Friday, October 18, 2024
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Six friends Goke, Franny, Kate, Dotun, Muyi and Annie meet every Friday night, all married except one, to the table and discuss, dissect and find solutions to this everyday life issues.


Goke- Guys last time we talked about emotional affairs, I think we should ask the question, why are more women cheating on their husbands now?

Muyi- hmm Bro, who says women cheat, certainly not the women, ask any of them and all you hear is, Men are dogs, all they do is cheat

Franny Guys, come on women don’t cheat, they ….

Kate What? Of course they do, in fact, research shows that now they almost cheat as much as men do

Franny-Hey Kate, that’s a total exaggeration, I was going to say before you rudely interrupt that women just have emotional affairs

Annie-Calm down guys, I agree with Kate, a lot of women cheat, but the difference is, they don’t get caught.

Dotun why is that? Is that because they are cunny and pretend a lot? And by the way, Cheating is cheating, emotional or physical

Kate- Really?? I don’t think so, the truth is married women cheat for different reasons, sometimes neglect, boredom or opportunity

Dotun- you girls have started again, what do you mean by opportunity? You will give all kinds of excuses, chop clean mouth is what I call it (have an affair and hide it)

Franny-Wow! Bro, what are you trying to say, A woman can’t have the same reason as a man to have an affair. Yes, I don’t think women cheat half as much as guys but for those who do, I guess they have their reasons…

Annie-Yeah, Franny now you are talking….

Muyi- wait, guys, this is really scary, I hear you girls defending women who cheat, what I haven’t heard is a good reason if there is any, why they should in the first place?

Goke- Hmmm, Muyi, isn’t that a bit one-sided, why do men cheat. I remember discussing this with some guys and the response was, we were created too. Out Manhood decides, it sees what it like and it rises up

Dokun-Guys, let’s stop pretending or pointing accusing fingers, we are all here to learn and find solutions to these issues, Annie, really what do you think is the reason. I agree with boredom, neglect but the opportunity one, hmmm that I don’t get

Kate-lol…what don’t you get, Woman meets a guy, guy nicer than husband, flatters, spoils, one thing leads to another …Kaboom…lol

Dotun-Hmm Kate, i am beginning to suspect you, you sound like you’re talking from experience…are you?

Annie-Guys, Guys, calm down, let me tell you of an experience a  friend of mine had. She was the first wife, married to this Christian guy, they were married for 8 years when she comes home one day and meets her in-laws. They introduce a younger lady to her and claim her husband impregnated the lady and he has to marry her because in their family no child of theirs is born out-of-wedlock. How convenient. She has no choice but to accept after 3 children, all still very young. The idiotic husband doesn’t appear until the family are gone and the girl has been given a bedroom upstairs beside the husbands. My friend contemplates what to do, but after seeking advice from her parents and friends, she decides to stay and try to make it work. Initially, things go well, but just as soon as the 2nd wife gives birth, her husband forgets the way to her bedroom. She tries , reports ,pleads but to no avail, to add insult to injury the 2nd wife says she has used her time, its hers now. So neglected, upset and sexed starved for 18 months she gets close , not intentionally to a male colleague at work who is always concerned about her demeanour. He starts off by asking her to take things easy, God will work it out. Then he opens up that his wife doesn’t like sex, she only wants it when they want to procreate. He asked her to be strong, you are a fighter. On her birthday which her husband conveniently forgot, he organizes a cake and takes her to birthday lunch etc. soon he becomes her confidant and shoulder to cry on. Soon an office retreat takes them both out-of-town, and one evening while on the retreat, one thing led to another and they have sex. She confessed to me that she felt so good, she went back for more throughout the week of the retreat. Once back to the office they kept it on the down low, once a week they met up for sex and so t continued. Their spouse’s none the wiser.

Goke- Well, what do we say about that, was she right or wrong? Franny?

Franny- to be honest, I don’t know what to say, am not in her shoes, so can’t say what I will do, but I still believe once you take a vow, it’s for better or for worse, don’t you guys think so?

Muyi- Annie and Franny, I hear you, but the truth be told, when a guy cheats, its seen as no big deal, it’s as if it’s expected but when a married woman cheats, hmm that’s seen as a taboo. Society and religion dictate these things, in Islam, a man can marry up to four wives, but if a woman is caught cheating, hmm we all know the what happens. Even when a Christian man cheats, what do parents and everyone say “Forgive him, nothing is new, he isn’t the first and won’t be the last, what has happened now ,has happened since the beginning of time? Go back to your husband and take care of your children…etc.” 99% don’t see it has a big deal. But if a married woman does it, even her parents will come to pack her things out of the man’s house claiming she’s a disgrace and has brought shame upon the family name.

Dotun- I think we guys have serious issues, we are very selfish, we neglect the wife at home and play acrobatics in bed with the girlfriend outside, forgetting the wife needs loving too

Annie- Exactly, thank you, my dear, you just hit it on the head and I’ve said this so many times. The man goes out their buys sexy lingerie for the concubine, comes home and calls you ‘mummy this’ and ‘mummy that’, is that fair. Am not advocating for women to cheat but don’t you think its time for this who cheating thing to be review. Why do women feel the need to chat and why do men feel it’s their birthright too.

Kate- well, my cousin cheated on her husband and it wasn’t because he neglected her, she was just not satisfied. She loves sex every day, her hubby once or twice a month. And even then it’s like 3 minutes. She complained, cried and he increased it to once a week but she couldn’t cope, she got depressed her doctor in the US recommend anti-depressants, she took them for a while and started to put on so much weight, so she stopped and found a toy boy. She told me all this over the phone and confessed her husband is happier because she hasn’t demanded sex so often and she is no longer depressed.

Franny- What!!!!!!, really, this world had become something else. Our mothers were probably sex-starved, but  I didn’t hear of any of them went out to find a toy boy or sympathetic work colleague, what’s wrong with us women of today?

Muyi- You girls of now a day are liberal, you know your rights, what you think you deserve, if a man can do it, you can do it too, is it?

Dotun- Muyi, come-on get off your high horse, what’s good for the goose is certainly good for the gander. If your man steps out on you, you too pounce out on

Muyi- Dotun, I see you’ve said this because you are not married, would you want your wife to cheat on you, even if you didn’t satisfy her in bed?

Dotun- ha-ha! Am a lion in bed, no woman has ever walked away unsatisfied, in fact, they keep coming back for more.

Muyi- I trust you, womanizer….

Franny- Well guys, enough of your manhood fights, it’s getting really late can we continue this same topic next week

Goke- Yes please, I want to make sure my wife remains satisfied, I know woman are way better at hiding secrets than we are, they never get caught part scares me. Which means my wife could be cheating on me right now and I don’t know. God help me

Annie-lol, Goke, stop being melodramatic, your wife is the sweetest woman we know, she’s certainly not cheating on you, unless….lol.

Goke-Unless what? This is not funny…

Dotun- Annie Baby, please don’t give Goke hypertension, stop teasing him. Alright, folks all agreed we continue this discussion next week….

Goke- I second the motion……





Six friends Goke, Franny, Kate, Dotun, Muyi, and Annie meet every Friday night, all married except one, to table and discuss, dissect and find solutions to this everyday life issues.
TODAY THEY DISCUSS- Emotional Affairs, Mistaking niceness for affection

Goke- Guys what does it mean to be having an emotional affair?
Muyi- Thank you, Bro, I would like to know too
Franny- Can one even have an emotional affair? I am confused here
Kate- What? Emotional affair?? What does that even mean??
Annie-Calm down guys, let the expert talk to us about it, come on Dotun you are the psychologist, don’t keep us in suspense…. Spill…
Dotun- Guys, well let’s start with a simple definition, it’s having an affair in your mind and not physically, but it could graduate to being physical within a second. There is a very very thin line between Emotional Affairs and actual Physical Affairs.
Kate- Really?? Please tell us more….
Dotun- Well, all of us here have friends of the opposite sex, in fact we are all here as friends. Now how does it all begin?? Initially, it starts with you being friendly with each other, which is fine but then, you start to get very close, at this point your thoughts start gravitating towards the person. You start to miss them so much when they are not around, you can’t stop thinking of them, even when you are with your partner. You find that you always want to be around them, you tend to feel some comfort you don’t feel with your partner, their advice and counsel is first among others. To the extent that when making out with your partner, you are imagining them in your head. Please bear in mind that, at this point, it’s very possible that you might not have had anything physical but you are definitely already having an emotional affair with the person.
Franny-Wow! O my gosh!! Does that mean most of us are on the border of having an EA or are already having it?
Annie-Yeah, this is so scary
Muyi- wait guys, I love you ladies like my sister, yes, once in a while I imagine you naked in my head but I quickly push it out of my mind
Goke- Hmmm, Muyi, I trust you, womanizer, imagining women naked, na wah! for you Bro
Dokun-Guys, let’s stop pretending or pointing accusing fingers, we are all here to learn and find solutions to this issues, I have my own in my trousers, I have had hard-ons when am around some of my female friends, it can be so embarrassing
Kate-lol…I can imagine, I hope it’s not around us
Dotun-I wouldn’t tell you if it was oh!
Goke- well back to my question, how do you know when you are getting too attached?
Muyi- my own is how do you have a female friend and keep your thoughts pure?
Dotun- I think we guys have serious issues, sometimes we mistake niceness for affection-
Annie- Exactly, thank you my dear, you just hit it on the head and I’ve had that problem so many times. I am very nice to guys, ask them how they are, compliment them, and smile a lot and the next thing they think I am attracted to them. Can you imagine?
Kate- Your own is even better, one of my client’s was celebrating his birthday, his secretary had informed me the day before when I came for a meeting in his office, so I ordered a bottle of champagne and a card and got it delivered on behalf of my company, the next thing I know, the guy is asking me out. Am a married woman I said and his response, the married the better…
Franny- What!!!!!!, really, he must be bonkers, ordinary champagne? The guy must have a pretty boring life. I’ve had a few guys get overtly friendly because of my niceness but I’ve put them in their place.
Muyi- You girls think it’s just you lot it happens to, All I did was compliment a girl and she began stalking me, asking for my hand in marriage, she was so desperate…lol
Dotun- Niceness, and affection? That’s really a struggle. There have been so many misconceptions, people have been heartbroken as a result
Muyi- I would say it’s more of the case of assumption is the mother of all fuck ups
Franny- Yes o, Niceness or Affection, hmmmm, that’s a tough one
Goke- I had a colleague at work, she lived along my route home, I met her a couple of times at the bus-stop and one of those days it was raining , so I gave her a ride, the next thing she would wait by my car every evening and I would oblige her and drop her at home, it was really not out of my way. Then one evening on our way home, she told me it was her birthday the next weekend. I said congratulations, she asked what I would buy her, I said wait and see. The Saturday came and went, I saw her missed call that morning, but I forgot to call back. On Monday morning, as I arrived at the office, she was waiting for me outside in the car park. As I got out of my car, she started to have a go at me, for being inconsiderate and leading her on, I was so shocked I couldn’t even respond, I just watched her as she had a go and left me standing next to my car with my tail between my legs.
Annie-lol, Tail between your legs….what an expression.
Dotun- it’s great we all see the lighter side of this but believe me it has broken many relationships. A friend left his wife because he assumed the attention a female friend was giving equated to love. She was single and he married. His wife also worked in a bank and hard early starts and late closes. He was a lecturer in a university so he had more flexible hours. This single lady would ride with him home, they began to spend more and more time together. Soon he will stop over at her house to have dinner before he drove home because his wife got back so late sometimes she hardly had time to cook. Soon he asked the single lady out and she refused and told him she could never come between him and his wife, she also would get married one day and didn’t want that to happen to her relationship. This love-struck guy thought if he left his wife, the single lady would go for him. So he left his wife but unfortunately found out the hard way that she didn’t love him and all she was doing was being nice to a very good friend. She told him she felt comfortable with him because he was married. Just imagine that.
Goke- wow! That Bro must have been devastated. What a shame
Dotun- He goofed big time.
Franny- All I know is that women or men who are caring and nice get their gestures misconceived a lot.
Kate- I think it’s because a lot of people grave attention and niceness but don’t get from the ones they expect to get it from. So when it comes from an unexpected source, they take to that source like super glue.
Annie- Craving attention, hmmm, I know what you mean, I’ve had guys, married guys tell me when I was single all sorts of porkies about their wives. I guess they just wanted to get into my pants.
Muyi- Well guys we are not done yet, Dotun, is it right though for married people to have friends of the opposite sex?
Dotun- Am the only single one here, you guys already have friends of the opposite sex, how has it been with your spouses?
Muyi- well my wife is cool with my homegirls here, I guess because they are married she feels secure.
Goke- my wife was a bit upset about our closeness when we first got married but once she got to know Annie, Franny and Kate she realized they were more like sisters than friends
Annie- My boo, didn’t like You guys at all, he felt I should stop talking to all of you especially Dotun, but I put my foot down and asked him to get rid of his female friends and I would mine, but he couldn’t because his best friend is a girl. Eventually, he grew to like you lot and now he’s comfortable with all of you except Dotun.
Dotun-lol, what did I do now?
Franny- For one you are single, eligible and wealthy, two, you are too handsome and butch, most men feel intimidated by you…lol, As for me my hubby loves you all, he said once I said I do, to him, everyone else was insignificant, we trust each other and that’s what matters.
Kate- Am surprised, My hubby doesn’t like any of you, he believes you are to free, but he lets me meet with you guys because he says he will agree to anything as long as it keeps me happy, and my weekly get together with you guys is my only vice and he can’t deny me that.
Dotun- well I think we need to carry this forward to next time we meet, we still have so much to talk about in relation to these topics.
Goke- I second the motion……



The new Mr and Mrs Diary

MR – rushed to the hospital on Tuesday with chest pains, thinking it was a heart attack, but it was stress-induced angina. David has bitten off more than he can chew. Hmm, I don’t feel sorry for him. I want to, but I find it hard to feel any sympathy for a man who sees a hornet nest and intentionally goes to put his head into it. He’s going to get seriously stung.

What’s going on, you ask? Well, after Mrs Adobi got her husband back, Astonish went a step further. She seduced her driver. Yes, you heard me right—her driver. The man is married with children. Astonish invites him up to the apartment, pretends she wants to send him on an errand, then strips and practically jumps on him. The driver is dazed, caught unawares, and while trying to break free, David walks in and feels this sudden pain in his chest.

What does she say? Nothing, just shrugs and walks back into their bedroom and shuts the door. Thankfully, the driver rushed David to the hospital. And you won’t believe this – rather than confront her, he calls me to ask how he should handle the situation because he doesn’t want to lose her.

Now, what do we do about Astonish? David is scared to even think of leaving her, one because he claims she’s the best thing that happened to him, and two, the oath. On her part, Astonish is milking it. David knelt to beg her to forgive him and asked her to name anything she wants, and he would buy it. The crazy Astonish came close to him, rubbed his head like a puppy, and said in a mousy voice, “ Honey boo, do you want to know?” David, half panting, half shivering, replies, “ Yes, Pumpkin.” Then Astonish laughs and says, “I want a twosome.” Now it was David’s turn to pass out…….hmmm.

MRS – I am exhausted. Why? You ask. Well, I’ve spent the last week getting Tammy to listen to stories of women who have experienced one form of betrayal from their husbands and have forgiven. I spoke to a few who didn’t forgive and moved on; all in all, the majority forgave and didn’t regret it. A couple left and did, and a couple stayed and did. But despite all my efforts to make her see that forgiving Kola is a better option than divorcing him, she still says she needs time to think about it. Then, as if that wasn’t bad enough, she moved into a rented apartment and took her children to stay with her foster mum. I mean, this is extreme; I’ve never seen Tammy like this; if I didn’t know her better, I would say she’s behaving like a bird who wanted to fly even before the stone hit it. It’s as if she was waiting for the first opportunity for Kola to mess up, and she’s out. She even said something to me a few days ago that threw me off completely.

We had just gotten back from a friend’s place, and she is one of those who left her husband because he lost his job and couldn’t get another, despite still wanting to be the man of the house. She felt she was bringing home the bacon, so she should be. Anyway, Irene narrated her story. She said it initially felt good to be free of her dependent husband. She didn’t have to wait on him and also be the breadwinner. But ten years down the lane, with a few on-and-off relationships, the men have dried out. Now 49, no one is asking her out, and she’s lonely. She got divorced at 39 and had 7 to 8 years of good relationships. Men still wined and dined with her occasionally. She even had an older man who took care of her expenses for a while, but he later traded her in for a younger woman. When she confronted him, he told her off, saying she was old and he needed younger blood.

She lamented about how lonely it gets at night. Her children are in college; all she has left is her maid and dogs. She has no one to confide in, argues with, or comfort her. She said sometimes she sits down and remembers what her mother said when she told her her marriage wasn’t working. She said, “Irene, my daughter, there is nothing wrong with your marriage; the problem is with both your attitudes. You are unwilling to change and compromise and do what it takes to make the marriage work. A marriage is like a car, and it’s where you take it. If petrol finishes like love, you refuel. If it gets hit like anger or fights, you fix it. You don’t abandon it every time the tank is empty. Both you and your husband need to refuel your marriage with love, compromise, forgiveness and trust. Make it work.” That day, she snapped at her mum and said, “Mam, this is the jet age, it doesn’t work like that,” and she remembers her mum smiling and saying, “You will say I said so.” She shook her head as tears rolled down her eyes and said, “Yes, she said so.”

Surprisingly, Tammy’s pastor is not left out. He also told Tammy a story about his brother. His brother, a playboy, felt women were to be used and dumped. He had lots of ladies running after him whom he treated like crap. Used and discarded was his modus operandi, but he met one particular girl at university. She stayed and kept coming back despite the way he treated her. A Pastor, a younger brother, kept encouraging her not to give up on him if she loved his brother, and so she listened. When it was time for Pastor’s brother to get married, he chose her. His family members were delighted; he had made a good choice. The lady would change his life, and make him a better person, and she tried. He cheated on her with her friend, his colleagues, and others. And each time, she forgave him. No matter what anyone said, she kept forgiving and saying, “Marriage was for better or worse.” Nine years down the line and three children later, he filed for a divorce, citing irreconcilable differences. It devastated her. She asked herself, what else could she have done? She supported him, lived, and accommodated his philandering. Eventually, he got his divorce and moved out of their family house. He left her with a home she couldn’t afford and no means of taking care of her three children.

But thanks to Pastor’s kind heart and generosity, she got through the tough years. 4 years later, her ex-husband falls ill. No one knows what it is. He’s flown out of the country but found no solution. She finds out from Pastor and goes to see him. He was still able to talk her away with his unkind words. So she leaves and vows never to see him again. A year later, his new wife abandons him, he flees with all his money. By now, he’s in a wheelchair suffering from a degenerative muscle disease. The first wife is now remarried to a wonderful man who takes her children as his. Her Ex-husband left with a houseboy, lonely and in pain. He calls the pastor and laments how he regrets his whole life. All wasted with no one to love him. The only woman that could love him unconditionally, and he treated her badly. But it was too late to cry once the milk is spilt.  I know it’s easier said than done to ask someone to forgive, especially in a marriage where the other partner steps out on you. But Kola isn’t like that; he dropped all his philandering ways once he met Tammy. She means everything to him. You should see him now. Every day he’s beside himself with worry. He walks around the house like a ghost. Mr has had to stay in Lagos to make sure Kola doesn’t do anything crazy. Unfortunately, the pastor was the only person we knew who could talk to Tammy about her decision not to go back to Kola after talking to her. She thanked him and said, “ Pastor, please give me a few days. I mean, I didn’t understand this sudden change in her. She’s become more bold and carefree, even towards us. But then yesterday I decided to drop in on her unannounced and as I got to the door of her apartment, I hear her talking to someone else, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I did, and I couldn’t believe my ears when she said, ……hmmmmm 


SINGLE 30’S; Comparing sisters and She heals Advice.


Looking all around, listening and digesting all that my mum and sisters were saying, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was ever going to get married. You must understand, I come from a large family of 6 girls and I was the last and the only one who is yet to be married. At 23, my parents and siblings felt I was ripe for marriage. I had graduated and was working in my father’s company and still lived with them, but like my mum said, all the time, that was neither here nor there, cos I moved into the guest chalet and came and went as I pleased.
Now this hot Saturday afternoon, my mother had summoned a family meeting to discuss our father’s 60th surprise birthday party and for some strange reason, the conversation drifted to me when the issue of “Aso Ebi” (uniformed clothes) came up. “We all get ten yards of material. 5 for us and 5 for our hubbies. Only Misses there gets 5 yards or do you now have a man?” My Eldest sister asked.

“Oh no, she doesn’t, she’s too busy with her law career”, my other sister added. Before things got out of hand, my mother asked everyone to leave me alone and politely asked if I was coming with my date. I said to my mum “As a matter of fact, I am and he will not be wearing any aso ebi with me until we are married”.

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I regretted every word. “So he has proposed?” My mum shouted. “Spill” went another. “You are too secretive.” “Who is he?” “Where is he from?” The questions just came pouring out, until I got up and ran into the toilet downstairs.

As I sat on the toilet seat hiding from my family, I wondered What did I just do? Why would I even tell them that I have a date? What was I thinking? It should have been a surprise. (All these questions kept flooding my mind). I knew my family were hungrily awaiting this mystery man, but why do they want me to be miserable like they all are?

For example, my mum; got married when she was barely 17, and had all 6 of us in rapid succession. We are just about a year plus older than each other. She’s just 48 and looks 10 years older. My father is a slave driver up until this minute, insisting on my mother cooking all his meals and which includes pounded yam from the mortar, which is as often as 3 or 4 times a week. If anyone else cooks any part of his meal, he somehow knows and he will get so upset and sees it as my mum betraying him.

Once, my elder sister bought half a cow and got caterers to cook and fry it for her, so she could freeze it and just use it as required. So she brought home some for Mum. Mum made some tasty jollof rice that Sunday afternoon. We all sat down to eat after the grace. As was a tradition my mum served my dad first. While he was eating the rice, he got his knife and fork and cut a bit of the fried meat, put it in his mouth. He couldn’t have chewed it for 2 seconds, when he spat it out, let out a roar saying, “You this woman, why are you trying to kill me”. He dropped his cutlery and stormed out of the dining room, leaving us to console my mum, who was now in tears and my elder sister ran after him.

She was gone for quite a while, when she got back from talking to our father, he explained that he has been married to our mum for more than 30 years and wondered when he had ever eaten someone’s food other than our mum’s. If he died and they put someone else food in his mouth he will wake up.
I started to think back and realized my mother had hardly taken a day off unless she and my father went away together. He eats out occasionally, but cooked food at home had to be done by my mum. My 2nd eldest sister wanted to take our mum on a weekend to Dubai on her 45th birthday. All my dad could ask was “Who’s going to cook for me?” My sister was about to get upset, but my dear mum covered her mouth with her hands and said, “He’s my husband, my responsibility, Let me stay”. No Way!

Our firstborn; married well, I mean into money, she is very prim and proper and an MBA holder. She got this dashing young man, who decided a courtship of 4 years was appropriate. He is a medical doctor and his parents are as well. The wedding was large, and beautiful, with the honeymoon in Mauritius. After 3 months of marriage, she found out she was pregnant, and that’s when the trouble started. Her dear husband said she will be a stay-at-home mum, once the baby came. She brushed it off thinking it was a joke. When she had the baby, she hired a nanny. Her husband didn’t say anything. She started back at work, he told her to put in her resignation. She refused and it became a huge issue. Coincidentally, both parents, his and hers, agreed that my sister needs to work with all her education, and besides the nanny was a relation of her husband, so the baby was in safe hands.

My sister came home one day to her surprise, no baby, no nanny. When she asked the house help. She said, “Oga came and took them both”. She runs around calling her husband but didn’t get through to him on the phone. Eventually, when he came home, he was without their child and nanny. She asked him where they were, and he asked her to sit and said. “I grew up without my mother, she and my dad were too busy to look after my brother and me. We were molested by the housemaids, driver and relations staying with us and I have vowed it won’t happen to my children. Since you my dear wife decided to go back to work and leave our son with the nanny, I have taken matters into my own hands. I fired the nanny and took our son to the motherless babies’ home, at least there the nuns will take proper care of him. She passed out and needless to say the next day, she handed in her resignation.
Got me thinking, about all that education, all the money spent on going to the UK for her masters, all that time spent reading all night and day, only to sit at home and look after a baby. No way!

My 2nd eldest sister-well she was the free spirit who always said no man could tie her down. She moved out of the house at age 18, claiming it was the legal age of freedom. My father went ballistic, he wondered what kind of child this was and where my mum brought her from. Poor mum, she always ended up taking the brunt of our father’s fury for everything we did. Only the wrong though, for the right things he conveniently claimed the victory. She was the only one who went over the 25 years threshold for marriage and when she finally did, she picked a bum. All he had was fine looks, but as lazy as a sloth. He lived off my sister and calls himself a writer (he has been writing one book since they got married), she pays the rent, and bills. Even down to buying his clothes. All he says is “Inspiration is on its way”.
I thought about it and I must give him some credit though, he loves my sister to bits. Literarily, can’t go anywhere without her. But is that what I want for my life? Never!

My 3rd oldest sister; She is, lady the Bible or nothing else, everything was and is about the church. She gave her life to God at the tender age of 10, joined the choir and since then wouldn’t leave the house without a scarf. She also has a master’s in public relations. My father got her a job in the civil service because he said he couldn’t handle her holier-than-thou attitude if she worked for him. Before graduating from university and going for her master’s, she already had this pastor that told her God said she was his wife. But politely told her to go pray about it and get convinced. She said she prayed and got confirmation, and immediately after her master’s program, she got married and started pumping out children. The worst thing is that he hits her, and warns her not to tell anyone. So she conveniently hides it. When we spot the bruises, she lies and says she fell or her child threw something at her. He must have threatened to kill her, if she tells anyone. Now, she has 3 and she’s expecting the 4th. They have only one car which works today and not tomorrow. She still comes home and mum gives her food and cash sometimes to add to whatever merger salary her husband gets. The civil service doesn’t pay regularly, so she’s still owed some months’ salary. My 2 other sisters chip in every month to pay for her children’s fees and clothing, so she’s getting along, but when asked, she says God has a plan, it can only get better and IT IS WELL.
Looking at my sister’s life, yes, she claims to be happy and her husband was God’s choice according to both of them. But honestly, how can God Almighty choose a wife-beater as your soul mate? I cannot get my head around that. My father says until she confirms he actually does beat her, there is nothing he can do. Besides that, maybe she enjoys the suffering and smiling and believes it’s her portion, for someone who grew up comfortably.

Our father was shrewd, but it paid off big time. We lived in a 7-bedroom house, where we all had our rooms. On graduation, Dad will ask what you want and he gives it, from cash to a car, to travel. Then he fixes you up in a job and he backs out. My 3rd sister requested a trip to Jerusalem and that’s what she got a two-week trip fully paid for. At least now she has JP behind her name. I could never go through what she’s going through, being beaten, living in a 2 bedroom flat and struggling with 3 children and a 4th on the way without money, no matter what. Never!

My 4th Sister; we don’t know what she was thinking, but she married a rich philanderer. He was everywhere, anything in skirts. My sister claims he wasn’t like that before they got married, but we don’t believe her. Or should I say I don’t believe her? What I think and I have said over and over, is that he met this naïve little girl a virgin and decided he loved the idea of marrying one. So he kept her to himself throughout the university, as he was doing his youth service when he met my sister a freshman. He would buy her things, give her money, and take her out but never requested sex, after the first time when she told him she was a virgin.

As soon as she graduated, they tied the knot. He flew her to Kuala Lumpur for 10 nights of honeymoon and they had sex every single day. He spent the first 2 days explaining and gradually teaching her how to satisfy a man and be satisfied, oral sex etc. And on the 3rd day, they put it all to the test. My sister came back and said if she knew sex was this sweet, she would have been doing it since birth. Now they have sex almost every day except when he is out of town or when she’s on her period. He made her get family planning and said they were not ready to have children yet, just both of them having sex all around the world. She can’t even say what he does for work. He has business in almost 10 countries and once a month she gets to fly out with him and it’s sex and sex all the way. Her eardrums are full of stories of her husband’s philandering, even seeing him with her own eyes. Texts, overhearing conversations, but she just shuts her ears and eyes to it. She loves him and she believes he loves her too, everything else is just noise. My sister is a full-time housewife and she’s loving it.

I thought about her life and I could never do that, marry a man and all he’s good for is sex. Where is the place for children, emotions, and companionship, I am not a sex machine- Never!

Now my 5th Sister; The one who found herself back in her parent’s house. One would ask, why would my parents take her back, knowing how strict they are? Well, I will tell you. My sister, God bless her, we were like twins, she was born in December and I was in December of the next year. So we get along pretty well as you expect. She met her “Mr right” at the 4th sister’s wedding. They were both on the bride and groom train. He was handsome, rich and very charming. He won my sister’s heart at first sight. She claimed it was love at first sight. They got married exactly a year after, at the same venue. I must admit initially I was a bit jealous because they seemed like the perfect match. He would hold her hand everywhere, and send her perfumes, flowers, chocolates, etc. At work, she will then stop by my office to show off to me. I would kiss my teeth, roll my eyes and say “ Don’t worry mine is on the way”.

Barely six months into this seemingly perfect relationship, she came back home from work early because she was feeling sick, walks into the house and finds her darling seemingly perfect husband on top of his supposed male best friend. Needless to say, she found out her husband was gay, and so she was right back where she started.
Now my darling sister thought she had the perfect man, but we later found out his parents knew but didn’t want to disgrace the family name so forced him to get married to cover up. He could call his gay partner his best friend and no one would be the wiser. But, like my dad would say “Every day is for the thief and one day is for the owner.” I thought about her marriage and asked myself, is that the kind of man I want? – Never!

Oh my gosh, I’ve been drowning in my thoughts for about 30 minutes. Before I realised I was still sitting on the toilet, with my head in my hands. I could hear my sisters banging on the toilet door and my mum shouting “Are you, okay baby?”. “We promise not to talk about it again, come out please”. Honestly, if I had my way, I would stay in there as long as it takes them to leave, but my mum, she’s so sweet, I didn’t want to hurt her. And besides, since she promised no more marriage discussions. I decided, for now, let me go out and face my future.

She Heals Take:

As much as she has a point;

Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life. It’s a decision that will impact your happiness, fulfilment, and well-being for years to come. Therefore, it’s important to take the time to make an informed and thoughtful choice.

Here are some tips on how to choose a life partner without comparing your decision to what happens in other marriages:

  1. Know yourself: Before you can choose a life partner, you need to know yourself. Take the time to reflect on your values, goals, and what you want out of life. This will help you identify the qualities you are looking for in a partner and will make it easier to recognize a good match when you find one.
  2. Focus on compatibility: It’s important to find someone who is compatible with you in terms of values, interests, and goals. You don’t need to have everything in common, but you should share some fundamental beliefs and have a similar vision for your future together.
  3. Don’t compare your relationship to others: Every marriage is unique, and it’s not fair to compare your relationship to someone else’s. Instead, focus on building a relationship that works for you and your partner, and don’t worry about what other people are doing.
  4. Look for a partner who is supportive: A good partner should be supportive of your goals, dreams, and aspirations. They should encourage you to be the best version of yourself and should be willing to stand by you through the good times and the bad.
  5. Take your time: Don’t rush into a decision to choose a life partner. Take the time to get to know someone before making a commitment. Spend time together, talk about your values and goals, and make sure you are both on the same page before making a decision.
  6. Trust your instincts: Finally, trust your instincts when it comes to choosing a life partner. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Listen to your gut and don’t ignore red flags or warning signs.

Remember, choosing a life partner is a big decision, but it’s one that can lead to a lifetime of happiness and fulfilment. By focusing on compatibility, finding someone who is supportive, and trusting your instincts, you can make a decision that is right for you and your future together. 2018. Image: Way home studios, freepik

Letter from a divorced woman to her mother.


Dearest mother,
I thank you so much for everything you went through for me, you did work so hard to bring me up , sacrificed a lot to make sure I had what I needed , prayed for my every success but you forgot to tell me the truth about love and marriage……..

Mother , how could you not tell me that My husband was unique and like no other . That it takes both of us to make our marriage work .
You said I shouldn’t trust my husband , that men always disappoint you in the end.
You said never have a joint account with your husband.
You said I should make sure I put money aside , buy land, build , invest without my husband knowing
You asked me to keep it all from him
You told me he will betray me with another woman , a younger one, once he feels am too old for him
You said Everyman is useless , they are always having affairs and cannot be trusted .
You said all men lie and cheat on their wives.

Mum, you mislead me, you turned me into a paranoid wreck, I got married with the notion of “everyone man for himself” not “two become one” as the pastor who joined us together preached on our wedding day.
I mapped out my plan form the day I said “I DO “, I suspected my husband’s every move, checked his phones , his emails , called him all the time. My husband didn’t mind all this , he kept reassuring me, he just felt I was a bit insecure .
But as year’s added onto years I got worse and he got tired of convincing me he loved me and would never hurt me.
Mum, do you know what , He forgave me when he found out I had built a block of flats rented it out and was getting regular income from it . He forgave me when he found out I was in partnership with a friend of his, importing goods into the country and neither of us told him. He even forgave me when he found my savings account pass book with lots of money in it and I always nagged him that I was broke .

I almost turned him into a nervous wreck, he had no peace when he was with me, every day he came home I picked a quarrel with him, if it wasn’t him smelling of another woman, it was the time he came in, or him not calling or worse or I find a females no on his phone.
But you know what eventually sent me packing, my jealousy and rage. The last straw was when I got a call from a friend that she just saw my husband and a woman walk into an hotel, my friend gave me the address. I got in my car , wearing a pair of jeans and armed with a knife , drove to the hotel. As I walked in I saw my husband walking towards the lift , I hid behind a pillar, as he and the lady got in , I waited to see what floor it stopped on. It was the kind of lift that had the floor indicator on the outside. I walked towards the lift pressed the 3rd floor button . It was easy to find them I saw them walk into a room, went to the door it was slightly ajar , I walked in, without saying a word ,I launched at the lady and stabbed her right on the arm, calling her a whore, husband snatcher , screaming and shouting , my husband pushed me to the ground took the knife off me and rushed the lady to the hospital.

Mum , I got arrested for aggravated assault , but the lady asked to drop the charges. To make matters worse, she wasn’t even dating my husband , she was his client , she wanted my husband’s company to manage the hotel, she was just showing him around the different types of suites the hotel had and trying to get his advice on redecoration.

My husband was done, he filed for a divorce, the judge granted it, I could have killed that lady.

Mum, I had a wonderful husband , he loved me so much, was kind, caring, honest , generous and God fearing. You mislead me , I never gave him a chance , you used your own bitter experience with my father to ruin my life .

I am writing this letter to all the women out there, please trust your husband , love him and remember no two marriages are the same , because your parents didn’t have a smooth relationship doesn’t mean yours will be the same . It’s too late for me, but you still have a chance, TAKE IT……

Yours faithfully ,

Missed it , before it started .



Everyone around me was getting married or engaged. I didn’t care; I would not settle for just anyone; I knew the one I wanted, and he was going to be mine whether he liked it.
I saw this guy at the cinema with 3 of his friends. He mistakenly bumped into me when we were getting popcorn and the way he looked at me and smiled melted my soul. I knew instantly I had to have him. That day I had gone with Wale, my current boyfriend. To be honest, Wale had asked me to marry him twice, but I just kept asking him to give me more time to decide. I didn’t like him enough to get married to him, but I also didn’t want to be without a man. So I strung him along, besides, he was fine, generous in bed, so what’s not to like? His flaws were that he wasn’t tall enough to be my husband. His English was wonky, his family was very humble, and he didn’t have the money I was dreaming of my man having. Still, for now, I could manage him. He doted on me and at least he had a brand new car that his company gave him.
On wale’s part, he had a complex. He was a brilliant guy, but he still needed a pretty face on his arms to make him feel whole. He believed that with me his status in life was elevated and they could accept him as one of the happening big boys. Come on, I was fine, 5 ft 8 inches, really light, long legs, beautiful curves, flawless skin and a law degree. Whenever I was with Wale and he met anyone, he would say meet my fiancée, she’s a lawyer, she just finished from Yale in the USA, isn’t she amazing? Well, he wasn’t telling a lie, I did just get back; I finished my secondary school in Lagos, then my father insisted I go to America for university, fortunately, I got admission into Yale, did my first and master all in one swoop, then I had to go back to Nigeria to work in my father’s law firm.
Unfortunately, I milked Wale’s insecurity. I could say he gave me 70% of his earnings just to keep me by his side. He didn’t know I was just waiting for my ideal man to come along. How did I meet wale, well My dad introduced him? Since I got back, I dated and dumped 5 guys. Feed up with my attitude. My dad thought I could do with a stable, responsible guy like wale. My dad also felt the other guys were a bad influence cos they all came from rich homes and were over pampered and felt entitled.
My mum was just fed up too, my younger sisters, both of them, already brought home guys they were going steady with. But for me Wuraola, no way, I hadn’t found him yet, until that fateful day at the cinema.
Tosan, his name was, I found out when one of his friends called out to him, Tosan Cole, get over here, the guy had said, so I wrote his name, went on Facebook and I found him. Hmmm, things you could learn on Facebook. He was 31, single, and 2nd to the last of 4 children. His siblings, except for his younger sister, all lived in Canada. His mother was dead, but his father was an ambassador at one time, now a business executive. He went to Leeds and the London School of Economics. Finished his MBA, 3 years ago. He lives in a posh estate in Lekki Peninsula and drives a Range Rover Sport. Has 3 best friends and currently works for himself at Tosan Consultants, Victoria Island.
I got all this from trolling through his Facebook page. It actually took me 2 full days and I knew almost everything about him, oh, did I say he went to church also in Lekki and he was an usher, yes he was. He liked smart homely girls, who could cook, oldies and James Bond movies, the sound of music was his best movie.
So, armed with all this information, I proceeded to his church the following Sunday, thankful wale was in Port Harcourt on a company assignment for 3 weeks, so I had time for myself. I got to church late intentionally, that’s when ushers have to get your seats, I waited and watched as each usher took latecomers to a vacant seat, as soon as I saw him, I moved forward, and he said hello, welcome to church, that’s when it happened, I walked forward, intentionally stumbled and fell, I hit the floor hard; I didn’t mind the nagging pain in my arm from the pretend fall, I was on a mission. Tosan gently lifted me up and asked if I was okay, I said I felt dizzy, and he supported me to a back room, where he asked me to sit and he went to get some water, he brought the water and waited with me for a while, although; I asked him not to worry. So he left and promised to check back in a few minutes. When he came back, I told him I wasn’t feeling too well, I would just like to go back home. He asked if I bought a car, I said, no, even though I parked outside, he offered to drop me off at home, and I accepted.

That day he left the church Service and dropped me off at GRA Ikeja. The gateman came running to ask where my car was, I said my friend took it and sent the gateman back to the gate. Tosan helped me into my apartment and asked if I was okay to stay on my own. I said I was. He then asked that I give him my no so he could check on me later.
Later, didn’t come, it devastated me. Anytime an unknown not called my phone, I would pick it up quickly, hoping it was Tosan, but nope, it wasn’t. Two weeks later, with no response or call from him as promised, I went back to the church. I couldn’t pull the falling down stunt anymore, so I just went and sat as normal and kept looking out for him. I spotted him halfway through the service. He was sitting next to a pretty girl, not as fine as me but pretty. Actually, I had seen her with him on Facebook, but I completely ignored that bit.
After the service ended, I went up to him to say hello, fortunately; he was alone, immediately he saw me, he apologized and said he had misplaced the paper I wrote my number on, could I just type it on his phone now, overjoyed; I typed it and then called my no, so I could have his too.
That evening he sent me a text asking how I was and that I looked great today and then asked if I was In a relationship. I thought to myself, yes!, he likes me, so I replied I wasn’t. He then responded, saying would I mind if he took me out on a date next Friday? I said okay.
From that Sunday to Friday, I wasn’t myself. I was so happy, singing, dancing all over the place. On Wednesday, I went for a facial, did my hair, and nails and got a nice outfit, even though I had loads of outfits, this date was special, it was with my husband to be, I had to get something new, exquisite and expensive to wear.
Wale called twice a day, I just said hello and told him I was fine and got on with my day. But Tosan, I sent him, “how are you doing?” texts every morning, and his response would be, “fine dearie and you? “.
On Friday he turned up in a 2 door jaguar, not the range rover I saw him with on Facebook and he took me to a nice club on the island, we danced, talked and danced some more, around 2 am, he asked if I won’t mind spending the night at his; I feigned surprise and said of course I mind; he apologized and said he was a bit tipsy, he won’t be able to drive to the mainland and back to his place, so if I don’t mind could I just come over to his, wait for him to sleep it off, then go drop me in the morning. I said that was okay.
So we get to his house and the same lady I saw him with on Facebook and in church, opens the door. He introduced her as his younger sister who stays with him, I was so relieved. Anyway, he went to crash, while my sister and I sat in the lounge watching films. She was nice, but didn’t really say a lot.
Anyway, 2 weeks later, Tosan asked me out, and I said yes. We started a relationship, at this point I asked wale to give me a break, I told him I needed time. he insisted he couldn’t live without me when I told him I wanted to break it off with him, he said I could go sow my royal oats. He’ll be waiting for me. This guy was unbelievable. Anyway, I said okay and left.
Being with Tosan was like heaven, I fell hard in love with him, our relationship was the opposite of what wale and I had, Tosan told me what to do I did it, as for wale I told him what I wanted, he did it. But I didn’t care, if we were to do the math, wale loved me 90, I loved him 10% I loved Tosan 70%, and he loved me 30% but that was okay with me.
Shortly after we started dating, I got to know Tosan better he was possessive, he would get upset if he called me once and I didn’t pick up if he sees me talking to a guy, trouble if I get a call, the question, who was that? Would definitely come after my call. But on the bright side, he pampered me, bought me everything I ever wanted, a new car, trips to Paris, London, New York, Singapore, and South Africa, with him, never on my own. He didn’t like any of my friends, soon he isolated me from everybody, even my family, it was Tosan alone and no one else.
Then one day my sister’s fiancé saw me at ShopRite, and gave me a hug. He was still holding my hand when Tosan came from behind and dealt him a punch. I couldn’t believe it, I was about to protest when he dealt me a slap right in the middle of the store; it was so painful tears rolled down my eyes, I stomped off with my sister’s fiancé and left him standing there shouting after me to come back here.
For two days he called and came to the house. I refused to see him, then one morning I was going out. As the gateman opened the gate, Tosan was kneeling down on the driveway with an enormous bunch of roses. That day, he swore he would never lay a finger on me ever again.
Now, remember, wale was still calling once a week to ask if I had thought about our relationship. I would say I was still thinking. 6 months later Tosan proposed, up until then he hadn’t hit me. So I believed he had changed and said yes I will, what followed was a great big engagement party. At the party, he introduced me to a friend of his who just come in. When I saw him, he looked familiar. As the night progressed, we found out we were in Yale and then it clicked. We started laughing and chatting. Tosan would come round once in a while and then go off and talk to some other friends.
That evening when we got back to his place, he asked if his friend and I dated when we were at Yale, I said No, I barely knew him. He called me a lair and said he heard us catching up on old times. I tried to correct his impression but to no avail and that’s when he beat me to a pulp. He just lost it. By the time he was done with me, I was barely breathing. His sister had to rush me to the hospital.
The doctor said I was lucky, I had a broken rib, fractured arm, wounds all over my body where he had punched me repeatedly and a broken wrist. at that point, I asked his sister to call my parents and the entire story came out. My dad was upset. He felt I brought this upon myself, having warned me that boys like Tosan, spoilt and entitled, had no manners or respect for a woman. Wale would never raise a finger on you, he said. That marked the end of my relationship with Tosan. He begged and begged, but it was too late. That ship had sailed already.
As for Wale, God bless him, he forgave me wholeheartedly and now am back with him and totally content.
I learned my lesson the hard way. Most times, what God wants for us, which will surely do us great good, is not what we want for ourselves. A spirit of contentment is what everyone should pray for. I had everything I needed right in front of me, but I could not see it, I thought Tosan was better for me. It just goes to show looks can be deceptive and the grass is not always greener, on the other side.


Image from freepik.

New beginnings- Contentment




It’s common for us to feel like there’s something better out there for us and that we should always be striving for more. However, this mindset often prevents us from appreciating what we already have and being content with our current situation. It seems that we find it difficult to appreciate what we already have and often crave what others possess. As the English proverb goes, “The grass is not always greener on the other side.” We tend to perceive what we don’t have as being much better than what we currently possess, without fully understanding what lies behind it.

For instance, Miss A witnesses her friend’s husband jumps out of their car in the pouring rain to open the door for his wife. Miss A wishes that her own husband would do the same for her, assuming that this gesture is a sign of true love. In reality, the car door handle was broken, and the husband had to open the door from the outside and get soaked in the process. Similarly, Mr. B sees his friend’s large house with a swimming pool, garden, and stunning view, and desires a similar life for himself. However, he doesn’t know that his friend is struggling to pay off a significant mortgage.

Miss B’s friend received around-the-world ticket from her husband, but in reality, it was to fulfill her last wish before she passed away from terminal cancer. Mr. C’s friend was driving a Mercedes Benz because he was a driver picking up his boss, not because he owned it. Mr. and Mrs. D’s friends were bragging about their children’s accomplishments, but in reality, their first child grew up to be a selfish and entitled person while Mr. and Mrs. D’s children grew up to be well-trained and successful.

The lesson to learn is that we often make assumptions about the things we desire without knowing the full story. Rather than constantly searching for something better, we should learn to appreciate and be content with what we already have. Of course, this doesn’t mean we can’t strive for improvement, but it does mean that we should practice gratitude and not take our current blessings for granted. Let’s learn to be content with the new beginnings in our lives, no matter how big or small they may be.

We should stop comparing ourselves to others and appreciate what we have been given in life. It’s important to not take things for granted and be grateful for both the big and small blessings in our lives. We should strive for contentment and trust that we have been given everything we need to fulfill our purpose in life. Let us learn to appreciate the simple things in life and stop comparing ourselves to others. If we are not grateful for the little things, we will never be grateful for the bigger things. May God help us all to find contentment in our lives.

Image from Freepik.

New beginnings- The years Ahead


How often do we pause to contemplate a vital question like, “Where do I see myself in 10 years?” It’s a question that every individual should ponder, but it’s not one that we frequently consider.

I’ve queried many people, and their reactions are typically alike, with responses like “I never considered that,” “Wow, that’s a deep question,” “I haven’t given it any thought,” or “I’m not sure where I’ll be in a decade.”

It’s time for us all to reflect and pose this question to ourselves. Where do we want to be in ten years, and how do we see ourselves? Answering this query will determine how we plan our lives from this point onward. Every morning we wake up will propel us one step closer to achieving our ten-year goal. Our existence will begin to make more sense, and we will focus on what truly matters.

I promise you that it will transform the way you operate and provide you with a great deal to anticipate. So, take a break and consider how and where you want to be ten years from now, with the help of God.

May you all live fulfilling and fruitful life’s as you embark on this new journey.

Good morning, and have a blessed week.

New beginnings-Never give up


How do we persevere when everything and everyone seems to be working against us? Despite our hard work and efforts, progress seems slow and setbacks are frequent, leaving us wondering why we even bother. It’s easy to feel defeated and ask, “Why me?” But it’s important to remember that adversity is a universal experience; even the best of us face challenges and setbacks.

The key to pushing through is to never give up, even when it feels like we’re only taking one step forward for every two steps back. We must remind ourselves that this difficult time is temporary, and like the Latin proverb “hoc autem factum est” reminds us, “this too shall pass.”

While the journey may feel endless, trust in a higher power or belief system and have faith that the difficult times will come to an end. Here’s a short story to inspire you:

Abby’s world crumbled down in just a week. Her boss fired her from work, accusing her of insubordination, after she refused to submit to his advances and called him out on his inappropriate behavior. Losing her job hit Abby hard, as it had taken her four years of hard work and dedication to secure the position. Unfortunately, her boss had handed over the company to his son, who she had been working as a personal assistant for three years.

From the first day the son took over, Abby knew that he would be a challenge, but she was determined to make the situation work. She lived in a company apartment, drove a company car, and had both dental and health insurance. Her paycheck was more than enough, allowing her to save a substantial amount of money each month. Additionally, she had a wonderful boyfriend who was successful and ranked among the top 25 lawyers in the country. Abby thought that life was perfect.

However, that was not the case. Abby’s perfect life came crashing down when she lost her job, and she found herself in a desperate situation. Despite everything she had lost, Abby refused to give up. She knew that she had to keep moving forward, even though it felt like she was taking two steps forward and one step back. Abby had to believe that this was temporary and that things would get better in the end.

On that fateful morning, Abby arrived at work early to fulfill her boss’s request to book a flight to China. Her boss had planned to leave that night, but Abby was unable to confirm his seat the day before. As she entered the office to tidy up, she found her boss sleeping on the sofa with all his clothes on. She attempted to tiptoe out, but her boss woke up and beckoned her to come sit next to him. He then attempted to grab her, but she quickly got up. Unfortunately, he was able to grab her bottom before she could push him away. In response, she called him a pig. The result of her actions was a sack letter and orders to return all company property in her possession.

The loss of her job and everything she depended on left Abby in shambles. She attempted to reach out to her boyfriend, but found that his phone was turned off. Desperate, she drove to his office and met with his secretary. The secretary was shocked to see her and asked if she had missed her flight. Confused, Abby inquired as to what she meant. The secretary then revealed that the boss had gotten married in England, and all the staff had assumed that Abby was the bride. Overwhelmed, Abby fainted and woke up in the hospital with the secretary and a doctor standing over her, asking if she was okay.

Abby was in a state of despair, feeling like she had lost everything that mattered to her in one fell swoop. She had lost her job, her company car, her apartment, and worst of all, her boyfriend. The news that he had gone to England to get married to someone else had hit her hard, and she couldn’t see any hope for the future.

For two days, Abby had locked herself away from the world, refusing to talk to anyone or even take care of herself. But her friend and former secretary refused to give up on her, and eventually convinced her to come out of her apartment and come stay with her.

The secretary helped Abby get cleaned up and packed up her belongings, since most of them belonged to the company. Despite her friend’s kind efforts, Abby still couldn’t shake off her sense of despair and hopelessness.

But she had forgotten one important thing: that God never disappoints and is always there to help us through our struggles. Abby needed to cast her burdens upon Him and trust that He would guide her through this difficult time.

With time, Abby began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. She started to believe that she could make a fresh start, and that things would get better. It was not going to be easy, but she knew that with God’s help, she could face any challenge that came her way.

The secretary’s daily prayers for Abby had a positive effect on her psychology, leading her to develop a more positive self-image. Together, they continued to pray, and Abby eventually made the decision to seek out a new job. On her way to her hairdresser’s complex, Abby coincidentally ran into her old boss, the chairman of her previous company, who was unaware of her dismissal. After explaining her situation, the chairman introduced Abby to a man who was looking for someone to manage his company while he relocated abroad. The chairman highly recommended Abby for the position, citing her successful management of his own life for three years. As it turned out, the man was impressed by Abby and offered her the position of CEO, complete with a five-bedroom house, two company cars, a steward, cook, summer tickets, health insurance, and access to a beach house. In short, what seemed like a closed window for Abby turned out to be a massive open door.

As the saying goes, “Cast your burden upon the Lord and he will sustain you.” So let us trust in Him and believe that we will overcome any challenges that come our way. Have a wonderful weekend, and God bless you.

Image from Freepik.



Who am I, I ask myself all the time, I don’t even know who I am, how in God’s name do I find out who someone else is. What makes me happy, what makes me cry? Do I love myself or rely on what other people say to determine how I feel?

Do I think I am successful and good looking? Do I need external validation to make me feel better?

What will people say? Is that my starting word, to be considered before any other decision?

I can’t be seen with you, date you, marry you…what will people say?

I can’t do that, what will people say?

I can’t talk to you …what will people say?

I can’t wear that, eat that, say that, live there, drive that etc.…what will people say?

Where do I want to be 5, 10, 20 years from now?

How will I introduce myself to anyone 10 years from now?

Do I have a life plan? I do know I want to be rich, but how? I have no clue

What do I have in place or intend to have in place to make this happen?

Wondering around like a headless chicken will definitely not get me anywhere

Having my head screwed on firmly, going in a planned direction will, though I still need God Almighty, to guide me and guard me

Am only one and I can’t even figure out my self

How in God’s name am I meant to figure someone else out?

I don’t think its time too

I need to love, know and cherish who I am first

So the question comes again

Who am I?…. And how do I Find I?