Who is watching your kids –

Children, every parents dream, almost everyone loves their child or children unconditionally, we want the best for them, provide the best , even most times parents go out of their way to make sure the children don’t lack anything, so WHY are we not conscious of whose watching your children.

Working with families and children I have been exposed to some of the most horrific things that can and do happen to children, I will endeavour to breakdown a few of them –

The Coles (not real Names)were a wonderful family, father, mother , 2 children , a boy and a girl. Everything was going fine until one faithful day.
The boy who was 6 at the time, had gone on a school trip abroad with his sister, while on the trip he got involved with a class mate , he tried to pull down her pants , a teacher saw him, and brought him to the team leader, she was in charge of the trip. She sat with him asked him why he did it, he started to cry and pleaded with the lady not to tell his Dad. She initial agreed so he narrated his story.-
Being the only boy , his sister was 5 years older , she had her own friends. He always played with the neighbour’s 12 year old son, the neighbour’s son came over to play with his Xbox and wii games, the children had their own sitting room , away from their parent own. They played together almost everyday, they got really close, soon the older boy would ask him to take off his clothes , lay on the sofa and he would lay on top of him , doing all sorts to him, as they watched blue films. The maid ( a young girl) had caught them twice , but they pleaded with her not to tell their parents, this had gone on for a while.
At that moment The Team leader was in tears , she hugged him and explained to him why she had to tell his dad ,so that it could stop , She promised him he won’t get into trouble.
She called the Dad and told him, he starting crying on the phone and said he will call back. An hour later he called back, he had spoken to the house help she confirmed it, the worst part was that he had gone to the neighbour’s house to have a talk with the boy’s parents, during this process the boy revealed that the father’s brother , his Uncle who lives with them had been abusing the him since he was 7, In turn the boy practised on someone else, his little six year old friend. At that point all hell broke loose…….
Mrs D, was driving back from work, she got into traffic near her home , she was sitting in her car exhausted from the drive home, while sitting there , she noticed from the corner of her eye that the little girl of about 5 was leaning repeatedly towards the drivers thighs, she then stretched her neck to peep into the car, what she saw horrified her, the little girl was playing with the driver’s private part, she almost threw up in her car, just when she was thinking of getting out and confronting the driver , the traffic began to move, so she drove after the car, about 5 mins into the drive , the driver pulled into a nice house, she parked outside , got down and asked the gate man to please call the owners of the house.
The owners came out , asked what they could do for the lady, she then asked who the little girl was , they said their daughter and the guy was their driver , she then narrated what she had seen the daughter do to the driver. The mother fainted.
Mr and Mrs J , were very loving parents , they had 3 daughters and son , 11, 9, 7 and 5, the boy was 5. They had a male and female house help who took care of the kids , by the time they found out what was going on in their home , all their children needed counselling for a couple of years, they relocated abroad and got help for their kids, they were the lucky ones .

Apparently All 3 girls had been introduced to lesbianism by the house girl , the little boy was also being abused by the her, the house boy finally gave her away when they fell out over him not getting paid with sex by her to keep quiet about the abuse.

We would look at a few more cases tomorrow , we do pray and hope that theses horrific stories will make you aware of the terrible things that can be going on or could go on under your noses without you realising , May God almighty protect our children ………


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