Friday, October 18, 2024
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…….Having Sex is not just about the physical, it rocks the emotional big time. Making love is more emotional, so I want to make love not just have sex. Okay, let’s digress a bit, Why does it have to be so hard, I believe babies are the same, the difference is the families you get born into. Why did I have to be born into a poor family and not a very rich one? That’s the main question, but one thing I know is that, yes, I was born poor but No Sir, I don’t have to stay poor.
Having a master plan and roadmap for my route to prosperity and fame, took me a long time to perfect, I wouldn’t even say it’s perfect now it’s just ideal, initially, I had Plan A B and C. each plan had an if yes this way and if No that way. I spent 4 whole years plotting, mapping, testing and proofing my roadmap and plan. When it was near perfect and I graduated from that hell hole, I swung into account.
First I gave myself a makeover, I researched a lot online and I knew that charity shops in London get clothes from people from all works of life, but I also knew that works of life come in different categories. Oh, don’t get me wrong, am not in London but I knew what I could get in London. I was about to target charity shops in the affluent areas of London, like oxford street, park lane, Bond-street, Westminster, Chelsea and Earls Court. I needed designer gear and that was the cheapest way to get it if I could get a free ticket to London.
Next step was to get a rich man to take me to London. So I went to the island club. Now how would I get in, I knew an aunty on my street, she always dressed to kill. I went to her one day and asked if I could run errands for her. She said she had all the help she needed. I kept going back, then one morning she was running late for an appointment and had clothes to drop off at the dry cleaners, so I offered to drop them off for her. She gave me enough money to get a taxi to and fro. As soon as her car disappeared around the corner, I went back to my house, laid the clothes on the bed. Fortunately for me, there was a lovely black mini dress. Perfect, I picked it out, the wonderful thing was that it had so much perfume on it, I didn’t need to look for any. I took the rest of the clothes to the cleaners less the cream catsuit which something told me I might need very soon. I went on a bike to save the cash she gave me and rushed back home. Luckily I had just gotten my friend to do my braids for me and I did have a pair of nice black shoes, also given to me by a friend. I put on the dress, shoes, packed my braids and looked amazing, then walked outside and waited for a taxi to drive past because it was closing time and taxis drove past after dropping workers off. I was lucky it took just 10 mins for one to come drop someone off.
The trip to the island club wasn’t so expensive, I stay in Ajah with my parents, the house was half completed, unpainted and not plastered. My father had used his pension payout to hurriedly complete it to that level cos we could not afford to pay rent in Surulere, where we had lived all my life.
I got to the club, paid the taxi, and still had enough to get me home, even though I wasn’t planning to use it.
I saw cars parked everywhere, waited for the right opportunity as I saw a Jaguar drive into the car park., I pointed my house keys at a range rover parked ahead of the coming car, pretending to wave someone goodbye, then dropped my bag on purpose in the path of the coming car, it was too late for the driver to stop and he ran right over it. I let out a horrified scream, he stopped immediately reversed and I stood there pretending to be in shock pointing to my clutch bag. He got out picked it up and saw that everything in there had been smashed to bits including my phone, which was already on the blink anyway.
He was mortified, he couldn’t apologize enough, he pleaded with me to let him buy me another one , pay me for it etc., I said no way, it wasn’t his fault, I was the clumsy one for dropping my bag in the first place. He asked that I wait right there, he needed to park the car properly. He returned to his car, my crumbled belongings in his hand, as soon as he started his engine I pretended to walk towards the club entrance. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get in but hey, I wasn’t about to let him know that. Well, needless to say, he had to jog up to meet me and as soon as the security men saw him, they swung the gates open and we walked in together. Everyone greeted him and smiled at me, he was famous, and I didn’t even know his name. As soon as we were in, I excused myself asked for the ladies room and disappeared in there.
I looked at myself in the mirror, I was still intact, dabbed my face with a tissue and walked right out. He was out there waiting for me. He asked if I was trying to get away from him, I couldn’t go like that he had to replace all I lost by the wheels of his car and more. That evening was more amazing than my plan, I caught the biggest fish in the pond, I drank Moet, ate and at the end of the night he offered to take me home when I said, I didn’t bring a car, a friend just dropped me off and went back. He asked if the friend was male or female, I hesitated, then asked why he wanted to know, he said, he wants to be the main male friend in my life. He took me all the way to Ajah, dropped me in front of the house next to ours, which was a nice white duplex, gave me an envelope and said he will pick me up tomorrow evening for a proper date. That was Friday.
I couldn’t believe my lucky stars, my master plan worked much better than I could have imagined. I got into my room, opened the envelope he gave me from his glove compartment, it contained 200,000 in one thousand Naira notes. Wow, I had never been given that kind of money before, in my whole 22 years on earth, even when I was in university in our state, my father made me go from the family house because it was just a mile to the university campus. 4 years in school and I hardly had one day of fun. But I was able to spend time preparing my master plan and so the solitude and restrictions paid off big time.
Still had the aunt’s cloth with me, the nice catsuit, cream with a brown scarf built. Thank God for brown sandals everyone has them. He arrived at 7pm prompt in a G wagon, I was already outside the house next door. He got out, opened the passenger’s side door for me and went round. He leaned back picked up a bag and said this is for you. In it was a Gucci clutch bag, to replace my damaged one and a brand new Samsung phone, to replace the broken ones he said. I almost screamed I couldn’t believe it, he apologized and said he hopes I like the replacements, I quickly adjusted my self and said he didn’t have too, I already said it was okay.
We drove to the beachfront, parked and he brought out 2 blankets and a picnic basket. some flip flops for us. I took off my sandals and so did he, we wore the flip flops and went to find a nice spot on the beach, right under a coconut tree. It was so romantic. I didn’t even know lekki had this beautiful beach .we talked, I told him a bit about myself, my father was retired, he was a conservative man. My mum was a businesswoman, I was an only child. That’s all I volunteered. He was a joint owner of a bank, his father was an ambassador and his mum was a business woman but now in the states, his younger siblings were with her and his father was in Abuja.
That was 4 months ago. 4 weeks ago was my birthday and he said he had a surprise for me, he told me to be ready for 6 pm. He turned up and we drove straight to Muritala Mohammed airport. Before that, he had taken me to the passport office to get me a passport. That was all. I still didn’t have it back. As we arrived at the airport we went straight to the BA first class check-in, that was the first time I saw my passport, it already had a British visa on it. Some guy who came with us checked us in and we were taken to the BA lounge. Through all this, I was still in shock. Where are we going, baby? I asked, To London he said. And so we flew first class to London that night. On arrival, a chauffeur-driven Mercedes Benz took us to a regent’s street apartment, where the butler opened the door. We ate and slept. The next morning I was awakened by a dress designer who came with some sample outfits and asked me to choose, I must be dreaming, when am I going to wake up. That afternoon, he took me shopping for shoes, bags, lingerie, makeup, and casuals. he said Baby, I want you to be happy, Happy birthday……

She Heals copyright@2017,Image from freepik.



Whose fault, is it? Who’s to blame? The one who demands it or the one who obliges? I don’t know and that’s why am writing this piece. It’s based on a true story, and I hope it blesses and makes a difference. 

Her name is Temi (Real name withheld) and here she narrates her story: 

They say I was born beautiful, and I thought so too. From an early age, as soon as I could understand the words pretty, I relished it. Called Beauty, here and beauty, there. All this was well and good until I turned 16, got admission into the university, and there I got my first body-shaming experience. 

It was on the day of the welcome party for new students, the realization dawned on me that I wasn’t as beautiful as they made me think.  I, Temi, beautiful, full-figured, admired by most, that’s how I was described, but it didn’t matter how many times I got complimented in the past, the words hit me hard. I don’t know why, but it did. He was tall, dark, had a wonderful smile, but I wouldn’t say he was handsome, rather, the kind of guy a young naïve woman would not mind being validated by. 

 He walks up to me, stops, stands there for a while, looking me up and down, grinning, then he puts his left hand on my face, strokes it in a downward gesture and, says “Hmmm, honey, you would have been perfect but for your thin hips and a flat bottom. But don’t worry, you are still young, am sure you’ll grow into it, until then I’ll keep you on ice.” And with that, he did a chuckling laugh and walked off. I was dumbfounded. That’s not what I was expecting to hear. I had always been complimented and loved and got all the attention I craved. And now this? I found myself shaking so badly and feeling a bit giddy. All I could hear over and over in my head were those cruel words body shaming me. I couldn’t stand to be at the party anymore. So, with blood draining from my face, I staggered to the door. I heard Gbemi my new roommate calling me back and asking me where I was going, but I ignored her, all I could think of was the sound of his voice, and the ugly comments made by a guy I thought would validate me, but instead I was humiliated. 

That nasty comment sealed my faith. It turned my life upside down. I couldn’t understand the terrible, decapitating effect it had on me. His words stabbed me like a dagger. I was imperfect, my hips were too narrow, and my bottom was flat. That single nasty comment was all it took to derail years of praise and admiration that had built up my self-esteem. Looking back, I realized I must have been so messed up to believe I needed a fine-looking guy to validate me. Before that day, I thought I had the perfect figure, but I had just been thrown off my high horse and realized I would never be the same. 

 The truth is I didn’t even realize the depth of its effect on me until it engulfed me in self-pity. Overnight I disliked my body, became shy, withdrawn, and slowly lost confidence in myself. I remember a few weeks later a few of us were discussing something about boys and relationships and I open my mouth and I am shocked by the negative comment that comes out, “I don’t look good, I don’t think anyone would want to date me?” As I said it, all eyes were on me and Gbemi my roommate exclaimed, “What? Stop saying that, why are you making fun, you know you are the prettiest among all of us?” I didn’t argue with her, I knew they wouldn’t understand. I was ugly and they were trying to make me feel better, just like everyone was. What did I expect? My new friends were doing it and so did my family. My family has always seen me as the pet of the house, that last child who was allowed to get away with anything. The fragile one, whom no one wanted to upset. I guess they must have thought, “Why not tell her she’s beautiful, even though she’s not, just to make her feel better and boost her ego”.………. Now I was knocked down to earth, I couldn’t stand my body. The guy body shamming me wasn’t even as bad as I felt every day. My mind kept telling me I was ugly, and this made me want to hide my body. The transformation was drastic, I discarded all my tight-fitting clothes and replaced them with baggy pants and t-shirts. I no longer took any interest in my appearance. What’s the point, I thought to myself. People only like admiring beautiful things and I was not one of them. 

A few months later, in those baggy clothes, I went back home for my first visit to see the family. As I walked into our living room, I could see the shock on their faces at my new appearance, but they didn’t ask me why the sudden change in appearance, instead they complimented my looks and called me beautiful. That’s when I knew I was right all along. How could anyone look at me now and call me beautiful? My hair was unkempt, I didn’t have on make-up, and I looked frumpy in the oversized baggy clothes I had on. Their comments convinced me the compliments given now and in the past were just to make me feel good about myself, but they didn’t see me as beautiful.  

Well, I had news for them, I was wiser now and their flattery was no longer working.  I didn’t care what they thought, I was covering up a body I hated because they had lied to me that it was perfect when it wasn’t. They had lost their right to compliment me, I didn’t care anymore. My older brother tried to ask about my sudden change in appearance, but after one scornful look from me, he backed away.  

From then onwards, my life slowly dragged on like that for four years until the day of graduation. 1st class, economics, which wasn’t a surprise, as I spent my 4 years in university, doing 2 things, reading and reading. I didn’t socialize, hated myself and I guess in return hated everyone else. This supports the saying, “you can only give what you have.” Looking back to those years am not sure how I got through them, I don’t particularly remember much, except one thing that stood out was a boy called Daniel. 

Thinking back to that time, the first time I saw Daniel, I immediately felt he was lovely. At first, I didn’t notice him, but he was hard to miss after he accidentally spilled his Coca-Cola all over my white trainers. I was sitting as usual in the quadrangle, minding my own business, waiting for my next class, when suddenly I heard a thud, looked up and there he was, this skinny tall guy holding his hands on his head looking all terrified. That’s when I realized he had just spilled the contents of his coke can all over my new white trainers.  I was mortified and about to scream his head off, when he went on his knees and began to gesticulate saying “My fair lady, am begging you please, your humble servant is so clumsy, please oblige me the honour of washing your fine white trainers to restore them to their glory.” He didn’t even mind all the attention he was attracting, he just remained on his knees waiting for me to say something. But I couldn’t get upset, I just busted out laughing and we became instant friends. 

Yes, I had sworn myself to male friends’ celibacy, but you must understand Daniel was not like other boys on campus, he was a proper gentleman. In the mornings he walked me from the hostels to lectures and back. He carried my books, sat beside me in the library, and sometimes we went for lunch in the cafeteria, or he will go to town and get me lunch or dinner. All through he was my study partner, confidant, companion, and the fact are, he acted more like a big brother than a friend. That was all, he never asked me out, was never inappropriate, but instead always nice and polite and to top it all he gave me a listening ear.  

Daniel and I continued this way for 4 years right up until the day of graduation. Once we picked up our certificates from the administrative office, we walked side by side towards the car park, where our relations and friends were waiting to take pictures with us. As we turned the last bend, he came close to me, took both my hands in his, and gave me a peck on the cheek. I was taken aback, but didn’t say anything. As he stared at me, I could have sworn I saw tears in his eyes, but they quickly disappeared. He then smiled at me and said, “Temi my love, the world is waiting for you, go conquer.” And with that, he let go of my hands and before I could respond to what he said, he walked away from me, got into his family car and they drove away. 

Fortunately, Daniel’s words weren’t lost on me, he said, “go conquer” and conquer I did, within 3 weeks of finishing my youth service, I got a job at the largest bank. But as soon as I started work things became weird and I began to feel out of place. First, it was the dress code, my baggy pants and t-shirts had no place in the bank. I had to swop them for baggy suits, and they hung on me like rags on a stick. I didn’t care at first because I dug myself into work, but soon, I couldn’t help but notice how young ladies like me got a lot of attention and I didn’t. At university it wasn’t very obvious because I had kept to myself, but here in the bank, we were in each other’s face, in a confined space every single day, their activities were hard to miss.  The obvious ones were first, for my probation period I was relegated behind a desk, checking and osculating between the stock room and the Mailroom. While the other ladies were immediately given chauffeur driven cars and sent out to bring in clients or made to work on the customer service desk.  

Secondly, as if that wasn’t bad enough, I watched as the girls blossomed and metamorphosed from caterpillars into beautiful butterflies, while I remained the same boring caterpillar. This only made me feel worse about myself, I felt like everyone was conspiring against me. I again began to crave their validation, but it wasn’t forthcoming and that made me feel worse. But there was one little silver lining, I loved my job, it was interesting and well paid, I even had a nice 1-bedroom apartment and a car to show for it. So at least I had the work thing going well for me, but I didn’t like myself at all. 

My frustration about the goings-on in the office didn’t end there. Every Monday morning as I walked pasted the girls, I listened to them catch up on weekend trips, parties, and outings I never got invited to. I didn’t understand why, and I didn’t care, or so I thought, until one Friday evening, about 14 months after I started working at the bank when my immediate boss called me into his office. His name was Mr. Igwe, an elderly man, nice, one of those really strong Christian brothers who respected themselves. Anyway, as I sat down in front of his desk he went straight to the point, “Sister Temi, what happened to you?” he said and paused to see my reaction. Of course, I was taken aback because he had never been that direct to me.  So curiously I ask, “Sir, what do you mean?” looking straight into my eyes smiling, He replies, “Since you started work here, I have watched and noticed that you are smart, beautiful but very aloof. You keep to yourself, walk around in oversize clothes, and don’t socialize with anyone, who did this to you?” Wow, that took me by surprise, and I thought, where did this come from? What I didn’t know at the time was that Mr. Igwe was a church counsellor and had made up his mind something wasn’t right with me. I sat there staring at him for a few seconds not sure what to say, but he answered for me anyway, “Look Temi, I strongly believe someone hurt you a while back and my money is on a guy and since then you have given up on yourself, refused to heal or let go of the hurt and its turned you into something else. Don’t be surprised, I am a trained counsellor, and I can tell these things…” 

He was about to go on, when I interrupted and raised my voice, “Sir, I beg your pardon, don’t let me disrespect you, you don’t know me and just because I work here, doesn’t give you the right to psychoanalyze me, excuse me.” And with that, I kissed my teeth and walked out of his office in anger. Although I couldn’t quite place where my anger was directed, at him for daring to point out the obvious or at myself for feeling the way I do.  As I walked away All I could hear him say was, “Take it or leave it, you better forgive the guy, or you will continue to be miserable.” That was a low blow, who did he think he was? How dear he? This man was the only one I respected around the office because he bothered to ask me how I was doing every single day. 

 The truth is, although I felt irritated and upset with his comments, it gave me pause. Got me thinking about what he said, was I unforgiving and that’s why I hate myself? or is it something else. But the question remained, Exactly Who do I forgive? My family who built up my hopes and told me I was the prettiest girl in the world or, the boy who body shammed me in university and pushed me to hate myself or maybe myself, who decided that I was ugly and began to dislike me? honestly, I wasn’t sure. 

After the incident a few weeks went by Mr. Igwe and I went back to official business, he never mentioned it again and I tried to focus on work. But it wasn’t easy as my thoughts still lingered on what he had said. Thinking about its night and day I gradually began to see his point. What if my decision not to forget that body shamming incident is making me hate myself and preventing me from being noticed. What if Mr. Igwe is right about me having to forgive and forget?  And in my mind, I was thinking, maybe it’s time to test his theory and see if things would get better. I struggled with the decision to forgive and forget, no matter how much I tried it still lingered on, and besides I wasn’t even sure I could make it work.  

But a few months later, after torturing myself and procrastinating about giving it a try I suddenly decided I couldn’t take the torture any longer, I needed validation and realized I wasn’t going to get it unless I acted on what Mr. Igwe had suggested. So, I went online, typed in the words ‘I hate myself, and started to read up on related articles. And to my surprise, I discovered that I was suffering from low self-esteem, and one of the first steps to a cure was changing my appearance to look good to regain self-confidence. 

At the time, I took the word ‘appearance’ at face value and felt it meant the way I dressed, so for that, I decided to solicit the help of my neighbour Agatha. Now Agatha was about my age, worked at a high-priced law firm as an office manager, and like me drove a new car but the difference, she always dressed to kill. The first time we spoke was when she came to borrow a cup of rice. That evening, she knocked on my door half-naked, although she had on bum shorts and a spaghetti top, I felt she was exposing too much flesh. With me standing at the open door, she smiled and said, “Hi Neighbor, we haven’t been introduced, am Agatha, I live next door, do you happen to have some rice you can spare?” And as I gazed at the beautiful girl, grinning from cheek to cheek, holding a cup, how could I refuse her? That day I gave her the last cup of rice I had. And from then we became ‘sort of friends. I say ‘sort of’ because she wanted to be close, but I didn’t. She made several attempts to invite me out, but I always gave an excuse, “Am busy or tired or working late, etc., but that girl never gave up trying. So, when I told her I needed to change my wardrobe and didn’t know where to start from, she was elated. 

That weekend we spent it shopping, Agatha called it a successful rebranding Temi exercise and she was right, I honestly could never have imagined how much a change in appearance would affect my life until that Monday when I walked into the office compound. The first thing that shocked me was the no of guys that smiled and said: “Hello”, even the gateman referred to me as “auntie” instead of “madam”, before that day people hardly noticed me. But it wasn’t until I was about to go in through the staff entrance and the security guide said, “Sorry auntie, this entrance is for staff only,” that I also realized I was unrecognizable. I recall that morning when Agatha was putting finishing touches to my makeup and she handed me the mirror, I took one look at my face and yelled, oh my gosh Agatha, what have you done to me? I could not believe the transformation, even I didn’t even recognize myself, my face was made up gorgeously, trimmed eyebrows, highlighted cheekbones, and an amazing foundation that covered all blemishes. In addition to hair weave 22 inches long, false eyelashes, and a lovely tight fitting office dress with 6-inch heels to compliment. Agatha just kept smiling as she looked me up and down, “Honey if I may say so myself, my work is flawless, rebranding successful, you look drop-dead gorgeous.” And she nailed it because that week, you won’t believe it, but I made more new friends in a week than I had for the last few years of my life. I felt a lot better; I loved the new me and noticed the inferiority complex I felt disappeared, and I noticed that made me friendlier. Validations came from the left and right and once again, I felt on top of the world, just like I did when I was younger. Not just that, I also got invited by new office friends to 2 outings, 3 lunch dates, a diner, and the best of all Mr. Igwe called me into his office that week and offered me a transfer to the team that went out to get clients for the bank. 

After my rebranding, I became obsessed with my appearance, it was as if I had been locked in a cage all my life and I was discovering freedom for the first time.  I couldn’t stop buying clothes, shoes, bags, makeup, day and night creams, and face lifters, name it, I wanted it all. I saw how people treated me now compared to before and I didn’t want it to stop. I could see the better I looked, the more accolades and validation I got.  I loved and craved the attention; I was happy and noticed gradually I became more confident especially around guys. They came in their droves, asking me out all the time, I dated and dismissed guys after a few dates. Why stay with one permanently, when I could have them all. The rich, not so rich, young, old, they all came after me, it was surreal. 

Notwithstanding, I continued to work hard and thrived, as my newfound appearance made it possible to convince new customers to deposit their funds in our bank. Soon the bank management noticed, and promotions came my way and before you could say, Jack Robinson, I was promoted to deputy head of corporate affairs and transferred to the head office. It was there I became insatiable, my quest to look the best and stand out, led me to purchase the latest designer bags, expensive clothes, shoes, gold, etc. I spent so much on myself it was unbelievable but thankfully promotions came with more money and dating rich men had its benefits. But surprisingly as simple as he had disappeared, Daniel came back into my life. 

That day I had gone to meet with a customer arranged by the head of corporate affairs. All I knew I was meeting the CEO of a large firm with deep pockets who need a large loan for a project. I arrived right on time and was led into a large palatial office and asked to wait for the CEO. About 10 minutes later, the office door opens, and in walks this handsome imposing man and as he walks towards me, he says, “So sorry to keep you waiting miss.” At first, I wasn’t even concentrating on his face, but as soon as I heard the voice it jolted me, it was unmistakably familiar, I could never forget that voice and face, it was Daniel, underneath the well-kept beard and dark sunglasses, was my only friend from university, it had been 6 years or a bit more. He noticed my reaction and removed his sunglasses and stared at me curiously, I realized he didn’t recognize me. So, I smiled and said, “It’s me Temi”.  

By now, he too was wondering why this strange lady was grinning and acting all excited. He had to move closer, look me over properly, then he yelled, “Oh my gosh, it’s you, Temi what happened? You look so different.” I was so happy to see him and didn’t realize how much I missed him until that minute, so pretending I was offended by his question, I raised my eyebrows and asked, Different? He just totally ignored my pretend frown and busted out laughing, “in a very good way my love, in a very good way”. At that point there was nothing else to do, we jumped in each other arms and hugged for a few seconds, then we let go and hugged some more. That day we went out to lunch and spent 4 hours catching up on all those years since graduation. Anyway, to cut the long story short, we began a romantic relationship and 5 months later we were married. 

A year later, still waxing strong, I discovered I was pregnant. Daniel and I were elated, we celebrated by going on a long weekend to Dubai. When we returned, I went back to work and so did he. The trouble began when I ended the 2nd trimester of my pregnancy. The first thing I noticed was my facial features, my nose started to get big, my boobs, thighs, everywhere I didn’t expect it too, I had always felt my stomach would take all the weight, and once the baby was born all will go back to normal like in the movies. I couldn’t take it. 

 I started getting moody, yelling unnecessarily, and got irritated a lot, so I decided it was time to do something about the weight gain. I stopped eating solid food, took too many liquids and energy boosters, when Daniel found out he freaked. Having told me how bad it was for the baby, I promised to change, but I didn’t. Daniel didn’t find out until one afternoon I was coming back from my regular weekend walks, and I fainted. Thankfully he was there to rush me to the hospital and in his dismay the doctor diagnosed malnutrition. “Malnutrition, “Daniel Yelled, “Temi, what have you done? Are you trying to kill yourself and our child? …” and he went on and on until finally, he compelled the doctor to keep me on bed rest until I had the child. After delivery, I was huge, I hated the way I looked, my face was all swollen and puffy, none of my clothes fit, and neither did my shoes. I had to get those same baggy clothes I discarded a long time ago. My self-esteem deflated and I unintentionally took it out on the baby, refused to bond with the child. The doctor diagnosed me as having postpartum depression and reassured Daniel it was only a temporary phase, but it wasn’t. 

Six months after the baby came, I still wasn’t any better, I obsessed over my body, took all the slimming pills recommended online and in fashion magazines. Herbs, foreign liquids name it, I was obsessed. Spent the whole day exercising, and spent so much money on importing slimming shakes, drugs, patches etc. Soon my whole diet consisted of diet pills and shakes, and that came with fainting a few times. Daniel began to complain, he was scared for me and tired of whom I had become. We hardly made love, hardly spoke, if I wasn’t researching online, I was at work or the gym. No time for him or the baby. I had taken a year off work because I couldn’t face my colleagues looking all frumpy. He expressed his concerns to me over and over again, begged me to quit, stop, and promised to help me. He even said he loved me the way I was, but I ignored him and said he couldn’t understand. I needed to look the way I did, I need others to validate me, I couldn’t take the looks I got at the gym, supermarket, and all. The snare remarks about my weight and the big fat tummy.  

Daniel didn’t know what else to do, so he had to get two nannies to take care of the baby, I wasn’t interested, I just wanted my figure back. Two years later, although back to work and my old size, I was still on the same path, I told Daniel I couldn’t stop, or else all the weight would come back. He was at his wit’s end and finally had enough, he left me. After all that I should have been devastated, but I wasn’t. My mother moved in with me and everything went the way I felt it should. After all, my obsessing and efforts paid off, I got back to my desired weight, my clothes fit again, and my self-confidence returned. 

This went on for some years and then I met Chuks.  With him, it was love at first sight. We were at a company function, his table was next to mine, our eyes met and bam, I was besotted. One thing led to another we ended up making love and I found out I was pregnant again. Oh my gosh, the day I found out was so sad, I didn’t realize how far I was gone until I got to the abortion clinic and the doctor told me I was too far gone, and abortion could be dangerous. How come I didn’t put on weight or have morning sickness like in the past, I enquired. The doctor said probably because of my slimming diet and rigorous exercise regime. As I walked out of his office I sat in my car and cried so hard, in anger I called Chuks, ranted and raved, and asked him never to come near me again. Four months later, I had my son and my belly fat refused to go down, I was back in the first place, not as fat but the tummy size was the same and I couldn’t take it. This time my mother was there to help, she took the baby off me and that gave me time to work on getting back to normal, which I achieved faster than before. 

Having my mother watch my kids gave me all the freedom in the world. No husband to go home to, no children to worry about, my social life got wilder and wilder. Agatha was still my best friend and we hung out together with men. Going to parties, traveling, outings, and in turn, these men spoilt us with money and gifts. All the men liked us and were nice but there was one particular one I had a crush on, Chief Albert.  

He was wealthy, smooth, dapper, and very good looking. The way he talked, dressed and behaved, melted my heart every time we were around him, I wanted him for myself and realized I would do everything to get him. Throughout our time with them, he was always with a woman on his arm, and I noticed they had a particular figure, a small waist, and a huge bottom. So, I didn’t make a move because I didn’t have the sort of figure he liked and wasn’t sure of my chances until one evening Agatha appeared in my house having shrunk from a size 12 to a size 8. Oh my gosh, I hadn’t seen her in 2 weeks she told me she was traveling and seeing her now, I couldn’t believe anyone could look that different in just 3 weeks until she revealed to me what she did. 

After she was done narrating it to me, I knew I had to do the same, it only made sense, she had a wonderful hour-glass shape and got it done right here in Nigeria. She told me all the ladies who had done the same in the hospital and looking at pictures of them I could see what the difference was. As if to prove my point Agatha and I went to a party and that night one of the richest men in the country invited her to Monte Carlo, flying on his private jet. The next week she was back with 25,000 dollars in her account and a key to an apartment in Victoria Island, she was now the official mistress of a billionaire. Wow, what the right figure could do for a woman, I had to do it and so she took me to the cosmetic surgeon. 

The first consultancy was to discuss what I wanted to be done, how he works, and watch videos of before and after pictures of women who had gone through different procedures at the hospital. Breast enlargements, hip and bum enlargements, liposuction, tummy tuck, nose jobs, etc., he even did waist reconstruction by removing a rib to redefine the waist area making it much smaller, increasing the hip and creating an hourglass figure, that’s what Agatha had done and that’s what I wanted. 

The second consultation was to discuss the process, risk, and all. After pointing out the risk, of which one was death, documents were given to me to sign and asked to come back in a few days, when I was sure I wanted to go through with the surgery. I knew I should have confided in my mother or at least my sisters but I couldn’t. For some reason, I knew what I was about to do wasn’t right, but I couldn’t bring myself to admitting that. After all, Agatha and so many others had done it and they were enjoying the benefits, I wanted that too.  And besides, I wanted Chief Albert and Chief Albert I must have, nothing was going to interrupt that. So, 4 days later I took the signed forms back to the doctor and the surgery was fixed for a week later. 

The night before the surgery I had a dream, I was on an elevated platform looking down at my two children, I had on a pure white wedding dress, and they were tugging at my train asking me not to leave them at the bottom. I kept reassuring them I would be down in a minute, but they didn’t want to hear that, they kept tugging at the dress and calling out to me. I just ignored them and kept walking down the raised platform and then I woke up. As soon as I did my heart was racing, I ran to my children’s room they were sound asleep and I just brushed it off as an ordinary dream, little did I know it wasn’t. 

The morning of the operation, I kissed my children goodbye, reeled out instructions to their driver and my mum, and told them I was going for a work trip and would be back in a few days and I went straight to check myself into the hospital for my cosmetic elective surgery. I was in perfect health, my blood pressure was better than normal and after the nurse took my vitals, the surgeon came in to tell me one more time what the procedure will entail. “Nothing to worry about Temi, this operation will be in two phases. First, we open you up, extract fat from your stomach, and inject it into your hips and bum. After that your ribs will be removed, more fat extracted, and you will get the waistline you always dream of. Nothing to worry about we’ve done this procedure a million times “. As he ended his speech, a wave of excitement came over me thinking of what I would look like when he was done, at the same time a wave of fear went over me but I dismissed it as they wheeled me into the operation theatre and the anaesthesiologist came in and asked me to count backward from 100 and I was out. 

The next thing I woke up 5 hours later and it hurt like mad. The nurse gave me an injection to norm the pain and went to call the doctor and he came in beaming from cheek to cheek, “Congratulations Temi, your operation was successful, we will give you some meds and you should be free to go home in a couple of days”. Hmm, I was relieved, thank God, Chief Albert was mine, and all I need is to get some more clothes to fit my new figure. 3 days later I was discharged, I got home went to bed and when I woke up, I wasn’t feeling well. I had a bit of fever and a headache, so I took some pain killers and anti-malaria drugs but 2 days later it got worse, I knew something was wrong. My mother was beside herself with worry, I still hadn’t told anyone I just had major cosmetic surgery, so they had no idea what was wrong with me. At some point, that evening I couldn’t speak at length without getting out of breath nor could I breathe properly, and my heartbeat was racing, so I called a taxi and rushed back into the hospital. 

As soon as the doctor saw me, he knew something wasn’t right, the look in his eyes said it all. He ordered an immediate x-ray and to our horror, the results revealed I had a perforation in my intestines. And as the doctor reeled the news out to me, tears rolled down my eyes, “Temi, am so sorry to say but there have been some complications and we would have to perform another surgery”. Oh my gosh, what’s wrong with me, I tried to scream but I couldn’t, it was too painful, I whispered, please help me, I was in so much pain, by now all my body was aching so badly, my tummy hurt, my back, my joints.  It was as if someone had set a fire inside of me, I couldn’t control it anymore, I was rolling and holding onto my stomach, the nurse came in and gave me some morphine to norm the pain just before I passed out. I guess the doctor got scared and called my next of kin on the consent form I had signed and that was Agatha. By the time she came over and saw my condition, she too got really scared to sign the consent forms on my behalf and she called my estranged Sisters and brother. She had to let him know, this was no longer something we covered up, as the doctor had explained to her that my life was hanging in the balance if I didn’t have another surgery to repair the hole in my intestines. 

Yes, I do have a sibling, but we had been estranged for a while because of my insistent quest for perfection, all that was no longer relevant, as soon as Agatha called them and told them the situation, they came rushing over, looking all confused. The doctor explained my procedure and the complications, He said I would have to be moved to another hospital for the second operation because he wasn’t capable to do it. I was awake now and noticed my brother could not believe what he was hearing, this was supposed to be a first-class hospital, how could the doctor say he couldn’t do the operation and he didn’t have the facilities to do it. He was confused, he didn’t even understand what I needed cosmetic surgery for to enlarge my already big bottom, I heard him ask Agatha what I was thinking, I knew he was disappointed, he didn’t say it out but from his expression, I could read his mind. The worst thing the doctor said he had to sign a waiver before the 2nd operation could be done, even though the doctor caused the perforation, the family still had to say they agree to have it done and if anything happened it wasn’t the hospital’s fault.  

At this point, my brother like Agatha was too scared to sign any documents, especially in my condition, what if the unthinkable happens? How will he explain he decided on his own, this was beyond him, for these he had to call and inform other family members and so the whole family found out what I had done? Calls began to come into my phone, none asked me why I did it, and they just prayed and said everything would be okay. One relation said he would send his doctor to access my situation and give a second opinion. By now I had slipped in and out of consciousness a few times and the doctor was getting agitated. That evening my brother got the family’s consent to sign the waiver forms and I was finally wheeled into an ambulance, for an onward journey to the location of the next operation. 

That same night I was operated upon, it took 3 hours but sadly when they were done it was too late and I slipped into a coma. The doctors gave all sorts of excuses, this was a procedure they had successfully done 100’s of times, they couldn’t explain how and why my intestines got a hole in it, but they did, and it wasn’t discovered on time. So, toxics had gotten into my bloodstream and by the time he got in there to fix the holes, I had an infection, SEPSIS. And even when the holes were fixed, it was too late. The sepsis had already spread and began to break down my vital organs, all they could do now was keep me comfortable. It wasn’t a matter of if but of when. 

As for me, I could feel my soul leaving my body, Agatha, my brother, now gathered sisters, uncles, and aunts who found out from my brother, just stood there looking from the doctor to me, sobbing and trying not to make it obvious. The second doctor came to do an assessment and give a second opinion, he said I had a 20% chance of survival, but I knew it was more like a 2% chance, he was just being polite.  

What else could anyone do but watch me waste away? there was nothing else to do as I slipped in and out of a coma and for the first time, I couldn’t understand what made me take this drastic decision. At that point, I wish I could get a do-over, I wish I never allowed those harsh words to define me, I wish I just loved myself, had some self-esteem and ignored everyone else, and listened to Daniel.  

 At that moment I would have given anything to turn back the hands of time. As my life drained out of me, there was nothing my regret could do, I thought of my 2 children and the pain I felt was worse than the physical pains from my botched operation, why Temi? Why?, where is the man I was doing this for,? where were the friends who encouraged me to go for it? where was the pride, the ego, the vanity? all had left me behind and I had to bear the cross on my own, my poor children, they didn’t deserve this, my aged mother, how would she look after my children? 

 They who went on holidays every summer, went to a private school, wore the best clothes, and got driven back and forth in a Mercedes Benz jeep. What’s going to become of them? I realized I didn’t just ruin my life, I ruined my children’s lives, my mother’s life, my Siblings. All because of vanity I did this unnatural dangerous operation?  Who was going to cry for me now, who will care, won’t that all say, “She brought this on herself?” What legacy am I leaving for my children? O dear God, am so sorry, why wasn’t I content with the way you made me, I was beautiful, well endowed, perfect the way you wanted me to be if only I had said no. I had a good job, was healthy, and have 2 wonderful healthy kids. Yes, I didn’t have a man to call my own, but the father of my first child Daniel was always there for me. He had forgiven me, and we were friends now, he even just suggested I relocate to America with the two children, and next week we had an appointment at the embassy for Visas.  

I remember friends envied my figure, for a mother of two, they always said “I wish I was like you, you look amazing “. So why didn’t I see it, why did I hate myself? I wanted fat taken from my stomach to enhance my hips. Smaller waist and bigger hips, why you ask? well for a man I wanted to get. He wasn’t even mine yet, but I was damn sure my new figure would disarm him, and he would have been mine. 

I can’t believe I did this to get a man, the man doesn’t even know I exist, oh my gosh, vanity upon vanity, I made a terrible, terminal mistake. I would shout it to the high heavens if I could. This pressure of society, how a woman should look, what men want, those demands, all not worth killing yourself over. Any man who does not like the way you are and wants you to change, doesn’t love you, he loves the idea of you and soon another idea will take your place. 

 If you have to have surgery to alter the way you look to get a man then you have a serious self-worth, self-esteem, inferiority complex problem and you need help. Please it’s not worth risking your life to provide the perfect picture. Look at me now on the day I was buried, I watched as friends and foes cried, seemingly sad to see me go, I knew those who were genuine, only a hand full, I could hear most of them murmur, “what was she thinking?” “How could she?”, “she brought this on herself”, “what a waste”, “Shame on her” “Just for vanity, greedy girl “etc. and they were right. Wasn’t it a waste, in my prime, my whole life ahead of me, and what do I do with it, I gamble it away because of my insecurities, my low self-esteem, my greed, my covetousness, And Now am 6 feet under, eaten by worms and that’s where it landed me, all in a quest to portray the perfect picture ……. 

Image from freepik



Sixteen was an age where every child felt they had attained the age of freedom I can do anything my self, I have my life to live , am a young adult and no one can tell me what to do, most kids start to experiment at this age, in Kemi and Vicky’s case they were already too mature for their age. At sixteen they had just gained admission into prestigious A level schools, unfortunately they got admitted into seperate schools , Vicky was admitted in a school up north of the country Kemi’s school was down south. The news of their seperate acceptance was very hard , they had  grown up so fast togther , as mature as they thought they were , they had never really been without each other’s advice and company. It took a lot of persuasion from their parents to get them to sign the sixth form acceptance letters .

The day finally cme when each girl had to leave for school, the night before they had spent together in Kemi’s house , gisting , laughing reminiscing about all they had gotten upto , what they were going to miss and what they weren’t , they were venturing out of their comfort zone for the first time. Kemi broke the silence ” Vicky , what are we going to do? How do we keep getting money , when we won’t be around here to visit my uncle and you your brother?” “Well, they can always come visit us where we are”said Vicky.. Kemi took a deep breathe and she thought of Victor, Vicky’s brother she will miss him so much, along the years he had been so kind and sweet to her, they hardly ever made love this days , he just kissed her and gave her warm hugs , said he was keeping her for marriage , she enjoyed this. He opened an account for her and put money in it every month, bought her clothes , shoes , handbags , what ever she wanted and more. All those she could still get from him, but she was going to miss him. The two girls gradually feel asleep .

The next morning , Victor got to Kemi’s house early to drop the girls off at the airport, as he drove them he consoled them by promising to check up on them every month, ” don’t worry girls , stop looking so sad , I will personally check in on you every month” he said . The car ride to the airport was quick , Vicky’s flight was first , Kemi and Victor saw her off to her gate , hugged, kissed and waved her good bye. Kemi still had an hour and a half before her flight, Victor  decided to wait with her until it was time to board the plane. They found a quiet restaurant in the departure lounge , sat down and ordered something to eat. Victor looked into Kemi’s eyes and said ” princess I love you, I promise to come check on you every month, if you need anything , please don’t hesitate to call me, I will increase the amount I put in your account , so you won’t lack for anything, I will miss you my love”. Now Kemi had tears in her eyes , she loved him too, but had never actually told him, she just looked at him with tears rolling down her eyes and said “okay”.


Kemi’s flight was un eventful, she sat next to a young boy of about her age, she didn’t even give him a second glance, once they had picked up thier luggage  from the arrival hall, the school bus was waiting outside to pick all the students who arrived on that flight. The ride to the school was about an hour , not that far but traffic was crazy, once they arrived at the school and were being directed to the school hall,  she thought she caught sight of the boy who sat next to her on the plane ,for a minute but then he was gone.

They were all ushered into a hall where other new students were waiting, her group was the last batch to arrive in school, the time was 4pm. The head reacher gave a short welcome speech , asked each student to go to their allocated rooms which had been sent to them in their welcome pack. The meeting ended and they shuffled out of the assembly hall. Her hall of residence was directly opposite a lovely park, she walked in, the building was clean , nicer than she expected , from the outside she could see that each room had air conditioning , the good thing about this school was it had no uniform, you wear home clothes all the time, nothing revealing , but home clothes, that was fantastic.

She stood in front of room A 12, thats what her letter said , she opened the door and found herself in a spacious room with 2 single beds , one on each side of the room , a small kitchenette and an ensuite bathroom attached to it. she noticed a half unpacked suitcase on the other bed, she wondered who her room mate was, before she could finish her thought the door bust open and a tall, slim girl walked in, hello am Maggi , am your room mate, at first sight Kemi liked her, she was tall, pretty and quite friendly, “am Kemi” she replied. “Lovely to meet you Kemi, come on let me show you around, am in my 2nd year” with that she dragged Kemi out of the room and down the hall. The 2nd thing Kemi noticed about Maggi was that she talked a lot, she showed Kemi the TV room, gym, laundry room, matrons quarters , from their she asked which subject Kemi was doing , showed her the faculty, cafeteria , sports arena, tuck shop and male quarters. ” you will start coming here soon, all your innocence will be lost here you know, mine was” referring to the male students halls. Kemi just smiled and pretended she was enjoying the tour.

They finally got back to the room about an hour and a half later , Kemi was so tired , she barely was able to take off her shoes before she feel asleep. She woke up around 2am, the whole campus was quite,  Maggi was quiet too, Kemi decided it was the right  time to put her things away by the time she had finished arranging her clothiers and stuff it was 6am in the morning. She looked at her time table , her first class was at 8.30, breakfast starts at 7 am and ends at 9am, she could still take a few minutes  nap, catch breakfast and lectures.  Just has she got back into to bed Maggi woke up, ” kemi are you up” Kemi pretended not to hear her, Maggi got up and went into the bathroom, got ready and went for breakfast, Kemi sighed a sigh of relief, this is going to be fun…she thought.

That evening Kemi and Maggi went to  a frat party, they boys of omega pi were organising a welcome party for the freshers. Kemi had been invited by maggi , whose assignment was to get the beautiful freshers to come to the party. Maggi advised Kemi to wear something short and  put on make up to look really sexy, she was shocked when Kemi came out and she looked amazing, hair packed up , tight fitted dressed, high heeled pumps , all showing off her wonderful figure, “whoa ” was all maggi could muster.

The boys had decided to hold the party at the school pool, it was an indoor pool, with lots of space around it for sitting and dancing, the pool house was packed full by the time maggi and Kemi got there , as they walked in all eyes were on Kemi, she looked amazing, 5’6, slim waist  with full boobs and hips to die for, before they could find somewhere to sit four boys approached them and offered them their seats , they finally accepted the tall handsome swim team captains offer. He was 5’11, lanky at the age of 18, getting ready to go off to college, had a winning smile with shining white teeth. He brought over two cups of punch for the girls and sat down beside Kemi, he started off the conversation to include Maggi, after a while he asked if he could borrow Kemi for a few minutes.

He held her hand led her to the gym, behind the pool house. They sat down on the bleachers and he started to carcass her hands slowly, “Kemi you are beautiful, “”everyone says that”, Kemi replied. He looked into her eyes and leaned towards her , she liked him, he looked good and smelt nice, she closed her eys and leaned froward too, in her head she saw Victor,  his lips met hers and her tongue found his, they began to kiss slowly at first, his hands found her boobs and he began to stoke them slowly, she could see and feel victor , all of a sudden he called her name and she jolted back to reality , the picture of Victor disappeared from her head and she hurriedly pulled away, ” I can’t do this ” she said , with that she got up and ran out of the gym and back to her hall. The swim captain felt bad, “what have I done! I should have taken it slowly with this innocent girl”, he thought, he got up and ran after her.

Kemi got to her room opened the door and locked it behind her, “what am I doing , I love Victor,  I can’t do what we do with anyone else , so why do I have this feeling inside me, I really wanted to do  it with this guy, but all I could see was Victors face, ” she held her head in her hand and rocked back and forth, she heard a knock on the door and the captains voice pleading with her to forgive him, the more he pleaded the more she got aroused, for some reason his voice did something amazing to her, he had this deep baritone voice that could drive any womn crazy,after a few minutes she walked to the door and opened it, he stood there looking really sorry, she reached out grabbed him and started to kiss him passionately, he was taken aback but really delighted, he responded, within minutes clothes were flying everywhere, he cupped her boobs and put it in his mouth ans sucked on them gently one at a time, he slowly lay her on the bed , she wriggled and held him tighter, he went down to her belly button , put his tongue in their and rolled around a bit , she was on fire , he gradually came  back up , put his lips on hers and kissed her passionately, he then let himself into her, she moved to match his rhythm, he was a bit clumsy, not as good as Victor she thought, she was in cloud nine, while she was just getting ready to reach her climax, she heard him let out a yell and a shudder and it was over she had not reached her climax yet. She tried to get him to continue but it was no use , he was limp  and it wasn’t going to rise at least not now.

She got up from the bed went into the shower cleaned her self up , her body was still on fire , for the first time she wasn’t satisfied, Victor  was fantastic he could go 3 rounds without a break and she was satisfied each time. ” I must go home soon or victor has to come see me this weekend , If I last till then. With that she walked over to the bed where the captain was snoring , ” get up, you have to get dressed and get going now, Maggi will be wondering where I am, she’ll soon be back. He got up slowly, tried to kiss her , she moved her face to the side, he thanked her put on his clothes and walked out of the room. Kemi watched him leave and shut the door behind him. “This is not a good start,she was thinking of how she was going to satisfy the urge she felt in her body…….


MUM, DAD I HAVE A CRUSH…Podcast by She Heals


We certainly do live in a jet age,  before some children turn ten years old they could actually sell their parents if given the chance. That’s why it is important to communicate with your children. and mind you, when I say communicate, am not talking about discipline. Discipline has its place.

Now we are talking about giving them the opportunity to see you as their confidant, first port of call. give them a listening ear, LISTEN TO YOUR CHILD. Don’t always overreact, if you do they will find friends to get advice from, and see the internet as their life coach and we all know the consequences of that…



There are times when losing something or someone can be painful, but it’s important to remember that God takes things away for a reason. Recently, I came across an analogy about relationships that I found fitting.

An analogy that perfectly captures the different types of relationships in our lives is that of a tree. Trees have leaves, branches, and roots.

The leaves of a tree bloom in the spring and summer, and they look beautiful and bear fruit. Similarly, there are people in our lives who are there for us when things are going well. They are loyal and supportive, but only as long as we are in a good season. Once our circumstances change, they disappear like leaves falling off a tree in the autumn.

The branches of a tree support the weight of the leaves and provide them with nutrients from the root. In the same way, there are people in our lives who go a little deeper. They stay with us when things start to go wrong, but only if we still have some material possessions or if we can still give them money or status. However, if we experience a major setback, they will break off and disappear like branches in a storm.

The roots of a tree, on the other hand, are the foundation of the tree. They are always there, supporting and nourishing the tree through all seasons and weather conditions. In our lives, there are people who are like the roots of a tree. They stand by us through thick and thin, whether we have or don’t have, whether we are happy or sad, whether we are successful or not. They are our unshakable and reassuring support system.

Although the roots of a tree may not be the most glamorous, they are the most important. Similarly, the people in our lives who are like the roots may not be the most exciting or happening crowd, but they are the ones who will always be there for us. They love us for who we are, and they know us through the good and bad times.

It’s important to appreciate the roots in our lives and keep them close. Instead of being upset when a leaf or branch falls away, we should focus on the people who are always there for us, no matter what. Take some time this week to think about the leaves, branches, and roots in your life and be grateful for the unshakable support system of the roots.

Wishing you a wonderful day, and remember to be a blessing and make a difference in the world.


She Heals.


Vicky’s brother was now obsessed with Kemi , he knew he had committed a crime the other day with her but he couldn’t stop thinking of her. He thought to himself , Kemi would make an amazing wife , if he could wait for her, they could get married once she turned 18 , and continue with her university education as his wife. He sat down on his balcony thinking of the event one month ago, Vicky and Kemi would turn 15 next month, they both shared the same month but days apart, Vicky was on the 10th , Kemi was 20th, he thought of what he could get for Kemi , it had to be special, to show her how much he cared for her, He would make his intentions known to her on her birthday. Since the last time he had not been himself, he had stayed away from Vicky, but still obliged her every request, she blackmailed him every other day. His greatest challenge was how to get Vicky to stop blackmailing him.

Vicky and Kemi, were  inseperable now, they had a secret that they were not willing to share with anyone, this brought them closer than ever before. A month had passed since the incident withVicky’s  brother, Kemi thought of him everyday and was no longer interested in her uncle,Vicky’s  brother had promised her anything she wanted, with that she was satisfied and so far he had kept his word, the only condition he had given her was that she must not tell Vicky it came from him.  Kemi had cleverly told Vicky she had gone to her aunts house and seduced her uncle, all the nice things she currently had came from him. Vicky was a bit upset that she wasn’t  called along for the debut of her proper date with her uncle, but Kemi apologised and said it was impromptu .


The girls were getting ready for their 14th birthday, this time their parents had agreed that they should celebrate it together, last year they had refused , no reason was given. This year, they had picked a large park around kemi’s house , a marquee was billed to be erected there with ribbons, balloons and fireworks , Vicky’s  brother had voluntered to pay for the birthday party. The D day arrived, the girls had gone to get a perm, looked 16 in thier tight short dresses and high heels to match, they had invited all their school friends, who also came with their own friends , this resulted in a much larger crowd than they had expected. it was a really big party.

The party was in full swing, everyone was having fun, Kemi suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder , she looked back it was Vicky’s brother, he gestured to her to follow him, she obliged without saying a word, across the marquee from the corner of her eyes Vicky spotted her brother disappear behind the marquee with Kemi, she wondered what they were going to do or talk about .

Vicky’s brother walked Kemi over to a bench in the park , he sat down beside her , she wasn’t sure what he wanted to say, but just being beside him gave  her that funny feeling in her stomach. He started to speak, “Kemi I would like to apologise for what happened between us, I should not have done that to you, you are like my younger sister , it was wrong”, Kemi looked confused , but he carried on “what we did was illegal , I could get thrown into jail for it, ever since that day I can’t stop thinking about you, Kemi, I cherish and adore you, I would like to marry you some day, will you marry me some day Kemi?” , Kemi was shocked , what does he mean it was wrong what he did to me, he does it to Vicky his sister, doesn’t he or was she lying to me, she thought. Vicky’s brother was still waiting for an answer to his question. She looked at him intensely and began to talk, ” I don’t understand what you said about me being like your sister so you don’t want to hurt me, you do do  the same to Vicky don’t you?, I believe it proofs that you love me as much as you love Vicky , since you do what you do to Vicky to me too.

Vicky’s brother was in shock , he got up and held Kemi’s shoulders with both hands, “Vicky told you this” he said , “Yes”, Kemi said ,” have you told anyone”, “no I haven’t it is our secret Vicky and I, we both have the same secret” . Vicky’s brother was confused , he didn’t know what to say, the more people that know about what he does to Vicky , would get him into trouble, now Kemi knows as well, he thought, this could ruin his life and could get sent to prison.

He sat down on the bench with his head in his hand and remembered the first time he had made love to Vicky. It was during his long holiday , from his second year in college , he had been admitted to an Ivy League university to study banking and finance , Uni was nothing like secondary school , he was 17. At Uni there were women everywhere, everyone was getting dates , but he couldn’t manage one, he was clumsy, naive and to top it all a virgin, had never made love to a woman, the only kisses he had had were on the cheeks and it was from his mum and sister. His room mate on the other hand was an expert , if you could call him that, he was defilled by his nanny at the age of 10, he was introduced to sex at a tender age when he knew nothing of the intricacies of sex. His nanny entrusted with his care , betrayed the trust his parents put in her , instead of taking care of him she abused him sexually .

Having a room mate that had been illegally introduced to sex at an early age and now regarded himself as an expert, didn’t help. Vicky’s brother constantly got berated for being a mamas boy. One fine evening in his 2nd year in Uni, his room mate sat him down and began to quiz him, “Victor, that was his name, have you ever kissed a woman?” Vicky’s brother looked at his roommate smiled and said yes, “Whom” his roommate asked, “my sister and my mum, on the cheeks”, his room mate smiled and said, well you need a lot of Pratice , I have a solution, since you haven’t got the courage to ask a girl out and you are still a virgin, I think you need Pratice on someone close to you”, ” what do you mean” his room mate started to explain , your sister will make a good target Pratice,you love your sister and she loves you , so start with her……

And so years of incest with his sister started, he did start and continue with her throughout  Uni and after , he also had other girls he had relationships with, through all this he couldn’t stop making love to his sister, until he met Kemi. He drifted back to reality he was still holding his head in his hands , he looked up slowly at Kemi, who was now really confused by his reaction, “Kemi , please forgive me, I love you, I promise never to hurt you again, “with this he got up and walked out of the room. He had to leave because he was about to cry and Kemi must not see him crying, this will further confuse the already unsettling situation.

From then on things were different.  Victor, Vicky’s brother doted on Kemi, they arranged to meet secretly without Vicky’s knowledge, Victor had arranged a car hire to pick Kemi up every other day from school. Kemi told Vicky it was hired by her mum because she was too busy to pick her up her self , Vicky had no reason to doubt this. Every other afternoon the cab picked her up to meet Victor at a pre arranged destination, never the same place twice, she got to spend  time with him ,they had lunch, talked, joked and he even  gave her a gifts most of the time,this she sneaked into the house.

Her  mum hardly came to her room, and if she saw her with any of the gifts she just said “its Vicky’s” or “Vicky’s   mum bought it for me”. “You must remind me to call Vicky’s mum and thank her” , kemis mum said on one occasion, when she spotted Kemi wearing a tommy wrist watch. “Okay mum”, Kemi said even though she had no intention of reminding her .

Kemi and Vicky had loads of freinds amongst their friends they were the toast of the town, they always had what was in vogue, the latest designer outfits , bags and jewellery , courtesy of Victor, Vicky’s brother. They grew up so fast, from the outside they were two innocent teenage girls from wealthy middle class families. Unfortunately their innocence has been taken away from them by people they trusted ….., things were about to get really complicated ……


Time To Share


Maya Angelou said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Most times all you need to do is confide in someone else, share your hurts, worries, concerns. Open up to that person you know will always listen to you and not just hear you. Those tears in your eyes are like words that need to be spoken, tell your story and your experience to someone. Sometimes the best way to heal and excel is to remind yourself that you are not the only one going through this and all you need to do is Share, begin to Heal and then Excel.



When a door closes another door will definitely open …

Often times we don’t see the other doors open to us because we keep knocking on the one that refuses to open. It takes us stepping back, looking around to see the other open doors.

When rejection, failure, disappoints come knocking on your door, it forces, motives, propels you to leave that particular room and look at other rooms. Sometimes you don’t even have to look far, God Almighty himself will make a way where there seems to be no way. And to illustrate this I will like to tell you a story.

Robert was a very hard worker, it took him 3 years to get a job after graduation, so when he finally got one at the administrative unit of Moudy group of companies, he was willing to do everything it took to keep the job.

He actually started with a job he was overqualified for, a level two administrative officer. With his qualifications, he should have been a level five officer at least, but that wasn’t going to stop him. Robert toiled, worked, volunteered for extra hours without pay, also anything needed doing outside work he was your man, this he did for 4 whole years.

Now you must understand, at this company, promotion appraisals happened every 2 years, so idly, with all his hard work he should at least have risen to a level 4 admin officer. But for some reason, his immediate supervisor didn’t like him at all and so despite his excellent work he didn’t recommend him for promotion.

The supervisor, Mr Thomas was barely older than Robert, he was the company junior staff supervisor, in charge of promotion, welfare, and appraisals. What Robert didn’t know was that Mr. Thomas took credit for everyone else’s ideas and efforts, in fact, that’s what propelled him to his current supervisory status within two years of him joining the company.

One evening after normal working hours, Mr.Thomas called Robert and asked him to sort out someone else’s mess. Another staff had messed up the filing system by displacing their normal alphabetical order, about four hundred of them. Robert knew it would take him four or more hours to sort and this will take him into the night but he just said “okay Sir “.

After making himself a coffee, Robert settled down, the job required him to sort through the mixed-up files one at a time before rearranging them. While he was doing this, his eyes caught a file labeled expansion. A few papers were out and he noticed a particular product the company was trying to expand into. Reading through he saw that there was one critical ingredient the company couldn’t find and was unaware of how to come about it, hence the product suspension. Robert smiled to himself,  put the files in order, by 10 pm he was done and he went home.

That night instead of going to bed, he wrote down a formula. Bright and early the next morning he went straight to Mr. Thomas office and said. “Sir, as I was sorting through the files yesterday, I saw that the company needs Adirus, to make this new product, coincidentally, my father taught me how to make it from local herbs, he used it to treat skin irritations, rashes and burns, once it’s used,  no scar or mark is left on the skin. As soon as Mr. Thomas heard that he sat up and said, “Well done Robert, please enlighten me”. So Robert told him all he asked, which herbs, quantities, etc. Once Robert had narrated the formula, Mr. Thomas promised him he will take it to the head office and Robert will be invited over.

Four weeks later,  when Robert hasn’t seen or heard from Mr. Thomas he goes back to the office, but he was nowhere to be found, instead, a Mr Calvin has replaced him.  Robert inquires about Mr. Thomas, Mr. Calvin informs him, Mr. Thomas is now based in the head office,  “a promotion came for him” he said. This new information surprises Robert and makes him unhappy, he was so wishing he will get the opportunity to meet the product makers and maybe just getting a promotion to a level four or five admin officer. He knew he needed to see Mr. Thomas, to find out if the company will be starting the new product so he can help give them the formula. So a few weeks later he takes an off day and goes to the head office, which is about 20 miles away from his branch office.

On arrival, he fills a visitor’s form and the receptionist disappears behind a large glass door and comes back to Robert to say Mr Thomas is unavailable. Robert is disappointed but not discouraged. I’ll come back, he thinks to himself as he leaves the headquarters that day. Afterward, he takes a day off every month, determined, Robert keeps going back to see if Mr. Thomas is available to meet with him.

After 6 months of not being able to see Mr. Thomas, he arrives at his own office one morning and the new supervisor, Mr Calvin calls him into his office and hands him a letter. Robert opens it and it’s a sack letter for neglecting his duty.  Robert is shocked, he looks from the letter to Mr Calvin, “I have never neglected my duty, Sir, I work so many over hours and don’t get paid, I do every job no one else wants to, why would you fire me?” He says.  Mr. Calvin now looking so sorry, who even though just resumed duty there for a few months, He could tell Robert didn’t deserve this, he looks at Robert and says “Sorry, it not me, the offset came from Mr.Thomas, that I had to let you go”.

Robert’s heart sank, what was going on, he thought Mr. Thomas was trying to help him, why the sack letter, what was he going to do now? Instantly, So many thoughts and expressions went through his mind. His heart was beating fast, sweat formed on his brow and he felt faint. He staggered a little, walked towards the door and stuttering, he said: “thank you to Mr. Calvin” and left. He had tears in his eyes as he left the building, this was a place he had worked at for more than 4 years.  What was he going to do now?. He had no idea.

Robert went home and locked himself in his room and cried for weeks, barely eating, switched his phone off and started to contemplate killing himself. He felt there was no hope, God wasn’t listening to him and to worsen the situation just as he was about to get a promotion, he gets fired.

He woke up one morning and decided today he was going to end it all, there was no more hope for him, he really couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. So he took the little amount of money he had left,  went to the chemist to get a powerful sedative that could knock out a horse in minutes. Unfortunately, because he didn’t have a lot of money he went to an unlicensed chemist,

Now the sales clerk at the chemist knew nothing about drugs. He sold the sedatives to Robert who went home and took them all. What he didn’t know was that the inexperienced clerk had sold him multivitamins instead of sedatives because the tablets had the same colour and shape. Neither of them was the wiser. After downing all the 6 tablets he bought, Robert laid on his bed an expected death, one hour, two hours, three hours went by and death still had not arrived, could death be stuck in traffic? he wondered. This was Lagos anything could happen. So he decided to give death a few more hours to arrive while waiting, he fell asleep.

Morning came and to Robert’s surprise he was still alive, death didn’t visit. He was confused. Why didn’t I die, he pondered on that for a while, then suddenly it struck him,  God had kept him alive for a reason. It wasn’t his time to die, he took it has a sign that God still needed him on earth and was not done with him yet.

So, He knelt, prayed and asked for forgiveness and then decided to try his luck with getting another job.  Switching on his phone after 3 weeks of leaving it off, he noticed he had more than 20 missed calls from an unknown phone number. He dialed the no and a female voice picked it up and said his presence was required immediately, she asked where he was, said a car would be sent to pick him. She dropped the phone before he could ask what was going on.

In less than an hour, a chauffeur-driven Mercedes-Benz turned up. Robert didn’t know what was going on but got into the car anyway and was driven to a large estate with a huge building like a castle. The doorman opened the door for him and was he led into a conference room with 8 people already sitting at the table, Robert didn’t recognize any of them. The man at the head of the table asked him to please sit down, which he did.

Then the same man cleared his throat and smiled at Robert, then said “Welcome Mr. Robert am sure you are wondering who we are, I will explain. I am chief Lawrence Moudy the chairman Moudy group of companies and this is my board of directors and legal advisor. You were staff at one of our companies into production?” He paused to see if Robert was following him. Robert just kept staring at chief with his mouth agape, so chief continued, “Our company has struggled for years, invested millions into a product, but couldn’t bring it to completion because of a missing ingredient that kept it unstable and unusable, Until Mr. Thomas gave us the solution.

At first, we tried it and it worked magic, instantly Mr. Thomas was made an associate director with share options, given a new mansion, two cars, and a huge paycheck. The product went into the market and everything was going well until the complaints started coming in, the product had some side effects. We had to recall a lot and paid out compensation to those who claimed.

We decided to go back to the drawing board and called Mr Thomas to brainstorm, that’s when we realized he didn’t have the knowledge nor ability to break down the contents of the formula he gave us. With a threat to fire him and send him to jail for the fraud, he confessed that it was your idea and creation, but he fired you a few weeks ago so there was no way of contacting you. Since then we have looked for you”.

“Now here we are, Mr. Thomas has been fired. As for you, we are offering you 20% stock, a director,  a huge mansion, two cars and a large office to work from. You will head the team that produces the product and we will love to hear any other great idea you might have “ chief ended his speech and looked towards Robert. He was missing from his chair, everyone was focusing on the chief and he on them, no one noticed Robert faint and slide out of his chair onto the floor in shock.

A couple of weeks later, Now a director, in a new house and in an amazing office, Robert knelt and said to God.” Thank you Lord for giving me the grace and opening another door for me, even when all I could see was the door that was locked against me.”

Never keep hitting a door that won’t open, step back, look around and you will see others already open. Remember, every disappointment is a blessing in disguise, to propel you to where God wants you to be. Wake up every morning. Committing your day into his hands, don’t lean on your own understanding, acknowledge him in everything you do and he will direct your path.

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