Dear Wifey & Hubby


A lot of men leave work and go straight to joints or other hangouts with the “boys”, am sure their wife’s wonder why?

Well Dear Wifey-
what sort of reception awaits your hubby when he gets home?
Does he get a hot meal of his preferred choice or something rustled together by the house help or by you because you also got back late?
Is he getting “some” tonight or your usual headache, tiredness or period issues ?
Is he getting peace or nagging for not giving you enough money this morning when he left home or for another reason you can come up with?
Is he coming home to a clean tidy house or an untidy one?
Would he be able to watch his football match in peace or you would demand attention at the particular time Chelsea is about to loose to Man U?

A lot of women complain that their husband doesn’t have enough time for them or he is so stingy he hardly gives them money, even though he has? Am sure their husbands wonder why?

Well dear hubby-
Do you come home straight from work , even when your wife is waiting for you with a nice home cooked meal of your choice, or would you rather spend time with the “boys”
Why is it that you don’t spend as much time with her as you do with your friends, wouldn’t you be upset and feel neglected if your wife did the same.
Why is it easier to give your girlfriend or mistress much more that she asked for or without even asking and you find it difficult to give the little your wife does ask for?
Why do you insist on “me time” when you get home when you have spent most of the day out of the house, why couldn’t it be “our time”
Why don’t you give her “some” regularly but prefer to give “some” outside regularly even though she is ready to give as often as you want?

Relationships are great when both partners are considerate of each other’s feelings, most of the time you both have busy life’s but you still need to take care of each others needs and make time out to spend quality time with each other. Giving room for each partner to have outside activities which do not always involve you, is also essential. Think about it



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