor to the NGO, Alhaji smiled and said Sure, please continue, don’t let me stop you. And to me he said, See you later dear.
I was stunned, he had not called me dear before and I could see he was upset, I smiled, didn’t say anything. As soon as he left I said to Tafa, could he give me a ride back to Transcorp Hotel and we left.
The next morning, I checked my phone I had 10 missed calls from Alhaji and one txt message from Tafa asking how my night was. I had to get ready for a meeting with our host governor’s wife. She wanted to share some of the projects she wanted to add to ours/so I had a shower got ready and called her, in a few minutes a car arrived to pick me and the meeting went o for a couple of hours. All this while I could see Alhaji was calling me but my phone was on silent, so I sent a text saying I was in a meeting with the governor’s wife will call him after.
As I finished the meeting and got u to leave, guess who walks in Alhaji, he greeted the wife and then said he came to pick me for another meeting with a new benefactor. He led me to his jeep, a black 55 G wagon and he had police escorts in front and behind as we drove. As soon as we pulled out of the compound, he lashed out at me, “What did that boy want with you?” Which boy I asked “Tafa” he said. I looked at him didn’t want to answer but I said “Alhaji I remember he explained he wanted to be a benefactor?” Well yes he did but you went with him when I brought you to the event?” Alhaji I was tired, you were still enjoying yourself, I asked if he could drop me at the hotel and he did, why are you so upset” I think he realized he was acting childish, so he pulled himself together, apologized and said “He was only protecting me, all this Abuja boys with small money are no good” I thanked him for his concern, assured him I was a big girl and I could take care of myself.
But I had noticed his demeanor and the way he said “Small money” also the envy in his eyes, this man was up to something, but I feigned ignorance. We met with the new people, Alhaji drove me back to the hotel, asked if I won’t mind having dinner with him, I said I was pretty exhausted, needed to sleep for a bit I would let him know how I felt later. As we pulled up in front of Transcorp hotel , right there in front of the hotel standing beside his red Ferrari. talking to another guy was Tafa……..hmmmmmmm

DAY 359-
MR- My love is back, thank you Lord, what would I have said, if she came back and found me in the middle of an annulment palaver. I must be more firm, anyway that’s all in the past now, I have learnt and evolved from my Mr. goodie too shoes attitude.
Mr Ayodele, hmm, na wah o, He came to the house on Friday evening. Looking all dapper, said he wanted to talk to me. So we sat in the gazebo and he let it rip. “Am in love with a relative of yours” were the first words that came out of his mouth, I immediately went red with horror. No! No!! he said not your mum, your Nanny Sunita, Phew! That was close, I laughed at loud, and the relief was priceless. I was like “of course, yes go ahead its okay”. I asked what Sunita thought of the whole thing, well she’s fine with it, but is worried about how you both will take it. Well it shouldn’t be a problem I said, as long as you know she’s a nanny first and your relationship must not affect her duties. He looked at me with so much relief in his eyes “It most definitely won’t, she has a free day on Sundays , we plan to maximize that day to the fullest. Just getting to know her anyway, so one day at a time, taking things nice and slow.
I had to ask, what his plans were, he said honestly he didn’t know yet, he just wants to see where his feelings lead them.
Okay that done and I was glad it wasn’t my mum. My Parents decided to go back to the village on Saturday morning. Sabrina was still back there with the chef and gateman, we’ve been calling and asking when she wants to come back, but she said she’s happy their being closer to nature , it reminds her of her hometown in Malaysia.
David, hmmm, my dear brother, he goes weekends to see Sabrina, but has been really busy with his night club and bar. He seems to be behaving himself. Solape has been calling me every day but I refuse to pick her calls, she’s sent me text after text apologizing and asking to meet so she can explain but am not interested in anything she has to say. I have already sent her a text that I have forgiven her for everything, so what else does she want…..hmmmm
MRS- Am back home in the warm embrace of Mr., it was so good coming back and seeing Seyibam, and my darling Hubby, we made passionate love 2 nights in a row, actually he picked me up from the airport and took me straight to Renaissance hotel in GRA, he had booked us in for 2 nights of luxury, spa, massage and All. But first we made love. We were both on fire, I hadn’t seen him in almost a week.
After all that we sat down to update each other about what’s been going on. Seyi bam is fine, Sunita is doing a great job. Mr. Ayodele finally asked Mr if he terribly won’t mind if he and Sunita hook up. That really shocked me and sent my MIL back to the village, she couldn’t take it Mr said, I don’t believe that, probably she just had enough of our house, My FIL also went back with Sabrina who said the air in the village was doing her a lot of good. So technically the house was free again. But Mr. Just wanted the atmosphere of my coming back to be one of total pampering.
Yes, before I forget here is what happened that last time I update my diary, Tafa actually called me that Alhaji accused him of lusting after a happily married woman and warned him to back off because I was in his hands while in Abuja and he was responsible for getting me back safely to my husband. Can you beat that?. Main while he was the chief lusterer, if am permitted to use that word. Am not joking , Tafa was standing there talking to another man, as soon as he saw us he came over to my side of the jeep and opened the door for me , extended his hand to help me out, Alhaji jumped out of his side came round and glared at him, Tafa, let go and said Good evening Alhaji. Alhaji mumbled a good evening and we walked in. He saw me off to reception, I said my pleasantries, thanked him for dropping me off and went up to my room.
I stood in reception and watched him leave, he matched straight up to Tafa and I could see from their gesticulations that they were probably exchanging more pleasantries. I watched as Alhaji and Tafa got into their respective cars and drove off. I smiled to myself and thought wow, this is new, 2 grown ass men fighting over somebody else’s property, but to tell the truth it felt good deep down inside , what woman doesn’t want to know that despite being happily married and having a son, she can still get men to come to their feet……hmmmm

DAY 360-
MR-Phew, it’s almost a year, a whole year of writing in the diary, I can’t really belief it , wow!, so much as gone on in our lives. We got married, went into exile, bec
ame in laws to one of the richest families in the world, love, life, death. Happiness, Joy, new friends, old ones, kidnapping, weddings and now new births, God is and has been awesome to us. We look forward to the next phase of our life. Thank you lord.
Speaking of deaths , we just got back from Ogun state, we’ve been there since Thursday morning, Mr. Tope the estate chairman died and his burial ceremony stated on Thursday with a service of songs, then Friday was the burial and this afternoon they had a reception. We just got back home now.
His death was so sudden, his wife said he woke up feeling a bit woozy, she took him to the hospital, the doctor checked him over, took his blood pressure and all was fine. He got back home went to bed, woke up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, fell down and had a massive stroke, before she could call the doctor he gave up the ghost. He was only in his late 60’s. It was so sad. I remember I saw him on Monday taking a stroll in the evening. I was coming back from work, I stopped to say hello and appreciate his exercise routine. He looked at me then and said he had no choice. It kept him fit, little did I know that will be the last time I see him alive….hmmmm

MRS-I am so overwhelmed , I couldn’t believe Mr. Tope is dead. Just like that. We were in his family estate in Ogun state since Thursday. It was massive, had about 25 houses, a lawn tennis court, communal pool , private chapel and a large field in the middle, that’s where all the ceremonies took place, it even had its own private burial ground where all his family members already had marked graves. I had never seen that before. Everything took place in his estate.
I had to ask someone what he did before he retired, I found out he was a 2 time minister also a chairman of a big bank for many years. That’s where all the money came from, although he and his wife lived a very modest life. We also found out his family owned the land our estate stood on. They sold all the plots to individuals. No wonder why he was the chairman of the estate.
Erica called, EG is not feeling fine, he had some pain in his chest and now he’s waiting for an operation. He has an irregular heartbeat, she thinks they might fix a pace maker. Wow! That sounded serious, I actually thought it was only very old people who got that. She’s really overwhelmed with taking care of EG, Robert and Tamara, so we suggested she bring Robert and Tamara back home and she can go stay with EG until he has his operation and they can both come back home. They should be back by the end of the month. Poor girl, they only just got married and should be enjoying themselves. I have enough help here, we can conveniently take care of them.
Our container arrived form Dubai with our new jeeps and all Seyi bam’s stuff. It should be cleared by Monday. Also Money has started to come into the NGO account, we are hosting a giveaway for Christmas, Cars, scholarships, startup capital, clothes , food and lots more, we want to feed 1000 people every day over the holidays also give away 1000’s of hampers with food stuff. It’s been keeping us really busy we’ve had to employ about 30 casual staff to cope with all the work. Thank God for everything we are not complaining, it’s a God give assignment and I’ve got to do it……hmmmm

DAY 361
MR- Back to work, Back to reality. David brought Sabrina back home. He said A pastor saw him on the road and said for him. “For you to succeed beyond your wildest dreams you need to obey God’s calling for his life”. When he asked what that was, Wait for it ….He was told God has called him to be a preacher of the gospel. Ha ! Ha!!Ha!!!. I laughed and fell of my chair. He said he was glad I found it funny, but something changed that. He said the pastor told him, two things he would see that will convince him. First when he gets to his club, God is telling him to go to the store, count 10 wine boxes from the left to the right open it up and he will find 2 million naira stashed away by his manager. Secondly he will get a call from his wife saying she was no longer interested in the marriage, she wants to go back to Malaysia and raise the child on her own. As for this he advised David to go get her wherever she was and bring her home before the call came, because once she makes the call, she will not change her mind, And the child she’s carrying has a great destiny.
David said he turned around to get some money from his car, to give the pastor, but he was gone by the time he turned around. He got in his car drove straight to the club, found the box exactly where he said it will be, the money was counted and it was 2000 naira over 2million naira. He hurriedly got in his car and drove to the village, got there late in the evening. And went on his knees, apologized to Sabrina for all his neglect and philandering. She held him, cried and said, in the morning she was going to call and ask for a divorce. David cried some more and became sober. Now he is just waiting for God to show him where to begin.
I was gobsmacked, God does indeed work in mysterious ways, my brother David, a Pastor? As a matter of fact, David and church don’t even go in the same sentence , not to talk of David , Pastor and God’s calling. Well I can wait to see things unfold. Lord I worship you, indeed your ways are not our ways at all…….hmmmm

MRS- We held a pre Christmas seminar today, invited everyone actually. We had a wonderful speaker, she was amazing, a woman who found her purpose and is making it work for her , an inspiration to all, she was. She spoke to us about life and death in the power of our words and Love.
She began, “Do you know you have the power to kill, destroy, change a person’s destiny and life with your words, Do you also know you have the power to enrich, bless, prosper, progress a life with your words?”. We all looked at her, some agreed, most were confused. “ I wonder where she’s going with this?” Someone asked. She actually heard the person and said, “I will tell you”.
“Some of you open your mouth and speak, and the one you speak to, wants to run and commit suicide instantly. A mother abuses her son and he walks right in front of a car and almost gets killed. When asked later what he was thinking, he said he wasn’t thinking, all he could hear repeating itself in his head was his mother’s words, “Son you will never amount to anything, your father was useless and so are you, I regret giving birth to you, it would have been better if you came as my menstrual period.” He was 28 at the time. Now you might say why he couldn’t just brush it off. I tell you He could not, for people you love and believe love you, it’s worse when the negative, evil words come from them to you, you are wired to accept and believe what they say about you is how it is. If you can watch television, see an advertisement that says, this particular cream will make you look younger and you rush out and buy because you believe the words said about the cream, now your own mother saying something bad about you, won’t you begin to accept it?”
“Are you aware that most of your life choices now are based on what someone said to you along the way, for example , don’t eat this and that, it causes cancer, you stop eating it for fear of getting cancer. Too much carbs makes you put weight on instead do the keto diet , you will lose weight. You then read testimonies of what people said and how it worked for them and you start the diet yourself, before long everyone is on a keto diet. Now pause for a second, why do you think most decided to go on the diet, because of WORDS spoken, the WORDS said it works and you will lose weight so you believed and joined the thousands doing the diet, WORDS”.
Now when someone says something to you and you feel like committing suicide, why do you?, words are not physical objects like a gun, a knife or a cutlass, but they can kill just as much. You rush to your father, and say “Dad, I’ve been accepted into university and he says So what are you the first? Why would you get so defeated and miserable and possible depressed.
You are waiting for that nice comment and encouraging word from your partner but unfortunately it never comes , what comes instead is how your mates are doing so much better, why can’t you be like them? Depression kicks in ..WORDS….
You struggle to feed your family, come back home with all you earned and all your partner can say is, “Shame on you, is this what your mates are bring home?” Anger and resentment kicks in WORDS….
You raise his children, work, clean tidy and when he looks at you all he says is , why are you so sluggish and fat, why can’t you lose weight? Inferiority complex kicks in …WORDS….
Or you struggle spend all your money on raising and educating your child and the child is to ashamed to introduce you to friends and he or she calls you a relation from the village?, WORDS…
Now tell me, why people just hate some people, it’s hard to love someone who never has anything good to say about you. Some people just can’t be happy for you and unfortunately a lot of people need validation from others to be happy.
Its time you liberated yourself, no one can make you happy but you, you must understand that you can only control what comes out of your mouth but not what others say about you or to you.
Make a decision today, don’t be one of those who bad mouths another, don’t gossip or spread rumors, don’t rejoice at others misfortune. Don’t talk at people, talk to them, let Godly words flow from within you, let your words comfort, heal and renew someone’s life. You can motivate, pray, care, love and heal life’s by what you say, be one of those who do that.
Remember , the power of life and death are in the tongue, Learn to appreciate and be content with what you have, for millions around the world are praying to be like you.
God is love, and he loves you so much, Love yourself and others will too. Always aim to be a blessing to someone every day and remember to make a difference wherever you go. God bless you all and have an amazing week”………hmmmmmm

DAY 362-
MR-My father was estatic, I mean I haven’t seen him thus hapy in a long long while. When David came to get yesterday to go with him to the village to go inform our dad that he has decided to go to bible school,I was so shocked but I knew that God Almighty works in mysterious ways ,h can turn anyones life around just like that.
We got to the village and as soon as our father saw us he was a bit afaraid because David had just left with Sabrina some days back, so to see us back together he feared the worst. Anyway we settled down after I reassured him we came with good news. David then narrated his experience and the phtopecies that came to past. He also said something he had nt even discussed with me. He said EG was not going to make it, Erica and the children where going to come back and I and Mrs will end up raing Robert and Tamara because Erica will leave them with us and go back to the states. He said he had that premonition the night before.
My surprise was that he wasn’t even aware that EG was ill, how did he know he wont come out of it and all he said about Erica. My father was equally stunned or so I thought. H elooked at David and I and said he had a confession. Back then befor he married our mother, his father took hom to a seer. The seer held his palm and told my father how he will meet our mum, that came to pass exactly how he said it. He also told my dad that he will have 2 sons , he should call us by the names we bear. David will serve the Lord and be highly favoured, I will be wealthy , live a good life and be a blessing to generations to come. Our dad paused and looked at botos us, he then said , so far my prophesy was being fulfilled to the letter but Davids wa just so messed up, that’s why he name Seyibam David, thinking nad praying that the prophesy will be fulfilled in him, but now he sees that he cant do Gods work. When it is Gods time , everything is made perfect……..hmmmmmm

MRS-Erica called , EG is getting worse, we have Robert and Tamara now , the house is full, Sunita has been amazing , only God knows what we will have done without her. She organizes the other maids and steward, she prarically runs the domestic staff in our house. I moved her into the guest chalet to give her more privacy , expecially now that Mr Ayodele has expressed his feelings for her.
Toke is due Already, but the babies seem to be taking a lot longer, so she called to let me know shes off to hospital tomorrow to be induced. She wants us to come as soon as she puts to bed. I have to take Sunita, Seyibam, Robert and Tamara along. But not to worry, Aakil is sending her PJ to get us.
Anyway all that said I the semnar went fantastically well, weve had to employ 3 more capable hands 2 masters holders and a smart public relations officer. With the coordination for all the states and all the projects we are working on , we need all that hands we can get. Am now a mum of 3 all of a sudden , I refuse to send Robert to boarding school. Hes so well adjusted and settled now , we found him a noce school and hes made friends already. I have to do the school run to drop and pick him, I will not leave him alone with any driver .
Tafa called me yesterday eeneing, said he was in town and asked if w could meet at the NGO later today, he had some foreign guestd from the United nations and they would love to visit. I said it was okay as long as it doesn’t clash with my school runs , priorty no 1…..hmmmmm

DAY 363-
MR-Wonders shall always happen, The God we serve is definitely a God of Possibilities. After David and I visited our father, we came back to town. He sat down with me and said he wanted to hand the club over to me. I was surprised but I understood. There was no way he could go to bible school. Preach the word of God and at the same time run a night club and Bar. I plan to hand it over to a management company because running a club is not my forte.
Kola, Tammy and the children are doing great. His mum had her baby, they all had to fly down and spend some time. I know his dad has been a bad boy, but according to Kola, seeing his new born baby girl, knocked some sense into him. They are grandparents with a child. His children have an aunt that is younger than them. Well I hope his father thinks about his new daughter’s future and stops all his philandering.
We are all worried about EG, Mrs. and I spoke to her n Skype yesterday. It’s not looking too good for him, even she looks deflated. It’s hard seeing the love of your life slowly dwindling away. The doctors can’t seem to understand why the treatments are not working, She is pretty fed up and from what we saw, if she doesn’t get some emotional support, she might just break down herself. One option was to get Rukky to go stay with her or Pamela but she preferred Pamela. We put her on a three way Skype call. Pamela can’t go out there until first week in December, so we need an interim person. Mrs. felt with should ask Peju, cos she and Fatima are currently on break from school in Paris, some kind of exchange programme. They finished on Sunday and don’t have to go back to uni until December 2nd. That was perfect Pamela said , she could be there on December first.
For the first time in a few weeks Erica smiled, you could see the relief n her face. We all went off Skype, she didn’t even ask of Robert and Tamara. You can imagine how stressed she was. Anyway thankfully Peju and Fatima were delighted to go to London for a few days. Thank God for Family…….hmmmmm
MRS-Praising the lord Always, praising the lord always, praising the lord with all my heart, praising the lord with all my heart always. I got the call Toke has put to bed, two lovely bouncing babies, one bot and one girl. Aakil sent me a short video, they are so beautiful, , regardless of them being different sexes, they still look alike , I could hardly tell the difference. Toke was glowing and Aakil was over the moon. The video he sent had his family and Tokes mum in it, Peju and Fatima are in Europe on a course from school. Toke was so happy, holding her 2 babies. The first thing she said was Babes you’ve got to come now with the kids, I need you here for the christening. Aakil then said just say when and am sending the jet, I couldn’t respond because I was just watching a video sent but I will get back to them once Mr and I agree on a day and time. I still have 5 days to work it out.
Am really worried about EG, from test conducted his blood pressure keeps spiking and defying medication. Doctors are worried he might have a massive heart attack or major stroke, worse still loose function in his kidneys. There has been talk of putting him in an induced Coma, to allow his body heal itself. I feel so sad for her and the children. My sister Tamara never knew her mum, now she might even never get to know her Dad either and become and orphan as a baby. Robert just got to know his biological parents and now he might lose one of them. Erica just re found happiness, got married and was extremely delighted, now she might lose the love of her life.
Lemmy and Josh also called us to speak to Robert, Lemmy is going to London tomorrow and Josh should be there by tonight. Erica didn’t tell them about the seriousness of EG’s illness until Mr. and I insisted they should be told. At least now she will get all the support she needs Peju and Fatima should be there by now and Pamela will join her next week,
We are really worried she might just do something rash to herself, she didn’t look good at all on Skype when we spoke to her. Seyi bam is growing so fast, I thank God for Sunita, she has been a blessing. It’s halved my work with Seyibam, am even trying to spend more time with him, so he doesn’t start seeing Sunita as his mum, instead of me.
Tafa came round to the NGO with the United Nations reps, they pledged to connect me with Baxter Pharmaceutical Company in America to supply the dialysis machines for free to the kidney Centre. That was a major breakthrough. I have been praying to God for this, I did speak to Baxter once before and they said they were not in Africa, the nearest I could get them was in Dubai. Their form of Dialysis is water based, the patient doesn’t need to come into the clinic, you give the patient a machine the size of a printer and supply him fluids once a month. E plugs himself into the machine every night and goes to sleep, in the morning dialysis is done and he is ready to go to work, it called peritoneal dialysis. This will revolutionize the way dialysis is done in this country. Thank you lord……hmmmm

DAY 364-
MR- Kola came back from his parent’s place yesterday. We sat together for a while to think of the way forward. As we settled down, the receptionist came in and said we had a couple of gentlemen looking for us.
We asked them to come in. Mr. Dennis and Mr. Thomas, sat down and said they just came in from Europe. Showed us their company profile, they have been building homes out there for a while and now want to come over to our country to start building. They claim they asked around and were told we were the ones to partner with. Kola was curious, he asked who gave them our contacts. They were reluctant to tell but quickly added that they had half a million euros to pump into the project. I had to ask what kind of partnership they were looking at. Mr Thomas the younger of the two. Opened up and said they would prefer to do logistics. Haulage across borders.
What does that entail, I was curious. Mr. Dennis cleared his throat and said, a lot of goods need to cross through African boards, now most people fly them or use local transportation. We have acquired 25 trucks and they should land at the port this weekend. We want you to manage them while we go back to Europe. We would just pop in once a month to get updates and our percentage.
I listened for a while and said they should leave the proposal, figures and give us a few days to consider their offer, we will get back to them. They thanked us got up and left.
As soon as they were out of ear shot, Kola yelled unbelievable, I said what, he had googled the two guys, they were all over the internet, some sites listed them as the richest blacks in Europe, they fortune was gotten through property and haulage. But one website that will almost missed, listed them as being the richest barons out of Africa but no authority has been able to pin anything illegal on the Them. What exactly were the barons of and how in God’s name did they find us. We needed Uncle J. but where was he? ……hmmmmm

MRS-Seyibam is a joy to be with, I decided to spend most of this week at home, looking after him. We gave Sunita a break, Mr. Ayodele asked for permission to take her away for a few days. I was okay with it, they got back just before we flew out. I needed to get back into the habit of waking up early to breastfeed him, rock him to sleep during the day and also have time to pamper myself.
Tammy is also back with the kids, she came over yesterday and gave me plenty gist. Her father in law doesn’t know what to do with himself, he can’t keep his hands off the baby. He loves her so much and has named her God has brought me joy. He can’t wait for his wife to feed her, he will make the bottle milk and feed, carry her on his back, imagine a grandpa doing all that. Mama has been a bit tired since she had the baby she was also disappointed she couldn’t breast feed, her breasts did just produce enough milk to feed the baby.
Her in laws have been so engrossed with the baby and didn’t really have time for Tammy and the kids, that was good for her because she made her excuses and came back home. Jnr has been a handful though, he’s jealous of his sister Daniella. He doesn’t like Tammy sharing his me alone time with her. Whenever she’s holding Daniella, he starts to cry just to get her attention. She said she didn’t even notice his pattern, until her mum in law pointed it out. She actually suggested Tammy should make Jnr help out when she getting his sister ready, make him feel useful instead of just ignoring him.
We all arrived Dubai this morning, I finally had some time to write in the diary. Aakil sent his PJ to fly us all out for the christening tomorrow, Kola, Tammy and the kids, Tokes dad and her sibling, her mum was already in Dubai with Peju and Fatima. Sunita, Seyibam, Robert, Tamara, Mr. and My humble self.
The twins are so beautiful, a boy and girl, but the look so identical. Beautiful like Tammy and regal like Aakil, I was sure they will grow up as models. 4 nannies take care of them around the clock, all Toke has to do is breast deed them, carry them when she wants and spend time being massaged and sleeping. Total pampering. They have a SPA in their castle, so we, new mums are having a SPA night before bed time.
We all sat in the huge lounge upstairs on the roof terrace, having traditional Arabian dates and sipping champagne, apparently dates were a real traditional fruit in the Arab world. Aakil was running around entertaining us with drinks and food. His sisters and Mum were all there. We just had dinner now and I excused myself to come do some writing…..hmmm
Day 365-
Mr. Dennis and Mr. Thomas on the mind, an alert of 250,000 euros landed in our company account. Kola and I got a call from our banking officer asking us if we were expecting some inflow from Europe. The name of the depositing company was unfamiliar but Kola jolted my memory by reminding me of the 2 dodgy visitors we had. Why in God’s name will anyone deposit a large sum of money in your account without first signing an agreement to decide what the money will be used for and what comes to them. Well Uncle J was the man for this job.
Speaking of Uncle J, I decided to go see him because I had tried his no several times but no response. The security soldiers at the gate let me in based on recognition. I drove down to his chalet, parked and proceeded to his front door. The next thing I heard was guns corking and someone shouted halt there. I turned round slowly with my hands up as instructed and saw 4 armed army guys pointing AK 47 like gun data me. I was asked to kneel down and the senior one came over to interrogate me. He asked where I was coming from and who I was. I explained myself and he asked me to move to the Oga’s office.
The Oga was Uncle J’s 2IC, he recognized me, asked the guys to let me be and told me to take my seat. He explained that uncle J was attacked in his convoy and shot at. Fortunately the assassins missed but the next morning Uncle J collapsed in his villa. He almost lost his life, he was walking one minute, the next he slumped. His wife rushed him to the hospital and he was diagnosed as having high blood pressure of 220/180. So high that his kidneys had already started to function at only 5 %. He also had a partial stroke. First things first he was put on a dialysis machine to clear out all the toxins stored in his body.
The kidney, the one organ that does so much work in the body yet we hardly watch out for it. Without it we die, most likely within a week or two. Why are so many people getting high blood pressure, a silent killer, which gives no symptoms until it’s almost too late. The strange thing is that we are still not taking it serious. Salt is a killer, too much of it. We spice our food with, Maggi, chicken seasoning. Beef seasoning etc, then we add more salt, all salt. Then we pour in a gallon of oil and eat everything up, day in day out and all the while eating, animal herd, animal skin, cow leg, tripe and co which have no nutritional value but look good on the plate, pulled with carbs and more carbs. We complain it’s because we don’t have money to eat anything else, this carbs and herd fill us up, but when the kidney fails where you would get money from is a mystery.

It’s cost about 25,000 per day to do dialysis and you need it 3 or 4 times a week, a kidney transplant even if you find a donor will set you back £17,000 pounds in the Uk, $225,000 dollars in the us and about 15,000 dollars in India .
Come on people , isn’t it better to reduce salt now, but vegetables for pennies , but fish , mackerel is amazingly nutritional and eat and be healthy.
Prevention they say, is much better than cure. In this case, to be for warned. You can’t feign ignorance anymore, you have been informed.

Uncle J is getting much better, he needs a donor, thank God he has money but a transplant can’t be done now cos he has diabetics. We pray he finds a solution to his health issues.

Well needless to say his was incommunicado, so Mr. Jegede seemed like the logical choice. The only problem now is that he too is missing in action, both his no’s are switched off.
Little did Kola and I know that our troubles had just started? We got a visit from a lawyer on Wednesday, he asked if we got the money, we said yes but we didn’t agree to it. He said not to worry, we should just sign to say we received it and everything will be sorted out when Thomas and Dennis visit us on Friday. So we signed.
Thomas and Dennis showed up alright but before then we got a call from a Chinese ship captain, that he just arrived at the port, 6 containers were on his manifest for our haulage company to pick up and deliver to Cameroun. I was in shock I asked him if he got the right no and what was in the cargo. He said he was not privy to that information all he did was transport the containers. He said we should come pick them up tomorrow or demurrage will begin to accrue.
While Kola and I were still digesting the information, the 2 men showed up Thomas and Dennis asking if we had arranged to pick the first cargo. We said No and we were not interested. Hey smiled, threw a file on the conference table in front of us and said open it. I picked it confident I could handle whatever was inside it. When I looked inside the file it dropped out of my hands and I let out an involuntary exclamation, Kola picked it up looked inside, and I watched as blood drained from his face. Kola stood up and said to them Mr. Dennis, Mr. Thomas, Please forgive us , we will get on it right away. Both men smiled and said, Well done guys, we though as much……hmmmm

MRS-Things are wrong, before they were wrong , things were right. Am blabbing now out of confusion and fear. We had to rush back from Dubai in Thursday, Mr called me and asked us to get back immediately, he didn’t tell me what he just said Bring everyone back now. As soon as we arrived he took us to a house he and Kola had leased in ana estate far away from where we live. It was ncely furnished , high fences and had 4 securiyt guards. He stillhasnry explained whats going on, but he says he will soon.
Before all his drama started, Erica has some drama of her own, she called to say EG finally came off life support, hes getting much better, the doctors are calling it a miracle. I was so happy for her , that she wont be a widow at such a young age. But with all my joy, her voice ws really low and sad like she had something else bothering her besides EG’s health. So I prayed. At first she denied any other thing bothering her, so I let it go, even though I had this nagging feeling she was hiding something from me.
Before we get to that, Toke and Aakil went all out for the babies christening. Justin Timberlake and Rihanna came to play at the twins christening, it was crazy, the babies won’t even know who they are by the time they grow was more for the adults. 100 people came and everyone brought a gift. If I tell you the twins already have 2 McLaren Mercedes Benz cars would you believe me? Well they do. A prince of Saudi gave it to them f=complete with personalized number plates. Pink and baby blue seats and gold plaited car seats. Some other price gave them an apartment each at his 80 story tower in Qatar. Aakil’s father got them a private jet. Gold bars, clothes, cash, toys, Gold mini hummer jeep, a play house with 5 bedrooms, I can’t even remember all. Oh, one more, BMW designed a double baby boggy that was mechanized and used a remote control. So Toke could push them on the park without even holding it. As for Toke, she got so many gifts she didn’t know what to do with them, cars, cash, money, all of it. Aakil gave her a house in London’s wealthiest area Park lane. A plush 6 bedroom detached house complete with a gold Bentley. To say thank you for giving me babies. Wow, I was completely gob smacked. That’s not all he gave Tokes parents a banana island, which Mr. had paid for him, an 8 bedroom house, with a pool and 2 G wagon Mercedes benz jeeps. I rest my case.
Back to Erica, after thinking about it, I called her back and insisted. She busted into tears and told me she was pregnant. I screamed and said thank God EG probably heard the good news and is fighting to stay alive to be a father to the baby. She paused, sighed then said she hadn’t told him. I asked why. There was a silence, then she said, it’s not his. What?, I asked , who’s is it. She spoke so slowly into the mouth piece, I wasn’t sure I hears correctly but she repeated it, before I knew what was happening, I slammed the phone down, that was not possible, Noooooooo!!!!!!!!……..hmmmmm

Day 366
MR-it’s so easy to get oneself entangled in a mess, I sat down this past week to think about how all this started, we have been through this self-imposed exile and hiding came, we never want to go through it again. The file Dennis and Thomas showed us the other day had pictures of Mrs. and Tammy in Dubai with the children shopping at the emirates mall. How in God’s name did this guys whom we just met know so much about us?
Well Kola found out. Remember Nkechi and Funke whom we employed a while back, and we wanted to second them to the hotel site when Nkechi resigned and said she couldn’t do it. Apparently she is married to Dennis now. But due to her bitterness she had kept a close eye on our family through Funke who still works for us. She calls Funke as a friend and stylishly brings up Kola and I and finds out what’s going on in our lives and funke thinking she’s talking to a friend and spills it all. Now how did Kola find all this out? The second time Dennis and Thomas show up at the office, Funke and Tony had come for a staff meeting. Just as they were rounding off, Funke saw Dennis but didn’t say hello, she said she got curious as to why he was in her office. So once she got home, she called Nkechi and asked how she was, Nkechi said she and her hubby were in town on a business trip but would be flying back in a few days, so she arranged a girls night out. At the night out after a few drinks Nkechi started to spill, that she got Dennis her husband to go into business with us, she knows her husband does illegal cargo trough Africa, we have a thriving cargo company, her husband was looking for a large, discreet company he could partner with and she felt why not us, besides if he goes down we should go down too, for humiliating her and choosing Funke over her. So she created the introduction and gave Dennis and his business partner all the data she had on us, plus what funke supplied and that’s how we got roped in. Funke was so upset but she pretended she was on board. She told Nkechi she was also looking for a way to punish me for rebuffing her advances, she said she will like to work for them officially, be an insider. So that night she went to the hotel Dennis and Nkechi were staying at. Dennis was so happy to take her on board, now she’s officially the mole in the company. She said to Kola, she could never betray us, we bought her a house, a car, made her a manger and her life is amazing, we treat her like a sister. She was ready to help us get out of his mess, all we had to do was trust her.
Kola and I say back and contemplated if we can truly truest her, we decided to discuss it with our better halves and come back to the table. At least it was a relief that we knew we were not in danger, so Mrs. and Tammy come back home this week.
Kola and I have been staying at our place in the estate, we are men and believe whatever comes we could handle it. Mr. Ayodele stopped by a couple of nights ago, he said he was at the estate meeting on Tuesday, and the topic of nominating a new estate chairman came up. Since Mr. Tope demise the seat had been vacant. He came to ask if we would support him for chairman. But first we had to attend the meeting tomorrow night and nominate him. I was a bit taken aback, because he had just moved in, yes he bought one of the best houses in the estate, but I only found out he bought it and didn’t rent it last weekend when I saw names of house owners pasted on the gate and requesting for a home owners association meeting.
I did call him then to express my surprise and he apologized and said he didn’t like to flaunt things he preferred if people though he was a tenant and was cross with the estate Admin for pasting his name up. Anyway all that was not even an issue, Kola was quick to ask the question, why he wanted to be chairman, he had a busy enough schedule as it is.
He looked at Kola and said he won’t understand, he wants to bring our estate into the 21st century, intercom at the main gate upgraded to car plate no recognition. It you are expecting a guest just send his plate no to the system when he gets to the gate it will open automatically, rules about painting your house, fence levels, litter patrol, more green areas, vetting of tenants in rented apartments etc. well, all sounded good but I was still not convinced, there was still something about Mr. Ayodele, if that was his real name? That just made me a bit uncomfortable. Dear lord, please let Uncle J heal and survive this kidney operation. We need him. The good news, a kidney donor was gotten for him and he’s due for the surgery in Israel this week. God help us All…..hmmmm

MRS-Erica spoke so slowly I thought I was hearing her incorrectly, what she said didn’t make sense at all, how could that be. Well she said she didn’t know, it could be one of 4 people. How in God’s name could she say that, I asked if she was gang raped , she said no, I asked if she was drugged, she paused for a while and said sort of, may be, am not sure. Hmm , so I asked when, she said when she came home to drop off Robert and Tamara. By this time I had started t sweat, because I remember she stayed with us for the 4 days she was here an on one of the days Kola and Mr. took her out to cheer her up it was on the Friday before she went back. Actually I insisted they do because she was so tense and moody, nothing we did at home knocked her out of her mood, so I suggested they go to David’s club. That was shortly before he had an epiphany and declared for God. Lemmy was also around at the time. Is she saying what am thinking, absolutely not, No way, O my gosh!, please don’t let it be what am thinking, if she doesn’t know who, and no one is confessing, that means we have to wait until the fetus is viable enough for a DNA test to be carried out. But speaking of which , can she be telling the truth, My hubby, Kola, Lemmy , David might be the father of her baby, Never I trust at least 2 of them with my Life, One I Trust with my mouth , the other am not too sure, but how did this all happen, and her answer to me was , “I don’t know?”
Thank God EG is getting better he’s out of Danger, Yesterday night while I was speaking to Erica she told me he was now in the normal ward , out of intensive care and is expected to make a full recovery. Thank you lord. But she’s pregnant?
We are still cooped up in this secured house. Mr. and Kola have gotten themselves into a bot of a mess. They refuse to tell Tammy and I what’s going on but they say for our protection we should stay her for a few more days before we can return home. The pastor came over to Pray with us yesterday after church, he was worried he hadn’t seen us in church for a while, so he had called and Tammy gave him this new address. He prayed with us and asked us to fast for 3 days to avert our hubby’s being roped into something they do not know about. He couldn’t tell us what exactly but he said it might not be related to what they were doing now, form what he could see, it was not yet here, we should pray it averts and does not come near them at all.
After he left , we sat down to dissect what he had said , Mr. and Kola were current embroiled in this dangerous cargo venture they were desperately trying to get out of, what else could be looming in the dark that might get them in trouble. We couldn’t think of anything, but we believed the pastor because everything he says comes to pass. Tammy suggested we just fast and pray as he directed and she was sure God will do the rest.
Madam Mabel called, she and her husband are coming back home. She wants Mr. to help get some of his workers ot refurbish and paint her house in the estate, I wasn’t even aware the tenants there had left. You remember Nneka and her husband chief Okonkwo, Nneka had run away from him and she took the children because he abused her all the time, she disappeared and everyone thought Okonkwo had killed her before she finally resurfaced in court and got him to relinquish custody of the children. Well Madam Mabel told me, she showed up at her doorstep in Europe with the children, Okonkwo had a wide network and he and his goons had found her, so she had to run from London. But this time he went too far, he was caught on euro star after Nneka reported him to the police that he was after her life and trying to take the children, he’s at Belmarsh prison in London awaiting trial for attempted murder and abduction. She was finally almost rid of him but wasn’t sure his goons would not try so she called Madam Mabel and luckily for her they were planning to come back home, so their house will be available in January for her and her children. They are in a bed and breakfast temporarily.
Well that’s not all Babs and Pamela and the baby also gave us a shocker during the week, Pamela doesn’t want their child raised in Europe, she misses her sisters, parents and the warmth and help you get back home. They are coming back early next year, its going to be a full house again, because if you remember Toke is planning to come live at home once the twins are a bit older and Aakil is ready to live here and shuttle around the world running his business.
All in all, we are all coming back together, this time as mummies, I wonder what our friendship will be like now. All I can say is God help us All, 2018 sure does have a lot of amazing blessings in store for us All…..hmmmm

DAY 377

MR-This week has been quite eventful and scary, all rolled together in one. But am glad that God Almighty is always on our side. Don’t know what Kola and I would have done or where we would be now if not for God. Everything started off like this.
We had to pick up the containers Thomas and Dennis sent through the Chinese ship captain who called us last week. With their connections the containers were on our trucks and heading for Cameroun on Monday. Kola and I decided to use a clearing agent recommended by Dennis because we had no choice. Our agent always does a thorough job, inspection of all the containers, inspection passed tags on them, duty paid and release docs signed. But Dennis in his wisdom said, All containers don’t need to be inspected it will take too long and he had a dead line to deliver in Cameroun by Wednesday morning latest. We asked once again what was in there, he said dried super seeds form china and agric equipment. Looking at the soft copy on the manifest that’s what was listed but I didn’t believe him, Kola was on my side with that thought. Anyway we get a call on Monday that the trucks have been loaded and were on their way. Tuesday midday, we get a call from one of the truck drivers, border patrol at the boarder of Nigeria and Cameroun stopped 2 of the trucks and are insisting on checking every bit of the cargo before it’s released but first they want the owners down there.
Owners, I thought, I was beginning to panic, what would they find. Kola reminded me we were not the owners, we were the haulage company. So we called Dennis, he conveniently said he was in Belgium and we were the owners of the trucks so we should go face them, or else…. Or else what I asked, but he just dropped the phone.
I called the driver back and asked what about the other 4 trucks , he said he had radioed them to slow down and find some where to park until the other 2 were let go, I asked how he knew, when he wasn’t one of those stopped, he said one of the stopped drivers was keeping him updated. Just then Dennis called back and said which no containers did they stop, I wasnt even aware they had no’s, so I did a 3 way call and the driver said 2 and 5. Dennis sighed, paused for a while, then said I will call you back.
Through all this Kola and I sat with our phones in our hands panicking, wondering what was in the trucks. Uncle J was doing great now, he had the transplant and according to the doctors is expected to make a full recovery and be on his feet in a couple of days. Thank God for him, but right now he couldn’t be of any help to us.
Dennis called back and asked us to listen carefully. He has spoken to the head of border patrol, who has been trying to contact his men at the border but signal problems are preventing him from reaching them. We have to get on a plane now, and go to the border , mention his name and say , Oga said all sorted and sealed. And they will let the trucks go. If we don’t get there before tomorrow and they search the container and find anything, we are on our own, I repeat, you are on your own. And he dropped the phone. Kola and I froze for a few minutes, then called our travel agent to get us flights to Jos where we would get a car to the border.
Fortunately we got a flight in 2 hours and where on our way. We landed in Jos that afternoon, got a car hire and raced to the border. As we got near, we had been communicating with the driver, we saw the two trucks with one container door already open and being checked. We quickly called Dennis and he asked which No, we said 5 and he slammed the phone down. Needless to say, I was already trying not to poo in my pants. We alighted from the car hire, asked him to wait and walked over to the crew searching the truck, we asked for the boss and a scruffy looking man approached us. He had beady eyes and a crooked mustache, it almost looked fake, I was actually tempted to try and straighten it but Kola sensed I was not concentrating on the job at hand and gave me a nudge.
Sir, we are form Oga Chinedu, he said to tell you sealed and sorted. What the man with the crooked mustache said, is it sorted and sealed or sealed and sorted? What difference does it make I said, well Mr. Man answer the question, are you trying to teach me how to do my job? Sir , why are you being so hostile, Kola said, Me hostile, when you people are packing illegal drugs into the country , then you call our Oga , bribe him and you can’t even remember the right passcode and I am the one being hostile, boys keep searching , he yelled at the crew. I stepped forward, tried to touch him to apologize and he hit my hand and said are you trying to beat me, before we knew what was happening we were arrested and thrown on the back of a dirty, smelly wonky pick up van with 3 soldiers pointing guns at us and driving towards God knows where, with the 2 trucks in tow.
We were gob smacked and thought it couldn’t get any worse, our phones had been confiscated. We looked out of the pickup, we could see the car hire was following at a distance, our bags were still in his cab and we hadn’t paid the fare, he was meant to take us back to the airport for our return flight. What were we going to do?
We drove for about an hour and stopped. We were dragged out of the pick up van and pushed towards a dusty looking 2 story building. As we got in we saw it was their office. We were led straight into the other Oga’s office. He was a bit more civilized and looked younger and spoke more eloquently than the thug at the border. He asked them to un cuff us and we should sit down. Gentlemen start from the beginning. We reiterated our story and he put his finger up as if to say that’s enough. He picked up the phone and dialed, after 4 failed attempts, he said am sorry sirs, I will have to detain you here until I can get Oga Chinedu to corroborate your story. Men take them away. We were pushed into a holding cell, Kola called it holding hell, it had a bench, was painted black, actually white, but was already black from dirt and grim and to worsen matters it stank of wee. I started to shout, I need to make a call, are we under arrest, we need to call our lawyer. Just then the thug guy came with my phone and said, oya take, Oga said one call. I took the phone and thought long and hard, who do I call, we finally decided to call Mrs. , she was resourceful, once she knew what was going on , she could call everybody else. So I called Mrs. and asked her to listen carefully.
My darling, please don’t asked any questions, Kola and are are detained in Jos, in relation to the cargo, we have been given the opportunity to make one phone call and am calling you. Border patrol have us at their Jos headquarters, please hurry and get us out, call my other no for further details. Okay my love was all she said. On hearing other no, the stupid thug guy came into our sell and searched us asking where is the other phone, I told him it wasn’t on us, h finally gave up after searching Kola and I a couple of times. What he didn’t know was that the phone was in the cab, so I was counting on the driver to pick it up, if he heard it ringing and saw My darling as the caller.
Viola! I later found out it worked, it worked, Mrs. called the phone twice and he picked and said Madam the phone is not with Oga, he is in a bit of mess now, Mrs. said she knew and asked him to explain what he knew, so he did. She asked for some other details and went to work.
Around 7am on Wednesday morning, we were taken out of the cells and led to the Oga’s office. We looked so unkempt and tired, having not slept a wink all night. My eyes were shutting , I didn’t even see who was sitting there, until I heard my name, struggled to open my eyes , it was the governors PA and 2 Men I later found out were SSS operatives, he had an immediate release order of us and the trucks. Within 30mins we were released, put in land cruiser jeeps, and taken to the airport and flown back private jet.
I woke up yesterday morning, in a strange bed and strange room, thought I was in heaven, then I closed my eyes opened it again and got up, walked out of the room, saw another door and went in Kola was just waking up too, we went down stairs and realized we were in the governors guest lodge. The chef had made breakfast and our clothes and bags were cleaned and arranged on the settee. The chef asked us to have a bath once we’ve eaten, the PA will be with us shortly.
The PA came, asked if we were okay, I asked how we got here, he said not to worry, His Excellency sends his regards and a car was waiting outside to take us home, we thanked him, got in the car and went home.
When we got home, Mrs. and Tammy ran out to meet us, with the Pastor and said, Thank you Lord for bringing them back to us safety…….hmmmm

MRS-Hallelujah!!, God is great, My boo and Kola came back to us safely, the Pastor has asked us to fast and pray for 3 days to advert this impending disaster , thank God we did and God delivered them form evil and harm. Thank you lord.
It all started on Tuesday evening, when Tammy and I were getting a bit worried that Mr. and Kola hadn’t returned home from the office. I had tried his phone and Tammy Kolas but we couldn’t get through. We left the children with Sunita and drove down to the office, that’s when their secretary told us they had to go out urgently but she wasn’t privy to the destination, all she knew was that Mr. had asked her to call the travel agent urgently. Unfortunately she didn’t have the no of the agent because Mr. gave her his pone to dial from it. I was getting worried, travel agent? Where could they have gone and not told us. Tammy suggested we go to the pastor.
When we got to the pastor he was busy with some people so we waited in his reception, that’s when Mr.’s call came in. just then the pastor was ready to see us. We went in to his office in tears explaining what Mr. had just said, he calmed us down and asked us to pray. After praying he said they would be fine, but we need to call the most influential person we know. That wasn’t a problem , but I didn’t have his no. then I remembered Mr. asked me to call his other line, so I called first time , it just rang out , I called the second , same on the third ring a young man picked and said Mr. was not with him right not. I told him I knew I was his wife and asked him to check Mr.’s phone for His Excellency’s no, his PA’s no and Dennis or Thomas. Within a few minutes he sent me a text from Mr.’s phone with all the no’s I started by calling Dennis and Thomas, 4 times on the fifth ring the phones had been switched off. So I called the governor, no response, then I called the PA no response. Now I was panicking, the pastor and Tammy kept praying and asking God for favor.

After a while the pastor stopped praying and asked me to send the governor a text, saying I was Mr.’s wife, he was in a life and death situation. I was a bit hesitant to send that kind of message, but at this point I was really desperate, all sorts of crazy thoughts were going through my head, how about if they are killed and then the border patrol deny they ever saw them, God forbid, so I sent the text. 10minutes later the PA calls me on my phone and asks me to meet him at the governors lodge Asap. The pastor, Tammy and I rushed into the car and drive to the governor’s lodge. Security had been informed we were on our way, this was around 9pm.
Before long we were ushered into a waiting room, we sat there until 1 am, when we were finally able to see the governor. He was so concerned for what Mr. and Kola were going through and immediately asked his PA to arrange to go get over to Jos and get Mr and Kola back here. We thanked him, the pastor prayed for the governor and asked to see him in private, Tammy and I stepped back into the waiting room after thanking the governor.
Around 3 am the Pastor finally joined us and the governor had ordered an escort to see us off home. We waited and prayed, by 7.30 am, The PA called and said Mr. Kola and his team were flying back now, they were safe. He had all their belongings, paid off the car hire, but they were asleep now. We should expect them home before mid day.
We fell on our knees and sang praises to God Almighty, he was indeed worthy to be praised. Just has we finished breakfast , the gate opens and 2 black land cruisers drive into our compound and out steps Mr. and Kola , looking as fresh and Alive as they did on Tuesday morning, It was indeed a wonderful sight to behold, Thank you Lord……hmmmm

DAY 368
MR-A time of reflection, a time to be grateful to God, a time to thank him for every single breathe we have taken , are taking and are about to take. Yesterday our neighbor across the road, Mr. D, was walking form his bedroom to the living room, slumped and died just like that, there was absolutely nothing wrong with him. He was only 51.
Mrs. and I went to see his family in the evening, his wife was still in shock and their family doctor had to sedate her. His brother who was about my age, narrated what happened. He said they had just had breakfast, and outlined plans for Xmas day. It was his wife’s birthday, she was turning 45 and he wanted to organize a surprise birthday party for her but they had been calling it a Xmas party. They were just on their way to make final arrangements with the musician that was coming for the day. His wife loved the guy’s music, listened to it every day, he wanted it to be a big surprise. A deposit had been made for him, the balance was in his car boot. His brother had gone up to change from his joggers into jeans, was walking down the stairs. Got to the bottom and just fell to the ground. He rushed to help him, called his name several times but no response and rushed him to the hospital. Unfortunately when they arrived the doctor checked and said he was DOA, Dead on Arrival.
Mrs. and I watched his mouth as he spoke, he had sweat on his brows and his lips were shaking, you could see the pain and distress, this narration was causing him, but I still had to ask the question. “What killed him?” He looked me straight in the eye, silently for a few seconds and then said, “Silent heart attack”. Mrs. said, “Silent heart attack? What is that and how is it different from a normal one? “ Another guy in the room who we had earlier identified as the family doctor said, “The problem with a silent attack is that the symptoms mimic other minor aliments like the flu, you could just become sweaty all the time, feel tired or have insomnia and pain in any part of your body , not necessary down your left side. most people will put this down to over work or not resting enough. You could be feeling dizzy or get really tired, now all this are also signs that you could be building up to a heart attack. Most will ignore and self-medicate for the flu or just slow down at work and think, I must be over working myself. Unfortunately the attack strikes, unexpectedly and is instant, nothing could have been done at that moment, but it could have been prevented from happening in the first place, if he had reported all this symptoms to a doctor”.
“Please, stop playing with your life, stop self-diagnosing and self-medicating, have regular checkups, don’t skint on money you will pay your doctor for a checkup and end up paying with your life. Health is wealth, God help us All”.
The doctor’s words were like a dagger, it hit home straight, I was a big culprit of self-medication, I had a whole chest of medication, especially antibiotics. I was really educated, enlightened but that aspect of my life, believing I was knowledgeable and had control over what was wrong with my body, without going to medical school, I had been goofing big time for a long time. Honestly it wasn’t my fault, it was my Mum, she had an antibiotic for every aliment, when we were young and David or I came to her, “Mum am feeling pain in the tummy” Son take this ampicillin, Mum am feeling a headache, Son take this tetracycline…..and so it went on, for whatever antibiotics couldn’t cure, my mum had Vaseline, everything else, just put Vaseline and for cold and shaking it was , Son take fansidar. For some strange reason it actually worked and we did get better and we had no reason to doubt our mum was a medical genius. I too fell in line. But since I have married Mrs. , she constantly empties out this so called medicine chest of mine and I stubbornly refill it. She tries but I still sneak down one or two antibiotics without her knowledge. Thinking of it now, am I an antibiotics addict?. O my gosh!! my mum turned me into a druggie? Noooo!!, that cant be? Can it….
Well let’s leave that alone, May Mr. D’s soul rest in peace, at least his death has finally sent me into self-imposed recovery from self-medicating. Meanwhile, I need to update you on the trucks. They all got into Cameroun and safely dropped off their cargo, returned to our company depot on Friday morning, thank God for the Governors intervention and No thanks to Dennis and Thomas. Before that Funke came to see Kola and I in the office on Friday. She said Dennis was in town, she found out he made calls with his European no while in the country to give the illusion that he was back in Belgium. It cost him a pretty penny but that wasn’t a problem, he could afford it. She said he and Nkechi had a house in GRA and were planning to settle down there because Interpol were looking for him and Thomas. We asked how she knew all this. Nkechi called her on Wednesday night to meet her somewhere in GRA, when she got to this huge house it was practically empty, only the kitchen and a bedroom were furnished, the security at the gate was as if you were visiting the governor. When she finally went through a thorough security check including a body scan. Nkechi was waiting for her in the empty living room. She explained they had to flee Belgium at night with nothing, thankfully Dennis had been transferring his money into her account in the country, so they have enough to live a very comfortable life for a long while. She wanted me to help buy her some clothes and furnish the house. “I promised her I will spend the weekend doing that, “Sir I hope this information will help” she concluded her narration. “More thank you know Funke” Kola replied.
Kola and I, looked at each other and smiled. We thanked her so much and she left. As soon as she shut the door behind her, we gave each other a High five and thanked God Almighty. We finally had them by the ‘short and curlys’, as our English folks will say. God himself had given us a way out of the strangling contract we signed with this two hoodlums. Now all we had to do was sit back and wait for them to come back to make their next demand……hmmmmmm

MRS-Toke my darling sister, she has always been a blessing to us all. We spent hours on the phone yesterday, she called and was telling me how bored she was. Aakil is treating her like an egg. The only thing and she emphasized on it again, the only thing she does is breast feed the twins. Aakil got her maids and Nannies for everything. The twins have their own apartment, Nannies to feed them, take them for a push in the prams, bath them, tidy their room, read bed time stories to them and they are just a few months old, they don’t even understand anything, but Aakil insists it’s better to start early.
She didn’t know this is how children were raised in the kingdom, a mother is only required for things like breast feeding, for everything else there is a maid or nanny to do it. Their suite has 4 bedrooms, 2living room, a play room, a study, a home cinema, a slide that goes from the second floor to the first and into the garden,that they cannot use until they start to walk. It’s like a fantasy kids dream apartment. She has a room in the suite and a chief nanny has one. She barely gets to see the children not to talk of carrying them.
While she was narrating this to me, I had my mouth wide open, I actually think a fly tried to sneak in, but I was lucky I caught it on time. I was just thinking so many Ladies here would kill for this type of privilege and here was my darling sister Toke , almost in tears telling me how all this over indulgence, pampering and waiting on her hand and foot was making her life a misery. It is true that “he who has a head, has no cap”, as my mum pointed out occasionally.
Well how do we solve the problem of Toke, Aakil’s princess, she said she needs to relocate back home ASAP, I reminded her that, that was the plan anyway. She said yes it was but Aakil’s father thinks the children should celebrate their first birthday with him before we relocate. Well, I told Toke that wasn’t a long time, she should be patient. She laughed and said if she was any more patient, she would disappear. Right now she was redundant. She wants to go to London for a week would I come over. She said we both do mixed feeding so our babies can survive on bottle milk till we get back, if she doesn’t leave that castle for a few days, she might have a nervous breakdown.
I had to decline her offer, even though she was offering to swing by with her private jet to pick me, I asked her to go. When she gets there she should call Erica and they can both spend time together, God knows they both need someone to pour out their hearts too. Toke felt that was fantastic, she understood my constraints and after 2 hours plus on the phone, she reluctantly said her bye byes.
Phew!, things too much money can do, and here we are praying for more and more each day. Life is so strange. Anyway, Christmas Eve today, for once we are sharing our Christmas with strangers, Mr. and I had a time of reflection, we have been blessed tremendously, we need to keep giving back and what better time to give more. Christmas this year will be spent at the NGO, feeding the needy. So once am done writing in my diary, am heading off there. The butchers and caterers are already cooking up a storm, the soup kitchen opens at 12 midnight tonight and food will be served until 12 midnight on Christmas day.
Jollof rice, pounded yam, fried, white , coconut rice, turkey, chicken, fish, meat all sorts, yam, beans, bread, moin moin, all sorts drinks, juice, malt, fruit wine, ice cream, yoghurt, cakes, biscuits, sweets and to top it all everyone gets a Christmas gift.
The main raffle, where the cars will be won and other big gifts is for 2 pm tomorrow, everyone who eats will get a free raffle ticket and a draw will be done to get the lucky winners. Who does the raffle? that’s a surprise, we have some celebrity volunteers coming down to help out tomorrow. All in all it will be a glorious day.
There are a lot of firsts going on here, its Seyibam’s first Christmas, my first Christmas as a Mummy, Mr.’s first as a Daddy, his parents as grandparents and first time we are all going to serve someone else for Christmas instead of being served. We have given all our help a week off for xmas, the gate man is a Muslim so he refused to go, Sunita is Hindu, she doesn’t celebrate Christmas. So far so good, with Tammy here most of the time, Robert, Jnr,Daniella, Tamara and Seyibam, all have a lot of company to play with and as for cooking, Tammy has refused to be helped in the kitchen but I still do, I promise you, I am much better now and can cook up a storm but you still can’t be as good as the master chef tammy.
Anyway my darlings, Got to dash now , I wish you all A merry merry Christmas and I pray God shows you your given purpose , so that you can begin to change the world, make an impact and be a blessing. God bless you All……hmmmm

Days 369- 383, The past 2 weeks –
MR- Well, where do I begin from, it’s been some of the most roller coaster days of our lives. Neither of us have been thinking about writing in our diary. Don’t get me wrong , I missed it so much, it’s always been my space where I alone dwell, I could pour out the inner most secrets of my heart and it would listen and take everything in. so you can imagine how I have been on edge for the last two weeks, not being able to pour out my heart. Well here it goes. But before I do, let me tell you the events that led me to this point.
Mrs., God bless her, suddenly became very secretive, everything was fine until a few days after new year, she was suddenly summoned to Abuja, by the governor’s wife forum. In actually fact Alhaji called her on the 3rd of January. I remember the call so clearly. My parents were still with us, they had come down to spend some time and were very much around. Sunita was playing with the children, Tammy and Mrs. sat in the dining area watching some crazy movie on Netflix. I sat with Kola watching a football match particularly member the phone ring just as my favorite player scored a goal, I couldn’t take my eyes off the telly but from the corner of my eyes I saw Mrs. Pick the phone, excuse herself and go into the study.
I suddenly felt really uncomfortable, a feeling I had never felt before when she got a phone call, but this rubbed me off the wrong way, I couldn’t hear the conversation but it still bothered me, thinking about it now, I didn’t even know who had called her at the time. Anyway as she walked back after taking the call, I shouted out from my seat, “Who was that baby?” She just smiled and said “No one important love, I will gist you later”. I want to yell gist me now, but I quickly checked my self and reminded myself it would be totally out of place.
Now I wasn’t just being paranoid. That afternoon, Kola and I had visited a friend in hospital, how did he get there you ask?, well his wife stabbed him, actually his wife’s new husband did. “Ehhnn!!!?,” you say, well “yes o!!”. This is how it started . His wife was offered a job to work with this rich Alhaji in Abuja. They were relatively rich as well, lived in a 5 bed mansion and had 4 cars, he had his own company and she worked in a bank. It was during her going out to get accounts that she met this Alhaji, who promised to put a billion in the bank, if she dated him, she agreed was promoted instantly to branch manager and the affair continued.
Our friend, the husband didn’t suspect anything. The wife bought a new range, told her hubby the bank gave her the money to buy an official car. She got a house in Dubai told him, a deal she worked on in the bank yielding the money. I mean he didn’t want to doubt her, even though her stories seemed so farfetched. Then she got a transfer to Abuja and told her hubby, she was put in a hotel for now, once she got a house they can all move. Her husband’s job was flexible enough, he could run his company from anywhere.
So months went on months, she insisted on always coming down to visit him. When he said he wanted to visit, she insisted, he couldn’t leave the children with the house helps, nothing unreasonable about that and besides he had no reason to doubt her. After about 9 months, she came home one weekend and didn’t allow him make love, said she was on her period. Now that’s not so bad but the problem was for the last 3 times she’d been home, she miraculously was on her period and didn’t make love. When he raised the issue, she said he knew she had always been irregular with her periods, so it wasn’t her fault that it comes when it does.
Frustrated and feeling deflated, he decided to pay her a surprise visit. So on a Thursday he flew to Abuja, didn’t inform her he was coming. He got to Abuja went straight to the bank, met a staff member, he enquired about their manager. The lady said the manager was on leave. Leave? That was the first he heard that, for how long he asked, for 8 days now she said , she had 15 days leave the lady volunteered. His wife was on leave and she hadn’t been home. He left for a hotel and cried all night. His wife of 13 years, what had he done wrong, why was she treating him like this, he loved her with all his heart. The next morning, he called her head office spoke to a friend of hers and said, his phone dropped in water, he couldn’t retrieve his wife’s new address in Abuja , he wanted to surprise her for their wedding anniversary , could she call ask her where she was and just say she’s checking up on her , because it would spoil the surprise, if he called to ask.
He got the address of a house in Asokoro, a posh areas of Abuja, took a taxi to the house, and asked the taxi to just wait. After about 30 minutes he got the taxi to take him back to the hotel. He had to sum up courage to go inside, he could see security was tight. The fence was so high, you could barely see the house. How could his wife afford this huge house, what was going on here, he needed time to think. A police hulux van was parked outside the house with 2 police men sitting in it. What was going on, this was his wife’s house according to the address given. He couldn’t sleep, so he recalled the car hire guy and asked if he knew who’s house he took him to earlier. The guy laughed and said “Oga , you no day live for this town, that nah Alhaji Ahmed’s house, the man nah very powerful god father o, everybody for this town no am, they no dey mess with am”. Really he said, well thank you. And he dropped the phone.
The next evening he took a taxi to the house it was a Friday evening, as he got there, he saw lots of people going in , he walked towards the gate and one of the police men greeted him and asked are you here for Alhaji’s engagement, Yes he said Alhaji Ahmed invited me. He was led in. As he got into the compound it was magnificent, lights all around, the grass was well trimmed and green, flowers of all kinds lined the side of the fence. Right ahead was a row of coconut trees that led down a slope into the garden. He walked in and there just beside the huge Olympic swimming pool was a beautiful, huge marquee. Music was blaring from the inside, butlers in black and white tuxedos were carrying trays with entrees and campaign flutes offering it to guest as they came down the slope.
He walked towards the marquee, went in and, wow!, decorated in ivory and gold , large chandeliers drooping down from the ceiling, beautiful hostesses, dressed in black and white tops with trousers and hair packed in a bun. One came towards him and led him to a seat at a table with 7 other people. They all exchanged pleasantries. He sat there looking around, he noticed, movers and shakers of the country, none he knew personally, just from watching them on television or reading about them in newspapers, governors, senators, reps ,business men, bank Md and All.
He still couldn’t find his wife, he looked around, and different people came in, northerners dressed in the full babariga, southerners dressed in trad wear, southerners with agbada and gele. Fortunately he had worn a long babariga, expensive looking, so he wasn’t really out of place. The marquee was so large it could sit 1000 people easy. He was okay though, his seat was at a vantage point and everyone coming in and out he could see clearly.
1hour and 30 minutes later , the Master of ceremony came on , apologized for keeping everyone waiting, but now the bride and groom were about to come in. everyone was asked to stand up out of respect. The band began to play Justin beiber song , My love. Then Alhaji and his bride came in surrounded by so many people. At first he couldn’t see the bride. Once they got on stage and sat down , he couldn’t quite make out the bride cos her face was covered. He sat there his heart in his mouth and then the imam came up and started the ceremony, the couple were asked to come forward, at this time he had moved into the aisle so he could see her face, as soon as the veil was lifted, o my gosh, he saw his wife’s face, the last thing he remembered was dashing towards the stage and shouting “No, she’s mine , shes mine”, just as he almost got there, he felt a sharp pain in his back and he blacked out.
We stood over him with our mouths open, asked him so how did he get here, he said he didn’t know, but a doctor confided him that he was brought in, in the middle of the night by private jet , the hospital ambulance was instructed to go pick up a stab patient from the airport tarmac, that was 2 weeks ago, he was lucky he would have died, he was stabbed in the back but by some miracle it missed all his vital organs and he had been patched up before flown down.
We asked about his wife, he said she’s gone, his gateman called that she came to the house last week, to take the children and the house help away. Kola and I couldn’t believe this sort of thing happened in real life, its only on Africa home video I thought. Our friend said, he was sure his wife was charmed, she wouldn’t do that to him in her right senses, He had heard stories of how charm could be used to make a woman fall head over heels with you and leave everything she held dear, including her husband and children. And to worsen the situation, The Alhaji she got married too, was on his 4th wife, she was wife no 5. The other guest on his table had been discussing that earlier just before the bride and groom came in. Why would anyone leave a happy marriage as the one and only wife , to become a 5 th wife. It didn’t make sense, the only plausible explanation was like our friend said Charms.
That’s what was going through my mind when she got that call, I was praying it wasn’t an Alhaji calling her. Later she confirmed it was Alhaji Tafa and she had to go to Abuja urgently, the governors wife’s forum would like to see her. I found myself protesting and asking why the wife’s couldn’t call her themselves, why does it have to be Alhaji Tafa that would call. Initially, she found it funny that I suddenly became jealous, she said as much, but I wasn’t laughing, I demanded an explanation. She got a bit cross with me and asked me to ‘Ask Google” Me! ask Google? What was that supposed to mean, well she said I was being unreasonable, am I just getting to know Alhaji Tafa represents the governor’s wife forum, why was I getting so stroppy about him calling her all of a sudden. I wasn’t listening, I just kept yelling, “is it me your husband you are asking to Ask Google?” Mrs. just looked at me up and down, kissed her teeth and went upstairs. I was so embarrassed, I could bet Kola, Tammy and my parents heard our outburst, cos it was in the study right next to the main living room where everyone was seated. Too ashamed to go back in there and face them , I just picked up my car keys and drove out, Completely ignoring the fact, that I was still coming back to explain myself to Kola and my Parents .
As I drove away from the house, I was boiling, I could literarily see smoke coming out of my nostrils. Mrs. is cheating on me I felt, how she could ask me to go and ask Google. Well, Yes Google did have most answers but this question was for her to answer, not google. I just kept driving and driving, I honestly didn’t know how I got that far without concentrating but when I came back to reality, my phone was ringing off the hook. I stopped the car, looked around and I was at the beach front, I must have been driving for almost an hour. It was Kola on the phone, asking me where I was, I told him not to worry, I just needed some air , I would be right back.
The next morning Mrs. said hello to me, I ignored her, I had spent the night on the couch in the study. Kola and Tammy had left quite late that night. Appealing to Mrs. and waiting for me to get back. i ignored all reasonable conversation locked myself in my study and slept off. Kola arrived very early and took me out in his car. We drove to the club. He sat me down and asked what was going on with. I told him Mrs. was being unfaithful, he almost slapped me. “What brought that on?”, he asked if I was drunk or something. I told him I just knew, she had changed. She never not told me who and why they were calling and she never asked me to ask Google when I asked her a question. So why start now, when one stupid Alhaji called her. Kola asked me to pull myself together , he hoped it was not our friends story that was clouding my judgment, I said it wasn’t but don’t the stories seen similar. Mrs. is off to Abuja in a day from now, she’s going to a meeting with the wife’s forum, how do I know what goes on after. “But you trust Mrs?”, Kola pointed out, “yes I do, but she’s changed”. Nothing he said gave me closure, I knew what I had to do.
Mrs. flew to Abuja, the day after, up until that point she had apologized and made an effort to pacify me, I grudgingly said I was okay, but still had my plan. She took the 7am flight out , I booked myself on the 10am flight. As my Taxi pulled into the hotel she was staying, the Hilton, I saw her and Alhaji and one other lady get into a G wagon jeep. I instructed the taxi to flow them. We drove to an area called Maitama. And the jeep drove into a building with he inscription, governor’s wife forum. So far so good, they were towing the line. I got out of the Taxi , sat in a bar across the road from the office and ordered some breakfast, it was going to be a long wait, but who cared , I had come to Abuja for one purpose only and that was to catch Mrs. red handed. I was like a possessed hunter, hunting his prey and determined to get the prey of die trying. It didn’t matter how long it took I was waiting.
4pm and they hadn’t come out of the meeting, I had breakfast and lunch already, just then the waiter came back and asked if there was anything else they could get me , I said a taxi. Around 5pm the taxi arrived, I asked him to be in standby, I would pay his fee, no matter how long he waited, so we agreed on 3000 per hour. 6.30pm , I finally saw the gate open and cars began to file out all Toyota jeeps , at last the G wagon pulled out, I got up left a huge tip and asked the taxi to follow the G wagon. It drove for a while and then stopped in front of a residential block of flats, the other lady got out and the jeep continued on its journey back to the hotel. They got down and I watched as the Alhaji hugged my wifey and drove off. Mrs. went into the hotel and towards the lifts. I got carried away for a second forgot I hadn’t booked a room, so I went to reception. The receptionist told me unfortunately all single rooms were fully booked, lots of events in town this week he said, they only had the 2 bed suites and they were a pretty penny. I said I would take it for 3 nights. I checked myself into a 2 bedroom suite with a living room and dining room. Just then Mrs. call came in, I picked it , she told me her day was long and tiring, Alhaji had dropped her off and she was going to have dinner in her room. She said she wishes I was there with her and we said our good nights. Before she dropped I asked her room no, she said why, but then told ne immediately, 512.
I got up went down from the 10th floor to the 5th floor and went looking for room 512, as I stepped out of the lift , I saw a male figure step into a room, when I got close I saw it was Mrs room. I almost lost it, dialed her no, she didn’t pick it, called again, it just rang, just I was about to knock on the door , the door opened , I pretended to be walking past and out comes a waiter with an empty tray. Just them Mrs. called back, said she was signing the bill for the food and left her phone on the bed it was on silent. I said I just wanted to say goodnight and dropped the phone. I went back to my suite and thought to myself I must be crazy, what was I doing here, my wife is not cheating on me, tomorrow I go home.
So early the next morning I was waiting to check out , when I saw Mrs. and Alhaji come out of the life area, O my gosh, he must have come back yesterday night, I felt dizzy all of a sudden, this couldn’t be happening, I ran towards them and landed a blow on Alhaji’s face. Immediately I was surrounded and punched by 2 hefty body guards, Mrs. was screaming “he’s my husband, please don’t hurt him”, everywhere was in commotion, I had passed out, Alhaji Tafa was bleeding on his white agbada , and other hotel guests and security were holding Me down, even though I already passed out once, a dirty slap woke me up.
In short I was bundled into the Hilux following Alhaji’s jeep and we all landed in his private residence. At the end of it all I found out Mrs. was coming from the executive breakfast room on the 10th floor, Alhaji had been waiting there for her, he insisted she have breakfast first because of the long day ahead, I had goofed and it was big time, needless to say I apologized to Alhaji, he was okay but Mrs. refused to speak to me. With my tail between my legs I was taken to the airport where Alhaji’s PJ flew me back home. Mrs. didn’t say anything to me, but the look in her eyes tore me to shreds. 5, 6, 7, 8 days, she didn’t come back, I couldn’t call because she blocked my numbers and she didn’t bother to either. She called Sunita to ask after Seyi bam, Robert and Tamara but not me. My parents had left when I disappeared to Abuja. Kola just couldn’t deal with my obsession and I wasn’t ready to listen anyway. After 12 days of not seeing Mrs., I was going crazy, I decided to go see Tammy and plead with her to plead with Mrs. to come back, I had repented. Tammy was gracious, she read bible passages about love and trust, prayed with me. Then said its okay she will call Mrs. Now. I thought she was going to pick up the phone, she went inside and came back out and right there Mrs. was standing. Apparently she flew back the same day I did but stayed on in Tammy’s house until I came to my senses…….hmmmmm
MRS- falling flat on his face was my darling husband, crying, pleading and holding onto my feet, I actually felt sorry for him, but I had to stand y ground and proof that trust was a key ingredient in relationships, besides we had both had issues earlier on in our marriages and we both said we would never get into compromising situations or step out on each other. If I could trust him despite all the Sandra issues and Teni and him, naked pictures, why couldn’t he trust me.
Oh! Yes I did forgive him, but you should have seen the mess he got himself into and the embarrassment I felt. Mr. actually thought Alhaji Tafa had spent the night in my hotel suite, how could he. Anyway yesterday he came to get me at Tammy’s, I had to cancel all my meetings in Abuja with the wife’s and excuse of a family emergency I was too disorientated to attend any other meetings. Alhaji Tafa was gracious enough to fly Mr. Home private, I insisted on going back commercial. He said he understood, if he was married to a woman as beautiful as me, he won’t even let me out of his sight, so he understood Mr.’s paranoia. I didn’t but the deed was done and I had mud all over my face, how was I going to face Alhaji net time. So I went straight to Tammy’s house and swore them to secrecy. At first Kola wasn’t game but them he saw reason, after he explained their friend’s case to me, I understood a bit but it still didn’t excuse Mr. for his craziness.
However he did confess that something just sparked in him, he never saw himself as a possessive man but this incident showed him you never know what you are capable of until you are faced with the particular situation.
This 2 weeks have been mixed, besides my husband behaving badly, Toke had a nervous breakdown, Aakil had to get her a psychiatrist. Things are changing rapidly, they come back home on the 20th. Toke is losing her mind, literarily. Aakil called in a panic and said Toke woke up last Sunday and started talking to herself. She didn’t recognize Aakil, she didn’t even know she had 2 babies. A doctor was called and she was sedated, diagnosis psychotic breakdown. The psychiatrist who she’s been seeing said she needs to go back home ASAP all she wants is to be with her sisters , Me and Tammy, the doctor told Aakil to take her back that once she’s here she will get better.
Aakil called and I spoke with her, the minute I mentioned the fact that Aakil said she was coming home, she dropped the pone, later Aakil called to say, she’s been packing her clothes since we spoke. Yesterday Toke called, she was much better, she can’t wait to get back and she called to ask what I want her to buy for me. Toke, the twins, her nannies are all coming back. Her mum had to come back earlier cos she wasn’t coping very well in Dubai, she also missed her life back home. Her house is being repainted, Aakil has shipped cars and new furniture down, should arrive before they get in. he is also coming to stay with her, he will shuttle between Dubai and here.
Erica, hmm, her case is another one, well Toke found out whom the father of her baby was but before she could tell I, Mr. and I happened and she had her break down, let’s hope she still remembers. Main while EG is much better, he’s back to their London house and according to the last conversation we had and they are relocating back too. When I don’t know. But what I am beginning to realize is that east or west, Home is definitely the best…..hmmmm
DAY 384-
MR-Am so ashamed of myself, how could I have been so stupid, what was I thinking? Am just so grateful Mrs. is not the vindictive type. It took a lot of groveling, Kola and Tammy helping a lot, I was finally able to take Mrs. home about 3 hours after I got to Kola’s place.
The drive home was a bit tense, I just kept saying I was sorry and Mrs. just reassured me everything was okay, she had forgiven me, especially since I promised I would never distrust her again. She believed me, so we were back to normal. It didn’t feel like it but I guess that was my own guilty conscience.
Trust, I could have sworn with my life that I could be never so possessive as to get on a plane , watch my wife and eventually believe I’ve caught her cheating on me. Well I did and now am doing some soul searching, in case there are some other hidden crazy behaviors I’ve got in me waiting to emerge. I had to apologize to Kola and Tammy as well.
Meanwhile we got a call from the governors PA, he has set up a task force to investigate what’s going on the SEA ports. He wants to be witnesses to report our experience and give some names, he believes this will be useful to them.
Mr. Ayodele, got the chairmanship of the estate, I have not told you about the drastic new changes, well for starters everyone living in the estate has to go through a security check before they buy, lease or rent a property. 2ndly if a prospective, buyer or tenant wants in, we have a meeting and decide if they will fit into our estate. He says it’s a way to sort people below our class. Also we must paint our houses every 2 years, our lawns must be kept green, fences well painted and lite. All of us have to buy 3 dustbins, he’s bring recycling in, one for dirt, one for food and organic waste and the third for bottles, plastic and co. it’s a laudable idea, but if you don’t abide by the new rules or refuse to pay on time, you will see your name, picture and address on neon lights as you drive in and out of the estate, so everybody will know you are a defector. Everyone in the estate is up in arms about this, they say it’s a breach of privacy. But unfortunately for them, they are the ones who voted him in and agreed on complete veto power for the chairman of the estate.
Do you know Mr. Ayodele can recommend someone leave the estate and he only needs to give one month notice? Only for tenants though, it’s a new clause in their contract. What you have to do to deserve that, is not really clear, but the new rules state it’s at the discretion of the chairman only.
We all have number plate automatic readers, the estate gate opens automatically when you drive up to it. There is a residence gate and a guest’s gate. Na wah!. Oh one last thing if your land is still undeveloped after 6 months of buying, it automatically reverts back to the estate. Tough laws, I now see why he wanted the chairmanship. The estate is fast turning into the feredarl republic of Ayodele…..hmmmm

MRS-Yeah, things are getting back to normal, I have forgiven Mr, but he seems to think am still upset, am not. I too understand what trust and distrust in a marriage can do. I still haven’t forgotten how my mother treated my dear father. I grew up seeing so much bitterness from my mum. As you recall I was an only child, if not for my paternal grandmother, I would have turned out useless to myself and to the society at large.
My mother would dress me up from a very tender age in the most expensive designer gear, shoes, bags, clothes, make me up and perm my hair, then drag me all over the place. She told me never to trust men, men were unreliable, enjoy your life as much as you can, especially when you get married. Always marry up she said, Money, lots of it can do wonders when your husband is not there for you emotionally. I still wonder what made her so bitter. But God bless my grandma, she was the sweetest lady I knew growing up. She would take me to church and sit me down almost every time my mum would leave me at home. Teach me the word of God, good manners, compassion, sincerity and goodness.
One of the most significant altercations between my grandma and my mum, was one day my mum was having a go at my grandma for something she said she did, my grandma looked at my mum and said in her gentile voice “Everything you do to me, your daughter will do to you”. My mum went ballistic, screamed at my grandma for causing her. My grandma smiled and asked how is that a cause, if you treat me well wont it be a prayer. And my mum fell silent. It was so significant because no one could get my mum to shut up like that, not even my father.
When he passed away from a heart attack I blamed my mother and that’s when we became estranged, we get back together when I got married.
Forgiveness is also Key, I had to dig deep and forgive and with Mr.’s encouragement I was able to. I thank God I did, because she had changed, realized the errors of her ways. We had a few great years together before she died for having Tamara.
Trust and forgiveness go hand in hand to make us the best we can be in life.
On a lighter note, I made a new friend on the flight back, she was fascinated by what I do, running the NGO, she said she wants to be part of it. We agreed to meet later on for lunch. So the next morning I called her and we arranged to meet for 12noon at a highbrow Italian restaurant in GRA.
Mr. left early Kola and he had a meeting with the Governor, he called them to be part of a committee making enquiries into what they experienced at the customs where there container was cleared without proper checks. He said this was his state and he wanted to know why that would happen.
Anyway I got to lunch with my new friend and she was with 2 other guys. I was a bit taken aback, she introduced one as her husband and the other her brother who just flew in for a few days. I relaxed, we exchanged pleasantries. Then we got to was such a pleasant afternoon, the meal was great but the company was fabulous. Her hubby and her brother was a couple of the funniest guys I had been around for a while. The lunch lasted 2 hours and there wasn’t one boring moment. They went from one joke to another, throwing in political opinions and human right one time the discussion rested on my work at the NGO, I was appreciated, praised and promised all the help they could offer. At the end of lunch, Rolake, kunle and Niyi were my new good friends.
I drove from lunch to Tammy’s, as I walked in I knew something was wrong. Tammy was crying, Daniella and Jnr were not in sight. I rushed to her side cuddled her and asked her to tell me what the matter was. She couldn’t speak, she just kept crying and crying. So I stopped talking and just held her. I didn’t even know what to say, Tammy was the one who always had answers to every crisis, now she ones the one going through something.
While she was still crying, I noticed her phone on the floor on the call log page and the last call came in from Erica. Erica, what could she have said that would put Tammy in a frenzy like this? No!!!, it couldn’t be what I was thinking, was it , Oh dear God No!!!!!……hmmmm

DAY 385
MR-My wife has changed all of a sudden, I mean, am not being Melo dramatic or anything. At least I could understand her assuming abut Kola, but to think that she now goes out and comes back at odd times, this has only started happening since sudden when she claimed she went to hang with some mysterious friends I have never heard of. But am being careful, remember I promised to always trust her, so no jumping into conclusions here but I pray she gets out of this phase fast.
Well to digress a bit, Mr. Ayodele had definitely gone mad. After church on Sunday, which by the way was very uplifting. The pastor spoke about 2017. It was a hard year for most he began, so many brothers and sisters lost their lively hood, some didn’t make any money at all and some lost much more. What am I talking about here, some lost their lives. He talked about young people falling down and dying from heart attacks, having strokes and high blood pressure. Most brought on by money stress. He said we are still here, we made it to another year and we need to be so grateful to God almighty. The great news is that if money is our main problem, then we don’t have a problem, because today we can have N100, and tomorrow A million of it, just one turn around and our story will change. He asked us not to be ungrateful to God, very day we wake up alive and well is a miraculous day, go on your needs thank God almighty for sparing your life and giving you another day to breathe, appreciate him and move closer to your hearts desires, he said, closing he said, remember my people whatever you go through today, is just you going through a bad day, it’s not a bad life, cos it won’t last forever. Powerful sermon.
Coming out from that, driving home, Mrs. and I Laughed, thanked God for all the children, Sunita, Robert, Tamara and Seyi bam were in the car. We called ahead to ask f the chef had made lunch, he said he had, so we 86ed the idea of getting Pizza and ice cream and went home to eat lunch.
After lunch, I had a compulsory summon by our president chairman Ayodele to a meeting and Mrs. had this friend to meet. So back to what I was saying. Mr. Ayodele has lost it, I mean I would understand if he had some mental illness. Maybe he does and we don’t know. You won’t believe why he summoned a meeting.
By the time I got there, almost 40 residents had gathered. He sat on this make shift high table with a gavel, yes a gavel , and hit it on the table 3 times and some lackey standing next to him shouted “silence , order, silence , the chairman has the floor” Which floor, are we in the house of assembly? , some shouted , “Yes we are, Mr. Ayodele boomed in that his baritone intimidating voice, we are assembled here in this estate hall, so that’s our house of assembly.
“Sit down please” he said. We are here to intervene in an issue that has the potential to turn my estate into a war zone and it has to be nipped in the bud” By this time I had my mouth opn, did I just hear him say “My estate”. I mean most of us bought our houses before he even dreamed of buying his. Then he continued “Mr. Felix has brought the issue of his wife Kate and their neighbor Bode to the table , he caught them red handed kissing and he wants Mr. Bode out, before you say anything, they all live in the luxury 6 bed apartment on y Avenue. So you all have the floor what do you think we should do?
I was gob smacked, everyone was in shock and how he could bring a private matter to a public forum was mind bugling and worse still name and shame. “Who made this man judge over us” a man shouted from behind, later I was to find out it was Mr. Debo. Well Mr. Ayodele, hit the gavel on the table and the lack shouted “silence, order”. We all kept quiet and Mr. Ayodele stood up, walked up to Mr. Debo, looked him in the eye, I honestly thought he was going to slap or punch him, but he just turned round, lifted his arms and said “You all did, the day you voted me unanimously as chairman of this estate, you agreed that as chairman, during my tenure I had the right to rule the estate as I deemed fit and this is how I run mine. He continued “Since you are all hearing this case for the first time I give you until Saturday to come up with your decision , this assembly is adjourned until then” He had now walked back to his table and lifted the gavel hit it 3 times on the table and left. The lackey in tow.
The surprising thing was none of us moved or spoke for a few seconds, we had communal shock crisis. Then after a few seconds the whole hall erupted into shouts and yelling, by this time Mr Ayodele was long gone…..hmmmmm

MRS- Phew! It’s been a few days since I updated. Where do I start from? Well let’s see now. Hmm, Yes, Tammy, I sat next to her for a while, but she seemed inconsolable, she just kept crying, not the loud noisy kind but the soft, nose running body shaking kind of cry. I was there for a while, then decided to call Kola and ask him where he and the children were. He said he had popped out with the house help to get Daniella’s injection for her MMR and Jnr wanted to come along. Tammy had woken up feeling really tired so he had volunteered to take her. I asked him to come back quickly, he said he was on his way. I call Mr. and he too said he will be there shortly.
When Kola and Mr. arrived, Tammy had slowed down to a whimper, but her eyes were red and nose was still running. Kola cuddled up to her and asked her to say something. What was the matter? I had quickly said she got a call from Erica and probably she said something to her. As we were all contemplated what it could be, Mr. said maybe EG was dead, Kola said that most likely was the case, I said No, that couldn’t be, so they asked me what I thought it was, I was very hesitant to say but I let it out, maybe she told Tammy who’s responsible for the pregnancy, and as I said it I looked straight at Kola. Kola stirred back and said, “Wait, you think it’s me?” Mr. looked at me and laughed, “Babes, are you high? Kola? What in God’s name would make you think that?” “Well, maybe because she said she got pregnant when she came to drop off Robert and Tamara?” That’s what she said? Kola and Mr. Asked at the same time. “Yes, that’s what she said. Kola looked ta Tammy and said , “Honey, is that true, do you believe I would do that “ Tammy looked up and said we should all shut up, she got a call from Erica, not our Erica, but her Adopted Parents daughter , that her adopted mother passed away from a heart attack this morning”
Honestly, am so sorry but we all busted out laughing, it was so surreal, I tell you Assumption is truly the mother of all F ups. We quickly put our self in check and consoled Tammy, but she too couldn’t help but smile and call me a silly girl. Kola and Mr. looked at me and said I should be ashamed of myself for having a crazy imagination. Did I really think there was only one Erica on this earth? Anyway all in all I had to thank God it wasn’t what we were all thinking.
So moving on, remember I mentioned meeting Rolake on the flight back from Abuja and we hung out over lunch with her hubby Kunle and brother Niyi. Well she called me day before yesterday, Sunday and asked that I meet her in her apartment, she had something to discuss with me. That suited me fine because Mr. had the estate meeting to attend, since Mr. Ayodele took over as chairman, he calls for meetings almost every weekend.
Anyway once we got back from church had lunch, Mr. left for the meeting around 2.30pm , I drove out 30 minutes later. They description to her house was easy. About 30mins later I pulled up to this magnificent house. I honestly thought I had missed my way, or inverted the house no. so I called her and she confirmed I was at the right place. The gate opened for me automatically and I drove down a long drive way and parked.
As I stepped out of my Range rover, I always take it to places am hoping to impress, well you can’t blame a girl, Aakil got me the latest one when I went to have Seyibam in Dubai, what can a girl do but rock her ride. My dears, Impressing was not working oh, cos right there in front of me were 3 brand new range rover jeeps same as mine, different colors, a brand new jaguar and a G wagon, not just any but a Bra bus. Hmmm, I thought to myself what do this people do? Then I checked myself, look who is talking, we had a 2 range rovers, a G wagon and 3 other luxury cars on our drive.
Just then Rolake appeared in Jeans and Ralph Tee, she gave me a warm hug and led me inside, asked if I didn’t have too much trouble finding the house. I said I didn’t. I stepped into the lounge and to my surprise, there were 5 other women all looking lovely with mega long weaves and nails, seeping from baileys to brandy. They all got up introduced themselves and gave me a warm hug.
I sat down still looking a bit surprised, Rolake apologized and said she was sorry she didn’t inform me she had guests. I said it was okay. Anyway, she introduced them as her sisters, she explained they met once a month to pray, discuss and uplift each other, in short she wanted me to join them. I didn’t know what to say, I asked what made me qualified to become a sister all of a sudden, she just met me. She said she had prayed about it as soon as she met me on the plane and God told her I was a sister. Well I must confess I was flattered, what was not to join, they were successful like me, it seemed, looked good, were all in my age group, married they said , so why not?. I said okay sure and they all got up hugged me and said, Let’s celebrate. Rolake went in brought out a bottle of rear wine, as she called it and we poured, as I was about to drink, something was nagging in me, but I drank it anyway. As soon as I did. My whole body shuck and I felt a bit drowsy but it quickly disappeared. Rolake and a couple of sisters asked me if I was okay, I said I was. Then they said let’s eat. So we ate and talked they asked me about my life, business, hubby and all and I told them everything. I don’t know why I did that but I couldn’t stop talking. In short when I got u to leave it was 8 pm.
I managed to drive home, when I walked in Mr. was frantic, he had called me so many times, I told him, I didn’t get his calls, I brought out my phone and it was switched off, I didn’t remember doing that. Mr. was furious, I just told him to chill, can’t a girl go hang out with friends anymore and I walked off.
Honestly I am changing, here is something going on with me but I can’t put my finger on it. Am meeting up with Rolake later this afternoon, I think I will discuss it with her maybe she’s been through this phase, after all I’ve found myself some brand new exciting beautiful sisters, what more can a girl ask for? …….hmmmmm

Day 386-
MR-Well, sitting back in our office last week, I had a lot of time to contemplate. Was I dreaming? Or being Melo dramatic, I was fast losing control in my own home. I can’t quite put my finger on it but Mrs. is not right, something is awfully wrong with her or should I say wrong with her attitude. The Mrs. I know and married would never neglect the children the way she keeps doing since the weekend. Seyibam hasn’t felt the warmth of her bosom for some days now, when I pointed it out, she pounced on me with her words and said now that she has friends she can actually spend a lot of time with, she believes am jealous, that all I want is to control her , I want only friends I know around her so they can monitor her. Haba!, I was shocked , Moi? When did I become like that in Mrs.’s eyes. I don’t even know who this people are. I would love to ask her to invite over for dinner or something but am not sure how she’s going to take it.
Kola and Tammy just got back from burying Tammy’s foster mum, the children were left at home, Kola’s mum came with her baby to stay with them and the house help, while His dad went with them to the burial. Kola came around this morning to tell me it was a real eye opener. Tammy was more like their real child, the truth is most people don’t even know she wasn’t. Everyone came to her to give their condolences and envelope after envelop was pressed in her hand. Her foster mum had said she wanted to be buried within a few days of her death a simple church service surrounded by the ones she loved. She forbade anyone to make her burial a fanfare, “All that money should be given to the needy in my name” Tammys foster dad told them those were her last wishes.
0h well, I left the most important out Aakil, Toke and the twin arrived back during the week 4 nannies in tow. She was grinning and lked so happy to be back. Her house is buzzing with people, Aakil bought the house next door to Toke, A 6 bedroom detached house also with a pool and a guest chalet, his breaking down the fence and turning both Tokes house and that will be in the same compound. The new house will be for the nannies and guests and what ever else they need space for. Work has already started.
Aakil and I hit the clubs yesterday evening, same as usual , we sit in the VIP section and get lots of attention but the difference this time was the attention came from a couple of guys. I was done with strange guys coming up to me and offering me deals. I still had Thomas and Dennis the European criminals to deal with.
Speaking of Dennis and Thomas, we haven’t heard from them in a while since the Cameroun wahala, Funke said she spoke to his wife recently and they were keeping a low profile. Interpol was looking for them, they now live under assumed names. I have a good mind of calling Interpol myself and informing them of their whereabouts. Am just not a snitch.
Aakil is here until the 15th of February, he wants to settle Toke in and get the new house fully refurbished and furnished. The contractors have promised him, after renovations and painting, finishing, shouldn’t take more than a couple of weeks. 12th of Feb is the deadline.

Mrs-Why can’t Mr. be happy for me, what’s the matter with him. For once since we have said I do, I have friends outside our immediate circle and he’s uncomfortable with them. Everyone I surrounded myself with before new were either childhood friends of his friends. Am tired I need to spread my wings a bit, that’s what Rolake and the sister said. I told her about Mr’s fuss and she said ‘Girl that’s how it starts, your husband has been monitoring through your mutual friends, the minute you got involved with us sisters he couldn’t monitor you again so his upsets. You are a woman of your own, free and entitled to be happy and have a life outside your husband’s circle”. I felt so refreshed and valued. Kunle and Niyi were with her the other day. She finally confessed Kunle was her lover and Niyi was his friend. Am a bit conflicted I asked her if she was married she said sort of her hubby is in Belgium, he comes home once or twice a year and only spends 3 weeks a go, so for times when he’s not there Kunle steps in. I understood instantly it only makes sense that if your husband abandons you for 11 months , then someone has to take over his responsibilities. Well I didn’t have that problem, the one I have is Mr. Stifles me, he always there everywhere I look, I need a breather. He even followed me to Abuja to try and catch me out. I don’t see anything wrong in having a make friend, not to have an affair but talk to or hang with now and again, I will never sleep with another man besides my husband. That’s just plain wrong. And mind you no one is asking me too. As for Rolake I can’t judge, God only knows what I will do in her situation.
Toke is back with Aakil and the twins with a whole lot of staff, I have been to see her twice , but se complained I had changed , I know Mr. got to her. Why does everyone feel without them I can’t have a life. I need to show Toke, Tammy, Mr. and All that I now have new friends and I want to spend some time with them. I mean can you imagine, Rolake and the sisters invited me to a fellowship this morning and I informed Mr. I won’t be coming with him and the children to church I had to attend this new fellowship and he got so upset. What’s his problem, isn’t it God we are all serving.
The fellowship was a bit different, we sat in a circle holding hands with candles and one sister read from the books of Moses, Moses is in the bible, he led the Israelites out of Egypt, so we read some fascinating things I have never heard. We chanted a bit and then prayed, it was exhilarating and existing. The incense made us all go into a trance like state that lasted a few minutes. After we all felt pure. Spitball cleansing Rolake called it.
I hung out with Rolake and another sister, JJ, they came to the NGO and congratulated me for a job well done. We are meeting with some people this evening, also members of the prayer band. I love this new found freedom. Mr. not in my business all the time not having to report everything back to him, the sisters sad I must assert myself and gain some independence. I wonder if Tammy will join me, I haven’t told her about them because she’s been preoccupied with her foster mum’s burial. I might just tell her all tomorrow……hmmmmm

Day 386-390
MR-intervention, intervention that’s what’s been going on. Believe me if there was more we could do we would be doing it. Even Aakil is involved in this. Well it all began like this.
Mrs. said she had an event with her sisters, silly me I said “Oh you are going to see Toke and Tammy?” “Nope, not them. My new sisters, Rolake, JJ and co, we have a cruise and a weekend retreat in Calabar”. I was so shocked, Calabar? I asked “How long have you been planning this?” “Not long, just yesterday” She said as she continued to pack her clothes into an overnight case. I held her hand and said Babes am talking to you, stop what you are doing and look at me. “Why are you just telling me this?” “Hubby, hear me well, cos am not going to repeat myself. I am going to a sisters retreat, I will be back in a couple of days, Kapish? . She said and just went back to packing her stuff. I was routed to the ground, couldn’t move, I asked her about Seyibam and she said, “What about him? Sunita and you are here to look after him, what if I die, won’t he live his life? Please, please don’t blackmail me with that, no matter what you say, I am going.”
Just then she came over to me, gave me a peck and walked out of the door, that was 5 days ago and she’s still not back. I dot even know where she is, we have called and called her no, if it rings she won’t answer or she puts it on busy. Just yesterday when it got unbearable, Aakil, toke, Kola and tammy were here and we decided to call the pastor. I forbade them from doing that before hoping that she would turn up.
When we called the pastor he said he had to come over, 30 minutes later he was here, he asked us to all go into prayer, Aakil inclusive. After the prayer session, he said Mrs is not herself, she has been inducted into a very powerful fraternity of women who use themselves to spread men of their glory. Mrs. is not gone yet, tomorrow night she will be drugged and laid with by a spiritual being, once that happens any man she lays with , including me will be drained of their glory. I passed out.
When I came too, Aakil and Kola were fanning me, oh my gosh!, what, Mrs.? How did we get to this stage? The pastor said we needed urgent intervention, a 24 hour fast and prayer session, no eating what so ever and cumulated at church tonight, because by tomorrow morning it will be too late.
Yeah, what, I asked where she was?. He paused and said Calabar, in a coven. Coven? “Yes, she is going through the initiation process, right now she is lying naked on a plank in the middle of the ladies and chanting and incense is being used , he could see them all in a trance. The man who will defile her, she has met him before and on her fist meet with them he marked her by pecking her cheeks. He will be her spiritual husband if we don’t hurry up. But by the grace of God Almighty, she will be delivered, but will need a lot of cleansing once she’s back. The think about this particular confraternity is that a lot of rich, powerful business women belong to it, once you are in the lime light they come after you and do everything possible to induct you. They play on your weakness. In your wife’s case, you all were her weakness. She doesn’t have any friends outside this close nit group, the idea of a new kind of friendship was appealing to her, so they used that and she feel for it. But God is in control, thank God you called me on time.”
The pastor took his leave, we all huddled up together, speechless. Tammy broke the silence, she said why we were all down cast as if Mrs. was dead, she’s not and she will get out of this, we are her family and now it’s down to us to pray her out of this mess she’s gotten herself into. Kola suggested we all fly down to calabar and check into a hotel so we are closer to her, God might reveal exactly where she is. Toke reminded him the Pastor mentioned Mrs. was in a coven. Aakil, sighed and said that will be a challenge , hes not sure we will be welcomed to the coven, that made us all laugh and the air thinned out, it was so thick with stress before , we could almost cut it with a knife.
We all agreed to start the fast from midnight yesterday, we are half way through now and have been in constant touch with pastor. Lord we commit Mrs. into your care, because all we can do now is hand her over to you and pray for your covering over her……hmmmm

MRS-I was so happy, I thought finally belonged to something bigger than me ,a group of likeminded sisters, all for me, supporting jarring me on. We just finished a prayer session, even though I didn’t know where I was , I was kind of in a trance , but when I came too, the sister said the holy spirit had taken control of me and I had prophesied, I am so happy that am already being used by the holy spirit, that didn’t happen when I was going to my old church , even though I prayed and fasted, I thank God for this wonderful sisters and to think that Mr. was trying to blackmail me into coming here. It’s so nice and peaceful here, we have special robes we wear, no men allowed, just us women praying and having fun together. Now am not so sure.
A few days ago Rolake called and said we had this special convention in clabar and I had to attend, because here I would meet all the sisters and be formally introduced into the group. I got home went to bed and told MR the next morning as I was packing, he didn’t find it funny, I could see he felt threatened by this new me, I asked him to listen to me real good cos I was only saying it once, am off to a retreat in calabar. He looked at me like I was spewing gibberish, then he goes and uses Seyibam to blackmail me into staying. Rolake already told me he would try this by stopping the work God wants to do with me in calabar. I wasn’t about to let that happen. I walked out on him. Tammy’s call came in as I drove to the airport but I ignored it, No one was going to stand in the way of my progress and spiritual growth, Get thee behind me Satan.
Once I got to the airport, I checked my phone, 2 calls from Mr., 3 from Tammy and 4 from Toke, what do they want?. ”Am walking away from troubles in my life” was all I could hum to myself as I deleted their missed calls. Just then I saw Rolake, JJ and a few other sisters , all in jeans and Tees. They handed me a Tee and led me to a bathroom to change. I took off my top and slid it on. It was pink and white and it read, ‘Liberated’ …… . Yes that was perfect and that’s how I felt, liberated from Mr.’s hold, liberated from my so called sisters Tammy and Toke, liberated from my church. Welcome to a new life, am sure am going to enjoy this.
Once we got to calabar , we drove to the outskirts and after about 1hour arrived at this really large gated compound. We drove in and it was magnificent, from the outside you couldn’t see anything, the walls were so high, it dwarfed the roof of the building. 8 of us flew down together. As we alighted from the air-conditioned blacked out window mini bus that had come for us at the airport. Out steps her excellency the governor’s wife, with 4 other excellences, all smiles and saying, “wow! You finally got her here, we were worried you won’t make it.” Rolake smiled, curtsied and said, “trust me Ma , I never fail.” “Yes, I know my dear, but she is a tough one” she said as she looked in my direction.
Anyway, I put it all down to harmless banter, and we all filed into the house. The lounge was so large it had 4 sets of settees all filled with women , wear the same tee as we 8 that just walked in. they all got up and came to give me a hug , “Welcome to The Liberated” They all said as they hugged and pecked me on both cheeks.
It was pretty daunting , cos I recognized all this power women, ministers, deputy governors, senators, reps , chairwomen of corporations, in short the who is who of the women in the country were here. Just as I was still trying to take everything in, A young man in a chefs uniform came in and said Dinner was served. I noticed something strange about the way he looked at me, he titled his head to the side and looked me up and down, then walked away, I almost got a glimpse of pity.
Anyway, the dining room was equally magnificent, it must have had about 50 seats, little micro phones popped out in front of you as you sat down, I guessed it was so you don’t have to shout across to hear each other. The food was amazing, after we were asked to go relax in our room. I had a room to myself. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how many rooms this house had. I was a bit apprehensive as I laid there, Mr. Came to mind, my child Seyibam, my friends and family. Was I doing the right thing, maybe I should call them. I picked up my phone, switched it on, as I began to dial, Rolake walks in and says , “sorry babes, no phones allowed, I forgot to take it off you. This is a time of meditation and reflection, we don’t want any distractions, I hope you understand”. And with that she walked away with my phone not before asking if I had a second one, to which I said no. as she shut the door behind her, I reached for my second phone and she walks back in and says, she will take that one too. How did she know? I looked around for cameras none were obvious, that didn’t mean there weren’t any.
When I woke up this morning, I had this nagging feeling to leave, but how, I can’t get in touch with my hubby or anyone for that matter, I think am making a mistake, something isn’t right, am not so sure I made the right decision, I knelt down to pray and I could feel the spirit of God telling me to leave. So I went out , down the stairs, didn’t see anyone ,went towards the back and down this long hall, I opened a door and came into a very large kitchen and saw the old man who called us to dinner yesterday when we arrived. He looked at me again and shaking his head he asked what I was doing here. I told him I came with Rolake for the retreat,
“Retreat?” he asked , just then Rolake came in and asked if I was okay, before I could answer the old man said I said I had a headache and he was just getting me an aspirin and some water. Rolake felt my head and confirmed it was a bit warm. The old man gave me the aspirin with a piece of paper and a glass of water. I could see the pleading looking in his eyes but I still didn’t know what it meant. I followed my instincts and put the paper in my pocket, swallowed th aspirin and took some water, then gave the glass back to the old man and said thank you.
Rolake led me to another part of the house. As I walked in , a smoke was blown in my face and I passed out, I just woke up a few minutes ago and am writing in my diary. I just read the paper now and all it said was RUN. I really am scared now and honestly don’t know what ive gotten myself into, but I strongly believe am really really in deep shit. God please help me…….hmmmm

Day 391 to 395-
MR-The year 2017 was a really calm year compared to the way this is starting off. Besides Mrs. Issue that is almost driving me crazy, she still isn’t back yet you know. The pastor as reassured us she will be back in one piece but he we have to keep praying. Am hopeful and not discouraged but I can’t help but feel if only my wife wasn’t so gullible. I mean how can anyone sway you over so easily. Friendships and relationships you have spent your whole life building, then in one day, some strange woman comes along and destabilizes everything. What was she thinking?
Believe me you might think that’s the worst thing going on in our lives right now but you will be wrong. David came over a couple of nights ago, he was crying, Yes my brother the one nothing fazes was crying , actually wailing like a baby. Why you ask. Good question, Sabrina went to Malaysia, claiming she was going to see her relations and coincidentally she went into labor. Called my brother and said the baby didn’t survive. I was about to put my hands on my head and scream, when he said don’t bother , she’s lying. A friend of mine called just a few hours after Sabrina informed me the baby died and said , congratulations, he was on duty when she was rushed in, he is an auxiliary nurse in the OBGYN , he recognized her from one of the days I invited him to Sabrina’s house in Malaysia. She obviously didn’t remember him. Anyway he called to say congrats my wife delivered a healthy baby boy. I asked when he saw her nd the baby last, he said a few minutes ago, he had gone in to take vitals of all new mothers and she was one of the assigned patients. He didn’t introduce himself, but when he left Sabrina was breastfeeding the baby.
“Bro, can you imagine, she called me on the phone crying and screaming at me that she lost the baby because of all the stress I put her through. She was too heart broken, she wants a divorce and is never coming back to me” he went on to tell me that he was sad but a bit consoled. At least now he could marry a nice young girl. That was until his friend confirmed that baby didn’t die. He was so upset I didn’t know what to say. I asked if he called her back? he said he tried her Malaysian but it had been disconnected. Now you must be thinking why he can’t just go see for himself. But that’s not possible, if you recall he fled Malaysia during the night, he and his friends were about to be picked off for drug trafficking and we all know what they do to those types over there.
I honestly didn’t know what to do , I was gob smacked, I tried to console him but he kept crying and I cradled him for a while, then he stopped all of a sudden ,looked up at me and said , “will you please go to Malaysia and beg her to bring my son back?” I was like “Me? Really, I don’t think I can do that”. I told him about Mrs. being missing for now, I had kept him and my parents out of it up until that moment. I had too much on my plate. Sabrina was safe in Malaysia we could go and see her and his son soon but for now my main focus had to be on getting Mrs. Back. David understood but said he couldn’t wait, he was going to see our father and find a solution to all this, “maybe if Dad speaks to her she will respect him enough to bring his grandson back” he said. I shrugged my shoulders apologized once again and he left. That was 3 days ago.
Yesterday, Kola and I were still tired from this intense fasting and praying we have to do for my wifey. I did insist that Kola, Tammy and Toke don’t have to fast with me, Mrs. is my responsibility, I should be the one sacrificing. But they told me off, we may not be blood related but we are family and all we got is each other. So Kola and co are all with me on this journey, Aakil was fasting until Tuesday evening when he had to go to Istanbul for an AGM.
Just as we were sitting down to break our fast together at 6pm in the office, the secretary came in to say there was 2 guys looking for us. We said she should ask them to come back tomorrow, we officially close at 5pm. We waited here this long to break our fast and have our meal together. We watched her through the one sided glass wall, we can see through but you cant see us, kind of like the ones you see in detective movies from the US. She walked up to them and said something, they seemed a bit agitated, looked towards the glass wall, turned and left. Something about those guys were not right. So I logged into the surveillance system, clicked on the link in the car park, zoomed in on them, saw the get into their car, a black Toyota corolla, just as I thought they were driving away, I saw something that looked like a gun, which the one on the passenger’s side brought out and put in the glove compartment, I rewound the link and froze it, O my Gosh! It was a 9mm Smith and Wesson hand gun, I recognized it form my Gun magazine. I quickly called the receptionist, asked her to lock up the front door with the metal shutters. Asked Kola to pack up quietly. Only the 3 of us were left in the office. We went out through the back door, locked it, went to the back gate, opened it and went into the street, hailed a taxi and told him to drive to the nearest police station. All this while the secretary was shivering, kola was saying Bro, what’s gotten into you. I just kept saying, am coming, I will tell you everything.
When we got to the police station, I asked to see the DPO, he was free so we sat in front of him, I opened my laptop and clicked on the surveillance, first I showed him the frozen picture of the gum, then played the live feed, both guys were still in their car, in our car park waiting for us no doubt. I told the Police man they were there to kill us or one of us. He said where the proof was, I said but just showed it to you. He said he didn’t see them point a gum at us or say we are here to kill you. Kola was really irritated now, from my keeping him in suspense to the DPO acting naïve, he just busted out “With all respect are you dumb, you have seen the gum, the waiting game and you still want proof, maybe we should submit ourselves to be shot, then we can show you proof, are you going to help us get them arrested or not?”…….hmmmmmm`

MRS- God please help me, if you can just get me out of this I will never allow myself to get so carried away. What am I going to do now, I really don’t know, I have a few hours to sort myself out or I am dead.
Well let me explain. If you remember from my last diary entry the chef squeezed a piece of paper into my hand just before Rolake turned up in the kitchen. Well it read RUN. Run I thought, how and where? I didn’t even know where I was, how I was supposed to run away.
After the smoke blowing, fainting saga, that evening we newbies were all invited into dark room, told to take off all our clothes and be ready to meet our maker. Rolake called it a rebirth, an out of body experience, She said we would be taken back to when we were in our mother’s womb. I asked how that was possible and why. She said I shouldn’t be in a hurry I was about to experience it, as to why, we need to be reborn to become full members of the sisterhood. At this point I didn’t know what to do to run, I just prayed and cried inside. We were asked to lay naked on table like beds all 6 of us and we were blindfolded. A concoction was feed us through a tube, as soon as I tasted it, I began to vomit violently and I passed out. When I came to the chef was standing over me. He told me he had laced my potion with something to make me react violently. I was so sore inside, but managed to thank him. He said my ordeal was not over, he called the doctor and told him to say, it will take 4 days for me to full recover because my intestines have been compromised, if I take the cocktail of medication he is prescribing I should be better in 4 days. I was medicated by drips and left. Later that evening the chef came and told me to keep praying, if all went according to plan, on Sunday evening, which is tonight, he is off for a week, he will be allowed out in his truck, which is never checked and he can smuggle me out. Until then I had to hold on. If it doesn’t work, on Monday morning the initiation ceremony will be performed on me alone and I will forever dedicated and defiled to and by their god.
The way he said it , it sounded so scary. Every time Rolake or one of the sisters came in to check up on me, I would turn and toss, hold my tummy as if I was in excruciating pain. I could hear them whisper, who could have tried to kill me and some said I must be allergic to one of the ingredients and so on. The doctor just said it was an allergic reaction, the chef and him was in together so the chef was safe.
I regret my actions so much, how is it possible to abandon years of trusted, tried relationships for a fluke. I pray every day and ask God to please cover me with his blood. Was it that I still had some materialistic issues I hadn’t dealt with or I didn’t have the sprit of contentment? What do they have that God Almighty hasn’t already blessed me with and more. Why did I get so carried away in such a short space of time? I am confused. On this bed I have had time to think, pray, reflect and thankfully write. At what point did I miss it, beats me/
Tonight is critical, the chef goes off from 6pm and I either go with him or be saved or he gets caught trying to smuggle me out and am dead. The good news is that checking up on me is limited to medication and feeding time. Once the chef does his 6pm check and feeding routine. They done check on me again until around 8pm and by that time I should by Gods grace me safely far far away…….hmmmmm

DAY 396-399
MR-Who wants to get rid of us and why? That’s the question Kola and I have been asking ourselves. I mean we are upstanding guys as far as I can tell. I really hope and Pray this people are caught before it’s too late. O yes, they escaped before the police DPO decided to send someone down there to arrest them. We watched on my screen as they sped away, after going to the office door and see it was locked. We watched as they fled, it was actually realy comical. Its not that funny anymore, Uncle J, has been out of town for some months now and we don’t have any idea when he’s coming back, the last we heard was that he had undergone an operation and he was recovering well.
Kola thinks we need to take the wife’s and kids away from here. I felt that was not the best thing to do. The DPO wasn’t very reassuring, he just said if we see them around again we should let him know immediately, other than that there was nothing he could do, it’s not as if he has the necessary date base to track them with their car number plates.
My parents arrived a few days ago, they came over as soon as David got to them, 2 things on their mind. Mrs. missing saga and Sabrina’s white lie. For the former all we could do was pray as the pastor had said she will walk with her 2 legs into the house, as for the later, my parents have said even if they have to go themselves to Malaysia to bring back their grandson, they were willing to do that.
I understand my father’s pain, he lost hope on David before God turned him around, he doesn’t want to lose hope on anyone else, especially his grandson by David. My Dad is trying hard to redeem himself and do right by David. He wants him to see and know that he was never one to practice favoritism, he loved us both equally and things turning out the way they did, was just the will of God.
The Time for tears and sorrow is over, trusting in God Almighty brings Mercy and favor in time of need. Believing in the report of the lord and not leaning on my own understanding, keeps me going on in faith, hope and love, every day. Thank you lord…….hmmmm

MRS-All I could feel was my head bumping against the floor of the chef’s truck, as he sped away from the villa, I was warned not to make a sound. He led me to the truck earlier after the 6pm feed and medication, covered me with a trampoline and put some empty plastic containers on me. He went back inside, grabbed his overnight bag and I could hear him call out to the just resumed chef that he was off. He got in, started his engine and drove to the gate. I could hear him exchanging pleasantries with the guards and then he moved. As soon as we turned onto the main road, he sped up really fast.
We must have driven for an hour before the truck stopped, by this time I was badly bruised from being tossed around with no safety harness. He switched off the engine, came round the back and lifted up the trampoline, it was dark outside. He helped me up and in to a bungalow, I could see it was fenced round and had a gate.
He led me inside and took me to the bed room. There were some clothes and shoes on the bed. He asked me to have a bath, change, there was some food in the fridge I could warm in the microwave. He had to go now, he would be back by 6am to take me to the airport, he said. “No one will find you here, it’s a friend’s house, he lives in Abuja and only comes back here once a month.” He said he had the keys and looked after the place for the friend while he was away. When I asked why he had to leave me on my own, he said he had to go home as normal, in case the sisters come looking for me there, he promised to be back in the morning.
I watched him drive out and lock me in the compound from the outside. I was petrified but thankful I had escaped from there. I ran a bath of water and just laid in the bath for a while. Got out, slipped into the jeans and sweat shirt and trainers and fitted me perfectly. I was hungry but really tired, I managed to go into the kitchen, found some rice and sauce in the fridge, took a bit and put it in the microwave. I ate in silence and prayed, promised God Almighty that if he would just have mercy on me and deliver me from this, I would never fall into this kind of temptation again.
Am not sure when I dozed off but I was awaken by the chef tapping on my shoulder. Apparently he had let himself in when he knocked the bedroom door and I didn’t answer. Thankfully I had slept off with all my clothes on, including the trainers. He just said “Let’s go now”.
This time I got to sit in front of his truck, as we sped towards the airport he gave me a printout of a one way ticket. He said “Young lady, we might never see each other again, don’t thank me, just pay it forward, help someone else in need “ I said thank you Sir. Once we got to the airport he pointed me in the direction of the terminal and said God speed. And all I could see after that was his tail lights.
I snapped out of my gazing after him, walked into the terminal and picked up my boarding pass. 2 hours later, I landed, without a phone, a bag or anything. I got a taxi and gave him our address. As he drove me from the local airport, my mind wondered off to what Mr. and everyone would say when I walk in. I also wondered what the evil sisterhood will do now. Anyway, they were not my concern, I was just so thankful to God because I was almost home. I was still scared they could just turn up and take me back, I kept looking around as the taxi drove through traffic, same way I was watching everyone on the plane.
The taxi pulled up to our gate, I got out, asked him to wait, rang our bell, the gate man opened and screamed “Madam”. As he did I watched him run towards the house screaming “Oga, Oga, madam don come o”. just then Mr. ran out followed by Kola, tammy and Toke. I just stood there like a zombie, Mr. got to me first and he lifted me up, hugged me so tight and asked me if I was okay. He had tears of joy in his eyes, Kola and Tammy hugged me at once Toke put my arms around her waist and they led me in, Mr. asked the gateman to find out my fare from the taxi man and come pick up money and pay him off.
I can’t even begin to describe the love and warmth I felt, I was so overwhelmed with everything, I broke down crying like a baby, I was actually whaling, hugging Seyibam, like he would disappear if I let him go, everyone was crying , the whole place was in a joyful cry mood. Just then Tammy, amid her teary eyes, whispered to all of us. Thank God our darling sister is back, let’s pray…….hmmmmm

Day 400 to 402
MR- Am happy my wife is back, I can’t begin to imagine life without her if she didn’t come back. Now that she’s back she’s acting weird. She suddenly moved into the spare room a couple of days ago amidst my pleading with her not to. It’s strange though cos I used to be the one who didn’t like sex. I felt it was a chore and not for pleasure. My father put the fear of God in me when it came to the issue of sex.
He said it was sacred and should never be done lightly. It needed God guardian and meditation before it is done. I actually felt unclean after I had sex with Mrs. in the beginning. I wanted a routine, like maybe Mondays and Wednesdays. That would give me a few days to pray and cleanse myself in between sessions.
Strange as it sounds it was a ritualistic thing for me. Then gradually I began to enjoy sex and through God’s grace began to enjoy it a gift from God for procreation and pleasure between husband and wife. Thinking about it now I wonder why my Dad was able to get through to me and not to David. We both took different paths. I went the celibacy way and he went the free for all way.
Am really confused, the pastor said it’s just all the spiritual ceremonies she’s been through and she will come out of it once we pray and the mean time I’ve just got to wait and give her all the support I can give. Am worried though because she’s suddenly gone of Seyi. He cries for her sometimes but Sunita is an excellent nanny, she’s has really been a life saver.
Kola is also worried for me, Mrs. Hasn’t really told me what went on in Calabar. Did she sleep with any other man or woman, did she drink some stuff, what happened, all she told was the story of how the cook got her out. I feel there is so much more missing, she was away for more than a week. And all she can piece together are the last 2 days. I even asked if she had the cooks no, but No she doesn’t.
As for the hired killers or beaters or just a treat, they haven’t been back yet. Kola was able to get a uniformed policeman to sit in front of our office door this week gone by, maybe that was a deterrent. Uncle J reached out to us, he called and said he was considering taking early retirement. He didn’t think he was up to all the secret service wahala. Even though he has 3 more years before retirement. The Military still need him, they are currently taking care of all his medical expenses and have asked him to stay on leave for another month.
All this still doesn’t make up for the fact that Mrs. is not 100% back. I really can’t wait for all of her to be back here. She’s sweet, loving, alive and amazing, I miss that. I pray God helps us get her back fully ASAP…….hmmmmm

MRS-Coming back home has been wonderful the only problem is everyone is walking around me like I was an egg, to make matters worse even Mr. isn’t really himself. We do talk and he keeps asking me if am alright. I guess he thinks am going to take off with some weird friends again. I’ve had to change my phone no so the evil sisters won’t be able to trace me or get in touch, thank God they never visited my home and everyone at the NGO have been warned not to give my home address to anyone.
All this aside, am having serious problems with my sex life since I’ve had Seyibam I’ve found myself less and less interested in making love. I read up on some people who’ve experienced what am going through but they had a different issue, yes, they went off sex but they focused doting more the baby and taking care of it, in my case I’ve got Sabrina to take care of Seyi, but I still don’t get as existed as I used too.
I remember when we got married, I wanted to make love all the time, Mr. was the one who wanted a time table to be drawn out, he will even feign a headache when I wanted to make love with him. It’s as if the tables turned all of a sudden, he wants it much more often than I do and when I finally give in, am not really participating, am just going with the motions , I hardly have a climax this days and the worst thing, I really can’t be bothered. On the other hand Mr. is bothered, he feels it’s selfish of him to climax and I don’t. He does try his best but I hardly respond. What’s wrong with me?
I still find him so attractive and am totally in love with him, so what’s the hula?. Anyway to make matters worse since I got back from this abduction of mine, I’ve been having nightmares, the pastor came and said I need to have a 7 day fast and prayer session to get rid of any evil spirits or concoctions I must have been subjected too. I find my mind wondering all the time as if am floating in the clouds. I have moved into one of the spare rooms because I kept waking up screaming in the middle of the night. Mr. didn’t like it but I insisted.
I really do miss my mum, she would know what to say to make me feel better. Mr.’s mum has been supportive, although not before she had a go at me for not being contented with what I have. ‘Why else would you go away with some strange women” she asked me. Tammy has been amazing, she comes here every morning to pray with me and stays most of the day until it’s time to go pick Jnr from nursery.
I do want to spend a lot of time with Seyibam , but am just not feeling him right now, my mum in law wants to take him , Tamara and Sunita to the village for a couple of weeks , Robert has been staying with Tammy for a couple of days, he loves it there.
Erica and EG are coming home on Sunday, he has been given a clean bill of health. Erica is still pregnant and she still hasn’t said whom the father is. From what Toke said, EG said he would rather not know he just wants to raise the child as his own, the more the merrier he said.

Day 403 to 407

MR- At least I can say I’ve had time with my wife. I actually chuckled as I wrote this, she’s not even here and to be honest I don’t know where she is. Don’t get me wrong she’s not disappeared again, she just requested For Me time. I wonder what that means. Anyway enough of my blabbing, let me start from the beginning.
Remember I told you Mrs. was acting weird, well it continued all last week. Tammy was really worried, she came over every day and prayed for my wife, Yes, I said Prayed for because Mrs. was supposed to pray with her, but she kept requesting to be left alone. She didn’t want to be around Tammy, Toke or anyone. I went straight to the pastor on Tuesday to update him about Mrs. new behaviors. She’s gone off Seyi and I, she doesn’t want to see Tammy or Toke, neither did she want to talk to my parents.
To digress a bit, Erica and EG came back this morning, he’s looking really great, actually the both looked great and have put on a lot of weight. Robert and I went to pick them up from the airport and he went home with them. Erica looked very radiant, pregnancy really suits her.
My Mum actually tried to get through to Mrs. but she just walked out on her. Sunita, Seyi and Tamara went back to the village to give Mrs. Time to recuperate. Funny enough she didn’t even notice they were gone. The pastor reassured me, God was working on her and all we had to do was thank God for getting her back before any permanent damage was done. She was amassed in some really bad spiritual trances and that’s the reason her brain is recalling the images every time she falls asleep. The dreams will stop and her mind will figure out you guys are the one she loves and cherishes. Right now it’s really blank, she’s trying to come back to that place where Seyi, her sisters Tammy, Toke, and everyone else are. We need to give her time she will come around.
Time, I don’t even know how much time she needs, how long we have to be without her. I asked her how long she will be away for, just before she left and her answer to me was “As long as it takes”. Am just wondering, where do I fit in in all this, what about my needs, my feelings, my emotions. Seriously, does my wife think am a stone without feelings. That evening after she left, I took a stroll in the estate, I needed to clear my head, I wanted to go see Toke, cos Aakil was out of the country, but my legs kept on walking past her house. On hind sight I should have just gone into Tokes house, because instead I bumped into Mr Ayodele or should I say Chairman Ayodele. He was talking a leisurely walk and had 3 uniformed guards with him. You would think he was Obama or something.
I crossed over tried to avoid him, but alas No, he called out to me and stopped. I was forced to listen to what he had to say. He said nothing in particular besides asking me why I looked so solemn I just told him I was okay. He wouldn’t take my answer, he kept prying, so I told him that Mrs. was away and I miss hr. big mistake. He insisted I come with him to his house and the lecture started.
He told me he was a volunteer marriage counselor, but in his case he only counselled the men. He said the best way was to come out with him that evening and let him help me get over my sorrows. I had no choice but to agree and that was even a bigger mistake…..hmmm

MRS-Am just not into anyone right now, I left home and checked into the Radisson hotel and told them to leave my check out date open. I can’t really explain it but am just not feeling anyone right now.
I noticed I was creating a problem for everyone while I was at home. My mother and father in law, sat me down to ask what the matter was. Why was I keeping to myself , why was I not talking to anyone, why didn’t I want to old my son, or interact with me husband , why did I move out of my matrimonial bed? , they all wanted to kill me with questions.
Tammy and Toke were not left out of the whole issue. Tammy will come every day to pray with me but I wasn’t interested, so she will kneel down beside me, lay her hands on me and pray. I wouldn’t even say Amen at the end of it but she didn’t get discouraged she continued until I left home a few days ago. Toke would even bring the twins over, she knew how much I loved them and as a matter of fact there are my God children.
My darling hubby finally suggested we go away somewhere, he asked his parents to take Sunita, seyibam and Tamara to the village to give us time to rekindle our love. When Mr. asked me to come away with him, rather than me say okay, I requested that he let me go away on my own. I needed some ME TIME.
I could see the hurt in his eyes when I said that, but he brushed it off and said of course it was fine, anything to make me happy. When he said that I didn’t even give him a second look I just started to pack an overnight case, walked to my car and drove to the hotel. I thought about what could make me happy, is this really going to make me happy, I wasn’t sure but I had to try. I really do love Mr. and I want things to go back to the way they were, so I need to at least try.
I’ve been fine at the hotel, all of a sudden I feel really happy, I’ve been going to the gym in the morning and I sit by the poolside in the evening. I’ve had time to think and my mind seems to be getting clearer and I can now see the things that are important to me.
O before I forget, I met this guy by the pool, actually he met me. I was on a longer, sipping chapman, when a baritone voice said “Hey there beautiful, May I join you”. I didn’t even give him a glance I just said “It’s a free world”. He sat down, stretched out his hand and said “Hi, am Colin, may I know you?” I didn’t tell him my name, I just picked up my towel and left him sitting there, looking at his out stretched hand.
Yesterday, the hotel had a live band and we were all invited to sit by the pool and enjoy the jazz music and barbeque. I got there early, found a nice vacant lounger, as I approached it, I saw someone had put a hat and phone on the towel. I turned to walk away when I heard a voice say, “I recovered it for you”. To my surprise it was Colin’s voice.
I wanted to keep walking but I thought that would be sending a message I probably liked him and couldn’t control myself around him, so I pulled the lounger away from him a bit, sat down and said “thank you, but how did you know I would come down?”……hmmmm

Day 408 to 503
MR- Mr Ayodele, why do I allow myself to get dragged into situations I need Gods grace to get out of? I ask myself this all the time. I was depressed, Mrs. had gone off to God knows where, my parents had taken Sunita and the kids to the village for a couple of weeks. David was keeping to himself trying to convince Sabrina to come back with their Son and Kola and Tammy who are always there for us, didn’t even know where to begin.
Mr. Ayodele convinced me I was too soft, my mind and Soul was all about Mrs., I need a manly man’s night out, that’s what he called it. I should have been suspicious but he said it was only a massage parlour, a health club for men.
We drove to this plush home, no signpost outside, we got in a beautiful women met us led us to the changing room, we got into white fluffy robes and we were led into different massage rooms. When I got into mine I was instructed by a female voice, I didn’t see to lay down face down, take off my robe, all I had on was my boxers. The room was extremely deem, and soft music was playing, some nice smelling incense candles were burning. The massage started, the ladies hands were so soft and soothing and the music, the incense and the hands, made me find myself getting aroused. I couldn’t help it, the lady didn’t say a word, she just kept massaging, I just kept getting aroused and it felt so good. After about 15 minutes, I was bursting, then I heard the lady’s voice ask, “Sir would you like the full package?” “Full Package?” I asked, “Yes, do you want to make love?” She asked, still rubbing my back. And that woke me up, I jumped up and deflated immediately, my senses returned, I grabbed my house coat and ran out of the room. I was breathing so had, it was like a panic attack, couldn’t wait for Mr. Ayodele, I went to the changing room put my clothes on and went out to get a Taxi to take me back home.
Phew, that was close, I was missing Mrs. so much more than I realized, I had to find her. So the next morning I called Kola, it was a Sunday, we deiced to go to all the hotels around us and ask if a lady bearing her name checked in. After a couple of hours with no luck, Kola suggested we drive back home and rethink our plan. We went back, had something to eat and he felt, if she wasn’t picking our calls maybe we could get a new simcard and call her.
We went out got a new simcard and tried called her, it just rang and rang and she didn’t answer it. Kola with his bright ideas felt he could ask a friend to triangulate her call to the nearest cell tower that would give us an idea of where she was. I thought he was watching too much NCIS. “Where do you think we are, America” I asked.
I get back to that later, remember I said the Personal assistant to the governor called us and wanted us to join a youth group, well we got to go to a meeting last week and guess what , he wants to come back for a second term and is inviting us to work on his reelection campaign. It even came with a promise if he wins one of us gets a commissioner ship the other a state representative seat. Very mouthwatering Kola felt, this was how politics was done. I didn’t see it that way, “What if I want to become the governor?” I ask Kola. He looked at me, laughed and asked if I knew what it took to be a governor. I said “you tell me”. “lots and lots of money, which I might have access too, if we count Aakil and co, but more importantly Party support, grassroots support and I must be ready to go Native” He said. “What’s go Native?” I asked. “Diabolical”, he said, “Juju. No one gets there without joining some kind of cult or taking some kind of oath. Even if you don’t want to, your god fathers who put you there will demand it to ensure your loyalty to them once you win the elections”. I was confused, why would you agree to something like that? Aren’t the people going to vote for you and once they’ve made their decision who can stop or change it? “My dear bro”, kola said, “you are extremely naïve about how politics is played in this country, it’s not about a free and fair election, and it’s about who the powers that be want”.
Now I was pissed and determined, I looked at Kola and said, “let’s prove them wrong”. “How?” Kola asked, “I want to run for governor”. Kola just started to laugh so hard he feel off the settee. Kola could laugh all he wants but I was not deterred, I am going to run for governor but first I needed to get EG’s backing.
So once Kola left I drove to EG’s place, Erica had gone to see her parents, so it was just me and him. I started by asking him what he thought about the current governor, he felt he was doing a good job but could do much more. I asked if he would support a youth governor. He said of course it was overdue. If he found a credible one he would definitely put his weight behind him, I then said “Sir, I would like to run”.
Now, unlike Kola he didn’t laugh, he just stared at me for a while and asked if I was sure and had given this a lot of thought. Was I ready to go the long haul because once we start I couldn’t get half way and decide I was no longer interested. I said “Yes Sir, I have never been surer”. He said that was good, we had a lot of work to do, I should give him a few days to make some calls and then we see about getting me a party registration card.
I drove off feeling strange, what did I just do, was this something I was getting into just to fill the vacuum I felt because of Mrs. absence or was I really sure I want this, well time will tell, it all just began now…….hmmmm

MRS-Colin, just smiled and said he just had a feeling I would. He was okay, smooth, but I felt the company couldn’t do me any harm, it was just tonight, I would enjoy the show and go back to my normal world.
The live band was good, a time came when they asked everyone to dance, Colin asked me to dance with him, I obliged, first it was fast funky music and then it changed to soft music, which meant we had to dance slow and move closer. I tried to escape t my seat but he pulled me back. Not to create a scene, I let him, he cradled me in his arms and we moved slow, after a few minutes I felt his manhood harden, I wanted to move away but I didn’t, it felt good, he pressed himself against me and I held on, alarm bells were ringing in my head but I ignored them, his body was warm and firm and it felt good, we moved together to the music, for some strange reason I began to rationalize all it, I didn’t want the dance to end. Then all of a sudden I came back to my senses when he said my name, I jolted back, pushed him away and ran up to my room and locked the door.
What was I thinking, I could I have been so stupid am a married woman, I was getting aroused by another man’s manhood, O my gosh , I was so ashamed, why did I let myself get so close. I felt my heart beating so fast I was trying to get the feeling of Collins manhood out of my head. I went into the fridge and found a small bottle of whiskey, opened it and downed the whole bottle, took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. I had to scrub him off me. Just then I heard a knock on the door, I paused for a minute , listened to the knock, I knew it was Colin, he had come to finish what he started, my flesh longed for his body but my heart said no way, so I turned up the shower and stayed in there. By the time I was done, the knocking had stopped. I got into bed and slept.
When I woke up the next morning I had a hangover, my head was aching so badly and my eyes were hurting form the light coming through the blinds. Called room service for a black coffee and some toast. I wasn’t going down for breakfast, I couldn’t risk bumping into Colin. Thank God he was checking out today, so all I had to do was stay in the room and I would never see him again.
The next day I felt much better, I took my phone out of my bag and saw so many calls from Mr., a couple from Tammy and Toke, a few from an unknown no and 1 text message from Colin. It read. “Dearie, am sorry if I hurt you yesterday, it wasn’t intentional, I would really like the opportunity to apologize in person, please give me a chance”. I deleted it and felt No way, he wasn’t coming near me ever again.
But I knew I needed to call Mr. So I dialed him, it rang and rang, he didn’t pick it up, I called him again, same thing. Now I began to panic, what was going on, I tried again, he still didn’t pick, I was sweating, why Mr. wasn’t picking my calls. Has he given up on us, didn’t he want me anymore. I couldn’t help it, I just busted into tears. Not sure when I slept off but when I woke up it was 6pm.
I had eaten anything all day so I ordered some salad for dinner, as I ate, I was sad, I thought of my darling husband and baby, maybe God was punishing me for what happened with Colin, I need Tammy now, but after the way I have been carrying on, will she want to talk to me, and I know she might ask me where I am, I can’t lie to her. Who do I call? I really need someone to talk to. So a few days later, I did the only thing I shouldn’t have done , I called Colin…….hmmmmm

Day 504-511
Mr.- I can understand why everyone thinks am a weakling. Just because I won’t stop talking about how much I missed Mrs., Mr. Ayodele and now Kola called me softie throughout last week. Coming from M Ayodele I was particularly surprised but Kola, my Bro, how could he.
Well here is what triggered all this name calling. Once I finally got home from that devilish massage parlor, I checked my phone and saw Mrs. had called me several times, my phone had been on silent so I didn’t hear it ring. On my way from the massage place I had asked Kola to meet me at home. So he was there when I was checking the missed calls. He asked me not to call Mrs. Back yet. Based on what she has put us through I needed to be strong , let her spew a little and think that I can’t be bothered either way if she came home or not. Personally I wasn’t comfortable with that, how do two wrongs make a right? I asked Kola. He said some times they do, the same was negative and negative become positive. Hmmm, I sighed, he’s the smart alerk when it comes to idioms, he always has one to say at the right time.
To keep me distracted from Mrs issue, he asked us to go for a jog in the estate, it was around 6pm and the sun had almost gone down so I obliged. We had gone round once and just as we crossed the last few yards, there was Mr. Ayodele, driving towards us. Did I say driving, Nooo! He wasn’t driving, he was being driven with a security cars, one in front and one behind. He asked his driver to stop and he got out of the car and walked into our house with us.
“I see your Mrs. is not back yet, how are you holding up” he asked. Before I could answer Kola said, He’s not holding up, he’s barely standing up. Mr. Ayodele then said he sees his intervention didn’t work, he had to re strategize. So he sat down and went into this long analogy of how women were, if we make them believe that our world revolves around them, they begin to get cocky and take us their husbands for granted. I listened but didn’t digest it, I could see Kola shaking his head in agreement. That shocked me more. Was it that I didn’t know Kola as well as I thought or he was just sucking up to Mr. Ayodele. Not likely, the Kola, my Bro I know never sucks up to anyone.
After a long lecture on why I should call Mrs Bluff and let her come back home when she’s ready, all I could say at the end was “But I miss her”. Mr. Ayodele got up, I could see he felt like slapping me but he refrained himself, he looked t Kola, pointed to me and said “Lost case, his wife’s vegetable has rubbed him of is senses” and he walked out. Kola was busy laughing his head off and saying “Bro, you don chop veg”.
Veg or no Veg, I want my Mrs. Back. So I picked up the phone and dialed her. It rang out twice, I tried again the third time and a male voice picks it up, I didn’t even ask who he was, I just said he should give the phone to my wife. He politely said he was sorry, she left her phone on the table here and had gone up to her room, once she’s back he will let her know I called. I said okay and cut the phone. I had a look of bewilderment, Kola asked what the matter was and who was that I was talking to on the phone, all I could say was, “she’s with a man”.
Kola was shaking me and calling my name, I finally answered him, he asked why I didn’t ask where they were and ask who he was and the fact is I didn’t. I was trying to believe it could have been a waiter or the pool boy or the bar man that picked up the phone , but my mind and Kola kept bringing back the fact that she could be seeing another guy. “From when to when I asked, she’s only been gone for some days, do you think the cult has gotten back to her?” Kola could see I was really stressed so he called Mrs. Phone again and this time it just rang out, no one picked it up.
I could sleep, hardly ate for a couple of days, the phone was switched off when I tried it 10 times a day. Who was this guy and why did he have my Mrs. phone? So may questions but no answers.
I hadn’t been to the office in 3 days, I just wanted to lie in bed, I called my mum and asked her to keep the children for one more week, I needed time to find Mrs., she was happy to have them, I gave the chef and the house helps a compulsory paid leave, I just wanted to be on my own for a while. I thought of someone I could talk to, that would advise me wisely, Uncle J was back but recuperating and besides his new family were all around him, I decided to call the pastor.
The pastor was delighted to see me, we prayed and after he was done, he said Mrs was just hurting, she would come back to me, I was the one she loved. I asked if he saw she was having an affair, he said No. that sort of calmed me down. So I decided to get some pizza and chicken wings from Dominos and drove home. As the gateman opened the door, I saw a sight that delighted me, Mrs was sitting on the front porch with her suitcase beside her. I stopped that car at the gate, got down and ran towards her, she was running too, we met in the middle and had the warmest kiss, I had had in weeks, “Everything was going to be okay,” was all I could her in my head, the pastor was right, It was all going to be very very okay…..hmmm

Mrs- Mr’s lips met mine, it was a dream, I had missed him so much, we almost got so carried away , we barely got into the front lounge when the last piece of clothing fell off me. We made love right there on the thick rug, it was really good, better than it had been in months, I almost joked that we should spend more time apart if this was an aphrodisiac. But before I went home to the love of my love, a whole lot had happened.
I was still hung over when I called colin, he came over , knocked on the door and I opened it up, I was in my night robe. He was a bit embarrassed , he led me into the bathroom, lifted me into the bath and ran warm water on me fully clothed, I kept trying to pull him but he resisted. He just said , “shhh! Dear, am here just relax, let the warm water do its job.” I was crying and saying my husbabd hates me, he wont pick my calls , I have called him a million times etc. Colinjust kept reassuring me that , he knows Mr loves me dearly and that probably he wasn’t with his phone.
I woke up in bed, and Colin was no where in sight, I couldn’t remember how I got from the bath to the bed, I knew I was crying and colin was there but the rest was blurry. I looked to the side and saw an empty cup of ot cholate. My phone was no where in sight, I rolled over again and slept.
The next morning, I was awake when I heard a knock, it was Colin, he looked really daper, he came with breakfast on a tray, I joked that when did he turn into a waiter. He watched me eat a slice of toast and drink some orange juice and then started to cry again.but fund myself feeling sleepy and I dozed off. After 2 whole days of waking and sleeping, I was much better. Colin asked me to have a bath gry dressed and meet him in the restaurant down stairs.
I did go down and he was waiting, he told me all I had said for the last 3 days, he couldn’t take advantage of me and he had dropped his feelings for me. I was totally and unequivocally in love with my husband. He could never come between that kind of love, he had been sedated me over a couple of days to get me to calm down, now he could talk to me. So he told me his story.
“I married straight out of university, my wife Sarah was my childhood sweetheart and we were a perfect match in every sense of it. We relocated to the United States a year after marriage and everything was going perfectly well. 2 years later we had a son, Jnr. he was 3 when I was diagnosed with Kidney failure. Sarah didn’t hesitate, she donated one of hers, and fortunately we were a match. I survived and so did she. A month later on the motorway, a truck ran into Sarah’s car as she drove Jnr home from school. Jnr died instantly and Sarah was in a coma for 5 days, when she came too, she held my hand and said “Sugar, we had a great run, we have loved each other but now I have to go be with Jnr. find another, yours, not somebody else’s, never come between true love, God will give you an amazing woman that is yours, love, cherish and be fruitful. Jnr and I will always love you”. By now Colin had tears in his eyes and so did I, he held my hands and said “Those were Sarah’s last words to me, so you see, you are not mine, you belong to someone else, I could never take advantage of you, I know what you are going through, so my darling , please go home to your love, he’s waiting for you, he already called and I told him , you will get back to him shortly”……..hmmmmmmm

Day 512 to 518
MR-Yeah! We can’t find David o. we are going gaga here, my father called me in a panic and said he just received a FedEx letter from David, he read it to me over the phone-
“Dear Dad,
Am sorry for everything I have out you and Mum through, I know I have been a disappointment to you and mum, even to my brother as well. I turned a new leaf recently, so I have decided to take responsibility for my life. I cannot watch my son grow up without his father know am risking my life by going back to Malaysia but that’s what I must do. If I do get arrested, well that’s Gods will and I know I will get out of it. Pray for me, Dad, I really want to do everyone proud. Sabrina has said she’s not coming I have to come but she knows I cant. But am on my way to proof her wrong. By the time you read this I will be in Malaysia already. Godspeed Papa.
Your loving son,
My dad called me on the phone and was almost in tears, he screamed and asked me to go to check if David was at home, initially he won’t tell me why but said just go. I was in the office on Monday morning last week when I got the call, I picked up my car keys and dashed to his house, I must have broken about 10traffic laws I couldn’t be bothered, my mind was racing, what could be the matter. The only other time I got a call like that from either pf my parents was when my dad had a heart attack.
On getting to David’s house , the gate was locked from the outside, I went to the club and his manager told me David travelled and asked me a foolish question, “Didn’t he tell you sir” I said “obviously he didn’t , if he did would I be asking you if you have seen him?” He said “No sir” and called my brothers PA, she said she booked him on a flight to Malaysia yesterday night. it took all my self-control not to slap the information out of her, she refused to tell me initially, saying “Oga said I must not tell anybody”, I then asked if I was anybody, she said “I don’t know sir”.
I called my dad back and told him what I was told, he was silent for a while and then said “send a driver, am coming to you now”. That evening he arrived with my mum, Sunita, Seyibam and Tamara.
His face was swollen and his eyes were blood shot, he settled down and gave me the letter, I read it, then said “Dad don’t worry he will be fine. I called the chef and maids back a day after Mrs. returned. She had gone to see Toke when I called the house but we were all back home in the evening, no one knew what to say or how to react. “He isn’t dead, he has only gone to meet his son, why is everyone acting like he’s dead.” Tammy asked, aren’t we Christians anymore, don’t we believe in God?, lets pray and commit him into the hands of God, he will not be arrested.
We went to bed that Monday, feeling very hopeful. By Wednesday we hadn’t heard anything from David, my dad and I kept trying Sabrina’s no but no luck, sometimes it rang, no answer, and sometimes it said it was switched off. I could literarily see my dad depreciate.
Then on Thursday morning around 5am which was around 12 noon in Malaysia, I got a call. It was a lawyer he called himself Khalish. He knew my brother from back in the days when he was struggling in Malaysia, he said David had helped him through the hard times and now he was repaying the favor by helping to get him out of detention, He said David was picked up at Kuala lumpur airport on Monday afternoon. He said David was unlucky really, because he had already gotten to the car park before he was arrested. He is being remanded because they can’t find his passport. As soon as David cleared immigration he ate his passport. So they are unable to proof his identity, but the immigrations manifest raised an alert on his name now they can’t proof it.
He was allowed to make one phone call until they can identify him, So he called me. Khalish said David’s case was straight forward, they want Sabrina to come identify him, the problem is he called her and she’s not picking her calls, he went to the address David gave and she won’t speak to him, so he wants my dad and mum and I, to come to Malaysia to talk to her and plead with her to identify David as someone else. They have given him 6 days or he will be taken to court and tried as the drug dealer they are looking for.
Honestly I was in shock, David in jail? How was I going to break the news to my dad? I dropped the phone after saying I would call him back, I immediately called Kola and he put a call through to a friend who works in the Malaysian embassy. He said an emergency visa will take 3 days and we had to have a very good reason. The problem is we couldn’t use David’s real name, we just had to make up a name, which Sabrina will also claim is David and get him out of jail.
First thing in the morning around 8am once my dad was awake, I told him what Khalish had said and what we had to do. The trouble is my dad could not travel, the news of David’s disappearance had weakened his heart further and my mum couldn’t leave him, so Kola and I decided to go. Mrs. wanted to come along but I couldn’t risk it. i didn’t even know what we were going to meet there. Toke came over and suggested we contact Uncle J, cos she remembered he had gone for an exchange military exercise in Malaysia some years back.
I call uncle J, thank God, his phone was on now and he asked us to come over immediately. With our hearts in our mouths , Kola and I drove all the way to the outskirts of town to see our only human hope of bringing back David, God Almighty himself needed to be our guide with this one……hmmm

Mrs.-it’s been really stressful this few days .David being arrested in Malaysia has turned our life’s upside down for a few days now. Kola and Mr. are going for visas, but first had to see Uncle J. We are all worried that if they find out, he is really who they think he is, he might be executed for drug related offences. Although Khalish had promised that if we could just get Sabrina to come forward and identify David as someone else they will let him go based on her word. She is reputable in kuala lumpur and they will believe what ever she says.
I wasn’t even in the know, I and Mr. had a wonderful night of passion on Sunday night. On Monday morning he left for work while I went to see Toke and the twins. Tammy also came over. I had to do a lot of apologizing. I goofed big time and I wasn’t about to pretend I hadn’t been unfair to them. To be honest they weren’t upset any longer, they were just happy I was back and Mr. and I were as strong as ever.
Aakil has been really busy, he left in February and hasn’t been back for 4 weeks now. I was speaking to Toke and asked why she doesn’t want to shuttle between Dubai and here. She had a private jet to herself, her sister was there and she had a huge castle sitting empty with maids. she smiled and said I won’t understand, being beside us , being in her father land was priceless her children growing up here was what she wanted, probably when they were a bit older. I spent the better part of the day there, Tammy was graceful, I had really missed her , her words of wisdom and ability to calm down every situation was so needed at this time.
When I got home, Mr. told me Seyibam, sunita , Tamara and my in-laws were on their way back. We recalled all the maids and chef, sent the office driver to go pick them up from their homes. It was goig to be a full house, thank fully food was in stock/
My mum in law was cold, my dad in law was preoccupied with thoughts of David. My MIL looked at me and said, “So you finally decided to come back, welcome” I said “Yes Ma’am”. She said “Hmmm” and walked off. I sat next to my father in law and comforted him, kind of told him not to worry, that everything will be alright. He looked at me with red blood shot eyes and asked “How do you Know?” I had nothing to say but My MIL said to him, “She knows because God Almighty is on the throne and he has not left us.
Well a couple of days later, Madam Mabel called me, she said her hubby was coming home for a couple of months , he wants to stay in a short let apartment in the estate, could I or Mr. please arrange for something. I told her Mr. was indisposed but I could see what I could do. The only available apartment was the one David and Sabrina stayed, when they first got back. I went to see the landlord. He was sitting outside near the swimming pool. He asked if I was the one who wanted it, if it was, he was ready to give me a huge discount because I was a beautiful woman. I smiled, thanked him for his compliment and said it was for my sister’s husband. He said it’s still for me, so I can get a 25% discount, right there and then I transferred the money for 2 months and picked up the keys.
Yesterday , her husband calls me and says can I please drop the keys with the landlord, he might be coming in late and won’t want to disturb me, so I took the keys back to the landlord and said my sister’s hubby would be checking in that night.
I heard nothing else from him, Madam Mabel had called again to ask if I could please take him some lunch. So when Kola and Mr. went to the outskirts to see Uncle J, I took some fried rice and chicken to Madam Mabel’s husband, on my way to the clinic with Tamara, Seyibam and sunita. Tamara had a cold and cough which was making it difficult for her to sleep. A quick trip to the doctor, should sort it out, I thought.
I rung the doorbell no answer. I was about to turn around and go when I heard the door being unlocked. I stopped looked back as the door opened. Standing n the door was a young woman in her twenties half naked, as I raced down the stairs all I heard was Madam Mabel’s husband voice asking the lady “Honey, who’s at the door”………hmmmmm

The”New” Mr and Mrs diary…..Day 519-526

MR-We landed in Kuala lumpur on Friday morning, Khalish was at the airport to meet us and take us straight to court. David was being arraigned that morning. We waited for about an hour, as the court session started we were in the gallery. David was brought up to the defendant stand, his prosecutor was the government and he was being arraigned on suspicion of trying to stay in the country illegally and damaging of property, being his international passport. I was dazed, I watched as Khalish raised and objection and stated that this was a case of mistaken identity, his client is here in a holiday, he misplaced his passport as soon as he got to the car park realized it, he was about to go back and look for it when the immigration officers at the airport pounced on him. The prosecutor said why anyone would destroy their passport if they weren’t guilty. They believe he tore it or hid it somewhere. Anyway the judge adjourned the case for 2 weeks, he was about to release David on bail, when the prosecution pointed out that someone matching David’s description was on the police wanted list for drug trafficking offences and that the police are still trying to determine if it is indeed David, so he will ask the judge to remand him for now. Khalish raised his objection but the judge made his decision. David was to remain in custody until trail.

Before we even took off for Malaysia, we went to see Uncle J, wow! He was a shadow of himself, he had lost so much weight but his wits were still about him. He was very happy to see us. We asked how he was and all, he said he was getting much better, he will be resuming in May but on administrative duties only, no field work for now.
I told him why we were there and we would love any help he could render in terms of his contact in Malaysia. He shook his head and explained how strict they were about drug related offences but the good news was that they could not proof it was David and two, no drugs were found on him now, the fact was that people do look alike and with no previous DNA testing or finger printing their case will be hard to proof. So he called one Major Zikri, and told him what was going on. The Major said to give him 2 hours to investigate and he will get back. While we were waiting Uncle J insisted we have lunch, I barely touched mine, to think it was my favorite Moin moin and fried rice with fresh fish. Food was the least of my issues now. Kola finished his and would have eaten mine if the Major hadn’t called back.
The Major said David was being held in the Malaysian deportation camp in Kuala lumpur, he was alive and well but conditions there were very bad. Recently more than a 100 immigrants died there. He asked us to come see him as soon as we get to Malaysia he would have worked on getting him released. Uncle J gave us his contact details and we left.
When we got back to the office the next day, we went to the Malaysian embassy for emergency visas, they were ready for Thursday, My father wasn’t sleeping well and Khalish the lawyer still had no luck with Sabrina. We flew out on Qatar airways on that same Thursday and arrived Kuala Lumpur on Friday morning.
Kola and I were perplexed, what did they have on David, Khalish said Nothing but we were not convinced, the demeanor of the prosecuting officer seemed like one who wanted to buy some time. We waved to David as he was being taken out of court we couldn’t even speak to him, khalish promised us a visit to see him the next morning. Meanwhile we had to see Major Zikri. We showed Khalish his address and he called a taxi who took us straight there. Kola and I still had our luggage with us. We arrived at a barrack looking compound, showed them his name and no and in about 10 minutes we were led to his quarters. Surprisingly he was married to an African. South African lady to be precise. He was happy to see us. She was delighted and called us her brothers, asked how Africa was. Anyway he said we must stay with them, they had prepared the guest room. It was a fairly big house 4 bedrooms and they had one little boy who was about 5.
After we freshened up and had brunch, he said to us did we want the bad news or the good news first. Kola said bad news. So he said Yes, David was caught without identification, but they took his picture when they arrested him and went to death roll, showed it to all the Nigerian boys waiting to be executed, one of them identified David and has agreed to testify that he was one of the drug dealers he patronized back then. He will swear by this for them to reduce his sentence from execution to 20 years in prison. I felt light headed all of a sudden and almost passed out Kola had to catch me. After I recovered, I asked very quietly , “Sir, so what’s the good news” Well his lawyer Khalish , is one of the best lawyers in Kuala Lumpur, forget his statue or looks, he has never lost a case, he has gotten murderers off easy. But I still think a lengthy trail will takes its toll on your brother, it could go on for over a year” “A year” I screamed. Yes Mayor Zakri said, the best option is to get his wife to come vouch for him and he will be released immediately without trail and an apology and possible compensation will follow, Sabrina is well respected, I was even shocked when J told me she was married to your brother, I know the caliber of men, that have tried to court her and she turned them down. Just Pray she listens to you……..hmmmm

MRS-Mr. and Kola are in Malaysia, the news we are getting isn’t very encouraging. But we are praying ceaselessly for Sabrina to get him off. My father in law is really deteriorating, he can’t seem to handle all this uncertainty surrounding David’s case. My mum in law seems exhausted. I actually feel sorry for her, I got a nurse on Wednesday to come in every morning to help look after my father in law.
Mr. and Kola went to Sabrina’s house again with Khalish, they were turned back at the gate, saying she was out of town and won’t be back until tomorrow.
The NGO, well, I haven’t even had time to be there fully. The cancer and kidney dialysis Centre are finished. The fittings are being done as we speak, all should be completed by middle of the year. We are still getting funding from the governors wives. We have put out a suggestion box for people to tell us what they want us to do for them.
Hmmm, Madam Mabel keeps calling me, am actually avoiding her calls, I really don’t want her to send me to her husband. He’s camped with a young girl old enough to be his daughter. I can’t even talk to him, if I pick her call, she will ask after him or worse still ask me to check up on him and get back to her. Am not willing to lie for anybody, so the best option is to avoid her for now. How long for? I really don’t know.
Erica came over to Toke’s on Thursday, I didn’t really have enough time to sit with them. That was the day Mr. and Kola went off to Malaysia. Erica was beginning to show. Toke said she seemed happy and said EG was looking forward to the baby. She wanted to come see me to take Tamara and Robert home EG was missing them. She couldn’t do that because I wasn’t around. I wanted to ask Erica who the baby was for. She still hasnt told anyone, I don’t even think the father knows. Ever since EG said he was willing to take the child regardless of who the father is, her lips has been sealed…..hmmmm

DAY 527-534
MR-Major Zakri has been of tremendous help, not sure what Kola and I would have done here without him, we would probably have been picked up, roped with a crime and deported or worse still detained.
I know it seems like its all doom and gloom, but we are praying things start to change for the better really fast. Khalish is still trying to get a recorded transcript from the prosecutors in relation to the witness they seem to have that confessed he knew David as a drug dealer. They haven’t made it official yet because the next court date is next week, but we told him what Major Zakri told us and this sort of gave him an upper hand. At least no surprises in court from the prosecutors end.
We went to check on Sabrina again yesterday, that was the 5th time, kola and I have been going to her house. Her no is now permanently switched off. Unfortunately we always get turned back at the gate. The security men just say, so sorry Sirs, Madam is out of the country. They refuse to say where or how she can be reached. Kola and I don’t want to give up hope but our sanity is slowly dwindling. My brother will not be put on death roll.
We went to see David a couple of days ago, that was the 2nd time we saw him and the first was in court the other day. Khalish was unable to get us permits to visit earlier. David had lost wait but he was still very determined, hopeful and focused. I had tears in my eyes as I spoke to him, he was the one encouraging me not to cry and that I should understand that God Almighty was on his side. I looked him over really well and saw he had a scar, almost healed, on his left arm, I asked what happened, he said he got into a fight with the war room leader. “Who was that?” I asked, well the guy everyone pays homage to in detention. He smiled and said “not to worry, they have a new war room lord now”, Kola asked whom? He said he was the one and now he’s teaching them about God and no more violence.
For someone who had a death sentence dangling over his head, he seemed pretty calm, I was more panicky than he was and it was as if he knew something I didn’t. When we left him and we were in the cab back to Khalish office, Kola reminded me and asked if I had David became a preacher just before he left the country? “His faith is giving him peace with his situation”.
Once we got to Khalish, we wanted to hear some good news. He was very optimistic for a small guy with beady eyes, his moustache hung from beneath his nose like Inspector Poirot the French detective on television. For someone who had never lived outside Malaysia, his ascent was pretty exotic, if I was right, it was a mixture of American, French with a touch of Australian. Kola was curious, he asked how he acquired the exotic assent. Khalish smiled and said from watching cable television. All detective shows are his case studies, he’s learnt so much from them, especially the American series, Boston Legal and How to get away with murder.
Two of our favorites, we hardly miss an episode, if we do we tape them. Kola and I couldn’t stop laughing for a while, if not because Major Makri had said he was one of the best Lawyers in Malaysia I would have busted in to tears because my brother had a lawyer made by cable television but thankfully that wasn’t the case.
First Khalish discussed the Nigerian Witness on death row. He didn’t know who he was in particular but he has been able to acquire a recording of his confession. He went to the stereo, put in a tape marked confession and pressed play. It went thus-
“My Name is Manty, I am 29 years old, I came to Malaysia when I was 22. Things picked up for me really fast and business was good. Then one day my regular supplier of CC, went missing, as in got picked up and I was desperate, had a lot of clients waiting. So a pal of mine Denjo, now in Nigeria, introduced me to David as the kingpin of their area trading CC and from then he became my regular supplier. This went on until 2 years ago when he suddenly vanished and I was told he went back to Nigeria, shortly after, me and my crew were arrested and sentenced. We are currently waiting on death row. I have a picture I took with him”. Tape ends.
I was dumfounded, kola asked which picture and he brought out a copy of it from his bag. He said he showed it to David and David said the picture was taken in the club, one time he was celebrating his birthday. He doesn’t even know the guy or remember seeing him at the party. His friends organized the surprise party for him and maybe the guy was one of the guests they invited.
Khalish said he believes David’s explanation for them being in a picture together but will the Jury? “Do you think you can turn things around?” I asked Khalish. He said he definitely could, first how did this Manty guy just happen t have a picture of himself and David. He has been on death row for so long. Secondly and even if they genuinely took a picture together, the picture didn’t show them exchanging drugs. Thirdly, it was a known fact that every citizen of the same country living in a different country always seem to get invited to the same functions their country people are hosting, so that explains them being at the same party and being in a picture together, that is a far cry from saying they know each other or are friends or business associates.
I must admit he was really good. This detective made from cable television might just be getting his cable subscription worth.
Sabrina’s issue was the next thing he wanted to discuss. He said we might have to take drastic measures. We looked at him with thinned out eyes, drastic measures? What do you mean I asked? He lifted his finger to his mouth and said sssshhhh!. He got up opened his door, looked down the hall, shut it back again and then turned up the radio so loud. He moved closer to Kola and I and began to whisper the plan, by the time he was done, I knew we were in deep trouble, this was a do or die affair, we either succeed and escape back to our country or we fail, get sent to death roll and never see our families again, there was no three ways to this, just two……hmmmm

MRS- O lord, please help us, Mr. and Kola are not back, they been in Malaysia for almost 2 weeks now.
My major concern is my father in law, he’s sort of deteriorating fast, for a man that was so active, taking evening strolls, even swimming in our pool a few times, he hardly gets up from the sofa once he has breakfast and he’s helped to sit. All he does is stare at the phone and wait for a call from Malaysia. Initially Mr. would tell him exactly what frustrations they were facing over there and after the call, my father in law will get so depressed. We had to sedate him the other day, when he refused to sleep until he heard some good news. Now I have asked Mr. to be economical with the truth. If we still want him alive for a very long time. His heart can’t take any more bad news.
We are all fasting and praying continuously, even Seyibam and Tamara are not left out. They had bottles 6 times a day, but now they sort of have 4, we didn’t impose that but they seem not to be as hungry as they used to be. Tammy says maybe they sense what’s going on in their spirit and want t be part of the prayer team.
My mother in law, hmm, I know I shouldn’t be focusing on all her excesses now with everything that’s going on, but it’s hard not to. She practically made our chef redundant, she insists on cooking and when she doesn’t actually cook, she sits on the chefs neck to cook the meal her way or else. The chef resumes and only gets to cook late in the evening when she retires with my father in law. We are all scared to leave him alone for a minute. Once she retires to bed, I get whatever the chef makes and eat to my satisfaction, my mother in laws food is…., I don’t know , am actually lost for words to describe it.
Toke, Tammy and Erica, have been amazing, they resume here most days and only leave in the evening to tuck the children into bed. Robert and Tamara are going back with Erica on Saturday. Their house in Banana Island was undergoing some renovation but now it’s completed so they are ready to go back.
What about Madam Mabel’s husband you ask? Well thankfully am no longer involved but all the same Madam Mabel is not a happy bunny. When she called me so many times and I kept giving excuses that I was busy I won’t be able to check on her hubby, she got someone else to do it and viola, this person caught her hubby hands down with his little misses. Needless to say , I got a text from Madam Mabel that she arrives tomorrow morning, she wants to stay in our guest house and then surprise her cheating husband.
She’s been a bit unlucky, her first hubby Mr Chidi deceived her, that was terrible, I didn’t even know she could bounce back from that, now this one, some would say she needs to check her self or better still intensify her prayers. Either way, I really thank God am not in her shoes right now……hmmmm

Day 535 to 542
MR- We got arrested and have been in custody for the last few days, that’s why we weren’t able to write in our dairy. How that happened, you ask, well I will tell you.
Remember the last time we were with Khalish and he whispered some crazy plan into my ears, well the plan was to abduct Sabrina. He said he had a friend whose brother was on her security detail and after a few dollars exchanged hands he agreed to a one time offer route Sabrina will take in a couple of days on her way to see her parents. When he called kola and I at Major Zikri’s house to inform us, I was a bit apprehensive. How was this going to work, what’s the success rate of such abductions? Also those were being answered to my satisfaction. After he laid out the plan, then Kola asked, who are those involved. Khalish paused a bit and then said Kola and I. My first reaction was to throw up, I suddenly felt giddy and my life flashed before my eyes. Spending 20 years in a foreign prison was not on my bucket list.
Kola wasn’t as petrified as I was, he asked me to calm down and think about it , what choice did we have? Who was going to stick their neck out for David better than us. After much persuasions and mostly blackmail, I saw a tiny bit of his point.
So the plan was for us to first of all keep it away from Major Zakri and second to spend the night at Khalish house. Khalish came to pick us that morning. When we got to his place there were 2 other guys there already. The stern looking one called Ali brought out a map, already marked up to show her route, we were to lay on ambush and once her car stops we pounce. The other guy who didn’t say a word will take out the tires of the lead vehicle, once that was done Sabina’s car will be all alone and from experience she won’t wait for the lead car to change tires, she will insist on going ahead because the place was not far . The strange guy who didn’t talk was on her security detail and today was his day off, Khalish explained. Ali will lay on the floor as if dead, Sabrina will stop and we with blindfolds on will pounce, pull her out and drive off with her son. The strange guy said her son will be with her in the car. We jump in the car and drive off. then demand she goes to get David out before we return her son.

You will think the plan will work really well, wouldn’t you? It was well laid out, what could go wrong? Well, plenty did go wrong.
First we all set out dropped off the strange guy who was to take out the tyros of the lead vehicle, then we drove about a kilometer ahead and packed the car in the bush were we could not be noticed.
A few minutes later, we got a call from the strange guy he said he had taken out the lead vehicle, so we were good to go. We got into place, Ali laid on the floor pretending to wriggle in pain. Soon we saw Sabrina approaching, we noticed that she slowed down, then as she got closer she slowed down some more, all of a sudden she parked and we saw her on the phone. We were confused, she wasn’t near enough for us to see what she was doing, we were still contemplating when we were swamped on by air and land police and needless to say we were all apprehended and carted away to the police station.
Now it was a case of “The thing wey we say make baba no hear and Baba go finish am” translated it means what we didn’t want Major Makri to hear about now we had to contact him to get us out.
He tried to get us out on the day but couldn’t so we spent the night in the police station cell. Mrs. called and called she could not get through. That night we were taken away to a different cell and interrogated, I was wacked so many times with the phone book, I think I actually passed out at one time and they poured water on me, we stuck to the same story, our car was snatched we ran into the bush, while there, this car Ali tried to attach the robbers and the ran him over, that’s why he was rolling on the floor. They asked what Ali cars was doing hidden in the bush, we said we had no idea. Khalish, Kola and I just got robbed, that what we all stuck with.
The 3 days later when Major Zakri was finally allowed to come get us out, Khalish had a swollen eye, my back was killing me and Kola couldn’t sit down. He had been wacked on the bottom so many times, his bum was sore.
We had to rethink, Major Zakri was disappointed, he said we had almost got ourselves into serious trouble, what were we thinking, there was another way around this. He said Sabrina came to the police station and asked them to just punish us a bit and let us go. That means she was coming around, he has asked a friend close to her to get her to at least hear you guys out. Let’s hope she obliges.
For now we were confined to Major Zakri’s house until he heard back from Sabrina either way.
David main while languishes in jail and his full trial states tomorrow, God help us……hmmmm

MRS-I can’t be having midlife crisis, am still young, so why do I have nostalgia about things am not supposed to be thinking about. My Mr, was stuck in a Malaysian cell, I could get in touch, 4 days later when he finallies call me back ,I have almost lost my mnd. While I was worrying about him, I left Seyi bam with Sunita and went to get myself some icecream. I decided to have it there, I sat in a corner , ordered the house special with some waffles and strated to pig out. I had barely taken a few bites when I heard a voice say “ Hey, gorgeous , you seem to be miles away do you mind if I sit here , all other seats are taken?” Ilooked up, didn’t really see the guy but said “ Please yourself and kept muching my ice cream.
A few minutes later I looked up he was fiddling with his phone, so I just looked back down at the ice cream I was so seriously gulping down. Then I heard him clear his throat and say , “Miss, am sorry don’t want to appear forward but can you please tell me your name, am Muyi?” I titled my head to the side, then slowly looked up ay him, tis time a bit more intence, he had no hair, his face was smooth except for the grey goatie under his chin. He loked so young so I guesses he must have dyed it. He had this pointy nose almost like a white mans . he wore this RL Tee with white jeans and had on Gucci slipers. My eyes then travelled back up to his face, stirred at him for a few seconds and said “Mr, am sorry to be rude, but No, you cant have my name” as I said the last word , I put my last piece of waffle in my mouth, straightened my skirt, put on my chanel sunglasses, picked up my LV bag from the stainless steel table , flipped my long weave and walked away from him,I could feel his eyes burning into my skull. But I didn’t look back, got in my car, reversed, saw him waving me down , but I ignored him , and drove off.
I got back home and was looking for my phone, I searched everywhere, in the house, in my car, couldn’t find it, so I called my no from y maids phone. A deep sexy baritone voice picked it up and I said Who is this and why do you have my phone. I hears a chuckle and the voice said “Its about time you called, I was expecting your call, you left your phone on the table, I tried to stop you, but you drove off” I felt so stupid, but I was about to admit that, so I asked why he didn’t try harder. Anyway he ignored me and asked where he could come drop it off to me. I didn’t want him knowing my house, so I asked where he was, he said Abuja.Abuja I asked , he said yes, if I wanted my phine I would have to come to Abuja to get it. He stopped for an ice cream on his way to the airport. He will be back in 4 weeks I fi could wait otherwisw I should hop on a plane and come pick it up. He wil not give it to anyone else, I had to come personally to apologise for treating him so bad and he dropped the phone.
Iheld the phone like I didn’t actually hear him say that , Abuja? I had to go all the way to pick up my phone. I promise you at that moment I would have asked him to go to hell, but silly me I had no back up for my contacts , Mr had been asking me to do it for yonkers but I kept procrastinating. I had all Nos on it, Malaysian, governors , governors wife, pictures,memories, texts, account details, texts etc. I had to go now.

And do you know what I did, I got in my car with my handbag, told my maid I would be back later and drove to the airport.This was around 12 noon. Got a flight to Abuja for 1.30pm , bought aone way cos I wasn’t sure when I would find this crazy man, retrieve my phone and head back to the airport. But I penciled it down that I would get the last flight at about 7.30pm back.
DAY-543 to 553
MR-“GUILTY as charged” were the last words I heard before the gavel hit the judge’s table, I looked towards where David was standing and I saw him collapse to the floor, even Khalish was in shock he had never lost a case, especially this one, which he referred to as a no brainer. He told the judge, David would like to exercise his right to appeal immediately. The judge did an unusual thing, he asked them to keep David in the police station until the following Friday when his appeal will be heard immediately, he said this case had generated too much negative publicity and he wanted it over with as soon as possible.
Kola and I watched with tears in our eyes as David was led away in handcuffs. He looked back at us and I could see a forced smile, sadness was written all over his eyes. We stood there frozen until we could see him no more. Then I actually broke down crying properly. Khalish was consoling me, while Kola was speaking to Major Zakri who just walked in.
We left court and gathered together in the Major’s office we had 4 days to get something different that would exonerate David for good. Khalish asked why we were stressing, Sabrina was our only choice. Kola looked at me said, it was a shame we were not fetish we could have gotten a juju man to cast a spell on her to go tell the authorities what we wanted. Major made a call, he was on the phone for 30 minutes, when he got off, he said we were in luck he just got us a confirmed appointment to meet with Sabrina. But he as one advice for me , we should get our dad down here immediately.
That night I got a flight back, left Kola with Major and Khalish to find anything else they could that would exonerate David incase all else failed. I arrived back the following night and went straight to my father’s room. My wifey was nowhere to be found , I asked the maid she said she said she will be right back. This was 10pm and she wasn’t picking up her phone.
I was too preoccupied with Davids issue , so that was my first priority, when I left malaysai, I had instructed my driver to go pick my father up from the village, The journey had made him tired he had an early dinner and retired leaving instructions that I should wake him up once I got home. I asked the maid if Mrs was home when my dad arrived , she said No Sir, “Madam left around lunch time”. Well I was really worried but I had to sort what I came back for. I had booked my father and I on the flight for the next morning, we had to fly back immediately to get back the day after. My dad looked a lot better, I gave him the summary and said he had to come talk to Sabrina, she loved him and we believe he was the only person, she would listen to. So the next morning, without seeing MRS, my father and I got on a plane and headed back to Malaysia. I was not myself, I just pretended for my dad’s sake and for David. Where was my wife, she left home without telling anyone where she was going? I didn’t want anyone to know I came back without David, so I couldn’t call Tammy or Toke. Madam Mabel had left for her hometown so only the chef, maid and Sunita were home. All I had time to do was lay on our bed and wonder where Mrs. was, I kissed Seyibam in his room and we left for the airport.
The flight was really long, we changed planes in Qatar, and then another leg of the journey continued. All I could think of was Mrs. by the time we landed in Malaysia, I was beside myself with worry. The Majors driver was at the airport waiting, he took us to his office. Kola was waiting there. In about 30 minutes we were sitting in from of Sabrina.
She looked so happy, glowing and had put on a bit of weight. She asked her nanny to bring my nephew, o my , he was so handsome, looked like David so much, he had pale shinny skin and a head fullof black curly hair. As the nanny handed him to my dad, tears flowed fromhis eyes, I wasn’t sure if they were tears of Joy or sadness for David. Sabrina was so shocked when she saw us with my Dad, she swore she didn’t know my dad was in the country, she would have granted us access immidetely. My dad had been so nice to her and she could never repay him back wih evil. As for David, she wanted him to learn the hard way, she wouldn’t want her
MRS- As I walked into the office of the senator of the federal republic of Nigeria, the man who had introduced himself as Muyi was sprawled behind the desk with the Nigerian flag planted behind his chair. He was in a white guinea material outfit with a brown cap. He got up walked towards me and said, “Please Miss, sit down and let’s talk”. Obviously I was still a bit taken aback, first was, what was I thinking when I got on a plane for Abuja, I wasn’t thinking at all, that was my conclusion. Secondly, am here now with a strange man, nobody back home knows where I am. That was very irresponsible of me I concluded and three, A senator? Really, of all things he could be. Well that just goes to show, never judge a book by its cover.
All that gotten off my chest, I found my voice “Sir, please could I have my phone, I need to be heading back, my flight is at 7pm”. Which Airline? He asked. “Any leaving for 7pm,I replied. So you haven’t actually booked a flight then? “No I haven’t, I intend to get my ticket once I get back to the airport, that’s why I have to leave immediately”. “Oh no, we need to talk you are on my tuff now, it would be ungentlemanly of me to allow a beautiful woman like you to fly all the way to my office and just turn around and go back, give me a few minutes of your time, please”. I insisted I had to leave. I could see he was very disappointed but he obliged me. He pressed a buzzer on his table, his secretary came in. he asked her to go get the driver.
A few minutes later the driver came in and at that same time he opened his brief case and handed me my phone, I checked it the battery was full, he had charged it for me. He said he had programmed his no on my phone, and I could call him anytime. I thanked him and left.
The journey to the airport was quick, the 10 lane express way made it really smooth, the driver dropped me off and handed me an envelope saying Oga said I should give you. I asked him what was in it, he said he thinks it is money. I told him to take it back and thank his boss for me but no thanks.
I walked into the terminal, paid for my ticket with cash, I wanted to use my ATM card but there was no network o the POS and no cash in the ATM machine, luckily I just had enough cash to pay for a one way ticket. Before I checked in I decided to try one last time at the ATM to see if my bank was now online , and too my outmost distress, the ATM machine swallowed my card and refused to give it back. I pressed every key I could, waited, some good Samaritans helped but the machine bluntly refused to spit my card back up, finally with 40 mins to my flight I had to go to the departure lounge. Everyone told me not to worry the bank will send it to my branch and I could pick it up there.
I was too bothered, once I landed I could take a cab and pay him one we arrived the house. Our flight was 7.15. 7.00 Some voice came on the PA system and said out flight was delayed for 1hr due to operational reasons. I asked if I could go see if my card would come out, at first I was denied but later a nice office offered to go with me. We tried and tried, the card was not coming out. So I thanked her and went back in. at 8pm , another voice came on the PA System, saying we will now be leaving at 9.30pm in addition we would be served some light refreshments. Just a few minutes past 9pm we were told unfortunately the aircraft had a serious fault and was still at its original destination so the flight was cancelled, they apologized for any and all inconvenience. The whole lounge irrupted. People were screaming and raining abuses at the staff. I was just frozen, no money, no clothes and nowhere to go, I would have to sleep at the airport or think of something fast.
I started to go through my phone, Alhaji Awaal, I tried his no so many times, it just said switched off, I tried another lady who worked with the governor’s forum, she was in Port Harcourt. I really didn’t know what to do. After dilly dallying for 30 minutes, it was 9.30 and the lounge had emptied out almost completely. I had no other choice so I called Muyi the Senator.
It rang a few times, then he picked it up. I didn’t speak for a few minutes, then I said I wanted to apologize for my behavior, I just had to get back home. He asked me to go out and get a taxi to take me to Transcorp, his driver will be waiting there for me and he sent me the driver’s no. so I got a taxi and went to the hotel. When I got there, the driver paid off the Taxi and handed me a room key, I thanked him and went up to the 10th floor. It was an executive room, I found a carrier bag on the bed, it had a brand new nightie, tooth brush, ladies booboo and slippers, with a note saying, “thought you might need something’s for the night, please order some food and drinks, See you in the morning”. I ran a nice hot bath, soaked myself in and called the maid, told her I would be back in the morning. Sunita and Seyibam were already in bed. I tried Mr. and Kola, it just rang. So I sent Muyi a text to say thank you and he replied, “My pleasure”.
I slept like a baby, after some goat meat pepper soup, grilled potatoes and steak with a mixed fruit smoothie, didn’t even realize I was that hungry and tired……hmmmm

Day 554 to 574
MR-Its been a very long journey. Honestly we have been through so much and it all seems like yesterday.
Well let me try my best to fill you in. Sabrina kept to her word, she called the director of intelligence and went over to identify David in detention as her husband, and she showed pictures of them together in Malaysia and at home. This further convinced the director and David’s paper work for release began. Unfortunately this was a Friday afternoon and paperwork can only be done on working days. Which meant David had to stay in detention until Wednesday the following week, when his release papers will be completed.
From that Friday evening to Wednesday, I wasn’t myself for 2 main reasons. One, I was very upset with Mrs., she refused to explain her absence away from home until I got back. Two, I was so sad about David’s condition, he had been in a fight in detention and someone had hit him on the head with a karate kick. According to records he passed out and was discharged a few hours later from the detention clinic. When we saw him he still looked giddy, he was swaying from side to side and it was very obvious he still had problems with his balance, the left side of his head was swollen and one eye was blood shot.
My father tried all he could to calm me down, kola felt I was really selfish. “We should be the ones keeping your father calm, but now you go on acting like a baby at least Mrs. is home. It must not be too important that’s why she feels you should get back home before she fills you in” he said. Okay, that’s wasn’t too bad. At least we were making progress with David.
We finally got him released on Wednesday around 12pm. He could barely stand, we rushed him to the emergency at Pantai Hospital in Kuala Lumpur. He was admitted instantly and a brain scan was carried out based on the obvious symptoms. A cerebral hemorrhage was discovered. A blood vessel was damaged and he was bleeding into his brain. He needed emergency surgery or he was going to die.
I signed the necessary documents immediately. The doctor said there was only a 40% chance that he will survive and if he did he might not be normal, because 66% of those who survive have brain defects. I could not relate this to my father whom I left in the family waiting room and when I went to sign the surgery consent papers. The surgery began and we waited. 10 hours later, the doctor came into the room and told us the operation was 50.50, David had been put in an induced Coma to allow his brain swelling go down. So we had to wait to see what happens. He said in 24 hours they might wake him up, depending on what the new MMR scan shows going on in his brain. He advised us to go home, eat, rest and come back in 24 hours. If anything changes before then, the hospital will contact us.
We were all knackered. Sabrina had arrived shortly before the doctors came to talk to us, so she offered to take us all back to her place. She said we need to be together at this time to pray for David. My father was in agreement with this.
We all went back to Sabrina’s. when we arrived, My father picked up his grandson, looked him in the eye and said, “Pray for your Dad, he must get to know you and you him. He hasn’t even met you yet but he loves you so much already, he must not die” The little baby, HD, Heart’s desire, as we all called him, because we couldn’t pronounce it in Malaysian, found it really funny and he just kept chuckling and trying to take off his grandpa’s glasses.
That evening, I had a shower, had something to eat then called Mrs. again. She sounded very normal and happy to hear from me. I wasn’t really feeling her but I had more important news for her. I broke the news about David, she let out a scream and unfortunately she was sitting next to my mum, who in turn demanded to know what made Mrs. Scream. We had to tell her. Instantly, I could hear her wailing, she cried and cried and cried. I heard Mrs. say “Mama, take it easy, David is not dead, he’s just resting from the surgery”. My mum screamed at her to leave her alone. Before I knew it, I heard her calling Sisi Boss. “Ore mi, Am in deep trouble o, my son just had brain surgery and the doctors say its touch and go ohhhh!!!, please Ore mi I need your prayers o, can you call prophetess Labake and the imam Sikiru to start prayer sessions for him ohhh” I was dumb founded. What is wrong with my mum? I didn’t want her to know, not until he was out of danger and he could actually speak to her himself. Now it was too late. The whole world would definitely know now and once my dad finds out he would be so upset.
Anyway, everything I wanted to say to Mrs. evaporated from my head, my mum’s reaction had conveniently messed up my mind. I will get back to Mrs. Issue later I concluded. Shortly after I spoke to them, Kola came into the room Sabrina had given me, he said Tammy wants to know if Pastor can fly out tomorrow to come be with us and pray for David. I said sure it was a fantastic idea and I will make arrangements immediately. But I warned him to ask Tammy not to let my mum know, because she will insist she’s coming with the pastor to Malaysia as well, And I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to deal with that right now. Little did I know I was in for much more than Wahala!!.
20 hours later we were all back in hospital, awaiting an update from David’s brain surgeon. Just an hour before the 24 hours deadline, I got a call from uncle J saying, Mrs. had called him that she’s been trying to get in touch with us, they all just landed at the Kuala lumpur airport on Toke’s private jet. “Them , I screamed, what do they mean them” Well uncle J said according to her, it was The Pastor, My mum, Tammy , Toke , My Mrs. of cause and three other people he couldn’t remember their names. “Eight people, from where?, how come?, O my lord”. I didn’t even realize I was shouting, Kola had to snatch the phone from me and thanked Uncle J and asked him to please send him the no, Mrs. had used so we could arrange to go pick them up at the airport.
Needless to say Major arrived and asked us not to worry, he will send his boys to go pick them all up and bring them to us. Meanwhile the hospital had given us a large family waiting room, which could sit about 20 people. Sabrina called her house and asked that the 5 bedroom guest chalet should be opened and cleaned, “We have some more visitors from Africa”, I heard her say over the phone.
O yes, you guessed right, sisi boss, prophetess Labake , imam Sikiru, my mum, Pastor, Toke , My Mrs. and Tammy all arrived about 2 hours later. The noise in the waiting room was unbelievable, my dad was confused and kept asking how they all get here. Toke’s private Jet Kola volunteered. Who’s watching the children he asked, Sunita and the other nannies, was the response. All sixteen of us, sat in the waiting room, the clergy were praying, in tongues, on the praying mat, jumping up and down, Sisi boss and my mum were being Melo Dramtaic shouting Amen to all the mixed prayers, the rest of us just sat their quietly not sure which prayer to focus on and say amen too. Finally after about 27 hours after, the surgeon came into the waiting room and he didn’t look to happy. He called Kola and I we walked out of ear shot of the waiting room. Everyone got up and crowded around the entrance, from where they were they could see us clearly but could not hear what we were saying.
The surgeon said , David’s bleed was more than they anticipated, the swelling in his brain hadn’t gone down as they expected, he can’t be woken up now, they want him asleep for another 24 hours to see if the swelling will go down. If it didn’t, they might have to go into his brain again to see if they could reduce the swelling manually. That wasn’t good news but Kola and I had to put on a brave face. Then came the shocker, David got an infection while in detention. It wasn’t treated and now it has affected both his kidneys. They discovered he had high blood pressure which had been left untreated for a number of years. His kidneys were working at about 45%, as soon as he contracted the infection, it further deteriorated his kidney functions and now they are working at 2%. He’s been set up to start dialysis as we speak, but because of his fragile state he will need a kidney right away. He advised that all the family members here should get tested immediately, one of them should defiantly be a match, he concluded and wished us all the best. We were in shock, why was this happening all at once and to one person, brain damage, kidney failure?. Anyway we said thank you and marched back into the waiting room where everyone was eagerly awaiting news of what the doctor had said.
I could speak so Kola volunteered. He said it straight out,” Everybody the prognosis is not good, his brain is still swollen so they can’t wake him yet and he urgently needs a kidney or he wil die. I honestly have not heard that kind of silence in a long while, you could hear an ant walking by. Everyone including the clergy men and women were all staring at Kola and I as if we were from Mars. Eventually after about 2 minutes of silence, my dad got up and said , I give mine. My mum got up and hugged my dad and said I would have given mine if you hadn’t volunteered. So we matched my dad to the doctor’s office. After 2 questions about his health my dad was disqualified. So we all matched backed to the waiting room and asked again. This time my mum was very silent, so I gave myself up, Mrs. was about to protest but she saw the look in my eyes of “Don’t even try to convince me otherwise” so she kept her moth closed. My mum was like, “awh! My son, are you sure this is a good idea?” I looked her squarely in the eye and said “what’s the alternative Mum, I let him die abi?”.
So off I went to the doctors same story my blood group was AA and David was O, so no deal. Then Kola and I came back and we went straight towards my mum, “Mum , sorry its your turn to get tested , I wasn’t a match, wrong blood group”. My dad and all of us faced her and you know what my mum did. She busted into tears, “Why me o, ore mi, see me, God why now, anyway I will ‘kuku’ die for my children, even if their father cant” Sisi Boss too got up, “Ore mi don’t cry now, you know I will gladly give mine for your children if need be, it will be well. This ‘Oyinbo’ doctors know wat they are doing, go and give him”. With all drama and theatrics, we finally got my mum to the doctors office, test were carried out, she was the right blood group. Hurray, we were exsisted, or should I say Kola and I were, my mum was bust rying. The doctor interrupted our drama and said a few more test have to be carried out over the next couple of days to make sure my mum was in good healthy to be able to donate.
I told them David was doing well, but just to be on the safe side, they want to keep him asleep for another 24 hours. That went down well with almost everyone except my dad. I could see he had a feeling we were sugar coating what the doctor said. Anyway we all decided to go back to Sabrina’s , especially because of those who just flew the long journey over.
Mrs. and I did talk a little, when we got back to Sabrina’s that day, we had to have a prayer session but first dinner was serviced. Then we went into prayer .imam, prophetess then pastor rounded it off with a speech about faith. We had to have all the faith right now, because as we know Jesus healed so many by saying, go your faith has made you well.
That night Mrs. and I retired to the room I was staying at. I am sorry, I did start by attacking her and asking her to tell me everything that went on. She looked at me with those puppy eyes and said, “Nothing, I just did something really silly. I went to Abuja to get my phone” I didn’t understand, so I asked for further clarification. She went into this long story. Well I must admit I overreacted, t wasn’t anything crazy, it was just odd. I said everything was okay, we cuddled up and went to sleep.
The next few days were more of less the same , the doctors , advised us he couldn’t be brought out of the coma, the good news the swelling was going down , but they couldn’t actually say what brain functions would be affected,
DAY 575 TO 583
MR- as I was saying the other day…
The doctor continued , “who is Mrs Bose Ladun,” O my gosh As soon as Sisi Boss heard her name she slowly got up and started to move out of the room, before we knew what was happening, she was running and scream, Yeah, Na lie, this is a conspiracy, what concersn cray fish with fresh fish , I can never be a perfect match in Jesus name, his mother and father are nt a match, his brother not a match, it is now mw that is a match, you people think I am stupiid , all the going and coming to the doctors office was a plan to scarific me, never , it wont work , I have my own children, why would I donate my body part to someone elses child…” My mum was gobsmacked , she was running after her friend shouting “Sisi Boss, Ore mi , wait now, Please , save my son, you said you would do it for me now, please”. The pastor wa also running after Sisi Boss saying Mummy, wait now , let us pray, it is well” My father just sat there shaking his head and saying David , please don’t die. Kola and I didn’t know what to do so we followed the doctor to his office and asked him to re check the test results to see if either of us could donate , since as he observed the perfect match wasn’t willing to.
Dr Farrid was a nice ederly man, he looked at Kola and I and said , no one else could , if we wanted an 80% chance of Davids body not rejecting the kidney it had to be Mrs Bose, any one else would be a 20% chance that his boy would accept it and in his condition tat was risky and would be a waste to the donor.
Hmmmm, fresh wahala, we thanked the doctor and went back to the waiting room, My mum, Prophetess labake , Pastor , Iman , SiSI boss were all missing, Tammy, Mrs and my father were all huddled toghetr praying for David. We oined them in prayer and then made a suggestion. “Lets offer Sisi Boss money” I said. “Money, do you think she will accept to donate because of money?” Tammy asked. “Well the sisi Boss I know , based on what MIL says likes money , I guess it would depend on the amount” Mrs chipped in.
Kola suggested we go look for them and make the offer. So we tried to follow the route to the carpaprk, we found them all under a tree, sitting on the benches pleading with Sisi Boss, who was still screaming , God forbid. Anyway I got right in front of her knelt down and said “Maam we understand how you feel, it is not an easy thing to give up part of your body but we will be willing to compensate you for your huge sacrifice”. She stopped screaming and paid attention, then said “what do you mean my son.?” . Kola took over, “Well Maam, what my friend is trying to say is that we will give a gift of 5 million”. Sisi Boss sat up straight, then said “My son, I thank you, its not about the money “ “10 million,I said, “Honestly my son, I don’t know , “20 million and a Mercedes benz car” “Heen!!! 20 million and a car? Can I choose the type of benz I want and the colour?” “Yes Maam , we will take you to the factory in Germany to choose , once the operayion is over and you recover”. “But…. “ Siis Boss started to say. “Don’t worry Maam, send your account no, I will transfer 10 million now and the balance after the operation” She smiled looked at my mum and said “Ore mi, its not that I want money o, you know I will need to take care of my self afy=ter the operation and besides your boy is just saying thank you to me , abi?” My mum couldn’t speak , she just nodded her head in agreement but I could see she was so upset.
Just then the imam and prophetesss called Kola and I aside. “ Well my son, myself and the prophetess were just talking, are you sure we are not a match, for 10 million we will give up our and we can share the monwy 5 million each?”Kola was struggling not to laugh, I was bursted inside , I just said , thank you, we will bear that in mond , in case David needs another one .
Sisi boss went under the knife 2 days later , the operation was successful and david got better quickly after the transplant. A few days later sisi boss is able to move around an the first thing she askd is when are we going to Germany. I had already transferred the balance of 10 million into her account. My um was there and she got so irritaited “Are you still asking for a car, after 20 million, are you not my friend, you swore blue black that you would do anything for my son, is this how you mean, cant your own child buy you a car? “ Sisis boss , just raied her hands up and started to shout “See life o, when you were crying and begging me to save your son from dying you did not know then, now its time for your son to pay his promise after you have my body part and you are complaining, aiye le o, the world is wicked, human beings are wicked, Do I get my body part back and give you your 20 million?” My mum just kissed her teeth and walked out called Sisi Boss a thief.
DAY 584-592

MR- The journey back home was mixed with joy and fatigue, thankfully we had Toke’s private plane, we all crammed into it , David, My father, Mother, Pastor, Prophetess, imam, sis boss, Toke, Tammy Kola , Mrs. and I , Sabrina and Baby HD also came along, All 14 of us, thank fully the plane is a 20 sitter.
Throughout the flight and before we took off, my mum and Sisi Boss didn’t say a word to each other. My mum sat next to Mrs. at the back and Sisi boss sat on her own in front, combining two seats and falling asleep before we were even airborne. No one tried to sit next to her or wake her up, after all she was the saint who had just given up part of her body to save David, so it was preferential treatment all the way.
Aakil had called before we left Malaysia, he was on his way home from South African to wait for us all. His meetings with the Gold mine had rounded off early, so he would spend a week with us before heading back to Dubai with Toke and the Twins, for his mums 60th birthday.
Once we arrived, Kola and Tammy took, Sisi Boss, Prophetess Labake and Imam Sikiru home. I transferred 1 million Naira each to the imam and prophetess to say thank you for coming. Toke went straight home where Aakil was already waiting, My Dad, Mum, David, Sabrina and the baby HD went straight to the village, my mum said she need to take care of David for a while. If he stayed in the city he would not rest, a month of rest in the village will do him good and will also allow Sabrina and him to rekindle their relationship without all the distractions of the city.
Last weekend, we had to get everyone back to our house. We organized a pool party /thanksgiving party for David and his guardian Angel, Sisi Boss. Aakil said he wanted to sponsor the party, he offered to pay for the catering and drinks.
On the Saturday afternoon, everyone was gathered including Uncle J, Madam Mabel, EG, Erica, Robert and Tamara. My mum was still not speaking to Sisi Boss who came in one of the most expensive looking lace materials we had all seen on her. The gold chain on her neck would weigh anyone down, but she carried it with pride. Someone even made a comment about her not getting the memo that this was a pool party not a fashion parade. Kola smiled and said “It’s her time, let her enjoy it”.
Half way through the party, Aakil stood up to make a speech. “Aunty Boss, if I may, I have thought about your kind and selfless act of donating one of your kidneys to my Bro here (pointing to David) and words cannot express how much I admire you for doing this. I remember a few years ago my nephew got sick and required a kidney transplant, no one was willing to give theirs, instead we all offered any amount requested, for an outsider to give one of theirs, thankfully someone from outside the family volunteered. Today that kind man is my business partner and a multi-millionaire in Qatar. I made it my mission to make sure he succeeded, because I appreciated him so much. To give a part of your body not knowing if you will need it soon or not, is one of the most selfless acts anyone can do. I have been told by my doctors in England that we only need one kidney to survive and function well. After that I took a card and became an organ donor, so when I die my organs can jeep one or more people alive. Well enough said, Aunty Boss, on behalf of all of us in this family, I present to you, the keys to this house on Banana Island. (Aakil hold of the picture of a magnificent house) Its 6 has bedrooms, a swimming pool and elevator and guest chalet all fully furnished, just pack in with your clothes. I have also transferred an additional 30 million naira into your account and we will not only get you the Mercedes Benz which arrives in 5 weeks , We have bought you a brand new Prado jeep, its waiting at your new house now, Thank you Aunty and God bless you for your sacrifice”
The whole place erupted, Kola, I, David, Tammy, Mrs., Toke, Erica and EG all stood up to give Aakil a big hug, he kept it from us, we were all surprised. Sisi Boss was on her knees crying for joy, my father was thanking her for all her love, Sabrina and Madam Mabel were hugging Sisi Boss and saying congratulations. My mum just got up, looked at all of us, kissed her teeth and went inside. I noticed but pretended I didn’t see her, until she shouted my name and instructed me to come with her. She led the way as I left everyone milling around to see the pictures of the new house. I must say it was beautiful.
We got to our bedroom and my mum sat on the bed and screamed “Why are you children doing this, you already gave Bose 20 million and a car, what is this huge house , money and another car for, what did she do that no one else has done before. Eehnn!!?”. I looked at my mum, sat down next to her and said “Well, Mum, for one, she donated her kidney, no one has done that before”. “Don’t play smart with me boy!, you know what I mean, Bose has never seen 10 million in her life, now she has 50 million, a house in banana island and 3 choice cars, can’t you see how she dressed today like a bush woman, what does she know about living among plush people like us?” “Mummmyyy!!!, hmm, if I didn’t know better I would say you are jealous, she’s your closest friend. She’s a fortunate woman, let her enjoy it” My mum didn’t answer me, she just kept shaking her head and clapping her hands. I excused myself told her I had to go back to being a good host and left her sulking in our bedroom.
As I walked back to the pool area, I almost walked in on Prophetess Labake and Imam Sikiru arguing, they didn’t see me, so I hide behind the door, prophetess, Lake was saying, “Alfa, this is not right, Mummy Bose invited us to Malaysia to pray for David to get better, she gave her kidney we prayed she shouldn’t die, it was a team effort, now she gets all the glory and goodies, what are we going to do?” Imam, looked left and right and said “Prophetess, don’t worry, I have a plan. Let’s go back and join them, walls have ears, I will tell you when we leave this place”. I let them leave, didn’t say a word to anyone, then I joined everyone by the pool. 4 hours later everyone had left for their homes, my parents were tucked in bed, Sabrina, David and HD took the guest chalet. As Mrs. and I lay in bed, all we could manage was a cuddle, say our prayers, good nights and went to sleep.
On Tuesday night, I was in my office when a private no called and said that they were kidnappers, they have Sisi boss and demanded for 50 million ransom or she will be killed. I thought it was a joke, so I slammed down the phone and kept working. The call came in again I didn’t pick it up. 5 minutes later, Kola busts into my office and shouts, “Bro, they have kidnapped Sisi Boss men!!!” What? How do you know” I exclaimed, Kola then showed me a picture sent by an unregistered Phone no, she was tied up on a bed and blind folded, her mouth was also sealed with masking tape. This was serious, we didn’t know what to do first , we decided to go home, my mum was still around.
On the drive home, I almost siuspected my mum, maybe she wants the 50 million back, so she hires thugs to kidnap her. How did anyone know she had 50 million, she hadn’t even moved into the banana island house, that was due to happen this coming weekend.she still had her od ruggedy totyota corolla, why would any one think she had that kind of money , it must be an insider, but whom?
We got home,my mum and Dad were just having lunch, we told them what had happened, my dad looked at my mum and said “What did you do?”My mum was like what? Do you think I did this? I don’t know anything about this, but I guess she must have been showing off and someone heard her, shes always had a big mouth”. My dad asked her to keep quiet and have some compassion, “This friend you now hate kept your child alive, if only for that , show some concern woman,I don’t know why you are jealous, you have everything and more than sshe does”. My mum just muttered a prayer of Lets pray they find her and walked away.
50 million, what do we do now, my father said, well we can pay, Sabrina and david said at once,so do we call the kidnappers back David asked. Kola felt we should involve uncle J, he was an intelligence officer, even if we were going to pay , we had to make sure she comes back alive. So I called Uncle J , fortunately he was in the area and he came right over to the house with 2 other guys.
They set up some monitors and got ready to trace the call. We waited, after about 3 hours , the call came and asked if we had the money, I said yes. The called then said okay will call back and dropped the phone. That was long enough to trace the location where the call was coming from. So uncle J radioed some men and asked them to go wait for us. So Kola and I , went with Uncle J in his jeep. We pulled up about 5 houses from the location and waited, we got there shortly before the armed military guys did and we all waited. About 30 minutes into our wait, A black Camry with tinted windows approached the house and the gates swung open, uncle J said “go go go” the military guys, all 7 of them got down and ran towards the gate, they forced their way in, we heard shouting , but no shooting, uncle J said we should wait for 10 minutes before we go in, by the time we got there, they had 4 people lying on the grass face down, hands tied behind their back and Sisi Boss sitting on a chair crying. Uncle J asked them to turn the culprits over and viola, our jaws dropped , we almost passed out, we couldn’t believe our eyes, it was ………hmmmmm

DAY 593-600
MR- “No, it’s not possible, it can’t be, what in God’s name are you doing here, how did this happen? That’s all I could yell. It all seemed so unreal. These two were the last people on earth we would have suspected of being involved in this kidnapping.
When Uncle J, Kola and I walked into the compound and saw four people lying face down on the grass with their hands tied behind their backs, none of us could have imagined the identity of two of these characters. The first two turned over were the boys who actually carried out the operation.
Back to those two in a minute, main while Sisi Boss told us what really happened she left our house after the pool party where Aakil announced her mega jackpot. She said she and the driver drove straight to her son’s house and they both went to the address of her new house on Banana Island. What they saw blew their minds, the house was huge and beautifully furnished, everything matched. The settees, the drapes, paint, bedrooms even the kitchen was fully equipped. It also had an elevator that took you up to the pent house, where the master suite was located, that came with a lounge, study and a walk in closer.
The garden has a chalet, swimming pool and a Jacuzzi, also a generator and the ‘pies de resistance’ was a brand new full options Prado jeep. Her son was so excited he begged to move in with her, to which she agreed. The compound had a 2 room guest chalet, so he could move in there and keep her company. From there he took her back home because they had already released the driver, after which he went back home.
That night she took a shower as usual and went to bed early, a few minutes into her nap, her cell phone rang and a voice said her attention was needed at a particular hospital urgently, her son was involved in an accident and was rushed to their hospital. She didn’t even think to call her son to confirm. She just put on some day clothes, got in her car and drove out of the compound, it was 11.20pm. Just as she rounded the corner from her house, a black car crossed her path, she was dragged out and driven to this house. All this while she was blindfolded and gagged. Then the next morning, she was told a ransom of 50 million is required for her release. She should just get her son to go withdraw the money or find someone to pay it to them, with a promise from her that she will pay back once she’s released.
She even said she asked them where she would get that kind of money from, but the two guys laughed at her and said , “Mama, we know you have the money, do you think we will just be kidnapping poor people. We have investigated you and we know you just got 50 million in your account, so pay up or die, your choice.”
Uncle J and I didn’t say anything, Kola looked at the woman and man on the grass, now sitting up with their heads down, the woman was crying and swearing she was not involved in this, she would never do this, and she kept looking at the man beside her and saying “Why, why did you do this, God will judge you, how could you, I didn’t know this is what you do, Please God vindicate me”.
Uncle J wasn’t buying her crocodile tears, he asked how she could claim she did not know what he did. “You have been with him for a while, you should have known. Now he’s put you in trouble, you will both go down for this”. She looked up at me and said “my dear, you know me, I did not know, I left your place and went home, joyfully I told him what happened and the amount she was given and we both thanked God for Sisi Boss good fortune. I was saying its good to give selflessly because God will always pay you back a hundred fold. He was with me all the way on this. I remember that night he made some calls outside in the garden but I didn’t think anything of it”.
“Then this afternoon, he said we were going to see an old friend, just as we drove in , and went into the house, I saw Sisi boss where she was tied, I was still asking what was going on here, when the security agents busted in and arrested us, I honestly know nothing of this . I swear to you I didn’t know the man I married is a kidnapper”.
I felt sorry for her, I could not even begin to imagine finding our after having a child for a man that all the wealth you have been enjoying comes from duping or kidnapping other people. I knew I would have to plead with Uncle J to consider her as an unwilling participant.
So I went close to her, held her hand and said Madam Mabel, don’t worry God will work this out for you, as for you Husband, God help him…….hmmmmmm

DAY 601 TO 608

MR-Hmmmm, what can I say, it’s been strangeness after strangeness. Do you know we found out Madam Mabel’s new husband was actually a wanted man in Ghana, South Africa and Egypt. All this came out once they took him to the SARS office. The strange thing is that he actually has a different name from the one we all know. In fact he has several aliases and passports from these countries to go with the aliases, a search of his home revealed these. His laptop also revealed various software’s for disguising voices and cloning bank alerts. His bank statements from 4 local banks and 2 international banks had a total of N56m and 140,000 dollars respectively. For a man who has no verifiable means of income, this was astronomical.
Madam Mabel, poor woman, couldn’t stop crying, she kept asking God why he would give her two fraudulent men to marry. First Mr. Chidi, most of you remember he was a heartless fraud, who for over 15 years led Madam Mabel to believe that she was the cause of their childlessness, he even went as far as conniving with their family doctor to say Madam Mabel was the one with the problem.
She and her baby son have been staying at ours since her release from detention, she is refusing to go see her hubby who is still being held in detention. I honestly see her point, I even feel her pain, discovering all these about the second man whom you married, trusted and who claimed to love you with all his heart, can be truly devastating.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the day Kola, Uncle J and I went looking for Madam Mabel. Sisi Boss son came to the house with Police men to arrest my mum. Apparently after Sisi Boss went missing, besides calling us, the kidnappers called him too. He knew he could not get the ransom money, so he went straight to report to the police. When they asked him whom he suspected, he said my mother. Apparently Sisi Boss had told him about my mother’s reaction and outburst when she was given the house and the money. Her son was asked by the police if he thought my mother cold execute the kidnapping. He said she had the means and the power, so Yes, he does think she could.
Kola and I had to go back and get Uncle J, to explain to the police that we had apprehended the culprits and were being handled by SARS. She was released the same day but it took a couple of days for her to get back to normal. My father had no sympathy for her, he said next time she won’t be so spiteful and inconsiderate.
Mr. Chidi, hmmm, that one, he showed up to our house a few days ago, I almost didn’t recognize him. He had shaved his hair and had a long bearded. Kola, my father and I were sitting outside in the garden. The gateman came to inform us he was around, so we asked him in. Mr. Chidi sat down and began to speak. “Sir (addressing my father) Brothers (addressing Kola and I) I have come for your help. I want you to please help me plead with Mabel to forgive me and have me back”. I asked him how he knew she was staying here. He went into this long story about how he bumped into her recently at the supermarket and she told him she was back to the country. That day she was with another friend. Now that friend saw him 2 days ago and told him all that happened with her current husband, so he just wants to be there for her. Kola asked about his own lady friend. He said she took what she could off him and left. For a while now he has been squatting with his friend. Things have been tough, his business has been down. So his friend took him to a prophet who said his ex-wife Mabel was the only one he could go back too, that would bring things back to normal. So he must go and apologize and make sure she takes him back or else …
My father asked the question, what if Mabel was still with her second husband, what will Mr. Chidi do. Mr. Chidi, knelt down raised his head up and said, he thanks God for answering his prayers, he’s been fasting for days to allow him find favor with Mabel as soon as she sees him. He’s willing to adopt her son, re propose and marry her, this time for ever, till death do them apart. I asked if he knew she was only separated from her husband but still married. He said yes, the marriage will end it’s only a matter of time. The 2nd husband was a murderer, kidnapper, fraudster and a wanted man. He was bad but not anywhere near her 2nd husband, so he believed he was a better option. Kola asked Mr. Chidi, “what happens if she doesn’t want either of you?” Mr. Chidi paused, looked up as if thinking , then said “That can’t be an option, she has to choose one and am sure it will be me”……hmmmm

MRS- Drama, endless, in our family, from cult abductions to body part donation to kidnapping, sometimes I feel am actually living in a movie, how any one family can have so much drama going on in their lives really does beat me.
David, Sabrina and HD have moved out of ours, they’ve moved back into David’s house. Am sure they are happy now, the last call I made to Sabrina, she was full of praises for David, saying she believes he’s changing, that was a relief.
Anyway we still had Erica’s pregnancy to deal with. EG wasn’t saying anything, he was happy and content for Erica to have the baby as his, even though he knew it wasn’t his. Whose was it? The last time Erica was here she said since EG has had a near death experience he has been acting as if his life will end tomorrow. She said EG said “Life is too short, I want to live every day, not just be Alive every day but Live it” Very profound. A lot of us are alive everyday but we don’t actually live every day, we just go through life, we pass through life but never let life pass through us.
Anyway, Toke, the twins and Aakil left to Dubai for his mum’s birthday. Tammy and the kids went to see Kola’s parents in Abuja, Madam Mabel, my mother in law and I are the main women around. I am so tired of listening to my MIL give unsolicited advice to Madam Mabel. Imagine the other day when Mr. Chidi came to see Mr. and my FIL, we were in the guest chalet. We couldn’t hear what they were saying but we had a clear line of sight. I felt madam Mabel should at least go say hello to Mr. Chidi. But No!!!, my MIL felt it was an insult, “The man is also a fraudster, he thinks he can just walk in here and sweep you off you feet, Mabel , don’t go , even if you will consider him, let him sweat”. I was shocked, I thought I would be the one to make that sort of comment not my MIL who is already a grandma, twice over.
The NGO, hmmm, it’s running so well. The governors’ wives fulfilled their pledges, so from next month we can begin free mammograms and dialysis. We only have space for 20 people at a time and with 3 to 4 hours of dialysis per person, and am not sure we can have more than 3 sessions a day. I have already gotten a proposal out to the GWF, for them to consider replicating these centers in every state. I know it’s just s drop in the ocean but at least it’s a good start.
O yes, before I forget , My MIL is a real drama queen, she came back to the house yesterday with a woman we have never met and said this was her old friend. I got the chef to cook for her, then they sat down and opened up discussion on Sisi Boss. The woman, called Aunty Vic, said Sisi Boss had moved into the Banana island house on Friday. She said she was there, that the house was very fine. Before she could go on my MIL shut her up and asked how the neighbors felt with an undeserving illiterate moving in to their area. Aunty Vic laughed and said “Well Ore mi, they don’t know she is not the one who built it o. they were all there, drinking and having fun, saying congratulations and taking her phone no, her son was the main host” I watched as my MIL’s face twisted , I could literarily feel the hatred sipping out of her. I got up to leave them but was called back to sit back down. At the end of the discussion my MIL and Aunty Vic had come up with a plan for My MIL to warm her way back into Sisi Boss heart. I can only imagine what’s going to happen, God help us all.
Well the latest update, Pamela is moving to Abuja, she just got a job offer with an embassy and she’s taken it. Babs isn’t moving because he’s got his company here. So Pamela and the baby will be in Abuja and Babs will be here. When Pamela came to the house yesterday and mentioned it in front of my MIL, all she could say to Pamela was “Recipe for disaster” and walked off …hmmmmmm….

MR- Well it been two and a half months, really missed writing in my diary, I did want to, but events took over.
But that’s neither here nor there, First I have some sad news someone very close died, I know what you are thinking but don’t….this is how it happened. You all remember Mrs. mentioned a Aunty Vic, she was brought home by my mother a couple of months back. Aunty Vic was a mutual friend of Sisi Boss and my mum, in fact Sisi Boss brought Aunty Vic to meet my mum. Trouble started when Aunty Vic will raise my mum’s issues with Sisi Boss, listen to what she has to say, then go behind and lie her teeth out to my mum.
As they say every day is for the thief and one day for the owner. This faithful day Aunty Vic arrived at my mums house and began to spill the whole bogus story about how Sisi Boss hates my mum, is jealous and plans to harm her, unfortunately she wasn’t aware Sisi boss was in the house she had just excused herself to go to the bathroom. Sisi Boss walked in just as Aunty Vic was rounding up “Ore Mi. (referring to my mum) Sisi Boss is evil, I won’t be surprised if she turns out to be a witch, you need to be very careful, but please don’t mention I told you anything, please o, I don’t want to die” Just then Sisi Boss steps in “You will die from all your lies , you useless woman, Vic, Vic, ere are you not the one who came to my house and told me Ore mi (my dear friend) is so selfish, you said you asked her for 1 million and she only gave you 500,000, abi, I lie, useless woman?” at this time my mum just sat there shaking her head.
After the screams and shouts there was deafening silence then Aunty Vic got up and walked out without saying a word, Sisi Boss was shouting after her “Good riddance to bad rubbish” Needless to say things fell apart. It wasn’t until after my mum and Sisi Boss fell out that Aunty Vic returned, God knows how she found out, but I guess rumors have a way of spreading.
Anyway, according to Aunty Vic, she hates to see both friends not speaking, she would like to be the one to bring my mum and Sisi boss back together, so she made plans to rekindle their friendship. Well that didn’t quite go as planned.
Aunty Vic was the bait, she warmed up to Sisi Boss, who didn’t waste time accepting her because she already lost all her friends, she actually had no close friends, since she and my mum were at logger heads and she moved up the class ladder everyone was now ‘beneath her’ as one of her old friends said. They suddenly developed a complex and decided to stay away from her. She was delighted when Aunty Vic came to apologize, she didn’t even think twice before she accepted her back and progressed to upgrade Aunty Vic to BFF, (Best friends for life), since there was no one else.
Well Aunty Vic convinced Sisi boss to try to fit in with the other residents on Banana Island. First they decided to go on a diet and lose weight. What better way to do that, than register at the nearby gym. The plan was on their first day, Aunty Vic and Sisi Boss will walk into my mum and things will somehow go back to normal.
So on this day, Aunty Vic who is a mutual friend of both, went to meet Sisi boss at home and rode with her to the gym. She had put a text across to my mum who had dropped her round the corner and was waiting in her car with her driver, saying they would be at the gym in 10 minutes.
Just as Sisi boss and Aunty Vic walk in, my mum is at reception asking for joining details. To cut the long story short, Sisi boss hears my mum before she sees her and decides to leave but Aunty Vic feigns ignorance and asks for an explanation. Shortly after she’s acting as a mediator and manages to smooth things over a bit.
But you know how women are, grown ass woman not exempted, they did show cordial relations on that day but both had something else in mind. Coincidentally ,they all end up taking on a 8 week challenge at the gym and that day the work out begins. The instructor is called Matt, he seems nice , in his 20s and has a sweet dispensation, unfortunately he didn’t know what he had just signed up for.

The first sign of trouble started when all three womean started to compete for Matts attention, each would grumble if he spent more time with one on the work if that wasn’t bad enough, at the end of each week , when the weighed in to see how much weight each had lost, if ones weight was more than the other , Matt got the blame for spending more time with that one.
5 weeks into all this , Aunty vic weight the least , followed by my mum and Sisis Boss weighed the most. The next thing that happened was she suddenly disappred form the gym for a week. In the seventh week when she apperad , she weighed the least. Matt was the first to raise concern. “Maam, you have lost so much weight in one week how did you do it?” Matt asked Siis Boss , Sisi Boss said it was a crash diet a younger friend introduced her too. Matt immidieately condemned it that any weight loss program allowing anyone to loose this much weight in a week was very injurious to health especially a woman of Siis Boss age. O my gosh, on hearing his Sisi Boss went bolistic, accusing Matt of favouring My mum, that if she was the one who lost all this weight Matt wouldn’t condmen it. My mum got cross and asked her not to bring her name into it. After the whole commotion , sisi Boss stormed out.
4 weeks later , afet the 8 week exercise, My mum and Aunty Vic hadnet heard from Sisi Boss, So Aunty Vic decided to go calling. She met Sisis Boss son coming out of the house, he told her his mum was feeling dizzy and had collasped a few days ago and was on admission in hospital.
Aunty Vic rshed to the hospital, Sisis boss was on oxygen , when she saw Aunty Vic, her etes lit up and she geatured for her to come sit next to her. Then in a mousy voice with tears running down her eyes she told Aunty Vic she had been disgonesd with the eating disorder called Anorexia.she looked so thin and was almost unrecognizable. Her liver had problems and she had been having seizures which are affecting her brain.thants not all her heart beat is irregulat and she has low blood pressure. Aunty Vic was astonished. Sisis Boss went on to explain that all she wanted to do was fit in. all the woman around her on Banana Island looked to sophisticated, she felt frumpy and wanted to look sexy.
Sexy at what age, imagine, Sisi Boss confessed she had been starving herself and the little she ate she will induce vomiting to get rid of it. Her young friend whom she met in the car park, the first time she stormed out of the gym. The young woman saw her talking to herself, approached and asked if she is okay. Sisi boss had volunteered that she was tired of all this exercise and not losing weight, so the young woman had given her the low down on how she went from a size 16 to a 6 by this method.
“Foolish me, i didn’t even think that this girl in her 20’s was like my child, I just jumped into the diet and this is the result. The doctor confided in me that I might need a new liver, “My sister, see where vanity has led me too”. At this point Aunty Vic, comforted Sisi Boss and promised to check back the next day, possibly with my mum.
So off she went to my mum and you won’t believe what she did. She made fun of Sisi Boss. And urged my mum to come with her to see her friend. My mum went with Mrs. and it didn’t go well…
I on the other hand ran into some serious trouble, Kola and I decided it was better Mrs. and Tammy don’t find out. The truth is am a social media novice, never been particular about any of them until Kola insisted I download whatsapp on to my phone so we can join business gropus and catch up with old friends. He explained hmself away and eventually convivnced me.
So what do I get on whatsapp for? I begin to recive crazy messages and videos after a while I stopped deleting them. Then one morning I get to the office and hear the familiar ping on my phone. It goes like 5 times and I wonder who is this. So iopen it , I drop the phone so fast, Alas, who the H,,,, is this, right there before my eyes was a ladies bit back side with only a Gstring covering it , 4 other pictures of vital parts followed. I deleted them in a hurry. 20 minutes later they resurface again, this time with a note, babay, what do you think, call me if you love… wow! Who is this girl, all this time , shes not ending her face and no dp, as am looking so perplexed and dazed Kola walks in holding his phone “Bro , see me o, see what one babae sent me” I peer over my laptop to look, Alas! Similar postures, darker skin. “Bro I got same o” I hand him my phone. I saw Kola found this really amusing, he was turning my phne left and right to get a bettr view of the pictures. I had to tell him off, get up and snatch my phone from him. “O boy, this is hot o, who do you think this girls ?” “Kola that’s not the question you should be asking, How in Gods name did they get our no’s?” .
Kola shrugged his sholders and continued looking at his phone.”Who cares?” I do care and this as to stop, I picked up my phone and composed a stern response “Young lady, please do not send me this despicable pics anylonger and delete my no from your phone, thank you”.Kola laughed at me and commented that I was acting like a child.
I was pleased by my actions didn’t get anything back for a coupe of days , then on the third day, A picture of a lady naked , from the nose down , her pubic hair was shapened into a heart figure, her hand pointing to it and a message saying, just for you honey, waiting at your favourite place, if I don’t get a reponse I will forward to this no. I doubled checked the no and it was Tammy’s. I was still contemplating what to do , which wont involve Kola when he stormed in and handed me his phone, he had gotten the dark complexioned naked body from the neck down with Mrs No attacjed.
This must be a prank, why the inverted no’s and most importantly who had all this information. Just then a text came on to bth phones, to delay the delivery to the said no’s come to this address on Friday evening.

Friday evening Kola and I lie our teeth out and proceed to this address. The gateman is expecting us and even calls us by our names. Surproise surprise, now am panicking, Kola seems a bit shaken but hes more composed than I am. The front door is open, we proceed in and on the living room table are two lwttre addressed to Kola and I and a POS. whats going on Bro I ask, Kola is as confused as I am. We read the letter and they state the sme thing, Give genroulsy , with instructions on how to operate the POS. Kola and I contemeplate walking out but read further, it says “I gues you might decided not to pay now, but you will pay more eventually, think…”
That day we parted with 100 thousand each and left. Tried to ask the gate man who owned the house, he said he never met them, he just keeps the gate gets a call with instructions. As we drove home that day we thought of bringing Uncle J in, but Kola dismissed it, stating that Uncle J wasn’t a puppet neither was he at our beck and call. Someone we could call every time, we are men and should learn to man up and handle our sh.t, as Kola put it.
All went back to normal, a week later, a text came in and said, “We didn’t get an alert”. I didn’t think I just wrote back “what do you mean? We sent 100 thousand each”. 5 laughing faces followed and asked, “What for? Go back there on Friday and do the needful or else….”
Kola and I reluctantly went back, repeated the whole ATM procedure, but this time did 200 thousand each, another week went back, no messages. Then the following week a text came in, “We didn’t get the alert?” I got so mad and typed “Go to hell?” A text came in, I opened it and passed out…….hmmmm
MRS- “When ones goat goes missing, the aroma of a neighbors soup gets suspicious” and “Be careful whom you trust sugar and salt are both white”.
It is often said that when it rains it pours. Hmmm, in this case it was right up our alley. So many things have held us captive theses past months making it virtually impossible for Mr. and I to update our diaries.
Not sure where he started from but am diving straight into the NGO matters. As you all know, starting the NGO had been a dream of mine, I took my time with my jolly good board of trustees to interview and appoint people we thought would be trust worthy, had a heart of Gold to run the day to day activities of the place.
The Manger Sophie, all of a sudden started taking off so much time, leaving other staff to run things. The challenge was they didn’t have her qualification and also chose to do things differently. I was a bit suspicious something wasn’t right just before I had to go to Abuja for a couple of weeks but didn’t have time to look into things. I was summoned by the governor’s wife’s forum to attend seminars across the north east education woman about the dangers of breast and cervical cancer. Am not a medical person but I had a supporting role to give life examples of woman who came to our place for chemotherapy, their struggles and how they neglected the first signs. Though, hard work, tiring and at times stressful, it turned out to be very rewarding experience for all of us, we were sure a few lives if not more would be prolonged and maybe saved by our effort.
By the time I got back home, The NGO was practically being run by no one in particular. The first sign that something was definitely wrong, was when I got a call from Madam Mabel, that she saw Sophie, the NGO manger in a white brand new Mercedes Benz. Sophie was jobless when we employed her, she had graduated 5 years prior but still couldn’t find a job, and she lived in one room self-contained. We considered her because of the passion we thought she had, for looking after others and her goal in life was to have an old people’s home to care for the elderly.
Madam Mabel said Sophie was leaving the salon when she got there, but didn’t see her. She asked the stylist about her and she opens up. Sophie came to do her hair, just bought the car and was opening her duplex that weekend. Madam Mabel was able to get the address and drive there. When she got there, jaws dropped. It was a two floor palatial place, 4 cars in the compound, the house had one of this see through gates and a swimming pool. After listening to Madam Mabel, I didn’t automatically jump into conclusions until I brought in an external auditor to do our books and voila! 44million was missing.
On no!, I was divested, we found out the money came in from our foreign partners over a period of a year. I remember personally applying for the foreign aid to extend the chemotherapy center and tasked Sophie to follow up on the application. She conveniently got them emailing her only and was able to open a second bank account in the name of the NGO in a different bank, to which she alone was the signatory. So as the money was disbursed into the account, she sent pictures of the current chemo center to update to them as required, to show what the money was being spent on.
It was so painful, I cried. But as God would have it, other contributions came in after that and the expansions are starting next month. As for Sophie, Madam Mabel and Pamela, insisted we hand her over to the authorities, the last update we got from the police, all her accounts had been frozen and assets seized, she’s been trying to get in touch but I refuse to get back to her, I can’t handle that now.
Moving along, as if that wasn’t bad enough my MIL and her friend Aunty Vic, drag me along to see Sisi Boss in hospital. I could not believe my eyes when I saw her, she was barely recognizable. This was a woman of size 18/20 who looked like a size 10, she had really shrunk and looked so poorly and wrinkly. I thought she had cancer or some decapitating illness. To my shock Aunty Vic told me she was dieting.
Dieting, what for I had to ask, my MIL mockingly said “to compete with me”. I had to look again, what was the difference between the two of them, my mum in law was still border line 18, although she claimed she was a big 14, whatever that meant. Why would old women subject themselves to such? The painful part was I could see how Aunty Vic and My mum were consoling Sisi boss on one hand and the other asking her what she was thinking, it was a cruel and unfair punishment, them being there as far as I was concerned..
Mr. and I are doing great, our baby Seyibam, is growing, Sunita is still priceless looking after our baby really well. Thankfully Mr. Ayodele’s plan to marry her didn’t quite work out as planned. Back to that later. My MIL asked when the next one is coming, I intentionally ignored her. Am not even over the first baby she wants another. I can’t wait for her to go back to her husband, why is she here with us. I ask myself that question every day. This time she claims she needed to see a doctor, her eyes were playing up. Doctor said early onset of cataracts, she had a minor eye operation and was given 8 weeks to come back, rather than go to her house and comeback, she insisted on staying, her excuse, in case she needed to see the doctor urgently.
Toke and Aakil are back in Dubai, Aakil’s parents’ the King and Queen want the twins with them and have urged Toke to reconsider her decision to raise them here. We spoke a week ago and she’s still bent on returning with them. i asked how Aakil felt she said he was leaving the decision to her.
David and Sabrina, well, that area is a bit prickly. David the pastor now wants to marry an African wife. Yes you heard me right, the only thing is he hasn’t told Sabrina. The other day I overheard him complaining to Mr. that Sabrina said she only wants one child. She already has him so no more. David on his part has always wanted 4 or 5 children. I found that very funny, why would he marry an older woman, quarter to menopause and expect to have plenty children? What was he thinking? He even went as far as telling Mr. they don’t make love anymore, because Sabrina is a refusing to use contraception because she always has a hormonal imbalance which makes her sick and David wants to make love even if no children come out of it.
David I know would have stepped out longer time ago, but he’s sticking to his “I’ve given my life to Christ”. The confusing thing is, he wants to marry another woman. He claims it’s basically to procreate. What’s he’s going to do about Sabrina, beats me every time I think about it…hmmmm

MR-O my gosh! I was staring at pictures of me naked with a woman performing strange acts on me. At least it was my face the body not so much, I had a 6 pack I was proud of but this guy kind of had a 10 pack. It was not until Kola poured some ice water on my face that I woke up.
Kola found it really amusing, especially the accompany text that read- “and your Mrs. will get this if no alert tonight”.
I was sitting there panting, actually I was hyper ventilating, what? I never slept with anyone, how I am going to proof this. Do I go around shouting the body attached to my face is not mine? It doesn’t even sound right, I sound crazy.
Honestly you won’t believe, it was my face but not my body and there was this girl with me on the bed, it was actually a video. Kola watched for a while and said he heard the rumors that this software for replacing faces was out, it’s sort of like Photoshop but more advance. It looked so real. The only way you would believe it wasn’t me, is if you actually had seen me naked before and even at that it will still take some intense convincing and scrutiny of my body and the video.
We had to do something about it. We went back to the house, it was still the same, gateman at the gate, ATM on the living room table, I paid 500,000 into it and this time left a note saying, “Why are you doing this to me”. I was hoping this last payment will finally put a stop to this extortion.
Back to that later. Remember I told you the Governor wanted me to join his campaign team and run for elections, well I got summoned there during our break. He said now that the country is clamoring for young people to be in politics, he’s willing to sponsor me for a position. Not just him but a few of his party officials and acquaintances’ are willing. All I had to do was come over to his guest house the following week.
So come the weekend, I tell Mrs. am off to see the governor and proceed to his guest house, the meeting had been fixed for 9pm. Why so late beats me. Kola wanted to go with me but for some reason the Governor had asked me to come alone as this was a private meeting and stakeholders don’t want to be seen meeting about the same candidate.
All this while I hadn’t actually agreed to do it, I hadn’t even joined a political party but the governor said I should just come listen to what they had to say and offer.
I arrive about 5 minutes to 9pm, some guys, I guess security frisked me and pointed me in the direction of a ball room. A few men were in there already, no one paid much attention to me as I walked around the hall. I was taking in everything and everyone as I looked out for the Governor or at least a familiar face, but none initially. At 9.15pm, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and the Governor was there. He ushered me into an inner room and in there sat 12 men. He took me around, shaking each ones hand, as I did I recognized them. They were the movers and shakers of our country.
They smiled, greeted me warmly and all had the same advice for me “Relax Son, everything is going to be fine”. That should have been reassuring but unfortunately only made me more nervous. Pleasantries done with. The Governor opened up the conversation “Gentlemen, this is the vibrant Young man I mentioned to you earlier, he is brilliant, ambitious and will make a good leader. All the men clapped. then one Chief OG as they called him stood up , walked towards me , put his hand on my shoulder and asked, “Son, are you ready for this?” I was about to say “Not really Sir” When the governor interrupted, he got up and also walked towards me saying ”Of course he is, we have discussed this at length”.
I mean ordinarily I should have been thrilled, this was me being offered a political position, Federal rep, on a platter of Gold but I wasn’t. Instead my intestines were shivering, I was almost peeing in my pants. But I hadn’t heard the worst of it, I was about too.
One of the men stood up and said “Son lets grab the bull by the horns, yes you fit the bill of the kind of candidate we are ready to get behind, and we will support you, get yon there and will continue our support after. Everyone clapped, except me. Then he continued “All the same there is something you have to do for us as well.
“Son, as you are aware we will be spending a lot of money, time and favors on you. In turn you will be expected to repay us both in kind and in cash” he waited for me to respond but I didn’t, if only he could read my mind. Anyway he continued amid the nodding heads of the other men in the room. “This will be the way forward, unfortunately bad eggs have messed up the good ones, so the usual gentleman’s agreement will not apply here, you will be required to make a pledge to us, and details of this will be revealed to you once we finalize issues”
By now I had my mouth open, Pledge, kind and cash? What in God’s name was I doing here. This is not me, am damn too young for all this mess. If my father was here right now he will surely threaten to disown me. While this party man was addressing me my mind went back to the day my father called me to the guest chalet. He was staying for a while before he went to Germany for his heart operation. He said “Son, I see a very bright future for you, one day you will be called to serve your country, if you don’t remember anything please remember this, Politics and money do not change a man, they actually reveal who the man really is. You must be upright, truthful, fair and Godly now and on that day when you are called you will not depart from it”
With my father’s words resonating in me, I stood up and addressed the party people “Your Excellency, dear Sirs, I am extremely humbled and grateful for this tremendous opportunity and for the faith you put in me to consider me for this position. I do have a passion to run for office, to make a difference and be a blessing but I won’t be bought or pay to get it. If its God’s will, I know someday, I would campaign, my way and win my election, at that time people will understand that if a politician pays for your vote, deceives you , lies to get there, he will not change when he wins, he will only get worse. One vote is so powerful, it takes one vote each for you to put the right person there, all you need is to search your conscience, look for a person with purpose, integrity, who can make decisions that will make things better, who can put a team together to turn things around for good and open doors to new opportunities, someone who can look at all we have and began to turn it around for good. I have a lot to offer and I have people around who can work with me to achieve the best for this county. If you feel am still the one for you, then please by all means let’s go. But if you feel the other way, I humbly beg to take my leave.
After my speech I sat down, there was deafening silence for a few minutes. Then the Governor spoke, he thanked me, and asked me to please excuse them, they will get back to me in a couple of weeks.
Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I had the meeting, am actually double minded about the whole thing, one part of me wants too but the other feels my family is too young , Mrs. and Seyibam need me more now.
Moving on, Am sure a lot of you remember, way back on Day 125 to 128 of our diary, I ran into a friend Ahmed, Kola and I used to work with him. He and his fiancée at the time now his wife came for dinner at ours and all kinds of shenanigans went on. Hmmm, wonders never end. The other day I was out of the office for a meeting, Kola had to fly to the capital Abuja for a presentation. I was due to go with him but at the last minute a client called and asked for an urgent meeting. According to the brief, they just signed for a franchise of a 4 star hotel and money had been released. Our plans we submitted for another of their projects was used for the bid and they got approval, so now we need to come do some slight adjustments and the contract is ours.
This was a good one, things have been dull for a while but picked up just after the first quarter of this year. We haven’t been feeling it a lot because we have investments in so many things but money you keep spending and don’t replenish will dwindle out sooner than later.
Amway I arrive at this meeting, on the 15th floor penthouse, really nice. An assistant, ushers me in and says the chairman will be with me in a minute. Shortly after an elderly man , around 55 comes in and sits , am thinking this is the chairman and proceed to greet him as such, he smiles responds and says he is a director, the chairman is on her way. Her way. A lady? I never knew that, I have been here several times always meeting on the 8th floor with the other directors. Then a lady walks in, she’s tall, elegant, smells great and am so surprised at how young she looks. She walks up to me, leans down and whispers in my ear, “so good to see the six pack is still intact, we must investigate that soon”. It takes all I have to comport myself, who is this and how does she know me and my 6 pack? Well the answer came soon.
You might say why it is me that women are always chasing, I ask myself the same question every day, is it a crime to be fine and have a six pack. Anyway she goes to the top of the table, sits down and takes off her expensive Gucci sunglasses. Her cleavage is so distracting, I make sure I position my eyes on her face, any slight tilting of my eyes and I would be straight in her cleavage, you know the kind that sit right on top of the neck, packaged so tight as if they will pop out anytime, that was hers.
While I was still mastering my gaze, I heard her ask the other director to excuse us, she had it all from there. He got up and walked out immediately. Then she got up and went over to the couch and beckoned for me to join her, I do, with all reluctance. As I sit down she leans over and says in an extremely sexy voice that makes the hair on my neck stand at attention “Don’t you recognize me Sugar?” I trying so hard to remain manly and at the same time keeping my eyes up, I say “I dodn’t.”
She then extended her long legs, from under a pretty mini dress and began to rub them up and down my legs, I jumped up quickly and asked her to please stop, but just then I remembered, o my gosh!, it’s Ahmed’s fiancée, she had done the same to me at the dinner we invited them too, or rather the one they invited themselves too. I remained standing and called out her name, she smiled and said, now you remember, she stretched out her hand pulled me to sit down and moved closer.
Now you must understand am only human, I resisted o, I really did but she packed her boobs right on my chest, I moved back but she moved closer , I asked her to stop touching me ,I even asked “How’s my friend Ahmed? “He’s away” she responded and kept touching my head. I was going crazy, how did she know my weak spot. My mind was telling me get up and flee but my body was like, enjoy, it’s in a platter of Gold. What should I do after all am only human, so I ………hmmmmm

MRS-Am more than surprised, is there another more intence word? Maybe Gobsmacked might descibr my state of shock better. Well I guess Mr hasn’t quite told you who died, well if you don’t understand the pre ceding events , you wont understand the result. So am also continuing all the sagas we experienced during our long break n transmission.
I was there sitting in my office at the NGO, when ,guess who? Turns up Ola. Yes Ola the ungrafetful ex friend of mine married to the Governor of our state. Normally of Ola moved around town she had an entourage of 5 to 8 cars with her but this day she drove herself to my place. I was there when my PA ca,e in and said Her Excelency wants to see me. “Which Execellency ? I asked. I didn’t hear any sirens , didn’t get a call from protocol, who could it be? I ask The PA to show who ever it is in and in walks Ola.
The first thing that shocks me is , shes dressed really low ket, wearing an Ankara top and a pair of baggy jeans and sandals, she had a scarf covering the sides of her face, obviously so no one would recognize her.
I get up don’t extend my hand but greet her politely. She comes behind my desk and gives me a hug, I just stand there with my arms by my side. Whats going on was all my mind could think? She asks if she could sit , I say sure. Then she starts to talk “My sister, I know am the last person you expect to see here, considering all I have done to you but please am begging you in Gods name and all that you hold dear, forgive me, don’t be a vindictive bit.h like me” wow, she took the words right out of my mind, at least she knew she was a Bit.h.she continues,”This is so important , I need your advice, I don’t have any true friends besides you , this is a matter of life and death, I know I haven’t been a good friend but I know we can get past this, where can we talk please?”
Ola , was not herself , as she talked she kept looking at the time and her phone, she was gittery, what ever brought her to me of all people must be really serious. So I talk her into my inner office, a room I use for prayers and to rest or read during y quite time. No camerasd no windows , it was sound proof.
She began”You remember Tokunbo” I nodded “ well am in trouble , as you know I have 4 children, the first is Tokunbos, the governor found that out when he kicked me out of the house. Now he all of sudden wants to doa DNA rtest for all our children. The last one is not his but he doesn know” De ja vu, o my gosh, I remember sitting with OLA after I found her begging and she narrating the story of how the governor

DAY 679-TO DAY 700
MR- How did this happen? Well I have no idea, I guess by some divine intervention. You are now reading from the candidate of The Federal House of representatives of my party. Two weeks ago to be precise I get a call from the governor asking me to see him immediately, this time it’s in his office. I leave our office at lunch time and get there around 2pm. Am ushered in to his inner office immediately, faster than usual. As I walk in, he and Chief Cole with wide grins on their face, stand to welcome me and immediately call me Honorable. Am gob smacked? Noticing my surprise they congratulate me and call me Youngest honorable. “The party needs young blood” they both say. And what better person than me. “Now we have to get ready for elections next year, but that should be a walk over” chief continues, “we will start campaigning soon and we want you with us on the campaign trail”
I sat there wriggling my fingers, one part of me was imagining the power I would wield once I get to Abuja, the other part was thinking, what will Mrs. say? She has her whole life here in Lagos, will she just want to be uprooted and moved to Abuja? Seyibam has friends and all too. Anyway I put all that aside and thanked the governor and chief, then took my leave but not before the governor informed me I would be required to attend some meeting very soon so I should keep my calendar flexible.
As I drove off, I didn’t know how to react, elated or confused, happy or sad? But I had to remain calm at least. I went straight to Kola’s office and broke the news to him. He was so thrilled, he jumped up, hugged me and said “Your excellency Sir, Abuja here we come” I looked at him and said “That’s not funny, Kola am serious, Mrs. might not take this very well, how am I going to ask her to leave everything behind and come to Abuja?”. Kola thought for a few seconds, then suggested that I take one thing at a time. Not put the cart before the horse. We have the elections coming up, let’s just work on winning first. Then he asked out of curiosity “Bro do you even have a manifesto?
Manifesto, I didn’t have one, up until a few hours ago I wasn’t registered with any political party nor had any idea I was going to be a candidate for House of rep. Now am a card carrying member and a candidate? I had to think about that. The whole country has been clamoring for the youth to be in government, now am about to get the opportunity, I better not mess it up. The eyes of the country will be on people like me to see if a young man can actually handle the responsibility. This is a lot of pressure on me, not even sure if I have the guts to do this.
Well lets digress a bit, the last two weeks when I found our my client was Ahmed’s wife and she was trying to molest me, well, I did the right and only thing to do in that situation, I pushed her away and ran out of the office. Didn’t stop until I was in the car park. Yes I looked like a chicken but who cares, Flee from the devil, they say. That woman was Lucifer herself, she didn’t care about the contract or the fact that our families were friends, All she wanted was to show power of a woman. Men are presumed weak, can’t control their urge once it rises, well I was going to disappoint her. There are still men alive, young and virile, who can control their urges.
I sat in my car for a few minutes to get myself together, my heart was beating fast, what just nearly happened, Thank God I got out of their in time. My body was saying yes please, but my heart said Run. As soon as I calmed down a bit, I drove back to the office and blocked her no. I haven’t told Kola yet, I just gave him an excuse that the client was out of the country. Well she did send her PA to invite me for another meeting but I declined. Not matter how much money I was losing I wasn’t going to sell my soul to the devil.
Coincidently, as faith would have it, the Ahmed, whom I hadn’t seen in years, showed up at the club last week, he casually walked in , and said he had been in Madagascar. Prospecting, he said. I asked for what? He just smiled. Well that was none of my business, I just hoped his wife hadn’t cooked up a story about me. He did ask if she had been in touch, I said yes, and everything was going on fine. Phew!, I dodged that witch, am not going anywhere near her ever again.
Surprise, surprise, my blackmailer turned out to be Mr. Ayodele’s secretary. Heeen!!! You say, that’s what Kola and I said too. You all remember him, our estate chairman, well, he has been distant for a while but before then Kola and I gave him a room in our office to use anytime he had meetings. He had complained that his office building was being sold and he didn’t have enough time to look and fix up a new office. He was expecting some foreign partners form Denmark. We offered our office, he asked if he could bring his secretary and we said yes.
Now she turned out to be a 35 year old looking 50 kind of girl. When Kola and I first saw her we called her Madam. I noticed she avoided us after that. We didn’t think anything of it. She came to the office sat in the room we gave Mr. Ayodele and did her work. There was little or no interaction with her. All I know is her name was Lily. Kola even commented lightly to her face, that she didn’t look like a Lily. That day a seed of resentment was planted in her and we had no idea.
The blackmail got out of hand, the faked pictures resurfaced with a threat that it will go on social media, or pay 2 million naira each. That’s when I lost it and called Uncle J.
Uncle J, retired but was definitely not tired, He mobilized his ex-boys, I asked if he could still help, he laughed at me and said in the military you always had boys, nothing like ex boys besides he was the chairman of a joint tax force on military intelligence. A few days later Lily and another guy were apprehended at the bank when they were called in under pretense to sign some documents relating to the funds received. Interrogating her, everyone could see Lily was not remorseful, she said she wanted to show Kola and I that we were so selfish and corky. We walk around like everyone else was invisible she said. she was a young woman of 35 and we went around calling her madam, She even liked Kola, approached him one day for a drink and Kola looked at her like she was scum, who did we think we are? From then on she decided to teach us a lesson.
Kola and I had no idea we were like that, we did feel sorry for her though, but grateful this saga too had come to an end. We decided to forgo the money we gave her and apologized. Yes an apology was necessary. We unintentionally hurt someone, so what’s not to say sorry for? As we drove back from the detention center where they kept lily, Kola and I did an examination of ourselves, “Is this how everyone sees us, cocky, proud, and full of ourselves?” Kola was deep in thought, he just shrugged his shoulders. I didn’t like the impression, maybe it was time for a self-evaluation.
Yes, we were hard working wealthy, most add, good looking young men, but I wouldn’t call us proud. But I guess a young woman who admires us and can’t have us might think so. Mr. Ayodele on his part moved out of the office and for some reason did that on a weekend and just sent a WhatsApp message that he had gotten his own office and thanked Kola and I for our hospitality. No mention of lily. So I decided to go see him on Sunday.
I got to his around 1pm, just as we got back home from church. He was seeing someone off and asked me to wait inside. 15 minutes later he still hadn’t come back in, so I went outside to check on him, he was nowhere to be found. I walked down to his gate and asked the security guard, who to my utmost shock informed me Mr. Ayodele just left with the guest I saw him with. I asked if he was sure, he replied “Yes Sir”.
How could he leave me in his house and go out without telling me? He knew I came to see him, what’s going on. I got back home and told Mrs., she said he was definitely avoiding me. But Why? I asked myself, I had to get to the bottom of this, it would be a shame to let what lily did ruin the good relationship we had.
Well, Yes, back to my announcement of being made a candidate for House of rep. I sat Mrs. down after dinner that night, made her some hot chocolate because I knew it calmed her nerves and went round in circles about how the country was going to shreds and we needed young people to step in etc., I was sweating in our really chilled bedroom and still couldn’t bring myself to tell her. She smiled asked if I had finished, then said “Congratulations my darling, you would make a wonderful Honorable…….hmmmmm

MRS- Am going to be a honorable wife, hmmm, Moi! in Abuja, am not thinking what you are thinking, am just wondering how much more good we can do with lots of influence. Interesting, Mr. couldn’t tell me, but what he didn’t know was that Tammy already did. Abuja here we come.
Anyway, Tammy and I had fixed a girls weekend away, we desperately needed one. A lot had gone on, I was so worn out form all the drama at the NGO, traveling to Abuja and all, Tammy just got back from visiting her in-laws with the children and we all know how crazy that can get. She was worn out too. So we deiced a time out was required and what better place than next door neighbour, Ghana.
We left the children with our husbands and the Nanny and flew out 2 weeks ago on Thursday. Arriving in Accra, the capital city, we took a cab to the Movenpick Hotel. Very nice. Checked in, and immediately requested some Spa time. The massage. It was divine. After that, all relaxed and loosen up, we deiced to go have dinner down stairs. Tammy initially wanted us to order room service but I convinced her we were here on a break, let’s have some fun. So we dressed up and went down. The dining room was pretty full, the only table that had 2 seats already had 2 gentlemen sitting there. The waiter asked if we won’t mind sitting with them.
They didn’t mind either, Mr. Kofi and Mr. Alex as they introduced themselves, welcomed us warmly to the table. They were already half way through their meal. Middle aged men, well dressed. We exchanged pleasantries and ordered. Mr. Alex then asked “where are you beautiful ladies from?”. “Lagos” Tammy replied. Mr. Alex smiled and said, I come to Lagos a lot, for our Bankers meeting. I asked if he worked in a bank, he said yes. Mr. Kofi smiled and said “More like he owns a bank”. Apparently, we found out Mr. Alex owned one of Ghana’s biggest banks, I was surprised he was dressed so simple and was very humble. Mr. Alex noticed our surprise and tried to break the ice, “don’t mind him, Kofi owns the largest Gold mining company in Ghana and he calls me rich? He is a billionaire and when I say that I mean in American dollars” We all busted our laughing, it was a very pleasant conversation.
I was quite impressed, they didn’t lord their wealth over us like most do, all that they said was for information only, no lewd remarks, no bragging, just polite conversation. Just before they got up to leave, Mr. Alex asked how long we were in town for, I said 3 days until Monday morning. He asked if we won’t mind them coming tomorrow morning to take us sightseeing. Tammy said of course, it would be our pleasure, which actually shocked me, but all the same Mr. Kofi said “we will be here ay 10am sharp, we have a lot of places to cover so let’s start bright and early.
After they left, Tammy really was smitten, when I asked why she accepted their offer, she admitted they blow off all her expectations of rich men. She always thought they were randy old bags, thinking their money could buy anyone but Alex and Kofi had restored her faith in men, they weren’t all that bad. I, on the other hand just said, “Let’s wait and see, I have not made up my mind about them yet”.
Before Tammy and I left for Ghana, Madam Mabel had settled in at the NGO, with the daily running, my mind was at peace, she was doing really well, what she didn’t know she was fast learning. Thank God, she stepped in to save the day. She’s okay now as far as her personally life goes but not without a few battles of her own. Mr. Chidi keeps coming back, the last straw was going to EG to cry and beg. How in God’s name did he find his way there, I asked Erica over the phone when I called to check up on them and she told me Mr. Chidi just left. “I have no idea, EG just turned up with him and asked him to have lunch with us” she replied. She went on to tell me , EG and him retired into the study after lunch and when they emerged an hour later Mr. Chidi’s eyes were blood shot, like he had been crying.
Madam Mabel is not bulging, who can blame her, first husband Chidi, deceived her for years, then the new one turns out to be a wanted man. Well at least she had her baby now, her own flesh and blood that was all she dreamed of for years. Everything else is noise. She told me EG has called her for a meeting on Saturday, let’s wait and see what happens she said.
Main while Erica is due in December and we still don’t know who the father of her baby is. I was having a conversation with my step father EG, the other day and he asks me not to ask Erica about who the father of her baby was anymore, as far as he is concerned he is her husband and the child is his, he ended the conversation with “after all, a Yoruba proverb says, No one asks a pregnant woman where she got her pregnancy from”…..hmmmm

Day 700 to day 720
Mr.- No excuses, it’s really a huge task to keep up with all my life’s goings on , I sit here with my pen writing and I think back to all that’s been going on in my lie. To be honest I know am one of the privileged ones. All that God has done for us I should never complain. Human being that I am I still moan about the things I don’t have and forget the ones I do. It’s ironic. I go on my knees, pray to God Almighty for something, promise him after this particular one is granted I would never ask for anything again. But you know what, as soon as God answers that prayer, am done with that and I start grumbling again. Why, why are we so full of discontentment? I can’t figure it out.
Anyway enough said, now for what’s been going on. Not sure what to call it but I guess I can call it Sad news for some people. Lily, Mr. Ayodele’s secretary, the one who blackmailed Kola and I, she was found dead a few days after Uncle J released her. The security man at the house had gone into see her after 2 days of her not calling him or stepping out and found her on the living room floor, strangled. He immediately called the police. The security man was interrogated and he described Kola and I, gave our license plate numbers and you won’t believe it, the cctv camera in the living room only showed Kola and I in the house on the two days she was nowhere to be found. Obviously the date stamp on the cameras had been altered because we never went back there after the days we were lured there.
Needless to say, Kola and I were arrested and whisked off for interrogation. Boy o boy!, I usually hear people say how terrible this interrogations could be but I had no idea. For 3 grueling days we were questioned and questioned but fortunately no torture and no detention. For some reason the DPO in charge of the police station we were taken too, said we could go home very evening and report back he next morning, Phew! What a relief.
On the third day two of our alibis could still not be confirmed, so the DPO said we could go home but not leave town. We are not totally free until those two corroborates our statement. Case still hanging on our heads right now.
Aaahh! Moving on, am now with a new group, I thought loud and hard and decided I couldn’t be a member of the leading party. Am now with a small newly formed youth party called “Next generation Party” NGP and I’ve picked up a nomination for a federal house of representative, although other party members wanted me to go for the presidential candidate declined. I don’t think we are ready for the presidency just yet. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about not having the money, because not being boastful, one call to Aakil and I can afford to pay all registered voters a tidy sum, but that’s not what this is about. One step at a time, changing one constitutional law at a time. My first bill to sponsor will be to make it illegal to pay, bribe, induce, gratify, gift or compensate a person to vote for you. You ask how this is possible? Well let me tell you, this is where youth innovation comes in.
In the voting system of the future, voters will not be known by names but by no’s and you would vote at home on an app. So all the electoral commission collates is the unique ID no of voters, like we have the Banks BVN, and publishes the results. This will be very transparent
We as youth have so much to offer, we are the future and we better start working to make it right. We can change the way things are being done currently. Am sure most of you know the wise words “You can’t keeping ding things the same way and expect a different result” Well let the aspiring youth politicians become law makers, we change the rules from the ground up and then we take positions of authority. I guess you are aware that the President can’t do anything without the law makes passing the bills, approving the budget etc. So you tell me, where do you think we should start?
You all need to work with me on this, get you friends, family, young aspiring politician to do what I just described above and from within the four walls of The National Assembly we will make things change for the better. Well that’s keeping us all busy for now.
As for being released fully, Am not worried, Uncle J is looking for the club members who saw Kola and I at the club the night Lily was killed , they seem to have evaporated into thin air, when the bar man at the club was questioned, he said they came here for marketing and decided to stay for a drink. We still can’t locate their marketing company or how they got access to the club, something is really fishy here. And did I tell you we haven’t been allowed to see the body. All we know is we have been accused of murdering lily and pointed out we don’t need lawyers yet unless we are saying that we are definitely guilty. Am seriously reconsideration our decision not to get our lawyers involved…..hmmmm
Mrs- Well well, am so ashamed of my self and am sure Tammy is too. We have often heard it sid , mistaking friendilyness for affection. Well we were life victims. Let me explain. Remember the last time you read my diary I talked about our trip to Ghana, well a lot more happened.
On the day Alex and Kofi our new Ghanaian friends asked us to go on a tour of Ghana with them we jumped at it, or raher Tammy did for both of us. When Tammy and I got back to the room and I asked why she agreed , a whole lot was revealed. “ Tp put it in simple terms, Bbaes am bored” Was Tammy’s response. I was geniuly gob smacked for a few seconds. Tammy? She was the miss “goody two shoes””
Day 721 to 730-
MR-The greatest truth of all, having power and money doesn’t change you, it just reveals who you really are. Whatever traits you begin to display when power or money are at your feet, is actually who you really are, you just couldn’t act out before because you felt one or both were perquisites to behaving the way you were born too.
Maybe my outburst is too wordy, let me break it down. The display of an uncle of Kola recently, really helps me break this down.
Kola and I were in the office last week Friday after just arriving form the force headquarters, back to that in a bit, when this uncle of Kola called him to meet him at a car dealer shop. Kola gave an excuse that he was a bit tired but from his response ( I could only hear Kola). The uncle was frantically pleading with him to come now. So Kola dragged me along and we went to a high-end car show room on the island. As we arrived Kola pointed out his uncle’s car, a beat up Toyota Camry 1.8, almost 15 years old, with the back fender missing, masking tape preventing rain from dripping into the car through the back cracked glass window and a missing tail light. The tires were all worn and rust sprinkled itself all over the car like, gem stones on a lace material.
Kola called his uncle on the phone to find out where he was, he said we should come inside. Hmmm, you won’t believe it. But before we delve into that, Mr. Ayodele is on the run. That day he left me in his house, no one has seen him since then. The police came to our office on Tuesday last week, asking so many questions. What did he do I asked? “He’s wanted for murder, you better confess if you know where he is” barked one of the police men. i repeated myself for the umpteenth time, I have not seen him since the day he left me in his house. The five police men finally left with a warning, that if I see him and don’t tell I would be arrested. I thought about that for a minute and asked myself, how would they know if and when I see him? Strange.
After, I sat there thinking, Who’s murder, could it be Lily’s? Why would he kill her, so many unanswered questions, well at least we were free for now.
My Mrs hmmm that’s a mouth full. A few weeks ago she and Tammy went for a well-deserved break to Ghana, they left one way and came back another. Our wives have given us ultimatums, “Brush up on the chivalry or else….” it got Kola and I panicky and for the last few days now we have stopped by to get some form of gift to greet our spouses when we arrive home. I have gotten chocolate, flowers, perfume, lingerie, am fast running out of ideas, any suggestions please?
Back to Kola’s uncle, as we walked in through the car dealership gate, we noticed 4 cars had been parked facing the office away from the rest of the cars. A G-wagon Brabus, A Range rover sports, a 500 Mercedes Benz and a Tundra , all brand new. We didn’t think much of it but once we stepped into the office Kola’s uncle, a trader of whole sale beans and rice at mile 12 major food market and who had a shop at Oshodi midtown market, pulled Kola by the hand and asked “Aburo ( young brother) what do you think, will theses fit my new status , pointing to the 4 cars.
Kola couldn’t answer, he looked at his uncle, looked back at the cars and said “Uncle Can I speak with you for a minute?” So the uncle, kola and I stepped away from the dealers. Then Kola asked “Uncle, what’s going on, where will you get money to buy all these cars?” So uncle laughs and begins to explain. “My dear Aburo, as you know you have been supporting my business for so long, the last truck of beans I got from the north, you facilitated payment for it , what would I do without you and God. So I had to rethink my life, it got my brain thinking very sharp. About 8 months ago, I joined my favorite political party and started attending meetings. I knew the election was around the corner and mobilization of voters will commence very soon.”
He paused for a while, looked at Kola and I and continued. “So I started to talk to my fellow traders, formed a group, registered it and appointed myself as chairman of the group with my eldest son as the secretary. Opened a bank account with my son and I as signatories. Just last month 1milion plus people had registered with the group with 80% having voters card. My STRATEGY HAD WORKED, I talked all this people into joining my group by saying we would get our own national cake, at least that’s will be our share before the politicians all take over. So when the campaign offices opened, I registered the group and yesterday nine figures was paid into the group account for mobilization. Praise God for me”. He raised his hands to praise God but Kola and I just kept staring at him. He ignored our expressions and continued.
“First thing I had to do was upgrade my level. I have come here to buy the cars for me and my entourage, the Tundra will have sirens and police men who will pilot me everywhere I go. I will ride in the Range or G-wagon to meetings, then the Mercedes Benz is for functions. i called the king or out town this morning I want a chieftaincy title. The Mercedes Benz will carry me there. Kola, from here we go to Toyota dealership, I have called them to reserve 5 Prado’s for my specials assistants and PA. Then after we buy this, we go to the Q estates to pay for the 10 bed room mansion I called to reserve yesterday. My brother, I need you to confirm I haven’t left anything out”. He concluded. Kola and I had our mouths wide open, we were truly stunned and gob smacked……..hmmmmm

MRS-Yes, Yes, Mr. has been behaving like a gentleman since we got back from Ghana, every evening, you won’t believe it but he comes back home with gifts. He compliments me at every turn. My hair, my figure, my cooking, guys can you imagine, my cooking. Just last Saturday I made an attempt to cook coconut rice. The chef had written down instructions for me earlier. So I bought all the ingredients and in my excitement forgot the main ingredient coconut. So it just tasted like seasoned rice. I tried to redeem myself, poured in coconut water at the last minute to steam up with it but it didn’t taste the same. I was going to cook something else but Mr. arrived, I told him my mistake, he said “Serve me my lovely, I will eat it with love”. True to his word, he ate every grain, smiled through it and at the end went to bed, that night he must have gone to toilet 8 times, running tummy. My coconut rice attempt made my boo sick, shame on me. But did he complain. Nope, he didn’t, he gracefully said, its not the taste that counts it’s the love behind it. I would have put it differently though.
My dear MIL, she came over this weekend, she and my FIL had a fight. I didn’t even know people there age, still fight. What was it about? My FIL wants a new wife, someone to help Mama out he says. He calls her Mama. He complained some time ago that my MIL doesn’t take care of him the way she use too. She’s either with us, David and his family in Malaysia, Yes they have gone back there, will update you later. Or traveling with her so called new friends. Since she lost her best friend, she made a bucket list. All the things she must do before she dies. And she has been doing them. The problem, not with her husband but with new friends. So FIL decided it was time to get a small wife to take good care of him.
My hubby is amazing, I just didn’t notice before, I think I focused on what he didn’t do rather than on what he did. Giving Seyibam a bath every evening, reading to him at bed time, playing with him. He cared so much, puts his family first, works hard, listens, apologizes when necessary, he’s patient, charming and funny. A praying man, why do I have to give him a hard time for not being extremely romantic, because he is a bit? .Anyway I’ve made up my mind to appreciate him more, compliment him and am going buy him gifts on my way back from work. Starting with A dozen roses delivered to his office tomorrow morning……..hmmmmm
Days 731-750-
My Mum, hmmm, it’s been one trouble after the other. She and my dad have not given me one moment of peace for the last 3 weeks. What’s the matter you ask? Well I will tell you. My mum never listens, am sorry if I sound rude, I know has a well brought up child I shouldn’t say that about my mum, but it’s true. Am tired of having to step in every time she and my dad get into it. My dad, the calm guy, very firm but quiet. He only speaks when he needs too. He’s been warning my mum of her neglect of him. First she refused to go to the village permanently, and when she’s there, she’s complaining all the time. Then she goes to Malaysia to see David, Sabrina and her grandson and stayed for 2 months. She told my dad she was coming to Lagos for a checkup and before he knew it she was in Malaysia. Why won’t my dad get upset? I did try to cover for her, saying I insisted she go but my dad knew me well and he saw through that.
While my mum is away from my dad , a young lady called Tina helps my father, cooks , cleans and keeps him father insisted he didn’t want any house helps in the village he wants my mum to cook for him and she could get someone to come and go but no one living with them. Now the problem since my mum’s been away Tina resumed her mum claim she’s been doing the bedroom duties too, and Mrs. made the mistake of asking her why should that bother her, was she still active in that department. In short, she blew her top and had a nasty go at Mrs. Mrs. is still sulking around the house. My mum has been here for a week now since she got back from David’s and Mrs. spends all day everyday either in the charity office or in Abuja with the first lady.
Aakil flew into the country on Saturday with Toke and the twins. They have grown, they turned one last week but Aakil had promised Toke a big birthday party back in Lagos. Toke and Mrs. planned the whole thing it was divine. Aakil let me in on a secret his family are pushing for him to marry another wife to give Toke time to spend back here. He said he doesn’t want to. He needs Mrs. and I to talk to her and make her see why she needs to stay with him. His father has given him 6 months to convince Toke, if she still insists on staying back here, he would be forced to marry a woman who would stay and show up for royal assignment as required of the heir’s wife.
This was serious, I, although not as close to Toke as Mrs. knew that she really didn’t want to stay in Dubai or Abu Dhabi, Aakils family were in her life, too controlling, ‘’don’t do this, don’t go there, you can’t wear that’’ etc. she wanted to be free, but royalty had its pros and cons. Pro stupendous money and fame, cons, control, control control. I promised Aakil before he flew back on Tuesday evening that we will work on her.
Kola is still on a mission to deliver his uncle from death threats, the group he put together found out he had been given money for campaign and have been after him for weeks, Kola had to move him from hotel to hotel for the last few weeks. I believe he’s a lost cause because we took him to Uncle J, who advised him to give each group leader one of the vehicles he bought and claim they are campaign material , then give them some money and get them off his back. He whole heartedly agreed with Uncle J but as soon as we got back into the car, he laughed and said uncle J must be bunkers, he is never giving them anything, they can go to blazes for all he cares. Now Kola is left to pick up the mess he has created. Kola has given out almost 10m to groups to keep them clam but one man Mr. Okoro has vowed to deal with his uncle for deceiving him and refuses to take Kola’s money. Wahala dey…..hmmmm

MRS-I goofed big time, my MIL and I are at logger heads, she’s not even speaking to me, if I say hello in the morning she barely answers me. What did I do you ask? Well I made a joke that didn’t go down well. She was complaining to Kola and I that my FIL wanted to marry one Tina girl from the village who was cooking for my FIL when she was nowhere to be found. She said the girl graduated from kitchen to bedroom and has been servicing my FIL. I laughed and asked her why she was upset, did she still function in that department. O my my, it couldn’t have dropped out of my mouth for a second when my MIL went ballistic, ‘’how dear you? What do you mean? , you think because am your husband’s mother I cannot make love to my husband. You this girl, if your mother was alive could you ask her that kind of question’’ she would have gone on but Mr. pushed me out of the room and pleaded with me to just go to Toke’s place.
I had tears in my eyes, she brought back memories of my dear mother, I really missed her and regret I spent all these years not talking to her. Anyway ex-governor called me a couple of weeks ago, he said he made me the executor of his will. He knows I will be fair to all parties involved, I felt honored I asked why Josh or his brother wasn’t chosen, he said you are my daughter are you not? I said I was. He said woman are fairer than men, just do the needful. I asked about Erica he said she was fine. We haven’t seen her in a few weeks and we know she’s will be due soon, I must find time to go see her.
I walked down to Toke’s place, she was just talking to caterers and a part planner. The twins first birthday was holding in her lovely garden, marquees all the way. Mr. told me what Aakils said but I knew we couldn’t talk about it until the party was over. Toke came with 2 nannies who each took care of a twin. To think that she had 6 back in Dubai in addition to maids cooks, cleaners and all. She confessed she felt stifled. Too much attention. She couldn’t go out of the house without an escort, the royal secret police had to know where, when and why she had to go to a place. They wanted her to get approval before she moved but Aakil fought against this and said he was her husband and he would tell her when to go and when not to.
Madam Mabel, well she got herself in a pickle, Mr. Chidi won her back, but she’s stipulated a trial period, to test him. Apparently the staff at the NGO told me he comes to prostrate for her everyday crying to be taken back, soon everyone started calling madam Mabel wicked, that how can a grown man be begging like this and she won’t even consider him. She doesn’t blame them, they don’t know what she went through in the hands of Mr. Chidi. Anyway I wish them luck.
The birthday party went really well, wizz kid came to play, personally I felt that was a bit over the top for a garden one year old party but Toke had the money and wanted what she wanted, so no arguing with that. At the party I met a lady called Caroline. She was a friend to the neighbors from across the street, Toke had invited their children, the couple had a prior engagement so enlisted Caroline to bring them to the twin’s party. She was nice enough, she told me she needed a man in her life, she was 39 and single, asked if I knew any eligible men. I laughed it off and said she couldn’t be serious but she assured me she was single and searching, so promised to keep an eye out. My only reservation was the way she kept lapping up Kola when he and Tammy arrived at the party. I couldn’t help but notice but I didn’t mention it to Tammy .I’ve got to keep an eye on that woman called Caroline.
I was in Abuja for a woman development program, I was a guest speaker and it was exhilarating , took my mind off my mother in law , until I ran into Senator Muyi, you remember him, the guy who took my phone to Abuja and made me come all the way for it. Well I was going back to my room at Transcorp Hilton hotel when I got in the life and heard someone call out for me to hold it, I did and in steps in senator Muyi, I pretended like I didn’t recognize him, so he said Hello Lady, remember me? I kind of feigned ignorance but then said ‘Oh yes sir I do’ he looked at me smiling and said “Oh don’t call me Sir, we are friends, so whats your room no?”…….hmmmmm

Day 751-760
MR-Kola and I are not too different, most times I feel we should have been born twins. But sometimes he gets so thick headed I can’t really get any sense into him. This Mr. Okoro who has been threatening Kola’s uncle was becoming a bit of a nuisance. He accosted Kola with a couple of men the other day. When Kola drove out of his uncle’s estate, he noticed a red jeep following him for a few streets, he speed up, turned into a side street and stopped, docked in the side seat and waited. A few minutes went by, no activity, he starts his car, reverses and drives, just as he relaxes and feel he’s lost the tail, the red jeep appears and this time speeds up past kola and blocks his path. Two hefty guys jump out and ask Kola to come over to their jeep and see the boss. Kola, not having an option, obliges and the discussion with the Boss focuses on Kola’s Uncle and the boss Mr. Okoro, who now decides to accept money previously offered but with a caveat. He now wants more, the BraBus G wagon and 100 million Naira. Kola, Kola, what does he do? He calls Mr. Okoro’s bluff and repeats the previous offer. The Prado jeep and 25m, “Take or leave it “Kola concludes. Mr. Okoro, laughs, calls Kola a smart boy, then deals him a heavy blow in the gut. Kola bends over, tears streaming down his eyes from the pain he feels all the way to his brain and Mr. Okoro smiles “My dear boy, don’t tempt me, tell that your useless Uncle my request, 1 week or he misses you for life” He clicks his fingers and his 2 guys lift Kola out of the red jeep and dump him in his own car and drive off.
Kola calls me from the hospital, a Good Samaritan who was driving by when he was dumped back in his car, came over to see what was wrong and found Kola vomiting and wriggling in pain, he rushed Kola to the hospital and I was called. This time I couldn’t blame Kola because he didn’t go looking for Okoro. Okoro came looking for him but the pertinent question is what did he mean when he said Kola’s uncle will miss him for life? Was he threatening to kill Kola if the Uncle didn’t deliver?
On hearing my question, Kola, in the mist of his pain, kissed his teeth and said “Bro, there is nothing that Okoro can do, I offered him 25m and a Prado jeep and that’s all he’s getting, if he’s not careful he won’t get anything”. I was gob smacked, looked around to see if anyone else was speaking, but no I wasn’t dreaming, it was Kola, the one who received just one blow and he lands in emergency, he’s now blabbing , huffing and puffing about not giving a killer his demands. I wasn’t ready to hear that. So I picked up his phone without him realizing, went out of his room and copied Mr. Okoro’s no. I know he called him once before to placard him to work things out with his uncle.
As soon as I left the hospital, I went to the Mercedes car dealership on the island, paid for a G wagon and sent a text to Mr. Okoro for his account no and transferred the money. Not to brag but we could afford a lot more, Aakil made a lot of things possible for us, we just don’t spend it like we got it.
Now here’s where things got really weird. I didn’t tell Kola nor his uncle what I did. I felt Mr. Okoro would just accept the peace offering and not bother Kola or his uncle again. But I was wrong. He called Kola’s uncle and said “You made the right decision chief am sure you love your nephew a lot, cheerio”. Uncle, called Kola “Aburo (young brother) what did you do with Okoro, cos I got a call from him now saying I did the right thing?” Kola now feeling a lot better, jumps out of bed and says. “Uncle, I don’t know either, the last conversation we had was his demand and I counter offered”. There was silence for a bit, then Kola’s uncle said “Aburo, see me now we have to talk, that Okoro is up to something”……hmmmm

MRS- Have you ever been in a position where your mind keeps bouncing from should I?, should I not? It can be pretty confusing. I found myself in that situation in the last couple of days. I know am always getting into one kind of mess or the other but the truth is, I have always been spoilt. Remember Babs and I, well am sure you also remember my almost being initiated into a cult just because I craved eternal friendship and then the Alhaji Awaal saga and now senator Muyi.
I have heard people say, they’ve never seen a woman who can resist a smooth talker and a charming man. Senator Muyi is one of them. He’s tall, dark, handsome, rich , powerful and did I say handsome , yep, he’s drop dead gorgeous and would have been my ideal fantasy man if My one and only darling Mr. , wasn’t in my life. But a girl can look and not touch, cant she?
Well, the story didn’t quite go that straight forward. As I said before, after the conference, I went back to the hotel and as I got in the life and pressed my floor button, I heard a male voice shout, “Hold it please” referring to the lift. So I held it and in steps in Senator Muyi. Wow! He was fine, looking dapper and smelt incredible but I tilted my head to the side and intentionally ignored and pretended to not recognize him. But he was smart, he turned around as he had his back to me initially and said “Hi, do you remember me, cos I remember you?” Who says that? I moved my head upright, squinted at him for a few seconds pretending to try and recollect , then I said “O yes Sir, you were the kind man who found my phone but made me come all the way ere to pick it up”. He threw his head back and laughed “You have a pretty good sense of humor, I love a woman who does” he said amid bursts of laughter.
Thankfully my floor came up, I scrambled out of the life but not before he asked “what’s your room no?”. Now here came the dilemma. Do I tell him my room no or do I not? If I do, it could be two things, one I really do want him to come, or two I was mature enough to handle whatever he threw at me. So what did I do? I just kept walking and ignored him.
Well done, I said to myself, that man needs to stay the hell away from me. The truth is hes not easy to resist, I just want to get through the night and go back to my wonderful family. Is that too much to ask?
Speaking of Mr. I didn’t tell you this last time but we seem to be drifting apart. We spend so much time doing our own thing, we come back so exhausted, that the thought of intimacy repels us. I really can’t recollect the last time we spent quality time making love. Let’s not count the shower quickies or the cuddles and hugs. My body yearns for it during the day but when we are together, I kind of switch off and he doesn’t really push , one I don’t respond to his touches the way I should, he gives me a peck on my forehead, says sorry and rolls over . I have tried to rack my brain, where did we go wrong, we used to take weekend breaks to go have made, passionate love making in hotels, but all that stopped. Could it be Seyibam’s arrival or Mr doesn’t find me attractive anymore. How old am I for God’s sake?
I realize this I the kind of thoughts that make women crave attention from Men, the slightest compliment paid became an emotional attachment. I must give Mr. a lot of credit he tries. For example when Tammy and I returned from Ghana and we gave our men ultimatums for practicing chivalry, Mr. complied instantly. It even got too much at a time I felt I had to reciprocate. So what’s the problem? maybe we need to sit down and talk about this, but would we get anywhere?, am not so sure, I think we might need to go for counselling, I remember our friends Temi and Jubril, did mention a counselling session , might just try it…….hmmmm

Catching up from the last time Day 761 to 811-
MR- Okay now, it’s been two whole months, I know we’ve kept you all waiting but honestly there has been major changes in our lives too. We had a death in the family, it was so sudden and so painful and I couldn’t bring myself to write anything. Mrs. and I flew to London immediately after the burial and we just got back yesterday night. So let me try really hard to catch you up on what’s been going on.
Back to before, as soon as Kola recovered from Mr. Okoro’s sucker punch, I confessed what I did. His uncle didn’t find it funny, he ranted and raved initially about me making him look weak and all, but eventually he calmed down and we moved on from that saga. Tammy on the other hand didn’t find it funny. She felt Kola put his life in danger not minding the fact that she and their two children needed him. She completely changed, stopped coming around to see Mrs. and would not return calls. Kola was worried, he mentioned it to me and I suggested he apologize. He did, but Tammy still wouldn’t bulge. The only other thing I could suggest was he talk to Tammy’s pastor. So one evening Kola goes to see the Pastor and finds Tammy there, kneeling down and the pastor praying for her. Kola waited until they were done. The pastor looked up and saw Kola and invited him to come in, that God had brought him at the right time. He explained that Tammy came to him a few weeks ago saying she was no longer in love with her husband and she wanted to leave. But he had to persuade her that that wasn’t Gods will for her, whatever happened and according to all she narrated, it was certainly not a reason to divorce her husband. She was adamant, but through God’s grace, praying and counselling, she’s ready to stay and make her marriage work.
Kola was gob smacked, he kept looking at Tammy as she sat on the worn out red couch in the Pastor’s office. She on the other hand wasn’t looking at him, just starring at the bible in her hand with a worrisome look on her face. Kola could feel tears wielding up in his eyes, He held his head in regret and kept looking at Tammy, all he could do was ask himself, how could he hurt the love of his life in this way? From the way his heart was pounding fast with guilt, he knew he had taken Tammy for granted for so long because she never complained. But the elders had a saying, “If you chase a goat to the wall and it has nowhere else to go, it will turn around and attack you”. It was Tammy’s turn to attack, she was at her wits end and Kola knew exactly why. He getting beaten up by Mr. Okoro’s and his thugs, was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Kola thought about all the lonely nights Tammy must have endured without him, he hardly ever made love to her this days and their relationship had become somewhat platonic. The strange thing was he didn’t even realise it until it was almost too late, it wasn’t intentional on his part he was just got pre-occupied with mundane things. I was the same with Mrs. putting everything into work and not realizing we were drifting apart. Kola didn’t know what else to do besides go on his knees and plead with Tammy to forgive him and also ask the pastor if he could come for counselling. The truth is he never wanted to hurt tammy nor loose her, she was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Digressing from Kola’s issues a bit, my mother almost became a jailbird in Asia. David, my dear brother, called me more than fifty times to please come and pick our mother up but I turned a deaf ear. I felt he needed to learn how to handle our mother the same way I had done for years. You must understand, our mum is unique like no other, barely 5ft 5inches, a bit on the plum size, wide brown eyes and full lips, not too fair but not dark either, at her ripe age, she still had a spring in her steps and a booming voice that could make a grown man quiver in his boots. She was always insistent on what she wanted. It was her way or the high way, and no one, not even our dad liked to pick a fight or even have an argument with her.
Hmmm, the whole issue started when my mum couldn’t bear the attention my dad was getting from his care giver in the village. My mum knew she couldn’t offer the kind of care my dad wanted, so she decided it was time to move away for a while. My place was not really an option because I had told her several times, as our mother her place was with our dad and not in my house. So, knowing that she wasn’t welcome at mine, She decides to take off to Malaysia to spend time with David, Sabrina and baby HD. You must understand that my mum had access to a lot of money, besides what we the children gave her monthly, my dad always gives her a monthly allowance from the proceeds of all his investments, “Your mother suffered with me when I had nothing and now that am reaping the dividends of our hard work, your mother must share in the success” he said, one day when I asked why he was spoiling my mum with so much money. I really wasn’t trying to be a spoil spot, but her and Sisi boss, God rest her soul, spent millions on Gold and diamonds in one month, only to put it aside and buy more the following month. I could never understand the obsession they both had for expensive trinkets.
When my mum turned up unannounced in Malaysia, David couldn’t protest as usual, he who had given his life and become a pastor and especially when Sabrina was happy to have her and felt it would be good for their child HD to get to know his grandma. All he could do was welcome her to stay for as long as she wanted. But our mum, instead of being the nice loving grandma she should be, she made David’s life really stressful. David had stooped his business in Malaysia, the bar and night club. He now had a church instead, as much as the two establishments were the complete opposite, they were both very demanding jobs, So he spent most evenings out of the house. Sabrina was fine with that, she too had her own business and they both made their relationship work. When my mum arrived, Sabrina took time off work to be with her. So our mum got to see more of Sabrina and less of David, she didn’t like that. so when David comes home in the wee hours of the morning, she is waiting for him in the living room, as soon as he steps in, she lets loose, “Useless good for nothing boy, is this how you threat your family?, going about with all this useless girls in the name of church and pastor, repent before you go to hell, shame on you…..” on and on she will go without letting David put a word in. on his part he would stand there and listen, after she was done, he will shake his head, ask God to forgive her and go up to his room. There was nothing he could do, the whole process will just repeat itself the next day.
Now, for David, that wasn’t the last straw that broke the camel’s back. The last straw was when our mum in her wisdom thought she was back home. One afternoon she takes Baby HD in his stroller to the pack opposite David’s house. The park was a busy one, children came to play with other children, some brought by their minders and others on their own. On this particular day, our mum was sitting on a wooden bench with HD on the blanket she had brought along with her for him to crawl on. Some random child intentionally throws a toy car at Baby HD and it hits him on the arm. HD screams, My Mum demands the child apologizes, but this child is so rude, he asks “Why” My mum says “because you do”. And the child, just 6 years old, says, “No way, Keep dreaming Grandma”. Hmm that was the last thing he said before a hot slap landed on his cheek. The boy, obviously crying his eyes out by now runs home to report my mum, to his mother, who calls the police and viola, our mum lands in the police station.
First they want her passport, ask her how long she’s been in the country etc. All this while she’s screaming in vernacular for them to call her son and daughter in law and they in turn not understanding her, label her aggressive and a danger to the officers, so she’s locked in a cell. Unfortunately she neither had Sabrina’s nor David’s phone no. Luckily for her a neighbor who witnessed everything calls Sabrina and she and David rush to the police station to bail her out but not without first calling Major Zakri to smoothen things over with the arresting officers before they get there. You all remember Major Zakri who assisted in getting David released. Well they finally brought our mum home after several hours of stern warnings not to ever touch another person’s child. That was it, she had finally “climbed the tree past the leaves”, and David was done with her. The next morning, amid protest from Sabrina, he forcefully put her on the next flight back home and calls me to pick my mum up in a few hours. Now we’ve got her here, Just our luck, init !!!!…..hmmmmm

MRS- My MIL is driving me nuts, I honestly don’t understand how someone so old could cause so much disruption. No matter how hard I try and I do try, I’ve taken cooking classes, I can now cook at least more than 70% better than I use to. Meanwhile I only cook when she’s around. If I don’t, she will go on about how “a virtuous wife must cook for her family, life was so different in their days, a wife wouldn’t dear not cook”. And to think that now a care giver is getting the best of my FIL. Isn’t that ironic, all I can do is “sit dawn look” (translation- sit down and watch what happens), as my car mechanic will say.
Moving along, Rukky is back, she came in a few weeks ago and is staying at Erica’s and EG’s place. Lemmy and Josh are also around. Robert is grateful, he’s got his 2 big brothers and aunty hanging around. Erica doesn’t mind, she needs all the help she can get with Tamara. Now the strange thing is that Josh left Jane, or the other way around. Am sure you remember Lemmy updated Mr. when they were in Dubai about how the relationship was really rocky? Well it finally collapsed. Jane was busy crushing on my Mr while she was dating Josh and from all indications he thought he had found Mrs. Josh. All of this is not the mystery, the mystery is who owns Erica’s pregnancy. Could it be Josh, Lemmy, Kola, My Mr., who? All we know is that its someone connected to our family. I really pray it’s not whom am thinking.
Well lets digress a bit, Pamela and Babs are moving back in together, they had a short spell of separation but while we were in London a few weeks ago, she flew down with her Baby to spend some days and she told Mr. and I that Babs has finally decided to work in the family business. Well one thing I know is, while it would be great to have all of us back together in one place, there are also some disadvantages. For those who have read the Diary from day One, you know what I mean, don’t you?
Ola, hmmm, she’s in exile, literarily, The DNA for the last child came back and it belonged to the Governors PA. Yes PA, this boy is much younger than Ola, but she still got up to her old tricks. Initially she tried implicating the guy by saying she was raped when one evening she got a bit tipsy and the PA had to help her to her room. But unknown to her, the PA recorded most of their phone conversations. So when the governor threatened his whole staff that he would shoot anyone who happens to be the father of his last child, unless, the guilty party comes forward before the DNA result comes out, The PA came forward and shared recordings of him and Ola.
Wow, was it racy, she had been begging him for weeks to come to her room, she told the poor guy she was lonely, “His Excellency has no time for me, we haven’t made love n 8 months” she had said. Ask me how I got this information, well the governor himself sent it to Mr. why? You ask. Well I have no idea. You would think a man that high up would want to wash his dirty linen in private. When Mr. called him to empathize, he just said he sent it to Mr. to show him the kind of woman Ola is, so when he decides to kick her to the kerb, no one will come begging on her behalf. Last week, The governor got a truck and some men, they pack everything, and I mean everything belonging to Ola and moved it into a house he owns miles away from the government house, asks her and the children to move in there permanently. And he warns her not to come near the governor’s lodge or contact him. Every month he will send her allowance but she must immediately stop using the title “Her excellency”. Wow! That was a shocker to think Ola flaunted that title like no one else.
Well, minding my own business, I was having a bit of a bother with Tammy, before Mr and I went on holiday to England, she stopped visiting, won’t return calls and when I tried going to see her thrice she wouldn’t come to the door. Just recently we found out it had to do with Kola. He has been neglecting her, unfortunately she wasn’t aware I was also in the same boat. Mr., my darling Mr., he barely touched me for a couple of months. I met up with senator Muyi twice during those times when he came into town and I must admit my mind wondered. This guy is drop dead courageous, the kind that go on GQ and vanity fair magazine covers. He is 6ft 2 inches, dark, abs like ‘sleeping policemen’ (small speed bumps for those who don’t know), he was also funny and to top it all wealthy, although that is not my thing, am wealthy as well but he does know how to treat a woman. Mr. Alex and Kofi also came into to town, I tried Tammy so we could meet up with them but she didn’t pick her calls. They wined and dined me, it was great getting attention from 3 perfect gentlemen and I didn’t tell Mr., because that night he came home, I welcomed him, I was feeling a bit guilty for not letting him know I was hanging out with the two men, but as soon as I opened my mouth to tell him he said “Babes , am sorry , whatever it is can wait am too tired mentally to hear any gist for now, Good night my love”” and that was it , he climbed into bed half naked and slept off. I made an effort to cuddle up to him but he just grunted “Babes please not now, am tired “ and he pulled away from me. Phew! That was hurtful. I felt so alone, my body longed for Mr’s touch but my mind wondered off to places I can’t even begin to mention here. Well that night I cried, it was so painful, I honestly felt and wished I had taken up Senator Muyis offer the day before to see him at his guest house but I didn’t. So you see, Tammy going off the only friend she has wasn’t the solution, but I understand people handle things differently and am not immune to that……hmmmmm
The “New”” Mr and Mrs Diary day 812
MR- Yesterday started off really slow, Kola and I had a couple of meetings, in relation to the upcoming elections. I got a big telling off from one of the local government chairmen for not doing the ‘needful’. I asked what he meant, he said “Come on my friend stop pretending, you know what I mean”. I continued to fain ignorance and he got upset and stood up to leave, just then another chairman calmed him down and said , “Honorable, don’t mind this young boys, they want to play politics of the youth, is that what the people will chop?” , Kola wanted to respond but I held him back. I got up and said “Gentlemen, my father’s here present, you are all welcome. If you recollect when you all gave me the mandate to run for member house of representative on this great party’s platform, I told you before I could accept, you need to acknowledge that I intend to do things my way” . I waited for a response , no one said anything, so I continued “Doing things my own way includes encouraging people not to sell their votes for anything, vote with your conscience, vote the man or woman you feel can do the job, your vote, your right, your choice , and this has been my slogan. So my elders I hope we are still on the same page and I hope I can count on your support as we begin with the town hall meeting on Saturday, thank you”. The chairman who had led them to our office, stood up and thanked me and promised that they will all support and mobilize their wards to come to the town hall meeting.
Honestly it hasn’t been a piece of cake, I really didn’t know how much wheeling and dealing goes on in the background when it comes to politics. EG has been awesome, placating those who need it, putting my name forward where it’s needed most but there are loads of things I have to do myself. Am meeting with some youth groups and traditional rulers tomorrow and Friday, Kola has been a great help. Lemmy also joined the team he works on our social media campaign and his strategy is dope.
Back to what I was discussing yesterday, we got a call 5 days before Christmas, when I picked up all I could he was someone sobbing at the other end. I said hello several times before the caller eventually managed to say, “He’s gone, he’s gone”. “Who’s gone” I asked. I still didn’t know who it was and I kept pressing, no response just the sobbing and then the phone went dead, “who’s gone” was all I kept muttering as Mrs. walks in and looks at me like I’ve lost it…….hmmmmm

MRS- Am sorry, I think am just about ready to kill somebody right now. I’ve had it, this woman is driving me nuts, awwwh!!!. Oh keep your wig on you say, that’s not possible, she makes me want to pull all my weave out. Well, okay I will tell you what she did.
Yesterday morning I had an urgent 8am meeting at the NGO, so I, as a dutiful wife, go to my MIL and ask what she would want for breakfast. She takes one look at me ignores my question and asks me where I am going early this morning. I answer politely that I have a meeting at the NGO. She sniggers, kisses her teeth and said “all you career women who don’t even think it’s necessary to stay at home to look after your children, I feel sorry for you people. Anyway am not hungry, bye bye, leave me alone” .i respond “Are you sure Ma’am , or my gosh, you yells at me “I have warned you not to call me ‘Maaa’ or ‘maamm’ or whatever that is, call me mummy or don’t call me, and are you the one that will tell me if am hungry or not I said am okay, thank you”.
Wow!, she was impossible, she almost ruined my morning but I had vowed , I will keep ignoring her comments and just be the dutiful, respectful DIL I need to be, so I keep quiet and leave her room. Check on Sunita and Seyibam once again. They are both fine, then I head out of the door. The chef is on his way out too, I ask him to but plenty fresh vegetables and fruit, especially the ones mama likes.
Now you might be wondering why am bothered about mamas food when I have a chef. My dears that’s the kind of question you should ask, well my MIL dearest , insists , I mean insists , I am the wife of her son, she is my MIL , so I have to cook for her and no one else. Imagine that, not even my hubby demand that, what will I do. I need to keep the peace. But I promise you, am getting close to my plan to make her run back to my FIL. Am not alone on this , Madam Mabel, Rukky and Pamela are all working on a plan, let’s see who wins this war…..hmmmm

The “New”” Mr and Mrs Diary day 813
MR- Who died oh?, I don’t know, I tried calling the no back but it just went straight to voice mail. That day I really couldn’t sleep, I called around, most people I got on the phone, were fine, but I couldn’t get a few men. My mind started to race, Kola tried to calm me down but I was in cuckoo land thinking of the worst that could have happened.
Anyway, yesterday I met with the ‘inner caucus’ has they referred to themselves. The meeting was at 2am. Yes oh, believe it or not, Kola came with me as usual but when we got there he was asked to wait in the reception area of this magnificent house and I was led into an inner room. As soon as I walked in I noticed there were 13 men, all very influential, I recognized them instantly. I was asked to sit down on a chair facing them. You would think I was facing a panel of judges or something. I felt really uncomfortable but I was a man so I pretended like I was cool.
After deafening silence, the man seated in the middle, called out my name and said “Honorable, we hear you are ready to become one of us, is this accurate?” I looked around and wondered if there was someone else he was referring too. “One of us Sir, I don’t understand?” I said. The huge man with the protruding tummy laughed and then repeated the same question. This time in a stern voice. “Answer the question”, another boomed. At this time I was shivering and felt like going to the toilet. I stood up slowly, raised both hands up and said “Sir, am so sorry but I need to know what or who am joining, I really don’t understand.” By now 2 hefty guys with spiky clubs had positioned themselves behind me. “Last chance, Yes or No, simple, “Another man with crow eyes boomed. My heart was beating so fast, my body vibrating and my life flashing before my very own eyes. It was like a film reeling out, I saw Mrs. in her old age and seyibam now a father sitting in that same house of ours talking about me as if I had died so many years back. Before the vision could conclude a dirty clap landed on my back. It was like a stab, I cried out in pain, warm liquid flowed down my inner leg, I looked on the floor and saw a puddle forming, that’s when I realized I had urinated on myself. I was totally dazed, felt giddy and sick from the pit of my stomach. Then I was jolted back with the sound of a voice saying “Hold him Down” and I felt 4 huge arms hold me down and the guys with the clubs started to say, “On your marks, get ready” before they could say Go, I heard my self-screaming and then I woke up. Sweat dripping down my face. Mrs. standing over me looking all worried, “what’s the matter my love?” was all she could say…..hmmmmm
MRS- Politics is definitely not for everyone but that doesn’t include my Mr., it suits him fine. “Honorable this, Honorable that”, I can surely get use to that. Living in the capital, very nice, being close and walking in the corridors of power, Priceless.
Am sure you’re wondering what’s Mrs. on about, she’s already rich? Well my dears, there is a huge difference between Money and Power. Having loads of money is really good but add power to that and it’s great. Let me break it down. A very wealthy man has factories, a bank and other companies and he’s thriving. Now the poor man he walks past and ignore, luck shines on him and he becomes the president of the country. This poor insignificant man, with his Pen and the power of the office can sign a single act that will bring down the rich man’s bank and businesses. It goes to show the saying “The pen is mightier than the sword”, really does mean what it says. So you see why I feel with power we can turn things around for the forgotten ones, for once they can benefit from policies that will make their lives better. Well enough said, just remember who you’re voting for, My Mr. is a good man and he will make you all proud.
Well, the elders say, “Until there are no more fleas on your head, your nails will continue being bloody”. Until all sorts of issues and secrets continue to thrive in this nuclear family of ours, there will always be rumors and gossip. Erica’s DNA result is out today and EG had called us all to a meeting this evening t unveil the mystery of his wife’s pregnancy. I called to ask why this was necessary. He said he wants to ‘put paid’ to it once and for all. Who does that? What if he doesn’t like the results? How is the culprit going to react? Am just gob smacked that this issue has gotten this far.
On my part, am on a secret mission of my own. Senator Muyi has been sending me crazy stuff on my WhatsApp. Last week he sent this “You are like a starved rose that won’t dry up” “What? That was crazy, I pondered over it for a while , then I got it, I remember the last time I met with him in a café I might have blabbed that Mr. and I haven’t been intimate in a while. I didn’t respond. Yesterday he sent this “I am an oasis, always flowing with milk and honey, a rose planted nearby will always flourish”. I must have read it over and over and I had to stop myself from laughing out loud. Am seriously contemplating blocking this bagger, who does he think he is? Hmmm, but I must admit I do enjoy the chase though……hmmmmm

The “New” Mr and Mrs Diary…Day 814
MR –Am alive, Yes, Thank you God. So it was a dream, I wasn’t actually about to be clubbed. Awwwh, I was so scared, when I woke up I was soaking wet with sweat. Mrs. asked me what the matter was, I just told her I had a nightmare but didn’t tell her the full details. Although I suspect that the dream is trying to tell me something about this political journey am embarking on.
Mrs. has something on her mind and I know it. She has been behaving badly to my mum, I know my mum is a hand full but yesterday’s outburst and the intentional starvation, was beneath her. I must get to the bottom of all this ‘hull bulla’ fast before it gets out of hand. How much patience do you need to handle an old woman? I wonder.
On the other hand, Death, they say is so final, I still remember how many times I called him up to ask for his help, they last time we saw him he was alive and well, planning to go to Las Vegas and stay on the strip, at the Mirage hotel, one of the best. It’s better to always appreciate people when they are with us because we don’t know when one’s time is due. God help us. We will all miss Uncle J, his death was so sudden and if anything was to be said about his effect on people, the mammoth crowd of mourners at his burial ceremony said it all.
With not much to do at home but listen to my mum complain, I got to work really late today, I was still day dreaming about the terrible experience I had in the dream, thinking about which of the crazy , greedy politicians that come to see me actually wants me dead, a discussion I had with Mrs before she left home. She was visibly worried and asked if I wanted to step down? I bluntly said NO, stepping down wasn’t an option. Am not a coward. I owe my supports a fight to the finish.
As I got in Tope my PA said I had a guest waiting, I asked after Kola, he said he just left the office and didn’t see the guest. So I went to my office dropped my belongings and headed for the guest room where my guest was waiting.
As I stepped in, I almost pass out, No!!!, it’s not possible, he’s dead, we buried him , went for the service of songs and all, how can he be dead and be here all at once? Standing there, alive and well, with a grin on his face was Tella. I quickly got my act together and ran back through reception to the carpark screaming ghost, ghost , I wasn’t looking where I was going, I ran into the car park still screaming, the last thing I heard was a loud thud, and I blacked out……hmmmm

MRS- Why can’t we just have a week without hassle. There goes our weekend, Mr. has been acting crazy since the day before yesterday. First he screams, “Don’t kill me” from his dreams, and now ghost, ghost and he goes and lands himself in hospital with a twisted ankle. He’s lucky it wasn’t more than that. I think his case needs investigation.
Finally Tammy came to see me yesterday evening, she looked so slim, I had no idea this Kola issue affected her so much. We took a seat in the gazebo and she poured out her heart, I poured mine too and surprisingly, she finally realized we had been going through similar things with our hubby’s. She asked how I stay so calm. I had to remind her of all the trouble I had gotten myself into lately in the name of seeking outside friendship. I was done with trying to fix things that were not broken, so if Mr. wants to abandon me for a while, I would find what interest me to occupy my time, I told her. She asked what I mean. I said it was about time we focused our minds on other things instead of killing ourselves because our husbands are probably going through midlife crises. Tammy looked at me in astonishment, “aren’t they too young for midlife crises?” she said, I looked at her and smiled, “Well dear I hear it comes early now a days” I added.
After Tammy left , I finally remembered by MIL said she wasn’t her dinner at 8 pm, before I get into that, do you remember I told you how she said she wasn’t hungry yesterday morning? Well she performed some drama. As soon as Mr. got back in the evening, he found his mother eating plain bread with a cup of water. He asked why she wasn’t eating something else, “Why bread and water Mum?” he asked. She shook her head in a melo dramatic way and said “Son , you have not yet found a wife, do you know your wife left this house with her chef since morning and did not bother about what I would eat, when I was almost starving, I had no choice but to eat bread. You know I don’t know how to put on your cooker”.
Oh my gosh, Mr. called me and was almost screaming, why would I take the chef out and not at least leave him to cook for mama, even if I couldn’t, blabla bla, he went on and on. I was about to ask why he would assume before speaking to me but instead I choose to just listen. I didn’t say a word and just dropped the phone. I thought to myself, this is not a matter for the phone, We will discuss this when I get home.
After Tammy left, I was busy in the kitchen , frying plantain for my MIL , she insisted on plantain and fried yam at 8 pm, I suggested something light , like salad , she laughed in my face and asked if my mother was alive will I offer her Goats meal. I said “Yes, I will actually. And she kissed her teeth again and walked out of the kitchen. Why does this mama hate me so much? I have done so much for her, changed so much about me just to please her but she just gets worse by the minute. I think am going back to the ‘Can’t cook won’t cook’ wife and let’s see how she likes that. As for my Mr. he better get himself out of hospital and come explain to me where he saw a ghost. Because when Tope ran into the guest lounge to see why his boss was running scared, no one was present. What’s going on with my hubby, or have his political opponents finally got him…..hmmmm

The “New” Mr and Mrs Diary…Day 815
MR-Tella is alive, its official, but how you ask? Well that was the same question everyone who knew he died has been asking. The answer was simple. A frame up, a gimmick, he and his cronies came up with to avoid jail time in the UK. I don’t know how they did it, but that body looked like Tella. Apparently, when Tella went to America he paid someone to make him a fake face? I don’t even know what that was until yesterday. It’s kind of molded with your exact futures and comes like a mask, makeup artist use it in Hollywood movies all the time. That’s what he brought back into the country, put on a dead body and fooled everyone into believing he had left this Planet. That boy is a rogue.
Babs came to see me, he found out I am contesting for an elected office. He brought this guy who says he could work miracles and guarantee a win for me. I didn’t know how to react. On the one hand I respect Babs but how could he think I will be part of this nonsense.
I think am slowly losing it, Mrs. and I have been in a sort of fight, we are talking bit not talking, if you know what I mean. Since I had a go at her for not feeding my mother, without asking her what went wrong, she’s chosen to talk to me in mono syllables. “Yes, No, Am fine, Okay etc.”, and I like a stubborn goat has refused to apologize. The truth is I know my mother, she gives Mrs. such a hard time am surprised she hasn’t exploded. But I still choose to take all my anxiety out on her. I needed an outlet, someone to vent on and no one came close to upsetting me that day, so the first opportunity I get to vent, I vent big time.
Am I really losing my mind?, first I have a nightmare am getting killed, then I see a ghost, well that doesn’t count because I did see him get buried and lastly I throw a hissy fit at my Mrs. God help me. It’s just 2 weeks to elections and I can barely breathe, am nervous, what happens if I don’t win, enhhh!!! God forbid……hmmmm

MRS- wow!!!, I didn’t get back home until the early hours of this morning. I was at EG’s place with Tammy, Rukky, Lemmy and Josh. Kola and Mr. couldn’t make it, some political meeting.
On arrival, I notice that Tammy’s car wasn’t in the car park, so I sat in my car until she arrives about 10 minutes later, Rukky in tow. We all went in together, Josh was sitting in the main living room the rest were nowhere to be found. The meeting had been fixed for 4 pm and this was 10 minutes to 4. At 4 on the dot, EG, Erica and Lemmy came in, for a second I thought Lemmy was the culprit, maybe EG had called him to reveal this information to him first but I was “Jumping” as they say, putting the cart before the horse.
Anyway, EG started off by welcoming us, apologizing for taking too much of our time. Then Erica, spoke, she thanked EG for being a wonderful husband, as she spoke tears were running down her eyes but she composed herself , concluded by saying whatever happens, she loved EG.
EG brings out the envelope from his blazer pocket, to my surprise it’s still sealed, at that point I look around the room, everyone has the same shocked expression on their faces. So No one knew the baby daddy’s identity. I could see Josh was more nervous, could it be him, Lemmy had a straight face, who could it be, anyway we were about to find out.
EG open the envelope, and looks from one person to another, and in a quiet voice says the name of the father, and all of a sudden I feel really dizzy. I manage to look round, everyone has their hands up in surprise and saying, “No, impossible”. I didn’t know when I fell out of the chair, the last thing I remember is Josh running over to me shouting my name……hmmmmm

The “New” Mr and Mrs Diary…Day 816
MR-What exactly constitutes depression? Is it when you are so upset you can’t focus? Or is worrying about things you have no business worrying about? The simple logic I apply to challenges that come is just by saying to myself, “This too shall pass”. People spend so much time worry about things and at the end the things are still there. If worrying about something could make it better, people would be much happier, have peace and the world would be a much better place.
Why am I going on about depression you ask? Well it is my brother Kola. Lately, he’s been going for marriage counselling with a professional counsellor the pastor recommended. Surprisingly, the lady has helped him bring out things he had repressed in his memory a long time ago. For example he doesn’t spend as much time as he should with Tammy because of issues he had when he was younger. Apparently his father dotted on his mum so much, if his mum said “jump”, to his dad, all his dad would do is ask, “How high?”. Kola grew up believing his parents loved each other so much and that although his father was the man of the house, he still went out of his way to threat his mum as a queen. But then things changed, his mum started taking his dad for granted. She won’t cook for the family, when he asks for food she will ask him what’s wrong with his hands. She stopped doing most of the household chores even though she didn’t really work full time. Soon his dad would come back from work, cook dinner for everyone and tidy up too. Kola was 10 when this started. Soon his father got him to help out and his homework suffered and he didn’t get to go out to play with his friends on weekends because he and his father had to wash, iron and clean. His mum took to partying, opened a supermarket and would give excuses that she always had to be there or the sales clerks will bleed her dry. So she spent most of her week in the supermarket. Then his dad lost his job and then his mother turned him into a full time slave. The long and short of it all is that Kola resented his mum for treating His dad that way, after all the kindness and affection he had shown her. At that point he vowed that when he got married he will treat his wife well but his needs and wants would come first. And that’s what he’s been doing with Tammy.
Wow! That was a revelation for Kola, if asked ordinarily he would never admit he treated Tammy badly. He blamed work for not spending time with her but what he was doing was creating work excuses so he won’t have to spend so much time with her. Now he tells me he’s depressed. Well my little advice I could give was he needs to snap out of it and work on treating his wife the way he ought too. I have my own issues burning in my boxers and am here advising someone else. I don’t even know what wrong with Mrs. and I…..hmmm
MRS-Incredible, impossible, unbelievable, some of the words I remember spewing out, day before. How did this happen, we all knew he wanted a child but how is this possible? David? No!!!!, When? How?, Well my MIL is off my case for a while, she gone for a meeting with EG and Erica this morning, she got Mr. to drive her to their place. At least, I will have some peace for now.
Anyway back to that later. Digressing a bit, I think am in trouble, I’ve been thinking of Senator Muyi and I even had a dream about him. In that dream we were on a yacht, sailing across the Atlantic. He was wining and dining me. My favorite band was on the boat and we were dancing and all. Just as he lifted me up to take me inside to make love, I woke up. To be honest I was a bit disappointed but also thankful. I knelt down and asked God for forgiveness. He’s not helping me either, he keeps sending me all this cute messages and I can’t block him. Am a grown ass woman and I need to handle my business but it’s difficult, hmmm, he’s too fine, sweet and Romantic.
O come on, stop judging me, am just human, and I do have needs. My darling hubby, I love to bits but I need him and he’s not emotionally available. He is present physically but his emotions aren’t and am running out of patience waiting for him to catch up. We might need to go for counselling.
Yesterday, Pamela, Rukky, Madam Mabel and I got together, first to discuss the crazy result of Erica’s DNA test, secondly, MIL and then Senator Muyi. Crazy girls they were all interested in the latter first. When I showed them his picture, Rukky and Madam Mabel were like, “we are single o, please introduce us, and let’s help you out.” Well, I explained my situation, Pamela understood perfectly well, she said when Babs was making love to her she could tell he was thinking of someone else. It got to a point she confronted him and he just told her she was reaching and didn’t deny it. At that point all the ladies were looking at me and I had to put my hands out and shout “What, Me, Noooo!!!?.
Madam Mabel, wise woman, she suggested I introduce Rukky to him, she’s glamorous like me but perfectly single, so he might just go after her. Rukky was like “Am Game, when are we meeting him.” So I call him and put it on speaker, as soon as he picks he goes “Hmm sugar, you were just running through my mind and now here you are, I’ve told you we are kindred spirits” and he had this sexy laugh at the end of the sentence. I swallowed hard and asked if he was in town. He said he can be if I want him to be. That didn’t answer my question so I said “Please I have something to discuss with you” He realized my tone was serious so he said, I will fly in tonight, where do we meet?” “Well I also want you to meet few of my friends, if that is okay”. Giggles from his again. “For you my love everything is okay, I would love to meet my hearts friends, let’s meet at Oriental. Love you heart, see you all tonight” and he drops the phone.
There was complete silence for a few seconds, then everyone sighed and Madam Mabel said, this is serious oh!!!…….hmmmmm

The “New” Me and Mrs Diary Day 817
Mrs.- oh my Gosh! I think I’ve lost it completely, my whole body is tingling, am like a teenager falling in love for the very first time. Unfortunately this is all very very wrong. My gosh, Senator Muyi is one of the most romantic men I’ve had the opportunity to meet, even after the dinner with Rukky, Pamela and Madam Mabel, all the could say is “Hmmm, this one pass us” I tell you it’s like being between a rock and a hard place. Here is what actually transpired yesterday.
But before I delve into that, let me update you about my MIL. She got back from the meeting at EG’s place pretty late, her eyes were red as if she’s been crying. I said hello to her she didn’t speak to me but she waived her hand, as if to say thank you. That was quite unusual for me, so I decided to follow her to her room and find out what the matter was. Although I should have lapped up the fact that she didn’t come back at me with an insult when I said “Hello Ma’am” as was the usual practice, but this time she seemed different.
When I got to her door, I could hear her sniffling, so I opened the door gently and there she was sitting on the lazy boy crying. I didn’t even ask what the matter was I just put my arms around her and rocked her form side to side. Funny enough she didn’t resist, she laid her head on my shoulder and cried some more. When she was done, she used her wrapper to wipe her tears, looked up and me and said “My daughter, am sorry for the way I treat you, you have been a good wife to my son and a good daughter to me, forgive me”. My mouth was agape, I was so surprised, what’s wrong with my MIL, I hope she’s not dying? Because they say sometimes when old people want to die they start to act strange and make amends. She better not die yet, Mr. Still needs his mama.
Well, it turns out the Erica and David got together when he was here, it was a one night stand. She came to our house to see me and when she was leaving David asked for a ride back to his club. When they got to the club he said he wanted to show her around. Then they got to his office he offered her a drink, then another and another until she was really tipsy, that was the last thing she remembered, when she woke up she was stark naked on carpet in David’s office and he was passed out beside her. Apparently he must have raped her or she consented drunkenly, either way she was ashamed and didn’t want anyone to know. But then a couple of months later she found out she was pregnant. EG knew it wasn’t his because they had been intimidate because of his illness but he was too old and too mature to complain, she told him it wasn’t his but wouldn’t say who’s it was and EG was happy to raise the child, he wasn’t going to abandon her a second time. My MIL was crying because she said she gave birth to a rapist. I felt that was a bit melo dramatic, they were two consenting adults who probably got horny and had drunken sex.
Now, back to Senator Muyi, as you know we all decided to meet with him and make it a night out, so we left my house, which was the around 4pm. We arrived just as Senator Muyi was getting out of a car, it wasn’t really a car but a strectch limosine. He beckoned to us to come over and get in. wow! It was so luxurious. I asked where we were off too, he said it was a surprise. We all exchanged pleasantries, he took my hand and gave it a peck saying “My Queen your chariot awaits you” as he helped me into the limo.
We drove for a while then I noticed we were going towards the airport, I didn’t say anything, I just kept wondering what was going on, meanwhile madam Mabel, Rukky and Pamela were engrossed in conversation with senator Muyi, who was busy charming there pants off.
Shortly after we drove into the private wing of the airport and got down. Senator led the way and we found ourselves on the tarmac with a private jet and red carpet leading up the stairs. I looked up and guess what? The plan, Wow! Where are we going Senator?” Pamela asked. “It’s a surprise” senator said. Madam Mabel shock her head and said “Senator, this must be a very expensive surprise”. Senator Muyi smiled, got to the bottom of the stairs before us and put out his arm saying “Ladies, your chariot awaits” point to the private jet.
We get on board,

The “New” Mr and Mrs Diary Day 818
Mr.- “I am a man, I am a good husband, I love my wife.” This is from a motivational site online, am supposed to repeat this 100 times, to affirm who I am. So I’ve been repeating it since yesterday night. Not sure if it’s working though because I still feel lonely and abandoned. Yes abandoned! “It’s not that deep you say?” of course it is. Since the last time, I’ve not felt like making love to my wife and you tell me it’s not that deep…hmmm. If you remember at the start of our marriage, I wanted a time table for making love, Mrs. Felt it was ridiculous and laughed in my face but now am seriously considering revisiting that topic. Am not the superman she wants me to be, am just a guy who loves his wife and is content with making love once or twice a week. I actually thought I could sustain the “lots of times a week thing” but am sure that’s why am totally drained now. Someone on the online forum suggested I go to a men’s clinic in south Africa were they get you back on track sexually. I might consider that or maybe I should go see prophetess Labake or Iman Sikiru, remember them, sisi boss prayer people. Am not picky, now I need all the help I can get. My wife is too precious, I just can’t lose her. Am not alone in all this moodiness you know?, even Seyi bam doesn’t seem as happy as he should be, our home used to be full of laughter but now it’s not.
My mum’s issues are not helping either, she’s still sulking about David impregnating Erica, Am sulking about Mrs. and I drifting apart, she’s jetting around the place with a stud and Seyibam won’t even let me carry him. Yesterday I tried to pick up his fluffy ball and throw it to him, he let out a scream and I didn’t know when I dropped it.
On top of all these, I’ve got my hands full, Aakil and Ahmed are coming to town tomorrow, they are here to take Toke and the twins back. It’s really been a tug of war. Aakil’s father gave him an ultimatum if you remember, “Bring your wife back to Dubai to live with you or I marry you a second wife”. At one point Toke was ready to give everything up just to be in her country, but the wise intervention of her mother and father who agreed to go back with her saved the day. You recall Aakil gave Toke’s parents a house on the palm islands in Dubai but her parents didn’t like it there, they claimed to be lonely and decided to keep the house as a holiday home and move back home. Well, well, Toke missed them so much, her sister Peju moved to Singapore with Ahmed, so no other family around. It would have helped if Fatima was around but Abdul took her to Hong Kong and they hardly came back to Dubai, so if she really wanted family around her, she had no other choice but to go back home, so she pack her twins, house helps and all and did just that and told Aakil that if he loved her enough, he will come too. Surprisingly though, Aakil obliged her, but his Papa, the king, was another story. So here we are, she finally moves back to Dubai with her parents at the end of next week. Aakil is flying in with his Private jet and Toke’s private jet and his, will go in a convoy all the way to Dubai. Hmmm, the life of the stinking rich and famous……hmmmm
MRS-No! It’s not possible, I couldn’t take it….Okay let me explain, Senator Muyi flew us to Ghana that evening we got on his jet. We had two chauffeur driven Mercedes Benz jeeps waiting for us and we drove straight to the coast. We arrived at this beautiful house surround with coconut trees and exotic flowers. The house was white and built in the old British style. Really lovely. We got down walked in and wow! It blew my mind, Madam Mabel and Pamela went up the stairs and screamed for Rukky and I to come take a look. The master bedroom had a sliding glass wall that opened up unto a huge balcony overlooking the beach. Deck chairs with cushions littered the balcony and candles had already been lite. I stood there in awe of the beauty and wished I lived in the house. Everything was black white or red. Exquisite and posh, were a few of the words the girls used to describe it. While we were still in awe, Senator Muyi came up and handed me a large white envelope. I took it and looked at him questionably, he said “Open it, my heart”. as he said that I felt butterflies in my tummy, his baritone sexy voice does things to me I can’t even begin to explain, I was just grateful that the girls were there with me because the way I was feeling like a sex staved house wife only God knows what would have happened.
I took a deep breath and opened the envelope, it had documents in it, I brought them out and read. The name of the owner of this magnificent 3 bed room luxury house was me. Me, how could that be, senator held my hand and said “My heart, I will do anything for you, I got this house for you the last time we talked and you told me you came to Ghana with your friend Tammy and you loved it, so I felt which better way to make you happy than buy you a lovely house where your heart wants to be”. As he concluded his speech, tears rolled down my face. I looked at him and said “Thank you so much but I can’t accept this” and I handed him the envelope and ran. Pamela took the envelope from senator who now had a sad look on his face and she said “Don’t mind her senator, I will talk to her”. I could hear her running after me and shouting my name, but I just kept running, where too? only God knows, by the time I was consciously thinking of where I was heading I found myself on the beach, in the dark with no one around. I looked back it was dark and then I heard a noise, it was too late, I screamed but the noise of the waves muffled my sound and I passed out……hmmmm

The “New” Mr and Mrs Diary Day 819
MR-I don’t know where I went wrong, I’ve done everything right as far as I can tell, given Mrs. my all, but if that’s no enough then what do I do. I asked her this same question and her response “Get out of your comfort zone and give more, I do, so why can’t You?”. More? What more, what does she want me to do. If I try as hard as I can and she’s not appreciating me, maybe she’s the one who has a problem? Others don’t seem to have a problem with me, I actually met someone who thinks the world of me.
Before I go into all that, Aakil and Ahmed flew into town on Tuesday morning, I had to go on my own to pick them up. Kola still has some counselling sessions to attend, so he excused himself. The whole trip is about taking Toke and the twins back to Dubai. Ahmed came along for moral support.
Back to the Lady I met, she came to me at the petrol station the other day when I drove in to fill up my tank. The petrol attendant had filled her car up with petrol, when it was time to pay the hand held POS machine didn’t work and she didn’t have on line banking so no transfers cold be done. That’s when she came over to where I was and asked if I could please pay, then she will drive after me to the nearest cash point machine. So we get in our cars and she drives and am right behind her. She stops at the first cash point and she goes to get the money. I waiting my car contemplating what to say to her.
A few minutes’ later she’s back with my money and proceeds to hand it over. But being the gentile man that I am, I declined and said it was fine, she didn’t have to return it, I would have told her that in the petrol station but she didn’t give me a chance. Well , what followed was so many thanks and all, said I was so kind and a real gentile man. In the end we exchanged cards with her promising to call me the next day. Surprisingly she called me first thing, I was already in the office, she asked if I was free for lunch, I thought about it and felt at least someone appreciates me, so I said yes. She sent her address on the phone. I realized it was her home address. I was a bit concerned but I shrugged it off and asked myself, “What’s the worst that can happen. Lunch time I go to the address, ring the bell and in a few seconds she opens the door and I froze. O my gosh, she …….hmmmm

MRS- Where am i? Get me out of here, I could hear myself scream. Just for a few minutes I was so disorientated. But Madam Mabel called out my name and put her arms around me and that calmed me down. “What happened?” i asked. I looked around I was sitting on a couch in one of the rooms everyone was looking at me with a sad expression on their faces. No one said anything for a while and then Muyi came and sat beside me and held my hand. My Heart, you will break my heart if you don’t take this gift.
Well, let’s fast forward a bit. I actually got back home 3am in the morning that day, Mr was busy sulking, he said something about where I had been and whom I had gone with, I gave him the first answers that came to mind, I wasn’t really concentrating on him, my mind was far away. He is no use to my emotions now. I need a clear mind to make the right decision.
Speaking of right decisions, Tammy called me and said Babs called and wanted to meet her for lunch, she asked me what I thought. To be honest I felt it was strange, Babs and tammy have never been close, in fact he always felt Tammy was partly responsible for why I never reconsidered him. He conveniently forgot that I was already married when he was plotting to come back into my life. Anyway, what does he want with Tammy?, and does Pamela know about the covert meeting? Well am not going to tell her. I did tell Tammy I don’t see anything wrong with having lunch with a family friend but asked her to please update me once she was done.
Honestly, there’s a lot of drifting going on in this clan of ours. Mr. and I are drifting around, not sure where too. Tammy and Kola are drifting around too. Pamela and Babs not sure what they are doing, Madam Mabel already drifted and Rukky, why is she back? What does she want? It really does beat me and As for Erica, wow, that’s a whole different story.
Toke, well she’s been drifting since she had the twins. Remember the post-traumatic stress she suffered after she gave birth. The solution was, she missed us and had to come back home from Dubai before she got better. Well Aakil had a heart to heart with Mr. Yesterday, he’s really worried Toke might go into depression if he forces her back. Her parents seem reluctant also but will do anything for Toke, she was solely responsible for turning their lives around, now they are very wealthy, I guess they feel they owe her big time
Well, I had to take the property but I asked him to keep the docs. I couldn’t take it home and add more stress to Mr., life. And as for Muyi, what am I going to do, I must admit , I think I love him, not sure if am in love with him like I am with Mr. but I do love him. I think about him first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. I did put his number on permanent busy for a while but took it off when I was the one longing for his calls. I narrated all this to the girls. At first no one said anything. Then Madam Mabel asked the question am sure everyone including myself was wondering. “My dear, are you going to let him make love to you”. I didn’t know when I gasped, “What?” “It’s a honest question, the way you are carrying on, where do you think it would lead, we can all see you have feelings for him” Pamela added. And Rukky said “For me, I think you need to sit down and think about what you want, but remember once you make some decisions there’s no going back” I knew all this , No I didn’t want to sleep with him, Yes I had feelings for him and God knows am really confused now. I can’t live my life being miserable and graving for my husband’s touch. To make matters worse, Mr. asked me if I would consider his initial request of a time table for love making. I almost lost my mind, What! is he serious. Am on the verge of crossing over and he wants to hoard his PP. Somebody pinch me…….hmmmmm

The “New” Mr and Mrs Diary…Day 820
MR- ….was standing there with another lady, identical, no difference and they were both in underwear. I was still frozen for about 2 minutes before they both pulled me in and led me to the red sofa. I was gob smacked, tried to say something but the words didn’t come out. I stuttered a bit, then cleared my throat and I opened my mouth but instead all that came out was “Hello”.

Before I go on about that. I was so disappointed when the elections were cancelled on Saturday. A lot of our friends working in the capital flew down to cast their votes for me. Now that’s it’s cancelled, they are not sure if they can get time off work again for next week. This impromptu postponement will surely affect my votes. All the same the Governor has assured me of his total support, even though unsolicited, he insists he’s 100% behind me.
Back to the ladies, as I sat there on the couch, the one I met at the petrol station came to sit next to me and said. “Don’t be alarmed, we just want to show gratitude for what you did for me, we promise we will give you a good time” as she finished she smiled. By now I was practically salivating, my manhood for some reason was equally responsive, why? I don’t know it wasn’t responsive to Mrs., the other night when she was complaining, but now it was alive, kicking and rejoicing. First they brought me a bottle of cabernet red wine, I was impressed, it’s really good wine. I asked how they got their hands on it, one of them said a gift from a wealthy client. “Client? What do you guys do” I asked.
We are Models and high-class escorts, one responded. “Ehnnn! Escorts?” I blotted out. They could see the disapproval and shock in my eyes, so they quickly asked me not to worry, after they treat me I would understand better what they do and why.
I sat there listening and watching them as they walked in and out of the living room, trying to serve me and make me comfortable. Why am I so excited to be here, why can’t I be this excited with Mrs. anymore. Am about to become a house of rep member and I would have a lot of women at my disposal. I haven’t even gotten there yet and all this is happening.
The wine all gone, chicken wings and fresh fish gulped, it was time for phase 2. They helped me up and led me into the bedroom. Really large with an extra king size bed, with loads of pillows and cushions, all dressed in white. I sat down and they both began to undress, I froze once more, this was beyond me, I haven’t been able to handle one now there are two, as much as my mind was telling me No, my body was screaming yes , yes, yes…..hmmmmm

MRS- Mr. hmm, am sooo frustrated with him, I could explode. A couple of nights ago, I made an effort, set a bath with rose petals, candles and scented oils, put on nice lingerie and waited and waited but guess what my Mr. was nowhere to be found. He didn’t come home. Where was he, I had no idea. I called his no, it went straight to voice mail. I called Kola he didn’t pick up. Kola has been acting strange since he started counselling, I can’t blame him though, Tammy has completed done a 360 on him.
She was here yesterday evening telling me how Kola is on probation, until he gets his act together. I wanted to ask what she meant by probation but she already said “Don’t ask” so I didn’t. Rather she updated me on her meeting with Babs. Tammy told me Babs confessed to her that he can’t stop thinking about me, that when he got married to Pamela, he thought he could get over me but as the months went on and year after year, when making love to Pamela he sees me. Tammy said she asked him wat the reason was for that. He said maybe because he never got closure with me. He pleaded with Tammy to arrange a meeting for him with me, he needs to look me in the eye to vent, and then he thinks he will get over me. Personally I asked Tammy to forget it, it was not going to happen, if he had anything to say he should just keep it to himself and focus on Pamela. I was not interested.
Meanwhile after Mr. leaving me in the latch, I cuddled up to my pillow and tried to sleep , I couldn’t, I was on fire, I needed him so much, with him unavailable I found myself thinking of Muyi. His smile, his smooth skin and well chiseled abs, his voice and the feeling I get when he speaks to me. So I sent him a “Hiya” text, before I realized it was 1am in the morning. Instantly I got a response, “My heart, where are you?” I replied “in bed”. “Doing what?” came his response. “Just roiling around and cuddling my teddy” was my response. Then there was a long silence and he said, “Am coming to pick you, send your address” my hands were shaking but I typed it out, shut my eyes and pressed send. Then I got up put on jogging suit on the lingerie, trainers and a dash of makeup and went down stairs to the front lounge.
Half an hour later, his text came in informing me he was outside. I left the house with just my phone in my hand, walked down the path to our gate without looking back. I opened the gate and saw him sitting in his G55 MB Wagon, with the engine still running, he was in the driver’s seat. I got in on the driver’s side without saying a word. He neither said anything. He just out the jeep in gear and drove towards the exit gates of our estate, I checked my phone the time was 2.30am…..hmmmm

The “New” Mr and Mrs Diary…Day 821
MR- Oh my, how confusing life can be. I was there, staring at two voluminous beautiful women and they were ready to take me to cloud 10, according to them. As I sat on the side of the bed, watching theses gorgeous women as they seductively undressed, my mind wondered back to my darling wife. The first time I met her, I remember like it was yesterday. Innocent, beautiful and she was all mine. Even though she couldn’t cook to save her life, it didn’t matter. I had enough money so after her experiment with Rice and sauce and I had instant running tummy, that day I decided to hire a chef. Now she’s so much better, learnt the hard way.
I also remember missing 15 calls from her once and I had to grovel for days after that it never happened again. My Mrs., beautiful, loving, caring, smart, articulate, amazing, why are we drifting apart? For someone so smart, I can’t help but cast my mind back to the time my mum came for the first time and my darling Mrs., hired a restaurant to deliver food and she pretended to be the one who cooked it. She was so skillful, she would ask the restaurant to bring Yam peels and stuff, which she will litter around the kitchen. Pour the food in a pot and pretend to be slaving over the cooker all day long. Hmmm, she was a master planner. Why couldn’t she plan our lives?
As for me and drama, how can I forget my crazy Exs Jane, Teni, Snadra. Hmm Sandra, she was the bane of my existence and a leech. She followed me everywhere, even tried to ruin my fresh marriage by almost raping me in my office, thank God for a timely knock on the door, that delivered me from the vixen and brought me back to my senses.
But this day, Just as my thoughts were coming to an end, I felt hands on my ‘Mr D’, I let out an involuntary “Yeah”, got up and said “Ladies, am so so sorry, I can’t do this, thank you for this ….” as I talking to the ladies, my voice faded to a mere whisper, I bit my lips as I looked them over. Staring straight at me were their breast pointed like the maidens of old and beckoning to come over and get them. My eyes still roving, continued to travel downwards to their stomachs, flat with absolutely no flab, I could lay my dinner on it and eat to my satisfaction. Wow!!! And their bikini wax, tantalizing my senses and giving me the shakes and not leaving out their legs, o gosh!!! They stretched from here to kingdom come. Hmmm, I jolted back to reality, shock my head and continued, “….honor but I have the most beautiful , amazing woman in my life and she’s waiting for me at home, I’ve got to go”.
It took every muscle in my body working in unison to get me out of there, as I walked away I started to chant “Get thee behind me Satan”, I was jogging, I got to my car, started the engine and drove straight home. All I could think was, am going to get my wife back, whatever it takes……hmmmm
MRS- I sat in the car next to Muyi, we cleared the estate gate and kept driving, the night was cool so we didn’t put on the air-conditioning. Muyi had not said a word to me and neither had I, it was as if we could read each others minds. I felt a kind of peace I hadn’t felt in a long time. As we ventured into the night, the drive was really smooth, the roads were practically empty, maybe one or two cars but all in all, no traffic.
I looked out of the window as we drove next to the lagoon, the breeze was amazing, it was so different from the hash afternoon sun. I shivered a bit, I think Muyi noticed and he rolled up the widows on my side. I kept staring out and my mind suddenly wondered off to my Mr.
I remember the first time I met him, I was with friends, he came over and confidently asked me to dance, I loved a confidant man and so I obliged. The way he moved, held me and whispered sweet ness into my ears, I knew I had fallen for him at first sight. I was practically still with Babs at the time, who had gone off to south Africa for a masters and trying to get money to bring back for us to get married. But Mr. was different, he was sweet, handsome, gentle and rich. What he got me in the 8 months we courted, Babs could get me in years.
Settling for Mr. was the right thing, our honeymoon was around the world, he dotted on me and the truth is up until a few months ago, I would not have dreamed we would have drifted this much apart. Here I was sited next to a man I was crushing on like crazy. I had begun to imagine what it would be like making love to a man like Muyi. Mr. wasn’t a wizard in bed but he tried all his best to satisfy me, that was Babs department, he was a wizard, king and champion all rolled in one, when it came to love making. But when push came to shove, I choose Mr.
Just as my thought were about to continue, I felt Muyi’s hand on me and saying, “My heart we are here”. I looked to the left and saw we were parked in front of a house. Muyi came round and opened the door, lifted me up and carried me into the house, I let him, didn’t resist. He took me right up the stairs and dropped me on the bed. Then stepped away and sat on the white couch beside the bed. “My heart, are you okay” He asked , I looked at him, felt so mixed up, his voice making me feel butterflies in my tummy “Yes, am good, can I have a glass of water please” I said. He stood up and said he could do one better, he will get me some hot chocolate.
As he walked out, I went into the bathroom and ran the shower, and just sat under it , my heart was beating so fast. Not sure how long I stayed in but when I got back into the room, Muyi was back and sipping one of the cups of chocolate, he had also changed from the jeans and t-shirt into a long white kaftan. I was wearing a long t-shirt I found in the closet, I guess it belonged to him. I stood in the doorway of the ensuite bathroom starring at him, biting my lips, he looked so handsome, he noticed I wasn’t moving so he got up, came over and took hold of my hand and led me back to the bed. I was now shivering, I noticed I wasn’t cold but still couldn’t control the shakes. Muyi put down his cup, sat next to me and put his arms around me, I snuggled up to him, and he felt warm and his wide arms, felt so comfortable. This felt good, I thought to myself, how could this be wrong? And as if he could read my thoughts, he ……..hmmmm

The “New” Mr and Mrs Diary…Day 822
MR- ….I drove home like a mad man, today I was going to fix my marriage, if I had to grovel, beg, cry, I was ready, I wasn’t going to ruin my marriage. My pride, ego or whatever it was, wasn’t worth me messing up. I love my wife and I know she loves me. This was all going through my mind. as I raced like a mad man through the streets in the dead of the night.
Well my dear wonderful people, before I continue with when I nearly had a heart attack, I want to say a big thank you to all who turned up to vote for me yesterday. It was very peaceful and from the count I am leading but as you know we all have to wait for INEC to announce but tentatively, I think we did it, this time without bribes and violence, God bless you all.
Now back to my ordeal, I Got home, drove through the gates and parked, proceeded to our front door and I saw the guard running towards me shouting “Sir, Sir”. I looked back and shouted “What?” He stopped, wriggled his fingers and said “Sir, Madam is not in, she just left in a big black jeep”. I froze, “What? Jeep? Whom?” I screamed at the poor guard. He stood there, still starring at his fingers “Sir, I don’t know, she didn’t tell me.” O my Gosh!, I could feel my legs shaking really badly, all of a sudden I felt faint and had to lean against the door to steady myself. I fondled in my pocket for my phone, dialed her no but the call just went straight to voice mail. I redialed over and over but it still didn’t ring. Stunned was an understatement, I was transfixed to the spot, our security guard kept asking me, “Sir, are you okay?” but I didn’t hear him, all I heard was the words “Madam just left in a big black jeep”. Which Jeep, who came to pick her? Toke has a big black jeep and she’s gone to Dubai. That didn’t stop me from jogging to her house to confirm with her security guards if she came back home and their response was “No Sir”.
Where is my wife, whats happening to us?. Does anyone inside know where Mrs is, Sunita, Seyi and my Mum were in doors, did they know where she was? As for My mother, she wasn’t very helpful this days, all she complained about was my father replacing her, after all she had done for him. To think that she hasn’t noticed Mrs. and I have drifted apart, is a miracle. When we had a chat recently, her interpretation of my absence from home was “Son, well done, I can see you are not in control of your life, not the one that you will be following your wife around like a puppy. I believe her charm has cleared, thank God.” Can you imagine? ……hmmmm
MRS-….leaned over and held me tight. It felt so good after a long time to have strong arms around me. I felt this sense of relief and joy. The butterflies in my belly were fluttering around and making me feel giddy, I relaxed, not having any care in the world. Thoughts of Mr. faded and I knew I had found my missing mojo, Muyi.
But before I get into that, surprisingly my MIL called me into her room the other night. As I walked in she beckoned to me to sit down. I hesitated a bit, thinking what does she want now or what have I done? But decided to take a sit anyway. She looked up and starred at me for a while, then began to talk. “My daughter, I want to apologize for my behavior to you, I know we have not really gotten along but it’s not my fault. I saw you as competing for the Love I have for my son and decided to treat you like a rival, I am sorry”, she paused to see my reaction, there was none. I was just starring at her in confusion, so she continued. “I am sadden by the on goings with my husband, do you know when I married him he didn’t even have a bicycle. My father was a cloth merchant and your FIL was one of his errand boys who went with him to pick up supplies. One thing about him though he was very smart, so he used to help me with my homework when I came back from school to my father’s shop. As time went on, we got closer and my father didn’t mind me dating the help because he was an honest man. Eventually we got married my father gave us a bungalow and opened a cloth shop for your FIL. He was now his own boss. Soon he made enough to go to university, I was already working as a graduate of business administration and but I stopped work to manage the shop, to ensure he got regularly funds to enable him complete his education. When he was done he came back to the shop and was surprised to see I had used my business skills to expand the business. I had bought the two shops next door and turned it into a supermarket. And that’s how we started, eventually your FIL when to England for his master and the rest is history. Now he swaps me for a younger woman? Can you imagine that?”
Honestly I wanted to say “Mama he didn’t swap you, you didn’t have time for him” But I didn’t because I could see the pain in her eyes. I instead, got up and knelt down in front of her and said “Mama, don’t cry, am sure Papa loves you, he just misses you, am sure this other woman is just taking care of him when you are unable to. Go to him and take back your man, and am sure he won’t think twice before letting this other woman go”. I saw an instant glimpse of hope in her eyes, she took a deep breath, hugged me and asked “Do you really think so?” The truth is I did but at that instance I wondered why I couldn’t apply this same advice to my marriage.
Anyway, going back to My Mojo, I slowly pushed away, got up and moved into the middle of the bed, he got up and instead of coming over to me , he went back to sit on the couch. I smiled and stretched out my hand for him to hold. He took my hand, cleared his throat and said “My heart, I love you so much, you are the best thing that has happened to me in a long time” He paused, took a deep breathe but continued to look me in the eye and continued. “You are so precious to me and I never want to lose you, that’s why we can’t do this” “What do you mean?” I asked all confused and muddled up. Muyi, looked at the ceiling, blinked a few times and said “I know you love me but you are in love with your husband, all this (pointing to me and himself) is just to get back at him. I can’t be the rebound guy neither can I be the one who finally breaks up a happy couple?” He paused again to see my reaction. By now I was back sitting at the edge of the bed, sobbing my eyes out, I knew I didn’t want to do this but Mr. had driven me to the end of my wits. My body was starved of intimacy and I was ready to get it anywhere it was being offered. Muyi came over and sat next to me as I cried. He didn’t need to say anymore and neither did I. before I knew it he was sobbing too. As much as I felt guilty, I don’t think I had felt this much pleasure in a long time, one thing though, I think Muyi was wrong because I was definitely now in Love with him…….hmmmm

The “New” Mr and Mrs Diary…Day 823

MR- “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage” (L.Tzu). this was the time I needed to be courageous, she’s mine and am taking her back. I couldn’t stay indoors, my mind was going gaga, unholy thoughts running riot in my brain. My heart was beating so fast, I actually thought I was going to die. To be honest I had not felt pain like that. I wish Kola was here, he would have been able to calm me down. But he’s going through his own stuff with Tammy and I would be selfish to call him now. I felt so sad and blamed myself that this was all my fault. I drove my Mrs. away, didn’t pay enough attention to her. I wasn’t meeting her needs. Oh God! please help me, I kept muttering to myself. As I sat there wondering where my love could be, it was as if the room was spinning, I felt giddy from the bottom of my stomach. I was so scared, it was suffocating and I could hardly breath. I knew I had to get outside for some air. In the meantime I still kept dialing her no. i knew within me that I was good, caring and loving butI just haven’t gotten my priorities straight.
On a different not , Ahhh!, what about my election results? You ask, well I’ve been too preoccupied with Mrs. and I. I will get back to that in a minute.
As I sat there pondering, fretting and praying for my thoughts to be wrong. I think I was almost collapsing to the floor, when all of a sudden I looked up and …….hmmmm

MRS- “You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly” (S.Keen). As I sat there in Muyi arms, he rocking me back and forth and me sobbing. I heard him, he was making sense. Was I just here because I needed the attention? Yes, he was right but the thing is, I think I found something on the way. I was really battling with my emotions. On the one hand, I know am in love with Mr., but I feel something for Muyi too. What exactly that is, am still trying to figure out? Are my strong feelings for him love or is it Lust.
Muyi, the gentleman that he was, spent the better part of an hour talking to me about how he doesn’t want me to regret my actions in the morning. “My heart, I know how you feel about me and I feel much more about you. But you see, intense feelings of affection can turn to intense hatred and resentment, if expressed for the wrong reasons. What you feel like doing now is a spur of the moment decision and that’s not good. I love you so much and I want you to be happy, I would not want to have a few minutes of pleasure with you know and that results in a life time of hatred between us. We don’t have to go down this route to be best friends. I promise I will always be here for you. (Paused) My heart do you understand?” I could feel his strong arms squeezing me tight had he continued to stare into my eyes. I guess he wanted me to acknowledge that I understood what he was saying. So I wiped my eyes with the flannel he gave me and cleared my throat. “Yes, I do, am so embarrassed that I find myself in this position, I know why but I don’t want to make excuses, thank you for stopping me from doing something I will regret. You are right, I do love you too but I know am still in love with my husband. Thank you”. I notice the relief on his face, I guess, my understanding made it easier for him. He smiled, gave me a peck on the forehead and said “Thank you my heart for your understanding. Please get ready and let me take you home”.
The truth was, I felt a huge sense of relief as Muyi drove me back home. I didn’t even know I needed to feel that way, it was as if my brain waves clicked back into place. What was I thinking? How would I have felt if this trip was after Muyi and I had made love? O my gosh!, what came over me? As if Muyi could read my thoughts, at that very second, he looked at me and placed his hand on mine. “It’s okay my heart, at least nothing happened.”
Phew! That was a relief. The rest of the journey was done in silence, until we got to our estate. once we drove through the main gate just before we got to our gate, he pulled over to the side of the road, left the engine running and turned to me. I noticed he had been crying, all the while I had been too engrossed in my own thoughts.
“My heart, am so sorry, but I think we shouldn’t communicate for a while, am flying back to Abuja this morning, then am off to Atlanta to see my family, not sure when I will be back, maybe a month or two. While am away, it will give us both time to get back to our normal lives. I need to be away from you and not communicate because my heart is aching and I know yours is too. The only way to get over each other is to cut off all forms of communication” He paused to see my reaction, I was silent but tears were wielding in my eyes, I swallowed hard and said “I understand” .my voice was shaky and my heart was aching. He took off his seat belt, slide closer and hugged me so tight, I held onto him like I never wanted to let him go, but after a few seconds, we knew we had to let go, so we disentangled. Muyi slid back to his side, put the gear in drive and took me home. As I got to my gate it was 4.45am. I opened the door, Muyi looked at me and I at him, he blew me a kiss, I blew him one back, got down, shut the door and walked to the gate as Muyi did a U turn and drove off.
I didn’t look back just knocked on the gate, as the guard opened, he began to say something, I put my hand out for him to keep quiet and leave. I walked like a zombie, head held high, at that moment my mind was struggling to shut Muyi out and focus on what next but just as I got closer to our door, I saw Mr., he was sitting on the stairs leading up to the front pouch, head in his hands. I stood there transfixed to the spot, my heart was beating fast, what am I going to say to him, how do I explain this? Not sure what to do. At that moment Mr. looked up, saw me and got up, I could see him quickly wiping away his tears and as he did, with so much joy on his face and in his voice he shouted, “My love you are back” , I smiled and replied “Yes my love, I am” and at that moment I knew this was right where I needed to be. I started to walk very fast, he did too and in a few seconds we were in each other arms and all we both said was “Am sorry”……..hmmmm

The new Mr and Mrs Diary…..Day 824
MR-“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” Keller. One of my favorite love quotes, this is how I feel now, the love I feel for Mrs. is like the first time I met her. My heart flutters every time she touches me, I stare at her for minutes just content with the amazing feeling in my belly. When she talks, I hang on to every word, if she wanted me to buy her the moon am sure I will hire an astronaut to go get it for me.
It’s so great spending time with her, we are currently in Singapore on Sentosa Island in a 5 star hotel overlooking the beach. We came here for 4 days and set back home tonight. You might be wondering why such a long way for a few days, well, Mrs. and I stopped here on our honeymoon world tour and it was here that we had the most wonderful time. So since we are rekindling our love and starting again, we decided to go back to where we felt the most loved.
And to top it all, we won!. Thank you so much, you are now looking at the newest Honorable member of the federal house of assembly. As the returning officer counted the votes, my heart was in my mouth, Kola and Mrs. stood next to me holding my hands, I was shaking. Honestly up until that moment I hadn’t wanted this so much, but that day, it was as if my whole life depends on it. And when he finally announced I was the winner, the whole place erupted, I won with a landslide, my opponents congratulated me instantly and asked how we could work together, I felt that was might big of them.
Mrs. and Kola hugged me tight, she had tears of joy in her eyes, even though at the time we were barely speaking, she still showed up to support me. As soon as results were announced, I left with Kola and she drove back home. That was then but on this Singapore trip, I haven’t left her side. We swim every morning, go sightseeing, then come back and make love. Hmmm, sweet, I have suddenly developed this vigor for love making, am going 2 to 4 rounds before I tire, trust me now, am the new Honorable, maybe that’s the motivation. Mrs. can’t be bothered, she’s just ecstatic that am pleasuring her the way she needs. It’s a shame we have to head back soon but I promised Mrs. we will make it a point of duty to resume our monthly hotel weekend getaway, it used to do wonders for our love life, until Seyibam came and we put it on the back burner.
As for Kola and Tammy, they are also back to normal, the counselling opened his eyes to the neglect he subjected Tammy too. He confused that because he saw Tammy as a quiet, nice, patience, considerate woman he didn’t even feel he was hurting her by all his excesses. I remember asking him some weekends where he was and he will say “out with this, out with that” and if I ask, “how about tammy?”, all Kola will say to me is “Bro, she doesn’t mind” but he was wrong, she did mind big time and when the can finally filled up , the outburst was more that the offence. There is a huge lesson to be learnt here, because your partner, friend or anyone doesn’t get upset, is considerate, nice etc., that doesn’t give you the right to take them for granted. Some people will go and ask the person who always gives them money, over and over again because he or she will always give, but come the day they don’t have to give, the recipient will go biolistic, conveniently forgetting all the times , the giver gave……hmmmmm
MRS- God is good, he has done me well o my soul rise up and praise the lord. O la! la!, this my Mr. can hit it where it needs to be hit. I honestly can’t remember the last time we went more than half a round. He is always tired, after a few minutes’ he’s done. But now even after 3 rounds he’s still standing at attention and trust your girl, starved for so long, she’s ready and willing.
You won’t believe that after the first day in Singapore, I deleted all of Muyi’s no’s on my phone, I don’t even want friendship again, my Mr. is back and I am never letting him go, honestly we are on fire. And to top it all, you are reading from the latest Abuja reps wife. Am sure if you have read his dairy today he must have informed you. We do apologize for not thanking you earlier, we were just preoccupied with other things as you known.
Tammy too is happy again, Kola hasn’t left home for a week, he asked Mr. to excuse him, and he needs to make up for lost time. When Madam Mabel called yesterday and I told her we were both back to normal, she laughed and said “9 months from now, plenty plenty baby dedications”. Even though she was joking, I had to say Amen o, Seyibam will be 2 by then, so bring it on lover boy. The weird thing is that I didn’t realize I missed Mr. so much, anyway God willing we pray we never get to that position again.
I haven’t been able to update you on a few things, first MIL, is back with my FIL, when she narrated the drama that ensued from her deciding to go back to the village to be with him, I honestly fell off the sofa. She told me “My daughter, thank you so much for asking me to go back, but before I did I went shopping. Bought a few wigs, some trousers, lingerie and nice tops, got some makeup. When I got back to the village he was at a town hall meeting and she was nowhere to be found, the gateman said maybe she went to the market. So I had a bath, made up my face, wore my new G string and slipped into a tight fitting dress.”
Before I go on, let me enlighten you, my MIL is a size 14 now, she got into this crash diet in Malaysia, she was a size 16/18 before. So continuing with my MIL’s narration “I sprawled myself on the settee in the living room waiting for both of them. I really didn’t have to wait long, his nonsense mistress came back, “Hello madam, she says, who are you asking for?”, she was standing there looking at my rear view, cos I sat backing the main entrance door. when I turned round, the bag she was holding dropped to the floor as fast as she went on her knees, “Mama welcome, am sorry didn’t recognize you” Don’t greet me I said, just go in and pack your things, I will be taking care of My husband from now, understood, as I spoke she was shivering and couldn’t look me in the eye. “Yes Mama” she said. I ignored her and sat back, still watching television. A few hours later she was gone and my darling husband comes in and says “Hello, who are you looking for?”, I smile to myself, get up, turn around again and say Hello my love, his jaw drops, I can see the shock written all over his face, he tries to call out my name but no words come out, he tries to move but can’t, the next thing I know, he is”…….hmmmmmm

The New Mr and Mrs Diary…Day 825
MR-Kola called me a couple of days ago to meet him urgently at a friend’s office. This was unusual, but the urgency in his voice didn’t let me question him too much. I just got dressed and went to meet up with him.
On arrival at the office, he was waiting for me in the carpark, the scared expression on his face gave me a lot of concern “Kola what’s the matter?” I asked. “Bro, there is trouble and I think you can help” he said as we walked into the building. We went up a flight of stairs and still no one in sight. Then we got to the end of the corridor and walked into the office. It was large and plush, and there right in front of us was a body of a lady sprawled on the floor. My first reaction was to bolt out of the door, I ran back to the stair with Kola and a guy I now know to be Kola’s friend from his college days, in tow. They caught up with me, pulled me back and started pleading with me to calm down. “She not dead, still has a pulse” the friend volunteered. “so why is she not in hospital?” I shouted. Kola came near me and whispered in my ears “She’s the governor’s mistress.” “What? I screamed, what’s she doing here? How did this happen, what’s going on, I was so confused.
We all walked back to the office and I said we need to take her to hospital, I knew where, a friend of mine had a hospital nearby and was sure we could count on his discretion. I called the doctor and thankfully he was in the hospital. So we lifted the lady up and took her to the car, Kolas car to be precise and decided to all ride in the one car. We left the office for the hospital, the journey should be about 10 minutes, if no traffic but just as we got to the junction before the hospital, some overzealous vehicle inspection officers waved us down. My heart skipped a bit, stopping us with a half dead woman, who happens to be the Governors mistress, how do we explain that. Kola’s friend looked at me as if he could read my thoughts, me at Kola and at the same time we all shouted, Floor it. Kola got the message, he swerved sharply to avoid hitting the officer standing on the road ahead trying to make sure we stopped and raced to the hospital. I looked back and saw the officers scrambling to stop a car, to follow us but I couldn’t focus on that now, within a few minutes we drove into the hospital compound. Carried the lady in and she was taken to a private room for the doctor to examine. Examination done the doctor said she will be fine, a drip and some rest and she should be as good as new.
On hearing this we were all relieved, the next step was how to keep unwanted attention away from her, just as we sat down in the doctor’s office to deliberate on the best way forward, we heard a lot of commotion coming from the reception. We all went out to see and there were 5 vehicle inspection officers 4 army guys all sternly asking for the occupants of the parked car that refused to stop.
Everyone shrugged their shoulders and said they hadn’t seen anyone, they asked us if we saw something, we said No officer, it instantly dawned on us that they hadn’t seen the occupants. Then one army guy said “Harboring armed robbers is a crime, we need to search this hospital, and if we find them you are in trouble, if we don’t find them you are in soup”. Imagine that, so whichever way we get the blame, meanwhile my doctor friend was not having it, he said that was impossible, but they insisted and said if he doesn’t obliged them peacefully they will do it forcefully and close down the hospital. The doctor kept insisting and one army guy brought out his gun and cocked it, everyone dove for cover, except, kola, I and the doctor.
I knew I had to do something fast or this was going to get out of hand, so I called the governor and told him his lady was in a hospital and we had army guys trying to disrupt her medical care. He didn’t understand what I was saying but asked me to give the phone to the “Useless person” as he put it and that he was sending people to get her. I handed the lead army guy the phone said the governor wanted to speak to him. All we heard was “Sir, Yes Sir, sorry Sir, immediately sir, Yes Sir” and he handed me back the phone, saluted, and said “Sorry Sir”, “Soldiers lets go.” At this time the vehicle officers were confused, one minute we were on our way to prison the next they had to leave, we could see them trying to protest but the army guy, looked at them sternly ,re cocked his gun, pointed it at them and said “Move out now , or I will scatter your legs with this gun” . Honestly, I have not seen grown men with big belly’s run so fast, within seconds we saw their backsides dashing out of the hospital gate with the officers in tow. Thank God, we had scaled one huddle, now how do we explain this whole scenario to the Governor…….hmmmmm
MRS- Am a really happy woman, it’s quite liberating to have really good love making. I used to be edging, miserable for no reason, flustered, I could never put a finger on what the problem was. Initially I thought my MIL was just giving me stress but now, after having regular awesome love making I am totally relieved and happy. Someone saw me yesterday at the dry cleaners and asked if I had just won the lottery, I asked why, she said I was glowing and humming. We both had a laugh over it but I knew I just got my groove back and it was exhilarating.
Madam Mabel is in a bit of a bother, Mr. Chidi and she are back partially. I saw that because she hasn’t allowed him to move in with her, but he visits. Yesterday as we caught up on our love life, she told me how he is a brand new man. “My dear, before I wake up he’s tidied the house, I get breakfast in bed, lunch and dinner in bed if I want, honestly he is trying really hard to work his way back into my heart”. I was happy for her and I told her so. I did ask if she will take him back, “Not sure for now”, she said, “he visits twice a week and that suits me fine”.
Well let’s not forget Pamela and Bab’s, Bab’s has been acting really strange around everyone. Tammy and I went to see Pamela and Bab’s came back home while we were there, he barely said hello before he dashed into their bedroom and didn’t come back out for the 3 hours we were there. Pamela was upset, I could see the disapproval written all over her. She wanted to go get him but I insisted it wasn’t necessary, personally the block was getting on my nerves so the last thing I needed was him sulking in front of me about me refusing to meet with him in private.
Tammy and I are bubbling, we went for a Spa day after we left Pamela’s, we invited her but she said she had some unfinished business with Bab’s and took a rain check. Thankfully we still decided to go, wow! It was well needed. Facials, massages, mud bath and veggie cleansing and we were completely detoxified. I made a comment on how all I want is Mr.’s hmmm inside of me and Tammy said “Me too sister”.
And back to my MIL’s gist……running towards my MIL and lifting her up and saying “Welcome back my love, it worked” my MIL said she was there, starring at my FIL wondering what he was talking about and then he went into this long explanation about how nothing happened between him and the girl he was just exaggerating to make my MIL jealous and come back to stay and take care of him. Unbelievable, Papa’s still got it. It was so sweet of him and now thank Goodness, she’s back with him and I hope she doesn’t come back in a hurry…..hmmmmm

The New Mr and Mrs Diary …Day 826
MR-Kola and I have been running ‘helter skelter’ because his friend has been with CID for days now. God saved Kola and I, we were also interrogated for a whole day before were released. While it might seem like am jumping the gun here, most will ask me, Mr., What in God’s name are you going on about? Well I will tell you exactly.
Remember a few days ago, I was, ‘kind of had no choice’ roped into being involved in taking the Governor’s first mistress to the hospital, (I use the phrase because he does have several but she’s rumored to be the favorite). I was also responsible for calling him. What you didn’t know is the full story, well here it goes.
The governor’s first Mistress Halima was dating Muktar (Kola’s friend for years), Then she meet the governor in Canada and fell in love with him. At this time Muktar was still in the picture, his family and friends already knew the two love beds and were eagerly looking forward to their wedding. Anyway Halima suddenly stopped calling Muktar and her parents also ignored him whenever he went to their house. Two years went by Muktar rebuffed all advances from other women and held on to the hope that Halima would someday find her way back to him. Unfortunately, that cuckoo had long flown the nest. Halima’s heart was already with the governor, he encouraged her to move to South Africa and bought her an apartment, also got her a good job as Head of public relations in his business partners company.
Now everything changed when the governor’s wife misbehaved and he sent her packing, he then invited Halima to come to town and stay at the government guest house until he formalized their marriage plans. How did Muktar find out she was back? You ask. Well I will tell you.
Halima, although hadn’t been back to town for some years kept in touch with her university friends whom she hadn’t seen for 5 years since she’s been in Canada. As soon as she landed she called a couple of them and they got together. Now coincidentally one of them was a friend of Muktar’s younger sister who was getting married a couple of weekends ago and invited Halima to come along. And at that wedding which Halima and obviously Muktar attended, they met again.
Now you are curious, aren’t you? You wonder why Halima would go to Muktars sister’s wedding. Well you would be right, this sister didn’t have the same surname and neither did she grow up in the Muktar household. She was his Sister from his mother, whom his father divorced when he was 10. His mother remarried and had her, she was his half-sister.
Now he saw her first, as Halima and her friends alighted from the car, Muktar was one of the relations posted outside to welcome guest to the wedding. He looked up to say hello and there standing behind the one he was shaking was Halima. She had her back to him, but he would recognize that back view anytime. Looking at her from behind, She was gorgeous, just has he remembered, he couldn’t control himself, he gently pushed the one in front of him aside and hugged her from behind. Halima was shocked, hadn’t seen him, she was busy chit chatting with her friends. She tried to shrug off the hugger and look back, to her surprise it was someone she knew. “Muktar! What are you doing here” she said. Muktar looking all conflicted, Happy and so sad at the same time, he said “I should ask you the same, I have been looking for you all over, why did you treat me this way Halima?” Tears wielding in his eyes.
Halima noticed they were beginning to attract other attention besides those of her two friends who now had their mouths agape in surprise “Muktar, please! this is not the place or time” she said in a whisper. Muktar looked into her eyes and with his baritone voice shouted for everyone to hear “When Halima, when do you tell me why you broke my heart!!!”…….hmmmmm

MRS-Wonders they say will never end, its actually true, as young as I am I can recant several wonders that I have witnessed in my lifetime. Well, the current wonder is Erica, you won’t believe she’s decided to give up her baby for adoption. O my, let me not get ahead of myself I will start for the middle since you already know the beginning. We all found out David is the father of Erica’s baby who EG is willing to accept no questions asked. Now Erica in her wisdom, claims she has the right to her baby and can do what she wills with it. EG protested, I did and everyone who is related one way or another to her and EG but the stubborn girl is not listening.
Personally I don’t believe this girl, she had to give up Richard when he was born and she went through so much trauma before she finally found him and was reunited. How can she honestly in all good conscience give up another child willingly, especially when EG, David, even Josh is ready to take the baby? But her ‘royal highness’ doesn’t want the baby in the family, that girl must be psycho, Pamela said maybe she has post-natal depression. O yes, I forgot she had the baby a few days ago, he is, yes he, is a carbon copy of my FIL. David flew done from Malaysia elated but now deflated, since she’s refusing him custody, he’s thinking of getting a lawyer but my darling husband says “You don’t go to court and come back friends” A proverb his father says all the time.
No one can get in touch with that girl, she’s taken the baby to the house in Banana Island, her father gave, when Richard came back into their life and won’t take visitors or calls. I wonder if her marriage to EG is over, the poor man had had so much craziness in his life, I just pray he does not have another heart attack…..hmmmm

The New Mr and Mrs Diary …Day 827
MR-……Everyone froze as soon as they heard Muktars voice. All eyes were now on them. Some were wondering what the governor’s next wife was doing with Muktar. Other were just waiting for Halima’s response. But rather than respond, she walked away from her friends. It took a while for Muktar to realize she was gone, then he ran after her ,but before he could catch up, she got into a taxi and disappeared. Muktar said he was confused and upset at the way he handled the situation. He knew he overreacted and now she was gone again. His only option was to go ask her friends for her telephone no. thankfully they took pity on him after pleading with them for hours and finally gave him not only her no but details of where she was staying and what time she went to the gym next door.
So Muktar decided that the gym was the best place to get her to talk to him. Early the next morning, which was a Sunday, he got to the gym at 6.30am, just as it was opening its doors. He took a position on a treadmill which had an unhindered view of the front reception door. He didn’t have long to wait, around 7.15, Halima turned up with another lady whom he hadn’t seen before. She wasn’t one of the friends that came with Halima to the wedding. He waited for them to be separated and followed Halima to the swimming pool. She was busy swimming back and forth when Muktar got into the pool, on her swim back to the edge, she saw him and was attempting to bolt when he swarm near her and said “Halima am sorry, please don’t go, I don’t want to make a scene” She looked at him to make sure he was being sincere, then said “Okay Muktar, not here, give me your no, I’ll call you later. He said not to worry he will call her and they departed.
That evening he called and they arranged to meet at a hotel not too far from the governor’s lodge. The plan was she will check into a room and an hour later Muktar will just come up to the room as if he was already lodged in the hotel, the plan worked. He arrived right on time and found that Halima had already ordered a bottle of champion and some peppered chicken. As he entered Halima walked towards him gave him a hug and planted her lips on his. His whole body shock and he grabbed her and held her so tight while still kissing her. It was like they had never left each other, they kissed passionately for a few minutes, then began to take off each other clothes and landed on the bed. Muktar made love to her like never before and she responded like she had been longing for his body forever.
Soon they were done, but clung to each other and fell asleep like lovebirds who never wanted to be apart. By the time they woke up it was 11pm. That day, Halima said she had to get back and Muktar said he will spend the night and leave in the morning. They continued to meet up three days a week in the evening for a couple of months, rekindled their love and Muktar was confident he had his wife back. He even told all his friends including Kola that wedding bells they had been waiting for will soon ring. But alas that was not to happen. For on the day Halima passed out in Muktar’s office she had gone to tell Muktar she couldn’t leave the governor and he had gotten so angry, slapped her hard and she passed out on his office floor…..hmmmm

MRS- Madam Mabel is a genius, she is a master planner. When I mentioned Erica’s decision to put up her baby for adoption she had a suggestion. Mrs. Kimpaul was a granny from the Caribbean, who had lived in the country since she was 17 and fell in love with a Nigerian sailor who brought her back with him almost 40 years ago. Now 62, she had fostered more than 20 children, most of whom have left home, to get married or for greener pastures. Madam Mabel suggested we contact her to adopt the baby boy. I wasn’t in support of this I didn’t want the baby to go to a stranger, until she explain, she will be adopting him for us. “How will that work?” I asked. She explained.
So on Tuesday we went to see Mrs. Kimpaul, o my gosh! she was one of the most beautiful woman I had seen in a long while, even at the age of 60, she looked stunning. Her home was equally stunning. She invited us in and set a table with cookies and tea, just as the English do. I looked around as I sat and saw rows and rows of birthday, graduation and wedding pictures of different children adorning the wall. A couple had her holding new babies. She noticed I was looking and asked if I would like to come to the wall to see. So I went with her. She took me through each child’s memories. Graduation from primary to university and further. The two babies she carried were her grandchildren one in America and the other in Germany. All this while Madam Mabel was munching the homemade cookies which when I tasted could understand why she couldn’t stop eating them. They were butter cream cookies with a hint of fresh nuts, vanilla and cinnamon, really yummy.
Eventually, done with being greedy pigs, we settled down to the business of the day. But Mrs. Kimpaul said not before she tells us her story. She began, “I met this lovely young sailor, and he had a day leave from the boat on our island in the Caribbean. I was helping my aunt sell food near the port and sailors came there all the time. This day I had just returned from school when Femi, my husband, came to ask for some water. I gave him some and he sat there sipping it like it was going out of circulation and he had to preserve it. Other sailors came and went but he sat there for hours, soon I was forced to ask him why he didn’t want to walk around the island, take in the sights like his colleagues. He looked at me and smiled, said he couldn’t, he’s found what he wants to see and he was never letting it go. I didn’t understand, I looked around to see what could be so captivating but did not see anything. So I asked what it was. He looked me straight in the eye and said “You my dear”. That was the moment I also feel in love with him, it was love at first sight but the problem was he had to leave the next day and wasn’t sure if we will ever meet again.
That same day, believe it or not, Femi hatched a plan to smuggle me on to his ship and take me with him. I was game, I had longed for adventure all my life, our island was small and nothing much to do, if you didn’t work in one of the big hotels on the bigger islands, then you had your own stall and sold overpriced good to the numerous gullible tourist, I had enough of the life, my dreams were much bigger than here. That evening I snuck out and met Femi at an assigned destination and before I knew it he put me in a potato sack and left me for a few minutes with other supplies for the ship. Then came back with a wheel barrow, lifted me into the barrow, put some vegetables on my sack and wheeled me into the belly of the ship.
As soon as we got into the store, he untied the bag, led me into a cabin and asked me to stay put and not move. As he left me in there my heart was full of mixed feelings, happy, scared and sad, happy to be with him, scared we might get caught and sad I might never see my family again. But all weighed out happiness was more. I noticed the cabin had a bunk bed and wondered if Femi had a roommate. Regardless of all that I got in the bottom bunk, took off my shoes, covered myself with a sheet and slept.
Sometime later I was awoken by harsh voices having an argument, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Femi and two other guys arguing, as I turned and they noticed me, all of them kept quiet and looked in my direction. It was weird the way they stared at me but one of them who I later found out was Sayo, said “We are sorry dear that our noise woke you up”. Femi came over. Gave me a hug and said, it’s going to be fine, don’t worry, we are already hours out of port and there’s no turning back now”. I panicked as I saw the worried look on his face, “What’s the matter?” I asked him. Femi, looked away from me towards his friends and said, “There’s to be an inspection of all cabins tomorrow morning and we are trying to figure out where to hide you”….hmmmmmm

The New Mr and Mrs Diary…Day 828

MR-Kola’s gotten himself into very hot soup. I don’t understand why he decided to leave his own issues and champion Muktar’s. Kola in his wisdom volunteered to take Muktar to the governor to plead for him to release Halima to Muktar, based on love and shared history. But the governor didn’t find it funny. He felt it was an affront for both men to confront him in front of all his aides and ask him to back down. So he decided to teach them a lesson. Here is what actually happened.
The day Halima was admitted into hospital and I had to call the governor, well that was the day Kola and Muktar when to the governors lodge. They got to see him with the excuse that they were bringing reports of Halima’s health to him.
The governor was happy to see them and invited them into his guest lounge. A few minutes into the meeting Kola and Muktar prostrated in front of the governor and said “Your Excellency, we know you can do and undo. Halima has been Muktar’s bride for a long time, both families know each other and expect them to get married, please leave her for me, Muktar concluded. “Leave her for Muktar” Kola concluded. At this time all the aides, 5 in number were frozen, wondering what will be the next move. Kola and Muktar were still on the floor, lying down. The governor stood up, walked around the two men on the floor and said “since you know I can do and undo, I will now show you what I can do, Yusuf, (One of his aides) call me the head of security, and get him to lock this boys up”. Kola and Muktar watched as the governor walked out of the lounge. They got up, looked around in amazement and asked Yusuf, “Which boys is he talking about”. Well that was last week. The governor is not picking up my calls neither is his PA. I must find a way to get him out. My next plan is to het Halima to plead for them.

MRS- The story still continued, Madam Mabel and I were all ears….Mrs. Kimpaul continued “Femi, Sayo and the other sailor were at loggerheads as to where I should be hidden. Femi and the other sailor wanted me in the overhead cabins, large enough to fit me but could be subject to a check anytime. “The last couple of inspections didn’t include the overhead cabins Sayo protested. When the other sailor kept saying it was a bad idea. “So what’s your bright idea then”? Femi finally asked the other sailor. The other sailor looks at Femi, takes a deep breath and says “Finally someone with some sense, I will explain. The ship has some dangling baskets on the side, used for fresh food, I suggest we put her in one of the bigger ones, just for the inspection hour and when they go we pull her back on board. “You must be out of your mind” Sayo exclaimed. “Dangling baskets, where, are you aware if she drops, she falls right into the sea? No way. Femi I would suggest we hide her in the food freezer, switch it off and when the inspection is over we get her out and turn it back on” “Impossible, Femi shouted. What happens if inspection runs over and the next shift turn on the freezer not knowing she’s inside, I can’t take that risk”. For almost 45 minutes they tossed ideas back and forth, finally they agree to hide me in plain sight.
Where’s plain sight you ask? well am about to tell you. Femi and his friends decided to raise the alarm that they found a stowaway. The protocol would be to keep me locked up in a cabin until the ship berthed. Once that happened I will be investigated and probably set free or sent back to my starting point. This was a gamble but Femi couldn’t live with any other suggestion that might be harmful to me.
So just a few minutes before inspection, Sayo pulled the stowaway alarm, the ship went crazy, all sailors running up to assemble on deck. Once they were all there, Femi kissed me and said “don’t worry honey it’s all going to be fine”, but I wasn’t sure it will.
Alarm raised, Sayo brought me up top to the deck. The captain took one look at me and asked sayo to take me to his cabin and dismissed everyone else. When I arrived at his cabin, wow! It was nothing like Femi’s cabin. This was large, had a double bed, mini siting room and dining table, a wide screen tv and a host of other things. I was not sure what to do, so I sat down and waited. A few moments later, he captain walks in and I jumped up. He smiles and asks me not to be afraid. “Please sit down” I sit and he asks me my name, I tell him , he asks if I know where the ship is heading “Nigeria , I say” the captain looks at me funny , shakes his head and says “Why in God’s name would you want to stow away to Nigeria?”
I wanted to scream, “Love”, but I refrained myself and said I just wanted to leave the island. He didn’t say anything, asked how old I am, I told him. After that he called for his 2ic and asked him to watch me while he thought of what to do with me. That night I was put in an empty cabin with a sailor guiding the door no one in, no one out except to give me food. At this time I had seen Femi in 2 days. I could only imagine what he was going through. I missed him but as long as we were both on the ship. I knew we would be reunited soon.
A couple of days later, the cabin door opened and the captain came in. he looked a bit different because he was in plain clocks, jogging pants and a t shirt to be exact. He came close to where I was sitting on a chair and asked me if I was properly been taken care of. I responded in the affirmative. Then he did something unexpected, he put his arm around me and said, I like you, I want to date you, I promise to take good care of you. I froze, in shock, “Sir, am engaged” slipped right out of my mouth. The captain looked at me, smiled, grabbed my hand and said “Well it doesn’t matter now dear, he’s on the Island, you are half way around the world on your way to another continent, not sure your paths will cross again. So in my books you are a free agent”. As he spoke his grip got firmer. I knew he wasn’t going to take no for an answer, so I said “Sir, you have a point but am fasting now and I have asked God for a 21 day fast, once am done, we can get tighter. I intentionally said 21 days because I knew it took 25 days to get from our island to Nigeria. Femi had told me and we were already 6 days into the trip, by the 21st day of my fast, I would be long gone with Femi.
But that wasn’t the last of it, I was in for a whole lot of surprises……”

The New Mr. and Mrs. Day 830
MR- …….Their they were sipping champagne and strawberries, the governor gestured for me to come over and sit down opposite them. I walked over to the ottoman, covered with shawls and cushions. I let myself sink into it, it was so comfy. The butler poured some wine in a flute and dropped it in front of me. The butler left us alone and the governor cleared his throat, “Okay you are here now, so how can I help you?”. Before I could say anything, Halima, interrupted and said “Honey, we both know why he came all the way from Lagos, please darling, in God’s name release Kola and Muktar, I have promised you never to talk to Muktar again, please forgive them” by now she was on her knees, holding on to the governors legs. I couldn’t stay seated so I stood up and looked down at my feet with my hands clasped together behind my back.
The governor was silent, he kept starring at Halima for a while, then all of a sudden he got up, pulled up Halima and said “Okay , I forgive them, pass me my phone. I looked on the table in front of me and saw he was pointing to a ‘Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot mobile phone’ ,one of the most expensive in the world , made from wood of an African tree, last time I check it retailed at about 1 million dollars. Aakil, is the only other person I have seen with that phone. I slid my hands toward it, picked it up ever so gently and passed it to the governor. He keyed in just 4 no’s and said “Release those brats”.
I stood there transfixed to one spot, just like that, Kola and Muktar are being released. Wow! Power was a great thing, money was good but Power, trumps money anytime. I could see why people so rich are still not satisfied until they also have power.

MRS-Still on Mrs. Kimpaul’s story….”I was now spending my 3rd night in the container, no sign of Sayo or Femi, all I had left was a few pieces of biscuits and a bottle of water. I had rationed the water so well, sipping only when utterly necessary. The container wasn’t too small but was packed full of furniture so not a lot of maneuvering space. The toilet bucket didn’t help either, it wasn’t so full but the psychological effect of being next to a toilet bucket, although it was so well done you couldn’t smell anything once it was shut, made it almost impossible to eat satisfactorily.
The evening of the third day, I was kind of preparing to die in the container, as I sipped my last drop of water and ate the 4 biscuits, I knew this was my last supper, I knelt down and thanked God for a good life and asked him to please forgive my sins and accept me into heaven. I apologized for running away and acknowledged that this was punishment for eloping with a man from a distant land, as my granny would have called it. After prayer, I made the bed as best I can, laid down on my back, facing up and closed my eyes waiting for death to come.
But you know what , death doesn’t come like that not without sending agony and pain ahead, so first by the 4th evening with no food , I started to cramp up, by the morning of the fifth , I was so tired and dehydrated I couldn’t think straight, my tummy hurt so bad it felt like a thousand ants eating away at the flesh of my tummy, by the night of the 7th day, I hadn’t eaten or drink for 3 days, I was so weak I couldn’t move from the bed, my lips were dry and I hurt all over. I lay on the bed in so much pain I wished I was dead. And just as felt like killing myself, the light on the lamp went out. I was now in total darkness. To make matters worse, my sight was beginning to fade, it got darker and darker until I couldn’t see, hear or feel anything…..hmmmm

The New Mr and Mrs Diary….Day 831
MR- Halima left conflicted, as she walked out of my hotel room , I wanted to plead, scream ,do whatever it took to make her realise she didn’t have to stay with the Governor, power or no power she could be free to marry whomever she wanted. I could help, fight beside her and get her free, but she walked off, didn’t even look back and all that resonated in my head were her words asking me to tell Muktar, she loved him.
I felt like crying but there was nothing I could do at that minute, besides Halima herself wasn’t convinced anything could be done to salvage the situation. I arrive back in Lagos the next evening and I go straight to the detention center the governor had asked someone to send to my phone. Their release wasn’t automatic I had to cosign a restraining order issued to both of them not to come anywhere near Halima, not to call, text or email her and above all, agree to be locked away for a very long time if any of the sign agreements are disregarded.
I didn’t want to sign, this was too stringent, and especially now that I knew Halima really didn’t want to be with the governor. But unfortunately I couldn’t communicate that to Kola and Muktar. I signed my own part and their part was taken to them to sign where ever they were kept. After waiting for another hour, they appeared. They both looked unkempt, had not shaved in a week, no obvious scars or marks but they looked terrible. Kola is so happy to see me, he could barely walk properly, he comes over and gives me a hug and says “Bro, please get me out of here now”.
Soi put my hands around his waist and help him outside into the car and we drive. I had reserved a 2 bed room suite for them at the Renaissance, ordered pounded yam and vegetable soup and a bottle of Hennessey. I knew they would not have been fed properly. We got there within 2 hours, they hit the showers immediately and stayed in there for almost an hour. After they finished got into the clean clothes I brought, their food was waiting. I watched as they gulped down the food like they hadn’t eaten in months. Washing it down with Hennessy, the both pass out and fall asleep snoring.
So I let myself out and promise to be back later that evening. My plan was to discuss what Halima said and find out if we could help her…but before I could go back, I got a call……hmmmmm
MRS- I’m really excited today, I don’t know why, but I have a strong feeling something really great is about to happen to me. I have been so preoccupied with Mrs. Kimpaul’s story that I have neglected to update you about what’s going on in our lives. Before I get back to Mrs. Kimpaul, let me give you a bit of insight into new developments.
Tammy is pregnant, Yes, she is, honestly am as shocked as you are, I personally though things were so bad between Kola and her that they weren’t sleeping together. To find out that now she’s 3 months pregnant took me and indeed Mr. by surprise. We all had a sit down over the Easter break and she blotted it out right in front of us, Kola had no clue, he was gob smacked, but in a happy way. Later when I asked why she didn’t mention it to anyone especially Kola before now, she smiled, looked me straight in the eye and said “Sis, the truth is I wasn’t planning to keep it if Kola hadn’t gotten his act together. I wasn’t about to bring another child into the world when I knew I would have to raise it on my own”. I understood perfectly, could fault that thinking, but I wouldn’t have pegged Tammy down has someone who would get rid of a pregnancy. Hmm, it just goes to show you can never know anyone completely.
Yes, before I forget, We, Mr. and I, were in Abuja before Easter, a friend has been looking for a nice house for us in an area called Maitama. We went down to see some houses, wow! The price tag to rent was astronomically, to buy, well that’s another story. At the end we agreed to buy an apartment, 3 bedroom, nicely finished with a communal pool, only 6 apartments available. That should take care of our stay I the capital. While we were in Abuja I took some time off from Mr. to go to silvered Gallery, an uptown shopping mall. I remembered I once bought some kaftans from a designer who had a shop in the mall. I had gotten 4 kaftans and was just stepping out of the boutique when I heard my name, I looked back and there was senator Muyi with another woman and 3 children. I stopped, put on a nice smile and walked towards them. He smiled and said to the woman next to him “Honey, Meet the lady I told you ran the Governors wives forum NGO’s, you might want to be friends with her she should be able to help with setting up your NGO”. Honestly, I could not believe he just introduced me to his wife, I was confused, I froze at first, stuttered a bit, and then pulled myself together and said “Hello Ma’am nice to meet you”. I swear, I saw a twinkle in Muyi’s eyes as if to say, serve you right. His wife, said hello, looked at me and said “nice to meet you too, I will be in touch” and I watched as she pulled Muyis hand and walked away.
Honestly, you could have cut the tension with a knife, I recovered from my daze and went to the waiting car hire and went back to transcorp Hilton hotel where Mr. and I were staying. Just before we got there, a text came on my phone. “Am sorry my love, I had to show you how much you hurt me, anyway where are you am coming to see you now”. Muyi was a fool, it was official. How did I hurt him, we are both married and the supposed relationship he was trying to build was never going to work or last, if something actually developed. I honestly was so embarrassed, especially because I knew I was flustered when talking to him and his wife. I was not going to allow him close again, I deleted the text, sat back and thought about the feelings running through me, “Why am I upset? I claim not to have feelings for this guy anymore, yet the sight of him and his wife brought on a hint of jealousy, why? hmmm

The new Mr and Mrs Diary ….Day 832
MR- My phone is ringing, it’s a restricted no, and who can this be? I wouldn’t have picked it, but in light of all that’s been going on, especially my victory at the polls, I decided to pick to up, you never can tell, it might just be the president of the country. Hello, who am I speaking to please…Initially there is no response, just heavy breathing, as if the person was struggling to calm themselves down. I repeat “Hello, who is this please?
” Then the voice comes on, “Halima is missing, do you know where she is?” Halima, oh my, Missing, I said to myself. Just then I realized I was speaking with the governor. Sir, am sorry I don’t, when did this happen. He grunts a bit, then says “All I know is the day you came, she went out, came back wouldn’t tell me where she’d been. Then starts moping about the house until yesterday evening when she left the house and hasn’t been back since. Her phone is also switched off”. I didn’t know if I should tell him she came to see me, but I decided not to. So I asked if she had any relatives in London, he said he had called everyone he knew she knew but no one has seen her. That’s why he’s calling me he said. He wants me to talk to Muktar if he knows another relatives in the UK and if by some chance she turns up back in Lagos, he must call immediately or put her on the next flight back to him. Wow! He was so cocky, he must think power trumps love. If Halima is on her way to Muktar, what makes him think, after all the trouble of getting away, she’ll want to go back to him?
I listened as he lamented about his frustration, then promised I would speak to Muktar and get back to him ASAP. The cheek of it all, he didn’t even thank me, he just grunted some more and the call went dead. ‘
At this point I had just gotten home from the hotel where I left Kola and Muktar, they would still be asleep, my plan was to go back much later, I would fill them in when I do get there. So many questions flowed through my mind. Where is Halima? Is she coming to Lagos or already in Lagos? I couldn’t answer any of the queries , so I decided not to get into a bother, I went in had a shower and took a nap before I had to go do brain storming sessions with the guys…..hmmmm

MRS-Hmmm. Muyi aside, let me get back to the compelling story of Dear Mrs. Kimpaul. She continued “I was sitting near a beautiful lake, ducks swimming, flowers blooming, bumble bees going about their daily duty and lots and lots of beautiful butterflies fluttering around. One landed on my noise, it had black and blue patterns all over, I crossed my eyes and tried to keep my head steady as I took in its beauty. It stood still on my noise for a while, a thought came into my mind to catch it. So I gradually began to move my hand up to my nose, just as I was about to catch it when I felt cold water splash all over me and I began to shiver. I opened my eyes and saw 4 sailors lifting me from the bed in the container and putting me on a medical stretcher. Soon we were on deck, I felt the sun on my face, I knew I was being carried but could make out the sailors faces. After a short while, they carried me down some flight of stairs, then into a room painted while and placed me on a bed. I was still adjusting to my environment when a lady in blue came over, gave me an injection and I gradually slipped back into sleep mode.
When I woke up, I was disorientated, didn’t know where I was, the cabin was empty but ad some medical supply, I guessed I was in the infirmary. I tried to get up but my head hurt so bad I laid back down. Soon the lady in blue came back, she noticed I was awake, came close and asked how I felt. She then poured some water in a glass and gave me some pain killers. Once I was done taking the tablets, she asked me to come with her and led me to the captain’s cabin. I walked with her, very slowly looking around to see is I would see Femi or sayo but to no avail. We arrived at the cabin just as the captain arrived. He looked at me up and down, the showed me into the cabin. He pulled out 2 chairs and asked me to seat on one while he took the other. He cleared his throat and asked the starangest question, “Who locked you in the container? Will you recognize them? I didn’t know what to say, as I thought about it, it dawned on me that no one knew Femi and Sayo hid me in there. I had to go with the flow, I looked up and down for a few minutes ,then pretended as if I was thinking , then said Not sure sir, they keep their faces hidden the whole time…….hmmmmm

The new Mr. and Mrs. Diary ….Day 833
MR- “Muktar what do you think, has Halima called you?” I asked. What do you mean? Where is my Halima, he kept on shouting. I don’t know Bro, I just got a call from a grumpy Governor asking me if I had seen Halima I replied.
Kola wasn’t sure what to say, he just kept shaking his head and wondering why Muktar was still pinning for a woman who spells danger for him. He had been warned, he had a restraining order, come within a certain distance of Halima and find your self gone forever, as the governor had put it.
While we were still contemplating what to do, Muktar had called all the friends he knew Halima might be with, a call came in on my phone, restricted. I didn’t answer it the first time because I assumed it was the governor again, called to rack some more. But after the call came in the fourth time, I answered it. A thin voice said “Hello, Halima wants you to meet her at this address, come alone, 1 hour” and the phone cut off. 2 seconds later a text message came into my phone with an address. Kola and Muktar was beyond curious now because I didn’t say a word while I was on the phone and now that the call ended I was still looking dazed. “What’s going on Bro, who was that?” Kola asked.
I gasped, took a deep breath and said Halima. “What, where is she, why didn’t you let me speak to her?” Muktar reeled out the questions with no break. When he finally let me get a word in, I let him know it wasn’t Halima that called but I got instructions to come and see her now. “Am coming with you” “Me too” Kola blotted out. “No, neither of you are coming with me, the message was very clear, I was to come alone or she won’t be there. Look guys let me go see her and try to convince her she will be safe with us, then I will bring her back. Is that okay?” they both nodded and I left.
The address I got was about 10 minutes’ drive away from the hotel, I got there found the house and parked outside. Then I knocked on the gate, no response, as I was about to drive off, a black Toyota Camry hooted and flashed its lights, I paused, stared at the car in front of me and just then a figure alighted from the back seat. Didn’t recognize her at first cos she was all covered up with a scarf. But as she got closer I saw it was Halima. I jumped out of the car and ran round to the other side to open the passenger’s door, she slide in. I went round to the driver’s seat, got in and she just said “drive”.
We drove around for a while in silence, then she looked at me and said please park over there. It was a small clearing big enough to fit about 3 cars. I did switched off the engine and asked what now?
All of sudden she began to cry and say “Please help me, I can’t marry him”. She was shaking and crying, I just held her, rocked her from side to side and said it will be okay. We drove back to the hotel where Muktar and Kola were waiting. I had asked Kola to get another room for Halima. I checked her in and got Muktar to go and keep her company, while Kola and I brainstorm about what to do.
We sat down in Kolas room, wondering what to do, when Muktar barged in and asked us to switch on the television. On the network new The governor was addressing a press conference asking anyone who has information about Halima, would be rewarded with 5 million Naira……hmmmmm
MRS-Mrs. Kimpaul continued. “I didn’t know what else to say, the Captain seemed determined to get an answer out of me but I was equally determined that I wasn’t going to put the love of my life Femi nor Sayo, in trouble. After 2 days of interrogating me without getting the answers he wanted he then changed his tactics and renewed his mission to get me in bed. Now that was a serious problem. I could claim I was fasting and praying, nor was I on my monthly period, what would be my excuse this time?
That afternoon, I prayed and asked God for a helper, God was super-fast at answering. The female officer whom he put in charge of me, brought me my lunch and slipped a note to me right in front of the captain without him noticing. I thanked the officer, got up and asked the captain if I may be excused to use the ladies. He grunted okay and I went in to the toilet. You must understand that since he rescued me from the container, he kept me in his room under lock and key, the only thing was he said I was too ill to make love too, he would give me a week to recover, then I was his to do as he pleased, I was on day 3, 4 more days to go.
I unrolled the cigarette like paper and found the words “Am working on getting you out, love, Femi”. I screamed for joy before realizing where I was, I heard the captain scream “What’s going on there?” I quietly replied “Just a cockroach Sir” “Hmm”, he replied. Now I was fine, my Femi was alive and well and working on getting me out of here, that was enough for me to get better, but I was aware that I mustn’t let the captain notice.
Everything stayed the same for the next 3 days, then on the 7th day, the captain woke me up and said, “we arrive a port this afternoon, I want my office to take you shopping for some clothes to mark you becoming my woman from tomorrow, make sure you pick out some nice lingerie because am going to show you what it’s like to be my woman”. Oh my gosh!!, I watch his mouth as he spoke and licked his lips with excitement, he sounded disgusting, dirty old man. After he was done talking, I forced a smile and said “Okay Sir”.
That afternoon around 1pm the boat docked and I was escorted off the ship with Officer Rose, I can never forget that lady. As we walked we saw fishermen, women hawking all sorts, it was so busy and hot. We finally found our way out of the port and hailed a taxi. It
took us to a shopping mall with lots of shops selling all kinds of fancy clothes, shoes, jewelry and perfume. The officer took me round, made me try on some clothes, once we had bout a few things she suggested we go across the street to a restaurant for lunch. Lunch was nice, fried rice with grilled fresh fish and prawns. A wonderful meal compared to ship food. Once the food arrived, I took my time to eat, there was no rush, and we weren’t due to set said unti the next morning. After an hour I was done, Officer Rose, didn’t rush me, she had finished her food 20 minutes earlier.
Afterwards we went back to the shops, got some more clothes, lingerie, perfumes and now it was time to head back to the ship. We hailed a taxi and it drove. At first I didn’t notice anything strange, but then the taxi ride got longer and longer and the driver was acting a bit suspicious. I tried to point it out to officer rose but she put her finger to her mouth indicating I should kept quiet. Now I was getting panicking, just then the phone rang and I heard officer rose say “Yes Sir, we are still shopping Sir, Okay Sir, definitely sir, right away sir, understood sir” and she dropped the phone. I starred at her hoping for feedback but she just continued to stare straight ahead. By now I was actually crying very quietly, I didn’t even know that was possible, the taxi have been driving for 1 hour now and the journey from the port to the shops took just 15 minutes earlier. Where are we going? What’s happening? Was that instructions from the captain to go kill and bury me somewhere, Lord please help me, Femi where are you my love ?”……hmmmmm
The new Mr and Mrs Diary Day 834
MR-Five million, we were in deep trouble. Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t the money parse, it was what people would do for that kind of money. Halima wasn’t so worried she suggested she could stay in the room and keep herself covered with a scarf anytime the hotel staff came in, but Muktar wasn’t having that.” You’re not a prisoner my love, I want to take you away from here, we could go out of the country tonight” he blotted out. Kola didn’t think that was a good idea. Border patrol will be on alert and with the cash reward they will definitely be extra vigilant. I had an idea, “How about we call Aakil and get his private jet to fly you too out” I suggested. Halima’s face lightened up “You’ll do that for us?” she asked smiling. Of course I will, Kola is my Bro and Muktar is his close friend so that makes him my Bro too. Give me a few hours, let’s see what we can arrange. At that moment I had two concerns, besides the reward, I just wanted Halima gone from here so I could get back to Mrs., but was my plan going to work, well we had to wait and see.
As for My dear Mrs. we’ve been doing okay, actually I would say better than okay, we’ve been trying for a new bambino. We think it’s time Seyibam gets a little sibling. I want a girl but Mrs. Wants a boy, she’s worried about daughters, every time she remembers what her childhood was like and how her mother nearly ruined her life, and all she wants is sons. I’ve tried to convince her because her mum made some terrible mistakes while raising her doesn’t mean she will too. Yes she will make mistakes of her own but also be careful because she will learn from her mum’s mistakes, but so far she’s not convinced. I will keep trying because I sure do what a little princess to complement our prince…..hmmm
MRS- Mr and I are doing really well, I haven’t had an rude interruptions from intruders, the NGO is thriving, we are helping more people than we can handle, but I still feel a void in me. I can’t quite explain it. Yesterday I sat down with Madam Mabel and asked her why someone who has almost everything she wants still feels an emptiness within her. She paused for a while and asked me why I think I felt that way.
I thought for a while then said probably I have some unfulfilled desires. Honestly it dropped out of my mouth before my brain considered what I just said. Obviously we both busted into laughter. “Unfulfilled desires? “ Madam Mabel repeated, “What are you talking about young lady? spill”. I reached out and held her hands and said, ever since Mrs. Kimpaul told us her story, I can’t help wishing my life is that adventurous by the time am her age. But from all indications I seem to be on the normal life track rather than the super adventurous track. What stories am I going to tell my grandkids when am old? Madam Mabel couldn’t control herself, she broke out laughing again, when she saw I wasn’t amused , she said “My dear young lady, How old are you, take a look around, how many women your age can lay claim to all you have achieved. The world is your oyster, write you own story, if you don’t like the way it’s going, then change direction. Remember change is the only constant”
Let’s put me aside for a minute. Dear Mrs. Kimpaul continued “By now I was sobbing out loud, we had been driving in the Taxi for an hour and a half, just when I thought all hope was lost, and that Taxi came to a halt. I shut my eyes and asked God to forgive me all my sins, I was about to die and I really wanted to go to heaven, as I prayed I heard Femi’s voice calling out my name, but I assumed I was imagining. Later I felt a hand on me, opened my eyes and there was Femi…..hmmmm

The new Mr. and Mrs. Diary day 835
MR-Aakil is on board with my plan, his private Jet would arrive tomorrow morning at 4am, we should be waiting at the VIP lounge so as soon as it lands Muktar and Halima will board and fly off to God knows where. It’s better that we don’t know so if by some chance the governor gets to find out we are involved he can’t torture it out of us. So said Kola who watches to many spy movies.
Well that aside , Kola and I have been neglecting the office a lot, yesterday we had a call from the new manager we employed saying we had some strange men waiting for us and they are demanding our presence or they won’t be leaving. At first I thought they were from the governor but when we got there we found out they were from the state criminal investigation service.
We invited them into the office and they produced detailed accounts of uncle J’s accounts and asked where we kept the money? What Money? I asked, looking at Kola and back to the guys. “We don’t understand, why would you think we had Uncle J’s money?” Kola asked while staring at the 3 men. The led one sort of cleared his throat and said “Uncle J was part of a task force that picked up money from criminals, the last loot he picked was over a billion, but what was recorded officially was 440 million. We search his account details and found the balance in 3 accounts in the Cayman Islands and Switzerland. According to his children they don’t have account details of privileges to withdraw and they suggested we speak to you as you were the closest to him outside his immediate family. So if you love yourselves give us the access codes now or ……hmmmmm

MRS- O my gosh, something unbelievable is happening, 3 days to my husband’s swearing in as a new federal house rep and he gets a visit from the CID. What’s going on here, he and Kola have been given 2 days to come up with access codes to accounts they have no idea about. And the only one that can rescue them is the governor whom they are not on good terms with.
I feel it’s the best way, I am contemplating giving up Halima in exchange for my hubby being left alone. This CID people have camped outside our home since yesterday. the funny thing is Mr. didn’t tell me, Tammy came over and said she heard Kola talking on the phone to Mr. and asked what they will do and also mentioning the flight tomorrow of Muktar and Halima.
The whole country is looking for her, 5million is a lot of money, and how they intend to sneak out without anyone blowing the whistle beats me. I had to confront Mr. asked him if they had ‘Settled’ the air traffic controller and the airport staff for tomorrow’s get away. He said Muktar is taking care of that bit.
Am so upset , as I get ready to fly to Abuja this afternoon to make sure our apartment is ready for occupation ,my prayer is that Mr. and Kola don’t get picked up before the swearing in and miss out on it completely……hmmmmm

The new Mr and Mrs Dairy day 836
MR- Tomorrow is our inauguration and am just flying out this morning, a narrow escape, and you won’t believe who’s sitting beside me? Halima, Muktar and kola. Mrs. and Seyi bam, Sunita, my mum are already in Abuja. What happened you ask?, aren’t Muktar and Halima supposed to be on their way out of the country. Great question. Here is what happened.
We got ready this morning at 3am, I met up with Kola, and then we went to the hotel to pick Halima and Muktar to head for the private jet wing at the airport. At 4am exactly, Aakil’s plane lands and I alone proceed to the plane. The pilot arrives with a first officer and 2 stewards whom I gladly inform that they will be picking 2 passengers only. So I go back to them and Muktar, Halima, kola and I walk to the plane. As the two love birds board the flight and the door Is about to close, an airport worker comes running and informs us that the plane has to leave now because someone alerted the governor and he has asked all planes to be grounded.
He said he was the one to tell airport control but because of the money Muktar gave him. He wants us to leave now before he passes on the governor’s message. That presented a huge problem because the pilot said he couldn’t leave now as he only had fuel for a 2 hour flight. He was waiting for the conoil tanker to fill him up.
What do we do, the guy has given us 30 minutes to leave or we will be grounded, so we suggested we all fly to Abuja and from there we would secede on the next plan and that’s how we are heading there now. But I do have a sneaky feeling that we are still not out of the woods
The challenge now is what do we do when we get to Abuja? Do they stay for my inauguration tomorrow or try and file for a flight permission out of the airport immediately? As for me I have a pre inauguration meeting to attend……hmmmm
MRS-Abuja here we are, Tomorrow My own husband, no one else will be sworn in as a Federal house of representative member and moi, will become the wife of a Honorable member, hmmm, interesting.
Well, I got to Abuja and thank Goodness, the interior designers, The concierge are amazing, the apartment was unrecognizable, real good work, renovation, furniture and all . we now have an e home, speakers in the ceiling , remote control for everything, tv, blinds, air-conditioning, even the lights and the piece de resistance , is the aquarium with running water sounds from hidden speakers used to divide the living room from the sitting room, priceless. I must get them to work on our Lagos home. All that’s left now is for my hubby to arrive and I hear he is on his way with an entourage.
To digress a bit, Madam Mabel left me 4 messages asking me to call her urgently, I did call her late last night and she told me a horrific story. A lady brought her daughter for counseling at the NGO yesterday. And guess what, the girl 17, had just tried to commit suicide, thank God for an intervention that saved her life. The question I then asked is why are so many young people committing suicide? Well I will fill you in later about what happened to the girl and why she felt suicide was her only option, something has to be done.
Oh!!! Before I forget, Mrs. Kimpaul, concluded, Femi was waiting for her at the drop, he had decided to go AWOL (Absent without leave) just to safe her. They flew back to Nigeria and he took her straight to his parents and they were married 2 weeks later in a quite ceremony. A few days later the army came for him and he was thrown in the brig for going AWOL. He ends up spending a couple of years in military prison and gets rewarded with a posting to a peace keep mission but that didn’t stop their love.
I will fill you in later, For now, I’ve got to get some things ready for the after party. Wish me luck……hmmmmm

The new Mr and Mrs Dairy day 837
MR-Well my dear people in a few hours I will Honorable Mr, Ha!Ha!!, it sure sounds good but I promise I would not let it get to my head. Yesterday after the pre meeting I was given my parking space at the back of the reps building and my office on the first floor. The building is so opulent, Very clean and, Julius Berger cleaners littered everywhere, everything works. No load shedding here. All offices have a connected office for your special advisors and a reception which would sit your Pa. The lifts are placed at the beginning, middle and end of each floor. You have a private bathroom and others along the corridor. There is a general canteen right there on the ground floor and a few other services. You have to work through a set of doors into the old building in the middle to get to the chambers. Hmmm, I went in their yesterday, it was very intimidating. Wow!, I met a few of the famous reps at the meeting. Don’t believe everything you read or hear on the news, these people are not as vicious as they make them out to be.
I can’t believe I have the privilege to appoint special advisers and a PA, all paid for by the national assembly. I even get dressing and visitors allowance in addition to my housing and car allowance. Also I got 2 REP plate no’s for our cars, and so many other pecks. My seat in the hollow chamber is middle on the second row, just behind the majority leader. You should have seen the networking going on, everyone is trying to align themselves with someone with influence. Fortunately I made friends with a 3rd timer close to the favored next speaker and he has promised get me into their caucus and guide me into the secrets of parliamentarians. “You need to be in the right committees, and I will help you get them” he said.
Now don’t get me wrong, all these does not change that fact that my mission and duty here is to represent my constituents and make life bettering decisions on their behalf but come on, if you were here too, you would be in awe. In short let me say in the words of my British friends, I was truly gob smacked!!!…….hmmmmm
MRS- Am sorry, but I think I have earned bragging rights, just this once, I promise. Moi, Hon Mrs., hmmm, sounds so powerful. After Mr.’s meeting yesterday we were all invited to this 3rd timer’s home for dinner. O my gosh!, his abode was on the hills of the capital, The first thing that struck us was the number and type of cars parked on his drive way, 2 red Ferraris, 1 Lamborghini, 2 Mercedes Benz bra bus G wagon and 3 brand new range rovers, What?!!!! I exclaimed. Awwh!!, Don’t let me start on the house , it was a sprawling 7 bedroom mansion with 4 living rooms. A double heart shaped swimming pool with inbuilt Jacuzzi, a tennis court, barbeque dig, massive garden with marquee and a view to die for. We had dinner laid out buffet style on the deck overlooking the in-built mountain infinity pool, with a night view of the city, it was divine.
Chefs from a popular Chinese restaurant did the serving, as we went round the buffet table requesting everything from prawn crackers to fried buttered shrimps, sweet and sour chicken that slid off the bone and melted in your mouth as you ate, black bean sauce with braised beef and lamb swimming in it, chow Mein, sweet corn soup, special fried rice and a host of other mouthwatering sautéed vegetables. The champagne was expensive and the crockery had Harrods (A Uk flagship store, one of the most exclusive) plastered all over it. At the end of the evening we were all given gift bags to welcome us to the capital. Guess what was in them….hmmmm, I’ll tell you later. For now, let me fill you in about Halima and Muktar.
Me think they are busted and honestly it had nothing to do with me. Kola said as they alighted from the Private Jet, someone called out Halima! Ran towards her and gave her a hug, it was her cousin Fatima, the two spoke in Hausa for a while, so he couldn’t make out what was being said but as he watched Muktar raise his hands to his head and tilt his head from side to side, he knew there was trouble. Eventually, before anyone knew what was going on Halima’s father appeared. Surprise, Who knew he was a senator of the federal republic. How did he find out and what did he threaten to do to MR and co, well please let me enjoy my to-be new status first, tomorrow is another day ha-ha!!…..hmmmm

The New Mr and Mrs Diary. Day 838
MR-Okay people call me Honorable. ha-ha! Yep that’s my name. First I would love to say a big thank you to all who voted me in, I promise to do better than my best to change things around here for good. I do want to be a blessing and make a difference like She Heals always says on her Podcast #Be Inspired. I honestly know that I am truly blessed and privileged and will not take anything for granted. Although we get sworn in official on the 12th of June, yesterday marked the beginning of our new journey as a new government.
Not sure how I would handle this city though, it’s peculiar, everyone has a click, so and so doesn’t mix with or go to so and so. So many unwritten rules. Am sure I will get the hang of it. But on the other hand I cannot give up Kola, I will miss him too much, so I have made a decision to make him my senior special adviser on all matters. Yes, I need Kola, he is actually more of a politician than I am. Together I know we can make a huge impact.
As for the office, well surprise surprise, Babs is back and we are hiring him to manage our business. He’s good and very driven, he has his masters. Kola and I have been talking to him off and on since I won this election and he finally agreed for a small share of the company to be managing partner. I know what you are thinking, is Mr. Crazy, has he forgotten Babs was Mrs. Boyfriend or was it fiancé? Yeah yeah!, I remember but the key word here is ‘WAS’. She choose me, didn’t she? So no insecurities here.
Also David and Sunita are coming back this weekend with their son, everything is fine and David now being a man of God, intends to start a church and truly serve God. I acquired a building for him for a hose of worship and renovation is almost complete. I also bought him a house in our estate so all he and Sunita have to do is settle down and be Pastor and Mrs. I pray things work out well. Don’t ask me what he’s going to do with his night club, I believe he will cross that hurdle when he gets there.
Well as you all know when it rains it pours, yesterday not everything went according to plan. First the CID officials called and said our time is fast running out and asked me to be very careful, if I think my position as a rep would stop them from pursuing this money I was being delusional. Guys can you believe this, money I know nothing of? This is harassment of the highest order. Well, Kola advised us to take this further before something bad happens to us and I think he’s right. Secondly, Muktar and Halima didn’t make it to my swearing in or after party, all we know for now is they are with Halima’s father since he picked them up at the airport. Unfortunately, I had to ask Aakil’s jet to go back to Dubai empty, could not keep paying for the crew and plane to be here. Kola has called Muktar’s phone more than 20 times, no response, let’s hope and pray everything is going well…….hmmmm
MRS-I am saying thank you Lord, thank you Lord, for everything you have done. Hmmm, The lord is good all the time. First I like to say Thank you God and then thank everyone for making my family’s dreams come true, you are amazing friends and God Almighty will continue to bless you all abundantly.
Finally official My Mr, a honorable member of the federal house of representatives. Hmmm, what a mouth full. I was so excited yesterday when EG, Erica, Josh, Madam Mabel, Babs, Pamela all showed up after the inauguration. It made everything so complete, Tammy, MIL AND FIL were already here. Thank Goodness I booked 15 rooms at the New Chelsea hotel for everyone. We had our reception in their banquet hall, so it was so convenient for everyone to stay there.
Pamela, Tammy and I squeezed in a girls talk, we miss Toke so much, and although she called to wish Mr. Congratulations, when she spoke to me, she says she had a surprise for us. I hope it’s a good one. My MIL, honestly, that woman will never change, since Sisi Boss demise, I assumed she had lost her one and only close friend but Alas!!, I was wrong, yesterday 3 women turned up with matching wrappers and head ties, calling themselves my MIL’s sisters, I had to give them 3 rooms from the 15 I booked. One in particular stock out, guess what her name is Sisi Rose. Oh my gosh!, here we go again. You should have seen them yesterday, singing dancing, going from table to table thanking everyone, you would think my MIL was MR’s wife not mother. A few of the invited Honorable’s had to ask Mr, “which one is your wife?” Imagine that!!!!
Also just to let you know, I bumped into him yesterday, it was quite surreal. Of all the hotels in the capital he had to pick this one to come and entertain his friends. With ignored each other but our eyes met. No way, am done and dusted, nothing will change that …I pray ….hmmmmm

The New Mr and Mrs Diary…Day 839
MR-Noooo! This cannot be happening, The governor turned up in Abuja yesterday and called Kola and I to a meeting this morning. He asked us to meet him at the Buka restaurant in Transcorp Hilton hotel for 9am. What does he want? He has messed up all our plans, the 3rd timer had invited me to meet with the future speaker to discuss some critical issue relating to my acceptance into their caucus, which I have been made to understand is very key to many privileges both inside and outside of the National assembly.
Yesterday was extra eventful, Kola and I did not get back to the apartment until 2 am this morning. I went to see the 3rd timer about the harassment we got from the CID. Right there and then the 3rd timer made a call to God knows who, and 15 minutes later the CID called me, apologized and said , we have been cleared of any wrong doing and no further call, visit of any kind should be expected from them in relation to Uncle J’s missing loot. What!!!, 15 minutes, I could not believe it. Kola smiled looked at me and whispered, “Bro, now you see how power works”. I think am starting to enjoy this power thing. To be honest I used to think money trumped power but I was wrong power is the ultimate. I have a clearer picture of the saying ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’.
On the other hand, Its dawning on me that I might have to blow off the governor’s meeting, as the time clashes with the meeting with the reps. I can’t miss the opportunity , The 3rd timer promised to school, tutor and guide me through everything. To make matters worse their meeting starts for 8am same venue but in a suite on the 10th floor. How do I work this out?
One thing I didn’t mention to Mrs., and you might say I am crazy, I got a ‘proposition’ from the 3rd timer. I was shocked, scared to say anything or even react, I just said could we talk about it later. How do I handle this, without the 3rd timer on my side, I lose the leverage and am beginning to find out that in this town, there are certain people you don’t want to be on their bad side, just the good, so ‘what gives’. I honestly have no idea and neither does Kola …… …..hmmmm

MRS-Am still drowsy from going to bed at 2am this morning. Sabrina is a blessing she kept all the children peaceful but I still had to stay with my girls, Madam Mabel inclusive and they all insisted we drink baileys on ice until the bottle was empty. A lot came out, Pamela was asked how she felt about her hubby Babs working for my husband, at first she said no big deal, but when the baileys hit the right spot, she opened up and said “Crap, to be honest Babs and I had a big fight about it, I wanted to know why he accepted to work with Mr. and Kola, knowing fully well he still loved you. He went into this tirade of how he was disappointed that I didn’t trust him, bla bla bla! Eventually I apologized and said my insecurities should not mess up our marriage and promised to behave myself, he did too”.
Wow! That wasn’t a shocker, I knew Pamela was never comfortable with me being around Babs ever since She told me that when they just got married, Babs shouted out my name while making love to her, not just shout my name but he said “Oh Baby, I love you so much, you are my world, common…..….give it to me, am ………ahhhhhh. Ohhhhh”. You fill in the rest.
We all laughed, Madam Mabel asked if I looked like someone who needs Babs any longer, I had bigger fish to fry. Tammy asked how does she know what that looks like and Madam M said “Trust me I know, just look at Mr., drop dead gorgeous, charming, rich and obsessed with her also take a look at Senator Muyi she almost got with, Tall, dark, handsome, beyond rich and his voice?, oh la la!!, to die for, now compare him to Babs, he’s not her type, this girl likes them a certain way….”. I didn’t know what to say, it did sound like an insult but I knew she was complimenting my taste in her own way, I had to laugh, Ha ha!!!, Pamela pretended to be upset for a second but started laughing and everyone joined in.
The funny thing though, for a second, I thought she was a witch, did she see him at the hotel? As I mentioned yesterday we completely ignored each other. Now look what she did just by mentioning his name, which I am trying so hard to forget, she awaked something inside me, I wish she had not mentioned Muyi, we have seen but not spoken since the last time, I deleted his no and social media links from my phone but do I or am i? …….hmmmmmm

The new Mr and Mrs Diary day 840
MR-Alhaji Daudu Abdullahi Danladi, ‘D.A.D’, as everyone calls him, 4 time senator, former 2 time minister and cousin to the president. I found out who he was at the caucus meeting yesterday when he introduced himself. After the meeting I walked up to him and said “Sir, I…” Before I could complete my sentence he said “Come with me”.
Before I continue, let me fill you in a bit. Remember I mentioned that the meetings were holding in Transcorp Hilton. I got there for 8am started with the caucus meeting then at 9am popped upstairs to see the governor to reschedule. Boy, was he bitter, that was the second time I had seen him so aggressive, he threw a temper tantrum and said if I don’t tell him where Halima is I wasn’t leaving his suite and as he said that two of his body guards blocked the doorway. So I told him, “With her father Sir” and all of a sudden he shouted “with D.A.D?” And became docile. I was shocked, I had to repeat myself, and then he casually waved me away without saying a word. What did I say wrong? Why the sudden change in direction? I was so surprised, I wanted to find out from the governor but he ignored me completely. So I went back downstairs. Who was Halima’s father and why did the governor react like that? Well I was about to find out.
So let me continue. Halima’s father took me to another suite on the 10th floor, this was his. I was beginning to find out that most senators had permanent suites at Transcorp. Immediately we sat down in his suite ‘D.A.D, began to explain, “My son, thank you for helping my daughter Halima, she and her husband have explained everything”. Her husband? I enquired. “Yes, they were married in a short ceremony yesterday and I flew them to my estate in Egypt. That stupid man that calls himself a governor was my boy, I put him in that seat when I was a first-time minister. My wife was the then president’s younger sister and I submitted his name to the party for governorship and the president endorsed it. He used to work for me at my father’s company, very reliable and that was my reward to him for his dedication at the time. Now he tries to stab me in the back by abducting my daughter and disgracing my family name, I will deal with him”
O my gosh!!!, I was caught smack bang in the middle of a power tussle, I had to say something fast. So I said, “Sir, I know this might sound rude but please Sir, if you deal with him he will take it out on me and Kola. He laughed out loud, starred me right in the face as he put his index finger on his lips, “O hush my boy, you don’t seem to know the caucus into which you’ve just been accepted, when we sneeze, the whole country catches a cold”……hmmmmm

MRS-It’s Saturday and everyone is still here, the hotel is booked until Monday morning and all have decided to enjoy it until the last day. My MIL insisted on coming to the apartment to see it. When she got here she exclaimed “My son is this what you called a small apartment, this is 4 bedroom with 2 room bq, it’s almost has big as a mansion. I am moving to Abuja.” I had to laugh, moving where? She must be delusional. Mr wouldn’t dear, he looked my way as my MIL said the words and he wisely responded, “Mama, this is my official home, I will be entertaining all the time, you can’t be here, this new acquaintances of mine like their privacy. And remember David and Sabrina are back on Sunday, you promised to spend some time with them before you go back to Papa in the village, remember?”
He was smart. He knew what that look of mine meant. After she left, half grumbling and half sulking. I turned to Mr. and said, God forbid, it will not happen. Then he pointed out I was overacting and asked me to calm down. I had to apologize and try not to get my BP too high. Because it was already high from the stress her were putting me through. They complained about everything. You won’t believe that the hotel staff had to change their rooms thrice, first “Air conditioners not working”, second “we don’t like the view” and third, “funny smell coming from the bathroom and matrass not firm enough”, how can 3 rooms have the same complaints? , Ahhhhhh!!!!. Honestly I can’t wait for them to leave on Monday.
And please don’t get me started on her new friend Sisi Rose. I thought Sisi boss was bad but she is badder!!!!!!, pardon my English. Imagine the cheek, she called me, “heeen!!!, Sisi mi , my stomach is very delicate I can’t eat all this oyinbo food oh, too much Maggi in this hotel food. I hear there is an Amala joint run by my town’s woman called Iya Oyo?, can you help me arrange some 8 wraps of amala(Yam flour), ewedu(vegetable) and gbegiri (bean soup) with assorted meat like 10 pieces, am so hungry I haven’t eaten since yesterday?”
Ahhhhhh!!!! , First, 8 wraps and 10 meat, who eats that much?, this mama is a borderline glutton. Secondly, I just got here too, how was I supposed to know Iya something that sells amala? Secondly, I don’t do bukas. Eventually one of the housekeepers who overheard our conversation while she was unpacking their clothes chipped in and said if we give her money she could call a friend to go buy and bring it. Thank Goodness, I shan’t be seen dead carrying 10 wrap of amala into a hotel, ewwwhhhhh!!!!!…..hmmmm

The New Mr and Mrs Diary …day 841
MR- Everything has begun, we had the meeting yesterday and honestly I now understand better. I would never be part of those who criticize people in power. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. That’s all am allowed to say for now. Everything will begin to unfold in due time. As for this morning, I have been invited to play Golf at the IBB golf club. Kola will be coming along but he stays at the lawn tennis court. This is a meeting on the golf course, we play and meet at the same time. How? Please don’t ask because I have no idea. Am starting to pray I don’t spend all my time here meeting and getting nothing done in return.
Babs flies back this morning, Yesterday evening we all hung at at a park eating grilled fish, very nice and spicy. Babs had a few concerns which we ironed out. After which Kola and I had a long conversation with him and he promised to be our eyes and ears in the office. I can’t let the business go down the drain, this position is temporary, but the business is permanent.
Also EG came by the apartment, he flies out with Erica tomorrow. He said a little birdy told him I have gotten the governor in trouble? Me, No Sir, I certainly did no such thing I replied. “Really, but that is not what I heard. So tell me, what happened between you and the governor the other day?” he asked. I cleared my throat, then explained the Halima and Muktar’s issue. EG said it didn’t matter, I had to come with him this afternoon to apologize and exonerate myself because the governor blames me for Halima’s father threatening him. “The man has been his God father for years, he can’t let this issue soil that relationship” EG concluded. I was confused, why am I getting the blame for this? I felt my heart beating fast , Sir, he was the one dating Halima and Muktar is the one the father wanted her to marry, where do I come in, Muktar’s not even my friend he’s Kolas friend.
“My son it doesn’t matter” he said, he looked at me to make sure I was listening then continued. “He needs someone to blame and you fit, he can’t fight Senator Danladi and Muktar is gone, so you are the next best thing. These people are evil, forget that he encouraged you to get to this position, he can also encourage you to get out of it voluntarily, so Son, let us go do the needful”.
After everything EG said I was still confused. My dilemma was what do I do, do I tell Senator Danladi and let him deal with the governor, or do I go suck up to the governor as EG advised? Please God help me, I remember my father used to say ‘When two Elephants fight, the grass under suffers’ in this instance I was not only the grass but the weeds that come with it. Yeah I think am in deep sh……?hmmmm

MRS- Tammy my darling friend is going through so much and am so ashamed I have been so preoccupied with my own life I didn’t even notice. She’s pregnant and depressed, Can you believe she said she feels like giving up everything, she’s just fed up, no longer has the zeal to go on? What? I am shocked, she is always so put together, the one who sorts everyone out, always praying and being positive. How did she get here without anyone noticing? Sometimes we ignore the strong ones and believe they can take care of themselves, but the truth is they take on everyone else’s burden and get left behind themselves. This is a big lesson.
I had to call Madam Mabel and we all went to one of the suites at the new Chelsea hotel to talk to her alone. She was crying for a long time then said “My sisters, am fed up, I just want to rest” Madam M and I understood that rest in this case meant go to the lord. I had tears in my eyes but I couldn’t cry, I was there to help her. So after she stopped crying I asked. Darling, why do you think you feel this way? Tammy looked me straight in the eye and said “Kola and I have drifted apart, he no longer touches me or confides in me , all he does is talk to me and I have had it, I miss him, he’s with me but not with me, if you know what I mean” I did. I felt that way about Mr. When I got abducted and almost got inducted into a cult because I was looking for outside validation.
Madam Mabel on her part wasn’t quick to catch on. “Sisi mi what do you mean by he’s there but not there?” Tammy turned to her and said “Well Aunty, he’s in the house with me but we just do the regular talking, how are you, the children, have you eaten etc. I know my husband, we made love 3 or 4 times a week even when I was pregnant. Went out to dance, eat, and watch a movie. we would talk about everything, make decision together even before he and Mr. took on a client or a project he will ask me to pray about it, and ask me to let him know if it’s the right thing to do or not. But now I get to hear of his decision from 3rd parties or not at all. I can’t remember the last time he said he loved me not to talk of touching me. He doesn’t love me anymore and am done trying”.
I went over to where she sat on the bed, Baby, it’s not over, I’ve been in your shoes remember. You two just got your wires crossed somewhere. This is what we will do , I know Kola doesn’t know how you feel, he might be feeling the same way, so let’s get you two together, you pour out your mind to him and he does the same and am sure you guys will realise you both love each other very much. What do you think?
Tammy for the first time that day smiled, “Yes, babes I think it might work, I half feel better already, but let’s do it tonight please I can’t take one more night of this feeling”….hmmmmmm

The New Mr. and Mrs. Diary…Day 842
MR-Meeting on the golf course was a carrot dangling on a stick, give this and take this kind of situation. Compromising I hear is something one needs to get use too. You won’t believe what I have been through in the last 12 hours, haven’t slept a wink, it’s a miracle that I can actually still stay awake to write in my diary. I know am blabbing on but let me vent please… the check of it, am I not supposed to be a Honorable member? I promise you there was nothing, not one thing honorable about my situation in the last 12 hours, it was unbelievable.
Anyway, let me digress a bit, David called, he’s back with Sabrina, their son whom he now calls Gift. He’s settling in okay thank Goodness they like their new house and neighbors, the house is right next to Mr. Ayodele’s house. You remember him, the self-imposed estate chairman? Well am sure he and David will get on really well. Now this is not even the main news, do you all remember Ken? Our friend who ran the progressive secret organisation with Sandra? Way back around Day 308 of my diary I explained how they tried to kidnap members of our family etc., well he’s back.
With everything going on here, he called with a restricted no, at first I didn’t know it was him but then he said “Congratulations our new Rep, this is Ken your Nemesis” Imagine that who calls themselves nemesis? And besides I thought he was locked up in prison for a long time? How did he even get my new no, am frecking out here. Kola had to calm me down and remind me of Mr. Jegede, the super detective who found Nneka when she faked her death and disappears almost landing her husband on death row for killing her. Yes I did, we called his no’s no response but sent him a text message to call back urgently.
What does Ken want? the last time he returned my Gwagon with a note attached saying they could reach us anywhere we were but this time I think he has betten off more than he can chew…..hmmmmm

MRS-After Tammy and I searched for a church online we found one in the hilly part of the city and decided to go try it out. Huge place, large congregation, mostly younger people all milling around looking for attention. It’s one of these places where everyone has a click. Tammy and I looked out of place but we managed to find some seats at the back and after a couple of hours of listening to the choir sing and loads of announcements with no sign of the preaching we left. I didn’t want to go to the apartment neither did I want to see my MIL at the hotel so we opted to go for a meal at the Buka restaurant at Transcorp Hilton. Mr. and I had been there a couple of times and there Sunday buffet had a wide spread of main courses and deserts.
Arrived just as the lunch time menu was up, found some seats near the garden and went for the first round of food. I started off with goat meat pepper soup and some bread rolls, Tammy opted for tomato soup instead. We settled down to eat and noticed that with an hour the restaurant was full of families, our table had 2 spare seats and a lady came over and asked if she could join us. We said sure. She was elegant, looked like she just walked out of a catalogue, she said her partner was parking the car and she came ahead to secure some seats.
We finish our first course and went for the main course, I opted for roasted potatoes, grilled fish and summer vegetables, Tammy this time when for pounded yam with vegetable soup and fresh fish and we headed back to the table, she in front and I behind, the partner of the lady had arrived and they both had their back to us, as I turned round to seat, I looked up to say hello to the partner and my plate dropped involuntarily on to the table with the potatoes flying all over the white table cloth as I saw who it was…..hmmmmm


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